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Make Money Online
Global PubliCash
The New System of Wealth Distribution
The More You Give – The More You Win!
Great income potential without any risk
Starting with only $10
How it Work
GlobalPubliCash is an international system, which can generate quite
good earnings within relatively short time.
It’s characterized by the fact that all participants generate positive cash
Our revenue is directly depending on the size of the partnership structure,
in other words a larger network referrals mean more money to feed
This is a great system that allows you to quite easily create a source
additional income (absolutely you do not have to give up your current job).
This is not a trading (investment) system, a flow chart of money in any
case does not coincide with a system based on illegal pyramid scheme.
The program is Spanish-speaking, as it was established in one of the
countries of Latin America
(and more specifically Central America ) – Nicaragua .
To join the system, you must transfer $10 to a person who is directly above
us in the structure (not always a partner with whom to register; it’s the
result of the
organization based on binary matrix).
Financial flow chart is introduced in below attached drawing:
Thus, after the transfer of $10 fee, your sponsor confirms the payment and
activates your account.
If we obtain two people who pay us $ 10 – we are filling our first level in
the structure and we have to activate level 2.
In order to activate the level 2 – we have to pass $15 to a person designated
by the system which is in the structure two levels above us.
In this case our cash flow is $ 5.
From second level we receive four payments by $15 and the cost of third
level activation is $25 (payment to the person who is three levels above us)
so our cashflow is $ 35.
From third level we get eight payments by 25 dollars, and the cost of the
fourth level activation is $50 (payment to the person four levels above us) –
so our balance sheet is then $ 150 .
On the fourth level you get 16 payments by $50 (total $800), the cost of
promotion to the next stage – the activation of golden matrix is $100 – that
is us $700.
At this point we close silver matrix, which is illustrated below.
We can continue our career and earn more money in GOLDEN MATRIX.
To go to this matrix we have to be at level 4 and receive a minimum of 2 x
$50 = $100 in the silver matrix.
Partners of the matrix stay with us. We continue to receive donations from
the silver matrix.
The cost of buying placement in the golden matrix is $100.
Golden matrix is illustrated below:
Total income of the matrix is $9 790.
If you want to earn more and participate in a PLATINUM MATRIX, we
pay $1 000 for a placement.
To enter into the platinum matrix we have to be at level 4 in golden
matrix and receive a minimum of
2 x $500 = $1 000 in the matrix. Partners from the golden matrix stay with
us. You still get donations from the silver and golden matrix.
The Platinum Matrix is shown in the picture below:
Total revenue in the matrix platinum is $98 791.
We are able to buy a placement in the next DIAMOND MATRIX. The
cost is $9 999.
To get it you have to be on the fourth level in platinum matrix and receive
a minimum of 2 x $5 000 = $10 000 in the matrix.
Partners of the matrix platinum stay with us. You still get donations from
the silver, golden and platinum matrix.
In this case we can get revenue of $668 734.
In order to develop own referrals structure we should use very simple
working system: find two partners and help them to do the same (sign up
two people).
In this way, the proper duplication of activities will guarantee the gradual
development of your organization.
Why I recommend Global PubliCash?
- Low initial investment, to start earning we have to pay only $10
- The program operates in the binary system, therefore it’s enough if we
refer only 2 people
- automatic flow control system of donations
- No intermediaries in the transferred payments
- No charge for the system or service
- 3 levels of matrix: silver level, golden level, platinum level, diamond
Feel free to contact me if you need any further information on 08058242471.
Registration in Global PubliCash
To start the process of registration in the program GlobalPubliCash – the
first step you should take is to find a right sponsor who will refer you into
this system.
That person need to provide you with correct affiliate link, and you can
sign-up into GlobalPubliCash using the corresponding website.
In order to join my team, click the following link:
Registration in GlobalPubliCash
Go to the following page:
where you have to type your email in corresponding check box (Email
Principal) and click the banner
„Acceder al Video Gratuito„.
I recommend to use Gmail because it works perfectly with
GlobalPubliCash and for safety reason as well.
You will go to a form where you enter your basic data:
Email Principal – email that you typed in the previous step, you will be
assigned automatically
Tu Usuario – your username
Tu Password – your password
Nombre – First name
Apellidos – Last name
Tu Pais – from drop-down list select the country of residence
We complete more contact details, such as the name of Skype, Facebook
profile and next
enter code displayed in the picture and click “Registrate!”
You will be redirected to the page where you can find the confirmation of
registration data:
An email message will be delivered with an activation link.
Click on correct marked link.
Go to the page with the information that is prepared for you a special
system presentation.
Click on „Acceder al Video Gratuito„.
Go to that presentation:
Click on banner „Click Aqui para Ingresar…”
Go to your account login page:
Enter your user name and password, then click „ACCEDER A MI
You go to your dashboard, where you have the information about a user
as a sponsor also notice that you need to activate your account by
payment for this person.
Go to the page where you have a table with data about payment option
can choose in order to transfer the 10$ fee:
If your sponsor is in Nigeria then you can chose local bank deposit. If you
need help on this call +2348058242471
Select a processor, such as Payza – if you have your funds available there.
Make the required transfer and save the transaction code (this is very
In the yellow form:
you need to enter the data and send your payment information.
Select the right processor which you have used to arrange money transfer,
enter the transaction code, your user name and „level 1”
then click on „Enviar Notification de Pago„.
Therefore, the information about the payment has been sent.
We look forward now to confirm the payment; you can also send an email
to recipient with additional information about the transferred payment.
On the following page, you get a confirmation that your payment
information is sent to the recipient.
Now you are waiting for confirmation from payment recipient.
The person who got payment must enter own account GlobalPubliCash
and confirm it,
of course it’s needed to check money transfer into corresponding payment
This is the recipient’s payment page with information about the
On the next page you will see all of the transaction data that you need to
confirm by clicking „Aprobar”.
It is necessary to do that within 72 hours, otherwise registered person is
removed from the system.
Before you log out from the system please check in your downline
structure if the person is already registered and placed in your matrix.
You can do that by selecting from the menu below according to the
attached picture:
Very important point: please complete your payment details:
This is very important due to the fact that the new person in your structure must have
information how to give you a donation.
Back-office Guide
If you already have registered your account in GlobalPubliCash and it’s also activated
you need some information how to update some important data and how to track our
structure development.
To log in to your account, click:
GlobalPubliCash – login
You will go to the home page of your backoffice:
So you can manage your account.
Pagina de Inicio – it is the initial page containing your affiliate link and
information on what level you are currently on and if you have active or
inactive referrals
(Miembros y Prospectos; Activos, Inactivos) and a summary of payments
received by you (Ingresos) plus money transferred to your partners
In the first tab on the left side you can edit various types of data.
Datos de Accesso – account access data:
where you edit the login password.
Datos de Registro – registration data:
Here you can complete: your name, country of residence, province, city,
and current address.
Datos de Contacto – contact data:
At this point, enter your phone number, Skype name, Facebook profile,
Email address.
Imagen Personal – your photo or avatar
On this page you edit your photo or avatar.
Opciones de Pago – payment options:
This is a newest option implemented within last days. In this case you
create own account and use this „internal GPC bank
to make all the necessary financial operations.
In the tab Procesadores de Pago – you can update payment processors
data – like
Payoneer, EgoPay and PayPal.
The full list of procesors you can find on following screen:
In the tab Monedas Virtuales – you update your virtual currency data:
Liberty Reserve ,
Perfect Moneyand SolidTrustPay (they are also called payment
In the tab Pagos Off-line – you can update your data about offline
payments mode:
Western Union, Money Gram.
In the section Deposito en Tu Cuenta Bancaria – please enter your bank
account number, which you can also use to transfer all payments.
In the second tab from the left side we have a few functions for controlling
status of our referrals:
There are different types of lists: referrals entered on our affiliate page (the
first of the registration forms), referrals without activation, referrals active,
our upline and the structure of the referrals in the graphic layout.
There is also important functionality to set-up spillover.
You can enter a new partner using your affiliate link and the system,
despite registration link – will put new member in the structure of this
particular user.
You can thus control the construction of whole structure.
The third tab from the left side (middle) is concerning our payments:
You can view the list of payments received, sent, reported, rejected and
Next tab:
includes training materials, guides and bonuses (currently in preparation)
and access to support that will help us in technical matters.
The last tab (first from the right side) – this is the option to log off from
your account.
A very important thing you need to do after registration is to complete
payment data, since the new signed-up person in your structure
should know exactly where he has to transfer a $10 fee.
If you have any questions, please provide me with these one using the
contact form.
Manual Confirmation of a New Partner
During registration process of a new user, sometimes it happens that he
does not receive the activation link that should be sent by email.
The registration procedure assumes that the account must be verified by
clicking a link sent via email or sponsor could do so placing the person
in the system GlobalPubliCash manually.
This instruction will be helpful if your partner cannot get on the activation
The sponsor of new member shall enter into the second tab – Control de
Referidos and on the other sub-tab – No Confirmados.
If your partner is registered but not confirmed the status looks like shown
In the attached table, the column ACCION click corresponding indicated
You will be redirected to the following page:
where you need to enter an email address of the new partner and click
On next page:
Click Confirmar.
You will receive confirmation that account of your new partner is
The system displays the following information about registered member:
username, password and email.
The new person will receive the information by e-mail.
Common Questions
1. How Should I Invest for Joining the Program?
You just have to make an initial investment of only $ 10 (in your pocket).
Such payment shall be Send to Your direct sponsor or the respective
member of your downline in case your direct sponsor and have completed
your first level,
which usually happens very often due to the short range of the binary
system that improves leverage the benefit of all members.
2. Are There Any Additional Charge Membership or Monthly Payment?
We do not charge a single penny to active or inactive members from the
use of our platform, we decided DAR total control of our participants,
who receive all the money in their physical or virtual accounts. We know
that we are giving unselfishly mostly offset by the blessings of the universe
3. How is the Lower Levels Activate?
With your first payment of $ 10 to Your respective sponsor, you activate
your first level for two payments of the same amount.
You must then go to your respective upline paying (in ascending order) to
receive payments from the lower levels of your DownLine (in descending
Note: Our anti-fraud system is so if a member decides not to activate its
lower levels, at the moment it's up to receive the respective payment of
these levels, the system ignores it,
sending the payment to Your Upline immediately and losing your right to
receive such payment.
4. Is There a Limit on Much Money Will I Receive?
There is no limit at all, the depth of a binary system is Infinity .. However,
the only limit imposed beat it yourself. *
* IMPORTANT CLAUSE: From Third Level, all members must recruit at
least 2 active direct members to receive payments from its lower levels,
otherwise you will lose the right to receive payments even if they have sent
the deposit to your Upline to enable lower levels.
5. What Other Benefits I receive if I decide to be an Active Member?
"You will receive an array of motivational speaker, leadership and
"You'll be taken to Members Area to control 100% of the payments and
receipts of all your network.
"You'll have a replica of our fully automated website customized with your
"You can place an ad to promote your business, product or service to
thousands of potential customers.
"Continuous training on traffic generation, social media, network
marketing, branding and marketing face.
"Among many other surprises ..
All this for a single investment of your bag of only $ 10.
6. How do I get my payment?
Through Virtual Media recognized worldwide as Paypal, AlertPay, STP,
Liberty Reserve or through physical means such as Western Union, Money
Bank Deposit or Delivery of Cash in Your Hands .. Members have full
control of the money, we do not play even a single penny of your income.
7. Is this a Legal Business?
It is a constitutional and international law giving or receiving anywhere. If
your country is not legal for you to pay or receive $ 10, then do not know
what planet dwell.
We emphasize that you get a real product or service being paid
(advertising for your business, automated web site, exclusive access to the
Members area, training and continuing education, and more ..) making it
100% LEGAL.
About Us
We are a Team of people that share Global PubliCash Vision which is
motivated by the intention of sharing,
blessing through a systematic and generous to all participants in an
impartial and equal way.
Promote this system of income to all our members and allow them to get
plenty in their own lives and all those around the world.
Someone once said: "If you want good things in life, try to help as many
people to get the same .."
Definitely, no one can succeed alone in this world.
We recognize the "Law of Abundance" as universal law should apply to all
people without exception to race, religion, gender, education, economic
status or geographic location.
Our intent is to end scarcity, poverty, conformity, etc..,
And be united in one common cause: to create a world where no one has to
lose for another to win.
There is scientific evidence that everything we deliver to life (thinking,
feeling, word or action), the universe returns we multiplied exponentially.
And if you focus on helping more people with our automated platform,
will receive a flood of unlimited income.
Many personalities would have liked to live in our times:
times of limitless possibilities, times of freedom, times when we can BE,
HAVE or DO whatever we want, times of plenty and prosperity.
We are a family in which all are given an equal opportunity to share and
distribute resources, ideas and beliefs without fear of anything.
We are uniting the entire world.
Our reason to exist is to share, empower, enrich, awaken, enlighten and
bring about the power of each one through give and take without imposing
any conditions.
We are helping thousands of individuals and families in ways we cannot
Our members do not want there to be no one-man, woman or child who is
hungry, do not have a house to live in, feel insecure, lacking basic needs,
Our members learn to generate wealth through hard work, inviting and
giving unconditionally, create security for the family, friends,
neighbors and strangers because he knows that we are all SELF.
Our members join our movement with an unconditional gift of only $ 10
We never manipulate payments between members, which go directly to
who sends them to the recipient .
We never charge fees of any kind, or touch a single cent of donated gifts
among members of our community.
Little Insight
I know many of you what is thinking now.
First of all let me say that GPC is not an MLM company or a company as
the many that have appeared on the net, in fact is not an entity as such.
To make the most clear and understandable, do an analogy, imagine a
large complex with all the necessary areas to make the functioning of a
find the area in the production, storage, distribution and clear
administrative areas such as sales, finance, accounting,
collection and certainly a reception that will address the various requests
arriving at the resort, the same is GlobalPubliCash,
is a computerized system that perform many tasks for you so you can
concentrate on income generating work.
GlobalPubliCash platform has a very friendly and easy to manage, and
soon will be available in languages other than Spanish.
Thanks to the vision they have their creators is very important to know
that they do not intend to charge you a single penny for using this
and you wonder how is that possible?
What perhaps not all work for money?
The reality is that there are several reasons why this is possible and then
the enlisted:
Share systematically and impartially
Global PubliCash provide an opportunity for all who wish to be part of this
global change.
Today you can be part of this change, the goals are laudable and for the
common good,
generate abundance of riches for those who choose to be part of this
project that is just beginning to take its first steps and has far to go,
in fact it can be permanent for you if you decide to bet on.
To answer the usual question of this title - Is Global PubliCash a new
Obviously not, and you can see for yourself by taking action to get in our
I'd like to know what you think by leaving your comments.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact me on
+2348058242471 or
Traffic Sources
1. Get Paid To Build Your MLM Leads Lists!
2. In 5 minutes people will visit your site. Join now for free!
3. Unleash the power of targeted guaranteed traffic to your web site or
business in minutes visit for more info

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Make money online immediately

  • 2. Global PubliCash The New System of Wealth Distribution The More You Give – The More You Win! Great income potential without any risk Starting with only $10
  • 3. How it Work GlobalPubliCash is an international system, which can generate quite good earnings within relatively short time. It’s characterized by the fact that all participants generate positive cash flow. Our revenue is directly depending on the size of the partnership structure, in other words a larger network referrals mean more money to feed budget. This is a great system that allows you to quite easily create a source additional income (absolutely you do not have to give up your current job). This is not a trading (investment) system, a flow chart of money in any case does not coincide with a system based on illegal pyramid scheme. The program is Spanish-speaking, as it was established in one of the countries of Latin America (and more specifically Central America ) – Nicaragua . To join the system, you must transfer $10 to a person who is directly above us in the structure (not always a partner with whom to register; it’s the result of the organization based on binary matrix).
  • 4. Financial flow chart is introduced in below attached drawing: Thus, after the transfer of $10 fee, your sponsor confirms the payment and activates your account. If we obtain two people who pay us $ 10 – we are filling our first level in the structure and we have to activate level 2. In order to activate the level 2 – we have to pass $15 to a person designated by the system which is in the structure two levels above us. In this case our cash flow is $ 5. From second level we receive four payments by $15 and the cost of third level activation is $25 (payment to the person who is three levels above us) so our cashflow is $ 35. From third level we get eight payments by 25 dollars, and the cost of the fourth level activation is $50 (payment to the person four levels above us) – so our balance sheet is then $ 150 . On the fourth level you get 16 payments by $50 (total $800), the cost of
  • 5. promotion to the next stage – the activation of golden matrix is $100 – that is us $700. At this point we close silver matrix, which is illustrated below. We can continue our career and earn more money in GOLDEN MATRIX. To go to this matrix we have to be at level 4 and receive a minimum of 2 x $50 = $100 in the silver matrix. Partners of the matrix stay with us. We continue to receive donations from the silver matrix. The cost of buying placement in the golden matrix is $100. Golden matrix is illustrated below:
  • 6. Total income of the matrix is $9 790. If you want to earn more and participate in a PLATINUM MATRIX, we pay $1 000 for a placement. To enter into the platinum matrix we have to be at level 4 in golden matrix and receive a minimum of 2 x $500 = $1 000 in the matrix. Partners from the golden matrix stay with us. You still get donations from the silver and golden matrix. The Platinum Matrix is shown in the picture below:
  • 7. Total revenue in the matrix platinum is $98 791. We are able to buy a placement in the next DIAMOND MATRIX. The cost is $9 999. To get it you have to be on the fourth level in platinum matrix and receive a minimum of 2 x $5 000 = $10 000 in the matrix. Partners of the matrix platinum stay with us. You still get donations from the silver, golden and platinum matrix. In this case we can get revenue of $668 734. In order to develop own referrals structure we should use very simple working system: find two partners and help them to do the same (sign up two people). In this way, the proper duplication of activities will guarantee the gradual development of your organization.
  • 8. Why I recommend Global PubliCash? - Low initial investment, to start earning we have to pay only $10 - The program operates in the binary system, therefore it’s enough if we refer only 2 people - automatic flow control system of donations - No intermediaries in the transferred payments - No charge for the system or service - 3 levels of matrix: silver level, golden level, platinum level, diamond level Feel free to contact me if you need any further information on 08058242471.
  • 9. Registration in Global PubliCash To start the process of registration in the program GlobalPubliCash – the first step you should take is to find a right sponsor who will refer you into this system. That person need to provide you with correct affiliate link, and you can sign-up into GlobalPubliCash using the corresponding website. In order to join my team, click the following link: Registration in GlobalPubliCash Go to the following page: where you have to type your email in corresponding check box (Email Principal) and click the banner
  • 10. „Acceder al Video Gratuito„. I recommend to use Gmail because it works perfectly with GlobalPubliCash and for safety reason as well. You will go to a form where you enter your basic data: Email Principal – email that you typed in the previous step, you will be assigned automatically Tu Usuario – your username Tu Password – your password Nombre – First name Apellidos – Last name Tu Pais – from drop-down list select the country of residence We complete more contact details, such as the name of Skype, Facebook profile and next enter code displayed in the picture and click “Registrate!” You will be redirected to the page where you can find the confirmation of registration data:
  • 11. An email message will be delivered with an activation link. Click on correct marked link. Go to the page with the information that is prepared for you a special system presentation. Click on „Acceder al Video Gratuito„.
  • 12. Go to that presentation: Click on banner „Click Aqui para Ingresar…” Go to your account login page:
  • 13. Enter your user name and password, then click „ACCEDER A MI CUENTA„. You go to your dashboard, where you have the information about a user name, as a sponsor also notice that you need to activate your account by arranging payment for this person.
  • 14. Click on „ACCEDER AHORA!” Go to the page where you have a table with data about payment option you can choose in order to transfer the 10$ fee: If your sponsor is in Nigeria then you can chose local bank deposit. If you need help on this call +2348058242471
  • 15. Select a processor, such as Payza – if you have your funds available there. Make the required transfer and save the transaction code (this is very important). In the yellow form: you need to enter the data and send your payment information. Select the right processor which you have used to arrange money transfer, enter the transaction code, your user name and „level 1” then click on „Enviar Notification de Pago„. Therefore, the information about the payment has been sent.
  • 16. We look forward now to confirm the payment; you can also send an email to recipient with additional information about the transferred payment. On the following page, you get a confirmation that your payment information is sent to the recipient. Now you are waiting for confirmation from payment recipient. The person who got payment must enter own account GlobalPubliCash and confirm it, of course it’s needed to check money transfer into corresponding payment processor. This is the recipient’s payment page with information about the transaction:
  • 17. On the next page you will see all of the transaction data that you need to confirm by clicking „Aprobar”. It is necessary to do that within 72 hours, otherwise registered person is removed from the system. Before you log out from the system please check in your downline structure if the person is already registered and placed in your matrix. You can do that by selecting from the menu below according to the attached picture:
  • 18. Very important point: please complete your payment details: This is very important due to the fact that the new person in your structure must have information how to give you a donation.
  • 19. Back-office Guide If you already have registered your account in GlobalPubliCash and it’s also activated – you need some information how to update some important data and how to track our structure development. To log in to your account, click: GlobalPubliCash – login You will go to the home page of your backoffice: So you can manage your account. Pagina de Inicio – it is the initial page containing your affiliate link and information on what level you are currently on and if you have active or inactive referrals (Miembros y Prospectos; Activos, Inactivos) and a summary of payments received by you (Ingresos) plus money transferred to your partners (Egresos). In the first tab on the left side you can edit various types of data. Datos de Accesso – account access data:
  • 20. where you edit the login password. Datos de Registro – registration data: Here you can complete: your name, country of residence, province, city, and current address. Datos de Contacto – contact data:
  • 21. At this point, enter your phone number, Skype name, Facebook profile, Email address. Imagen Personal – your photo or avatar On this page you edit your photo or avatar.
  • 22. Opciones de Pago – payment options: This is a newest option implemented within last days. In this case you create own account and use this „internal GPC bank to make all the necessary financial operations. In the tab Procesadores de Pago – you can update payment processors data – like Payoneer, EgoPay and PayPal. The full list of procesors you can find on following screen: In the tab Monedas Virtuales – you update your virtual currency data:
  • 23. Liberty Reserve , Perfect Moneyand SolidTrustPay (they are also called payment processors). In the tab Pagos Off-line – you can update your data about offline payments mode: Western Union, Money Gram.
  • 24. In the section Deposito en Tu Cuenta Bancaria – please enter your bank account number, which you can also use to transfer all payments. In the second tab from the left side we have a few functions for controlling status of our referrals: There are different types of lists: referrals entered on our affiliate page (the first of the registration forms), referrals without activation, referrals active, our upline and the structure of the referrals in the graphic layout. There is also important functionality to set-up spillover. You can enter a new partner using your affiliate link and the system, despite registration link – will put new member in the structure of this particular user. You can thus control the construction of whole structure. The third tab from the left side (middle) is concerning our payments:
  • 25. You can view the list of payments received, sent, reported, rejected and unconfirmed. Next tab: includes training materials, guides and bonuses (currently in preparation)
  • 26. and access to support that will help us in technical matters. The last tab (first from the right side) – this is the option to log off from your account. A very important thing you need to do after registration is to complete your payment data, since the new signed-up person in your structure should know exactly where he has to transfer a $10 fee. If you have any questions, please provide me with these one using the contact form. Manual Confirmation of a New Partner During registration process of a new user, sometimes it happens that he does not receive the activation link that should be sent by email. The registration procedure assumes that the account must be verified by clicking a link sent via email or sponsor could do so placing the person in the system GlobalPubliCash manually. This instruction will be helpful if your partner cannot get on the activation link. The sponsor of new member shall enter into the second tab – Control de Referidos and on the other sub-tab – No Confirmados. If your partner is registered but not confirmed the status looks like shown below:
  • 27. In the attached table, the column ACCION click corresponding indicated button. You will be redirected to the following page: where you need to enter an email address of the new partner and click CONTINUE. On next page:
  • 28. Click Confirmar. You will receive confirmation that account of your new partner is activated: The system displays the following information about registered member: username, password and email. The new person will receive the information by e-mail. Common Questions 1. How Should I Invest for Joining the Program? You just have to make an initial investment of only $ 10 (in your pocket). Such payment shall be Send to Your direct sponsor or the respective member of your downline in case your direct sponsor and have completed
  • 29. your first level, which usually happens very often due to the short range of the binary system that improves leverage the benefit of all members. 2. Are There Any Additional Charge Membership or Monthly Payment? We do not charge a single penny to active or inactive members from the use of our platform, we decided DAR total control of our participants, who receive all the money in their physical or virtual accounts. We know that we are giving unselfishly mostly offset by the blessings of the universe itself. 3. How is the Lower Levels Activate? With your first payment of $ 10 to Your respective sponsor, you activate your first level for two payments of the same amount. You must then go to your respective upline paying (in ascending order) to receive payments from the lower levels of your DownLine (in descending order). Note: Our anti-fraud system is so if a member decides not to activate its lower levels, at the moment it's up to receive the respective payment of these levels, the system ignores it, sending the payment to Your Upline immediately and losing your right to receive such payment. 4. Is There a Limit on Much Money Will I Receive? There is no limit at all, the depth of a binary system is Infinity .. However, the only limit imposed beat it yourself. * * IMPORTANT CLAUSE: From Third Level, all members must recruit at least 2 active direct members to receive payments from its lower levels, otherwise you will lose the right to receive payments even if they have sent the deposit to your Upline to enable lower levels. 5. What Other Benefits I receive if I decide to be an Active Member? "You will receive an array of motivational speaker, leadership and teamwork. "You'll be taken to Members Area to control 100% of the payments and receipts of all your network. "You'll have a replica of our fully automated website customized with your data. "You can place an ad to promote your business, product or service to thousands of potential customers. "Continuous training on traffic generation, social media, network
  • 30. marketing, branding and marketing face. "Among many other surprises .. All this for a single investment of your bag of only $ 10. 6. How do I get my payment? Through Virtual Media recognized worldwide as Paypal, AlertPay, STP, Liberty Reserve or through physical means such as Western Union, Money Gram, Bank Deposit or Delivery of Cash in Your Hands .. Members have full control of the money, we do not play even a single penny of your income. 7. Is this a Legal Business? It is a constitutional and international law giving or receiving anywhere. If your country is not legal for you to pay or receive $ 10, then do not know what planet dwell. We emphasize that you get a real product or service being paid (advertising for your business, automated web site, exclusive access to the Members area, training and continuing education, and more ..) making it 100% LEGAL. About Us We are a Team of people that share Global PubliCash Vision which is motivated by the intention of sharing, blessing through a systematic and generous to all participants in an impartial and equal way. Promote this system of income to all our members and allow them to get plenty in their own lives and all those around the world. Someone once said: "If you want good things in life, try to help as many people to get the same .." Definitely, no one can succeed alone in this world. We recognize the "Law of Abundance" as universal law should apply to all people without exception to race, religion, gender, education, economic status or geographic location. Our intent is to end scarcity, poverty, conformity, etc.., And be united in one common cause: to create a world where no one has to lose for another to win. There is scientific evidence that everything we deliver to life (thinking, feeling, word or action), the universe returns we multiplied exponentially.
  • 31. And if you focus on helping more people with our automated platform, you will receive a flood of unlimited income. Many personalities would have liked to live in our times: times of limitless possibilities, times of freedom, times when we can BE, HAVE or DO whatever we want, times of plenty and prosperity. We are a family in which all are given an equal opportunity to share and distribute resources, ideas and beliefs without fear of anything. We are uniting the entire world. Our reason to exist is to share, empower, enrich, awaken, enlighten and bring about the power of each one through give and take without imposing any conditions. We are helping thousands of individuals and families in ways we cannot imagine. Our members do not want there to be no one-man, woman or child who is hungry, do not have a house to live in, feel insecure, lacking basic needs, etc. Our members learn to generate wealth through hard work, inviting and giving unconditionally, create security for the family, friends, neighbors and strangers because he knows that we are all SELF. Our members join our movement with an unconditional gift of only $ 10 once. We never manipulate payments between members, which go directly to who sends them to the recipient . We never charge fees of any kind, or touch a single cent of donated gifts among members of our community.
  • 32. Little Insight I know many of you what is thinking now. First of all let me say that GPC is not an MLM company or a company as the many that have appeared on the net, in fact is not an entity as such. To make the most clear and understandable, do an analogy, imagine a large complex with all the necessary areas to make the functioning of a company, find the area in the production, storage, distribution and clear administrative areas such as sales, finance, accounting, collection and certainly a reception that will address the various requests arriving at the resort, the same is GlobalPubliCash, is a computerized system that perform many tasks for you so you can concentrate on income generating work. GlobalPubliCash platform has a very friendly and easy to manage, and soon will be available in languages other than Spanish.
  • 33. Thanks to the vision they have their creators is very important to know that they do not intend to charge you a single penny for using this platform, and you wonder how is that possible? What perhaps not all work for money? The reality is that there are several reasons why this is possible and then the enlisted: Share systematically and impartially Global PubliCash provide an opportunity for all who wish to be part of this global change. Today you can be part of this change, the goals are laudable and for the common good, generate abundance of riches for those who choose to be part of this project that is just beginning to take its first steps and has far to go, in fact it can be permanent for you if you decide to bet on. To answer the usual question of this title - Is Global PubliCash a new Scam? Obviously not, and you can see for yourself by taking action to get in our team. I'd like to know what you think by leaving your comments. Thanks For any further information, do not hesitate to contact me on +2348058242471 or Traffic Sources 1. Get Paid To Build Your MLM Leads Lists! 2. In 5 minutes people will visit your site. Join now for free! 3. Unleash the power of targeted guaranteed traffic to your web site or business in minutes visit for more info