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How sleep affects the
                developmental learning of
                       bird song
                   S. Degregnaucourt et al. Nature 2005

                        introduced by K. Sasahara

2010   10   4                                             1
                •   Sleep facilitates memory consolidation.
                    •   Reactivation
                        Hippocampal areas activated during spacial learning were
                        reactivated during sleep in humans.

                    •   Replay
                        Some neurons of premotor nuclei show spontaneous bursting
                        during sleep, similar to the pattern of activity in awake singing birds.

                •   Bridging between sleep and developmental learning
                    •   A model system
                        Songbirds learn a correspondence between vocal-motor output
                        and auditory feedback during development.

2010   10   4                                                                                      2
govern this skill in songbirds have been de-           Fig. 1. An example of
                    scribed (3). We here report on conditions that         training. (A) Acclima-
                    bring vocal learning under fine experimental           tion to the training

                           Materials and Methods
                                                                           apparatus from days
                    control and provide a detailed acoustic anal-          30 to 42 after hatch-
                    ysis of the sound transformations that under-          ing, in the presence of
                    lie the learning process.                              a plastic model of an
                        Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) males            adult male (on middle
                    develop their song between 35 and 90 days              perch). (B) Untutored
                    after hatching, a time known as the sensitive          subsong was recorded
                                                                           on day 43. Spectral
                    period for vocal learning (4). This song con-          derivatives provide a
                    sists of complex sounds (“syllables”) separat-         representation of song
                    ed by silent intervals (5). A song motif is            that is similar but su-
                    composed of dissimilar syllables repeated in           perior to the tradi-        Model tutor              Pupil

                    a fixed order (5). When a young male zebra             tional sound spectro-
                Male zebra finches
                    finch is reared singly in the company of an
                    adult male, it develops a song that is a close
                                                                           gram. Instead of pow-
                                                                           er spectrum versus
                                                                           time, we present di-                                               Target
                    copy of the sounds and temporal order of that

                                                                           rectional derivatives

                Continuous recording with a
                    male’s song (4, 6). Acquisition of the audi-           (changes of power) on
                    tory memory of the model song can start as             a gray scale so that
                    early as 25 days after hatching, but this onset        the detection of fre-

                model tutoring
                    can be delayed by withholding exposure to
                    the model (7, 8). Once acquired, a stored
                                                                           quency contours is lo-
                                                                           cally optimized. This
                                                                           was particularly useful
                    representation of the model song can be con-
                                                                                                             2 days of training
                                                                           for the analysis of ju-
                    verted to a motor imitation. This conversion
                Continuous measurements
                                                                           venile song. (C) The
                    has been modeled by assuming simple Heb-               keys were then uncov-
                    bian and reinforcement learning rules (9).             ered. The bird learned
                    Nevertheless, past technical limitations en-           to peck on either one

                                                                           of the keys to induce a
                        Syllable features
                    countered when studying early song develop-
                    ment have left much of the fine-grained struc-
                                                                           short song playback
                                                                           from the plastic mod-
                        e.g., duration, pitch, AM, FM, entropy ...
                    ture of the imitation process unexplored.              el. (D) Song playback             3 days of training
                                                                           was composed of two
                                                                           renditions of the song

                     Field Research Center, The Rockefeller University,    motif (the “model”)
                        Similarity to the target
                    Millbrook, NY 12545, USA. 2Bell Laboratories, Lucent
                    Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA.
                                                                           depicted. The overall
                                                                           daily exposure was
                    *All authors contributed equally to this work.         limited to 28 s. As
                    †To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-        shown, the bird’s song
                    mail:                     had changed by (E) the second and (F) the third day of training.

                                                                                                             O.Tchernichovski et al. Science 2001
                                                                 30 MARCH 2001 VOL 291 SCIENCE

2010   10   4                                                                                                                                          3
bserved strong daily oscillations in syllable features,                    Supplementary Data).
ncedly in variance features that capture the richness of                     The decrease in syllable structure in the morning may suggest that
 cture within a syllable (Supplementary Table 1).                          vocal changes during the day progress with the overall develop-

                                         Tracing Vocal Changes
 ws how values of Wiener entropy variance (EV)                             mental trend, whereas vocal changes after night-sleep oppose the
m day to day during development (Fig. 3a, b). Strong                       developmental trend. To test this hypothesis we assigned a sign to
ions were observed shortly after training started                          vocal changes during night-sleep, by reference to the overall
and decreased thereafter (Fig. 3e, f). Note that the                       developmental trend: positive if in the same direction, negative if
V after night-sleep was opposite to the overall trend of                   opposite. For example, if syllable mean pitch decreased during

                                                                                                 • Three clusters emerge and stabilize
                                                                                                       with development

                                                                                                 • Variability decreases in the morning

 vocal changes. a, Spectral derivatives29 of adult song motif with three   emerged shortly after training. d, Plotting two-dimensional distribution (duration versus
othed histogram4 syllable durations46 in an adult bird (^95%
   2010 10 of                                                              Wiener EV) shows syllable types as clusters (unclustered syllables are not shown).          4
many samples should approach zero. As shown in Fig. 2c,           same conditions but were not trained did not show a significant
  across the 12 birds (including all features of all syllables)   trend (Fig. 2e, f). The magnitude of post-sleep deterioration
 ed that the net effect of vocal changes after night-sleep was    differed significantly across the groups: highest when training
 . Furthermore, deterioration was observed in both mean           started early, lower when training started later, and lowest in the

                  Vocal Changes During Night-sleep
 iance feature values (Supplementary Table 1) and was             untrained birds (Fig. 2f, median test, P , 0.05). Overall, song was
 l from day 50 to day 55. To separate the effect of training      less structured and more primitive after night-sleep but only during
at of chronological age, we repeated the experiment in birds      days of rapid learning.

                                                                                                     Full bars: model tutor
                                                                                                     Striped bars: live tutor

                                                                                                                                      • Baseline < Day-to-day < Pre-post sleep
                                                                                                                                      • Isolates < 60d < 43d
                                                                                                                                      • Adults still retain the day-to-day
                                                                                                                                              variability, suggesting learning plasticity

 ocal changes10 4
   2010 during night-sleep. a, Vocal changes (absolute values;    night-sleep with reference to the overall developmental trend, in birds trained from day 43                               5
to measurements of vocal learning and examine the        during development is positively correlated with the eventual
  rity to the model song (measured on day 90) against     similarity to the model song (Fig. 4a, Spearman r ¼ 0.6,

  Post-sleep Deterioration and Recovery
   of night-sleep deterioration. Similarity analysis is   P ¼ 0.038; note, however, that correlation does not prove causal-
mparing detailed temporal structure across sliding        ity — see further analysis in Supplementary Data). In contrast, the
 wo sounds, yielding similarities as a percentage         net change in feature values during the entire learning period did

                                                                                                                                                     50-60 day
                                                                                                                                                     85-90 day

                                                                                            Figure 3 Recovery of syllable structure during the morning. a, Three examples of                 points)
                                                                                            increasing syllable structure during development. b, Developmental change in the                 syllable
                                                                                            structure of the same syllable as captured by Wiener EV. c, Changes in the structure of          50–60
                                                                                                       • More structure with development
                                                                                            that syllable during night-sleep. d–f, Tracking EV values continuously shows a decrease in
                                                                                            EV values after the night-sleep of day 46 (d) but not after the night-sleep of day 89 (e, f ).
                                                                                                                                                                                             birds. F
                                                                                            g, Tracing EV values continuously during development shows oscillations between days             change

                                                                                                       • Daily oscillation in song structure:
                                                                                            45 and 60. EV values have been smoothed with a running median (period ¼ 40 data

                                                                                                             50-60d > 85-90d                                             !      !
                                                                                            NATURE | VOL 433 | 17 FEBRUARY 2005 |
                                                                                                                                                                       © !""# Nature Publishin

                                                                                                             N.S. in 1yr

   2010   10   4                                                                                                                                                                                6
of the similarities within a 1-h moving window. The record                           laboratory . The bird did not attempt to sing but exhibi
                similarity at a given time is defined as the best 95th centile achieved               activities including eating and calling. When singing resu
                so far. Improvements in record similarity are computed with                          4 h after lights were turned on) we would have expected

                      Progression of Song Learning
                reference to developmental time, not to the previous hour, thus
                excluding improvements that are due solely to recovery (Fig. 4b, c).
                   Strong improvements in record similarity were achieved during

                            ρ=0.6, P=0.038
                                                                                                     • Eventual similarity
                                                                                                           ∝ Magnitude of daily oscillation
                                                                                                           × Total developmental change
                                                          Record similarity
                                                    (the best 95th centile so far)                   • Morning intense singing guides
                                                                     95th centile                          strong improvements in

                                                                                                     • Morning less structured
                                                                                                           (more plastic) sounds gives an
                                                                                                           opportunity to explore

                                                                                                     Figure 5 Vocal changes after song prevention and sleep manipulation. a, R
                                                                                                     song structure could be circadian (scenario 1) or it might require singing activ
2010   10   4   Figure 4 Progression of song learning. a, Relation between magnitude of post-sleep   2). b, Vocal changes (in reference to the developmental trend) were measured7
owards          structure. Alternatively, vocal changes might be caused by circadian                           of song prevention (Fig. 5d). The difference between the effects of                          enon has not b
record          changes in hormonal state. To test both hypotheses, we prevented                               night-sleep and those of song prevention was statistically significant                        stronger in) dev
 ng the         the bird from singing for 2 h during one morning (n ¼ 6, range:                                (Wilcoxon, P ¼ 0.02).                                                                        be the requirem
d with
            Causes of Post-sleep Deterioration
                50–57 days) by taking the cage from the sound box into the
                laboratory35. The bird did not attempt to sing but exhibited usual
                activities including eating and calling. When singing resumed (3–
                4 h after lights were turned on) we would have expected to see at
                                                                                                                  Finally, we tested for causal relations between sleep and deterio-
                                                                                                               ration of song structure by inducing sleep during the day. Melatonin
                                                                                                               can induce sleep in zebra finches, and electrophysiological record-
                                                                                                               ings suggest that song replay occurs readily in this induced sleep
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ments spannin
                                                                                                                                                                                                               We advance
                                                                                                                                                                                                            related oscillati
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the observation
r, thus                                                                                                        state27. We allowed each bird (n ¼ 6, age 54–63 days) to recover its                         imitation. The
 4b, c).                                                                                                       song structure for 4 h after night-sleep and then injected 3 mg of                           plasticity and
during                                                                                                         melatonin27. All birds fell asleep within 15 min, and slept for 2–3 h                        plasticity migh
                                                                                                                         Sleep inertia?
                                                                                                               during 4 ^ 0.5 h of vocal rest. When singing resumed we observed
                                                                                                               song deterioration in all birds, comparable to that observed after
                                                                                                                                                                                                            model through
                                                                                                                         Circadian changes?
                                                                                                               night-sleep (Fig. 5e, Wilcoxon, n.s.).                                                          Finally, it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                            such as simula
                                                                                                                  Vocal changes during sleep could relate to synaptic21 or cellu-
                                                                                                               lar36,37 remodelling that might occur during sleep. Regardless of the                        parameters. Th
                                                                                                                                                                                                            come from me
                                                                                                                         Lack of practice?
                                                                                                               specific mechanism, our results indicate the involvement of an
                                                                                                               active process, perhaps neural song-replay during sleep. How might                           ness of steel thr
                                                                                                               the bird’s ‘internal singing’26,27 during sleep give rise to the observed                    reheating and c
                                                                                                               plasticity? If the lack of auditory feedback during replay during sleep
                                                                                                                         Sleep-related activity?          Methods
                                                                                                               has a similar effect to that of abolishing32,33,38 or perturbing39
                                                                                                                                                          Animal care
                                                                                                               auditory feedback, we would expect to see drifts in song structure
                                                                                                               after sleep replay. We analysed post-deafening deterioration in eight
                                                                                                                                                          All experiments wer
                                                                                                                                                          Health and have bee
                                                                                                               adult birds and found that the deterioration of intra-syllabic
                                                                                                                         Neural song replay without auditory of the C
                                                                                                               temporal structure was similar to that observed after night-sleep
                                                                                                               in young birds (Fig. 6). Therefore, song replay along with lack of
                                                                                                                         feedback                         Experimental des
                                                                                                               auditory feedback could by itself explain the decrease in song
                                                                                                                                                          We used 50 zebra fi
                                                                                                                                                                                                            breeding colony. Co
                                                                                                                                                                                                            previously17. All bir
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Recordings from
                                                                                                                                                                                                            colony of the Wesle
                                                                                                                                                                                                            parents and siblings
                                                                                                                                                                                                            together in groups o

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Experimental grou
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Training from day 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                            playbacks17, starting
                                                                                                                                                                                                            per song model). Bi
                                                                                                                                                                                                            12 h:12 h LD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Training from da
                                                                                                                                                                                                            day 60 with the thre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Training from da
                                                                                                                                                                                                            from day 90 with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            in acoustic isolation

                Figure 5 Vocal changes after song prevention and sleep manipulation. a, Recovery of
                                                                                                                   Post-sleep                                             Post-deafening
                                                                                                              Figure 6 Comparison of post-sleep deterioration and post-deafening deterioration.
                                                                                                              a, Post-sleep changes in birds trained from day 43. b, Post-deafening changes (2–4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                No training: six
                                                                                                                                                                                                            from day 30 to day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Singing prevent
                song structure could be circadian (scenario 1) or it might require singing activity (scenario weeks after deafening). Each slice indicates the mean relative contribution of each feature   12 h:12 h LD (days 0
-sleep          2). b, Vocal changes (in reference to the developmental trend) were measured after night- to the overall effect. The sign indicates whether the feature value increased or decreased.       day 90 (five birds pe
                sleep plus 2 h of song prevention (yellow bar, mean ^ s.e.m.). Results were similar to Var, variance.                                                                                       bird (with its cage)
  2010     10     4                                                                                                                                                                                                           8
Conclusions and Discussions
                •   Sleep-related oscillation in developmental learning
                    •   Post-sleep deterioration vs. morning intense practice

                •   Oscillation in behavioral performance
                    •   Bumblebees, juvenile rats, newborn babies

                    •   Not observed in many other procedural and declarative learning

                •   Optimization algorithm using non-monotonic
                    parameter trajectories
                    e.g., Simulated tempering: Heating vs. reheating

2010   10   4                                                                            9
Further Reading
                Vol 458 | 5 March 2009 | doi:10.1038/nature07615

                Sleep and sensorimotor integration during early vocal
                learning in a songbird
                Sylvan S. Shank1 & Daniel Margoliash1,2

                Behavioural studies widely implicate sleep in memory consolida-            Within each bird there was some variation in the amount of high-
                tion in the learning of a broad range of behaviours1–4. During             frequency activity of RA cells on nights after the onset of song learn-
                sleep, brain regions are reactivated5,6, and specific patterns of          ing, but the tendency towards shorter ISIs was apparent in most cells
                neural activity are replayed7–10, consistent with patterns observed        (Fig. 1c).
                in previous waking behaviour. Birdsong learning is a paradigmatic             Emerging RA bursting activity, furthermore, was shaped by the
                model system for skill learning11–14. Song development in juvenile         specific tutor song that a bird heard. Nightly mean ISI distributions
                zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) is characterized by sleep-             were calculated for all RA neurons recorded for each bird after tutor
                dependent circadian fluctuations in singing behaviour, with                song exposure (which showed little difference from night to night;
                immediate post-sleep deterioration in song structure followed              Fig. 2c), and nightly mean distributions were averaged together to
                by recovery later in the day15. In sleeping adult birds, spontaneous       generate one mean curve per bird. For the resulting post-exposure
                bursting activity of forebrain premotor neurons in the robust              curves, within the high-frequency range (ISIs #40 ms), the shapes—
                nucleus of the arcopallium (RA) carries information about day-             as assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients—were more sim-
                time singing16. Here we show that, in juvenile zebra finches, play-        ilar in birds hearing the same tutor song than in birds hearing dif-
                back during the day of an adult ‘tutor’ song induced profound and          ferent tutor songs (see Supplementary Information). This grouping
                tutor-song-specific changes in bursting activity of RA neurons             of ISI distribution shapes by tutor song can be visualized by compar-
                during the following night of sleep. The night-time neuronal               ing the average ISI distributions for individual birds on nights before
                changes preceded tutor-song-induced changes in singing, first              tutor song exposure to those on nights after tutor song exposure
                observed the following day. Interruption of auditory feedback              (Fig. 2a, black and coloured lines, respectively). The differences
                greatly reduced sleep bursting and prevented the tutor-song-               between groups can be visualized by comparing global average ISI
                specific neuronal remodelling. Thus, night-time neuronal activity          distributions—one for each group of birds hearing a given tutor song
                is shaped by the interaction of the song model (sensory template)          (Fig. 2b).
                and auditory feedback, with changes in night-time activity preced-            Once a bird was exposed to a tutor song, a prototypical post-
                ing the onset of practice associated with vocal learning. We hypo-         exposure ISI distribution shape was quickly obtained and then main-
                thesize that night-time bursting induces adaptive changes in               tained. To quantify this, we compared (using Pearson correlations)
                premotor networks during sleep as part of vocal learning. By this          the nightly ISI distributions (#40 ms) for each bird before and after
                hypothesis, adaptive changes driven by replay of sensory informa-          song exposure to the corresponding global mean curve (Fig. 2b),
                tion at night and by evaluation of sensory feedback during the day         excluding data from the bird being analysed from the global mean
                interact to produce the complex circadian patterns seen early in           distributions. Before tutor song exposure, both the within- and
                vocal development.                                                         between-group comparisons (Fig. 2d, black and grey dots, respect-
                   To explore the role of sleep in the early phases of song learning, we   ively) had large variability and were not significantly different from
2010   10   4   characterized the properties of single RA neurons in head-fixed,           each other on any night (P 5 0.25 to P 5 0.73). By the first night after   10

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How sleep affects the developmental learning of bird song

  • 1. How sleep affects the developmental learning of bird song S. Degregnaucourt et al. Nature 2005 introduced by K. Sasahara 2010 10 4 1
  • 2. Introduction • Sleep facilitates memory consolidation. • Reactivation Hippocampal areas activated during spacial learning were reactivated during sleep in humans. • Replay Some neurons of premotor nuclei show spontaneous bursting during sleep, similar to the pattern of activity in awake singing birds. • Bridging between sleep and developmental learning • A model system Songbirds learn a correspondence between vocal-motor output and auditory feedback during development. 2010 10 4 2
  • 3. govern this skill in songbirds have been de- Fig. 1. An example of scribed (3). We here report on conditions that training. (A) Acclima- bring vocal learning under fine experimental tion to the training Materials and Methods apparatus from days control and provide a detailed acoustic anal- 30 to 42 after hatch- ysis of the sound transformations that under- ing, in the presence of lie the learning process. a plastic model of an Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) males adult male (on middle develop their song between 35 and 90 days perch). (B) Untutored after hatching, a time known as the sensitive subsong was recorded on day 43. Spectral period for vocal learning (4). This song con- derivatives provide a sists of complex sounds (“syllables”) separat- representation of song ed by silent intervals (5). A song motif is that is similar but su- composed of dissimilar syllables repeated in perior to the tradi- Model tutor Pupil • a fixed order (5). When a young male zebra tional sound spectro- Male zebra finches finch is reared singly in the company of an adult male, it develops a song that is a close gram. Instead of pow- er spectrum versus time, we present di- Target copy of the sounds and temporal order of that • rectional derivatives Continuous recording with a male’s song (4, 6). Acquisition of the audi- (changes of power) on tory memory of the model song can start as a gray scale so that early as 25 days after hatching, but this onset the detection of fre- model tutoring can be delayed by withholding exposure to the model (7, 8). Once acquired, a stored quency contours is lo- cally optimized. This was particularly useful representation of the model song can be con- 2 days of training • for the analysis of ju- verted to a motor imitation. This conversion Continuous measurements venile song. (C) The has been modeled by assuming simple Heb- keys were then uncov- bian and reinforcement learning rules (9). ered. The bird learned Nevertheless, past technical limitations en- to peck on either one • of the keys to induce a Syllable features countered when studying early song develop- ment have left much of the fine-grained struc- short song playback from the plastic mod- e.g., duration, pitch, AM, FM, entropy ... ture of the imitation process unexplored. el. (D) Song playback 3 days of training was composed of two renditions of the song • 1 Field Research Center, The Rockefeller University, motif (the “model”) Similarity to the target Millbrook, NY 12545, USA. 2Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA. depicted. The overall daily exposure was *All authors contributed equally to this work. limited to 28 s. As †To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- shown, the bird’s song mail: had changed by (E) the second and (F) the third day of training. 2564 O.Tchernichovski et al. Science 2001 30 MARCH 2001 VOL 291 SCIENCE 2010 10 4 3
  • 4. bserved strong daily oscillations in syllable features, Supplementary Data). ncedly in variance features that capture the richness of The decrease in syllable structure in the morning may suggest that cture within a syllable (Supplementary Table 1). vocal changes during the day progress with the overall develop- Tracing Vocal Changes ws how values of Wiener entropy variance (EV) mental trend, whereas vocal changes after night-sleep oppose the m day to day during development (Fig. 3a, b). Strong developmental trend. To test this hypothesis we assigned a sign to ions were observed shortly after training started vocal changes during night-sleep, by reference to the overall and decreased thereafter (Fig. 3e, f). Note that the developmental trend: positive if in the same direction, negative if V after night-sleep was opposite to the overall trend of opposite. For example, if syllable mean pitch decreased during • Three clusters emerge and stabilize with development • Variability decreases in the morning vocal changes. a, Spectral derivatives29 of adult song motif with three emerged shortly after training. d, Plotting two-dimensional distribution (duration versus othed histogram4 syllable durations46 in an adult bird (^95% 2010 10 of Wiener EV) shows syllable types as clusters (unclustered syllables are not shown). 4
  • 5. many samples should approach zero. As shown in Fig. 2c, same conditions but were not trained did not show a significant across the 12 birds (including all features of all syllables) trend (Fig. 2e, f). The magnitude of post-sleep deterioration ed that the net effect of vocal changes after night-sleep was differed significantly across the groups: highest when training . Furthermore, deterioration was observed in both mean started early, lower when training started later, and lowest in the Vocal Changes During Night-sleep iance feature values (Supplementary Table 1) and was untrained birds (Fig. 2f, median test, P , 0.05). Overall, song was l from day 50 to day 55. To separate the effect of training less structured and more primitive after night-sleep but only during at of chronological age, we repeated the experiment in birds days of rapid learning. Full bars: model tutor Striped bars: live tutor • Baseline < Day-to-day < Pre-post sleep • Isolates < 60d < 43d • Adults still retain the day-to-day variability, suggesting learning plasticity ocal changes10 4 2010 during night-sleep. a, Vocal changes (absolute values; night-sleep with reference to the overall developmental trend, in birds trained from day 43 5
  • 6. to measurements of vocal learning and examine the during development is positively correlated with the eventual rity to the model song (measured on day 90) against similarity to the model song (Fig. 4a, Spearman r ¼ 0.6, Post-sleep Deterioration and Recovery of night-sleep deterioration. Similarity analysis is P ¼ 0.038; note, however, that correlation does not prove causal- mparing detailed temporal structure across sliding ity — see further analysis in Supplementary Data). In contrast, the wo sounds, yielding similarities as a percentage net change in feature values during the entire learning period did 50-60 day 85-90 day 1year Figure 3 Recovery of syllable structure during the morning. a, Three examples of points) increasing syllable structure during development. b, Developmental change in the syllable structure of the same syllable as captured by Wiener EV. c, Changes in the structure of 50–60 • More structure with development that syllable during night-sleep. d–f, Tracking EV values continuously shows a decrease in EV values after the night-sleep of day 46 (d) but not after the night-sleep of day 89 (e, f ). birds. F (MAD). g, Tracing EV values continuously during development shows oscillations between days change • Daily oscillation in song structure: 45 and 60. EV values have been smoothed with a running median (period ¼ 40 data 50-60d > 85-90d ! ! NATURE | VOL 433 | 17 FEBRUARY 2005 | © !""# Nature Publishin N.S. in 1yr 2010 10 4 6
  • 7. of the similarities within a 1-h moving window. The record laboratory . The bird did not attempt to sing but exhibi similarity at a given time is defined as the best 95th centile achieved activities including eating and calling. When singing resu so far. Improvements in record similarity are computed with 4 h after lights were turned on) we would have expected Progression of Song Learning reference to developmental time, not to the previous hour, thus excluding improvements that are due solely to recovery (Fig. 4b, c). Strong improvements in record similarity were achieved during ρ=0.6, P=0.038 • Eventual similarity ∝ Magnitude of daily oscillation × Total developmental change Record similarity (the best 95th centile so far) • Morning intense singing guides 95th centile strong improvements in similarity. • Morning less structured (more plastic) sounds gives an opportunity to explore learnability. Figure 5 Vocal changes after song prevention and sleep manipulation. a, R song structure could be circadian (scenario 1) or it might require singing activ 2010 10 4 Figure 4 Progression of song learning. a, Relation between magnitude of post-sleep 2). b, Vocal changes (in reference to the developmental trend) were measured7
  • 8. owards structure. Alternatively, vocal changes might be caused by circadian of song prevention (Fig. 5d). The difference between the effects of enon has not b record changes in hormonal state. To test both hypotheses, we prevented night-sleep and those of song prevention was statistically significant stronger in) dev ng the the bird from singing for 2 h during one morning (n ¼ 6, range: (Wilcoxon, P ¼ 0.02). be the requirem centile record hieved d with Causes of Post-sleep Deterioration 50–57 days) by taking the cage from the sound box into the laboratory35. The bird did not attempt to sing but exhibited usual activities including eating and calling. When singing resumed (3– 4 h after lights were turned on) we would have expected to see at Finally, we tested for causal relations between sleep and deterio- ration of song structure by inducing sleep during the day. Melatonin can induce sleep in zebra finches, and electrophysiological record- ings suggest that song replay occurs readily in this induced sleep ments spannin We advance related oscillati the observation r, thus state27. We allowed each bird (n ¼ 6, age 54–63 days) to recover its imitation. The 4b, c). song structure for 4 h after night-sleep and then injected 3 mg of plasticity and during melatonin27. All birds fell asleep within 15 min, and slept for 2–3 h plasticity migh Sleep inertia? during 4 ^ 0.5 h of vocal rest. When singing resumed we observed song deterioration in all birds, comparable to that observed after model through structure. Circadian changes? night-sleep (Fig. 5e, Wilcoxon, n.s.). Finally, it is such as simula Vocal changes during sleep could relate to synaptic21 or cellu- lar36,37 remodelling that might occur during sleep. Regardless of the parameters. Th come from me Lack of practice? specific mechanism, our results indicate the involvement of an active process, perhaps neural song-replay during sleep. How might ness of steel thr the bird’s ‘internal singing’26,27 during sleep give rise to the observed reheating and c plasticity? If the lack of auditory feedback during replay during sleep Sleep-related activity? Methods has a similar effect to that of abolishing32,33,38 or perturbing39 Animal care auditory feedback, we would expect to see drifts in song structure e.g., after sleep replay. We analysed post-deafening deterioration in eight All experiments wer Health and have bee adult birds and found that the deterioration of intra-syllabic Neural song replay without auditory of the C Committee temporal structure was similar to that observed after night-sleep in young birds (Fig. 6). Therefore, song replay along with lack of feedback Experimental des auditory feedback could by itself explain the decrease in song We used 50 zebra fi breeding colony. Co previously17. All bir Recordings from colony of the Wesle parents and siblings together in groups o Experimental grou Training from day 4 playbacks17, starting per song model). Bi 12 h:12 h LD. Training from da day 60 with the thre Training from da from day 90 with the in acoustic isolation Figure 5 Vocal changes after song prevention and sleep manipulation. a, Recovery of Post-sleep Post-deafening Figure 6 Comparison of post-sleep deterioration and post-deafening deterioration. a, Post-sleep changes in birds trained from day 43. b, Post-deafening changes (2–4 No training: six from day 30 to day Singing prevent song structure could be circadian (scenario 1) or it might require singing activity (scenario weeks after deafening). Each slice indicates the mean relative contribution of each feature 12 h:12 h LD (days 0 -sleep 2). b, Vocal changes (in reference to the developmental trend) were measured after night- to the overall effect. The sign indicates whether the feature value increased or decreased. day 90 (five birds pe sleep plus 2 h of song prevention (yellow bar, mean ^ s.e.m.). Results were similar to Var, variance. bird (with its cage) 2010 10 4 8
  • 9. Conclusions and Discussions • Sleep-related oscillation in developmental learning • Post-sleep deterioration vs. morning intense practice • Oscillation in behavioral performance • Bumblebees, juvenile rats, newborn babies • Not observed in many other procedural and declarative learning skills • Optimization algorithm using non-monotonic parameter trajectories e.g., Simulated tempering: Heating vs. reheating 2010 10 4 9
  • 10. Further Reading Vol 458 | 5 March 2009 | doi:10.1038/nature07615 LETTERS Sleep and sensorimotor integration during early vocal learning in a songbird Sylvan S. Shank1 & Daniel Margoliash1,2 Behavioural studies widely implicate sleep in memory consolida- Within each bird there was some variation in the amount of high- tion in the learning of a broad range of behaviours1–4. During frequency activity of RA cells on nights after the onset of song learn- sleep, brain regions are reactivated5,6, and specific patterns of ing, but the tendency towards shorter ISIs was apparent in most cells neural activity are replayed7–10, consistent with patterns observed (Fig. 1c). in previous waking behaviour. Birdsong learning is a paradigmatic Emerging RA bursting activity, furthermore, was shaped by the model system for skill learning11–14. Song development in juvenile specific tutor song that a bird heard. Nightly mean ISI distributions zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) is characterized by sleep- were calculated for all RA neurons recorded for each bird after tutor dependent circadian fluctuations in singing behaviour, with song exposure (which showed little difference from night to night; immediate post-sleep deterioration in song structure followed Fig. 2c), and nightly mean distributions were averaged together to by recovery later in the day15. In sleeping adult birds, spontaneous generate one mean curve per bird. For the resulting post-exposure bursting activity of forebrain premotor neurons in the robust curves, within the high-frequency range (ISIs #40 ms), the shapes— nucleus of the arcopallium (RA) carries information about day- as assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients—were more sim- time singing16. Here we show that, in juvenile zebra finches, play- ilar in birds hearing the same tutor song than in birds hearing dif- back during the day of an adult ‘tutor’ song induced profound and ferent tutor songs (see Supplementary Information). This grouping tutor-song-specific changes in bursting activity of RA neurons of ISI distribution shapes by tutor song can be visualized by compar- during the following night of sleep. The night-time neuronal ing the average ISI distributions for individual birds on nights before changes preceded tutor-song-induced changes in singing, first tutor song exposure to those on nights after tutor song exposure observed the following day. Interruption of auditory feedback (Fig. 2a, black and coloured lines, respectively). The differences greatly reduced sleep bursting and prevented the tutor-song- between groups can be visualized by comparing global average ISI specific neuronal remodelling. Thus, night-time neuronal activity distributions—one for each group of birds hearing a given tutor song is shaped by the interaction of the song model (sensory template) (Fig. 2b). and auditory feedback, with changes in night-time activity preced- Once a bird was exposed to a tutor song, a prototypical post- ing the onset of practice associated with vocal learning. We hypo- exposure ISI distribution shape was quickly obtained and then main- thesize that night-time bursting induces adaptive changes in tained. To quantify this, we compared (using Pearson correlations) premotor networks during sleep as part of vocal learning. By this the nightly ISI distributions (#40 ms) for each bird before and after hypothesis, adaptive changes driven by replay of sensory informa- song exposure to the corresponding global mean curve (Fig. 2b), tion at night and by evaluation of sensory feedback during the day excluding data from the bird being analysed from the global mean interact to produce the complex circadian patterns seen early in distributions. Before tutor song exposure, both the within- and vocal development. between-group comparisons (Fig. 2d, black and grey dots, respect- To explore the role of sleep in the early phases of song learning, we ively) had large variability and were not significantly different from 2010 10 4 characterized the properties of single RA neurons in head-fixed, each other on any night (P 5 0.25 to P 5 0.73). By the first night after 10