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Jessica Mallo   Detroit School of                                            Starck          Yaodong           H&B Interior          Udalt                              Urban
Undergraduate    Performing Arts P.4   Connect/ivity   P.16   Oculus   P.26   Musuem   P.36   Ecolodge   P.46   Rennovation    P.58   Theater   P.76   Drafting   P.84   Farming   P.92

The Detroit School of Performing Arts is a      It is about a celebration of life through art.
project focused on the human spirit to do       The Detroit School of Modern Performing Art
and create good, as well as about the will      is a way to bring recognition to the dreams
to do things of wonder. After recent world      of young artists to improve and enrich our
events and the current condition of the inner   way of life, to add comfort and reassurance
city of Detroit, the school looks toward the    about the new millennium.
great adventure of the Twenty First Century.
Site Analysis
                           Wind            Religious        Entertainment
                           1RLVH           7UDIÀF 3DWWHUQ   3HGHVWULDQ
                           Sun             Commercial       Project Site    01                                           02                                      03

For the master plan,
with the area by
extending the arc
started by Grand
Circus Park across the
college campus. The
to the intersection of
W. Montcalm and
Woodward. All the
buildings on campus
touch this pathway,
creating a walkable
path to get students
and visitors through the
site easily.

                           Site Plan                                             01. Administration Building                                 04. Grand Gallery
                                                                                 Second story overhangs walkway to create covered            Building sits on the ground at Woodward Ave
                           School of Music      Grand Gallery                    path from dormitories to college buildings.                 and rises up above Montcalm Ave. The façade
                           School of Dance      Performance Theater              02. Connection Pathway                                      consists of digital displays that showcase images
                           6FKRRO RI 7KHDWHU    0L[HG 8VH2IÀFHV/RIWV           Covered bridge connects third story of all colleges to      and scenes from past performances. This building
                                                                                 allow students easy access among college buildings.         produces added light and movement to the
                           Administration       Cafe/Bookstore/Dorms             03. Grand Gallery/Dorms                                     campus, making the area a safer place to travel at
                                                                                 The raised portion of the building connects to the          night.
                                                                                 third story of the Café/Bookstore/Dormitory building.
                                                                                 The connection portion opens in the center to create
                                                                                 a quiet courtyard for the students and visitors to enjoy.
05   02                                                                       01                      06        07
          /HYHO )RXU
               01.     Foundation Room
               02.     Conference Room                                        12
                    6HFUHWDU·V 2IÀFH
                    0DLQ 2IÀFH                                             21
               05.     Staff Break Area
               06.     Black Box Theater                                      31
               07.     Choral Music Theater
               08.     Restrooms                                                                                     Section
09   10
          /HYHO 7KUHH
               09.    Quiet Room
               10.    Make-Up Rooms
               11.    Green Room
               12.    Storage
               13.    Balcony Seating
               14.    Restrooms

20   15   /HYH
          /HYHO 7ZR
               15.     Dressing Room
               16.     Dressing Room
               17.     Dressing Room
               18.     Dressing Room
               19.     Theater Rehearsal
               20.     Instrument Rehearsal
               21.     Dance Rehearsal
               22.     Balcony Seating
               23.     Restrooms
35   26
          /HYHO 2QH
                    7LFNHW 2IÀFH
               26.     Sitting Area
               27.     Coat Check
               28.     Restrooms              Theater Concept
               29.     Janitor’s Closet       The theater features                 that connects the three
               30.     Service Area           two “arms” that extend               buildings, showing that
               31.     Workshop Area          from the building and                all three share a purpose.
                                              touch the State and                  The part that extends
               32.     Backstage
                                              Fox theaters. These                  over the State Theater
               33.     Public Theater         arms allow drivers down              is covered in digital
                    6RXQG/LJKW %RRWK      Woodward to see the                  screens that become the
               35.     Bar                    theater from a distance.             marquee for the theater.
                                              It also creates a visual link
East Elevation                                    South Elevation                                                                  West Elevation                                 North Elevation

  The material selection for the Detroit School       The interior of the public theater features   A concrete spiral stairway runs up the front    Entry of theater is on the glass façade. A
  of Performing Arts is glass and metal panels.       two balconies, numerous private boxes, a      façade of the building around the glass         peel-away wall comes off of the façade
  The glass façade on the east, the entry             curved ceiling to enhance acoustics, and      elevator. The theater is a place to be and      to accentuate the entry. The wall wraps
  HOHYDWLRQ ZLWK D IRXUÁRRU RSHQ OREE DOORZV       acoustical wall-covering.                     the place to be seen.                           around the front of the theater and hangs
  the abundant light into the building. The                                                                                                         above the entry courtyard from cables
  metal panels accent the façade and help                                                                                                           attached to the roof structure.
  shape the elevations.
The Fox and the State Theaters, located around
the theater site, don’t express their purpose.
Without the marquee, they could easily house
viewer, makes him or her wonder what’s going
on inside and makes that person want to come
in. I made something that differs from those
old, established theaters because my theater’s
purpose isn’t the same as the Fox or State. This
theater is for students—not professionals. It should
feel different.

My design is expressive and emotional. I made a
place for the students, as well as the city, to enjoy.
expressive and communicate with the building’s
purpose—to experience emotion. No one will
doubt that this is a place of dance and theater
and music.

The school is a main attraction for the city,
creating a new source of tourist power, bringing
money and business to the city.
The ACSA/AISC 2005-2006 Student Design Competition was a
challenge to design a Community Aquatic Center in an urban

                                                             Site Plan
Entry to the stands is
                                                                                                                      located at the far end
                                                                                                                      of the building to pull
                                                                           /REE:HOFRPH                           the crowd through the
                                                                               Center                                 entire room. The stands
                                                                          02. Administration           14             for the competition pools
                                                                          03. Concession                              are built up to allow
                                                                          04. Eating Room                             spectators to be high
                                                                          05. Restrooms                     Section   enough to see all that’s
                                                                           0HQ·V /RFNHU 5RRP                       going on on the pool
                                                                           :RPHQ·V /RFNHU                          ÁRRU 8QGHU WKH VWDQGV D
                                                                              Room                                    plexi-glass wall separates
                                                                          08. Recreation Pool                         the spectators from the
                                                                          09. Therapy Pool                            pool area. The wall also
                                                  09                                                                  lets spectators choose to
                                                                          10. 20’ Water Slide
                                        12               08                                                           stay at the pool level to
                                                                          11. Toddler Water Slide
                                                                                                                      watch competitors race.
                                                                           )LUVW $LG/LIHJXDUG
                                                                                                                      The center is separated
                                                                           /DQH 3RRO
                                                                    02                                                into three parts—the
                                                                          14. Dive Pool                               competition pools, the
                                             04                           15. Spectator Stands
                                                  01                                                                  recreation pool, and the
                                                                          16. Observation Deck                        entry/service. The entry is
16                    13                                                      ZLWK )LUVW $LG /LIH                    centrally located to allow
                                                                              Guard Station, Wet                      visitors to party ways into
                                                                     07       Classroom, and Swim
         14                                                                                                           whichever section they’ve
                                          02                   03             Team Rest Area                          come to use within the
                             15                                               Underneath                              complex.
                                                                                                                      Mohr’s equation for
                                                                                                                      circular stress is the
                                                                                                                      mathematical basis for
                                                                                                                      the structural circular
                                                                                                                      truss system. The third
Approaching this project, I decided to do              truss with the use of triangles in a circular                  informational circle shows
some research on steel and its’ strengths              formation. This information led me to think                    the metal panels on the
and weaknesses. Through this, I found that             DERXW D FLUFXODU EXLOGLQJ 0 ÀQDO GHVLJQ                      WUXVV VVWHP 7KH ÀQDO
a steel truss is strongest when in a triangular        employed huge circular trusses. These trusses                  circle discusses how the
form because all points are equidistant from           would be sunk into the ground creating an                      steel truss connects to the
the center, thus allowing there to be no               underground parking area for those using
                                                                                                                      glass panels.
weak points within the truss. I then found the         the center and the surrounding downtown

     The main lifeguard station is    a depth of 4’ and features
     located in the recreational      a 20’ waterslide at the deep
     side of the building. The        end. A whirlpool is also in
     recreational pool features a     this area of the building,
     stepped entry, as well as a      located along the length of
     zero-entry. The pool slopes to   the recreational pool.
                                                                     Wall Section

 The façade of the center is a glass curtain wall
 covered by a web of semi-transparent metal
 panels that attach to the steel circular truss

 center creating interesting shadows as the sun
 passes through the sky.

The Oculus, a Sony           entertainment products that    Concept: Look
Exhibition Space, was        are available for purchase.    Consumers today ignore stories that don’t       blue plexi-glass, emit a glow throughout and
designed for the 2007 Sony   This competition looked        intrigue them. Designers must create spaces     around the structure. The ceiling curves to
Student Design Competition   toward a space that would      that are not only functional, but interesting   create a taller space at the opening and a
Challenge. The goal was to   become a “fashion lifestyle”   and stimulating. Oculus is a beacon of          slightly tighter space inside. The continual
create a short-term, high-   shopping experience that       interest. One is drawn to the space, wanting    movement of the ads on the screens and
impact, low-cost immersive   provides a tangible, 3-D       WR H[SHULHQFH LW /(' VFUHHQV ODFH WKH          the ambient glow of the building itself force
branding experience that     experience that entices        outer walls with product ads, which change      everyone to come toward the structure and
focuses on TV and home       each consumer.                 throughout the day. Interior walls, made of     ´/RRNµ
Floor Plan
The space is divided into
multiple areas of interest.
Each space offers different
products for purchase.


MP3 players

gaming consoles

ucts as a whole in an “at
home” environment

Smaller products are avail-
able for in-store purchase.
These are kept in under-
counter display cabinetry.
purchased in-store and
delivered to consumers’
homes at a later date. The
four touch-screen panels,
which are located on the                                                                Entry   Concept
back wall of the store.

                               Living Area
   W Material Sample
   Wall                        7KH ´/LYHµ VHFWLRQ RI WKH       ground. This forms an
   The walls are a transpar-   store features a ceiling that   exterior space which people
   HQW SOH[LJODVV ZLWK /('    curves opposite the rest of     can use to see the “live”
   lighting inside, which
                               the roof system. A bench        area without entering the
   emits an ambient glow
                               curves out of the roof where    store.
   throughout the space.
                               the ceiling meets the

                                          Shelving  Lighting Details
                                          Metal brackets are attached       Glass cabinets lie beneath
                                          to the wall, serving as housing   the counter to house
                                          for the lighting and shelving.    products that are available
                                          Moveable shelves are attached     for in-store purchase.
                                          to these brackets for easy
                                          change of display.
       /LJKWLQJ )L[WXUH   Shelving Unit
Front Elevation

                                                          Back Elevation

                                           Roof Display
Roof  Wall Systems                                                                                      Marketing
7KH HQWLUH URRI VVWHP LV PDGH RI /(' GLVSOD        The exterior walls are glass, with the structural   All products purchased in the exhibit       Product bags come in a variety of sizes; all
VFUHHQV WKDW FRQWLQXDOO ÁDVK DGV RI WKH             ZDOOV KDYLQJ DQ /(' VFUHHQ H[WHULRU 7KH            store carry special tags, marked with the   adorned with the Oculus logo and small
products available for purchase inside. The          LQWHULRU ZDOOV DUH SOH[LJODVV ZLWK /(' OLJKWLQJ    Oculus logo branding. Product bags are      JUDSKLF VPEROV WKDW GHQRWH WKH ´/HDUQ
roof starts at a 14’ height at the entry and         inside to emit an ambient glow throughout           all a canvas material, allowing those who   /LVWHQ /HW /RRVH DQG /LYHµ SRUWLRQV RI WKH
then, convexly, curves down to 10’ height at         the interior space and the close exterior.          purchase items a bag which they can use     store.
the back wall.                                                                                           again and again.
Cranbrook prides itself as   through 12 independent         Founded by Detroit philanthropists George        Cranbrook Educational Community is an
one of the world’s leading   college preparatory            and Ellen Booth in 1904, Cranbrook’s             entrie network dedicated to the arts. The
centers of education,        schools. Critics have called   campus features the work of world-               objective of this project was to create a
science and art. The         Cranbrook “the most            renowned architects such as Eliel Saarinen,      small gallery building, dedicated to the
campus is comprised of a     enchanted and enchanting       Albert Kahn, Steven Holl , Tod Williams, Tod     work of a single furniture designer, that
graduate Academy of Art,     setting in America” and in     Williams and Billie Tsien, Rafael Moneo, Peter   would be located at the heart of the artistic
contemprary Art Museum,      1989, it was designated a      Rose and sculptors Carl Milles, Marshall         community of Cranbrook.
House  Gardens, natural     1DWLRQDO +LVWRULF /DQGPDUN    Fredericks, and others.
history museum, and Pre-K
House  Gardens
The Cranbrook camus has many noteable                            Philippe Starck is an            Being a rather ecentric
highlights in its’ art and architecture, but                     internationally known            designer, Starck products
none are more reknown that the Cranbrook                         French designer. Starck          carry a life of their own.
House and Gardens. The museum site is                            has become a “jack of all        Since the museum is
located on a hill between the Art Museum                         trades,” offering his designs    devoted to the display of
and the Cranbrook House. This location                           for everything: utensils,        his works, the museum must
prompted the design to harness the                               OLJKWLQJ À[WXUHV IXUQLWXUH     act as a backdrop to his
opportunity to showcase the amazing views                        interior design, architecture,   works, while becoming a
of those landmarks from the site.                                and transportation design.       ÀWWLQJ UDQEURRN SLHFH
04        05                                                                                                 10
                              /HYHO )RXU
                                 01.     Entry Vestibule
                                 02.     Gift Shop
                                 03.     Wom
                                         Women’s Restroom
                                 04.     Men’
                                         Men’s Restroom
                                 05.     Coat Room

                              /HYHO 7KUHH
                                 06.    Shipp
                                     6HFUHWDU·V 2IÀFH
                                     XUDWRU·V 2IÀFH
     07             08           09.    Conf
                                        Conference Room

     06             09
                              /HYHO 7ZR
                                 10.    Exhibition Space
                                 11.    Café

                              /HYHO 2QH
                                 12.   Storage/Workroom
                                 13.   Mechanical Room
                                 14.   Demonstration
                         11            Space
                                 15.   Sitting Area
                                 16.   Main Exhibition
                                                            The concept for the Starck   /DNH 6SDFHV ÁX[XDWH LQ
                                                            Museum is compression and    the vertical and horizontal
                                                            expansion, using gentle      planes, creating spaces that
                                                            curves to guide visitors     ÁRZ IURP RQH WR DQRWKHU
                                                            through the spaces and       The entire building sits into
               14                                           to direct views toward       the hill site, making it less
                                                            Cranbrook House, the Bog     obtrusive to the landscape
                                                            Garden, and Kingswood        and campus.
Concrete   Carpet      Wood           Granite

                Pre-Cast   Granite        Black
                RQFUHWH   %ORFN          /HDWKHU

                           Glass         Etched Glass

                                     Material Palette

                                                          The interior materials are hard rock and      wall I chose slate stones to match the hard,
15                                                        neutral colors to contrast the curvy nature   established feeling of the other Cranbrook
                                                          of Starck’s Creations. The furniture in the   projects. It is hard and structured enough
                                                          museum is black leather to contrast the       WR ÀW LQWR WKH VLWH HW LW LV GLIIHUHQW HQRXJK WR
                                                          brightness of Starck’s projects.              separate the museum from the campus. This
                                                                                                        ZDV DOVR LQÁXHQFHG E 6WDUFN·V WHQGHQF
                                                          The surrounding buildings on the Cranbrook    to go against the grain and create different
                                                          site are mostly made of brick and concrete    products that stand out from the rest.
                                                          block, so for the material of the exterior
Dang Jia Shan is a small mountain village on the loess        Because of this problem, many of the caves           “Going Green” and “Sustainable Design”
plateau of northern China. The villagers live in cave         have become vacant and fallen into disrepair         have become buzz words in public conscious.
GZHOOLQJV WKDW DUH HQHUJHIÀFLHQW DQG HQYLURQPHQW           as the population in the village becomes less        Therefore, people are looking for more
friendly. Due to global climate change, the rainfall in the   and less. Many research teams have started           opportunities to get involved in projects that
area has declined. The extraction of oil and natural gas      to study the cave dwellings as examples of           are friendly to Earth’s ecology. The village has
and the coal mining in the area have caused the water         vernacular green design. The traditional style       potential to develop as an eco-aware tourist
table in the village to descend as well. This is a problem    of the village is thought to be truly sustainable.   destination. This project is a proposal for the
because villagers grow their own food on the mountain                                                              village to become a functional ecolodge.
and there isn’t much water access.

                       Section                                                                                /LJKWLQJ 3ODQ



Untouched Caves          The welcome center is located directly on           02. A waiting area is located to the south of
                         the only road into the village. All visitors must   the hall so that visitors can recuperate and
Welcome Center           pass through this check-point before entering       check in before traveling up the rest of the
                         WKH YLOODJH DQG ÀQGLQJ WKHLU ORGJH                 path to the mountain.
                                                                             03. A living area is provided for the welcome
Ecolodge Caves
                         01. The main entry hall is unobstructed so          center attendee, as well as a donkey shed
                         that natives to the village can simply walk         to help carry luggage and visitors up the
/RGJH (PSORHH DYHV     through to get to the village.                      mountain.
Visitor Lodge

                Each lodge is designed to
                be relatively the same, as
                WKH FDYHV DUH QRZ 7KH ÀUVW
                planter built into the backrest.
                A dining set is provided, as well
                as a stove for cooking/heat.
                7KH VHFRQG ÁRRU KDV D EHG
                with a built-in planter/dresser
                to serve as a rail.

                Bamboo, a local sustainable
                furniture, and wood construc-
                tion in the lodges. Cave wall
                are left unpainted and natural.

                the mountain and connect to
                the rooms at the ceiling to help
                stale air.

                The lodge features hanging
                paper lantern lights with com-
                energy usage. Ample daylight
                ÀOWHUV WKURXJK WKH VSDFH LQ WKH      Elevation
                daytime, so the electric lights
                would only need to be used at
                night. Wall sconces are lo-
                cated in the back of the cave
                to provide extra light in those
                darker areas as needed.



Community Facility                              rooms or in the community room.                 Section
Dining for the lodges is provided as a          The rooms next to the dining and kitchen
community experience. The kitchen is run        are open rooms for events like calligraphy,
by current Dang Jia Shan residents. Guests      sewing, and other traditional hobbies. Guests
can help prepare the food and then all sit      are allowed a chance to see the residents
together in the dining room for the meal. The   take part in their normal hobbies and past-
kitchen is left open as well, so guests can     times.
The Commons

For each lodge cluster, there
is a shared public lounge
area and restroom. The
common area and restroom
are connected so that
those enjoying the common
area can easily access the
bathrooms as needed. The
lounge room has WI-FI internet
and televisions so guests can
easily keep in contact with the
rest of the world.

The restroom features grey-
water toilets and showers. A
common water wall is used
for the toilets and showers to
cut down on added building
in the caves. The toilet waste
is pumped into a back room
where it collects in bins and is
dried to use as fertilizer on the
practice in the village.

Air vents are built into the
help keep moisture out of the
cave to stop mold developing.       Front Elevation
Hobbs + Black is a well respected               7KH ÀUP RIIHUV PDQ IDFHWV RI GHVLJQ
DUFKLWHFWXUDO DQG LQWHULRU GHVLJQ ÀUP ORFDWHG   especially interior design and architectrual
in Ann Arbor, MI. The project is simply         GHVLJQ 7KH ZRUN LQ PDQ GLIIHUHQW ÀHOGV
a redesign within the existing company          includeing residential, commerical, and
historical site, the building being an 1870’s
Richardsonian church.
Existing Building

                                The project became an exploration in             core of a business were examined. Some of
                                the many relationships that are within an        these relationships that were explored were
                                DUFKLWHFWXUH ÀUP ERWK SURIHVVLRQDOO DQG        those between designers and administration,
                                physically (locationally). There are many        DUFKLWHFWXUH DQG RWKHU ÀHOGV H[WHULRU DQG
                                UHODWLRQVKLSV WKDW RFFXU ZLWKLQ D GHVLJQ ÀUP    interior space, and new build and existing
                                so only a few key relationships that shape the   structure.
03                            01

                                                   0H]]DQLQH /HYHO
                                                       01.  Interior Design
      02                                               02.  Architecture Design
                                                       03.  Interior Sample
           09                                          04.  Print Desk and
                               08                           Kitchenette
                                    07                 05.  Quiet Space

                                                   *URXQG /HYHO
                                                       07.  Conference Room
                                                         2ZQHU·V 2IÀFH
                                                       09.  Marketing
                                                       10.  Administration
                                                       11.  Restrooms
                                              06       12.  Kitchenette
15                                                     13.  Archiecture
                                                       14.  Print Station
                     17                                15.  Break Out Space                                                                                                      20
                          16                       *DUGHQ /HYHO
                                                         /DUJH RQIHUHQFH
                                         18                 Room
                                                         $UFKLWHFWXUH /LEUDU                                                                                              Section
                                                       18.  Game Room
                                                       19.  Kitchen                Stacked Space
                                                       20.  Break Area             $Q RSHQLQJ LQ WKH ÁRRUV DOORZV SHRSOH IURP       a red railing to mark these spaces in the
                                                       21.  Print Station          HDFK ÁRRU WR VHH WKH DFWLYLW RQ WKH RWKHU       viewers’ eye. A tree grows in the garden
                                                       22.  Break Out Space        ÁRRUV NHHSLQJ WKH RIÀFH RSHQ 7KLV YLVXDO       level, original to the building’s plan, to give
                                                       23.  Storage                connection keeps employees on different          people within the space a feeling of nature.
                                                       24.  Restrooms              ÁRRUV IURP IHHOLQJ EORFNHG RII IURP RWKHU
                                         19                                        employees. The railing is a clear acrylic with
                           The project became an
                           exploration in the many
                           relationships that are with
                           DQ DUFKLWHFWXUH ÀUP ERWK
                           professionally and physically
     24                    (locationally), such as the
                           relationships between designers
                           and administration, architecture
                           DQG RWKHU ÀHOGV H[WHULRU DQG                    Matrix
                           interior space, and new build
                           and existing structure.

                           Material Choice
                           The stone façade of the exterior
                           walls was left exposed on
                           the interior walls. This allows
                           the space to connect to the             06
                           historical aspect of the building.

                           %DPERR ÁRRULQJ DQG UHFFOHG
                           carpet tile were chosen for the
                           PDMRULW RI WKH ÁRRU VSDFH 7KH                Program
                           light color of the wood and the
                           red of the carpet offset each
                           RWKHU GHÀQLQJ ZRUN DUHDV DQG
                           circulation space.                   Section

                           Seating was chosen based on
                           ergonomics and sustainable
24                         design.

          Rendered Plans                                                   Space
Focal Stair with Accent Window                                                                    Accent Railing
An authentic Tiffany window was discovered        WKH RSHQ VWDLU ZLOO DOVR DOORZ OLJKW WR ÀOWHU   Existing exterior window frames are already      SDOHWWH :DOOV ÁRRUV DQG ZRUNVWDWLRQV DUH
ZLWKLQ WKH ÀUP GXULQJ WKH ODVW UHPRGHO RI WKH     through the glass to produce interesting        painted red, creating an accent within the       designed to be comfortable, non-excitable
interior. This beautiful piece of art is placed   FRORU HIIHFWV XSRQ WKH ÁRRUV EHORZ 7KH         building. This color choice is extended to all   colors to promote calmness and ensure
on display on the suspended spiral staircase.     window will create accent shadows               railings within the building, creating a punch   workers are able to do their work. Railings
This allows the valuable window display to        WKURXJKRXW WKH SXEOLF VSDFHV RI WKH ÀUP IRU     RI LQWHUHVW WR DOO ÁRRUV 7KH UHG DOVR EULQJV    provide just enough life to the spaces to
EH VHHQ IURP DOO ÁRRUV 7KLV SODFHPHQW RQ         everyone to see and enjoy.                      color to an otherwise subdued color              bring interest to the focal stair.
Data Plan

06                                                                       09

     Lobby                                                               Work Stations
     A custom built receptionist desk    logo. This wall seperates the   Workstations feature adjustable     equipped with multiple plugins
     welcomes employees and              lobby from a conference room,   height tables with partial height   as well. The large conference
     FXVWRPHUV WR WKH ÀUP $ IRFDO       allowing entrants to see the    walls. Data/electrical plugins      room also features a folding
     wall, composed of etched glass,     business occuring within.       are built into each work station,   wall, allowing the space to be
     sits behind the desk and features                                   allowing users easy access.         used for multiple meetings at
     the Hobbs + Black Architects                                        The large conference room is        once.



Aesthetic Concept: Natural                                                                           Functional Concept: Open and Flexible
The exterior of the building is constructed        design, like paint colors and material colors,    Each professional area features medium          plan if space is needed. Break out spaces
of a grey stone block. By using natural,           from existing stone walls and the focal Tiffany   height partition walls to let people see        DUH ORFDWHG RQ HDFK ÁRRU DV ZHOO JLYLQJ
sustainable materials for all new building         window, the space becomes a cohesive              each other easily. This allows disciplines to   employees space to gather to discuss
existing structure through the simple color                                                          Moveable partition walls throughout the         work to a conference room.
palette. Also, by pulling aspects of the                                                             interior space allow for ease of change in
Bamboo wood panels are suspended from the ceiling above
workstations. These provide acoustical control and an added layering
effect between each level.
Because of the tremendous growth in            the Century Theater, and the Harmony Park
the vitality of the Northeast quadrant of      entertainment district, the Fox and State
Downtown Detroit, your client has decided      theaters, and the venerable Detroit Athletic
to build a motion picture complex in the       Club. The city has requested that, in order
area. The complex will be located in           WR LQFUHDVH WKH SHGHVWULDQ WUDIÀF LQ WKH
the area of downtown which contains            area, new facilities are to be designed with
Comerica Park, Ford Field, the Detroit Opera   commercial/restaurant facilities on ground
House, the Music Hall, The Gem Theater,        ÁRRU DUHDV DV SUDFWLFDO


                                            /DZQ 7KHDWHU
                                       02.     Screen
                                       03.     Concession
                                               Restrooms                                                                                                        08
                                   /HYHO 7KUHH
                                       04.    Concessions
                                       05.    Seating Area
                                       06.    Quiet Room
                                       07.    Restrooms
                                       08.    Theater                                                                                                            Section

                                   /HYHO 7ZR
                                       04.     Concessions                                                                                             03
                                       05.     Seating Area
                              06       06.     Quiet Room
                                       07.     Restrooms
                                       08.     Theater

                              04   /HYHO 2QH
                                          /REE7LFNHW 6DOHV
                                       10.   Sports Bar
                                       11.   Retail Space
                                             (Possible Café)
                                       12.   Retail Space           Section                                                                                      Section
                                             (Possible Detroit
                    10                       Apparel)             The project conceptually looked to an ex-            The design of my theater has two main fea-
                                                                  ploration of spaces. A grand open lobby              tures to draw visitors all the way downtown
09                                                                spanning the 4 stories with over-looking café        for a movie. One draw is the lobby entry-
                    12                                            areas and a rooftop theater-in-the-park              ZD 7KLV VSDFH LV ÀOOHG ZLWK D VHULHV RI HVFD-
                                                                  area that allows people a chance to look             ODWRUV WKDW PDNH PRYLQJ IURP ÁRRU WR ÁRRU
                                                                  out over the area.                                   a ride, an attraction rather than just simple
East Elevation                                      South Elevation

West Elevation                                      North Elevation

   Keeping with the other buildings in this               experience in Detroit in the spring, summer,    Digital screens, on the façade of the building,   The building stands as a downtown attraction
   area of downtown Detroit, I chose a warm               and fall (when weather permits). A green        show posters of what’s currently playing and      for all of Metro Detroit. Patrons will be drawn
   concrete for the majority of the theater. I            lawn is kept up top with framing trees to       what is soon to come to the theater. A street     to the theater for its’ theatrical display
   chose a darker warm brick to line the building         block lights from Comerica Park and the         marquee runs along the lower part of the          and experience. This will bring more life to
   and create a keystone around the building.             other surrounding buildings. A separate         theater, also displaying the names and times      downtown Detroit and help to ensure the
   Another special feature is the rooftop theater         concession stand and restroom area is kept      of current attractions.                           other businesses in the area can keep alive.
   area. This area is for a “movie in the park”           on the roof for the patrons using this space.
Drawings completed in Building Systems Course
The mission of the Queens County Farm           The New York Farm Exchange is a proposed
Museum is to preserve, restore, and interpret   project for the Queens County Farm
the site. Through educational programs, ,       Museum to become a model for urban
events, and museum services, we educate         farming. The project sets forth rules for a
WKH SXEOLF DV WR WKH VLJQLÀFDQFH RI 4XHHQV      communal growing program which is based
County’s agricultural and horticultural past    at the farm and uses the NYC subway
and heighten awareness of present-day           system as a carrier.
agricultural and horticultural practices.
Existing Farm
The Queens County                The farm encompasses a        SODQWLQJ ÀHOGV DQ RUFKDUG       Our farm animals
Farm Museum’s history            47-acre parcel that is the    and herb garden. Over            and tranquil agrarian
dates back to 1697; it           longest continuously farmed   500,000 people visit             environment provide the
occupies New York City’s         site in New York State. The   the Farm each year to            opportunity to leave the
largest remaining tract of       site includes historic farm   participate in seasonal          hectic daily pace behind
undisturbed farmland and         buildings, a greenhouse       events, like Easter Egg hunts,   for an enjoyable visit to a
is the only working historical   complex, livestock, farm      the Maize Maze, and the          farm without leaving the
farm in the City.                vehicles and implements,      apple orchard.                   City.

 This is the answer to urban farming. Basically,   purchased and taken home to grow and             Essentially, this is the model of what urban farming
 farming is a network of production and            harvest. Produce can be either kept for          is. It’s a fusion of network and distribution. This
 distribution. Seedlings are brought to the        personal use or taken back to the market         network affects the entire region, growing things
 QCFM where they are distributed throughout        subway nodes. Produce is taken back to           that had to be imported before and now can
 the region to the subway market hubs.             the farm, cleaned, and added to what’s           be found locally. Rather than depending on
 These hubs are set up throughout the city         produced on site. Then, all produce is sorted    costly imports, the people produce the people’s
 on subway platforms. There, seedings are          to distribute produce evenly through the city.   produce.
                                                                                                                                                           6XEZD /LQH
Different seasons will create a
                         different concentration of visi-        13
                         tors at the farm.

                         The vineyard, which is a large
                         economical resource for the
                         farm, is incorporated into the
                         proposed main stretch of mu-
                         seum buildings.

                              01.   Allotment Field
                              02.   Maize Maze
                              03.   Orchard
                              04.   Historic Farm House
                              05.   Chicken Coop
                              06.   Cow Shed
          01                  07.   Subway
                              08.   Planting Fields
                              09.   Duck Pond
     02        03             10.   Sheep Patures
                              11.   Cowbarn
                              12.   Greenhouse
                              13.   Museum                            18
14                            14.   Hydroponics
                              15.   Gallery
                              16.   Activity Fields
15                            17.   Market
                              18.   Parking

                    04   The parking is placed under-
                         ground so that planting may
                         take place on the above soil.      08
                         Planting patterns in the Gallery
                         exhibit rotate with the seasons
                         and animal needs.

                         The different exhibits are built
                         at different levels across the
                         site, creating a boundry be-
                         tween different exhibits.


                                                                                                                        Site Section



              The main entry axis gallery is bounded      from the market to the        from station to station
              by a hedge wall and the main                subway. Certain cars          at off-hours of subway
              farming building. This gallery features     ZRXOG EH RXWÀWWHG             travel, allowing the
              a hydroponic pond, which is used to         to carry the produce          farm to distribute their
              grow more produce for distribution. The     carts to and from the         produce in a way that
              subway platform lies directly beneath the   subway distribution           does not obstruct the
              museum building, allowing the seeding       nodes in the city. The        normal subway system
              and produce carts to be moved easily        carts would be moved          users.
Subway Cart
The Queens County Farm              allowing users to focus their
Museum and Distribution             experience on different
Center connects the public,         aspects of the farm. The
their produce, and their            farm is the main distribution
farming education all in one        point of the Queens County
location. Different levels of the   Farm Exchange network
structure focus upon different      and needed to facilitate this
programmatic selections,            network and all of its’ needs.
The museum is the connecting facet of the         The Queens County Farm Museum and                Different levels of the structure focus upon
entire project. It is the cohesive unit that      Distribution Center connects the public, their   different programmatic selections, allowing
binds all portions of the project’s program. It   produce, and their farming education all in      users to focus their experience on different   South-East Elevation
works to bind the people, the produce, and        one location. It connects the entire urban       aspects of the farm. The farm is the main
the education of farming all into this one        farming industry of NYC so that produce can      distribution point of the Queens County Farm
location.                                         be produced and provided to everyone.            Exchange network and needed to facilitate
                                                                                                   this network and all of its’ needs.
                                                                                                                                                  North-East Elevation
Queens County Farm
          Museum and Distribution

          01. Rooftop Vineyard Trellis
          /HYHO 2QH
          02. View Deck
          /HYHO 7ZR
04         /DE
          04. Restaurant/Wine Bar

          /HYHO 7KUHH
     03   05. Welcome Center
          06. Restrooms
          08. Greenhouse
          09. Winery
          10. Classrooms
          11. Gallery
          12. Subway Entry
     11   /HYHO )RXU
          13. Market

          /HYHO )LYH
          14. Distribution Center                                                                 02
          15. Subway

          Each level of the museum
     13   center provides the             The subway level is the heart of the entire project.   13
          opportunity to watch and        Here, the distribution carts are collected and
          learn.                          distributed, their produce is cleaned and checked,
                                          and the actual produce market for the QCFM is
14        The rooftop vineyard, above     housed.
          the view deck, allows patrons
          and workers to pick the
Section                                                                                                                                                                                 Section

                                                                                 12                                                        12

  The rooftop vineyard trellis stretches          where exactly their wine comes from.          The museum also features a focal spiral         The Queens County Farm Museum and
  across the museum and the surrounding           The museum features two entry/exit points     staircase that stretches from the subway        Distribution Center is the hub of the entire
  gallery. This trellis becomes a landmark        from the subway platform and market           platform to the View Deck. This stair acts as   farming network. This museum will become
  for the museum, becoming a one of a kind        square below. Each entry brings visitors to   a visual connection for the museum building,    the prototype example to teach all major
  attraction for New York City. The trellis       the surface and focuses them to the east or   creating a visual “DNA strand” of the museum,   cities, all over the world, the use and the
  system is open for farm visitors to see where   west of the main gallery stretch.             reminding visitors that their produce grows     need for such systems to exist and to better
  the grapes are grown and cared for and                                                        forth from the ground.                          life--and food--for all people everywhere.

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  • 1.
  • 2. Jessica Mallo Detroit School of Starck Yaodong H&B Interior Udalt Urban Undergraduate Performing Arts P.4 Connect/ivity P.16 Oculus P.26 Musuem P.36 Ecolodge P.46 Rennovation P.58 Theater P.76 Drafting P.84 Farming P.92 Portfolio CONTENTS
  • 4. The Detroit School of Performing Arts is a It is about a celebration of life through art. project focused on the human spirit to do The Detroit School of Modern Performing Art and create good, as well as about the will is a way to bring recognition to the dreams to do things of wonder. After recent world of young artists to improve and enrich our events and the current condition of the inner way of life, to add comfort and reassurance city of Detroit, the school looks toward the about the new millennium. great adventure of the Twenty First Century.
  • 5. Site Analysis Wind Religious Entertainment 1RLVH 7UDIÀF 3DWWHUQ 3HGHVWULDQ Sun Commercial Project Site 01 02 03 For the master plan, WKH FROOHJH LV XQLÀHG with the area by extending the arc started by Grand Circus Park across the college campus. The DUF ÁRZV IURP $GDPV to the intersection of W. Montcalm and Woodward. All the buildings on campus touch this pathway, creating a walkable path to get students and visitors through the site easily. 04 Site Plan 01. Administration Building 04. Grand Gallery Second story overhangs walkway to create covered Building sits on the ground at Woodward Ave School of Music Grand Gallery path from dormitories to college buildings. and rises up above Montcalm Ave. The façade School of Dance Performance Theater 02. Connection Pathway consists of digital displays that showcase images 6FKRRO RI 7KHDWHU 0L[HG 8VH2IÀFHV/RIWV Covered bridge connects third story of all colleges to and scenes from past performances. This building allow students easy access among college buildings. produces added light and movement to the Administration Cafe/Bookstore/Dorms 03. Grand Gallery/Dorms campus, making the area a safer place to travel at The raised portion of the building connects to the night. third story of the Café/Bookstore/Dormitory building. The connection portion opens in the center to create a quiet courtyard for the students and visitors to enjoy.
  • 6. 05 02 01 06 07 /HYH /HYHO )RXU 01. Foundation Room 02. Conference Room 12 6HFUHWDU·V 2IÀFH 0DLQ 2IÀFH 21 05. Staff Break Area 06. Black Box Theater 31 07. Choral Music Theater 08. Restrooms Section 09 10 /HYH /HYHO 7KUHH 09. Quiet Room 10. Make-Up Rooms 11. Green Room 12. Storage 13. Balcony Seating 14. Restrooms 20 15 /HYH /HYHO 7ZR 15. Dressing Room 16. Dressing Room 17. Dressing Room 18. Dressing Room 19. Theater Rehearsal 20. Instrument Rehearsal 21. Dance Rehearsal 22. Balcony Seating 23. Restrooms 35 26 /HYHO 2QH /HYH H 7LFNHW 2IÀFH /REE 26. Sitting Area 27. Coat Check 28. Restrooms Theater Concept 29. Janitor’s Closet The theater features that connects the three 30. Service Area two “arms” that extend buildings, showing that 31. Workshop Area from the building and all three share a purpose. touch the State and The part that extends 32. Backstage Fox theaters. These over the State Theater 33. Public Theater arms allow drivers down is covered in digital 6RXQG/LJKW %RRWK Woodward to see the screens that become the 35. Bar theater from a distance. marquee for the theater. It also creates a visual link
  • 7. East Elevation South Elevation West Elevation North Elevation 33 The material selection for the Detroit School The interior of the public theater features A concrete spiral stairway runs up the front Entry of theater is on the glass façade. A of Performing Arts is glass and metal panels. two balconies, numerous private boxes, a façade of the building around the glass peel-away wall comes off of the façade The glass façade on the east, the entry curved ceiling to enhance acoustics, and elevator. The theater is a place to be and to accentuate the entry. The wall wraps HOHYDWLRQ ZLWK D IRXUÁRRU RSHQ OREE DOORZV acoustical wall-covering. the place to be seen. around the front of the theater and hangs the abundant light into the building. The above the entry courtyard from cables metal panels accent the façade and help attached to the roof structure. shape the elevations.
  • 8. The Fox and the State Theaters, located around the theater site, don’t express their purpose. Without the marquee, they could easily house RIÀFHV , FUHDWHG D EXLOGLQJ WKDW LQWULJXHV WKH viewer, makes him or her wonder what’s going on inside and makes that person want to come in. I made something that differs from those old, established theaters because my theater’s purpose isn’t the same as the Fox or State. This theater is for students—not professionals. It should feel different. My design is expressive and emotional. I made a place for the students, as well as the city, to enjoy. 7KH IDoDGH DQG LQWHULRUV DUH IUHHÁRZLQJ DQG expressive and communicate with the building’s purpose—to experience emotion. No one will doubt that this is a place of dance and theater and music. The school is a main attraction for the city, creating a new source of tourist power, bringing money and business to the city.
  • 10. The ACSA/AISC 2005-2006 Student Design Competition was a challenge to design a Community Aquatic Center in an urban setting. Site Plan
  • 11. Entry to the stands is located at the far end of the building to pull /REE:HOFRPH the crowd through the Center entire room. The stands 02. Administration 14 for the competition pools 03. Concession are built up to allow 04. Eating Room spectators to be high 05. Restrooms Section enough to see all that’s 0HQ·V /RFNHU 5RRP going on on the pool :RPHQ·V /RFNHU ÁRRU 8QGHU WKH VWDQGV D Room plexi-glass wall separates 0 08. Recreation Pool the spectators from the 0 09. Therapy Pool pool area. The wall also 09 lets spectators choose to 10. 20’ Water Slide 12 08 stay at the pool level to 11. Toddler Water Slide watch competitors race. )LUVW $LG/LIHJXDUG Stand The center is separated /DQH 3RRO 02 into three parts—the 14. Dive Pool competition pools, the 04 15. Spectator Stands 01 recreation pool, and the 16. Observation Deck entry/service. The entry is 16 13 ZLWK )LUVW $LG /LIH centrally located to allow Guard Station, Wet visitors to party ways into 07 Classroom, and Swim 14 whichever section they’ve 02 03 Team Rest Area come to use within the 15 Underneath complex. 06 Mohr’s equation for circular stress is the mathematical basis for the structural circular truss system. The third Approaching this project, I decided to do truss with the use of triangles in a circular informational circle shows some research on steel and its’ strengths formation. This information led me to think the metal panels on the and weaknesses. Through this, I found that DERXW D FLUFXODU EXLOGLQJ 0 ÀQDO GHVLJQ WUXVV VVWHP 7KH ÀQDO a steel truss is strongest when in a triangular employed huge circular trusses. These trusses circle discusses how the form because all points are equidistant from would be sunk into the ground creating an steel truss connects to the the center, thus allowing there to be no underground parking area for those using glass panels. weak points within the truss. I then found the the center and the surrounding downtown PRVW HIÀFLHQW ZD WR FUHDWH D FRQWLQXRXV urban area.
  • 12. 12 10 The main lifeguard station is a depth of 4’ and features located in the recreational a 20’ waterslide at the deep side of the building. The end. A whirlpool is also in recreational pool features a this area of the building, stepped entry, as well as a located along the length of zero-entry. The pool slopes to the recreational pool. Wall Section
  • 13. 16 The façade of the center is a glass curtain wall covered by a web of semi-transparent metal panels that attach to the steel circular truss system. 7KHVH SDQHOV DOORZ D ÀOWHUHG OLJKW LQWR WKH center creating interesting shadows as the sun passes through the sky. Entry
  • 15. The Oculus, a Sony entertainment products that Concept: Look Exhibition Space, was are available for purchase. Consumers today ignore stories that don’t blue plexi-glass, emit a glow throughout and designed for the 2007 Sony This competition looked intrigue them. Designers must create spaces around the structure. The ceiling curves to Student Design Competition toward a space that would that are not only functional, but interesting create a taller space at the opening and a Challenge. The goal was to become a “fashion lifestyle” and stimulating. Oculus is a beacon of slightly tighter space inside. The continual create a short-term, high- shopping experience that interest. One is drawn to the space, wanting movement of the ads on the screens and impact, low-cost immersive provides a tangible, 3-D WR H[SHULHQFH LW /(' VFUHHQV ODFH WKH the ambient glow of the building itself force branding experience that experience that entices outer walls with product ads, which change everyone to come toward the structure and focuses on TV and home each consumer. throughout the day. Interior walls, made of ´/RRNµ
  • 16. Floor Plan The space is divided into multiple areas of interest. Each space offers different products for purchase. /HDUQ³FRPSXWHUV DQG phones /LVWHQ³VRXQG VVWHPV DQG MP3 players /HW /RRVH³WHOHYLVLRQV DQG gaming consoles /LYH³H[SHULHQFH WKH SURG- ucts as a whole in an “at home” environment Smaller products are avail- able for in-store purchase. These are kept in under- counter display cabinetry. /DUJHU SURGXFWV FDQ EH purchased in-store and delivered to consumers’ homes at a later date. The FDVK ZUDS LV VLPSOLÀHG WR four touch-screen panels, which are located on the Entry Concept back wall of the store. Living Area W Material Sample Wall 7KH ´/LYHµ VHFWLRQ RI WKH ground. This forms an T The walls are a transpar- store features a ceiling that exterior space which people H HQW SOH[LJODVV ZLWK /(' curves opposite the rest of can use to see the “live” li lighting inside, which the roof system. A bench area without entering the e emits an ambient glow curves out of the roof where store. th throughout the space. the ceiling meets the
  • 17. /LJKWLQJ 3ODQ Shelving Lighting Details Metal brackets are attached Glass cabinets lie beneath to the wall, serving as housing the counter to house for the lighting and shelving. products that are available Moveable shelves are attached for in-store purchase. to these brackets for easy change of display. /LJKWLQJ )L[WXUH Shelving Unit
  • 18. Front Elevation Back Elevation Roof Display Roof Wall Systems Marketing 7KH HQWLUH URRI VVWHP LV PDGH RI /(' GLVSOD The exterior walls are glass, with the structural All products purchased in the exhibit Product bags come in a variety of sizes; all VFUHHQV WKDW FRQWLQXDOO ÁDVK DGV RI WKH ZDOOV KDYLQJ DQ /(' VFUHHQ H[WHULRU 7KH store carry special tags, marked with the adorned with the Oculus logo and small products available for purchase inside. The LQWHULRU ZDOOV DUH SOH[LJODVV ZLWK /(' OLJKWLQJ Oculus logo branding. Product bags are JUDSKLF VPEROV WKDW GHQRWH WKH ´/HDUQ roof starts at a 14’ height at the entry and inside to emit an ambient glow throughout all a canvas material, allowing those who /LVWHQ /HW /RRVH DQG /LYHµ SRUWLRQV RI WKH then, convexly, curves down to 10’ height at the interior space and the close exterior. purchase items a bag which they can use store. the back wall. again and again.
  • 20. Cranbrook prides itself as through 12 independent Founded by Detroit philanthropists George Cranbrook Educational Community is an one of the world’s leading college preparatory and Ellen Booth in 1904, Cranbrook’s entrie network dedicated to the arts. The centers of education, schools. Critics have called campus features the work of world- objective of this project was to create a science and art. The Cranbrook “the most renowned architects such as Eliel Saarinen, small gallery building, dedicated to the campus is comprised of a enchanted and enchanting Albert Kahn, Steven Holl , Tod Williams, Tod work of a single furniture designer, that graduate Academy of Art, setting in America” and in Williams and Billie Tsien, Rafael Moneo, Peter would be located at the heart of the artistic contemprary Art Museum, 1989, it was designated a Rose and sculptors Carl Milles, Marshall community of Cranbrook. House Gardens, natural 1DWLRQDO +LVWRULF /DQGPDUN Fredericks, and others. history museum, and Pre-K
  • 21. House Gardens The Cranbrook camus has many noteable Philippe Starck is an Being a rather ecentric highlights in its’ art and architecture, but internationally known designer, Starck products none are more reknown that the Cranbrook French designer. Starck carry a life of their own. House and Gardens. The museum site is has become a “jack of all Since the museum is located on a hill between the Art Museum trades,” offering his designs devoted to the display of and the Cranbrook House. This location for everything: utensils, his works, the museum must prompted the design to harness the OLJKWLQJ À[WXUHV IXUQLWXUH act as a backdrop to his opportunity to showcase the amazing views interior design, architecture, works, while becoming a of those landmarks from the site. and transportation design. ÀWWLQJ UDQEURRN SLHFH
  • 22. 04 05 10 /HYHO )RXU 01. Entry Vestibule 16 02. Gift Shop S 03. Wom Women’s Restroom 04. Men’ Men’s Restroom 05. Coat Room 02 /HYHO 7KUHH 06. Shipp Shipping Rece Receiving 6HFUHWDU·V 2IÀFH 6HFUH XUDWRU·V 2IÀFH XUD 07 08 09. Conf Conference Room 06 09 /HYHO 7ZR 10. Exhibition Space Exhib 11. Café /HYHO 2QH 12. Storage/Workroom Stora 13. Mechanical Room Mech 14. Demonstration Demo 11 Space Spac 15. Sitting Area 16. Main Exhibition Space Spac 13 The concept for the Starck /DNH 6SDFHV ÁX[XDWH LQ Museum is compression and the vertical and horizontal expansion, using gentle planes, creating spaces that curves to guide visitors ÁRZ IURP RQH WR DQRWKHU through the spaces and The entire building sits into 14 to direct views toward the hill site, making it less Cranbrook House, the Bog obtrusive to the landscape Garden, and Kingswood and campus.
  • 23. Concrete Carpet Wood Granite Pre-Cast Granite Black RQFUHWH %ORFN /HDWKHU Glass Etched Glass Material Palette Entry The interior materials are hard rock and wall I chose slate stones to match the hard, 15 neutral colors to contrast the curvy nature established feeling of the other Cranbrook of Starck’s Creations. The furniture in the projects. It is hard and structured enough museum is black leather to contrast the WR ÀW LQWR WKH VLWH HW LW LV GLIIHUHQW HQRXJK WR brightness of Starck’s projects. separate the museum from the campus. This ZDV DOVR LQÁXHQFHG E 6WDUFN·V WHQGHQF The surrounding buildings on the Cranbrook to go against the grain and create different site are mostly made of brick and concrete products that stand out from the rest. block, so for the material of the exterior
  • 25. Dang Jia Shan is a small mountain village on the loess Because of this problem, many of the caves “Going Green” and “Sustainable Design” plateau of northern China. The villagers live in cave have become vacant and fallen into disrepair have become buzz words in public conscious. GZHOOLQJV WKDW DUH HQHUJHIÀFLHQW DQG HQYLURQPHQW as the population in the village becomes less Therefore, people are looking for more friendly. Due to global climate change, the rainfall in the and less. Many research teams have started opportunities to get involved in projects that area has declined. The extraction of oil and natural gas to study the cave dwellings as examples of are friendly to Earth’s ecology. The village has and the coal mining in the area have caused the water vernacular green design. The traditional style potential to develop as an eco-aware tourist table in the village to descend as well. This is a problem of the village is thought to be truly sustainable. destination. This project is a proposal for the because villagers grow their own food on the mountain village to become a functional ecolodge. and there isn’t much water access.
  • 26. 02 Section /LJKWLQJ 3ODQ 01 03 Untouched Caves The welcome center is located directly on 02. A waiting area is located to the south of the only road into the village. All visitors must the hall so that visitors can recuperate and Welcome Center pass through this check-point before entering check in before traveling up the rest of the WKH YLOODJH DQG ÀQGLQJ WKHLU ORGJH path to the mountain. 03. A living area is provided for the welcome Ecolodge Caves 01. The main entry hall is unobstructed so center attendee, as well as a donkey shed that natives to the village can simply walk to help carry luggage and visitors up the /RGJH (PSORHH DYHV through to get to the village. mountain.
  • 27. Visitor Lodge Each lodge is designed to be relatively the same, as WKH FDYHV DUH QRZ 7KH ÀUVW ÁRRU IHDWXUHV D EHQFK ZLWK D planter built into the backrest. A dining set is provided, as well as a stove for cooking/heat. 7KH VHFRQG ÁRRU KDV D EHG with a built-in planter/dresser to serve as a rail. Bamboo, a local sustainable UHVRXUFH LV XVHG IRU DOO ÁRRULQJ furniture, and wood construc- tion in the lodges. Cave wall are left unpainted and natural. $LU ÀOWHU WXQQHOV DUH GXJ LQWR the mountain and connect to the rooms at the ceiling to help ÀOWHU LQ IUHVK DLU DQG SXOO RXW stale air. The lodge features hanging paper lantern lights with com- SDFW ÁXRUHVFHQWV WR FRQVHUYH energy usage. Ample daylight ÀOWHUV WKURXJK WKH VSDFH LQ WKH Elevation daytime, so the electric lights would only need to be used at night. Wall sconces are lo- cated in the back of the cave to provide extra light in those darker areas as needed. /LJKWLQJ 3ODQ
  • 28. Plan Elevation Community Facility rooms or in the community room. Section Dining for the lodges is provided as a The rooms next to the dining and kitchen community experience. The kitchen is run are open rooms for events like calligraphy, by current Dang Jia Shan residents. Guests sewing, and other traditional hobbies. Guests can help prepare the food and then all sit are allowed a chance to see the residents together in the dining room for the meal. The take part in their normal hobbies and past- kitchen is left open as well, so guests can times. FRPH DQG ÀQG IRRG WR SUHSDUH LQ WKHLU RZQ
  • 29. The Commons For each lodge cluster, there is a shared public lounge area and restroom. The common area and restroom are connected so that those enjoying the common area can easily access the bathrooms as needed. The lounge room has WI-FI internet and televisions so guests can easily keep in contact with the rest of the world. The restroom features grey- water toilets and showers. A common water wall is used for the toilets and showers to cut down on added building in the caves. The toilet waste is pumped into a back room where it collects in bins and is dried to use as fertilizer on the ÀHOGV DV LV DOUHDG FRPPRQ practice in the village. Air vents are built into the UHVWURRP WR ÀOWHU IUHVK DLU DQG help keep moisture out of the cave to stop mold developing. Front Elevation
  • 31. Hobbs + Black is a well respected 7KH ÀUP RIIHUV PDQ IDFHWV RI GHVLJQ DUFKLWHFWXUDO DQG LQWHULRU GHVLJQ ÀUP ORFDWHG especially interior design and architectrual in Ann Arbor, MI. The project is simply GHVLJQ 7KH ZRUN LQ PDQ GLIIHUHQW ÀHOGV a redesign within the existing company includeing residential, commerical, and EXLOGLQJ 7KH RIÀFH LV KRXVHG LQ D UHJLVWHUHG hospital design. historical site, the building being an 1870’s Richardsonian church.
  • 32. Existing Building Relationships The project became an exploration in core of a business were examined. Some of the many relationships that are within an these relationships that were explored were DUFKLWHFWXUH ÀUP ERWK SURIHVVLRQDOO DQG those between designers and administration, physically (locationally). There are many DUFKLWHFWXUH DQG RWKHU ÀHOGV H[WHULRU DQG UHODWLRQVKLSV WKDW RFFXU ZLWKLQ D GHVLJQ ÀUP interior space, and new build and existing so only a few key relationships that shape the structure. Plans 5HÁHFWHG HLOLQJ 3ODQ
  • 33. 03 01 0H]]DQLQH /HYHO 01. Interior Design 02 02. Architecture Design 03. Interior Sample /LEUDU 09 04. Print Desk and 08 Kitchenette 07 05. Quiet Space 13 *URXQG /HYHO /REE 07. Conference Room 2ZQHU·V 2IÀFH 09. Marketing 10. Administration 11. Restrooms 06 12. Kitchenette 15 13. Archiecture 14. Print Station 17 15. Break Out Space 20 23 16 *DUGHQ /HYHO /DUJH RQIHUHQFH 18 Room $UFKLWHFWXUH /LEUDU Section 18. Game Room 19. Kitchen Stacked Space 20. Break Area $Q RSHQLQJ LQ WKH ÁRRUV DOORZV SHRSOH IURP a red railing to mark these spaces in the 21. Print Station HDFK ÁRRU WR VHH WKH DFWLYLW RQ WKH RWKHU viewers’ eye. A tree grows in the garden 22. Break Out Space ÁRRUV NHHSLQJ WKH RIÀFH RSHQ 7KLV YLVXDO level, original to the building’s plan, to give 23. Storage connection keeps employees on different people within the space a feeling of nature. 24. Restrooms ÁRRUV IURP IHHOLQJ EORFNHG RII IURP RWKHU 19 employees. The railing is a clear acrylic with
  • 34. Relationships The project became an exploration in the many relationships that are with DQ DUFKLWHFWXUH ÀUP ERWK professionally and physically 24 (locationally), such as the relationships between designers and administration, architecture DQG RWKHU ÀHOGV H[WHULRU DQG Matrix interior space, and new build and existing structure. Material Choice The stone façade of the exterior walls was left exposed on the interior walls. This allows the space to connect to the 06 historical aspect of the building. %DPERR ÁRRULQJ DQG UHFFOHG carpet tile were chosen for the PDMRULW RI WKH ÁRRU VSDFH 7KH Program light color of the wood and the red of the carpet offset each RWKHU GHÀQLQJ ZRUN DUHDV DQG circulation space. Section Seating was chosen based on ergonomics and sustainable 24 design. Rendered Plans Space
  • 35. Focal Stair with Accent Window Accent Railing An authentic Tiffany window was discovered WKH RSHQ VWDLU ZLOO DOVR DOORZ OLJKW WR ÀOWHU Existing exterior window frames are already SDOHWWH :DOOV ÁRRUV DQG ZRUNVWDWLRQV DUH ZLWKLQ WKH ÀUP GXULQJ WKH ODVW UHPRGHO RI WKH through the glass to produce interesting painted red, creating an accent within the designed to be comfortable, non-excitable interior. This beautiful piece of art is placed FRORU HIIHFWV XSRQ WKH ÁRRUV EHORZ 7KH building. This color choice is extended to all colors to promote calmness and ensure on display on the suspended spiral staircase. window will create accent shadows railings within the building, creating a punch workers are able to do their work. Railings This allows the valuable window display to WKURXJKRXW WKH SXEOLF VSDFHV RI WKH ÀUP IRU RI LQWHUHVW WR DOO ÁRRUV 7KH UHG DOVR EULQJV provide just enough life to the spaces to EH VHHQ IURP DOO ÁRRUV 7KLV SODFHPHQW RQ everyone to see and enjoy. color to an otherwise subdued color bring interest to the focal stair.
  • 36. Data Plan 06 09 Lobby Work Stations A custom built receptionist desk logo. This wall seperates the Workstations feature adjustable equipped with multiple plugins welcomes employees and lobby from a conference room, height tables with partial height as well. The large conference FXVWRPHUV WR WKH ÀUP $ IRFDO allowing entrants to see the walls. Data/electrical plugins room also features a folding wall, composed of etched glass, business occuring within. are built into each work station, wall, allowing the space to be sits behind the desk and features allowing users easy access. used for multiple meetings at the Hobbs + Black Architects The large conference room is once.
  • 37. 16 19 20 Aesthetic Concept: Natural Functional Concept: Open and Flexible The exterior of the building is constructed design, like paint colors and material colors, Each professional area features medium plan if space is needed. Break out spaces of a grey stone block. By using natural, from existing stone walls and the focal Tiffany height partition walls to let people see DUH ORFDWHG RQ HDFK ÁRRU DV ZHOO JLYLQJ sustainable materials for all new building window, the space becomes a cohesive each other easily. This allows disciplines to employees space to gather to discuss PDWHULDOV WKH QHZ GHVLJQ ÀWV ZHOO ZLWK WKH ORRN WKDW XQLÀHV WKH HQWLUH GHVLJQ FRPPXQLFDWH ZLWKRXW WRR PXFK GLIÀFXOW projects quickly without trying to move all existing structure through the simple color Moveable partition walls throughout the work to a conference room. palette. Also, by pulling aspects of the interior space allow for ease of change in
  • 38. Bamboo wood panels are suspended from the ceiling above workstations. These provide acoustical control and an added layering effect between each level.
  • 40. Because of the tremendous growth in the Century Theater, and the Harmony Park the vitality of the Northeast quadrant of entertainment district, the Fox and State Downtown Detroit, your client has decided theaters, and the venerable Detroit Athletic to build a motion picture complex in the Club. The city has requested that, in order area. The complex will be located in WR LQFUHDVH WKH SHGHVWULDQ WUDIÀF LQ WKH the area of downtown which contains area, new facilities are to be designed with Comerica Park, Ford Field, the Detroit Opera commercial/restaurant facilities on ground House, the Music Hall, The Gem Theater, ÁRRU DUHDV DV SUDFWLFDO
  • 41. 03 02 01 Rooftop /DZQ 7KHDWHU 02. Screen 03. Concession Restrooms 08 08 /HYHO 7KUHH 04. Concessions 05. Seating Area 06. Quiet Room 07. Restrooms 08. Theater Section /HYHO 7ZR 04. Concessions 03 05. Seating Area 06 06. Quiet Room 07. Restrooms 08. Theater 04 /HYHO 2QH /REE7LFNHW 6DOHV 10. Sports Bar 11. Retail Space (Possible Café) 12. Retail Space Section Section (Possible Detroit 10 Apparel) The project conceptually looked to an ex- The design of my theater has two main fea- ploration of spaces. A grand open lobby tures to draw visitors all the way downtown 09 spanning the 4 stories with over-looking café for a movie. One draw is the lobby entry- 12 areas and a rooftop theater-in-the-park ZD 7KLV VSDFH LV ÀOOHG ZLWK D VHULHV RI HVFD- 11 area that allows people a chance to look ODWRUV WKDW PDNH PRYLQJ IURP ÁRRU WR ÁRRU out over the area. a ride, an attraction rather than just simple transport.
  • 42. East Elevation South Elevation West Elevation North Elevation Keeping with the other buildings in this experience in Detroit in the spring, summer, Digital screens, on the façade of the building, The building stands as a downtown attraction area of downtown Detroit, I chose a warm and fall (when weather permits). A green show posters of what’s currently playing and for all of Metro Detroit. Patrons will be drawn concrete for the majority of the theater. I lawn is kept up top with framing trees to what is soon to come to the theater. A street to the theater for its’ theatrical display chose a darker warm brick to line the building block lights from Comerica Park and the marquee runs along the lower part of the and experience. This will bring more life to and create a keystone around the building. other surrounding buildings. A separate theater, also displaying the names and times downtown Detroit and help to ensure the Another special feature is the rooftop theater concession stand and restroom area is kept of current attractions. other businesses in the area can keep alive. area. This area is for a “movie in the park” on the roof for the patrons using this space.
  • 44. Drawings completed in Building Systems Course
  • 46. The mission of the Queens County Farm The New York Farm Exchange is a proposed Museum is to preserve, restore, and interpret project for the Queens County Farm the site. Through educational programs, , Museum to become a model for urban events, and museum services, we educate farming. The project sets forth rules for a WKH SXEOLF DV WR WKH VLJQLÀFDQFH RI 4XHHQV communal growing program which is based County’s agricultural and horticultural past at the farm and uses the NYC subway and heighten awareness of present-day system as a carrier. agricultural and horticultural practices.
  • 47. Existing Farm The Queens County The farm encompasses a SODQWLQJ ÀHOGV DQ RUFKDUG Our farm animals Farm Museum’s history 47-acre parcel that is the and herb garden. Over and tranquil agrarian dates back to 1697; it longest continuously farmed 500,000 people visit environment provide the occupies New York City’s site in New York State. The the Farm each year to opportunity to leave the largest remaining tract of site includes historic farm participate in seasonal hectic daily pace behind undisturbed farmland and buildings, a greenhouse events, like Easter Egg hunts, for an enjoyable visit to a is the only working historical complex, livestock, farm the Maize Maze, and the farm without leaving the farm in the City. vehicles and implements, apple orchard. City.
  • 48. Concept This is the answer to urban farming. Basically, purchased and taken home to grow and Essentially, this is the model of what urban farming farming is a network of production and harvest. Produce can be either kept for is. It’s a fusion of network and distribution. This distribution. Seedlings are brought to the personal use or taken back to the market network affects the entire region, growing things QCFM where they are distributed throughout subway nodes. Produce is taken back to that had to be imported before and now can the region to the subway market hubs. the farm, cleaned, and added to what’s be found locally. Rather than depending on These hubs are set up throughout the city produced on site. Then, all produce is sorted costly imports, the people produce the people’s on subway platforms. There, seedings are to distribute produce evenly through the city. produce. 6XEZD /LQH
  • 49. Different seasons will create a different concentration of visi- 13 tors at the farm. The vineyard, which is a large economical resource for the farm, is incorporated into the proposed main stretch of mu- seum buildings. 01. Allotment Field 02. Maize Maze 03. Orchard 04. Historic Farm House 05. Chicken Coop 06. Cow Shed 01 07. Subway 08. Planting Fields 09. Duck Pond 02 03 10. Sheep Patures 11. Cowbarn 12. Greenhouse 13. Museum 18 14 14. Hydroponics 15. Gallery 16. Activity Fields 15 17. Market 18. Parking 04 The parking is placed under- ground so that planting may take place on the above soil. 08 Planting patterns in the Gallery exhibit rotate with the seasons and animal needs. The different exhibits are built at different levels across the site, creating a boundry be- tween different exhibits.
  • 50. 15 15 13 Site Section 17 07 The main entry axis gallery is bounded from the market to the from station to station by a hedge wall and the main subway. Certain cars at off-hours of subway farming building. This gallery features ZRXOG EH RXWÀWWHG travel, allowing the a hydroponic pond, which is used to to carry the produce farm to distribute their grow more produce for distribution. The carts to and from the produce in a way that subway platform lies directly beneath the subway distribution does not obstruct the museum building, allowing the seeding nodes in the city. The normal subway system and produce carts to be moved easily carts would be moved users. Subway Cart
  • 51. The Queens County Farm allowing users to focus their Museum and Distribution experience on different Center connects the public, aspects of the farm. The their produce, and their farm is the main distribution farming education all in one point of the Queens County location. Different levels of the Farm Exchange network structure focus upon different and needed to facilitate this programmatic selections, network and all of its’ needs.
  • 52. The museum is the connecting facet of the The Queens County Farm Museum and Different levels of the structure focus upon entire project. It is the cohesive unit that Distribution Center connects the public, their different programmatic selections, allowing binds all portions of the project’s program. It produce, and their farming education all in users to focus their experience on different South-East Elevation works to bind the people, the produce, and one location. It connects the entire urban aspects of the farm. The farm is the main the education of farming all into this one farming industry of NYC so that produce can distribution point of the Queens County Farm location. be produced and provided to everyone. Exchange network and needed to facilitate this network and all of its’ needs. North-East Elevation
  • 53. Queens County Farm Museum and Distribution Center Roof 01. Rooftop Vineyard Trellis 04 /HYHO 2QH 02. View Deck 01 /HYHO 7ZR 04 /DE 04. Restaurant/Wine Bar /HYHO 7KUHH 03 05. Welcome Center 06. Restrooms $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2IÀFHV 08. Greenhouse 08 09. Winery 10. Classrooms 11. Gallery 12. Subway Entry 10 11 /HYHO )RXU 13. Market /HYHO )LYH 05 14. Distribution Center 02 15. Subway Each level of the museum 13 center provides the The subway level is the heart of the entire project. 13 opportunity to watch and Here, the distribution carts are collected and learn. distributed, their produce is cleaned and checked, and the actual produce market for the QCFM is 14 The rooftop vineyard, above housed. the view deck, allows patrons and workers to pick the harvest.
  • 54. Section Section 12 12 12 The rooftop vineyard trellis stretches where exactly their wine comes from. The museum also features a focal spiral The Queens County Farm Museum and across the museum and the surrounding The museum features two entry/exit points staircase that stretches from the subway Distribution Center is the hub of the entire gallery. This trellis becomes a landmark from the subway platform and market platform to the View Deck. This stair acts as farming network. This museum will become for the museum, becoming a one of a kind square below. Each entry brings visitors to a visual connection for the museum building, the prototype example to teach all major attraction for New York City. The trellis the surface and focuses them to the east or creating a visual “DNA strand” of the museum, cities, all over the world, the use and the system is open for farm visitors to see where west of the main gallery stretch. reminding visitors that their produce grows need for such systems to exist and to better the grapes are grown and cared for and forth from the ground. life--and food--for all people everywhere.