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BULLETIN                                                                11.12.09 Issue 47

Are you going to be celebrating the Kleeneze New Year
with us at the Gala Dinner on 9 January? It’s the
                                                                                                       2 WEEKS UNTI
biggest and the best (yes, ok, we’re biased) New Year
party going! Plus, where else are we going to all get the                                                          L
chance to gossip over the day’s proceedings while jiving
to the Bogus Brothers?!
However, we’ve got loads to get through before the
evening’s events start, including an impressive line-up of
Network speakers, Dragons’ Den’s Duncan Bannatyne,
the reveal of Destination ‘X’ and the launch of our
brand new television advert! Plus, we have offers galore
for you, including the Opportunity Brochure and DVD
offer, Cabouchon, Mini Twist Sweeper offer, ‘Nigel
Smith Recommends’ offer, Oven Care Kit and Flyer offer.
Be there!

 Showcase Tickets cost £20/€30. You can pay by credit card, debit card or using your Kleeneze account. Distributors who have
 joined since the last Showcase can get a FREE ticket to the Showcase. Simply phone the Service Centre to book.
 Order code: Use code 00027 when inputting your normal product order
 Telephone:     Call the Kleeneze Service Centre on +44 (0) 844 848 5000. Alternatively, call the NIA Ticket Factory on +44 (0) 844 581 0745
                (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm). Standard National call rates apply.
 Online:        Visit (24 hours). Go to ‘View all our events’ and scroll down to ‘Kleeneze New Year Showcase’.
 Fax:           Fax the booking form (available to download from the DSA) to +44 (0)121 767 3849.
 Post:          Post the booking form (available to download from the DSA) to The Ticket Factory, Centre Core, The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT.
                LAST DATE FOR POSTING – 29 DECEMBER 2009.

As 2009 draws to a close, it’s important to reflect on the last 12 months; to tie up loose ends and to celebrate successes.
However, it’s equally important to look forward to the next 12 months...
This is why it’s great news that your Distributor Agreements are now extended to PERIOD 13, 2010!
• If you registered before 1 November 2008, the renewal fee for 2010 is ONLY £2.50/€3.50
• Your account will be automatically charged in mid January
• For all registrations after 1 November 2008, your first re-registration is FREE
• We will begin despatching your new ID with full details from Monday 14 December (Please note that all new Distributors that
  have registered since 1 November 2009 have already been issued with a 2010 ID)

 JIM ROHN SEPTEMBER 17                             “I was genuinely sad to hear of the passing of
                                                   a man who has had such an impact on my
                                                                                                        Kleeneze business. He will leave a worldwide
                                                                                                        legacy that will endure for all time.
                                                   life and of hundreds of successful people            For anyone who has not read any of his
                                                   in Kleeneze.                                         material the two books I would recommend
                                                   I first heard of Jim Rohn nearly 13 years ago.       as my all time favourites are ‘The Seasons of
                                                   We lived in a pre mp3 world back then and            Life’ followed by ‘The Five Pieces to the
                                                   his information was difficult to get hold of.        Life Puzzle’.”
                                                   I remember going to a New Year Conference            Hazel Stephen
                                                   in 1997 where Chris Mason-Paull stood at the         Gold Premier Executive Distributor
                                                   front of the room and publicly said: ‘We are         “Jim has changed thousands of people lives in
                                                   not professional network marketeers; we are          Kleeneze, pointing them in the right direction
                                                   earning this fantastic income because of             to go and will do for many generations in the
                                                   Kleeneze - and the teachings of Jim Rohn!’ As        future,”
                                                   they were earning around £20,000 per
                                                                                                        Gavin Scott and Bonnie Arapes
Jim Rohn truly was a success; a master             period, it would have been stupid not to take
                                                                                                        Silver Premier Executive Distributors
of motivation and someone whose work               his advice!
                                                                                                        “When we visited the Jim Rohn weekend
has touched most everyone at Kleeneze.             My first tape was an eighth generation copy
                                                                                                        seminar for a surprise birthday treat for Laura
So, it was with great sadness that we              someone gave me, there was a terrible hiss
                                                                                                        (couldn’t let her go on her own!) in
heard this inspirational genius lost his           on it - but the information was simply
                                                                                                        September 2007, we were looking for
battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis on                  mind-blowing!
                                                                                                        inspiration. Everything about him - the
Saturday 5 December.                               I decided to make a £60 investment into a set        seminar, the whole experience - was, still is,
Through seminars, books, articles, quotes and      of tapes called ’Take Charge of Your Life’           and probably always will be the most
CDs, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives in his     (which are still available today for around          influential time of our lives. Jim’s skills
46 years of coaching. He has inspired most, if     £30) which changed my business - and my              transcend business and if you let his teaching
not all, of the great leaders within our           life -forever! Our turnover doubled within 6         affect your whole life you won’t be
business to achieve greatness. Not only that,      months, but the greater legacy were the              disappointed.”
he was responsible for inspiring others who        philosophies he left me with.
                                                                                                        Andy Buxton and Laura Kelly
have inspired the Network, as his work was         If you have never listened to Jim before, I          Silver Executive Distributors
influential in furthering the careers of those     would recommend as a great first listen ’How
such as Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor                                                                    “Jim Rohn was an incredible man, who has
                                                   to Build Your Network Marketing Business’,
Hansen, Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield.                                                                  personally touched our lives and the lives of
                                                   which is generally available at the ridiculously
                                                                                                        so many others around the world. He lives on
His story, and perhaps the reason behind this      low price of around £4 - over an hour’s
                                                                                                        in our teachings.”
success, was not unusual. He was born to an        worth of training that could start life change
Idaho farming family and left college after his    for you as well.                                     Peter and Claire Rea
first year for the life of a salaried worker. By                                                        Bronze Premier Executive Distributors
                                                   I never met him, but I felt I knew him. He
the age of 25, he was in debt and unable to        may have passed away but he’s left us a              “One of the first books I read when starting
see any way out.                                   legacy of his trainings which will still be as       out on my Kleeneze career was Jim Rohn’s ‘7
Then he met John Earl Shoaff, an                   valid in 100 years time as they are today.           Strategies for Wealth & Happiness’. To say it
entrepreneur, who bowled Rohn over with his                                                             lit a fuse beneath me is an understatement! I
                                                   Rest in peace Jim - you led an
business accomplishments, wealth and life                                                               am sure many other people will say this book
                                                   exceptional life!”
philosophy. Rohn joined Shoaff’s direct sales                                                           changed their lives - it did for me. Reading
                                                   Andy and Sue Boswell                                 books is one of the most important parts to
organization, and began a process of
                                                   Platinum Senior Executive Distributors               being a success and Jim Rohn was one of the
personal development that culminated in his
becoming a millionaire by the age of 31.           “It was nearly 20 years ago that I was first         best authors. He will be missed, but his books
Those outside the industry clamoured to hear       introduced to Jim Rohn. He has been my               will go on forever and he will be immortalised
Rohn’s rags to riches story and his own            number 1 mentor ever since. Not only have            in history for the way in which he has helped
personal development ideals. Thus Jim Rohn,        his words helped and inspired me in business,        so many people. A genius.”
the motivator, and inspiration that we             but in my personal life as well. I even had the      Mike Bibby
remember him today, was born.                      honour of having an email personally                 Silver Premier Executive Distributor
                                                   answered by Jim when I asked him a
Proof that anyone can do it?
                                                   leadership question relating directly to our

                                                                                                    11.12.09 Issue 47 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
 1930 - DECEMBER 5 2009
  “I believe Jim Rohn has probably been the
  most influential character within our industry
                                                    with one of his tapes on my Walkman - his
                                                    unique wisdom always inspired me to keep
                                                                                                         There were, unfortunately, far too many
                                                                                                         to publish in this week’s EWB. However,
  and personal development worldwide. His           going when times were tough and to seek to           all your memories and thoughts of this
  words and philosophies have and will              better my approach to the business and to life       inspirational genius are now up on
  continue to touch and help change lives for       in general.                                          the DSA.
  many years. What a legacy he leaves us all.       Probably the most influential quote of his that
  A certain CD set he produced is a favourite                                                            Also, in honour
                                                    comes to mind time and time again is this:
  of mine ‘Cultivating an Un-shakeable                                                                   of the great
                                                    ‘Do not wish it was easier;                          man,
                                                    wish you were better.                                Knowledge is
  Craig White                                       Do not wish for less problems;                       King is offering
  Premier Executive Distributor                     wish for more skills.                                many of his
  “I had this quote on the back of my locker        Do not wish for less challenges;                     books and CDs
  door while I was working as a labourer in a       wish for more wisdom.’                               at special
  factory (between joining Kleeneze in              What an immense legacy this great man                prices. Such as
  September 1995 until retiring from that           has left behind”                                     The Weekend Seminar, a
  dead-end job when achieving the Bronze            Toby Acton                                           12-CD set (usual retail price £100) for
  Executive level in July 1998). Many of the 200    Bronze Senior Executive Distributor                  only £34.99 and free delivery!
  factory workers I spent every day with back                                                            Visit and
  then kindly told me Kleeneze wouldn’t work        Unsurprisingly, we were inundated by                 click onto Special Offers.
  for me and it was a waste of time. Thank          emails expressing your sadness on Jim
  goodness I chose not to lead a small life back    Rohn’s passing.
  then. Jim Rohn inspires so many networkers
  like ourselves to grow as individuals and
  aspire to achieve greatness in our lives:
  ‘Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let
                                                         A KLEENEZE
  others argue over small things, but not you.
  Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
                                                      CHRISTMAS CAROL
  Let others leave their future in someone else’s         We three catalogues of Kleeneze are
  hands, but not you.’                                     Bearing products we traverse afar
                                                        Doorstep to doorstep, Starter to Retail Kit
  God Bless Jim Rohn - he touched the lives
                                                                   All in a catapull-ar
  of millions.”
                                                      O catalogues of wonder, catalogues of might
  Gary and Esther Watson
                                                       Catalogues that will your customers excite
  Platinum Senior Executive Distributors
                                                         Orders proceeding, help in succeeding
  “A sad day when a hero to so many leaves us            Guiding your profits to their heights….
  in body, however, what a legacy Jim Rohn has
  left our industry.                                 Yes, the tinsel is well and truly out here at EWB
                                                     Towers and as such, we’re getting very excited
  Many Kleeneze distributors will have a special
                                                     (and if the above verses are anything to go by,
  phrase or CD they will play constantly to keep
                                                     very silly too) about the Christmas period.
  them on track, but personally the one golden
                                                     But with good reason! Three fantastic new
  nugget that I learnt way back in 1990 from
                                                     catalogues out there, one amazing TV advert
  him was this: ‘Do the best you can, as quickly
                                                     is on its way, Chef Nigel Smith is cooking up
  as you can so that some day you can do what
                                                     a storm and the New Year Showcase is
  you want, for as long as you want.’”
                                                     weeks away!
  Ron Speirs
                                                     Next week’s edition of EWB will be the                                  The new
  Senior Executive Distributor                                                                                                          out
                                                     last of 2009, so make sure you get any                                 logues are
  “Like so many others in our industry, Jim          final words for the year, any additions                           and the D   ecember
  Rohn has been a huge influence on me. Right                                                                                       petition
                                                     for the meetings diary, and even any                              Retail Com
                                                                                                                                    the DSA
  from my early days in Kleeneze I used to walk      Kleeneze Christmas carols into                                    is on! Visit
  around delivering catalogues and leafleting                                                                            for all the latest
                                                     us by Tuesday 15 December.

                                                                    19 Dec (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training          16 Dec (16/12, 30/12) Swindon Opportunity Meeting, The Link
COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS                                        Meeting, Holiday Inn Express – Aberdeen Exhibition                   Centre West SWINDON SN5 7DL. 8pm start in the
9 Jan 2010     Kleeneze New Year Showcase & Gala Dinner –
                                                                           Centre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABERDEEN, AB23                  Blades Bar next to the Reception, £2.50 per distributor
               THE NIA and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM
                                                                           8AJ. 10am – 12.30pm, £3. Contact Lynn Macdonald at                   Smart Dress. Everyone welcome. Hosts: Steve and
16 Jan 2010    Kleeneze Ireland New Year Showcase –               or Tel: 01506 414456.                         Debra Nell contact on Tel: 01793 887978 or
               THE RADISSON BLU HOTEL, DUBLIN AIRPORT               22 Dec (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting,                    Ezereach: 01793 238909.
2-9 Mar 2010   Kleeneze Spring Destination 2010 – CAPE TOWN                Edinburgh Training Centre, 16 St Mary’s Street                17 Dec (28/01, 25/02, 29/04, 27/05, 24/06, 29/07, 26/08, 30/09,
                                                                           EDINBURGH, EH1 1SU. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn                            28/10, 25/11) Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham
Summer 2010 Kleeneze Summer Roadshows replace the
                                                                           MacDonald at                                 Green Leisure Centre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1
            normal Summer Showcase
                                                                    22 Dec (every four weeks) Kleeneze Opportunity Presentation                 Philip Lane, LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30pm. Registration for
4 Sept 2010    Kleeneze Xmas Showcase –                                                                                                         7.45pm start. Special guest speakers each month.
                                                                           Evening. Holiday Inn STOKE-ON-TRENT ST5 4DL. M6
               THE NIA, BIRMINGHAM                                                                                                              £3 per distributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome!
                                                                           J15 Business dress only. Please arrive early for a prompt
                                                                           start. Doors open at 7:30pm, presentation from 8:00 till             Hosts: Gary Dixon and team. Contact 07973 712 425,
TRAINING MEETINGS - 2009 COUNTRYWIDE                                       9:15pm. Hosts: Adele & Jaime de Caso 01260 218574.                   I.T.S.113915, or email:
3 Jan   (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm                                                                            27 Jan (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough &
                                                                    28 Dec (every four weeks) Titans Huddersfield Training and
        (doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel,                                                                                   Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm
                                                                           Opportunity Meeting at the Cedar Court Hotel Lindley
        Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ.                                                                                         registration for an 8pm prompt start. Ample free parking,
                                                                           Moor Road Ainley Top HUDDERSFIELD HD3 3RH (Just
        Bookings only, £6.00 per person. Guest speakers: Geoff                                                                                  good reception areas & bar for team sizzles & meeting
                                                                           off junction 24 M62). 7:30pm for 8pm prompt start. Please
        and Fiona Webb. Please send cheques (payable to A de                                                                                    your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair access
                                                                           note smart dress applies. Contact Neil Young 07932 965
        Caso) to: Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close,                                                                                       to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guests
                                                                           071 Ezereach 0113 350 8763. All welcome.
        Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be                                                                                   free (bring loads & see your business grow). If you want
        held at the door, no tickets are sent out) Business dress
        only please, everyone welcome. For further information,
                                                                    SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES                                                        2010 to be your best year ever – don’t wait till then – your
                                                                    14 Dec (11/01, 15/02, 15/03, 19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09,             2010 business starts NOW. Hosts Gerard & Claire Tucker-
        please call 01260 218574.                                                                                                               Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff & Diane
                                                                           18/10, 15/11, 13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell.
                                                                           Welcomes Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join                  Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870)
OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND                                      us for an evening of FUN with Opportunity Presentations    
5 Jan   (every four weeks) North East Business Opportunity                                                                               5 Jan    (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity
                                                                           and Kleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs) ,
        Meeting, Quality Hotel, Boldon Business Park,                                                                                             Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St
                                                                           Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL,
        SUNDERLAND. NE5 9PE. Easy access from A19.                                                                                                Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm .
                                                                           Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors
        Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8.00pm start £2.50                                                                                        for 8pm start, £2.50 per person. Business dress please.
                                                                           £3 - guests FREE Business dress please.
        per head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/                                                                                           Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on 02380987429 or
                                                                           Contact Debbie Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on
        Raffle/Table Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes,                                                                                             ITS 119727.
                                                                           0118 9268540.
        Tel: 0191 521 4564, ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235.
                                                                    15 Dec Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn,             20 Jan (17/02. 17/03, 14/04, 12/05, 09/06, 07/07, 04/08, 1/09,
5 Jan   (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Meeting,                                                                                         29/09, 27/10, 24/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting
                                                                           Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA.
        Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St, GLASGOW 8pm- 9pm.                                                                                       at The Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14
                                                                           £3 per distributor, guests free. 7:30pm for 8pm start.
        Contact Lynn Macdonald at                                                                                        5NF, J28 – M25. 7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress
                                                                           Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock.
        or Tel:01506 414456.                                                                                                                    please. Everyone welcome, hosts Richard and Vanadis.
                                                                           Tel: 01442 256405.
12 Jan (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at                                                                                           EzeReach: 01206 804 635.
                                                                    16 Dec Somerset Business Opportunity Meeting, The Bathpool
       Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE                                                                             25 Jan, 22/2, 22/3, 19/4, 17/5, 14/6, Business Opportunity Open
                                                                           Inn, Bathpool, TAUNTON, TA2 8BE, 7.30pm for 8pm
       CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8pm start. All                                                                                      Evening, Everyone Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar
                                                                           start. £3 per Distributorship, guests free. Carlsberg don’t
       distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair                                                                                 Roundabout, BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration
                                                                           do BOMs, but if they did, they’d probably say this is the
       Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a                                                                                          7.30pm, £3 per person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland
                                                                           best BOM in the world...but you need to come along to
       presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker.                                                                                      email:-
                                                                           find out! Contact Chris and Jacqui Hill on 07967 661442,
       For information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126                                                                                  Eze-Reach Number:- 01553 886597
                                                                           01458 851046, Ezereach: 01458888065 email
       email:, Malcolm Bullough
       01228 675553 e mail:
                                                                    16 Dec (16/12) Redruth Business Opportunity Meeting at Tricky’s,     THE NETHERLANDS
16 Dec (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The                                                                               19 Dec Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan 20,
                                                                           Tolgus Mount, Redruth, CORNWALL, TR15 3TA. 7.45pm
       Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar                                                                                         7339 GT APELDOORN. 1pm – 3pm. Email Rita & Frank
                                                                           for 8pm start. Everyone welcome. Still only £2.50 per
        Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly                                                                                   Kamsteeg at
                                                                           Distributorship, Guests free. Hosts: David and Jenny
        on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open
                                                                           Gerry. Contact on 01209 714067,
        meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head.                                                                                      Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in
                                                                 , ITS 297533.
        Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table.                                                                                        your area? Let us know, at
                                                                    16 Dec (16/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday
        Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes, tel: 0191 521 4564.                                                                                      and we will include them in our weekly meetings diary.
                                                                           Inn, Ipswich Rd, NORWICH. NR4 6EP 7.30pm for 8pm
        ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235.                                                                                                        DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.
                                                                           start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dress
16 Dec (16/12) Leeds Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn,
                                                                           please. Contact Stephen on 07810126010.
       Brighouse, Clifton Village, LEEDS, HD6 4HW. 7.30pm for
       8pm start. £3 per distributor, guests free. Business dress
       please. Contact Angel Hill on 07931283957 or Stuart Hill
       on 07792002402.

                                                                                                                                                     Issue 47 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN

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KLEENEZE 2009 Ewb 47

  • 1. BULLETIN 11.12.09 Issue 47 THE CLOCK STRIKES 12 Are you going to be celebrating the Kleeneze New Year with us at the Gala Dinner on 9 January? It’s the 2 WEEKS UNTI biggest and the best (yes, ok, we’re biased) New Year party going! Plus, where else are we going to all get the L chance to gossip over the day’s proceedings while jiving to the Bogus Brothers?! CHRISTMAS! However, we’ve got loads to get through before the evening’s events start, including an impressive line-up of Network speakers, Dragons’ Den’s Duncan Bannatyne, the reveal of Destination ‘X’ and the launch of our brand new television advert! Plus, we have offers galore for you, including the Opportunity Brochure and DVD offer, Cabouchon, Mini Twist Sweeper offer, ‘Nigel Smith Recommends’ offer, Oven Care Kit and Flyer offer. Be there! HOW TO BOOK Showcase Tickets cost £20/€30. You can pay by credit card, debit card or using your Kleeneze account. Distributors who have joined since the last Showcase can get a FREE ticket to the Showcase. Simply phone the Service Centre to book. Order code: Use code 00027 when inputting your normal product order Telephone: Call the Kleeneze Service Centre on +44 (0) 844 848 5000. Alternatively, call the NIA Ticket Factory on +44 (0) 844 581 0745 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm). Standard National call rates apply. Online: Visit (24 hours). Go to ‘View all our events’ and scroll down to ‘Kleeneze New Year Showcase’. Fax: Fax the booking form (available to download from the DSA) to +44 (0)121 767 3849. Post: Post the booking form (available to download from the DSA) to The Ticket Factory, Centre Core, The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT. LAST DATE FOR POSTING – 29 DECEMBER 2009. MAKE SURE YOU JOIN US NEXT YEAR! As 2009 draws to a close, it’s important to reflect on the last 12 months; to tie up loose ends and to celebrate successes. However, it’s equally important to look forward to the next 12 months... This is why it’s great news that your Distributor Agreements are now extended to PERIOD 13, 2010! • If you registered before 1 November 2008, the renewal fee for 2010 is ONLY £2.50/€3.50 • Your account will be automatically charged in mid January • For all registrations after 1 November 2008, your first re-registration is FREE • We will begin despatching your new ID with full details from Monday 14 December (Please note that all new Distributors that have registered since 1 November 2009 have already been issued with a 2010 ID) 560-071-08
  • 2. “SUCCESS IS DOING ORDINARY T JIM ROHN SEPTEMBER 17 “I was genuinely sad to hear of the passing of a man who has had such an impact on my Kleeneze business. He will leave a worldwide legacy that will endure for all time. life and of hundreds of successful people For anyone who has not read any of his in Kleeneze. material the two books I would recommend I first heard of Jim Rohn nearly 13 years ago. as my all time favourites are ‘The Seasons of We lived in a pre mp3 world back then and Life’ followed by ‘The Five Pieces to the his information was difficult to get hold of. Life Puzzle’.” I remember going to a New Year Conference Hazel Stephen in 1997 where Chris Mason-Paull stood at the Gold Premier Executive Distributor front of the room and publicly said: ‘We are “Jim has changed thousands of people lives in not professional network marketeers; we are Kleeneze, pointing them in the right direction earning this fantastic income because of to go and will do for many generations in the Kleeneze - and the teachings of Jim Rohn!’ As future,” they were earning around £20,000 per Gavin Scott and Bonnie Arapes Jim Rohn truly was a success; a master period, it would have been stupid not to take Silver Premier Executive Distributors of motivation and someone whose work his advice! “When we visited the Jim Rohn weekend has touched most everyone at Kleeneze. My first tape was an eighth generation copy seminar for a surprise birthday treat for Laura So, it was with great sadness that we someone gave me, there was a terrible hiss (couldn’t let her go on her own!) in heard this inspirational genius lost his on it - but the information was simply September 2007, we were looking for battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis on mind-blowing! inspiration. Everything about him - the Saturday 5 December. I decided to make a £60 investment into a set seminar, the whole experience - was, still is, Through seminars, books, articles, quotes and of tapes called ’Take Charge of Your Life’ and probably always will be the most CDs, Jim Rohn touched millions of lives in his (which are still available today for around influential time of our lives. Jim’s skills 46 years of coaching. He has inspired most, if £30) which changed my business - and my transcend business and if you let his teaching not all, of the great leaders within our life -forever! Our turnover doubled within 6 affect your whole life you won’t be business to achieve greatness. Not only that, months, but the greater legacy were the disappointed.” he was responsible for inspiring others who philosophies he left me with. Andy Buxton and Laura Kelly have inspired the Network, as his work was If you have never listened to Jim before, I Silver Executive Distributors influential in furthering the careers of those would recommend as a great first listen ’How such as Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor “Jim Rohn was an incredible man, who has to Build Your Network Marketing Business’, Hansen, Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield. personally touched our lives and the lives of which is generally available at the ridiculously so many others around the world. He lives on His story, and perhaps the reason behind this low price of around £4 - over an hour’s in our teachings.” success, was not unusual. He was born to an worth of training that could start life change Idaho farming family and left college after his for you as well. Peter and Claire Rea first year for the life of a salaried worker. By Bronze Premier Executive Distributors I never met him, but I felt I knew him. He the age of 25, he was in debt and unable to may have passed away but he’s left us a “One of the first books I read when starting see any way out. legacy of his trainings which will still be as out on my Kleeneze career was Jim Rohn’s ‘7 Then he met John Earl Shoaff, an valid in 100 years time as they are today. Strategies for Wealth & Happiness’. To say it entrepreneur, who bowled Rohn over with his lit a fuse beneath me is an understatement! I Rest in peace Jim - you led an business accomplishments, wealth and life am sure many other people will say this book exceptional life!” philosophy. Rohn joined Shoaff’s direct sales changed their lives - it did for me. Reading Andy and Sue Boswell books is one of the most important parts to organization, and began a process of Platinum Senior Executive Distributors being a success and Jim Rohn was one of the personal development that culminated in his becoming a millionaire by the age of 31. “It was nearly 20 years ago that I was first best authors. He will be missed, but his books Those outside the industry clamoured to hear introduced to Jim Rohn. He has been my will go on forever and he will be immortalised Rohn’s rags to riches story and his own number 1 mentor ever since. Not only have in history for the way in which he has helped personal development ideals. Thus Jim Rohn, his words helped and inspired me in business, so many people. A genius.” the motivator, and inspiration that we but in my personal life as well. I even had the Mike Bibby remember him today, was born. honour of having an email personally Silver Premier Executive Distributor answered by Jim when I asked him a Proof that anyone can do it? leadership question relating directly to our 11.12.09 Issue 47 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 3. THINGS EXTRAORDINARILY WELL” 1930 - DECEMBER 5 2009 “I believe Jim Rohn has probably been the most influential character within our industry with one of his tapes on my Walkman - his unique wisdom always inspired me to keep There were, unfortunately, far too many to publish in this week’s EWB. However, and personal development worldwide. His going when times were tough and to seek to all your memories and thoughts of this words and philosophies have and will better my approach to the business and to life inspirational genius are now up on continue to touch and help change lives for in general. the DSA. many years. What a legacy he leaves us all. Probably the most influential quote of his that A certain CD set he produced is a favourite Also, in honour comes to mind time and time again is this: of mine ‘Cultivating an Un-shakeable of the great ‘Do not wish it was easier; man, Character.’” wish you were better. Knowledge is Craig White Do not wish for less problems; King is offering Premier Executive Distributor wish for more skills. many of his “I had this quote on the back of my locker Do not wish for less challenges; books and CDs door while I was working as a labourer in a wish for more wisdom.’ at special factory (between joining Kleeneze in What an immense legacy this great man prices. Such as September 1995 until retiring from that has left behind” The Weekend Seminar, a dead-end job when achieving the Bronze Toby Acton 12-CD set (usual retail price £100) for Executive level in July 1998). Many of the 200 Bronze Senior Executive Distributor only £34.99 and free delivery! factory workers I spent every day with back Visit and then kindly told me Kleeneze wouldn’t work Unsurprisingly, we were inundated by click onto Special Offers. for me and it was a waste of time. Thank emails expressing your sadness on Jim goodness I chose not to lead a small life back Rohn’s passing. then. Jim Rohn inspires so many networkers like ourselves to grow as individuals and aspire to achieve greatness in our lives: ‘Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let A KLEENEZE others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. CHRISTMAS CAROL Let others leave their future in someone else’s We three catalogues of Kleeneze are hands, but not you.’ Bearing products we traverse afar Doorstep to doorstep, Starter to Retail Kit God Bless Jim Rohn - he touched the lives All in a catapull-ar of millions.” O catalogues of wonder, catalogues of might Gary and Esther Watson Catalogues that will your customers excite Platinum Senior Executive Distributors Orders proceeding, help in succeeding “A sad day when a hero to so many leaves us Guiding your profits to their heights…. in body, however, what a legacy Jim Rohn has left our industry. Yes, the tinsel is well and truly out here at EWB Towers and as such, we’re getting very excited Many Kleeneze distributors will have a special (and if the above verses are anything to go by, phrase or CD they will play constantly to keep very silly too) about the Christmas period. them on track, but personally the one golden But with good reason! Three fantastic new nugget that I learnt way back in 1990 from catalogues out there, one amazing TV advert him was this: ‘Do the best you can, as quickly is on its way, Chef Nigel Smith is cooking up as you can so that some day you can do what a storm and the New Year Showcase is you want, for as long as you want.’” weeks away! Ron Speirs Next week’s edition of EWB will be the The new Senior Executive Distributor out last of 2009, so make sure you get any logues are cata “Like so many others in our industry, Jim final words for the year, any additions and the D ecember Rohn has been a huge influence on me. Right petition for the meetings diary, and even any Retail Com the DSA from my early days in Kleeneze I used to walk Kleeneze Christmas carols into is on! Visit around delivering catalogues and leafleting for all the latest us by Tuesday 15 December. news ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 47 11.12.09
  • 4. LEARN WHILE YOU EARN EVENTS 19 Dec (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training 16 Dec (16/12, 30/12) Swindon Opportunity Meeting, The Link COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS Meeting, Holiday Inn Express – Aberdeen Exhibition Centre West SWINDON SN5 7DL. 8pm start in the 9 Jan 2010 Kleeneze New Year Showcase & Gala Dinner – Centre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABERDEEN, AB23 Blades Bar next to the Reception, £2.50 per distributor THE NIA and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM 8AJ. 10am – 12.30pm, £3. Contact Lynn Macdonald at Smart Dress. Everyone welcome. Hosts: Steve and 16 Jan 2010 Kleeneze Ireland New Year Showcase – or Tel: 01506 414456. Debra Nell contact on Tel: 01793 887978 or THE RADISSON BLU HOTEL, DUBLIN AIRPORT 22 Dec (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting, Ezereach: 01793 238909. 2-9 Mar 2010 Kleeneze Spring Destination 2010 – CAPE TOWN Edinburgh Training Centre, 16 St Mary’s Street 17 Dec (28/01, 25/02, 29/04, 27/05, 24/06, 29/07, 26/08, 30/09, EDINBURGH, EH1 1SU. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn 28/10, 25/11) Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham Summer 2010 Kleeneze Summer Roadshows replace the MacDonald at Green Leisure Centre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1 normal Summer Showcase 22 Dec (every four weeks) Kleeneze Opportunity Presentation Philip Lane, LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30pm. Registration for 4 Sept 2010 Kleeneze Xmas Showcase – 7.45pm start. Special guest speakers each month. Evening. Holiday Inn STOKE-ON-TRENT ST5 4DL. M6 THE NIA, BIRMINGHAM £3 per distributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome! J15 Business dress only. Please arrive early for a prompt start. Doors open at 7:30pm, presentation from 8:00 till Hosts: Gary Dixon and team. Contact 07973 712 425, TRAINING MEETINGS - 2009 COUNTRYWIDE 9:15pm. Hosts: Adele & Jaime de Caso 01260 218574. I.T.S.113915, or email: 3 Jan (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm 27 Jan (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough & 28 Dec (every four weeks) Titans Huddersfield Training and (doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel, Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm Opportunity Meeting at the Cedar Court Hotel Lindley Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ. registration for an 8pm prompt start. Ample free parking, Moor Road Ainley Top HUDDERSFIELD HD3 3RH (Just Bookings only, £6.00 per person. Guest speakers: Geoff good reception areas & bar for team sizzles & meeting off junction 24 M62). 7:30pm for 8pm prompt start. Please and Fiona Webb. Please send cheques (payable to A de your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair access note smart dress applies. Contact Neil Young 07932 965 Caso) to: Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guests 071 Ezereach 0113 350 8763. All welcome. Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be free (bring loads & see your business grow). If you want held at the door, no tickets are sent out) Business dress only please, everyone welcome. For further information, SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES 2010 to be your best year ever – don’t wait till then – your 14 Dec (11/01, 15/02, 15/03, 19/04, 17/05, 21/06, 19/07, 20/09, 2010 business starts NOW. Hosts Gerard & Claire Tucker- please call 01260 218574. Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff & Diane 18/10, 15/11, 13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell. Welcomes Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870) OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND us for an evening of FUN with Opportunity Presentations 5 Jan (every four weeks) North East Business Opportunity 5 Jan (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity and Kleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs) , Meeting, Quality Hotel, Boldon Business Park, Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, SUNDERLAND. NE5 9PE. Easy access from A19. Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm . Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8.00pm start £2.50 for 8pm start, £2.50 per person. Business dress please. £3 - guests FREE Business dress please. per head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/ Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on 02380987429 or Contact Debbie Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on Raffle/Table Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes, ITS 119727. 0118 9268540. Tel: 0191 521 4564, ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235. 15 Dec Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, 20 Jan (17/02. 17/03, 14/04, 12/05, 09/06, 07/07, 04/08, 1/09, 5 Jan (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Meeting, 29/09, 27/10, 24/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St, GLASGOW 8pm- 9pm. at The Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 £3 per distributor, guests free. 7:30pm for 8pm start. Contact Lynn Macdonald at 5NF, J28 – M25. 7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock. or Tel:01506 414456. please. Everyone welcome, hosts Richard and Vanadis. Tel: 01442 256405. 12 Jan (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at EzeReach: 01206 804 635. 16 Dec Somerset Business Opportunity Meeting, The Bathpool Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE 25 Jan, 22/2, 22/3, 19/4, 17/5, 14/6, Business Opportunity Open Inn, Bathpool, TAUNTON, TA2 8BE, 7.30pm for 8pm CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8pm start. All Evening, Everyone Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar start. £3 per Distributorship, guests free. Carlsberg don’t distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair Roundabout, BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration do BOMs, but if they did, they’d probably say this is the Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a 7.30pm, £3 per person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland best BOM in the world...but you need to come along to presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. email:- find out! Contact Chris and Jacqui Hill on 07967 661442, For information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126 Eze-Reach Number:- 01553 886597 01458 851046, Ezereach: 01458888065 email email:, Malcolm Bullough 01228 675553 e mail: 16 Dec (16/12) Redruth Business Opportunity Meeting at Tricky’s, THE NETHERLANDS 16 Dec (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The 19 Dec Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan 20, Tolgus Mount, Redruth, CORNWALL, TR15 3TA. 7.45pm Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar 7339 GT APELDOORN. 1pm – 3pm. Email Rita & Frank for 8pm start. Everyone welcome. Still only £2.50 per Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly Kamsteeg at Distributorship, Guests free. Hosts: David and Jenny on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open Gerry. Contact on 01209 714067, meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head. Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in, ITS 297533. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. your area? Let us know, at 16 Dec (16/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes, tel: 0191 521 4564. and we will include them in our weekly meetings diary. Inn, Ipswich Rd, NORWICH. NR4 6EP 7.30pm for 8pm . ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235. DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY. start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dress 16 Dec (16/12) Leeds Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, please. Contact Stephen on 07810126010. Brighouse, Clifton Village, LEEDS, HD6 4HW. 7.30pm for 8pm start. £3 per distributor, guests free. Business dress please. Contact Angel Hill on 07931283957 or Stuart Hill on 07792002402. Issue 47 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN