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Newsletter of                  Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India

                                                                                                                  ISSUE 1, Jan-March, 2011

                                                                                          Jan-June      July-Dec
      Wishes fulfilled 2010 – Pan India
900                                                                                        855



                                                                                                                      Total Wishes
300                                                                                                                  the year 2010
200    167
                   176 189
                                                                   108 106
                                                                                                       138            3514
100                                   71                                                                     81
                                                        22   23
      Ahmedabad    Bangalore   Coimbatore   Delhi        Goa       Hyderabad    Jaipur      Mumbai      Pune

A Big Thank You!
Cadbury India Ltd. was chosen to be the donor of the year 2010 by Make-A-Wish® Foundation
International for helping Make-A-Wish® Foundation India to grant more wishes. Mr. Uday Joshi
presented the Trophy of Appreciation to Mr. Ransom D'souza and his colleague.

                                       Fun and Festivities!
                                       This year, Christmas came 3 days early for many children in Goa! Make-A-Wish® in Goa
                                       celebrated Christmas by having a small carol singing event and distributing food packets and
                                       gifts to the two Paediatric Wards of the G. M .C. hospital on the 22nd of December.
                                       One child had even more reason to be happy, as his/her wish was also fulfilled on that day!
                                       This whole event was sponsored by Cox & Kings Ltd. (Goa). Thanks to them, and our ever
                                       dedicated volunteers, Christmas was truly special for many children this year!

Beautiful 'Bomma'!
Cute, chubby-cheeked Sumalatha was very used to people calling her doll or "bomma" as it is referred to
in Telegu. Whenever she saw the decked up dolls in the shops, she too wished she could look like that…
So, when Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India – Hyderabad division volunteers met her there was no
mistaking her wish!
When she stood on her hospital bed, adorned in a pink dress, Sumalatha looked just like a bridal doll.
And just like a doll everyone wanted to cuddle her, too!                                                   ERA
                                                                                                               B                AD
A Royal High Five!
                     It was a commendable occasion, but also
                     became a most cherished one! To celebrate
                     the completion of five successful years of the
            JAIPU    Make-A-Wish® Foundation in its city, during
                     which they have fulfilled 1350 wishes, the
                     Jaipur Division organized a fun-filled evening
                     for its wish children.
                     The event was sponsored by Princess Diya
                     Kumari Ji and held at the heart of the Jaipur
                     old city, City Palace on 19th October. About 60
                     kids enjoyed the evening with 20 volunteers
                     and supporters of Make-A-Wish®. It was like a
                     dream come true for them!
                     The Princess fulfilled the wishes of 6 children present, gifting a computer, cycles, CD player, doll set
                     and so on. The happiness on the faces of these children was immense, as they received their wish
                     gifts from the Princess in the City Palace Gardens in front of thundering applause from other kids,
                     volunteers, supporters and of course the bevy of media persons, all clicking away!
                     A surprise was in store for the original team of six volunteers, too! They were given a token of
                     appreciation arranged by the Programme Coordinator and presented to them by the Princess.
                     Later on, the enthralled children enjoyed a Puppet Show and a Magic Show, and danced the evening
                     away to groovy music. Adding to the fun were tattoo artists and a huge bouncy slide. The variety of
                     refreshments arranged at the City Palace was enjoyed by one and all present. Naturally, the ice cream
                     van was most in demand! The icing on the cake, was the cake itself! All the children wanted to blow
                     out its candles and of course, eat the yummy cake, too.
                     It is said a smile costs nothing, but gives much. And, going by the smiles evident on the wish
                     children's faces that evening, they had been given a memory of a lifetime, indeed!

                     Spreading the Christmas Spirit!
                     Christmas has always been a special time of the year. The festive spirit is infectious, and this year Make-
                     A-Wish® Foundation of India – Bangalore division made it even more so!
                                               The Bangalore division had their very own Christmas party at their office on the
                                               25th December, wherein they had fun and games and also fulfilled the wishes
                                               of 6 children present.
                                               Sharing the festivities with family makes it more fun, and each child arrived with
                                               their parents and siblings for the event. They were greeted by smiling Santas –
                                               donors and volunteers from Infosys and I-Volunteer who had come to share
                                               the joy of Christmas with them.
                                            The event started at 11.30 am with group games where parents, children and
                                            volunteers joined in. It was difficult to make out who was a kid and who was
                                            not, as all of them sang, clapped and laughed in glee! Christmas carols played
BANGALORE            at the background as they were served snacks and refreshments. The children enjoyed the games,
                     music, goodies and were thrilled with their wish gifts which they received from their Santa!
                     Apart from the wish gifts, the brothers and sisters present were given sibling gifts so that they wouldn't
                     feel left out.
                     The event came to an end with the kids and volunteers coming together to cut two delicious cakes and
                     greet Merry Christmas to each other. Before the children could leave, the volunteers randomly gave
                     Christmas gifts to each child and they all departed – happy and smiling.
                     Since its inception, the Bangalore division has fulfilled over 650 wishes, but combined with the Christmas
                     party, it was truly the most terrific time for all present!
Spare a Thought, Spread a Smile!
                   When you help those less fortunate, it brings the most happiness… to you! This was the feeling
                   behind 'The Joy of Giving' week, held in Riverside school, Ahmedabad. The school invited Make-A-
                   Wish® Foundation of India – Ahmedabad Division to deliver a talk on their activities in an attempt to
    DABA           make students understand the importance of giving back to society.
                   The talk, on 30th           September, was attended by 25 students of grade 7. Ms. Roopande Shah
                                               – program coordinator spoke to students about Make-A-Wish® Foundation
                                               of India. The philosophy of the organization of fulfilling a wish of a child
                                               suffering from life threatening illness touched the hearts of all sitting there!
                                               Students were taken to visit Civil Hospital – Cancer ward and Red-cross
                                               Blood Bank where they interacted with children admitted and spoke to the
                                               doctors present. Never before had these students experienced anything
                                               like this.
                                               The work of the Foundation struck a chord with each student; all of them
                                               decided to fulfil as many wishes as possible from our pending wish list.
                                               They earnestly collected as much money as they could – from their
                                               parents, their teachers and even their own pocket money – and fulfilled the
                                               wishes of six children on 2nd October in the foundation's office!
                   The wish children were delighted, and happily cut the cake and played games with these students.
                   The students in turn, enjoyed the whole experience!

                   Making Them Smile, Disney Style…
                   On the 24th of September, 2010, the Disney event took
                   place at Aamby Valley, near Mumbai. A wonderful
                   venue, but an even wonderful event!
                   Five wish children were treated like royalty that day.
         AI        They were picked up in cars, fed a lavish lunch and
                   dinner in expensive hotels, and put up in deluxe suites
                   with a lovely lake view! Later on, their wishes – a Disney
                   TV, Power Ranger set, gift hamper, etc. – were given to
                   them on stage.
                   Choc-o-bloc with surprises, the delightful day was unlike any other these children had experienced
                   before. A wish and a memory which they will cherish forever!!
                   It was Disney magic again…

                   Music, Masti and Melody!
                   It had all the ingredients for a fun evening! Make A Wish® Foundation of India Pune Division organized
                   a musical programme by well known musicians and poets Shri. Salil Kulkarni and Shri. Sundeep
                   Khare at City Pride Multiplex, Kothrud on 1st October 2010.
                   The show was a fund raiser, and passes were sold at Rs. 125/- each. A worthy contribution of
                                                        Rs. 15,000/- from LIC added to the funds collected, which
                                                        totalled to approximately Rs. 55,000/-.
                                                           The wish children invited to the event had a wonderful time. It
                                                           was truly an entertaining evening, thanks to Shri Salil and
                                                           Shri Sundeep. Make a Wish® Foundation of India, Pune division
                                                           was very grateful to the duo who generously performed for free.
                                                           The show was also successful.
Happiness is Flying High!
                                         From as long as he can remember, Edward has always wanted to be a
                                         Pilot. And rather than planes, it was always helicopters that have
                                         fascinated this young boy. Little wonder then, when asked his innermost
                                         wish, pat came his request – a "ride in a helicopter"!

                                         Due to the security issues it took a while to organize the wish but the delay
                                         did not deter Edward. We got through with the request from the aviation
                                         industry and finally got permission for the ride.

                                         The day Edward got a call from the foundation saying his wish would be
                                         fulfilled on the following day, he did not sleep a wink all night. So excited
                                         was he that he got up early in the morning, borrowed a headphone from
                                         his friend and was dressed in all white like a Pilot!

                 Sitting in the helicopter was thrilling enough, but the ride in the sky, with all of Mumbai below, the
                 Arabian sea, the Bandra-Worli Sea Link, the sky scrapers… had an ecstatic Edward smiling from
                 ear to ear throughout! Indeed, it was an experience unlike any other.

                 Edward had an awesome time. He thanked the foundation from the bottom of his heart for the
                 helicopter ride – a memory he would cherish forever.
                 And Ankit Walked Tall Once Again!
                 Our wish child Ankit had to get his leg amputated from above the knee because of the nature of his
                 illness. His innermost wish was to be able to walk again. From the onset Ankit, a fairly intelligent and
                 sensitive child was clear that he did not want a Jaipur Foot but a Prosthetic Limb which could bend
                 over the knees and is a replica of a natural leg.
                 The Prosthetic Limb can bend, can be adjusted and will not play a hindrance even when Ankit grows
                 taller. In fact in a while Ankit will be completely independent and can
                 manage any task on his own like squatting, sitting and even running.
                 The entire process of getting the mould made for the child and the
                 various trials was quite an ordeal and Ankit had to undergo a lot of
                 training. This did not deter him; on the contrary, he was determined to
                 master the task as quickly as he could!
                 The thrill was double fold: the joy of finally being able to walk without his
                 crutches, and delight that in the future he would need no support! The
                 first thing that he did after his wish fulfilment was to visit Shirdi (holy
                 place of the Lord Sai Baba) to seek his blessings and thank the Lord.
                 His grateful parents thanked the Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India
                 profusely. Ankit had a spring in his step and a smile in his heart once

                 The Solar System: His Universe!
               Talk about the solar system, and he gets stars in his eyes! For Venkatesh, a spirited 12 year old is
      AL   ORE truly fascinated by the Galaxy.
                 When our volunteers met him, they gave him a small drawing book as an ice-breaker. His face
                 breaking into a smile, Venkatesh immediately started drawing the solar system, explaining to the
                 volunteers that it was his hobby to collecting newspaper clippings about the stars and planets.
                 His innermost wish, said the boy who lives with his younger brother and family in a remote village
                 near Bangalore, was to be able to draw a pictures of the Solar System, Lunar Eclipse and Solar
                 Eclipse in a big book so he could explain the whole system to his mother, who is not literate. He
                 wants to share his excitement and knowledge about the wonderful creation of God i.e. the galaxy with
her. Venkatesh went on to tell the volunteers that he
            was now teaching his mother the basics, and that
            recently his mother was able to write alphabets and
            now even knew how to sign her name!
            On the dawn of 24th July 2010, our Bangalore
            division volunteers met Venkatesh in an Emergency
            Ward with the posters on Solar System, Solar
            Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, some drawing books and the
            MAD art set. His excitement almost bubbling over,
            he straight away started drawing the Solar System,
            forgetting about his pain.
            His mother was overjoyed to see her son so thrilled, and thanked the team by saying that 'at least for
       AD   this moment I am seeing happiness in his eyes!'
            Building His Home is Where His Heart is!
                                  In the rural area of Gujarat lives Ramizraja, a handsome and sharp-minded boy.
                                  When the Gujarat volunteers met him at the Red-Cross Hospital this shy, young
                                  lad took a while to open up.
                                  Once he did so, he was quite eloquent about his interests and hobbies!
                                  Ramizraja, we learnt, likes to draw plans of houses, and does so whenever he
                                  gets time off from his studies. He hopes one day to build himself a real home
                                  with a huge garden and big terrace. Naturally this aspiring Civil Engineer's
                                  innermost wish was to have an engineer's Drawing Kit and a big colour kit!
                                   His wish was fulfilled in a special way! The foundation contacted engineering
                                   students from CEPT University and requested them to make a list of items in a
                                   drawing kit like special pencils, ruler, graph papers and each of the minute
            things that could help Ramizraja in his drawing. One of the engineering students even ensured to be
            present at the time of wish fulfilment and discussed some of the important points to be taken care,
            while drawing a house!
            Ramizraja was very thrilled with his Engineer's Drawing Kit and colouring tools like wax crayons, colour
            pencils, water paints etc. in his kit. Smiling happily, he promised the foundation that he would make a
            beautiful drawing for us!

            An Out Of This World Experience!
            Space is the place that always puts a smile on his face! Yash Gandhi is a studious and intelligent 15
            year old from Pune, whose favourite subject is science. In fact, so interested in space research is he,
            that he hopes to make it his career one day!
            When Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India's Pune division volunteers met him at the hospital and asked
            about his innermost cherished wish, there was no hesitation in his request! Yash immediately said he
            wants to visit the Space Research Centre at Shree Hari Kota that
            houses India's only satellite launch centre.
            His wish was kindly sponsored by the Cox and Kings Ltd. on 1st
            August 2010. He was fortunate to get an opportunity to meet some of
            the great scientists there and enjoyed talking and discussing Space
            Technology with them. Despite their hectic schedule, the scientists
            were quite enthusiastic about answering this intelligent boy's every
            Yash had a wonderful experience at Shree Hari Kota, and it has
            recharged his energy and enthused him to move ahead in life. Much
            like the satellites being launched there, the visit has infused more
            force into his desire to make a career here a reality!
A Stethoscope and a Lot of Hope…
               Charming and vivacious Vijaylaxmi has been in and out of hospital almost daily to treat a life-
               threatening illness. So for this little brave girl, barely five years old, there could not have been anything
               more inspiring than becoming a doctor!
               Ms. Smiti Golyan, one of the energetic volunteers from
               the Delhi division helped in fulfilling Vijaylaxmi's
               cherished wish. On her wish fulfilment day, Vijaylaxmi,
               her mother and siblings were taken to the Ashlok
               Hospital. Dr. Ashok Chopra, one of the founders of the
               hospital, had directed his team to do its best to give
               Vijaylaxmi a convincing experience of what it is like to be
               a doctor. The staff rose to the occasion and was most
               cooperative. Vijaylaxmi's eyes lit up; and there was a
               broad smile as soon as she saw the stethoscope! With a
               doctor's coat and stethoscope, 'Dr. Vijaylaxmi' was all set to meet her first set of in-patients. She
               greeted her patients like a professional, introduced herself, asked about their problems, came to a
               diagnosis and gave them some tips to keep well. One of the patients was so impressed with her that
               she paid her Rs 1,000/- as her fees!
               Then Vijaylaxmi was taken for a tour of the hospital. She visited the ECG lab, CT scan room etc. and
               also spoke to other doctors and technicians to better understand the medical details of these
               facilities. After scribbling on a few files, she was taken to the out-patient clinic where she interacted
               with a few patients.
               Dr. Ashok Chopra also gifted her with a toy doctor's kit for her outstanding work as a doctor. The
               young girl is determined to serve the sick when she grows up. And seeing the way she conducted
               herself on the wish fulfilment day, we look forward to seeing 'Dr. Vijaylaxmi' striding through the
               hospital wards in another 20 years!

               It's the Season to Be Jolly…
               Fifteen year old Angel had never dreamt that she would be spending the Christmas of 2010 in a
               hospital ward, away from her home and family. But when it became a shocking reality, the only thing
               she could ask for was a Christmas Celebration, just like the ones at home!
               The volunteers from the Coimbatore division were themselves very excited about this sweet girl's
               unique wish and everyone went out of their way to make that day special for Angel. They celebrated
               the Christmas with Angel and the rest of the children of the Paediatric Oncology ward at Ramakrishna
               Hospital. The local church carol group generously agreed to come along to meet Angel. As Angel cut
               the Christmas cake, our volunteers and wish children sang "Merry Christmas" and then kick started the
  IMBA         Just then, 'Jingle Bells' started in the background, and in walked Santa Claus! Then, the carollers sang
CO             traditional Christmas songs. The beautifully decorated auditorium of the hospital with a decked-up
                                              tree and a crib reminded Angel of her own home… Santa played with the
                                              children, sang along with them and distributed gifts to all. The Nun, who
                                              came along with the carol singers, delivered the Christmas message.
                                            The yummy food included a Christmas cake kindly sponsored by the
                                            church authorities and everyone enjoyed it. Our very supportive sponsor
                                            was there with her family to share the festivities. And we heard parents of
                                            other wish children thanking Angel for her wonderful wish which gave
                                            everyone an opportunity to celebrate Christmas.
                                            Angel couldn't help but keep smiling and she continued to thank all of us
                                            saying, "This is much more than I expected". Isn't it what every volunteer
                                            would like to hear?
A Glamorous Gown wiped away the frowns!
      AI   Little Shaily simply loves dressing up! Her closet, full of different types of formal and informal clothes,
  MUMB     attests to the fact. The only thing missing was a Designer Gown. So it didn't come as much of a
           surprise when she informed our volunteers who contacted her in Raheja Hospital, Mumbai that what
           she really wanted was a 'Designer Gown' to wear on special occasions!
           The foundation then contacted well known designer
           Mr. Vikram Phadnis to help us to fulfil Shaily's wish, who
           unhesitatingly obliged, and created a wonderful pink gown
           for her. The matching jewellery and sandals were also bought
           to enhance the effect.
           The best part about this wish was the surprise element.
           Shaily was not informed that the volunteers were arriving with
           her Designer Gown. When they reached the hospital, she
           was sleeping due to the terrible pain in her legs, post her
           chemotherapy session. She awoke suddenly and saw the
           Jacket with the brand "Vikram Phadnis" embossed on it, and
           her joy knew no bounds!
           She carefully unzipped the jacket and on seeing the Gown
           was moved to tears. Her pain forgotten; she quickly donned
           the diamond & pearl encrusted pink gown and started
           posing for the camera! Then she sang a beautiful song for us
           in her sweet voice.
           Her parents too were very happy to see their darling daughter beaming, as for the last couple of weeks
           Shaily had been very depressed on losing her hair due to chemotherapy.
           The gown was given to her a week before Diwali – and a thrilled Shaily informed everyone that she
           would proudly wear it on that day. Truly, this gown has made the Festival of Lights extra bright for

You reached out…You touched their lives…
    You helped create a wonderful memory.
                Thank you!!
Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India
Founders:                              Bangalore                                   Hyderabad
Gita & Uday Joshi                      Mr. Vijay Ladha                             Ms. Madhumati Chukkapalli
Trustees:                              Hon. Programme Director                     Hon. Programme Director
Uday Joshi                             Ms. Anitha S                                Ms. Madhuri Talluri
Managing Trustee                       Programme Coordinator                       Hon. Programme Coordinator
Noshir Dadrawala                       ¤ 09980094232                               ¤ 09391003982
Archana Karulkar                       ¤ 080-22734496                              ¤ 040 - 23557772
Nasser Munjee                  
Pankaj Baliga
                                       Coimbatore                                  Jaipur
National Office: Mumbai                Air Cmdr. (Retd.) Mr. Vania                 Ms. Smita Shah
Mr. Vaidyanathan K.                    Hon.Programme Director                      Programme Coordinator
General Manager, Administration        Ms. Bindu Rajiv                             ¤ 09829094781
¤ 09930889900                          Programme Coordinator                       ¤ 0141-2600107             ¤ 09500895790                     
                                       ¤ 0422-4397224
Ms. Kalyani Mhashilkar                                                             Mumbai
National Coordinator – MIS                                                         Mr. Uday Joshi
¤ 09819067791                          Delhi                                       Hon. Programme Director   Ms. Shreerupa Parasrampuria                 ¤ 022-24912510
                                       Hon. Programme Director           
Divisions and Representatives
                                       Ms. Snigdha Jain
Ahmedabad                              Programme Coordinator
                                                                                   Mr. P Chaphalkar
Ms. Roopande Shah                      ¤ 09953241584
                                                                                   Hon. Programme Director
Programme Coordinator                  ¤ 011-26672158
                                                                                   Ms. Akhila Koparkar
¤ 09601259039                
                                                                                   Programme Coordinator
¤ 079-26561716
                                       Goa                                         ¤ 020-20250566
                                       Ms. Gita Joshi                    
                                       Hon.Programme Director
                                       ¤ 09822123620

                                                Volunteers are the backbone of our Foundation.
                                                 186 committed and highly dedicated volunteers
                                                             help us in the wish granting process,
                                                    administrative work and in organising events.


National Office:                       Make-A-Wish® Foundation is a Registered Charitable Trust.
15/C 1st Floor, Hendre Castle,         All donations to the Foundation are exempt from Income Tax u/s 80(G) of IT act 1961 Wish
Gokhale Road (N), Dadar (W),           Power printed courtesy Spenta Multimedia, Mumbai, India
Mumbai 400 028.
¤  (91-22) 24460577 / 24461344
E-mail:        Visit:                                            Design by mohor

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Make-A-Wish India Newsletter

  • 1. Newsletter of Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India ISSUE 1, Jan-March, 2011 Jan-June July-Dec Wishes fulfilled 2010 – Pan India 900 855 800 735 700 600 500 400 Total Wishes during 300 the year 2010 232 200 167 101 176 189 100 143 108 106 169 98 138 3514 100 71 81 22 23 0 Ahmedabad Bangalore Coimbatore Delhi Goa Hyderabad Jaipur Mumbai Pune A Big Thank You! Cadbury India Ltd. was chosen to be the donor of the year 2010 by Make-A-Wish® Foundation International for helping Make-A-Wish® Foundation India to grant more wishes. Mr. Uday Joshi presented the Trophy of Appreciation to Mr. Ransom D'souza and his colleague. Fun and Festivities! This year, Christmas came 3 days early for many children in Goa! Make-A-Wish® in Goa celebrated Christmas by having a small carol singing event and distributing food packets and gifts to the two Paediatric Wards of the G. M .C. hospital on the 22nd of December. GOA One child had even more reason to be happy, as his/her wish was also fulfilled on that day! This whole event was sponsored by Cox & Kings Ltd. (Goa). Thanks to them, and our ever dedicated volunteers, Christmas was truly special for many children this year! Beautiful 'Bomma'! Cute, chubby-cheeked Sumalatha was very used to people calling her doll or "bomma" as it is referred to in Telegu. Whenever she saw the decked up dolls in the shops, she too wished she could look like that… So, when Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India – Hyderabad division volunteers met her there was no mistaking her wish! When she stood on her hospital bed, adorned in a pink dress, Sumalatha looked just like a bridal doll. HYD And just like a doll everyone wanted to cuddle her, too! ERA B AD
  • 2. A Royal High Five! It was a commendable occasion, but also became a most cherished one! To celebrate the completion of five successful years of the R JAIPU Make-A-Wish® Foundation in its city, during which they have fulfilled 1350 wishes, the Jaipur Division organized a fun-filled evening for its wish children. The event was sponsored by Princess Diya Kumari Ji and held at the heart of the Jaipur old city, City Palace on 19th October. About 60 kids enjoyed the evening with 20 volunteers and supporters of Make-A-Wish®. It was like a dream come true for them! The Princess fulfilled the wishes of 6 children present, gifting a computer, cycles, CD player, doll set and so on. The happiness on the faces of these children was immense, as they received their wish gifts from the Princess in the City Palace Gardens in front of thundering applause from other kids, volunteers, supporters and of course the bevy of media persons, all clicking away! A surprise was in store for the original team of six volunteers, too! They were given a token of appreciation arranged by the Programme Coordinator and presented to them by the Princess. Later on, the enthralled children enjoyed a Puppet Show and a Magic Show, and danced the evening away to groovy music. Adding to the fun were tattoo artists and a huge bouncy slide. The variety of refreshments arranged at the City Palace was enjoyed by one and all present. Naturally, the ice cream van was most in demand! The icing on the cake, was the cake itself! All the children wanted to blow out its candles and of course, eat the yummy cake, too. It is said a smile costs nothing, but gives much. And, going by the smiles evident on the wish children's faces that evening, they had been given a memory of a lifetime, indeed! Spreading the Christmas Spirit! Christmas has always been a special time of the year. The festive spirit is infectious, and this year Make- A-Wish® Foundation of India – Bangalore division made it even more so! The Bangalore division had their very own Christmas party at their office on the 25th December, wherein they had fun and games and also fulfilled the wishes of 6 children present. Sharing the festivities with family makes it more fun, and each child arrived with their parents and siblings for the event. They were greeted by smiling Santas – donors and volunteers from Infosys and I-Volunteer who had come to share the joy of Christmas with them. The event started at 11.30 am with group games where parents, children and volunteers joined in. It was difficult to make out who was a kid and who was not, as all of them sang, clapped and laughed in glee! Christmas carols played BANGALORE at the background as they were served snacks and refreshments. The children enjoyed the games, music, goodies and were thrilled with their wish gifts which they received from their Santa! Apart from the wish gifts, the brothers and sisters present were given sibling gifts so that they wouldn't feel left out. The event came to an end with the kids and volunteers coming together to cut two delicious cakes and greet Merry Christmas to each other. Before the children could leave, the volunteers randomly gave Christmas gifts to each child and they all departed – happy and smiling. Since its inception, the Bangalore division has fulfilled over 650 wishes, but combined with the Christmas party, it was truly the most terrific time for all present!
  • 3. Spare a Thought, Spread a Smile! When you help those less fortunate, it brings the most happiness… to you! This was the feeling behind 'The Joy of Giving' week, held in Riverside school, Ahmedabad. The school invited Make-A- Wish® Foundation of India – Ahmedabad Division to deliver a talk on their activities in an attempt to D DABA make students understand the importance of giving back to society. AHME The talk, on 30th September, was attended by 25 students of grade 7. Ms. Roopande Shah – program coordinator spoke to students about Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India. The philosophy of the organization of fulfilling a wish of a child suffering from life threatening illness touched the hearts of all sitting there! Students were taken to visit Civil Hospital – Cancer ward and Red-cross Blood Bank where they interacted with children admitted and spoke to the doctors present. Never before had these students experienced anything like this. The work of the Foundation struck a chord with each student; all of them decided to fulfil as many wishes as possible from our pending wish list. They earnestly collected as much money as they could – from their parents, their teachers and even their own pocket money – and fulfilled the wishes of six children on 2nd October in the foundation's office! The wish children were delighted, and happily cut the cake and played games with these students. The students in turn, enjoyed the whole experience! Making Them Smile, Disney Style… On the 24th of September, 2010, the Disney event took place at Aamby Valley, near Mumbai. A wonderful venue, but an even wonderful event! Five wish children were treated like royalty that day. AI They were picked up in cars, fed a lavish lunch and MUMB dinner in expensive hotels, and put up in deluxe suites with a lovely lake view! Later on, their wishes – a Disney TV, Power Ranger set, gift hamper, etc. – were given to them on stage. Choc-o-bloc with surprises, the delightful day was unlike any other these children had experienced before. A wish and a memory which they will cherish forever!! It was Disney magic again… Music, Masti and Melody! It had all the ingredients for a fun evening! Make A Wish® Foundation of India Pune Division organized a musical programme by well known musicians and poets Shri. Salil Kulkarni and Shri. Sundeep Khare at City Pride Multiplex, Kothrud on 1st October 2010. PUNE The show was a fund raiser, and passes were sold at Rs. 125/- each. A worthy contribution of Rs. 15,000/- from LIC added to the funds collected, which totalled to approximately Rs. 55,000/-. The wish children invited to the event had a wonderful time. It was truly an entertaining evening, thanks to Shri Salil and Shri Sundeep. Make a Wish® Foundation of India, Pune division was very grateful to the duo who generously performed for free. The show was also successful.
  • 4. Happiness is Flying High! From as long as he can remember, Edward has always wanted to be a Pilot. And rather than planes, it was always helicopters that have fascinated this young boy. Little wonder then, when asked his innermost wish, pat came his request – a "ride in a helicopter"! Due to the security issues it took a while to organize the wish but the delay did not deter Edward. We got through with the request from the aviation industry and finally got permission for the ride. The day Edward got a call from the foundation saying his wish would be fulfilled on the following day, he did not sleep a wink all night. So excited was he that he got up early in the morning, borrowed a headphone from his friend and was dressed in all white like a Pilot! Sitting in the helicopter was thrilling enough, but the ride in the sky, with all of Mumbai below, the Arabian sea, the Bandra-Worli Sea Link, the sky scrapers… had an ecstatic Edward smiling from ear to ear throughout! Indeed, it was an experience unlike any other. Edward had an awesome time. He thanked the foundation from the bottom of his heart for the helicopter ride – a memory he would cherish forever. AI MUMB And Ankit Walked Tall Once Again! Our wish child Ankit had to get his leg amputated from above the knee because of the nature of his illness. His innermost wish was to be able to walk again. From the onset Ankit, a fairly intelligent and sensitive child was clear that he did not want a Jaipur Foot but a Prosthetic Limb which could bend over the knees and is a replica of a natural leg. The Prosthetic Limb can bend, can be adjusted and will not play a hindrance even when Ankit grows taller. In fact in a while Ankit will be completely independent and can manage any task on his own like squatting, sitting and even running. The entire process of getting the mould made for the child and the various trials was quite an ordeal and Ankit had to undergo a lot of training. This did not deter him; on the contrary, he was determined to master the task as quickly as he could! The thrill was double fold: the joy of finally being able to walk without his crutches, and delight that in the future he would need no support! The first thing that he did after his wish fulfilment was to visit Shirdi (holy place of the Lord Sai Baba) to seek his blessings and thank the Lord. His grateful parents thanked the Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India profusely. Ankit had a spring in his step and a smile in his heart once again! The Solar System: His Universe! Talk about the solar system, and he gets stars in his eyes! For Venkatesh, a spirited 12 year old is AL ORE truly fascinated by the Galaxy. BANG When our volunteers met him, they gave him a small drawing book as an ice-breaker. His face breaking into a smile, Venkatesh immediately started drawing the solar system, explaining to the volunteers that it was his hobby to collecting newspaper clippings about the stars and planets. His innermost wish, said the boy who lives with his younger brother and family in a remote village near Bangalore, was to be able to draw a pictures of the Solar System, Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse in a big book so he could explain the whole system to his mother, who is not literate. He wants to share his excitement and knowledge about the wonderful creation of God i.e. the galaxy with
  • 5. her. Venkatesh went on to tell the volunteers that he was now teaching his mother the basics, and that recently his mother was able to write alphabets and now even knew how to sign her name! On the dawn of 24th July 2010, our Bangalore division volunteers met Venkatesh in an Emergency Ward with the posters on Solar System, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, some drawing books and the MAD art set. His excitement almost bubbling over, he straight away started drawing the Solar System, forgetting about his pain. His mother was overjoyed to see her son so thrilled, and thanked the team by saying that 'at least for AD this moment I am seeing happiness in his eyes!' AB MED AH Building His Home is Where His Heart is! In the rural area of Gujarat lives Ramizraja, a handsome and sharp-minded boy. When the Gujarat volunteers met him at the Red-Cross Hospital this shy, young lad took a while to open up. Once he did so, he was quite eloquent about his interests and hobbies! Ramizraja, we learnt, likes to draw plans of houses, and does so whenever he gets time off from his studies. He hopes one day to build himself a real home with a huge garden and big terrace. Naturally this aspiring Civil Engineer's innermost wish was to have an engineer's Drawing Kit and a big colour kit! His wish was fulfilled in a special way! The foundation contacted engineering students from CEPT University and requested them to make a list of items in a drawing kit like special pencils, ruler, graph papers and each of the minute things that could help Ramizraja in his drawing. One of the engineering students even ensured to be present at the time of wish fulfilment and discussed some of the important points to be taken care, while drawing a house! Ramizraja was very thrilled with his Engineer's Drawing Kit and colouring tools like wax crayons, colour pencils, water paints etc. in his kit. Smiling happily, he promised the foundation that he would make a beautiful drawing for us! An Out Of This World Experience! PUNE Space is the place that always puts a smile on his face! Yash Gandhi is a studious and intelligent 15 year old from Pune, whose favourite subject is science. In fact, so interested in space research is he, that he hopes to make it his career one day! When Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India's Pune division volunteers met him at the hospital and asked about his innermost cherished wish, there was no hesitation in his request! Yash immediately said he wants to visit the Space Research Centre at Shree Hari Kota that houses India's only satellite launch centre. His wish was kindly sponsored by the Cox and Kings Ltd. on 1st August 2010. He was fortunate to get an opportunity to meet some of the great scientists there and enjoyed talking and discussing Space Technology with them. Despite their hectic schedule, the scientists were quite enthusiastic about answering this intelligent boy's every query. Yash had a wonderful experience at Shree Hari Kota, and it has recharged his energy and enthused him to move ahead in life. Much like the satellites being launched there, the visit has infused more force into his desire to make a career here a reality!
  • 6. A Stethoscope and a Lot of Hope… Charming and vivacious Vijaylaxmi has been in and out of hospital almost daily to treat a life- DELHI threatening illness. So for this little brave girl, barely five years old, there could not have been anything more inspiring than becoming a doctor! Ms. Smiti Golyan, one of the energetic volunteers from the Delhi division helped in fulfilling Vijaylaxmi's cherished wish. On her wish fulfilment day, Vijaylaxmi, her mother and siblings were taken to the Ashlok Hospital. Dr. Ashok Chopra, one of the founders of the hospital, had directed his team to do its best to give Vijaylaxmi a convincing experience of what it is like to be a doctor. The staff rose to the occasion and was most cooperative. Vijaylaxmi's eyes lit up; and there was a broad smile as soon as she saw the stethoscope! With a doctor's coat and stethoscope, 'Dr. Vijaylaxmi' was all set to meet her first set of in-patients. She greeted her patients like a professional, introduced herself, asked about their problems, came to a diagnosis and gave them some tips to keep well. One of the patients was so impressed with her that she paid her Rs 1,000/- as her fees! Then Vijaylaxmi was taken for a tour of the hospital. She visited the ECG lab, CT scan room etc. and also spoke to other doctors and technicians to better understand the medical details of these facilities. After scribbling on a few files, she was taken to the out-patient clinic where she interacted with a few patients. Dr. Ashok Chopra also gifted her with a toy doctor's kit for her outstanding work as a doctor. The young girl is determined to serve the sick when she grows up. And seeing the way she conducted herself on the wish fulfilment day, we look forward to seeing 'Dr. Vijaylaxmi' striding through the hospital wards in another 20 years! It's the Season to Be Jolly… Fifteen year old Angel had never dreamt that she would be spending the Christmas of 2010 in a hospital ward, away from her home and family. But when it became a shocking reality, the only thing she could ask for was a Christmas Celebration, just like the ones at home! The volunteers from the Coimbatore division were themselves very excited about this sweet girl's unique wish and everyone went out of their way to make that day special for Angel. They celebrated the Christmas with Angel and the rest of the children of the Paediatric Oncology ward at Ramakrishna Hospital. The local church carol group generously agreed to come along to meet Angel. As Angel cut the Christmas cake, our volunteers and wish children sang "Merry Christmas" and then kick started the celebrations!! E TOR IMBA Just then, 'Jingle Bells' started in the background, and in walked Santa Claus! Then, the carollers sang CO traditional Christmas songs. The beautifully decorated auditorium of the hospital with a decked-up tree and a crib reminded Angel of her own home… Santa played with the children, sang along with them and distributed gifts to all. The Nun, who came along with the carol singers, delivered the Christmas message. The yummy food included a Christmas cake kindly sponsored by the church authorities and everyone enjoyed it. Our very supportive sponsor was there with her family to share the festivities. And we heard parents of other wish children thanking Angel for her wonderful wish which gave everyone an opportunity to celebrate Christmas. Angel couldn't help but keep smiling and she continued to thank all of us saying, "This is much more than I expected". Isn't it what every volunteer would like to hear?
  • 7. A Glamorous Gown wiped away the frowns! AI Little Shaily simply loves dressing up! Her closet, full of different types of formal and informal clothes, MUMB attests to the fact. The only thing missing was a Designer Gown. So it didn't come as much of a surprise when she informed our volunteers who contacted her in Raheja Hospital, Mumbai that what she really wanted was a 'Designer Gown' to wear on special occasions! The foundation then contacted well known designer Mr. Vikram Phadnis to help us to fulfil Shaily's wish, who unhesitatingly obliged, and created a wonderful pink gown for her. The matching jewellery and sandals were also bought to enhance the effect. The best part about this wish was the surprise element. Shaily was not informed that the volunteers were arriving with her Designer Gown. When they reached the hospital, she was sleeping due to the terrible pain in her legs, post her chemotherapy session. She awoke suddenly and saw the Jacket with the brand "Vikram Phadnis" embossed on it, and her joy knew no bounds! She carefully unzipped the jacket and on seeing the Gown was moved to tears. Her pain forgotten; she quickly donned the diamond & pearl encrusted pink gown and started posing for the camera! Then she sang a beautiful song for us in her sweet voice. Her parents too were very happy to see their darling daughter beaming, as for the last couple of weeks Shaily had been very depressed on losing her hair due to chemotherapy. The gown was given to her a week before Diwali – and a thrilled Shaily informed everyone that she would proudly wear it on that day. Truly, this gown has made the Festival of Lights extra bright for Shaily! You reached out…You touched their lives… You helped create a wonderful memory. Thank you!!
  • 8. Make-A-Wish® Foundation of India Founders: Bangalore Hyderabad Gita & Uday Joshi Mr. Vijay Ladha Ms. Madhumati Chukkapalli Trustees: Hon. Programme Director Hon. Programme Director Uday Joshi Ms. Anitha S Ms. Madhuri Talluri Managing Trustee Programme Coordinator Hon. Programme Coordinator Noshir Dadrawala ¤ 09980094232 ¤ 09391003982 Archana Karulkar ¤ 080-22734496 ¤ 040 - 23557772 Nasser Munjee Pankaj Baliga Coimbatore Jaipur National Office: Mumbai Air Cmdr. (Retd.) Mr. Vania Ms. Smita Shah Mr. Vaidyanathan K. Hon.Programme Director Programme Coordinator General Manager, Administration Ms. Bindu Rajiv ¤ 09829094781 ¤ 09930889900 Programme Coordinator ¤ 0141-2600107 ¤ 09500895790 ¤ 0422-4397224 Ms. Kalyani Mhashilkar Mumbai National Coordinator – MIS Mr. Uday Joshi ¤ 09819067791 Delhi Hon. Programme Director Ms. Shreerupa Parasrampuria ¤ 022-24912510 Hon. Programme Director Divisions and Representatives Ms. Snigdha Jain Pune Ahmedabad Programme Coordinator Mr. P Chaphalkar . Ms. Roopande Shah ¤ 09953241584 Hon. Programme Director Programme Coordinator ¤ 011-26672158 Ms. Akhila Koparkar ¤ 09601259039 Programme Coordinator ¤ 079-26561716 Goa ¤ 020-20250566 Ms. Gita Joshi Hon.Programme Director ¤ 09822123620 Volunteers are the backbone of our Foundation. 186 committed and highly dedicated volunteers help us in the wish granting process, administrative work and in organising events. MAKE-A-WISH® FOUNDATION OF INDIA National Office: Make-A-Wish® Foundation is a Registered Charitable Trust. 15/C 1st Floor, Hendre Castle, All donations to the Foundation are exempt from Income Tax u/s 80(G) of IT act 1961 Wish Gokhale Road (N), Dadar (W), Power printed courtesy Spenta Multimedia, Mumbai, India Mumbai 400 028. ¤ (91-22) 24460577 / 24461344 E-mail: Visit: Design by mohor