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stamp Emma B. 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 I’m having so much fun in Switzerland! Today is Swiss National day, which is the Swiss Fourth of July. Switzerland’s government reminds me of America’s. The Swiss Federal Constitution was made in 1848, modeled after the American Constitution. That’s some history, but the animals are cool! I’m glad that we could bring Dakota, my 2-year-old Bernese Mountian dog. His breed comes from Bern, the capital. Along with Berners, St. Brenards are natives of Switzerland. Last week, we hiked up the Alps Mountains(which Dakota enjoyed, it felt so natural to him!), and saw lots of wildlife,like foxes, deer, and a kind of mountain goat called an ibex. We went to a Swiss church on Sunday( however, it was hard to understand). The main religions of Switzerland are Christian ,Catholic ,and Protestant. Also, some people are Jewish, Islamic, and Greek Orthodox. Monday,we went to Bern, the capital. There were so many languages being spoken! The main languages are French, German, Italian, and Romansh. Most people know 2-4 languages! You can hear different languages, even within a single conversation! Well, I have to go, I can’t wait to see you for my birthday! Love, Sarah Dear Emma,
Resources cited
Dear Ms. Levy, France is one of the greatest, most interesting, and fun places that I have ever been to. I think that it is really amazing that Joan of Arc is still remembered in France for changing the course of the 100 years war. She is now France’s patron saint, and they have a big golden statue of her in Paris. Also, I think that it is incredible how France rebuilt their economy so efficiently after World War 2. So many towns, factories, and railroads were destroyed by bombings, and now France has nothing of that sort. So far, my favorite part of France has been the great palace of Versailles. It is probably the biggest building that I have ever seen. King Louis the XVI was pretty lucky to live there with the gardens, the fountains and,  best of all, the famous Hall Of Mirrors. It has been fun here in France, learning popular sports and observing the French daily life. I have noticed that tennis is a very big sport here. The Roland Garros tennis tournament is held just out of Paris every year. Also, the Tour De France biking race is held in France every year. I love the way they eat in France. Always five courses. First, the appetizer, next, the main course, then cheese, Dessert, and finally a cup of coffee. And they always eat dinner late, at around seven thirty.  Image of country’s flag Ms. Levy 0 Street Street Newton, Massachusetts  02458 Sincerely, Charlie
Resources cited http://msnbcmedia1.msn. com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/2007/June/070622/070625_versailles_hmed_1p.hmedium.jpgb
welcome to italy
stamp Dear Ms. Levy, Hey. How are you doing? I have found the loveliest Prada purse for you.  It was only 50,000 euros, but you are worth every bit of it. Today I went to see Roman architecture. I saw the Roman Forum, and the Colosseum. Almost everyone speaks Italian so I can not understand them! The family I am staying with is very nice. Their grandma lives with them and helps with lots of things. Oh yeah, they call soccer football and a lot of people love to watch it. They have a president, prime minister, and a parliamentary democracy. Well we are going to eat. See you later. Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Vernon Street Newton, MA  02458 Best Wishes, Alexa : )
Resources cited http://www. italyflag . org/Italy_Flag .jpg
Dear Ms. Levy, Image of country’s flag Ms. Levy 51 McCheesemo Court Los Angeles, California 34857 Sincerely, Ranen This week I visited Paris, France . It is such an elegant city with it’s amazing food and architecture! The government here is very much like in America, a democracy. France also has the largest population of Jews compared to any country in Europe! Not only is the art here beautiful, but great tasting! Here in France, food is treated like an art, unique and dazzling. France’s history is also very interesting. Many people settled here and fought for France’s land. Don’t even get me started on the products here. From coal to tobacco and cars to matches, it seems that France is sprawling by the hour! The national language is French. The language sounds like music to me. I wish you could be here in Paris with me to experience all the excitement! Resources cited
wish you were here!!!
Dear  Ms.Levy, I am writing to you from Russia. It is beautiful here. Let me tell you a little bit about it. Here are some of Russia’s features. Russia is one of the more frigid places on planet earth. Even though it is one of the coldest places over 40 million people live  there.Siberia is the coldest area in Russia. This continent is very polluted because there are a lot of factories. Also, there are many fine buildings. There are so many interesting things in Russia. There, ballet companies tour all over. The Faberge there is fabulous. It is beautifully decorated, the egg sculptures made from silver and gold are very popular in Russia. Everyone also loves the Russian dolls. For Russia’s transportation people take trains. More than 9 million people take the Moscow Metro each day. On each train there is a restaurant car. People travel all over on the Moscow Metro. Now I will tell you about Russia’s traditional food and drinks. Many people enjoy the meal borscht. Piroshki is a very common food. Shashliki is a very common food in Russia. Russia’s fun facts….. Everything you want to know about Russia. The official name is Russian federation. 143 people live in Russia. Russia stretches from Europe across Northern America. Laura Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Vernon Street Newton MA 02458
Resources cited //
welcome to Italy The happiest place on earth
stamp Dear Mom, Image of country’s flag Kathy, Hart 32 and colonial ave Newton , ma 02460 Ciao, Mom! My trip to Italy is amazing! Did you know that one of the biggest church in the world is located in Italy? It’s called the Sistine (16th) Chapel! Last week I went to one of the museums in Florence. It was awesome!! I also went to Rome and I got to walk inside one of the coliseums. Did you know that long ago the Mediterraneans came to trade and establish colonies? The three most comment sports in Italy are Rugby, Soccer and Bocce. Did you know that every saint has a day, and that the catacombs are also located in Rome? Well, I’ve got to go. I will see you when I get home! Love, Mike
Resources cited
Welcome To Ireland
stamp Dear Mom, Image of country’s flag Mom 34 Miracle St. Penn, NY 02512 I went to Ireland and have been studying the culture. For example, the government is a democracy with a president that rules the country also called the Republic of Ireland. Also, the country is 95% Catholic and 3% Protestant. Everyone who is Irish celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day. Did you know St. Patrick was not really Irish he was British! The main language in Ireland is English, but Gaelic is still in use, Mostly on the west side. There are tons of arts and architecture in Ireland, such as the Megalithic Passage, tombs , Irish music and step dancing.  There are also castles, forts, and churches.  I’m having fun in Ireland see you soon!!!!  Sincerely, Daniel
Resources  cited
Greetings from Greece!
Dear Jade, Jade L., 76 Exeter St. Newton, MA, 02465 My trip to Greece was amazing! The people were so welcoming to me, I loved it! Greece’s currency is the euro, and they speak modern Greek. The people of Greece absolutely love lamb. It’s a big part of their diet. They also use olive oil frequently. Their houses usually consist of three to four rooms and they’re not very clean. The people here love to dance to the sound of the bouzouki, a stringed instrument. Fun fact: In 1924, Greece became an independent country, also known as a republic. The people here wear dresses, braided jackets, and kilts. They also enjoy playing sports and socializing.  Your friend, Alyssa
Resources cited:,%20Athens,%20The%20Acropolis,%20Parthenon%20-%20Photo%20by%20Visit%20Athens.jpg
Le désir vous étiez ici!
stamp Dear Ms Levy, France is great!  The first day I arrived, I saw this magnificent statue of Joan of Arc.  She dressed in mans clothing and lead the French army.  She is still remembered today by a large golden statue in Paris.  It seems like the French take the culinary arts very seriously.  Food is a way of life for the French.  They never skip meals, and it is always with family or friends.  There are a bunch of monuments all around the country.  This unusual monument is actually a palace. The Versailles.  King Louie XVI lived here!  The most famous room is the Hall of Mirrors.  There is also an elegant garden with lakes,fountains, and theatres.  Everywhere I go I see someone playing some kind of sport.  Tennis is a big sport in France.  The Rol and Garros tournament in Paris is one of the most popular tennis tournament on the Earth!  Another great sport in France is Biking.  The Tour de France is a huge bike race around France.  Thanks to the French biking is now an Olympic sport!  France’s economy is very interesting.  Back in World War II, the war destroyed the economy.  Nobody wanted to go out, which means that store keepers make less money.  Now they have many different ways on getting energy.  They use coal, natural gas, and even nuclear power!  Well I’m running out of room on this postcard, so I’ll see you when I get back! Frank Cranny 1254 Fake St. Faketown Massachusetts 00001 From, Jared
Resources cited
Greetings From Germany!
stamp Dear Ms. Levy, I am here in delicious Germany, home of the Berlin Wall! Actually, I was just at the Brandenburg Gate a few days ago, which overlooks the remains of the wall. Can you believe that it separated Germany for 28 years? I can’t believe families couldn’t see each other for that long! Speaking of families, did you know that on average, only 2.7 people live in each household in Germany? And I thought my family of six was small! Unfortunately, the divorce rate is rising, so family bonds are weakening, but let’s stay positive! Like did you know that there are over 33,300 primary schools in Germany? Being a teacher I thought you might like to know that. However, if you were a teacher in Germany, you would have to teach on Saturdays! I would not like to do that! I mean…I would love to! Anyway, yesterday I went to  Au Comptoir de Loic , which is one of Germany’s fabulous restaurants and got a delicious dish consisting of currywursts, which is Germany’s most famous sausage. As I was drinking my beverage, I noticed that there were many different races around me. I then later found out that there are more than 7 million foreign residents in Germany, and more than 2 million are Turkish! Oh, that’s my mom calling me, we’re going to take a tour of Castle Nueschwanstein, a 19th century castle built for King Ludwig II. Here’s a cool fact, Walt Disney modeled it for the castle in Sleeping Beauty!  Good choice! Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Ms. Levy Rd. Susan Levy, MS 02458  Love, Jen Gately
Resources cited
Greetings From France
stamp Dear, Ms.Levy, I am having the greatest time in France.  I would have to say the absolute best part is their food.  Their cuisine is so rich in flavor.  The French are most famous for their oysters and baguettes.  I can see why! Oh, and if you’re looking for entertainment, France is the place to go. I love to watch sports for entertainment and football is a big sport there (we call their football “soccer”) Another big sport there is biking.  Every year the tour de France is held in France.  It is one of the biggest biking races in the world.  I’ve  also spent a lot of time sight- seeing. One of the monuments I’ve seen is the Eiffel Tower in Paris.  I’ve also seen the famous painting the Mona Lisa.  I was taking a tour of the churches in France, there are many churches but surprisingly there weren’t many people in them.  I asked the tour guide why? She said that about 80 percent are considered to be Roman catholic, but only 14 percent attend church.  Weird huh? Well I hope you visit France some time I sure am happy that I am, well see you later. Image of country’s flag Ms.Susan Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 Sincerely, Jake L. Jake L.
Resources cited to_1182978-vintage-french-stamp-1939-ephemera.jpg&imgrefurl= http://www . visitingdc . com/images/eiffel-tower-paris-france .jpg ,[object Object],
Welcome To Italy
stamp Dear Matt Hey Matt it’s Alexis. I’m in Italy right now I ate breakfast in Venice this morning I had hand made pastries , strong black coffee with creamy milk it was delicious yesterday I went shopping at a lot of big markets there are a ton of meat shops and food stands around here,there are a ton of corn felids and farmers, later today I’m going to go Milan which is one of the greatest cities in Italy that celebrate holidays , in Tuscany they celebrate horse racing which there is a race coming up later tonight which I’ll be watching since there are a ton of good reports from saying that there are some amazing horses and horse racer ! I can’t wait! Well write back to me bye! Sincerely, Alexis Image of country’s flag Matt R. 102 California street Newton Massachusetts 02458
stamp Dear Mom, Image of country’s flag Helen .C.M. 42 Vernon Street Newton,MA 02467 Today I decided to visit Norway. I know it’s last minute and all, but you should hear about it. It’s very interesting! Most Norwegians all look alike. They are all very tall with narrow faces. They either have blue or gray eyes, and have blonde hair. Their regular days are much different then ours. School is strange there. They go six days a week. For thirty-eight weeks out of the year. The kids don’t even have to start school until they are nine years old! They have six years in their lower school, and three years in their upper schooling. People that can afford it, go to school in a major city.Where ever you go there is always religious teaching, and cooking in all of the schools. Every citizen also has free health care. People in Norway speak four main languages. There is two different types of Norwegian (Bokmal and Nynorsk). They also speak English and German. Guess what! They used to have vikings 900 years ago, and there are still some today! They always used to make beautiful rock carvings. And they had a Viking god named, Odin. They have many different religions, just like us. I will list all of them for you. Lets see. There's Norwegian, Lutheran, Protestant Lutheran Reformation, Danish, Lapps, Asiatic, Christians, and there are also, bishops, vikings, and priests. I wish you were here, I miss you! Love, Gracie
Resources cited
Greetings from Italy
Dear Gabby, Image of country’s flag Gabby V. 42 Vernon St. Newton MA 02458 Today I went to The Coloseum in Rome.I learned that gladiators use to fight in there.I also visited the Trevi Fountain.I learned that the economy suffered a sharp slowdown and people lost job and some businesses had to shut down.Tomorrow I am flying down to Sicily to go Mont Etna volcano.A lot of the people here speak Italian, and 95% of the Italian people are Roman Catholic.The republic  was founded in 1946.Then I am going to Venice and on a gondolier that takes you through the canals of Venice.  Your Friend, Alexa
Resources cited My Great world
Greetings from Lithuania! It's really beautiful! Wish you were here! Hi!
Dear Ona, Ona J. 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA  02458 Lithuania is a very interesting country. (You would know!) For example, the history of Lithuania has been greatly influenced by the fact that the surrounding countries (Poland, Germany, Russia and Sweden all fought over that small, vital piece of land. Their food is mainly based on potatoes, but they use a lot of spices, like garlic, onion, parsley and dill. Dance and theatre arts are a big part of their culture, too. They have a HUGE singing festival every five years. Thousands attend it! The language they speak is Lithuanian. It uses the Latin alphabet with variations for special sounds. Their religion was greatly affected by the Soviets.They were even the last European country to convert to Christianity. Lithuania is a really interesting country, and I am really glad to be here! Your awesome friend, Claire
Resources cited: I got all my pictures except my flag and stamp from “My Great World”  My stamp came from: My flag came from:
Welcome To France!
stamp Dear Cristina, Image of country’s flag Cristina 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 My trip to France was so beautiful! I learned some French: ”Bonjour.” The fashion shows in Paris are incredible. It’s the fashion capital of Europe. Chartres Cathedral is very delightful. The paintings I can’t even describe. They have lots of major industries like food, cars,and aircraft. I had the chance to go on the Massif Central. It’s so high up but people have told me that the weather has been wearing down all the sharp peaks. I was thinking about maybe touring Italy after because I heard they have great food too. Well talk to you later! Best Wishes, Your Friend Desi
Resources cited
Welcome To France!
stamp Dear  Ms. Levy, I am in France right now! Did you know that they have 83 days of snow here in the winter? Of course they all speak French, and I take Spanish, so it’s hard to understand people, but my mom speaks French so she translates. They also use money called euros instead of dollars. It’s so different from where we live. Their religion is Roman Catholic, and the churches are HUGE with colored glass windows. Yesterday, my family and I went to the Eiffel tower! It’s so big and complicated when you look at it from the ground! Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 Sincerely, Sarah
My Sources Are…………
Dear, Ms.Levy, Spain is so beautiful they have so many interesting traits of culture. Last night my family and I went to a restaurant and they had this really unique wine called sherry. It is also a little hard for my dad and I to understand the people because they speak Castillian in Catalonia. That is where are staying. We went to a museum yesterday and we found out that 94% of Spain is Catholic. We also learned that the head of the state is the King. Tomorrow we are going to go to the Puerta de Europa office building.The building is known for its interesting architecture. It is going to be so much fun! HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON, Darisa Ms, Susan Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458
Resources cited
stamp Ms. Levy 42 Vernon street. Newton, Ma Dear Ms. Levy, Yesterday I was in Bulgaria! I liked the art and architecture. There was a very famous church, the biggest on the Balkan Peninsula.  The name of this church is Rila Monastery.  I was in Sofia too, which is the capital city. There I visited the National Palace of Culture. The Bulgarians attend schools and they even learn English there. The food there is very tasty. It is different than American food. Lamb, veal (calf meat) and pork are central to many Bulgarian dishes. A lot of people like meals with soup. Bulgarians also love soccer, just like me. Bulgaria has a lot of history and i will tell you a little bit about it: In 700 B.C Thracians left a rich culture.They had lived on the Balkan Peninsula and still when I was on the fieldtrips in Bulgaria the people always were talking about that. In Bulgaria the government usually pays  more to men than to women. The Bulgarian population is decreasing. Bulgaria exports more than $5 billion in goods, including: cloth, footwear, iron, steel and fuel. In 1990 there were no longer guaranteed jobs. The government said that people would not be free to operate their own businesses or voice their political opinions . Sincerely, Afanasy
Resources cited
Bienvenue en France!
Dear Ms. Levy, France is one of the greatest, most interesting, and fun places that I have ever been to. I think that it is really amazing that Joan of Arc is still remembered in France for changing the course of the 100 Years War. She is now France’s patron saint, and they have a big golden statue of her in Paris. Also, I think that it is incredible how France rebuilt their economy so efficiently after World War 2. So many towns, factories, and railroads were destroyed by bombings, and now, France has nothing of that sort. So far, my favorite part of France has been the great palace of Versailles. It is definitely the biggest building that I have ever seen. King Louis the XVI was pretty lucky to live there with the gardens, the fountains and,  best of all, the famous Hall Of Mirrors. It has been fun here in France, learning popular sports and observing the French daily life. I have noticed that tennis is a very big sport here. The Roland Garros tennis tournament is held just outside of Paris every year. Also, the Tour De France bike race is held in France every year. Lance Armstrong won this race 7 years in a row! I love the way they eat in France. There is almost always five courses in the meal. First, the appetizer, next, the main course, then cheese, dessert, and finally a cup of coffee. And they always eat dinner late, at around seven thirty. Sincerely, Charlie  Image of country’s flag Ms. Levy 0 Street Street Newton, Massachusetts  02458
Resources cited http://msnbcmedia1.msn. com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/2007/June/070622/070625_versailles_hmed_1p.hmedium.jpgb
Wilkommen sie Osterreich
Dear________Ms. Levy’s class_____, Ms. Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 Sincerely, Mr. Sims I just returned from the time of my life in Austria.  I went skiing with some friends in Innsbruck in the west of the country.  Skiing is the definitely the most popular sport in Austria. The official language of Austria is German (Osterreich means Austria in German), although almost everyone in Austria’s capital city, Vienna, speaks excellent English.  Almost three-quarters of Austrians are Catholic and many Austrian Churches such as Stephanplatz in downtown Vienna are both historical (Stephanplatz was built in the 12 th  century) and great works of art.  Austria is famous for its music and architecture.  I would wholeheartedly recommend a Vienna Philharmonic concert and if you are interested in opera there’s no better place in the world to see a performance than in the Vienna State Opera, which is also a famous example of Viennese architecture (It was even bombed during WWII but has since been renovated many times over). Finally, with a few Euros (The currency of many European countries including Austria), you’ve got to try a classic dish of Wiener Schnitzel (It’s fried veal or pork), and if you love chocolate, sample the Sacher Torte at the Sacher Hotel (right across the street from the Vienna State Opera.)  It is truly the most chocolaty chocolate cake I have ever tasted! =
wish you were here!
stamp Image of country’s flag Alexa.M 42 Vernon st. Newton Ma. 02458 Dear Alexa, Today I went to Rome, Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy. Did you know that Italy is a peninsula and it is shaped like a boot? I saw a lot of cool sculptures and paintings. I visited the coliseum and the Trevi fountain. While I was there I ate a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs, Italy has many different kinds of foods. The people in Italy speak many different languages, such as Italian, French, German, Albanian, and Arabic. Italy’s population in 1988 was 58,057,477. The republic founded Italy in 1946. Yours truly, Gabby Resources cited The Land and People of Italy
A Hello From Northern Ireland
stamp Dear Mr. Sims Image of country’s flag Mr. Sims 134, Kalon St.  Wichita, Kansas 03759 I’m having a great time in Northern Ireland. I would like to tell you about it. Northern Ireland has lush green grass and it looks like a beautiful place to live. The architecture is amazing. Speaking of arts and architecture, most people in Northern Ireland live in special houses that are usually connected to each other. They also have many famous statues, and they is lots of graffiti on the walls. The arts mainly consist of music and parades. Most of the music is based on the Celts. They perform a lot in pubs. They also have many parades. Their daily life is quite interesting,I shall tell you about that. Everybody in Northern Ireland has different life styles. Some are poor, while some are rich. All kids in Northern Ireland are required to go to school. They also have Celtic artistic traditions. They all eat simple food diets. They have a unique language, it is called Ulster Irish. However, it is a minority language, so not many people use it. These are most of the things I’ve learned about. I’ll send another postcard later. from, your student Alexander
Resources cited: “Northern Ireland” Northern Ireland in Pictures. Minneapolis: Lerner, 1991
football spain beautiful presioso omg spain
stamp Dear  Mom, Image of country’s flag Sonia Perez 21 Main Street  San Juan,PR  12345 Love, Yari I was in Spain last week. I learned that some languages that they speak are Basque, Galician,Catalan, and Spanish. Another thing I learned was that about three million people work for a living. Some kids go to school, some don’t. Most of the people play soccer. I really want to speak Catalan and all the languages that people in Spain speak.I was trying my best understand what they were saying. The currency in Spain is the euro. One euro  equals $1.47 .Roman Catholicism is the largest religion in the country by far. About  76% of Spaniards are catholic.Diego Velazquez is a famous painter Spain.He paints real cool paintings.  I even bought  one. It’s beautiful. I had a lot of fun I wish u were here.
Resources cited

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Levy Section 2 European Postcards

  • 2. stamp Emma B. 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 I’m having so much fun in Switzerland! Today is Swiss National day, which is the Swiss Fourth of July. Switzerland’s government reminds me of America’s. The Swiss Federal Constitution was made in 1848, modeled after the American Constitution. That’s some history, but the animals are cool! I’m glad that we could bring Dakota, my 2-year-old Bernese Mountian dog. His breed comes from Bern, the capital. Along with Berners, St. Brenards are natives of Switzerland. Last week, we hiked up the Alps Mountains(which Dakota enjoyed, it felt so natural to him!), and saw lots of wildlife,like foxes, deer, and a kind of mountain goat called an ibex. We went to a Swiss church on Sunday( however, it was hard to understand). The main religions of Switzerland are Christian ,Catholic ,and Protestant. Also, some people are Jewish, Islamic, and Greek Orthodox. Monday,we went to Bern, the capital. There were so many languages being spoken! The main languages are French, German, Italian, and Romansh. Most people know 2-4 languages! You can hear different languages, even within a single conversation! Well, I have to go, I can’t wait to see you for my birthday! Love, Sarah Dear Emma,
  • 3. Resources cited
  • 4.  
  • 5. Dear Ms. Levy, France is one of the greatest, most interesting, and fun places that I have ever been to. I think that it is really amazing that Joan of Arc is still remembered in France for changing the course of the 100 years war. She is now France’s patron saint, and they have a big golden statue of her in Paris. Also, I think that it is incredible how France rebuilt their economy so efficiently after World War 2. So many towns, factories, and railroads were destroyed by bombings, and now France has nothing of that sort. So far, my favorite part of France has been the great palace of Versailles. It is probably the biggest building that I have ever seen. King Louis the XVI was pretty lucky to live there with the gardens, the fountains and, best of all, the famous Hall Of Mirrors. It has been fun here in France, learning popular sports and observing the French daily life. I have noticed that tennis is a very big sport here. The Roland Garros tennis tournament is held just out of Paris every year. Also, the Tour De France biking race is held in France every year. I love the way they eat in France. Always five courses. First, the appetizer, next, the main course, then cheese, Dessert, and finally a cup of coffee. And they always eat dinner late, at around seven thirty. Image of country’s flag Ms. Levy 0 Street Street Newton, Massachusetts 02458 Sincerely, Charlie
  • 6. Resources cited http://msnbcmedia1.msn. com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/2007/June/070622/070625_versailles_hmed_1p.hmedium.jpgb
  • 8. stamp Dear Ms. Levy, Hey. How are you doing? I have found the loveliest Prada purse for you. It was only 50,000 euros, but you are worth every bit of it. Today I went to see Roman architecture. I saw the Roman Forum, and the Colosseum. Almost everyone speaks Italian so I can not understand them! The family I am staying with is very nice. Their grandma lives with them and helps with lots of things. Oh yeah, they call soccer football and a lot of people love to watch it. They have a president, prime minister, and a parliamentary democracy. Well we are going to eat. See you later. Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Vernon Street Newton, MA 02458 Best Wishes, Alexa : )
  • 9. Resources cited http://www. italyflag . org/Italy_Flag .jpg
  • 11. Dear Ms. Levy, Image of country’s flag Ms. Levy 51 McCheesemo Court Los Angeles, California 34857 Sincerely, Ranen This week I visited Paris, France . It is such an elegant city with it’s amazing food and architecture! The government here is very much like in America, a democracy. France also has the largest population of Jews compared to any country in Europe! Not only is the art here beautiful, but great tasting! Here in France, food is treated like an art, unique and dazzling. France’s history is also very interesting. Many people settled here and fought for France’s land. Don’t even get me started on the products here. From coal to tobacco and cars to matches, it seems that France is sprawling by the hour! The national language is French. The language sounds like music to me. I wish you could be here in Paris with me to experience all the excitement!
  • 12. Resources cited
  • 13. wish you were here!!!
  • 14. Dear Ms.Levy, I am writing to you from Russia. It is beautiful here. Let me tell you a little bit about it. Here are some of Russia’s features. Russia is one of the more frigid places on planet earth. Even though it is one of the coldest places over 40 million people live there.Siberia is the coldest area in Russia. This continent is very polluted because there are a lot of factories. Also, there are many fine buildings. There are so many interesting things in Russia. There, ballet companies tour all over. The Faberge there is fabulous. It is beautifully decorated, the egg sculptures made from silver and gold are very popular in Russia. Everyone also loves the Russian dolls. For Russia’s transportation people take trains. More than 9 million people take the Moscow Metro each day. On each train there is a restaurant car. People travel all over on the Moscow Metro. Now I will tell you about Russia’s traditional food and drinks. Many people enjoy the meal borscht. Piroshki is a very common food. Shashliki is a very common food in Russia. Russia’s fun facts….. Everything you want to know about Russia. The official name is Russian federation. 143 people live in Russia. Russia stretches from Europe across Northern America. Laura Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Vernon Street Newton MA 02458
  • 15. Resources cited //
  • 16. welcome to Italy The happiest place on earth
  • 17. stamp Dear Mom, Image of country’s flag Kathy, Hart 32 and colonial ave Newton , ma 02460 Ciao, Mom! My trip to Italy is amazing! Did you know that one of the biggest church in the world is located in Italy? It’s called the Sistine (16th) Chapel! Last week I went to one of the museums in Florence. It was awesome!! I also went to Rome and I got to walk inside one of the coliseums. Did you know that long ago the Mediterraneans came to trade and establish colonies? The three most comment sports in Italy are Rugby, Soccer and Bocce. Did you know that every saint has a day, and that the catacombs are also located in Rome? Well, I’ve got to go. I will see you when I get home! Love, Mike
  • 18. Resources cited
  • 20. stamp Dear Mom, Image of country’s flag Mom 34 Miracle St. Penn, NY 02512 I went to Ireland and have been studying the culture. For example, the government is a democracy with a president that rules the country also called the Republic of Ireland. Also, the country is 95% Catholic and 3% Protestant. Everyone who is Irish celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day. Did you know St. Patrick was not really Irish he was British! The main language in Ireland is English, but Gaelic is still in use, Mostly on the west side. There are tons of arts and architecture in Ireland, such as the Megalithic Passage, tombs , Irish music and step dancing. There are also castles, forts, and churches. I’m having fun in Ireland see you soon!!!! Sincerely, Daniel
  • 21. Resources cited
  • 23. Dear Jade, Jade L., 76 Exeter St. Newton, MA, 02465 My trip to Greece was amazing! The people were so welcoming to me, I loved it! Greece’s currency is the euro, and they speak modern Greek. The people of Greece absolutely love lamb. It’s a big part of their diet. They also use olive oil frequently. Their houses usually consist of three to four rooms and they’re not very clean. The people here love to dance to the sound of the bouzouki, a stringed instrument. Fun fact: In 1924, Greece became an independent country, also known as a republic. The people here wear dresses, braided jackets, and kilts. They also enjoy playing sports and socializing. Your friend, Alyssa
  • 24. Resources cited:,%20Athens,%20The%20Acropolis,%20Parthenon%20-%20Photo%20by%20Visit%20Athens.jpg
  • 25. Le désir vous étiez ici!
  • 26. stamp Dear Ms Levy, France is great! The first day I arrived, I saw this magnificent statue of Joan of Arc. She dressed in mans clothing and lead the French army. She is still remembered today by a large golden statue in Paris. It seems like the French take the culinary arts very seriously. Food is a way of life for the French. They never skip meals, and it is always with family or friends. There are a bunch of monuments all around the country. This unusual monument is actually a palace. The Versailles. King Louie XVI lived here! The most famous room is the Hall of Mirrors. There is also an elegant garden with lakes,fountains, and theatres. Everywhere I go I see someone playing some kind of sport. Tennis is a big sport in France. The Rol and Garros tournament in Paris is one of the most popular tennis tournament on the Earth! Another great sport in France is Biking. The Tour de France is a huge bike race around France. Thanks to the French biking is now an Olympic sport! France’s economy is very interesting. Back in World War II, the war destroyed the economy. Nobody wanted to go out, which means that store keepers make less money. Now they have many different ways on getting energy. They use coal, natural gas, and even nuclear power! Well I’m running out of room on this postcard, so I’ll see you when I get back! Frank Cranny 1254 Fake St. Faketown Massachusetts 00001 From, Jared
  • 29. stamp Dear Ms. Levy, I am here in delicious Germany, home of the Berlin Wall! Actually, I was just at the Brandenburg Gate a few days ago, which overlooks the remains of the wall. Can you believe that it separated Germany for 28 years? I can’t believe families couldn’t see each other for that long! Speaking of families, did you know that on average, only 2.7 people live in each household in Germany? And I thought my family of six was small! Unfortunately, the divorce rate is rising, so family bonds are weakening, but let’s stay positive! Like did you know that there are over 33,300 primary schools in Germany? Being a teacher I thought you might like to know that. However, if you were a teacher in Germany, you would have to teach on Saturdays! I would not like to do that! I mean…I would love to! Anyway, yesterday I went to Au Comptoir de Loic , which is one of Germany’s fabulous restaurants and got a delicious dish consisting of currywursts, which is Germany’s most famous sausage. As I was drinking my beverage, I noticed that there were many different races around me. I then later found out that there are more than 7 million foreign residents in Germany, and more than 2 million are Turkish! Oh, that’s my mom calling me, we’re going to take a tour of Castle Nueschwanstein, a 19th century castle built for King Ludwig II. Here’s a cool fact, Walt Disney modeled it for the castle in Sleeping Beauty! Good choice! Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Ms. Levy Rd. Susan Levy, MS 02458 Love, Jen Gately
  • 30. Resources cited
  • 32. stamp Dear, Ms.Levy, I am having the greatest time in France. I would have to say the absolute best part is their food. Their cuisine is so rich in flavor. The French are most famous for their oysters and baguettes. I can see why! Oh, and if you’re looking for entertainment, France is the place to go. I love to watch sports for entertainment and football is a big sport there (we call their football “soccer”) Another big sport there is biking. Every year the tour de France is held in France. It is one of the biggest biking races in the world. I’ve also spent a lot of time sight- seeing. One of the monuments I’ve seen is the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I’ve also seen the famous painting the Mona Lisa. I was taking a tour of the churches in France, there are many churches but surprisingly there weren’t many people in them. I asked the tour guide why? She said that about 80 percent are considered to be Roman catholic, but only 14 percent attend church. Weird huh? Well I hope you visit France some time I sure am happy that I am, well see you later. Image of country’s flag Ms.Susan Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 Sincerely, Jake L. Jake L.
  • 33.
  • 35. stamp Dear Matt Hey Matt it’s Alexis. I’m in Italy right now I ate breakfast in Venice this morning I had hand made pastries , strong black coffee with creamy milk it was delicious yesterday I went shopping at a lot of big markets there are a ton of meat shops and food stands around here,there are a ton of corn felids and farmers, later today I’m going to go Milan which is one of the greatest cities in Italy that celebrate holidays , in Tuscany they celebrate horse racing which there is a race coming up later tonight which I’ll be watching since there are a ton of good reports from saying that there are some amazing horses and horse racer ! I can’t wait! Well write back to me bye! Sincerely, Alexis Image of country’s flag Matt R. 102 California street Newton Massachusetts 02458
  • 38. stamp Dear Mom, Image of country’s flag Helen .C.M. 42 Vernon Street Newton,MA 02467 Today I decided to visit Norway. I know it’s last minute and all, but you should hear about it. It’s very interesting! Most Norwegians all look alike. They are all very tall with narrow faces. They either have blue or gray eyes, and have blonde hair. Their regular days are much different then ours. School is strange there. They go six days a week. For thirty-eight weeks out of the year. The kids don’t even have to start school until they are nine years old! They have six years in their lower school, and three years in their upper schooling. People that can afford it, go to school in a major city.Where ever you go there is always religious teaching, and cooking in all of the schools. Every citizen also has free health care. People in Norway speak four main languages. There is two different types of Norwegian (Bokmal and Nynorsk). They also speak English and German. Guess what! They used to have vikings 900 years ago, and there are still some today! They always used to make beautiful rock carvings. And they had a Viking god named, Odin. They have many different religions, just like us. I will list all of them for you. Lets see. There's Norwegian, Lutheran, Protestant Lutheran Reformation, Danish, Lapps, Asiatic, Christians, and there are also, bishops, vikings, and priests. I wish you were here, I miss you! Love, Gracie
  • 39. Resources cited
  • 41. Dear Gabby, Image of country’s flag Gabby V. 42 Vernon St. Newton MA 02458 Today I went to The Coloseum in Rome.I learned that gladiators use to fight in there.I also visited the Trevi Fountain.I learned that the economy suffered a sharp slowdown and people lost job and some businesses had to shut down.Tomorrow I am flying down to Sicily to go Mont Etna volcano.A lot of the people here speak Italian, and 95% of the Italian people are Roman Catholic.The republic was founded in 1946.Then I am going to Venice and on a gondolier that takes you through the canals of Venice. Your Friend, Alexa
  • 42. Resources cited My Great world
  • 43. Greetings from Lithuania! It's really beautiful! Wish you were here! Hi!
  • 44. Dear Ona, Ona J. 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 Lithuania is a very interesting country. (You would know!) For example, the history of Lithuania has been greatly influenced by the fact that the surrounding countries (Poland, Germany, Russia and Sweden all fought over that small, vital piece of land. Their food is mainly based on potatoes, but they use a lot of spices, like garlic, onion, parsley and dill. Dance and theatre arts are a big part of their culture, too. They have a HUGE singing festival every five years. Thousands attend it! The language they speak is Lithuanian. It uses the Latin alphabet with variations for special sounds. Their religion was greatly affected by the Soviets.They were even the last European country to convert to Christianity. Lithuania is a really interesting country, and I am really glad to be here! Your awesome friend, Claire
  • 45. Resources cited: I got all my pictures except my flag and stamp from “My Great World” My stamp came from: My flag came from:
  • 47. stamp Dear Cristina, Image of country’s flag Cristina 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 My trip to France was so beautiful! I learned some French: ”Bonjour.” The fashion shows in Paris are incredible. It’s the fashion capital of Europe. Chartres Cathedral is very delightful. The paintings I can’t even describe. They have lots of major industries like food, cars,and aircraft. I had the chance to go on the Massif Central. It’s so high up but people have told me that the weather has been wearing down all the sharp peaks. I was thinking about maybe touring Italy after because I heard they have great food too. Well talk to you later! Best Wishes, Your Friend Desi
  • 48. Resources cited
  • 50. stamp Dear Ms. Levy, I am in France right now! Did you know that they have 83 days of snow here in the winter? Of course they all speak French, and I take Spanish, so it’s hard to understand people, but my mom speaks French so she translates. They also use money called euros instead of dollars. It’s so different from where we live. Their religion is Roman Catholic, and the churches are HUGE with colored glass windows. Yesterday, my family and I went to the Eiffel tower! It’s so big and complicated when you look at it from the ground! Image of country’s flag Ms. Susan Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 Sincerely, Sarah
  • 51. My Sources Are…………
  • 52. WISH YOU WHERE HERE!!! : )
  • 53. Dear, Ms.Levy, Spain is so beautiful they have so many interesting traits of culture. Last night my family and I went to a restaurant and they had this really unique wine called sherry. It is also a little hard for my dad and I to understand the people because they speak Castillian in Catalonia. That is where are staying. We went to a museum yesterday and we found out that 94% of Spain is Catholic. We also learned that the head of the state is the King. Tomorrow we are going to go to the Puerta de Europa office building.The building is known for its interesting architecture. It is going to be so much fun! HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON, Darisa Ms, Susan Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458
  • 54. Resources cited
  • 56. stamp Ms. Levy 42 Vernon street. Newton, Ma Dear Ms. Levy, Yesterday I was in Bulgaria! I liked the art and architecture. There was a very famous church, the biggest on the Balkan Peninsula. The name of this church is Rila Monastery. I was in Sofia too, which is the capital city. There I visited the National Palace of Culture. The Bulgarians attend schools and they even learn English there. The food there is very tasty. It is different than American food. Lamb, veal (calf meat) and pork are central to many Bulgarian dishes. A lot of people like meals with soup. Bulgarians also love soccer, just like me. Bulgaria has a lot of history and i will tell you a little bit about it: In 700 B.C Thracians left a rich culture.They had lived on the Balkan Peninsula and still when I was on the fieldtrips in Bulgaria the people always were talking about that. In Bulgaria the government usually pays more to men than to women. The Bulgarian population is decreasing. Bulgaria exports more than $5 billion in goods, including: cloth, footwear, iron, steel and fuel. In 1990 there were no longer guaranteed jobs. The government said that people would not be free to operate their own businesses or voice their political opinions . Sincerely, Afanasy
  • 59. Dear Ms. Levy, France is one of the greatest, most interesting, and fun places that I have ever been to. I think that it is really amazing that Joan of Arc is still remembered in France for changing the course of the 100 Years War. She is now France’s patron saint, and they have a big golden statue of her in Paris. Also, I think that it is incredible how France rebuilt their economy so efficiently after World War 2. So many towns, factories, and railroads were destroyed by bombings, and now, France has nothing of that sort. So far, my favorite part of France has been the great palace of Versailles. It is definitely the biggest building that I have ever seen. King Louis the XVI was pretty lucky to live there with the gardens, the fountains and, best of all, the famous Hall Of Mirrors. It has been fun here in France, learning popular sports and observing the French daily life. I have noticed that tennis is a very big sport here. The Roland Garros tennis tournament is held just outside of Paris every year. Also, the Tour De France bike race is held in France every year. Lance Armstrong won this race 7 years in a row! I love the way they eat in France. There is almost always five courses in the meal. First, the appetizer, next, the main course, then cheese, dessert, and finally a cup of coffee. And they always eat dinner late, at around seven thirty. Sincerely, Charlie Image of country’s flag Ms. Levy 0 Street Street Newton, Massachusetts 02458
  • 60. Resources cited http://msnbcmedia1.msn. com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/2007/June/070622/070625_versailles_hmed_1p.hmedium.jpgb
  • 62. Dear________Ms. Levy’s class_____, Ms. Levy 42 Vernon St. Newton, MA 02458 Sincerely, Mr. Sims I just returned from the time of my life in Austria. I went skiing with some friends in Innsbruck in the west of the country. Skiing is the definitely the most popular sport in Austria. The official language of Austria is German (Osterreich means Austria in German), although almost everyone in Austria’s capital city, Vienna, speaks excellent English. Almost three-quarters of Austrians are Catholic and many Austrian Churches such as Stephanplatz in downtown Vienna are both historical (Stephanplatz was built in the 12 th century) and great works of art. Austria is famous for its music and architecture. I would wholeheartedly recommend a Vienna Philharmonic concert and if you are interested in opera there’s no better place in the world to see a performance than in the Vienna State Opera, which is also a famous example of Viennese architecture (It was even bombed during WWII but has since been renovated many times over). Finally, with a few Euros (The currency of many European countries including Austria), you’ve got to try a classic dish of Wiener Schnitzel (It’s fried veal or pork), and if you love chocolate, sample the Sacher Torte at the Sacher Hotel (right across the street from the Vienna State Opera.) It is truly the most chocolaty chocolate cake I have ever tasted!
  • 63. =
  • 64. wish you were here!
  • 65. stamp Image of country’s flag Alexa.M 42 Vernon st. Newton Ma. 02458 Dear Alexa, Today I went to Rome, Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy. Did you know that Italy is a peninsula and it is shaped like a boot? I saw a lot of cool sculptures and paintings. I visited the coliseum and the Trevi fountain. While I was there I ate a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs, Italy has many different kinds of foods. The people in Italy speak many different languages, such as Italian, French, German, Albanian, and Arabic. Italy’s population in 1988 was 58,057,477. The republic founded Italy in 1946. Yours truly, Gabby
  • 67. A Hello From Northern Ireland
  • 68. stamp Dear Mr. Sims Image of country’s flag Mr. Sims 134, Kalon St. Wichita, Kansas 03759 I’m having a great time in Northern Ireland. I would like to tell you about it. Northern Ireland has lush green grass and it looks like a beautiful place to live. The architecture is amazing. Speaking of arts and architecture, most people in Northern Ireland live in special houses that are usually connected to each other. They also have many famous statues, and they is lots of graffiti on the walls. The arts mainly consist of music and parades. Most of the music is based on the Celts. They perform a lot in pubs. They also have many parades. Their daily life is quite interesting,I shall tell you about that. Everybody in Northern Ireland has different life styles. Some are poor, while some are rich. All kids in Northern Ireland are required to go to school. They also have Celtic artistic traditions. They all eat simple food diets. They have a unique language, it is called Ulster Irish. However, it is a minority language, so not many people use it. These are most of the things I’ve learned about. I’ll send another postcard later. from, your student Alexander
  • 69. Resources cited: “Northern Ireland” Northern Ireland in Pictures. Minneapolis: Lerner, 1991
  • 70. football spain beautiful presioso omg spain
  • 71. stamp Dear Mom, Image of country’s flag Sonia Perez 21 Main Street San Juan,PR 12345 Love, Yari I was in Spain last week. I learned that some languages that they speak are Basque, Galician,Catalan, and Spanish. Another thing I learned was that about three million people work for a living. Some kids go to school, some don’t. Most of the people play soccer. I really want to speak Catalan and all the languages that people in Spain speak.I was trying my best understand what they were saying. The currency in Spain is the euro. One euro equals $1.47 .Roman Catholicism is the largest religion in the country by far. About 76% of Spaniards are catholic.Diego Velazquez is a famous painter Spain.He paints real cool paintings. I even bought one. It’s beautiful. I had a lot of fun I wish u were here.
  • 72. Resources cited