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The Importance of Leadership II
 In 2014, we did ”The importance of Leadership: a study in the book of
Judges”. The principle seen and taught in Judges is that leadership is
needed. People need to be led and Good and Bad outcomes spring from
“good” or “bad” leadership. These events occurred early in the development
of Israel as a nation. After the solid lead of both Moses and Joshua, the
people struggled to find firm footing. So they clamored for a ‘King’ to be
like other nations. Saul failed them, David is now past on. Solomon has left
them with a divided kingdom. It is in turmoil. The now northern kingdom
of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah will both be challenged with
finding strong faithful leaders after Solomon’s Reign. How do they do?
What does God do in an attempt to guide them along?
The Importance of Leadership: a study in Judges – Rewind and Review.
Lessons learned from both good and bad Leaders
So why do we need leaders? Isaiah 53:6
Selfish or Selfless? Is there a single quality/character trait that can identify good and bad leaders? If so, I believe that it
is this it. A good captain will always go down with the ship. A bad one; well…, we’ve all heard of these cases.
Israel after Joshua, failed to stay focused on God. The new generation was not taught. This brings in two key points.
1) 2)
The system for Judges as leaders had already been established and they did attempt to do the job. But what do we
learn in Judges 2: 16-19
Othniel and Ehud brought peace, law and order. They offered early corrective stability.
In Deborah, we see strong faith, wisdom and the respect of many. She was a leader of leaders.
Barak had a combination of humility and courage. Jael was not a leader by ordination, yet displayed leadership in her
Gideon became a leader, not by choice, but by necessity and God’s call. He responded with a unique form of
leadership. His style was one of deliberate caution and thoughtfulness.
Abimelech was brash, scheming, and reckless.
Jephthah (son of a harlot) put the group above self-interest. He lived by the principle of the greater
Sampson – Not only is he the hardest Judge to understand, He is most likely the hardest biblical
personality period to nail down. After much study and discernment, guided by the Word of God, I now
conclude that he was indeed a consistently faithful and spirit led leader for most of his life. He had two
major error sexually, one early on with the harlot and the other at the end of his ministry and life with
Micah had a heart for God, but he was self-willed and self-deceived. His actions led an entire tribe’s
deception and the eventual infection of the entire nation.
Lastly, when met with a national tragedy, the leadership made both great and horrific choices. The good
ones included the hand of God. God was unfortunately left out of the decision making process in the
bad ones.
End of the life of David
 1 Kings chap 1
 Rebellious Adonijah attempts to reign
 Nathan the Prophet give David
 Solomon is rightly anointed as King.
End of the life of Solomon
 1 Kings chap 11
 Solomon’s sin has cause God to
remove him from leadership
 God raises up Jeroboam
 Ahijah the Prophet is sent to confirm
God’s will in replacing Solomon
 The Kingdom is divided
 Shemaiah the Prophet confirms to
Rehoboam God’s plan for him in the
south and Jeroboam in the north.
Historic Background of people and events
David’s son Absalom led a revolt against him. He has now passed.
David’s faithful team during that time was Zadok and Abiathar the Priests, Joab the Military leader and
Nathan the Prophet.
David is now of advanced age and dying. His now eldest son is Adonijah. He is self-willed and assumes
the role of next King. He is said to be a honorable/good man. It is also noted that David is aware of his
intentions. However, he remains neutral. He does not endorse him nor does he advise against him.
Abishag, a Shulamite young woman is given to David for his care.
Adonijah gets a host of soldiers on his side for the ready to take over power, but more important several
key leaders of David join with him. This includes, Joab and Abiathar.
However, Zadok and Nathan both stay faithfully committed to David.
Adonijah holds a Feast where intends to launch his CAMPAIGN to overthrown the government.
He invite many including his all the tribe of Judah and his brother’s (David’s remaining son’s) with the
exception of Solomon.
He did not invite Zadok and Nathan or King David’s mighty faithful soldiers.
Meanwhile, Nathan seeing all that is occuring goes to Bethsheba. He tells her to let King David know and
that he needs to step in to stop this as to keep the promise of establishing Solomon as King. He is afraid
that Adonijah would kill her and Solomon.
David steps up and restores order as King. He declares that Solomon is his choice as successor.
Adonijah learns of this and recognizes that his attempt has failed. He now fears that he will
be targeted by Solomon for revenge because of his coup attempt. Solomon tells him that if he acts
responsibly and with honor he would be fine, but if he rebels he would be killed.
After David dies, Adonijah goes to Bethsheba. He wants her to ask King Solomon to give him Abishag for
a wife.
Solomon views this as a threat to his thone. To him, it violated the promise of honorable behavior. He saw
it as wicked. He has his brother Adonijah executed.
Solomon the deals with Joab and Shimei
Joab – the military leader formerly loyal to King David during the time of Saul and even during the
revolt of Absalom.
Yet, He for whatever reason, made the decision to side with Adonijah is his revolt against David and
the attempt to undercut Solomon.
Joab had BLOOD on his hands. Not regarding his battles in war but his execution of Amasa and less
so, Absalom.
Why did the above information lead to his execution early in the reign of Solomon?
Shimei – of the tribe of Levi, was loyal to King Saul. When David became King, he initially openly
rejected David. He later came onboard and allied/supported David. Despite this, King David did not
trust him. He told this to Solomon.
Solomon informs him at the start of his reign that he is not trusted but that he would let him live as
long as he stays confined to his home. Unfortunately, after 3 years of compliance he lives to Gath,
soon to return.
Solomon learns of his breaking of the deal and has him Executed
The Last Days of King Solomon
Sad ending to a productive and glorious reign. After much achievement and national stability, Solomon’s time
ended tragically. The Bible informs us that in his later/older years, He turned his heart towards the gods of his
pagan wives. He began to worship and love them and turned away from God. Because of this , God took the
kingdom away from him.
God keeps his word and promises. Because of this and his love for David, He would keep the House of David in
Jerusalem (Judah). This naturally leads to the DIVIDED kingdom. This is HIS Legacy!
Jeroboam – a non relative servant in the house of Solomon. He rose to a position of trust and rank. God sent the
Prophet Ahijah to inform him that the Kingdom would be taken from Solomon upon his death. He was told that
he would be given the northern ten tribes and Solomon’s blood line would be given one., the aforementioned
southern tribe of Judah. This would go to Solomon’s son Rehoboam.
Solomon would seek to kill Jeroboam until his own death. Jeroboam remained away in Egypt until Solomon’s
Like Father, Like Son? Lessons NOT Learned
Apparently, Solomon had been mistreating and governing certain people within the kingdom.
Some of his led advisors attempted to guide the new King Rehoboam to consider handling the people
with gentleness, compassion and mercy. Jeroboam was also involved in the attempt to give godly advise to
Name the critical concept (take-away lesson to learn) in the advise they offered. We will follow these
themes throughout our study as key guidelines to good leadership.
Rehoboam rejected this advise and came down hard on the people. Describe the group that he rejected
and compare to the group that he followed. He doubled down HARSHLY.
Rehoboam sent in Adoram (his enforcer) to squash the uprising but they stone him. The people have
turned against the heavy handed king.
He then assembles the Southern tribes and plans to go against Jeroboam and the northern tribes. God
send in the Prophet Shemamiah to tell him NOT to do this thing. This time he listens.
King Jeroboam (Northern 10 tribes)
He built places of worship in Shechem and Penuel.
He then concludes that this would return the hearts of the people back to Jerusalem and then back to the
house of David. He concludes that this would lead the people to return loyalty to King Rehoboam.
This has him to believe that he would then be targeted and killed.
Jeroboam has two golden calves created. He tells the people that there was NO need to go to Jerusalem. He
set up one in Bethel and another in Dan.
He credits the IDOLS for getting them out of Egyptian bondage.
He ordained the 15th day in the 8th Month – devised IN HIS OWN HEART! {God ordained the 7th mo}
This thing was a SIN for the Nation
God sends a Prophet from Judah up to Bethel with a message
He delivers the word of the Lord to King Jeroboam. It is essentially a prophecy and a curse.
He speaks directly to the Altar. He states that a future King will be born in the house of David.
This Josiah would offer on the Altar the bones of the priest that burned offerings on it. What is going on here? The
sign given to verify this was…. ’the altar will be rent and the ashes poured out’.
The King’s hand withered. The alter was rent and the ashes poured out. He says to the prophet, “entreat now the face
of the Lord ‘your’ God, and pray for me. The Prophet did, and the Kings’ hand was restored.
Jeroboam invites the prophet to come back for dinner but he declines in obedience to the word of God.
However, when an old prophet heard that he was there, he sent his son’s to invite him. When he was told that the
prophet declined, he lied and told him that GOD sent him a message telling him to have dinner.
The unnamed prophet believed him. God, seeing his disobedience, informed him that he would be punished. On the
way back to Judah, he is killed by a lion. As prophesied, his body would not be laid to rest with his forefathers. He
would be laid in the site of the tempting/lying prophet.
Jeroboam would continue on in his idolatry. He made priest of men not called to be priest.
King Jeroboam’s child became ill. He sends his wife to seek out a word from God from Ahijah.
He sends her in disguise so as NOT to be known. Why?
God informs Ahijah. When she arrives, he immediately calls her out.
His GOD given message is this. I exalted you to by King of My people. I gave it to you but you have NOT sought
be as my servant David. You have done worst than any before you. You have made idols and provoked me to
anger and cast me behind your back.
When your feet again hits your city, your child shall die. Israel shall mourn for the child.
The Lord shall punish Israel. He will uproot her and scatter her beyond the river.
He shall give them up BECAUSE of the SIN of Jeroboam who made Israel sin!
HIS LEADERSHIP as the Northern Kingdom set them up for inevitable failure.
A Nation SET – UP to FAIL (Northern Israel)
Judah’s Twinkle of HOPE in the midst of rebellious guidance. (Southern Kingdom)
King Rehoboam ruled the southern kingdom of Judah without the hand of God.
It is stated that he “did evil in the eyes of the Lord”. Greater than those who had come before him.
He built places of Idol worship wherever he could. But moreover, he allowed and/or began Temple
Sodomy. This may be the issue that made his actions ‘above all that his father’s’ in regards to sin.
2 Chronicles 2:11 Because of the outright spiritual adultery of Jeroboam in the north, faithful and
Committed Priest and Levites, fled Israel to Judah and Jerusalem.
This strengthened Judah for a space of 3 years. What long term effect do you see happen
Because of this? Specifically, Fake priest in the North and some TRUE godly priest in the South.
Israel and Judah warred between each other during the reigns of Jeroboam and Rehoboam
2 Chronicles 13 ** v4
** Abijam (Abijah) did have brief positive noteworthy stance
Rehoboam reigned selfishly. He put his own needs and desires above that of God and the people.
1 Kings 14:22
Because of his rebellion and guidance the people followed and the nation was out of the will of God.
We learn that the King of Egypt invades Judah. Is there any clue in the Kings passage to indicate who
authorized this action? Confirmation of this is found in 2 Chronicles 12.
All of the Gold and precious items that Solomon had in his house and in the Lord’s temple were taken.
Rehoboam replaces these things with items of brass and has them secured with the chief of Guards.
How do we explain and interpret this action?
It may be his means of Atonement.
Rehoboam dies and his son Abijam (Abijah) reigns after him. **
His time was short lived as he did evil and walked not after God or the ways of David.
He continue the warring with Israel. The importance of a REMNANT! **
1 Kings 14:21 - 28
 At age 41 begin his reign
 Reigned in Judah for 17 years
 Built high places
 Judah did evil during this time
 Egypt raided and looted in the 5th yr
 Rehoboam replaces stolen treasures
with brass
2 Chronicles 11:5-14; 12:1-12
 Fortified cities, strengthened himself
 Ignored God. The people followed.
 Good Priest and Levites from north
arrived. They strengthened Judah for 3
 God sent the Egyptian raid
 Prophet Shimaiah’s message
 Rehoboam is Humbled
God’s Will in the lives of Man
The debate has waged and will continue to be debated regarding God’s Will
Particularly – Where does God’s will and Man’s free will meet and end?
Does God’s will supplant man’s choice. Does it apply to an individual or man-kind as a unit
Let’s look at the cases in this study thus-far
Jeroboam (Israel) Rehoboam (Judah)
God’s hand of blessing was placed on God’s hand was removed from
Not God’s Special Location God’s Special HOLY Location
Near Complete Rejection Rejection with a Remnant
Rebellious Jeroboam Killed by God Humbled Rehoboam allowed to die in office
War between North (Israel) and South (Judah)
God fights against (kills) Jeroboam God fights with Abijam/Abijah
Does God favor Judah because it is his “Heart” a blessed HOLY land? Deut. 11:12
Does he favor it because Abijam is Righteous? Does he do it DESPITE his personal evil doings?
If God’s Hand was off Judah and he GUARANTEED blessing to Israel. Why did thing go the way that they
You see both things are in play. God does have a will. His will is done!
Yet we also have Free Will.
God’s wisdom is such that he can accomplish his will WITHOUT forcing individuals. Obedience and action
on the part of some can and will counter the disobedience of others. Yet, God’s will and his INTEGRITY
stays intact. All of his promises are IF…THEN arrangements. He keeps HIS WORD!
A Good King comes forth! 1Kings 15:9-24 2 Chronicles 14/15/16
After Abijam, his son Asa comes to power.
He reforms the nation and changes direction back towards the ways of God.
His Grandmother, Maachah *, was deeply pagan. She worshipped pagan gods and even her personal idol.
The righteous king Asa destroyed them all, including his mother’s
He also banished the practice of temple prostitution and kicked out the sodomites.
To this end, the bible says that he “did right in the eyes of the Lord”.
He brought into the house the Lord, precious items of Gold and vessels from his families wealth.
He failed however, to remove the high places throughout the land.
Note * She was also Abijam’s (grand)mother. Why is this noteworthy?
Asa has military victory when invaded by Ethiopians
Why was he successful against this invasion? 2 Chron. 14:11
A Word from the Prophet. What was his message? 2 Chron. 15:1-7 How did Asa respond?
After the reforms, peace followed.
When war broke out between Judah and Israel, what did Asa do?
What do you think about that decision?
How did it compare to the decision and choice he made when Ethiopia invaded?
Why do you suppose he acted different against Israel?
Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 16:9
How did God inform Asa of his wrong choice?
What was the results of his Self-Reliance?
Asa was angered. He did not like the message from the prophet and had him placed in prison.
Asa would then ‘Suppress’ some of the people.
In the 39th year of his reign, he becomes crippled.
He dies in the 41st year of his reign.
Lessons learned from the life of this GOOD king!
Let’s Discuss. God wants us to remember his past blessing/guidance.
God wants willing vessels to work through to show his power and to do his will.
We sinners, do both good and bad / obey and disobey, as we serve Him.
It is up to us how we respond to God’s correction.
Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone
to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
The Enemy is on the Prowl looking to entrap and destroy us!
What to KNOW about God! - Challenge
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the
behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. 2 Chronicles 16:9
The Heavenly Father, Giver of Life, is actively looking to use those
Willing to be used. He wants to show his power through US!

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  • 1. KINGS AND PROPHETS The Importance of Leadership II
  • 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP II  In 2014, we did ”The importance of Leadership: a study in the book of Judges”. The principle seen and taught in Judges is that leadership is needed. People need to be led and Good and Bad outcomes spring from “good” or “bad” leadership. These events occurred early in the development of Israel as a nation. After the solid lead of both Moses and Joshua, the people struggled to find firm footing. So they clamored for a ‘King’ to be like other nations. Saul failed them, David is now past on. Solomon has left them with a divided kingdom. It is in turmoil. The now northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah will both be challenged with finding strong faithful leaders after Solomon’s Reign. How do they do? What does God do in an attempt to guide them along?
  • 3. The Importance of Leadership: a study in Judges – Rewind and Review. Lessons learned from both good and bad Leaders So why do we need leaders? Isaiah 53:6 Selfish or Selfless? Is there a single quality/character trait that can identify good and bad leaders? If so, I believe that it is this it. A good captain will always go down with the ship. A bad one; well…, we’ve all heard of these cases. Israel after Joshua, failed to stay focused on God. The new generation was not taught. This brings in two key points. 1) 2) The system for Judges as leaders had already been established and they did attempt to do the job. But what do we learn in Judges 2: 16-19 Othniel and Ehud brought peace, law and order. They offered early corrective stability. In Deborah, we see strong faith, wisdom and the respect of many. She was a leader of leaders. Barak had a combination of humility and courage. Jael was not a leader by ordination, yet displayed leadership in her actions. Gideon became a leader, not by choice, but by necessity and God’s call. He responded with a unique form of leadership. His style was one of deliberate caution and thoughtfulness.
  • 4. Abimelech was brash, scheming, and reckless. Jephthah (son of a harlot) put the group above self-interest. He lived by the principle of the greater good. Sampson – Not only is he the hardest Judge to understand, He is most likely the hardest biblical personality period to nail down. After much study and discernment, guided by the Word of God, I now conclude that he was indeed a consistently faithful and spirit led leader for most of his life. He had two major error sexually, one early on with the harlot and the other at the end of his ministry and life with Delilah. Micah had a heart for God, but he was self-willed and self-deceived. His actions led an entire tribe’s deception and the eventual infection of the entire nation. Lastly, when met with a national tragedy, the leadership made both great and horrific choices. The good ones included the hand of God. God was unfortunately left out of the decision making process in the bad ones.
  • 5. THE ROLE OF THE PROPHET End of the life of David  1 Kings chap 1  Rebellious Adonijah attempts to reign  Nathan the Prophet give David guidance  Solomon is rightly anointed as King. End of the life of Solomon  1 Kings chap 11  Solomon’s sin has cause God to remove him from leadership  God raises up Jeroboam  Ahijah the Prophet is sent to confirm God’s will in replacing Solomon  The Kingdom is divided  Shemaiah the Prophet confirms to Rehoboam God’s plan for him in the south and Jeroboam in the north.
  • 6. Historic Background of people and events David’s son Absalom led a revolt against him. He has now passed. David’s faithful team during that time was Zadok and Abiathar the Priests, Joab the Military leader and Nathan the Prophet. David is now of advanced age and dying. His now eldest son is Adonijah. He is self-willed and assumes the role of next King. He is said to be a honorable/good man. It is also noted that David is aware of his intentions. However, he remains neutral. He does not endorse him nor does he advise against him. Abishag, a Shulamite young woman is given to David for his care. Adonijah gets a host of soldiers on his side for the ready to take over power, but more important several key leaders of David join with him. This includes, Joab and Abiathar. However, Zadok and Nathan both stay faithfully committed to David.
  • 7. Adonijah holds a Feast where intends to launch his CAMPAIGN to overthrown the government. He invite many including his all the tribe of Judah and his brother’s (David’s remaining son’s) with the exception of Solomon. He did not invite Zadok and Nathan or King David’s mighty faithful soldiers. Meanwhile, Nathan seeing all that is occuring goes to Bethsheba. He tells her to let King David know and that he needs to step in to stop this as to keep the promise of establishing Solomon as King. He is afraid that Adonijah would kill her and Solomon. David steps up and restores order as King. He declares that Solomon is his choice as successor. Adonijah learns of this and recognizes that his attempt has failed. He now fears that he will be targeted by Solomon for revenge because of his coup attempt. Solomon tells him that if he acts responsibly and with honor he would be fine, but if he rebels he would be killed. After David dies, Adonijah goes to Bethsheba. He wants her to ask King Solomon to give him Abishag for a wife. Solomon views this as a threat to his thone. To him, it violated the promise of honorable behavior. He saw it as wicked. He has his brother Adonijah executed.
  • 8. Solomon the deals with Joab and Shimei Joab – the military leader formerly loyal to King David during the time of Saul and even during the revolt of Absalom. Yet, He for whatever reason, made the decision to side with Adonijah is his revolt against David and the attempt to undercut Solomon. Joab had BLOOD on his hands. Not regarding his battles in war but his execution of Amasa and less so, Absalom. Why did the above information lead to his execution early in the reign of Solomon? Shimei – of the tribe of Levi, was loyal to King Saul. When David became King, he initially openly rejected David. He later came onboard and allied/supported David. Despite this, King David did not trust him. He told this to Solomon. Solomon informs him at the start of his reign that he is not trusted but that he would let him live as long as he stays confined to his home. Unfortunately, after 3 years of compliance he lives to Gath, soon to return. Solomon learns of his breaking of the deal and has him Executed
  • 9. The Last Days of King Solomon Sad ending to a productive and glorious reign. After much achievement and national stability, Solomon’s time ended tragically. The Bible informs us that in his later/older years, He turned his heart towards the gods of his pagan wives. He began to worship and love them and turned away from God. Because of this , God took the kingdom away from him. God keeps his word and promises. Because of this and his love for David, He would keep the House of David in Jerusalem (Judah). This naturally leads to the DIVIDED kingdom. This is HIS Legacy! Jeroboam – a non relative servant in the house of Solomon. He rose to a position of trust and rank. God sent the Prophet Ahijah to inform him that the Kingdom would be taken from Solomon upon his death. He was told that he would be given the northern ten tribes and Solomon’s blood line would be given one., the aforementioned southern tribe of Judah. This would go to Solomon’s son Rehoboam. Solomon would seek to kill Jeroboam until his own death. Jeroboam remained away in Egypt until Solomon’s death.
  • 10. Like Father, Like Son? Lessons NOT Learned Apparently, Solomon had been mistreating and governing certain people within the kingdom. Some of his led advisors attempted to guide the new King Rehoboam to consider handling the people with gentleness, compassion and mercy. Jeroboam was also involved in the attempt to give godly advise to Rehoboam. Name the critical concept (take-away lesson to learn) in the advise they offered. We will follow these themes throughout our study as key guidelines to good leadership. Rehoboam rejected this advise and came down hard on the people. Describe the group that he rejected and compare to the group that he followed. He doubled down HARSHLY. Rehoboam sent in Adoram (his enforcer) to squash the uprising but they stone him. The people have turned against the heavy handed king. He then assembles the Southern tribes and plans to go against Jeroboam and the northern tribes. God send in the Prophet Shemamiah to tell him NOT to do this thing. This time he listens.
  • 11. DOWNFALL! King Jeroboam (Northern 10 tribes) He built places of worship in Shechem and Penuel. He then concludes that this would return the hearts of the people back to Jerusalem and then back to the house of David. He concludes that this would lead the people to return loyalty to King Rehoboam. This has him to believe that he would then be targeted and killed. Jeroboam has two golden calves created. He tells the people that there was NO need to go to Jerusalem. He set up one in Bethel and another in Dan. He credits the IDOLS for getting them out of Egyptian bondage. He ordained the 15th day in the 8th Month – devised IN HIS OWN HEART! {God ordained the 7th mo} This thing was a SIN for the Nation
  • 12. God sends a Prophet from Judah up to Bethel with a message He delivers the word of the Lord to King Jeroboam. It is essentially a prophecy and a curse. He speaks directly to the Altar. He states that a future King will be born in the house of David. This Josiah would offer on the Altar the bones of the priest that burned offerings on it. What is going on here? The sign given to verify this was…. ’the altar will be rent and the ashes poured out’. The King’s hand withered. The alter was rent and the ashes poured out. He says to the prophet, “entreat now the face of the Lord ‘your’ God, and pray for me. The Prophet did, and the Kings’ hand was restored. Jeroboam invites the prophet to come back for dinner but he declines in obedience to the word of God. However, when an old prophet heard that he was there, he sent his son’s to invite him. When he was told that the prophet declined, he lied and told him that GOD sent him a message telling him to have dinner. The unnamed prophet believed him. God, seeing his disobedience, informed him that he would be punished. On the way back to Judah, he is killed by a lion. As prophesied, his body would not be laid to rest with his forefathers. He would be laid in the site of the tempting/lying prophet. Jeroboam would continue on in his idolatry. He made priest of men not called to be priest.
  • 13. King Jeroboam’s child became ill. He sends his wife to seek out a word from God from Ahijah. He sends her in disguise so as NOT to be known. Why? God informs Ahijah. When she arrives, he immediately calls her out. His GOD given message is this. I exalted you to by King of My people. I gave it to you but you have NOT sought be as my servant David. You have done worst than any before you. You have made idols and provoked me to anger and cast me behind your back. When your feet again hits your city, your child shall die. Israel shall mourn for the child. The Lord shall punish Israel. He will uproot her and scatter her beyond the river. He shall give them up BECAUSE of the SIN of Jeroboam who made Israel sin! HIS LEADERSHIP as the Northern Kingdom set them up for inevitable failure. A Nation SET – UP to FAIL (Northern Israel)
  • 14. Judah’s Twinkle of HOPE in the midst of rebellious guidance. (Southern Kingdom) King Rehoboam ruled the southern kingdom of Judah without the hand of God. It is stated that he “did evil in the eyes of the Lord”. Greater than those who had come before him. He built places of Idol worship wherever he could. But moreover, he allowed and/or began Temple Sodomy. This may be the issue that made his actions ‘above all that his father’s’ in regards to sin. 2 Chronicles 2:11 Because of the outright spiritual adultery of Jeroboam in the north, faithful and Committed Priest and Levites, fled Israel to Judah and Jerusalem. This strengthened Judah for a space of 3 years. What long term effect do you see happen Because of this? Specifically, Fake priest in the North and some TRUE godly priest in the South. Israel and Judah warred between each other during the reigns of Jeroboam and Rehoboam 2 Chronicles 13 ** v4 ** Abijam (Abijah) did have brief positive noteworthy stance
  • 15. Rehoboam reigned selfishly. He put his own needs and desires above that of God and the people. 1 Kings 14:22 Because of his rebellion and guidance the people followed and the nation was out of the will of God. We learn that the King of Egypt invades Judah. Is there any clue in the Kings passage to indicate who authorized this action? Confirmation of this is found in 2 Chronicles 12. All of the Gold and precious items that Solomon had in his house and in the Lord’s temple were taken. Rehoboam replaces these things with items of brass and has them secured with the chief of Guards. How do we explain and interpret this action? It may be his means of Atonement. Rehoboam dies and his son Abijam (Abijah) reigns after him. ** His time was short lived as he did evil and walked not after God or the ways of David. He continue the warring with Israel. The importance of a REMNANT! **
  • 16. REHOBOAM’S REIGN: BAD SPRINKLED WITH A BIT OF GOOD 1 Kings 14:21 - 28  At age 41 begin his reign  Reigned in Judah for 17 years  Built high places  Judah did evil during this time  Egypt raided and looted in the 5th yr  Rehoboam replaces stolen treasures with brass 2 Chronicles 11:5-14; 12:1-12  Fortified cities, strengthened himself  Ignored God. The people followed.  Good Priest and Levites from north arrived. They strengthened Judah for 3 years.  God sent the Egyptian raid  Prophet Shimaiah’s message  Rehoboam is Humbled
  • 17. God’s Will in the lives of Man The debate has waged and will continue to be debated regarding God’s Will Particularly – Where does God’s will and Man’s free will meet and end? Does God’s will supplant man’s choice. Does it apply to an individual or man-kind as a unit Let’s look at the cases in this study thus-far Jeroboam (Israel) Rehoboam (Judah) God’s hand of blessing was placed on God’s hand was removed from Not God’s Special Location God’s Special HOLY Location Does EVIL Does EVIL Near Complete Rejection Rejection with a Remnant Rebellious Jeroboam Killed by God Humbled Rehoboam allowed to die in office
  • 18. War between North (Israel) and South (Judah) God fights against (kills) Jeroboam God fights with Abijam/Abijah Questions: Does God favor Judah because it is his “Heart” a blessed HOLY land? Deut. 11:12 Does he favor it because Abijam is Righteous? Does he do it DESPITE his personal evil doings? If God’s Hand was off Judah and he GUARANTEED blessing to Israel. Why did thing go the way that they did? You see both things are in play. God does have a will. His will is done! Yet we also have Free Will. God’s wisdom is such that he can accomplish his will WITHOUT forcing individuals. Obedience and action on the part of some can and will counter the disobedience of others. Yet, God’s will and his INTEGRITY stays intact. All of his promises are IF…THEN arrangements. He keeps HIS WORD!
  • 19. A Good King comes forth! 1Kings 15:9-24 2 Chronicles 14/15/16 After Abijam, his son Asa comes to power. He reforms the nation and changes direction back towards the ways of God. His Grandmother, Maachah *, was deeply pagan. She worshipped pagan gods and even her personal idol. The righteous king Asa destroyed them all, including his mother’s He also banished the practice of temple prostitution and kicked out the sodomites. To this end, the bible says that he “did right in the eyes of the Lord”. He brought into the house the Lord, precious items of Gold and vessels from his families wealth. He failed however, to remove the high places throughout the land. Note * She was also Abijam’s (grand)mother. Why is this noteworthy?
  • 20. Asa has military victory when invaded by Ethiopians Why was he successful against this invasion? 2 Chron. 14:11 A Word from the Prophet. What was his message? 2 Chron. 15:1-7 How did Asa respond? After the reforms, peace followed. When war broke out between Judah and Israel, what did Asa do? What do you think about that decision? How did it compare to the decision and choice he made when Ethiopia invaded? Why do you suppose he acted different against Israel? Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 16:9
  • 21. How did God inform Asa of his wrong choice? What was the results of his Self-Reliance? Asa was angered. He did not like the message from the prophet and had him placed in prison. Asa would then ‘Suppress’ some of the people. In the 39th year of his reign, he becomes crippled. He dies in the 41st year of his reign. Lessons learned from the life of this GOOD king! Let’s Discuss. God wants us to remember his past blessing/guidance. God wants willing vessels to work through to show his power and to do his will. We sinners, do both good and bad / obey and disobey, as we serve Him. It is up to us how we respond to God’s correction.
  • 22. Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 WHAT TO WATCH FOR – WARNING! The Enemy is on the Prowl looking to entrap and destroy us! What to KNOW about God! - Challenge For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. 2 Chronicles 16:9 The Heavenly Father, Giver of Life, is actively looking to use those Willing to be used. He wants to show his power through US!