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John McClurg
VP, Chief Security Officer | Dell | Global Security
Mike Maloof
Senior Manager, Global Security | Oracle
I’ve long shared Ben Franklin’s sentiments, expressed when he wrote that he “hated
ingratitude more in a man than any taint of vice that inhabits his frail frame.” Lest I be
guilty of such, let me say how grateful I am for the difference Mark has made. There’s the
old Peter Drucker quote: “That which gets measured gets done.” If that’s indeed true, then
Mark has contributed significantly to our collective efforts to assure that we’ve pushed the
proverbial ball down the field in our attempts to assure and enhance the people, processes,
and assets by which our respective corporations advance their greater missions. I’m
confident that towards which Mark now turns his attention will prosper just as well and
wish him all the best.
I first met Mark at a Security 500 event and was immediately impressed with his
dedication to the security industry. Mark developed the Security 500 program with the
end security practitioner in mind, ensuring the agenda was relevant and the speakers
were well-respected experts. I look forward to the annual conference for the content,
networking, and to spend some time with Mark.
The Security 500 Ranking List has become an eagerly awaited list where the true
security leaders of today are recognized. The list has become a validation of sorts and
is now used in internal branding where the security organization can highlight their
accomplishments objectively to their constituents.  
Kind Regards,
John J. Imhoff
Director, Global Security | Ernst & Young, LLP/US
F. Edward Goetz
Vice President, Corporate and Information Security | Exelon Corporation
Mark, —
During your tenure at Security Magazine corporate security has evolved as at no other
time in history. The challenge to corporate security directors has been to stay abreast of
these unprecedented changes while sustaining the vital protections those we serve have
come to expect. We accomplish the most through synergy with colleagues confronting
similar challenges. The ability to interact productively with colleagues, exchanging ideas
and avoiding wheel reinvention, has been most ably facilitated through your efforts. I wish
you the best in your future endeavors and know you’ve left the magazine and Security 500
in good hands to carry this important work forward.
Yours truly,
In the time I have worked with Mark, he has always been incredibly engaging and cordial. 
Mark has a wealth of knowledge about the security industry, and he has always been
willing to share it. He invariably knows someone who can recommend a product, or a
vendor to solve the most challenging problems. The Security 500, which has always been
a labor of love for him, has helped companies demonstrate their commitment to security,
and desire to be the best. Mark has been a great sounding board for new ideas and can be
counted on to provide honest direct advise.  
I wish him the best in his new endeavors. The commitment to excellence that Mark
demonstrates like is rare, and will yield great success wherever he goes.  
John J. O’Connor
Executive Vice President | Fidelity Investments
Stephen D. Baker CPP
Managing Director | Global Security | State Street Corporation
While I have shied away from media throughout my career, I have thoroughly enjoyed
our discussions over the years. To the benefit of readers throughout the United States,
you always maintained a “wide lens” and deep knowledge of the security industry. You’re
quickly able to separate impactful items from those many others are perennially caught-up
in. I love the passion you bring to your work and appreciate your sense of humor – you will
be missed!
I wish you the very best in the next chapter!
Mark you been steadfast in your publication and pursuit of security best practice,
technology and innovation. Unlike those who only talked about the need for basic
security program benchmarking, you saw the need and took action with your usual very
direct approach. You have provided the security industry with a collaborative means to
share security program strategies, insights, risks and budgets. The breadth and scope of the
annual Security 500 benchmark initiative will continue to promote excellence and benefit
the security industry well into the future.
Mr. Lynn Mattice
Managing Director | Mattice & Associates
A Tribute to Mark McCourt
Mark McCourt embodies all the good things that people should be. He is kind,
thoughtful, and compassionate and above all else is the kind of person that anyone would
be lucky to have as a friend. I am happy to say that I am one of those lucky people that
Mark has befriended.
Mark entered the security industry somewhat unaware of what he was getting himself
into . . . and then set about to transform SECURITY MAGAZINE into the leading
publication in the sector. Little did he know that while he was transforming the magazine
he was also having a profound effect on the security industry as a whole!
While I am still hesitant to call security a profession, Mark took us all to the next
level with creative and forward thinking efforts like Most Influential in Security and
the SECURITY 500, both of which have become true benchmarks for the security
sector. Today, CSO’s use the rankings of their company in the annual SECURITY 500
to provide comparisons of their security programs when communicating with their
management. And corporations have also begun to use the results of their SECURITY
500 ranking in their discussions with customers and supply chain partners. More than
one CSO has told me that their company’s ranking in the SECURITY 500 has had a
profound effect on their budgeting process. And a number of CSO’s have told me that
maintaining or improving their company’s SECURITY 500 ranking has become one
of the measures that their leadership utilize in the CSO’s annual performance review.
That’s what happens when a visionary like Mark McCourt is committed to adding real
value to a sector that he came to love.
Along the way, Mark also brought some incredible talent to SECURITY MAGAZINE . .
. people like Diane Ritchey who is one of the best editors a magazine could ever hope to
have and Chris Ward who served as Mark’s Deputy and then succeeded him as publisher
of Security Magazine. Chris has some mighty big shoes to fill . . . it’s tough following a
true visionary who doesn’t just report what is happening in the industry, but shapes it.
Mark decided that he could not only continue to make a difference in the security
industry, but could further shape it through the development of products and services that
he found were not only needed by the security industry. . . but were critical to its ability to
fulfill some of the most vital tasks that are the basis for the industry’s very existence.
Mark’s move to Viakoo earlier this year sends a strong message about a company that
embodies the kind of technology that will make a significant difference in helping
enterprises manage risk and reduce liability. . . I would be willing to bet that Mark
has a lot of other ideas up his sleeve that will be rolled out as future products and
services at Viakoo.
My Dear Friend, having travelled the path with you over these past many years. . . I truly
wish I could be with you today at the last SECURITY 500 event that you will be hosting.
As you move into this next exciting chapter of your career, know that you have many
friends in the industry who respect you and sincerely appreciate all of the important
contributions that you have made to this sector.
Through your leadership as the publisher of SECURITY MAGAZINE and through your
vision in developing Most Influential in Security and the SECURITY 500, you have set
in motion programs and processes that have positively impacted an industry and will
continue to do so in very significant ways . . . No one could ask for a greater legacy than to
be the catalyst for change.
I wish you Fair Winds and Following Seas as you embark on this new voyage and know
that you can always depend on me to be there for you whenever the need arises. I am
proud to have you as my friend! Thank you for all you have done for the security industry.
. . and I look forward to the many new contributions that I know you will make.
All the best,
Mike Howard
Chief Security Officer | Microsoft Global Security
Roland Cloutier
Chief Security Officer | ADP
Mark is the consummate professional and has been an integral part of the security ecosystem
for many years. Mark has presided over conferences and forums where thought leaders in
the corporate security world have been able to exchange ideas, best practices and share
information that collectively, makes all of us better at our profession. Mark is collaborative
by nature and I have benefitted from his inclusiveness by being part of his activities such as
Security 500. Mark has shown himself to be a forward thinker when it comes to the future
of the security profession, while at the same time, respecting the points-of-view of all security
practitioners. I have tremendous respect for Mark and his impact to the security industry.
Through him, I have been able to improve my leadership acumen and have been exposed to
thought leaders in the security world that I otherwise may not have ever met. Kudos to Mark
for his positive and substantive impact to the security industry.
Mike Howard
A visionary and innovative leader in our industry, Mark has made an impact defined by
his character, integrity and his passion for collaboration. As a practitioner in security, risk
and privacy, I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn and partner with Mark.
Mark’s focus and work at the Security 500 has been a driving force in holding our industry
accountable for engaging in discussions on critical issues. Mark has a simple, yet highly
effective, approach of asking “why not” questions and then connecting the right people
best suited to drive towards solutions.
On both a professional and personal level, I want to thank Mark for his friendship and
partnership. Mark’s presence at the Security 500 will be greatly missed. I look forward to
his continuing participation in our industry as an innovator and unorthodox thinker in
defending the businesses, agencies, and economies we serve.
Richard Chace
Chairman | Global Security Industry Alliance​
Mark McCourt In Brief…
I have been fortunate enough to work with Mark on many projects over the years…
some projects that literally jumped continents and cultures…some that stayed close to
home…and some that were just between two friends, involved a bar, some stupid jokes
and philosophizing. All of the above I would happily do again and I must say I miss not
working with him…it would have made these past several years working China a lot more
enjoyable…or forgettable depending on how much we stayed up talking at the bar… eh,
little bit of Column A…little bit of Column B…
I think it is quite fitting for Mark to get this recognition not only because he is so
dedicated to greater good, commonsense, logic, fairness, humility and loyalty (qualities
sorely missing in many of the so-called “luminaries” in this industry…) but because he saw
the potential and promise of what this industry could do and more to the point the people
who were truly dedicated to making a difference and fulfilling on that promise.
He wanted to give those individuals a platform and a voice from which they could
advance their ideas and start a dialogue away from the status quo and to encourage the
industry to take its head out of the collective sand and look to a strategic future. In short
he was there when we started talking about the industry as a “global community”… a
community where we share knowledge and information for the greater good…not just for
the good of the few.
I’m super honored to know Mark, be part of his story, and to have been at his side for most
of my career…but in the end I’m more honored just to call him my friend… for that there
can be no measure or greater cliche.
Congratulations Mark. We played and well deserved. Much love to you and your beautiful
family. We’ll leave the lantern on for you whenever you pass through Asia.
Richard Chace
Lew Pincus
Chief Executive Officer | Gamma 2 Robotics
“Mark is a trailblazer when it comes to networking with security industry leaders to
highlight today’s frontier of safety and security risks.
As Publisher of Security magazine he brought Security magazine to new heights making it
one of the best publications in the industry. He worked tirelessly interviewing, researching
and reporting on critical issues that affect the industry and was instrumental in helping
security practitioners at all levels understand the importance of being connected with the
“C Suite” leaders in order to manage risk across the enterprise.
As the founder of Security 500 Mark compiled and published yearly the most current
research on issues affecting security practitioners for the world’s largest companies.
Perhaps one of his biggest contributions is the Security 500 conferences he moderated
where hundreds of the industry’s high level security professionals gather for a day of
thought provoking panel discussions, information exchange and networking.
One thing is for sure, Mark is passionate when it comes to helping industry experts solve
the world’s most critical security issues.”
Janet Fenner
Director of Marketing North America | Samsung Techwin
Mark is a one of kind individual – you always know he’s in the room because the lighting
gets brighter. I have never come across an individual more well-rounded and always
hungry for new adventures. His energy will always continue to attract greatness.
Fredrik Nilsson
General Manager, North America | Axis Communications
When I first met Mark, at the SNG dinner in New York in 2006, I immediately
understood that Mark was bringing a new perspective to the security industry with is
background from the IT industry. The discussion was very refreshing and almost 10 years
later I must say that the industry today is different thanks to the work Mark did as a
publisher at SDM and Security Magazine. I especially enjoyed Mark’s drive to understand
the real needs of the end user and the challenges of today’s CSOs, and the work he did
to create Security 500. I will continue to enjoy our friendship, and friendship that grew
stronger after an incident we had at a castle in Sweden, where he lost his wallet, laptop
and passport - under my watch…
Rebecca Hall
Marketing Director | Perennial Software
What Mark McCourt did not do is as powerful as what he did do. Mark never sought out
the spotlight, but it often landed on him as people wanted to hear what he had to stay.
Settling was not an option for Mark, he always put forth his best effort. He did not put
himself before others, knowing that empowering his team would produce the best results.
During Mark’s tenure as publisher he shaped the industry and was respected by many. He
accomplished much and helped others accomplish more by his collaborative nature. The
only misstep that I saw Mark make was his selection of 500 organizations and CSOs for
the Security 500. Two hundred and fifty would have been more than enough.
John Nemerofsky
President and CEO | Xentry Systems Integration
Mark has been recognized as an industry leader, a visionary in the business, a partner you
could always count on but most of all a GREAT friend!
Vince Galdi
Chief Creative Officer / Principle Owner
LRG Marketing Communications, Inc. & infusion advertising
Mark has been a longstanding partner of LRG Marketing Communications and infusion
advertising since he arrived on the publishing scene many (many) years ago. He has
helped bring innovative initiatives to the pro security industry that have helped formulate
professional communities in which best practices and new ideas have been more readily
shared amongst colleagues and the sales and service organizations that support them. We
wish Mark the best of success in his new endeavor as he crosses the great divide from the
publishing world to that of a solution provider.
Laura Stepanek
Editor | SDM Magazine
Jackie Bean
Online Media Manager | Security Media Group
As a great leader, you were always thinking BIG and always thinking of others.
Laura Stepanek
I truly lucked out when Mark added me to the Security & SDM team. It’s a rarity to have
a boss that you not only respect, but can consider a friend. Mark has taught me everything
I know about the business world, which is mostly a good thing. We’ve shared many
adventures over the years—from the SDM gala where Mark decided to slide across the
floor like a penguin, to the day after when we suffered through a hungover carpool drive
back to Eastern PA. I’ve grown into the accomplished, humble, professional I am today
under Mark’s mentorship.
Chris Ward
Publisher, SDM & Security Magazines
Baldwin: “Let‘s talk about something important! (turns to Spacey) “Are they all here?”
Spacey: “All but one…”
Mark was one of the few men I’ve ever known in sales, or business for that matter, that
could quote GlenGarry Glen Ross with me line for line. It was one of his countless
endearing qualities that I love about him. He is a rare breed that has both a brilliant,
analytical mind paired with an outgoing, gregarious personality that lights up a room.
What Mark accomplished for SMG, particularly the SECURITY brand, in the 8 years he
led the group was nothing short of remarkable. I had the unique perspective of seeing Mark
raise SECURITY from the ashes while working on a competitive product to working directly
for Mark shortly after he had completed SECURITY’s ascension to #1 in the marketplace.
After coming to work under Mark in 2008, it was the first time in my career where I
felt I had a true mentor. Mark’s legendary work on the annual SECURITY 500 report
and knowledge of a CSO’s new role in a changing marketplace gained the respect of
SECURITY’s audience, so much so that top-level CSOs in our industry viewed Mark more
as a peer than as Group Publisher of the SECURITY & SDM brands.
As I now sit in the Group Publisher seat for SECURITY & SDM, I’m wondering if these
damn shoes that I’m trying to fill will ever fit…
Thanks for all that you did for us and the brands, Mark.
The moon is high and here I am
Sittin’ here with this hammer in hand
One more drink oughta ease the pain
Starin’ at that last link in the chain
Well let’s raise our glass and let the hammer fly
Hey yeah this is the long goodbye
Bruce Springsteen “The Long Goodbye”
Diane Ritchey, Editor
Claire Meyer, Managing Editor
Security Magazine
Doug O’Gorden
Midwest Sales Manager
Security Media Group - SDM, Security, smartHOME & iSecurity
Mark was a wonderful mentor to the Security editorial team. Claire and Diane learned so
much from him, and are forever grateful for his guidance.
Some headlines that never made the magazine:
“Risk-Nado Destroys Art Director”
“Risk Mitigation for Bruce Springsteen Concerts”
“Read John McClurg’s Newest Catchphrase”
“Convergence, Convergence, Convergence!”
Mark “The Boss” McCourt.
You, my friend, claimed our place as global dominator in the security space. It was a great
ride … one I was proud to have been on with you.
You are a tremendous leader, a legend in the field and were more than a boss. You were a
mentor. I have many memories of you from bull riding on Bourbon Street to road tripping
across the Midwest (Springsteen always providing the soundtrack). From your cellphone
“reception disabilities” to my horrible internal compass.
I can still hear your voice in my head saying: “You should always be selling the Buyers
Guide”, “The whistle doesn’t make the train go,” and “We can either help you market to
the security industry or NOT.”
Perhaps the best way to say what you meant to me is that it was EASY to work HARD for
you. The pleasure was all mine.
McCourtBooklet_LR (1) (1)

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The Most Innovative Cyber Security Leaders to Watch in 2023.pdf
The Most Innovative Cyber Security Leaders to Watch in 2023.pdfThe Most Innovative Cyber Security Leaders to Watch in 2023.pdf
The Most Innovative Cyber Security Leaders to Watch in 2023.pdf

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  • 5. John McClurg VP, Chief Security Officer | Dell | Global Security Mike Maloof Senior Manager, Global Security | Oracle I’ve long shared Ben Franklin’s sentiments, expressed when he wrote that he “hated ingratitude more in a man than any taint of vice that inhabits his frail frame.” Lest I be guilty of such, let me say how grateful I am for the difference Mark has made. There’s the old Peter Drucker quote: “That which gets measured gets done.” If that’s indeed true, then Mark has contributed significantly to our collective efforts to assure that we’ve pushed the proverbial ball down the field in our attempts to assure and enhance the people, processes, and assets by which our respective corporations advance their greater missions. I’m confident that towards which Mark now turns his attention will prosper just as well and wish him all the best. Regards, John I first met Mark at a Security 500 event and was immediately impressed with his dedication to the security industry. Mark developed the Security 500 program with the end security practitioner in mind, ensuring the agenda was relevant and the speakers were well-respected experts. I look forward to the annual conference for the content, networking, and to spend some time with Mark. The Security 500 Ranking List has become an eagerly awaited list where the true security leaders of today are recognized. The list has become a validation of sorts and is now used in internal branding where the security organization can highlight their accomplishments objectively to their constituents.   Kind Regards, Mike
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  • 7. John J. Imhoff Director, Global Security | Ernst & Young, LLP/US F. Edward Goetz Vice President, Corporate and Information Security | Exelon Corporation Mark, — During your tenure at Security Magazine corporate security has evolved as at no other time in history. The challenge to corporate security directors has been to stay abreast of these unprecedented changes while sustaining the vital protections those we serve have come to expect. We accomplish the most through synergy with colleagues confronting similar challenges. The ability to interact productively with colleagues, exchanging ideas and avoiding wheel reinvention, has been most ably facilitated through your efforts. I wish you the best in your future endeavors and know you’ve left the magazine and Security 500 in good hands to carry this important work forward. Yours truly, John In the time I have worked with Mark, he has always been incredibly engaging and cordial.  Mark has a wealth of knowledge about the security industry, and he has always been willing to share it. He invariably knows someone who can recommend a product, or a vendor to solve the most challenging problems. The Security 500, which has always been a labor of love for him, has helped companies demonstrate their commitment to security, and desire to be the best. Mark has been a great sounding board for new ideas and can be counted on to provide honest direct advise.     I wish him the best in his new endeavors. The commitment to excellence that Mark demonstrates like is rare, and will yield great success wherever he goes.   Ed
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  • 9. John J. O’Connor Executive Vice President | Fidelity Investments Stephen D. Baker CPP Managing Director | Global Security | State Street Corporation Mark, While I have shied away from media throughout my career, I have thoroughly enjoyed our discussions over the years. To the benefit of readers throughout the United States, you always maintained a “wide lens” and deep knowledge of the security industry. You’re quickly able to separate impactful items from those many others are perennially caught-up in. I love the passion you bring to your work and appreciate your sense of humor – you will be missed! I wish you the very best in the next chapter! John Mark you been steadfast in your publication and pursuit of security best practice, technology and innovation. Unlike those who only talked about the need for basic security program benchmarking, you saw the need and took action with your usual very direct approach. You have provided the security industry with a collaborative means to share security program strategies, insights, risks and budgets. The breadth and scope of the annual Security 500 benchmark initiative will continue to promote excellence and benefit the security industry well into the future. Stephen
  • 10. Mr. Lynn Mattice Managing Director | Mattice & Associates A Tribute to Mark McCourt Mark McCourt embodies all the good things that people should be. He is kind, thoughtful, and compassionate and above all else is the kind of person that anyone would be lucky to have as a friend. I am happy to say that I am one of those lucky people that Mark has befriended. Mark entered the security industry somewhat unaware of what he was getting himself into . . . and then set about to transform SECURITY MAGAZINE into the leading publication in the sector. Little did he know that while he was transforming the magazine he was also having a profound effect on the security industry as a whole! While I am still hesitant to call security a profession, Mark took us all to the next level with creative and forward thinking efforts like Most Influential in Security and the SECURITY 500, both of which have become true benchmarks for the security sector. Today, CSO’s use the rankings of their company in the annual SECURITY 500 to provide comparisons of their security programs when communicating with their management. And corporations have also begun to use the results of their SECURITY 500 ranking in their discussions with customers and supply chain partners. More than one CSO has told me that their company’s ranking in the SECURITY 500 has had a profound effect on their budgeting process. And a number of CSO’s have told me that maintaining or improving their company’s SECURITY 500 ranking has become one of the measures that their leadership utilize in the CSO’s annual performance review. That’s what happens when a visionary like Mark McCourt is committed to adding real value to a sector that he came to love. Along the way, Mark also brought some incredible talent to SECURITY MAGAZINE . . . people like Diane Ritchey who is one of the best editors a magazine could ever hope to have and Chris Ward who served as Mark’s Deputy and then succeeded him as publisher of Security Magazine. Chris has some mighty big shoes to fill . . . it’s tough following a true visionary who doesn’t just report what is happening in the industry, but shapes it.
  • 11. Mark decided that he could not only continue to make a difference in the security industry, but could further shape it through the development of products and services that he found were not only needed by the security industry. . . but were critical to its ability to fulfill some of the most vital tasks that are the basis for the industry’s very existence. Mark’s move to Viakoo earlier this year sends a strong message about a company that embodies the kind of technology that will make a significant difference in helping enterprises manage risk and reduce liability. . . I would be willing to bet that Mark has a lot of other ideas up his sleeve that will be rolled out as future products and services at Viakoo. My Dear Friend, having travelled the path with you over these past many years. . . I truly wish I could be with you today at the last SECURITY 500 event that you will be hosting. As you move into this next exciting chapter of your career, know that you have many friends in the industry who respect you and sincerely appreciate all of the important contributions that you have made to this sector. Through your leadership as the publisher of SECURITY MAGAZINE and through your vision in developing Most Influential in Security and the SECURITY 500, you have set in motion programs and processes that have positively impacted an industry and will continue to do so in very significant ways . . . No one could ask for a greater legacy than to be the catalyst for change. I wish you Fair Winds and Following Seas as you embark on this new voyage and know that you can always depend on me to be there for you whenever the need arises. I am proud to have you as my friend! Thank you for all you have done for the security industry. . . and I look forward to the many new contributions that I know you will make. All the best, Lynn
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  • 13. Mike Howard Chief Security Officer | Microsoft Global Security Roland Cloutier Chief Security Officer | ADP Mark is the consummate professional and has been an integral part of the security ecosystem for many years. Mark has presided over conferences and forums where thought leaders in the corporate security world have been able to exchange ideas, best practices and share information that collectively, makes all of us better at our profession. Mark is collaborative by nature and I have benefitted from his inclusiveness by being part of his activities such as Security 500. Mark has shown himself to be a forward thinker when it comes to the future of the security profession, while at the same time, respecting the points-of-view of all security practitioners. I have tremendous respect for Mark and his impact to the security industry. Through him, I have been able to improve my leadership acumen and have been exposed to thought leaders in the security world that I otherwise may not have ever met. Kudos to Mark for his positive and substantive impact to the security industry. Mike Howard A visionary and innovative leader in our industry, Mark has made an impact defined by his character, integrity and his passion for collaboration. As a practitioner in security, risk and privacy, I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn and partner with Mark. Mark’s focus and work at the Security 500 has been a driving force in holding our industry accountable for engaging in discussions on critical issues. Mark has a simple, yet highly effective, approach of asking “why not” questions and then connecting the right people best suited to drive towards solutions. On both a professional and personal level, I want to thank Mark for his friendship and partnership. Mark’s presence at the Security 500 will be greatly missed. I look forward to his continuing participation in our industry as an innovator and unorthodox thinker in defending the businesses, agencies, and economies we serve. Roland
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  • 15. Richard Chace Chairman | Global Security Industry Alliance​ Mark McCourt In Brief… I have been fortunate enough to work with Mark on many projects over the years… some projects that literally jumped continents and cultures…some that stayed close to home…and some that were just between two friends, involved a bar, some stupid jokes and philosophizing. All of the above I would happily do again and I must say I miss not working with him…it would have made these past several years working China a lot more enjoyable…or forgettable depending on how much we stayed up talking at the bar… eh, little bit of Column A…little bit of Column B… I think it is quite fitting for Mark to get this recognition not only because he is so dedicated to greater good, commonsense, logic, fairness, humility and loyalty (qualities sorely missing in many of the so-called “luminaries” in this industry…) but because he saw the potential and promise of what this industry could do and more to the point the people who were truly dedicated to making a difference and fulfilling on that promise. He wanted to give those individuals a platform and a voice from which they could advance their ideas and start a dialogue away from the status quo and to encourage the industry to take its head out of the collective sand and look to a strategic future. In short he was there when we started talking about the industry as a “global community”… a community where we share knowledge and information for the greater good…not just for the good of the few. I’m super honored to know Mark, be part of his story, and to have been at his side for most of my career…but in the end I’m more honored just to call him my friend… for that there can be no measure or greater cliche. Congratulations Mark. We played and well deserved. Much love to you and your beautiful family. We’ll leave the lantern on for you whenever you pass through Asia. Richard Chace
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  • 17. Lew Pincus Chief Executive Officer | Gamma 2 Robotics “Mark is a trailblazer when it comes to networking with security industry leaders to highlight today’s frontier of safety and security risks. As Publisher of Security magazine he brought Security magazine to new heights making it one of the best publications in the industry. He worked tirelessly interviewing, researching and reporting on critical issues that affect the industry and was instrumental in helping security practitioners at all levels understand the importance of being connected with the “C Suite” leaders in order to manage risk across the enterprise. As the founder of Security 500 Mark compiled and published yearly the most current research on issues affecting security practitioners for the world’s largest companies. Perhaps one of his biggest contributions is the Security 500 conferences he moderated where hundreds of the industry’s high level security professionals gather for a day of thought provoking panel discussions, information exchange and networking. One thing is for sure, Mark is passionate when it comes to helping industry experts solve the world’s most critical security issues.” Janet Fenner Director of Marketing North America | Samsung Techwin Mark is a one of kind individual – you always know he’s in the room because the lighting gets brighter. I have never come across an individual more well-rounded and always hungry for new adventures. His energy will always continue to attract greatness.
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  • 21. Fredrik Nilsson General Manager, North America | Axis Communications When I first met Mark, at the SNG dinner in New York in 2006, I immediately understood that Mark was bringing a new perspective to the security industry with is background from the IT industry. The discussion was very refreshing and almost 10 years later I must say that the industry today is different thanks to the work Mark did as a publisher at SDM and Security Magazine. I especially enjoyed Mark’s drive to understand the real needs of the end user and the challenges of today’s CSOs, and the work he did to create Security 500. I will continue to enjoy our friendship, and friendship that grew stronger after an incident we had at a castle in Sweden, where he lost his wallet, laptop and passport - under my watch… Rebecca Hall Marketing Director | Perennial Software What Mark McCourt did not do is as powerful as what he did do. Mark never sought out the spotlight, but it often landed on him as people wanted to hear what he had to stay. Settling was not an option for Mark, he always put forth his best effort. He did not put himself before others, knowing that empowering his team would produce the best results. During Mark’s tenure as publisher he shaped the industry and was respected by many. He accomplished much and helped others accomplish more by his collaborative nature. The only misstep that I saw Mark make was his selection of 500 organizations and CSOs for the Security 500. Two hundred and fifty would have been more than enough. John Nemerofsky President and CEO | Xentry Systems Integration Mark has been recognized as an industry leader, a visionary in the business, a partner you could always count on but most of all a GREAT friend! John
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  • 23. Vince Galdi Chief Creative Officer / Principle Owner LRG Marketing Communications, Inc. & infusion advertising Mark has been a longstanding partner of LRG Marketing Communications and infusion advertising since he arrived on the publishing scene many (many) years ago. He has helped bring innovative initiatives to the pro security industry that have helped formulate professional communities in which best practices and new ideas have been more readily shared amongst colleagues and the sales and service organizations that support them. We wish Mark the best of success in his new endeavor as he crosses the great divide from the publishing world to that of a solution provider. Laura Stepanek Editor | SDM Magazine Jackie Bean Online Media Manager | Security Media Group As a great leader, you were always thinking BIG and always thinking of others. Laura Stepanek I truly lucked out when Mark added me to the Security & SDM team. It’s a rarity to have a boss that you not only respect, but can consider a friend. Mark has taught me everything I know about the business world, which is mostly a good thing. We’ve shared many adventures over the years—from the SDM gala where Mark decided to slide across the floor like a penguin, to the day after when we suffered through a hungover carpool drive back to Eastern PA. I’ve grown into the accomplished, humble, professional I am today under Mark’s mentorship. Jackie
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  • 25. Chris Ward Publisher, SDM & Security Magazines Baldwin: “Let‘s talk about something important! (turns to Spacey) “Are they all here?” Spacey: “All but one…” Mark was one of the few men I’ve ever known in sales, or business for that matter, that could quote GlenGarry Glen Ross with me line for line. It was one of his countless endearing qualities that I love about him. He is a rare breed that has both a brilliant, analytical mind paired with an outgoing, gregarious personality that lights up a room. What Mark accomplished for SMG, particularly the SECURITY brand, in the 8 years he led the group was nothing short of remarkable. I had the unique perspective of seeing Mark raise SECURITY from the ashes while working on a competitive product to working directly for Mark shortly after he had completed SECURITY’s ascension to #1 in the marketplace. After coming to work under Mark in 2008, it was the first time in my career where I felt I had a true mentor. Mark’s legendary work on the annual SECURITY 500 report and knowledge of a CSO’s new role in a changing marketplace gained the respect of SECURITY’s audience, so much so that top-level CSOs in our industry viewed Mark more as a peer than as Group Publisher of the SECURITY & SDM brands. As I now sit in the Group Publisher seat for SECURITY & SDM, I’m wondering if these damn shoes that I’m trying to fill will ever fit… Thanks for all that you did for us and the brands, Mark. The moon is high and here I am Sittin’ here with this hammer in hand One more drink oughta ease the pain Starin’ at that last link in the chain Well let’s raise our glass and let the hammer fly Hey yeah this is the long goodbye Bruce Springsteen “The Long Goodbye” Chris
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  • 27. Diane Ritchey, Editor Claire Meyer, Managing Editor Security Magazine Doug O’Gorden Midwest Sales Manager Security Media Group - SDM, Security, smartHOME & iSecurity Mark was a wonderful mentor to the Security editorial team. Claire and Diane learned so much from him, and are forever grateful for his guidance. Some headlines that never made the magazine: “Risk-Nado Destroys Art Director” “Risk Mitigation for Bruce Springsteen Concerts” “Read John McClurg’s Newest Catchphrase” “Convergence, Convergence, Convergence!” Mark “The Boss” McCourt. You, my friend, claimed our place as global dominator in the security space. It was a great ride … one I was proud to have been on with you. You are a tremendous leader, a legend in the field and were more than a boss. You were a mentor. I have many memories of you from bull riding on Bourbon Street to road tripping across the Midwest (Springsteen always providing the soundtrack). From your cellphone “reception disabilities” to my horrible internal compass. I can still hear your voice in my head saying: “You should always be selling the Buyers Guide”, “The whistle doesn’t make the train go,” and “We can either help you market to the security industry or NOT.” Perhaps the best way to say what you meant to me is that it was EASY to work HARD for you. The pleasure was all mine. Doug