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2014–2015 Annual Report
Inspired by you
Every year, working with the Susan G. Komen® Central Indiana family of
volunteers, survivors and contributors leaves us feeling more inspired than ever
to fulfill our promise to save lives and end breast cancer forever. This year was
no exception.
Komen Central Indiana started the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year by awarding nearly
$850,000 in Community Impact Grants to 11 breast health programs right here
in central Indiana. Throughout the year, these funds reached 25,898 Hoosiers
with life-saving breast health services.
In addition to our local grants, Komen Central Indiana contributed $344,000 to
fund breast cancer research that makes early detection easier, care better and
outcomes more successful.
We are proud to say central Indiana community members can count on us for
help that gives survivors the strength needed for today and to push research
forward, offering hope for tomorrow.
We know the coming year will be even more impactful. A new community
profile will strengthen our focus and approach to fulfilling our mission locally.
On April 16, 2016 we will reflect on 25 years of local impact as we celebrate the
25th Komen Central Indiana Race for the Cure..
While we celebrate our progress and the many lives saved as a result of early
detection and better treatments, we must continue to strive for a world where
no one fears losing a mother, sister, daughter or wife to breast cancer. Still
today, a woman dies of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the United States,
and we work for a brighter future.
We are grateful for our donors, corporate partners, volunteers and the
thousands of breast cancer survivors who make our work at Komen Central
Indiana possible and meaningful. You are the spirit of this organization, and
together we will save lives.
For the Cures,
Board President
Executive Director
Central Indiana
grants reached
women & men
providing a total of
breast health
April 1, 2014 &
March 31, 2015
What We Do
Through generous gifts of time, money and personal commitment, Susan G. Komen Central
Indiana helps local women today with early detection of breast cancer and navigating
treatment. We help women tomorrow by funding research that makes early detection easier,
care better and outcomes more successful.
Why We Do It
Donations to Susan G. Komen Central Indiana save lives of women we all know and love
within the place we call home. Beyond our community, donations fund groundbreaking
research that will improve the way breast cancers are treated in the future.
Our Promise is to save lives and
end breast cancer forever
Impacting our Community Today
Komen Central Indiana Grantees
Susan G. Komen Central Indiana helps local women, men and families who are
dealing with the costly challenge of breast cancer here in our community.
In 2014–2015
Komen Central Indiana
awarded $848,709 to
11 breast health
Over the years, Komen
Central Indiana has
awarded more than
$17 million to local
organizations that
deliver breast health
services in central
Breast Cancer Screening  Education
“Reaching Out” Breast Health
Breast Education Screening  Survival
Mammography Assistance Project
Patient Navigation
Taking Time to Keep the Promise
Andis Women’s Clinic - Women Helping Women
Mother Child Center
Mammography Assistance Program
 Client Navigation
Breast Cancer Awareness, Education
 Early Detection
YWCA Women’s Cancer Program
2014-2015 Grants
made it
to detect
147cases of
here in
YWCA Greater Lafayette
Women’s Cancer Program
The YWCA Greater Lafayette knows it can be intimidating to call a doctor, especially for
a woman who does not speak English, does not have insurance or has insurance with
high deductibles or copays. But making this call is crucial for a woman to schedule her
mammogram and to follow up if there are reasons for concern. The YWCA has developed a
patient navigation program as a part of the Women’s Cancer Program to make this process
easier for women in 23 Indiana counties.
The Women’s Cancer Program staff did not want a woman’s fear of financial barriers,
language barriers or the anxieties of breast cancer treatment to keep her from seeking
help. Through the grant from Komen Central Indiana, the YWCA has been able to grow the
navigation program, providing services to more than 1,700 community members during the
last grant cycle.
YWCA Greater Lafayette
Women's Cancer Program Staff
the Fight
YWCA Greater Lafayette Women’s Cancer
Program staff making a difference.
Adrianna Cornejo works as a Spanish-speaking navigator, going to screenings and
appointments with patients in Tippecanoe County to interpret for them, breaking down
language barriers. Heidi Kauffman, the Women’s Program Director explains, “Trust is very
important in the Hispanic community. Once trust is established, word gets out and people
call asking for Adrianna. The more women call, the more screenings the YWCA can help
navigate, which is essential for early detection.”
Heidi explains that navigators ease the process for patients, “We get them their
appointments, we explain to them where to go, what to do, who’s going to see them.”
Navigators take notes during appointments, make referrals, educate the patient and know
whom to call to make urgent appointments happen faster.
Heidi said the YWCA has found that working face-to-face is the most important thing for
women undergoing treatment. Some patients outside of Tippecanoe County drive up to
55 miles each way for treatment so that navigators can be with them at appointments. The
YWCA then helps women pay for gas mileage. “Our Komen dollars, in that sense, really allow
us to do navigation for everybody who calls us,” said Heidi.
Navigation begins as soon as the YWCA answers the first phone call from a woman. Heidi
loves having the flexibility to pay for the screenings and services a woman needs, regardless
of her income or insurance. Without Komen dollars, patients would need to make sure they
can afford a biopsy before saying, “yes, do the biopsy now.” Being able to move quickly,
can make all the difference for a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. With funding from
Komen, these patients are able to say “yes.”
of the net funds raised by
Komen Central Indiana
support local breast
health programs.
of the net funds raised
by Komen Central Indiana
support cutting-edge
of the net funds raised by
Komen Central Indiana
support local breast
health programs.
of the net funds raised
by Komen Central Indiana
support cutting-edge
A Life Touched by a Komen
Central Indiana Grant
Survivor Tonya Trotter
Tonya discovered a quarter-sized lump in her breast in March 2012. Shortly after discovering
the lump, she was forced to move into a homeless shelter. It was difficult for Tonya to find
the time and resources for a doctor visit, but at the end of July, she knew she could not
wait any longer. The lump had increased to the size of a grapefruit, and Tonya was quickly
diagnosed with Stage II Triple Negative breast cancer. Tonya underwent two rounds of
chemotherapy and was too sick to continue working. After losing her job, she moved to
Indianapolis to be with her family. On Thanksgiving Day 2012, she underwent a mastectomy.
With months of treatment behind her and still several treatments ahead, Tonya did not
know how she would overcome not just the physical burden, but also the financial burden
of fighting breast cancer. She was referred to Little Red Door, a Susan G. Komen Central
Indiana grantee. Through Komen funding, Tonya was able to receive assistance getting to
and from appointments.
“Komen has been the best thing that has happened to me,” says Tonya, “When I think of
Komen I think of strength, I think of faith, I think of hope, I think of support, because they’ve
been all of that to me.” Tonya underwent an additional 12 weeks of chemotherapy and began
radiation on April 1, 2013. Without Komen, she does not know how she would have made it
to the necessary appointments and treatments to be living cancer free today.
Tonya just celebrated her two year “cancerversary” and had her last reconstruction surgery.
Tonya explained, “It has been a long time coming and I am blessed to say that I am still
cancer free. My ultimate goal would be to give back to those who will travel this road.” Tonya
feels fortunate to be alive given she put off following up on her lump, She shares a powerful
message of being proactive in seeking out treatment rather than waiting like she did.
A Safe Place to Land
Survivor Mary Jo Reed
Mary Jo first experienced breast
cancer when her mom was
diagnosed in 2007. She instantly
knew she wanted to make an
informed decision on where
to donate her time and money
in order to fight this terrible
disease. She began researching
nonprofits working to end
breast cancer. Just a few years
after her mom’s diagnosis, Mary
Jo was diagnosed with breast
cancer in 2010. That year, she
participated in her first Komen
Central Indiana Race for the
Cure and was one of the top
100 fundraisers, a list she has
been on every year since.
What initially struck Mary Jo about Komen Central Indiana, was the emphasis on helping
local women who are under-insured or uninsured. She supports Komen because she knows
what it is like to fight breast cancer. She feels strongly that no woman should have to fight
this disease alone, not knowing how she will pay for treatment.
When Mary Jo was first diagnosed she immediately thought “Why me?” but then quickly
decided “to put [her] big girl pants on and meet the battle head on.” She said, “All women
are at risk, so why NOT me?” Now, she sometimes wonders if her diagnose was a blessing
in some ways. “I have met some amazing people and have been able to share my story with
others, to hopefully motivate and raise awareness,” Mary Jo explained.
Every year, she aims to raise $1 more than the year before. This has resulted in her raising
more than $70,000 over the past six years. But there is much more to Mary Jo’s involvement
than fundraising. In 2012, Mary Jo became a Komen Central Indiana Ambassador in order to
raise breast cancer awareness throughout the central Indiana community.
As her involvement has grown, so have her relationships and friendships. As Mary Jo puts
it, “You don’t have to need money to need support. It’s about knowing someone else has
been there.” Being a part of the Komen family means “having someone who understands
and brings comfort and support at a time when you are taking on a world of unknown and
you need a safe place to land.” For Mary Jo, and for so many other women, Komen Central
Indiana is that place.
Thanks to advancements in research and early
detection, there are more than three million breast
cancer survivors in the United States today.
Susan G. Komen
A meaningful portion of the money we receive
in Central Indiana is dedicated to research that
happens in our community, across the United
States and all around the world. This money
supports the very best research endeavors aimed
at discovering breast cancer causes, treatments
and ultimately, the cures.
Susan G. Komen Central Indiana contributes to
the global Susan G. Komen research program.
Through this program, Komen made a $34.7
million investment in new breast cancer research
funding in 2014. In Indiana, researchers received
nearly $1.29 million to investigate breast cancer
recurrence, metastasis and treatment, as well as
patient quality of life.
$450,000 in funding to Zachary Schafer, Ph.D.
$200,000 in continued funding to
Komen Scholar Sunil Badve, M.D., F.R.C.Path
$200,000 in continued funding to
Komen Scholar Theresa Guise, M.D.
$200,000 in continued funding to
Komen Scholar Harikrishna Nakshatri, B.V.S.C., Ph. D.
$175,000 in continued funding to
Komen Scholar Kathy Miller, M.D.
$62,500 in continued funding to
Komen Scholar Bryan Schneider, M.D.
in Indiana
more than
Helping Survivors to Thrive
Komen Scholar Kathy Miller, M.D.
IU Simon Cancer Center
“The Komen Scholars Program… really covers all of the
major issues in breast cancer,” explained Dr. Kathy Miller,
a Komen Scholar at IU Simon Cancer Center. Some
researchers focus on new ways of prevention, some new
ways of detection, and a lot focus on the biology of the
disease and developing and studying new treatments.
Dr. Miller’s most recent study focuses on breast cancer
survivors. She explained, “We know that the majority
of women diagnosed with breast cancer survive… but
many of them do not thrive. We know that weight gain
and inactivity are quite common in our patients, and
whether you have breast cancer or not, gaining weight
as you get older, becoming more sedentary as you
get older, isn’t good for you.” The current study aims
to better understand how doctors can keep patients
who are physically active at diagnosis, physically active
during treatment and during survivorship, but also, how doctors can help patients who are
sedentary, become active. Dr. Miller is looking at interventions that are designed to meet
women at the level they are starting, to get them over the hump and to become active.
The goal is to design a truly individualized exercise program for busy women, to help them
increase physical activity in their present environment. Dr. Miller hopes “this might allow us
to help more women thrive in their survivorship.”
“So much of this work would not have been possible without the support of Komen and the
Komen affiliates,” Dr. Miller explained. “It might feel like some of the money you’ve raised is
leaving the community, but it comes back to the community in so many ways.” Women in
central Indiana not only benefit from research being done right here in our community, they
also benefit from Komen Scholars in Kansas, California and other states across the country.
Komen Scholars’ insights allow all doctors to do better for their patients.
“That is why the mission of Komen has always included research and why that is so
important,” explained Dr. Miller. “Access to care is important. Diagnosis is important. Access
to treatment and support during treatment are crucial. But if those were the only mission,
we would never get better than we are today, and today about 40,000 women in the U.S.
die from breast cancer every year. That’s not okay. So we have to get better, and part of the
way we get better is through research.”
Over time, More than $22 million in Komen
research funding has come back to Indiana institutions.
thank you to
our volunteers
A big thanks to all the volunteers who helped
make our events a success over the past year.
More than 80 committee members and 400
volunteers helped to make our events and
activities of 2014-2015 possible.
Project Pink
Celebrity models and breast cancer survivors rocked the runway
in September 2014 at the third annual Project Pink Fashion Show.
Students from the Art Institute of Indianapolis re-purposed Race
for the Cure apparel, to create one-of-a-kind designs. The Project
Pink Fashion Show attracted 320 attendees, and raised $20,895,
nearly double the amount raised in 2013.
Pink Ribbon Celebration
Thanks to advances in research and early detection, there are
more than three million breast cancer survivors living in the United
States today. In September 2015, this annual luncheon brought
together more than 200 local survivors and their families to
celebrate life and inspire hope for future generations.
The Komen Central Indiana Pink Tie Ball offers the opportunity to
entertain clients or friends in an elegant and festive setting, while
making a difference in the fight against breast cancer. The annual
gala was held in February 2014 and moved to September in 2015
to lead into Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Breast Cancer
Awareness Month
It’s about more than pink, a Ribbon or a Race. Breast cancer is
a disease that affects too many lives. Breast cancer awareness
month offers a unique opportunity to raise awareness and engage
our community. In October 2014, many local businesses and
schools supported Komen Central Indiana through creative cause
marketing activities and third-party events, raising $187,285, up
50 percent from the prior year.
Circle of Hope Celebration
In November 2014, Komen Central Indiana brought together some
of the many people who donated, raised funds and contributed
time and talent to Komen Central Indiana and the fight against
breast cancer. Every year, Circle of Hope is a time to say “thank
you” and to celebrate the hard work of our Komen family,
researchers and grantees who provide breast health services to
women in need.
IMPACT Breakfast
Komen Central Indiana hosted its first ever IMPACT Breakfast in
March 2014. The breakfast presented an opportunity for local
business leaders to learn more about how Komen Central Indiana
is making an impact by fighting breast cancer on all fronts.
Race for the Cure®
Nearly 15,000 individuals came out to support the 2015 Race for
the Cure and with the help of our donors, the 24th Race raised
more than $1.3 million. From the Pink Parade of breast cancer
survivors to the Kids’ Dash, this year’s Race for the Cure was full
of excitement. As always, the strength of the more than 1,400
survivors was inspiring.
R.E.D. Alliance
Reaching to End Disparities
In 2014, Komen Central Indiana convened local leaders in
healthcare, places of worship and the African American
community. With grants from the Anthem Foundation and
Walgreen’s, our community is coming together to change the
statistics and increase survival for African American women
facing breast cancer in Indianapolis.
Fiscal Year 2015APRIL 1, 2014—MARCH 31, 2015
TOTAL REVENUE	 $1,909,585
Race for the Cure 1,293,092 67.7%
Program Grants 92,348 4.8%
Investment Income 2,073 0.1%
Individual and Corporate Contributions 286,251 15.0%
Special Events / Third-Party Fundraising 235,821 12.3%
Total Revenue 1,909,585
Race for the Cure 1,293,092 67.7%
Program Grants 92,348 4.8%
Investment Income 2,073 0.1%
Individual and Corporate Contributions 286,251 15.0%
Special Events / Third-Party Fundraising 235,821 12.3%
Total Revenue 1,909,585
Race for the Cure 1,293,092 67.7%
Program Grants 92,348 4.8%
Investment Income 2,073 0.1%
Individual and Corporate Contributions 286,251 15.0%
Special Events / Third-Party Fundraising 235,821 12.3%
Total Revenue 1,909,585
3/31/15 3/31/14
GRANTS PAYABLE $883,753 $848,707
DEFERRED REVENUE $198,950 $294,722
TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,277,804 $1,374,193
NET ASSETS 857,645 897,811
3/31/15 3/31/14
3/31/15 3/31/14
CASH  SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS $1,784,480 $1,811,621
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE $345,249 $458,148
TOTAL ASSETS $2,135,449 $2,272,004
Corporate  Organizational Donors
$50,000 +
Emmis Communications*
Starbucks Coffee
White Castle
WTHR Channel 13*
Anthem Foundation
Bob Rohrman Auto Group
Lamar Outdoor Advertising*
Thorntons Inc.*
Cancer Treatment Centers
of America
Capital Group Companies,
home of American Funds
Community Health Charities
Community Health
Network, Inc.
Duke Realty
Eli Lilly  Company
Foundation, Inc.
General Mills Yoplait
Give with Liberty
Hendricks Regional Health
h.h. gregg
Hoosier Lottery*
Indiana Hockey Club, LLC
Indiana University Health
Indianapolis Recorder*
Miller Brooks*
Toshiba Business Solutions*
United Healthcare
A. Arnold World Class
A Classic Party Rentals*
American Surety
Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Enterprise Holdings
Express Scripts, Inc.
Indianapolis Indians*
Indy’s Child Magazine*
Lumina Foundation
Material Handling
Moyer Fine Jewelers*
The National Bank of
Print Resources*
Sheaff Brock Investment
Advisors, LLC
Stonegate Mortgage
American Enterprise
Investment Services, Inc.
ATT Employee Giving
ATI Physical Therapy*
Avon Transportation
Baldwin  Lyons, Inc.
Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc.
Butler University
Celadon Trucking
Cerulean Indianapolis, LLC
Charles Schwab
Community Hospital
CNO Services, LLC
Cohen  Malad, LLP
C-Tech Corporation, Inc.
Cypress Run Golf Course
Doz Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Eastside High School
Elwood Community
Middle School
Fast Signs*
Frito Lay, Inc.
Gene Glick Co.
Greystone Property
Management Corp
Happy Snaps*
Honda of Fishers
HSE Touchdown Club
Hunt Construction Group
Imagine Indiana Life Sciences
Academy West
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
Indiana Farmers Mutual
Insurance Company
Indiana Hardwood
Lumbermen’s Association
Indianapolis City Market*
Indianapolis Colts Grille
Indianapolis EMS*
Ladies Aux VFW
Post #7119 Ft. Harrison
Lake County Press, Inc.
Lewis Equipment
DBA Pink Pots*
MacAllister Rentals*
Mac’s Convenience Stores
Medtech Student
Nurses Association
Mohawk Trails Students
and Staff School
Oakdale Dam Inn Pink Party
Panera Bread Foundation
Pendleton Heights High School
Plumbing Paramedics
Ray’s Trash Service*
Riley Childrens Hospital
Perioperative Services
Southern Wine  Spirits*
Stage  Screen Rentals*
State Auto Insurance Companies
State Employees Community
Studio Fit
Sun King Brewery*
Sunny Moon Great DJ
Towne Post Network*
United Way of Bartholomew
United Way of Central Indiana
University Of Indianapolis
Warren Central High School
Warren Township Youth
Wild Horses Salon*
Windsor Fashions, Inc.
Winslow Facial Plastic Surgery
Wurth Service Supply, Inc.
Abbott Laboratories
The Art Institute of Indianapolis*
Ball  Biscuit*
Big O Tires - Brownsburg
Brownsburg West Middle School
Christina and Company
Education Center
City Real Estate Advisors
Clarks Creek
Elementary School
Cornerstone Flooring
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First Databank, Inc.
Frozerry Inc.
Greenwood High School
Huston Electric, INC
Hylant Group
Indiana Golf Foundation, Inc.
Indiana Hand and Shoulder
Indiana Members Credit Union
Just Pop In!*
Kaplan College
Kaspar Broadcasting Co. Inc.
Kenra Professional
Lawrence Central High School
Marion County Jail
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
Monrovia Elementary
Network for Good
NextGear Capital, Inc.
Perfekt Fit LLC
Ribbon Warriors
Royal United Mortgage LLC
Sigman Tau PharmaSource
Southport Middle School
Taft Stettinius  Hollister LLP
Thermo King of Indiana
Westfield Lions Club
*Includes an in-kind contribution
Corporate and organizational donors are recognized based on total contributions in fiscal year 2015, from April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015.
$10,000 +
Glick Family
Jan H. Mayo Bequest
$5,000 - $9,999
Suzanne Engle
Larry and Lee
The Glasscock
Foundation, Inc.
Shelly Hewitt
Richard and Beth
Shawn Zore
$1,000 - $4,999
Sheri Alexander
Jane Ambro
Rita Baker
Bill Barrett
Terri Bendes
Carol Bons
Fred Bowman
Jenny Schipp
Lyle Browne
Tory Castor
Jennifer Chandler
Justin Christian
Kent Clark
Melissa Cook
Paul Cook
Keith and Margaret
Beverly Cross
Kristin Crotzer
Dan and Jody
William Drew
Daniel Dugan
Julie Dunn
Rick Edwards
Brian Egan
Diane Frewer
The Fusile Family
Tamara Garza
Chapel Givens
Shannon Glass
Laura Glynn
Megan Gonzalez-
Dr. Robert Goulet
Marsha and Rob
James and Helene
Sean and Tina Hallett
Linda Han
Lynnette Hanes
John Hansberry
Jeffery and Susan
Richard Hennessey
Robert Hensmann
HKF Foundation
Karen Holmes
Peter Johnstone
Susan Jones
Larry and Jane
Dr. Lisa Korff
Vanessa Lampkins
Emory Lencke
Dale and Betsy
Debra Litke
Scott Lintner
Robert Mackie
Nancy Maethner
Linda Malham
Amy Mast
Mark Mayer
Kelly Meyer
Jim Miller
Kristy Muse
Joy Neely
Jane Panyard
Mamata Patel
Carrie Patterson
Mary Pease
Erin Pike
Carol Piri
Carrie Pitman
Donna Porter
Dr. Hadley Ritter
Thomas Rizzi
Patrick and Anita
Maria Santos
Jeff Saturday
Mark and Karen
Becky Schaeffer
Adele Schmidt
Jane Spain
Robert Stevenson
Scott Tate
Bob Theer
Beth Thoele
Scott Trout
Cori VanCleave
David and Donna
Al Wachter
Carrie West
Linda West
Tiffany West
Rena Weyrauch
Richard and Mary
Robert Young
Catharine Zaleha
Leon Zekaria
James Zender
$500 - $999
Maureen Allen
Dr. Robert and Mrs.
Beverly Baker
Kathleen Barth
Glenn Bartholomew
Emery Barton
Mike Baugh
Ryan Beckham
Terri Bennett
Tareese Bouye
Loretta Boyd
Marjorie Breisch
Schlise Browley
Tim Browning
Keenan Buoy
Kimberly Burke
Angela Burkhart
Dr. Jason and Jayna
Kevin and Tracy
Wil Cameron
Debby Camper
Matt Cohoat
Christina Company
Dana Craig
Fred and Pricilla
Jill Crosby
Ann Davis
Paul Dellinger
Meghann Dials
Michael Doar
Katelynn Dominguez
Jay Edwards
Robert Flanagan
Jim and Laure
Jeff Fusile
Keith Given
Charlotte Glidden
Dr. Tim Goedde
Wendy Goshert
Bryant Griggs
Tracey Healey
Patty Heine
Dr. Mark Henderson
Bruce Heslin
Cindy Hiland-
Dawn Hoellrich
Jayne Homco
LaTonya Houston
Vickie Howard
Gene Huddleson
James Hurst
Kim Irish
Angie Johnson
Russell Kaspar
Charles King
Jan Koeniger
Rita Jo Kuehnert
Debi Landry
Lattia Lindsley
Courtney Lockwood
La’Nya Mackey
Joe Maltby
Tina Marshall
Lea Meck
Margaret Meyer
Bob and Jana Millard
Bernie and Sandy
Megan Miller
Lisa Mills
Susan Morrison
DeAndrea Moulton
Dennis Oklak
Holly Pennywitt
Lauren Perry
Laura Pettine
Deborah Piercy
Alan Pinto
Sandy Ray
Julia Reed
Julie Reed
Cindy Reeder
Colleen Renie
Nicole Richards
The Royer Family
April Sasso
Carl Saubert
Lisa Schlehuber
Jill Schwarz
Christine Scotten
Sheila Seiler
Steve and Mary
Lisa Sigler
Nancy Smith
Lindsey Steill
Tina Stemle
Karen and Greg
Dave and Kitty
Lucinda Stoetzer
Robin Swanson
George Teas
John Tinder
Mike Trammel
Ann Tudor
Chris and Jennifer
Ina Van Duyn
Dylan Vaughn
Justine Wagner
Lee Warshawsky
Keith Whisman
Jeffrey Whiting
Kim Wilson
Angela Winebrenner
Karen Wurster
Amadou Yattassaye
Jonas Young
Jill Zachary
Tammera Zehr
Matt and Tracy
Individual Donors
Due to a change in the timing of one of our major fundraising events, individual donors are recognized based on total contributions
between January 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015.
THERE IS POWER in so many businesses and individuals coming together to make a collective
impact. We are sincerely grateful for each and every one of the donors who made a gift to our organization,
as gifts at every level further our work to SAVE LIVES  END BREAST CANCER.
Community Volunteer
Vice President
Director of Patient Navigation,
Eskenazi Health
Vice President ofGovernment
Affairs, Indiana University Health
Manager, Blue  Co., LLC
Senior Vice President,
Gregory  Appel
Strategic Sourcing
Manager, Angie’s List
Vice President Area
Marketing Manager-
Indiana, Regions
Partner, Taft Stettinius 
Hollister LLP
Partner, Ice Miller, LLP
Retail Operations
Manager, Kroger
Vice President, J.P. Morgan
Private Bank
Director of Client Services,
Miller Brooks
Partner, McGladrey LLP
Co-Owner, Lux Restaurants
Special Advisor to the Board
Vice President, Anthem
Executive Director
Development Director
Mission Director
Development and
Volunteer Manager
Board of Directors
Komen Central Indiana staff, left to right: Natalie Sutton, Sarah
Schmitz, Danyelle Hoshauer, Jacob Fiene and Ariella Ford.
Not pictured: Toni Newett, Kari Strolberg and Toni Folzenlogel
Communications and
Marketing Coordinator
Finance Coordinator
Graphic Design
Race Director
April 1

March 31
received | (317) 638-2873 |
3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 2070 | Indianapolis, IN 46268

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Komen Annual Report 14-15

  • 2. 2 Inspired by you Every year, working with the Susan G. Komen® Central Indiana family of volunteers, survivors and contributors leaves us feeling more inspired than ever to fulfill our promise to save lives and end breast cancer forever. This year was no exception. Komen Central Indiana started the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year by awarding nearly $850,000 in Community Impact Grants to 11 breast health programs right here in central Indiana. Throughout the year, these funds reached 25,898 Hoosiers with life-saving breast health services. In addition to our local grants, Komen Central Indiana contributed $344,000 to fund breast cancer research that makes early detection easier, care better and outcomes more successful. We are proud to say central Indiana community members can count on us for help that gives survivors the strength needed for today and to push research forward, offering hope for tomorrow. We know the coming year will be even more impactful. A new community profile will strengthen our focus and approach to fulfilling our mission locally. On April 16, 2016 we will reflect on 25 years of local impact as we celebrate the 25th Komen Central Indiana Race for the Cure.. While we celebrate our progress and the many lives saved as a result of early detection and better treatments, we must continue to strive for a world where no one fears losing a mother, sister, daughter or wife to breast cancer. Still today, a woman dies of breast cancer every 13 minutes in the United States, and we work for a brighter future. We are grateful for our donors, corporate partners, volunteers and the thousands of breast cancer survivors who make our work at Komen Central Indiana possible and meaningful. You are the spirit of this organization, and together we will save lives. For the Cures, LYLE BROWNE Board President NATALIE SUTTON Executive Director
  • 3. 3 Komen Central Indiana grants reached 25,898 local women & men providing a total of 39,878 breast health services between April 1, 2014 & March 31, 2015 What We Do Through generous gifts of time, money and personal commitment, Susan G. Komen Central Indiana helps local women today with early detection of breast cancer and navigating treatment. We help women tomorrow by funding research that makes early detection easier, care better and outcomes more successful. Why We Do It Donations to Susan G. Komen Central Indiana save lives of women we all know and love within the place we call home. Beyond our community, donations fund groundbreaking research that will improve the way breast cancers are treated in the future. Our Promise is to save lives and end breast cancer forever
  • 4. 4 Impacting our Community Today Komen Central Indiana Grantees Susan G. Komen Central Indiana helps local women, men and families who are dealing with the costly challenge of breast cancer here in our community. In 2014–2015 Komen Central Indiana awarded $848,709 to 11 breast health programs. Over the years, Komen Central Indiana has awarded more than $17 million to local organizations that deliver breast health services in central Indiana.
  • 5. 5 BOONE COUNTY COMMUNITY CLINIC Breast Cancer Screening Education $33,435 CANCER SERVICES OF EAST CENTRAL INDIANA “Reaching Out” Breast Health $40,154 CANCER SERVICES OF GRANT COUNTY Breast Education Screening Survival $70,346 COLUMBUS REGIONAL HOSPITAL Mammography Assistance Project $11,398 ESKENAZI HEALTH - EMBRACE Patient Navigation $37,234 GENNESARET FREE CLINIC Taking Time to Keep the Promise $45,692 HANCOCK REGIONAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Andis Women’s Clinic - Women Helping Women $33,963 INTERLOCAL COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM Mother Child Center $39,954 LITTLE RED DOOR AGENCY Mammography Assistance Program Client Navigation $262,930 RUSH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Breast Cancer Awareness, Education Early Detection $49,739 YWCA OF GREATER LAFAYETTE YWCA Women’s Cancer Program $223,965 2014-2015 Grants Komen funds made it possible to detect 147cases of breast cancer here in central Indiana BECAUSE OF KOMEN GRANT DOLLARS, WOMEN IN OUR COMMUNITY WERE ABLE TO SEEK THE HELP THEY NEEDED AND OTHERWISE, MAY NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO AFFORD.
  • 6. 6 YWCA Greater Lafayette Women’s Cancer Program The YWCA Greater Lafayette knows it can be intimidating to call a doctor, especially for a woman who does not speak English, does not have insurance or has insurance with high deductibles or copays. But making this call is crucial for a woman to schedule her mammogram and to follow up if there are reasons for concern. The YWCA has developed a patient navigation program as a part of the Women’s Cancer Program to make this process easier for women in 23 Indiana counties. The Women’s Cancer Program staff did not want a woman’s fear of financial barriers, language barriers or the anxieties of breast cancer treatment to keep her from seeking help. Through the grant from Komen Central Indiana, the YWCA has been able to grow the navigation program, providing services to more than 1,700 community members during the last grant cycle. YWCA Greater Lafayette Women's Cancer Program Staff Navigating the Fight
  • 7. 7 YWCA Greater Lafayette Women’s Cancer Program staff making a difference. Adrianna Cornejo works as a Spanish-speaking navigator, going to screenings and appointments with patients in Tippecanoe County to interpret for them, breaking down language barriers. Heidi Kauffman, the Women’s Program Director explains, “Trust is very important in the Hispanic community. Once trust is established, word gets out and people call asking for Adrianna. The more women call, the more screenings the YWCA can help navigate, which is essential for early detection.” Heidi explains that navigators ease the process for patients, “We get them their appointments, we explain to them where to go, what to do, who’s going to see them.” Navigators take notes during appointments, make referrals, educate the patient and know whom to call to make urgent appointments happen faster. Heidi said the YWCA has found that working face-to-face is the most important thing for women undergoing treatment. Some patients outside of Tippecanoe County drive up to 55 miles each way for treatment so that navigators can be with them at appointments. The YWCA then helps women pay for gas mileage. “Our Komen dollars, in that sense, really allow us to do navigation for everybody who calls us,” said Heidi. Navigation begins as soon as the YWCA answers the first phone call from a woman. Heidi loves having the flexibility to pay for the screenings and services a woman needs, regardless of her income or insurance. Without Komen dollars, patients would need to make sure they can afford a biopsy before saying, “yes, do the biopsy now.” Being able to move quickly, can make all the difference for a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. With funding from Komen, these patients are able to say “yes.”
  • 8. 8 of the net funds raised by Komen Central Indiana support local breast health programs. of the net funds raised by Komen Central Indiana support cutting-edge research. of the net funds raised by Komen Central Indiana support local breast health programs. of the net funds raised by Komen Central Indiana support cutting-edge research.
  • 9. 9 A Life Touched by a Komen Central Indiana Grant Survivor Tonya Trotter Tonya discovered a quarter-sized lump in her breast in March 2012. Shortly after discovering the lump, she was forced to move into a homeless shelter. It was difficult for Tonya to find the time and resources for a doctor visit, but at the end of July, she knew she could not wait any longer. The lump had increased to the size of a grapefruit, and Tonya was quickly diagnosed with Stage II Triple Negative breast cancer. Tonya underwent two rounds of chemotherapy and was too sick to continue working. After losing her job, she moved to Indianapolis to be with her family. On Thanksgiving Day 2012, she underwent a mastectomy. With months of treatment behind her and still several treatments ahead, Tonya did not know how she would overcome not just the physical burden, but also the financial burden of fighting breast cancer. She was referred to Little Red Door, a Susan G. Komen Central Indiana grantee. Through Komen funding, Tonya was able to receive assistance getting to and from appointments. “Komen has been the best thing that has happened to me,” says Tonya, “When I think of Komen I think of strength, I think of faith, I think of hope, I think of support, because they’ve been all of that to me.” Tonya underwent an additional 12 weeks of chemotherapy and began radiation on April 1, 2013. Without Komen, she does not know how she would have made it to the necessary appointments and treatments to be living cancer free today. Tonya just celebrated her two year “cancerversary” and had her last reconstruction surgery. Tonya explained, “It has been a long time coming and I am blessed to say that I am still cancer free. My ultimate goal would be to give back to those who will travel this road.” Tonya feels fortunate to be alive given she put off following up on her lump, She shares a powerful message of being proactive in seeking out treatment rather than waiting like she did.
  • 10. 10 A Safe Place to Land Survivor Mary Jo Reed Mary Jo first experienced breast cancer when her mom was diagnosed in 2007. She instantly knew she wanted to make an informed decision on where to donate her time and money in order to fight this terrible disease. She began researching nonprofits working to end breast cancer. Just a few years after her mom’s diagnosis, Mary Jo was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. That year, she participated in her first Komen Central Indiana Race for the Cure and was one of the top 100 fundraisers, a list she has been on every year since. What initially struck Mary Jo about Komen Central Indiana, was the emphasis on helping local women who are under-insured or uninsured. She supports Komen because she knows what it is like to fight breast cancer. She feels strongly that no woman should have to fight this disease alone, not knowing how she will pay for treatment. When Mary Jo was first diagnosed she immediately thought “Why me?” but then quickly decided “to put [her] big girl pants on and meet the battle head on.” She said, “All women are at risk, so why NOT me?” Now, she sometimes wonders if her diagnose was a blessing in some ways. “I have met some amazing people and have been able to share my story with others, to hopefully motivate and raise awareness,” Mary Jo explained. Every year, she aims to raise $1 more than the year before. This has resulted in her raising more than $70,000 over the past six years. But there is much more to Mary Jo’s involvement than fundraising. In 2012, Mary Jo became a Komen Central Indiana Ambassador in order to raise breast cancer awareness throughout the central Indiana community. As her involvement has grown, so have her relationships and friendships. As Mary Jo puts it, “You don’t have to need money to need support. It’s about knowing someone else has been there.” Being a part of the Komen family means “having someone who understands and brings comfort and support at a time when you are taking on a world of unknown and you need a safe place to land.” For Mary Jo, and for so many other women, Komen Central Indiana is that place.
  • 11. 11 Thanks to advancements in research and early detection, there are more than three million breast cancer survivors in the United States today.
  • 12. 12 Improving Outcomes Tomorrow Susan G. Komen Research A meaningful portion of the money we receive in Central Indiana is dedicated to research that happens in our community, across the United States and all around the world. This money supports the very best research endeavors aimed at discovering breast cancer causes, treatments and ultimately, the cures. Susan G. Komen Central Indiana contributes to the global Susan G. Komen research program. Through this program, Komen made a $34.7 million investment in new breast cancer research funding in 2014. In Indiana, researchers received nearly $1.29 million to investigate breast cancer recurrence, metastasis and treatment, as well as patient quality of life. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME $450,000 in funding to Zachary Schafer, Ph.D. INDIANA UNIVERSITY $200,000 in continued funding to Komen Scholar Sunil Badve, M.D., F.R.C.Path $200,000 in continued funding to Komen Scholar Theresa Guise, M.D. $200,000 in continued funding to Komen Scholar Harikrishna Nakshatri, B.V.S.C., Ph. D. $175,000 in continued funding to Komen Scholar Kathy Miller, M.D. $62,500 in continued funding to Komen Scholar Bryan Schneider, M.D. THERE ARE CURRENTLY 6active Komen grants in Indiana totaling more than $ 6.5 million THESE INCLUDE THE SUSAN G. KOMEN TISSUE BANK AT IU SIMON CANCER CENTER, WHICH IS THE ONLY REPOSITORY IN THE WORLD FOR NORMAL BREAST TISSUE, ENABLING RESEARCHERS ALL OVER THE WORLD TO STUDY NORMAL TISSUE AND ACCELERATE BREAST CANCER RESEARCH.
  • 13. 13 Helping Survivors to Thrive Komen Scholar Kathy Miller, M.D. IU Simon Cancer Center “The Komen Scholars Program… really covers all of the major issues in breast cancer,” explained Dr. Kathy Miller, a Komen Scholar at IU Simon Cancer Center. Some researchers focus on new ways of prevention, some new ways of detection, and a lot focus on the biology of the disease and developing and studying new treatments. Dr. Miller’s most recent study focuses on breast cancer survivors. She explained, “We know that the majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer survive… but many of them do not thrive. We know that weight gain and inactivity are quite common in our patients, and whether you have breast cancer or not, gaining weight as you get older, becoming more sedentary as you get older, isn’t good for you.” The current study aims to better understand how doctors can keep patients who are physically active at diagnosis, physically active during treatment and during survivorship, but also, how doctors can help patients who are sedentary, become active. Dr. Miller is looking at interventions that are designed to meet women at the level they are starting, to get them over the hump and to become active. The goal is to design a truly individualized exercise program for busy women, to help them increase physical activity in their present environment. Dr. Miller hopes “this might allow us to help more women thrive in their survivorship.” “So much of this work would not have been possible without the support of Komen and the Komen affiliates,” Dr. Miller explained. “It might feel like some of the money you’ve raised is leaving the community, but it comes back to the community in so many ways.” Women in central Indiana not only benefit from research being done right here in our community, they also benefit from Komen Scholars in Kansas, California and other states across the country. Komen Scholars’ insights allow all doctors to do better for their patients. “That is why the mission of Komen has always included research and why that is so important,” explained Dr. Miller. “Access to care is important. Diagnosis is important. Access to treatment and support during treatment are crucial. But if those were the only mission, we would never get better than we are today, and today about 40,000 women in the U.S. die from breast cancer every year. That’s not okay. So we have to get better, and part of the way we get better is through research.” Over time, More than $22 million in Komen research funding has come back to Indiana institutions.
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15 thank you to our volunteers A big thanks to all the volunteers who helped make our events a success over the past year. More than 80 committee members and 400 volunteers helped to make our events and activities of 2014-2015 possible.
  • 16. 16 Project Pink Celebrity models and breast cancer survivors rocked the runway in September 2014 at the third annual Project Pink Fashion Show. Students from the Art Institute of Indianapolis re-purposed Race for the Cure apparel, to create one-of-a-kind designs. The Project Pink Fashion Show attracted 320 attendees, and raised $20,895, nearly double the amount raised in 2013. Pink Ribbon Celebration Thanks to advances in research and early detection, there are more than three million breast cancer survivors living in the United States today. In September 2015, this annual luncheon brought together more than 200 local survivors and their families to celebrate life and inspire hope for future generations. PINK TIE BALL The Komen Central Indiana Pink Tie Ball offers the opportunity to entertain clients or friends in an elegant and festive setting, while making a difference in the fight against breast cancer. The annual gala was held in February 2014 and moved to September in 2015 to lead into Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer Awareness Month It’s about more than pink, a Ribbon or a Race. Breast cancer is a disease that affects too many lives. Breast cancer awareness month offers a unique opportunity to raise awareness and engage our community. In October 2014, many local businesses and schools supported Komen Central Indiana through creative cause marketing activities and third-party events, raising $187,285, up 50 percent from the prior year.
  • 17. 17 Circle of Hope Celebration In November 2014, Komen Central Indiana brought together some of the many people who donated, raised funds and contributed time and talent to Komen Central Indiana and the fight against breast cancer. Every year, Circle of Hope is a time to say “thank you” and to celebrate the hard work of our Komen family, researchers and grantees who provide breast health services to women in need. IMPACT Breakfast Komen Central Indiana hosted its first ever IMPACT Breakfast in March 2014. The breakfast presented an opportunity for local business leaders to learn more about how Komen Central Indiana is making an impact by fighting breast cancer on all fronts. Race for the Cure® Nearly 15,000 individuals came out to support the 2015 Race for the Cure and with the help of our donors, the 24th Race raised more than $1.3 million. From the Pink Parade of breast cancer survivors to the Kids’ Dash, this year’s Race for the Cure was full of excitement. As always, the strength of the more than 1,400 survivors was inspiring. R.E.D. Alliance Reaching to End Disparities In 2014, Komen Central Indiana convened local leaders in healthcare, places of worship and the African American community. With grants from the Anthem Foundation and Walgreen’s, our community is coming together to change the statistics and increase survival for African American women facing breast cancer in Indianapolis.
  • 18. 18 Fiscal Year 2015APRIL 1, 2014—MARCH 31, 2015 REVENUE RACE FOR THE CURE 68% PROGRAM GRANTS 5% INVESTMENT INCOME 0.1% INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS 15% SPECIAL EVENTS / 3RD PARTY FUNDRAISING 12% TOTAL REVENUE $1,909,585 Race for the Cure 1,293,092 67.7% Program Grants 92,348 4.8% Investment Income 2,073 0.1% Individual and Corporate Contributions 286,251 15.0% Special Events / Third-Party Fundraising 235,821 12.3% Total Revenue 1,909,585 Revenue Race for the Cure 1,293,092 67.7% Program Grants 92,348 4.8% Investment Income 2,073 0.1% Individual and Corporate Contributions 286,251 15.0% Special Events / Third-Party Fundraising 235,821 12.3% Total Revenue 1,909,585 Revenue Race for the Cure 1,293,092 67.7% Program Grants 92,348 4.8% Investment Income 2,073 0.1% Individual and Corporate Contributions 286,251 15.0% Special Events / Third-Party Fundraising 235,821 12.3% Total Revenue 1,909,585 RevenueRacefortheCure 1,293,092 67.7% Program Grants 92,348 4.8% Investm entIncom e 2,073 0.1% IndividualandCorporateContributions 286,251 15.0% SpecialEvents/Third-PartyFundraising 235,821 12.3% TotalRevenue 1,909,585 Revenue 0.1% 68% 5% 12% 15% EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE 11% FUNDRAISING / EVENTS 12% PROGRAM / MISSION ADMIN 10% COMMUNITY HEALTH GRANTS 48%* *GRANTS AWARDED IN FY15 TO BE PAID IN FY16 BREAST CANCER RESEARCH 19% 19% 11% 12% 10% 48% ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 23% ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDRAISING EXPENSE 77% MISSION EXPENSE
  • 19. 19 3/31/15 3/31/14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER LIABILITIES $195,101 $230,764 GRANTS PAYABLE $883,753 $848,707 DEFERRED REVENUE $198,950 $294,722 TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,277,804 $1,374,193 NET ASSETS 857,645 897,811 LIABILITIES NET ASSETS 3/31/15 3/31/14 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $2,135,449 $2,272,004 TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS ASSETS 3/31/15 3/31/14 CASH SHORT TERM INVESTMENTS $1,784,480 $1,811,621 LONG TERM INVESTMENTS $5,720 $2,235 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE $345,249 $458,148 TOTAL ASSETS $2,135,449 $2,272,004
  • 20. 20 Corporate Organizational Donors $50,000 + Emmis Communications* IUPUI* Kroger* Starbucks Coffee Company* White Castle WTHR Channel 13* $25,000—$49,999 Anthem Foundation Bob Rohrman Auto Group Lamar Outdoor Advertising* Thorntons Inc.* $10,000—$24,999 Cancer Treatment Centers of America Capital Group Companies, home of American Funds Community Health Charities Community Health Network, Inc. Duke Realty Eli Lilly Company Foundation, Inc. General Mills Yoplait Give with Liberty Hendricks Regional Health h.h. gregg Hoosier Lottery* Indiana Hockey Club, LLC Indiana University Health Indianapolis Recorder* Maingate Miller Brooks* Subway Toshiba Business Solutions* United Healthcare $5,000—$9,999 A. Arnold World Class Relocation* A Classic Party Rentals* American Surety Company Beckman Coulter, Inc. Enterprise Holdings Exel Express Scripts, Inc. FedEx Indianapolis Indians* Indy’s Child Magazine* Lumina Foundation Material Handling Exchange Moyer Fine Jewelers* The National Bank of Indianapolis Nuvo* Print Resources* Sheaff Brock Investment Advisors, LLC Stonegate Mortgage $1,000—$4,999 American Enterprise Investment Services, Inc. ATT Employee Giving Campaign ATI Physical Therapy* Avon Transportation Baldwin Lyons, Inc. Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc. Butler University Caterpillar Celadon Trucking Cerulean Indianapolis, LLC Charles Schwab Community Hospital Anderson CNO Services, LLC Cohen Malad, LLP C-Tech Corporation, Inc. Cypress Run Golf Course Doz Charitable Foundation, Inc. Eastside High School Elwood Community Middle School Fast Signs* Frito Lay, Inc. Gene Glick Co. Greystone Property Management Corp Happy Snaps* Honda of Fishers HSE Touchdown Club
  • 21. 21 Hunt Construction Group Imagine Indiana Life Sciences Academy West InCycle Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Indiana Farmers Mutual Insurance Company Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association Indianapolis City Market* Indianapolis Colts Grille Indianapolis EMS* Kesler-Schaefer Ladies Aux VFW Post #7119 Ft. Harrison Lake County Press, Inc. Lewis Equipment DBA Pink Pots* MacAllister Rentals* Mac’s Convenience Stores Medtech Student Nurses Association Mohawk Trails Students and Staff School Oakdale Dam Inn Pink Party Panera Bread Foundation Pendleton Heights High School Plumbing Paramedics Ray’s Trash Service* Riley Childrens Hospital Perioperative Services Southern Wine Spirits* Stage Screen Rentals* State Auto Insurance Companies State Employees Community Campaign Studio Fit Sun King Brewery* Sunny Moon Great DJ Entertainment* Towne Post Network* United Way of Bartholomew County United Way of Central Indiana University Of Indianapolis Valeo Warren Central High School Warren Township Youth Basketball Wild Horses Salon* Windsor Fashions, Inc. Winslow Facial Plastic Surgery Wurth Service Supply, Inc. $500—$999 Abbott Laboratories Allstate The Art Institute of Indianapolis* Ball Biscuit* Big O Tires - Brownsburg Brownsburg West Middle School Christina and Company Education Center City Real Estate Advisors Clarks Creek Elementary School Cornerstone Flooring Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Databank, Inc. FTMS East Frozerry Inc. Greenwood High School Huston Electric, INC Hylant Group Indiana Golf Foundation, Inc. Indiana Hand and Shoulder Center Indiana Members Credit Union Just Pop In!* JWEST LLC Kaplan College Kaspar Broadcasting Co. Inc. Kenra Professional Lawrence Central High School Marion County Jail Microsoft Matching Gift Program Monrovia Elementary Network for Good NextGear Capital, Inc. Perfekt Fit LLC Ribbon Warriors Royal United Mortgage LLC Sigman Tau PharmaSource Southport Middle School Taft Stettinius Hollister LLP Thermo King of Indiana Westfield Lions Club *Includes an in-kind contribution Corporate and organizational donors are recognized based on total contributions in fiscal year 2015, from April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015.
  • 22. 22 $10,000 + Glick Family Foundation Jan H. Mayo Bequest $5,000 - $9,999 Suzanne Engle Larry and Lee Glasscock The Glasscock Family Foundation, Inc. Shelly Hewitt Richard and Beth Lux Shawn Zore $1,000 - $4,999 Sheri Alexander Jane Ambro Rita Baker Bill Barrett Terri Bendes Carol Bons Fred Bowman Jenny Schipp Bracken Lyle Browne Tory Castor Jennifer Chandler Justin Christian Kent Clark Melissa Cook Paul Cook Keith and Margaret Crerar Beverly Cross Kristin Crotzer Dan and Jody Daunhauer William Drew Daniel Dugan Julie Dunn Rick Edwards Brian Egan Diane Frewer The Fusile Family Tamara Garza Chapel Givens Shannon Glass Laura Glynn Megan Gonzalez- Piriz Dr. Robert Goulet Marsha and Rob Griffin James and Helene Hallett Sean and Tina Hallett Linda Han Lynnette Hanes John Hansberry Jeffery and Susan Hanthorn Richard Hennessey Robert Hensmann HKF Foundation Karen Holmes Peter Johnstone Susan Jones Larry and Jane Keyler Dr. Lisa Korff Vanessa Lampkins Emory Lencke Dale and Betsy Leonard Debra Litke Scott Lintner Robert Mackie Nancy Maethner Linda Malham Amy Mast Mark Mayer Kelly Meyer Jim Miller Kristy Muse Joy Neely Jane Panyard Mamata Patel Carrie Patterson Mary Pease Erin Pike Carol Piri Carrie Pitman Donna Porter Dr. Hadley Ritter Thomas Rizzi Patrick and Anita Rooney Maria Santos Jeff Saturday Mark and Karen Scales Becky Schaeffer Adele Schmidt Jane Spain Robert Stevenson Scott Tate Bob Theer Beth Thoele Scott Trout Cori VanCleave David and Donna Vignes Al Wachter Carrie West Linda West Tiffany West Rena Weyrauch Richard and Mary Witte Robert Young Catharine Zaleha Leon Zekaria James Zender $500 - $999 Maureen Allen Dr. Robert and Mrs. Beverly Baker Kathleen Barth Glenn Bartholomew Emery Barton Mike Baugh Ryan Beckham Terri Bennett Tareese Bouye Loretta Boyd Marjorie Breisch Schlise Browley Tim Browning Keenan Buoy Kimberly Burke Angela Burkhart Dr. Jason and Jayna Cacioppo Kevin and Tracy Calvert Wil Cameron Debby Camper Matt Cohoat Christina Company Dana Craig Fred and Pricilla Crawford Jill Crosby Ann Davis Paul Dellinger Meghann Dials Michael Doar Katelynn Dominguez Jay Edwards Robert Flanagan Jim and Laure Flaniken Jeff Fusile Keith Given Charlotte Glidden Dr. Tim Goedde Wendy Goshert Bryant Griggs Tracey Healey Patty Heine Dr. Mark Henderson Bruce Heslin Cindy Hiland- McNalley Dawn Hoellrich Jayne Homco LaTonya Houston Vickie Howard Gene Huddleson James Hurst Kim Irish Angie Johnson Russell Kaspar Charles King Jan Koeniger Rita Jo Kuehnert Debi Landry Lattia Lindsley Courtney Lockwood La’Nya Mackey Joe Maltby Tina Marshall Lea Meck Margaret Meyer Bob and Jana Millard Bernie and Sandy Miller Megan Miller Lisa Mills Susan Morrison DeAndrea Moulton Dennis Oklak Holly Pennywitt Lauren Perry Laura Pettine Deborah Piercy Alan Pinto Sandy Ray Julia Reed Julie Reed Cindy Reeder Colleen Renie Nicole Richards The Royer Family April Sasso Carl Saubert Lisa Schlehuber Jill Schwarz Christine Scotten Sheila Seiler Steve and Mary Shepard Lisa Sigler Nancy Smith Lindsey Steill Tina Stemle Karen and Greg Stillwell Dave and Kitty Stoeppelwerth Lucinda Stoetzer Robin Swanson George Teas John Tinder Mike Trammel Ann Tudor Chris and Jennifer Ulsomer Ina Van Duyn Dylan Vaughn Justine Wagner Lee Warshawsky Rochelle Weathersbee Keith Whisman Jeffrey Whiting Kim Wilson Angela Winebrenner Karen Wurster Amadou Yattassaye Jonas Young Jill Zachary Tammera Zehr Matt and Tracy Zimpfer Individual Donors Due to a change in the timing of one of our major fundraising events, individual donors are recognized based on total contributions between January 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015. THERE IS POWER in so many businesses and individuals coming together to make a collective impact. We are sincerely grateful for each and every one of the donors who made a gift to our organization, as gifts at every level further our work to SAVE LIVES END BREAST CANCER.
  • 23. 23 LYLE BROWNE President Community Volunteer PATRICK WOOTEN Vice President Director of Patient Navigation, Eskenazi Health TORY CALLAGHAN CASTOR Secretary Vice President ofGovernment Affairs, Indiana University Health ANNMARIE NOVOTNEY Treasurer Manager, Blue Co., LLC SHERI ALEXANDER Senior Vice President, Gregory Appel TERRI BENDES Strategic Sourcing Manager, Angie’s List KIM BORGES Vice President Area Marketing Manager- Indiana, Regions JAYNA CACIOPPO Partner, Taft Stettinius Hollister LLP KRISTINE CAMRON Partner, Ice Miller, LLP KENT CLARK Retail Operations Manager, Kroger LYNNETTE HANES Vice President, J.P. Morgan Private Bank ERIN HASKETT Director of Client Services, Miller Brooks LARRY KEYLER, CPA Partner, McGladrey LLP BETH LUX Co-Owner, Lux Restaurants AMADOU YATTASSAYE Special Advisor to the Board Vice President, Anthem NATALIE SUTTON Executive Director DANYELLE HOSHAUER Development Director JACOB FIENE Mission Director SARAH SCHMITZ Development and Volunteer Manager Board of Directors Staff Komen Central Indiana staff, left to right: Natalie Sutton, Sarah Schmitz, Danyelle Hoshauer, Jacob Fiene and Ariella Ford. Not pictured: Toni Newett, Kari Strolberg and Toni Folzenlogel ARIELLA FORD Communications and Marketing Coordinator TONI NEWETT Finance Coordinator TONI FOLZENLOGEL Graphic Design Consultant KARI STROLBERG Race Director Consultant 17,825 donations from between 6,031 donors April 1 2014 March 31 2015 received
  • 24. | (317) 638-2873 | 3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 2070 | Indianapolis, IN 46268