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Breakthrough Software Uses Proprietary "Sleep-
Sales Technology" To Generate Sales While You’re
Tucked Comfortably In Bed.
No  Experience  -  No Technical Skills  -   No Hosting  -  & No Product
Creation Required
Click The Play Button Below To Find Out More
A System With EVERYTHING You Need To
 100% Done-For-You Af liate Sales Funnels
 Build An Email List AND Generate Sales At The Same Time
 ZERO Website or Product Creation
 100% Newbie-Friendly
 Easy Push-Button Traf c Solution & Done-For-You Opt-In Pages
 Your OWN Internet Business For About The Price of a Cup of Coffee A Day
TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE!
Try The System For Just $9.95
If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER!
Try The System In The Next:
Launch Your BRAND NEW Internet Business Before
You Go To Bed Tonight...
Create your account today, and follow the simple steps to activate your system and
initiate our “Sleep-Sales Technology” process. Or, you can just have us set everything up
for you!
Normally, getting traf c (website visitors) is dif cult. But not anymore! With our system,
you just order as much or as little traf c as you want. It’s literally as easy as ordering a
pizza. That’s why we call it “pizza traf c”.
As traf c starts to come, your system will follow-up with people and offer them multiple
products to buy, AUTOMATICALLY. This happens 24/7/365… EVEN WHILE YOU’RE
(Actual Commissions From Just ONE Of My
**Testimonials & case study pictures, while 100% real, are NOT a guarantee of income! Results will
This  System Doesn't Just Work For  Me....
**Testimonials & case study pictures, while 100% real & from REAL users, are NOT a
guarantee of income! Results will Vary!
Take About 4 Quick Minutes And Check Out...
TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE!
Try The System For Just $9.95
If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER!
Try The System In The Next:
From:  7 Figure Earner, 
Devon Brown
To: Frustrated Beginner who has failed to make sustainable
income online. 
Subject: Why you've  failed to succeed online
This is a very personal message from me to you. 
Your struggle to make money online is about to end forever. 
But before we begin to solve your problem, let me ask you a few
quick questions:
Question-1: Have you been trying to make money online without
Question-2: Do you feel like something was missing from the
software, courses, and products that you have purchased in the past?
Question-3: Do you think making money online is just a scam and you
are about to give up? 
If you have answered “yes” to any or all the questions above, then
read this page carefully.
With Everything Going On In The World…
In Order To Make Money Online From The Comfort Of Your Home... At
The Absolute Least, You'll Need To Have:
  A Quality Product (or Products) To Sell
 A Way To Find The Interested People To Buy The Product (or Products)
 Website Pages (A Sales Funnel) & Copywriting For Each Page
 A Follow Up Series Of Emails For Your Prospects
 Domain Name & Website Hosting
 If You Can Get All of This Functioning Properly By
Yourself, GREAT! However...
It is NOT easy getting all these things set up and positioned in the proper
order, but it has to be done.
For most people, it’s extremely dif cult to not only know all of the right
ingredients, but to also have all of those ingredients perfectly mixed in a
way that allows your online business to generate sales 24/7 (even while
you’re sleeping).
If just ONE of the ingredients is incorrect, you'll never make a dime.
This is why most people fail before they even turn on their computer.
You Could Try To Do It All By Yourself (Which Is
VERY Hard). Or Maybe...
Let’s break it all down in a real world scenario where we assume that you
hire professionals to get the job done for you.  
Professional copywriters, website developers, digital product creators,
the whole 9 yards.
A QUALITY PRODUCT (in a hungry niche market) for
which interested prospects will gladly hand over money
+30-45 Days To Create
Professionally written FOLLOW-UP MESSAGES
(because it takes the average person seeing an offer
several times before they're likely to buy)
For 20 follow-up messages
Technical Stuff: Fully set up and integrated
Only For Help Setting This Up
A high-converting SALES FUNNEL that rst turns
traf c into opt-ins, AND THEN turns those opt-ins into
Including Copywriting
Just To Get OTHER PEOPLE To Help
You Set Everything Up… This Doesn’t
Even Include Traf c!
The Answer?
Not that many people, and this is where another problem comes into
If regular, everyday people are aspiring to have their very own, online
money-making sales funnels up and running, they can’t even afford the
out of pocket cost to get everything set up. 
With that in mind, there has GOT to be a smarter, more effective and
much more cost-ef cient way of doing things…
And There Is...
Many People Consider Af liate Marketing To Be...
But Why?
Well, when put up against all of the other make money online methods,
Af liate Marketing is the one that tends to overcome most, if not all, of
these obstacles. 
In a nutshell, Af liate Marketing is simply the process by which an
individual earns money by marketing the product of another individual.
1. Someone else creates the product & sales
2. You just send people who might be interested to
their site…
3. You earn commissions every time someone
No Making your own product
No Building your own websites
No Techie stuff
No Taking weeks to get started
No Huge barriers to entry
No Prior experience needed
No Customer support
No Figuring Out Payment processing
The answer is because there's ONE FATAL FLAW with af liate
marketing. No one wants to tell you this secret, but I will.
The problem is that it takes the average person seeing an offer
SEVERAL times before they're likely to purchase. The truth is
that  99.5% of people who see a product you're trying to sell,
WON'T buy it the rst time they see it.  
Therefore, if you don't have a way to automatically follow-up
with people (while you sleep), then your chances of making
sales is pretty much zero.
Being Able To Solve This ONE
PROBLEM Is The Secret To Pocketing
Commissions While You Sleep!
Because I Discovered How To Automate The Sales
Because I Discovered How To Automate The Sales
After YEARS of trial and error and trying to “make it” online, I
nally learned how to create a system for myself that generates
af liate sales for me...
It took a while to gure out, but once I did, I started sharing my
process with other people!
Over The Years, We've Gotten Our System To The 
Point Where Any Random Person Off The Street Can
Get Up, Running, & Seeing Results In As Little As 48
We created a system that was so easy & e몭ective, that it turned the
internet marketing world on it's head!
internet marketing world on it's head!
It's a System That:
 Has been tried, battle-tested and PROVEN...
 Is simple (especially for beginners)...
 Can allow you to pocket af liate commissions on a daily basis...
 Can make you as much as you want (no income cap)...
 Will allow you to earn from multiple streams of income…
 And much, much more...
So… Are You Ready To Get Off The Home-Business
Hamster Wheel?
12 Minute Af liate System Is A Revolutionary New  Online
Marketing System That  Utilizes
  SLEEP-SALES TECHNOLOGY  To Simplify The Entire Money-
Making Process .  Now, Even The Newest Internet Entrepreneur
Can Get EVERYTHING Set-up BEFORE You Go To Bed Tonight. 
 100% Newbie friendly
 Designed to Generate Both Leads & Af liate Sales on
 You NEVER Have to Create Your Own Product
 A COMPLETE Online Af liate Business in A Million (or
even BILLION) Dollar Niche Market For About The Price
Of A Cup Of Coffee A Day.
 Earn Money AND Build Your List At The Same Time!
 Completely Done-For-You Af liate Sales Funnels
Want To See Just How Easy The System Is? Just
Press Play And...
Player error
The player is having trouble. We’ll have it back up and running as soon as possible.
TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE!
Try The System For Just $9.95
If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER!
Try The System In The Next:
DFY FUNNELS (Value: $2,240)
Done-For-You Af liate Funnels in the
HOTTEST Niche Markets:
No HTML, no coding, no hosting, and no techie stuff! The 12 Minute Af liate
System includes ready-to-go af liate funnels in the hottest and MOST
PROFITABLE niche markets (like 'making money from home', 'weight loss', and
'personal development').  
Just personalize the system so that the leads go onto YOUR email list, and
af liate commissions go to YOUR bank account!
DFY EMAILS (Value: $3,200)
Professionally Written Follow-Up Messages
The fortune is in the follow-up! That's why the 12 Minute Af liate system
includes MONTHS worth of professionally written done-for-you follow up
No hiring expensive copywriters, and nothing for you to write yourself. You'd
EASILY pay a professional copywriter $40 -$50 or more (per email). But with 12
Minute Af liate, it's all included!
Copy/Paste Simple Instructions
(No Tech Skills Needed)
Our simple step-by-step instructions make it easy for even the newest online
marketer to have the system set up QUICKLY. The fastest we've ever seen
someone set the system up is 12 short minutes! But even if it takes you a little
longer, you can still have it all set up BEFORE you go to bed tonight!
There's even an option for us to set it up FOR YOU!!
(Value: $97/Month)
Create CUSTOM "On Demand" Funnels In
Similar funnel-building systems cost $97/month or more! And they're not as
easy to use as the 12 Minute Af liate funnel Wizard . 
With Funnel Wizard, you can create your own custom af liate funnels in as little
as 5 MINUTES! No coding or copy-writing needed!
(Value: $97/Month)
Private Facebook Community & Free Private
The free monthly trainings alone are easily worth $97/month. But when you
add in access to a mastermind of members who are already crushing it, this
feature alone is worth more than the price of the system! 
Now you can be in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself!
Done-For-You Traf c Solution -
As Easy As Ordering A Pizza
Traf c is the life-blood of your online business. And we've just made it EASIER
Traf c is the life-blood of your online business. And we've just made it EASIER
THAN ORDERING A PIZZA!  Our easy traf c solution allows you to get
targeted niche traf c in MINUTES (based on YOUR BUDGET). 
Just choose how much traf c you want, and we’ll take care of it for you!
BONUS #1: The Success Library 
(a $497 Value)
Instant access to a library of personal development
training! Discover how to unlock your true potential,
balance your life, end procrastination, and MUCH
MUCH MORE! Over 15 titles in all!
BONUS #2: The Free Tra몭ic Guide (a $97
Discover 16 ways to get FREE TRAFFIC to your
website! Including: How to get free traf c from
Twitter & Facebook, how to get traf c from other
people's blogs, and how to get traf c just by posting
pictures online! 
BONUS #3: Hot Product Promos
BONUS #3: Hot Product Promos
( a $997/Year Value)
We continually partner with the creators of some of
the HOTTEST selling products on the internet.
Normally, these offers are off-limits to new af liate
marketers.  But because you're part of 12 Minute
Af liate, you'll be able to promote these offers and
pocket HUGE commissions!
OF $7,031!
And Check This Out! Just For Giving The System An
Honest Try, We'll Give You...
And Check This Out! Just For Giving The System An
Honest Try, We'll Give You...
Here’s how it works…
FIRST: Join the 12 Minute Af liate System.
NEXT: Complete your quick-start checklist, and
order some done-for-you traf c.
THEN: Post in our members-only Facebook group
where you’d like us to send you!
(More Vacation Choices Available In Your Member's Area - No, This
Is Not A Time-Share)
TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE!
Try The System For Just $9.95
If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER!
Try The System In The Next:
Most systems created to help you pro t online are NOT as
simple (or as easy) as they claim. There's usually loads of
'techie" stuff to do, and you start to hit speed-bumps and get
frustrated 5 minutes in.
But with 12 Minute Af liate, even the newest newbie can start
getting results with the system their very rst week!
Once you've got everything up and running, it's not uncommon
to earn online commissions multiple times a week (or even
multiple times a day). 
And while there's no way to know exactly how much you'll
make, we'll tell you that our TOP members regularly make
online af liate commissions on an almost DAILY basis!
Imagine you had a system that AUTOMATICALLY promotes
multiple different af liate products FOR YOU, simultaneously!
This means that you could earn commissions from more than
one product the same day! 
Again, this is quite a common occurrence for our TOP members.
And who knows.. it could be for you too!!
Even if you're not very tech savvy and it takes you longer than
12 minutes, there's a 90% chance you'll be able to have the
ENTIRE system up and running BEFORE you go to bed tonight!
Heck, there's even an option to have our team set your entire
system up FOR YOU!!
Once the system is set-up, and you've gotten your done-for-you
traf c, (both of which can be done today) seeing results
shouldn't take very long!
Most members start seeing their email list grow within the rst
several days, and it's not uncommon for members to see their
rst commissions not long after that!
You only need 3 things to get results with 12 Minute Af liate:
1. A Desktop or Laptop computer
2. An internet connection
3. A willingness to follow simple instructions consistently!
Therefore, you can LITERALLY work from anywhere in the
Still have a full-time job and a packed schedule? That's no
problem! You can literally grow your af liate marketing
(using the 12 Minute Af liate System) using whatever spare
time you've got! 
Only have 5 hours a week on a Sunday evening? Cool! Only
have about an hour each night before you go to bed? That
works too!
If you've been trying to make money online for more than 5
minutes, then you've probably heard the saying "The Money Is
In Your List".
Having a niche-speci c email list that you can offer af liate
products to is the life-blood of your business & the #1 secret of
$100K earners! 
$100K earners! 
With 12 Minute Af liate, building your list is a breeze!
You've probably heard the saying "The Fortune Is In The
Follow-Up". Well if you have, you know it's 100% TRUE! But
following up with your leads can be VERY time consuming. 
That's why 12 Minute Af liate comes with MONTHS of done-
for- you follow up emails built into the system! Just let the
system follow up FOR YOU while you're sleeping or with your
One of the biggest challenges most people face when trying to
start their own online business is knowing WHAT to sell, and
HOW to sell it! With af liate marketing, knowing WHAT to sell
is easy because someone else has already created the product. 
And with the 12 Minute Af liate System, knowing HOW to sell
it has already been taken care of!
There Is Absolutely NO RISK On Your Part With
For a full 60 days, and for less than 10 measly bucks, you can give the 12
Minute Af liate System a test drive and put it to work for you.
There aren’t too many systems out there online that are willing to put
their money where their mouth is. . . but WE ARE!
We will let you test drive the entire system for the price of a Starbucks
We will let you test drive the entire system for the price of a Starbucks
coffee and donut and if you like it, you get to keep it!!! 
But, if for some bizarre reason you don’t like the 12 Minute Af liate
System, just let us know within the refund period, and we’ll cancel your
account and refund every penny…
Now That You Have NO RISK, You Also Have
FUNNELS  in the hottest niche markets! (a $2,240 value)
me and ready to make sales while I sleep! (a $3,200 value)
 Setting up the system is as easy as copy & paste (or I can
just have the support staff set everything up FOR ME)
 I’ll be able to create CUSTOM AFFILIATE FUNNELS on
demand in a matter of minutes (a $97/month value)
 I will get access to REAL SUPPORT from people based in
the USA, and access to the PRIVATE FACEBOOK
GROUP! (a $97/month value)
I understand that getting traf c to the system is based on
 I understand that getting traf c to the system is based on
 BONUS #1: I'll get instant access to the ULTIMATE
SUCCESS LIBRARY of personal development training! (a
$497 value)
 BONUS #2: I'll get access to the FREE TRAFFIC guide that
shows me 16 ways to get free traf c to any website (a $97
 BONUS #3: I'll be getting to promote EXCLUSIVE "HOT
PRODUCTS" that are typically "off limits" to newbies! (a
$997 value)
 BONUS #4: I'll be getting a FREE VACATION just for giving
the system an HONEST try! (a $997 value) 
TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE For Just $9.95!
(Keep The System For As Little As $47/Month - Cancel At Any Time)
Yes! I Want To Try The
If You Like It - Keep The System For LESS Than The Price of a Cup of Coffee a Day!
Check Out The Answers To These 12 Minute
Af liate FAQ's
  What is 12 Minute Af liate?
12 Minute Af liate is a revolutionary new system that simpli es the process of
making online commissions with af liate marketing.
With 12 Minute Af liate there are no products to create, websites to host,
copy to write, or techie stuff to gure out!
 Do I Need Prior Experience or Training?
NO - The 12 Minute Af liate System is 100% newbie-friendly. So, even if you're
a complete newbie, you can use this system with ease.
But just in case you’re nervous, we also have a private Facebook community,
But just in case you’re nervous, we also have a private Facebook community,
ongoing trainings (for FREE), and you can even get private 1-on-1 coaching!
 What Makes 12-Minute Af liate Different
From The Rest?
The #1 difference that separates 12 Minute Af liate System from everything
else is the simplicity of the process. All of the websites, funnels, emails, etc... are
already done for you. You just have to personalize the system so that YOU get
the af liate commissions. The system answers the #1 question that keeps most
people from ever getting results: “What do I do next?”
Most other systems claim to be easy and “non-techie”... but they’re not! 12
Minute Af liate really is! Heck, we even provide a done-for-you traf c service
(based on your budget) so that you don’t have to gure out how to get targeted
traf c to your new af liate funnels.
 But What About Traf c, Copywriting, Finding
Products, And All The Other Stuff I’ll Need To
You don’t have to worry about any of that stuff, because we’ve got you covered.
We’ve been helping people succeed online for more than 11 years, so we know
the challenges and obstacles in your way better than you know them yourself.
All we ask it that you trust that we’ve removed the obstacles for you, and give
the system a try TODAY!
 Is This A "Get Rich-Quick" Program?
NO! This is “Get Everything Up and Running QUICK”. Ultimately, your success
will be based on your consistency. But you already know that.
 Are You Really Giving Me A Free Vacation Just
For Trying The System? Why Would You Do
For Trying The System? Why Would You Do
YES! We're really giving you a FREE VACATION, and no, it's not a time-share or
anything like that. All you have to do to get your vacation is give the system an
HONEST try. Get everything set up, get a little bit of traf c, and then choose
from our list of exotic locations.
Here's why we do it...
I know that if you give the system an HONEST try, then you're going to love it.
So I'm willing to ethically bribe you with a free vacation just to get you to give
the system a real shot. 
Once you start getting the results you've always wanted, I know you'll be with
us for a long time. 
 Exactly How Does 12-Minute Af liate Work?
It’s Easy...
STEP 1: Click the “get started” button on this page to start your no-risk trial for
just a few dollars. If you like the system, you can keep it for less than the price
of a cup of coffee per day. 
STEP 2: Follow the simple QUICK-START CHECKLIST to get your system up
and running (or choose to have us set the system up for you). 
STEP 3: Order some done-for-you traf c to your system based on your budget
(it’s literally as easy as ordering a pizza) and from there,  the system builds your
list and promotes af liate products for you while you sleep.
Every time someone buys one of the af liate products your system is
promoting, YOU keep 100% of the commissions paid to you!
What Type of Results Can I Expect From 12-
 What Type of Results Can I Expect From 12-
Minute Af liate?
I have no earthly idea. The FASTEST we’ve ever seen someone make their rst
commission with this system is 48 hours. But that’s not typical.
That being said, it’s not uncommon for our members to start seeing people on
their email list their very rst week, and even see their rst af liate sale shortly
thereafter. Ultimately your results are based 100% on YOUR efforts and your
ability to follow exact instructions.
 What Are All The Costs Involved?
Great question. As you already know, getting everything set up by yourself
would easily cost thousands of dollars. But you won't have to pay anything
close to that with our system. 
Here's a Breakdown
- You try the system for just $9.95
- You keep the system for as little as $47/month 
- Your auto-responder (which allows you to make sales while you sleep), is only
about $0.63 cents a day
- And then your traf c is based on YOUR budget!
 Is There A Money-Back Guarantee?
YES! - We offer a 60-Day, Ironclad Money Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason
you feel that we didn’t deliver everything that we claimed on this page, or if
you're just not happy with the results you are getting from 12 Minute Af liate,
simply submit a refund request within the refund period, and we will return
every single penny to you.
 Is There Anything Else I Have To Do Once My
System Is Set Up?
That depends on how much money you want to make and how much success
That depends on how much money you want to make and how much success
you want to have. If you want to be able to create commissions on demand, the
most important thing you can do is join our free trainings and hang out with us
in our private Facebook group. Once your system is up and running, I'll show
you how to 3X... 5X... or even 10X your results by learning a few key skills you
can complete in about 5 hours a week!
 How Do I Get Started?
STEP 1. Click the button on this page to activate your system test-drive for just
STEP 2. Follow super easy instructions. THAT'S IT!
TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE!
Keep The System For LESS THAN $1.60/Day!
Try The System For Just $9.95
If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER!
For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE.
For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.
Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it's potential.
Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings,
there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this product. 
Examples in these materials are not to be taken as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is
entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, techniques and most importantly the effort put
forth. We do not purport this as a "get rich scheme", and nor should you view it as such. 
The content of this message has been created by the applicable Vendor and not by ClickBank. Accordingly,
ClickBank is not responsible for any information contained in this message, including, but not limited to,
any product information, promotions, incentives, expected returns or other information contained herein.
In addition, ClickBank is not responsible for any links to third party websites contained in this message.
Such links do not imply any endorsement by ClickBank of such websites or the content, products or
services available from such websites. By clicking on or accessing a third party website listed in this
message, you acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc.,
a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used
by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of
these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Copyright © 2020 - 2021  |  12 Minute Af liate All Rights Reserved.

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Make money-online

  • 1. SIGN UP  |  LOG IN Breakthrough Software Uses Proprietary "Sleep- Sales Technology" To Generate Sales While You’re Tucked Comfortably In Bed. No  Experience  -  No Technical Skills  -   No Hosting  -  & No Product Creation Required Click The Play Button Below To Find Out More A System With EVERYTHING You Need To Succeed
  • 2. Succeed  100% Done-For-You Af liate Sales Funnels  Build An Email List AND Generate Sales At The Same Time  ZERO Website or Product Creation  100% Newbie-Friendly  Easy Push-Button Traf c Solution & Done-For-You Opt-In Pages  Your OWN Internet Business For About The Price of a Cup of Coffee A Day REGULAR PRICE: $197/Month TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE! Try The System For Just $9.95 If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER! Try The System In The Next: 09 HOURS 04 MINUTES 16 SECONDS Launch Your BRAND NEW Internet Business Before
  • 3. You Go To Bed Tonight... IN JUST 3 SIMPLE STEPS
  • 4. STEP #1: ACTIVATE YOUR SYSTEM Create your account today, and follow the simple steps to activate your system and initiate our “Sleep-Sales Technology” process. Or, you can just have us set everything up for you! STEP #2: GET DONE-FOR-YOU “PIZZA TRAFFIC” Normally, getting traf c (website visitors) is dif cult. But not anymore! With our system, you just order as much or as little traf c as you want. It’s literally as easy as ordering a pizza. That’s why we call it “pizza traf c”. STEP #3: MAKE SALES WHILE YOU SLEEP As traf c starts to come, your system will follow-up with people and offer them multiple products to buy, AUTOMATICALLY. This happens 24/7/365… EVEN WHILE YOU’RE ASLEEP! PROOF THIS SYSTEM WORKS (Actual Commissions From Just ONE Of My Accounts) **Testimonials & case study pictures, while 100% real, are NOT a guarantee of income! Results will Vary!
  • 5. This  System Doesn't Just Work For  Me.... LOOK AT THESE RESULTS FROM ACTUAL USERS!  **Testimonials & case study pictures, while 100% real & from REAL users, are NOT a guarantee of income! Results will Vary!
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  • 27. Take About 4 Quick Minutes And Check Out... "SLEEP-SALES TECHNOLOGY" EXPLAINED...
  • 28.
  • 29. REGULAR PRICE: $197/Month TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE! Try The System For Just $9.95 If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER! Try The System In The Next: 09 HOURS 04 MINUTES 16 SECONDS
  • 30. From:  7 Figure Earner,  Devon Brown To: Frustrated Beginner who has failed to make sustainable income online.  Subject: Why you've  failed to succeed online This is a very personal message from me to you.  Your struggle to make money online is about to end forever.  But before we begin to solve your problem, let me ask you a few quick questions:
  • 31. Question-1: Have you been trying to make money online without success? Question-2: Do you feel like something was missing from the software, courses, and products that you have purchased in the past? Question-3: Do you think making money online is just a scam and you are about to give up?  If you have answered “yes” to any or all the questions above, then read this page carefully. With Everything Going On In The World… INTERNET-BASED BUSINESSES ARE EXPLODING!
  • 32.
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  • 34. BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER, READ THIS... In Order To Make Money Online From The Comfort Of Your Home... At The Absolute Least, You'll Need To Have:   A Quality Product (or Products) To Sell  A Way To Find The Interested People To Buy The Product (or Products)  Website Pages (A Sales Funnel) & Copywriting For Each Page  A Follow Up Series Of Emails For Your Prospects  Domain Name & Website Hosting
  • 35.  If You Can Get All of This Functioning Properly By Yourself, GREAT! However... FOR MOST, THERE'S A HUGE PROBLEM!
  • 36. It is NOT easy getting all these things set up and positioned in the proper order, but it has to be done. For most people, it’s extremely dif cult to not only know all of the right ingredients, but to also have all of those ingredients perfectly mixed in a way that allows your online business to generate sales 24/7 (even while you’re sleeping). If just ONE of the ingredients is incorrect, you'll never make a dime. This is why most people fail before they even turn on their computer. You Could Try To Do It All By Yourself (Which Is VERY Hard). Or Maybe... YOU COULD OUTSOURCE EVERYTHING ...BUT YOU BETTER BE PREPARED TO COUGH UP THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO AFFORD EVERYTHING YOU NEED! Let’s break it all down in a real world scenario where we assume that you hire professionals to get the job done for you.  
  • 37. Professional copywriters, website developers, digital product creators, the whole 9 yards. THIS IS A ROUGH ESTIMATE OF WHAT IT WOULD COST TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN:
  • 38. A QUALITY PRODUCT (in a hungry niche market) for which interested prospects will gladly hand over money $2,000 +30-45 Days To Create Professionally written FOLLOW-UP MESSAGES (because it takes the average person seeing an offer several times before they're likely to buy) $800 For 20 follow-up messages Technical Stuff: Fully set up and integrated AUTORESPONDER, HOSTING, DOMAIN, etc... $400 Only For Help Setting This Up
  • 39. A high-converting SALES FUNNEL that rst turns traf c into opt-ins, AND THEN turns those opt-ins into buyers $1,497 Including Copywriting THAT'S A TOTAL OF $4,697.00 Just To Get OTHER PEOPLE To Help You Set Everything Up… This Doesn’t Even Include Traf c!
  • 40. WHO ON EARTH HAS THAT KIND OF MONEY JUST LAYING AROUND?!? The Answer? Not that many people, and this is where another problem comes into play.   If regular, everyday people are aspiring to have their very own, online money-making sales funnels up and running, they can’t even afford the out of pocket cost to get everything set up.  With that in mind, there has GOT to be a smarter, more effective and much more cost-ef cient way of doing things… And There Is...
  • 41. Many People Consider Af liate Marketing To Be... THE EASIEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE
  • 42. But Why? Well, when put up against all of the other make money online methods, Af liate Marketing is the one that tends to overcome most, if not all, of these obstacles.  In a nutshell, Af liate Marketing is simply the process by which an individual earns money by marketing the product of another individual. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS... 1. Someone else creates the product & sales process… 2. You just send people who might be interested to their site… 3. You earn commissions every time someone purchases! No Making your own product No Building your own websites No Techie stuff No Taking weeks to get started No Huge barriers to entry
  • 43. No Prior experience needed No Customer support No Figuring Out Payment processing BUT IF IT'S SO EASY... WHY DOESN'T IT WORK FOR MOST PEOPLE WHO TRY IT? The answer is because there's ONE FATAL FLAW with af liate marketing. No one wants to tell you this secret, but I will. The problem is that it takes the average person seeing an offer SEVERAL times before they're likely to purchase. The truth is that  99.5% of people who see a product you're trying to sell, WON'T buy it the rst time they see it.   Therefore, if you don't have a way to automatically follow-up with people (while you sleep), then your chances of making sales is pretty much zero.
  • 44. Being Able To Solve This ONE PROBLEM Is The Secret To Pocketing Commissions While You Sleep! Because I Discovered How To Automate The Sales
  • 45. Because I Discovered How To Automate The Sales Process... I FINALLY STARTED MAKING MONEY! After YEARS of trial and error and trying to “make it” online, I nally learned how to create a system for myself that generates af liate sales for me... WHILE I SLEEP! It took a while to gure out, but once I did, I started sharing my process with other people!
  • 46. Over The Years, We've Gotten Our System To The  Point Where Any Random Person Off The Street Can Get Up, Running, & Seeing Results In As Little As 48 Hours. WE'VE PERFECTED THE PROCESS... We created a system that was so easy & e몭ective, that it turned the internet marketing world on it's head!
  • 47. internet marketing world on it's head! It's a System That:  Has been tried, battle-tested and PROVEN...  Is simple (especially for beginners)...  Can allow you to pocket af liate commissions on a daily basis...  Can make you as much as you want (no income cap)...  Will allow you to earn from multiple streams of income…  And much, much more... So… Are You Ready To Get Off The Home-Business Hamster Wheel? Introducing... THE 12 MINUTE AFFILIATE SYSTEM 12 Minute Af liate System Is A Revolutionary New  Online Marketing System That  Utilizes   SLEEP-SALES TECHNOLOGY  To Simplify The Entire Money- Making Process .  Now, Even The Newest Internet Entrepreneur Can Get EVERYTHING Set-up BEFORE You Go To Bed Tonight. 
  • 48.  100% Newbie friendly
  • 49.  Designed to Generate Both Leads & Af liate Sales on Autopilot!  You NEVER Have to Create Your Own Product  There is Absolutely NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NEEDED!  A COMPLETE Online Af liate Business in A Million (or even BILLION) Dollar Niche Market For About The Price Of A Cup Of Coffee A Day.  Earn Money AND Build Your List At The Same Time!  Completely Done-For-You Af liate Sales Funnels Want To See Just How Easy The System Is? Just Press Play And... WATCH THIS QUICK VIDEO! Player error The player is having trouble. We’ll have it back up and running as soon as possible. 
  • 50. REGULAR PRICE: $197/Month TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE! Try The System For Just $9.95 If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER! Try The System In The Next: 09 HOURS 04 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WHAT MAKES 12 MINUTE AFFILIATE... THE EASIEST WAY TO
  • 51. THE EASIEST WAY TO SUCCEED ONLINE HERE’S EVERYTHING YOU’RE GETTING DFY FUNNELS (Value: $2,240) Done-For-You Af liate Funnels in the HOTTEST Niche Markets: No HTML, no coding, no hosting, and no techie stuff! The 12 Minute Af liate System includes ready-to-go af liate funnels in the hottest and MOST PROFITABLE niche markets (like 'making money from home', 'weight loss', and 'personal development').  
  • 52. Just personalize the system so that the leads go onto YOUR email list, and af liate commissions go to YOUR bank account! DFY EMAILS (Value: $3,200) Professionally Written Follow-Up Messages (Done-For-You) The fortune is in the follow-up! That's why the 12 Minute Af liate system includes MONTHS worth of professionally written done-for-you follow up messages!  No hiring expensive copywriters, and nothing for you to write yourself. You'd EASILY pay a professional copywriter $40 -$50 or more (per email). But with 12 Minute Af liate, it's all included!
  • 53. 12 MINUTE SETUP Copy/Paste Simple Instructions (No Tech Skills Needed) Our simple step-by-step instructions make it easy for even the newest online marketer to have the system set up QUICKLY. The fastest we've ever seen someone set the system up is 12 short minutes! But even if it takes you a little longer, you can still have it all set up BEFORE you go to bed tonight! There's even an option for us to set it up FOR YOU!!
  • 54. E-Z FUNNEL WIZARD (Value: $97/Month) Create CUSTOM "On Demand" Funnels In Minutes Similar funnel-building systems cost $97/month or more! And they're not as easy to use as the 12 Minute Af liate funnel Wizard .  With Funnel Wizard, you can create your own custom af liate funnels in as little as 5 MINUTES! No coding or copy-writing needed! PRIVATE COMMUNITY
  • 55. PRIVATE COMMUNITY (Value: $97/Month) Private Facebook Community & Free Private Training The free monthly trainings alone are easily worth $97/month. But when you add in access to a mastermind of members who are already crushing it, this feature alone is worth more than the price of the system!  Now you can be in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself! DONE-FOR-YOU TRAFFIC! Done-For-You Traf c Solution - As Easy As Ordering A Pizza Traf c is the life-blood of your online business. And we've just made it EASIER
  • 56. Traf c is the life-blood of your online business. And we've just made it EASIER THAN ORDERING A PIZZA!  Our easy traf c solution allows you to get targeted niche traf c in MINUTES (based on YOUR BUDGET).  Just choose how much traf c you want, and we’ll take care of it for you! BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! WE'RE ALSO GIVING YOU... OVER $1,590 IN FREE BONUSES! FOR A LIMITED TIME: HERE'S WHAT YOU'RE GETTING...
  • 57. BONUS #1: The Success Library  (a $497 Value) Instant access to a library of personal development training! Discover how to unlock your true potential, balance your life, end procrastination, and MUCH MUCH MORE! Over 15 titles in all!
  • 58. BONUS #2: The Free Tra몭ic Guide (a $97 Value) Discover 16 ways to get FREE TRAFFIC to your website! Including: How to get free traf c from Twitter & Facebook, how to get traf c from other people's blogs, and how to get traf c just by posting pictures online!  BONUS #3: Hot Product Promos
  • 59. BONUS #3: Hot Product Promos ( a $997/Year Value) We continually partner with the creators of some of the HOTTEST selling products on the internet. Normally, these offers are off-limits to new af liate marketers.  But because you're part of 12 Minute Af liate, you'll be able to promote these offers and pocket HUGE commissions! THAT'S A TOTAL VALUE OF $7,031! (PLUS AN ADDITONAL $194/MONTH) And Check This Out! Just For Giving The System An Honest Try, We'll Give You...
  • 60. And Check This Out! Just For Giving The System An Honest Try, We'll Give You... A FREE VACATION TO ONE OF OVER A DOZEN EXOTIC LOCATIONS! Here’s how it works… FIRST: Join the 12 Minute Af liate System. NEXT: Complete your quick-start checklist, and order some done-for-you traf c. THEN: Post in our members-only Facebook group where you’d like us to send you! THAT'S IT!! (More Vacation Choices Available In Your Member's Area - No, This Is Not A Time-Share)
  • 62. REGULAR PRICE: $197/Month TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE! Try The System For Just $9.95 If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER! Try The System In The Next: 09 HOURS 04 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WHY YOU MUST GRAB THE 12 MINUTE AFFILIATE
  • 63. THE 12 MINUTE AFFILIATE SYSTEM TODAY... IT'S SIMPLE - EVEN FOR BEGINNERS! Most systems created to help you pro t online are NOT as simple (or as easy) as they claim. There's usually loads of 'techie" stuff to do, and you start to hit speed-bumps and get frustrated 5 minutes in. But with 12 Minute Af liate, even the newest newbie can start getting results with the system their very rst week!
  • 64. YOU CAN PROFIT DAILY! Once you've got everything up and running, it's not uncommon to earn online commissions multiple times a week (or even multiple times a day).  And while there's no way to know exactly how much you'll make, we'll tell you that our TOP members regularly make online af liate commissions on an almost DAILY basis! IT CREATES MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME! Imagine you had a system that AUTOMATICALLY promotes multiple different af liate products FOR YOU, simultaneously! This means that you could earn commissions from more than one product the same day!  Again, this is quite a common occurrence for our TOP members. And who knows.. it could be for you too!!
  • 65. FAST AND EASY SET-UP! Even if you're not very tech savvy and it takes you longer than 12 minutes, there's a 90% chance you'll be able to have the ENTIRE system up and running BEFORE you go to bed tonight!   Heck, there's even an option to have our team set your entire system up FOR YOU!! YOU CAN SEE RESULTS QUICKLY! Once the system is set-up, and you've gotten your done-for-you traf c, (both of which can be done today) seeing results
  • 66. shouldn't take very long! Most members start seeing their email list grow within the rst several days, and it's not uncommon for members to see their rst commissions not long after that! WORK FROM ANYWHERE - (LAPTOP LIFESTYLE) You only need 3 things to get results with 12 Minute Af liate: 1. A Desktop or Laptop computer 2. An internet connection 3. A willingness to follow simple instructions consistently! Therefore, you can LITERALLY work from anywhere in the world!
  • 67. IT'S THE PERFECT SIDE BUSINESS! Still have a full-time job and a packed schedule? That's no problem! You can literally grow your af liate marketing business  (using the 12 Minute Af liate System) using whatever spare time you've got!  Only have 5 hours a week on a Sunday evening? Cool! Only have about an hour each night before you go to bed? That works too! THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST If you've been trying to make money online for more than 5 minutes, then you've probably heard the saying "The Money Is In Your List". Having a niche-speci c email list that you can offer af liate products to is the life-blood of your business & the #1 secret of $100K earners! 
  • 68. $100K earners!  With 12 Minute Af liate, building your list is a breeze! THE FORTUNE IS IN THE FOLLOW-UP You've probably heard the saying "The Fortune Is In The Follow-Up". Well if you have, you know it's 100% TRUE! But following up with your leads can be VERY time consuming.  That's why 12 Minute Af liate comes with MONTHS of done- for- you follow up emails built into the system! Just let the system follow up FOR YOU while you're sleeping or with your family! NO CREATING YOUR OWN PRODUCTS OR
  • 69. NO CREATING YOUR OWN PRODUCTS OR WEBSITES! One of the biggest challenges most people face when trying to start their own online business is knowing WHAT to sell, and HOW to sell it! With af liate marketing, knowing WHAT to sell is easy because someone else has already created the product.  And with the 12 Minute Af liate System, knowing HOW to sell it has already been taken care of! AND OH YEAH, ONE MORE THING... There Is Absolutely NO RISK On Your Part With Our... 60-DAY 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE
  • 70. GUARANTEE For a full 60 days, and for less than 10 measly bucks, you can give the 12 Minute Af liate System a test drive and put it to work for you. There aren’t too many systems out there online that are willing to put their money where their mouth is. . . but WE ARE! We will let you test drive the entire system for the price of a Starbucks
  • 71. We will let you test drive the entire system for the price of a Starbucks coffee and donut and if you like it, you get to keep it!!!  But, if for some bizarre reason you don’t like the 12 Minute Af liate System, just let us know within the refund period, and we’ll cancel your account and refund every penny… ~ NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!! ~ Now That You Have NO RISK, You Also Have NO EXCUSES! HERE'S EVERYTHING YOU'RE GETTING...
  • 72. SPECIAL OFFER: WHEN YOU ACTIVATE YOUR SYSTEM TODAY! I UNDERSTAND THAT:  I'll get access to DONE-FOR-YOU AFFILIATE SALES FUNNELS  in the hottest niche markets! (a $2,240 value)  I'll have PROFESSIONAL EMAIL FOLLOW-UPS written for me and ready to make sales while I sleep! (a $3,200 value)  Setting up the system is as easy as copy & paste (or I can just have the support staff set everything up FOR ME)  I’ll be able to create CUSTOM AFFILIATE FUNNELS on demand in a matter of minutes (a $97/month value)  I will get access to REAL SUPPORT from people based in the USA, and access to the PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP! (a $97/month value) I understand that getting traf c to the system is based on
  • 73.  I understand that getting traf c to the system is based on MY budget and is LITERALLY AS EASY AS ORDERING A PIZZA (PRICELESS)  BONUS #1: I'll get instant access to the ULTIMATE SUCCESS LIBRARY of personal development training! (a $497 value)  BONUS #2: I'll get access to the FREE TRAFFIC guide that shows me 16 ways to get free traf c to any website (a $97 value)  BONUS #3: I'll be getting to promote EXCLUSIVE "HOT PRODUCTS" that are typically "off limits" to newbies! (a $997 value)  BONUS #4: I'll be getting a FREE VACATION just for giving the system an HONEST try! (a $997 value)  THAT'S A TOTAL VALUE OF $8,222! REGULAR PRICE: $197/Month TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE For Just $9.95! (Keep The System For As Little As $47/Month - Cancel At Any Time) Yes! I Want To Try The
  • 74. System If You Like It - Keep The System For LESS Than The Price of a Cup of Coffee a Day! STILL HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS? Check Out The Answers To These 12 Minute Af liate FAQ's   What is 12 Minute Af liate? 12 Minute Af liate is a revolutionary new system that simpli es the process of making online commissions with af liate marketing. With 12 Minute Af liate there are no products to create, websites to host, copy to write, or techie stuff to gure out!  Do I Need Prior Experience or Training? NO - The 12 Minute Af liate System is 100% newbie-friendly. So, even if you're a complete newbie, you can use this system with ease. But just in case you’re nervous, we also have a private Facebook community,
  • 75. But just in case you’re nervous, we also have a private Facebook community, ongoing trainings (for FREE), and you can even get private 1-on-1 coaching!  What Makes 12-Minute Af liate Different From The Rest? The #1 difference that separates 12 Minute Af liate System from everything else is the simplicity of the process. All of the websites, funnels, emails, etc... are already done for you. You just have to personalize the system so that YOU get the af liate commissions. The system answers the #1 question that keeps most people from ever getting results: “What do I do next?” Most other systems claim to be easy and “non-techie”... but they’re not! 12 Minute Af liate really is! Heck, we even provide a done-for-you traf c service (based on your budget) so that you don’t have to gure out how to get targeted traf c to your new af liate funnels.  But What About Traf c, Copywriting, Finding Products, And All The Other Stuff I’ll Need To Do. You don’t have to worry about any of that stuff, because we’ve got you covered. We’ve been helping people succeed online for more than 11 years, so we know the challenges and obstacles in your way better than you know them yourself. All we ask it that you trust that we’ve removed the obstacles for you, and give the system a try TODAY!  Is This A "Get Rich-Quick" Program? NO! This is “Get Everything Up and Running QUICK”. Ultimately, your success will be based on your consistency. But you already know that.  Are You Really Giving Me A Free Vacation Just For Trying The System? Why Would You Do
  • 76. For Trying The System? Why Would You Do That? YES! We're really giving you a FREE VACATION, and no, it's not a time-share or anything like that. All you have to do to get your vacation is give the system an HONEST try. Get everything set up, get a little bit of traf c, and then choose from our list of exotic locations. Here's why we do it... I know that if you give the system an HONEST try, then you're going to love it. So I'm willing to ethically bribe you with a free vacation just to get you to give the system a real shot.  Once you start getting the results you've always wanted, I know you'll be with us for a long time.   Exactly How Does 12-Minute Af liate Work? It’s Easy... STEP 1: Click the “get started” button on this page to start your no-risk trial for just a few dollars. If you like the system, you can keep it for less than the price of a cup of coffee per day.  STEP 2: Follow the simple QUICK-START CHECKLIST to get your system up and running (or choose to have us set the system up for you).  STEP 3: Order some done-for-you traf c to your system based on your budget (it’s literally as easy as ordering a pizza) and from there,  the system builds your list and promotes af liate products for you while you sleep. Every time someone buys one of the af liate products your system is promoting, YOU keep 100% of the commissions paid to you! What Type of Results Can I Expect From 12-
  • 77.  What Type of Results Can I Expect From 12- Minute Af liate? I have no earthly idea. The FASTEST we’ve ever seen someone make their rst commission with this system is 48 hours. But that’s not typical. That being said, it’s not uncommon for our members to start seeing people on their email list their very rst week, and even see their rst af liate sale shortly thereafter. Ultimately your results are based 100% on YOUR efforts and your ability to follow exact instructions.  What Are All The Costs Involved? Great question. As you already know, getting everything set up by yourself would easily cost thousands of dollars. But you won't have to pay anything close to that with our system.  Here's a Breakdown - You try the system for just $9.95 - You keep the system for as little as $47/month  - Your auto-responder (which allows you to make sales while you sleep), is only about $0.63 cents a day - And then your traf c is based on YOUR budget!  Is There A Money-Back Guarantee? YES! - We offer a 60-Day, Ironclad Money Back Guarantee. If for ANY reason you feel that we didn’t deliver everything that we claimed on this page, or if you're just not happy with the results you are getting from 12 Minute Af liate, simply submit a refund request within the refund period, and we will return every single penny to you.  Is There Anything Else I Have To Do Once My System Is Set Up? That depends on how much money you want to make and how much success
  • 78. That depends on how much money you want to make and how much success you want to have. If you want to be able to create commissions on demand, the most important thing you can do is join our free trainings and hang out with us in our private Facebook group. Once your system is up and running, I'll show you how to 3X... 5X... or even 10X your results by learning a few key skills you can complete in about 5 hours a week!  How Do I Get Started? IT'S EASY!  STEP 1. Click the button on this page to activate your system test-drive for just $9.95 STEP 2. Follow super easy instructions. THAT'S IT! REGULAR PRICE: $197/Month TODAY: Try The System For A FULL 14 Days RISK FREE! Keep The System For LESS THAN $1.60/Day! Try The System For Just $9.95 If You Like It - Keep The System & LOCK IN A 76% DISCOUNT FOREVER! ACTIVATE YOUR SYSTEM TODAY AND GET EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO START WINNING!
  • 79. DISCLAIMER | AFFILIATES | PRIVACY POLICY | CONTACT US | LOG IN For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE. For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE. Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it's potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this product.  Examples in these materials are not to be taken as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, techniques and most importantly the effort put forth. We do not purport this as a "get rich scheme", and nor should you view it as such.  The content of this message has been created by the applicable Vendor and not by ClickBank. Accordingly, ClickBank is not responsible for any information contained in this message, including, but not limited to, any product information, promotions, incentives, expected returns or other information contained herein. In addition, ClickBank is not responsible for any links to third party websites contained in this message. Such links do not imply any endorsement by ClickBank of such websites or the content, products or services available from such websites. By clicking on or accessing a third party website listed in this message, you acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such websites.  ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
  • 80. Copyright © 2020 - 2021  |  12 Minute Af liate All Rights Reserved.