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{Jungle Man Among Greeduates} Smuki’s Graduation Party 2009…
After all these years… Your Wild Life in SMU Jungle…
Is that my kiasu  group mate chasing me? Haven’t done my part! Die! Year 1 B- B-?! Only because I didn’t participate in class… Sien… Year 2 Didn’t sleep for three days straight. Night and day are no different for me… I’m officially SMU zombie… Year 3
You’ve reached the end of the journey… YAY! You have finally GRADUATED from the SMU Jungle!
But we want you to know… You will be MISSED… So this is for you… A trace of memories you’ve left us with…
Guess Who? Billiard GOD Genitdancentil Lucudan hilarious The sexiest drag queen in GAYA history
From Yola Aditcogan.. satusmugatahan
AdityaEko is so hilarious that you are guaranteed to go LOL whenever you hear him tells a joke. Despite his naturally good looks, his special antics in enhancing it by taking male grooming a step further never fails to amuse anyone fortunate to hear his personal funny stories. He is a joy to be around. Owen from
From Sugi OiCasis! Hahahaha tau2 udah lulus ajalucasis! Wakakakakerja yang bener yah di corporate world. Ntarkaloudahsuksesjanganlupasama casis2 yang laen. Kapan2 ajarinmaen bola sodok dong.
Guess Who? Mukanyalebihmulusdaricewe Selalumenangdebatwalaupun jelas-jelasdiaygsalah! Best looking freshie 2005 Binatangkesayangan: KECOA
Alvin kesanpertamanyapintar, alim, anak baik2 d. Kesanselanjutnya: harambgtdloehaha!!! Peace vin peace! (Erlina) My best talk cock friend! Since year one, Alvin tuhorangnyabaiksekali. We’re supposed to move out together kapancoba postpone terus! Bang Alvin, you’re the best! (Deeraj) Erlina Deeraj
Orangnyadahpinter, hardworking, jago debate (baik officially ato unofficially), wahkurangapacoba. Di baliksemuaitu, Alvin itujugapacar yang baik (gilainimembukarahasiarumahtangga) yang sebaiknyaditanyakankeSiskaajahehe. Tapifusenyapendekhaha.  Theo from
Sukangigau… Lebihsuka shopping daricewe From Siska cerewet, ribut, sukasarkastik, galak, tapihatinyabaekdan will go to all lengths buatkeluargadan temen2nya :)
Guess Who? Pengertiandankalem Baweljugakaloudangegosipinorang. SukatakutgajelasamaMr I (?) StatusnyaudahMrslohhhh…
From Dodo When I first met Andita during LTB class, I thought to myself, “What a nice smile she has! Hmm, but a little bit nerdy.” (Haha. Sorry, Andita!) However, during the execution week of our LTB project, I got to know her better and realized that behind this bespectacled girl were a nice and a kind hearted person.
she is an accommodating and reliable person. I am proud to know her and be able to receive guidance from her. Thank you Andita for being an example of someone that cares and commits to helping others. All the best for your future career! From Eka
TanteAnditaa!!! Tiba-tibaudahjadiMrsdan lulus lebihduludaripadaaku :p – iniygnamanyafastrack. Kekeke. Dari dulusampaisekaranghampirtidakberubah... 'Diamdiammenghanyutkan'. Selainitu, selainbaikhati, Anditajugasenang ketawa2 danramahkepadasetiaporang :D. Adit from
Guess Who? Pernahbikin 50 cupcakes at one go! Gabolehkeluar between jumat – sabtumalem.  Gosipnyainiwaktudiacarisuami! Always striiiivvee to please her Dad (wakakak).
O O ! O O Click! U A The Tarzan Pertama kali ketemuCaressabegitumenggoda, selanjutnyaterserahanda. Salahbanget, pertama kali ketemuCaressadikiraingalakdanpemakanmanusia. Ternyatasihcumanpemakankue. Pas ulangtahuntemennyaselaludibikininkue. From Theo
Very family oriented Orangnya lively banget! From Jaenny Caressa cares and delights her friends with her famous baking skills. Still remember when she makes cookies for me before I fly off for exchange (awww…)
“1 scoop of everlasting friendship1 sprinkle of sweet and caring sugar1 cup of love” I hope we have given you enough of the above ingredients andI would like to present you with another one:"1 tons of sweet memories" Without Caressa, SMU is just a classroomWith Caressa, SMU is a playground… From Fenny
Guess Who? TA Analytical Skill buat John W. TA Negobuat Don Ferrin HOD Props GAYA 2007 Treasurer SMUKI & GAYA 2008
Tegasdansangatpenolong From Serla Cicikuygbaikkk… Heheh duh you have helped me out with so many things dehselamagwdismu, dari bid pelajaran, pas segrupcorp, yg tenang2in gw pas gw stress.. Really2 appreciate everything that you've done to me. Semoga cita2 jadi CFO tercapai!
From Thomas tante! Known you since my first day of school! And u have been really2 helpful to us as ur junior at that point of time! It was also a great experience working together with u  in the exco and I learn a lot from you! oh ya, kpnntn bola lagi yuk liverpool, yaeventhough at this point of writing, udakena knock out sihama you-know-who! ^^
first impression rd galakhaha, tpkloudkenalorgnya warm jg, 'n most importantly reliable=) Cynpintar! dandia meticulous (klomakan rame2 diresto 'n pas maobayar, enakdehada accountant ygngitunginpembagiannya=P) From Yenny
Guess Who? MiripSharukh Khan Famous phrase: “Kodok lo!” Marketing Publication SMUKI 2006 Bawang Bombay
Famous quote: “Cutie Honey Sweetie Pie!” From Thomas Boskodok! Emangkaloingetnihboslagsungdehkeingetbawang Bombay degh,:pjagongelawak lo bos!^^ Congratzyauda graduate, and bentarlagiudanikahloh undang2 yah ntar!
Deeraj smells like onions. On a good day, he smells like salad onions. But one thing for sure is that this bubbly guy will always seem to have oodles and oodles of energy. You can't help but feel happy when you see him! He is a natural entertainer and the crowd loves him. Deeraj is a superstar and will always and forever be my Prince Bawang Bombay. Nida from
Kind, diligent, ambitious, persevering (your job-hunting toil proved worthwhile after all), gullible (at times :P) and not to forget – super duper helpful!  Thankss so much for all your help and I wish you a very good luck in all your endeavors.  From Reshem
Guess Who? Really smart & outgoing Commodity trader guru Punyabisnissendiri Kesimpulan: masadepan CERAH
From Lusi Devlin is very easy to talk to. At every encounter, he would most likely try to draw at least one smile from you. Being a good listener, anyone can ask for his advice. Bossy he might be, but he is always sincere in trying to help others. Sometimes I am amazed at his unselfishness towards others and his belief in other people’s ability.
From Erwin I knew Devlin more when he was my classmate in International Economics class. Frankly, I really envy him, especially for how knowledgable he is, for the great idea that he comes up with and for the determination of doing what he thinks is right. He is one of a kind who follows his own heart and does things with a great tenacity and certainty
A really knowledgeable guy with a strong ambition. He has taught me a lot of stuff and he is very open in sharing what he knows with me. Thank you for all of the enlightening and inspiring conversations haha...  From AG
Guess Who? Jagomakan Lucubanget Orangnya super gokil Case specialist
Movie addict! Food lover! From AT we can talk about food like the entire night ...  He is a movie addict and maybe a lil bit of alcohol   … Gud Luck Bro ... n CongratzbuatGraduationnya …
From Hougang Boys Hey housemate! Nice knowing you..=)Such an international Indian guy.. Brother:PRaussie, Parent: PR Indo, Self: PR Singapore =PBtw, we should have eaten Chilli Crab more often at Eunos when we had the chance..And also the “tasty” chicken rice at Hougang, hahaTake care and wish you the best of luck in the future
Hmm… Dodani… SMART!!! Menang case competitions sanasini. Jagongomongnyaa… Very helpful too. Bantu edit cover letter gwsampe kata2nya super keren! Good luck always yah! Wishing all the best for you in your career life!  From Serla
Guess Who? Welfare SMUKI 06-07 Hair & Make up GAYA 2007 Super cantiknan sexy SMUKI’s sexiest female 2006
TA Ellen yang selalutelatmasukkelasdanselalu jalan2 keluarnegri!!! :D Seperti yang telahdiakuibanyakorang, Ellen adalahmuridteladan SMU yang rajindanpandai. Tapidibalikitusemua, Ellen jugasukamenolongorangbegoygkesusahanmengerjakan PR sepertisaya. Thank you yah Ellen Adit from
From Thomas Cici Ellen! Sexiest female dismuki, jagomaen badminton, baek, ramah, pinter, ckckck, hebatskalisia!Kurangapacoba?, kurangtidur kali ya ^^
Ellen is the perfect combination of a guy and a girl: smart, forward-looking, good rational thinking, sweet, caring, beautiful, fashionable and jaw-droopingly SEXY! From Yola
Guess Who? Likes to communicate with her hands Selalu ceria, tapigampangpanikkk… Welfare SMUKI 2006-2007 Stage manager paling ngos-ngosanbuat GAYA 2008
Selalu ceria dansabar (Dada) Kurusdanperutnya rata (Joice) From Winnie CiLina! selaluadaketika win butuhbantuan.. email dansmswinnieselaludibalasdgncepat :) CiLinamantap de…!!
From Yenny erlina.. would love to repeat e time we've spent in sophia during our first years in SMU.. hehe.. hav seen u grow in Him for e past years.. keep it up=) the most flexible, understandable..thank's for that..   but also gampangpanic..hehe.. p.s. she likes to 'communicate' with her hands though=P
Jangansomse ye tar.. Sering2 dinner ma kitah2 ygmasi kecil2 inibiarciLinatetapberjiwamuda....One thing that I always have prayed for in all of your birthdays these few years is that for you to meet your another half.. Hihi... Biarcepetjadimamidhe.. Ditungguyaundangannya… Angel from
Guess Who? Pengamenluarnegeri Exco SMU Choir Singer GAYA 2009 & DESA 2008 GAYA 2007’s actor: Seledri
From Dada Aduh, siapasih yang gangirisamaErnest Ferdian. Udahtinggi, cakep, badan model  (model cewe), pinter, rajin, suarabagus, pengertian, baek, karismatik, terus yang pentingcalonbibitunggul..hihihihi. Terus humble, sabar, semuadeh, yang orangpengenadadiernest.. tapiadasatu yang kurang.. diaudahtua. Awas lo gakontakgua… Guakiriminbomnuklir!
well im not good at writing testimonials, but I'd say that I really enjoyed playing in a band and with you as the singer, we rocked GAYA and DESA! Ntar graduation party mgkntrakhir kali kitangeband sama2, huhuhuh *emo song plays* anyways, nice knowing you!!  From Benny
Janganlupacuci kaki sebelumtidur Mimi cucutiappagidanmalem From Sugi pertemuankita yang berawaldariKolesebajinganKanisiusakhirnyasampaijuapadapenghujungnya. giladehgwbakalkangenbanget saat2 sesi2 dirumahgw. sesi2 nyanyi2 gajelas, sesi2 membanjiri kura2 gwpakemakanannyasendiri.
Guess Who? Addicted to Poker Very committed to SA for 3 years… Since now the girlfriend is in SA Hon Gen Sec SA for 2 years
From Deeraj Eh bang, we’re graduating finally! Kenal since year 1, masiingetrambut lo pas year 1 haha F4 abislol, take care, keep in touch – penyet sessions and other plans keep on organizing yea ahaha. Take care and keep in touch! Need to have weekly drinks aftr work ahha…Cheers!
From Jansen Febrianto was born in the month of February, thus his name. He's been in S'pore almost all his life, and soon to have a Singaporean wife. Mrfebri is very popular, probably thanks to his previous term as SMUSA hongensec. He hangs out a lot with the SA excos, loves poker, movies, L4D, drinks, and of course his beloved gf, delphine;). Feb is one best friend anyone could ever ask for.!
You have made an enormous contribution to SMU as SMUSA, for which we are grateful. And you have reached out to the students’ population in a way that has been extremely important to our welfare. All the best for you in your future career.  From AW
Guess Who? Jam tidurnyaajaib! Sang gamer sejati Jago main WOW! Pelanggansetia Coffee Bean Suka Anime and Cosplay
Konsumsikopinya… …ganahanbanget! From Nova Inidia sang gamer sejati, jagomaen world of warcraft. Orngdenganjemtidur paling ajaibygpernahgw tau. Pelanggan paling setianyaCoffe Bean, lunch ato dinner ajabisadisono. Marilahkitamelanjutkanmaen game bersamahuaha.
From Cynthia felituorangnyakesan-nyapendiemdanseriusbgt. kaloudah bener2 kenal, ternyatadiagejebgt... bisamenghiburdi saat2 sedang stress terutamadengan emo2nya (ygupergeje somehow gapernahabis).  kalobikin project, diapastikebagianyg dekor2 or hiassoalnyaemangorangnya creative bgt,
Keliatannya imut2 dariluar, tapijangansalah..cewekinibisagaharlho! Wakakak… If she loves or want something, she will really pursue it, e.g. dress up as anime characters, baca 400+ research journals, sampekeluarbeli cup noodle at the crack of dawn. Will power nyagausahdiragukandhe!  From Jaenny
Guess Who? Baekdanrajinbangetlohhh Orangnyasangatsabar Aktifdigereja Berasaldari Medan
From Kristia Memoriygguabakal paling ingetsoallutuhbetapa you always made me laugh. Terutama pas masa2 FYP—my sub-teammate! Thanks for giving me my first part-time job, ama company gejeitu. A very humble person, who from what I know is always grateful of the things that you have in this life.
Suarasifendibagusbangettt!!! Pernadengerdianyanyilagu “Ai Mei” pas nyebrangjalan. TerusFendiitu senior yg RAMAH danentahkenapamakinkenalmakinlucurasanyadia =P  Wahaha, anw, congrats yah udah lulus!!!!  From Serla
Fendi..It has been nice knowing you since year 1..Walaupun jarangngobrol, seringkeliatandi library ya. Hehe 4 years have passed and great challenges is ahead of all of us.All the best Fendi! and keep cooking for us delicious food ya (lumpia..hehe)Take care and keep in touch! From Yenny
Guess Who? Advance FA dapet A PLUS! Income tax dapet A PLUS! TA LTB yang sangatpengertian! HOD Hair n Makeup GAYA 2008
Salahsatu senior yang punyahobisama… Gwjadiinget pas masa2 sering share laguwakakakak… Fenny orangnyadewasa, ramah and pengertian... Gw bener2 merasa honored bgtbisakenalsamalu Fenny! All the best bwat career dimasadepan! Haha.. Eka from
From Theo Makasihdahjadi PA yang baik. Kalogakada lo, mungkingakselamat project2nya =)
From Erlina Fenny kalembgt! Keibuangitudeehehe... tpkalolgmarahseramm >.<! Ratu power point hehe... hrsnyadulugue byk2 berguruamaloeya ;p Wish you all the best for your future endeavors ya =)
Guess Who? Sukamemberiwejangandangaring Great leader with ample vision One of the brightest person in SMU Treasurer PPIS 2006-2007
From Kristia I had perceived you as a very strict, upright, smart, and diligent person. Tapisemakin tau ternyata… hahaha.. fun jg. Males jg. Dodoljg. It’s been a real blessing to have known you, especially in PPI and as tukangpenggantilampudirumah (dululah yah =p).
Katapamungkas: “Ngaawooueer…”  (dengan nada jowo) From Kendrick Reliable, Objective, Hard-working, Smart, Fun, Obedient God-follower, Humble and sukaminum kopi!
From AG senior gwygseringmemberikan advice2 dan wejangan2 yang really helpful. Orangnyasabar, dan kadang2 sukabikin joke, walaupunagakgaring =p
Guess Who? Most narcisstic SMUKIER 2006 SMUKI’s most seductive dancer BawangMerah Boss SMUKI 2007-2008
From Illene  the super woman! Pertama kali ketemu, kirainjutekorangnyahehe..tapiternyata super baeee. Duh duh teringatwkt bridging gwngefansamaelo, karena acting elo super keren. love it love it! Jadibanggaanak Gandhi adaygkayajaennyhehe..
Ci Jae sangatlahkeren! (Helen) From Yenny gwinget pas qta project IE, bareng2 am nova njaenjg.. jaenpokoknyagakkantidursampe at least tuh report more or less jadi.. hehe.. pokoknyai realize that u'resumone with lotza potentials..
I admire your leadership, your compassion for others, your ‘narcism’ and your care for those around you. You are one interesting people I have met, I count myself lucky to be able to learn something from you when I was under your guidance.  From AW
Guess Who? Enjoys playing poker Fav song: the Script – The man who can’t be moved Fav drink: beer (especially Paulaner) Starry Nite’s Own Barney!
My best buddy haha…aka talk cock fren aka heart to heart talk fren aka drink buddy, wohooo! Breathe! We’re done! Gwkenaljansen since year 1 – 4 yrs passed quite fast – a great friend who can entertain and is a very good researcher ( I mean youtube researcher). Stay the way you are, im sure dapet job soon kok – tenangaja!! All the best for your lovelife too ;)  From Deeraj
Jansen hmm… pertama kali ktmkeliatannyagahargthaha… tpkynyasihbaehaha… anyway, wish u all the best for all ur future endeavors yah =)!!! From Erlina
Jansen keliatannyasombongwaktupertamaketemutapiternyataorgnyabaikbangetdanorgnya very driven. Jansen is one person who you can describe as a real man’s man, charming, interesting, smart and probably one of the best friends you can ever come across in your life… Dodani from
Guess Who? Cicinyasi JOHN Assistant Stage Manager GAYA 2008 Arts & Culture SMUKI 06-07 Cicimedokdari Semarang
From Shandy Thank you bangetbuat everything untukbimbingannyadi SMU, and especially to SMUKI … cici yang satuinidemenbangetkalongeliat photo orang2 yang lagi smile hehe…
From Adit Jenny ternyataadalahorang yang amatbertanggungjawabdanperhatiansamaorang-orangdisekitarnya. Masihingetakuwaktuminggu-minggusamanwaktuakudi year 1 dimana Jenny bela-belainnungginkita - yang hobikeluyurandan main2 - latihansamanwalaupunlagiadabanyak PR dan exam diesokharinya. Baiksekaliiii (danamat dedicated).
Jenny.. Kalemsekalidankeibuan. Glad to have known you throughout these years and wish you all the best for the future. With your sunshine smile, what can’t you beat?   From Sylvia
Guess Who? PenyanyiSuperTalented Pencetus GAYA Director GAYA 2007 & 2008 Wakil BOSS SMUKI 06-07
Krishna jagonyanyi! Konserlagidonk! From Serla Jadiingetpertama kali GAYA dulu, lo pusingsamagwyg main gong karenamengacaukan tempo semuaorang.. Wahahatapi Krishna dengansabarbeneringwpunya tempo. Dan orgnya fun.. Di ethics class kitaseringcekikansendirisamasidella ngomong2 gajelas.
Krish, how I'll miss (and have missed!) having your perfect singing in choir. Your penchant (read: obsession) for performing and giving your best, that's one thing I won't ever forget. Thanks for keeping me safe in Europe and stand all my nags. No thanks though for me losing you because you were busy shopping in H&M! Haha. Love, Peace, and Shoes! :P Sylvia from
From Jaenny Krishna!! Sejakelokerjaudahga GJ2 lagigwsamaelo. hehe.. Krishna itu partner narsisdi SMU. liatajasemua foto2 pas year 1, hampirselaluadakita ber-2 nongol2..altho mustinyabukankita focus photonya..hoho. He's undoubtedly one of the most creative soul in SMUKI..wait, let's make that in SMU as well. determined in his artistic pursuit, he finds ways to realize his vision to create superb brainchilds.
Guess Who? Tennis player Alma matter = SAJC Super Power Singer Same team as Caressa in SMU Run About 2006
Haha my tennis buddy aka Partner-in-crime hahatulisapaya… oh I enjoy talkig wit her can talk serious but also talk cock haha….all the best for one more mod b4 graduation haha… untung lo ambilkan internship nya, hopefully jadi full time ;) nat is a very nice sweet girl – she claims u are shy right??? I don’t thnk so thohaha. Take care!!! Deeraj from
From Irene  Cuk, you are the most talented bathroom singer who had made yourself well-known in a small districtin Netherlands. I love you for creating a positive impact in my life – from the kaypoh dating planner, love guru, not to forget our all-nighter time during exam with teas, cereals, milo, chocolates, and sometimes, alcohol. ;) You are a blessing in my life.
Nat keliatannyasombongwaktupertamaketemutapiternyataorgnyabaikbangetdanorgnya very driven makanyawaktuitu we had quite a lot of fun during the twc project which is our first and last project together. Thanks for guiding me during Campus TV times. It was really fun working together with you.  From Caressa
Guess Who? Paling pantangpakerok Tim favoritnya Inter Milan Arts n Culture SMUKI 06-07 DulunyaExco SICS Produser GAYA 2008
To sum 4 tahun Nova di SMU adalah the 4 phrases below: From Theo ,[object Object]
 Game/Tidur (Cabal, ROTW, OFM...)
 7… / Queens,[object Object]
Ci Nova enaknyaudabisa graduate =) ganyangkawaktucepatberlalu ... Masiinget pas lo jadi producer gaya so committed ... meskipun along the way banyakhalangantapikitatetepsuksesjalaninnya.. AW from
Guess Who? Night Owl Ceria senantiasadanselalutenangwalausudahtelat Blur, romantic, dreamy, witty Religious
So fun and yet so blur at times… From Fenny Siska.. Dolly! HeheMy forever classmate.. 25/33 ambilsama lo Sis!Nice knowing you and thanks for being a great companion in SMU!Dun sleep so late Sis! =) although I know you still can dress up even for morning exam.. haha =P! so dreamy and romantic too! (Wish in a box..hehe)
From Serla Siskatuhkerenbanget.. pintardanrajinnyaga tanggung2.. Siskajugacantikdansangatkalem… Akhirnyabisaambilkelasbareng lo di semester terakhir lo yah.. Hehesuksesselalu yah Siska!!! Dan awetselaluhohoho =)
Siska..! Ceweygslalu ceria… maulagi stress kek, bikin project kek, tetepppaja ketawa2… =D it’s been a great 4 years knowing u, definitely love every second of it! Let’s enjoy our last sem tog yeaa..  From Viny
Guess Who? LKC Scholar  Sok cool tapiiseng Treasurer SMUKI 3rdExco Kaloketawa super heboh
Theo.Thanks buatsemuanya!A dependable person and full of jokes! haha..A person who can go all the way to play OFM =Pand of course, good food is a priority to Theo, especially kobe and wagyu =PAll the best for the coming challenges and jia you! From Fenny
TEH-O PENG orangnyaiseng!!! Teruskaloketawa super heboh, malahbikinorangketawa. Hahaha. Tapidibawahkeisengandankehebohannya, TEH-O orgnya super baikkarenasuka bantu gwkalolagikebingungan. Plus orgnyapinterbangettt! Hahahtheojgjagonyanyidan main bola danjago main badminton. From Serla
Duh the tiapingetloegueselaluteringatkejadianketikaloetertangkapbasahbertemu "aunty" loe ;p yah theoituketawanya paling gaknahan d! kaloadatheodan nova, yang lain pastiselaluterhiburhuehehe ;p Theo orgnya gentleman bgt! Mantapdeh! It's nice knowing you the! =) From Erlina
Guess Who? Sekretaristercantik SMUKI Salahsatucewe PALING PUTIH BERSINAR Pernahjadianak EMIX & CADERAS HOD Dance GAYA 07 & 08
From Illene Ahhhsalahsatu senior paling cuantttikk!   udapinter, cantik, jagonari,aiih, kurangapacoba J vinykeren! Moga2 sukses yah bisdari SMU  , become the sexy accountant! Hehe.. keep on dancing vin!
From Helen viny!! Dulupertamaliadviny.. Waaa.. Cantikbgtputihhh.. ^^ trusjadianakbuahnyadhedi dance gaya2008. trusguaselalubikinvinykalangkabut gara2 sifilmarahh.. Kyaaaaa.. Maapingua yah vin..>.< gamaksudloh.. Tapiviny org nyabaikbgt.. selalumenjagaanakbuahnyadgnbaik. makasihbgtvin.. take care yah. and gut lakbuat future jobs nya.. muachhh ^^
Vinycantik, you seem to be a very committed and driven person. And I love watching you dance coz you shine! Haha. Take care and good luck conquering the corporate world. Loves. From Sylvia
Guess Who? Selalumenebarsenyuman Identikdengansuara “ngiiikk..” Commerce SMUKI 2006-2007 BawangPutih
Senior yg super baeeeee! Kaleeeemabies,, ramahgemahgemulai.. 100% wanitahehe, maodonkdiajarinahhganyangkaudaluluuusskrg.. Pokoknya success dehbwadkedepan. keep in touch sama junior2 di SMU yaa   we will miss you! From Illene
Cici KTB yang baik=) From Helen Dari awalkenalamayenny, udabisaliadjelassihorgnyabaikbgt. Sangatkeibuan. Senengbgtbisapunyaciciktb kayak yenny. Selaludengeriinkita sharing.
From Tara Putihcantikbersinarsepertibengkuang. Baikhatidansuka bagi2 kertas coret2an buatayatalkitab. Cici KTB yang perhatiandansukatebarsenyum. Bener2 bedabangetsamatukangpungutpajak yang adadialkitab. hehe. Congratzya, udah survived SMU =)
Thank you for the laughter… For the joy… And for the love… You’ll be in our heart… …Always…

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  • 17. she is an accommodating and reliable person. I am proud to know her and be able to receive guidance from her. Thank you Andita for being an example of someone that cares and commits to helping others. All the best for your future career! From Eka
  • 18. TanteAnditaa!!! Tiba-tibaudahjadiMrsdan lulus lebihduludaripadaaku :p – iniygnamanyafastrack. Kekeke. Dari dulusampaisekaranghampirtidakberubah... 'Diamdiammenghanyutkan'. Selainitu, selainbaikhati, Anditajugasenang ketawa2 danramahkepadasetiaporang :D. Adit from
  • 19. Guess Who? Pernahbikin 50 cupcakes at one go! Gabolehkeluar between jumat – sabtumalem. Gosipnyainiwaktudiacarisuami! Always striiiivvee to please her Dad (wakakak).
  • 20. O O ! O O Click! U A The Tarzan Pertama kali ketemuCaressabegitumenggoda, selanjutnyaterserahanda. Salahbanget, pertama kali ketemuCaressadikiraingalakdanpemakanmanusia. Ternyatasihcumanpemakankue. Pas ulangtahuntemennyaselaludibikininkue. From Theo
  • 21. Very family oriented Orangnya lively banget! From Jaenny Caressa cares and delights her friends with her famous baking skills. Still remember when she makes cookies for me before I fly off for exchange (awww…)
  • 22. “1 scoop of everlasting friendship1 sprinkle of sweet and caring sugar1 cup of love” I hope we have given you enough of the above ingredients andI would like to present you with another one:"1 tons of sweet memories" Without Caressa, SMU is just a classroomWith Caressa, SMU is a playground… From Fenny
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  • 24. Tegasdansangatpenolong From Serla Cicikuygbaikkk… Heheh duh you have helped me out with so many things dehselamagwdismu, dari bid pelajaran, pas segrupcorp, yg tenang2in gw pas gw stress.. Really2 appreciate everything that you've done to me. Semoga cita2 jadi CFO tercapai!
  • 25. From Thomas tante! Known you since my first day of school! And u have been really2 helpful to us as ur junior at that point of time! It was also a great experience working together with u in the exco and I learn a lot from you! oh ya, kpnntn bola lagi yuk liverpool, yaeventhough at this point of writing, udakena knock out sihama you-know-who! ^^
  • 26. first impression rd galakhaha, tpkloudkenalorgnya warm jg, 'n most importantly reliable=) Cynpintar! dandia meticulous (klomakan rame2 diresto 'n pas maobayar, enakdehada accountant ygngitunginpembagiannya=P) From Yenny
  • 27. Guess Who? MiripSharukh Khan Famous phrase: “Kodok lo!” Marketing Publication SMUKI 2006 Bawang Bombay
  • 28. Famous quote: “Cutie Honey Sweetie Pie!” From Thomas Boskodok! Emangkaloingetnihboslagsungdehkeingetbawang Bombay degh,:pjagongelawak lo bos!^^ Congratzyauda graduate, and bentarlagiudanikahloh undang2 yah ntar!
  • 29. Deeraj smells like onions. On a good day, he smells like salad onions. But one thing for sure is that this bubbly guy will always seem to have oodles and oodles of energy. You can't help but feel happy when you see him! He is a natural entertainer and the crowd loves him. Deeraj is a superstar and will always and forever be my Prince Bawang Bombay. Nida from
  • 30. Kind, diligent, ambitious, persevering (your job-hunting toil proved worthwhile after all), gullible (at times :P) and not to forget – super duper helpful! Thankss so much for all your help and I wish you a very good luck in all your endeavors. From Reshem
  • 31. Guess Who? Really smart & outgoing Commodity trader guru Punyabisnissendiri Kesimpulan: masadepan CERAH
  • 32. From Lusi Devlin is very easy to talk to. At every encounter, he would most likely try to draw at least one smile from you. Being a good listener, anyone can ask for his advice. Bossy he might be, but he is always sincere in trying to help others. Sometimes I am amazed at his unselfishness towards others and his belief in other people’s ability.
  • 33. From Erwin I knew Devlin more when he was my classmate in International Economics class. Frankly, I really envy him, especially for how knowledgable he is, for the great idea that he comes up with and for the determination of doing what he thinks is right. He is one of a kind who follows his own heart and does things with a great tenacity and certainty
  • 34. A really knowledgeable guy with a strong ambition. He has taught me a lot of stuff and he is very open in sharing what he knows with me. Thank you for all of the enlightening and inspiring conversations haha... From AG
  • 35. Guess Who? Jagomakan Lucubanget Orangnya super gokil Case specialist
  • 36. Movie addict! Food lover! From AT we can talk about food like the entire night ... He is a movie addict and maybe a lil bit of alcohol … Gud Luck Bro ... n CongratzbuatGraduationnya …
  • 37. From Hougang Boys Hey housemate! Nice knowing you..=)Such an international Indian guy.. Brother:PRaussie, Parent: PR Indo, Self: PR Singapore =PBtw, we should have eaten Chilli Crab more often at Eunos when we had the chance..And also the “tasty” chicken rice at Hougang, hahaTake care and wish you the best of luck in the future
  • 38. Hmm… Dodani… SMART!!! Menang case competitions sanasini. Jagongomongnyaa… Very helpful too. Bantu edit cover letter gwsampe kata2nya super keren! Good luck always yah! Wishing all the best for you in your career life! From Serla
  • 39. Guess Who? Welfare SMUKI 06-07 Hair & Make up GAYA 2007 Super cantiknan sexy SMUKI’s sexiest female 2006
  • 40. TA Ellen yang selalutelatmasukkelasdanselalu jalan2 keluarnegri!!! :D Seperti yang telahdiakuibanyakorang, Ellen adalahmuridteladan SMU yang rajindanpandai. Tapidibalikitusemua, Ellen jugasukamenolongorangbegoygkesusahanmengerjakan PR sepertisaya. Thank you yah Ellen Adit from
  • 41. From Thomas Cici Ellen! Sexiest female dismuki, jagomaen badminton, baek, ramah, pinter, ckckck, hebatskalisia!Kurangapacoba?, kurangtidur kali ya ^^
  • 42. Ellen is the perfect combination of a guy and a girl: smart, forward-looking, good rational thinking, sweet, caring, beautiful, fashionable and jaw-droopingly SEXY! From Yola
  • 43. Guess Who? Likes to communicate with her hands Selalu ceria, tapigampangpanikkk… Welfare SMUKI 2006-2007 Stage manager paling ngos-ngosanbuat GAYA 2008
  • 44. Selalu ceria dansabar (Dada) Kurusdanperutnya rata (Joice) From Winnie CiLina! selaluadaketika win butuhbantuan.. email dansmswinnieselaludibalasdgncepat :) CiLinamantap de…!!
  • 45. From Yenny erlina.. would love to repeat e time we've spent in sophia during our first years in SMU.. hehe.. hav seen u grow in Him for e past years.. keep it up=) the most flexible, understandable..thank's for that..   but also gampangpanic..hehe.. p.s. she likes to 'communicate' with her hands though=P
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  • 49. well im not good at writing testimonials, but I'd say that I really enjoyed playing in a band and with you as the singer, we rocked GAYA and DESA! Ntar graduation party mgkntrakhir kali kitangeband sama2, huhuhuh *emo song plays* anyways, nice knowing you!! From Benny
  • 50. Janganlupacuci kaki sebelumtidur Mimi cucutiappagidanmalem From Sugi pertemuankita yang berawaldariKolesebajinganKanisiusakhirnyasampaijuapadapenghujungnya. giladehgwbakalkangenbanget saat2 sesi2 dirumahgw. sesi2 nyanyi2 gajelas, sesi2 membanjiri kura2 gwpakemakanannyasendiri.
  • 51. Guess Who? Addicted to Poker Very committed to SA for 3 years… Since now the girlfriend is in SA Hon Gen Sec SA for 2 years
  • 52. From Deeraj Eh bang, we’re graduating finally! Kenal since year 1, masiingetrambut lo pas year 1 haha F4 abislol, take care, keep in touch – penyet sessions and other plans keep on organizing yea ahaha. Take care and keep in touch! Need to have weekly drinks aftr work ahha…Cheers!
  • 53. From Jansen Febrianto was born in the month of February, thus his name. He's been in S'pore almost all his life, and soon to have a Singaporean wife. Mrfebri is very popular, probably thanks to his previous term as SMUSA hongensec. He hangs out a lot with the SA excos, loves poker, movies, L4D, drinks, and of course his beloved gf, delphine;). Feb is one best friend anyone could ever ask for.!
  • 54. You have made an enormous contribution to SMU as SMUSA, for which we are grateful. And you have reached out to the students’ population in a way that has been extremely important to our welfare. All the best for you in your future career. From AW
  • 55. Guess Who? Jam tidurnyaajaib! Sang gamer sejati Jago main WOW! Pelanggansetia Coffee Bean Suka Anime and Cosplay
  • 56. Konsumsikopinya… …ganahanbanget! From Nova Inidia sang gamer sejati, jagomaen world of warcraft. Orngdenganjemtidur paling ajaibygpernahgw tau. Pelanggan paling setianyaCoffe Bean, lunch ato dinner ajabisadisono. Marilahkitamelanjutkanmaen game bersamahuaha.
  • 57. From Cynthia felituorangnyakesan-nyapendiemdanseriusbgt. kaloudah bener2 kenal, ternyatadiagejebgt... bisamenghiburdi saat2 sedang stress terutamadengan emo2nya (ygupergeje somehow gapernahabis). kalobikin project, diapastikebagianyg dekor2 or hiassoalnyaemangorangnya creative bgt,
  • 58. Keliatannya imut2 dariluar, tapijangansalah..cewekinibisagaharlho! Wakakak… If she loves or want something, she will really pursue it, e.g. dress up as anime characters, baca 400+ research journals, sampekeluarbeli cup noodle at the crack of dawn. Will power nyagausahdiragukandhe! From Jaenny
  • 59. Guess Who? Baekdanrajinbangetlohhh Orangnyasangatsabar Aktifdigereja Berasaldari Medan
  • 60. From Kristia Memoriygguabakal paling ingetsoallutuhbetapa you always made me laugh. Terutama pas masa2 FYP—my sub-teammate! Thanks for giving me my first part-time job, ama company gejeitu. A very humble person, who from what I know is always grateful of the things that you have in this life.
  • 61. Suarasifendibagusbangettt!!! Pernadengerdianyanyilagu “Ai Mei” pas nyebrangjalan. TerusFendiitu senior yg RAMAH danentahkenapamakinkenalmakinlucurasanyadia =P Wahaha, anw, congrats yah udah lulus!!!! From Serla
  • 62. Fendi..It has been nice knowing you since year 1..Walaupun jarangngobrol, seringkeliatandi library ya. Hehe 4 years have passed and great challenges is ahead of all of us.All the best Fendi! and keep cooking for us delicious food ya (lumpia..hehe)Take care and keep in touch! From Yenny
  • 63. Guess Who? Advance FA dapet A PLUS! Income tax dapet A PLUS! TA LTB yang sangatpengertian! HOD Hair n Makeup GAYA 2008
  • 64. Salahsatu senior yang punyahobisama… Gwjadiinget pas masa2 sering share laguwakakakak… Fenny orangnyadewasa, ramah and pengertian... Gw bener2 merasa honored bgtbisakenalsamalu Fenny! All the best bwat career dimasadepan! Haha.. Eka from
  • 65. From Theo Makasihdahjadi PA yang baik. Kalogakada lo, mungkingakselamat project2nya =)
  • 66. From Erlina Fenny kalembgt! Keibuangitudeehehe... tpkalolgmarahseramm >.<! Ratu power point hehe... hrsnyadulugue byk2 berguruamaloeya ;p Wish you all the best for your future endeavors ya =)
  • 67. Guess Who? Sukamemberiwejangandangaring Great leader with ample vision One of the brightest person in SMU Treasurer PPIS 2006-2007
  • 68. From Kristia I had perceived you as a very strict, upright, smart, and diligent person. Tapisemakin tau ternyata… hahaha.. fun jg. Males jg. Dodoljg. It’s been a real blessing to have known you, especially in PPI and as tukangpenggantilampudirumah (dululah yah =p).
  • 69. Katapamungkas: “Ngaawooueer…” (dengan nada jowo) From Kendrick Reliable, Objective, Hard-working, Smart, Fun, Obedient God-follower, Humble and sukaminum kopi!
  • 70. From AG senior gwygseringmemberikan advice2 dan wejangan2 yang really helpful. Orangnyasabar, dan kadang2 sukabikin joke, walaupunagakgaring =p
  • 71. Guess Who? Most narcisstic SMUKIER 2006 SMUKI’s most seductive dancer BawangMerah Boss SMUKI 2007-2008
  • 72. From Illene the super woman! Pertama kali ketemu, kirainjutekorangnyahehe..tapiternyata super baeee. Duh duh teringatwkt bridging gwngefansamaelo, karena acting elo super keren. love it love it! Jadibanggaanak Gandhi adaygkayajaennyhehe..
  • 73. Ci Jae sangatlahkeren! (Helen) From Yenny gwinget pas qta project IE, bareng2 am nova njaenjg.. jaenpokoknyagakkantidursampe at least tuh report more or less jadi.. hehe.. pokoknyai realize that u'resumone with lotza potentials..
  • 74. I admire your leadership, your compassion for others, your ‘narcism’ and your care for those around you. You are one interesting people I have met, I count myself lucky to be able to learn something from you when I was under your guidance. From AW
  • 75. Guess Who? Enjoys playing poker Fav song: the Script – The man who can’t be moved Fav drink: beer (especially Paulaner) Starry Nite’s Own Barney!
  • 76. My best buddy haha…aka talk cock fren aka heart to heart talk fren aka drink buddy, wohooo! Breathe! We’re done! Gwkenaljansen since year 1 – 4 yrs passed quite fast – a great friend who can entertain and is a very good researcher ( I mean youtube researcher). Stay the way you are, im sure dapet job soon kok – tenangaja!! All the best for your lovelife too ;) From Deeraj
  • 77. Jansen hmm… pertama kali ktmkeliatannyagahargthaha… tpkynyasihbaehaha… anyway, wish u all the best for all ur future endeavors yah =)!!! From Erlina
  • 78. Jansen keliatannyasombongwaktupertamaketemutapiternyataorgnyabaikbangetdanorgnya very driven. Jansen is one person who you can describe as a real man’s man, charming, interesting, smart and probably one of the best friends you can ever come across in your life… Dodani from
  • 79. Guess Who? Cicinyasi JOHN Assistant Stage Manager GAYA 2008 Arts & Culture SMUKI 06-07 Cicimedokdari Semarang
  • 80. From Shandy Thank you bangetbuat everything untukbimbingannyadi SMU, and especially to SMUKI … cici yang satuinidemenbangetkalongeliat photo orang2 yang lagi smile hehe…
  • 81. From Adit Jenny ternyataadalahorang yang amatbertanggungjawabdanperhatiansamaorang-orangdisekitarnya. Masihingetakuwaktuminggu-minggusamanwaktuakudi year 1 dimana Jenny bela-belainnungginkita - yang hobikeluyurandan main2 - latihansamanwalaupunlagiadabanyak PR dan exam diesokharinya. Baiksekaliiii (danamat dedicated).
  • 82. Jenny.. Kalemsekalidankeibuan. Glad to have known you throughout these years and wish you all the best for the future. With your sunshine smile, what can’t you beat? From Sylvia
  • 83. Guess Who? PenyanyiSuperTalented Pencetus GAYA Director GAYA 2007 & 2008 Wakil BOSS SMUKI 06-07
  • 84. Krishna jagonyanyi! Konserlagidonk! From Serla Jadiingetpertama kali GAYA dulu, lo pusingsamagwyg main gong karenamengacaukan tempo semuaorang.. Wahahatapi Krishna dengansabarbeneringwpunya tempo. Dan orgnya fun.. Di ethics class kitaseringcekikansendirisamasidella ngomong2 gajelas.
  • 85. Krish, how I'll miss (and have missed!) having your perfect singing in choir. Your penchant (read: obsession) for performing and giving your best, that's one thing I won't ever forget. Thanks for keeping me safe in Europe and stand all my nags. No thanks though for me losing you because you were busy shopping in H&M! Haha. Love, Peace, and Shoes! :P Sylvia from
  • 86. From Jaenny Krishna!! Sejakelokerjaudahga GJ2 lagigwsamaelo. hehe.. Krishna itu partner narsisdi SMU. liatajasemua foto2 pas year 1, hampirselaluadakita ber-2 nongol2..altho mustinyabukankita focus photonya..hoho. He's undoubtedly one of the most creative soul in SMUKI..wait, let's make that in SMU as well. determined in his artistic pursuit, he finds ways to realize his vision to create superb brainchilds.
  • 87. Guess Who? Tennis player Alma matter = SAJC Super Power Singer Same team as Caressa in SMU Run About 2006
  • 88. Haha my tennis buddy aka Partner-in-crime hahatulisapaya… oh I enjoy talkig wit her can talk serious but also talk cock haha….all the best for one more mod b4 graduation haha… untung lo ambilkan internship nya, hopefully jadi full time ;) nat is a very nice sweet girl – she claims u are shy right??? I don’t thnk so thohaha. Take care!!! Deeraj from
  • 89. From Irene Cuk, you are the most talented bathroom singer who had made yourself well-known in a small districtin Netherlands. I love you for creating a positive impact in my life – from the kaypoh dating planner, love guru, not to forget our all-nighter time during exam with teas, cereals, milo, chocolates, and sometimes, alcohol. ;) You are a blessing in my life.
  • 90. Nat keliatannyasombongwaktupertamaketemutapiternyataorgnyabaikbangetdanorgnya very driven makanyawaktuitu we had quite a lot of fun during the twc project which is our first and last project together. Thanks for guiding me during Campus TV times. It was really fun working together with you. From Caressa
  • 91. Guess Who? Paling pantangpakerok Tim favoritnya Inter Milan Arts n Culture SMUKI 06-07 DulunyaExco SICS Produser GAYA 2008
  • 92.
  • 94. Game/Tidur (Cabal, ROTW, OFM...)
  • 95.
  • 96. Ci Nova enaknyaudabisa graduate =) ganyangkawaktucepatberlalu ... Masiinget pas lo jadi producer gaya so committed ... meskipun along the way banyakhalangantapikitatetepsuksesjalaninnya.. AW from
  • 97. Guess Who? Night Owl Ceria senantiasadanselalutenangwalausudahtelat Blur, romantic, dreamy, witty Religious
  • 98. So fun and yet so blur at times… From Fenny Siska.. Dolly! HeheMy forever classmate.. 25/33 ambilsama lo Sis!Nice knowing you and thanks for being a great companion in SMU!Dun sleep so late Sis! =) although I know you still can dress up even for morning exam.. haha =P! so dreamy and romantic too! (Wish in a box..hehe)
  • 99. From Serla Siskatuhkerenbanget.. pintardanrajinnyaga tanggung2.. Siskajugacantikdansangatkalem… Akhirnyabisaambilkelasbareng lo di semester terakhir lo yah.. Hehesuksesselalu yah Siska!!! Dan awetselaluhohoho =)
  • 100. Siska..! Ceweygslalu ceria… maulagi stress kek, bikin project kek, tetepppaja ketawa2… =D it’s been a great 4 years knowing u, definitely love every second of it! Let’s enjoy our last sem tog yeaa.. From Viny
  • 101. Guess Who? LKC Scholar Sok cool tapiiseng Treasurer SMUKI 3rdExco Kaloketawa super heboh
  • 102. Theo.Thanks buatsemuanya!A dependable person and full of jokes! haha..A person who can go all the way to play OFM =Pand of course, good food is a priority to Theo, especially kobe and wagyu =PAll the best for the coming challenges and jia you! From Fenny
  • 103. TEH-O PENG orangnyaiseng!!! Teruskaloketawa super heboh, malahbikinorangketawa. Hahaha. Tapidibawahkeisengandankehebohannya, TEH-O orgnya super baikkarenasuka bantu gwkalolagikebingungan. Plus orgnyapinterbangettt! Hahahtheojgjagonyanyidan main bola danjago main badminton. From Serla
  • 104. Duh the tiapingetloegueselaluteringatkejadianketikaloetertangkapbasahbertemu "aunty" loe ;p yah theoituketawanya paling gaknahan d! kaloadatheodan nova, yang lain pastiselaluterhiburhuehehe ;p Theo orgnya gentleman bgt! Mantapdeh! It's nice knowing you the! =) From Erlina
  • 105. Guess Who? Sekretaristercantik SMUKI Salahsatucewe PALING PUTIH BERSINAR Pernahjadianak EMIX & CADERAS HOD Dance GAYA 07 & 08
  • 106. From Illene Ahhhsalahsatu senior paling cuantttikk! udapinter, cantik, jagonari,aiih, kurangapacoba J vinykeren! Moga2 sukses yah bisdari SMU , become the sexy accountant! Hehe.. keep on dancing vin!
  • 107. From Helen viny!! Dulupertamaliadviny.. Waaa.. Cantikbgtputihhh.. ^^ trusjadianakbuahnyadhedi dance gaya2008. trusguaselalubikinvinykalangkabut gara2 sifilmarahh.. Kyaaaaa.. Maapingua yah vin..>.< gamaksudloh.. Tapiviny org nyabaikbgt.. selalumenjagaanakbuahnyadgnbaik. makasihbgtvin.. take care yah. and gut lakbuat future jobs nya.. muachhh ^^
  • 108. Vinycantik, you seem to be a very committed and driven person. And I love watching you dance coz you shine! Haha. Take care and good luck conquering the corporate world. Loves. From Sylvia
  • 109. Guess Who? Selalumenebarsenyuman Identikdengansuara “ngiiikk..” Commerce SMUKI 2006-2007 BawangPutih
  • 110. Senior yg super baeeeee! Kaleeeemabies,, ramahgemahgemulai.. 100% wanitahehe, maodonkdiajarinahhganyangkaudaluluuusskrg.. Pokoknya success dehbwadkedepan. keep in touch sama junior2 di SMU yaa we will miss you! From Illene
  • 111. Cici KTB yang baik=) From Helen Dari awalkenalamayenny, udabisaliadjelassihorgnyabaikbgt. Sangatkeibuan. Senengbgtbisapunyaciciktb kayak yenny. Selaludengeriinkita sharing.
  • 112. From Tara Putihcantikbersinarsepertibengkuang. Baikhatidansuka bagi2 kertas coret2an buatayatalkitab. Cici KTB yang perhatiandansukatebarsenyum. Bener2 bedabangetsamatukangpungutpajak yang adadialkitab. hehe. Congratzya, udah survived SMU =)
  • 113. Thank you for the laughter… For the joy… And for the love… You’ll be in our heart… …Always…
  • 114. Goodbyes are not forever Goodbyes are not the end They simply mean we'll miss you Until we meet again! (Unknown)
  • 115. SMUKI wishes you all the best in your future life… YAY! We love YOU! And we’ll miss YOU!

Editor's Notes

  1. Uncut, Uncensored! Original Testimonials:Karakteristikunik/ Interesting facts1. Billiard GOD2. Funny and Hilarious3. Genitdancentil4. Cantik kayak cewek The sexiest Dragqueen in GAYA historyFrom YolaTestiAditcogan.. satu SMU gatahanFrom OwenTestiAdityaEko is so hilarious that you are guaranteed to go LOL whenever you hear him tells a joke. He is always down for a good time, and he never fails to bring his great sense of humor to his companies. Despite his naturally good looks, his special antics in enhancing it by taking male grooming a step further never fails to amuse anyone fortunate to hear his personal funny stories. AdityaEko is a joy to be around and anyone who has spend time hanging out with him will surely agree.From Aldian (Sugi)TestiOiCasis! Hahahaha tau2 udah lulus ajalucasis! Wakakakakerja yang bener yah di corporate world. Ntarkaloudahsuksesjanganlupasama casis2 yang laen. Kapan2 ajarinmaen bola sodok dong.
  2. Uncut, Uncensored! Original Testimonials:From SiskaTesticerewet, ribut, sukasarkastik, galak, tapihatinyabaekdan will go to all lengths buatkeluargadan temen2nya :)Interesting facts1. udahpacaransejak SD! ckckck...., 2. mukacewekalahmulusnyadarimukaalvin, 3. lebih passionate amacognitaredaripadasekolah!4. gaakanpernahmenangdkalodebatamaalvin (biarpun jelas2 dia yang salah)5. binatangkesayangan: kecoa6. lebihsuka shopping daripadacewekebanyakan7. sukangigau8. bisaketidurandalam 3 detikFrom TheoTestiorangnyadahpinter, hardworking (pernahgaktidur 24 jam danmasih bias give a coherent talk for a recruitment drive in SMU), jago debate (baik officially ato unofficially), wahkurangapacoba. Di baliksemuaitu, Alvin itujugapacar yang baik (gilainimembukarahasiarumahtangga) yang sebaiknyaditanyakankeSiskaajahehe. Tapifusenyapendekhaha.Interesting fact“Alvin menang “the best looking freshie” buatangkatan 2005 “ =)From NovaTestiInilahorngsokrajinnsoksibuk, kerjaannyakalogabelajar, gereja, cognihaha. Tragissekalikulihatjadwalmunak. Tpdibaliksemuaitu, nihorngternyatagejesangatnkonyol. Hobinyasakittenggorokan, tp somehow demenmakan KFC haha. Semogacepettamat yah vinmuakaka (sengaja, mentangmentangmasiada 1 more term). From DeerajTestiBang, kesiandehblombisa graduate, lo sihpake intern segala! Anyway Alvin is the first Indonesian friend I know in SG, who is now my best buddy aka my best talk cock friend! Kalomulaingobroludadehhaha… Alvin kokbisapinterskali yah? Gwgangerti, belajargabelajarpasti A+. Since year 1, alvintuhorangnyabaekskali, and i wish him luck for his success in future. Gwdoa-in biardapet Big 3 consulting deh, abisitujanganlupaingw yah ahahapalagikalouda famous and flying around the world gitu. Kerennya, Alvin amagw have been planning to bid for a module together and till date, aka that we are graduating, we haven’t taken a single mod together WTH! Oh btw we are supposed to move out together kapancoba postpone terushaha….I have a lot more to write but I thnkabit confidential hahah. But bang Alvin, you’re the best! Thank God I met you in SMU lol, kaloga no1 to hear my “stories” and upcoming future stories hahah. Cya for drinks soon!Karakteristikunik/Interesting factsFavorite word nya Bang Alvin, “Dhueerr”. Soalnya to arrange a meet up pastiperlu few postpones duluhaha due to clashing timetables atolupa or something hahaFrom ErlinaTesti"Alvin kesanpertamanyapintar, alim, anak baik2 d. Kesanselanjutnya: harambgtdloehaha!!! Peace vin peace! Ayo questing bersama2 diliburannantiwakakkak!!"Karakteristikunik/Interesting facts"Alvin sukangedump SMUKI demiCogni!!!"--> mksdnyaCognitareFrom CynthiaTestiinijugasatuoranglgygpenampilan-nyamenipubgt.. padahaltampangnyaalimdanjaimgt, ternyata pas udahkenal, bakallangsungmerasatertipu.. orangnyapinterdankaloada one person from our batch ygbakaljadi politician, it would be him.. too bad diaga graduate barengkita, otherwise, there is a high chance kalodiabisajadi valedictorian for our commencement.. good luck yah vin for the last term.. Karakteristikunik/ Interesting factsAlvin sama Jenny ituultah-nyasamapersis.. jadikalomaodirayain, gampanggtorganise-nya.. sekalidayung, 2-3 pulauterlampaui