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1                                                                                             Craiig Hummell’’s
                                                                                                           Cra g Humme s

                                                                                                         Circle ofSafety                                                      ™
      June 2010
      June 2010

                                                                                                                 Your Consumer Awareness Advisor

                                                                      142 Main St, Oakland, IA 51560, Phone: 712-482-6424      ● 114 Broadway, Carson, IA 51525, Phone: 712-484-2240

                                                                    Squaring Up To                                                      IN THIS ISSUE: ▪ Natural Disaster
                                                                                                                                        Precautions ▪ Beware Tourist
                                                                                              Protecting Yourself                       Tricksters ▪ Are Credit Unions For
                                                                    Nature                    from Natural Disasters                    You? ▪ Bathroom Safety Tips ▪ Take
                                                                                                                                        Good Care of Your Summer Lawn
                                                                    We watch with a mixture of sympathy and trepidation
                                                                    when a natural disaster hits the headlines. Whether it's
                                                                    an earthquake, flood, wildfire, hurricane or tornado, most
                                                                    of us have two things on our minds:                                VACATION ALERT FOR
                                                                        •   What can I do to help?                                     TOURIST TRICKSTERS
News and T ps o Make Your L e Eas er Sa er and Happ er
News and Tiips tto Make Your Liiffe Easiier,, Saffer and Happiier

                                                                        •   What would I do if this happened to me?                    So you're busy planning your summer
                                                                    The help side of the equation depends on the nature of             vacation? Someone else is thinking about
                                                                    the incident and you can usually get information on this           that too – tourist tricksters. These are the
                                                                    from major charities like the Red Cross.                           people you encounter in airports, taxi lines
                                                                                                                                       and on the sidewalk, who want to take
                                                                    When it comes to protecting yourself against disaster,             advantage of your unfamiliarity, especially
                                                                    there are three issues you need to address: precaution,            abroad. Here's our list of tips and alerts:
                                                                    insurance and recovery.                                            • Beware distraction crime. Someone,
                                                                    Precaution                                                           maybe a child, tries to distract you
                                                                                                                                         while an accomplice steals wallets or
                                                                    You can't tame nature to prevent a disaster from                     luggage. Ignore them and hold tight.
                                                                    happening but there are things you can do to minimize
                                                                                                                                       • If you're being met at an airport, check
                                                                    both the risks and the impact. Here's our Top Five list:             the credentials of your driver to make
                                                                    1. Establish if you're in a risk zone for any of these               sure they're who they say they are. If in
                                                                       events. Your city or county authorities can tell you.             doubt, don't go. Phone the hotel or
                                                                                                                                         party you're visiting.
                                                                    2. Using their guidance and online research, have a
                                                                                                                                       • Similarly, only use taxis at official taxi
                                                                       family safety plan for what to do in emergency.
                                                                                                                                         ranks. And always establish the fare
                                                                    3. Do anything you can now to reduce risks, from                     before you leave.
                                                                       clearing brush to securing structures.                          • Change currency before you travel, or
                                                                    4. Buy and maintain a supply of the things you'll need               in banks or well-known bureaux de
                                                                       from food through flashlights to sandbags.                        change. Others may offer poor rates or
                                                                                                                                         terms loaded with hidden extras.
                                                                    5. Be alert to warnings about imminent high risk events.           • Avoid invitations to free events and
                                                                    Insurance                                                            don’t accept free scratch cards (which
                                                                                                                                         always 'win'). They're timeshare lures.
                                                                    The recent big earthquakes in Haiti and Chile may have
                                                                                                                                       • Don’t buy off anyone on the street, no
                                                                    prompted you to think about 'quake or other disaster
                                                                                                                                          matter how great a bargain it seems.
                                                                    insurance. Cover for fire and storm damage is normally
                                                                    part of a homeowners policy. For 'quakes and floods,               Bottom line: Always be skeptical. Never
                                                                    cover is available in many areas but obviously the                 take the word of someone you don't know.
                                                                    greater the risk, the higher premiums may be. Some
                                                                    states and even the Federal Government may provide
                                                                    support towards cover for certain risks.
2   Why It's Worth Taking An
    Interest In Credit Unions
    Bah, humbug! You don’t have to be a Scrooge to be careful with your
    money. Whether you're borrowing or saving, you owe it to yourself and
    your family to be cautious about cash.
    That may be why, according to latest figures, membership and funds
    are climbing at the 7,500-plus community- or work-based financial
    institutions we call credit unions (CUs).
    Many people think they're the same as banks, but they're not. For a
    start, they're owned by their members – mainly customers (savers and
    borrowers) – not by stockholders. So they don’t have to make a profit;         Squaring up …
    and if they do have a surplus, it goes back to the members.                    (from Page 1)
    This means that, on average, interest rates are higher than the banks'         This would most likely fall under
    for savers, and lower for borrowers.                                           the “riot and civil commotion”
                                                                                   portion of your homeowners
             To learn more about credit unions, visit:                             policy, regardless of whether or
                                                     not you have 'quake or other
             To find a CU in your area, go to:                                     special cover. A disaster isn’t the
             ttp://                   trigger for the coverage; the
                                                                                   looting is. Talk to us about this.
    Credit unions have been around since the 1930s and there was a time
    when they were regarded as rather stuffy old-fashioned organizations,          How quickly you start to get back
    difficult to join and offering only limited services. That's no longer true.   to normal depends on the scale
                                                                                   of the incident and availability of
    Virtually anyone can join a credit union, as long as they live or work in      services to help you.
    the area where it's based (or work for an organization or industry that
    has its own CU). And because of this relationship, they are seen very          Obviously, if you're insured, you
    much as part of the communities they serve.                                    should contact us or your insurer
                                                                                   as soon as possible, to file a
    Most of them offer the key services we expect to find at a bank –              claim.
    including savings and money market accounts and CDs; auto loans
    and mortgages; checking accounts and access to ATMs nationwide                 We hope you have arranged
    and even abroad. Many also issue their own credit cards, including             cover, but if you haven't you may
    some that offer points or rewards.                                             have to draw on your own funds,
                                                                                   or look to state or federal aid if a
    One important way in which they are similar to banks is in protecting          State of Emergency has been
    savers' deposits. Bank deposits up to $250,000 are covered by the              declared.
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). With CUs, the National
    Credit Union Share Insurance Fund backs deposits to the same level.            There are private companies
                                                                                   specializing in disaster recovery
    Credit unions may not be suitable for everyone, and we can't advise            and home restoration and, of
    you on that. But at least now you know they're worth looking into!             course, builders and contractors
                                                                                   for structural and service repairs.
                                                                                   It's a wise move to indentify
          Make Sure the Smallest Room is Also the Safest                           these people now as there would
      It may be the smallest room in the house, but the bathroom is big on         likely be a long waiting list if the
      danger, especially for the elderly and youngsters. There are water,          incident was widespread.
      electricity, sharp corners, internal locks and perhaps drugs, all lying
      in wait for victims. But a few simple precautions will defeat them:
                                                                                   One of the best sources of
      • Keep a non-slip mat in the bath and shower (and on the bathroom
                                                                                   information on dealing with a
        floor if it's polished or slippery)
                                                                                   natural disaster is the Federal
      • Only plug in electrical items when you use them. Then remove               Emergency Management
        and replace with plastic outlet protectors.                                Agency (FEMA).
      • Keep all drugs under lock and key and always out of kids' reach.           Despite some bad publicity after
      • Install grab bars beside the bath and inside shower enclosures.            Katrina, the agency offers lots of
      • Ensure towel rails are firmly fitted. Check them regularly                 information and assistance both
                                                                                   in preparation for and during
      • Fit door locks that can be opened from the outside in emergency.           incidents.
Heat Stroke: A Dangerous                                                                                   3
        Summer Illness
Each year in the United States
hundreds of people die of heat
stroke and many more are
                                      WIN! WIN! WIN!
hospitalized. Heat stroke is the
                                     This month Hummel Insurance Services is sponsoring a Trivia
number one summer illness and
it’s completely preventable.         Contest and offering you a chance to win 5 Scratch-off Lottery
Heat stroke occurs when your         Tickets. Test your knowledge! Answer the question below and you
internal cooling system stops        could be this month’s winner. The entry that comes closest to the
working and your body                correct answer to the following question will be the winner. If more
temperature rises. This can          than one person has the exact answer, the winner will be the person
potentially cause brain damage,      whose entry reached our office first. Write down your name and
damage to internal organs, and       answer, and then fax – 712-482-3218 -- or mail – PO Box 579,
even death.
                                     Oakland, IA 51560 this page -- or email your name and answer to
Heat stroke can happen very Good luck!
suddenly; often without other
symptoms. If you or someone
you know is experiencing the         Which famous US military leader and politician had a
symptoms of heat stroke don’t
delay: obtain medical care
                                        half-brother nicknamed Austin. And what was
immediately.                                         Austin’s real name?
The primary treatment for heat
exhaustion is replacement of
                                     Your Name: _________________________________________
lost fluids and salt. Victims
should move to a cool
environment, lie flat or with feet   Address or Contact Details:______________________________
raised slightly above head level,
and sip a cool, slightly salty       ____________________________________________________
beverage -- such as a salty sports
drink or plain drinking water with   ____________________________________________________
salt added (one level teaspoon of
salt per quart of water).Turn down   Your Answer:_________________________________________
the thermostat and open a
window. Warm humid air can
cause mold and mildew to grow
unseen inside your home. Fresh
air and cooler temps can help        ____________________________________________________
reduce this problem in most

Prevention is the key
The best defense against heat
stroke and other heat related
illnesses is prevention.
Heat injuries can be prevented
simply by good hydration and
                                          Tell Others About Us and Win a Prize
common sense. Drink plenty of        Who will be our next Client of the Month? Could it be you?
fluids before and during exercise    Referrals are the lifeblood of any business, and there’s no better
or sports. Water is all you need
                                     source than you, our clients.
for moderate exercise in the
summer, but if you plan on
exercising or playing sports for     Just mention Hummel Insurance Services to a friend, relative, or
more than an hour a sports drink     colleague and have them give us a call at 712-482-6424 or toll-free at
with electrolytes is best.
Take care when spending time         800-482-6426. Don't forget to tell them to use your name, so we can
outdoors in the hot sun so           enter you for our prize draw! Thank you in advance.
everyone has a great summer.
Hummel Insurance Services
      PO Box 579
      142 Main St
      Oakland, IA 51560-0579

                              Craig Hummel’s
                                      Circle of Safety™
                                     Your Consumer Awareness Advisor ™


IT'S A FACT: Summer Solstice (June 21), which we sometimes call Midsummer’s Day, was actually
considered New Year’s Day by the ancient Egyptians.

                 To green or not too green – that is the question
Lawns can be a headache and a heartache at this time of year. To fertilize or not? To water or not? How close
to mow? How to control weeds? Answering these questions has become something of a science. And, on the
basis that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, it turns out that, when it comes to lawn care, we tend to do
all the wrong things: fertilizing too little or too much or at the wrong time, over-watering, and cutting things just
a bit too close. Here's what the experts say:
• General Health: A healthy lawn should be deep                    the season. Follow the application recommend-
     green and blades should bounce back up when                   ations. Exceeding the "recommended dose"
     you walk on them. Rake the lawn to remove                     either in volume or frequency will damage, not
     "thatch" before starting any other treatment.                 help, growth. Consider organic fertilizers –
     Aerate the lawn to improve drainage. You can                  usually more expensive but less harmful when
     hire mechanical equipment for both tasks.                     they drain off.
•     Watering: If you're starting from scratch, plant      •   Mowing: The longer you let your grass grow, the
      grass that's especially suited to your area. How          healthier its roots. Longer blades also help retain
      frequently you water obviously depends on the             moisture. A good target is 1-1/2 inches. If you've
      weather, so make sure you can manually                    been away and the grass is high, don't lop it off
      override your sprinkler system, to switch it off          in one mowing; set your blade to high and mow it
      when it rains. Otherwise, provide an inch of              twice, a few days apart.
      water a week, more when it's really hot. Measure      •   Weeds: You can buy fertilizers than control a
      and check by placing a jar on the lawn to collect         wide variety of lawn weeds but if you only have a
      water when the sprinklers are on.                         few weeds, this might be overkill, as well as
•     Fertilizing: The value of fertilizing is in               hurting the environment via drainage. Spot
      establishing strong root systems for your grass.          weed-killing, though time consuming, may be
      Choose fertilizers that are specially blended for         more considerate.

    Something to smile about : Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse
    and cool the earth, the air and you            (Langston Hughes, poet and playwright)

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June 2010 Circle of Safety Newsletter

  • 1. 1 Craiig Hummell’’s Cra g Humme s Circle ofSafety ™ June 2010 June 2010 ™ Your Consumer Awareness Advisor 142 Main St, Oakland, IA 51560, Phone: 712-482-6424 ● 114 Broadway, Carson, IA 51525, Phone: 712-484-2240 Squaring Up To IN THIS ISSUE: ▪ Natural Disaster Precautions ▪ Beware Tourist Protecting Yourself Tricksters ▪ Are Credit Unions For Nature from Natural Disasters You? ▪ Bathroom Safety Tips ▪ Take Good Care of Your Summer Lawn We watch with a mixture of sympathy and trepidation when a natural disaster hits the headlines. Whether it's an earthquake, flood, wildfire, hurricane or tornado, most of us have two things on our minds: VACATION ALERT FOR • What can I do to help? TOURIST TRICKSTERS News and T ps o Make Your L e Eas er Sa er and Happ er News and Tiips tto Make Your Liiffe Easiier,, Saffer and Happiier • What would I do if this happened to me? So you're busy planning your summer The help side of the equation depends on the nature of vacation? Someone else is thinking about the incident and you can usually get information on this that too – tourist tricksters. These are the from major charities like the Red Cross. people you encounter in airports, taxi lines and on the sidewalk, who want to take When it comes to protecting yourself against disaster, advantage of your unfamiliarity, especially there are three issues you need to address: precaution, abroad. Here's our list of tips and alerts: insurance and recovery. • Beware distraction crime. Someone, Precaution maybe a child, tries to distract you while an accomplice steals wallets or You can't tame nature to prevent a disaster from luggage. Ignore them and hold tight. happening but there are things you can do to minimize • If you're being met at an airport, check both the risks and the impact. Here's our Top Five list: the credentials of your driver to make 1. Establish if you're in a risk zone for any of these sure they're who they say they are. If in events. Your city or county authorities can tell you. doubt, don't go. Phone the hotel or party you're visiting. 2. Using their guidance and online research, have a • Similarly, only use taxis at official taxi family safety plan for what to do in emergency. ranks. And always establish the fare 3. Do anything you can now to reduce risks, from before you leave. clearing brush to securing structures. • Change currency before you travel, or 4. Buy and maintain a supply of the things you'll need in banks or well-known bureaux de from food through flashlights to sandbags. change. Others may offer poor rates or terms loaded with hidden extras. 5. Be alert to warnings about imminent high risk events. • Avoid invitations to free events and Insurance don’t accept free scratch cards (which always 'win'). They're timeshare lures. The recent big earthquakes in Haiti and Chile may have • Don’t buy off anyone on the street, no prompted you to think about 'quake or other disaster matter how great a bargain it seems. insurance. Cover for fire and storm damage is normally part of a homeowners policy. For 'quakes and floods, Bottom line: Always be skeptical. Never cover is available in many areas but obviously the take the word of someone you don't know. greater the risk, the higher premiums may be. Some states and even the Federal Government may provide support towards cover for certain risks.
  • 2. 2 Why It's Worth Taking An Interest In Credit Unions Bah, humbug! You don’t have to be a Scrooge to be careful with your money. Whether you're borrowing or saving, you owe it to yourself and your family to be cautious about cash. That may be why, according to latest figures, membership and funds are climbing at the 7,500-plus community- or work-based financial institutions we call credit unions (CUs). Many people think they're the same as banks, but they're not. For a start, they're owned by their members – mainly customers (savers and borrowers) – not by stockholders. So they don’t have to make a profit; Squaring up … and if they do have a surplus, it goes back to the members. (from Page 1) This means that, on average, interest rates are higher than the banks' This would most likely fall under for savers, and lower for borrowers. the “riot and civil commotion” portion of your homeowners To learn more about credit unions, visit: policy, regardless of whether or not you have 'quake or other To find a CU in your area, go to: special cover. A disaster isn’t the ttp:// trigger for the coverage; the looting is. Talk to us about this. Recovery Credit unions have been around since the 1930s and there was a time when they were regarded as rather stuffy old-fashioned organizations, How quickly you start to get back difficult to join and offering only limited services. That's no longer true. to normal depends on the scale of the incident and availability of Virtually anyone can join a credit union, as long as they live or work in services to help you. the area where it's based (or work for an organization or industry that has its own CU). And because of this relationship, they are seen very Obviously, if you're insured, you much as part of the communities they serve. should contact us or your insurer as soon as possible, to file a Most of them offer the key services we expect to find at a bank – claim. including savings and money market accounts and CDs; auto loans and mortgages; checking accounts and access to ATMs nationwide We hope you have arranged and even abroad. Many also issue their own credit cards, including cover, but if you haven't you may some that offer points or rewards. have to draw on your own funds, or look to state or federal aid if a One important way in which they are similar to banks is in protecting State of Emergency has been savers' deposits. Bank deposits up to $250,000 are covered by the declared. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). With CUs, the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund backs deposits to the same level. There are private companies specializing in disaster recovery Credit unions may not be suitable for everyone, and we can't advise and home restoration and, of you on that. But at least now you know they're worth looking into! course, builders and contractors for structural and service repairs. It's a wise move to indentify Make Sure the Smallest Room is Also the Safest these people now as there would It may be the smallest room in the house, but the bathroom is big on likely be a long waiting list if the danger, especially for the elderly and youngsters. There are water, incident was widespread. electricity, sharp corners, internal locks and perhaps drugs, all lying FEMA in wait for victims. But a few simple precautions will defeat them: One of the best sources of • Keep a non-slip mat in the bath and shower (and on the bathroom information on dealing with a floor if it's polished or slippery) natural disaster is the Federal • Only plug in electrical items when you use them. Then remove Emergency Management and replace with plastic outlet protectors. Agency (FEMA). • Keep all drugs under lock and key and always out of kids' reach. Despite some bad publicity after • Install grab bars beside the bath and inside shower enclosures. Katrina, the agency offers lots of • Ensure towel rails are firmly fitted. Check them regularly information and assistance both in preparation for and during • Fit door locks that can be opened from the outside in emergency. incidents.
  • 3. Heat Stroke: A Dangerous 3 Summer Illness Each year in the United States hundreds of people die of heat stroke and many more are WIN! WIN! WIN! hospitalized. Heat stroke is the This month Hummel Insurance Services is sponsoring a Trivia number one summer illness and it’s completely preventable. Contest and offering you a chance to win 5 Scratch-off Lottery Heat stroke occurs when your Tickets. Test your knowledge! Answer the question below and you internal cooling system stops could be this month’s winner. The entry that comes closest to the working and your body correct answer to the following question will be the winner. If more temperature rises. This can than one person has the exact answer, the winner will be the person potentially cause brain damage, whose entry reached our office first. Write down your name and damage to internal organs, and answer, and then fax – 712-482-3218 -- or mail – PO Box 579, even death. Oakland, IA 51560 this page -- or email your name and answer to Heat stroke can happen very Good luck! suddenly; often without other symptoms. If you or someone you know is experiencing the Which famous US military leader and politician had a symptoms of heat stroke don’t delay: obtain medical care half-brother nicknamed Austin. And what was immediately. Austin’s real name? The primary treatment for heat exhaustion is replacement of Your Name: _________________________________________ lost fluids and salt. Victims should move to a cool environment, lie flat or with feet Address or Contact Details:______________________________ raised slightly above head level, and sip a cool, slightly salty ____________________________________________________ beverage -- such as a salty sports drink or plain drinking water with ____________________________________________________ salt added (one level teaspoon of salt per quart of water).Turn down Your Answer:_________________________________________ the thermostat and open a window. Warm humid air can ____________________________________________________ cause mold and mildew to grow unseen inside your home. Fresh air and cooler temps can help ____________________________________________________ reduce this problem in most areas. Prevention is the key The best defense against heat stroke and other heat related illnesses is prevention. Heat injuries can be prevented simply by good hydration and Tell Others About Us and Win a Prize common sense. Drink plenty of Who will be our next Client of the Month? Could it be you? fluids before and during exercise Referrals are the lifeblood of any business, and there’s no better or sports. Water is all you need source than you, our clients. for moderate exercise in the summer, but if you plan on exercising or playing sports for Just mention Hummel Insurance Services to a friend, relative, or more than an hour a sports drink colleague and have them give us a call at 712-482-6424 or toll-free at with electrolytes is best. Take care when spending time 800-482-6426. Don't forget to tell them to use your name, so we can outdoors in the hot sun so enter you for our prize draw! Thank you in advance. everyone has a great summer.
  • 4. Hummel Insurance Services PO Box 579 4 142 Main St Oakland, IA 51560-0579 Craig Hummel’s Circle of Safety™ Your Consumer Awareness Advisor ™ To: IT'S A FACT: Summer Solstice (June 21), which we sometimes call Midsummer’s Day, was actually considered New Year’s Day by the ancient Egyptians. To green or not too green – that is the question Lawns can be a headache and a heartache at this time of year. To fertilize or not? To water or not? How close to mow? How to control weeds? Answering these questions has become something of a science. And, on the basis that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, it turns out that, when it comes to lawn care, we tend to do all the wrong things: fertilizing too little or too much or at the wrong time, over-watering, and cutting things just a bit too close. Here's what the experts say: • General Health: A healthy lawn should be deep the season. Follow the application recommend- green and blades should bounce back up when ations. Exceeding the "recommended dose" you walk on them. Rake the lawn to remove either in volume or frequency will damage, not "thatch" before starting any other treatment. help, growth. Consider organic fertilizers – Aerate the lawn to improve drainage. You can usually more expensive but less harmful when hire mechanical equipment for both tasks. they drain off. • Watering: If you're starting from scratch, plant • Mowing: The longer you let your grass grow, the grass that's especially suited to your area. How healthier its roots. Longer blades also help retain frequently you water obviously depends on the moisture. A good target is 1-1/2 inches. If you've weather, so make sure you can manually been away and the grass is high, don't lop it off override your sprinkler system, to switch it off in one mowing; set your blade to high and mow it when it rains. Otherwise, provide an inch of twice, a few days apart. water a week, more when it's really hot. Measure • Weeds: You can buy fertilizers than control a and check by placing a jar on the lawn to collect wide variety of lawn weeds but if you only have a water when the sprinklers are on. few weeds, this might be overkill, as well as • Fertilizing: The value of fertilizing is in hurting the environment via drainage. Spot establishing strong root systems for your grass. weed-killing, though time consuming, may be Choose fertilizers that are specially blended for more considerate. Something to smile about : Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you (Langston Hughes, poet and playwright)