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Literature Review On Superstition
1.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Superstition Beliefs in superstitions have persisted throughout the history of human being and have been transmitted from
generation to generation until the present time (Vyse, 1997). Therefore, Subbotsky (2009) stated that superstitious belief or magical belief is a
fundamental property of the human mind. What exactly are superstitions? Numerous definitions are formed based on different human society after
many years of research in the field. Womack (1992) defined superstition as the repetitive, unusual and rigid behaviors which could bring desired
positive effect to the believers without any causal relationship between the behavior and the outcome of an event. Another definition of superstition
refers to individuals' more content...
In other words, self–efficacy is the individuals' abilities to have control over their own functioning as well as the occasions that affect their lives
(Bandura, 1994). In contemporary research, self–efficacy is increasingly recognized as a reliable predictor of an individual's task performance in
comparison to their actual capability of accomplishing the task or their past experiences (Bandura, 1977; Sharma & Nasa, 2014). Moreover,
self–efficacy is also identified as a more consistent predictor of future behavioral outcomes compared to any other motivation construct (as cited in
Damisch, 2008, p. 25). In fact, many studies have provided empirical evidences for the strong influence of self–efficacy beliefs on task performance
(Cherian & Jacob, 2013; Ede, Hwang, & Feltz, 2011; Goulao, 2014; Heazlewood & Burke, Self–efficacy and its relationship to selected sport
psychological constructs in the prediction of performance in ironman triathlon, 2011; Honicke & Broadbent, 2016; Lai & Chen,
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Curses And Superstition
Curses, Superstition, and Obsession In life you'll eventually hear a story that includes superstition and curses. At a point one won't believe it and
sometimes you fall for it. If you're a sports fan then you'll hear stories about those two even more. Sometimes superstition is passed down by
generations for example; I grew up knowing that breaking a mirror is bad. The more you hear about superstition, the more it brain washes you. Some
use it as an excuse to blame it for something like losing a bet. But do you think superstition is harmful or not? I didn't believe in superstition at first
until something happened to me which changed the way I look at it now. But first let me tell you what superstition is. Superstition is the belief in
supernatural things, for instance, getting bad luck for going under the ladder. Now, to me superstition is harmful because of the events that happened to
the Cubs and Red Sox. The Chicago Cubs have suffered a lot throughout the years, until last year when they won the world series after 100 years.
The cause for the suffering was because the Cubs were under a "curse". It all started in October of 1945 when William Sanis brought his pet goat to
the Cubs game. The game was going well until people started complaining about the goat's bad odor. Eventually, causing Sanis and his goat to get
kicked out. Sanis's last words were, "you'll never win a world series again", and these words became reality. Consequently, the Cubs started failing
since that
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Superstitious Beliefs
Over a period of time, superstitious beliefs have rooted themselves firmly in our society, so much so that it is virtually impossible for the person to
ignore them. They have made a place for themselves in all the walks of life, including politics and sports. Politicians resorting to the astrological
predictions is not at all rare. On the other hand, examples of superstitions in sports include cricketers carrying a coloured handkerchief in their pocket,
or soccer players putting their right foot first when they enter the field. Such superstitious practices are found all over the world. Basically, superstitious
beliefs and practices are illogical assumptions based on one particular incident, which are more content...
Horseshoes have been used as protection from the evil in many European and Middle Eastern households.
Covering a Yawn
Some ancient theorists feared that the soul could sort of slip out of the body during a yawn, cresting an opportunity for evil spirits to get in and trash
the place. Also some ancient man had observed that new–borns, struggling to survive, yawn shortly after birth (a reflexive response to draw additional
oxygen into the lungs). With infant mortality extraordinarily high, early physicians, at a loss to account for frequent deaths, blamed the yawn. The
helpless baby simply could not cover its mouth with a protective hand. Roman physicians actually recommended that a mother be particularly vigilant
during the early months of life and cover any of her new–born's yawns until they could learn to do it themselves. However, at present it is just
considered rude not covering a yawn since it is contagious.
The Unlucky 13
Surveys show that of all bad luck superstitions, unease surrounding the number 13 is the one that affects most people today–and in almost countless
ways. Ancient Egyptians associated the number 13 with death, which later led to the fear of this number. The widely known story behind 13 being
unlucky is that of Last Supper. We all know, Judas, the betrayer of Jesus was the 13th guest at the meal. In ancient Rome, witches reportedly gathered
in groups of 12. The
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Short Speech On Superstitions
Do you believe that if you see a black cat crossing your path you will have bad luck the entire day? Or if you open an umbrella in a room do you
think that it will give you bad luck? The main question is: are you superstitious? From birth to death humans have been trapped in their own
imagination of wrong belief systems that cause fear. These superstitions have gone around for hundreds of years and they are still present. Challenging
human's beliefs and values, separating us from the real world and creating fear and doubt. All these factors are created by superstition which is created
by humans. When humans believe in superstition they trap themselves and finally get torchered inside. Superstition challenges our beliefs and values.
Religious people often see other religions as superstitions. As well as agnostics and atheists may find all religious beliefs superstitious. Outsiders
religious rituals and practices are more likely to be labelled 'superstitions'. As religious people believe in extraordinary events such as an afterlife,
miracles, supernatural intervention, value of prayer, the meaningfulness of omens, charms, incantations and prognostications. The Roman Catholic
Church considers superstitions to be sinful in the way that it means that there is a lack of trust in God. Therefore this is a violation of the Ten
Commandments in their culture. Islam refers such false beliefs as the way of Shaitan (Demon or Satan) and prohibits following such beliefs that are
not in
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Superstition In The 19th Century
"Superstition is a religion to what astrology is to astronomy the mad daughter of a wise mother. These daughters have dominated the earth long
enough." –Variable. Superstition has haunted the earth for 100s upon 100s of years. From ancient Greece, to today, it's emphatically prevailing. One of
superstition's most dominating time periods was the 1800s. In the years around then, almost everyone was superstitious to some extent, especially the
frontiersmen. Yet, they possessed a rightful and understandablereason. A colossal amount of intriguingsuperstitions were created and continued then, in
the 19th century. Surprisingly, a profusion of superstitions are still heartily believed today.
During the 1800s, superstitions were more content...
An abundance of superstitions were established and maintained during that time period. And in modern civilization, unfounded beliefs have become
normal to have. Why this belief is still prevalent among so many when the Bible reads superstition has no connection to God. Rather, our God
expounded upon how he wholly emphasizes and cares for people (not superstition.) Colossions 2:8–10 "See to it that no one takes you captive by
nphilosophy and oempty deceit, according to phuman tradition, according to the qelemental spirits1 of the world, and not according to Christ. 9 For
rin him the whole fullness of deity dwells sbodily, 10 and tyou have been filled in him, who is uthe head of all rule and
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The Importance Of Superstitions
There are two types of people in this world, the people who follow superstitions and people that dont. Superstitions play a big role in today's society
to the point where people will go about their day due to a superstition. If a superstition that told them they were going to have bad luck because of
walking under a ladder, they are probably going to be more likely to believe something that is not true. An event like this took place in the book ВЁ
Julius CaesarВЁ when Julius was told to beware of the ides of march he did not listen. Some say that believing this saying would have saved his life.
However it must be taken into account the other reasons why it could have happened. In this essay we will analyze and explain on why superstitions
are not to be trusted and followed.
One way superstitions are influencing our lives is people believing certain triggers of good and bad luck, according to the us news ВЁ25 percent of
people in the U.S. say they are "very" or "somewhat" superstitious in generalВЁ (Colino 1). When people see a black cat or a penny on the wrong
side, it is generally associated with bad luck. In reality a perfectly good penny was just passed up due to ВЁbad luckВЁ. Most of the time its just as
harmless as passing up a penny, but that's not the case with everyone. Sometimes people let superstitions keep them from doing everyday tasks. This is
important because people are letting rumors and myths that have a pretty big chance of being incorrect completely change
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The Definition Of Superstition
According to the definition quoted in American Heritage Dictionary, superstition can be defined as "beliefs that are inconsistent with known laws of
nature or what is generally considered rational in a society". (Kramer & Block, 2008) The word superstition is derived from Latin "super" & "sisto"
meaning "the one who is above" or "the one who is not progressive". Dictionary definitions elude to the negative aspect of the concept of superstition
and focuses on the unawareness of the people who believe in such a phenomenon. It is often believed to have stemmed from the fear of unknown.
Superstitions seem to be a universal phenomenon which originates in ones belief in the miracle and the existence of a suprantural force. It often
overlaps in more content...
According to this theory, human beings have the belief or illusion that their actions have direct influence on the events when in reality no such
connection exists. Thus human beings continue to believe in the illusion that they have a measure of control over the events. Therefore, people carry
out superstitious behaviors as they believe that their actions are influencing and controlling the event or situation. This sort of belief is more common
in events which are a mixture of human skill and chance such as in sports where part of the outcome is linked with human skill as well. Such events
further reinforce the illusion of control and therefore the superstitious behavior. (Langer, 1975, 1977; Langer & Roth, 1975) Furthermore, superstitious
behavior development is also linked with perception of loss of control over a situation. A research was conducted in 2004, which established the
inverse relation between the practice of superstitious behavior and the decreased control over the situation. More and more superstitious actions were
carried out with increased loss of control over a situation. (Case, et al,
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Influences Of Superstitions
The influence of superstitions on people`s personal life What is superstition? It is belief which is not based on human reason or scientific
knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, religious belief or legends which are passed down from our ancestor. For instance: Clay
"pepper" on a wall believed to protect the inhabitants of the house from harm. The reason this is named a superstition is because no one can prove
that any "pepper "able to protect from damaging and devils. Furthermore, "pepper" can`t defend, it is only describing of any person in his or her own
way. The word superstition is generally utilized to more content...
Because then you will destroy your own luck.
* If you see a black cat by chance then you will have bad luck.
* When you will eat noodless don't cut the noodle because the longer the noodle the more you live
*Don't eat while lying down because you will come back as a snake in your next life
* Don't cut your hair on Wednesday or you will have bad luck
* A left eye twitch is a sign of bad luck. A right eye twitch means good luck
* A salt shaker shouldn't be passed from hand to hand instead, it must be placed on the table for the other person to pick it up themselves.
*If while sweeping the broom hits the feet of a single person that person never marries.
*Never leave your handbag on the floor or your money will run away.
*Chimneys should always be capped or witches might climb down it. People tend to believe events to supernatural causes most often under two
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Superstition Essay
We have all seen or practiced a superstition. Crossing our fingers for good luck or avoiding the path of a black cat. Some are as old as the written
word. They have woven themselves into the fabric of everyday society. Probably the most superstious group in our society is the athlete.
Baseball players will not step on the foul line as they leave the field of play. Football players have exact pregame rituals that can not be interrupted.
The hockey fans of the Detroit Red Wings will throw an octopus onto the ice after their team scores a goal. The Red Sox did not will a World Series all
of those years, simply because they trade Babe Ruth to the Yankees. The Cubs are still paying for not allowing a goat into one of their games. While all more content...
They can bond together and wallow in each others sorrow.
Being superstitious is something that most players will not admit to being, but the rest of the team will not talk to a pitcher pitching a no hitter. It is
an unwritten rule that even if you do not believe in the superstition, you still do not challenge it. A pitcher who was in the middle of pitching a
perfect game was receiving a cup of water from the same bat boy in between innings. Before the eighth inning the batboy did not give him his cup of
water. Panic set in, the ritual had been broken. On his way to the pitcher's mound, all he could think of was the cup of water. He went on to pitch the
perfect game, but the effect the superstition had on him is evident. His most memorable moment of the game was not getting that cup of water. Over
thirty years later, this is what he remembers.
The common denominator behind most sport superstitions is confidence. By following these idiosyncrasies, the player maintains his confidence. A
pitcher on a winning streak will keep using the same undershirt and socks without washing them. Not doing this will upset the baseball gods and they
will end his winning streak. In reality it is just an extra boost to his confidence. An extra confident pitcher can make the out pitch when it is needed.
Another result of superstition is rhythm. A basketball player will go through an exact routine prior to attempting a free throw. This superstition/routine
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Superstitious beliefs have transcended time, being seemingly inherent within traditional and modern societies. There are four prime types of
superstitious beliefs: socially shared superstitions, occult experiences, superstitious beliefs part of a wider global view or cosmology, and personal
superstitions (Jahoda, 1970). Examples of these include black cats, out of body sensations, religious practice, and singular rituals respectively. Though
studies considering this topic are scarce the primary finding among the existing literature demonstrates that when faced with unknown situations
individuals are likely to enlist superstitious strategies or beliefs (Vyse, 1997). In essence, in order to minimise unfavourable outcomes and maximise
positive outcomes humans actively strive to understand, and subsequently control their environments (Case, Fitness, Cairns & Stevenson, 2004). In
order to gain control people will often feed into the so called 'illusion of control'. A previous experiment by Matute and Blanco (2014) required
participants to undertake a computerised program within which for durations of 1s the computer screen would flash blue–and–white. The participants'
task was to keep the screen black for as long as possible. Instructions required using the keyboard's spacebar to cause the screen to stay black. They
were told should they succeed the screen would stay black for another 5s, conversely should they fail the flashes would reappear immediately. The
sequence was
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Superstitions : Superstition And Superstition
There is a various amount of superstitions out in the world that people hear about, but what exactly makes a superstition? Is there a definition known
throughout for One source says that they are "a belief or an action that is inconsistent with science and needs to be aimed at bringing good luck or
avoiding bad luck" ("Superstitions: Why You Believe"). Superstitions themselves can range from any small action that someone does to help their
chances. Whether it is a lucky pair of socks or avoiding walking underneath a ladder, these little quirks people have can be considered a superstition.
There are so many different superstitions around that people follow. Some of which are more common than others. Though there are quite a lot of
different superstitions that not a lot of people hear commonly. Of course, depending on where you are, some of these common superstitions change.
Some of the more commonly believed superstitions are trick–or–treating on Halloween, the number thirteen being unlucky, and the belief that Friday
the thirteenth is a bad omen, among others. Maybe you have even heard of some of the others like a black cat passing your path, knocking on wood,
breaking a mirror, as well as spilling salt (Sanguinarius).
People have believed in superstitions for generations upon generations. While some people believe that the presence of these beliefs has been
decreasing over the years, they are actually quite wrong. Gradually over time, these beliefs have become more and more
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Example Of Superstitions
Superstitions – Prabhleen R. According to German researcher in 2010 the more strongly people believed in their good luck charms, the more
confident they were. How many people believe in this? Surprisingly 25% of Americans believed in good luck charms and other superstitions in
2015. Superstitions can be interesting when the basics are known such as the definition, what superstitions are popular in different countries and
how they started and some funny superstitions. Knowing about superstitions could come in handy and useful at times. To know about what types of
superstitions there are, and what superstitions are popular in different countries and how they started, first knowing about the definition and what
superstitions are is important. A superstition is a belief, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing,
circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like. In simpler words, a superstition is any blindly accepted belief or notion. Superstitions can be
believed in for different reason such as religious beliefs, false interpretations of natural events or people develop personal superstition. A
superstition based off of religious beliefs can include, for example, a Christian may believe at a time of trouble or distress may open the Bible at a
random time to a random page and read the first text that catches his or her eye. A religion for someone could be a superstition for someone else. A
superstition based off of a
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Superstitions speech Essay
I'm doing my speech on superstitions. Wulp wish me luck, break a leg, knock on wood.
Superstitions, what are they and where did they come from? Are they true are they false or is there some sort of reasoning behind them? Or are they
simply just a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. I mean ..... awww man (meeoow) there goes a black cat man talk about bad luck it just took off with any luck
that I had, (gosh darn – click fingers well lets see if its true...Mrs Maslen whadda ya reckon am I gonna get an A for this or what? C'mon c'mon you
can tell me. Damn you cat (shake fist meeooow). Where did that superstition come from? For heavens sake how pathetic is it! Anyways for most
people these are simply old wives tales and silly misconstrued stories, more content...
When you look at them most superstitions and taboos have to do with some kind of luck be it good or bad. No one is 100% certain why this is but is
believed to have been started centuries ago. Peoples knowledge of things around them was limited so when people were having bad luck and
something good happened to them, they decided that it must have something to do with superstition a taboo so it became a superstition. And the other
way round they had good luck something bad happened it was a superstition. The origins of just about every superstition has been lost in time never to
be found because people never wrote them down they just passed them down from generation to generation. So the origins of them will probably be
lost for ever.
The Webster dictionary states superstition as:
1. An ignorant or irrational belief, often provoked by fear, and is based on an assumption of cause and effect, contrary to known scientific facts and
2. Any practice inspired by such beliefs.
3. An unreasonable belief or impression.
I ask you now, what will bring us luck? A horseshoe, throwing salt over your left shoulder, who knows? And what about bad luck, Friday the 13th, a
black cat, (meow) shuddup, aww man where was I?, walking under a
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The Importance Of Superstitions In History
Throughout history, many superstitions have grown ranging from not opening an umbrella inside, to seeing a black cat crosses in front of you. Some
of these traditions we pass on today may seem crazy and we could wonder who came up with these insane ideas. Although the superstitions may not be
completely sound they all have an explanation in history. One of the most well–known superstitions would be triskaidekaphobia, or a fear of the number
13. This might seem irrational, but it has a basis in religious history and in many cultures throughout the ancient world. I believe that this fear may
have some basis in fact, however strange, and to prove this we will look at this superstitions basis in ancient history, its basis in religious history, and
how it plays out in our culture today.
To start, we can look at how it has a basis in ancient history. One of the first items of proof for these superstitions would be all the way back in
Hammurabi's code. Supposedly in ancient times the number thirteen was unlucky so in his code of laws the number 13 was omitted. However, if you
look at the original text the laws themselves were not numerically ordered, so likely this was just an error in translation or an error by the original
writer. Another area where this superstition may have started would be with the order of TheKnights Templar. On Friday, October 13, 1307 King
Phillip IV ordered the arrest and murder of The Knights Templar. After the arrest the knights were tortured and
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Examples Of Superstitions
A superstition is a set of thoughts that are incongruent with reality, which lead to a series of doings, behaviours and beliefs that an object or action
that is not related to a group of events influences its outcomes (Akova, 2011; Damisch, Stoberock, & Mussweiler, 2010). There are superstitious people
all around the world, with different religions, beliefs, cultures and traditions (Akova, 2011).
Superstitions can serve to give either good or bad luck, some examples can be: crossing fingers, four leaf clovers, knocking on wood, breaking a mirror,
seeing a black cat, opening an umbrella inside the house, or even a set of steps self–made before an event (Akova, 2011).
Skinner proved that superstitious behaviours do not only occur in humans by doing an experiment with a group of hungry pigeons. For a few minutes
each day, he gave more content...
This paranormal belief may be the result of those with an external locus of control attempting to deal with the uncontrollability of their lives. On the
contrary, individuals who present an internal locus of control do not necessarily hold superstitions, probably because they do not have the need of
coping with the uncontrollability of their lives (Stanke & Taylor, 2004).
Religiosity and superstition
In many studies, it has been found that religiosity correlates with the occurrence of superstitious behaviours and paranormal beliefs. Apparently, a
higher degree of religiosity correlates with a higher frequency of reporting beliefs in paranormal experiences or the supernatural (Stanke & Taylor,
However, religion considers superstitions as extravagant and irrational, but religion itself could be practiced in a superstitious way, not actually
believing in god but praying once in a while and attending church "just in case" (Delacroix & Guillard, 2008).
Superstitions as an adaptive method by Michael
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Superstitions
which gives logical explanation and proven evidences for anything that it claims according it
its study. In 1946, Jawaharlal Nehru coined the term 'Science Temper'. It is basically a type
of lifestyle led by people who generally choose to believe in things only if it has logic behind
it. They like to figure out reasons behind whatever they see and do in life.
According to Ravinder Banyal in 'Myths, Superstitions and Propaganda in the Scientific
Age', human beings have a tendency to follow a 'pattern' and designate their meanings to
it from the very ancient times when science wasn't so developed. They tend to believe in
things by either looking at it or sensing it in a particular manner and interpret it accordingly
and more content...
But the actual
reason behind it is that turmeric paste and cow dung has a very pungent smell and the
insects and snakes can't stay in such a smell and get away. Therefore, they don't prefer to
be near such areas where these are applied.
But the disadvantages of the superstitions are that many superstitious beliefs exist without
a base or a reason. It is just followed as it is related with the religion or somehow it is
embedded in the minds of people that it's the right thing to do. For example – Chandigarh,
which is the most planned and beautiful city of India. It has forty–seven sectors but there's no
sector–13 in Chandigarh. It has been omitted due to the fact that number 13 is considered as
an unlucky number in India. The other example based on the same reason is ISRO (Indian
Space and Research Organisation) name the space mission PSLV–C14 after the PSLV–12
and not 13.
Here, the irony is that even after so much of scientific and technologic development in our
country, these kinds of taboos still exists. Taboos like the belief in untouchability, caste
system, and discrimination against women. These were also initiated keeping in mind
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Renaissance Superstitions Essay
Superstitions have surrounded us since childhood, giving us all a healthy dose of fear every now and then (the monster under the bed for example),
that is quite useful in stressful situations. Question is, where did these superstitions come from? To be honest, everywhere. Superstitions are linked into
every culture and religion on Earth, whether it be christianity or buddhism, they are tied into them all. The
Renaissance was a time of strong belief in superstitions, most closely being witches, ghosts, and luck, all of which helped this time period flourish and
grow spiritually.
Witches were a heavy influence on superstitions during the Renaissance, believed to be the causes of the bubonic plague, crop failure, harvest failure,
animal death, and so on. Mostly women were accused of this 'devil's craft' because of the intellectual belief that women were the weaker sex. Women
were not highly thought of during the Renaissance, proven by this dominican monk's words, "It is commonly the nature of women to be timid and to
be afraid of everything. That is why they busy themselves so much about witchcraft and superstitions and run hither and thither, uttering a magic
formula here and a magic formula there." (Kors and Peters, Malleus maleficarum). It was believed witches kept familiars, more content...
For instance, it was believed to be terrible luck to spill and/or waste salt. This was due to salts high import price (most salt came from India). It was
also believed to be bad if you saw or associated with a black cat, as they were witches' familiars (stated earlier). It was also believed that if you
sneezed, it was possible for a demon to possess you, hence the term "God bless you." On the other hand, it was if you were the seventh son of a
seventh son, you were considered to possess great luck and talent. Though these luck superstitions are common nowadays, these were seriously taken
during the
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Macbeth: Superstitions
The tragedy of Macbeth was written by Shakespeare in 1606 and produced in 1610. Macbeth is the most concentrated of Shakespeare 's tragedies. The
action gushes forward with great speed from the beginning to end. The main characters in the play are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, who are very noble,
but their evil ambition ultimately causes their downfall and death. The play focuses around evil, greed and the supernatural. The play was written by
Shakespeare for the king at that time, since he was a big believer of witches and the supernatural.
Supernatural is classified as the unnatural or the explainable mysteries of our universe. In Shakespeare 's time many people would relate many of the
unusual happening against more content...
Their powers were in part to tell future events, to create evil and destruction. The witches could not however do fatal harm to their victims. In
appearance they were sexless. Banquo says that they should be women but they have a beard. The witches relation to Macbeth is that they represent
Macbeth 's evil ambition, only Macbeth can see the witches and no one else. Later in the play they lead him to his destruction. They do not guide
Macbeth but they only represent his own wishes and thoughts. Shakespeare 's witches are a compound of native folklore and classical mythology. They
serve demons, for they are summoned by the devil and predict apparitions. They are associated with Hecate, the Greek goddesses of sorcery. Although
the witches can foretell the future, the main idea of the play is that Macbeth bears responsibility for his own actions. The witches, and ghosts influence
him but do not control his destiny. Superstitions were often believed by many Elizabethans in Shakespeare 's time but how are these superstitions used
in the play. Superstitions are the unnatural unseen of the universe. Witches were one of these superstitions.
Witches are no longer a big thing in today 's society but it was a different story for Elizabethans in Shakespeare 's time. The witches and other
superstitions in the play which include ghosts, destiny and apparitions all have a role in the play about Macbeth. These superstitions were used to
entertain the people of
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Literature Review On Superstition

  • 1. Literature Review On Superstition 1.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Superstition Beliefs in superstitions have persisted throughout the history of human being and have been transmitted from generation to generation until the present time (Vyse, 1997). Therefore, Subbotsky (2009) stated that superstitious belief or magical belief is a fundamental property of the human mind. What exactly are superstitions? Numerous definitions are formed based on different human society after many years of research in the field. Womack (1992) defined superstition as the repetitive, unusual and rigid behaviors which could bring desired positive effect to the believers without any causal relationship between the behavior and the outcome of an event. Another definition of superstition refers to individuals' more content... In other words, self–efficacy is the individuals' abilities to have control over their own functioning as well as the occasions that affect their lives (Bandura, 1994). In contemporary research, self–efficacy is increasingly recognized as a reliable predictor of an individual's task performance in comparison to their actual capability of accomplishing the task or their past experiences (Bandura, 1977; Sharma & Nasa, 2014). Moreover, self–efficacy is also identified as a more consistent predictor of future behavioral outcomes compared to any other motivation construct (as cited in Damisch, 2008, p. 25). In fact, many studies have provided empirical evidences for the strong influence of self–efficacy beliefs on task performance (Cherian & Jacob, 2013; Ede, Hwang, & Feltz, 2011; Goulao, 2014; Heazlewood & Burke, Self–efficacy and its relationship to selected sport psychological constructs in the prediction of performance in ironman triathlon, 2011; Honicke & Broadbent, 2016; Lai & Chen, Get more content on
  • 2. Curses And Superstition Curses, Superstition, and Obsession In life you'll eventually hear a story that includes superstition and curses. At a point one won't believe it and sometimes you fall for it. If you're a sports fan then you'll hear stories about those two even more. Sometimes superstition is passed down by generations for example; I grew up knowing that breaking a mirror is bad. The more you hear about superstition, the more it brain washes you. Some use it as an excuse to blame it for something like losing a bet. But do you think superstition is harmful or not? I didn't believe in superstition at first until something happened to me which changed the way I look at it now. But first let me tell you what superstition is. Superstition is the belief in supernatural things, for instance, getting bad luck for going under the ladder. Now, to me superstition is harmful because of the events that happened to the Cubs and Red Sox. The Chicago Cubs have suffered a lot throughout the years, until last year when they won the world series after 100 years. The cause for the suffering was because the Cubs were under a "curse". It all started in October of 1945 when William Sanis brought his pet goat to the Cubs game. The game was going well until people started complaining about the goat's bad odor. Eventually, causing Sanis and his goat to get kicked out. Sanis's last words were, "you'll never win a world series again", and these words became reality. Consequently, the Cubs started failing since that Get more content on
  • 3. Superstitious Beliefs SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS INTRODUCTION Over a period of time, superstitious beliefs have rooted themselves firmly in our society, so much so that it is virtually impossible for the person to ignore them. They have made a place for themselves in all the walks of life, including politics and sports. Politicians resorting to the astrological predictions is not at all rare. On the other hand, examples of superstitions in sports include cricketers carrying a coloured handkerchief in their pocket, or soccer players putting their right foot first when they enter the field. Such superstitious practices are found all over the world. Basically, superstitious beliefs and practices are illogical assumptions based on one particular incident, which are more content... Horseshoes have been used as protection from the evil in many European and Middle Eastern households. Covering a Yawn Some ancient theorists feared that the soul could sort of slip out of the body during a yawn, cresting an opportunity for evil spirits to get in and trash the place. Also some ancient man had observed that new–borns, struggling to survive, yawn shortly after birth (a reflexive response to draw additional oxygen into the lungs). With infant mortality extraordinarily high, early physicians, at a loss to account for frequent deaths, blamed the yawn. The helpless baby simply could not cover its mouth with a protective hand. Roman physicians actually recommended that a mother be particularly vigilant during the early months of life and cover any of her new–born's yawns until they could learn to do it themselves. However, at present it is just considered rude not covering a yawn since it is contagious. The Unlucky 13 Surveys show that of all bad luck superstitions, unease surrounding the number 13 is the one that affects most people today–and in almost countless ways. Ancient Egyptians associated the number 13 with death, which later led to the fear of this number. The widely known story behind 13 being unlucky is that of Last Supper. We all know, Judas, the betrayer of Jesus was the 13th guest at the meal. In ancient Rome, witches reportedly gathered in groups of 12. The Get more content on
  • 4. Short Speech On Superstitions Do you believe that if you see a black cat crossing your path you will have bad luck the entire day? Or if you open an umbrella in a room do you think that it will give you bad luck? The main question is: are you superstitious? From birth to death humans have been trapped in their own imagination of wrong belief systems that cause fear. These superstitions have gone around for hundreds of years and they are still present. Challenging human's beliefs and values, separating us from the real world and creating fear and doubt. All these factors are created by superstition which is created by humans. When humans believe in superstition they trap themselves and finally get torchered inside. Superstition challenges our beliefs and values. Religious people often see other religions as superstitions. As well as agnostics and atheists may find all religious beliefs superstitious. Outsiders religious rituals and practices are more likely to be labelled 'superstitions'. As religious people believe in extraordinary events such as an afterlife, miracles, supernatural intervention, value of prayer, the meaningfulness of omens, charms, incantations and prognostications. The Roman Catholic Church considers superstitions to be sinful in the way that it means that there is a lack of trust in God. Therefore this is a violation of the Ten Commandments in their culture. Islam refers such false beliefs as the way of Shaitan (Demon or Satan) and prohibits following such beliefs that are not in Get more content on
  • 5. Superstition In The 19th Century "Superstition is a religion to what astrology is to astronomy the mad daughter of a wise mother. These daughters have dominated the earth long enough." –Variable. Superstition has haunted the earth for 100s upon 100s of years. From ancient Greece, to today, it's emphatically prevailing. One of superstition's most dominating time periods was the 1800s. In the years around then, almost everyone was superstitious to some extent, especially the frontiersmen. Yet, they possessed a rightful and understandablereason. A colossal amount of intriguingsuperstitions were created and continued then, in the 19th century. Surprisingly, a profusion of superstitions are still heartily believed today. During the 1800s, superstitions were more content... An abundance of superstitions were established and maintained during that time period. And in modern civilization, unfounded beliefs have become normal to have. Why this belief is still prevalent among so many when the Bible reads superstition has no connection to God. Rather, our God expounded upon how he wholly emphasizes and cares for people (not superstition.) Colossions 2:8–10 "See to it that no one takes you captive by nphilosophy and oempty deceit, according to phuman tradition, according to the qelemental spirits1 of the world, and not according to Christ. 9 For rin him the whole fullness of deity dwells sbodily, 10 and tyou have been filled in him, who is uthe head of all rule and Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance Of Superstitions There are two types of people in this world, the people who follow superstitions and people that dont. Superstitions play a big role in today's society to the point where people will go about their day due to a superstition. If a superstition that told them they were going to have bad luck because of walking under a ladder, they are probably going to be more likely to believe something that is not true. An event like this took place in the book ВЁ Julius CaesarВЁ when Julius was told to beware of the ides of march he did not listen. Some say that believing this saying would have saved his life. However it must be taken into account the other reasons why it could have happened. In this essay we will analyze and explain on why superstitions are not to be trusted and followed. One way superstitions are influencing our lives is people believing certain triggers of good and bad luck, according to the us news ВЁ25 percent of people in the U.S. say they are "very" or "somewhat" superstitious in generalВЁ (Colino 1). When people see a black cat or a penny on the wrong side, it is generally associated with bad luck. In reality a perfectly good penny was just passed up due to ВЁbad luckВЁ. Most of the time its just as harmless as passing up a penny, but that's not the case with everyone. Sometimes people let superstitions keep them from doing everyday tasks. This is important because people are letting rumors and myths that have a pretty big chance of being incorrect completely change Get more content on
  • 7. The Definition Of Superstition According to the definition quoted in American Heritage Dictionary, superstition can be defined as "beliefs that are inconsistent with known laws of nature or what is generally considered rational in a society". (Kramer & Block, 2008) The word superstition is derived from Latin "super" & "sisto" meaning "the one who is above" or "the one who is not progressive". Dictionary definitions elude to the negative aspect of the concept of superstition and focuses on the unawareness of the people who believe in such a phenomenon. It is often believed to have stemmed from the fear of unknown. Superstitions seem to be a universal phenomenon which originates in ones belief in the miracle and the existence of a suprantural force. It often overlaps in more content... According to this theory, human beings have the belief or illusion that their actions have direct influence on the events when in reality no such connection exists. Thus human beings continue to believe in the illusion that they have a measure of control over the events. Therefore, people carry out superstitious behaviors as they believe that their actions are influencing and controlling the event or situation. This sort of belief is more common in events which are a mixture of human skill and chance such as in sports where part of the outcome is linked with human skill as well. Such events further reinforce the illusion of control and therefore the superstitious behavior. (Langer, 1975, 1977; Langer & Roth, 1975) Furthermore, superstitious behavior development is also linked with perception of loss of control over a situation. A research was conducted in 2004, which established the inverse relation between the practice of superstitious behavior and the decreased control over the situation. More and more superstitious actions were carried out with increased loss of control over a situation. (Case, et al, Get more content on
  • 8. Influences Of Superstitions The influence of superstitions on people`s personal life What is superstition? It is belief which is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, religious belief or legends which are passed down from our ancestor. For instance: Clay "pepper" on a wall believed to protect the inhabitants of the house from harm. The reason this is named a superstition is because no one can prove that any "pepper "able to protect from damaging and devils. Furthermore, "pepper" can`t defend, it is only describing of any person in his or her own way. The word superstition is generally utilized to more content... Because then you will destroy your own luck. * If you see a black cat by chance then you will have bad luck. * When you will eat noodless don't cut the noodle because the longer the noodle the more you live *Don't eat while lying down because you will come back as a snake in your next life * Don't cut your hair on Wednesday or you will have bad luck * A left eye twitch is a sign of bad luck. A right eye twitch means good luck * A salt shaker shouldn't be passed from hand to hand instead, it must be placed on the table for the other person to pick it up themselves. *If while sweeping the broom hits the feet of a single person that person never marries. *Never leave your handbag on the floor or your money will run away. *Chimneys should always be capped or witches might climb down it. People tend to believe events to supernatural causes most often under two Get more content on
  • 9. Superstition Essay We have all seen or practiced a superstition. Crossing our fingers for good luck or avoiding the path of a black cat. Some are as old as the written word. They have woven themselves into the fabric of everyday society. Probably the most superstious group in our society is the athlete. Baseball players will not step on the foul line as they leave the field of play. Football players have exact pregame rituals that can not be interrupted. The hockey fans of the Detroit Red Wings will throw an octopus onto the ice after their team scores a goal. The Red Sox did not will a World Series all of those years, simply because they trade Babe Ruth to the Yankees. The Cubs are still paying for not allowing a goat into one of their games. While all more content... They can bond together and wallow in each others sorrow. Being superstitious is something that most players will not admit to being, but the rest of the team will not talk to a pitcher pitching a no hitter. It is an unwritten rule that even if you do not believe in the superstition, you still do not challenge it. A pitcher who was in the middle of pitching a perfect game was receiving a cup of water from the same bat boy in between innings. Before the eighth inning the batboy did not give him his cup of water. Panic set in, the ritual had been broken. On his way to the pitcher's mound, all he could think of was the cup of water. He went on to pitch the perfect game, but the effect the superstition had on him is evident. His most memorable moment of the game was not getting that cup of water. Over thirty years later, this is what he remembers. The common denominator behind most sport superstitions is confidence. By following these idiosyncrasies, the player maintains his confidence. A pitcher on a winning streak will keep using the same undershirt and socks without washing them. Not doing this will upset the baseball gods and they will end his winning streak. In reality it is just an extra boost to his confidence. An extra confident pitcher can make the out pitch when it is needed. Another result of superstition is rhythm. A basketball player will go through an exact routine prior to attempting a free throw. This superstition/routine Get more content on
  • 10. Superstitious beliefs have transcended time, being seemingly inherent within traditional and modern societies. There are four prime types of superstitious beliefs: socially shared superstitions, occult experiences, superstitious beliefs part of a wider global view or cosmology, and personal superstitions (Jahoda, 1970). Examples of these include black cats, out of body sensations, religious practice, and singular rituals respectively. Though studies considering this topic are scarce the primary finding among the existing literature demonstrates that when faced with unknown situations individuals are likely to enlist superstitious strategies or beliefs (Vyse, 1997). In essence, in order to minimise unfavourable outcomes and maximise positive outcomes humans actively strive to understand, and subsequently control their environments (Case, Fitness, Cairns & Stevenson, 2004). In order to gain control people will often feed into the so called 'illusion of control'. A previous experiment by Matute and Blanco (2014) required participants to undertake a computerised program within which for durations of 1s the computer screen would flash blue–and–white. The participants' task was to keep the screen black for as long as possible. Instructions required using the keyboard's spacebar to cause the screen to stay black. They were told should they succeed the screen would stay black for another 5s, conversely should they fail the flashes would reappear immediately. The sequence was Get more content on
  • 11. Superstitions : Superstition And Superstition There is a various amount of superstitions out in the world that people hear about, but what exactly makes a superstition? Is there a definition known throughout for One source says that they are "a belief or an action that is inconsistent with science and needs to be aimed at bringing good luck or avoiding bad luck" ("Superstitions: Why You Believe"). Superstitions themselves can range from any small action that someone does to help their chances. Whether it is a lucky pair of socks or avoiding walking underneath a ladder, these little quirks people have can be considered a superstition. There are so many different superstitions around that people follow. Some of which are more common than others. Though there are quite a lot of different superstitions that not a lot of people hear commonly. Of course, depending on where you are, some of these common superstitions change. Some of the more commonly believed superstitions are trick–or–treating on Halloween, the number thirteen being unlucky, and the belief that Friday the thirteenth is a bad omen, among others. Maybe you have even heard of some of the others like a black cat passing your path, knocking on wood, breaking a mirror, as well as spilling salt (Sanguinarius). People have believed in superstitions for generations upon generations. While some people believe that the presence of these beliefs has been decreasing over the years, they are actually quite wrong. Gradually over time, these beliefs have become more and more Get more content on
  • 12. Example Of Superstitions Superstitions – Prabhleen R. According to German researcher in 2010 the more strongly people believed in their good luck charms, the more confident they were. How many people believe in this? Surprisingly 25% of Americans believed in good luck charms and other superstitions in 2015. Superstitions can be interesting when the basics are known such as the definition, what superstitions are popular in different countries and how they started and some funny superstitions. Knowing about superstitions could come in handy and useful at times. To know about what types of superstitions there are, and what superstitions are popular in different countries and how they started, first knowing about the definition and what superstitions are is important. A superstition is a belief, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like. In simpler words, a superstition is any blindly accepted belief or notion. Superstitions can be believed in for different reason such as religious beliefs, false interpretations of natural events or people develop personal superstition. A superstition based off of religious beliefs can include, for example, a Christian may believe at a time of trouble or distress may open the Bible at a random time to a random page and read the first text that catches his or her eye. A religion for someone could be a superstition for someone else. A superstition based off of a Get more content on
  • 13. Superstitions speech Essay I'm doing my speech on superstitions. Wulp wish me luck, break a leg, knock on wood. Superstitions, what are they and where did they come from? Are they true are they false or is there some sort of reasoning behind them? Or are they simply just a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. I mean ..... awww man (meeoow) there goes a black cat man talk about bad luck it just took off with any luck that I had, (gosh darn – click fingers well lets see if its true...Mrs Maslen whadda ya reckon am I gonna get an A for this or what? C'mon c'mon you can tell me. Damn you cat (shake fist meeooow). Where did that superstition come from? For heavens sake how pathetic is it! Anyways for most people these are simply old wives tales and silly misconstrued stories, more content... When you look at them most superstitions and taboos have to do with some kind of luck be it good or bad. No one is 100% certain why this is but is believed to have been started centuries ago. Peoples knowledge of things around them was limited so when people were having bad luck and something good happened to them, they decided that it must have something to do with superstition a taboo so it became a superstition. And the other way round they had good luck something bad happened it was a superstition. The origins of just about every superstition has been lost in time never to be found because people never wrote them down they just passed them down from generation to generation. So the origins of them will probably be lost for ever. The Webster dictionary states superstition as: 1. An ignorant or irrational belief, often provoked by fear, and is based on an assumption of cause and effect, contrary to known scientific facts and principles. 2. Any practice inspired by such beliefs. 3. An unreasonable belief or impression. I ask you now, what will bring us luck? A horseshoe, throwing salt over your left shoulder, who knows? And what about bad luck, Friday the 13th, a black cat, (meow) shuddup, aww man where was I?, walking under a Get more content on
  • 14. The Importance Of Superstitions In History Throughout history, many superstitions have grown ranging from not opening an umbrella inside, to seeing a black cat crosses in front of you. Some of these traditions we pass on today may seem crazy and we could wonder who came up with these insane ideas. Although the superstitions may not be completely sound they all have an explanation in history. One of the most well–known superstitions would be triskaidekaphobia, or a fear of the number 13. This might seem irrational, but it has a basis in religious history and in many cultures throughout the ancient world. I believe that this fear may have some basis in fact, however strange, and to prove this we will look at this superstitions basis in ancient history, its basis in religious history, and how it plays out in our culture today. To start, we can look at how it has a basis in ancient history. One of the first items of proof for these superstitions would be all the way back in Hammurabi's code. Supposedly in ancient times the number thirteen was unlucky so in his code of laws the number 13 was omitted. However, if you look at the original text the laws themselves were not numerically ordered, so likely this was just an error in translation or an error by the original writer. Another area where this superstition may have started would be with the order of TheKnights Templar. On Friday, October 13, 1307 King Phillip IV ordered the arrest and murder of The Knights Templar. After the arrest the knights were tortured and Get more content on
  • 15. Examples Of Superstitions A superstition is a set of thoughts that are incongruent with reality, which lead to a series of doings, behaviours and beliefs that an object or action that is not related to a group of events influences its outcomes (Akova, 2011; Damisch, Stoberock, & Mussweiler, 2010). There are superstitious people all around the world, with different religions, beliefs, cultures and traditions (Akova, 2011). Superstitions can serve to give either good or bad luck, some examples can be: crossing fingers, four leaf clovers, knocking on wood, breaking a mirror, seeing a black cat, opening an umbrella inside the house, or even a set of steps self–made before an event (Akova, 2011). Skinner proved that superstitious behaviours do not only occur in humans by doing an experiment with a group of hungry pigeons. For a few minutes each day, he gave more content... This paranormal belief may be the result of those with an external locus of control attempting to deal with the uncontrollability of their lives. On the contrary, individuals who present an internal locus of control do not necessarily hold superstitions, probably because they do not have the need of coping with the uncontrollability of their lives (Stanke & Taylor, 2004). Religiosity and superstition In many studies, it has been found that religiosity correlates with the occurrence of superstitious behaviours and paranormal beliefs. Apparently, a higher degree of religiosity correlates with a higher frequency of reporting beliefs in paranormal experiences or the supernatural (Stanke & Taylor, 2004). However, religion considers superstitions as extravagant and irrational, but religion itself could be practiced in a superstitious way, not actually believing in god but praying once in a while and attending church "just in case" (Delacroix & Guillard, 2008). Superstitions as an adaptive method by Michael Get more content on
  • 16. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Superstitions which gives logical explanation and proven evidences for anything that it claims according it its study. In 1946, Jawaharlal Nehru coined the term 'Science Temper'. It is basically a type of lifestyle led by people who generally choose to believe in things only if it has logic behind it. They like to figure out reasons behind whatever they see and do in life. According to Ravinder Banyal in 'Myths, Superstitions and Propaganda in the Scientific Age', human beings have a tendency to follow a 'pattern' and designate their meanings to it from the very ancient times when science wasn't so developed. They tend to believe in things by either looking at it or sensing it in a particular manner and interpret it accordingly and more content... But the actual reason behind it is that turmeric paste and cow dung has a very pungent smell and the insects and snakes can't stay in such a smell and get away. Therefore, they don't prefer to be near such areas where these are applied. But the disadvantages of the superstitions are that many superstitious beliefs exist without
  • 17. a base or a reason. It is just followed as it is related with the religion or somehow it is embedded in the minds of people that it's the right thing to do. For example – Chandigarh, which is the most planned and beautiful city of India. It has forty–seven sectors but there's no sector–13 in Chandigarh. It has been omitted due to the fact that number 13 is considered as an unlucky number in India. The other example based on the same reason is ISRO (Indian Space and Research Organisation) name the space mission PSLV–C14 after the PSLV–12 and not 13. Here, the irony is that even after so much of scientific and technologic development in our country, these kinds of taboos still exists. Taboos like the belief in untouchability, caste system, and discrimination against women. These were also initiated keeping in mind Get more content on
  • 18. Renaissance Superstitions Essay Superstitions have surrounded us since childhood, giving us all a healthy dose of fear every now and then (the monster under the bed for example), that is quite useful in stressful situations. Question is, where did these superstitions come from? To be honest, everywhere. Superstitions are linked into every culture and religion on Earth, whether it be christianity or buddhism, they are tied into them all. The Renaissance was a time of strong belief in superstitions, most closely being witches, ghosts, and luck, all of which helped this time period flourish and grow spiritually. Witches were a heavy influence on superstitions during the Renaissance, believed to be the causes of the bubonic plague, crop failure, harvest failure, animal death, and so on. Mostly women were accused of this 'devil's craft' because of the intellectual belief that women were the weaker sex. Women were not highly thought of during the Renaissance, proven by this dominican monk's words, "It is commonly the nature of women to be timid and to be afraid of everything. That is why they busy themselves so much about witchcraft and superstitions and run hither and thither, uttering a magic formula here and a magic formula there." (Kors and Peters, Malleus maleficarum). It was believed witches kept familiars, more content... For instance, it was believed to be terrible luck to spill and/or waste salt. This was due to salts high import price (most salt came from India). It was also believed to be bad if you saw or associated with a black cat, as they were witches' familiars (stated earlier). It was also believed that if you sneezed, it was possible for a demon to possess you, hence the term "God bless you." On the other hand, it was if you were the seventh son of a seventh son, you were considered to possess great luck and talent. Though these luck superstitions are common nowadays, these were seriously taken during the Get more content on
  • 19. Macbeth: Superstitions The tragedy of Macbeth was written by Shakespeare in 1606 and produced in 1610. Macbeth is the most concentrated of Shakespeare 's tragedies. The action gushes forward with great speed from the beginning to end. The main characters in the play are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, who are very noble, but their evil ambition ultimately causes their downfall and death. The play focuses around evil, greed and the supernatural. The play was written by Shakespeare for the king at that time, since he was a big believer of witches and the supernatural. Supernatural is classified as the unnatural or the explainable mysteries of our universe. In Shakespeare 's time many people would relate many of the unusual happening against more content... Their powers were in part to tell future events, to create evil and destruction. The witches could not however do fatal harm to their victims. In appearance they were sexless. Banquo says that they should be women but they have a beard. The witches relation to Macbeth is that they represent Macbeth 's evil ambition, only Macbeth can see the witches and no one else. Later in the play they lead him to his destruction. They do not guide Macbeth but they only represent his own wishes and thoughts. Shakespeare 's witches are a compound of native folklore and classical mythology. They serve demons, for they are summoned by the devil and predict apparitions. They are associated with Hecate, the Greek goddesses of sorcery. Although the witches can foretell the future, the main idea of the play is that Macbeth bears responsibility for his own actions. The witches, and ghosts influence him but do not control his destiny. Superstitions were often believed by many Elizabethans in Shakespeare 's time but how are these superstitions used in the play. Superstitions are the unnatural unseen of the universe. Witches were one of these superstitions. Witches are no longer a big thing in today 's society but it was a different story for Elizabethans in Shakespeare 's time. The witches and other superstitions in the play which include ghosts, destiny and apparitions all have a role in the play about Macbeth. These superstitions were used to entertain the people of Get more content on