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SCALE                    ROUTES                    GREEN SPACE            AMENITY                     ROUTE                  ROUTE
                                                                                                                                                        Dunblane High School, Dunblane,
Single and 2 storey      Existing Baxters Loan     The green              The all weather pitch       Processional           Pedestrian route to
height wings hav e       footpath retained.        landscaped edge        has been retained.          pedestrian route to    the nearby pitches.
been positioned                                    has been retained.                                 the front door.
adjacent to the                                                                                                                                         Completed November 2007.
existing housing
                                                                                                                                                        Input: Architectural assistant from
                                                                                                                                                        planning to completion.
                                                                                                                                                        Site Strategy
                                                                                                                                                        The proposed school has been sited
                                                                                                                                          View to       w ithin the existing high school playing
                                                                                                                                          Ochil Hills   fields and sits at the low er level of the
                                                                                                                                                        The public and student ‘front doors’ are
                                                                                                                                                        orientated tow ards the main v ehicular
                                                                                                                                                        and pedestrian route w hich links to the
                                                                                                                                                        Old Doune Road junction. This road
                                                                                        Main                                                            runs betw een the existing high school
                                                       learn                            Entrance
                                                                                                                                                        (site of the proposed housing) and the
                                                                                                                                                        all-w eather pitch.
                                                                                                                                                        The w estern boundary of the site is
            Highfields                                                                                                                                  defined by the existing Baxters Loan
            Housing                                                                                                                                     footpath and green landscape edge.
                                                                                                                                                        The southern boundary to the site is
                                                                                                                                                        defined by the existing fence and
                                                                                                                                                        boundary treatment to the
                                                                                                                                                        Montgomery Crescent housing.
                                                                                                                                                        The east boundary has been sculpted
                                                  play                                         School                                                   to create a green link betw een the
                                                                                               Grounds                                                  school and the extended
                                                                                                                                                        community/school pitch that sits to the
                                                                                                                                                        w est of the Highfields housing.
                                                                                                                                                        The existing site topography has been
                                                                                                                                                        amended to create a lev el platform for
                                                                                                                                                        all external social space areas, w ith a
                                                                                                                                                        clearly defined route to the elev ated
                                                                                                                                                        community pitch.
                                                                                                                                                        The school has been orientated to
                                                                                                                                                        respond to the primary pedestrian and
                                                                                                                                                        vehicular routes to the front door, w hilst
                         SOCIAL SPACES             COMMUNITY             VEHICULAR                    SCALE                  ROUTE
GREEN SPACE                                                                                                                                             also giv ing consideration to the v iew s
Retention of green       South facing              The community pitch   The bus drop-off is          2 storey wing to the   Pedestrian link            both into and out of the site.
boundary to the          courtyards hav e          has been increased    located adjacent to          proposed housing.      between housing and
adjacent housing.        been created for          in size.              the public and                                      school sites.
                         external student play.                          student entrances

                                                                                 Dunblane High School, Dunblane,
KILBRYDE                    SHERIFFMUIR
                                                                                 Dunblane High School w as part of the
                                                                                 Stirling Schools PPP Project. I t w as built
                                                                                 w ithin the grounds of the existing high



                                                                    Games        The school w as designed to cater for
                                                                     Hall        approximately 950 students and 80 staff
                                                                                 as w ell as containing community
               Social                     Social
               House                      House                                  facilities. I t had a budget of £16 million.
               Space                      Space                                  The layout for the new school w as
                                                                                 based around the requirement for a
                                                                                 main ‘social space’ at the heart of the

                                                                     Sports      school and to reflect the management
              Social Space/Dining                                   Facilities   structure and adjacency requirements
                                                                                 set by the council. The school required
                                                                                 to be organized for pastoral purposes,
                                                                                 as three ‘houses’. For this reason the
               Social                                                            design w as conceiv ed w ith the central
               House                                                             ‘social space’ connecting the three
               Space                                                             ‘house’ w ings w ith an additional P.E

                                                                                 w ing w hich w ould also be used in the
                                                                                 ev enings by the community.
                                                                                 The ‘community’ elements of the
                                                                                 school such as the library and
                        STUDENT                      VISITOR                     dance/fitness studio w ere located at
                        ENTRANCE                     ENTRANCE                    the main façade of the building w here
                                                                                 they w ere articulated to engage w ith
                                                                                 the user as they approached the

                                                   FLat Project

                                Classroom teaching wings, Flexible
                                Learning Areas and Social House
   class    class               spaces.
   spaces   spaces   flexible
                                Flexible Learning Areas - One of the key
                                design principles w as the inclusion of
                     space      flexible learning spaces w ithin each
                                classroom w ing of each house.
                                The flexible learning area w as proposed
                                to feed off the circulation route and
spaces      spaces              prov ide an opportunity for all types of
                                indiv idual and focused group learning.
                                This not only prov ided an additional
                                flexible teaching area but it stopped
                                the monotony of an institutional
    base                        To engage the space, slot w indow s
            house               from the classrooms w ere included. This
            social              also prov ided an element of superv ision
            space               to the space w ithout the requirement
                                for continual interaction of a staff
                                Social House Spaces - Whilst the drama
                                of the double height social space,
                                ‘heart of the school,’ w ill appeal to
                                most v isitors and students alike smaller,
                                more intimate, ‘house’ social spaces
                                w ere proposed.
                                These social space areas w ere located
                                directly off the main social space and
                                serv ed to create a distinctiv e identity
                                for each of the houses. House notice
                                boards, aw ards, lockers, signage and
                                bespoke colours combined to badge
                                the ‘house identity’.
                                I mportantly the house social spaces
                                w ere of a scale more sympathetic to
                                younger students and prov ide a less
                                daunting introduction to school life.
                                The house social spaces open out into
                                the external student social areas
                                creating an important link betw een
                                inside and out.

Dunblane High School, Dunblane,
Dunblane High School w as the
exemplar school for the Stirling Schools
PPP Project and therefore a lot of the
design w as replicated on the other
Ev en though the school w as a PPP
project w e managed to include and
realise a number of design elements
that hav e made the school an exiting
learning env ironment as w ell as a
community focal point.
I w as fortunate to be able to organise
‘end user participation’ as part of the
design process. This allow ed the
students to hav e a sense of ow nership
over their new school, promoting a
positiv e attitude tow ards the building
before it w as constructed.
Many of the ideas and thoughts from
the w orkshops w ere actually realised in
the final build, a fact I am v ery proud

                                           Donaldsons College for the Deaf,
   Views of the valley                     Linlithgow, Scotland
                                           Completed April 2008
                                           Input: Architectural Assistant
                                           The original 150-year-old building
                                           ow ned by the Donaldson’s Trust w as no
                                           longer fit for modern purpose & a new
                                           tailored solution w as required. The
live                                       existing Donaldson’s College building in
                                           Edinburgh w as a nationally recognized
                                           landmark building & the Donaldson’s
                                           Trust w ere keen that the new building at
                                           Linlithgow w ould achiev e a similar
                                           To prov ide a building that w as
                                           responsiv e and met the tailored needs
                                           of the end users, the design team
                         play              adopted a collaborativ e ‘charrette’
                                           process inv olv ing the project
                                           stakeholders in order to refine the
                                           project scope & brief.
         learn                             The result w as an interesting and
                                           complex design that responded to its
                                           location and mov ed aw ay from the
                                           grand institutional style of the existing
                                           college. Ev erything w as designed w ith
                                           the pupils in mind.

                           Main Entrance

Donaldsons College for the Deaf,
Linlithgow, Scotland
The concept for the main school
building w as a series of v olumes that sat
w ithin the landscape, each capturing a
v iew to the countryside or maximum
light. These spaces w ere expressed as
‘boxes’ or ‘pods’ to the exterior.
As the building cascades dow n the site,
the v iew of it from the road is slight. Not
intrusiv e on its rural location.
The internal spaces w ere dev eloped to
hav e either physical or v isual links to
each other. This w as important as the
students hav e hearing impairments and
therefore good sight lines are important
for communication w ith other students
and teaching staff.
The nursery w as developed as a single
aspect corridor to allow the space to
be light and prov ide v iews to the
central play zone.
The main entrance to the school w as
created as an interesting double height
space and included conference
facilities w ithin the main pod. This w as
important to the school for additional
funding for the school as it is run by a
Trust rather than a gov ernment body.

Donaldsons College for the Deaf,
Linlithgow, Scotland
The materials of the school building had
a limited neutral palette of grey brick
and grey cladding panels but this w as
interrupted at points w ith the use of
v ibrant yellow s and oranges. This w as
used to accent elements such as the
assembly hall. This helped to giv e the
extrusions a hierarchy.
The use of Kalw all to the gym hall gav e
the space a light and airy feel but
didn’t distract. When dealing w ith
hearing impairment and signing, it is
important that the light lev els are
correct and indirect.
Landscaping also played a big role in
the design as it w as hoped that, ev en
though the design of the school w as
modern and bold, the school w ould
nestle into its env ironment and become
part of the landscape. The site
contained a number of v ery mature
trees w hich w ere carefully w orked
around during the build to ensure they

                Donaldsons College for the Deaf,
                Linlithgow, Scotland
                Residential Block
                ‘In the Garden’
                The concept for the campus residential
                building w as to draw on the nature of
                the site. The idea w as to make this little
                building an object in the garden. I t w as
                felt that a separate building w ould giv e
                the residential building an indiv idual
                identity and the students w ould treat
                this as a home rather than part of the
                school, unlike the prev ious Donaldsons
                The scale of the residential building w as
                very important as it w ould be occupied
                by children and it should feel homely
                and w arm.
                View s from the building w ere important
                as a sensory engagement w ith nature
                w ould help the students in their day to
                day life.
                The residential block also had to be a
                secure and safe env ironment for the
                students and therefore the main access
Main Entrance   point w as ov erlooked by the main

Grangemouth High School,
Grangemouth, Scotland.
Completion early 2009
Input: Architectural Assistant for the bid
Grangemouth High School w as one of 4
new -build schools built as part of the
Falkirk Schools PPP Project.
The school w as designed to cater for
approximately 1100 students and 89
staff as w ell as containing community
The concept for the design of the
school w as to prov ide as much external
space for the students as possible, hav e
flexible spaces that prov ided actual
and v isual links throughout the school to
help the students orientate themselv es
and prov ide teaching w ings that w ere
hinged to the main social space of the
We w ere keen to make the school a
focal point w ithin the community and
by the careful use of a selected palette
of materials w e celebrated the
entranced w ith the use of timber and
folding forms.
The school is now reaching completion
w ith minimal changes to the initial
proposals and design, something w hich
is v ery rare in a PPP project.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          St Paul’s Way School, Tower Hamlets,
                                                                                                                                                                                              Urban Regeneration          London.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Input: Architect on the bid submission.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Enhanced Gateway to
                                                                                                                                                                                              St Paul’s Way.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          St Paul’s Way school w as part of the BSF
                                                                                                                                                                                              Spatial & v isual           programme in England and it w as to be
                                                                                                                                                                                              connection between
                                                                                                                                                                                              the plaza and the           an important project as it w as hoped
                                                                                                                                                                                              church elev ation.          that it w ould regenerate the area and
                                                                                                                                                                                              Community use plaza         bring the surrounding communities
                                                                                                                                                                                              for local arts.             together.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Sculpture plaza.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Proposed to be built in the Tow er
                                                                                                                                                                                              Meeting point for the
                                                                                                                                                                                              community, promotes         Hamlets area of London, it had to cater
                                                                                                                                                                                              neighbourliness & social    for a number of religious backgrounds,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          most prominent being I slamic.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Space for the
                                                                                                                                                                                              expression of div ersity,   I n order to help the regeneration of the
                                                                                                                                                                                              both personal and           area, the proposal w as designed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          create a ‘gatew ay,’ flanked by the
                                                                                                                                                                                              Community cohesion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          existing church and the new school. I t
                                                                                                                                                                                              Biodiv ersity – nature
                                                                                                                                                                                              and wildlife within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          w as important that the ‘gatew ay’
                                                                                                                                                                                              urban env ironment.         became a public engagement area
                                                                                                                                                                                              Community focal point.      and part of the community. I n this zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a community plaza w as created w hich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          w as env isaged as an arts plaza as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          school w ould house a community arts
Mile End P ark      St Paul’s Church     New Primary Sch ool          Leopold Es t at e Regenerat ion   CHP Cent re       New Communit y School        Communit y Plaza
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          To the main entrance a pedestrian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          plaza w as created to link the new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Health complex w ith the School and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          community facilities.


                 Propos ed Development      Affordabl e W orks pace       Enhan ce d R et ail    New Communit y Cent re     Healt h Cent re Hous ing   Cat holic Church New Developm ent   Furze Green

St Paul’s Way School, Tower Hamlets,

The head teacher of the existing school
had v ery definite ideas on how the new
school should be run and our concept
tried to reflect this as effectiv ely as
The concept of the school w as based
on a large spine w all that w ould run the
length of the school splitting the
community facilities to the front and
public façade of the school from the
more priv ate teaching pods to the rear.
The brief suggested that the curricular
subjects be split into categories and
that each year group should hav e its
ow n separate teaching area. This w as
resolv ed by creating the teaching pods
to the rear.
We decided to draw on the I slamic
influences from the community and
apply this to the main façade and to
the rear of the teaching pods in the
form of a patterned mesh screen,
similar proposal to that of the UAE
pav ilion designed by Foster & Partners.

    Musselburgh Primary Care Centre,
    Edinburgh, Scotland.
    Input: Architect on the bid submission.

    Musselburgh Primary Care Centre w as a
    new build health centre for three GP
    practices located in Musselburgh,
    The proposed site w ould require an
    adept concept as it w as landlocked on
    3 sides w ith only minimal access at 2
    points; one v ia an existing lane and one
    option of an access road to the edge
    of the site. The site originally housed a
    w irew orks factory and only the ground
    slab of this remained.
    The concept for the healthcare centre
    w as to giv e each GP practice its ow n
    w ing and hav e these springing off a
    central core for the shared and
    community facilities. This also allow ed
    for enclosed external spaces that could
    be used as breakout spaces by the
    patients and staff, and gav e each GP

M   practice room a v iew .
    We w ere keen to promote the use of
    the existing lane as a main entrance.
    This w as important to us as the existing
    stone w all of the w irew orks factory

    boundary still remained and allow ed a
    connection to the history of the site to
    remain. As part of our concept w e
    w anted the Health centre to be as
    sustainable as possible, the use of the
    existing lane also allow ed us to promote

    a pedestrian and cycle link to the
    health centre.
    I n terms of sustainability, retention and
    use of the existing slab and the use of
    ‘green’ materials (timber, linoleum
    internally and locally procured

C   materials) w ere all proposed.

Marina Hotel, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi,
Input: Design manager and
architectural consultant for the client,
Aldar Hospitality, at the production
stage of the project.

On this project jmw h w as appointed by
the client as a consulting body to
coordinate and adv ise the project
architects, Asymptote, on the
production phase of the project as w ell
as be architectural consultants, for the
client, for the interior fit-out of the hotel.
We w ere responsible for coordinating
the complex design team consisting of
3 architectural practices and ov er 20

As a consultant on the project, my main
responsibilities w ere as follow s:
Creation and implementation of
protocols for the design team and
contractor. These included a draw ing
issue protocols, peer rev iew protocol
and protocols for the Project
Management System, Aconex, as
requested by the client.
Continual peer rev iew of the project in
terms of DDA, build-ability, Regulatory
body requirements including the Abu
Dhabi Tourist Authority.
Peer rev iew of the sub-consultants
submissions prior to issue to the

Marina Hotel, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi,
Management of the Interior fit-out of the
guest rooms, restaurants and public
A key role for me, w hilst w orking on the
Marina hotel, w as management of the
internal fit-out.
Not only w as I responsible for
coordinating betw een the main
contractor, sub-consultants and sub-
contractors, but I w as also an
architectural consultant for the client,
Aldar Hospitality.
This role inv olv ed:
Checking that the designs met w ith
DDA and the Tourist authority
requirements, and reporting to the
project managers any potential
Rev iewing the sub-consultants interior
design proposals on their suitability for
the project in terms of design.
Rev iewing and commenting on the
suitability of materials proposed by the
Management of the design teams to
ensure that the information required
w as issued efficiently.
Continual peer rev iew of the sub-
contractors shop draw ings to ensure
they w ere in line w ith the original
Tracking the material submissions and
client sign-offs.



the myth – inspiration.
‘One day, the Irish giant Finn MacCool
was going about his business on the
north coast when the Scottish giant
Benandoner began taunting him from
across the channel. Benandoner
shouted that he would beat MacCool if
he could get his hands on him. Then he
added that MacCool would be spared
that fate, since Benandoner couldn’t
swim across the channel.
MacCool began tearing large chunks
from the cliffs and pushing them into
the ocean bed, building a sturdy
causeway between Northern Ireland
and Scotland. When he finished, he
shouted to Benandoner: “Now you
have no excuse.”
But MacCool was tired from
constructing the causeway and he
wanted to rest before facing
Benandoner, so he came up with a
plan to buy himself some time. He
made a large crib, disguised himself as
a baby, climbed inside and waited.
When Benandoner arrived at
MacCool’s house ready to fight, he
found the crib with the “baby” inside it.
“My goodness,” he thought. “If this is the
size of the baby, how big is the father?”
In fear of meeting the baby’s father, the
Scottish giant turned around and ran
back across the causeway, destroying it
as he went.’
defining the vision.
The v isitor centre drew it’s inspiration
from the unique coastline of this World
Heritage site and the romantic myth
surrounding the formation of the Giant’s
Causew ay.
The proposal created a tangible link
betw een the myth and the science
uniting giants w ith geology.
Our v ision w as to create a v isitor centre
that united the cradle and the coast.
Giants Causeway Visitor Centre,
Visitor Experience
The concept w as to prov ide a facility
w hich allow s a clear point of reference
to engage the coastline as w ell as the
giants causew ay itself. The building plan
w as a clear representation of v isitor
needs and aspirations, directing v isitor
traffic through the café and retail
The v isitor centre w as designed to
extend the essence of cradle and
coast throughout the entire causew ay
coastline by reinforcing w alking, cycling
and sea access to key locations of
interest, w ith the v isitor centre at it’s
Visual Impact
The design utilized the existing ground
levels to extend and amplify the
headland through the creation of tw o
zones – ‘contemplation’…..linked to
v iews of the sea and ‘activ ate’…….
linked to the pedestrian routes.
The exhibition and green shuttle
departure w as settled into the
headland to prov ide a low v isual
impact from the coastline.
The idea
To create a v isitor centre w hich
seamlessly integrates into this ‘area of
outstanding natural
beauty’……merging into the ‘w orld
heritage site.’

Highland Housing Fair Competition,
Inverness, Scotland.
Input: Designer and presentation
Working alongside env ironmental
engineers, Biro Happold, the concept
for Plot 10 w as Carbon Neutral.
Carbon neutrality, by definition, requires
a building or dw elling to hav e net zero
carbon emissions, w hich can be
achiev ed by either using w holly
renew able energy, or by generating
enough renew able energy to offset any
non-renew able energy consumed on
an annual basis.
The concept for plot 10 w as a terrace
w ith a simple plan, form & section
making it simpler to construct. The
intention w as to highly insulate the build
using sheep’s w ool bought through the
Wool Marketing Board and use locally
manufactured clay bricks.
The south facing roof allow ed for the
application of photov oltaic and solar
thermal connectors. A sunspace w as
also included w hich allow ed free
thermal gain.
Due to limitations in technology and the
position of the plot it w as unlikely that
site generated renew ables w ould
enable the design to be completely
carbon neutral so w e proposed that the
building utilised the biomass community
heating scheme and prov ision w as
made to connect to a medium scale
w ind turbine located adjacent to the
site as an onsite small scale turbine,
according to calculations made by the
env ironmental engineer, w ould hav e
caused turbulence in the w ind flow due
to the proximity of the adjacent



‘Slippery Surfaces’
concept that the architecture of the digital
animation studio should be influenced less
by physical surroundings but instead by an
attempt to spatialize the mov ement of
bodies and the flow of data and
Flux Studios is a digital animation studio that
w ill activ ely animate the city fabric w ith the
use of ‘smart technology’, giv ing rise to
reactive and responsiv e spaces.
The form/skin/structure/ and program of the
building should result from the notions of
transfer and flux.
The architecture is conceiv ed as a physical
analogue to the mov ement and continuous
flow of data and information.
Through an ev olution process, the design
has progressed from a simple exercise of
morphosis of the existing Glasgow façade,
to an architecture of surface and skin;
reclaiming the autonomy of the skin by
emphasising the differences betw een
v olume and surface. Analogy – skin of an
animate body – the surface w hich the body
experiences the w orld, the surface of
maximum friction, to an architecture of
enclosing spaces by enfolding that
skin/surface, to the play betw een I Nv elope /
ENv elope; the persistence of the surface is
activ ated by the performance of I Nv elope /
ENv elope, the constant nature of the
building becomes a representation of the
continuous flow of information and data.
The architecture must be a seamless part of
contemporary existence in the city, part of
the fluid reality that is city space, responding
to mov ement and information. New
urbanism has to embrace the digital era, be
dynamic, and create a sense of aw e that
surpasses that of familiar images and
electronic interfaces.

Flux, Digital Anim ation Studio.
Sea Foam Green
Pantone 3375; 34% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 24%
Yellow, 0% Black.
A - At the seaside, sea foam green finds the
origin of its name.A partic ular colour to m ildly
contrast with the sky and sea. It is the colour of
light refracted through water or glass.
B – In post-war American schools dorm itories,
green was used as a neutralising agent, the
same way people use white nowadays. Studies
in spatial psyc hology have revealed that this
colour has proved to be pleasant, a c alming
effect in the peripheral vision, and not at all
A + B – Sea Foam green is simultaneously
nature and artifice, a colour that is clearly not of
earth but of liquid, it is the colour of fluidity.

A m aterial made from hot liquid materials, that
when cooled, do not crystallise but rather remain
in an amorphous state. It is so viscous that it
becomes solid yet it is completely transparent.
Solid yet fluid.
Lynsey Dyer Portfolio

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Lynsey Dyer Portfolio

  • 3. DUNBLANE HIGH SCALE ROUTES GREEN SPACE AMENITY ROUTE ROUTE Dunblane High School, Dunblane, Single and 2 storey Existing Baxters Loan The green The all weather pitch Processional Pedestrian route to height wings hav e footpath retained. landscaped edge has been retained. pedestrian route to the nearby pitches. Scotland. been positioned has been retained. the front door. adjacent to the Completed November 2007. existing housing Input: Architectural assistant from planning to completion. Site Strategy The proposed school has been sited View to w ithin the existing high school playing Ochil Hills fields and sits at the low er level of the site. The public and student ‘front doors’ are orientated tow ards the main v ehicular and pedestrian route w hich links to the Old Doune Road junction. This road Main runs betw een the existing high school learn Entrance (site of the proposed housing) and the all-w eather pitch. The w estern boundary of the site is Highfields defined by the existing Baxters Loan Housing footpath and green landscape edge. The southern boundary to the site is defined by the existing fence and boundary treatment to the Montgomery Crescent housing. The east boundary has been sculpted Existing play School to create a green link betw een the Grounds school and the extended community/school pitch that sits to the w est of the Highfields housing. The existing site topography has been amended to create a lev el platform for all external social space areas, w ith a clearly defined route to the elev ated community pitch. Orientation The school has been orientated to respond to the primary pedestrian and vehicular routes to the front door, w hilst SOCIAL SPACES COMMUNITY VEHICULAR SCALE ROUTE GREEN SPACE also giv ing consideration to the v iew s Retention of green South facing The community pitch The bus drop-off is 2 storey wing to the Pedestrian link both into and out of the site. boundary to the courtyards hav e has been increased located adjacent to proposed housing. between housing and adjacent housing. been created for in size. the public and school sites. external student play. student entrances
  • 4. DUNBLANE HIGH Dunblane High School, Dunblane, KILBRYDE SHERIFFMUIR Scotland. Dunblane High School w as part of the Stirling Schools PPP Project. I t w as built w ithin the grounds of the existing high Classrooms Classrooms school. Games The school w as designed to cater for Hall approximately 950 students and 80 staff as w ell as containing community Social Social House House facilities. I t had a budget of £16 million. Space Space The layout for the new school w as based around the requirement for a main ‘social space’ at the heart of the Reception Sports school and to reflect the management Library Social Space/Dining Facilities structure and adjacency requirements set by the council. The school required to be organized for pastoral purposes, as three ‘houses’. For this reason the Social design w as conceiv ed w ith the central House ‘social space’ connecting the three Space ‘house’ w ings w ith an additional P.E Classrooms w ing w hich w ould also be used in the ev enings by the community. The ‘community’ elements of the school such as the library and STUDENT VISITOR dance/fitness studio w ere located at ENTRANCE ENTRANCE the main façade of the building w here they w ere articulated to engage w ith the user as they approached the RAMOYLE building. FLat Project
  • 5. DUNBLANE HIGH Classroom teaching wings, Flexible Learning Areas and Social House class class spaces. spaces spaces flexible Flexible Learning Areas - One of the key learning design principles w as the inclusion of space flexible learning spaces w ithin each classroom w ing of each house. The flexible learning area w as proposed class to feed off the circulation route and class spaces spaces prov ide an opportunity for all types of indiv idual and focused group learning. This not only prov ided an additional flexible teaching area but it stopped the monotony of an institutional corridor. staff base To engage the space, slot w indow s house from the classrooms w ere included. This social also prov ided an element of superv ision space to the space w ithout the requirement for continual interaction of a staff member. Social House Spaces - Whilst the drama of the double height social space, ‘heart of the school,’ w ill appeal to most v isitors and students alike smaller, more intimate, ‘house’ social spaces w ere proposed. These social space areas w ere located directly off the main social space and serv ed to create a distinctiv e identity for each of the houses. House notice boards, aw ards, lockers, signage and bespoke colours combined to badge the ‘house identity’. I mportantly the house social spaces w ere of a scale more sympathetic to younger students and prov ide a less daunting introduction to school life. The house social spaces open out into the external student social areas creating an important link betw een inside and out.
  • 6. DUNBLANE HIGH Dunblane High School, Dunblane, Scotland. Dunblane High School w as the exemplar school for the Stirling Schools PPP Project and therefore a lot of the design w as replicated on the other schools. Ev en though the school w as a PPP project w e managed to include and realise a number of design elements that hav e made the school an exiting learning env ironment as w ell as a community focal point. I w as fortunate to be able to organise ‘end user participation’ as part of the design process. This allow ed the students to hav e a sense of ow nership over their new school, promoting a positiv e attitude tow ards the building before it w as constructed. Many of the ideas and thoughts from the w orkshops w ere actually realised in the final build, a fact I am v ery proud of.
  • 7. DONALDSONS COLLEGE Donaldsons College for the Deaf, Views of the valley Linlithgow, Scotland Completed April 2008 Input: Architectural Assistant The original 150-year-old building ow ned by the Donaldson’s Trust w as no longer fit for modern purpose & a new tailored solution w as required. The live existing Donaldson’s College building in Edinburgh w as a nationally recognized landmark building & the Donaldson’s Trust w ere keen that the new building at Linlithgow w ould achiev e a similar status. To prov ide a building that w as responsiv e and met the tailored needs of the end users, the design team play adopted a collaborativ e ‘charrette’ process inv olv ing the project stakeholders in order to refine the project scope & brief. learn The result w as an interesting and complex design that responded to its location and mov ed aw ay from the grand institutional style of the existing college. Ev erything w as designed w ith the pupils in mind. Main Entrance
  • 8. DONALDSONS COLLEGE Donaldsons College for the Deaf, Linlithgow, Scotland The concept for the main school building w as a series of v olumes that sat w ithin the landscape, each capturing a v iew to the countryside or maximum light. These spaces w ere expressed as ‘boxes’ or ‘pods’ to the exterior. As the building cascades dow n the site, the v iew of it from the road is slight. Not intrusiv e on its rural location. The internal spaces w ere dev eloped to hav e either physical or v isual links to each other. This w as important as the students hav e hearing impairments and therefore good sight lines are important for communication w ith other students and teaching staff. The nursery w as developed as a single aspect corridor to allow the space to be light and prov ide v iews to the central play zone. The main entrance to the school w as created as an interesting double height space and included conference facilities w ithin the main pod. This w as important to the school for additional funding for the school as it is run by a Trust rather than a gov ernment body.
  • 9. DONALDSONS COLLEGE Donaldsons College for the Deaf, Linlithgow, Scotland The materials of the school building had a limited neutral palette of grey brick and grey cladding panels but this w as interrupted at points w ith the use of v ibrant yellow s and oranges. This w as used to accent elements such as the assembly hall. This helped to giv e the extrusions a hierarchy. The use of Kalw all to the gym hall gav e the space a light and airy feel but didn’t distract. When dealing w ith hearing impairment and signing, it is important that the light lev els are correct and indirect. Landscaping also played a big role in the design as it w as hoped that, ev en though the design of the school w as modern and bold, the school w ould nestle into its env ironment and become part of the landscape. The site contained a number of v ery mature trees w hich w ere carefully w orked around during the build to ensure they remained.
  • 10. DONALDSONS COLLEGE Donaldsons College for the Deaf, Linlithgow, Scotland Residential Block ‘In the Garden’ The concept for the campus residential building w as to draw on the nature of the site. The idea w as to make this little building an object in the garden. I t w as felt that a separate building w ould giv e the residential building an indiv idual identity and the students w ould treat this as a home rather than part of the school, unlike the prev ious Donaldsons College. The scale of the residential building w as very important as it w ould be occupied by children and it should feel homely and w arm. View s from the building w ere important as a sensory engagement w ith nature w ould help the students in their day to day life. The residential block also had to be a secure and safe env ironment for the students and therefore the main access Main Entrance point w as ov erlooked by the main school.
  • 11. FALKIRK SCHOOLS Grangemouth High School, Grangemouth, Scotland. Completion early 2009 Input: Architectural Assistant for the bid submission. Grangemouth High School w as one of 4 new -build schools built as part of the Falkirk Schools PPP Project. The school w as designed to cater for approximately 1100 students and 89 staff as w ell as containing community facilities. The concept for the design of the school w as to prov ide as much external space for the students as possible, hav e flexible spaces that prov ided actual and v isual links throughout the school to help the students orientate themselv es and prov ide teaching w ings that w ere hinged to the main social space of the school. We w ere keen to make the school a focal point w ithin the community and by the careful use of a selected palette of materials w e celebrated the entranced w ith the use of timber and folding forms. The school is now reaching completion w ith minimal changes to the initial proposals and design, something w hich is v ery rare in a PPP project.
  • 12. ST PAUL’S WAY SCHOOL St Paul’s Way School, Tower Hamlets, Urban Regeneration London. zone. Input: Architect on the bid submission. Enhanced Gateway to St Paul’s Way. St Paul’s Way school w as part of the BSF Spatial & v isual programme in England and it w as to be connection between the plaza and the an important project as it w as hoped church elev ation. that it w ould regenerate the area and Community use plaza bring the surrounding communities for local arts. together. Sculpture plaza. Proposed to be built in the Tow er Meeting point for the community, promotes Hamlets area of London, it had to cater neighbourliness & social for a number of religious backgrounds, inclusion. most prominent being I slamic. Space for the expression of div ersity, I n order to help the regeneration of the both personal and area, the proposal w as designed to cultural. create a ‘gatew ay,’ flanked by the Community cohesion. existing church and the new school. I t Biodiv ersity – nature and wildlife within the w as important that the ‘gatew ay’ urban env ironment. became a public engagement area Community focal point. and part of the community. I n this zone a community plaza w as created w hich w as env isaged as an arts plaza as the school w ould house a community arts Mile End P ark St Paul’s Church New Primary Sch ool Leopold Es t at e Regenerat ion CHP Cent re New Communit y School Communit y Plaza facility. To the main entrance a pedestrian plaza w as created to link the new Health complex w ith the School and community facilities. Gateway Gateway Propos ed Development Affordabl e W orks pace Enhan ce d R et ail New Communit y Cent re Healt h Cent re Hous ing Cat holic Church New Developm ent Furze Green
  • 13. ST PAUL’S WAY SCHOOL St Paul’s Way School, Tower Hamlets, London. The head teacher of the existing school had v ery definite ideas on how the new school should be run and our concept tried to reflect this as effectiv ely as possible. The concept of the school w as based on a large spine w all that w ould run the length of the school splitting the community facilities to the front and public façade of the school from the more priv ate teaching pods to the rear. The brief suggested that the curricular subjects be split into categories and that each year group should hav e its ow n separate teaching area. This w as resolv ed by creating the teaching pods to the rear. We decided to draw on the I slamic influences from the community and apply this to the main façade and to the rear of the teaching pods in the form of a patterned mesh screen, similar proposal to that of the UAE pav ilion designed by Foster & Partners.
  • 14. MUSSELBURGH HEALTHCARE Musselburgh Primary Care Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland. Input: Architect on the bid submission. Musselburgh Primary Care Centre w as a new build health centre for three GP practices located in Musselburgh, Edinburgh. The proposed site w ould require an adept concept as it w as landlocked on 3 sides w ith only minimal access at 2 points; one v ia an existing lane and one option of an access road to the edge of the site. The site originally housed a w irew orks factory and only the ground slab of this remained. The concept for the healthcare centre w as to giv e each GP practice its ow n w ing and hav e these springing off a central core for the shared and community facilities. This also allow ed for enclosed external spaces that could be used as breakout spaces by the patients and staff, and gav e each GP M practice room a v iew . We w ere keen to promote the use of the existing lane as a main entrance. This w as important to us as the existing stone w all of the w irew orks factory P boundary still remained and allow ed a connection to the history of the site to remain. As part of our concept w e w anted the Health centre to be as sustainable as possible, the use of the existing lane also allow ed us to promote C a pedestrian and cycle link to the health centre. I n terms of sustainability, retention and use of the existing slab and the use of ‘green’ materials (timber, linoleum internally and locally procured C materials) w ere all proposed.
  • 15. MARINA HOTEL Marina Hotel, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Input: Design manager and architectural consultant for the client, Aldar Hospitality, at the production stage of the project. On this project jmw h w as appointed by the client as a consulting body to coordinate and adv ise the project architects, Asymptote, on the production phase of the project as w ell as be architectural consultants, for the client, for the interior fit-out of the hotel. We w ere responsible for coordinating the complex design team consisting of 3 architectural practices and ov er 20 sub-consultants. As a consultant on the project, my main responsibilities w ere as follow s: Creation and implementation of protocols for the design team and contractor. These included a draw ing issue protocols, peer rev iew protocol and protocols for the Project Management System, Aconex, as requested by the client. Continual peer rev iew of the project in terms of DDA, build-ability, Regulatory body requirements including the Abu Dhabi Tourist Authority. Peer rev iew of the sub-consultants submissions prior to issue to the contractor.
  • 16. MARINA HOTEL Marina Hotel, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Management of the Interior fit-out of the guest rooms, restaurants and public areas. A key role for me, w hilst w orking on the Marina hotel, w as management of the internal fit-out. Not only w as I responsible for coordinating betw een the main contractor, sub-consultants and sub- contractors, but I w as also an architectural consultant for the client, Aldar Hospitality. This role inv olv ed: Checking that the designs met w ith DDA and the Tourist authority requirements, and reporting to the project managers any potential problems. Rev iewing the sub-consultants interior design proposals on their suitability for the project in terms of design. Rev iewing and commenting on the suitability of materials proposed by the contractor. Management of the design teams to ensure that the information required w as issued efficiently. Continual peer rev iew of the sub- contractors shop draw ings to ensure they w ere in line w ith the original proposals. Tracking the material submissions and client sign-offs.
  • 18. GIANTS CAUSEWAY the myth – inspiration. ‘One day, the Irish giant Finn MacCool was going about his business on the north coast when the Scottish giant Benandoner began taunting him from across the channel. Benandoner shouted that he would beat MacCool if he could get his hands on him. Then he added that MacCool would be spared that fate, since Benandoner couldn’t swim across the channel. MacCool began tearing large chunks from the cliffs and pushing them into the ocean bed, building a sturdy causeway between Northern Ireland and Scotland. When he finished, he shouted to Benandoner: “Now you have no excuse.” But MacCool was tired from constructing the causeway and he wanted to rest before facing Benandoner, so he came up with a plan to buy himself some time. He made a large crib, disguised himself as a baby, climbed inside and waited. When Benandoner arrived at MacCool’s house ready to fight, he found the crib with the “baby” inside it. “My goodness,” he thought. “If this is the size of the baby, how big is the father?” In fear of meeting the baby’s father, the Scottish giant turned around and ran back across the causeway, destroying it as he went.’ defining the vision. The v isitor centre drew it’s inspiration from the unique coastline of this World Heritage site and the romantic myth surrounding the formation of the Giant’s Causew ay. The proposal created a tangible link betw een the myth and the science uniting giants w ith geology. Our v ision w as to create a v isitor centre that united the cradle and the coast.
  • 19. GIANTS CAUSEWAY Giants Causeway Visitor Centre, Ireland. Visitor Experience The concept w as to prov ide a facility w hich allow s a clear point of reference to engage the coastline as w ell as the giants causew ay itself. The building plan w as a clear representation of v isitor needs and aspirations, directing v isitor traffic through the café and retail areas. The v isitor centre w as designed to extend the essence of cradle and coast throughout the entire causew ay coastline by reinforcing w alking, cycling and sea access to key locations of interest, w ith the v isitor centre at it’s heart. Visual Impact The design utilized the existing ground levels to extend and amplify the headland through the creation of tw o zones – ‘contemplation’…..linked to v iews of the sea and ‘activ ate’……. linked to the pedestrian routes. The exhibition and green shuttle departure w as settled into the headland to prov ide a low v isual impact from the coastline. The idea To create a v isitor centre w hich seamlessly integrates into this ‘area of outstanding natural beauty’……merging into the ‘w orld heritage site.’
  • 20. HIGHLAND HOUSING Highland Housing Fair Competition, Inverness, Scotland. Input: Designer and presentation coordinator. Working alongside env ironmental engineers, Biro Happold, the concept for Plot 10 w as Carbon Neutral. Carbon neutrality, by definition, requires a building or dw elling to hav e net zero carbon emissions, w hich can be achiev ed by either using w holly renew able energy, or by generating enough renew able energy to offset any non-renew able energy consumed on an annual basis. The concept for plot 10 w as a terrace w ith a simple plan, form & section making it simpler to construct. The intention w as to highly insulate the build using sheep’s w ool bought through the Wool Marketing Board and use locally manufactured clay bricks. The south facing roof allow ed for the application of photov oltaic and solar thermal connectors. A sunspace w as also included w hich allow ed free thermal gain. Due to limitations in technology and the position of the plot it w as unlikely that site generated renew ables w ould enable the design to be completely carbon neutral so w e proposed that the building utilised the biomass community heating scheme and prov ision w as made to connect to a medium scale w ind turbine located adjacent to the site as an onsite small scale turbine, according to calculations made by the env ironmental engineer, w ould hav e caused turbulence in the w ind flow due to the proximity of the adjacent buildings.
  • 22. FLUX STUDIO ‘Slippery Surfaces’ concept that the architecture of the digital animation studio should be influenced less by physical surroundings but instead by an attempt to spatialize the mov ement of bodies and the flow of data and information. Flux Studios is a digital animation studio that w ill activ ely animate the city fabric w ith the use of ‘smart technology’, giv ing rise to reactive and responsiv e spaces. The form/skin/structure/ and program of the building should result from the notions of transfer and flux. The architecture is conceiv ed as a physical analogue to the mov ement and continuous flow of data and information. Through an ev olution process, the design has progressed from a simple exercise of morphosis of the existing Glasgow façade, to an architecture of surface and skin; reclaiming the autonomy of the skin by emphasising the differences betw een v olume and surface. Analogy – skin of an animate body – the surface w hich the body experiences the w orld, the surface of maximum friction, to an architecture of enclosing spaces by enfolding that skin/surface, to the play betw een I Nv elope / ENv elope; the persistence of the surface is activ ated by the performance of I Nv elope / ENv elope, the constant nature of the building becomes a representation of the continuous flow of information and data. The architecture must be a seamless part of contemporary existence in the city, part of the fluid reality that is city space, responding to mov ement and information. New urbanism has to embrace the digital era, be dynamic, and create a sense of aw e that surpasses that of familiar images and electronic interfaces.
  • 23. FLUX STUDIO Flux, Digital Anim ation Studio. Sea Foam Green Pantone 3375; 34% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 24% Yellow, 0% Black. A - At the seaside, sea foam green finds the origin of its name.A partic ular colour to m ildly contrast with the sky and sea. It is the colour of light refracted through water or glass. B – In post-war American schools dorm itories, green was used as a neutralising agent, the same way people use white nowadays. Studies in spatial psyc hology have revealed that this colour has proved to be pleasant, a c alming effect in the peripheral vision, and not at all distracting. A + B – Sea Foam green is simultaneously nature and artifice, a colour that is clearly not of earth but of liquid, it is the colour of fluidity. Glass A m aterial made from hot liquid materials, that when cooled, do not crystallise but rather remain in an amorphous state. It is so viscous that it becomes solid yet it is completely transparent. Solid yet fluid.