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“Logo R.I.P. is not just a nostalgia trip,
   but a serious questioning of the ephemerality of modern life.”
                           The Sunday Times

       “Logo R.I.P. works both as a critique of corporate culture
    and design’s complicity in it and a celebration of some of the
           past century’s most resonant graphic symbols…
     It may be clever enough to appeal to anti-corporate activist
                     and corporate climber alike.”
                             EYE Magazine

            “The notes are the strongest asset of the book:
                 well-informed and often hilarious.”
                             de Volkskrant

   “Logo R.I.P. is more than just a frivolous bit of fun at the expense
of defunct institutions or over-greedy corporations who went tits-up…
    It serves as a genuinely useful archive and reference resource.”
                            Dazed & Confused

         “This book is an obituary to the visual casualties of
   today’s ruthless business environment, and to those trademarks
        that have tried to battle the powers of globalisation.”
                             Creative Review

          “Logotypes get scrapped everyday, as casualties of
          mergers, bankruptcies and new-image campaigns.
         Their passings are generally unsung, but Logo R.I.P.,
         offers dignified adieus to 50 defunct graphic icons.”

  “Behind every good logo is a hidden history of the rise and fall…
          Logo R.I.P., is a compact, well-illustrated study.”
                            NRC Handelsblad

          “The Stone Twins are the undertakers of style…
        Included in this hall of fame, are 50 pertinent logos
        who do not deserve oblivion; but a minute silence…
                  and this commemorative book.”
logo r.i.p.
Publishing house:
             bis Publishers
          Building Het Sieraad
              Postjesweg 1
          1057 dt Amsterdam
            The Netherlands
           t +31 20 5150230
           f +31 20 5150239

          First Edition 2003
         Second Edition 2012

        isbn 978 90 6369 290 2

     Copyright © 2003 and 2012
          bis Publishers and
     The Stone Twins, Amsterdam

            All rights reserved.
    No part of this publication may
     be reproduced or transmitted
     in any form or by any means,
        electronic or mechanical,
    including photocopy, recording
       or any information storage
           and retrieval system,
     without permission in writing
     from the copyright owner(s).

    All featured logos are trademarks
   of the respective copyright owners.
   Every reasonable attempt has been
  made to contact owners of copyright.
  Errors or omissions will be corrected
          in subsequent editions.

written, designed + photographed by
    the stone twins, amsterdam

a commemoration of dead logotypes

       The Stone Twins
plot                                                   page

	      preface	                                           9
	      foreword by Gert Dumbar	                          13
	      introduction	                                     15
i			   Imperial Airlines/BOAC ‘Speedbird’              127
ii			  Swastika                                        128
iii		 NASA ‘Worm’
iv		 P & G ‘Moon and Stars’
v		 Kodak ‘K’
vi		 Enron ‘Tilted E’
vii		 VOC ‘Monogram’
viii		 Tarmac ‘Seven Ts’
ix		 The New Haven Railroad ‘NH’
x		 British Steel ‘S’
xi		 Robertson’s ‘Golly’
xii		 Energie Noord West ‘Jupiter’
xiii		 Riley ‘Diamond Badge’
xiv		 3M ‘Plumber’s Gothic’
xv		 Mac Fisheries ‘St. Andrew’s Cross’
xvi		 Xerox ‘Digital X’
xvii		 Telecom Éireann ‘TE’
xviii	 CCA ‘Box’
xix		 Pharmacia & Upjohn ‘The Hand, Bird, Star’
xx		 Mexico 68
xxi		 NeXT ‘Cube’
xxii		 RUC ‘Harp & Crown’
xxiii	 Transamerica ‘T’
xxiv	 Betamax ‘β’
plot                                             page

xxv		 	   Spratt’s ‘Dog’                          151
xxvi		 Lucent ‘Innovation Ring’
xxvii		 DSM ‘Hexagon’
xxviii		 Hoechst ‘Tower and Bridge’
xxix		 MetLife ‘Four Ms’
xxx		 Arsenal FC ‘VCC Crest’
xxxi		 Commodore ‘C’
xxxii		 PTT Post
xxxiii		 AT&T ‘Globe’
xxxiv		 Midland Bank ‘Griffin’
xxxv		 HTV ‘Aerial’
xxxvi		 Pye ‘Roundel’
xxxvii		 Reuters ‘Dotted Logotype’
xxxviii		 Festival of Britain ‘Britannia’
xxxix		 DeLorean Motor Company ‘DMC’
xl		 BP ‘Shield’
xli		 Rover ‘Longship’
xlii		 Unilever ‘Twin Pillar U’
xliii		 BT ‘Piper’
xliv		 Braniff Airways ‘BI’
xlv		 Abbey National ‘Umbrella Couple’
xlvi		 Wellcome ‘Unicorn’
xlvii		 Pan Am ‘Blue Globe’
xlviii		 UPS ‘Bow-Tied Package’ Shield
			    logo r.i.p?                                176
xlix		 British Rail ‘Double-Arrow’
l		 Sun Microsystems ‘Ambigram’
			references                                     182
			bibliography                                   186
			appendix: new identities                       189
			index                                          191

Welcome to the fully updated and revised second
edition of Logo R.I.P. Readers of the original book,
will notice that several things have changed in this
new version. All articles were substantially rewritten,
and, in some cases, were replaced by more compelling
or current examples. But what has not changed is
the core thesis of this book: that defunct logos – that
were once an integral part of the landscape, our visual
culture and our lives – are worthy of commemoration,
or even preservation.
We wish to thank all the people who took the time to
share their ideas on the website, since its
launch in 2003. This online ‘Book of Condolences’, or
digital repository, provided a wealth of new material.
It’s a platform where fellow designers advocate for the
preservation of iconic logos and critically discuss the
merits of our funerary homage.
Just as importantly, the forum also attracted input
that reveals the human cost of discarded logos:
those individuals who lost their jobs, and are the
fallout of corporate euphemisms, such as downsizing,
restructuring, consolidation, repositioning or merger
(the very terms that accompany the launch of shiny
new trademarks). In addition, the website reveals the
strong emotional bonds that ordinary people have with

logos, and how they can trigger heated discussions on
a variety of topics: from the environment (BP) to
racism (Robertson’s) or corporate loyalty (Wellcome),
amongst others. The overall quality and scope of the
comments on enriched our understanding
of the subject and provided a fresh impulse to refine,
sharpen and update many of the ‘obituaries’.
We take advantage of this opportunity to include
several logos that have suffered an ignominious death,
since the first edition in 2003. The ubiquitous and
historic corporate symbols of Abbey National, AT&T,
DSM, Hoechst, Kodak, Lucent, Rover, Unilever and
Xerox have all been consigned to the logo graveyard.
No revision of Logo R.I.P. could ignore the significance
of these trademarks and the calls for their inclusion.
This fully revised version of Logo R.I.P. is also an
acknowledgment of the growing movement to docu-
ment the cultural and design history of trademarks;
particularly icons from the golden era of corporate
identity design (1950s to the 1970s). The preservation
of our visual culture is central to our hypothesis; and
echoes the goals of the architectural conservation
movement. Some will argue that logos are just marks
on paper and, inherently, ephemeral – but that’s
beside the point. As stated in our original introduction,

great logos are much more than graphic marks that
symbolise ideas or represent organisations. Logos
hoard our memories, passions and reputations.
Besides, the great work of great designers is worthy
of preservation. The graphic marks included in this
book have significance every bit as important as
landmark architecture. In recent years, this idea has
been embraced by the writings of Michael Bierut         1

and Scott Stowell. Logo R.I.P. has also inspired several

exhibitions, most notably L.I.P. (Logo in Peace) at the
Chaumont Poster Festival in 2010, and the series of
Dead Brands events hosted by AIGA since 2009.
Furthermore, no update of this book could disregard
the Global Financial Crisis of the late-2000s, which is
considered by many economists to be the worst financial
downturn since the Great Depression. A period that
has seen the collapse of financial behemoths, such
as Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual – and
contributed to the demise of household brands such as
Kodak and Woolworths. The failure of these businesses,
and the subsequent retirement of their visual signifiers,
is one of the recurring themes in this book. With the
pace of corporate funerals set to pick up further, many
more titans of logo design look set to take their final
bow. So, don’t put away the black garb yet.

In short, Logo R.I.P. is as relevant as ever. Acknowledged
as both a critique of corporate culture and a celebration
of some of the most potent logos ever created – we
invite you once again to take a moment to pause and
reflect on our selection of lost logos that are, quite
simply, well-conceived, well-crafted and well-known.
Gone but not forgotten.
‘Logo R.I.P.’

Declan and Garech Stone, The Stone Twins
Amsterdam, May 2012


By keeping memories alive of things that happened in
the past, one defines some sort of civilisation. In
most cases, this is done in the form of a memorial such
as a statue, an arch or a column. Graveyards too are
places of reflection and act as a beacon of the
collective memory.
This book is a commemoration of historical logos that
have passed away. No one likes funerals, but in Logo
R.I.P. there are many valuable trademarks that should
be remembered, not just for today’s generation of
designers but also for the next.
The selection contained in Logo R.I.P. reveals the
optimism, skill and craftsmanship of some great classic
trademarks and logos. Apart from the functionality
of these marks, which represent services and trades,
these logos conjure up emotional responses – which
range from the depraved (the Swastika) to the
ingenuous (Spratt’s).
This book is an important alternative to the new trend
in logo design that is marketing-orientated nonsense.
Many of today’s solutions are produced by agencies
that consist of a ratio of ten pin-stripes to every one
creative. They are strategy-driven and lack stylistic
durability, are missing concept, magic, wit, emotion or

narrative – some of the major ingredients of a good
 logo. This marketing-driven fever of clients ultimately
 leads to nothing, producing bland future brands.
 Metaphorically speaking, these agencies are the
‘gravediggers’ for many design classics.
I hope, and sincerely wish, that this book becomes a
valuable design resource in the future. Let’s not make
this a coffee-table book!

Gert Dumbar, Studio Dumbar


gone but not forgotten: the thankless life of a rejected logo
Like it or not, logos are everywhere. In addition to the
spine of this book, there’s probably one emblazoned
on your watch, sleeve, spectacles, shoes and coffee
cup. Logos adorn almost every item in our vicinity,
screaming their message, clamouring for attention.
Logos are signs, small graphic identifiers; things
that help differentiate a product or service from its
competitors. Yet over time, their meaning has trans-
cended mere differentiation. Like personal signatures,
logos are unique statements of their origins. They give
away our background, our interests, our vanity and
vulnerabilities. They mock our lifestyles, tell our
income, betray our sociopolitical point of view.
  And still they’re so much more. Logos hoard our
  memories, passions and reputations. Made familiar
  with time, we come to trust and befriend them. Then,
  like mates, we give them nicknames (the ‘Swoosh’,
‘ Worm’ or ‘Piper’). In naming a logo, we infuse it with
  meaning, it helps classify and define who we are. In
  short, it helps us be.
Then one day, they desert us. They rust, fade from
billboards, are replaced by new italicised upgrades.

Two years ago, when we began this book, our
hypothesis was based on first-hand experience. We
were submerged in a project based on the logo of
pharmaceutical giant SmithKlineBeecham. Though
we hadn’t created this trademark, our task was to
devise a corporate identity program for its application.
Then just as we reached the implementation stage, it
was announced that the entire project was to be
dropped. The reason was simple: SmithKlineBeecham
had agreed to a merger with arch rival GlaxoWellcome.
The new company was to be called GlaxoSmithKline
(GSK) and unified under a new logo. Naturally, all our
templates were irrelevant. Never again, would we
glimpse the trademark of SmithKlineBeecham. The
logo was no more. The logo was dead.
Around the same time, we became conscious of other,
similar stories. Practically every week, the effects of
globalisation dominated the headlines. Takeovers,
mergers, buy-outs, bankruptcy… the list went on and
on. Numerous familiar visual identities had to redefine
or die.
These changes were echoed in our postbox. New
names and motifs appeared on bills for our mobile
networks, insurance companies and energy concerns.

Even the logo on the postman had changed. Later we
were to reminisce the lost logos of our youth: the
manufacturer of our first game-console, the wrapper
of our favourite ice-lolly, our parents’ first car.
  One-time precursors of our daily lives, these familiar
‘ landmarks’ had vanished and we had hardly noticed.
  Yet in contrast to the ceremony and pomp that greeted
  their arrival, they often suffered an ignoble death.
  Used-up and superfluous, they were discarded or
  replaced by a shiny new signifier. Businesses went
  under, but no one shed a tear for the other loser of
  diversification – the logo.
Logo R.I.P. is a collection of lost design icons. Icons that
despite achieving ‘stylistic durability’, have been
deemed defunct, consigned to the logo graveyard.
No longer allowed to signify.
This compilation recognises that each dead logo is
a story in itself, an ideogram of its time. They are
cultural barometers, expressions of a recent but
bygone age. Like the sounds of an old LP or a
particular smell, they transport us to what was.
Here we attempt not only to properly commemorate
their demise, but also to tell their tale. The end of the
book is dedicated to a series of ‘obituaries’; or articles

that give a short account of the logo’s life, including
details such as the nature of the organisation behind it
and the reason for its discontinuation.
Unlike contemporary corporate identity design, many
of the logos in this book weren’t accompanied by
lengthy press releases; their ‘magic’ is inherent, their
ideas clear. They were designed by creatives not
committees, were tested on real people like family
members and directors’ wives, not the clinical environ-
ment of the modern day test-group.
We bid farewell to these once familiar logos, and pay
tribute both to the designer’s ideas, and the
corporations behind them. Join with us in mourning.
‘Logo R.I.P.’

Declan and Garech Stone, The Stone Twins

The term ‘logotype’ and its
shortened form ‘logo’ come
from the Greek logos, meaning
word. Logotype sometimes
refers to marks that are longer
and easily readable names,
while logo sometimes refers
to shorter names, acronyms or
abbreviations. Sometimes both
terms are used as synonyms for
the graphic trademark, which
also includes picture marks.

Source: Mollerup, Per, Marks of Excellence:
The History and Taxonomy of Trademarks,
Phaidon Press, London 1997 (p. 109)
in memoriam…
“… it’s time for this old friend to retire
 with the grace and dignity it deserves.
 So, today, we’re saying ‘goodbye’…”

Mike Eskew, ups Chairman
and ceo, on the departure
of Paul Rand’s ups logotype.
(March 25th, 2003)117
plot i

                                           Airways and British Airlines. The new
                                           state-owned national airline retained
                                           the Speedbird as its unifying symbol.
                                           By the 1950s, BOAC led many of the
                                           developments of the passenger jet era
                                           – and the Speedbird both evoked and
                                           expressed the glamour and romance of
                                           air travel during this period.
                                           	 Throughout the 1960s, the BOAC
                                           livery of a dark blue tail with gold
                                           initials on the cheatline and a gold
                                           Speedbird on the fin was a familiar
         imperial                          sight around the world. The Speedbird,
     airlines/boac                         albeit a slightly restyled version by Karl
       ‘speedbird’                         Gerstner in 1964, had survived for
                                           generations and was stylistically relevant
           1932–1984                       to brand the airline even further into
 design: theyre lee-elliott (uk)           the future – adverts from 1971 show it
                                           visualised on the supersonic Concorde.
In 1932 Imperial Airlines (est. 1924)      	 With the fusion of BOAC and its
introduced a stylised motif of a bird in   sister airline BEA (British European
flight, nicknamed the ‘Speedbird’, as      Airways) to form British Airways in
its corporate emblem. The bold logo        1974, the iconic Speedbird was
perfectly captured the spirit of this      jettisoned in favour of a truncated
new and exciting mode of transport.        version of the Union Jack as the airline’s
To many it is a design classic, an icon    logo. BA’s chairman, David Nicolson,
created before its time. According to      explained that the new look, by design
designer Peter Wilbur it is a “mark        agency Negus and Negus, expressed
which although created in an age of        “a modern, efficient, confident and
100 mph aircraft is still remarkably       friendly face to the public.”4 However,
modern in concept.”3                       after a large number of petitions from
	 The Speedbird was designed by            ex-BOAC staff, the Speedbird was
Theyre Lee-Elliott, a noted poster         recalled – and featured as a separate
artist. During the 1920s and 1930s,        emblem on the nose section of the
the artwork he produced for Imperial       aircraft.5 This diminished role for the
Airlines frequently employed this          legendary symbol lasted until 1984,
motif to illustrate the various British    when BA launched a new look, as part
imperial or empire routes.                 of its preparations for privatisation.
	 In 1939, British Overseas Airways        Discarded to the dustbin of history,
Corporation (BOAC) was formed              only the Speedbird name endures – in
after the merger between Imperial          the title of BA’s HQ and call-sign.

plot ii

                                            Salzburg Congress, the Swastika was
                                            unveiled as the official emblem of the
                                            party. It appeared in a white circle on
                                            a crimson background. The original
                                            designer of the Nazi insignia, Dr.
                                            Friedrich Krohn (a dentist), initially
                                            drew it counter-clockwise but Hitler
                                            insisted on a change to its direction.
                                            In Mein Kampf, Hitler describes this
                                            reductive yet stark visual mark as the
                                            symbol “of the fight for the victory of
           swastika                         Aryan man” and adds that it “has been
                                            and always will be anti-Semitic.”6
                –1945                       	 From 1933, Albert Speer, Hitler’s
          design: unknown                   personal architect, moulded the
                                            image of Nazi Germany. He created
Although instantly acknowledged as the      a decorative scheme of Swastika orna-
symbol of Nazi Germany, the ‘Swastika’      mentation throughout Germany which
is in fact an ancient symbol. It has been   was as pervasive as the Führer’s image.
found on Byzantine buildings, Buddhist      To the international world, these
inscriptions, Celtic monuments and          designs broadcast the arrival of a new
Greek coins. Throughout the course          powerful Germany – the result of a
of 3000 years it represented life, sun,     mass will and restored national pride.
power, strength and good luck.              Today, many regard Speer’s starkly
	 Even in the early 20th century the        powerful designs as the beginnings of
Swastika, or the ‘hooked cross’, was        post-war corporate identity schemes.
a largely benign emblem used inno-          	 Since the defeat of Nazi Germany
cently as a decorative motif to signify     by the Allies in 1945, all forms of
good fortune and well being. It was         the Swastika have been banned in
frequently used on cigarette cases,         many countries. Hitler took an ancient
postcards, coins, and buildings. During     symbol and perverted it to such a
World War I, the Swastika was found on      degree that it can never be used again
the shoulder patches of the American        without evoking all the associations of
45th Infantry Division and right up         destruction, death and vileness that the
until the mid-1930s, Carlsberg etched       NSDAP perpetrated. If the Swastika is
it onto the base of their beer bottles.     displayed in any part of the western
	 With the rise of National Socialist       world, the reactions are universally of
Germany, Adolf Hitler decided that the      rage and disgust.
NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
Arbeiterpartei) needed its own insignia     •	 buddhists + hindus still commonly employ
and flag. On August 7th 1920, at the           the swastika as a religious symbol.

plot iii

                                           maximum visibility during the
                                           pioneering flights of the Space Shuttle
                                           in the 1980s. According to designer
                                           Michael Johnson: “The Worm came to
                                           symbolise space travel itself – modern,
                                           flowing, sinuous, a continuous line…
                                           Corporate America identity design had
                                           its role model, and needed no further
                                           prompting… The Worm created a new
                                           benchmark to which designers could
                                           refer when they were seeking to appear
       nasa ‘worm’                         ‘new’ and ‘technological’.”8
                                           	 The emblematic design program by
           1974–1992                       Danne and Blackburn, not only had
 design: danne & blackburn (usa)           to consider the design from a graphic
                                           viewpoint, but also had to take into
In 1975, the National Aeronautics          consideration the technical aspects,
and Space Administration (NASA),           such as the application of the logotype
introduced a new unified visual            onto spacecraft, uniform patches,
communications system. This was            publications and satellite markings.
commissioned as part of the US Federal     Over the years, the program was widely
Design Improvement Program, a 1972         cited, and in 1984, it was awarded one
initiative to modernise the use of         of the first Presidential Awards for
design by government agencies.             Design Excellence.
	 A central part of the new identity was   	 In 1992, as part of a process to
the NASA logotype, devised by Bruce        restore its badly shaken morale
Blackburn, of the New York agency          caused by the 1986 Space Shuttle
Danne and Blackburn. The ‘Worm’,           disaster, NASA scrapped the clean and
as it is more popularly known, consists    progressive Worm, and re-instated ‘The
of NASA’s initials reduced to their        Meatball’ (an insignia comprising of
simplest form, with the A’s abstracted     a sphere, stars and orbit, designed by
into minimal cones that metaphorically     James Modarelli in 1959). NASA chief
suggest rockets ready for take-off. The    Daniel S. Goldin, believed that the
one width, continuous-stroke letters       older logo, laden with ‘Buck Rogers’
evoke “a feeling of unity, technological   imagery, represented the optimistic
precision, thrust and orientation          days of glory for the space program.9
toward the future.”7                       	 Nowadays, and sadly for design
	 The Worm was used in a vibrant           purists, the far superior Worm is
shade of red, and was often accom-         only used on retro merchandise –
panied by auxiliary information set        a treatment viewed in some quarters as
in Helvetica. The logotype achieved        an act of cultural desecration.

plot viii

                                           to design a new symbol to represent
                                           the new concern. Designer Ronald
                                           Armstrong created a strikingly bold
                                           solution, that was contemporary in spirit
                                           and progressive in outlook. Dubbed the
                                           ‘Seven Ts’, the symbol communicates
                                           myriad meanings: the seven merged
                                           companies, construction and the ‘T’
                                           for tarmac. As DRU explained: “The
                                           scheme was designed for eventual
                                           extension to all the companies in the
             tarmac                        group, a unification which is expressed
            ‘seven ts’                     in the symbolic cluster of seven Ts.”23
                                           	 The symbol became an ever-present
            1964-1996                      icon in the British landscape during the
 design: design research unit (uk)         rapid motorway expansion in the 1960s
                                           and 1970s (throughout this period, the
The Tarmac Company is one of the           Tarmac logo was often an unwelcome
UK’s foremost construction firms.          sight as it was synonymous with delays
Ever since its founder Edgar Purnell       due to roadworks). By 1974, Tarmac’s
Hooley had accidentally discovered         logo was “voted one of the world’s
Tarmacadam (when he noticed that a         top trademarks.”24
passer-by had covered some tar spillage    	 As Tarmac diversified further in the
with waste slag),22 the company has        1970s, going into house building and
literally built much of Britain.           property development, it became a
	 During the 1960s, there was a            worldwide player. In the 1980s it was
construction boom in the UK. Post-         one of the lead companies involved in
war prosperity created new city skylines   the construction of the Channel Tunnel.
and a motorway network extended            Nevertheless, by the late 1980s, high
across the country. Under the director-    interest rates caused serious problems.
ship of Robin Martin, Tarmac               After recording record losses in 1992,
undertook a staggering expansion           the company fragmented and refocused
program. However, Tarmac’s rapid           on its three core activities: quarry
growth and diversification had caused      products, housing and construction.
serious communication problems and         	 On May 1st 1996, Tarmac unveiled
confusion over the company’s image.        a new corporate identity (designed by
	 In 1963, Design Research Unit            Enterprise IG) to represent this change
(DRU) – one of the first generation of     in strategy: a single green and white T
British design consultancies combining     on an oval yellow background. After
expertise in architecture, graphics and    more than 30 years service, the famous
industrial design – was commissioned       ‘Seven Ts’ logo was discontinued.

plot ix

                                         the railroad’s unfocused and highly
                                         ornate script wordmark (which had
                                         existed since 1891) with an eloquent
                                         logo composed of its initials ‘NH’. The
                                         stacked elongated slab serif letterforms
                                         aptly evoke a rail-network, connection-
                                         points or rail tracks. Over the next two
                                         years, Matter and his associate Norman
                                         Ives moulded a comprehensive visual
                                         identity for New Haven – a prodigious
                                         amount covering brochures, adverts,
    the new haven                        timetables and the famous train livery
     railroad ‘nh’                       of black, red and white.
                                         	 As with most of Matter’s work, the
          1954–1968                      NH logo is as compelling now as it was
   design: herbert matter (usa)          back in the 1950s. The great Paul Rand,
                                         when celebrating Matter’s oeuvre, once
The New York, New Haven and              said: “His work of ’32 could have
Hartford Railroad Company, commonly      been done in ’72 or even ’82. It has
known as the New Haven Railroad,         that timeless, unerring quality one
operated in the states of Connecticut,   recognises instinctively. It speaks to
New York, Rhode Island and               all tongues, with one tongue. It is
Massachusetts from 1872 to 1968.         uncomplicated, to the point, familiar,
The company operated freight and         and yet unexpected.”25
passenger trains over a Boston –         	 However, by 1960, the New Haven
New York City main line and a            Railroad was approaching insolvency
number of branch lines. In its heyday,   and the company filed for bankruptcy a
the New Haven was generally              year later. After a decade of struggling
considered the largest and most          along under various trustees, the New
important transportation enterprise in   Haven Railroad was absorbed by the
New England.                             ill-fated Penn Central Transportation
	 With the arrival of new president      Company in 1968. The NH symbol,
Patrick McGinnis in 1954, Herbert        which had become one of the most
Matter, the Swiss émigré designer and    identifiable symbols in America, had hit
poster artist, was commissioned to       the buffers.
create a corporate identity for the      	 In a strange twist of fate, the
railroad. In line with many other        classic NH logo was revived, and
large American Corporations (e.g. ibm    lives on as heritage livery for a
and Westinghouse) The New Haven          different railroad company, the New
was endowed with an international        Haven line of MetroNorth Commuter
Modernist aesthetic. Matter replaced     Railroad (MNCRR).

Myerson, Jeremy and Vickers, Graham Vickers,        Quinn, Malcolm, The Swastika: Constructing
Rewind: Forty Years of Design and Advertising       The Symbol, Routledge, London and New York 1998
Phaidon Press, London 2002
                                                    Rand, Paul, Design, Form, and Chaos
McQuiston & Kitts, Graphic Design Source Book       Yale University Press 1993
Quarto Publishing, London 1987
                                                    Ricci & Ferrari, Top Symbols & Trademarks
Nakanishi, Motoo, Corporate Design Systems 1 –      of the World: Annual 1979/1980
Case Studies in International Applications          F.M. Ricci/Deco Press, Milan 1981
Sanno, Tokyo 1979
                                                    Schleger, Pat, Hans Schleger – A life of Design
Neuburg, Hans, Graphic Design in Swiss Industry     Princeton Architectural Press, New York 2001
ABC Editions, Zurich 1965
                                                    Sedgwick, Michael, Auto’s uit de Jaren ‘50 en ‘60
Niggli, The New Graphic Art                         Batteljee & Terpstra, Leiden 1984
Switzerland 1959
                                                    Slater, Stephen, The Complete Book of Heraldy
Nourmand, Tony and Marsh, Graham,                   Anness Publishing, London 2002
Film Posters of the 70’s
                                                    Spencer, Herbert (ed.),
Reel Poster Press, London 1998
                                                    The Penrose Annual 1969 (Vol.62)
de Nijs, Ronald (ed.), The Image of a Company:      Lund Humphries, London 1969
Manual for Corporate Identity
                                                    Stevens, Harm, Dutch Enterprise and the VOC
SDU Uitgeverij, The Hague 1990
                                                    Walburg Pers, Amsterdam 1998
Ogilvy, David, Ogilvy on Advertising
                                                    Tambini, Michael, The Look of the Century -
Crown Publishers, New York 1983
                                                    Design Icons of the 20th Century
Pastoureau, Michel, Heraldry: Origins/Meaning       Dorling Kindersley, London 1999
Thames and Hudson, London 1997
                                                    Watano, Matsuzaki, Design for Public Institutions in
Pedersen, B. Martin (ed.), Graphis Logo 1           The Netherlands, Shigeo Ogawa, Tokyo 1989
Graphis Press, New York/Zurich 1991
                                                    Wilson, Charles, The History of Unilever,
Pedersen, B. Martin (ed.), Graphis Corporate        Cassell & Company, London, 1970
Identity 1, Graphis Press, New York/Zurich 1989
                                                    Whyte Andrew, 101 Great Marques
Pentagram: The Compendium                           Guild Publishing/Octopus Books, London 1985
Phaidon Press, London 1993
                                                    Wilbur, Peter, Trademarks: a Handbook of
Pijbes, Wim (ed.), Studio Dumbar: Behind the Seen   International designs, Studio Vista/Reinhold Art,
Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz 1996                  London, 1966

Pilditch, James, Communication by Design:
A Study in Corporate Identity, Berkshire 1970

Poynor, Rick, Design without Boundaries
Booth-Clibborn Publications, London 1998

                                     new identities

From left to right, top to bottom:
BA ‘Speedmarque’ (Interbrand); NASA ‘Meatball’ (James Modarelli); P&G ‘Wordmark’(Peterson & Blyth);
Kodak (BIG); Tarmac (Enterprise IG); Corus (Enterprise IG); Nuon (Tel Design); 3M (Siegel+Gale);
Xerox (Interbrand); Eircom (Identity Business); Pharmacia (Crosby Associates); Police Service N. Ireland;
Transamerica; Alcatel Lucent (Landor Associates); DSM (Coley Porter Bell); Hoechst (Hans Günter Schmitz).

From left to right, top to bottom:
MetLife (Young & Rubicam); Arsenal FC (20/20); PostNL (VBAT); AT&T (Interbrand);
HSBC (Henry Steiner); ITV (Red Bee); Reuters (Interbrand); BP ‘Helios’ (Landor Associates);
Unilever (Wolff Olins); BT (Wolff Olins); Braniff (Cars & Concepts);
Santander (Landor Associates); GSK (FutureBrand); UPS ‘Shield’ (FutureBrand)

                               Page numbers in italic denote colour plates

3M 49, 140, 189                    BIG 131, 189                            D
20/20 156, 190                     Blackburn, Bruce 129                    Dabinett, Peter 143
β 69, 150                          Blair, Tony 167                         Danne and Blackburn 129
                                   Blue Globe (Pan Am) 115, 173            Decca 162
A                                  BMW 139                                 DeLorean, John Zachary 165
Abbey National 10, 111, 160, 171   Bowie, David 162                        DeLorean (DMC) 99, 165
Adidas 176                         Bow-tied Package (UPS) 117, 174         Dempsey, Mike 136
Aerial (HTV) 91, 161               Braniff 109, 170, 190                   Design Research Unit 134, 168, 179
Agfa 154                           Brattinga, Pieter 153                   Digital X (Xerox) 53, 142
AIGA 11                            Britannia (Festival of Brit.) 97, 164   Dog (Spratt’s) 71, 151
Akzo 138, 169                      British Airways (BA) 127, 189           Dotted Logotype (Reuters) 95, 163
Albert Heijn 153                   British Dept. for Transport 177, 179    Double-Arrow (BR) 177, 179
Alcatel Lucent 152, 189            British Motor Corp. (BMC) 139           DSM 10, 75, 153, 189
Allen, Tony 145                    BOAC 23, 127                            Duke, Joseph C. 140
Ambigram 165, 180                  Brit. Petroleum (BP) 10, 101, 	         Dumbar, Gert 14, 158
Amoco 166                          166, 190
Apple 147, 157                     British Rail (BR) 177, 179              E
Armstrong, Ronald 134              British Steel 41, 136                   Eastman, George 131
Arsenal 81, 156, 190               British Telecom (BT) 107, 169, 190      Eastman Kodak 131
Atari 176                          Brooks Stevens Associates 140           Eckersley, Tom 164
AT&T 10, 87, 142, 152, 159, 190    Brownjohn, Robert 160                   Eckerstrom, Ralph E. 144
Aventis 154                        BRS Premsela Vonk 138                   Edward L. Barnes Associates 173
                                   Burroughs, Silas 172                    Eircom 143, 189
B                                  Burroughs Wellcome 172                  EMI 162
Bache, David 167                   Burton, Richard 161                     Energie Noord West 45, 138
Baker, Stanley 161                                                         Enron 33, 132, 147
Banks & Miles 169                  C                                       Enterprise IG 134, 136, 163, 189
Barclays 160                       Carlton 161                             Ervin, Don 149, 155
Barney, Gerald 179                 Cars & Concepts 190                     Eskew, Mike 174
BASF 154, 178                      Centre Pompidou 176                     Eskilson, Prof Stephen J. 132
Bass, Saul 159                     Chapman, Colin 165
Bass/Yager & Associates 159        Chaumont Poster Festival 11             F
Bayer 154                          Chermayeff & Geismar 142, 173           Festival of Britain 97, 164
Bayer, Herbert 144                 Chermayeff, Ivan 173                    Field-Bush, Max 151
BBC 161                            Citigroup 171                           Fletcher, Alan 130, 137, 163
Bechtolsheim, Andy 180             Coca-Cola 159, 173                      Four Ms (MetLife) 79, 155
Behrensbau 154                     Coley Porter Bell 153, 189              FutureBrand 174, 190
Behrens, Peter 154                 Collis Clements 168
Bell System 159                    Commodore 83, 157                       G
Ben 176                            CCA 57, 144                             Gamble, James 130
Beta 150                           Corus 136, 189                          Games, Abram 164
Betamax 69, 150                    Crosby Associates 189                   Garland, Ken 141
Bierut, Michael 11, 159            Crosby/Fletcher/Forbes 163              Gates, Bill 157

General Motors 165                 J                                  McGinnis, Patrick 135
Gentleman, David 136               Jack Tinker and Partners 170       McNealy, Scott 180
Gerald Stahl & Associates 140      Jacobson, Egbert 144               Meatball (NASA) 129, 189
Gerstner, Karl 127                 JAL 176                            MetLife 79, 149, 155, 190
Giannini, A.P. 149                 James, Ken 168                     Mexico 68 Olympics 61, 146
Girard, Alexander 170              Jefferson Smurfit Corp 144         MG 176
Giugiaro, Giorgetto 165            Jobs, Steve 147                    Microsoft 157
GlaxoSmithKline 16, 172, 190       Johnson, Michael 129               Midget, Hairy 197
GlaxoWellcome 172                  Joy, Bill 180                      Midland Bank 89, 160
Globe (AT&T) 87, 159               Jupiter (ENW) 45, 138              Minale, Marcello 166
Goldin, Daniel S. 129                                                 Minale Tattersfield 166
Golly (Robertson’s) 43, 137        K                                  Modarelli, James 129, 189
Granada 161                        Kinneir, Jock 179                  Monsanto 145
Gray, Milner 164                   Knobil, Marcel 160                 Moon and Stars (P&G) 29, 130
Griffin (Midland Bank) 89, 160     Knox, Ginny 137
                                   Kodak 10, 11, 31, 131, 189         N
H                                  KPN 142, 158                       NASA 27, 129, 189
Haloid Photo. Company 142          Krohn, Dr. Friedrich 128           National Westminster 160
Halpin, Geoff 151                                                     Nazi 128
Hand, Bird, Star 59, 145           L                                  Negus & Negus 127
Harlech, Lord 161                  Landor Associates 142, 152, 166,   Neuhart, John 170
Harp & Crown (RUC) 65, 148         171, 189, 190                      Newell and Sorrell 145
Helios (BP) 166, 190               Lawrence, Harding 170              New Haven Railroad (NH) 39, 135
Henrion, FHK 164                   Lee-Elliott, Theyre 127, 164       NeXT 63, 147
Hexagon (DSM) 75, 153              Lehman Brothers 11                 NI Policing Board 148, 189
Hill-Wood, Peter 156               Lever Brothers 141, 168            Novivorm 153
Hitachi 178                        Leverhulme, Lord 141               NS 153
Hitler, Adolf 128                  Leyland Motor Corp. 139, 167       NSDAP 128
Hoechst 10, 77, 154, 172, 189      Lipson Alport Glass 130            NUON 138, 189
Hooley, Edgar Purnell 134          Lloyds 160
HSBC 160, 190                      Loewy, Raymond 166                 O
HTV 91, 161                        Logo in Peace 11                   Oestreich, Peter J. 131
                                   Longship (Rover) 103, 167          Ogilvy, David 144
I                                  Lotus 165                          Olsen, Henrik 152
IBM 135, 147, 157                  Lucent 10, 73, 152                 Oracle 180
ICI 178
Identica 151                       M                                  P
Identity Business 143, 189         Mac Fisheries 51, 141              Paepcke, Walter 144
Imperial Airlines 23, 127          Margarine Unie 168                 Pan Am 115, 173
Innovation Ring (Lucent) 73, 152   Marketplace Design 167             Patten, Chris 148
Interbrand 142, 145, 159, 163,     Massey, John 144                   Peterson & Blyth 130, 189
189, 190                           Mather & Crowther 141              Pharmacia 145, 189
ITV 161, 190                       Matter, Herbert 135                Pharmacia & Upjohn 59, 145, 172

Philips 162, 178                Selame, Joseph 131                 TPG Post 158
Pickard, Peter 160              Seven Ts (Tarmac) 37, 134          Tramiel, Jack 157
Piper (BT) 15, 107, 138, 169    SHV 153                            Transamerica 67, 149, 189
Plumber’s Gothic 49, 140        Siegel+Gale 140, 166, 189          Trefoil (Adidas) 176
Polaroid 176                    Skilling, Jeffrey K. 132           Tsurumaru (JAL) 176
Postma, Paul 163                Smith, G. Dean 159                 Twain, Mark 175
PostNL 158, 190                 SmithKlineBeecham 16               Twin Pillar U (Unilever) 105, 168
Poynor, Rick 158                Snail (TÉ) 55, 143
Pratt, Vaughan 180              Snoopy 155                         U
Procter & Gamble (P&G) 29,      Sony 150                           Umbrella Couple (Abbey
130, 189                        Space Shuttle 129                  National) 111, 171
Procter, William 130            Speedbird (BOAC) 23, 127           Unicorn (Wellcome) 113, 172
Prudential 138, 169             Speedmarque (BA) 189               Unilever 10, 105, 168, 190
PSNI 148, 189                   Speer, Albert 128                  UPS 117, 147, 174, 190
PTT Post 85, 158                Spillers 151
Pucci, Emilio 170               Spratt’s 13, 71, 151               V
Pye 93, 162                     St. Andrew’s Cross 51, 141         Vázquez, Pedro Ramírez 146
Pye, William George 162         Stanford 180                       VBAT 190
                                Stanley, Charles 162               VCC Crest (Arsenal) 81, 156
R                               Starley & Sutton 167               VOC 35, 133
Rabobank 138, 169               Star Wars 159
Rand, Paul 132, 135, 174        Steiner, Henry 160, 190            W
Red Bee 190                     Stowell, Scott 11                  Washington Mutual 11
Reed, Matthew 156               Strong, Henry 131                  Wellcome 10, 113, 172
Reuter, Paul Julius 163         Studio Dumbar 14, 158              Wellcome, Henry 172
Reuters 95, 163, 190            Sun Microsystems 178, 180          Wells, Mary 170
Rhône-Poulenc 154               Superbrand 160                     Werkgroep Novivorm 153
Riley 47, 139, 167              Swastika 15, 25, 128               Wilbur, Peter 127
Robertson’s 10, 43, 137         Swoosh (Nike) 15                   Wilson, Harold 167
Roundel 93, 162                                                    Winter, Eric 171
Rover 10, 103, 139, 167         T                                  Wolff Olins 160, 168, 169, 171, 190
RUC 65, 148                     Tani, Karl 170                     Woolworths 11
Rush, Harry 139                 Tarmac 37, 134, 189                Worm (NASA) 15, 27, 129
RVS 171                         Tay, Chong Huang 160               Wyman, Lance 146
                                Tel Design 138, 189
S                               Telecom Éireann 55, 143            X
Saab 11                         Terrazas, Eduardo 146              Xerox 10, 53, 142, 189
Sandgren & Murtha 149, 155      Thatcher, Margaret 167
Santander 171, 190              Thomson Reuters 163                Z
Saunders, A. R. 166             Tilted E (Enron) 33, 132           Zucker, Margo 142
SBC Communications 159          T-Mobile 176
Schleger, Hans 141              TNT Post 158
Schmitz, Hans Günter 154, 189   Tower & Bridge (Hoechst) 77, 154

We would firstly like to express our
sincere thanks to all the featured
designers and companies for their
cooperation. Only the active support
of most of the persons included in
this book, or of their heirs, has made
it possible. We’d also like to thank the
individuals who submitted suggestions
and condolences since the first
edition in 2003. There are too many
to mention by name, but we would
especially like to thank: Rudolf van
Wezel (bis) for his belief and commit-
ment to our project, Gert Dumbar
for his encouragement and infectious
enthusiasm, Jonathan Bolger for his
critical eye, and our Mam and Dad for
their invaluable assistance. Thanks also
to Adrienne Stone, Irene Stone, Ines
Scheffers, Dick Bezem†, and our clients
who pay the bills.

Lastly, but most importantly, our thanks
and love go to Marieke and little Sam
for their remarkable support, under-
standing and fresh coffee.

We thank You, we praise You.
We find strength and courage to go on.


Declan and Garech Stone,
The Stone Twins
Amsterdam, May 2012
about the authors
The Stone Twins is a creative partner-
ship, based in Amsterdam. Founded by
twin brothers Declan and Garech Stone
(born Dublin, 1970), the agency is noted
for its concept-driven and engaging
solutions. The duo are also Head of the
Communication department at Design
Academy Eindhoven.
A Book of Condolences
     is open at
Logo R.I.P.
Logo R.I.P.
Logo R.I.P.

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Logo R.I.P.

  • 1.
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  • 4. “Logo R.I.P. is not just a nostalgia trip, but a serious questioning of the ephemerality of modern life.” The Sunday Times “Logo R.I.P. works both as a critique of corporate culture and design’s complicity in it and a celebration of some of the past century’s most resonant graphic symbols… It may be clever enough to appeal to anti-corporate activist and corporate climber alike.” EYE Magazine “The notes are the strongest asset of the book: well-informed and often hilarious.” de Volkskrant “Logo R.I.P. is more than just a frivolous bit of fun at the expense of defunct institutions or over-greedy corporations who went tits-up… It serves as a genuinely useful archive and reference resource.” Dazed & Confused “This book is an obituary to the visual casualties of today’s ruthless business environment, and to those trademarks that have tried to battle the powers of globalisation.” Creative Review “Logotypes get scrapped everyday, as casualties of mergers, bankruptcies and new-image campaigns. Their passings are generally unsung, but Logo R.I.P., offers dignified adieus to 50 defunct graphic icons.” Print “Behind every good logo is a hidden history of the rise and fall… Logo R.I.P., is a compact, well-illustrated study.” NRC Handelsblad “The Stone Twins are the undertakers of style… Included in this hall of fame, are 50 pertinent logos who do not deserve oblivion; but a minute silence… and this commemorative book.” Étapes
  • 6. Publishing house: bis Publishers Building Het Sieraad Postjesweg 1 1057 dt Amsterdam The Netherlands t +31 20 5150230 f +31 20 5150239 First Edition 2003 Second Edition 2012 isbn 978 90 6369 290 2 Copyright © 2003 and 2012 bis Publishers and The Stone Twins, Amsterdam All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner(s). All featured logos are trademarks of the respective copyright owners. Every reasonable attempt has been made to contact owners of copyright. Errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions. written, designed + photographed by the stone twins, amsterdam
  • 7. a commemoration of dead logotypes The Stone Twins
  • 8.
  • 9. plot page contents preface 9 foreword by Gert Dumbar 13 introduction 15 obituaries i Imperial Airlines/BOAC ‘Speedbird’ 127 ii Swastika 128 iii NASA ‘Worm’ 129 iv P & G ‘Moon and Stars’ 130 v Kodak ‘K’ 131 vi Enron ‘Tilted E’ 132 vii VOC ‘Monogram’ 133 viii Tarmac ‘Seven Ts’ 134 ix The New Haven Railroad ‘NH’ 135 x British Steel ‘S’ 136 xi Robertson’s ‘Golly’ 137 xii Energie Noord West ‘Jupiter’ 138 xiii Riley ‘Diamond Badge’ 139 xiv 3M ‘Plumber’s Gothic’ 140 xv Mac Fisheries ‘St. Andrew’s Cross’ 141 xvi Xerox ‘Digital X’ 142 xvii Telecom Éireann ‘TE’ 143 xviii CCA ‘Box’ 144 xix Pharmacia & Upjohn ‘The Hand, Bird, Star’ 145 xx Mexico 68 146 xxi NeXT ‘Cube’ 147 xxii RUC ‘Harp & Crown’ 148 xxiii Transamerica ‘T’ 149 xxiv Betamax ‘β’ 150
  • 10. plot page obituaries xxv Spratt’s ‘Dog’ 151 xxvi Lucent ‘Innovation Ring’ 152 xxvii DSM ‘Hexagon’ 153 xxviii Hoechst ‘Tower and Bridge’ 154 xxix MetLife ‘Four Ms’ 155 xxx Arsenal FC ‘VCC Crest’ 156 xxxi Commodore ‘C’ 157 xxxii PTT Post 158 xxxiii AT&T ‘Globe’ 159 xxxiv Midland Bank ‘Griffin’ 160 xxxv HTV ‘Aerial’ 161 xxxvi Pye ‘Roundel’ 162 xxxvii Reuters ‘Dotted Logotype’ 163 xxxviii Festival of Britain ‘Britannia’ 164 xxxix DeLorean Motor Company ‘DMC’ 165 xl BP ‘Shield’ 166 xli Rover ‘Longship’ 167 xlii Unilever ‘Twin Pillar U’ 168 xliii BT ‘Piper’ 169 xliv Braniff Airways ‘BI’ 170 xlv Abbey National ‘Umbrella Couple’ 171 xlvi Wellcome ‘Unicorn’ 172 xlvii Pan Am ‘Blue Globe’ 173 xlviii UPS ‘Bow-Tied Package’ Shield 174 logo r.i.p? 176 xlix British Rail ‘Double-Arrow’ 179 l Sun Microsystems ‘Ambigram’ 180 references 182 bibliography 186 appendix: new identities 189 index 191
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  • 13. preface Welcome to the fully updated and revised second edition of Logo R.I.P. Readers of the original book, will notice that several things have changed in this new version. All articles were substantially rewritten, and, in some cases, were replaced by more compelling or current examples. But what has not changed is the core thesis of this book: that defunct logos – that were once an integral part of the landscape, our visual culture and our lives – are worthy of commemoration, or even preservation. We wish to thank all the people who took the time to share their ideas on the website, since its launch in 2003. This online ‘Book of Condolences’, or digital repository, provided a wealth of new material. It’s a platform where fellow designers advocate for the preservation of iconic logos and critically discuss the merits of our funerary homage. Just as importantly, the forum also attracted input that reveals the human cost of discarded logos: those individuals who lost their jobs, and are the fallout of corporate euphemisms, such as downsizing, restructuring, consolidation, repositioning or merger (the very terms that accompany the launch of shiny new trademarks). In addition, the website reveals the strong emotional bonds that ordinary people have with 9
  • 14. logos, and how they can trigger heated discussions on a variety of topics: from the environment (BP) to racism (Robertson’s) or corporate loyalty (Wellcome), amongst others. The overall quality and scope of the comments on enriched our understanding of the subject and provided a fresh impulse to refine, sharpen and update many of the ‘obituaries’. We take advantage of this opportunity to include several logos that have suffered an ignominious death, since the first edition in 2003. The ubiquitous and historic corporate symbols of Abbey National, AT&T, DSM, Hoechst, Kodak, Lucent, Rover, Unilever and Xerox have all been consigned to the logo graveyard. No revision of Logo R.I.P. could ignore the significance of these trademarks and the calls for their inclusion. This fully revised version of Logo R.I.P. is also an acknowledgment of the growing movement to docu- ment the cultural and design history of trademarks; particularly icons from the golden era of corporate identity design (1950s to the 1970s). The preservation of our visual culture is central to our hypothesis; and echoes the goals of the architectural conservation movement. Some will argue that logos are just marks on paper and, inherently, ephemeral – but that’s beside the point. As stated in our original introduction, 10
  • 15. great logos are much more than graphic marks that symbolise ideas or represent organisations. Logos hoard our memories, passions and reputations. Besides, the great work of great designers is worthy of preservation. The graphic marks included in this book have significance every bit as important as landmark architecture. In recent years, this idea has been embraced by the writings of Michael Bierut 1 and Scott Stowell. Logo R.I.P. has also inspired several 2 exhibitions, most notably L.I.P. (Logo in Peace) at the Chaumont Poster Festival in 2010, and the series of Dead Brands events hosted by AIGA since 2009. Furthermore, no update of this book could disregard the Global Financial Crisis of the late-2000s, which is considered by many economists to be the worst financial downturn since the Great Depression. A period that has seen the collapse of financial behemoths, such as Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual – and contributed to the demise of household brands such as Kodak and Woolworths. The failure of these businesses, and the subsequent retirement of their visual signifiers, is one of the recurring themes in this book. With the pace of corporate funerals set to pick up further, many more titans of logo design look set to take their final bow. So, don’t put away the black garb yet. 11
  • 16. In short, Logo R.I.P. is as relevant as ever. Acknowledged as both a critique of corporate culture and a celebration of some of the most potent logos ever created – we invite you once again to take a moment to pause and reflect on our selection of lost logos that are, quite simply, well-conceived, well-crafted and well-known. Gone but not forgotten. ‘Logo R.I.P.’ Declan and Garech Stone, The Stone Twins Amsterdam, May 2012 12
  • 17. foreword By keeping memories alive of things that happened in the past, one defines some sort of civilisation. In most cases, this is done in the form of a memorial such as a statue, an arch or a column. Graveyards too are places of reflection and act as a beacon of the collective memory. This book is a commemoration of historical logos that have passed away. No one likes funerals, but in Logo R.I.P. there are many valuable trademarks that should be remembered, not just for today’s generation of designers but also for the next. The selection contained in Logo R.I.P. reveals the optimism, skill and craftsmanship of some great classic trademarks and logos. Apart from the functionality of these marks, which represent services and trades, these logos conjure up emotional responses – which range from the depraved (the Swastika) to the ingenuous (Spratt’s). This book is an important alternative to the new trend in logo design that is marketing-orientated nonsense. Many of today’s solutions are produced by agencies that consist of a ratio of ten pin-stripes to every one creative. They are strategy-driven and lack stylistic durability, are missing concept, magic, wit, emotion or 13
  • 18. narrative – some of the major ingredients of a good logo. This marketing-driven fever of clients ultimately leads to nothing, producing bland future brands. Metaphorically speaking, these agencies are the ‘gravediggers’ for many design classics. I hope, and sincerely wish, that this book becomes a valuable design resource in the future. Let’s not make this a coffee-table book! Gert Dumbar, Studio Dumbar Rotterdam 14
  • 19. introduction gone but not forgotten: the thankless life of a rejected logo Like it or not, logos are everywhere. In addition to the spine of this book, there’s probably one emblazoned on your watch, sleeve, spectacles, shoes and coffee cup. Logos adorn almost every item in our vicinity, screaming their message, clamouring for attention. Logos are signs, small graphic identifiers; things that help differentiate a product or service from its competitors. Yet over time, their meaning has trans- cended mere differentiation. Like personal signatures, logos are unique statements of their origins. They give away our background, our interests, our vanity and vulnerabilities. They mock our lifestyles, tell our income, betray our sociopolitical point of view. And still they’re so much more. Logos hoard our memories, passions and reputations. Made familiar with time, we come to trust and befriend them. Then, like mates, we give them nicknames (the ‘Swoosh’, ‘ Worm’ or ‘Piper’). In naming a logo, we infuse it with meaning, it helps classify and define who we are. In short, it helps us be. Then one day, they desert us. They rust, fade from billboards, are replaced by new italicised upgrades. 15
  • 20. background Two years ago, when we began this book, our hypothesis was based on first-hand experience. We were submerged in a project based on the logo of pharmaceutical giant SmithKlineBeecham. Though we hadn’t created this trademark, our task was to devise a corporate identity program for its application. Then just as we reached the implementation stage, it was announced that the entire project was to be dropped. The reason was simple: SmithKlineBeecham had agreed to a merger with arch rival GlaxoWellcome. The new company was to be called GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and unified under a new logo. Naturally, all our templates were irrelevant. Never again, would we glimpse the trademark of SmithKlineBeecham. The logo was no more. The logo was dead. Around the same time, we became conscious of other, similar stories. Practically every week, the effects of globalisation dominated the headlines. Takeovers, mergers, buy-outs, bankruptcy… the list went on and on. Numerous familiar visual identities had to redefine or die. These changes were echoed in our postbox. New names and motifs appeared on bills for our mobile networks, insurance companies and energy concerns. 16
  • 21. Even the logo on the postman had changed. Later we were to reminisce the lost logos of our youth: the manufacturer of our first game-console, the wrapper of our favourite ice-lolly, our parents’ first car. One-time precursors of our daily lives, these familiar ‘ landmarks’ had vanished and we had hardly noticed. Yet in contrast to the ceremony and pomp that greeted their arrival, they often suffered an ignoble death. Used-up and superfluous, they were discarded or replaced by a shiny new signifier. Businesses went under, but no one shed a tear for the other loser of diversification – the logo. Logo R.I.P. is a collection of lost design icons. Icons that despite achieving ‘stylistic durability’, have been deemed defunct, consigned to the logo graveyard. No longer allowed to signify. This compilation recognises that each dead logo is a story in itself, an ideogram of its time. They are cultural barometers, expressions of a recent but bygone age. Like the sounds of an old LP or a particular smell, they transport us to what was. Here we attempt not only to properly commemorate their demise, but also to tell their tale. The end of the book is dedicated to a series of ‘obituaries’; or articles 17
  • 22. that give a short account of the logo’s life, including details such as the nature of the organisation behind it and the reason for its discontinuation. Unlike contemporary corporate identity design, many of the logos in this book weren’t accompanied by lengthy press releases; their ‘magic’ is inherent, their ideas clear. They were designed by creatives not committees, were tested on real people like family members and directors’ wives, not the clinical environ- ment of the modern day test-group. We bid farewell to these once familiar logos, and pay tribute both to the designer’s ideas, and the corporations behind them. Join with us in mourning. ‘Logo R.I.P.’ Declan and Garech Stone, The Stone Twins Amsterdam 18
  • 23.
  • 24. The term ‘logotype’ and its shortened form ‘logo’ come from the Greek logos, meaning word. Logotype sometimes refers to marks that are longer and easily readable names, while logo sometimes refers to shorter names, acronyms or abbreviations. Sometimes both terms are used as synonyms for the graphic trademark, which also includes picture marks. Source: Mollerup, Per, Marks of Excellence: The History and Taxonomy of Trademarks, Phaidon Press, London 1997 (p. 109)
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  • 37. “… it’s time for this old friend to retire with the grace and dignity it deserves. So, today, we’re saying ‘goodbye’…” Mike Eskew, ups Chairman and ceo, on the departure of Paul Rand’s ups logotype. (March 25th, 2003)117
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  • 41. plot i Airways and British Airlines. The new state-owned national airline retained the Speedbird as its unifying symbol. By the 1950s, BOAC led many of the developments of the passenger jet era – and the Speedbird both evoked and expressed the glamour and romance of air travel during this period. Throughout the 1960s, the BOAC livery of a dark blue tail with gold initials on the cheatline and a gold Speedbird on the fin was a familiar imperial sight around the world. The Speedbird, airlines/boac albeit a slightly restyled version by Karl ‘speedbird’ Gerstner in 1964, had survived for generations and was stylistically relevant 1932–1984 to brand the airline even further into design: theyre lee-elliott (uk) the future – adverts from 1971 show it visualised on the supersonic Concorde. In 1932 Imperial Airlines (est. 1924) With the fusion of BOAC and its introduced a stylised motif of a bird in sister airline BEA (British European flight, nicknamed the ‘Speedbird’, as Airways) to form British Airways in its corporate emblem. The bold logo 1974, the iconic Speedbird was perfectly captured the spirit of this jettisoned in favour of a truncated new and exciting mode of transport. version of the Union Jack as the airline’s To many it is a design classic, an icon logo. BA’s chairman, David Nicolson, created before its time. According to explained that the new look, by design designer Peter Wilbur it is a “mark agency Negus and Negus, expressed which although created in an age of “a modern, efficient, confident and 100 mph aircraft is still remarkably friendly face to the public.”4 However, modern in concept.”3 after a large number of petitions from The Speedbird was designed by ex-BOAC staff, the Speedbird was Theyre Lee-Elliott, a noted poster recalled – and featured as a separate artist. During the 1920s and 1930s, emblem on the nose section of the the artwork he produced for Imperial aircraft.5 This diminished role for the Airlines frequently employed this legendary symbol lasted until 1984, motif to illustrate the various British when BA launched a new look, as part imperial or empire routes. of its preparations for privatisation. In 1939, British Overseas Airways Discarded to the dustbin of history, Corporation (BOAC) was formed only the Speedbird name endures – in after the merger between Imperial the title of BA’s HQ and call-sign. 127
  • 42. plot ii Salzburg Congress, the Swastika was unveiled as the official emblem of the party. It appeared in a white circle on a crimson background. The original designer of the Nazi insignia, Dr. Friedrich Krohn (a dentist), initially drew it counter-clockwise but Hitler insisted on a change to its direction. In Mein Kampf, Hitler describes this reductive yet stark visual mark as the symbol “of the fight for the victory of swastika Aryan man” and adds that it “has been and always will be anti-Semitic.”6 –1945 From 1933, Albert Speer, Hitler’s design: unknown personal architect, moulded the image of Nazi Germany. He created Although instantly acknowledged as the a decorative scheme of Swastika orna- symbol of Nazi Germany, the ‘Swastika’ mentation throughout Germany which is in fact an ancient symbol. It has been was as pervasive as the Führer’s image. found on Byzantine buildings, Buddhist To the international world, these inscriptions, Celtic monuments and designs broadcast the arrival of a new Greek coins. Throughout the course powerful Germany – the result of a of 3000 years it represented life, sun, mass will and restored national pride. power, strength and good luck. Today, many regard Speer’s starkly Even in the early 20th century the powerful designs as the beginnings of Swastika, or the ‘hooked cross’, was post-war corporate identity schemes. a largely benign emblem used inno- Since the defeat of Nazi Germany cently as a decorative motif to signify by the Allies in 1945, all forms of good fortune and well being. It was the Swastika have been banned in frequently used on cigarette cases, many countries. Hitler took an ancient postcards, coins, and buildings. During symbol and perverted it to such a World War I, the Swastika was found on degree that it can never be used again the shoulder patches of the American without evoking all the associations of 45th Infantry Division and right up destruction, death and vileness that the until the mid-1930s, Carlsberg etched NSDAP perpetrated. If the Swastika is it onto the base of their beer bottles. displayed in any part of the western With the rise of National Socialist world, the reactions are universally of Germany, Adolf Hitler decided that the rage and disgust. NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) needed its own insignia • buddhists + hindus still commonly employ and flag. On August 7th 1920, at the the swastika as a religious symbol. 128
  • 43. plot iii maximum visibility during the pioneering flights of the Space Shuttle in the 1980s. According to designer Michael Johnson: “The Worm came to symbolise space travel itself – modern, flowing, sinuous, a continuous line… Corporate America identity design had its role model, and needed no further prompting… The Worm created a new benchmark to which designers could refer when they were seeking to appear nasa ‘worm’ ‘new’ and ‘technological’.”8 The emblematic design program by 1974–1992 Danne and Blackburn, not only had design: danne & blackburn (usa) to consider the design from a graphic viewpoint, but also had to take into In 1975, the National Aeronautics consideration the technical aspects, and Space Administration (NASA), such as the application of the logotype introduced a new unified visual onto spacecraft, uniform patches, communications system. This was publications and satellite markings. commissioned as part of the US Federal Over the years, the program was widely Design Improvement Program, a 1972 cited, and in 1984, it was awarded one initiative to modernise the use of of the first Presidential Awards for design by government agencies. Design Excellence. A central part of the new identity was In 1992, as part of a process to the NASA logotype, devised by Bruce restore its badly shaken morale Blackburn, of the New York agency caused by the 1986 Space Shuttle Danne and Blackburn. The ‘Worm’, disaster, NASA scrapped the clean and as it is more popularly known, consists progressive Worm, and re-instated ‘The of NASA’s initials reduced to their Meatball’ (an insignia comprising of simplest form, with the A’s abstracted a sphere, stars and orbit, designed by into minimal cones that metaphorically James Modarelli in 1959). NASA chief suggest rockets ready for take-off. The Daniel S. Goldin, believed that the one width, continuous-stroke letters older logo, laden with ‘Buck Rogers’ evoke “a feeling of unity, technological imagery, represented the optimistic precision, thrust and orientation days of glory for the space program.9 toward the future.”7 Nowadays, and sadly for design The Worm was used in a vibrant purists, the far superior Worm is shade of red, and was often accom- only used on retro merchandise – panied by auxiliary information set a treatment viewed in some quarters as in Helvetica. The logotype achieved an act of cultural desecration. 129
  • 44. plot viii to design a new symbol to represent the new concern. Designer Ronald Armstrong created a strikingly bold solution, that was contemporary in spirit and progressive in outlook. Dubbed the ‘Seven Ts’, the symbol communicates myriad meanings: the seven merged companies, construction and the ‘T’ for tarmac. As DRU explained: “The scheme was designed for eventual extension to all the companies in the tarmac group, a unification which is expressed ‘seven ts’ in the symbolic cluster of seven Ts.”23 The symbol became an ever-present 1964-1996 icon in the British landscape during the design: design research unit (uk) rapid motorway expansion in the 1960s and 1970s (throughout this period, the The Tarmac Company is one of the Tarmac logo was often an unwelcome UK’s foremost construction firms. sight as it was synonymous with delays Ever since its founder Edgar Purnell due to roadworks). By 1974, Tarmac’s Hooley had accidentally discovered logo was “voted one of the world’s Tarmacadam (when he noticed that a top trademarks.”24 passer-by had covered some tar spillage As Tarmac diversified further in the with waste slag),22 the company has 1970s, going into house building and literally built much of Britain. property development, it became a During the 1960s, there was a worldwide player. In the 1980s it was construction boom in the UK. Post- one of the lead companies involved in war prosperity created new city skylines the construction of the Channel Tunnel. and a motorway network extended Nevertheless, by the late 1980s, high across the country. Under the director- interest rates caused serious problems. ship of Robin Martin, Tarmac After recording record losses in 1992, undertook a staggering expansion the company fragmented and refocused program. However, Tarmac’s rapid on its three core activities: quarry growth and diversification had caused products, housing and construction. serious communication problems and On May 1st 1996, Tarmac unveiled confusion over the company’s image. a new corporate identity (designed by In 1963, Design Research Unit Enterprise IG) to represent this change (DRU) – one of the first generation of in strategy: a single green and white T British design consultancies combining on an oval yellow background. After expertise in architecture, graphics and more than 30 years service, the famous industrial design – was commissioned ‘Seven Ts’ logo was discontinued. 134
  • 45. plot ix the railroad’s unfocused and highly ornate script wordmark (which had existed since 1891) with an eloquent logo composed of its initials ‘NH’. The stacked elongated slab serif letterforms aptly evoke a rail-network, connection- points or rail tracks. Over the next two years, Matter and his associate Norman Ives moulded a comprehensive visual identity for New Haven – a prodigious amount covering brochures, adverts, the new haven timetables and the famous train livery railroad ‘nh’ of black, red and white. As with most of Matter’s work, the 1954–1968 NH logo is as compelling now as it was design: herbert matter (usa) back in the 1950s. The great Paul Rand, when celebrating Matter’s oeuvre, once The New York, New Haven and said: “His work of ’32 could have Hartford Railroad Company, commonly been done in ’72 or even ’82. It has known as the New Haven Railroad, that timeless, unerring quality one operated in the states of Connecticut, recognises instinctively. It speaks to New York, Rhode Island and all tongues, with one tongue. It is Massachusetts from 1872 to 1968. uncomplicated, to the point, familiar, The company operated freight and and yet unexpected.”25 passenger trains over a Boston – However, by 1960, the New Haven New York City main line and a Railroad was approaching insolvency number of branch lines. In its heyday, and the company filed for bankruptcy a the New Haven was generally year later. After a decade of struggling considered the largest and most along under various trustees, the New important transportation enterprise in Haven Railroad was absorbed by the New England. ill-fated Penn Central Transportation With the arrival of new president Company in 1968. The NH symbol, Patrick McGinnis in 1954, Herbert which had become one of the most Matter, the Swiss émigré designer and identifiable symbols in America, had hit poster artist, was commissioned to the buffers. create a corporate identity for the In a strange twist of fate, the railroad. In line with many other classic NH logo was revived, and large American Corporations (e.g. ibm lives on as heritage livery for a and Westinghouse) The New Haven different railroad company, the New was endowed with an international Haven line of MetroNorth Commuter Modernist aesthetic. Matter replaced Railroad (MNCRR). 135
  • 46. Myerson, Jeremy and Vickers, Graham Vickers, Quinn, Malcolm, The Swastika: Constructing Rewind: Forty Years of Design and Advertising The Symbol, Routledge, London and New York 1998 Phaidon Press, London 2002 Rand, Paul, Design, Form, and Chaos McQuiston & Kitts, Graphic Design Source Book Yale University Press 1993 Quarto Publishing, London 1987 Ricci & Ferrari, Top Symbols & Trademarks Nakanishi, Motoo, Corporate Design Systems 1 –  of the World: Annual 1979/1980 Case Studies in International Applications F.M. Ricci/Deco Press, Milan 1981 Sanno, Tokyo 1979 Schleger, Pat, Hans Schleger – A life of Design Neuburg, Hans, Graphic Design in Swiss Industry Princeton Architectural Press, New York 2001 ABC Editions, Zurich 1965 Sedgwick, Michael, Auto’s uit de Jaren ‘50 en ‘60 Niggli, The New Graphic Art Batteljee & Terpstra, Leiden 1984 Switzerland 1959 Slater, Stephen, The Complete Book of Heraldy Nourmand, Tony and Marsh, Graham, Anness Publishing, London 2002 Film Posters of the 70’s Spencer, Herbert (ed.), Reel Poster Press, London 1998 The Penrose Annual 1969 (Vol.62) de Nijs, Ronald (ed.), The Image of a Company: Lund Humphries, London 1969 Manual for Corporate Identity Stevens, Harm, Dutch Enterprise and the VOC SDU Uitgeverij, The Hague 1990 Walburg Pers, Amsterdam 1998 Ogilvy, David, Ogilvy on Advertising Tambini, Michael, The Look of the Century - Crown Publishers, New York 1983 Design Icons of the 20th Century Pastoureau, Michel, Heraldry: Origins/Meaning Dorling Kindersley, London 1999 Thames and Hudson, London 1997 Watano, Matsuzaki, Design for Public Institutions in Pedersen, B. Martin (ed.), Graphis Logo 1 The Netherlands, Shigeo Ogawa, Tokyo 1989 Graphis Press, New York/Zurich 1991 Wilson, Charles, The History of Unilever, Pedersen, B. Martin (ed.), Graphis Corporate Cassell & Company, London, 1970 Identity 1, Graphis Press, New York/Zurich 1989 Whyte Andrew, 101 Great Marques Pentagram: The Compendium Guild Publishing/Octopus Books, London 1985 Phaidon Press, London 1993 Wilbur, Peter, Trademarks: a Handbook of Pijbes, Wim (ed.), Studio Dumbar: Behind the Seen International designs, Studio Vista/Reinhold Art, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz 1996 London, 1966 Pilditch, James, Communication by Design: A Study in Corporate Identity, Berkshire 1970 Poynor, Rick, Design without Boundaries Booth-Clibborn Publications, London 1998 188
  • 47. appendix new identities From left to right, top to bottom: BA ‘Speedmarque’ (Interbrand); NASA ‘Meatball’ (James Modarelli); P&G ‘Wordmark’(Peterson & Blyth); Kodak (BIG); Tarmac (Enterprise IG); Corus (Enterprise IG); Nuon (Tel Design); 3M (Siegel+Gale); Xerox (Interbrand); Eircom (Identity Business); Pharmacia (Crosby Associates); Police Service N. Ireland; Transamerica; Alcatel Lucent (Landor Associates); DSM (Coley Porter Bell); Hoechst (Hans Günter Schmitz). 189
  • 48. From left to right, top to bottom: MetLife (Young & Rubicam); Arsenal FC (20/20); PostNL (VBAT); AT&T (Interbrand); HSBC (Henry Steiner); ITV (Red Bee); Reuters (Interbrand); BP ‘Helios’ (Landor Associates); Unilever (Wolff Olins); BT (Wolff Olins); Braniff (Cars & Concepts); Santander (Landor Associates); GSK (FutureBrand); UPS ‘Shield’ (FutureBrand) 190
  • 49. index Page numbers in italic denote colour plates 3M 49, 140, 189 BIG 131, 189 D 20/20 156, 190 Blackburn, Bruce 129 Dabinett, Peter 143 β 69, 150 Blair, Tony 167 Danne and Blackburn 129 Blue Globe (Pan Am) 115, 173 Decca 162 A BMW 139 DeLorean, John Zachary 165 Abbey National 10, 111, 160, 171 Bowie, David 162 DeLorean (DMC) 99, 165 Adidas 176 Bow-tied Package (UPS) 117, 174 Dempsey, Mike 136 Aerial (HTV) 91, 161 Braniff 109, 170, 190 Design Research Unit 134, 168, 179 Agfa 154 Brattinga, Pieter 153 Digital X (Xerox) 53, 142 AIGA 11 Britannia (Festival of Brit.) 97, 164 Dog (Spratt’s) 71, 151 Akzo 138, 169 British Airways (BA) 127, 189 Dotted Logotype (Reuters) 95, 163 Albert Heijn 153 British Dept. for Transport 177, 179 Double-Arrow (BR) 177, 179 Alcatel Lucent 152, 189 British Motor Corp. (BMC) 139 DSM 10, 75, 153, 189 Allen, Tony 145 BOAC 23, 127 Duke, Joseph C. 140 Ambigram 165, 180 Brit. Petroleum (BP) 10, 101, Dumbar, Gert 14, 158 Amoco 166 166, 190 Apple 147, 157 British Rail (BR) 177, 179 E Armstrong, Ronald 134 British Steel 41, 136 Eastman, George 131 Arsenal 81, 156, 190 British Telecom (BT) 107, 169, 190 Eastman Kodak 131 Atari 176 Brooks Stevens Associates 140 Eckersley, Tom 164 AT&T 10, 87, 142, 152, 159, 190 Brownjohn, Robert 160 Eckerstrom, Ralph E. 144 Aventis 154 BRS Premsela Vonk 138 Edward L. Barnes Associates 173 Burroughs, Silas 172 Eircom 143, 189 B Burroughs Wellcome 172 EMI 162 Bache, David 167 Burton, Richard 161 Energie Noord West 45, 138 Baker, Stanley 161 Enron 33, 132, 147 Banks & Miles 169 C Enterprise IG 134, 136, 163, 189 Barclays 160 Carlton 161 Ervin, Don 149, 155 Barney, Gerald 179 Cars & Concepts 190 Eskew, Mike 174 BASF 154, 178 Centre Pompidou 176 Eskilson, Prof Stephen J. 132 Bass, Saul 159 Chapman, Colin 165 Bass/Yager & Associates 159 Chaumont Poster Festival 11 F Bayer 154 Chermayeff & Geismar 142, 173 Festival of Britain 97, 164 Bayer, Herbert 144 Chermayeff, Ivan 173 Field-Bush, Max 151 BBC 161 Citigroup 171 Fletcher, Alan 130, 137, 163 Bechtolsheim, Andy 180 Coca-Cola 159, 173 Four Ms (MetLife) 79, 155 Behrensbau 154 Coley Porter Bell 153, 189 FutureBrand 174, 190 Behrens, Peter 154 Collis Clements 168 Bell System 159 Commodore 83, 157 G Ben 176 CCA 57, 144 Gamble, James 130 Beta 150 Corus 136, 189 Games, Abram 164 Betamax 69, 150 Crosby Associates 189 Garland, Ken 141 Bierut, Michael 11, 159 Crosby/Fletcher/Forbes 163 Gates, Bill 157 191
  • 50. General Motors 165 J McGinnis, Patrick 135 Gentleman, David 136 Jack Tinker and Partners 170 McNealy, Scott 180 Gerald Stahl & Associates 140 Jacobson, Egbert 144 Meatball (NASA) 129, 189 Gerstner, Karl 127 JAL 176 MetLife 79, 149, 155, 190 Giannini, A.P. 149 James, Ken 168 Mexico 68 Olympics 61, 146 Girard, Alexander 170 Jefferson Smurfit Corp 144 MG 176 Giugiaro, Giorgetto 165 Jobs, Steve 147 Microsoft 157 GlaxoSmithKline 16, 172, 190 Johnson, Michael 129 Midget, Hairy 197 GlaxoWellcome 172 Joy, Bill 180 Midland Bank 89, 160 Globe (AT&T) 87, 159 Jupiter (ENW) 45, 138 Minale, Marcello 166 Goldin, Daniel S. 129 Minale Tattersfield 166 Golly (Robertson’s) 43, 137 K Modarelli, James 129, 189 Granada 161 Kinneir, Jock 179 Monsanto 145 Gray, Milner 164 Knobil, Marcel 160 Moon and Stars (P&G) 29, 130 Griffin (Midland Bank) 89, 160 Knox, Ginny 137 Kodak 10, 11, 31, 131, 189 N H KPN 142, 158 NASA 27, 129, 189 Haloid Photo. Company 142 Krohn, Dr. Friedrich 128 National Westminster 160 Halpin, Geoff 151 Nazi 128 Hand, Bird, Star 59, 145 L Negus & Negus 127 Harlech, Lord 161 Landor Associates 142, 152, 166, Neuhart, John 170 Harp & Crown (RUC) 65, 148 171, 189, 190 Newell and Sorrell 145 Helios (BP) 166, 190 Lawrence, Harding 170 New Haven Railroad (NH) 39, 135 Henrion, FHK 164 Lee-Elliott, Theyre 127, 164 NeXT 63, 147 Hexagon (DSM) 75, 153 Lehman Brothers 11 NI Policing Board 148, 189 Hill-Wood, Peter 156 Lever Brothers 141, 168 Novivorm 153 Hitachi 178 Leverhulme, Lord 141 NS 153 Hitler, Adolf 128 Leyland Motor Corp. 139, 167 NSDAP 128 Hoechst 10, 77, 154, 172, 189 Lipson Alport Glass 130 NUON 138, 189 Hooley, Edgar Purnell 134 Lloyds 160 HSBC 160, 190 Loewy, Raymond 166 O HTV 91, 161 Logo in Peace 11 Oestreich, Peter J. 131 Longship (Rover) 103, 167 Ogilvy, David 144 I Lotus 165 Olsen, Henrik 152 IBM 135, 147, 157 Lucent 10, 73, 152 Oracle 180 ICI 178 Identica 151 M P Identity Business 143, 189 Mac Fisheries 51, 141 Paepcke, Walter 144 Imperial Airlines 23, 127 Margarine Unie 168 Pan Am 115, 173 Innovation Ring (Lucent) 73, 152 Marketplace Design 167 Patten, Chris 148 Interbrand 142, 145, 159, 163, Massey, John 144 Peterson & Blyth 130, 189 189, 190 Mather & Crowther 141 Pharmacia 145, 189 ITV 161, 190 Matter, Herbert 135 Pharmacia & Upjohn 59, 145, 172 192
  • 51. Philips 162, 178 Selame, Joseph 131 TPG Post 158 Pickard, Peter 160 Seven Ts (Tarmac) 37, 134 Tramiel, Jack 157 Piper (BT) 15, 107, 138, 169 SHV 153 Transamerica 67, 149, 189 Plumber’s Gothic 49, 140 Siegel+Gale 140, 166, 189 Trefoil (Adidas) 176 Polaroid 176 Skilling, Jeffrey K. 132 Tsurumaru (JAL) 176 Postma, Paul 163 Smith, G. Dean 159 Twain, Mark 175 PostNL 158, 190 SmithKlineBeecham 16 Twin Pillar U (Unilever) 105, 168 Poynor, Rick 158 Snail (TÉ) 55, 143 Pratt, Vaughan 180 Snoopy 155 U Procter & Gamble (P&G) 29, Sony 150 Umbrella Couple (Abbey 130, 189 Space Shuttle 129 National) 111, 171 Procter, William 130 Speedbird (BOAC) 23, 127 Unicorn (Wellcome) 113, 172 Prudential 138, 169 Speedmarque (BA) 189 Unilever 10, 105, 168, 190 PSNI 148, 189 Speer, Albert 128 UPS 117, 147, 174, 190 PTT Post 85, 158 Spillers 151 Pucci, Emilio 170 Spratt’s 13, 71, 151 V Pye 93, 162 St. Andrew’s Cross 51, 141 Vázquez, Pedro Ramírez 146 Pye, William George 162 Stanford 180 VBAT 190 Stanley, Charles 162 VCC Crest (Arsenal) 81, 156 R Starley & Sutton 167 VOC 35, 133 Rabobank 138, 169 Star Wars 159 Rand, Paul 132, 135, 174 Steiner, Henry 160, 190 W Red Bee 190 Stowell, Scott 11 Washington Mutual 11 Reed, Matthew 156 Strong, Henry 131 Wellcome 10, 113, 172 Reuter, Paul Julius 163 Studio Dumbar 14, 158 Wellcome, Henry 172 Reuters 95, 163, 190 Sun Microsystems 178, 180 Wells, Mary 170 Rhône-Poulenc 154 Superbrand 160 Werkgroep Novivorm 153 Riley 47, 139, 167 Swastika 15, 25, 128 Wilbur, Peter 127 Robertson’s 10, 43, 137 Swoosh (Nike) 15 Wilson, Harold 167 Roundel 93, 162 Winter, Eric 171 Rover 10, 103, 139, 167 T Wolff Olins 160, 168, 169, 171, 190 RUC 65, 148 Tani, Karl 170 Woolworths 11 Rush, Harry 139 Tarmac 37, 134, 189 Worm (NASA) 15, 27, 129 RVS 171 Tay, Chong Huang 160 Wyman, Lance 146 Tel Design 138, 189 S Telecom Éireann 55, 143 X Saab 11 Terrazas, Eduardo 146 Xerox 10, 53, 142, 189 Sandgren & Murtha 149, 155 Thatcher, Margaret 167 Santander 171, 190 Thomson Reuters 163 Z Saunders, A. R. 166 Tilted E (Enron) 33, 132 Zucker, Margo 142 SBC Communications 159 T-Mobile 176 Schleger, Hans 141 TNT Post 158 Schmitz, Hans Günter 154, 189 Tower & Bridge (Hoechst) 77, 154 193
  • 52.
  • 53. acknowledgements We would firstly like to express our sincere thanks to all the featured designers and companies for their cooperation. Only the active support of most of the persons included in this book, or of their heirs, has made it possible. We’d also like to thank the individuals who submitted suggestions and condolences since the first edition in 2003. There are too many to mention by name, but we would especially like to thank: Rudolf van Wezel (bis) for his belief and commit- ment to our project, Gert Dumbar for his encouragement and infectious enthusiasm, Jonathan Bolger for his critical eye, and our Mam and Dad for their invaluable assistance. Thanks also to Adrienne Stone, Irene Stone, Ines Scheffers, Dick Bezem†, and our clients who pay the bills. Lastly, but most importantly, our thanks and love go to Marieke and little Sam for their remarkable support, under- standing and fresh coffee. We thank You, we praise You. We find strength and courage to go on. AMEN. Declan and Garech Stone, The Stone Twins Amsterdam, May 2012
  • 54. about the authors The Stone Twins is a creative partner- ship, based in Amsterdam. Founded by twin brothers Declan and Garech Stone (born Dublin, 1970), the agency is noted for its concept-driven and engaging solutions. The duo are also Head of the Communication department at Design Academy Eindhoven.
  • 55. A Book of Condolences is open at