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Kurtney D. Lee
Minister Rick Hayes, Instructor
The Blood of Jesus
Research Paper
June 2, 2012
“The Law vs. God’s Grace: Our Access into the Kingdom of God “
In this research paper, I will make a comparison between the Law (Torah) which was
given by Moses to the Grace that was given through Jesus Christ. I will look back in
time and examine the original intent that God had for mankind. From there I will show
that God’s intention for mankind from the beginning was grace. Then, we will move to
the time period of Moses and the law being given through him. We will see the penalties
of not keeping the law and how no one was able to keep the law fully. Next, we will see
the time of Jesus upon this earth and how he kept the law to the fullest during his earthly
ministry. Then, we will see our champion Jesus take on the penalty of the law so that we
who believe in Him would not have to. Finally, we will look at the requirement of the
New Covenant to all mankind and some of its benefits.
What is Grace?
The grace of God is described by most as the unmerited favor of God. This is not an
incorrect interpretation of the word of God, but it is incomplete. Grace in its entirety is so
much more than that. It is such a huge gift and you will discover that as you read on.
According to the New Strong’s Concordance of the Bible, grace is defined as the
“divine influence upon the heart and it is reflective in life”. ¹ In other words, grace can be
seen and reflected in the life of the recipient of grace. So, the question is how then can
grace be seen? The answer is found in the scriptures. I believe the best way to tackle this
topic is, line upon line and precept upon precept.
2 Peter 2:3 states that “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge
of God and of Jesus our Lord. According as his divine power hath given us all things that
pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory
and virtue”. ²
The divine power that Jesus operated in was called grace and its enabling power when
it is accessed by faith. According to the bible, we have access to all things that pertain
unto life and godliness. Previously, I mentioned one definition of grace, now I must add
that grace is not earned but rather freely bestowed upon those who live by faith. Let us
look at another scripture before I dive into the point of God’s original intent. According
to Ephesians 2:8-9, Paul writes “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of
yourselves; it is a gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast”. ³
Here we see through scripture what grace is. Grace is received by our faith. Faith is an
expression of what you believe to be true when there is no physical evidence that it
exists. Faith is not a work or something to be used for boasting. Faith is only accessed
¹ Strong, James, The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Red Letter
Edition (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2001) Pg. 270
² Lockman Foundation, King James Version and Amplified Bible, (Grand Rapids, MI:
Zondervan Publishing House, 1995) Pg. 2029
³ Lockman Pg. 1925
through the grace of Jesus Christ and His finished work. Secondly, grace enables God’s
salvation. “Salvation is derived from the Greek word “Soteria” which means deliverance
and preservation. Deliverance means a release from bondage, imprisonment and
liberation from captivity. Preservation is maintaining the release and freedom from
bondage.” ¹ Now, this free gift is given unto mankind not because of a work that earned
this favor but rather it is freely given unto all those that believe. The power of this grace
can be seen in the life of the person who believes. In other words, if a person is sick in
their body yet they are a born again believer, they can have access to the power that can
deliver them from the sickness that has them bound. They access the grace by believing
what the word has declared that the blood of Jesus has accomplished and resist the devil
by speaking what the word says about them rather than agree with anything they see or
feel in the natural realm. If they are willing to stand on what they believe to be true,
access is granted unto them to which is what they already possess.
Another example of grace being seen can be found in the book of Acts 11:23, Luke
writes about Barnabas and how the grace of God was upon him when he went unto the
church at Antioch. How was this grace seen? It was seen by the word preached with signs
and wonders following the preaching of the word. That is evident from Mark 16:15-18,
where Barnabas was simply following instructions from the Master to his disciples- those
present and even unto this day. Barnabas was sent out by the Apostles of the Lamb to
preach and teach. The scripture was fulfilled because as he taught the Lord Jesus was
¹ World Changers Church International, New Members Class Manual, (College Park, GA 2003), pg.4
working with him confirming what he taught with the grace of God. Did these men earn
or merit this favor from God? No, it was a gift just like salvation.
God’s Original Intent
Now let us journey through scripture back to the beginning where I believe grace was
given before the law was ever given by Moses at Mt. Sinai. In Genesis 1:26, the plan for
mankind was set by the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Their idea was to create a
man in the image of them and to give him the power, ability and dominion over all the
earth. This man was to be in complete fellowship with the Father at all times and rule and
reign through His instructions. So, the Trinity went ahead of the plan in Genesis 1:27 and
they blessed (empowered) him. The blessing would enable the man to carry out
everything that the Trinity intended for him to do. Without this blessing, man could never
carry out fully their intentions. Now, my belief is that this empowerment is called grace
because man created did not earn this position with them. It was freely given unto
man. Now, this grace can also be seen reflective in his (Adam) life by being placed in the
garden of Eden. Eden was a place of bliss, abundance, peace and provision. He called the
man Adam and his only job was to believe the Lord God and then obey as He instructed.
You see, belief can only be observed through what a person does and unbelief can be
observed through a person’s disobedience.
“In essence, God gave the earth to them. It was a great gift and as beautiful as
nature is today, it pales in comparison to what it looked like before sin affected the
earth.” ¹
¹ Duplantis, Jesse, Understanding Salvation: A Guidebook for New Christians, (New Orleans, LA: JDM
Publications, 2005 Pg. 7
Satan was introduced in Genesis and he focused on trying to get Adam and his wife to
operate in unbelief about the grace that God had provided and begin to trust in their own
works to meet their needs. This story is found in Genesis 3:1-5 where Satan is
questioning the woman (Eve) about something God told the man in detail. She did not
believe so she could not enter in the rest that they already had been provided. She
disobeyed and because of her disobedience, the seed of trying to be justified by our own
works was birthed. The law of sin and death was born instead of us living under the law
of grace that was given from the beginning.
There is another example of this grace given before the law and that was through
Abraham. God shows up to him and tells him about a land in Canaan. (Genesis 12) God
promises to make him a great nation and to bless him. He also promised that He would
make his name great and that he would be a blessing to all the families of the earth.
However, I did not notice anywhere in scripture that Abraham did anything special for
God to show up and give him this blessing. Abraham believed God based on His word
and left for Canaan. Here we see grace given unto a man before the law was instituted.
This grace was also reflective in his life. His wife was barren and bare him no children
and was past the age of childbearing. Yet, he received a child of grace named Isaac which
later became the great nation of Israel. God was trying to build a nation so the Seed of
Jesus Christ could appear in the earth in the fullness of time. There was a prophecy in
Genesis 3:15 that told the serpent that stated that his head (authority) would be bruised
and he would only bruise his heel. This was referring to the fact that God would send His
Son made from a woman and not a man under the law so that men could
receive the adoption of sons. (Galatians 4:4) God wants to restore mankind to the place of
Eden but this can only be accomplished by the blood of Jesus.
The Law
Between the time of Abraham and the law was instituted was about 400 years. This
was not God’s original plan for mankind but it was an attempt to keep a remnant seed of
the righteous people on the earth. According to Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible,
“the word law means direction, instruction or known by the Hebrews as the Torah. It is
also referred to as the Law of the Lord and the Law of Moses.” ¹
In my opinion, the law was given in a time of lawlessness. The inhabitants of the
earth was living in rebellion to God and was doing whatever was right in their own eyes.
They were serving false gods through doctrines of the devil that included the acts of
human and child sacrifices. Some were given a reprobate mind and given over to
lasciviousness so they were set up for the wrath of God. However, the seed of Abraham
were slaves in bondage at Egypt during. the time, the lawgiver (Moses) was born.
The Egyptians served ten gods and these gods were attacked by the plagues that came
upon that nation. There were 10 plagues and each plague was to show that Jehovah was
and is the One and only living God. One of the plagues was that of, “Turning the Nile to
blood was against the worship of the river as a god under the name father of the gods or
father of life” ²
¹ Vine, W.E., Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson
Publishing, 2001) Pg. 213
² Dake, Finis J., Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible: The Holy Bible. (Lawrenceville, GA: Dake
Publishing Inc., 2001) Pg. 172
“Moses was educated in all wisdom and the culture of the Egyptians and he was mighty
and powerful in his speech and deeds.” ¹ This meant he himself was a man that
worshipped the gods of Egypt. Notice again grace being introduced before the law.
Moses did not earn this privilege because he knew very little about the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. (See Exodus 3:6) God then began to teach Moses because the Bible
refers to him as meek above all the men of the earth at that time. This grace became
reflective as he went before Pharaoh and all the other miracles that led up unto the exodus
and even in the wilderness.
Even though God introduced himself unto the nation of Israel and they saw the power
of His grace in Egypt, they still did not know who God really was. They did not believe
in Him and because of that they eventually rebelled against him. (See Deuteronomy 1:27)
However, God gave them judgments and ordinances that Moses set before the people.
There were 613 commandments overall but I want to focus on the Ten Commandments
found in Exodus 20:1-7. Four of these commandments dealt with their relationship with
God and the other six dealt with how they were to treat mankind. The results of not
keeping the law meant punishment by death and the iniquity they committed would come
upon them and their children.
The law was imperfect because the people who are born in sin and poses a sin nature.
Therefore, they could not produce the fruit that God desired. God would have to remove
that stony heart and give them a new heart (spirit) but this was not available at that time
during Moses’ day. So, the Levitical priesthood was created and they would offer a
yearly sacrifice for the sins of the people to atone (cover up) for the sins of the people.
¹ Lockman. Pg. 1766
This ceremony did not get rid of sin and it led to a sin consciousness but as long as they
participated in the ceremony then they were considered righteous. The problem was that
those that tried to keep the law became works conscious and tried to earn their
righteousness. Remember if one broke one law then he was considered to break all of the
law. (See James 2:10) No one could ever keep all ten of the commandments to the fullest
except one person and his name is Jesus Christ.
Grace given
Jesus was sent by God and was born of a woman just like the book of Genesis
promised without the seed of a man. He did not have the nature of sin in him because he
had the nature of God flowing through him. He stripped himself of His divinity and
became a man who was made unrighteous so that we as the unrighteousness can become
the sons of God. He could not sin because his nature could not produce it even despite
numerous temptations from the devil. Satan’s goal was to get him to fall like Adam did in
the garden. Jesus did not come to destroy the law but he came to fulfill it so that we as the
righteous would not have to. We also see grace and love was introduced unto all mankind
during His earthly ministry by him going about and doing good and healing all those that
were oppressed of the devil. The Father was with him at all times wherever he went.
Now Jesus who knew no sin took all the penalties of law by becoming all sin on the
cross at Calvary. He was beat, kicked, stabbed, punched, whipped and even went through
all types of torture because he was made a sinner. The punishment was death and he paid
the price of it so you and I could live forever with Him. We did not earn this because He
loved us even while we were in the middle of our sins. This is the love of God and it was
given to us so that the will of the Father can be accomplished in the earth as it is done in
heaven. We have been declared righteous before we ever performed any acts of
righteousness. Our righteousness of works is seen as filthy rags before God. Only the
blood of Jesus gives us access to this grace. Therefore we can never question the status of
our righteousness because we never did anything to earn it so how can ever do anything
to be unrighteous.
A Few Good Benefits
Here I have listed below a few benefits that the blood of Jesus have given us access to:
1) He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. (Ephesians 1:3)
2) God has chosen us, and we did not choose Him. (Ephesians 1:4)
3) God predestinated us where He has a good life prepared for us. (Ephesians 2:10)
4) God adopted us and now we are the sons of God. (Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6)
5) God has accepted us in the beloved not based on works. (Ephesians 1:6)
6) We have received all redemption from the curse of the law. (Ephesians 1:7)
7) We have received the forgiveness of sins where sins have been completely wiped
away. (Romans 4:6-8)
8) We have a right to have answers to all of our prayers. (2 Cor. 1:20)
9) We are complete in Christ Jesus. (Colossians 2:10)
10) We have confidence by faith before Him in his presence. (Ephesians 3:12)
Dake, Finis J. Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible: The Holy Bible, Lawrenceville, GA,
Dake Publishing Inc., 2001
Duplantis, Jesse. Understanding Salvation: A New Guidebook for New Christians,
New Orleans, LA, JDM Publications, 2005
Lockman Foundation. King James and Amplified Parallel Bible, Grand Rapids, MI,
Zondervan Publishing House, 1995
Strong, James. The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Red
Letter Edition, Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2001
Vine, W.E. Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible, Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson
Publishing, 2005
World Changers Church International. New Members Class Manual, College Park, GA,

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Law vs Grace

  • 1. Kurtney D. Lee Minister Rick Hayes, Instructor The Blood of Jesus Research Paper June 2, 2012 “The Law vs. God’s Grace: Our Access into the Kingdom of God “ Introduction In this research paper, I will make a comparison between the Law (Torah) which was given by Moses to the Grace that was given through Jesus Christ. I will look back in time and examine the original intent that God had for mankind. From there I will show that God’s intention for mankind from the beginning was grace. Then, we will move to the time period of Moses and the law being given through him. We will see the penalties of not keeping the law and how no one was able to keep the law fully. Next, we will see the time of Jesus upon this earth and how he kept the law to the fullest during his earthly ministry. Then, we will see our champion Jesus take on the penalty of the law so that we who believe in Him would not have to. Finally, we will look at the requirement of the New Covenant to all mankind and some of its benefits. What is Grace? The grace of God is described by most as the unmerited favor of God. This is not an incorrect interpretation of the word of God, but it is incomplete. Grace in its entirety is so much more than that. It is such a huge gift and you will discover that as you read on.
  • 2. According to the New Strong’s Concordance of the Bible, grace is defined as the “divine influence upon the heart and it is reflective in life”. ¹ In other words, grace can be seen and reflected in the life of the recipient of grace. So, the question is how then can grace be seen? The answer is found in the scriptures. I believe the best way to tackle this topic is, line upon line and precept upon precept. 2 Peter 2:3 states that “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. According as his divine power hath given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue”. ² The divine power that Jesus operated in was called grace and its enabling power when it is accessed by faith. According to the bible, we have access to all things that pertain unto life and godliness. Previously, I mentioned one definition of grace, now I must add that grace is not earned but rather freely bestowed upon those who live by faith. Let us look at another scripture before I dive into the point of God’s original intent. According to Ephesians 2:8-9, Paul writes “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast”. ³ Here we see through scripture what grace is. Grace is received by our faith. Faith is an expression of what you believe to be true when there is no physical evidence that it exists. Faith is not a work or something to be used for boasting. Faith is only accessed ¹ Strong, James, The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Red Letter Edition (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2001) Pg. 270 ² Lockman Foundation, King James Version and Amplified Bible, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995) Pg. 2029 ³ Lockman Pg. 1925
  • 3. through the grace of Jesus Christ and His finished work. Secondly, grace enables God’s salvation. “Salvation is derived from the Greek word “Soteria” which means deliverance and preservation. Deliverance means a release from bondage, imprisonment and liberation from captivity. Preservation is maintaining the release and freedom from bondage.” ¹ Now, this free gift is given unto mankind not because of a work that earned this favor but rather it is freely given unto all those that believe. The power of this grace can be seen in the life of the person who believes. In other words, if a person is sick in their body yet they are a born again believer, they can have access to the power that can deliver them from the sickness that has them bound. They access the grace by believing what the word has declared that the blood of Jesus has accomplished and resist the devil by speaking what the word says about them rather than agree with anything they see or feel in the natural realm. If they are willing to stand on what they believe to be true, access is granted unto them to which is what they already possess. Another example of grace being seen can be found in the book of Acts 11:23, Luke writes about Barnabas and how the grace of God was upon him when he went unto the church at Antioch. How was this grace seen? It was seen by the word preached with signs and wonders following the preaching of the word. That is evident from Mark 16:15-18, where Barnabas was simply following instructions from the Master to his disciples- those present and even unto this day. Barnabas was sent out by the Apostles of the Lamb to preach and teach. The scripture was fulfilled because as he taught the Lord Jesus was ¹ World Changers Church International, New Members Class Manual, (College Park, GA 2003), pg.4
  • 4. working with him confirming what he taught with the grace of God. Did these men earn or merit this favor from God? No, it was a gift just like salvation. God’s Original Intent Now let us journey through scripture back to the beginning where I believe grace was given before the law was ever given by Moses at Mt. Sinai. In Genesis 1:26, the plan for mankind was set by the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Their idea was to create a man in the image of them and to give him the power, ability and dominion over all the earth. This man was to be in complete fellowship with the Father at all times and rule and reign through His instructions. So, the Trinity went ahead of the plan in Genesis 1:27 and they blessed (empowered) him. The blessing would enable the man to carry out everything that the Trinity intended for him to do. Without this blessing, man could never carry out fully their intentions. Now, my belief is that this empowerment is called grace because man created did not earn this position with them. It was freely given unto man. Now, this grace can also be seen reflective in his (Adam) life by being placed in the garden of Eden. Eden was a place of bliss, abundance, peace and provision. He called the man Adam and his only job was to believe the Lord God and then obey as He instructed. You see, belief can only be observed through what a person does and unbelief can be observed through a person’s disobedience. “In essence, God gave the earth to them. It was a great gift and as beautiful as nature is today, it pales in comparison to what it looked like before sin affected the earth.” ¹ _______________________________________________________________________ _ ¹ Duplantis, Jesse, Understanding Salvation: A Guidebook for New Christians, (New Orleans, LA: JDM Publications, 2005 Pg. 7
  • 5. Satan was introduced in Genesis and he focused on trying to get Adam and his wife to operate in unbelief about the grace that God had provided and begin to trust in their own works to meet their needs. This story is found in Genesis 3:1-5 where Satan is questioning the woman (Eve) about something God told the man in detail. She did not believe so she could not enter in the rest that they already had been provided. She disobeyed and because of her disobedience, the seed of trying to be justified by our own works was birthed. The law of sin and death was born instead of us living under the law of grace that was given from the beginning. There is another example of this grace given before the law and that was through Abraham. God shows up to him and tells him about a land in Canaan. (Genesis 12) God promises to make him a great nation and to bless him. He also promised that He would make his name great and that he would be a blessing to all the families of the earth. However, I did not notice anywhere in scripture that Abraham did anything special for God to show up and give him this blessing. Abraham believed God based on His word and left for Canaan. Here we see grace given unto a man before the law was instituted. This grace was also reflective in his life. His wife was barren and bare him no children and was past the age of childbearing. Yet, he received a child of grace named Isaac which later became the great nation of Israel. God was trying to build a nation so the Seed of Jesus Christ could appear in the earth in the fullness of time. There was a prophecy in Genesis 3:15 that told the serpent that stated that his head (authority) would be bruised and he would only bruise his heel. This was referring to the fact that God would send His Son made from a woman and not a man under the law so that men could
  • 6. receive the adoption of sons. (Galatians 4:4) God wants to restore mankind to the place of Eden but this can only be accomplished by the blood of Jesus. The Law Between the time of Abraham and the law was instituted was about 400 years. This was not God’s original plan for mankind but it was an attempt to keep a remnant seed of the righteous people on the earth. According to Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible, “the word law means direction, instruction or known by the Hebrews as the Torah. It is also referred to as the Law of the Lord and the Law of Moses.” ¹ In my opinion, the law was given in a time of lawlessness. The inhabitants of the earth was living in rebellion to God and was doing whatever was right in their own eyes. They were serving false gods through doctrines of the devil that included the acts of human and child sacrifices. Some were given a reprobate mind and given over to lasciviousness so they were set up for the wrath of God. However, the seed of Abraham were slaves in bondage at Egypt during. the time, the lawgiver (Moses) was born. The Egyptians served ten gods and these gods were attacked by the plagues that came upon that nation. There were 10 plagues and each plague was to show that Jehovah was and is the One and only living God. One of the plagues was that of, “Turning the Nile to blood was against the worship of the river as a god under the name father of the gods or father of life” ² _______________________________________________________________________ _ ¹ Vine, W.E., Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2001) Pg. 213 ² Dake, Finis J., Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible: The Holy Bible. (Lawrenceville, GA: Dake Publishing Inc., 2001) Pg. 172
  • 7. “Moses was educated in all wisdom and the culture of the Egyptians and he was mighty and powerful in his speech and deeds.” ¹ This meant he himself was a man that worshipped the gods of Egypt. Notice again grace being introduced before the law. Moses did not earn this privilege because he knew very little about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (See Exodus 3:6) God then began to teach Moses because the Bible refers to him as meek above all the men of the earth at that time. This grace became reflective as he went before Pharaoh and all the other miracles that led up unto the exodus and even in the wilderness. Even though God introduced himself unto the nation of Israel and they saw the power of His grace in Egypt, they still did not know who God really was. They did not believe in Him and because of that they eventually rebelled against him. (See Deuteronomy 1:27) However, God gave them judgments and ordinances that Moses set before the people. There were 613 commandments overall but I want to focus on the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:1-7. Four of these commandments dealt with their relationship with God and the other six dealt with how they were to treat mankind. The results of not keeping the law meant punishment by death and the iniquity they committed would come upon them and their children. The law was imperfect because the people who are born in sin and poses a sin nature. Therefore, they could not produce the fruit that God desired. God would have to remove that stony heart and give them a new heart (spirit) but this was not available at that time during Moses’ day. So, the Levitical priesthood was created and they would offer a yearly sacrifice for the sins of the people to atone (cover up) for the sins of the people. ¹ Lockman. Pg. 1766
  • 8. This ceremony did not get rid of sin and it led to a sin consciousness but as long as they participated in the ceremony then they were considered righteous. The problem was that those that tried to keep the law became works conscious and tried to earn their righteousness. Remember if one broke one law then he was considered to break all of the law. (See James 2:10) No one could ever keep all ten of the commandments to the fullest except one person and his name is Jesus Christ. Grace given Jesus was sent by God and was born of a woman just like the book of Genesis promised without the seed of a man. He did not have the nature of sin in him because he had the nature of God flowing through him. He stripped himself of His divinity and became a man who was made unrighteous so that we as the unrighteousness can become the sons of God. He could not sin because his nature could not produce it even despite numerous temptations from the devil. Satan’s goal was to get him to fall like Adam did in the garden. Jesus did not come to destroy the law but he came to fulfill it so that we as the righteous would not have to. We also see grace and love was introduced unto all mankind during His earthly ministry by him going about and doing good and healing all those that were oppressed of the devil. The Father was with him at all times wherever he went. Now Jesus who knew no sin took all the penalties of law by becoming all sin on the cross at Calvary. He was beat, kicked, stabbed, punched, whipped and even went through all types of torture because he was made a sinner. The punishment was death and he paid the price of it so you and I could live forever with Him. We did not earn this because He
  • 9. loved us even while we were in the middle of our sins. This is the love of God and it was given to us so that the will of the Father can be accomplished in the earth as it is done in heaven. We have been declared righteous before we ever performed any acts of righteousness. Our righteousness of works is seen as filthy rags before God. Only the blood of Jesus gives us access to this grace. Therefore we can never question the status of our righteousness because we never did anything to earn it so how can ever do anything to be unrighteous. A Few Good Benefits Here I have listed below a few benefits that the blood of Jesus have given us access to: 1) He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. (Ephesians 1:3) 2) God has chosen us, and we did not choose Him. (Ephesians 1:4) 3) God predestinated us where He has a good life prepared for us. (Ephesians 2:10) 4) God adopted us and now we are the sons of God. (Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6) 5) God has accepted us in the beloved not based on works. (Ephesians 1:6) 6) We have received all redemption from the curse of the law. (Ephesians 1:7) 7) We have received the forgiveness of sins where sins have been completely wiped away. (Romans 4:6-8) 8) We have a right to have answers to all of our prayers. (2 Cor. 1:20) 9) We are complete in Christ Jesus. (Colossians 2:10) 10) We have confidence by faith before Him in his presence. (Ephesians 3:12)
  • 10. Bibliography Dake, Finis J. Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible: The Holy Bible, Lawrenceville, GA, Dake Publishing Inc., 2001 Duplantis, Jesse. Understanding Salvation: A New Guidebook for New Christians, New Orleans, LA, JDM Publications, 2005 Lockman Foundation. King James and Amplified Parallel Bible, Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan Publishing House, 1995 Strong, James. The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Red Letter Edition, Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2001 Vine, W.E. Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible, Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2005 World Changers Church International. New Members Class Manual, College Park, GA, 2003