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Principles of Reality
David Allisone
The first lesson for six months should
be One-One-One-One; Oneness of
God, oneness of man's relation,
oneness of force, oneness of time,
oneness of purpose, Oneness in
every effort-Oneness- Oneness!
Edgar Cayce 900-429
WHERE IS thine OWN will?
One with HIS, or to the
glorifying of thine own
desires -- thine own selfish
Reading 900-429

WHERE IS thine OWN will?
One with HIS, or to the
glorifying of thine own
desires -- thine own selfish
Edgar Cayce 900-429
Truth of the
One source.
Edgar Cayce 254-87
Where all religions meet:
...coordinate the teachings, the
philosophies of the east, and the
west, the oriental and the
occidental, the new truths and the
old... Correlate not the differences,
but where all religions meet- there
is one God! "Know, O Israel, the
Lord God is one!"
Edgar Cayce 991-1
Who are we?

For each soul is a
corpuscle in the
body of God.
Edgar Cayce 3395-2

"For you grow to
heaven, you don't go to
heaven. It is within
thine own conscience
that ye grow there.“
Edgar Cayce 3409-1

– My Left Brain Path

Petroleum Engineer - Univ Texas - Austin
Geologist - Miss St Univ
M.B.A. - Pepperdine Univ – Malibu, Calif
Psychology ½ Masters
Air Force Intelligence Officer - Strategic Air Command
– Chapman University

Founder of Engineering/Geology Consulting Co. - ERCO
Founder of Energy Exchange --
Founder of Info-Highway Communications -- Internet Service Co
Founder of Gold Mining Exchange.Net -- www.GoldminingExchange.Net
DAVID ALLISONE – Spiritual Seeker

(Right Brain)

> Unitarian
> Agnostic >
Mormon – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Taoist / Buddhist
Unity / Church of Religious Science
Kabbalist / Hindu / Sufi Muslim
Assoc. of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.)
A Course in Miracles / Reike Master
Pranic Healer / Oneness Blessing Giver
Founder: Children of the Law of One
Follows One Religion - Called TRUTH
What The Bleep Do We Know?
“If quantum
mechanics hasn't
profoundly shocked
you, you haven't
understood it yet.”
Niels Bohr – Quantum Physicist
“A new scientific truth does
not triumph by convincing its
opponents and making them
see the light, but rather
because its opponents
eventually die, and a new
generation grows up that is
familiar with it.”
Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
1564 – 1642 AD
Copernican Universe

Nicolas Kopernik - Founder of Heliocentric Planetary Theory 1522
1473 – 1543 AD
“The discovery of nonlocality is probably
the greatest discovery
in all of science.”
Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D.,
One of the most celebrated scientists
in the field of Quantum Physics
What we perceive as
our physical reality is
actually a nonphysical
virtual reality …
a subset of a more
fundamental reality.
What is this
Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Holography
• The Trinity
• Biocentrism
Principles of Reality


David Allisone
Houston, Texas
Swarm Intelligence
“Self Organization is a set of
dynamical mechanisms
whereby structures appear at
the global level of a system from
interactions of the lower-level
Bonabeau, et al
Swarm Intelligence, 1999
New Concept in Science
Swarm Intelligence

When creatures gather in
swarms – their combined
frequencies form another
higher-level intelligence
David Allisone
Morphonogenic Fields

Collective Unconscious (Carl Jung)
Universal Mind (Charles Fillmore)
Morphonogenic Fields (Rupert Sheldrake)
Extended Mind
Holy Spirit
Holy Ghost
Swarms of People
Butterfly Swarms
Swarm Intelligence -- Bees
Swarm Intelligence - Bees
Swarm Intelligence - Ants
Swarm Intelligence – Termites
Swarm Intelligence - Locusts
Swarm Intelligence - Locusts
Schools of Fish
Swarm Intelligence – Fish
Swarm Intelligence – Birds
Swarm Intelligence
Wildebeest Migration
Swarm Intelligence
Brain Coral
Swarm Intelligence - Jellyfish
Swarm Intelligence – Examples
Slime Mold

Swarm Intelligence - Slime Mold

Slime Mold Spore

Colony of Spores
Swarm Intelligence - Aspen Grove

Aspen Trees

Aspen Groves
The Collective Unconscious
You are here to learn
what it is to be wholly
and completely One
with the Source of all.

LD Thompson
Carlos Castenada
Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland
Swarm Intelligence - Cells
Note Cymatic Pattern of Bacteria
Bacteria Acts Collectively
(To spread nutrients to those that are struggling)
Social Intelligence of Bacteria
Intelligence Test for Bacteria Swarms
Bifidobacterium – Swarm Intelligence
The Human Microbiom

Our gut microbes affect what goes on in our
Dr. Emeran Mayer,
Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry
University of California, Los Angeles
Swarm Intelligence
Human Sperm and Egg
Does this Swarm Intelligence have an Ego?
Sperm Penetrating Egg
• Ant hanging from blade of grass
The Micro-Biome
• The bacteria in and on our bodies are essential for life.
• Microbes in a healthy human adult outnumber human
cells by a ratio of ten to one.
• The total number of genes in the micro-biome exceeds
the number of genes in the human-genome by a factor of
at least 200.
• We are dependent on these bacteria to help digest our
food, produce certain vitamins, regulate our immune
system, and protect us against disease-causing bacteria.
• Treat a bacterial infection caused by a "bad" bacteria by
promoting the growth of "good" bacteria.
Human Microbiome
Microbes are Essential to Life
They are you
• Microbes and parasites control the way
you think.

Supra-Organism - genes
from multiple microbial
species act in concert, as if
they were part of a single
cohesive organism.
Elhanan Borenstein,
Assistant Professor of Genome Sciences, University of Washington
The Horsehair Worm
Spinochordodes tellinii

… matures inside of crickets,
forces the cricket to commit
suicide by drowning itself in
order to return the worm to the
water so it can complete its
aquatic life-cycle.
Liver Fluke Cycle
Snail – Ant – Cow
“Matter is not
inert -- it is
alive and active”.
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas

Each Intelligence
(Sub-atomic particle)

is a source of Vibration.
•It is also “ALIVE”.
Swarm Intelligence – Galaxies
Swarm Intelligence – Bird Flocks
Myxococcus Bacteria Swarm
There is no edge to an electron
There is no real
separation between
the observer and the
object they are
Russell Targ, Director of the Stanford Research Institute, Author of Miracles of Mind.
Religions of the
East have long
held that the
material world is
Maya (illusion).
For names are setting metes
and bounds – to this edge and
to that edge, which does
not exist, anymore than
time, space, or all – when you
consider that the soul is of and
through and part and portion
of the all, see?
Edgar Cayce 826-8
Where is the Edge of a Steel Bar?
Now, Where is the Edge?
Where is the Edge of an Atom?
Everything has an Aura

• Your aura can be photographed.
Positron Emission Tomography
Positron Emission Tomography
Where is the edge of your mind?
Your aura can be photographed.

is the
Edge of
An aura can be photographed.

•You can learn to see auras.
•You can learn to feel auras.
•You can learn to transmit
your aura.
You can learn to transmit your aura.
Your Aura Can Heal
“Edges” are Illusion
•An “edge” is only there
because it is observed.
•If it is not observed, it is
just more empty space.
The Basis of Swarm Intelligence
Each of the tiniest particles
of matter (an intelligence)
has the ability to choose
Each intelligence has “Agency”

(Freedom to Choose)

•To Repel (Not Love)

•To Attract (Love)
Apostle John
are not only
… they are

David Allisone
An elementary particle
is not an independent
entity … it is a
set of relationships
between energy waves.
Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D.,


David Allisone, paraphrasing
Things derive their
being and nature by
mutual dependence
and are nothing in
Nagarjuna, Buddhist philosopher, 2nd--century
(Each is an example of Swarm Intelligence)


Star Clusters
Solar systems
Communities, Clubs, Churches
Atoms (The Table of 117 Elements)
Atomic Particles (Protons/ Electrons)
Sub-Atomic Particles (photons, neutrinos, quarks)
Intelligences (Creative Forces, Units of Consciousness, The Tao)

Is GOD is the
ultimate fractal
of swarm
Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Holography
• The Trinity
• Biocentrism
“A human being … experiences himself
as something separated … a kind of
optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
restricting us to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons
nearest to us. Our task must be to free
ourselves from this prison by widening
our circle of compassion to embrace all
living creatures and all nature.”
Albert Einstein
“You shall know
the truth and the
truth shall make
you free.”
Jesus, John 8:32
What is this Truth?
We are all One!
(Separateness is an illusion!)
Principals of Reality

How did God
create something
from Nothing?
First, we must define

Empty Glass Box
Pump it out until it is a
Pure Vacuum
Now, what is inside the empty box?

What is inside the box?


What is space?
Space is an Illusion !

“Space is every
bit as complex as
solid steel.”
Illa Predinageine, Russian Nobel Prize
What is inside the box?

Radio Frequencies
TV Frequencies
Cell Phone Frequencies
Cosmic Rays
Gamma Rays
Dark Matter
Resonance Frequency of Universe
The Source Vibration
The Source Vibration
The Word
The Logos
The Consciousness of God
“Matter is an Illusion”
Albert Einstein
Vibrations intersect and
either amplify or neutralize
the frequencies to a point
where the amplified
frequency can be observed by
an intelligent entity – and this
entity refers to this
observation as “matter”.
David Allisone

An laboratory
example of this
phenomena is called
the Bose – Einstein
An elementary particle
is not an independent
entity. It is a set of
relationships between
energy waves.
Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D. Physicist,
David Allisone, paraphrasing
Nikola Tesla
Matter has a fractal
analogy to ripples of
raindrops on a pond.
Water Drop Fractal Analogy
Positive andNegative Matter
Physicists have demonstrated that

our world actually
occurs in very short,
rapid bursts of light.
(These pulses of light are called quanta.)
(The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden, p 96)
The universe is in a
constant process of
crystallization and
F. David Peat, Physicist
Synchronicity, The Bridge Between Matter and Mind
Two stones
thrown into
a pond.
Oil Film Interference
Clear Oil Floating On Water
The primary colours of light are red, green and blue. Overlapping beams of these
colours combine to give the results shown on the left. On the right are shown the
results of mixing paints of the primary pigment colours – magenta, cyan and
yellow. (These are sometimes wrongly referred to as red, blue and yellow.)
The Creative Forces (intelligences)
What is Dark Matter?

which is
seen does not
come from that
which is visible.”

The Apostle Paul, New Testament, Hebrews 11:3
Rutherford Model of Electron
Matter is an EMF Transform

The energy vibrations
(“light”) that constitutes
matter are a wider portion
of the electromagnetic
These transforms are also dynamic and holographic.
David Allisone
Standard Periodic Table
Walter Russell Periodic Table
Walter Russell Periodic Table –
Genesis 1:1-2
In the beginning God created
the heavens and the earth. 
The earth was without form,
and void; and darkness was[a
 on the face of the deep.

New King James Version (NKJV)
From the New Testament

In the beginning was
“the Word” and the
Word was with God
and the Word was
John 1:1
The Consciousness of God?

In the beginning was
“the Tao” and the
Tao was with God
and the Tao was
Jesus and the Tao
The Source Vibration

In the beginning was
“a Source Vibration”
and the Vibration was
with God and the
Vibration was God.
David Allisone
Psalm 33:6 By the word of the
LORD the heavens were made
… by the breath of his mouth.
Psalm 33:9 For he spoke, and
it came to be; he commanded,
and it stood firm.
All things are composed
of “intelligences”.
Joseph Smith (The Mormon Prophet)
Book of Mormon / Pearl of Great Price
Intelligences (Very Tiny “Particles”)
• These tiny intelligent vibrations are the
building blocks of what we know as “Matter”.
• Before they are large enough to form visible
matter, they form structures of “Dark Matter” –
(Called “Dark” because it is invisible to our senses.)
• These structures comprise the “Spirit World”.
• As they get larger, we begin to sense them.
“Matter is not
inert -- it is
alive and active”.
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
(Each is an example of Swarm Intelligence)


Star Clusters
Solar systems
Communities, Clubs, Churches
Atoms (The Table of 117 Elements)
Atomic Particles (Protons/ Electrons)
Sub-Atomic Particles (photons, neutrinos, quarks)
Intelligences (Creative Forces, Units of Consciousness, The Tao)
particles are
simply notes on
a superstring.
Einstein’s Cosmos, p.226, by Dr. Michio Kaku,
(Co-founder of String Field Theory)
The Universe
is 100% Music
... matter is simply the
interference of energy
vibrations that creates an
illusion of something

Manual, P 11
The apparent separateness
of subatomic particles is
illusory … all things in the
universe are infinitely
interconnected … everything
interpenetrates everything.
"Our brains act as a lens and
mathematically construct
'hard' reality by receiving and
interpreting input from
a kaleidoscopic sea of
David Bohm / Karl Pribram
Karl H. Pribram, M.D., Ph.D. Physicist, Stanford, Yale, Cambridge, world-famous for his achievements in neuroscience.

David Bohm, Ph.D., Quantum Physicist
The Physics of Creation
Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Holography
• The Trinity
• Biocentrism
Limb Regeneration
Cymatics Demo – With Chladni Plate
Particles on a Chladni Plate
Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Holography
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Biocentrism
• The Trinity
Examples of Fractal Analogies
Bathtub Drain

Examples of Fractal Analogies

Examples of Fractal Analogies
Solar System

Fractal Analogies


Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Holography
• The Trinity
• Biocentrism
"The whole is in every part …
separateness is an illusion …
particles are not individual
entities … but are actually
extensions of the same
fundamental something …
facets of a deeper and more
underlying unity --- the universe
is a projection, a hologram."
David Bohm, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ of London
"Each atom, each
corpuscle, has within
it the whole form of
the universe -within its OWN
Edgar Cayce 281-24
“Reality …
is merely an
illusion, albeit a
very persistent
Albert Einstein
“As a man who has devoted his
whole life to the most clear
headed science, to the study of
matter, I can tell you as a result of
my research about atoms this

There is no matter as such.” 
Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
“All matter originates and exists only
by virtue of a force which brings the
particles of an atom to vibration …
We must assume behind this force is
a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Holography
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Biocentrism
• Trinity
Building Blocks of the Universe
Platonic Solids
Golden Mean / Golden Spiral
Fibonacci Series
Pi and Phi Ratios (Da Vinci)
The micro-universe mirrors macro-universe
The Platonic Solids
Sacred Geometry - Twins
Note the “Flower of Life”
Radiation microscope photo of nuclei of iron atoms
showing interlocking force fields
“Intelligences” Merkaba
“Matter is not
inert -- it is
alive and active”.
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
Dots are atoms of iridium -- the rings are facets of a single crystal
Music – Circle of Fifths
The Universe
is 100% Music

Past Paradigm
• Time has a beginning and an end

Present Paradigm
• Time is Linear
• Time is a constant

Future Paradigm
• Time is relative
• The past & the future are illusions
• Everything that is happening is the past
The distinction between
the past, present, and
future is only a
stubbornly persistent
Albert Einstein
Time is not at all what it
seems. It does not flow in
only one direction …
and the future exists
simultaneously with the
Albert Einstein
"Déjà vu "
… means already seen
-- it has already been lived
through at the mind level
and we are merely
experiencing it again.
A Vast Illusion, p 32
Everything we see
is a reflection or
shadow of the real
or spiritual life.
Edgar Cayce 262-23
“The spirit is the life,
mind is the builder,
and the physical
is the result.”
“Everything that
happening ...
is the past.”
Edgar Cayce -

Experiments in a Search for God, p 76
The occurrence of
events in time is
later than the event
in the unseen world.
I Ching, translation of The Book of Changes by Richard Wilhelm
All things were
created spiritually
before they
became natural.
Moses 3:5 (Joseph Smith - Mormon)
All things were created
spiritually first –
then temporally –
then they return back
to the spiritual.
D&C 29:31-32
“Time is holographic,
but we have broken
it up into the past,
the present, and the
A Course in Miracles,
from A Vast Illusion
by Kenneth Wapnick. p. 162.
Time is a vibration,
and is that which
differentiates the earth
dimension from
Edgar Cayce
“Time only has
meaning within the
manifest world -- the
non-state of dissolution
lies outside time.”
Edgar Cayce
Time is the great
separator, because it
was the vibration of time
that caused the great
Edgar Cayce
There was no such
thing as time on
Earth until God
decreed that there
should be light.
Edgar Cayce
Since the past, present,
and future all exist
simultaneously …
it is possible to reach into
the super-hologram of reality
and pluck out scenes from the
past (or future)”.
David Allisone
“…space measurements
are reducible to time
measurements. Time is
therefore logically prior to
Max Jammer

”Quantum mechanics studies
of space vacuum show an
astonishing variety of …
activity in a place where we
otherwise expect nothing at all
… virtual particles extraordinary, even violent

Discover Magazine, March 1992, pp. 108 - 112, Hans Christian Von Baeyer)

•Past Paradigm
• A vacuum is empty

•Present Paradigm
• A vacuum is void, from which nothing can be extracted.

•Future Paradigm
• A vacuum is an illusion – it is as complex as steel
• Energy can be extracted from a vacuum
• A vacuum contains intelligent life
Visualize an Empty Glass Bulb
• Pure Vacuum (Zero air molecules)

• We call this “Empty Space”.
• But is it Really empty?
• What is the meaning of “Empty”?
• What is really inside this bulb?

What is inside the Bulb?
Radio Waves
TV Waves
Cell Phone waves
Visible Light Waves
Ultraviolet Waves
Infrared Waves
Cosmic Rays
Brain Waves (Consciousness)
Heart Waves
Your Aura
Subatomic Particles Waves (emitted from Electrons)
Dark Matter
So, is the bulb empty?
A vacuum is
teeming with
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
“Space as
conceived by
Newton proved to
be an illusion.”
Max Jammer from the Concepts of Space
and endorsement by Albert Einstein
“Consider the three
dimensionality of space not
to be an inherent quality of
space, but as a specific
peculiarity of the human soul
Max Jammer

is a multi-dimensional
dynamic holographic
projection of the entire
“It is an
embarrassment that
the dominant forms
of matter in the
universe are
“The self-organizing properties
of matter and of life cannot be
fully explained in terms of the
physical sciences and
molecular biology; completely
new fundamental principles will
be required.”
Prof Willis Harmon, Stanford University,

"The whole is in every part …
separateness is an illusion …
particles are not individual
entities … but are actually
extensions of the same
fundamental something …
facets of a deeper and more
underlying unity --- the universe
is a projection, a hologram."
David Bohm, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ of London

• Earth is flat
• Sun revolves around Earth
• Elements are Fire, Air, Wood, Water
• Disease is a curse
• Kings have a divine right to rule
CURRENT PARADIGM – Newtonian Physics
• The paranormal is folly
(ESP, prophecy, ghosts, healings, etc.)

• Speed of light may not be exceeded
• Matter is solid and inert
• A vacuum is empty
• Miracles are pure coincidence
• Consciousness is inside our brain
•A New View of the World
•The All-is-One Paradigm
•Unites Science and Religion
•The Shift of the Ages
•A Tsunami of Consciousness
• Time is an illusion
• Matter is an illusion
• Space is an illusion
• Separateness is an illusion
• Position and location are illusions
• Momentum and velocity are illusions
• “All is One”
•All particles are connected.
•Particles do not exist until
•Relationships are everything.
•Everything is a dynamic
interconnected interdependent
holographic web of intelligences.
• Death is an illusion.
Matter is a Dynamic Multidimensional
Holographic Transform of the full
Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Diffraction and Interference,
Optical Transforms,
Building Blocks of the Universe

The Platonic Solids
The Golden Mean
The Fibonacci Series (Leonardo Fibonacci)
Leonardo Da Vinci
Pi and Phi Ratios
The micro-universe mirror the macro-universe?
Dots are atoms of iridium -- the rings are facets of a single crystal
•If there is no ear in the
forest, there is no sound.
•If there is no observer in
the forest, there is no tree.
We cannot
passively observe
"Truth is often
stranger than
fiction -- because
fiction is obliged
to make sense."
Mark Twain

My Big Toe
“I wished to show that space-time is not
necessarily something to which one can
ascribe a separate existence,
independently of the actual objects of
physical reality. Physical objects are
not in space, but these objects are
spatially extended. In this way the
concept of ‘empty space’ loses its
Albert Einstein,

June 9th, 1952 Note to the Fifteenth Edition of Relativity
“If we think of the field as
being removed, there is
no ‘space’ which remains,
since space does not have
an independent
Albert Einstein,
Generalization of Gravitation Theory
“Reality …
is merely an
illusion, albeit a
very persistent
Albert Einstein
“A human being experiences himself as
something separated from the rest - a kind
of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
restricting us to our personal desires and to
affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from
this prison by widening our circle of
compassion to embrace all living creatures
and the of whole nature.”
Albert Einstein
“… space-time is not
the place where we
live, but rather a field
of which we are a
Thomas Campbell
and reality are
David Bohm
Introduction to Wholeness and the Implicate Order
“Space as conceived by Newton
proved to be an illusion.”
Max Jammer from the The Concepts of Space
and endorsement by Albert Einstin
forgive me.
Albert Einstein
“Considered the three
dimensionality of space
not to be an inherent
quality of space, but as a
specific peculiarity of the
human soul
Max Jammer
“…the very study of
external world led to the
scientific conclusion that
the content of
consciousness is the
ultimate universal

Eugene P Wigner, Nobel Prize Winner.
The Place of Consciousness in modern
“To understand the
world, one must
not be worrying
about one’s self.”
Albert Einstein
The significant
problems we face
cannot be solved at the
same level of thinking
we were at when we
created them.”
Albert Einstein
“Education is what
remains after one
has forgotten
everything he
learned in school.”
Albert Einstein
How are you going to make
the trip (journey)?
• Will you be in the driver’s seat?
• Will you be in the passenger’s seat?
• Will you be locked in the trunk?
• Will you be dragged, kicking and
screaming, at the end of a rope?
Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Holography
• The Trinity
• Biocentrism
Healing requires
"attuning each atom to
the awareness of the
divine that lies within
each atom, each cell of
the body".
(Cayce 3384‑2)
“The distinction between
the past, present, and
future is only a
stubbornly persistent
Albert Einstein
Time is not at all what it
seems. It does not flow in
only one direction …
and the future exists
simultaneously with the
Albert Einstein
Everything we see
is a reflection or
shadow of the real
or spiritual life.
Edgar Cayce 262-23
happening ... is
the past.”
Edgar Cayce - Experiments in a Search for God, p 76
The occurrence of
events in time is later
than the suprasensible event in the
unseen world.
(I Ching, translation of The Book of Changes by Richard Wilhelm)
“…space measurements
are reducible to time
Time is therefore
logically prior to space.”
Max Jammer
Time Module
(Cayce 884-1)
Christ Consciousness is the
awareness within each soul,
imprinted in pattern on the
mind and waiting to be
awakened by the will, of the
soul’s oneness with God.
Edgar Cayce 5749-14
Edgar Cayce describes the
process of entering the
interconnected dimension as
which is essential to the

“Evolutionary Process”
Attunement is the fundamental

energy and stabilizing force of love –
cooperation at its highest level.
It is losing sight of self and becoming
a channel through which blessings
may flow to others.
Also, this is the natural “Evolutionary
Process” of man -- to seek and find the
What “Evolutionary Process”?

The growth from a “Child of God”
to a fully mature God (Like our “Father in Heaven”).
David Allisone
Healing requires
"attuning each atom
to the awareness of
the divine that lies
within each atom,
each cell of the body".
Cayce 3384‑2
A Course in
The Bible says that a
deep sleep fell upon
Adam, and nowhere
is there a reference
to his waking up. (T-15)
Reincarnation is an
illusion. There is no
past or future.
There is always some
good in any thought
which strengthens
the idea that life and
the body are not the
same. (M-57)
The Course, therefore, is
designed to debunk the
world of illusion created by
the ego and return man to
the state of rightmindedness, making
possible the oneness with
It is impossible not to
believe what you
see, but it is equally
impossible to see
what you do not
believe. (T-192)
Perception did
not exist before
the separation.
The Holy Spirit
sees the world as
a teaching
The super-conscious mind is of
the Spirit and is one, that is, at
one with the mind that is all. It
is at this level that we can
experience the oneness with
God or Creative Forces. This is
the mind level we endeavor to
reach in meditation.
Cayce 3492-1
There are no others.
Others are illusion.
The subconscious mind
records as truth all
that is said or thought
about self or others
because it knows no
Teach what
you want to
Only that
which ye
have given do
ye possess!
All of the good, all
of God, all of bad,
all of evil that ye
may know, is
within thine own
All that I give
is given to
A Course in Miracles
Only that which ye
give away, only
that which ye live
thine own self, is
Show mercy that ye
may have mercy
shown. Show
patience that ye may
indeed become
aware of thy
relationship to
I am responsible for what I
see. I choose the feelings of
experience, and I decide
upon the goal I would
achieve. And everything
that seems to happen to me
I ask for, and receive as I
have asked.
(ACIM T-418)

Essential Knowledge
(To Understanding Fundamental Reality)

• Fractals
• Holography
• Cymatics
• Sacred Geometry
• Swarm Intelligence
• Biocentrism
• The Trinity
 ”I regard matter as
derivative from
Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
“Matter is a
manifestation of
Paramahansa Yogananda
The frequencies
from your brain
are “creating”
your world.
With our thoughts,
we create our
The Buddha,

Dhammapada, p. 1
The intelligences
attach themselves
to Thought Forms
(which are Holographic Templates).
The Secret
A New Revolution

is the matrix
of reality.”
David Allisone
“… that the very study of
external world led to the
scientific conclusion that
the content of
consciousness is the
ultimate universal
Eugene P Wigner, Nobel Prize Winner.
The Place of Consciousness in Modern Physics
”The science of
man’s subjective
experience is in
its infancy.”
Willis W. Harmon (Ph.D.), from The New Copernican Revolution.
He is the Director of the US Educational Policy Research Center at
Stanford University.
“The range between perceptions
shared by practically all, and
those which are unique to one
individual, will be assumed to be
much more of a continuum than a
sharp division between ‘the
world out there’ and what goes
on in my head”
Willis W. Harmon
“The new science will
incorporate some ways of
referring to the subjective
experiencing of a unity in
all things
(the ‘more’ of William James, the ‘All’ of
Bugental, the ‘Divine Ground’ of Aldous
Huxley’s The Perennial Phiosophy.)”

Willis W. Harmon
“…the consciousness is the
is the ultimate reality, the
fundamental source of All
That is.”
Physicist Dr. Edward Fredkin of MIT
Reality … is based
upon consciousness,
which is the basic
substance, energy, or
media of existence.
What we perceive as our
local physical reality is
actually a nonphysical
virtual reality, a subset
of a larger more
fundamental reality.
“Consider the three
dimensionality of space not
to be an inherent quality of
space, but as a specific
peculiarity of the human soul
Max Jammer
The soul leaves a
record upon the
pages of time and

Edgar Cayce
“To understand the
world, one must
not be worrying
about one’s self.”
Albert Einstein
The significant
problems we face
cannot be solved at the
same level of thinking
we were at when we
created them.”
Albert Einstein
“Education is what
remains after one
has forgotten
everything he
learned in school.”
Albert Einstein
How are you going to
make the journey?
• Will you be in charge or driving?
• Will you be along for the ride in
the passenger’s seat?
• Will you be locked in the trunk?
• Will you be dragged, kicking and
screaming, at the end of a rope?

“ ... when you go into a state of
gratitude the brain itself functions as
a much better instrument, which in
turn proves very helpful in raising
your states of consciousness ...
people who have the sense of
gratitude move much faster [in
spiritual growth] than those who do
Lecture 15

Lectures by David Allisone
Mission Statement

of David Hughey Allisone
A.K.A. David Haywood Mangum

To play a major role in ushering in the
predicted *“tsunami of consciousness”
by fostering hope, joy and happiness
to my fellow beings by helping them
become enlightened as to who they are,
where they came from, why they are here,
and where they are going.
* Christ Consciousness
SOURCES (Here are the Giants):

The Holographic Universe, (Michael Talbot), The Holographic Paradigm (Ken
Wilber), The Dancing Wu Li Masters, (Gary Zukav), The Seat of the Soul
(Gary Zukav), The Kabbalah (Judaism), Old Testament, The New Testament,
Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi Library, A Search for God (Edgar Cayce
Material), A Course in Miracles (Helen Schueman), Joseph Smith Materials
(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Book of Mormon, Pearl of
Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, The Koran (Mohammed), Bhagavad-Git
(Hindu), Buddha, Deepak Chopra, Ye Are Gods (Annalee Skarin), Love
Medicine & Miracles (Dr. Bernie S. Siegel), The Laws of Success, Think and
Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill), Gods in the Making (W.H. Church), The
Principals of Theosophy (H.P. Blavatsky), Seth Materials (Jane Roberts),
KATHARA Bio-spiritual Healing, (Anna Hayes Gruber, Azurite Temple of
the Melchizedek Cloister), In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation (Walter
Russell), Carlos Castaneda, Joel Goldsmith, Earth in the Beginning (Eric
Skousen), The Flower of Live (Drunvalo Melchizedek), The Isaiah Effect (Gre
Braden), The “Yi, Jin, Jing” (Book of Tendon and Changes), The I Ching,
Bahai’ (Abdu’l Baha’), The Kybalion (Hermes Trismegistus), The Essential
Ernest Holmes (Jesse Jennings), Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
"Third Scientific Revolution"
- awareness of higher states
of organizational
complexity based on
consciousness and subtle
forms of energy -- a view
that has been neglected by
western science.
Prof Willis Harmon, Stanford University,

Matter is
frozen music.
“The only thing
that connects the
infinite to the finite
is MUSIC”.
Edgar Cayce

(Don Pond)
"The whole is in every part …
separateness is an illusion …
particles are not individual
entities … but are actually
extensions of the same
fundamental something …
facets of a deeper and more
underlying unity --- the universe
is a projection, a hologram."
David Bohm, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ of London
The apparent separateness
of subatomic particles is
illusory …… all things in the
universe are infinitely
interconnected ……
everything interpenetrates
"Our brains act as a lens and
mathematically construct
'hard' reality by receiving and
interpreting input from
a kaleidoscopic sea of
David Bohm / Karl Pribram
Karl H. Pribram, M.D., Ph.D. Physicist, Stanford, Yale, Cambridge, world-famous for his achievements in neuroscience.

David Bohm, Ph.D., Quantum Physicist
Matter is an Optical Transform

The “light” that make these
transforms is the entire
electromagnetic spectrum.
These transforms are also
dynamic and holographic.
Matter is not
inert -- it is
"alive and active".
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
The following 3
slides establish that
Edgar Cayce was
connected to a
Higher Source:
“ … it’s all music.”
(Edgar Cayce’s last words on his death bed, 1945)
particles are
simply notes on
a superstring.
Einstein’s Cosmos, p.226, by Dr. Michio Kaku,
(co-founder of String Field Theory)
When a superstring
vibrates at a different
note, it changes into a
different subatomic
Einstein’s Cosmos, p. 226, by Dr. Michio Kaku,
Co-founder of String Field Theory
The Universe
is Music
Time is a vibration, and
is that which
differentiates the earth
dimension from
Edgar Cayce
The vacuum state
is teeming with
Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
”Quantum mechanics studies
of space vacuum show an
astonishing variety of …
activity in a place where we
otherwise expect nothing at all
… virtual particles extraordinary, even violent

Magazine, March 1992, pp. 108 - 112, Hans Christian Von Baeyer)
The primary colours of light are red, green and blue. Overlapping beams of these
colours combine to give the results shown on the left. On the right are shown the
results of mixing paints of the primary pigment colours – magenta, cyan and
yellow. (These are sometimes wrongly referred to as red, blue and yellow.)
Cancer cells have created a
new activity separate from
the rest of the body and are
no longer reachable by the
normal intracellular methods
of communication and
Eric Mein, M.D., Meridian Institute (ARE)
“cellular forces attempting to

act themselves.
... every atom of the body is
a whole universe or element
unto itself. It either
coordinates or it makes
disruptive forces .."
Edgar Cayce (759-9)
Healing requires
“attuning each atom ...
to the awareness of the
divine that lies within
each atom, each cell of the
(Cayce 3384-2)
Our moods are
electronic energies
that leave the blood
with a glow from the
(Edgar Cayce

Cancer cells have created a
new activity separate from
the rest of the body and are
no longer reachable by the
normal intracellular methods
of communication and
Eric Mein, M.D., Meridian Institute (ARE)
“.. cellular forces attempting
to act themselves.
… every atom of the body is
a whole universe or element
unto itself. It either
coordinates or it makes
disruptive forces .."

Edgar Cayce (759-9)
Healing requires
“attuning each atom ... to
the awareness of the
divine that lies within
each atom, each cell of the
(Edgar Cayce

“The human body is made
up of electronic vibrations,
with each atom and element
of the body, each organ and
organism, having its unit of
vibration necessary for the
sustenance of, and
equilibrium in, that
particular organism.”
Edgar Cayce
"To know the
mechanics of the
wave is to know
the entire secret of
Walter Russell
“The only thing
that connects the
infinite to the finite
is MUSIC”.
Edgar Cayce (Don Pond)
The elements
generate music
all by
Every element
has its own
(resonance frequency)
Every species
has its own
Every plant
has its own
(resonance frequency)
Every disease
has its own
Every person
has his or her own
(resonance frequency)
Plants can faint –
any foreign object,
solar activity or
overstimulation can
trigger it
... they recover in 20 minutes or so.
J.C.Bose (treated his plants like patients)
INTENT: The moment the imagery
of burning that leaf entered my
mind, the polygraph recording pen
moved rapidly to the top of the
chart! It’s as though this plant read
my mind.
Cleave Backster, Feb 2, 1966
Plants grew 5060% faster and
stronger with raga
Too much music, however, would slow
their growth.
Dr. T.C. Singh


Mystery of the Talking Plants
Darryl told his wife he was
giving up tree logging
because he could no long take
the screams.  When he first
began to hear the sound, he
thought it was the wind.  But
"when put my chain saw
blade into the tree, I could
hear it scream”.
"To know the
mechanics of the wave
is to know the entire
secret of Nature."
Walter Russell
“Nothing rests;
everything vibrates.”
The Kybalion,

p 137
Thought is a vibration,
and like any other energy
field, builds into stable
Edgar Cayce
Vibration is the
language that
defines our
Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce, in
trance, said that he
had an unusual
ability to perceive
and interpret the
“wider range of
vibratory energy.”
“History will be seen to
come in cycles ... as in
[the case of] energy
Edgar Cayce
Wudang Mountain
Example of Fractal Analogy

You were created by
a Creator so you can
create other Creators.
Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet
The project was
headed by the soul
later known as
Adam and as Jesus.
Edgar Cayce and A Course in Miracles, p 2
The Gods waited
until the elements
Abraham 4:18, 31
All things were
created spiritually
before they
became natural.
Moses 3:5
All things were created
spiritually first –
then temporally –
then they return back
to the spiritual.
D&C 29:31-32
Sons of God saw that
the daughters of
men were fair; so
they took them as
"There is no more
important chapter in the
Bible than where Jesus
prayed that his disciples
would become one, as He
and His Father were one.“
David O. McKay, referring to John 17:11,21-22

Jesus commandeth that there shall
be no apriestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts
are that men preach and set bthemselves up
for a light unto the world, that they
may get cgain and dpraise of the world; but
they seek not the ewelfare of Zion.
Book of Mormon, 2nd Nephi 29
The Gods waited
until the elements
Abraham 4:18, 31

am the light
and the life of
the world.”
3 Nephi 9:18
“Come unto me as a little
child … for such is the
kingdom of God.”
3 Nephi 9:22
“I am in the Father, and
the Father in me.”
3 Nephi 9:15
“Be one, and if you are
not one ye are not mine.”
D&C 38:27
Gen 1:Earth was Void – without form
Gen 1:4 – Sep. Light from darkness (begin of
7: Separ. - Gases from Liquid
10: Separation 3 – Liquid from Solid
14: Separation 4 – Night from Day –
20: Separation 5 – Life from Water
26: Adam became a Fractal of God
27: Separate Male from Female
28: Separate Children from the female
You lived in Elohim’s
house …
you have merely
Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 50
Why Temples?
The Most Important
Work on Earth
… shall turn the hearts
of the children to their
Malachi 4:5?
Trapped Between Worlds?
There are many billions
of our ancestors whose
spirits are trapped
between dimensions.
What is trapping them?

They are trapped
because they
continue to believe
that the material
world is reality.
If we do not identify and
teach the spirits of our
ancestors the earth will
be cursed.
Malachi 4:5
If we do not identify
and teach the spirits of
our ancestors the earth
will be cursed.
Malachi 4:5
To know thyself to be
thyself, yet one with
God. (3003-1)
Jesus, even the
Christ, is the pattern
for every man.

‘Be ye perfect as
your Father in
Heaven is perfect.’
Matthew 5:22
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Law of One - Understanding Reality

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Law of One - Understanding Reality

  • 2. Oneness The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One-One; Oneness of God, oneness of man's relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness! Edgar Cayce 900-429
  • 3. WHERE IS thine OWN will? One with HIS, or to the glorifying of thine own desires -- thine own selfish interests? Reading 900-429
  • 4. Oneness WHERE IS thine OWN will? One with HIS, or to the glorifying of thine own desires -- thine own selfish interests? Edgar Cayce 900-429
  • 5. Truth of the One source. Edgar Cayce 254-87
  • 6. Where all religions meet: ...coordinate the teachings, the philosophies of the east, and the west, the oriental and the occidental, the new truths and the old... Correlate not the differences, but where all religions meet- there is one God! "Know, O Israel, the Lord God is one!" Edgar Cayce 991-1
  • 7. Who are we? For each soul is a corpuscle in the body of God. Edgar Cayce 3395-2
  • 8. Heaven "For you grow to heaven, you don't go to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.“ Edgar Cayce 3409-1
  • 10. DAVID ALLISONE – My Left Brain Path Petroleum Engineer - Univ Texas - Austin Geologist - Miss St Univ M.B.A. - Pepperdine Univ – Malibu, Calif Psychology ½ Masters Air Force Intelligence Officer - Strategic Air Command – Chapman University Founder of Engineering/Geology Consulting Co. - ERCO Founder of Energy Exchange -- Founder of Info-Highway Communications -- Internet Service Co Founder of Gold Mining Exchange.Net -- www.GoldminingExchange.Net
  • 11. DAVID ALLISONE – Spiritual Seeker (Right Brain) Baptist > Unitarian > Agnostic > Mormon – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Taoist / Buddhist Unity / Church of Religious Science Kabbalist / Hindu / Sufi Muslim Assoc. of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) A Course in Miracles / Reike Master Pranic Healer / Oneness Blessing Giver Founder: Children of the Law of One Follows One Religion - Called TRUTH
  • 12. What The Bleep Do We Know?
  • 13. “If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.” Niels Bohr – Quantum Physicist
  • 14.
  • 15. “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 17. Copernican Universe Nicolas Kopernik - Founder of Heliocentric Planetary Theory 1522 1473 – 1543 AD
  • 18. “The discovery of nonlocality is probably the greatest discovery in all of science.” Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., One of the most celebrated scientists in the field of Quantum Physics
  • 19. What we perceive as our physical reality is actually a nonphysical virtual reality … a subset of a more fundamental reality.
  • 21. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Holography • The Trinity • Biocentrism
  • 24. Books
  • 25. Swarm Intelligence “Self Organization is a set of dynamical mechanisms whereby structures appear at the global level of a system from interactions of the lower-level components.” Bonabeau, et al Swarm Intelligence, 1999
  • 26. New Concept in Science
  • 27. Swarm Intelligence When creatures gather in swarms – their combined frequencies form another higher-level intelligence creature. David Allisone
  • 28.
  • 29. Morphonogenic Fields • • • • • • Collective Unconscious (Carl Jung) Universal Mind (Charles Fillmore) Morphonogenic Fields (Rupert Sheldrake) Extended Mind Holy Spirit Holy Ghost
  • 43. Swarm Intelligence - Jellyfish
  • 44. Swarm Intelligence – Examples Slime Mold Humans
  • 45. Swarm Intelligence - Slime Mold Slime Mold Spore Colony of Spores
  • 46. Swarm Intelligence - Aspen Grove Aspen Trees Aspen Groves
  • 47.
  • 49.
  • 50. You are here to learn what it is to be wholly and completely One with the Source of all. Solano LD Thompson
  • 54. Note Cymatic Pattern of Bacteria
  • 55.
  • 56.
  • 57. Bacteria Acts Collectively (To spread nutrients to those that are struggling)
  • 59. Intelligence Test for Bacteria Swarms •
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. The Human Microbiom Our gut microbes affect what goes on in our brains. Dr. Emeran Mayer, Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry University of California, Los Angeles
  • 65. Does this Swarm Intelligence have an Ego? Sperm Penetrating Egg
  • 66. • Ant hanging from blade of grass
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69. The Micro-Biome • The bacteria in and on our bodies are essential for life. • Microbes in a healthy human adult outnumber human cells by a ratio of ten to one. • The total number of genes in the micro-biome exceeds the number of genes in the human-genome by a factor of at least 200. • We are dependent on these bacteria to help digest our food, produce certain vitamins, regulate our immune system, and protect us against disease-causing bacteria. • Treat a bacterial infection caused by a "bad" bacteria by promoting the growth of "good" bacteria.
  • 72. They are you • Microbes and parasites control the way you think.
  • 73. Supra-Organism Supra-Organism - genes from multiple microbial species act in concert, as if they were part of a single cohesive organism. Elhanan Borenstein, Assistant Professor of Genome Sciences, University of Washington
  • 74. Gaia
  • 75. The Horsehair Worm Spinochordodes tellinii … matures inside of crickets, forces the cricket to commit suicide by drowning itself in order to return the worm to the water so it can complete its aquatic life-cycle.
  • 76. Liver Fluke Cycle Snail – Ant – Cow
  • 77.
  • 78. “Matter is not inert -- it is alive and active”. Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
  • 79. LIFE? Each Intelligence (Sub-atomic particle) is a source of Vibration. •It is also “ALIVE”.
  • 81. Swarm Intelligence – Bird Flocks
  • 84. There is no edge to an electron
  • 85. There is no real separation between the observer and the object they are observing. Russell Targ, Director of the Stanford Research Institute, Author of Miracles of Mind.
  • 86. Religions of the East have long held that the material world is Maya (illusion).
  • 87. For names are setting metes and bounds – to this edge and to that edge, which does not exist, anymore than time, space, or all – when you consider that the soul is of and through and part and portion of the all, see? Edgar Cayce 826-8
  • 88. Where is the Edge of a Steel Bar?
  • 89. Now, Where is the Edge?
  • 90. Where is the Edge of an Atom?
  • 92. YOUR AURA • Your aura can be photographed.
  • 93.
  • 96. Where is the edge of your mind?
  • 97. Your aura can be photographed. Where is the Edge of Your Body?
  • 98. An aura can be photographed. Kerlian Photography
  • 99. •You can learn to see auras. •You can learn to feel auras. •You can learn to transmit your aura.
  • 100. You can learn to transmit your aura.
  • 101. Your Aura Can Heal
  • 102. “Edges” are Illusion •An “edge” is only there because it is observed. •If it is not observed, it is just more empty space.
  • 103. RELATIONSHIPS The Basis of Swarm Intelligence
  • 104. Relationships Each of the tiniest particles of matter (an intelligence) has the ability to choose (Agency).
  • 105. AGENCY Each intelligence has “Agency” . (Freedom to Choose) •To Repel (Not Love) OR •To Attract (Love)
  • 107. ”Relationships are not only important … they are everything.” David Allisone
  • 108. An elementary particle is not an independent entity … it is a set of relationships between energy waves. Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., Physicist David Allisone, paraphrasing
  • 109. Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves. Nagarjuna, Buddhist philosopher, 2nd--century
  • 110. LEVELS OF ORGANIZED RELATIONSHIPS (Each is an example of Swarm Intelligence) God Universe Star Clusters Galaxies Solar systems Planets Internet Nations States Cities Communities, Clubs, Churches Families Bodies Organs Tissues Cells DNA Molecules Atoms (The Table of 117 Elements) Atomic Particles (Protons/ Electrons) Sub-Atomic Particles (photons, neutrinos, quarks) Intelligences (Creative Forces, Units of Consciousness, The Tao)
  • 111. Question: Is GOD is the ultimate fractal of swarm intelligence?
  • 114. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Holography • The Trinity • Biocentrism
  • 115.
  • 116. “A human being … experiences himself as something separated … a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and all nature.” Albert Einstein
  • 117. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Jesus, John 8:32
  • 118. What is this Truth? We are all One! (Separateness is an illusion!)
  • 119.
  • 120. END
  • 121.
  • 122.
  • 123. Principals of Reality How did God create something from Nothing?
  • 124. First, we must define “Nothing”.
  • 126. Pump it out until it is a Pure Vacuum
  • 127. Now, what is inside the empty box? ”Nothing”
  • 128. What is inside the box? Nothing? Air? Matter? Sound? Space? Yes No No No Yes What is space?
  • 129. Space is an Illusion ! “Space is every bit as complex as solid steel.” Illa Predinageine, Russian Nobel Prize
  • 130. What is inside the box? Light Radio Frequencies TV Frequencies Cell Phone Frequencies Cosmic Rays Gamma Rays Dark Matter Resonance Frequency of Universe The Source Vibration
  • 131. The Source Vibration The Word The Logos Tao Chi Prana Spirit The Consciousness of God
  • 132. “Matter is an Illusion” Albert Einstein
  • 133. Vibrations intersect and either amplify or neutralize the frequencies to a point where the amplified frequency can be observed by an intelligent entity – and this entity refers to this observation as “matter”. David Allisone
  • 134. Proof An laboratory example of this phenomena is called the Bose – Einstein Condensate.
  • 136. An elementary particle is not an independent entity. It is a set of relationships between energy waves. Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D. Physicist, David Allisone, paraphrasing
  • 138. Matter has a fractal analogy to ripples of raindrops on a pond.
  • 139.
  • 140. Water Drop Fractal Analogy
  • 141.
  • 143. Physicists have demonstrated that our world actually occurs in very short, rapid bursts of light. (These pulses of light are called quanta.) (The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden, p 96)
  • 144. The universe is in a constant process of crystallization and dissolution. F. David Peat, Physicist Synchronicity, The Bridge Between Matter and Mind
  • 147. Clear Oil Floating On Water
  • 148. The primary colours of light are red, green and blue. Overlapping beams of these colours combine to give the results shown on the left. On the right are shown the results of mixing paints of the primary pigment colours – magenta, cyan and yellow. (These are sometimes wrongly referred to as red, blue and yellow.)
  • 149. The Creative Forces (intelligences)
  • 150. What is Dark Matter?
  • 151. “That which is seen does not come from that which is visible.” The Apostle Paul, New Testament, Hebrews 11:3
  • 152. Rutherford Model of Electron (1888)
  • 153.
  • 154. Matter is an EMF Transform The energy vibrations (“light”) that constitutes matter are a wider portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. These transforms are also dynamic and holographic. David Allisone
  • 156. Walter Russell Periodic Table (Coiled)
  • 157. Walter Russell Periodic Table – (Unraveled)
  • 158. Genesis 1:1-2 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a ]  on the face of the deep. 2  New King James Version (NKJV)
  • 159. From the New Testament In the beginning was “the Word” and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1
  • 160. The Consciousness of God? In the beginning was “the Tao” and the Tao was with God and the Tao was God. Jesus and the Tao
  • 161. The Source Vibration In the beginning was “a Source Vibration” and the Vibration was with God and the Vibration was God. David Allisone
  • 162. Psalm 33:6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made … by the breath of his mouth. Psalm 33:9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.
  • 163. All things are composed of “intelligences”. Joseph Smith (The Mormon Prophet) Book of Mormon / Pearl of Great Price
  • 164. Intelligences (Very Tiny “Particles”) • These tiny intelligent vibrations are the building blocks of what we know as “Matter”. • Before they are large enough to form visible matter, they form structures of “Dark Matter” – (Called “Dark” because it is invisible to our senses.) • These structures comprise the “Spirit World”. • As they get larger, we begin to sense them.
  • 165. “Matter is not inert -- it is alive and active”. Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
  • 166. LEVELS OF ORGANIZED INTELLIGENCES (Each is an example of Swarm Intelligence) God Universe Star Clusters Galaxies Solar systems Planets Internet Nations States Cities Communities, Clubs, Churches Families Bodies Organs Tissues Cells DNA Molecules Atoms (The Table of 117 Elements) Atomic Particles (Protons/ Electrons) Sub-Atomic Particles (photons, neutrinos, quarks) Intelligences (Creative Forces, Units of Consciousness, The Tao)
  • 167. Subatomic particles are simply notes on a superstring. Einstein’s Cosmos, p.226, by Dr. Michio Kaku, (Co-founder of String Field Theory)
  • 169. ... matter is simply the interference of energy vibrations that creates an illusion of something solid. Kathara Manual, P 11
  • 170. The apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory … all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected … everything interpenetrates everything.
  • 171. "Our brains act as a lens and mathematically construct 'hard' reality by receiving and interpreting input from a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency”. David Bohm / Karl Pribram Karl H. Pribram, M.D., Ph.D. Physicist, Stanford, Yale, Cambridge, world-famous for his achievements in neuroscience. David Bohm, Ph.D., Quantum Physicist
  • 173. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Holography • The Trinity • Biocentrism
  • 175. Cymatics Demo – With Chladni Plate
  • 176. Particles on a Chladni Plate
  • 178. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Holography • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Biocentrism • The Trinity
  • 179. Examples of Fractal Analogies Bathtub Drain Tornado
  • 180. Examples of Fractal Analogies Hurricane Galaxy
  • 181. Examples of Fractal Analogies Solar System Atom
  • 183. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Holography • The Trinity • Biocentrism
  • 184.
  • 185.
  • 186. "The whole is in every part … separateness is an illusion … particles are not individual entities … but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something … facets of a deeper and more underlying unity --- the universe is a projection, a hologram." David Bohm, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ of London
  • 187.
  • 188.
  • 189. "Each atom, each corpuscle, has within it the whole form of the universe -within its OWN structure." Edgar Cayce 281-24
  • 190. “Reality … is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein
  • 191. “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such.”  Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 192. “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration … We must assume behind this force is a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 193. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Holography • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Biocentrism • Trinity
  • 194. Building Blocks of the Universe Platonic Solids Golden Mean / Golden Spiral Fibonacci Series Pi and Phi Ratios (Da Vinci) The micro-universe mirrors macro-universe
  • 195.
  • 198. FOUR FORM A HIGHLY STABLE RELATIONSHIP Note the “Flower of Life”
  • 201. Radiation microscope photo of nuclei of iron atoms showing interlocking force fields
  • 202.
  • 204. “Matter is not inert -- it is alive and active”. Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
  • 205. Dots are atoms of iridium -- the rings are facets of a single crystal
  • 206. Music – Circle of Fifths
  • 209.
  • 211. TIME Past Paradigm • Time has a beginning and an end Present Paradigm • Time is Linear • Time is a constant Future Paradigm • Time is relative • The past & the future are illusions • Everything that is happening is the past
  • 212. The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Albert Einstein
  • 213. Time is not at all what it seems. It does not flow in only one direction … and the future exists simultaneously with the past. Albert Einstein
  • 214. "Déjà vu " … means already seen -- it has already been lived through at the mind level and we are merely experiencing it again. A Vast Illusion, p 32
  • 215. Everything we see is a reflection or shadow of the real or spiritual life. Edgar Cayce 262-23
  • 216. “The spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.”
  • 217. “Everything that happening ... is the past.” Edgar Cayce - Experiments in a Search for God, p 76
  • 218. The occurrence of events in time is later than the event in the unseen world. I Ching, translation of The Book of Changes by Richard Wilhelm
  • 219. All things were created spiritually before they became natural. Moses 3:5 (Joseph Smith - Mormon)
  • 220. All things were created spiritually first – then temporally – then they return back to the spiritual. D&C 29:31-32
  • 221. “Time is holographic, but we have broken it up into the past, the present, and the future.” A Course in Miracles, from A Vast Illusion by Kenneth Wapnick. p. 162.
  • 222. Time is a vibration, and is that which differentiates the earth dimension from another. Edgar Cayce
  • 223. “Time only has meaning within the manifest world -- the non-state of dissolution lies outside time.” Edgar Cayce
  • 224. Time is the great separator, because it was the vibration of time that caused the great separation. Edgar Cayce
  • 225. There was no such thing as time on Earth until God decreed that there should be light. Edgar Cayce
  • 226. Since the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously … it is possible to reach into the super-hologram of reality and pluck out scenes from the past (or future)”. David Allisone
  • 227. “…space measurements are reducible to time measurements. Time is therefore logically prior to space.” Max Jammer
  • 230. ”Quantum mechanics studies of space vacuum show an astonishing variety of … activity in a place where we otherwise expect nothing at all … virtual particles extraordinary, even violent activity.” ( Discover Magazine, March 1992, pp. 108 - 112, Hans Christian Von Baeyer)
  • 231. SPACE •Past Paradigm • A vacuum is empty •Present Paradigm • A vacuum is void, from which nothing can be extracted. •Future Paradigm • A vacuum is an illusion – it is as complex as steel • Energy can be extracted from a vacuum • A vacuum contains intelligent life
  • 232. Visualize an Empty Glass Bulb • Pure Vacuum (Zero air molecules) • We call this “Empty Space”. • But is it Really empty? • What is the meaning of “Empty”? • What is really inside this bulb?
  • 233. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What is inside the Bulb? Radio Waves TV Waves Cell Phone waves Microwaves Visible Light Waves Ultraviolet Waves Infrared Waves Cosmic Rays Brain Waves (Consciousness) Heart Waves Your Aura Subatomic Particles Waves (emitted from Electrons) Intelligences Dark Matter So, is the bulb empty?
  • 234. A vacuum is teeming with “non-observable life". Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
  • 235. “Space as conceived by Newton proved to be an illusion.” Max Jammer from the Concepts of Space and endorsement by Albert Einstein
  • 236. “Consider the three dimensionality of space not to be an inherent quality of space, but as a specific peculiarity of the human soul [consciousness].” Max Jammer
  • 237.
  • 240. "Matter is a multi-dimensional dynamic holographic projection of the entire electromagnetic spectrum”. David Allisone
  • 242. “It is an embarrassment that the dominant forms of matter in the universe are hypothetical…”
  • 243. “The self-organizing properties of matter and of life cannot be fully explained in terms of the physical sciences and molecular biology; completely new fundamental principles will be required.” Prof Willis Harmon, Stanford University, 1995
  • 244.
  • 245.
  • 246.
  • 248.
  • 250. "The whole is in every part … separateness is an illusion … particles are not individual entities … but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something … facets of a deeper and more underlying unity --- the universe is a projection, a hologram." David Bohm, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ of London
  • 251.
  • 254. PAST PARADIGM • Earth is flat • Sun revolves around Earth • Elements are Fire, Air, Wood, Water • Disease is a curse • Kings have a divine right to rule
  • 255. CURRENT PARADIGM – Newtonian Physics • The paranormal is folly (ESP, prophecy, ghosts, healings, etc.) • Speed of light may not be exceeded • Matter is solid and inert • A vacuum is empty • Miracles are pure coincidence • Consciousness is inside our brain
  • 256. FUTURE PARADIGM •A New View of the World •The All-is-One Paradigm •Unites Science and Religion •The Shift of the Ages •A Tsunami of Consciousness
  • 257. ALLISONE PARADIGM -- SUMMARY • Time is an illusion • Matter is an illusion • Space is an illusion • Separateness is an illusion • Position and location are illusions • Momentum and velocity are illusions • “All is One”
  • 258. ALLISONE PARADIGM (Continued) •All particles are connected. •Particles do not exist until observed. •Relationships are everything. •Everything is a dynamic interconnected interdependent holographic web of intelligences. • Death is an illusion.
  • 259. Matter is a Dynamic Multidimensional Holographic Transform of the full Electromagnetic Spectrum. Sound, Light, Diffraction and Interference, Optical Transforms, Fractals
  • 260. Building Blocks of the Universe Intelligences, The Platonic Solids Relationships The Golden Mean The Fibonacci Series (Leonardo Fibonacci) Leonardo Da Vinci Pi and Phi Ratios The micro-universe mirror the macro-universe? Fractals.
  • 261. Dots are atoms of iridium -- the rings are facets of a single crystal
  • 262. •If there is no ear in the forest, there is no sound. •If there is no observer in the forest, there is no tree.
  • 264. "Truth is often stranger than fiction -- because fiction is obliged to make sense." Mark Twain
  • 265.
  • 267. “I wished to show that space-time is not necessarily something to which one can ascribe a separate existence, independently of the actual objects of physical reality. Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept of ‘empty space’ loses its meaning.” Albert Einstein, June 9th, 1952 Note to the Fifteenth Edition of Relativity
  • 268. “If we think of the field as being removed, there is no ‘space’ which remains, since space does not have an independent existence.” Albert Einstein, Generalization of Gravitation Theory
  • 269. “Reality … is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein
  • 270. “A human being experiences himself as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the of whole nature.” Albert Einstein
  • 271. “… space-time is not the place where we live, but rather a field of which we are a part.” Thomas Campbell
  • 272. “…consciousnss and reality are related. David Bohm Introduction to Wholeness and the Implicate Order
  • 273. “Space as conceived by Newton proved to be an illusion.” Max Jammer from the The Concepts of Space and endorsement by Albert Einstin
  • 275. “Considered the three dimensionality of space not to be an inherent quality of space, but as a specific peculiarity of the human soul [consciousness].” Max Jammer
  • 276. “…the very study of external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of consciousness is the ultimate universal reality.” Physics Eugene P Wigner, Nobel Prize Winner. The Place of Consciousness in modern
  • 277. “To understand the world, one must not be worrying about one’s self.” Albert Einstein
  • 278. The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” Albert Einstein
  • 279. “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” Albert Einstein
  • 280. How are you going to make the trip (journey)? • Will you be in the driver’s seat? • Will you be in the passenger’s seat? • Will you be locked in the trunk? • Will you be dragged, kicking and screaming, at the end of a rope?
  • 281. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Holography • The Trinity • Biocentrism
  • 282. Healing requires "attuning each atom to the awareness of the divine that lies within each atom, each cell of the body". (Cayce 3384‑2)
  • 283.
  • 284.
  • 285.
  • 286.
  • 287.
  • 289. “The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Albert Einstein
  • 290. Time is not at all what it seems. It does not flow in only one direction … and the future exists simultaneously with the past. Albert Einstein
  • 291. Everything we see is a reflection or shadow of the real or spiritual life. Edgar Cayce 262-23
  • 292. “Everything happening ... is the past.” Edgar Cayce - Experiments in a Search for God, p 76
  • 293. The occurrence of events in time is later than the suprasensible event in the unseen world. (I Ching, translation of The Book of Changes by Richard Wilhelm)
  • 294. “…space measurements are reducible to time measurements. Time is therefore logically prior to space.” Max Jammer
  • 296.
  • 298. Christ Consciousness is the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul’s oneness with God. Edgar Cayce 5749-14
  • 299. Edgar Cayce describes the process of entering the interconnected dimension as Attunement, which is essential to the “Evolutionary Process”
  • 300. Attunement is the fundamental energy and stabilizing force of love – cooperation at its highest level. It is losing sight of self and becoming a channel through which blessings may flow to others. Also, this is the natural “Evolutionary Process” of man -- to seek and find the Oneness.
  • 301. What “Evolutionary Process”? Answer: The growth from a “Child of God” to a fully mature God (Like our “Father in Heaven”). David Allisone
  • 302. Healing requires "attuning each atom to the awareness of the divine that lies within each atom, each cell of the body". Cayce 3384‑2
  • 303.
  • 305. The Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam, and nowhere is there a reference to his waking up. (T-15)
  • 306. Reincarnation is an illusion. There is no past or future.
  • 307. There is always some good in any thought which strengthens the idea that life and the body are not the same. (M-57)
  • 308. The Course, therefore, is designed to debunk the world of illusion created by the ego and return man to the state of rightmindedness, making possible the oneness with God.
  • 309. It is impossible not to believe what you see, but it is equally impossible to see what you do not believe. (T-192)
  • 310. Perception did not exist before the separation. (T-37)
  • 311. The Holy Spirit sees the world as a teaching device. (T-74)
  • 312. The super-conscious mind is of the Spirit and is one, that is, at one with the mind that is all. It is at this level that we can experience the oneness with God or Creative Forces. This is the mind level we endeavor to reach in meditation. Cayce 3492-1
  • 313. There are no others. Others are illusion.
  • 314. The subconscious mind records as truth all that is said or thought about self or others because it knows no others!
  • 315. Teach what you want to learn.
  • 316. Only that which ye have given do ye possess! (1318-1)
  • 317. All of the good, all of God, all of bad, all of evil that ye may know, is within thine own self.
  • 318. All that I give is given to myself. A Course in Miracles
  • 319. Only that which ye give away, only that which ye live thine own self, is thine! (315-5)
  • 320. Show mercy that ye may have mercy shown. Show patience that ye may indeed become aware of thy relationship to Him…
  • 321. I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings of experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. And everything that seems to happen to me I ask for, and receive as I have asked. (ACIM T-418)
  • 323.
  • 324.
  • 325. Essential Knowledge (To Understanding Fundamental Reality) • Fractals • Holography • Cymatics • Sacred Geometry • Swarm Intelligence • Biocentrism • The Trinity
  • 326.  ”I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.” Max Planc – Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 327. “Matter is a manifestation of consciousness.” Paramahansa Yogananda
  • 328. The frequencies from your brain are “creating” your world.
  • 329. With our thoughts, we create our world. The Buddha, Dhammapada, p. 1
  • 330. The intelligences attach themselves to Thought Forms (which are Holographic Templates).
  • 332. A New Revolution “Consciousness is the matrix of reality.” David Allisone
  • 333. “… that the very study of external world led to the scientific conclusion that the content of consciousness is the ultimate universal reality.” Eugene P Wigner, Nobel Prize Winner. The Place of Consciousness in Modern Physics
  • 334. ”The science of man’s subjective experience is in its infancy.” Willis W. Harmon (Ph.D.), from The New Copernican Revolution. He is the Director of the US Educational Policy Research Center at Stanford University.
  • 335. “The range between perceptions shared by practically all, and those which are unique to one individual, will be assumed to be much more of a continuum than a sharp division between ‘the world out there’ and what goes on in my head” Willis W. Harmon
  • 336. “The new science will incorporate some ways of referring to the subjective experiencing of a unity in all things (the ‘more’ of William James, the ‘All’ of Bugental, the ‘Divine Ground’ of Aldous Huxley’s The Perennial Phiosophy.)” Willis W. Harmon
  • 337. “…the consciousness is the computer…consciousness is the ultimate reality, the fundamental source of All That is.” Physicist Dr. Edward Fredkin of MIT
  • 338. Reality … is based upon consciousness, which is the basic substance, energy, or media of existence.
  • 339. What we perceive as our local physical reality is actually a nonphysical virtual reality, a subset of a larger more fundamental reality.
  • 340. “Consider the three dimensionality of space not to be an inherent quality of space, but as a specific peculiarity of the human soul [consciousness].” Max Jammer
  • 341.
  • 342. The soul leaves a record upon the pages of time and space.” Edgar Cayce
  • 343. “To understand the world, one must not be worrying about one’s self.” Albert Einstein
  • 344. The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” Albert Einstein
  • 345. “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” Albert Einstein
  • 346. How are you going to make the journey? • Will you be in charge or driving? • Will you be along for the ride in the passenger’s seat? • Will you be locked in the trunk? • Will you be dragged, kicking and screaming, at the end of a rope?
  • 347. Gratitude “ ... when you go into a state of gratitude the brain itself functions as a much better instrument, which in turn proves very helpful in raising your states of consciousness ... people who have the sense of gratitude move much faster [in spiritual growth] than those who do not.“ Bhagavan
  • 348. Lecture 15 IT IS ALL MUSIC
  • 350. Mission Statement of David Hughey Allisone A.K.A. David Haywood Mangum To play a major role in ushering in the predicted *“tsunami of consciousness” by fostering hope, joy and happiness to my fellow beings by helping them become enlightened as to who they are, where they came from, why they are here, and where they are going. * Christ Consciousness
  • 351. SOURCES (Here are the Giants): The Holographic Universe, (Michael Talbot), The Holographic Paradigm (Ken Wilber), The Dancing Wu Li Masters, (Gary Zukav), The Seat of the Soul (Gary Zukav), The Kabbalah (Judaism), Old Testament, The New Testament, Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi Library, A Search for God (Edgar Cayce Material), A Course in Miracles (Helen Schueman), Joseph Smith Materials (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, The Koran (Mohammed), Bhagavad-Git (Hindu), Buddha, Deepak Chopra, Ye Are Gods (Annalee Skarin), Love Medicine & Miracles (Dr. Bernie S. Siegel), The Laws of Success, Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill), Gods in the Making (W.H. Church), The Principals of Theosophy (H.P. Blavatsky), Seth Materials (Jane Roberts), KATHARA Bio-spiritual Healing, (Anna Hayes Gruber, Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek Cloister), In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation (Walter Russell), Carlos Castaneda, Joel Goldsmith, Earth in the Beginning (Eric Skousen), The Flower of Live (Drunvalo Melchizedek), The Isaiah Effect (Gre Braden), The “Yi, Jin, Jing” (Book of Tendon and Changes), The I Ching, Bahai’ (Abdu’l Baha’), The Kybalion (Hermes Trismegistus), The Essential Ernest Holmes (Jesse Jennings), Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
  • 352. "Third Scientific Revolution" - awareness of higher states of organizational complexity based on consciousness and subtle forms of energy -- a view that has been neglected by western science. Prof Willis Harmon, Stanford University, 1995
  • 354. “The only thing that connects the infinite to the finite is MUSIC”. Edgar Cayce (Don Pond)
  • 355. "The whole is in every part … separateness is an illusion … particles are not individual entities … but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something … facets of a deeper and more underlying unity --- the universe is a projection, a hologram." David Bohm, Ph.D., Physicist, Univ of London
  • 356. The apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory …… all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected …… everything interpenetrates everything.
  • 357. "Our brains act as a lens and mathematically construct 'hard' reality by receiving and interpreting input from a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency”. David Bohm / Karl Pribram Karl H. Pribram, M.D., Ph.D. Physicist, Stanford, Yale, Cambridge, world-famous for his achievements in neuroscience. David Bohm, Ph.D., Quantum Physicist
  • 358. Matter is an Optical Transform The “light” that make these transforms is the entire electromagnetic spectrum. These transforms are also dynamic and holographic.
  • 359. Matter is not inert -- it is "alive and active". Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
  • 360.
  • 361. The following 3 slides establish that Edgar Cayce was connected to a Higher Source:
  • 362. “ … it’s all music.” (Edgar Cayce’s last words on his death bed, 1945)
  • 363. Subatomic particles are simply notes on a superstring. Einstein’s Cosmos, p.226, by Dr. Michio Kaku, (co-founder of String Field Theory)
  • 364. When a superstring vibrates at a different note, it changes into a different subatomic particle. Einstein’s Cosmos, p. 226, by Dr. Michio Kaku, Co-founder of String Field Theory
  • 366. Time is a vibration, and is that which differentiates the earth dimension from another. Edgar Cayce
  • 368. The vacuum state is teeming with “non-observable life". Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate, 1977, Univ. of Texas
  • 369. ”Quantum mechanics studies of space vacuum show an astonishing variety of … activity in a place where we otherwise expect nothing at all … virtual particles extraordinary, even violent activity.” (Discover Magazine, March 1992, pp. 108 - 112, Hans Christian Von Baeyer)
  • 370.
  • 371. The primary colours of light are red, green and blue. Overlapping beams of these colours combine to give the results shown on the left. On the right are shown the results of mixing paints of the primary pigment colours – magenta, cyan and yellow. (These are sometimes wrongly referred to as red, blue and yellow.)
  • 372. Cancer cells have created a new activity separate from the rest of the body and are no longer reachable by the normal intracellular methods of communication and coordination. Eric Mein, M.D., Meridian Institute (ARE)
  • 373. “cellular forces attempting to act themselves. ... every atom of the body is a whole universe or element unto itself. It either coordinates or it makes disruptive forces .." Edgar Cayce (759-9)
  • 374. Healing requires “attuning each atom ... to the awareness of the divine that lies within each atom, each cell of the body”. (Cayce 3384-2)
  • 375. Our moods are electronic energies that leave the blood with a glow from the emotions. (Edgar Cayce 263-13)
  • 376. Cancer cells have created a new activity separate from the rest of the body and are no longer reachable by the normal intracellular methods of communication and coordination. Eric Mein, M.D., Meridian Institute (ARE)
  • 377. “.. cellular forces attempting to act themselves. … every atom of the body is a whole universe or element unto itself. It either coordinates or it makes disruptive forces .." Edgar Cayce (759-9)
  • 378. Healing requires “attuning each atom ... to the awareness of the divine that lies within each atom, each cell of the body”. (Edgar Cayce 3384-2)
  • 379. “The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and element of the body, each organ and organism, having its unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in, that particular organism.” Edgar Cayce
  • 380. "To know the mechanics of the wave is to know the entire secret of Nature." Walter Russell
  • 381. “The only thing that connects the infinite to the finite is MUSIC”. Edgar Cayce (Don Pond)
  • 383. Every element has its own characteristic vibration. (resonance frequency)
  • 384. Every species has its own characteristic vibration.
  • 385. Every plant has its own characteristic vibration. (resonance frequency)
  • 386. Every disease has its own characteristic vibration.
  • 387. Every person has his or her own characteristic vibration. (resonance frequency)
  • 389.
  • 390. PLANTS
  • 391.
  • 392.
  • 393.
  • 394. Plants can faint – any foreign object, solar activity or overstimulation can trigger it ... they recover in 20 minutes or so. J.C.Bose (treated his plants like patients)
  • 395. INTENT: The moment the imagery of burning that leaf entered my mind, the polygraph recording pen moved rapidly to the top of the chart! It’s as though this plant read my mind. Cleave Backster, Feb 2, 1966
  • 396. Plants grew 5060% faster and stronger with raga music.  Too much music, however, would slow their growth. Dr. T.C. Singh (India) Mystery of the Talking Plants
  • 397. Darryl told his wife he was giving up tree logging because he could no long take the screams.  When he first began to hear the sound, he thought it was the wind.  But "when put my chain saw blade into the tree, I could hear it scream”.
  • 398. "To know the mechanics of the wave is to know the entire secret of Nature." Walter Russell
  • 400. Thought is a vibration, and like any other energy field, builds into stable configurations. Edgar Cayce
  • 401. Vibration is the language that defines our universe. Edgar Cayce
  • 402. Edgar Cayce, in trance, said that he had an unusual ability to perceive and interpret the “wider range of vibratory energy.”
  • 403. “History will be seen to come in cycles ... as in [the case of] energy [waves].” Edgar Cayce
  • 404.
  • 405.
  • 406.
  • 408.
  • 409. Taoism
  • 410. Tao
  • 411. Tao
  • 412. Taoism
  • 413.
  • 414.
  • 416.
  • 417.
  • 418.
  • 419.
  • 420. Tao
  • 421. Taoism
  • 422.
  • 424. Example of Fractal Analogy You were created by a Creator so you can create other Creators. Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet
  • 425. The project was headed by the soul later known as Adam and as Jesus. Edgar Cayce and A Course in Miracles, p 2
  • 426. The Gods waited until the elements obeyed. Abraham 4:18, 31
  • 427. All things were created spiritually before they became natural. Moses 3:5
  • 428. All things were created spiritually first – then temporally – then they return back to the spiritual. D&C 29:31-32
  • 429. Sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; so they took them as wives. Genesis
  • 430. "There is no more important chapter in the Bible than where Jesus prayed that his disciples would become one, as He and His Father were one.“ David O. McKay, referring to John 17:11,21-22
  • 431. Priestcraft Jesus commandeth that there shall be no apriestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set bthemselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get cgain and dpraise of the world; but they seek not the ewelfare of Zion. Book of Mormon, 2nd Nephi 29
  • 432. The Gods waited until the elements obeyed. Abraham 4:18, 31
  • 433. “I am the light and the life of the world.” Jesus 3 Nephi 9:18
  • 434. “Come unto me as a little child … for such is the kingdom of God.” Jesus 3 Nephi 9:22
  • 435. “I am in the Father, and the Father in me.” Jesus 3 Nephi 9:15
  • 436. “Be one, and if you are not one ye are not mine.” Jesus D&C 38:27
  • 437. Gen 1:Earth was Void – without form Gen 1:4 – Sep. Light from darkness (begin of Duality) 7: Separ. - Gases from Liquid 10: Separation 3 – Liquid from Solid 14: Separation 4 – Night from Day – 20: Separation 5 – Life from Water 26: Adam became a Fractal of God 27: Separate Male from Female 28: Separate Children from the female
  • 438. You lived in Elohim’s house … you have merely forgotten. Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 50
  • 440. The Most Important Work on Earth … shall turn the hearts of the children to their fathers. Malachi 4:5?
  • 441. Trapped Between Worlds? There are many billions of our ancestors whose spirits are trapped between dimensions.
  • 442. What is trapping them? They are trapped because they continue to believe that the material world is reality.
  • 443. If we do not identify and teach the spirits of our ancestors the earth will be cursed. Malachi 4:5
  • 444. If we do not identify and teach the spirits of our ancestors the earth will be cursed. Malachi 4:5
  • 445. To know thyself to be thyself, yet one with God. (3003-1)
  • 446. Jesus, even the Christ, is the pattern for every man. (3258-1)
  • 447. Objective ‘Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.’ Matthew 5:22
  • 448.
  • 449.
  • 450.
  • 451.
  • 452.
  • 453.
  • 454.

Editor's Notes

  1. The great migration of wildebeest is one of the world's most dramatic natural wonders: Every year in Africa, more than 1.5 million wildebeest migrate across the Serengeti in Tanzania and into the Masai Mara in Kenya in search of fresh grazing pastures. Photographers and brothers Will and Matt Burrard-Lucas journeyed to see the migration first-hand, recording the huge effort in stunning photos, time-lapse sequences, and a video. It's the largest mass-movement of land mammals on the planet—and the thunderous charge is nowhere more hectic than at the Mara river, where the thousands and thousands of animals are forced to converge in order to cross to the other side.
  2. Swarms of rational idiots are able to make complex decisions, as if guided by a larger intelligence—and it is a lot cheaper to build an idiot. Coral forms complex, porous structures that are surprisingly similar to those built by insects, full of chambers and holes but remarkably stable.
  3. Dennis Waite The Book of One The Ancient Wisdom of Advaita 448 pages,  A comprehensive, yet entertaining introduction to Advaita, the non-dual philosophy which provides a completely reasonable explanation for who we are and the nature of the universe. There are many 'self-help' approaches promising enlightenment and happiness but most are illogical and lack any proven capability. Advaita has a guru-disciple tradition stretching back for several thousand years and can guarantee the sincere seeker a progressive path to self-realization.A 21st Century treatment of this ancient eastern philosophy, this book addresses all of the issues that are covered by both traditional teachers from the lineage of Shankara and by modern 'satsang teaching' and Direct Path methods stemming from Ramana Maharshi and Krishna Menon Topics are explained in an accessible and readable manner, using amusing quotations and stories along with an abundance of metaphors from a wide variety of sources. Some of the most difficult concepts are clarified, whilst recognizing that this knowledge is ultimately beyond language or intellectual understanding. The Book of One is perhaps the most accessible, articulate and relevant book on the nature of non-duality. 9|5|10
  4. The Findhorn Foundation is a Scottish charitable trust registered in 1972, formed by the spiritual community at the Findhorn Ecovillage, one of the largest intentional communities in Britain.
  5. - 500 × 349 - Search by image Bacteria are smart enough that when they have hard conditions, instead of competing with one another, they act collectively to spread nutrients and transmute resources in a manner that requires group coordination.
  6. Highly evolved communities Colony of Paenibacillus vortex bacteria. Example of an elaborate colony that P. vortex can form, such as the one in the accompanying image, when grown for a few days in a Petri dish under laboratory-imposed stresses that mimic hostile environments it may face. While the colors and shading are artistic additions, the image structure is part of an 8cm diameter colony of tens of billions of these microorganisms create as they use “chemical twitting” to self-organize and to solve problems together in the absence of rulers. The bright dots are dense groups of bacteria, termed vortices, which swarm collectively around a common center to better pave the way on hard surfaces and protect themselves from hazards. As the cells replicate, the vortex expands in size and moves outward as a unit, leaving behind a trail of older, non-replicating cells, which form branches. Bacteria have developed intricate communication capabilities (e.g. quorum-sensing, chemotactic signaling and plasmid exchange) to cooperatively self-organize into highly structured colonies with elevated environmental adaptability. ( The power of cooperationWhile the number of bacteria in a colony can be more than 100 times the number of people on Earth, bacteria are twittering (“ bacterial twittering” or “chemical tweeting”) to make sure they all know what they all doing (by exchanging “chemical tweets”); each cell is both an actor and a spectator in the bacterial Game of Life. Acting jointly, these tiny organisms can sense the environment, process information, solve problems and make decisions so as to thrive in harsh environments. In better times, when exposed to an environment containing abundant nutrients, instead of rushing to exhaust the available resources, as human communities often do, bacteria save for the future and make sure to be prepared for hard times that might befall them in the future. But how smart bacteria really are, and what makes them that way? The impact of the team's research is three-fold. First, it shows just how "smart" bacteria can really be — a new paradigm that has just begun to be recognised by the science community today. Second, it demonstrates bacteria's high level of social intelligence — how bacteria work together to communicate and grow. And finally, the work points out some potentially significant applications in medicine and agriculture. The researchers looked at genes which allow the bacteria to communicate and process information about their environment, making decisions and synthesizing agents for defensive and offensive purposes. This research shows that bacteria are not simple solitary organisms, or "low level" entities, as earlier believed — they are highly social and evolved creatures. They consistently foil the medical community as they constantly develop strategies against the latest antibiotics. In the West, bacteria are one of the top three killers in hospitals today. Swarming motility allows microorganisms to move rapidly over surfaces. The Gram-positive bacterium Paenibacillus vortex exhibits advanced cooperative motility on agar plates resulting in intricate colonial patterns with geometries that are highly sensitive to the environment. Social Intelligence of Bacteria Social-IQ score of bacteria was developed and evaluated for all bacteria with sequenced genome. The new score can help to better benefit from high IQ friendly bacteria and outsmart pathogenic ones.  Bacteria, long perceived as simple creatures, are now recognised to be smart beasts that can conduct intricate social life while using sophisticated chemical language, one we have only recently begun to decode. The bacterial power of cooperation is manifested by their ability to develop large colonies of astonishing complexity, as seen in the picture
  7. Social IQ distribution. The distribution of the social IQ scores of the 502 bacteria in terms of the relative scores (relative to the average score divided by the standard deviation). The bacteria strains marked green belong to the Paenibacillus genus.   Our best friends and worst enemiesBacteria are the most prolific organisms on Earth. Many of them are fierce killers, but many more are indispensible to our survival. In our rush to free the human race from deadly bacterial diseases, we created a major health problem worldwide: bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Even in the West, bacteria are one of the top 3 killers in hospitals today. Unaware of bacteria's social intelligence, which allows them to learn from experience to solve new problems and then share their newly acquired skills, we use antibiotics indiscriminately. As a result, bacteria developed multiple drug resistance, and we can't invent new drugs fast enough to beat them. Acknowledging bacteria’s social intelligenceTo change this threat to our health, we must realize they have social intelligence. Only if we accept how smart they are can we find ways to destroy the pathogenic bacteria and at the same time find new ways to better exploit the capabilities of friendly bacteria for our benefit. There is now hope that soon we will find new ways to fight drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria. Our study shows that the pathogenic bacteria are not so smart; their Social-IQ score is just at the average level. Acknowledging that bacteria are smart will direct research effort to gather information and to deepen the understanding of bacteria's social intelligence. Then, we will learn how to outsmart the bacteria - for example, by tampering with their communication or by turning toxic material they produce against them, as we have recently shown. Harnessing bacterial intelligenceThis information can also be directly applied in “green” agriculture or biological control, where bacteria’s advanced offense strategies and the toxic agents they synthesize are used to fight harmful bacteria and fungi and even higher organisms. The Paenibacillus genus bacteria, to which the three smartest bacteria belong, are known to be a rich source for industrial, agricultural and medical applications. Bacteria are often found in soil and live in harmony with a plant’s roots –– a process called symbiosis.  The environment down there is very competitive, and bacteria help the plant roots access nutrients; in exchange, the bacteria consume sugar from the roots. Both help each other. For that reason, bacteria are now applied in agriculture to increase the productivity of plants and make them stronger against pests and disease. The Social-IQ score could help developers screen which bacteria might work best for each task.
  8. The Hair Worm is a parasite capable of infesting grasshoppers and compelling them to commit suicide by drowning so the worm can be released back into an aquatic environment.
  9. There is a species of Liver Fluke that find their way into the bodies of mammals through ants -- ants which they control! And the whole thing happens because snails, ants, and cows just want to get a bite to eat.The adult liver flukes (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) live in the bodies of mammals like cows or sheep where they produce eggs that are passed out of the animal in its stool. Terrestrial snails come along, smelly a nice poopy dinner, and gobble up the stool that is infested with an unwanted worm egg salad.Now the eggs begins the next stage of this bizarre life cycle. Inside the snail, the eggs hatch small larva known as miracidia. The miracidia multiply inside the snail's digestive glands, and are expelled from the snail's body in the slime the snail leaves in its wake. From here, ants appear. Just like the snails ate up the cattle's poop, so the ants want to make a meal out of the snail's slime. They collect it into balls, and take it back to the colony for supper.Little do they know that this meal will be the death of them.The larva in the slime has since developed into metacercaria, small spherical cases that contain an intermediary stage of the parasite. Inside their ant hosts, the metacercariae encyst in the ant’s body cavity. Eventually, one metacercaria takes root in the ant's nervous system and it is from here that the metacercaria robs the ant of its will.For reasons still unknown to science, the metacercaria change the ant's behaviour to put them in harm's way. In the cool evenings and early mornings when grazing mammals are about, infected ants are forced by their zombie masters to crawl to the tops of flowers and grass. They stay there, stationary and fixed, until a lumbering mammal looking to satisfy a snack attack comes along and munches up all the vegetation.The Vegetation infested with ants.The Ants infested with liver fluke parasites that infect the mammal.If the ants are lucky enough not to be eaten, they return to their normal behaviour when the day warms. But, the next night or evening when the day cools, they are again compelled to climb to their deaths under chemical command of their fluke worm masters.This video from National Geographic illustrates the bizarre process.
  11. Holographic Schematic
  12. Raindrops on a pond
  13. Red light interferes with blue light resulting in the total “apparent elimination” of all light (black)
  14. The electromagnetic spectrum
  15. (A vibration or frequency.)
  16. John 1:3 Through him all things were made.
  17. Star Wars - Leah
  18. Scientific American Magazine – Aug 2003 – Are You a Hologram
  19. New Scientist - 2005
  20. Holographic Schematic
  21. Holographic plate
  22. Broken Holographic Plate ‑ (each fragment contains the whole 3-D image).
  23. Goldfish on TV
  24. Platonic Solids
  25. Platonic Solids
  26. Two Double Tetrahedrons
  27. Tree of life
  28. Double tetrahedron
  29. Iridium atoms
  30. Φ Curated From: The Resonance Project Φ Music directly reflects the structure of space-time. Here we see how the musical system called “the circle of fifths” perfectly maps to the cube octahedron, or what Buckminster Fuller called the “vector equilibrium” which is comprised of 6 pairs of equal and opposite vectors that perfectly match the 6 pairs of tri-tones (the interval that divides the 12-tone musical scale perfectly in half). We already have the fractal geometry of the structure of the vacuum of space encoded into our musical systems! For more on the connection between music and Sacred geometry check-out this excellent website on cosometry which explores the fractal holographic nature of the cosmos created by The Resonance Project board member Marshall Lefferts :
  31. Beryl Crystal
  32. Two Double Tetrahedrons
  33. Chambered Nautilus
  34. DaVinci
  35. Human Being
  36. Frog
  37. Fish
  38. Dragonfly
  39. Phi Ratios in Butterfly
  40. Metatron's Cube
  41. Electrons have no specific location
  42. Matter
  43. The electromagnetic spectrum
  44. Here are some former false beliefs; however, some people still hold to these beliefs.
  45. Current Misconceptions and Illusions Based on Newtonian Physics and believed by many well educated people. Also called the “Scientific Paradigm”
  46. Iridium atoms
  47. Table of vibrations
  48. The electromagnetic spectrum
  49. Taihe Mountain, Xuanyue Mountain, Wudang Mountain