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Not Accepting Student Failure • Pushing War With Iran • Purple Heart: The Award No One Wants
                                                                             October 29, 2007                                THAT FREEDOM SHALL NOT PERISH

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Vol. 23, No. 22                                   October 29, 2007

12 Living Under Surveillance

                                                                                                                           Design by Joseph W. Kelly
    by Wilton D. Alston — The technology that enables the surveillance
    state is here to stay. Now, how do we keep it from controlling us?

18 To Protect America, Protect Privacy
    by Warren Mass — How the “Protect America Act” affects privacy.

                                                                           18                                    20
20 Taking Delight in Deception

                                                                                                     AP Images

                                                                                                                           AP Images
    by William F. Jasper — Big Media embraces Alan Greenspan.

23 Not Accepting Student Failure                                           23
    by Kurt Williamsen — How to improve America’s schools.

27 Pushing War With Iran
    by William F. Jasper — What talk of a pre-emptive strike means.

31 Answers a Fifth Grader Should Know
    by Michael J. Thompson — Thomas Woods’ latest work is 33

                                                                                                                           AP Images
    Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed to Ask.

34 The Award No One Wants                                                  27                                         31
    by John White — The Purple Heart is awarded to those who have
    been wounded or killed while serving in the Armed Forces.

                                                                                                     AP Images

44 Taking the Country to War
    by Gary Benoit

  5 Letters to the Editor        33 The Goodness of America
  7 Inside Track                 41 Exercising the Right
                                                                                                                           AP Images

11 QuickQuotes                   42 Correction, Please!

                                                                         COVER Design by Joseph W. Kelly

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               John F. McManus

                                                       KGB Terrorism Still at Work                        not abandoned and does not change. None
                   Gary Benoit                         I wish to thank you for Bill Jasper’s two ex-      of the so-called “Islamic fundamentalist”
                                                       cellent articles on so-called Islamic terror-      terror groups like al-Qaeda are run by de-
                 Senior Editor
                                                       ism in the September 3 issue of THE NEW            vout religious Muslims, but rather by Soviet
                William F. Jasper
                                                       AMERICAN.                                          KGB and GRU personnel. Patriotic Ameri-
               Associate Editor                           Foreign affairs expert Hilaire du Berrier, in   cans need to know this crystal clear to avoid
                Kurt Williamsen                        the late 1950s, and later in American Opin-        being duped by the communists’ divide-and-
                                                       ion, revealed how the Soviet KGB created           conquer tactic of blaming Islam or Muslims
             Dennis J. Behreandt                       the FLN movement in Algeria to break away          for the terrorism Moscow is directing.
            Christopher S. Bentley                     that portion of France and install a commu-                             WILLIAM H. MCILHANY
              Steven J. DuBord                         nist regime. The FLN leaders were Soviet-                              Beverly Hills, California
                Jodie Gilmore                          trained communists, not religious Muslims.
           Gregory A. Hession, J.D.
                                                       The FLN terrorized and massacred native
                 Ed Hiserodt
               William P. Hoar                         Muslims in Algeria to force them to appear         No Legislative Oversight
              R. Cort Kirkwood                         to be supporting the communist revolution.         I was rereading the “Pushing National IDs”
                Warren Mass                            The pattern is clear: devout Muslims were          article in the July 9, 2007 issue and something
              Michael E. Telzrow
                                                       the victims of Leninist strategy and KGB           there that I read before really jumped out at
            Joe Wolverton II, J.D.
                                                       terrorism, forced to die as cannon fodder or       me this time. It was the sentences on page
              Editorial Assistant                      slaughtered as opposition, and were not the        16, first paragraph, “And it has to be stopped
                  Ann Shibler                          ones in charge of the destruction.                 now, before implementation, he [Missouri
                 Art Director
                                                          In the early 1960s, the KGB created the in-     state Rep. Jim Guest] says, because it falls
                Joseph W. Kelly                        ternational terrorism network, as documented       under the Department of Homeland Secu-
                                                       in Claire Sterling’s The Terror Network and        rity and lacks future legislative oversight.
      Desktop Publishing Specialist                    the Western Goals 1982 documentary, No             ‘Homeland Security has total control; there
            Steven J. DuBord
                                                       Place to Hide, which I researched for the          is no judicial or legislative control over this.
                   Research                            late Congressman Lawrence McDonald. The            Once they issue [the act] there is no way of
                 Mary Benoit                           KGB’s terror network is administered through       stopping them.’”
                Brian T. Farmer                        the PLO (all affiliated groups, Fatah, Hamas,         This baffles me in that since: a.) the execu-
                Bonnie M. Gillis
                                                       Islamic Jihad, DFLP, etc.) directorate and the     tive branch of government is commissioned
                   Marketing                           Cuban Tricontinental apparatus in Havana.          by the Constitution to carry out the laws; and
                 Larry Greenley                           An understanding of the invaluable rev-         b.) the legislative branch is the only govern-
                                                       elations of KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn         mental organ that can make laws (constitu-
               Public Relations
                  Bill Hahn                            (New Lies for Old, The Perestroika Decep-          tionally), how can the executive branch not
                                                       tion) demonstrates that the Soviet KGB and         be under legislative control?
                 Web Manager                           Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) are more           If this is so, then no wonder Homeland
                  Brian Witt                           in control of all communist countries than         Security minions act so imperiously. And,
          Advertising/Circulation                      ever before, despite the enormous disinfor-        one might ask, what other activities of the
              Julie DuFrane                            mation strategy since 1989 to convince the         executive branch are not subject to oversight
                                                       West that communism has gone out of busi-          and/or legislative control?
                                                       ness. That includes the KGB-GRU monop-                This bears bringing out in an article, I’d
                                                       oly control over world terrorism, including        say.
                                                       all PLO groups, and all so-called “Islamic                                        WAYNE MOSELEY
                                                       fundamentalist” terror groups like al-Qaeda                                  Baldwyn, Mississippi
     Printed in the U.S.A. • ISSN 0885-6540
      P.O. Box 8040 • Appleton, WI 54912               before and after 9/11.
      920-749-3784 • 920-749-3785 (fax)                   In other words, nothing has changed,
                       except the names on the doors and superfi-         Taking Children
  Rates are $39 per year (Hawaii and Canada,           cial window dressing to deceive the West.          In Coxsackie, New York, a three-year-old
  add $9; foreign, add $27) or $22 for six months
  (Hawaii and Canada, add $4.50; foreign, add          The same KGB terror network is operating           girl named Egypt Philips was killed by her
  $13.50). Copyright ©2007 by American Opin-           today, with no competition, and the current        mother’s boyfriend. Both the boyfriend and
  ion Publishing, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at     and previous administrations in Washington         mother are in prison, but now some lawyer
  Appleton, WI and additional mailing offices. Post-
  master: Send any address changes to THE NEW          have been actively funding the PLO network         wants to sue the county CPS agency (“Sepa-
  AMERICAN, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912.         (now over $50 million a year directly and          rated by the State,” July 23 issue) for millions
                                                       indirectly) and keeping it in business. At the     on behalf of the dead girl. What this will do
                     THE NEW AMERICAN is pub-
                     lished biweekly by Ameri-         same time, while funding the PLO, the Bush         is put pressure on the social workers to avoid
                     can Opinion Publishing            administration has imposed since 9/11 a web        lawsuits by seizing every child they can.
  Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The John          of totalitarian controls over all Americans.                                         OWEN CAMP
  Birch Society.
                                                          The lesson is clear. Leninist strategy is                          Rensselaerville, New York

THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007                                                                                                                     5
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Inside Track
Life Chain Spreads Pro-life Message Coast to Coast
From Seattle, Washington, to Miami, Florida, and from Bangor,            first Life Chain in Yuba City, California, in 1987, told THE NEW
Maine, to San Diego, California, as many as a million or more            AMERICAN, “When we began, we were not visionaries; we did
Americans took to the streets on October 7 in over a thousand cit-       not expect it to go national or to still be going twenty years later.
ies and communities across the nation to stand for the rights of the     It appears, for now, at least, that the Lord wants it to continue.”
unborn and to show their opposition to abortion. The Life Chain          Last year, he noted, the number of cities and towns participating
event, which takes place every year on the first Sunday of Octo-         in the United States and Canada passed 1,200 and for 2007 the
ber, marked its 20th anniversary this year. Participants in the Life     total increased to more than 1,300 communities.
Chain lined designated streets hold-
ing signs that read, “Abortion Kills
Children,” “Adoption: The Lov-
ing Option,” and “Abortion Hurts
Women.” In some communities
                                       Courtesy of

the Life Chain may have had only
a handful of hardy pro-lifers, but in
others, the demonstrators numbered
in the thousands and stretched for
miles along busy thoroughfares.
   Royce Dunn, who organized the                                                Life Chain, Allen, Texas

Multinational Education
According to an AP report, the Oregon Department of Education            ish-language course material. However, even those concessions
and Mexico’s Secretariat of Public Education are conducting dis-         do not satisfy everyone.
cussions to align their curricula so courses will be valid in both          “That’s not enough,” said Patrick Burk, chief policy officer
countries. Going against conventional practice — wherein foreign         with the superintendent’s office of the Oregon Department of
students are immersed in the language of their adopted country, so       Education, who flew to Mexico with Oregon curriculum officials
they can rapidly learn the new language — some Oregon educa-             in August to take part in discussions about the proposed program.
tors contend that including the Mexican school curriculum in public      He told reporters the new curriculum will provide minimal dis-
schools will make learning easier for Spanish-speaking students.         ruption for immigrant Latinos. Burk contended: “We’re able to
   Oregon schools already employ bilingual aides or use Span-            serve the students so much better if we’re working together.”

Classified Justice Department Opinions Support Torture
The New York Times unleashed a political bombshell on October            “none of the C.I.A. interrogation methods violated that standard.”
4 when it reported that in 2005, the Justice Department issued a           The following day, President Bush responded to the uproar
secret legal opinion that, “according to officials briefed on it,” was   sparked by the Times article by saying that “this government
“an expansive endorsement of                                                                               does not torture people” and
the harshest interrogation tech-                                                                           that “the techniques that we
niques ever used” by the CIA                                                                               use have been fully disclosed
on terror suspects. The approved                                                                           to appropriate members of the
techniques, said the Times, in-                                                                            United States Congress.” On
clude “head-slapping, simulated                                                                            the other hand, Senate Intel-
drowning [waterboarding] and                                                                               ligence Committee Chairman
frigid temperatures.”                                                                                      John Rockefeller (D-W.Va.)
   The Times also reported that                                                                            noted: “The administration
later in 2005, “as Congress                                                                                can’t have it both ways.... They
moved toward outlawing ‘cruel,                                                                             can’t say that Congress has
inhuman and degrading’ treat-                                                                              been fully briefed while refus-
ment” of terror suspects, the Jus-                                                                         ing to turn over key documents
tice Department issued another                                                                             used to justify the legality of
secret opinion, declaring that                                                                             the program.”

 THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007                                                                                                        7
Inside Track
Illegal Immigrants to Get New York Driver’s Licenses
Democratic New York Governor Eliot Spitzer announced on               it will deter illegal immigrants from driving illegally and without
September 21 that illegal immigrants would be able to apply for       insurance, both of which contribute to more hit-and-run accidents
driver’s licenses in New York.                                                                            and higher insurance rates for
Reaction to the decision was                                                                              all New Yorkers.
predictable.                                                                                                 The new policy is opposed
   “Osama bin Laden is some-                                                                              not only by Republicans. For
where in a cave with his den of                                                                           example, Suffolk County Ex-
thieves and terrorists, and he’s                                                                          ecutive Steve Levy, a Demo-
probably sabering the cork on                                                                             crat, is opposed to it. Accord-
some Champagne right now,                                                                                 ing to the Times, Levy has
saying ‘Hey, that governor’s                                                                              earned very high approval
really assisting us,’” James N.                                                                           ratings, earned in part for
Tedisco, the State Assembly                                                                               his action against illegal im-
minority leader, was quoted                    Eliot Spitzer                                              migration, such as shutting
as saying by the New York                                                                                 down overcrowded boarding
Times.                                                                                                    houses for day laborers and
                                AP Images

   Spitzer justified his unorth-                                                                          for cracking down on unli-
odox position by claiming that                                                                            censed drivers.

Deportation Fears Prompt Exodus From Texas City’s Schools
Irving, Texas, Independent School District Superintendent Jack           In an October 3 interview with the Dallas Morning News,
Singley announced on October 3 that an estimated 90 children          Irving Mayor Herbert Gears defended the fairness of his city’s
had withdrawn from the city’s schools in the past week because        policy, stating: “If they’re not being booked into our jail, there’s
of the deportation fears.                                             nothing they should be worried about.”
   The Mexican Consulate recently began warning Mexican citi-            Mayor Gears assured parents that they need not fear that im-
zens to stay out of Irving because the city’s police department has   migration officials or police would pick up their children from
been cooperating with federal immigration authorities to identify     school campuses. Nevertheless, he stated that many Irving resi-
illegal immigrants who have been arrested so they can be de-          dents support the City Council’s immigration policy, because
ported. Irving police have turned over more than 1,600 people to      illegal immigrants overburden social services and overcrowd
immigration officials since the program began.                        public schools.

Bush Attempts to Use International Court Against Texas
President Bush has issued a memo to his attorney                               preme Court agreed to hear his appeal; Presi-
general declaring that state courts must enforce a     Jose Ernesto Medellin   dent Bush issued his memo to the attorney
ruling by the International Court of Justice in The                            general declaring that state courts must enforce
Hague on behalf of Jose Ernesto Medellin and                                   the international court’s ruling; the Supreme
50 other Mexican nationals on death row in the                                 Court then dismissed Medellin’s case while
United States. Medellin was convicted of murder                                state courts reviewed the president’s order; and
in the course of a sexual assault on two teenaged                              Texas courts ruled against Medellin once again,
girls, a capital offense in Texas, and sentenced to                            ruling that Bush had no authority to meddle
death in October 1994.                                                         into the affairs of the state courts.
   Medellin had given authorities a written con-                                  Finally, the Supreme Court has once again
fession, but in 2003, Mexico sued the United                                   agreed to hear the case — Medellin v. Texas,
States in the International Court of Justice on                                06-984.
                                                   AP Images

behalf of Medellin and other Mexicans who had                                     AP reported that Texas Solicitor General Ted
been denied access to their country’s diplomats                                Cruz has protested that the Bush administra-
following their arrests.                                                       tion’s position would “allow the president to
   The sequence of events that followed was: Medellin’s case set aside any state law the president believes is inconvenient to
was rejected by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; the Su- international comity.”

8                                                                                             THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
G.I.s Support Ron Paul’s “Bring Them Home” Message
            For his opposition to the Iraq War and his insistence on bringing         The pundits and politicos attacking the congressman’s position
            our troops home, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron           are out of touch with the men and women who wear the uniform,
            Paul (R-Texas) has had to endure charges by his political and         who are voting overwhelmingly in favor of Dr. Paul, if their po-
            media opponents that he is unpatriotic, soft on national security,    litical contributions are an accurate barometer. The Federal Elec-
            soft on terror, and “doesn’t support our troops.” His more vicious    tion Commission’s release of second-quarterly contributions to
            accusers have even charged him with “taking his marching orders       presidential candidates revealed that Ron Paul topped all of the
            from al Qaeda.” However, Congressman Paul has responded that          other candidates — Republican and Democrat — in contributions
            the Iraq War is an unconstitutional, undeclared war that did not      from active members of the military. In fact, Dr. Paul received as
            have any connection to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and “was sold to    much from our military personnel as all of the other Republican
            us with false information.”                                           candidates did combined. His receipt of $24,965 amounted to 26
                                                                                                  percent of all military contributions to presidential
                                                                                                  candidates of both parties. Rudy Giuliani, the pres-
                                                                                                  ent GOP frontrunner, by contrast, received only 2
                                                                                                  percent. The FEC’s latest statistics have not been
                                                                                                  similarly broken down, but Ron Paul stunned ana-
                                                                                                  lysts by raising $5.08 million in this year’s third
                                                                                                  quarter, an impressive 114 percent increase over
                                                                                                  the second quarter, while all of the top GOP can-
                                                                                                  didates suffered decreases in fundraising.
                                                                                                     The strong support Ron Paul is receiving from
                                                                                                  the military is not surprising in light of a mid-July
                                                                                                  survey by, a website popular with mil-
                                                                                                  itary personnel. According to, 59 per-
                                                                                                  cent of the poll participants “said the United States
                                                                                                  should withdraw its troops from Iraq now or by the
                                                                                                  end of 2008. More than 40 percent of the respon-
AP Images

                                                                                                  dents agreed the pullout should begin immediately
                                                                                                  because ‘we’re wasting lives and resources there.’”

            Federal Judge Rules Patriot Act Unconstitutional
            “For over 200 years, this nation has adhered to the rule of law       won a $2 million settlement and received an apology from the
            — with unparalleled success,” said Judge Anne L. Aiken in a re-       U.S. government. Part of Mayfield’s settlement included a provi-
            cent ruling declaring that crucial parts of the USA Patriot Act are   sion that allowed the U.S. government to be freed from any future
            unconstitutional. Aiken, a Federal District Court judge in Port-      liability in his case, with one exception that he could challenge the
            land, Oregon, said that certain parts                                                                constitutionality of the Patriot Act.
            of the Patriot Act violate the Fourth                                                                   It was that exception that Judge
            Amendment’s prohibitions against                                                                     Aiken ruled against last week recog-
            unreasonable searches and seizures.                                                                  nizing that Mr. Mayfield’s constitu-
               The Patriot Act was quickly passed                                                                tional rights and civil liberties were
            by Congress following the 9/11 ter-                                                                  threatened by the implementation of
            rorist attacks. Though scrutinized by                                                                the Patriot Act. Wording in the Pa-
            many since that time, the Patriot Act                                                                triot Act, argues Aiken, allows the
            was made permanent when Congress                                                                     government to avoid any probable
            renewed the law in early 2006 despite                                                                cause requirements as required in the
            known problems with the law.                                                                         Constitution.
               A September 27 article published                                                                     Elden Rosenthal, an attorney for
            in the New York Times details the                                                                    Mr. Mayfield, commented that the
            wrongful imprisonment of attorney                                                                    “tradition of judicial independence
            Brandon Mayfield who was mistak-                                                                     and our nation’s most cherished
            enly linked to the 2004 train bomb-                                                                  principle of the right to be secure in
            ing in Madrid. Mayfield, who was in-                                                                 one’s own home,” were upheld by
            nocent of any terrorist involvement,                                                                 Judge Aiken’s ruling. ■

            THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007                                                                                                      9
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                                               Justice Thomas Recalls Being Verbally Attacked
                                               During His Confirmation Hearings
                                               “The mob I now faced carried no ropes or guns. Its weapons were
                                               smooth-tongued lies spoken into microphones and printed on the front
                                               pages of America’s newspapers.... But it was a mob all the same, and
                                               its purpose — to keep the black man in his place — was unchanged.”
                                               In his book, My Grandfather’s Son, Supreme Court Justice Clarence
AP Images

              Thomas                           Thomas recounted his life story including the ordeal he endured while
                                               being confirmed for a place on the high court.

            Supreme Court Justices Urged to Consider Original Intent
            “We do not think that the Supreme Court is some kind of Supreme Council of Ayatollahs that can do
            anything it wants to do on a 5-4 vote.”
            Federalist Society co-founder Steven G. Calabresi used op-ed space in the Wall Street Journal to call
            upon the justices to issue rulings that are “faithful to the Constitution as written and understood at the
            time of its adoption.”

            Senator Angered by Prediction of “Long-term Presence” in Iraq
            “The president and his supporters claim that we’re now finally on the                           Robert
            cusp of progress and that we must continue to stay the course. Call me
            a skeptic, but we have heard this tune before.”
            After Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Congress that more funds
            were needed to keep U.S. troops in Iraq for years to come, Senator
            Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) responded sharply and claimed that the Ap-

                                                                                                                         AP Images
            propriations Committee he leads would not “rubber stamp” requests
            for more funding.

            Ethanol Boom Seems Over and Many Have Been Hurt Because of Overproduction
            “The end of the ethanol boom is possibly in sight and may already be here. This is a dangerous time for
            people who are making investments.”
            After a rush to build distilleries and a parallel spurt in the price for corn, Iowa State University eco-
            nomics professor Neil E. Harl reported a glut in the amount of ethanol that has caused a 30-percent
            drop in its price.

            Taiwan Building Missiles to Counter Threat From Communist China
            “They want to make mainland China hesitate before launching any attack. These missiles could not only
            destroy military targets, but financial and economic targets as well.”
            With Taiwan seeking recognition as an independent nation and tensions between it and Communist
            China mounting, Hong Kong-based Andrei Chang, an analyst of the military capabilities of both sides,
            explained why Taiwan has created a missile program.

            France Shows the Way With Nuclear Power and Nuclear Waste
            “Instead of storing its waste at each nuclear plant (as in the United States) or burying it in containers
            underground (as we would do if Yucca opens), the French take their waste to a massive plant in Nor-
            mandy where spent fuel is recycled.”
            Approximately 78 percent of the electricity generated in France is produced
            by nuclear power, and John Dyson and Matt Bennett of the group Third Way
            report that the French don’t consider nuclear waste a problem.
            New Leader of France Tells UN of the Need for a “New World Order”
            “In the name of France, I call upon all states to join ranks in order to found the
            new world order of the 21st century on the notion that the common goods that
            belong to all of humankind must be the common responsibility for us all.”
            In his address to the UN General Assembly, French President Nicolas Sar-
            kozy urged the world body to launch programs to establish equal wealth
                                                                                                                         AP Images

            distribution and fight corruption. ■
                                                       — COMPILED BY JOHN F. MCMANUS

            THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007                                                                                                11

                 LIVING UNDER
                                                                                                                To put it bluntly,
                                                                                                                the technology
                                                                                                                that enables the
                                                                                                                surveillance state is
                                                                                                                here to stay. Now, how
                                                                                                                do we keep it from
                                                                                                                controlling us?

                               by Wilton D. Alston                                               veryone on the political spectrum — from free-market
                                                                                                 anarchists to totalitarians — has some vision of what is
     We live in a surveillance society. It is pointless to talk about                            meant by the phrase, “surveillance society.” Is the idea
     surveillance society in the future tense. In all the rich coun-                     of a surveillance society in today’s world “unremarkable?”
     tries of the world everyday life is suffused with surveillance                      Consider:
     encounters, not merely from dawn to dusk but 24/7. Some                                • The UK is now the world’s most watched country, having
     encounters obtrude into the routine, like when we get a ticket                      upwards of five million closed-circuit TV (CCTV) cameras keep-
     for running a red light when no one was around but the                              ing a watchful eye on the public, with the average citizen being
     camera. But the majority are now just part of the fabric of                         caught on camera around 300 times per day.
     daily life. Unremarkable.                                                              • Upwards of 1.5 million automobiles can now be tracked and
                         — “Report on the Surveillance Society”                          located anywhere in the United States — or in fact anywhere on
                             Surveillance Studies Network, 2006                          Earth — using OnStar, General Motor’s onboard car-to-mobile-
                                                                                         phone-network communications system.
Wilton D. Alston, a libertarian activist and writer, is a principal research scientist      • Telecom giant AT&T has allowed the National Security
working in the field of transportation safety.                                           Agency (NSA) to set up what could only be called a “spy room”

12                                                                                                              THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
on AT&T property to make routine moni-           The question is more what
toring of phone calls easier.                    the unavoidable ubiquity of
   • Marijuana farmers in Wisconsin now          surveillance will mean to the       Telecom giant AT&T has allowed the
must fear not only conventional law en-          individual and the collective.      National Security Agency (NSA) to set
forcement methods, but also the Internet.        The question is how society
Satellite images from Google Earth — yes         should deal — how society           up what could only be called a “spy
that Google Earth — have been used to            will deal — with routine,           room” on AT&T property to make routine
locate farms and arrest farmers.                 widespread, nearly constant
   • The trend of one-to-one marketing has       surveillance, not just by gov-      monitoring of phone calls easier.
driven businesses to be more aggressive in       ernment but by private enti-
both discovering and remembering facts           ties as well, now that surveil-
about their customers. Firms like Don-           lance technology is quite clearly not only Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
nelly Marketing, which keeps dossiers on         common but also here to stay.               So far, Americans seem to favor surveil-
over 90 percent of American households,             But how much surveillance is too much? lance over privacy. For example, a recent
collect and manage massive files regard-         Such questions amount to quibbling over survey by ABC News found that most
ing each family’s preferences in every-          price. No one can prevent the proliferation Americans favor increased use of police
thing from pets to politics.                     of surveillance tech, and no one can pre- surveillance cameras to “fight crime.”
   • Face-recognition software was suc-          clude “bad people,” including some agents This, despite the fact that precious little
cessfully tested during Super Bowl XXXV          of the State, from also having it. That data illustrates that cameras do anything
in Tampa, Florida, with approximately            much is certain. Can freedom and privacy to reduce crime. Indeed, despite the lack
100,000 faces being scanned and identi-          coexist with the surveillance society? Ab- of real security benefits, publication of
fied. (Several law-breakers — mostly tick-       solutely. However, one cannot determine a single story illustrating that a heinous
et scalpers — were noticed, but no arrests       the proper amount of surveillance by the killer was caught via video can justify al-
were made, since it was just a “dry run”!)       government if one has already ceded the most any infringement upon the privacy of
   • The FBI, apparently unsatisfied with        entire decision to that government.         ordinary citizens.
their success using data mining, is issuing
so many National Security Letters (NSLs)
— administrative subpoenas that require
                                                                                      How will they be used? David Holtzman, the former
no probable cause while simultaneously                                                chief technology officer with Network Solutions,
precluding the recipient from ever disclos-                                           said that cameras, like this seemingly innocuous
ing that the letter was issued — that they                                            one above a New York sidewalk, could be used in
plan to automate the process of tracking                                              conjunction with computers to “profile” people
them.                                                                                 based on the their movements, such as, “Are you
   Clearly this presents a challenge to a                                             walking funny? Whistling funny?”
free society. That challenge stems from
the imbalance in power between the state
and the people where surveillance is con-
cerned. That imbalance must be addressed
if freedom is to be maintained.

Conflicting Views
The odds are pretty good that most people,
when asked what that term means, would
think of some image from the Will Smith
movie, Enemy of the State, in which an
innocent man is pursued relentlessly by
a federal security apparatus employing
the latest high-tech surveillance gadgetry.
Many would agree, also, with the movie’s
tagline, “It’s not paranoia if they really are
after you.”
   It does seem these days that “they”
really are after “us.” The question is not
whether or not a surveillance society will
occur, particularly in Western societies
                                                                                                                                          AP Images

like the United States and the United King-
dom. That horse is out of sight already.

THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007                                                                                                  13

                                                                                                                personal data — videotape rental rec-
                                                                                                                ords, health care information — but
                                                                                                                nothing like the broad privacy protec-
                                                                                                                tion laws you find in European coun-
                                                                                                                tries. That’s really the only solution;
                                                                                                                leaving the market to sort this out will
                                                                                                                result in even more invasive whole-
                                                                                                                sale surveillance.

                                                                                                              It is ironic that Schneier speaks of the
                                                                                                              protection available in European coun-
                                                                                                              tries, given the number of times per day
                                                                                                              that a typical citizen of the UK is caught
                                                                                                              on camera. Another person worried about
                                                                                                              increased surveillance is author Naomi
                                                                                                              Wolfe. According to Wolfe’s The End of
                                                                                                              America, the United States is well on its
                                                                                                              way to becoming a fascist empire due to
                                                                                                              the fact that creating a surveillance soci-
                                                                                                              ety is one of the “Ten Steps to Fascism.”
                                                                                                              The Bush administration claims to have
                                                                                                              a legitimate reason for massive privacy
                                                                                                              infringement: protecting the U.S. public
                                                                                                              from the ever-present specter of terrorism,
                                                                                                              but are its arguments legitimate?

                                                                                                              Surveillance and Power
                                                                                                              The Bush administration (like many U.S.
                                                                                                              administrations before it) is enamored
                                                                                                              with monitoring ordinary citizens, under
AP Images

                                                                                                              the guise of protecting the freedom of
                                                                                                              those they watch. The fact that their “im-
                                                                                                              provements” in security have resulted in
                                                                                                              limited actual performance improvements
            New York City has begun installation of 500 cameras throughout the city at a cost of              is apparently lost in the shuffle. Is there
            $9 million. If the city gets federal funding, they’ll install hundreds more cameras in            anyone who believes that the privacy nor-
            midtown, trying to create a “ring of steel.”
                                                                                                              mal Americans have given up has directly
                                                                                                              precluded further terrorist attacks? Is
                                                                                                              there anyone — anyone — who actually
               Security expert Bruce Schneier calls           a good thing, both for safety and conve-        believes that if a terrorist wanted to attack
            this effect, within the realm of surveillance     nience, the technorati are not as uniform       an arena, a stadium, a shopping center, or
            psychology, the “availability heuristic.”         in their view. Schneier thinks legislation is   even an airport, that such an attack could
            Most people would rather all their deepest        the only methodology for curtailing, or at      not have taken place despite the so-called
            secrets be posted on the Internet tomor-          least somewhat stemming, the advance of         protections put in place after 9/11? From
            row than have a psychopathic serial killer        surveillance and the corresponding loss of      Future of Freedom Foundation columnist
            escape capture today, assuming that’s the         privacy. In a recent blog entry he says:        Anthony Gregory, we find this accurate
            trade-off. Of course, it’s not quite that sim-                                                    commentary:
            ple. Today’s “I’ve got nothing to hide” can         We’re never going to stop the march
            turn into tomorrow’s “but I didn’t know             of technology, but we can enact leg-            The real threat to American liberty,
            that was against the law!” That’s particu-          islation to protect our privacy: com-           the defense of which the administra-
            larly the case when a government moves in           prehensive laws regulating what can             tion still insists is the purpose of the
            the direction of imposing more and more             be done with personal information               war on terror, is a federal government
            laws and regulations on its citizens — de-          about us, and more privacy protec-              without strict checks and limits on its
            nying the right to keep and bear arms, for          tion from the police. Today, personal           power, whose executives feel com-
            instance.                                           information about you is not yours;             fortable using the military to spy on
               While the bulk of the American public            it’s owned by the collector. There              peaceful Americans, while telling the
            seems convinced that more surveillance is           are laws protecting specific pieces of          media not to report their secret and

            14                                                                                                 THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
unconstitutional surveillance activi-        [only] a fraction of the incidents,
  ties. The use of a military intelligence     and most are never disclosed.”
  agency against the American people,          The reported incidents included          Can freedom and privacy coexist with
  with or without judicial oversight, is       one instance when five DHS in-           the surveillance society? Absolutely.
  far more a “shameful act” than report-       vestigators posing as passengers
  ing such activities to the American          managed to get knives, a gun and         However, one cannot determine the
  people, who have a right to know.            a bomb in their carry-on baggage         proper amount of surveillance by the
                                               through security checkpoints
Clearly we have a right to know, but that      without being detected.                  government if one has already ceded
point aside, the State is exactly the wrong       Clearly, the increase in state        the entire decision to that government.
organization to have the power of unfet-       intrusion on the privacy of the
tered surveillance for other reasons. The      citizen does not result in a net
tendency, nay the likelihood, that evil will   increase in the safety of that citizen from     Floyd Rudmin, a professor at a Nor-
flourish in a bureaucratic environment         terrorist attack. But, if the State were        wegian university, applie[d] the math-
where risk can be externalized is unassail-    more skilled, could surveillance be used        ematics of conditional probability,
able. Bureaucracies are almost always in-      to thwart some future terrorist attack? No.     known as Bayes’ Theorem, to dem-
efficient. Bureaucracies are almost always     The reason: The basic mathematics of            onstrate that the NSA’s surveillance
wasteful. Bureaucracies are almost always      finding a needle in a haystack.                 cannot successfully detect terrorists
caught somewhere between the Keystone             Says Institute for Political Economy         unless both the percentage of terrorists
Cops and the Three Stooges when their          Chairman Paul Craig Roberts from a 2006         in the population and the accuracy rate
performance is measured.                       column on libertarian website LewRock-          of their identification are far higher
   If this assessment sounds too harsh,                                       than they are. He correctly concludes
please consider who the real
heroes of 9/11 were: they were
the citizen-soldiers who at-
tempted to stop the terrorists
aboard United Airlines Flight
93; they were the local firemen
and policemen who willingly
and selflessly rushed into the
doomed WTC towers; and they
were the field FBI agents who
reported important pieces of
the 9/11 plans to their superi-
ors in Washington, only to have
the information ignored. The
entity that failed most grossly
to protect us on 9/11 was the
Washington bureaucracy itself,
and yet we are supposed to
prevent future 9/11s by trans-
ferring more power to that
   The number of times airport
security has been breached since
the supposed improvements
in airport security should put
the myths to rest. The Seattle
Times published a report of all
the airport security breaches
they had found between 2002
and 2004. The list was far from
                                                                                                                                                  AP Images

inconsequential, although the
Times evidently stopped col-
lecting reports after the num-
ber reached 100. According to         Test run: At Super Bowl XXXV, face-recognition software was tested to find lawbreakers in the crowd.
the Times, “Screeners say that’s      No one was arrested because it was only a “dry run.”

TNA • OCTOBER 29, 2007                                                                                                                       15

                                                              veillance identifies them as             lecting. At a more radical and polem-
                                                              terrorists is only p=0.2308,             ical level, there is the sousveillance
Most people would rather all their                            which is far from one and                movement, led by University of To-
deepest secrets be posted on the Internet                     well below flipping a coin.              ronto professor Steve Mann. Playing
                                                              NSA’s domestic monitor-                  off “surveillance” (overlooking from
than have a psychopathic serial killer
                                                              ing of everyone’s email                  above), Mann’s coined term suggests
escape capture. Of course, it’s not quite                     and phone calls is useless               that we should all get in the habit of
that simple. Today’s “I’ve got nothing                        for finding terrorists.                  looking from below, proving that we
                                                                                                       are sovereign and alert citizens down
to hide” can turn into tomorrow’s “but I                      So while one would have to               here, not helpless sheep. Mann con-
didn’t know that was against the law!”                        be incurably naïve to think              tends that private individuals will be
                                                              the NSA will stop monitor-               empowered to do this by new senses,
                                                              ing U.S. communications                  dramatically augmented by wearable
     that “NSA’s surveillance system is          — something they’ve been doing for over               electronic devices.
     useless for finding terrorists.”            40 years — at least we know what this
                                                 practice cannot accomplish, no matter            Columnist David Leo Veksler — webmas-
The mathematics mentioned absolutely             what we are told. What can we do about           ter at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a
prove that monitoring every phone call,          it? Maybe those being watched can fight          libertarian think tank — suggested a strat-
every e-mail, and every instant message          back. David Brin, scientist and best-sell-       egy in a 2007 column:
of every American will not result in a re-       ing author of science fiction novels, cer-
duction of terrorist attacks. In fact, using     tainly thinks so. In his 2004 Salon piece,            There are a number of limitations of
the most generous estimates for both the         “Three cheers for the Surveillance Soci-              the power of the state. Foremost is that
number of terrorists in the U.S. popula-         ety!” he stated as much:                              the same technologies that make ubiq-
tion, and the NSA’s ability to find them,                                                              uitous surveillance possible also allow
Rudmin concludes:                                  Swiss researcher Marc Langheinrich’s                ubiquitous secrecy.... Government’s
                                                   personal digital assistant application              attempts at limiting the spread of en-
     The probability that people are terror-       detects nearby sensors and then lists               cryption and introducing loopholes
     ists given that NSA’s system of sur-          what kind of information they’re col-               into encryption programs failed mis-
                                                                                                                erably because information is
                                                                                                                nearly impossible to contain
                                                                                                                in our connected world.

                                                                                                                   Veksler continues:

                                                                                                                   There’s no guarantee that life
                                                                                                                   will remain private in the fu-
                                                                                                                   ture. We can only be certain
                                                                                                                   that the potential to com-
                                                                                                                   municate securely will grow
                                                                                                                   along with the potential to
                                                                                                                   monitor unsecured commu-
                                                                                                                   nications. If we value priva-
                                                                                                                   cy, the tools will be there.

                                                                                                                   Adam Perenberg, technology
                                                                                                                   columnist for Slate, agrees with
                                                                                                                   Veksler. “Just because cam-
                                                                                                                   eras are getting smaller, more
                                                                                                                   powerful, and surveillance
                                                                                                                   is becoming ubiquitous, that
                                                                                                                   doesn’t necessarily mean Big
                                                                                                                   Brother wins.” In fact, he’s on
                                                                                                       AP Images

                                                                                                                   record suggesting that what all
                                                                                                                   this powerful computation and
The OnStar GPS tracking and security system, available on Cadillacs and other GM models, can be                    image capture means is that
used to listen in on in-car conversations. IT website The Register reported in 2003 that the FBI has               anyone can turn the tables on
used that capability to eavesdrop on suspects.                                                                     the government.

16                                                                                                                       TNA • OCTOBER 29, 2007
AP Images
                                                                         Does it do any good? It is estimated that the average Briton is
                                                                         scrutinized by cameras 300 times a day, yet crime, even violent
                                                                         crime, has continued to rise.
   If the experience of
users of Google Earth in
the UK is any indication
— where they actually
used a Google Earth plug-
in to obtain the locations
of speed cameras — sur-
veillance tech can be used
against the State just as
successfully as it can be
used by it. Perenberg and
others may be correct,
although the imbalance
in power between the
government and a typical
citizen still needs to be

Surveillance Psychology
Should we be hopeful or
cautious? Should we be more convinced           veillance when the next terrorist attack        fact that some random person could wield
that the State will take away our anonym-       is used to peel away more privacy? Of           the power of surveillance in an evil way,
ity or comforted by the fact that we can        course not.                                     we must remember this fact: we’ve only
fight back? Should we be cowering in the           The real problem lies not with the na-       got people. If we want to lessen the imbal-
corner, awestruck by the imbalance of           ture of the technology itself, but with the     ance of power between those who rule and
power, or should we be laughing at the          way the technology is used. Most people         the ruled, the most viable option is hav-
Beverly Hillbillies trying to master some       have a tendency to blame the hammer             ing fewer rulers. The most viable option
new gadget? The answer lies someplace           when the nail goes in crooked. The gun-         is a higher degree of self-government, and
in between.                                     rights debate coined an interesting term,       checks and balances throughout.
   Some researchers, like Erving Goffman,       “It’s the criminals, stupid.” While falling        The imbalance in power can only be
conclude that surveillance can subcon-          prey to sloganeering is always a danger         maintained or exacerbated if two things
sciously coerce people, leading to docile,      when analyzing such a complex issue, that       happen. One, if we allow those who rule
stay-below-the-radar behavior from those        sentiment remains solid.                        us to take away the instruments by which
who are surveilled — meaning possibly              Imagine what would happen if, in re-         our freedom can be maintained. Two, if
fewer societal problems.                        sponse to the development of better guns,       we forget that we must require both re-
   Such an acquiescent attitude might           we passed laws that attempted to control        sponsibility and accountability of anyone
become common under constant surveil-           access to these firearms, laws that ulti-       who purports to protect us. Your safety and
lance. One could also argue that the urge       mately resulted in only two groups having       security has always been, and will always
to become famous, if even for a moment,         those weapons: the State and the crooks.        be, your responsibility. Let’s make sure we
will drive the type of semi-ludicrous be-       This would not prevent the technology,          don’t forget that.
havior that is a staple of reality television   the guns in this case, from being misused.         And for heaven’s sake, let’s keep
in the population at large.                     Instead, we’d just be left with large groups    watching the watchers. If we fail to do
   Brin describes the tendency to put these     of people ripe for violence with no alterna-    so, all the checks and balances built into
issues into “yes/no” terms as a devil’s di-     tive. That place exists. In the United States   the system — from the Fourth Amend-
chotomy. It’s either “big brother is out to     it’s called the inner city.                     ment prohibition against unreasonable
get us!” or “without complete transpar-            The same analysis can be applied to          searches and seizures to habeas corpus
ency the terrorists will win!” Hogwash.         the proliferation of surveillance tech, and     — will ultimately be totally lost along
When one allows a vibrant panorama of           the State’s tendency to abuse it, as can        with freedom. ■
choices to be reduced to such an absurd         be applied to most
and simplistic yes-or-no debate, he miss-       other concerns about
es the point completely. The question of
surveillance technology is more compli-
                                                the State abusing its
                                                power: understand                                   EXTRA COPIES AVAILABLE
cated than simply good or bad. It is en-        that the State, and                              ➧ Additional copies of this issue of
tirely possible that increased surveillance     our tendency to trust                            THE NEW AMERICAN are available at
can lead to positive results on occasion.       it and its agents too                            quantity-discount prices. To order, visit
Does that mean that everyone should just        much, is the problem!                  
“roll over” and accept more invasive sur-       When we lament the                               or see the card between pages 38-39.

THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007                                                                                                        17

 To Protect America,
     President Bush used the
     NSA’s Threat Operations
     Center as his venue to call
     for making the recently
     enacted Protect America
     Act permanent.

                                                                                                                                         AP Images
With President Bush seeking to extend the “Protect America Act” indefinitely, it is time to
examine how making this legislation permanent would affect our right to privacy.

               by Warren Mass                 this land, it will be in the guise of fight-     largely by the White House, the new
                                              ing a foreign enemy.” Madison’s words            law, officials say, provides a legal

         n September 19, President Bush,      alluded to the time-honored principle that       framework for warrantless monitor-
         in a carefully orchestrated media    a people who normally would guard their          ing that was already being conducted
         event obviously designed to pro-     freedom jealously, often are willing to          by the National Security Agency out-
mote his legislative agenda, addressed        sacrifice some of that freedom if they can       side of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence
members of the press at the Threat Opera-     be convinced that a foreign enemy poses          Surveillance Act (FISA).
tions Center of the National Security Agen-   a greater threat.
cy at Ft. Meade, Maryland. Specifically,         As to how that pertains to the Protect      A few excerpts from the act provide a
he discussed the recently enacted “Protect    America Act, which effectively destroys        sense of how this surveillance is to be
America Act,” which he had signed into        the Fourth Amendment’s prohibitions            accomplished:
law a month and a half earlier.               against unreasonable searches and sei-
   The thrust of his remarks, however, was    zures and the issuance of warrants with-         Sec. 105B. (a) … the Director of Na-
not to celebrate the legislation’s passage.   out probable cause, an excellent summary         tional Intelligence and the Attorney
Instead, Mr. Bush lamented the fact that      appeared in the Christian Science Monitor        General, may for periods of up to
“the law expires on February 1st — that’s     of August 7, two days after President Bush       one year authorize the acquisition of
135 days from [September 19]. The threat      signed the bill into law:                        foreign intelligence information con-
from al Qaeda is not going to expire in 135                                                    cerning persons reasonably believed
days.”                                          The US government now has greater              to be outside the United States if the
   The president (or his speechwriters)         authority to eavesdrop without war-            Director of National Intelligence and
played the al-Qaeda card to full advan-         rants on American citizens’ telephone          the Attorney General determine …
tage. Now might be a good time to recall        calls and e-mails after President Bush         that —
the warning once uttered by James Madi-         signed new surveillance legislation               (3) the acquisition involves obtain-
son: “If tyranny and oppression come to         into law on [August 5]. Authored               ing the foreign intelligence informa-

18                                                                                            THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
tion from or with the assistance of
  a communications service provider,
                                                 The New American
  custodian … who has access to
  communications, either as they are
  transmitted or while they are stored,
  or equipment that is being or may
  be used to transmit or store such

The difference between the traditional
search-warrant process protected under the
Fourth Amendment and the Protect America
Act is significant. The Fourth Amendment
provides that “no Warrants shall issue, but
upon probable cause, supported by Oath
or affirmation, and particularly describing
the place to be searched, and the persons
or things to be seized.” The act, in contrast,
provides that “a certification [to conduct a
search] under subsection (a) is not required
to identify the specific facilities, places,
premises, or property at which the acquisi-

                                                  New content, new look ...
tion of foreign intelligence information will
be directed.” (Emphasis added.)
   As such, the Protect America Act sends
us back in the direction of the writs of as-  
sistance (general search warrants) granted
by British authorities under King George
III. These writs became a bone of conten-
tion that contributed to the American War
for Independence.

                                                                       Place Your
   In seeking to garner support for making
the Protect America Act permanent, the
president made a point of stressing that
“al Qaeda is not going to expire in 135
days.” When our Founding Fathers wrote
the Fourth Amendment to guard against
                                                                        Ad Here!
the excesses they had suffered under the
British writs of assistance, they apparently
feared that the government’s potential to
invade our privacy would never expire.
   Readers concerned that the direction
proposed by President Bush will threaten
Americans’ rights to privacy can oppose the
extension of the misnamed Protect Amer-
ica Act by visiting
                                                                             Four sizes and
issues/alert/?alertid=10327561&type=CO                                          locations to
and using the information found there to
write a letter to your representative in the                                  choose from.
House and to your senators. The model
letter calls attention to the fact that the
Protect America Act allows the federal
government to eavesdrop on the commu-
nications of U.S. citizens without a court
warrant, and asks for your representatives’
response concerning their intentions when
                                                 Online Advertising Now Available!
this issue comes to a vote. ■                             For more information visit


                                                                                                                                     AP Images
Delight in
                                                                                                                    Alan Greenspan
                                                                                                                    now admits that
                                                                                                                    he regularly
                                                                                                                    deceived Congress
                                                                                                                    with “purposeful
                                                                                                                    obfuscation” during
                                                                                                                    his nearly 19-year
                                                                                                                    reign as chairman
                                                                                                                    of the Federal
Former Federal Reserve Chairman                                                                                     Reserve System.
Alan Greenspan admits deception,
but Big Media embraces his
“purposeful obfuscation” and
continues gushing adoration.

           by William F. Jasper              policies affecting the national and global        Maria Bartiromo: What is it?
                                             economies. This blatant deception — in            Alan Greenspan: It’s a — a lan-

       ormer Federal Reserve Chairman        essence, lying — Greenspan brazenly, but       guage of purposeful obfuscation to
       Alan Greenspan lives a charmed        casually, described as “purposeful obfus-      avoid certain questions coming up,
       life. Besides pulling down an $8.5    cation” and “destructive syntax.”              which you know you can’t answer,
million advance on his memoir, The Age          Were his interviewers outraged by this      and saying — “I will not answer or ba-
of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World     shocking confession? Far from it; the rev-     sically no comment is, in fact, an an-
(topped only by Bill Clinton’s $10 million   elation only seemed to deepen their awe        swer.” So, you end up with when, say,
advance), he recently was treated to an      and fascination. The September 17 on-          a congressman asks you a question,
orgy of media hype and hoopla usually re-    screen performance of CNBC’s Bartiromo         and don’t wanna say, “No comment,”
served for screen idols and rock stars.      was especially embarrassing to watch. Ms.      or “I won’t answer,” or something
   This hype continued even though dur-      Bartiromo, supposedly the consummate           like that. So, I proceed with four or
ing his dozens of media appearances in       news professional, wavered between star-       five sentences which get increasingly
September, the fabled “Maestro” of cen-      struck hero-worship and giggling girlie        obscure. The congressman thinks I
tral banking made at least two damning       flirtation.                                    answered the question and goes onto
confessions that should have sparked uni-       Here is the crucial exchange between        the next one. [Emphasis added.]
versal outrage and a torrent of condemn-     the breathless Bartiromo and Greenspan:
ing headlines and editorials. However,                                                    Likewise, in his September 13 interview
Greenspan’s admissions seem to have               Maria Bartiromo: All of these           on 60 Minutes, Greenspan proudly parad-
caused nary a ripple of discontent in his      important economic events you are          ed his record of deceit and misdirection.
sea of media admirers.                         overseeing — the most important            CBS’ Leslie Stahl tells us that “in public
                                               institution, and leading things. And       Greenspan was inscrutable whenever Con-
Condoning Deception                            then not only are you dealing with         gress asked about interest rates. He resort-
In interviews on two high-profile televi-      these crises, but then you’ve got to       ed to an indecipherable, Delphic dialect
sion programs — with Maria Bartiromo           convey what’s going on to people.          known as ‘Fed-speak.’” The 60 Minutes
on CNBC and with Leslie Stahl on CBS’          That means Congress, the president,        transcript then proceeds with this account
60 Minutes — Greenspan admitted, with          the media, the public. So what? You        of their conversation:
smug satisfaction, to willfully deceiving      come up with Green-speak.
Congress when addressing them under               Alan Greenspan: Otherwise                 “I would engage in some form of
oath about some of the most important Fed      known as Fed-speak.                          syntax destruction, which sounded as

20                                                                                         THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
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Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
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Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
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Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07
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Living Under Surveillence - The New American Magazine   10 29 07

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  • 5. 12 Vol. 23, No. 22 October 29, 2007 COVER STORY SURVEILLANCE 12 Living Under Surveillance Design by Joseph W. Kelly by Wilton D. Alston — The technology that enables the surveillance state is here to stay. Now, how do we keep it from controlling us? 18 To Protect America, Protect Privacy by Warren Mass — How the “Protect America Act” affects privacy. 18 20 FEATURES ECONOMY 20 Taking Delight in Deception AP Images AP Images by William F. Jasper — Big Media embraces Alan Greenspan. EDUCATION 23 Not Accepting Student Failure 23 by Kurt Williamsen — How to improve America’s schools. IRAN 27 Pushing War With Iran by William F. Jasper — What talk of a pre-emptive strike means. BOOK REVIEW 31 Answers a Fifth Grader Should Know by Michael J. Thompson — Thomas Woods’ latest work is 33 AP Images Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed to Ask. HISTORY — AMERICAN SPIRIT 34 The Award No One Wants 27 31 by John White — The Purple Heart is awarded to those who have been wounded or killed while serving in the Armed Forces. THE LAST WORD AP Images 44 Taking the Country to War by Gary Benoit 34 DEPARTMENTS 5 Letters to the Editor 33 The Goodness of America 7 Inside Track 41 Exercising the Right AP Images 11 QuickQuotes 42 Correction, Please! COVER Design by Joseph W. Kelly
  • 7. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Publisher John F. McManus Editor KGB Terrorism Still at Work not abandoned and does not change. None Gary Benoit I wish to thank you for Bill Jasper’s two ex- of the so-called “Islamic fundamentalist” cellent articles on so-called Islamic terror- terror groups like al-Qaeda are run by de- Senior Editor ism in the September 3 issue of THE NEW vout religious Muslims, but rather by Soviet William F. Jasper AMERICAN. KGB and GRU personnel. Patriotic Ameri- Associate Editor Foreign affairs expert Hilaire du Berrier, in cans need to know this crystal clear to avoid Kurt Williamsen the late 1950s, and later in American Opin- being duped by the communists’ divide-and- Contributors ion, revealed how the Soviet KGB created conquer tactic of blaming Islam or Muslims Dennis J. Behreandt the FLN movement in Algeria to break away for the terrorism Moscow is directing. Christopher S. Bentley that portion of France and install a commu- WILLIAM H. MCILHANY Steven J. DuBord nist regime. The FLN leaders were Soviet- Beverly Hills, California Jodie Gilmore trained communists, not religious Muslims. Gregory A. Hession, J.D. The FLN terrorized and massacred native Ed Hiserodt William P. Hoar Muslims in Algeria to force them to appear No Legislative Oversight R. Cort Kirkwood to be supporting the communist revolution. I was rereading the “Pushing National IDs” Warren Mass The pattern is clear: devout Muslims were article in the July 9, 2007 issue and something Michael E. Telzrow the victims of Leninist strategy and KGB there that I read before really jumped out at Joe Wolverton II, J.D. terrorism, forced to die as cannon fodder or me this time. It was the sentences on page Editorial Assistant slaughtered as opposition, and were not the 16, first paragraph, “And it has to be stopped Ann Shibler ones in charge of the destruction. now, before implementation, he [Missouri Art Director In the early 1960s, the KGB created the in- state Rep. Jim Guest] says, because it falls Joseph W. Kelly ternational terrorism network, as documented under the Department of Homeland Secu- in Claire Sterling’s The Terror Network and rity and lacks future legislative oversight. Desktop Publishing Specialist the Western Goals 1982 documentary, No ‘Homeland Security has total control; there Steven J. DuBord Place to Hide, which I researched for the is no judicial or legislative control over this. Research late Congressman Lawrence McDonald. The Once they issue [the act] there is no way of Mary Benoit KGB’s terror network is administered through stopping them.’” Brian T. Farmer the PLO (all affiliated groups, Fatah, Hamas, This baffles me in that since: a.) the execu- Bonnie M. Gillis Islamic Jihad, DFLP, etc.) directorate and the tive branch of government is commissioned Marketing Cuban Tricontinental apparatus in Havana. by the Constitution to carry out the laws; and Larry Greenley An understanding of the invaluable rev- b.) the legislative branch is the only govern- elations of KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn mental organ that can make laws (constitu- Public Relations Bill Hahn (New Lies for Old, The Perestroika Decep- tionally), how can the executive branch not tion) demonstrates that the Soviet KGB and be under legislative control? Web Manager Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) are more If this is so, then no wonder Homeland Brian Witt in control of all communist countries than Security minions act so imperiously. And, Advertising/Circulation ever before, despite the enormous disinfor- one might ask, what other activities of the Julie DuFrane mation strategy since 1989 to convince the executive branch are not subject to oversight West that communism has gone out of busi- and/or legislative control? ness. That includes the KGB-GRU monop- This bears bringing out in an article, I’d oly control over world terrorism, including say. all PLO groups, and all so-called “Islamic WAYNE MOSELEY fundamentalist” terror groups like al-Qaeda Baldwyn, Mississippi Printed in the U.S.A. • ISSN 0885-6540 P.O. Box 8040 • Appleton, WI 54912 before and after 9/11. 920-749-3784 • 920-749-3785 (fax) In other words, nothing has changed, except the names on the doors and superfi- Taking Children Rates are $39 per year (Hawaii and Canada, cial window dressing to deceive the West. In Coxsackie, New York, a three-year-old add $9; foreign, add $27) or $22 for six months (Hawaii and Canada, add $4.50; foreign, add The same KGB terror network is operating girl named Egypt Philips was killed by her $13.50). Copyright ©2007 by American Opin- today, with no competition, and the current mother’s boyfriend. Both the boyfriend and ion Publishing, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at and previous administrations in Washington mother are in prison, but now some lawyer Appleton, WI and additional mailing offices. Post- master: Send any address changes to THE NEW have been actively funding the PLO network wants to sue the county CPS agency (“Sepa- AMERICAN, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912. (now over $50 million a year directly and rated by the State,” July 23 issue) for millions indirectly) and keeping it in business. At the on behalf of the dead girl. What this will do THE NEW AMERICAN is pub- lished biweekly by Ameri- same time, while funding the PLO, the Bush is put pressure on the social workers to avoid can Opinion Publishing administration has imposed since 9/11 a web lawsuits by seizing every child they can. Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The John of totalitarian controls over all Americans. OWEN CAMP Birch Society. The lesson is clear. Leninist strategy is Rensselaerville, New York THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007 5
  • 8. ANNOUNCING our upcoming Their Names: North American Union Security & Prosperity Partnership Their Agenda: Combine Canada, Mexico & the Appleton, Wisconsin United States into a “Superstate” like the European Union. October 2-5, 2008 What You Can Do: Find out more at! Plan to attend this four-day extravaganza. You’ll be surprised at what’s going Mark your family’s calendar now! on behind your back. Visit today: TM CANON’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT DEALER IN NEW ENGLAND The Product Is Canon, The Difference Is NECS Over 32 years in Business TOTAL OFFICE SOLUTIONS AUTHORIZED FULL-LINE EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS CANON DEALER • Analog & Digital Copiers • Printers • Facsimiles TM • Color Copiers • Scanners NETWORK SOLUTIONS • Digital Network Equipment Printers • Fax • Scanners Multi-Function Machines • Certified Network Engineers (CNE) on Staff SALES • SERVICE SERVICE & SUPPORT SOLUTIONS • NECS, The Industry’s Benchmark RENTALS • LEASE • SUPPLIES Company for Excellence in COST PER COPY PROGRAM Support & Maintenance Service New England Copy Specialist Inc. WOBURN • BOSTON 617-935-4340 Toll Free 1-800-321-6327
  • 9. Inside Track Life Chain Spreads Pro-life Message Coast to Coast From Seattle, Washington, to Miami, Florida, and from Bangor, first Life Chain in Yuba City, California, in 1987, told THE NEW Maine, to San Diego, California, as many as a million or more AMERICAN, “When we began, we were not visionaries; we did Americans took to the streets on October 7 in over a thousand cit- not expect it to go national or to still be going twenty years later. ies and communities across the nation to stand for the rights of the It appears, for now, at least, that the Lord wants it to continue.” unborn and to show their opposition to abortion. The Life Chain Last year, he noted, the number of cities and towns participating event, which takes place every year on the first Sunday of Octo- in the United States and Canada passed 1,200 and for 2007 the ber, marked its 20th anniversary this year. Participants in the Life total increased to more than 1,300 communities. Chain lined designated streets hold- ing signs that read, “Abortion Kills Children,” “Adoption: The Lov- ing Option,” and “Abortion Hurts Women.” In some communities Courtesy of the Life Chain may have had only a handful of hardy pro-lifers, but in others, the demonstrators numbered in the thousands and stretched for miles along busy thoroughfares. Royce Dunn, who organized the Life Chain, Allen, Texas Multinational Education According to an AP report, the Oregon Department of Education ish-language course material. However, even those concessions and Mexico’s Secretariat of Public Education are conducting dis- do not satisfy everyone. cussions to align their curricula so courses will be valid in both “That’s not enough,” said Patrick Burk, chief policy officer countries. Going against conventional practice — wherein foreign with the superintendent’s office of the Oregon Department of students are immersed in the language of their adopted country, so Education, who flew to Mexico with Oregon curriculum officials they can rapidly learn the new language — some Oregon educa- in August to take part in discussions about the proposed program. tors contend that including the Mexican school curriculum in public He told reporters the new curriculum will provide minimal dis- schools will make learning easier for Spanish-speaking students. ruption for immigrant Latinos. Burk contended: “We’re able to Oregon schools already employ bilingual aides or use Span- serve the students so much better if we’re working together.” Classified Justice Department Opinions Support Torture The New York Times unleashed a political bombshell on October “none of the C.I.A. interrogation methods violated that standard.” 4 when it reported that in 2005, the Justice Department issued a The following day, President Bush responded to the uproar secret legal opinion that, “according to officials briefed on it,” was sparked by the Times article by saying that “this government “an expansive endorsement of does not torture people” and the harshest interrogation tech- that “the techniques that we niques ever used” by the CIA use have been fully disclosed on terror suspects. The approved to appropriate members of the techniques, said the Times, in- United States Congress.” On clude “head-slapping, simulated the other hand, Senate Intel- drowning [waterboarding] and ligence Committee Chairman frigid temperatures.” John Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) The Times also reported that noted: “The administration later in 2005, “as Congress can’t have it both ways.... They moved toward outlawing ‘cruel, can’t say that Congress has inhuman and degrading’ treat- been fully briefed while refus- ment” of terror suspects, the Jus- ing to turn over key documents tice Department issued another used to justify the legality of secret opinion, declaring that the program.” THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007 7
  • 10. Inside Track Illegal Immigrants to Get New York Driver’s Licenses Democratic New York Governor Eliot Spitzer announced on it will deter illegal immigrants from driving illegally and without September 21 that illegal immigrants would be able to apply for insurance, both of which contribute to more hit-and-run accidents driver’s licenses in New York. and higher insurance rates for Reaction to the decision was all New Yorkers. predictable. The new policy is opposed “Osama bin Laden is some- not only by Republicans. For where in a cave with his den of example, Suffolk County Ex- thieves and terrorists, and he’s ecutive Steve Levy, a Demo- probably sabering the cork on crat, is opposed to it. Accord- some Champagne right now, ing to the Times, Levy has saying ‘Hey, that governor’s earned very high approval really assisting us,’” James N. ratings, earned in part for Tedisco, the State Assembly his action against illegal im- Governor minority leader, was quoted Eliot Spitzer migration, such as shutting as saying by the New York down overcrowded boarding Times. houses for day laborers and AP Images Spitzer justified his unorth- for cracking down on unli- odox position by claiming that censed drivers. Deportation Fears Prompt Exodus From Texas City’s Schools Irving, Texas, Independent School District Superintendent Jack In an October 3 interview with the Dallas Morning News, Singley announced on October 3 that an estimated 90 children Irving Mayor Herbert Gears defended the fairness of his city’s had withdrawn from the city’s schools in the past week because policy, stating: “If they’re not being booked into our jail, there’s of the deportation fears. nothing they should be worried about.” The Mexican Consulate recently began warning Mexican citi- Mayor Gears assured parents that they need not fear that im- zens to stay out of Irving because the city’s police department has migration officials or police would pick up their children from been cooperating with federal immigration authorities to identify school campuses. Nevertheless, he stated that many Irving resi- illegal immigrants who have been arrested so they can be de- dents support the City Council’s immigration policy, because ported. Irving police have turned over more than 1,600 people to illegal immigrants overburden social services and overcrowd immigration officials since the program began. public schools. Bush Attempts to Use International Court Against Texas President Bush has issued a memo to his attorney preme Court agreed to hear his appeal; Presi- general declaring that state courts must enforce a Jose Ernesto Medellin dent Bush issued his memo to the attorney ruling by the International Court of Justice in The general declaring that state courts must enforce Hague on behalf of Jose Ernesto Medellin and the international court’s ruling; the Supreme 50 other Mexican nationals on death row in the Court then dismissed Medellin’s case while United States. Medellin was convicted of murder state courts reviewed the president’s order; and in the course of a sexual assault on two teenaged Texas courts ruled against Medellin once again, girls, a capital offense in Texas, and sentenced to ruling that Bush had no authority to meddle death in October 1994. into the affairs of the state courts. Medellin had given authorities a written con- Finally, the Supreme Court has once again fession, but in 2003, Mexico sued the United agreed to hear the case — Medellin v. Texas, States in the International Court of Justice on 06-984. AP Images behalf of Medellin and other Mexicans who had AP reported that Texas Solicitor General Ted been denied access to their country’s diplomats Cruz has protested that the Bush administra- following their arrests. tion’s position would “allow the president to The sequence of events that followed was: Medellin’s case set aside any state law the president believes is inconvenient to was rejected by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; the Su- international comity.” 8 THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
  • 11. G.I.s Support Ron Paul’s “Bring Them Home” Message For his opposition to the Iraq War and his insistence on bringing The pundits and politicos attacking the congressman’s position our troops home, Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron are out of touch with the men and women who wear the uniform, Paul (R-Texas) has had to endure charges by his political and who are voting overwhelmingly in favor of Dr. Paul, if their po- media opponents that he is unpatriotic, soft on national security, litical contributions are an accurate barometer. The Federal Elec- soft on terror, and “doesn’t support our troops.” His more vicious tion Commission’s release of second-quarterly contributions to accusers have even charged him with “taking his marching orders presidential candidates revealed that Ron Paul topped all of the from al Qaeda.” However, Congressman Paul has responded that other candidates — Republican and Democrat — in contributions the Iraq War is an unconstitutional, undeclared war that did not from active members of the military. In fact, Dr. Paul received as have any connection to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and “was sold to much from our military personnel as all of the other Republican us with false information.” candidates did combined. His receipt of $24,965 amounted to 26 percent of all military contributions to presidential candidates of both parties. Rudy Giuliani, the pres- ent GOP frontrunner, by contrast, received only 2 percent. The FEC’s latest statistics have not been similarly broken down, but Ron Paul stunned ana- lysts by raising $5.08 million in this year’s third quarter, an impressive 114 percent increase over the second quarter, while all of the top GOP can- didates suffered decreases in fundraising. The strong support Ron Paul is receiving from the military is not surprising in light of a mid-July survey by, a website popular with mil- itary personnel. According to, 59 per- cent of the poll participants “said the United States should withdraw its troops from Iraq now or by the end of 2008. More than 40 percent of the respon- AP Images dents agreed the pullout should begin immediately because ‘we’re wasting lives and resources there.’” Federal Judge Rules Patriot Act Unconstitutional “For over 200 years, this nation has adhered to the rule of law won a $2 million settlement and received an apology from the — with unparalleled success,” said Judge Anne L. Aiken in a re- U.S. government. Part of Mayfield’s settlement included a provi- cent ruling declaring that crucial parts of the USA Patriot Act are sion that allowed the U.S. government to be freed from any future unconstitutional. Aiken, a Federal District Court judge in Port- liability in his case, with one exception that he could challenge the land, Oregon, said that certain parts constitutionality of the Patriot Act. of the Patriot Act violate the Fourth It was that exception that Judge Amendment’s prohibitions against Aiken ruled against last week recog- unreasonable searches and seizures. nizing that Mr. Mayfield’s constitu- The Patriot Act was quickly passed tional rights and civil liberties were by Congress following the 9/11 ter- threatened by the implementation of rorist attacks. Though scrutinized by the Patriot Act. Wording in the Pa- many since that time, the Patriot Act triot Act, argues Aiken, allows the was made permanent when Congress government to avoid any probable renewed the law in early 2006 despite cause requirements as required in the known problems with the law. Constitution. A September 27 article published Elden Rosenthal, an attorney for in the New York Times details the Mr. Mayfield, commented that the wrongful imprisonment of attorney “tradition of judicial independence Brandon Mayfield who was mistak- and our nation’s most cherished enly linked to the 2004 train bomb- principle of the right to be secure in ing in Madrid. Mayfield, who was in- one’s own home,” were upheld by nocent of any terrorist involvement, Judge Aiken’s ruling. ■ THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007 9
  • 12. Residential • Apartments • Commercial • Industrial Celebrating HELP PREVENT AMERICA FROM GOING Over 75 Years DOWN THE DRAIN! of Service 1024 VENTURA STREET (818) 837-1310 FILLMORE, CA 93015 453 Jesse Street San Fernando, CA 91340 805-524-0333
  • 13. QUICKQUOTES Justice Thomas Recalls Being Verbally Attacked During His Confirmation Hearings “The mob I now faced carried no ropes or guns. Its weapons were smooth-tongued lies spoken into microphones and printed on the front pages of America’s newspapers.... But it was a mob all the same, and its purpose — to keep the black man in his place — was unchanged.” In his book, My Grandfather’s Son, Supreme Court Justice Clarence AP Images Clarence Thomas Thomas recounted his life story including the ordeal he endured while being confirmed for a place on the high court. Supreme Court Justices Urged to Consider Original Intent “We do not think that the Supreme Court is some kind of Supreme Council of Ayatollahs that can do anything it wants to do on a 5-4 vote.” Federalist Society co-founder Steven G. Calabresi used op-ed space in the Wall Street Journal to call upon the justices to issue rulings that are “faithful to the Constitution as written and understood at the time of its adoption.” Senator Angered by Prediction of “Long-term Presence” in Iraq “The president and his supporters claim that we’re now finally on the Robert Byrd cusp of progress and that we must continue to stay the course. Call me a skeptic, but we have heard this tune before.” After Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Congress that more funds were needed to keep U.S. troops in Iraq for years to come, Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) responded sharply and claimed that the Ap- AP Images propriations Committee he leads would not “rubber stamp” requests for more funding. Ethanol Boom Seems Over and Many Have Been Hurt Because of Overproduction “The end of the ethanol boom is possibly in sight and may already be here. This is a dangerous time for people who are making investments.” After a rush to build distilleries and a parallel spurt in the price for corn, Iowa State University eco- nomics professor Neil E. Harl reported a glut in the amount of ethanol that has caused a 30-percent drop in its price. Taiwan Building Missiles to Counter Threat From Communist China “They want to make mainland China hesitate before launching any attack. These missiles could not only destroy military targets, but financial and economic targets as well.” With Taiwan seeking recognition as an independent nation and tensions between it and Communist China mounting, Hong Kong-based Andrei Chang, an analyst of the military capabilities of both sides, explained why Taiwan has created a missile program. France Shows the Way With Nuclear Power and Nuclear Waste “Instead of storing its waste at each nuclear plant (as in the United States) or burying it in containers underground (as we would do if Yucca opens), the French take their waste to a massive plant in Nor- mandy where spent fuel is recycled.” Approximately 78 percent of the electricity generated in France is produced by nuclear power, and John Dyson and Matt Bennett of the group Third Way report that the French don’t consider nuclear waste a problem. Nicolas Sarkozy New Leader of France Tells UN of the Need for a “New World Order” “In the name of France, I call upon all states to join ranks in order to found the new world order of the 21st century on the notion that the common goods that belong to all of humankind must be the common responsibility for us all.” In his address to the UN General Assembly, French President Nicolas Sar- kozy urged the world body to launch programs to establish equal wealth AP Images distribution and fight corruption. ■ — COMPILED BY JOHN F. MCMANUS THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007 11
  • 14. SURVEILLANCE LIVING UNDER SURVEILLANCE To put it bluntly, the technology that enables the surveillance state is here to stay. Now, how do we keep it from controlling us? E by Wilton D. Alston veryone on the political spectrum — from free-market anarchists to totalitarians — has some vision of what is We live in a surveillance society. It is pointless to talk about meant by the phrase, “surveillance society.” Is the idea surveillance society in the future tense. In all the rich coun- of a surveillance society in today’s world “unremarkable?” tries of the world everyday life is suffused with surveillance Consider: encounters, not merely from dawn to dusk but 24/7. Some • The UK is now the world’s most watched country, having encounters obtrude into the routine, like when we get a ticket upwards of five million closed-circuit TV (CCTV) cameras keep- for running a red light when no one was around but the ing a watchful eye on the public, with the average citizen being camera. But the majority are now just part of the fabric of caught on camera around 300 times per day. daily life. Unremarkable. • Upwards of 1.5 million automobiles can now be tracked and — “Report on the Surveillance Society” located anywhere in the United States — or in fact anywhere on Surveillance Studies Network, 2006 Earth — using OnStar, General Motor’s onboard car-to-mobile- phone-network communications system. Wilton D. Alston, a libertarian activist and writer, is a principal research scientist • Telecom giant AT&T has allowed the National Security working in the field of transportation safety. Agency (NSA) to set up what could only be called a “spy room” 12 THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
  • 15. on AT&T property to make routine moni- The question is more what toring of phone calls easier. the unavoidable ubiquity of • Marijuana farmers in Wisconsin now surveillance will mean to the Telecom giant AT&T has allowed the must fear not only conventional law en- individual and the collective. National Security Agency (NSA) to set forcement methods, but also the Internet. The question is how society Satellite images from Google Earth — yes should deal — how society up what could only be called a “spy that Google Earth — have been used to will deal — with routine, room” on AT&T property to make routine locate farms and arrest farmers. widespread, nearly constant • The trend of one-to-one marketing has surveillance, not just by gov- monitoring of phone calls easier. driven businesses to be more aggressive in ernment but by private enti- both discovering and remembering facts ties as well, now that surveil- about their customers. Firms like Don- lance technology is quite clearly not only Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? nelly Marketing, which keeps dossiers on common but also here to stay. So far, Americans seem to favor surveil- over 90 percent of American households, But how much surveillance is too much? lance over privacy. For example, a recent collect and manage massive files regard- Such questions amount to quibbling over survey by ABC News found that most ing each family’s preferences in every- price. No one can prevent the proliferation Americans favor increased use of police thing from pets to politics. of surveillance tech, and no one can pre- surveillance cameras to “fight crime.” • Face-recognition software was suc- clude “bad people,” including some agents This, despite the fact that precious little cessfully tested during Super Bowl XXXV of the State, from also having it. That data illustrates that cameras do anything in Tampa, Florida, with approximately much is certain. Can freedom and privacy to reduce crime. Indeed, despite the lack 100,000 faces being scanned and identi- coexist with the surveillance society? Ab- of real security benefits, publication of fied. (Several law-breakers — mostly tick- solutely. However, one cannot determine a single story illustrating that a heinous et scalpers — were noticed, but no arrests the proper amount of surveillance by the killer was caught via video can justify al- were made, since it was just a “dry run”!) government if one has already ceded the most any infringement upon the privacy of • The FBI, apparently unsatisfied with entire decision to that government. ordinary citizens. their success using data mining, is issuing so many National Security Letters (NSLs) — administrative subpoenas that require How will they be used? David Holtzman, the former no probable cause while simultaneously chief technology officer with Network Solutions, precluding the recipient from ever disclos- said that cameras, like this seemingly innocuous ing that the letter was issued — that they one above a New York sidewalk, could be used in plan to automate the process of tracking conjunction with computers to “profile” people them. based on the their movements, such as, “Are you Clearly this presents a challenge to a walking funny? Whistling funny?” free society. That challenge stems from the imbalance in power between the state and the people where surveillance is con- cerned. That imbalance must be addressed if freedom is to be maintained. Conflicting Views The odds are pretty good that most people, when asked what that term means, would think of some image from the Will Smith movie, Enemy of the State, in which an innocent man is pursued relentlessly by a federal security apparatus employing the latest high-tech surveillance gadgetry. Many would agree, also, with the movie’s tagline, “It’s not paranoia if they really are after you.” It does seem these days that “they” really are after “us.” The question is not whether or not a surveillance society will occur, particularly in Western societies AP Images like the United States and the United King- dom. That horse is out of sight already. THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007 13
  • 16. SURVEILLANCE personal data — videotape rental rec- ords, health care information — but nothing like the broad privacy protec- tion laws you find in European coun- tries. That’s really the only solution; leaving the market to sort this out will result in even more invasive whole- sale surveillance. It is ironic that Schneier speaks of the protection available in European coun- tries, given the number of times per day that a typical citizen of the UK is caught on camera. Another person worried about increased surveillance is author Naomi Wolfe. According to Wolfe’s The End of America, the United States is well on its way to becoming a fascist empire due to the fact that creating a surveillance soci- ety is one of the “Ten Steps to Fascism.” The Bush administration claims to have a legitimate reason for massive privacy infringement: protecting the U.S. public from the ever-present specter of terrorism, but are its arguments legitimate? Surveillance and Power The Bush administration (like many U.S. administrations before it) is enamored with monitoring ordinary citizens, under AP Images the guise of protecting the freedom of those they watch. The fact that their “im- provements” in security have resulted in limited actual performance improvements New York City has begun installation of 500 cameras throughout the city at a cost of is apparently lost in the shuffle. Is there $9 million. If the city gets federal funding, they’ll install hundreds more cameras in anyone who believes that the privacy nor- midtown, trying to create a “ring of steel.” mal Americans have given up has directly precluded further terrorist attacks? Is there anyone — anyone — who actually Security expert Bruce Schneier calls a good thing, both for safety and conve- believes that if a terrorist wanted to attack this effect, within the realm of surveillance nience, the technorati are not as uniform an arena, a stadium, a shopping center, or psychology, the “availability heuristic.” in their view. Schneier thinks legislation is even an airport, that such an attack could Most people would rather all their deepest the only methodology for curtailing, or at not have taken place despite the so-called secrets be posted on the Internet tomor- least somewhat stemming, the advance of protections put in place after 9/11? From row than have a psychopathic serial killer surveillance and the corresponding loss of Future of Freedom Foundation columnist escape capture today, assuming that’s the privacy. In a recent blog entry he says: Anthony Gregory, we find this accurate trade-off. Of course, it’s not quite that sim- commentary: ple. Today’s “I’ve got nothing to hide” can We’re never going to stop the march turn into tomorrow’s “but I didn’t know of technology, but we can enact leg- The real threat to American liberty, that was against the law!” That’s particu- islation to protect our privacy: com- the defense of which the administra- larly the case when a government moves in prehensive laws regulating what can tion still insists is the purpose of the the direction of imposing more and more be done with personal information war on terror, is a federal government laws and regulations on its citizens — de- about us, and more privacy protec- without strict checks and limits on its nying the right to keep and bear arms, for tion from the police. Today, personal power, whose executives feel com- instance. information about you is not yours; fortable using the military to spy on While the bulk of the American public it’s owned by the collector. There peaceful Americans, while telling the seems convinced that more surveillance is are laws protecting specific pieces of media not to report their secret and 14 THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
  • 17. unconstitutional surveillance activi- [only] a fraction of the incidents, ties. The use of a military intelligence and most are never disclosed.” agency against the American people, The reported incidents included Can freedom and privacy coexist with with or without judicial oversight, is one instance when five DHS in- the surveillance society? Absolutely. far more a “shameful act” than report- vestigators posing as passengers ing such activities to the American managed to get knives, a gun and However, one cannot determine the people, who have a right to know. a bomb in their carry-on baggage proper amount of surveillance by the through security checkpoints Clearly we have a right to know, but that without being detected. government if one has already ceded point aside, the State is exactly the wrong Clearly, the increase in state the entire decision to that government. organization to have the power of unfet- intrusion on the privacy of the tered surveillance for other reasons. The citizen does not result in a net tendency, nay the likelihood, that evil will increase in the safety of that citizen from Floyd Rudmin, a professor at a Nor- flourish in a bureaucratic environment terrorist attack. But, if the State were wegian university, applie[d] the math- where risk can be externalized is unassail- more skilled, could surveillance be used ematics of conditional probability, able. Bureaucracies are almost always in- to thwart some future terrorist attack? No. known as Bayes’ Theorem, to dem- efficient. Bureaucracies are almost always The reason: The basic mathematics of onstrate that the NSA’s surveillance wasteful. Bureaucracies are almost always finding a needle in a haystack. cannot successfully detect terrorists caught somewhere between the Keystone Says Institute for Political Economy unless both the percentage of terrorists Cops and the Three Stooges when their Chairman Paul Craig Roberts from a 2006 in the population and the accuracy rate performance is measured. column on libertarian website LewRock- of their identification are far higher If this assessment sounds too harsh, than they are. He correctly concludes please consider who the real heroes of 9/11 were: they were the citizen-soldiers who at- tempted to stop the terrorists aboard United Airlines Flight 93; they were the local firemen and policemen who willingly and selflessly rushed into the doomed WTC towers; and they were the field FBI agents who reported important pieces of the 9/11 plans to their superi- ors in Washington, only to have the information ignored. The entity that failed most grossly to protect us on 9/11 was the Washington bureaucracy itself, and yet we are supposed to prevent future 9/11s by trans- ferring more power to that bureaucracy? The number of times airport security has been breached since the supposed improvements in airport security should put the myths to rest. The Seattle Times published a report of all the airport security breaches they had found between 2002 and 2004. The list was far from AP Images inconsequential, although the Times evidently stopped col- lecting reports after the num- ber reached 100. According to Test run: At Super Bowl XXXV, face-recognition software was tested to find lawbreakers in the crowd. the Times, “Screeners say that’s No one was arrested because it was only a “dry run.” TNA • OCTOBER 29, 2007 15
  • 18. SURVEILLANCE veillance identifies them as lecting. At a more radical and polem- terrorists is only p=0.2308, ical level, there is the sousveillance Most people would rather all their which is far from one and movement, led by University of To- deepest secrets be posted on the Internet well below flipping a coin. ronto professor Steve Mann. Playing NSA’s domestic monitor- off “surveillance” (overlooking from than have a psychopathic serial killer ing of everyone’s email above), Mann’s coined term suggests escape capture. Of course, it’s not quite and phone calls is useless that we should all get in the habit of that simple. Today’s “I’ve got nothing for finding terrorists. looking from below, proving that we are sovereign and alert citizens down to hide” can turn into tomorrow’s “but I So while one would have to here, not helpless sheep. Mann con- didn’t know that was against the law!” be incurably naïve to think tends that private individuals will be the NSA will stop monitor- empowered to do this by new senses, ing U.S. communications dramatically augmented by wearable that “NSA’s surveillance system is — something they’ve been doing for over electronic devices. useless for finding terrorists.” 40 years — at least we know what this practice cannot accomplish, no matter Columnist David Leo Veksler — webmas- The mathematics mentioned absolutely what we are told. What can we do about ter at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a prove that monitoring every phone call, it? Maybe those being watched can fight libertarian think tank — suggested a strat- every e-mail, and every instant message back. David Brin, scientist and best-sell- egy in a 2007 column: of every American will not result in a re- ing author of science fiction novels, cer- duction of terrorist attacks. In fact, using tainly thinks so. In his 2004 Salon piece, There are a number of limitations of the most generous estimates for both the “Three cheers for the Surveillance Soci- the power of the state. Foremost is that number of terrorists in the U.S. popula- ety!” he stated as much: the same technologies that make ubiq- tion, and the NSA’s ability to find them, uitous surveillance possible also allow Rudmin concludes: Swiss researcher Marc Langheinrich’s ubiquitous secrecy.... Government’s personal digital assistant application attempts at limiting the spread of en- The probability that people are terror- detects nearby sensors and then lists cryption and introducing loopholes ists given that NSA’s system of sur- what kind of information they’re col- into encryption programs failed mis- erably because information is nearly impossible to contain in our connected world. Veksler continues: There’s no guarantee that life will remain private in the fu- ture. We can only be certain that the potential to com- municate securely will grow along with the potential to monitor unsecured commu- nications. If we value priva- cy, the tools will be there. Adam Perenberg, technology columnist for Slate, agrees with Veksler. “Just because cam- eras are getting smaller, more powerful, and surveillance is becoming ubiquitous, that doesn’t necessarily mean Big Brother wins.” In fact, he’s on AP Images record suggesting that what all this powerful computation and The OnStar GPS tracking and security system, available on Cadillacs and other GM models, can be image capture means is that used to listen in on in-car conversations. IT website The Register reported in 2003 that the FBI has anyone can turn the tables on used that capability to eavesdrop on suspects. the government. 16 TNA • OCTOBER 29, 2007
  • 19. AP Images Does it do any good? It is estimated that the average Briton is scrutinized by cameras 300 times a day, yet crime, even violent crime, has continued to rise. If the experience of users of Google Earth in the UK is any indication — where they actually used a Google Earth plug- in to obtain the locations of speed cameras — sur- veillance tech can be used against the State just as successfully as it can be used by it. Perenberg and others may be correct, although the imbalance in power between the government and a typical citizen still needs to be considered. Surveillance Psychology Should we be hopeful or cautious? Should we be more convinced veillance when the next terrorist attack fact that some random person could wield that the State will take away our anonym- is used to peel away more privacy? Of the power of surveillance in an evil way, ity or comforted by the fact that we can course not. we must remember this fact: we’ve only fight back? Should we be cowering in the The real problem lies not with the na- got people. If we want to lessen the imbal- corner, awestruck by the imbalance of ture of the technology itself, but with the ance of power between those who rule and power, or should we be laughing at the way the technology is used. Most people the ruled, the most viable option is hav- Beverly Hillbillies trying to master some have a tendency to blame the hammer ing fewer rulers. The most viable option new gadget? The answer lies someplace when the nail goes in crooked. The gun- is a higher degree of self-government, and in between. rights debate coined an interesting term, checks and balances throughout. Some researchers, like Erving Goffman, “It’s the criminals, stupid.” While falling The imbalance in power can only be conclude that surveillance can subcon- prey to sloganeering is always a danger maintained or exacerbated if two things sciously coerce people, leading to docile, when analyzing such a complex issue, that happen. One, if we allow those who rule stay-below-the-radar behavior from those sentiment remains solid. us to take away the instruments by which who are surveilled — meaning possibly Imagine what would happen if, in re- our freedom can be maintained. Two, if fewer societal problems. sponse to the development of better guns, we forget that we must require both re- Such an acquiescent attitude might we passed laws that attempted to control sponsibility and accountability of anyone become common under constant surveil- access to these firearms, laws that ulti- who purports to protect us. Your safety and lance. One could also argue that the urge mately resulted in only two groups having security has always been, and will always to become famous, if even for a moment, those weapons: the State and the crooks. be, your responsibility. Let’s make sure we will drive the type of semi-ludicrous be- This would not prevent the technology, don’t forget that. havior that is a staple of reality television the guns in this case, from being misused. And for heaven’s sake, let’s keep in the population at large. Instead, we’d just be left with large groups watching the watchers. If we fail to do Brin describes the tendency to put these of people ripe for violence with no alterna- so, all the checks and balances built into issues into “yes/no” terms as a devil’s di- tive. That place exists. In the United States the system — from the Fourth Amend- chotomy. It’s either “big brother is out to it’s called the inner city. ment prohibition against unreasonable get us!” or “without complete transpar- The same analysis can be applied to searches and seizures to habeas corpus ency the terrorists will win!” Hogwash. the proliferation of surveillance tech, and — will ultimately be totally lost along When one allows a vibrant panorama of the State’s tendency to abuse it, as can with freedom. ■ choices to be reduced to such an absurd be applied to most and simplistic yes-or-no debate, he miss- other concerns about es the point completely. The question of surveillance technology is more compli- the State abusing its power: understand EXTRA COPIES AVAILABLE cated than simply good or bad. It is en- that the State, and ➧ Additional copies of this issue of tirely possible that increased surveillance our tendency to trust THE NEW AMERICAN are available at can lead to positive results on occasion. it and its agents too quantity-discount prices. To order, visit Does that mean that everyone should just much, is the problem! “roll over” and accept more invasive sur- When we lament the or see the card between pages 38-39. THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007 17
  • 20. SURVEILLANCE To Protect America, PROTECT PRIVACY President Bush used the NSA’s Threat Operations Center as his venue to call for making the recently enacted Protect America Act permanent. AP Images With President Bush seeking to extend the “Protect America Act” indefinitely, it is time to examine how making this legislation permanent would affect our right to privacy. by Warren Mass this land, it will be in the guise of fight- largely by the White House, the new ing a foreign enemy.” Madison’s words law, officials say, provides a legal O n September 19, President Bush, alluded to the time-honored principle that framework for warrantless monitor- in a carefully orchestrated media a people who normally would guard their ing that was already being conducted event obviously designed to pro- freedom jealously, often are willing to by the National Security Agency out- mote his legislative agenda, addressed sacrifice some of that freedom if they can side of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence members of the press at the Threat Opera- be convinced that a foreign enemy poses Surveillance Act (FISA). tions Center of the National Security Agen- a greater threat. cy at Ft. Meade, Maryland. Specifically, As to how that pertains to the Protect A few excerpts from the act provide a he discussed the recently enacted “Protect America Act, which effectively destroys sense of how this surveillance is to be America Act,” which he had signed into the Fourth Amendment’s prohibitions accomplished: law a month and a half earlier. against unreasonable searches and sei- The thrust of his remarks, however, was zures and the issuance of warrants with- Sec. 105B. (a) … the Director of Na- not to celebrate the legislation’s passage. out probable cause, an excellent summary tional Intelligence and the Attorney Instead, Mr. Bush lamented the fact that appeared in the Christian Science Monitor General, may for periods of up to “the law expires on February 1st — that’s of August 7, two days after President Bush one year authorize the acquisition of 135 days from [September 19]. The threat signed the bill into law: foreign intelligence information con- from al Qaeda is not going to expire in 135 cerning persons reasonably believed days.” The US government now has greater to be outside the United States if the The president (or his speechwriters) authority to eavesdrop without war- Director of National Intelligence and played the al-Qaeda card to full advan- rants on American citizens’ telephone the Attorney General determine … tage. Now might be a good time to recall calls and e-mails after President Bush that — the warning once uttered by James Madi- signed new surveillance legislation (3) the acquisition involves obtain- son: “If tyranny and oppression come to into law on [August 5]. Authored ing the foreign intelligence informa- 18 THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
  • 21. tion from or with the assistance of a communications service provider, The New American custodian … who has access to communications, either as they are transmitted or while they are stored, or equipment that is being or may be used to transmit or store such communications. The difference between the traditional search-warrant process protected under the Fourth Amendment and the Protect America Act is significant. The Fourth Amendment provides that “no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” The act, in contrast, provides that “a certification [to conduct a search] under subsection (a) is not required to identify the specific facilities, places, premises, or property at which the acquisi- New content, new look ... tion of foreign intelligence information will be directed.” (Emphasis added.) As such, the Protect America Act sends us back in the direction of the writs of as- sistance (general search warrants) granted by British authorities under King George III. These writs became a bone of conten- tion that contributed to the American War for Independence. Place Your In seeking to garner support for making the Protect America Act permanent, the president made a point of stressing that “al Qaeda is not going to expire in 135 days.” When our Founding Fathers wrote the Fourth Amendment to guard against Ad Here! the excesses they had suffered under the British writs of assistance, they apparently feared that the government’s potential to invade our privacy would never expire. Readers concerned that the direction proposed by President Bush will threaten Americans’ rights to privacy can oppose the extension of the misnamed Protect Amer- ica Act by visiting Four sizes and issues/alert/?alertid=10327561&type=CO locations to and using the information found there to write a letter to your representative in the choose from. House and to your senators. The model letter calls attention to the fact that the Protect America Act allows the federal government to eavesdrop on the commu- nications of U.S. citizens without a court warrant, and asks for your representatives’ response concerning their intentions when Online Advertising Now Available! this issue comes to a vote. ■ For more information visit THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007
  • 22. ECONOMY Taking AP Images Delight in Deception Alan Greenspan now admits that he regularly deceived Congress with “purposeful obfuscation” during his nearly 19-year reign as chairman of the Federal Former Federal Reserve Chairman Reserve System. Alan Greenspan admits deception, but Big Media embraces his “purposeful obfuscation” and continues gushing adoration. by William F. Jasper policies affecting the national and global Maria Bartiromo: What is it? economies. This blatant deception — in Alan Greenspan: It’s a — a lan- F ormer Federal Reserve Chairman essence, lying — Greenspan brazenly, but guage of purposeful obfuscation to Alan Greenspan lives a charmed casually, described as “purposeful obfus- avoid certain questions coming up, life. Besides pulling down an $8.5 cation” and “destructive syntax.” which you know you can’t answer, million advance on his memoir, The Age Were his interviewers outraged by this and saying — “I will not answer or ba- of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World shocking confession? Far from it; the rev- sically no comment is, in fact, an an- (topped only by Bill Clinton’s $10 million elation only seemed to deepen their awe swer.” So, you end up with when, say, advance), he recently was treated to an and fascination. The September 17 on- a congressman asks you a question, orgy of media hype and hoopla usually re- screen performance of CNBC’s Bartiromo and don’t wanna say, “No comment,” served for screen idols and rock stars. was especially embarrassing to watch. Ms. or “I won’t answer,” or something This hype continued even though dur- Bartiromo, supposedly the consummate like that. So, I proceed with four or ing his dozens of media appearances in news professional, wavered between star- five sentences which get increasingly September, the fabled “Maestro” of cen- struck hero-worship and giggling girlie obscure. The congressman thinks I tral banking made at least two damning flirtation. answered the question and goes onto confessions that should have sparked uni- Here is the crucial exchange between the next one. [Emphasis added.] versal outrage and a torrent of condemn- the breathless Bartiromo and Greenspan: ing headlines and editorials. However, Likewise, in his September 13 interview Greenspan’s admissions seem to have Maria Bartiromo: All of these on 60 Minutes, Greenspan proudly parad- caused nary a ripple of discontent in his important economic events you are ed his record of deceit and misdirection. sea of media admirers. overseeing — the most important CBS’ Leslie Stahl tells us that “in public institution, and leading things. And Greenspan was inscrutable whenever Con- Condoning Deception then not only are you dealing with gress asked about interest rates. He resort- In interviews on two high-profile televi- these crises, but then you’ve got to ed to an indecipherable, Delphic dialect sion programs — with Maria Bartiromo convey what’s going on to people. known as ‘Fed-speak.’” The 60 Minutes on CNBC and with Leslie Stahl on CBS’ That means Congress, the president, transcript then proceeds with this account 60 Minutes — Greenspan admitted, with the media, the public. So what? You of their conversation: smug satisfaction, to willfully deceiving come up with Green-speak. Congress when addressing them under Alan Greenspan: Otherwise “I would engage in some form of oath about some of the most important Fed known as Fed-speak. syntax destruction, which sounded as 20 THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 29, 2007