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ީ‫ޓ‬ި‫ސ‬ ި‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ަ‫އ‬ި‫ޝ‬ޭ‫ނ‬ް‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫އ‬ި‫ފ‬ް‫ލ‬ެ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬
‫ބ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ަ
ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ތ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬. ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ަ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ާ‫އ‬ި‫ފ‬ް‫ލ‬ެ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޝ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ސ‬ަ‫އ‬ި‫ޝ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ް‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ޯ‫ފ‬ޮ‫އ‬ި‫ތ‬1
ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ިސ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ިޓ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ ޮ
‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ޞ‬ް‫އ‬ާ‫ޚ‬; ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޤ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ު‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ޒ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ރ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ާ‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ު
‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ި‫ތިބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ް
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ޝ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ކ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ީ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ް‫އ‬ ޯ‫ހ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ު‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ނޑ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ް‫ރޕ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ޭ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ކ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޭ‫މ‬ި‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ި‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ު‫ީފ‬‫ރ‬ު‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬3
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ަ‫ތ‬
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ި‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ި‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ި‫ދ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫ނ‬ި‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ގ‬ު‫އ‬ ަ
‫ޝ‬ ،ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ނޑ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ި‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ު
‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬4
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ު
‫ނބ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ޓ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ެ
‫ބ‬ ާ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ީދ‬‫ޤ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ގ‬ޮ‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ި‫ރ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޤ‬ީ‫ޤ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ލ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ެ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬5
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ާ‫ޖ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ި‫ތ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ގ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ނ‬ޫ‫ދ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ި‫ގ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ޭ‫ހ‬ެ‫ޖ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ލ‬ަ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫ގ‬ޮ‫ދ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬6
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ޖ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ހ‬ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ި‫މ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ި‫ލ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ި‫ހ‬ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ާ‫ޅ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬7
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫މ‬ ،ޯ‫ތ‬ޭ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ޅ‬ު‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ނބ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ު‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ
‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬8
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬
ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ކ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ގ‬‫ނ‬ި‫ހ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ޭ‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ޚ‬ަ‫އ‬9
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ޤ‬ު‫އ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ިވ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ި‫ރ‬ ަ‫ީކ‬‫އ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬10
‫؛‬ް‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ު‫ރ‬ު‫ޤ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ި‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ި‫ށ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬11
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ޯ‫ތ‬ޭ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ާ‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ،ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬12
‫ބ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ާ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ، ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ލ‬ަ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު‫ިތ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ޭ‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ޚ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬1
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ގ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫ީފ‬‫ލ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ި‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ނދ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ނ‬ޫ‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ު
. ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫ލ‬ ޫ
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ
‫ބ‬ ާ‫އ‬ީ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ޓ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ު‫ލ‬ި‫ޞ‬ާ‫ޙ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ި‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ގ‬‫ނ‬ި‫ހ‬ ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ލ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬3
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ވ‬ި‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު
‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ު‫ޤ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬4
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ޖ‬ް‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ު‫ގ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ީދ‬‫މ‬ް‫އ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ަ
‫ޝ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ީ‫ދ‬ ީ‫ދ‬ޫ‫ހ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ތ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ،ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ާ‫ީދ‬‫ޤ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ތ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ު‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫ދ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ު‫ޢ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ީ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ޝ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ީ‫ދ‬ޫ‫ހ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ި‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ
‫ބ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬7
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ނ‬ި‫ފ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ާ‫ޤ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ަ
‫ޞ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ު‫ގ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ޅ‬ަ‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ޔ‬ި‫ނ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬8
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ހ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ި‫ލ‬ު‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ު‫ދ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ި‫ގ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ކ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ާ‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީރ‬‫މ‬ ަ
‫ޟ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬9
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫އ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ު‫ޑ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ި‫ހ‬ ،ި‫ނގ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ެ‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ޟ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު
‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ، ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ި‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ި‫ށ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ި‫ޒ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ީ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ޓ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ ޮ
‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬: ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީމ‬‫ތ‬ަ‫ގ‬ެ‫އ‬ޮ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬12
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ީކ‬‫ހ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫ތ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ
‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬: ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ ި‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ި‫މ‬ ު
‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬14
ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ިޝ‬‫ވ‬ި‫ޑ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬: ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ަ
‫ޓ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ޅ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ި‫ށ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ލ‬ ު
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ރ‬ި‫ދ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ާ‫ފ‬ ޯ‫ކ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީމ‬‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ީ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫ވ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬16
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ު‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް
‫ިސ‬‫އ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ނބ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫ލ‬ި‫ޖ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ
‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬17
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ު‫ިތ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ޙ‬ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬18
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ޫ‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ި‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ާ
‫ޝ‬ ު‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ޭ
‫ސ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ
. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީމ‬‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ް
‫ނ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ލ‬ޫ‫ބ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ، ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ނދ‬ި‫ހ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ު‫ލ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީއ‬‫ތ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ު‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬20
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ި‫ދ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ާ‫ވ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ީ‫ޕ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫ދ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ީގ‬‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޤ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ރ‬ަ‫މ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ‫ީބ‬‫ލ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ި‫ޖ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ޔ‬ި‫ނ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬21
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޙ‬ި‫ލ‬ ާ
‫ޞ‬ ، ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ު‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ސ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫މ‬ާ‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ު‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ީ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ރ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ަ
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ީދ‬‫ރ‬ަ‫ފ‬22
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ާ‫ޗ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫ލ‬ ޫ
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ޫ‫ޤ‬ު‫ޢ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ު‫ޤ‬ާ‫ޙ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ި‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ް‫ީމ‬‫ހ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ޮ‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬23
ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ީގ‬‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޒ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ޓ‬ް‫އ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ޟ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު
‫ހ‬ި‫މ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬24
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޤ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫ފ‬ީ‫ލ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ، ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؟‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ހ‬
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ާ‫ޤ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ަ
‫ޞ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ، ެ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ާ
‫ިޝ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬25
‫ބ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ަ
ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ިދ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ް‫ލ‬ ު
‫ސ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ޮ‫ހ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ، ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ
‫ބ‬ ާ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ޮ‫އ‬ި‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ީރ‬‫ސ‬1
ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ، ް
‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ާ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ޭ‫ޅ‬ު‫އ‬ ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީރ‬‫ފ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ، ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ‫ތިބ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތިވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތިވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ޤ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ެ‫އ‬2
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ީ‫ޅ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ
‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ، ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ު‫ޗ‬ާ‫ޗ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ެ
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ވ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޙ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ު‫މ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ
‫ޓ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ހ‬ި‫މ‬3
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ފ‬ ް
.ެ‫ވ‬ ެ
‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ
‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ޯ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫އ‬ި‫ޝ‬ި‫ލ‬ި‫ސ‬4
ެ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ަ
‫ޔ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ި‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ޝ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު
‫ޝ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ް
‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ
‫ނ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬5
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ު‫ފ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް
‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬
.ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ް‫މ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ
‫ސ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ ަ
‫ތިޔ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ޚ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ޯ‫ރ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ު‫ޢ‬ާ‫ދ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫ލ‬ަ‫އ‬. ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ
‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ބ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު
‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ި‫ޖ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު
‫ކ‬ ު‫ީދ‬‫މ‬ް‫އ‬ު‫އ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ
‫ޝ‬ ް
‫ށ‬ ަ
‫ނ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ ު
‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު
‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ
‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް
‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬7
. ު‫ީދ‬‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫މ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ާ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް
‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬

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Maldivian (Divehi) - The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians.pdf

  • 1. ީ‫ޓ‬ި‫ސ‬ ި‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ަ‫އ‬ި‫ޝ‬ޭ‫ނ‬ް‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫އ‬ި‫ފ‬ް‫ލ‬ެ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬1 ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ތ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬. ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ަ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ާ‫އ‬ި‫ފ‬ް‫ލ‬ެ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޝ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ސ‬ަ‫އ‬ި‫ޝ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ް‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ޯ‫ފ‬ޮ‫އ‬ި‫ތ‬1 ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ިސ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ިޓ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ ޮ ‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ޞ‬ް‫އ‬ާ‫ޚ‬; ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޤ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ު‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ަ‫އ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ޒ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ރ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ާ‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ު ‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ި‫ތިބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ޝ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ކ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ީ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ް‫އ‬ ޯ‫ހ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬2 ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ު‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ނޑ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ް‫ރޕ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ޭ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ކ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޭ‫މ‬ި‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ި‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ު‫ީފ‬‫ރ‬ު‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬3 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ަ‫ތ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ި‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ި‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ި‫ދ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫ނ‬ި‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ގ‬ު‫އ‬ ަ ‫ޝ‬ ،ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ނޑ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ި‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ު ‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬4 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ު ‫ނބ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ޓ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ެ ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ީދ‬‫ޤ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ގ‬ޮ‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ި‫ރ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޤ‬ީ‫ޤ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ލ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ެ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬5 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ާ‫ޖ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ި‫ތ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ގ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ނ‬ޫ‫ދ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ި‫ގ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ޭ‫ހ‬ެ‫ޖ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ލ‬ަ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫ގ‬ޮ‫ދ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬6 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ޖ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ހ‬ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ި‫މ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ި‫ލ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ި‫ހ‬ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ާ‫ޅ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬7 ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫މ‬ ،ޯ‫ތ‬ޭ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ޅ‬ު‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ނބ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ު‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ ‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬8 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ކ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ގ‬‫ނ‬ި‫ހ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ޭ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ޚ‬ަ‫އ‬9 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ޤ‬ު‫އ‬ ަ ‫ޝ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ިވ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ި‫ރ‬ ަ‫ީކ‬‫އ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬10 ‫؛‬ް‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ު‫ރ‬ު‫ޤ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ި‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ި‫ށ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬11 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ޯ‫ތ‬ޭ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ާ‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ،ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬12 ު ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬2 ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ާ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ، ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ލ‬ަ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު‫ިތ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ޭ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ޚ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬1 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ގ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫ީފ‬‫ލ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ި‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ނދ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ނ‬ޫ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ . ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫ލ‬ ޫ ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ ‫ބ‬ ާ‫އ‬ީ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ޓ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ު‫ލ‬ި‫ޞ‬ާ‫ޙ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ި‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬2 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ގ‬‫ނ‬ި‫ހ‬ ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ލ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬3 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ވ‬ި‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ު‫ޤ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ،ެ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬4 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ޖ‬ް‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ު‫ގ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ީދ‬‫މ‬ް‫އ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ަ ‫ޝ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬5 ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ީ‫ދ‬ ީ‫ދ‬ޫ‫ހ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ތ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ،ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ާ‫ީދ‬‫ޤ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ތ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ު‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫ދ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ު‫ޢ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ީ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ޝ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ީ‫ދ‬ޫ‫ހ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬6 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ި‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ ‫ބ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬7 ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ނ‬ި‫ފ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ާ‫ޤ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ަ ‫ޞ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ު‫ގ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ޅ‬ަ‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ޔ‬ި‫ނ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬8 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ހ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ި‫ލ‬ު‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ު‫ދ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ި‫ގ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ކ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ާ‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީރ‬‫މ‬ ަ ‫ޟ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬9 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫އ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬10 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ު‫ޑ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ި‫ހ‬ ،ި‫ނގ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ‫ދ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ެ‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ޟ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު ‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ، ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ި‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ޭ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ި‫ށ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬11 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ި‫ޒ‬ާ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ީ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ޓ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ ޮ ‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬: ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީމ‬‫ތ‬ަ‫ގ‬ެ‫އ‬ޮ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬12 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ދ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ީކ‬‫ހ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬13 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫ތ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ ‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬: ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ ި‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ި‫މ‬ ު ‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬14 ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؛‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ިޝ‬‫ވ‬ި‫ޑ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬: ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ަ ‫ޓ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ި‫ޅ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ި‫ށ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬15 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ލ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ރ‬ި‫ދ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ާ‫ފ‬ ޯ‫ކ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީމ‬‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ީ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ިގ‬‫ވ‬ެ‫ލ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬16 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ު‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް ‫ިސ‬‫އ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ނބ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫ލ‬ި‫ޖ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ ‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬17 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ު‫ިތ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ޙ‬ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬18 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ޫ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ި‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ާ ‫ޝ‬ ު‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ޭ ‫ސ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬19 . ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީމ‬‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ް ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ލ‬ޫ‫ބ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ، ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ނދ‬ި‫ހ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ެ‫ފ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ޔ‬ި‫ލ‬ ު‫ލ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ަ‫އ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ީއ‬‫ތ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ާ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ު‫ޑ‬ަ‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬20 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ި‫ދ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ާ‫ވ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ީ‫ޕ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫ދ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ީގ‬‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޤ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ރ‬ަ‫މ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ‫ީބ‬‫ލ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ ް‫ތ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ި‫ޖ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ީ‫ރ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ޔ‬ި‫ނ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬21 .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޙ‬ި‫ލ‬ ާ ‫ޞ‬ ، ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ،ީ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ު‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫ސ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫މ‬ާ‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ު‫ޑ‬ ޮ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ު‫ލ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ީ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ރ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ަ ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ީދ‬‫ރ‬ަ‫ފ‬22 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ާ‫ޗ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫ލ‬ ޫ ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ަ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ޫ‫ޤ‬ު‫ޢ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ު‫ޤ‬ާ‫ޙ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ި‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ް‫ީމ‬‫ހ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ިބ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ޮ‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ާ‫ޕ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬23 ް‫އ‬ެ‫ޗ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ީގ‬‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ު‫ވ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޒ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ޓ‬ް‫އ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ާ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ޟ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ާ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ ު ‫ހ‬ި‫މ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬24 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ޤ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫ފ‬ީ‫ލ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ާ‫ފ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ، ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ،ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ‫؟‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ަ‫ނގ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ާ‫ޤ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ ަ ‫ޞ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ، ެ‫ހ‬ަ‫ފ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ި‫ރ‬ު‫ފ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ު‫ވ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫ލ‬ީ‫ޖ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫ިއ‬‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫ރ‬ ާ ‫ިޝ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬25 ު ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬3 ި‫އ‬ަ‫ިފ‬‫ވ‬ ެ‫ިދ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ް‫ލ‬ ު ‫ސ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ޮ‫ހ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ލ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ޢ‬ ު‫ދ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ، ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ ‫ބ‬ ާ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ޮ‫އ‬ި‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ި‫ީރ‬‫ސ‬1 ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ، ް ‫ށ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ާ‫ފ‬ު‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު‫ިރ‬‫އ‬ޭ‫ޅ‬ު‫އ‬ ެ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ު‫އ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ާ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ީރ‬‫ފ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ތ‬ަ‫ޢ‬ާ‫މ‬ަ‫ޖ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ، ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ‫ތިބ‬ ީ‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫އ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ޑ‬ަ‫ވ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތިވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ާ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތިވ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ަ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ެ‫ވ‬ު‫ޤ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ޙ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ެ‫އ‬2 ް ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ީ‫ޅ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ާ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ް‫ޕ‬ ޮ ‫ޝ‬ ި‫ބ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ، ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ާ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ު‫ޗ‬ާ‫ޗ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ެ‫އ‬ ި‫ރ‬ ެ ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ވ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ޫ‫ނ‬ ް‫އ‬ެ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ު‫ލ‬ީ‫ޙ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ު‫މ‬ ީ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫މ‬ ި‫އ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ަ ‫ޓ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ާ‫ޔ‬ް‫އ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ާ‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ު‫ރ‬ާ‫ހ‬ި‫މ‬3 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ެ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ަ‫ފ‬ާ‫ވ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ފ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ ެ ‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ި‫ކ‬ ެ‫ހ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ް‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ު‫ދ‬ި‫ޚ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޅ‬ު‫ފ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ޭ‫އ‬ ،ަ‫މ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ޭ‫ހ‬ ެ ‫ބ‬ ި‫އ‬ާ‫އ‬ ޯ‫ލ‬ި‫ފ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ޮ‫ީކ‬‫ޑ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ާ‫އ‬ި‫ޝ‬ި‫ލ‬ި‫ސ‬4 ެ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ ަ ‫ޔ‬ި‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫ގ‬ި‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ޝ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ަ‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫މ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު ‫ޝ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ަ‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ް‫އ‬ި‫މ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫މ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ް ‫ިނ‬‫އ‬ ަ‫ދ‬ަ‫ފ‬ ެ ‫ނ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ިގ‬‫އ‬ަ‫ލ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ް‫ތ‬ާ‫މ‬ ި‫ދ‬ަ‫އ‬5 .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ު‫ފ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ު‫ތ‬ަ‫މ‬ ް ‫ޙ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ .ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ް‫މ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ ‫ސ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ ަ ‫ތިޔ‬ ި‫ބ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ޚ‬ަ‫އ‬ ި‫ބ‬ި‫ތ‬ ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ާ‫އ‬ޯ‫ރ‬ ް ‫ޓ‬6 ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ޔ‬ި‫ކ‬ ު‫ޢ‬ާ‫ދ‬ަ‫ވ‬ް‫ލ‬ަ‫އ‬. ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ަ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ަ‫ވ‬ި‫އ‬ ަ ‫ބ‬ް‫އ‬ެ‫އ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ބ‬ ް‫ތ‬ޯ‫ލ‬ ،ި‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ު‫މ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ތ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ީ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ަ‫ގ‬ ު ‫ޙ‬ޫ‫ރ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ސ‬ް‫ފ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ި‫އ‬ ާ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު‫ތ‬ޮ‫ގ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ާ‫މ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ި‫ޖ‬ ީ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ު ‫ކ‬ ު‫ީދ‬‫މ‬ް‫އ‬ު‫އ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬. ެ‫ވ‬ެ‫އ‬ި‫ށ‬ާ‫ވ‬ް‫އ‬ ެ‫ދ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ު‫ފ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ ަ ‫ޝ‬ ް ‫ށ‬ ަ ‫ނ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ ު ‫ީހ‬‫މ‬ެ‫އ‬ ު ‫ނ‬ާ‫ފ‬ެ‫ގ‬ ާ ‫ީސ‬‫އ‬ ެ‫ނގ‬ާ‫ލ‬ ަ‫ކ‬ ް ‫ސ‬ ަ‫ރ‬ި‫ރ‬ެ‫ވ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬7 . ު‫ީދ‬‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ު‫އ‬ ު‫މ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ާ‫އ‬ ެ‫ގ‬ ް ‫ނ‬ެ‫މ‬ ެ‫ރ‬ ަ‫ހ‬ަ‫އ‬