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         THEOLOGICAL WRI~'lNGS                              


     ~mnnutI                        Siuthtnhllrg.


                     OF THE AUTHOR.

      (ltompHe'tl,    ~'tIite'tl,   lln'tl   ~tanglate'tl   b~   tbt
             REV.    JOHN FAULKNER POTTS, RA.

                         IN FOUR VOLUMES.

                     V OLU ll~ 1.           A   Tü   C.


                             (INSTITUTED     1810)

         20/21 BLOOMSBURY WAY, LONDON, W.O.1


                               Reprinted 1957
PrinLed in Great Britain by The OaJnpfield Poo,s, St. Alba""
THE purpose of this CONCORDANCE is to make the Theological W ritings of
        Emanuel Swedenborg more accessible in an theil' fulness to every reader
and student of them, whether learned or unlearned.
     .A t present no one can feel sure that he knows or can find everything that
is contained in the Writings on any given subject. And eyen when we are
sure of the existence of sorne passage that we desire to find, how often, having
none but the existing works of reference to aid us, are we overwhehned and
deterred from making an investigation by the dreary prospect of a search
through from forty to fifty volumes of compact matter! A reader's attention
may also be arrested by sorne statement which appears to be at variance with
OHe or more other statements he has met with elsewhere in the Writings.
Yet he has frequently no means of referring back; and even if he should find
the passage or passages he remembers to have read, the apparent discrepancy
lllay after all be explicable only by reference to another passage, which forms
the connecting link, but on which he cannot lay his hands, and of the very
existence of which he may indeed be ignorant.
    The CONCORDANCE '1'0 SWEDENBORG now offered to the Church is the result
of between thirteen and fourteen years of labour, * and claims to be exhaustive
and complete. Every theological work of Swedenborg has been gone over
twice, word hy word. The works not published by Swedenborg hirnself, such
as the Apocalypse Explained, the Spiritual Diary, and the Adver'saria, as
well as the shorter treatises, have an been included within the scope of the
CONCORDANCE. So have the srnall treatises and fragments of a theological
nature of which Swedenborg was the author, and which have recently been
published in the work entitled Documents concerning Swedenborg, by Professor
R. L. Tafel, M.A.
     A new translation has been made of the whole of the matter in the CON-
CORDANCE. Unity of style and system is thus rnaintained throughout. In
making this translation two principal objects have been kept steadily in view.
The first is reverent fidelity to the original. The second is the Queen's
English. In aU cases, however, the artieles in the CONCORDANCE have been
  if. This period is exclusive of the time occupied in making a clean and revised copy, and in Beeing the Work
through the press, which will probably be abollt eight years more.
VI                            INTRODUCTION.

based upon the original Latin words, so that no changes in the translation
would affect the matter they contain. For example, aH passages containing
in the original the word coelestis have been arranged in regular and consecu­
tive order under one heading, whether that word in the passages placed under
that general head be translated celestial or heavenly. And so, on the other
hand, in cases where one English word has to do dutY for two or more Latin
ones, as in the case of the word man, the passages have been distributed
into two articles, Man-homo, and Man-viT, according to the occurrence
of the two Latin words in question. Therefore, while the CONCORDANCE is
aH in English, it is at the same time based upon the Latin of the original
     The passages of the Word quoted in the extracts consist strictly of
translations frorn the Latin of Swedenborg. The original Hebrew and Greek
of the Scriptures have IlOt been regarded, except to determine the precise
sense in which Swedenborg has used his Latin tenns. It has been considered
to be no part of the business of this W ork to fnrnish any translations of
passages from the W·ord, except those made by Swedenborg himself rendered
literally into English. The English Versions of the Scriptures have therefore
also been disregarded whenever they could not be used as a translation of the
Latin, but they have always been preferred to any other rende ring when, as a
translation of the Latin of Swedenborg, they were as good as any other. In
relation to passages quoted from the Word, as in relation to all the l'est of
 the Writings, fidelity to the Latin Originals of Swedenborg has been the
paramount law of translation.
     At the time when the CONCORDANCE was commenced, nearly the whole of
 the translations of the Writings into English were too imperfect for use.
 This rendered a new translation necessary. Since that time, however, a
 number of excellent translations have appeared, sorne in America and others
 in Great Britain; and in making the clean and revised copy for the press,
 these new translations have been introduced, so far as could be done without
 interfering with the unity of the Work.
     Cross references are made use of whenever necessary. The reader, for
 instance, who turns to the word Heavenly, will find there a reference to
    In view of this system of cross references, it has been the constant aim to
give as great a variety as possible of good translations of the Latin words
which forrn the basis of the articles. A reader might think of one such
translation and not of another; but whichever he thought of, he would always
find either a reference or a cross refere~ce under that heading. Take such a
word as Inesca1'e. This word has been translated in various passages quoted
in the CONCORDANCE, addicted to, satu1'ated with, given up to, made habitual,
INTROD UCT.JON.                                vü

all of which are good translations in the places w here they are used. . The
reader, therefore, will find a reference under Addict to all the passages where
Inescare occurs in the original. But if he shouJd not happen to think of the
word addict, and instead there should occur to him any' one of the expressions,
saturated, given up to, or habitual, on turning to the particular expression he
thought of, he would find there a cross reference to Addict.
     A complete V ocabulary and Index of all the Latin Vords that occur 111
the headings of the various articles will be given at the end of the Work.
     The CONCORDANCE con tains nearly eight thousand articles arranged 111
the English alphabetical order, and ranging in length from a single line to
many pages.
     In order to render the work of reference to the W ritings themselves easy
for the reader, it has been found necessary to sub-divide aIl the longer sections
of the original worles. Thishas been done on one uniform plan throughout.
The subdivisions have been made according to the sense, and have been
indicated by the figures 2, 3, 4, and so on, placed at the upper right hand
corner of the reference numerals. The reference is made thus, E. 7013°, which
means that the passage thus marked will be found in the Apocalypse Explained,
No. 701';-subdivision 30. No. 701 of the Apoc. Ex. fills thirteen octavo pages,
and reference to it without subdivision wou Id probably involve much weari­
SOIlle and vexatious searching. In order to make these subdivisions available
to all, it is intended to give a complete list of them at the end of the CON­
CORDANCE, so that those who wish to do so can copy them into their own
volumes. The Swedenborg Society has alreadyadopted the subdivisions in
the new translation of The Intercourse of the Soul and the Body, and it is
hoped that they will be gradually introduced into the new editions of the
    Several of the posthumous works of Swedenborg have never been pub­
lished in English; as De Domino, De Athanasii Symbolo, De Ultimo Judicio,
De Verbo, De ConJugio. The paragraphs of these works were either not
numbered in a regular manne l', or were not numbered at ail, by Swedenborg;
nor were they numbered by Dr Immanuel Tafel in his editions. It was there­
fore necessary to number the paragraphs of these works for the sake of
reference in the CONCORDANCJ<;. It is hoped that all these important works
may soon be published in English, and that the numbering of the paragraphs
made for the CONCORDANCE may be introduced, bracketed, into them. The
Doctrine of Charity stands in a similar category. This W ork has indeed
been translated, in both America and England, but in both cases the para­
graphsrhave been numbered in an irregular manner, according to the judgment
of thè translators. These numberings, therefore, neither agree with the
actual paragraphs of the original, nor with each other. In these circumstances
viii                           INTRon VeTION.

it has seemed best to number this work on the same system as the other
unnum bered posthumous works; and, at the saIlle time, to furnish a Key
between aIl these numberings of the Doctrine of Charity, which will be found
at the end of each volume of the CONCORDANCE.
    The arrangement of the passages under one headiug is consecutive,
beginning with the Arcana Cœlestia, and running in chronological order
through aIl the works quoted. As a general rule, each article in the CON­
CORDANCE is separated into two divisions, the first of which contains an
quotations from the works published by Swedenborg himself, and the second,
quotations from the works which have been published from the MSS. since
the decease of Swedenborg. Eaeh division is arranged in chronological order.
The article Swedenborg, however, for obvious reasons, is arrangeù in
absolute cbronological order throughout, without respect to the fact of the
quotations being from works that were published by Swedenborg himself, or
otherwise. The inducement has been great to arrange aU the articles in this
order; but the consideration of the importance of the fact that Swedenborg
did not himself publish certain of his works, has been held sufficient to
entitle the works which were pubJished by him to precedence of quotation in
aIl cases except the one just referred to.
    Capital Letters have been used at the beginning of words to mark a
distinction in the sense. Thus, wh en the word 'Celestial' is used as a
substantive in the singular, it is always so distinguished. In this way, 'the
Celestial (principle)' is discriminated from 'the celestial (persons).' So with
aIl other Latin neuter adjectives used as substantives, except those of which
Ellglish equlyalents have already become naturalized in our vernacular. By
the use of a capital initial also, 'Heaven,' the abode of the Angels, is dis­
tinguished from 'heaven,' the sky; and 'Spirit,' a man after death, from
'spirit,' a man's mind. These two instances carry with them the correlatives
'HeIl,' and 'Angel,' and render it necessary, on the ground of consistency, ta
distinguish these also with initial capitals. Other instances of the saIlle kind
will be easily understood. It may be useful, however, to explain a few
instances of a different kind. When the word 'Own' stands for the Latin
word proprius, it is printed with a capital in order to indicate that facto A
very important case is that of the word 'Knowledge,' which, thus printed,
stands for cognitio; whereas, without the capital, it stands for scientia.
A similar instance to this is 'Gentiles,' which, with the capital, is the repre­
sentative of Gentiles; but without it, of gentes. 'Earth,' again, with the
capital, indicates teUus; without it, terra. FinaIly, to this class belongs
'Power,' which, when piinted with the capital, stands for potestas; but, when
printed without it, for potentia.
    While this CONCOItDANCE claims to be complete, the fact must not be over·
INTRODUCTION.                                    1ll

looked that it is a selection. A Concordance to Swedenborg cannot be
anything more than that. In the first place, the words themselves have to
be selected. l t is evident that, in sucb a work, regular references to conjunc­
tions, prepositions, and pronouns would be worse than useless. Yet, in sorne
instances, references to even these classes of words are nseful and necessary.
While, for example, it would be absurd to refer regularly to the cOlljunction
'and,' there are still a few cases in which this word demands a reference; and
if the reader will turn to the article And, he will find there fi ve references
which could not have been omitted from the Work. Out of tens of thousands
of passages in which the word 'and' occurs, these five had to be selected.
This is an extreme case, but the same rule is of universal application. The
most important article in the CONCORllANCE is Lord; but even this word
cannot be referred to in every instance. 1'0 do that, and give the extraets,
would be to make the article Lord fin a volume; while to give the references
without the extracts, would be to produce whole pages of mere figures that
would be of no practical use ta anyone. Every passage, therefore, nay, every
word, has had to pass under judgment; and each reference or extract in the
'York has had to be considered indi vidually. This was inevitable, unless the
CONCORDANCE were to fill forty volumes instead of four. The disadvantage is,
that the CONCORDANCE, being the result of the judgment of one man,
cannot be expected to satisfy the judgment of every other man; but the
Compiler has always worked on this principle : to insert not only those references
which he hil1lself considered to be of consequence, but also ta in sert those which
he thought it possible for anyone else to consider of consequence. In doubtful
cases, the rule has been to give the reference. Still, with the most patient
eare, it cannot but be that in such a work many imperfections must exist.
Omissions are inevitable. l t is therefore intended to form an ApPENDIX of
any such omissions as may be discovered, and to print it at the end of the
fourth volume; and aIl friends of the W ork, who may notice anything of the
kind, are kindly requested to make note of the same, and to fonvard aIl their
notes to the Compiler in time for insertion in the Appendix.
    While, however, it seems fair and necessary to say as much as this in
regard to the inevitable imperfection of the Work, an imperfection which is
a necessary characteristic of aIl human productions, it is by no means intended
to convey the impression that the CONCORDANCE is, after aIl, an incomplete and
unsatisfactory work of reference. The W ork aims at being really complete,
without being at the same time overloaded with matter which would be of no
practical use to anyone. 1'0 make perfectly clear what is meant by useless
matter, let us take the most familiar and best knowll passage in the W ritings :
'AIl religion has relation to life, and the life of religion is to do good.' This
passage contains twelve different words; but ont of these twelve, only four

are referred to in the CONCORDANCE. These are 'religion,' 'life,' and the words
'do good,' which are treated under one heading. The other eight words are
not referred to at aIl. It could serve no useful purpose to refer to the word
'aIl' in this passage; the word 'relation,' although in itself an important word,
does Ilot occur in the original, being an invention of the translators; and the
rernaining Vords in the passage are mere part.icles. In a Concordance to the
 Word even particles ought to be referred to, because in that verbally inspired
 Vork every jot and tittle are Divine. But that is not the case with the
 Vritings. A mere mechanical construction of a Swedenborg Concordance
 would therefore resultin the production of a work, which, from its very
inception, would be doomed to be superseded. Probably three quarters of it
would be absolutely useless, and would therefore, by their very presence,
tend to defeat the purpose of the Work.
     The paramount consideration which confronts anyone who undertakes a
vVork like this, remains, therefore, precisel..,. that which ought to be the
paramount consideration in everything: the consideration of use. 'What use
can it be to insert this reference l' is the question which must be incessantly
asked. Use must be the judge and the jury. In sorne cases, however, it may
be of use to insert references which are intrinsically worthless, because they
may be useful to the linguists, the critics, the translators of the New Church.
 In such cases, the word in question may occur only a very few times in aIl the
W ritings. l t is clear, therefore, that every one of these occurrences must be
faithfully recorded. Whereas, should a word of this order be of very frequent
occurrence, being in itself a word of no significance in relation to its sense or
meaning, it is sufficient to give a few specimens of its occurrence selected from
'arious parts of the W ritings.
     Parallel with the consideration of use, and involved in it, is the consideration
of honesty. Any dereliction in this respect would be simply infamous. The
 vVorks to which the CONCORDANCt<; is a humble handmaid are reaBy Works of
the Lord written through Swedenborg, as Swedenborg himself has said. Every
statement in them is therefore of the highest consequence, and no one ought
to be defrauded of access to it. No matter against whose opinions it may
 militate, the statement must he faithfully recorded. Even should one state­
 ment seem to contradict another, still, the dominant consideration must be
perfect honesty. There is no use apart from this. And the same rule must
apply also to those statements, so numerous in the 'Vritings, which are hkely
 to give offence by their plain outspokenness upon subjects which are usually
avoided in works intended for general circulation. If it has pleased the Lord
 to speak to us on these subjects, that is a sufficient reason for making refer­
ence to everything He has been pleased to say, or to cause to be said. In
.this CONCORDANCE therefore nothing has been shirked, of any kind; nothing
INTROD UCTION.                                  Xl

has been intentionally kept back. In a few cases the quotations have been
made in the original Latin. but, either in the one language or the other, every­
thing has been recorded.
    The words which are to be referred to having been selected, there still
remains ta be made the selection of the quotatio~s themselves. In a Con­
cordance to the Word the makincr of this selection is easy, because the
immediate context is aIl that is required.       Very different, however, i8 the
case with a Swedenborg Concordance. In some instances the immediate con­
text is indeed aIl that is required, but this is far from being the general rule.
What is required is the immediate sense. Tt is the ideas, not the mere words,
which are of consequence. This is especially the ease with the longer articles.
As an example of this, take the article Angel, in which the word ' Angel' is
referred to 1916 times. But if t his article Vere constructed by means of an
accumulation of short quotations such as are given in a Biblical Concordance,
it would be of comparatively little use. The reader would have to refer to
the Original Works so frequently that the use of the CONCORDANCE in saving
time and labour would he to a great extent destroyed. It would take him
mauy days to go through this single article. If he were st,udying the subject
of the Angels, he would have to go through the Writings and make the
extracts which are already made for him in this CONCORDANCE; whereas, with
the help of the Work as it stands, he will be spared the impossible part of this
labour. The extracts are sufficiently long and complete to indicate to him the
nature of the statements in each case, and he will therefore only have to
supplement the materials thus placed reaùy to his hand, by actual reference
ta those portions of the "Vritings which he sees from the CONCOltDANCE to be
necessary for his purpose. This has been the consideration kept in view
during the making of the extracts. 1'0 quote aIl that would be useful, and no
more, has been the guiding principle.
    As a general rule, the extracts thus made for the CONCORDANCE have been
gi ven in Swedenborg's own words, translated into English, and have not been
condensed by the use of any other words. In sorne places, labour and space
could indeed have been saved by condensation; but any ad vantage thus gained
wouId have been more than counterbalanced by the elements of uncertainty
and untrustworthiness which would necessarily have been introduced. Where,
however, the extract, if made in the very words of Swedenborg, would be
extremely long" and at the same time would be of very little use in relation to
the subject of the article, a brief description of what Swedenborg says has
been given, but aIl such matter has been enclosed within curved brackets,
    The following is a complete list of the works of Swedenborg referred to
in the CONCORDANCE, including their Latin titles, and the dates of their com­
position. Reference to this list will enable the reader to place the extracts
&ÎÎ                                     INTRODUCTION.

given in the second division of the Concordance articles in their right position
relatively to those given in the first division.
     1745. 'History of the Creation.' Historia Creationis a J1!Iose tradita.
The first treatise written by Swedenborg after the full opening of his spiritual
sight, which took place in the middle of April, 1745. This work has never
been translated, but it will ue found in the original Latin at the beginning
of the' Adversaria,' in which work it occupies the tirst twenty-five pages.
     1745 and 1746. 'Adversaria.' Explicatio in Verbum Historicum Veteris
Testamenti. There are three MS. volumes of this work, in each of which the
paragraphs are numbered independently, that is to say, each volume commences
with the numeral 1. There are therefore three separate series of numbers in
the' Adversaria,' which have been indicated in the CONCORDANOE by the figures
 l, 2, :-3, prefixed to the ordinary numerals.
     1746 and 1747. 'Adversaria.' Es~jas et Je1'emias explicati. As this
work Vas printed by Dr lm. Tafel as' Adversaria, Part iv.,' it is distinguished
in the CmiooRDANOE by the figure 4 prefixed to the ordinary numerals.
Swedenborg did not num ber the paragraphs of this MS., but it is not very
frequently quoted in the CONOORDANOE, and the pages of the Latin edition
an:: therefore given in place of the usual paragraph numbers, in the l'lame way
as is done in the' Index Générai' of Le Boys des Guays.
     114,7 to 1765. 'Spiritual Diary.' The title given by Swedenborg is
     1747 to 1758. 'Arcana Coelestia.' Arcana Coelestia quae in Scriptura
Sacnt seu Ve1'bo Domini sunt, detecta.
     1750 and 1751. 'Diarium Minus.' Not translated. This work is really a
portion of the' Spiritual Diary.' During Swedenborg's journey to Swedell in
1750, he seems to have kept the record of his spiritual experiences in a little
pocket volume which was pu blished by Dr lm. Tafe! under the naUle of ' Diariulll
Minus; , this little pocket volume he used until the close of N ovember, 1751. ,<
While using this little volume, Swedenborg suspended the use of the larger
one, and vhen he returned to it, he continued the numbering of the para­
graphs therein just as if he had never written the little vol ullle at aIl. The
consequence is that this little work has been crowded out of its right place.
It reaBy come3 in after No. 4544 of the' Spiritual Diary,' as is shown by the
fact that the little volume commences with the number 4545, and it is caHed
, Diarium Minus' merely because it happens to have been written in a smaBer
book than the l'est of the work.
     1757 and 1758. 'Heaven and HeU.' De Coelo et ejus Mi1'abilib'LlS, et
de Inferno, ex auditis et visis.
     1757 and 1758. 'On the White Hol'se.' De Equo Albo, de quo m
          ft   'Documents:' Vol. 2, p. 978; from which work the above list is chidly taken.
INTRODUCTION.                                                      Xl1l

ApocatypS't, Cap. xix..; et dein d~ Verbo et ejus sensus spirituali seu interno,
ex A rcanis Coelestibus.
     1757 and 1758. 'On the New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine.' De
Nova Hie't'osolyma et ejus Doct't'ina Coelesti: ex auditis e Coelo.
     1756 and 1758. 'The Earths in the Universe.' De Telluribus in Mundo
nostro Sola't-i, quae vocantur Planetae: et de Tellun;bus in Coelo AstrifeTo:
deque illaTum Incolis; tum de Spiritibus et Angelis ibi; ex auditis et visis.
     1757 and 1758. 'The Last Judgment, and the Destruction of Babylon.'
De Ultùno Judicio, et de Babylonia DestTUcta: ita quod omnia, quae in
Apocalypsi p't'aedicta sunt, hodie impleta sunt: ex auditis et visis.
     1757 ta 1759. 'The Apoca.lypse Explained.' Apocalypsis Explicata
secund1lm sensum sPiritualem, ubi Tevelantur ATcana, quae ibi pTaedicta, et
hactenus Tecondita fueTUnt.
     1759. 'De Athanasii Symbolo.' Not now accessible in English.{< The
work printed in English under the title of 'The Athanasian Creed' is a mere
collection of extracts from the' Apocalypse Explained,' where it wiU aIl be
found, commencing in No. 1091. Being really a part of the 'Apocalypse
Explained,' it is of course referred to as such in the CONCORDANCE.
     1759. 'De Domino.' Not accessible in English.-l<
     1759 and 1760. 'Summary Exposition of the Prophets and Psalms.' ~o
title given by Swedenborg.
     1760. 'De Ultimo J udicio.' Not translated. * Referred to in the CON­
CORDANCE as J. (Post.) The short treatise 'De Mundo Spirituali' has been
nUlllbered for the CONCORDANCE consecutively with the 'De Ultimo Judicio,'
in the same way as was done by Swedenborg with the 'Continuation concern­
ing- the Spiritual World,' which he published as a continuation of the work
entitled 'Continuation concerning the Last J udgment.'
     1761. 'De Verbo;' the full title of which is 'De Scriptura Sacra, seu
Verbo Domini, ab Experientia.' Not translated. {<
     1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of the New J erusalem respecting the Lord.'
Doctrina Novae HieTosolymae de Domino.
     1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred
Scripture.' Doctrina Novae HieTosolymae de ScriptuTa SacTa.
     1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem.' Doctrina
 Vitae po Nova HieTosolyma ex PTaeceptis Decalogi.
     1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of Faith of the New J erusalem.' Doctrinu,
Novae HieTosolymae de Fide.
     1763. 'A Continuation concerning the Last Judgment.' Continuatio de
 mtimo Judicio: et de Mundo Spirituali.
   • 'De Ath. Bym.'and 'De Dom.' are now being translated and published iu America; while 'De DIt. Jud.' and
'De Verbo' were really translated eight years ago by Dr R. L. Taiel, but the translation has Dot yet been published.
XIV                           INTRODUCTION.

     1762 and 1763. 'On the Divine Love.' (Posthumous.) De Divino Amore.
     1763. 'On the Divine Wisdom.' (Posthumous.) De Divina Sapientia.
     1763. 'Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and concerning the
 Divine Wisdom.' Sapientia Angelica de Divino Amore et de Divina
     1763 and 1764. 'Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence.'
 Sapientia Angelica de Divina Providentia.
     1764. 'The Doctrine of Charity.' De Chc(,ritate.
     1764 to 1766. 'The Apocalypse Revealed.' Apocalypsis Revelata, in qua
 deteguntur Arcana quae ibi praedicta sunt, et hactenus recondita latue?'unt.
     1766. 'Five Memorable Relations.' No L-ltin Title. These Relations
 will be found in the original Latin printed by Dr lm. Tafel at the end
 of his edition of the 'De Ultimo J udicio' (Post.), where they occupy pp.
 124 to 133.
     1766. 'Conversation with Angels.' Colloquia cum Angelis. Not trans­
lated; but will be found immediatelyafter the preceding 'Five Memorable
Relations' at the end of the 'De Ultimo J udicio.'
     1767. 'De Conjugio.' Not translated; but printed in the Latin by Dr
 lm. Tafe!.
     1767 and 1768. 'Conjugial Love.' Delitiae Sapientiae de Amore Con­
fugiali; post quas sequuntur Voluptates Insaniae de Amore Scortatorio, ab
Emanuele Swedenborg, Sueco.
     1768. 'De J ustificatione; Colloquia cum Calvino et 50 ejus Asseclis de
Trinitate, de Persona Christi, et de J ustificatione.' Not transJated; but
published in the original by Dr lm. Tafel.
     1768. 'Sciagraphia Doctrinae Novae Ecclesiae.' Not translated; but
 printed by Dr 1m. Tafel at the end of the' De J ustificatione.'
     1768 and 1769. 'Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church.'
Summa?,ia Expositio Doctrinae Novae Ecclesiae, quae pe?' Novam Hierosoly­
mam in Apocalypsi intelligitur, ab Emanuele Swedenborg, Sueco.
     1769. 'The Intercoursè of the Soul and the Body.' De Commercio
Animae et Corporis, quod creditur fieri 'vel pe?' Influxum physicum, vel
per Influxum spiritualem, vel per Ha?'moniam praestabilitam, ab Emanuele
     1769. 'Letter to H artley.'
     1769. 'Nine Questions.' Swedenborg's replies to the nine questions
addressed to him by the Rev. Thomas Hartley. Usually printed at the end
of the 'Doctrine of the Lord.'
     1769. 'Canons of the New Church.' Canones Novae Ecclesiae seu In­
tegra,e Theologiae Novae Ecclesiae. As the original MS. of this work is lost,
it is doubtful whether this title was given ta it by Swedenborg.
INTRODUC110N.                                 xv

    1769 to 1771. 'The True Christian Religion.'    Vera Christiana Religio.
continens Universam Theologiam Novae Ecclesiae a Domino apud Danielem
Cap. vii. 13, 14, et in Apocalypsi Cap. xxi. l, 2, praedictae, ab Emanuele
Swedenborg, Domini Jesu Christi servo.
    1771. 'An Ecclesiastical History of the New Church.'            Historia
Ecclesiastica Novae Ecclesiae. This little sketch constitutes Document 301
in the' Documents concerning Swedenborg.'
    1771. 'Invitation to the New Church.' Invitatio ad Novam Ecclesiam.
Published in the original by Dr lm. Tafel, at pp. 142-160 of the' Appendix'
to the Diarium Spirituale; and since republished in America. Constitu tes
Section i. of the work entitled 'The Consummation of the Age; the LorJ's
Second Coming; and the New Church,' just published in London.
    1771. 'Abominatio Desolationis.' This document occupiespp; 137:....142 of
the 'Appendix' to the Diarium Spirituale; and constitutes Section ii. of 'The
Consummation of the Age.'
    1771. 'Summary of the Coronis.' This document fills pp. 163-169 of Dr
lm. Tafel's 'Appendix,' and is also printed at the beginning of the new
American edition of the' Coronis.' In English, it constitutes Section iii. of
'The Consummation of the Age;' but it is not treated in the CONCOltDANCE as
a separate work from the 'Coronis' itself, being distinguished by Roman
numerals; thus, Coro. i, ii, iii, and so on.
    1771. 'The Coronis.' Coronis, seu Appendix ad Ver. Christ. Religionem.

    l t is due to one of the most faithful and laborious workers in the New
Church to say that the completeness of the CONCORDANCE has been consider­
ably increased by means of the admirable Index Re1'um to the Apocalypsis
Explicata, recently issued by the American Swedenborg Printing and Publish.
ing Society, and the Compiler of which is Dr Samuel H. ,y orcester.
    Many others have contributed either directly or indirectly to the perfection
of the Work, and among these it is impossible to pass over without special
l:lention the name of the Rev. Dr R. L. Tafel, to whom, in many ways, the
CON00RDANCE owes a heavy debt of gratitude. The late Mr Frederic Pitman
also, during the last few months of his life on earth, rendered invaluable
assistance in connection with the seeing of the W ork through the press.
Lastly, the C.ommittee of the Swedenborg Society, of London, have nobly
undertaken the publication, and have assisted and supported the 'York in
every possible way; while the General Con vention of the New J erusalem in
the United States of America have manifested the kind interest taken in th(
W ork in that country by appointing a Committee to give the most practical
aid in their power towards the successful completion of the CONCORDAN Cl:.
   GLASGOW   4th Ma'l/, 1888.

                                      SINGLE-LETTER ALPHABETICAL LIST.
 A.    Arcana Cœlestia.                                                              M. MalTiage Love, or Conjugial Love.

       Brief Exposition.                                                             N. New Jernsal..m and its Heavenly Doctrine.
       Doctrine of Charity.*                                                         P. Divine Providence.
  D. Spiritual Diary.                                                                Q, Nine Questions.
  E. Ap..calypse Explained.                                                        - R ' Apocalypse Rev..aled.
  F. Doctrine of Faith.                                                            :S~- Doctrine of the Holy Scripture.
  H. Heaven anJ Hell.                                                               L'!"} Tl'Ue Christian Religiou,or U niversal Theology.
" 1. . Influx, or Intercourse of the Soul and Body.                                  U. Earths in the Uni·erse.
  .1~ Last Jlldgment.                                                                W. Angelic Wistlom collceruing the Divine Love
  L. Doctrine of the Lord.                                                     1             and Wisdom.

                                                     SUPPLEMENTARY LIST.
 Abom. Abomination of Desolation, etc.                                              De Just. De Justi6catione. etc.
 Ad. Ad versaria.                                                                   De Verbo.
 Ang. Idea. The Angelic Idea cOllcerning the                                        Docu. Tafel's Documpnts concerningSwedenhnrg.
      Creation of the Uuiverse by the Lord. (At                                     Ecc. Hist. Ecclesiastical History of the New
      the end of the D.Wis.)                                                               Chl1rch.
 Ath. De Athanasii Symbolo.                                                         Rist. Crea. History of the Creation.
 C.J. Continuation of Last Jl1dgment.                                               Inv.1 Invitation to the New Church.;
 Cano Canons.                                                                       J. (Post.) "East Jl1dgment (Postbumous).
 Conv. Conversation with Angels.                                                    Letter. Letter to Hartley.
 Coro. Coronis.                                                                     Life. Doctrine of Life.
 D.Min. Diarium Minu~, 01' Lesser Diary.                                            5M. Five Memorable Relations.
 D.Love. Divine Love (Postllllmous).                                                P.P. Prof'hets and Psahns.
 D. Wis. Divine Wisdom (Posthumous).                                                Scia. Doc.         Sciagraphia Doctrillœ Nùvœ
 De Conj. De Conj ugio.                                                                    Ecclesiœ.
 De Dom. De Domino.                                                                 W.R. White Horse.

                                        MISCELLANEOU:S ABBREVIATIONS.
 Comp. Compari,wns occur in the sections referred to.                               Tl'. Treated of The subject is treated of in that
 Def. Defin'<d. A definition is given.                                                    part of the Word which i8 under con-
 Des. De~cJ·ibed. The 11IIbject is further descl'ibed.                                    sideration.
 Enum. Enumerated. There is an eUlimeratiou in                                          This is to be read signifie&
       the passage referred to of the thingd mentioned                              , 'Ql1otation marks are used exclusively for quota--
       in the quotatioll.                                                                 tions from the Word.
 Ex. Hxplained. The sllbject is further explained.                                      ] BJackets indicate a word or words which have
 Examp. Exa7l1.ple. An example is given to iIlustrate                                     been introduced either by the Latin EJi~or or
       the statement.                                                                     by the Compiler.
 Ill. lll-ustrated. The subject is illustrated by passages                              ) Parentheses indicate that the matter is to be
       from the W 01'<1.                                                                  found in the original, but expressed in different
 TIefs. Ifejérences are given to other passages of the                                    words.
       Writings.                                                                    e. after a number denotes that the reference is to
 Sig. S~q1tified. The subject is signified by sorne                                       the very end of the section referred to.
       passage from the W ord here quoted.
       Ali references at the end of quotations mean that the statement is wholly or partial1y repeated there
       References lo W orks without a letter to indicate the Work refen'ed to are references to the W ork
 l:lSt referred ta.
       The small figures at the upper right har.d corner of the larger reference nllmerals are explained on
 p. vii. of the Introduction.
      • A key to the paragraph   nlllnher~   of the varions   e(jjtion~   of this Work will be found at, the end of each volume   or the Concordance
Celebrate                           500                        Celestial

 Celebrate. Celebrare.                                           53. L.2re, which is of thc will ... in the spirituai
 Celebration. Celebratio.                                    man follows, bl~le cele,§!:ll.l man preeee!es.
 Celebrated. Celeber.                                            56. The celestidlman is delighted solcly with celestial
   A. 3893. Angelic chairs 'hich "cre celebrating thc    thiugs, which, as they agl'ee with his life, arc called
 Lonl     Thc celebration was somctilllcs llearr! as swect   celestial meats ...
 :;inging   .                                                    57. 'Fruit' (Gen.i.29) is what the Lord gives ta the
    4948". There do many pass their time who had heen        celestial man ... That celestial food is calleù 'fruit
among the more eelebrated in the worlel.                     fl'om a tree,' is evideut from the followiug chaptcl',
                                                             where the celestial man is treated of. Ill.
    6354. 'Thy brethren shall celebrate thee' (Gen.xlix.8)
 = thai the (celestial) Chnrch is pre-eminent above the          60. It i~ now said 'l'cry good' (l'Cl'. 3 1 ) ••• bccauRe
l'est. ''1'0 be celebrated'=to be pre-cminent.               now those things which are of faith makc one with those
    8I15. The celebration of the Lord in the Heal-ens        whieh are of love; thn8 is a maniage made between
                                                             spil'i tnal and celestial things.
taltes place fol' the most part by ehoirs.
                                                                 61. All things are ealleù spiritual which beloug ta
    8261 2 • The glorification of the Lord, that is, the
                                                             the Knowledgcs of faith, and all tl in which belon" ta
celebration of Rim from joy of heart. Sig.
                                                             10"e to the Lord and towards the ueigh h01ll' are caU cd
    8339. Celebration from joy aud gladness,Sig.             Cëïèstial thin!!S; the fornwr appertain ta the un cr·
    10412. This is the very esseutial of the Charch which       ail( mg, le latter ta the will.
is ta be celebrated,Sig... 'A fcast' = the 1I"0rship of the      73. As t'rom being dead, man has become spiritllal.
Charch as ta celebration, for the celebration took place     sa from being spiritual he hecomes celestial, whieh is
on the ùays of the feast.                                    now treated of.
    H. 1082• They celebrate marl"Îages, and lay eggs ...         74. The celestial man i~ 'the sevellth da , in whieh
    354. It has becn granted ta speak ... with some II"ho    the Lord rests. ,-                                ~

have been celebrated in the literary 1I"0dd ...                     79. The celestial man is snch a 'garden' ...
    383°. (At marriages in Reaven) they also celebrate a            80. He is allowed to know what is good and true .hx
feast ...                                                       ever nGreç'W0n fromthe LoreI;bnt not froIll himself
    404. They had helieved that heavenly joy eonsists in and the wal'l , orto inquire into the mystel'ies of faith
merely praising and eelebrating God.                            by means of sens,IOUS and seientific things, by doing
    R. 811. 'A l'oiee' =the joy of the worship, confession, which his Celestial dies.
aud celebration of the Lord.                                        81 A spiritnal man aeknowledges spil'Îtual and
    M. 81. The glorifications and celebrations of the ce estial truth and good, but he does sa from faith.
Lord (iu Reaven) take place from the Word ...                   fl'om whieh he also acts, but not sa much from 101'e. A
                                                                celestis.l man believes and ppreeives spiritnal and cere~
Celebrated. Famigeratus. A. II I4. H.354. tial tl'1lt 1 and good, and does not acknowledge auy
                                                                othcr faith, than that whieh is from love, fl'om which
Celestial. Codestis.                                            he also acts .-:-.The ends of a spiritnal man have regard
                                                                ta eternal life and thns ta the Lord; tluLen.ds f a
                                                                celestial man have re ard to the Lord, and tIUlS ta His
    A. 12...J.h!til 10v!"reig!!,S snd the fi@ becontes Kiuge am, and eterna llfe... A spiritnal man is in
~.                                                              combat, bnt always overeomes ; the bonds by which he
    24". It is a heal'enly arcanum ..                           is aetnated are intel'1lal, and are called thc bonds of
    27. Whatever is insinuated into the memory of the conscience. A celesti                    . is not' combat, and if
extel'llal mau, whether it be uatural, spiritual, or evils and falsities attaek him he despises then, w lere- )
celestial, remaius there as a scielltific ...                   fore hc is cal cd a con uel'or; he as la bonds whÎch
    29. Wheu lllan is thus prepared to reeeive heavenly a , ear by which he is actuated ~ee ; lus oIHIs                      1
seeds ...                                                       which a no appear are l"               tians of good and
    41. Whatel'er is from the Lord has life, there is iu it ~ll.:.... 337·                                  - -
 II"hat is spiritual and celestial ...                              83. Wh en the man has been made the sixth day,
    47. Man j)J;i" as if fi'om himself, --'!I1.tiLlte JJli!h. and love       k one; and when they make onC), uot
becomes cele§.t!~1 . . .                                        faith, but lovc, begins ta be the principal, that is, not
     SI. The celestial mau is 'a likeness,' or effigy ... what is spiritual, but what is celestial; which is ta be a
The cel~ial tr9.M.wJ:lf.ill..Q.!ln. ii... T~al celestial man.
 man, '''-QQ i~~ Iikeness,~ is           ~.~_SQl.l ~d'              ~). T.he çe1jl.sti!! mj!Jl~'the s!,v~Lè-Y' (Gcn.ii.2).
(John i. 12).                                                   85,Ex. 1988.        . ~~

    52. When a m.a~ beeomes eele.stial, an~ acts from good          852. S..Q " e~y_1]g.en~ 'the sabbath' when
of l~ve. thc domllllou proceeels tram the mtel'1lal man'to he ~ celestis.l, b ause he is a iKeness of the
tl:!!l exte!:1!3: ; as the Lord descrjb;;sH~~rf, and sa at ~: the six d"ys of combat, or of la oar, precede.
 the saille time the celestial man, in Ps. viii. 6-8. Rere          _ _3. The l'est of the celestial man i8 deseribed by
 'beasts' are mentioned first ... becausctIl"e' celestial 'thesabbath' in IS.ll'iii.13,14 ... Th ce~tia.} man is
~n proceoùs from love, which is of the will •.•
                                                                of such a character that he does Ilot act from his ow:c.
Celestial                               501                           Celestial
      desirjl, b~m the gpo~~of the Lord, whieh is                                  139. In aneient times, those were said ta dwell 'alone'
      his desire ...
        ....- .                                                                 who Vere led hy the Lord as celestial men; b~e                   )1
          86. Wh en a spiritual man who has been made the evils, or evil Sjlirits, no longer infested thern, This
      sixth day bcgins ta beeome celestial, it is the eve of the was represented in the Jewish Cllllreh by their dwelling
      sabbath, whieh was rcpresented in the Jewish Church aJone after the nations had been driven out. Ill.
      by the sanctification of the sabbath from the el·ening.                     - - . This posterity of the NIost Aneient Chureh did
      TI~stiall1lan is ~le ~ng.                                                 not wan t ta d weil alone, that is, ta Le a celestial man,
                                                                               or ta b~ the Lord aS a ceJestiai man ~                 

          87. The reason the eelesLial man is the sabbath, 01' ---".---
      l'est, is also because combat ceases when he becomes (14I. The celestial man acknowlellges that the Lord
      ~al. E"il Spirits"'Jepart, and good ones approach, i~ïé'life of ail, that He gives ta think ami ta aet ; .f2!:
     also celesLial Angels ...                                                 ~ perceives that it is sa ; nor does he ever desire a
                                                                               proprmm, yetlîltfiongh he does not desire a proprium
          88. When a spiritual mau
                                                                               still a proprium is given him by the Lord~~l'
     called 'the work of Gad' ...
     -------------'                                                            Loin~with all~cep1ÎQ~ofwhat is ~ood ani!:!:.ue, ~d )
          89. "l'he nativities of the heavens and of the earth' ~ al1-nappiness •.. This ~prium is the veriest
     (ver.4)=the formatiolls of the celestial lIJall ...                       OelestiâIltsèlT . . .            -
          _ _ Co III the spiritual man, reformation begins from
                                                                                  159. The state of the celestial man is such that the
      the earth 01' extcrnal man; but here, where the celestial
                                                                               intemal man is distinct from the external, and ~
      man is treated of, it Legins from the inte1'1la.l man, or

      from Heayen.                                                             sa that he pereeives what thillgS are of the iutcrual Jl.llll
                                                                               what of the extç;'nal, and howthe external iS'"" ruled
          91. While the man is spiritual, the extel'llalman does "tIlrough the-iI;t-;;rnal by the Lord.
     not will ta obey anll serve the internai, wherefore there
                                                                                  162. Ail the lall"s of truth and right f10w from c~estÎlI.1


     is combat; but whe 1 he beeomes celestial, the external
                                                                               ~gs;-<ii. ~crom "the orcier of life of tlÎe celestial
     man begins ta obey and serve the internai, ~lerefQ!'e
   (                                                                           man, for the whOIë1Icavell is a celestial man, from the
     combat eeases, ana 'IUlefCTISnes. Si~
          -ç--                                                                 faet that the Lord alone is a celestial man, and is tllf;
          S!b The state of the celestial mal!....eEdowed l'it~lC all in each and ail things of Hcaycll and of the celestial
     ealm of ue:w.e, refreshed by the raili, and lleliyered from man; hence they are calicd celestial . .. 197.
     servitudetoel'il aud falsity, is described iiî E7.ek. xxxiv.
     :z:5:z6, 27, 31.                         --        ~ - -                     184. Then there appears a kind of shadiness of a
                                                                       1       celestial colour with stars ...
          98. "l'he garden in Ellen on the east' (l'el'. 8)=the                   186. This signifieS that the first life (of a resuscitated
     iutelligenee of the celestial man ~f1QWS in throngh
                                                                               persan) is celestial with what is spiritnal.
                                                                                  243. In the mo~t ancient celestial man, the sensual
          99. The life, 01' arder of life, of the celestial man, is things of the body were of such a eharactcr, that the)"
     tnit"the Lord f10ws in thrùn~e and the faithôf Vere eompliant ta and sen'ed their internai man, and
     TOve into his intellectual, rational, and scientifie things, beyonll this they did not care fol' them ...
     and as there is no combat, ~perceives that it is sa ; thns
                                                                                  276. The Celestial and Spiritnal in Heaven corre
     Q!!!er, which is still :nvcr~cd 1I1tl~ the spiritualm~, ~s sponds to bread on carth ...
/ [ restored wîtllfhe celesbal : tlllS oriler~s
                                                                                 310. Theil' first parents, who constituted the Most
     ~U]le garden in Ed®.....Q1l the ~t.' 'The garden
                                                                               Ancient Ch1ll'ch, were celesLial, thus celestial seeds
     Plantell by Jehoyah Gad in Eden on the cast' ... =the

                                                                               werc inseminated iuto them; hellcc their deseendant.~
     LOI'd's KingJom, and Beaven, in whieh the man is

                                                                               had in them sccd l'l'am a celestial origin ; seed l'l'am a
     placee! when he is made celestial ;,,!lis state then is that
                                                                               celestial origin is of such a llat1ll'e that lovêrules the
     he is in~lyeJl with the Angels, alïdis as it were one
     ~them...                             _.-                             ~    wlwlemiïl<caud-lllak~ue.Ex.                    ------
                                                                               ~-wïlÏle he was in this anxiety, he was translated
      -~ith (the prophet Isaiah) there eonstantly among celestial Spirits, who were l'rom the province of
     oecur two expressions for the same thing, of whieh one
                                                                               the heart ...
      =eelestial things, the other spiritual.
                                                                                 337". The celestial man, who is calicd 'the kil1g'S
          110. Sneh is the celestial man. Sig.                                 son' (Ps.lxxii. 1).
          II 7". In David, where the Lord is treated of, thns                       i31 'Fat' = the .Cel~stial itsel~, whieh. aIs? is of the
     the celestial man (!xxii. 7,10).                                            ONt' The Celestlal IS everythmg wlueh IS of .l.u:$l :
          121. The nature of celestial arder. , , may be evi,lent l'aith al;; is celestial when If lsf'rOlll laye; ehatit):J.
     from these 'ril'ers;' namely, from the Lord, "'ho is celestial; ail the gond of charity is celestial; ail of
     'the cast,' (proeeeds) wisdOIll, through wisllom intelli- which were represenWby the' fat;'-in the sacrifices ...
     gence, through intelligence reason, thus through reason                     _ _ 3. As there are celestial things of innumerable )
     the seientifics are Yivified which belong ta the memory ; genera, and of still "lOre inuumerable species, they are
     th isJî;...t.b.JLomIT..o.f..lifu...; sugWu:!!.,felesti al men ; II' hcre- desel'ibed generally in Deut.xxxii. 14.
     f;;;:e, as the eiders of Israel represented celestial men, (418) lu the formel' verse (Gen.iv,20), celestial things
     they are ealled 'wise, intelligent, and knowillg' (Deut. are-fi'eated of, whieh are of; in this (ver.21),
     i. 13, 15).                                                               spiritnal things, wlïie~(faith.    

          123. The celest.ial man acknowle<!g::~, becanse he~.                   - - . The 'tlleetiQll of the heart is celestial, the sing- 1
     ceive.', that each alld cverYffiiug are from the Lord ...                 ing theuee is spiritual.                                     J.
Celestial                           502                         Celestial
        _ _ 2 The angelic choirs are of two kinds, celestial     who has pcrceetioll from the Lonl ; into him particnlars,·
    and spiritual ... The most ancient people referred what and the singulars of particnlars, ean be insinuated.
    is celestial to the province of the heart, and what is Examp.
    spiritual to that of the lungs.                                 8802• 'l'he Natural is the receptacle Vhieh receives ...
        [A.] 449. 011 heavenly joy. Gen. art.                    the Spiritual; and the Spiritual is the reccptacle whieh
        459. Spirits, angelic Spirits, and Angels, are ail dis· recei "cs ... the Celestial ; thns throngh celestial things
    tinguished into the celestial and the spiritual; the lire froIU the Lord. Snch is the influx. The Celestial
    celestial are they who, through lovc, have received faith is ail the good of fllith ; with the spiritual man it is the
    fl-:om the Lord ... The spiritu are they who, throngh good of charity ... The Spiritual <loes not live, exeept  
    Knowledges of faith, have received charity from the Lorù, t'rom the Celestial, whieh is from the Lord.                   .JU)
                                                                   1Id' 3
    from which, wheu received, theyact. 1525. 1997. 2069.           933 • Celestial and corporeal things can never be
        5 Il. '1'0 kllow truth from cyood is celestial ...       toge th el' with man, for man's will is utterly destroyed
        5302. Remains are like some celestial star .•.           . .. Such is the condition of man, th ~L!llld
                                                                 spiritual things in him cannot be tocyej;ll~llli-h,is
        549. The heavenly forro . .. .1394°.
                    cor~'eaCând _wOî:ÎçI y ôiiCs, but they take their turns.
        - - . Helice it is thatheavenly happiness is ineffablc,
 Sig. and Ex.
        590°. The Spiritnal of the Lord's mcrcy is wisdom,          978 2• With evcry man there is a Celestial and 'a
    the Ql;!.estial is love.                                     Spiritual, which cOlTespond to the angelic Heaven; a
       59 The celestial have p~n, the spiritual                   rational, whieh cOlTespouds to the Heaven of angelic
    conSClCnce ; the Most Ancient ~ was celestial, t le           Spirits; and an interiOi' Scnsnal, which corresponds to
    Ancien t spiritual.                                           the Heaven of Spirits ... the celestial and spiritual
      5982. '.àferc;y' is applied to those who are celestinl,     things form the interualman ...
   but' graee to those who arc spiri tuaI; for the- ce estial    9812. The celestial do not speak of ~ce, but .~y;
   do not ackllowledge anything butii1Crcy, and the spiritual but spiritual men do not speak of I~CY, 1>nt ~e; thc
  seal'cely allything but gracc; thc celestial do not know reason is that the celestial aekn wiedgc.J.h!!l; tl hllman
} ~'hat grace is, the spiritual scarcely know what merey !:ace is nothing but lUth, and in itself, excremcntitious ­
   IS . . .                                                   alld infernal ... Il,<;1 ~ '2:--      --         ~
     633. 'Wheu meu become c~al, it appears as if the                 1001 2• The celestial things which t!l.!L..-!:~~
  will of gooù and understanding of truth were in thern ; ~~_~n receives from the Lord are celestial
  but the are of the Lord aloue, which thcyalsu know, spiritual things.
J';ü;knowlcd """è;'"a'n   erCe1ve . ..    iEh evel'y man, and         _ _ 4. With the spiritnal man there does not exist
  Wl    cvery Angel, even the most celestial, the proprium what is celelltial, because charity is implauted in his
  is nothing but what is false and evil ...                       intcllectual part, but what is ce:estial spiritual.
     680. It is plain that ",hat l'l'CCCdes and what follows          1005. lu the genuine sense, 'bto~=what is celestial
  involves celestial anll spiritnal things ... The Word of and, relatively to the regenerate spiritual man, charity,
  the Lord is celestial and spiritual.                           which is his celestiaI.
     775 2• The origin of ail thÏllgs is thus eircurostaneed ;        104 4 With the celestial man the clouds are not So
  eaeh and ail things are from the Lord; what is celestial great, becallsc I~as love to thc..L~, wllichj.sjm.p~
  is froln Him ; through what is celestial from Him thcre in his yolllntary art, and therefore he does not reccive
  comes forth what is spiritual; through what is spiritual, ~cience, as the spiritual man does, but thll.-P-.!;:c*
  what is uat1ll'al ; throllgh what is natural, what is cor· of good and thcnce of truth from the Lord. Wheu m. 's
  l)Qreal ancl sensnal . .. 1055. 10962.                         Voluntary is oI such a naturctJïiït it is able ~eeeive
     776'. 'A trec offruit' (Ps.cxl viii. ) = the celestial man; the rays of flame, his Intellectnal is enlightened,
   'a ccdar,'tlïë spirihlàl Ulan ~ .       --- ----­             _l!:-nd, ~ love, ho knows and percelvcs al thingswl;iCh
     793. There arc expressions peeuliar to spiritual things, aro t1'llths ~aith :-:.
                                                                      _ _ 0. This is the reason whY-!.h0»telle_ç~U!L.!!l.!:t~n
  and others l'ecu liaI' to celestial things; or what is the
  salnc thing, to intellcctual thillg.l aUli to vo}untary ncver be enlightened with the !!piritual man, as i c8.n)
  th.U1J,'S. Examp.                                              wLt.h-th celestial.E!an ...
     805  3. After thcse times inward brcathing ccased, and           10532. In Heaven there is celestial light, and there is
  with it commnnication with Hcaveu, t!~~estial per­ spiritnallight; celestiallicyllt, to speak comparativcly,
                                                                 ~ ~ n ; but spiritual light is Uke
  ce-é~n; ~!Ld_ out~arù IJreathin~ suc~eeded; and as
  communication with Heaven had ccased, the men of the the light of the moon ... It is the sarne Vith the colours.
    Ancient Church eould no longer be celestial men, as the          1071. What is celestial is of the will, what is spiritual
    ruost aneients conld, but spiritual.                          is of the understanding . .. 1203:­
      8472 • There are many kinds of temptations ; in general
    then are celestial, spiritual, and natural ones.; celestial
                                                                     1073. Spiritual.thiugs, r,:latively to_celestial ones, are
                                                                  Ii'c le body which eloth,,~.thE< sonl,_or lik~ the garmen
    tom tations can onl exist with those who arc i~               whieh clo-the the body. . .                     --­
l   ~ , spiritual ones with those who arc 111 c arity
    towllrds the neighbollr ... Ex.
                                                                    10963. The Celestfat ~ to the Lord and towards
                                                                  the ueighbour ; wherc tIiëfelS no J.2r.e, tho coupling is        J
      8652. It is entirely dinerent Vith the celestial man,      bro~n and the Lord lS not l'eseut, Who 0'iiÎv flows iD. JI
Celestial                              503                         Celestial

   .through.,,:hat isc~tll!J, thl1L~~ronQh19ve. When                      1'ji2. Ali pereeptJ2n is from celestial ~gg ..•
    t~stial does not exist, neither can the Spiritna:!, Everyone reccil'cs ~on from thc Lord- wheu 1,10'
    becanse ~ the SDiritnal is throu~the Celestial, from cames ta celestial things .. :-They w~ becollle spiritnal
{ the Lor '"                                                         Illcn, tllat is, l'ho reccive charity from thc Lord, have
   ---;;;;: Cel~en are here callcd 't~ something analogons ta perception, or a. dietate of c~n­
    JèlÎovah' (Is.lxi, 6); spiritual ones, 'thc millisters of Gad.' SCience, nlore or less c!ear, as they are III the celestlal
       -                                     - -     -     --        things of charity ...
II J     1118°. As they were celestial men, whatever t~y
    tlionght shane ont from their faces and eyéS. . .
                                                                                  _ .                .                   .
                                                                          1443· 'I he mtellectual thlll~ of the celestJal ma~1 are
      __           -_ --                       -­                    comparûù ta a garden of ail klllûs 01 trees; the rlibollal
         1155· 'The SOIlS of Gomcr' (Gcn. >.:·3) reinte ta the c1ass thillO'S, ta a forcst of eedars and sintilar trees' the
    of thÏl~gs, anù :the sons of, Jal:a~l,' ta tl~e cl~s scielrtilic thiugs ta oakgl'oves. . .                      '
    G~ celes~al tlungs... fhe class 01 ~pll'lt.l.tal tlungs .IS          1447. That thosc who Voulù have faith in Him shollid
   dlstlngulshed from the c1ass of celesttal tllI,"gS by tllls, bc ellllowcd with celestial things,Sig.
    that tbe former have rcgard ta truths of falth, and the                                 . . '
   latter ta goods of faith, which are of charity.                        1450. Thc ce~tlal tlllllgs of I~e are love. tOl'ards
                       ,                .                    1 t' 1 Jehovah, and love tOl'arùs the ncighbour, and, 1Il thcse,
         ~203. 'Reth (vcr.15)= extenorKnowledgesofce es la inuoccllce itself ... The~tialthings arc insinuatcd
    tlllUQS. Ex:                      . .                    . .     illfO mau cspécially innis state of infancy cven to child­
        - . Wtth the Prophets, It IS custamary for spll'ltual hood and in fact without hnowiedO'cs fol' they f10w in
   and celestial things ta bc conjoined together, that .i~, from' tlIC Lord . .'.                             " ,
   whcn spit'itual things arc treated of, so also are celestlal                                                  .     .
   ones; thc reas(Jn being that the one is l'rom the othcr;             .1451., The advan.ce~'ent of t~e celestl~l thmgs of lo,~'e,
   anù there is no perfection unless thcy are conjoincrl. Sl~.                  A ~u = .what tS celestlal: .. Celesttal
      8 6" Rer                                                       thmgs are msmuated mto man both wlthout Kllow­
    1 2 '2                d 1 b I t ' 1 tl .                        ledges, and with Knowledges; celestial thiugs without
      .13 61 . S cep an       am s. ~'epresent ·ce es ta     IIngs; Knowleùges fl'om infaucy to chilùhood, but celestial
   Pt"O'cons amI tUl'tledoves, spll'ltual ones . . .                 tl' . Wl'th K no,," 1 d gcs fl'Oln Ch'ldh 00 ù a ft erwal'ù S t 0
                                                                        BUgs                 e              1
         1404. 'Abram· ... specjfically, represcntillc celestial adult aO'e ...
   I!lDoV j'Isaac,' the spiritual man; 'Jacob,' the natural              1453~ It is one thing to be ill..celestial things, and
   man. 140<;3.                                                      anotlicr ta be in the Kllowlcdgesof celestial things. Ex..
         1414°. With Hj!!,~ne Vas there a most perfect corre·           __ 2. 'Vhile a mau IS Iîemg-Tegcneratcd, he is iutro­
   ~~ll.Jhings of thc ~ody witl: t~,~Divine . :. duced by llleans of the Knowledges of spiï'itual aud
   hence the milan of corpor~al tlll~lgS w~~ D~l~~ celestInl celestial things; but ~en he is regenerawù, he has then
    on es, aud of sensuous thlllgS wlth Dlvme spll'ltual gnes oéCn Intl'oduced, and is in the celeilial and spiritual
             1428 .                                                  things of Knowledges. ­
         1416. ~l t~le supreme se.nse, the Lûr~ ~imself is 'the         1458c. luto Knowledges, as into their vesscls, celestial
    gl'cat uatlOn, because He IS the Celestral Itself. . .           things inflow. 1461.
         1434°. This scnsnous truth is 'not insinuated, e~t               1460. The Lorù was barn as another man, and in­
   ~l.. the cele_s.tiaLl]!!1n j and as the Lorù alone 'l'as structed as another, but the intcriors with Him l'ere
   a celestial man, these aud the Iike sensnons truths were celestial, which aùapted the vessels to receive Knoll"
   insinuated into Hi~ in His e~rlics~ ehilllhood; thus was Icdges ...
    He 1'l'e1'arcd ta recell'e celestlal tlllngs.                         146 4. As the Lord was ta be instructeù in celestial
         1435. 'VI~erefore seientifics are thc vessels of spiritual things, before Hc was iustructed in spiritual ones, diller­
    things, and" affec~'oill the goo(!.e eutly from othcr men ...
1[ hodi are vessels of.$elesti~l things./'                               1469. The l'Cason it is ealled truth aùjoined to celestial
         1438. 'They came into the Land ofC&.naan' (Gen.xii. things, is that ail truth was with the Lord bcforc, fol'
    s)=that the Lord arrivcd at the celestial things of lovc. the C.elestial ba.s tl'llth with it ... Thcsc vessels (that is,
 (r...     The-celeslial~ love are the esscntial thin s ~ifics) were ta be formet! by the Lord, or rather
    themselvcs; a.!~~ conlël1îèfëfrolfi ; e l'as lirst opened, by means of instruction in Knowledgcs from thc
    of ail imbued with these, for ail things were afterwards Word, not only that celestial things might be insinuated
    thence madc fruitfnl as from thcir sced j the very secd into them, but that they also lllight become celestial,
    was thc Celestial itsclf, beeanse Hc was born from and thus Dil'ine ...
    Jehovah; hcnce He alone had this sced iu Rim . . .                    1470. Celestial hal'.piness and dcligh.t-~r~,
         1440. The Lord's second sta~e, ":hcn thc celest~al spiritual happincss and delight are of tl'uth.
    tl,inO's of love allllcal'cù ta Hlm,Slg... ln ---:-­
           "                    .                          celesttal      1472., en t i l t ' 1 K now'1 ed ges ...
                                                                                 ''h     lCY see ce es la
    thiugs the~ iLfue..xcl:y_ligh t of th~l, becausc m t h e m ,                                                           .     .

( tTlcrels thc Divine itse1f that is, Jehovah Himscll ;and 1 1474· 1 hat .they "'onld not care fol' celestIal thlllgS,

    as the Lord conjoined' th;-IIüîïlaïïesSëï'iëëvith the but for mere Knowleolges,Slg.
    Divine when He arrivcd at celestial things, it coulù not              1475. Knowleùgc is of such a charactcr, that it desircs
    be otherwisc than that Jchovah Rimself shoulù appear uothing more than ta introùucc itself iuto celestial
    to Him.                                                           things and iuvcstigate thelll, but this is contrary to
         1441. 'Shcehelll' (Gen.xii.6)=the first appearauce of order, for thus it does 'iolence to celestial things. 'D!..!J
    celestial things. Ex.                                             l'cal order is for the Celestial through ~h~ Spiritual, ta
Celestial                               504                         Celestial
      introdnce itself into the Rational, and thus into the                   '500. Un profitable things leave c~ial ones, as vain
      Scientific, and adapt it to itself.                                  things leave w' dom.
         [A.] '476. That thns the Celestial might not have vio­               '502e. Rosides the deep arcana concerning the Lord,
      lence done to it,Sig... The order is for the Celestial to            theso things involve areana concerning the in~trncti.?"
      intlow into the Spiritual, the Spil'itual into the Rational,         anù rcgeneratiou of man, in                 to his becoming
      and this into thc Scientific. When this order exists, the            celestial . . .         ­
      Spiritual is adapted by the Celestial, the Rational by the              '525e. The celestial are they who are in thc ~
      Spiritual, and the Scientitic hy this ... When this order            " od the spiritual are they who are in the loyo of tl'llth.
      exists, the Celestial cannot have violence done to it;                  '529. In proportion to the Celestial and Spiritual with
      otherwise it has.                                                    the Angels thoy have Iight, and accordillg to the qnalitJ,
         '477. That thus the Celestial may be saved,Sig.                   of the Celestial and Spiritual is tha~ of tho light; thus
      'So l' = the Celcstial, for this is t     'y.    because             the very Celestial and Spiritual of the Lord manifests
      it is the very life ... Celestial or Di vine things wcre             itself through light before their outward sight.
      uotso adjoinedto the ~as to a.ct as one essence,                        '530e. As the Celestial and Spiritual of thc Lord
      before He had undergone temptations.                                 appoars before the sight of the Augels as a Sun and
         '480'. Celestial food is ail the good of love and of              Moon, 'the sun' iu the Vord, = what is celestial; and
      charity l'rom the Lord ..•                                           'the moon,' what is spiritual.               ­
        '489. For the sake of truth to be adjoined to the                     '542. There are two things Vith man which Drevent
      Celeatial, Sig.                                                      his becoming ceJestial; one pOl'taining to the iutêÏ tù:d,
          1493. That He ought to have no other truth than that             the other to the volunt.ary part; the formel' ls the nn­
      which might be conjoined Vith the Celestial,Sig.                    profitablo scientifics wJiich he dl'a",s in during childhood
                                                                           and youth, the latter is the leasures anel cupiclities ')
          1495. When the Lord imbibed scicntifies as a child,
                                                                           which he favours.       hes are hat hinder IS al'I'lvingl
      He arlrst knew no otherwise than that the scientifics
                                                                           at celestial things. These are first to be dispel'scd, and
       wcrc solely on !Ccount of the intclleetual man, or that
                                                                           then first cau 1iê be admitteel into the light oÏ celestial
       He might know truths by their means, but it WolS al'ter­
                                                                           things, and at last into celestiallight.
       wards di.>covered that they wcrc for the sake of arriving
      at celestial things. This took place lest celestial things             'S45. :Man has his being l'rom thc things ho has in
      3hould have violencc done to them ... 'Vhen a man is                 him, but the Lord (had His) l'rom celestial things, for
       ~.eing instructed, the order of progression is l'rom s~ti­          He alono was celestial so as to bo the Celestial itself;
      fics to rational tru ths, then to ÏI~ect!lal trllths, and at         wheroforo by 'Abram,' and still 11101'0 b 'Abraham,' are
      last t celestial . hs which are here signified b a                   s~gnified ~elestial things.                      ----­
      wife.' If we proceed l'rom scientifics and rational truths to          15Vln proportion as a man indulges in the pleasmes
           estial truths without intellectual truths as media, the         w IÏch originate in cnpidities, he is withdrawn l'rom the
      Celestial has violence done to it, because there is no               celestial thin which a"e of love and charity, for there
      connexion of ratioual truths, which are frolu scientifics,           is iu them Iovo l'rom SQ.---!lE_.-IQ!!!_~,!orIl, witil which
       Vith celestial tl'llths, exccpt by lucans of intellectllal         celestiallove cannot agreo.       It there are othol' PleaSmeS]r
      truths, whicharcthcmcdia... Theorderis l'orthe Celestial             which entirely agree with celestial tlllngs, and~: in
       to inflow into the Spiritual and adapt it to itself, for thll       OIitwal'd appcarance are similllr to ï>~ Rut the J
       SpiritIlIll thus to iutlow iuto the Rational and adapt it tù        j)îcasurcs whieh origiuate in CUPlt itIes a.l'O to be curhed
       itsclf, for the Rational thus to inflow iuto the Scientitic         and wiped orr, because they close up the approach flJr
       and adapt it to itself. And thcrc is rcally sueh an order           celestial things, Sig.
       when a man is Lcing instrueted in his earliest ehilllhood,             '548. 'Towards the south' (Gen.xiii. ')=i:lto celestial
       but it otherwisc, namely, that he advances l'rom           light... There are two states l'rom which there is celestial
       scientifies to rational things, l'rom these to spiritual, J!!ll.l   light; the first is that iuto which man is introllnced
        thus at last to eele!!,tjal ~~s. The rcason it so appears,         from infancy; for it is knowll that Iittle obilcll'cn are in
       is that the Vay may be openca for eelestial'           , 'eh       innocence amI the goods of love, which are celes[lal
         re'n st.'Uction lS ~el the opMwg~a                          things ... The othor stato is that ho is intl'oclneed ü,to
J       way, and as the Vay is oneued ... so do they
                                                              ow, in
                       celest!al spiritual things, rational thing;l;
     J in 0 these, eelestial spiritual things; and into these,
                                                                           spiritual aud celestial things by lIIeans of Knowleàgc~,
                                                                            which onght to be implantcd in tho ceiestial things
                                                                           conferred l'rom infaney. 'Vith the Lord, these were lm­
       celestial things. 1496e.                                            planted in His fi l'st celestial thillgs; and henre He had
           I~ Regarded in itself, the trut!l_whic~d                        the light which is hel'e callet! 'tbe south.'
        fro.!!!-Q!lililhQQd is nothing_bn!..J!:..Jit ve~sel iuto w!0:h        '554. From His cadicst infancy, according to al!
        the Celestial can insinuate itsélf. Trnth lïasïiô liTel'rom        Divine order, the Lord advtLnced towards celestial things,
        itself, but it has life l'rom the Celestial which flows iu.        aud into celes.-t.iM.J;)1.Î..!!gs, Sig.
        Tho Celestialis love and oharity, aud ail truth is thenee             '555". T.h.!Llyjll in man is fOl'meel by the Lorù l'l'am
       derivecl.                                                           inf>1ncy to childhood, which is. e~ by tl~tion '(
           '49 . Wheu celestial things are oonjoinod with in·              ~ccnce, a~c~arity towa~ds par!l!!ts, nurocs,
        tellectual tM s. an -tTiëse becomo celcstial-,~ 1 -:0­            lli,tllJ.S:!lÎl~~~I~,age, an. Ly many things of
      ..             . gs ar~-Ùi);slp"tcd..Qf..the.!llselves. Th'L9~tial   which man is ignorant, ~L(Ü!.2!:!'..~~l)."O-S.
)       has this [power] in it.                                                 'ss t1Jese ~lestial_tlungs were first insinuatec1 into
Celestial                               505                          Celestial

    man while he is an infant and a child, he couId never             what is the same thing, in the celestial things which
    become mau. Thns is formcd the tirst plane.                       are of love, that is, iu celeâUânüve, J chovah is presen t ...
       _ _ 3. Wldle he is beiug regeueratecJ, tl'llths and goods      --=--=3. -rntOthe Lord's K~owled~es, as into receptacles,
    are implante<l by the Lorù by mealls of Kuowletlge~               eelestial things were continually being insinuated, so
 1hl~celestial thiu.~ with whieh he I~atl. ~eel.~I~we'~ lly          that the Knowledges Vere constantly malle vessels
Il  the_~:om 1~lancy, so tlJat Ins mtellectuaItlungs                  !'ecipient of celestial things; and they themselvcs were
                                                                      0.150 made celestial. Thus did He eontinually aùvance
  1 make one with the celestial thiugs.

       1556. [The Lord's advance] to the celestial thiugs             towards the celestial things of infancy. FQr cel_C8tiIl.IJ. )
    which He had before He was imbne,l with knowledges                ~....§!.~~e__~ve, are insinnate<i froJlU!l~t
    ami Knowledges,Sig.                                               ll1fancyeve)] to clnldhood, and el'en to adolescence, as .
                                                                      the man, then and allerwards, is being imbued Vith
       1557. 'Retween Bethel and Ai' (Gen.xiii.]) = the               knowledges and Kuowledges. I~J!2.a}0!L~a
    celestial things of Knowledges antl the worldly oues.             c~racter that he can be regenerated, these knowledges
       _ _ 3. The holiness of ignorance ... especially consists
                                                                      and Knowleùges arelii1i1led with cele~tialJ;]Yllg~which
    iu his makiug little of scieutific and intellectnal things        are of love &nd charity, and 50 are implanted in the
    rclatively to cJililstial thiuh'S, 01' those which are of the     celestial thin~s with .i·hich he had been endowed from
    uIl<lcrstanding relatively to those which are of life ...         infancy to childhood, and thus is the extel'llal conjoined
    The Lord now lirst alTi vetl at that celestial state, such        with the internai man. They are tirst implallted iu the
    as Htl had wh en a chilJ, in which state worldly things           celestial things with ",hich he was endowed dllring
    also are preseut; thcuee He aÙl"ll.need into a state still        adolescence, then in those with which he '<l.s endo'etl
    more celestial, and at last in to Jh'LC-eleJltial stat..LQf       during childhood, and at)ast in t~e,}'ith ~1.lÎch J!e )                1
    i~, in which He fully conjoiued the Human essence                 was endowed during-lïifancY...-This implantation is
    Vith thc Divine.                                                 èH"éCted by the Lora aloJïe," w herefore uothi~estial
        1561. When what is true and good is conjoined by              exists with man.o.-nor can exist, which ,is not from the
   llleans of Knowledges with the former Celestial, its               LQ1'lI, and ",hich is not the Lord's. Rut the Lord', of
   activity is thus tlescrihe,1 ; worship itself is nothing bnt       His own power, eonjoined His extel'llal man with the
   a ccrblin activity coming forth Ti'oIÎl the Celestial WllTéh       intel'llal, and infilled the Knowledges with celestial
   i~n ; the Cele'tia.! i~!L~al! lleYeLe~ without                     things, aud implanted them in celestial things, and this
   ll.:JY..2!lvc, and worship is the tirst active ..•                 accordiug to Di vine order ; tirst in the eelestial things '
        15682. With 0.11 things that stream out from the love         of childhood,"" then in the celestial things of th!ê_~e
   of self anù from the love of the world ... celestial               between -clÜ!!!l.!Qoo a,nd infa~lci and at last in the
   tlJings, which are of lovc to the Lord aud of love towards         c~iaLthiugs_ofliisinfilllcy.?
   the ucighbour, cannot agrce, for these reg<l.rd the Lord               __o. As the Lord implantcd Kuo",ledges in eelestial
   as an cnd ...                                                      things, ~o He had perçcption. Sig.
        1572. By celestial things, which are 'the shepherds               1624. Ali the visible colours in the other Iife represcnt
   of AhrahaIu's cattle,' are me:lnt .~ings in                        what is celestial and spiritual. Ex.
   worslJip, which are of thc internai man; aud by 'the                    1659c. The Word ... is heavenly, not earthly.
   shepherds of Lofs cattle' are meant the sensuous things                 17022. The Celestial is distinct from the N atural, and
   which are in worship, which are of the extemal m<l.n ; still more from the Corporeal, and l!nless there is a
   allli which ,10 not agree with the celestial things of the mediuIll through which there is coml1luuication, the
   worship of the iutcl'llal man.                                       l1elestial can never opemte into the Natura!, and still
        1577. There are two tbings in the internai man, less into the Corporeal ...
   l1Il.mely, the Celestial and the Spiritual, which two con­               17073. The in/lux from the internai into the interiOl'
   stitutc one when the Spil"itnal is fl'Om the Celestial ... or midde man, aud so into the exterior man, is twofoll! ;
        _ _ 3. The internai man is saitl to be uuited to the            being either through celestial things, or tiuùugh spiritual
   external, wh en the f'elestial Spiritual of the iutel'llul things ; or, what is the samc thing, being either thl'Ough
    man inltows into the Natural of the extern<l.l, <l.1ll1 causes goods, or through truths; t~~~.?-~l.!!~ings,~.) 1
    then. to act as one; hence the N a.tural ,tlso hecomes "ooos, it /lo",s in only with regenerate men, who are
   celestinl ami spiritnal, buta 10werCeiestiai and Spiritual; ~ved either with QQrception, or ",ith cou.,eiellce;
    01" what is t.he same thillg, tl~ extel'll<l.1 m<l.n also becol1l~s t!lùsï"F /lo's in through eithe-;: perception 01' couscieuce ;
!  e~~L2n!'LsDiritual, but an exterior Celestial aud wherefore influx throug!J celestial thiugs has no exist·
l~I~I ...                                                                ence except witiï1hose wh-;;-are iu love to the Lord aud
        ___ o. As in the in te l'Ila man there are t'O things, iu charity tow<I.l'ds the neighbour; but thl'ough spil'itnal
    nalllely, the Celeitial am! the Spiritual, whieh constitute things, 01' truths, the Lord 110ws iu with evcry mau ...
    a one, so also it is in the extel'llal llJan; his CelEstial is 'Vhen a mau is of such a charaete' as to pervcrt goocls
    c<l.llelluatuml good, and his Spiritual, natura! truth ... and tl'llths, and wheu he cares notlling fol' celestial und
        161]. 'Accordillg to its length <I.!HI according to its spiritual things, there is no in/ll.x of celestial things, or 1
    brea<lth' = ",hat is ,elestial and spiritual, or, ",hat is the of goods, but the way fol' celestial things and goods is}
    sa me, goocJ <l.lll[ truth.                                          closed; but still there is an influx of spiritual things, 01'
        16162. Conjunction with celestial things gives ~'cep, ol'truths ... 1725.
     tion, for in the celeBtial things ",l~are of ove to                    1725. 'Melchizedek' = the celest,ial things of the

 ."J"elî'oy.l!h.. there is ~y life or the intcl'Ilal mau; 01', interior lllaiiiTfJitIie Lord.
[(                                                                                                                                       (
Celestial                             506                            Celestial
      [A.] 1727. 'Bronght forth ùread' = celestial things,         man, who reeeives perception; there is a certain tl'l1th
   and the refl'eshment thencc ... In the Ancicnt Church,          adjoined to good wh~tes; anù afterwarùs there is
   br.eaJ.l 'as·e of all celestial...t.l!Ëlgs ...   ~el fmm whieh or by meaus ofwhieh.~h is perceived.
      1732°. 'Vhen there is a communication of celestial               1909°. If he has the crooll Lt~our, 
   things, the intcrior man is called ':lelchizedek;' but          the common good, the Lonl's KingdolO, cspecially the
   wh en there is a communication of spiritual things, it is        Lord Himself, he may know that he is h~venJY.                1
  called 'Abram the Hebrew.' 1741°.                                    191,6. A celestial man has pe~ from, the Lord'
      1759. The speech of celestial Spirits cannot casily          of what is good an l'I1e.                           '
  infiow into articulate sounds or words with man, for it             1928. (Truths) first receive life wheo the form is alike
  cannot be applied to any word in which thcre is auy              on both sides, or when the little heaven of man is a
  harshness of sound, or in which there is a doubling of           eorresponding image of the grand Heavell; before this,
  the harder consonants, or in which there is any idea
                                                                   no one can be called a h~~u.
  from what is scicntific; wherefore they rarely infiow
  into speech otherwise than throngh affections ...                   1937 6 • The Lord wills to communieate to everlooe
                                                                   whnt jy Biy t1HJ,J "'1:lat iY celestial, so th'at it should'
    1772°. From an earthly paradise to sce a heavenly              app.ear as hi;. . .                ­
                                                                      19972 TIle afl'e.ctioll o8;onel caIU>,Jly_be..p1:L~f
   1774". Heavenly ornaments ...                                   the eelestial i1lan, but the affection of truth of the
    1775. (Nccessity of there being) heavenly truths for           spiritual man ..--'
 the instrnction of man, because he is born for heavenly              2023". They who have the_Lor~~ cel~al
 things, anù after death ought to come among the                   meo, but they who have lo'e towards the lleighbour, or
 celestials.                                                       charity, arc spiritual. 20482. 2088 2•
      i783°. He who is in heavenly wisdom ..
                         2027. Dy self·love ... they destroy that which is
      18072. The heavenly things th us represen tcd .
             celestial, uamelY,~!..!.2ve...
      18232. Celestial thillgs are signified by animaIs, and
         2034". After ail the Celestial with man had perislIed,
  spiritual things by birds.                                       that is, ail love to God ...
      1824. 'A cow-calf' (Geu.xv.9)=those tllings whieh               2054°. The celestial are Iike the lIeart, the spiritnal
  are reprcsentative of exterior celestial things; 'a she·         arc like the lungs.
  goat,' thosc whieh arc representative of intcrior celestial         2069". Divine ood can flow in ooly with the celes.', 1
  things; anù 'a l'am,' those things whieh are repre·              tial man, because it inflllvs ioto his . II l'Y l)art
  scntativc of celestia.1 spHtual things . . . Exterior
  celestia.l things are those of the extel'llal man, illteriOl'
                                                                   ... Bùt Divine trnth inflows with the spiritual man,                  J
                                                                   becanse solely into his intellectnalllart, whichJ.n...!W:n is
  celestial things are those of the internaI man, celestial        separated from his voluntary part. Or, what is the
  spiritnal things are those which arc thence derived.             same thing, celestial good inflows Vith the celestial
  The Celestial itself is love to the Lord and love towarns        man, and spiritual good with the spiritual man ...
  the neighbnur; this Celestial flows in from the Lord,
                                                                      2078. There are two kinds of meu within the Church,
  amI in faet through the internai man into the external ;
                                                                   namely, the spiritual aod the celestial ; the spiritnal
  in the interiOi' man it is called the interior Celestia'!; in
                                                                   become ratio~om truth, the celestial from good.
  the cxterior, the exterior Celestial. The exterior Celestia.l
  is every affection of gooù, nay, it is also every plca.sure         2085. By'seed' re here signified those who ha'e the
  ,-,,!!i~fï is l'fOin an arre~ion of good; in proportion as the   faith of love, fhat is, 10 e t    le Lord hus.-th~l,
  g9Q(L~o'é and" of charity is in th!. affection cLgood           or those who arc of the Celestial Church, fol' the seed of
  and the plea.slÜ'e thence ùerived, it is celestial, and itis     I~e treate of.                  ­
  hal'PY' Bnt the Celestial Spiritual is ever)' affection of          20882, The celestial are they who arc in the affection
   trnth in whieh is affection of good ...                         of good from       d, but thc spiritual are they who are in
(     1831 ParallelislIl aud corres oudence as ta celestial        the atfection of good from trnth. In the be innino- aIL
   thinf;il, (but not so as to spiritual tlllngs. ig. 1832.        were eelestial, becalIse iulOVë to the Lord; henee they
  (See below, 3514.)                                               r;;-eived r.eree tion, ly-;'hicfl they P"l'cci'ed what is
      1866. ''1'0 the river of Eg)'pt'=thc cxtension of            good, not from truth, but.l!,um thQJ~freetion otgQod ...
  spiritual thiugs; 'to the river Euphrates' = the extension           20<)43• The celestial (in Heaven) regard (the thiugs in }
  of celestial things.                                             the internaI ~the Worel) from gQQ.d, that the case
      18792. l was then introùuced into a certain celestial
  state. Des.
                                                                                  -               -- --           ---
                                                                   is so; bot the spiritual (regard them) l'rom truth ...
                                                                       2114. .' os boro in the house' (Gen.xvii.27)=thel

      1880. The light of Heaven, or heavenly Iight ...             celestial; 'those bought with sil ver,' the spiritua ... .A •
                                                                     'ho_constitÜtë the Cfliiï-C 1 are eit 1er ce estial or spiritual J ...
   1894. The vcr' being (rom whieh n 0 is, is Divine,
 con' , l ' 's ce estia n s u·itual; witllont nIe                      21354. 'Judah'=          e lestial; 'Israel,' the sl'iritual,
 Divine Celestial and Spll'itual lerc is IlOthillgÎl'lïîÏlaÏl      in Heaven and earth.
 with man ... T I ~ a L ~ l l1StJïat                                   2137. That His Human would approach uearer to the
  e O'CS the Lord, aud that he loves the neighbour ...            Divine by puttillg on the eelestial, treateù of.
   1898. There is somewhat similar with the eelestial                  21442. "Then man was no longer in celestill.l ideas,
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J.f.potts the swedenborgconcordance-vol1-atoc-pp500-553-celestial-swedenborgsociety-1888-rep1957

  • 2. PrinLed in Great Britain by The OaJnpfield Poo,s, St. Alba""
  • 3. 1 N TRO DU CTI 0 N. • THE purpose of this CONCORDANCE is to make the Theological W ritings of Emanuel Swedenborg more accessible in an theil' fulness to every reader and student of them, whether learned or unlearned. .A t present no one can feel sure that he knows or can find everything that is contained in the Writings on any given subject. And eyen when we are sure of the existence of sorne passage that we desire to find, how often, having none but the existing works of reference to aid us, are we overwhehned and deterred from making an investigation by the dreary prospect of a search through from forty to fifty volumes of compact matter! A reader's attention may also be arrested by sorne statement which appears to be at variance with OHe or more other statements he has met with elsewhere in the Writings. Yet he has frequently no means of referring back; and even if he should find the passage or passages he remembers to have read, the apparent discrepancy lllay after all be explicable only by reference to another passage, which forms the connecting link, but on which he cannot lay his hands, and of the very existence of which he may indeed be ignorant. The CONCORDANCE '1'0 SWEDENBORG now offered to the Church is the result of between thirteen and fourteen years of labour, * and claims to be exhaustive and complete. Every theological work of Swedenborg has been gone over twice, word hy word. The works not published by Swedenborg hirnself, such as the Apocalypse Explained, the Spiritual Diary, and the Adver'saria, as well as the shorter treatises, have an been included within the scope of the CONCORDANCE. So have the srnall treatises and fragments of a theological nature of which Swedenborg was the author, and which have recently been published in the work entitled Documents concerning Swedenborg, by Professor R. L. Tafel, M.A. A new translation has been made of the whole of the matter in the CON- CORDANCE. Unity of style and system is thus rnaintained throughout. In making this translation two principal objects have been kept steadily in view. The first is reverent fidelity to the original. The second is the Queen's English. In aU cases, however, the artieles in the CONCORDANCE have been if. This period is exclusive of the time occupied in making a clean and revised copy, and in Beeing the Work through the press, which will probably be abollt eight years more.
  • 4. VI INTRODUCTION. based upon the original Latin words, so that no changes in the translation would affect the matter they contain. For example, aH passages containing in the original the word coelestis have been arranged in regular and consecu­ tive order under one heading, whether that word in the passages placed under that general head be translated celestial or heavenly. And so, on the other hand, in cases where one English word has to do dutY for two or more Latin ones, as in the case of the word man, the passages have been distributed into two articles, Man-homo, and Man-viT, according to the occurrence of the two Latin words in question. Therefore, while the CONCORDANCE is aH in English, it is at the same time based upon the Latin of the original Writings. The passages of the Word quoted in the extracts consist strictly of translations frorn the Latin of Swedenborg. The original Hebrew and Greek of the Scriptures have IlOt been regarded, except to determine the precise sense in which Swedenborg has used his Latin tenns. It has been considered to be no part of the business of this W ork to fnrnish any translations of passages from the W·ord, except those made by Swedenborg himself rendered literally into English. The English Versions of the Scriptures have therefore also been disregarded whenever they could not be used as a translation of the Latin, but they have always been preferred to any other rende ring when, as a translation of the Latin of Swedenborg, they were as good as any other. In relation to passages quoted from the Word, as in relation to all the l'est of the Writings, fidelity to the Latin Originals of Swedenborg has been the paramount law of translation. At the time when the CONCORDANCE was commenced, nearly the whole of the translations of the Writings into English were too imperfect for use. This rendered a new translation necessary. Since that time, however, a number of excellent translations have appeared, sorne in America and others in Great Britain; and in making the clean and revised copy for the press, these new translations have been introduced, so far as could be done without interfering with the unity of the Work. Cross references are made use of whenever necessary. The reader, for instance, who turns to the word Heavenly, will find there a reference to Celestial. In view of this system of cross references, it has been the constant aim to give as great a variety as possible of good translations of the Latin words which forrn the basis of the articles. A reader might think of one such translation and not of another; but whichever he thought of, he would always find either a reference or a cross refere~ce under that heading. Take such a word as Inesca1'e. This word has been translated in various passages quoted in the CONCORDANCE, addicted to, satu1'ated with, given up to, made habitual,
  • 5. INTROD UCT.JON. vü all of which are good translations in the places w here they are used. . The reader, therefore, will find a reference under Addict to all the passages where Inescare occurs in the original. But if he shouJd not happen to think of the word addict, and instead there should occur to him any' one of the expressions, saturated, given up to, or habitual, on turning to the particular expression he thought of, he would find there a cross reference to Addict. A complete V ocabulary and Index of all the Latin Vords that occur 111 the headings of the various articles will be given at the end of the Work. The CONCORDANCE con tains nearly eight thousand articles arranged 111 the English alphabetical order, and ranging in length from a single line to many pages. In order to render the work of reference to the W ritings themselves easy for the reader, it has been found necessary to sub-divide aIl the longer sections of the original worles. Thishas been done on one uniform plan throughout. The subdivisions have been made according to the sense, and have been indicated by the figures 2, 3, 4, and so on, placed at the upper right hand corner of the reference numerals. The reference is made thus, E. 7013°, which means that the passage thus marked will be found in the Apocalypse Explained, No. 701';-subdivision 30. No. 701 of the Apoc. Ex. fills thirteen octavo pages, and reference to it without subdivision wou Id probably involve much weari­ SOIlle and vexatious searching. In order to make these subdivisions available to all, it is intended to give a complete list of them at the end of the CON­ CORDANCE, so that those who wish to do so can copy them into their own volumes. The Swedenborg Society has alreadyadopted the subdivisions in the new translation of The Intercourse of the Soul and the Body, and it is hoped that they will be gradually introduced into the new editions of the vVritings. Several of the posthumous works of Swedenborg have never been pub­ lished in English; as De Domino, De Athanasii Symbolo, De Ultimo Judicio, De Verbo, De ConJugio. The paragraphs of these works were either not numbered in a regular manne l', or were not numbered at ail, by Swedenborg; nor were they numbered by Dr Immanuel Tafel in his editions. It was there­ fore necessary to number the paragraphs of these works for the sake of reference in the CONCORDANCJ<;. It is hoped that all these important works may soon be published in English, and that the numbering of the paragraphs made for the CONCORDANCE may be introduced, bracketed, into them. The Doctrine of Charity stands in a similar category. This W ork has indeed been translated, in both America and England, but in both cases the para­ graphsrhave been numbered in an irregular manner, according to the judgment of thè translators. These numberings, therefore, neither agree with the actual paragraphs of the original, nor with each other. In these circumstances
  • 6. viii INTRon VeTION. it has seemed best to number this work on the same system as the other unnum bered posthumous works; and, at the saIlle time, to furnish a Key between aIl these numberings of the Doctrine of Charity, which will be found at the end of each volume of the CONCORDANCE. The arrangement of the passages under one headiug is consecutive, beginning with the Arcana Cœlestia, and running in chronological order through aIl the works quoted. As a general rule, each article in the CON­ CORDANCE is separated into two divisions, the first of which contains an quotations from the works published by Swedenborg himself, and the second, quotations from the works which have been published from the MSS. since the decease of Swedenborg. Eaeh division is arranged in chronological order. The article Swedenborg, however, for obvious reasons, is arrangeù in absolute cbronological order throughout, without respect to the fact of the quotations being from works that were published by Swedenborg himself, or otherwise. The inducement has been great to arrange aU the articles in this order; but the consideration of the importance of the fact that Swedenborg did not himself publish certain of his works, has been held sufficient to entitle the works which were pubJished by him to precedence of quotation in aIl cases except the one just referred to. Capital Letters have been used at the beginning of words to mark a distinction in the sense. Thus, wh en the word 'Celestial' is used as a substantive in the singular, it is always so distinguished. In this way, 'the Celestial (principle)' is discriminated from 'the celestial (persons).' So with aIl other Latin neuter adjectives used as substantives, except those of which Ellglish equlyalents have already become naturalized in our vernacular. By the use of a capital initial also, 'Heaven,' the abode of the Angels, is dis­ tinguished from 'heaven,' the sky; and 'Spirit,' a man after death, from 'spirit,' a man's mind. These two instances carry with them the correlatives 'HeIl,' and 'Angel,' and render it necessary, on the ground of consistency, ta distinguish these also with initial capitals. Other instances of the saIlle kind will be easily understood. It may be useful, however, to explain a few instances of a different kind. When the word 'Own' stands for the Latin word proprius, it is printed with a capital in order to indicate that facto A very important case is that of the word 'Knowledge,' which, thus printed, stands for cognitio; whereas, without the capital, it stands for scientia. A similar instance to this is 'Gentiles,' which, with the capital, is the repre­ sentative of Gentiles; but without it, of gentes. 'Earth,' again, with the capital, indicates teUus; without it, terra. FinaIly, to this class belongs 'Power,' which, when piinted with the capital, stands for potestas; but, when printed without it, for potentia. While this CONCOItDANCE claims to be complete, the fact must not be over·
  • 7. INTRODUCTION. 1ll looked that it is a selection. A Concordance to Swedenborg cannot be anything more than that. In the first place, the words themselves have to be selected. l t is evident that, in sucb a work, regular references to conjunc­ tions, prepositions, and pronouns would be worse than useless. Yet, in sorne instances, references to even these classes of words are nseful and necessary. While, for example, it would be absurd to refer regularly to the cOlljunction 'and,' there are still a few cases in which this word demands a reference; and if the reader will turn to the article And, he will find there fi ve references which could not have been omitted from the Work. Out of tens of thousands of passages in which the word 'and' occurs, these five had to be selected. This is an extreme case, but the same rule is of universal application. The most important article in the CONCORllANCE is Lord; but even this word cannot be referred to in every instance. 1'0 do that, and give the extraets, would be to make the article Lord fin a volume; while to give the references without the extracts, would be to produce whole pages of mere figures that would be of no practical use ta anyone. Every passage, therefore, nay, every word, has had to pass under judgment; and each reference or extract in the 'York has had to be considered indi vidually. This was inevitable, unless the CONCORDANCE were to fill forty volumes instead of four. The disadvantage is, that the CONCORDANCE, being the result of the judgment of one man, cannot be expected to satisfy the judgment of every other man; but the Compiler has always worked on this principle : to insert not only those references which he hil1lself considered to be of consequence, but also ta in sert those which he thought it possible for anyone else to consider of consequence. In doubtful cases, the rule has been to give the reference. Still, with the most patient eare, it cannot but be that in such a work many imperfections must exist. Omissions are inevitable. l t is therefore intended to form an ApPENDIX of any such omissions as may be discovered, and to print it at the end of the fourth volume; and aIl friends of the W ork, who may notice anything of the kind, are kindly requested to make note of the same, and to fonvard aIl their notes to the Compiler in time for insertion in the Appendix. While, however, it seems fair and necessary to say as much as this in regard to the inevitable imperfection of the Work, an imperfection which is a necessary characteristic of aIl human productions, it is by no means intended to convey the impression that the CONCORDANCE is, after aIl, an incomplete and unsatisfactory work of reference. The W ork aims at being really complete, without being at the same time overloaded with matter which would be of no practical use to anyone. 1'0 make perfectly clear what is meant by useless matter, let us take the most familiar and best knowll passage in the W ritings : 'AIl religion has relation to life, and the life of religion is to do good.' This passage contains twelve different words; but ont of these twelve, only four
  • 8. INTRODUCTION. are referred to in the CONCORDANCE. These are 'religion,' 'life,' and the words 'do good,' which are treated under one heading. The other eight words are not referred to at aIl. It could serve no useful purpose to refer to the word 'aIl' in this passage; the word 'relation,' although in itself an important word, does Ilot occur in the original, being an invention of the translators; and the rernaining Vords in the passage are mere part.icles. In a Concordance to the Word even particles ought to be referred to, because in that verbally inspired Vork every jot and tittle are Divine. But that is not the case with the Vritings. A mere mechanical construction of a Swedenborg Concordance would therefore resultin the production of a work, which, from its very inception, would be doomed to be superseded. Probably three quarters of it would be absolutely useless, and would therefore, by their very presence, tend to defeat the purpose of the Work. The paramount consideration which confronts anyone who undertakes a vVork like this, remains, therefore, precisel..,. that which ought to be the paramount consideration in everything: the consideration of use. 'What use can it be to insert this reference l' is the question which must be incessantly asked. Use must be the judge and the jury. In sorne cases, however, it may be of use to insert references which are intrinsically worthless, because they may be useful to the linguists, the critics, the translators of the New Church. In such cases, the word in question may occur only a very few times in aIl the W ritings. l t is clear, therefore, that every one of these occurrences must be faithfully recorded. Whereas, should a word of this order be of very frequent occurrence, being in itself a word of no significance in relation to its sense or meaning, it is sufficient to give a few specimens of its occurrence selected from 'arious parts of the W ritings. Parallel with the consideration of use, and involved in it, is the consideration of honesty. Any dereliction in this respect would be simply infamous. The vVorks to which the CONCORDANCt<; is a humble handmaid are reaBy Works of the Lord written through Swedenborg, as Swedenborg himself has said. Every statement in them is therefore of the highest consequence, and no one ought to be defrauded of access to it. No matter against whose opinions it may militate, the statement must he faithfully recorded. Even should one state­ ment seem to contradict another, still, the dominant consideration must be perfect honesty. There is no use apart from this. And the same rule must apply also to those statements, so numerous in the 'Vritings, which are hkely to give offence by their plain outspokenness upon subjects which are usually avoided in works intended for general circulation. If it has pleased the Lord to speak to us on these subjects, that is a sufficient reason for making refer­ ence to everything He has been pleased to say, or to cause to be said. In .this CONCORDANCE therefore nothing has been shirked, of any kind; nothing
  • 9. INTROD UCTION. Xl has been intentionally kept back. In a few cases the quotations have been made in the original Latin. but, either in the one language or the other, every­ thing has been recorded. The words which are to be referred to having been selected, there still remains ta be made the selection of the quotatio~s themselves. In a Con­ cordance to the Word the makincr of this selection is easy, because the o immediate context is aIl that is required. Very different, however, i8 the case with a Swedenborg Concordance. In some instances the immediate con­ text is indeed aIl that is required, but this is far from being the general rule. What is required is the immediate sense. Tt is the ideas, not the mere words, which are of consequence. This is especially the ease with the longer articles. As an example of this, take the article Angel, in which the word ' Angel' is referred to 1916 times. But if t his article Vere constructed by means of an accumulation of short quotations such as are given in a Biblical Concordance, it would be of comparatively little use. The reader would have to refer to the Original Works so frequently that the use of the CONCORDANCE in saving time and labour would he to a great extent destroyed. It would take him mauy days to go through this single article. If he were st,udying the subject of the Angels, he would have to go through the Writings and make the extracts which are already made for him in this CONCORDANCE; whereas, with the help of the Work as it stands, he will be spared the impossible part of this labour. The extracts are sufficiently long and complete to indicate to him the nature of the statements in each case, and he will therefore only have to supplement the materials thus placed reaùy to his hand, by actual reference ta those portions of the "Vritings which he sees from the CONCOltDANCE to be necessary for his purpose. This has been the consideration kept in view during the making of the extracts. 1'0 quote aIl that would be useful, and no more, has been the guiding principle. As a general rule, the extracts thus made for the CONCORDANCE have been gi ven in Swedenborg's own words, translated into English, and have not been condensed by the use of any other words. In sorne places, labour and space could indeed have been saved by condensation; but any ad vantage thus gained wouId have been more than counterbalanced by the elements of uncertainty and untrustworthiness which would necessarily have been introduced. Where, however, the extract, if made in the very words of Swedenborg, would be extremely long" and at the same time would be of very little use in relation to the subject of the article, a brief description of what Swedenborg says has been given, but aIl such matter has been enclosed within curved brackets, The following is a complete list of the works of Swedenborg referred to in the CONCORDANCE, including their Latin titles, and the dates of their com­ position. Reference to this list will enable the reader to place the extracts
  • 10. &ÎÎ INTRODUCTION. given in the second division of the Concordance articles in their right position relatively to those given in the first division. 1745. 'History of the Creation.' Historia Creationis a J1!Iose tradita. The first treatise written by Swedenborg after the full opening of his spiritual sight, which took place in the middle of April, 1745. This work has never been translated, but it will ue found in the original Latin at the beginning of the' Adversaria,' in which work it occupies the tirst twenty-five pages. 1745 and 1746. 'Adversaria.' Explicatio in Verbum Historicum Veteris Testamenti. There are three MS. volumes of this work, in each of which the paragraphs are numbered independently, that is to say, each volume commences with the numeral 1. There are therefore three separate series of numbers in the' Adversaria,' which have been indicated in the CONCORDANOE by the figures l, 2, :-3, prefixed to the ordinary numerals. 1746 and 1747. 'Adversaria.' Es~jas et Je1'emias explicati. As this work Vas printed by Dr lm. Tafel as' Adversaria, Part iv.,' it is distinguished in the CmiooRDANOE by the figure 4 prefixed to the ordinary numerals. Swedenborg did not num ber the paragraphs of this MS., but it is not very frequently quoted in the CONOORDANOE, and the pages of the Latin edition an:: therefore given in place of the usual paragraph numbers, in the l'lame way as is done in the' Index Générai' of Le Boys des Guays. 114,7 to 1765. 'Spiritual Diary.' The title given by Swedenborg is ilfemorabilia. 1747 to 1758. 'Arcana Coelestia.' Arcana Coelestia quae in Scriptura Sacnt seu Ve1'bo Domini sunt, detecta. 1750 and 1751. 'Diarium Minus.' Not translated. This work is really a portion of the' Spiritual Diary.' During Swedenborg's journey to Swedell in 1750, he seems to have kept the record of his spiritual experiences in a little pocket volume which was pu blished by Dr lm. Tafe! under the naUle of ' Diariulll Minus; , this little pocket volume he used until the close of N ovember, 1751. ,< While using this little volume, Swedenborg suspended the use of the larger one, and vhen he returned to it, he continued the numbering of the para­ graphs therein just as if he had never written the little vol ullle at aIl. The consequence is that this little work has been crowded out of its right place. It reaBy come3 in after No. 4544 of the' Spiritual Diary,' as is shown by the fact that the little volume commences with the number 4545, and it is caHed , Diarium Minus' merely because it happens to have been written in a smaBer book than the l'est of the work. 1757 and 1758. 'Heaven and HeU.' De Coelo et ejus Mi1'abilib'LlS, et de Inferno, ex auditis et visis. 1757 and 1758. 'On the White Hol'se.' De Equo Albo, de quo m ft 'Documents:' Vol. 2, p. 978; from which work the above list is chidly taken.
  • 11. INTRODUCTION. Xl1l ApocatypS't, Cap. xix..; et dein d~ Verbo et ejus sensus spirituali seu interno, ex A rcanis Coelestibus. 1757 and 1758. 'On the New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine.' De Nova Hie't'osolyma et ejus Doct't'ina Coelesti: ex auditis e Coelo. 1756 and 1758. 'The Earths in the Universe.' De Telluribus in Mundo nostro Sola't-i, quae vocantur Planetae: et de Tellun;bus in Coelo AstrifeTo: deque illaTum Incolis; tum de Spiritibus et Angelis ibi; ex auditis et visis. 1757 and 1758. 'The Last Judgment, and the Destruction of Babylon.' De Ultùno Judicio, et de Babylonia DestTUcta: ita quod omnia, quae in Apocalypsi p't'aedicta sunt, hodie impleta sunt: ex auditis et visis. 1757 ta 1759. 'The Apoca.lypse Explained.' Apocalypsis Explicata secund1lm sensum sPiritualem, ubi Tevelantur ATcana, quae ibi pTaedicta, et hactenus Tecondita fueTUnt. 1759. 'De Athanasii Symbolo.' Not now accessible in English.{< The work printed in English under the title of 'The Athanasian Creed' is a mere collection of extracts from the' Apocalypse Explained,' where it wiU aIl be found, commencing in No. 1091. Being really a part of the 'Apocalypse Explained,' it is of course referred to as such in the CONCORDANCE. 1759. 'De Domino.' Not accessible in English.-l< 1759 and 1760. 'Summary Exposition of the Prophets and Psalms.' ~o title given by Swedenborg. 1760. 'De Ultimo J udicio.' Not translated. * Referred to in the CON­ CORDANCE as J. (Post.) The short treatise 'De Mundo Spirituali' has been nUlllbered for the CONCORDANCE consecutively with the 'De Ultimo Judicio,' in the same way as was done by Swedenborg with the 'Continuation concern­ ing- the Spiritual World,' which he published as a continuation of the work entitled 'Continuation concerning the Last J udgment.' 1761. 'De Verbo;' the full title of which is 'De Scriptura Sacra, seu Verbo Domini, ab Experientia.' Not translated. {< 1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of the New J erusalem respecting the Lord.' Doctrina Novae HieTosolymae de Domino. 1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scripture.' Doctrina Novae HieTosolymae de ScriptuTa SacTa. 1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem.' Doctrina Vitae po Nova HieTosolyma ex PTaeceptis Decalogi. 1761 to 1763. 'The Doctrine of Faith of the New J erusalem.' Doctrinu, Novae HieTosolymae de Fide. 1763. 'A Continuation concerning the Last Judgment.' Continuatio de mtimo Judicio: et de Mundo Spirituali. • 'De Ath. Bym.'and 'De Dom.' are now being translated and published iu America; while 'De DIt. Jud.' and 'De Verbo' were really translated eight years ago by Dr R. L. Taiel, but the translation has Dot yet been published.
  • 12. XIV INTRODUCTION. 1762 and 1763. 'On the Divine Love.' (Posthumous.) De Divino Amore. 1763. 'On the Divine Wisdom.' (Posthumous.) De Divina Sapientia. 1763. 'Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and concerning the Divine Wisdom.' Sapientia Angelica de Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia. 1763 and 1764. 'Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence.' Sapientia Angelica de Divina Providentia. 1764. 'The Doctrine of Charity.' De Chc(,ritate. 1764 to 1766. 'The Apocalypse Revealed.' Apocalypsis Revelata, in qua deteguntur Arcana quae ibi praedicta sunt, et hactenus recondita latue?'unt. 1766. 'Five Memorable Relations.' No L-ltin Title. These Relations will be found in the original Latin printed by Dr lm. Tafel at the end of his edition of the 'De Ultimo J udicio' (Post.), where they occupy pp. 124 to 133. 1766. 'Conversation with Angels.' Colloquia cum Angelis. Not trans­ lated; but will be found immediatelyafter the preceding 'Five Memorable Relations' at the end of the 'De Ultimo J udicio.' 1767. 'De Conjugio.' Not translated; but printed in the Latin by Dr lm. Tafe!. 1767 and 1768. 'Conjugial Love.' Delitiae Sapientiae de Amore Con­ fugiali; post quas sequuntur Voluptates Insaniae de Amore Scortatorio, ab Emanuele Swedenborg, Sueco. 1768. 'De J ustificatione; Colloquia cum Calvino et 50 ejus Asseclis de Trinitate, de Persona Christi, et de J ustificatione.' Not transJated; but published in the original by Dr lm. Tafel. 1768. 'Sciagraphia Doctrinae Novae Ecclesiae.' Not translated; but printed by Dr 1m. Tafel at the end of the' De J ustificatione.' 1768 and 1769. 'Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church.' Summa?,ia Expositio Doctrinae Novae Ecclesiae, quae pe?' Novam Hierosoly­ mam in Apocalypsi intelligitur, ab Emanuele Swedenborg, Sueco. 1769. 'The Intercoursè of the Soul and the Body.' De Commercio Animae et Corporis, quod creditur fieri 'vel pe?' Influxum physicum, vel per Influxum spiritualem, vel per Ha?'moniam praestabilitam, ab Emanuele Swedenborg. 1769. 'Letter to H artley.' 1769. 'Nine Questions.' Swedenborg's replies to the nine questions addressed to him by the Rev. Thomas Hartley. Usually printed at the end of the 'Doctrine of the Lord.' 1769. 'Canons of the New Church.' Canones Novae Ecclesiae seu In­ tegra,e Theologiae Novae Ecclesiae. As the original MS. of this work is lost, it is doubtful whether this title was given ta it by Swedenborg.
  • 13. INTRODUC110N. xv 1769 to 1771. 'The True Christian Religion.' Vera Christiana Religio. continens Universam Theologiam Novae Ecclesiae a Domino apud Danielem Cap. vii. 13, 14, et in Apocalypsi Cap. xxi. l, 2, praedictae, ab Emanuele Swedenborg, Domini Jesu Christi servo. 1771. 'An Ecclesiastical History of the New Church.' Historia Ecclesiastica Novae Ecclesiae. This little sketch constitutes Document 301 in the' Documents concerning Swedenborg.' 1771. 'Invitation to the New Church.' Invitatio ad Novam Ecclesiam. Published in the original by Dr lm. Tafel, at pp. 142-160 of the' Appendix' to the Diarium Spirituale; and since republished in America. Constitu tes Section i. of the work entitled 'The Consummation of the Age; the LorJ's Second Coming; and the New Church,' just published in London. 1771. 'Abominatio Desolationis.' This document occupiespp; 137:....142 of the 'Appendix' to the Diarium Spirituale; and constitutes Section ii. of 'The Consummation of the Age.' 1771. 'Summary of the Coronis.' This document fills pp. 163-169 of Dr lm. Tafel's 'Appendix,' and is also printed at the beginning of the new American edition of the' Coronis.' In English, it constitutes Section iii. of 'The Consummation of the Age;' but it is not treated in the CONCOltDANCE as a separate work from the 'Coronis' itself, being distinguished by Roman numerals; thus, Coro. i, ii, iii, and so on. 1771. 'The Coronis.' Coronis, seu Appendix ad Ver. Christ. Religionem. l t is due to one of the most faithful and laborious workers in the New Church to say that the completeness of the CONCORDANCE has been consider­ ably increased by means of the admirable Index Re1'um to the Apocalypsis Explicata, recently issued by the American Swedenborg Printing and Publish. ing Society, and the Compiler of which is Dr Samuel H. ,y orcester. Many others have contributed either directly or indirectly to the perfection of the Work, and among these it is impossible to pass over without special l:lention the name of the Rev. Dr R. L. Tafel, to whom, in many ways, the CON00RDANCE owes a heavy debt of gratitude. The late Mr Frederic Pitman also, during the last few months of his life on earth, rendered invaluable assistance in connection with the seeing of the W ork through the press. Lastly, the C.ommittee of the Swedenborg Society, of London, have nobly undertaken the publication, and have assisted and supported the 'York in every possible way; while the General Con vention of the New J erusalem in the United States of America have manifested the kind interest taken in th( W ork in that country by appointing a Committee to give the most practical aid in their power towards the successful completion of the CONCORDAN Cl:. GLASGOW 4th Ma'l/, 1888.
  • 14. KEY TD THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE CONCORDANCE. SINGLE-LETTER ALPHABETICAL LIST. A. Arcana Cœlestia. M. MalTiage Love, or Conjugial Love. ~ Brief Exposition. N. New Jernsal..m and its Heavenly Doctrine. Doctrine of Charity.* P. Divine Providence. D. Spiritual Diary. Q, Nine Questions. E. Ap..calypse Explained. - R ' Apocalypse Rev..aled. F. Doctrine of Faith. :S~- Doctrine of the Holy Scripture. H. Heaven anJ Hell. L'!"} Tl'Ue Christian Religiou,or U niversal Theology. " 1. . Influx, or Intercourse of the Soul and Body. U. Earths in the Uni·erse. .1~ Last Jlldgment. W. Angelic Wistlom collceruing the Divine Love L. Doctrine of the Lord. 1 and Wisdom. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. Abom. Abomination of Desolation, etc. De Just. De Justi6catione. etc. Ad. Ad versaria. De Verbo. Ang. Idea. The Angelic Idea cOllcerning the Docu. Tafel's Documpnts concerningSwedenhnrg. Creation of the Uuiverse by the Lord. (At Ecc. Hist. Ecclesiastical History of the New the end of the D.Wis.) Chl1rch. Ath. De Athanasii Symbolo. Rist. Crea. History of the Creation. C.J. Continuation of Last Jl1dgment. Inv.1 Invitation to the New Church.; Cano Canons. J. (Post.) "East Jl1dgment (Postbumous). Conv. Conversation with Angels. Letter. Letter to Hartley. Coro. Coronis. Life. Doctrine of Life. D.Min. Diarium Minu~, 01' Lesser Diary. 5M. Five Memorable Relations. D.Love. Divine Love (Postllllmous). P.P. Prof'hets and Psahns. D. Wis. Divine Wisdom (Posthumous). Scia. Doc. Sciagraphia Doctrillœ Nùvœ De Conj. De Conj ugio. Ecclesiœ. De Dom. De Domino. W.R. White Horse. MISCELLANEOU:S ABBREVIATIONS. Comp. Compari,wns occur in the sections referred to. Tl'. Treated of The subject is treated of in that Def. Defin'<d. A definition is given. part of the Word which i8 under con- Des. De~cJ·ibed. The 11IIbject is further descl'ibed. sideration. Enum. Enumerated. There is an eUlimeratiou in This is to be read signifie& the passage referred to of the thingd mentioned , 'Ql1otation marks are used exclusively for quota-- in the quotatioll. tions from the Word. Ex. Hxplained. The sllbject is further explained. ] BJackets indicate a word or words which have Examp. Exa7l1.ple. An example is given to iIlustrate been introduced either by the Latin EJi~or or the statement. by the Compiler. Ill. lll-ustrated. The subject is illustrated by passages ) Parentheses indicate that the matter is to be from the W 01'<1. found in the original, but expressed in different TIefs. Ifejérences are given to other passages of the words. Writings. e. after a number denotes that the reference is to Sig. S~q1tified. The subject is signified by sorne the very end of the section referred to. passage from the W ord here quoted. Ali references at the end of quotations mean that the statement is wholly or partial1y repeated there References lo W orks without a letter to indicate the Work refen'ed to are references to the W ork l:lSt referred ta. The small figures at the upper right har.d corner of the larger reference nllmerals are explained on p. vii. of the Introduction. • A key to the paragraph nlllnher~ of the varions e(jjtion~ of this Work will be found at, the end of each volume or the Concordance
  • 15. Celebrate 500 Celestial Celebrate. Celebrare. 53. L.2re, which is of thc will ... in the spirituai Celebration. Celebratio. man follows, bl~le cele,§!:ll.l man preeee!es. Celebrated. Celeber. 56. The celestidlman is delighted solcly with celestial A. 3893. Angelic chairs 'hich "cre celebrating thc thiugs, which, as they agl'ee with his life, arc called Lonl Thc celebration was somctilllcs llearr! as swect celestial meats ... :;inging . 57. 'Fruit' (Gen.i.29) is what the Lord gives ta the 4948". There do many pass their time who had heen celestial man ... That celestial food is calleù 'fruit among the more eelebrated in the worlel. fl'om a tree,' is evideut from the followiug chaptcl', where the celestial man is treated of. Ill. 6354. 'Thy brethren shall celebrate thee' (Gen.xlix.8) = thai the (celestial) Chnrch is pre-eminent above the 60. It i~ now said 'l'cry good' (l'Cl'. 3 1 ) ••• bccauRe l'est. ''1'0 be celebrated'=to be pre-cminent. now those things which are of faith makc one with those 8I15. The celebration of the Lord in the Heal-ens whieh are of love; thn8 is a maniage made between spil'i tnal and celestial things. taltes place fol' the most part by ehoirs. 61. All things are ealleù spiritual which beloug ta 8261 2 • The glorification of the Lord, that is, the the Knowledgcs of faith, and all tl in which belon" ta celebration of Rim from joy of heart. Sig. 10"e to the Lord and towards the ueigh h01ll' are caU cd 8339. Celebration from joy aud gladness,Sig. Cëïèstial thin!!S; the fornwr appertain ta the un cr· 10412. This is the very esseutial of the Charch which ail( mg, le latter ta the will. is ta be celebrated,Sig... 'A fcast' = the 1I"0rship of the 73. As t'rom being dead, man has become spiritllal. Charch as ta celebration, for the celebration took place sa from being spiritual he hecomes celestial, whieh is on the ùays of the feast. now treated of. H. 1082• They celebrate marl"Îages, and lay eggs ... 74. The celestial man i~ 'the sevellth da , in whieh 354. It has becn granted ta speak ... with some II"ho the Lord rests. ,- ~ have been celebrated in the literary 1I"0dd ... 79. The celestial man is snch a 'garden' ... 383°. (At marriages in Reaven) they also celebrate a 80. He is allowed to know what is good and true .hx feast ... ever nGreç'W0n fromthe LoreI;bnt not froIll himself 404. They had helieved that heavenly joy eonsists in and the wal'l , orto inquire into the mystel'ies of faith merely praising and eelebrating God. by means of sens,IOUS and seientific things, by doing R. 811. 'A l'oiee' =the joy of the worship, confession, which his Celestial dies. aud celebration of the Lord. 81 A spiritnal man aeknowledges spil'Îtual and M. 81. The glorifications and celebrations of the ce estial truth and good, but he does sa from faith. Lord (iu Reaven) take place from the Word ... fl'om whieh he also acts, but not sa much from 101'e. A celestis.l man believes and ppreeives spiritnal and cere~ Celebrated. Famigeratus. A. II I4. H.354. tial tl'1lt 1 and good, and does not acknowledge auy othcr faith, than that whieh is from love, fl'om which Celestial. Codestis. he also acts .-:-.The ends of a spiritnal man have regard Sec BETHE!., LOYE, MOST AN'CIElT CHUICH, and ta eternal life and thns ta the Lord; tluLen.ds f a NAZAItITE. celestial man have re ard to the Lord, and tIUlS ta His A. 12...J.h!til 10v!"reig!!,S snd the fi@ becontes Kiuge am, and eterna llfe... A spiritnal man is in ~. combat, bnt always overeomes ; the bonds by which he 24". It is a heal'enly arcanum .. is aetnated are intel'1lal, and are called thc bonds of 27. Whatever is insinuated into the memory of the conscience. A celesti . is not' combat, and if extel'llal mau, whether it be uatural, spiritual, or evils and falsities attaek him he despises then, w lere- ) celestial, remaius there as a scielltific ... fore hc is cal cd a con uel'or; he as la bonds whÎch 29. Wheu lllan is thus prepared to reeeive heavenly a , ear by which he is actuated ~ee ; lus oIHIs 1 seeds ... which a no appear are l" tians of good and 41. Whatel'er is from the Lord has life, there is iu it ~ll.:.... 337· - - II"hat is spiritual and celestial ... 83. Wh en the man has been made the sixth day, 47. Man j)J;i" as if fi'om himself, --'!I1.tiLlte JJli!h. and love k one; and when they make onC), uot becomes cele§.t!~1 . . . faith, but lovc, begins ta be the principal, that is, not SI. The celestial mau is 'a likeness,' or effigy ... what is spiritual, but what is celestial; which is ta be a The cel~ial tr9.M.wJ:lf.ill..Q.!ln. ii... T~al celestial man. man, '''-QQ i~~ Iikeness,~ is ~.~_SQl.l ~d' ~). T.he çe1jl.sti!! mj!Jl~'the s!,v~Lè-Y' (Gcn.ii.2). (John i. 12). 85,Ex. 1988. . ~~ 52. When a m.a~ beeomes eele.stial, an~ acts from good 852. S..Q " e~y_1]g.en~ 'the sabbath' when of l~ve. thc domllllou proceeels tram the mtel'1lal man'to he ~ celestis.l, b ause he is a iKeness of the tl:!!l exte!:1!3: ; as the Lord descrjb;;sH~~rf, and sa at ~: the six d"ys of combat, or of la oar, precede. the saille time the celestial man, in Ps. viii. 6-8. Rere _ _3. The l'est of the celestial man i8 deseribed by 'beasts' are mentioned first ... becausctIl"e' celestial 'thesabbath' in IS.ll'iii.13,14 ... Th ce~tia.} man is ~n proceoùs from love, which is of the will •.• --- of such a character that he does Ilot act from his ow:c. ~
  • 16. Celestial 501 Celestial desirjl, b~m the gpo~~of the Lord, whieh is 139. In aneient times, those were said ta dwell 'alone' his desire ... ....- . who Vere led hy the Lord as celestial men; b~e )1 86. Wh en a spiritual man who has been made the evils, or evil Sjlirits, no longer infested thern, This sixth day bcgins ta beeome celestial, it is the eve of the was represented in the Jewish Cllllreh by their dwelling sabbath, whieh was rcpresented in the Jewish Church aJone after the nations had been driven out. Ill. by the sanctification of the sabbath from the el·ening. - - . This posterity of the NIost Aneient Chureh did TI~stiall1lan is ~le ~ng. not wan t ta d weil alone, that is, ta Le a celestial man, or ta b~ the Lord aS a ceJestiai man ~ 87. The reason the eelesLial man is the sabbath, 01' ---".--- l'est, is also because combat ceases when he becomes (14I. The celestial man acknowlellges that the Lord ~al. E"il Spirits"'Jepart, and good ones approach, i~ïé'life of ail, that He gives ta think ami ta aet ; .f2!: also celesLial Angels ... ~ perceives that it is sa ; nor does he ever desire a proprmm, yetlîltfiongh he does not desire a proprium 88. When a spiritual mau still a proprium is given him by the Lord~~l' called 'the work of Gad' ... -------------' Loin~with all~cep1ÎQ~ofwhat is ~ood ani!:!:.ue, ~d ) 89. "l'he nativities of the heavens and of the earth' ~ al1-nappiness •.. This ~prium is the veriest 1 (ver.4)=the formatiolls of the celestial lIJall ... OelestiâIltsèlT . . . - _ _ Co III the spiritual man, reformation begins from 159. The state of the celestial man is such that the the earth 01' extcrnal man; but here, where the celestial intemal man is distinct from the external, and ~ man is treated of, it Legins from the inte1'1la.l man, or from Heayen. sa that he pereeives what thillgS are of the iutcrual Jl.llll what of the extç;'nal, and howthe external iS'"" ruled 91. While the man is spiritual, the extel'llalman does "tIlrough the-iI;t-;;rnal by the Lord. not will ta obey anll serve the internai, wherefore there 162. Ail the lall"s of truth and right f10w from c~estÎlI.1 ~ is combat; but whe 1 he beeomes celestial, the external ~gs;-<ii. ~crom "the orcier of life of tlÎe celestial man begins ta obey and serve the internai, ~lerefQ!'e ( man, for the whOIë1Icavell is a celestial man, from the combat eeases, ana 'IUlefCTISnes. Si~ -ç-- faet that the Lord alone is a celestial man, and is tllf; S!b The state of the celestial mal!....eEdowed l'it~lC all in each and ail things of Hcaycll and of the celestial ealm of ue:w.e, refreshed by the raili, and lleliyered from man; hence they are calicd celestial . .. 197. servitudetoel'il aud falsity, is described iiî E7.ek. xxxiv. :z:5:z6, 27, 31. -- ~ - - 184. Then there appears a kind of shadiness of a 1 celestial colour with stars ... 98. "l'he garden in Ellen on the east' (l'el'. 8)=the 186. This signifieS that the first life (of a resuscitated iutelligenee of the celestial man ~f1QWS in throngh persan) is celestial with what is spiritnal. '---..,:omfl1e-hol·d~ 243. In the mo~t ancient celestial man, the sensual 99. The life, 01' arder of life, of the celestial man, is things of the body were of such a eharactcr, that the)" tnit"the Lord f10ws in thrùn~e and the faithôf Vere eompliant ta and sen'ed their internai man, and TOve into his intellectual, rational, and scientifie things, beyonll this they did not care fol' them ... and as there is no combat, ~perceives that it is sa ; thns 276. The Celestial and Spiritnal in Heaven corre Q!!!er, which is still :nvcr~cd 1I1tl~ the spiritualm~, ~s sponds to bread on carth ... / [ restored wîtllfhe celesbal : tlllS oriler~s 310. Theil' first parents, who constituted the Most ~U]le garden in Ed®.....Q1l the ~t.' 'The garden Ancient Ch1ll'ch, were celesLial, thus celestial seeds Plantell by Jehoyah Gad in Eden on the cast' ... =the l werc inseminated iuto them; hellcc their deseendant.~ LOI'd's KingJom, and Beaven, in whieh the man is had in them sccd l'l'am a celestial origin ; seed l'l'am a placee! when he is made celestial ;,,!lis state then is that celestial origin is of such a llat1ll'e that lovêrules the he is in~lyeJl with the Angels, alïdis as it were one ~them... _.- ~ wlwlemiïl<caud-lllak~ue.Ex. ------ ~-wïlÏle he was in this anxiety, he was translated -~ith (the prophet Isaiah) there eonstantly among celestial Spirits, who were l'rom the province of oecur two expressions for the same thing, of whieh one the heart ... =eelestial things, the other spiritual. 337". The celestial man, who is calicd 'the kil1g'S 110. Sneh is the celestial man. Sig. son' (Ps.lxxii. 1). II 7". In David, where the Lord is treated of, thns i31 'Fat' = the .Cel~stial itsel~, whieh. aIs? is of the the celestial man (!xxii. 7,10). ONt' The Celestlal IS everythmg wlueh IS of .l.u:$l : 121. The nature of celestial arder. , , may be evi,lent l'aith al;; is celestial when If lsf'rOlll laye; ehatit):J. from these 'ril'ers;' namely, from the Lord, "'ho is celestial; ail the gond of charity is celestial; ail of 'the cast,' (proeeeds) wisdOIll, through wisllom intelli- which were represenWby the' fat;'-in the sacrifices ... gence, through intelligence reason, thus through reason _ _ 3. As there are celestial things of innumerable ) the seientifics are Yivified which belong ta the memory ; genera, and of still "lOre inuumerable species, they are th isJî;...t.b.JLomIT..o.f..lifu...; sugWu:!!.,felesti al men ; II' hcre- desel'ibed generally in Deut.xxxii. 14. f;;;:e, as the eiders of Israel represented celestial men, (418) lu the formel' verse (Gen.iv,20), celestial things they are ealled 'wise, intelligent, and knowillg' (Deut. are-fi'eated of, whieh are of; in this (ver.21), i. 13, 15). spiritnal things, wlïie~(faith. 123. The celest.ial man acknowle<!g::~, becanse he~. - - . The 'tlleetiQll of the heart is celestial, the sing- 1 ceive.', that each alld cverYffiiug are from the Lord ... ing theuee is spiritual. J. ~
  • 17. Celestial 502 Celestial _ _ 2 The angelic choirs are of two kinds, celestial who has pcrceetioll from the Lonl ; into him particnlars,· and spiritual ... The most ancient people referred what and the singulars of particnlars, ean be insinuated. is celestial to the province of the heart, and what is Examp. spiritual to that of the lungs. 8802• 'l'he Natural is the receptacle Vhieh receives ... [A.] 449. 011 heavenly joy. Gen. art. the Spiritual; and the Spiritual is the reccptacle whieh 459. Spirits, angelic Spirits, and Angels, are ail dis· recei "cs ... the Celestial ; thns throngh celestial things tinguished into the celestial and the spiritual; the lire froIU the Lord. Snch is the influx. The Celestial celestial are they who, through lovc, have received faith is ail the good of fllith ; with the spiritual man it is the fl-:om the Lord ... The spiritu are they who, throngh good of charity ... The Spiritual <loes not live, exeept Knowledges of faith, have received charity from the Lorù, t'rom the Celestial, whieh is from the Lord. .JU) 1Id' 3 from which, wheu received, theyact. 1525. 1997. 2069. 933 • Celestial and corporeal things can never be 5 Il. '1'0 kllow truth from cyood is celestial ... toge th el' with man, for man's will is utterly destroyed 5302. Remains are like some celestial star .•. . .. Such is the condition of man, th ~L!llld spiritual things in him cannot be tocyej;ll~llli-h,is 549. The heavenly forro . .. .1394°. cor~'eaCând _wOî:ÎçI y ôiiCs, but they take their turns. - - . Helice it is thatheavenly happiness is ineffablc, Sig. and Ex. 590°. The Spiritnal of the Lord's mcrcy is wisdom, 978 2• With evcry man there is a Celestial and 'a the Ql;!.estial is love. Spiritual, which cOlTespond to the angelic Heaven; a 59 The celestial have p~n, the spiritual rational, whieh cOlTespouds to the Heaven of angelic conSClCnce ; the Most Ancient ~ was celestial, t le Spirits; and an interiOi' Scnsnal, which corresponds to Ancien t spiritual. the Heaven of Spirits ... the celestial and spiritual 5982. '.àferc;y' is applied to those who are celestinl, things form the interualman ... but' graee to those who arc spiri tuaI; for the- ce estial 9812. The celestial do not speak of ~ce, but .~y; do not ackllowledge anything butii1Crcy, and the spiritual but spiritual men do not speak of I~CY, 1>nt ~e; thc seal'cely allything but gracc; thc celestial do not know reason is that the celestial aekn wiedgc.J.h!!l; tl hllman } ~'hat grace is, the spiritual scarcely know what merey !:ace is nothing but lUth, and in itself, excremcntitious ­ IS . . . alld infernal ... Il,<;1 ~ '2:-- -- ~ 633. 'Wheu meu become c~al, it appears as if the 1001 2• The celestial things which t!l.!L..-!:~~ will of gooù and understanding of truth were in thern ; ~~_~n receives from the Lord are celestial but the are of the Lord aloue, which thcyalsu know, spiritual things. J';ü;knowlcd """è;'"a'n erCe1ve . .. iEh evel'y man, and _ _ 4. With the spiritnal man there does not exist Wl cvery Angel, even the most celestial, the proprium what is celelltial, because charity is implauted in his is nothing but what is false and evil ... intcllectual part, but what is ce:estial spiritual. 680. It is plain that ",hat l'l'CCCdes and what follows 1005. lu the genuine sense, 'bto~=what is celestial involves celestial anll spiritnal things ... The Word of and, relatively to the regenerate spiritual man, charity, the Lord is celestial and spiritual. which is his celestiaI. 775 2• The origin of ail thÏllgs is thus eircurostaneed ; 104 4 With the celestial man the clouds are not So eaeh and ail things are from the Lord; what is celestial great, becallsc I~as love to thc..L~, wllichj.sjm.p~ is froln Him ; through what is celestial from Him thcre in his yolllntary art, and therefore he does not reccive comes forth what is spiritual; through what is spiritual, ~cience, as the spiritual man does, but thll.-P-.!;:c* what is uat1ll'al ; throllgh what is natural, what is cor· of good and thcnce of truth from the Lord. Wheu m. 's l)Qreal ancl sensnal . .. 1055. 10962. Voluntary is oI such a naturctJïiït it is able ~eeeive 776'. 'A trec offruit' (Ps.cxl viii. ) = the celestial man; the rays of flame, his Intellectnal is enlightened, 'a ccdar,'tlïë spirihlàl Ulan ~ . --- ----­ _l!:-nd, ~ love, ho knows and percelvcs al thingswl;iCh 793. There arc expressions peeuliar to spiritual things, aro t1'llths ~aith :-:. _ _ 0. This is the reason whY-!.h0»telle_ç~U!L.!!l.!:t~n and others l'ecu liaI' to celestial things; or what is the salnc thing, to intellcctual thillg.l aUli to vo}untary ncver be enlightened with the !!piritual man, as i c8.n) th.U1J,'S. Examp. wLt.h-th celestial.E!an ... 805 3. After thcse times inward brcathing ccased, and 10532. In Heaven there is celestial light, and there is with it commnnication with Hcaveu, t!~~estial per­ spiritnallight; celestiallicyllt, to speak comparativcly, ~ ~ n ; but spiritual light is Uke ce-é~n; ~!Ld_ out~arù IJreathin~ suc~eeded; and as communication with Heaven had ccased, the men of the the light of the moon ... It is the sarne Vith the colours. Ancient Church eould no longer be celestial men, as the 1071. What is celestial is of the will, what is spiritual ruost aneients conld, but spiritual. is of the understanding . .. 1203:­ 8472 • There are many kinds of temptations ; in general then are celestial, spiritual, and natural ones.; celestial 1073. Spiritual.thiugs, r,:latively to_celestial ones, are Ii'c le body which eloth,,~.thE< sonl,_or lik~ the garmen )j tom tations can onl exist with those who arc i~ whieh clo-the the body. . . --­ l ~ , spiritual ones with those who arc 111 c arity towllrds the neighbollr ... Ex. 10963. The Celestfat ~ to the Lord and towards the ueighbour ; wherc tIiëfelS no J.2r.e, tho coupling is J 8652. It is entirely dinerent Vith the celestial man, bro~n and the Lord lS not l'eseut, Who 0'iiÎv flows iD. JI
  • 18. Celestial 503 Celestial .through.,,:hat isc~tll!J, thl1L~~ronQh19ve. When 1'ji2. Ali pereeptJ2n is from celestial ~gg ..• t~stial does not exist, neither can the Spiritna:!, Everyone reccil'cs ~on from thc Lord- wheu 1,10' becanse ~ the SDiritnal is throu~the Celestial, from cames ta celestial things .. :-They w~ becollle spiritnal { the Lor '" Illcn, tllat is, l'ho reccive charity from thc Lord, have ---;;;;: Cel~en are here callcd 't~ something analogons ta perception, or a. dietate of c~n­ JèlÎovah' (Is.lxi, 6); spiritual ones, 'thc millisters of Gad.' SCience, nlore or less c!ear, as they are III the celestlal - - - - -- things of charity ... II J 1118°. As they were celestial men, whatever t~y tlionght shane ont from their faces and eyéS. . . _ . . . 1443· 'I he mtellectual thlll~ of the celestJal ma~1 are __ -_ -- -­ comparûù ta a garden of ail klllûs 01 trees; the rlibollal 1155· 'The SOIlS of Gomcr' (Gcn. >.:·3) reinte ta the c1ass thillO'S, ta a forcst of eedars and sintilar trees' the of thÏl~gs, anù :the sons of, Jal:a~l,' ta tl~e cl~s scielrtilic thiugs ta oakgl'oves. . . ' G~ celes~al tlungs... fhe class 01 ~pll'lt.l.tal tlungs .IS 1447. That thosc who Voulù have faith in Him shollid dlstlngulshed from the c1ass of celesttal tllI,"gS by tllls, bc ellllowcd with celestial things,Sig. that tbe former have rcgard ta truths of falth, and the . . ' latter ta goods of faith, which are of charity. 1450. Thc ce~tlal tlllllgs of I~e are love. tOl'ards , . 1 t' 1 Jehovah, and love tOl'arùs the ncighbour, and, 1Il thcse, ~203. 'Reth (vcr.15)= extenorKnowledgesofce es la inuoccllce itself ... The~tialthings arc insinuatcd tlllUQS. Ex: . . . . illfO mau cspécially innis state of infancy cven to child­ - . Wtth the Prophets, It IS custamary for spll'ltual hood and in fact without hnowiedO'cs fol' they f10w in and celestial things ta bc conjoined together, that .i~, from' tlIC Lord . .'. " , whcn spit'itual things arc treated of, so also are celestlal . . ones; thc reas(Jn being that the one is l'rom the othcr; .1451., The advan.ce~'ent of t~e celestl~l thmgs of lo,~'e, anù there is no perfection unless thcy are conjoincrl. Sl~. A ~u = .what tS celestlal: .. Celesttal 8 6" Rer thmgs are msmuated mto man both wlthout Kllow­ 1 2 '2 d 1 b I t ' 1 tl . ledges, and with Knowledges; celestial thiugs without .13 61 . S cep an am s. ~'epresent ·ce es ta IIngs; Knowleùges fl'om infaucy to chilùhood, but celestial Pt"O'cons amI tUl'tledoves, spll'ltual ones . . . tl' . Wl'th K no,," 1 d gcs fl'Oln Ch'ldh 00 ù a ft erwal'ù S t 0 BUgs e 1 1404. 'Abram· ... specjfically, represcntillc celestial adult aO'e ... I!lDoV j'Isaac,' the spiritual man; 'Jacob,' the natural 1453~ It is one thing to be ill..celestial things, and man. 140<;3. anotlicr ta be in the Kllowlcdgesof celestial things. Ex.. 1414°. With Hj!!,~ne Vas there a most perfect corre· __ 2. 'Vhile a mau IS Iîemg-Tegcneratcd, he is iutro­ ~~ll.Jhings of thc ~ody witl: t~,~Divine . :. duced by llleans of the Knowledges of spiï'itual aud hence the milan of corpor~al tlll~lgS w~~ D~l~~ celestInl celestial things; but ~en he is regenerawù, he has then on es, aud of sensuous thlllgS wlth Dlvme spll'ltual gnes oéCn Intl'oduced, and is in the celeilial and spiritual 1428 . things of Knowledges. ­ 1416. ~l t~le supreme se.nse, the Lûr~ ~imself is 'the 1458c. luto Knowledges, as into their vesscls, celestial gl'cat uatlOn, because He IS the Celestral Itself. . . things inflow. 1461. 1434°. This scnsnous truth is 'not insinuated, e~t 1460. The Lorù was barn as another man, and in­ ~l.. the cele_s.tiaLl]!!1n j and as the Lorù alone 'l'as structed as another, but the intcriors with Him l'ere a celestial man, these aud the Iike sensnons truths were celestial, which aùapted the vessels to receive Knoll" insinuated into Hi~ in His e~rlics~ ehilllhood; thus was Icdges ... He 1'l'e1'arcd ta recell'e celestlal tlllngs. 146 4. As the Lord was ta be instructeù in celestial 1435. 'VI~erefore seientifics are thc vessels of spiritual things, before Hc was iustructed in spiritual ones, diller­ things, and" affec~'oill the goo(!.e eutly from othcr men ... 1[ hodi are vessels of.$elesti~l things./' 1469. The l'Cason it is ealled truth aùjoined to celestial 1438. 'They came into the Land ofC&.naan' (Gen.xii. things, is that ail truth was with the Lord bcforc, fol' s)=that the Lord arrivcd at the celestial things of lovc. the C.elestial ba.s tl'llth with it ... Thcsc vessels (that is, (r... The-celeslial~ love are the esscntial thin s ~ifics) were ta be formet! by the Lord, or rather themselvcs; a.!~~ conlël1îèfëfrolfi ; e l'as lirst opened, by means of instruction in Knowledgcs from thc of ail imbued with these, for ail things were afterwards Word, not only that celestial things might be insinuated thence madc fruitfnl as from thcir sced j the very secd into them, but that they also lllight become celestial, was thc Celestial itsclf, beeanse Hc was born from and thus Dil'ine ... Jehovah; hcnce He alone had this sced iu Rim . . . 1470. Celestial hal'.piness and dcligh.t-~r~, 1440. The Lord's second sta~e, ":hcn thc celest~al spiritual happincss and delight are of tl'uth. tl,inO's of love allllcal'cù ta Hlm,Slg... ln ---:-­ " . celesttal 1472., en t i l t ' 1 K now'1 ed ges ... ''h lCY see ce es la thiugs the~ iLfue..xcl:y_ligh t of th~l, becausc m t h e m , . . r ( tTlcrels thc Divine itse1f that is, Jehovah Himscll ;and 1 1474· 1 hat .they "'onld not care fol' celestIal thlllgS, as the Lord conjoined' th;-IIüîïlaïïesSëï'iëëvith the but for mere Knowleolges,Slg. Divine when He arrivcd at celestial things, it coulù not 1475. Knowleùgc is of such a charactcr, that it desircs be otherwisc than that Jchovah Rimself shoulù appear uothing more than ta introùucc itself iuto celestial to Him. things and iuvcstigate thelll, but this is contrary to 1441. 'Shcehelll' (Gen.xii.6)=the first appearauce of order, for thus it does 'iolence to celestial things. 'D!..!J celestial things. Ex. l'cal order is for the Celestial through ~h~ Spiritual, ta
  • 19. Celestial 504 Celestial introdnce itself into the Rational, and thus into the '500. Un profitable things leave c~ial ones, as vain Scientific, and adapt it to itself. things leave w' dom. [A.] '476. That thns the Celestial might not have vio­ '502e. Rosides the deep arcana concerning the Lord, lence done to it,Sig... The order is for the Celestial to theso things involve areana concerning the in~trncti.?" intlow into the Spiritual, the Spil'itual into the Rational, anù rcgeneratiou of man, in to his becoming and this into thc Scientific. When this order exists, the celestial . . . ­ Spiritual is adapted by the Celestial, the Rational by the '525e. The celestial are they who are in thc ~ Spiritual, and the Scientitic hy this ... When this order " od the spiritual are they who are in the loyo of tl'llth. exists, the Celestial cannot have violence done to it; '529. In proportion to the Celestial and Spiritual with otherwise it has. the Angels thoy have Iight, and accordillg to the qnalitJ, '477. That thus the Celestial may be saved,Sig. of the Celestial and Spiritual is tha~ of tho light; thus 'So l' = the Celcstial, for this is t 'y. because the very Celestial and Spiritual of the Lord manifests it is the very life ... Celestial or Di vine things wcre itself through light before their outward sight. uotso adjoinedto the ~as to a.ct as one essence, '530e. As the Celestial and Spiritual of thc Lord before He had undergone temptations. appoars before the sight of the Augels as a Sun and '480'. Celestial food is ail the good of love and of Moon, 'the sun' iu the Vord, = what is celestial; and charity l'rom the Lord ..• 'the moon,' what is spiritual. ­ '489. For the sake of truth to be adjoined to the '542. There are two things Vith man which Drevent Celeatial, Sig. his becoming ceJestial; one pOl'taining to the iutêÏ tù:d, 1493. That He ought to have no other truth than that the other to the volunt.ary part; the formel' ls the nn­ which might be conjoined Vith the Celestial,Sig. profitablo scientifics wJiich he dl'a",s in during childhood and youth, the latter is the leasures anel cupiclities ') 1495. When the Lord imbibed scicntifies as a child, which he favours. hes are hat hinder IS al'I'lvingl He arlrst knew no otherwise than that the scientifics at celestial things. These are first to be dispel'scd, and wcrc solely on !Ccount of the intclleetual man, or that then first cau 1iê be admitteel into the light oÏ celestial He might know truths by their means, but it WolS al'ter­ things, and at last into celestiallight. wards di.>covered that they wcrc for the sake of arriving at celestial things. This took place lest celestial things 'S45. :Man has his being l'rom thc things ho has in 3hould have violencc done to them ... 'Vhen a man is him, but the Lord (had His) l'rom celestial things, for ~.eing instructed, the order of progression is l'rom s~ti­ He alono was celestial so as to bo the Celestial itself; fics to rational tru ths, then to ÏI~ect!lal trllths, and at wheroforo by 'Abram,' and still 11101'0 b 'Abraham,' are last t celestial . hs which are here signified b a s~gnified ~elestial things. ----­ ( wife.' If we proceed l'rom scientifics and rational truths to 15Vln proportion as a man indulges in the pleasmes estial truths without intellectual truths as media, the w IÏch originate in cnpidities, he is withdrawn l'rom the Celestial has violence done to it, because there is no celestial thin which a"e of love and charity, for there connexion of ratioual truths, which are frolu scientifics, is iu them Iovo l'rom SQ.---!lE_.-IQ!!!_~,!orIl, witil which Vith celestial tl'llths, exccpt by lucans of intellectllal celestiallove cannot agreo. It there are othol' PleaSmeS]r truths, whicharcthcmcdia... Theorderis l'orthe Celestial which entirely agree with celestial tlllngs, and~: in to inflow into the Spiritual and adapt it to itself, for thll OIitwal'd appcarance are similllr to ï>~ Rut the J SpiritIlIll thus to iutlow iuto the Rational and adapt it tù j)îcasurcs whieh origiuate in CUPlt itIes a.l'O to be curhed itsclf, for the Rational thus to inflow iuto the Scientitic and wiped orr, because they close up the approach flJr and adapt it to itself. And thcrc is rcally sueh an order celestial things, Sig. when a man is Lcing instrueted in his earliest ehilllhood, '548. 'Towards the south' (Gen.xiii. ')=i:lto celestial but it otherwisc, namely, that he advances l'rom light... There are two states l'rom which there is celestial scientifies to rational things, l'rom these to spiritual, J!!ll.l light; the first is that iuto which man is introllnced thus at last to eele!!,tjal ~~s. The rcason it so appears, from infancy; for it is knowll that Iittle obilcll'cn are in is that the Vay may be openca for eelestial' , 'eh innocence amI the goods of love, which are celes[lal re'n st.'Uction lS ~el the opMwg~a things ... The othor stato is that ho is intl'oclneed ü,to ut J way, and as the Vay is oneued ... so do they o;()~r;rra;; ow, in celest!al spiritual things, rational thing;l; J in 0 these, eelestial spiritual things; and into these, spiritual aud celestial things by lIIeans of Knowleàgc~, which onght to be implantcd in tho ceiestial things conferred l'rom infaney. 'Vith the Lord, these were lm­ celestial things. 1496e. planted in His fi l'st celestial thillgs; and henre He had I~ Regarded in itself, the trut!l_whic~d the light which is hel'e callet! 'tbe south.' fro.!!!-Q!lililhQQd is nothing_bn!..J!:..Jit ve~sel iuto w!0:h '554. From His cadicst infancy, according to al! the Celestial can insinuate itsélf. Trnth lïasïiô liTel'rom Divine order, the Lord advtLnced towards celestial things, itself, but it has life l'rom the Celestial which flows iu. aud into celes.-t.iM.J;)1.Î..!!gs, Sig. Tho Celestialis love and oharity, aud ail truth is thenee '555". T.h.!Llyjll in man is fOl'meel by the Lorù l'l'am derivecl. inf>1ncy to childhood, which is. e~ by tl~tion '( '49 . Wheu celestial things are oonjoinod with in· ~ccnce, a~c~arity towa~ds par!l!!ts, nurocs, tellectual tM s. an -tTiëse becomo celcstial-,~ 1 -:0­ lli,tllJ.S:!lÎl~~~I~,age, an. Ly many things of .. . gs ar~-Ùi);slp"tcd..Qf..the.!llselves. Th'L9~tial which man is ignorant, ~L(Ü!.2!:!'..~~l)."O-S. ) has this [power] in it. 'ss t1Jese ~lestial_tlungs were first insinuatec1 into
  • 20. Celestial 505 Celestial man while he is an infant and a child, he couId never what is the same thing, in the celestial things which become mau. Thns is formcd the tirst plane. are of love, that is, iu celeâUânüve, J chovah is presen t ... _ _ 3. Wldle he is beiug regeueratecJ, tl'llths and goods --=--=3. -rntOthe Lord's K~owled~es, as into receptacles, are implante<l by the Lorù by mealls of Kuowletlge~ eelestial things were continually being insinuated, so 1hl~celestial thiu.~ with whieh he I~atl. ~eel.~I~we'~ lly that the Knowledges Vere constantly malle vessels Il the_~:om 1~lancy, so tlJat Ins mtellectuaItlungs !'ecipient of celestial things; and they themselvcs were 0.150 made celestial. Thus did He eontinually aùvance 1 make one with the celestial thiugs. 1556. [The Lord's advance] to the celestial thiugs towards the celestial things of infancy. FQr cel_C8tiIl.IJ. ) which He had before He was imbne,l with knowledges ~....§!.~~e__~ve, are insinnate<i froJlU!l~t ami Knowledges,Sig. ll1fancyeve)] to clnldhood, and el'en to adolescence, as . the man, then and allerwards, is being imbued Vith 1557. 'Retween Bethel and Ai' (Gen.xiii.]) = the knowledges and Kuowledges. I~J!2.a}0!L~a celestial things of Knowledges antl the worldly oues. c~racter that he can be regenerated, these knowledges _ _ 3. The holiness of ignorance ... especially consists and Knowleùges arelii1i1led with cele~tialJ;]Yllg~which iu his makiug little of scieutific and intellectnal things are of love &nd charity, and 50 are implanted in the rclatively to cJililstial thiuh'S, 01' those which are of the celestial thin~s with .i·hich he had been endowed from uIl<lcrstanding relatively to those which are of life ... infancy to childhood, and thus is the extel'llal conjoined The Lord now lirst alTi vetl at that celestial state, such with the internai man. They are tirst implallted iu the as Htl had wh en a chilJ, in which state worldly things celestial things with ",hich he was endowed dllring also are preseut; thcuee He aÙl"ll.need into a state still adolescence, then in those with which he '<l.s endo'etl more celestial, and at last in to Jh'LC-eleJltial stat..LQf during childhood, and at)ast in t~e,}'ith ~1.lÎch J!e ) 1 i~, in which He fully conjoiued the Human essence was endowed during-lïifancY...-This implantation is Vith thc Divine. èH"éCted by the Lora aloJïe," w herefore uothi~estial 1561. When what is true and good is conjoined by exists with man.o.-nor can exist, which ,is not from the llleans of Knowledges with the former Celestial, its LQ1'lI, and ",hich is not the Lord's. Rut the Lord', of activity is thus tlescrihe,1 ; worship itself is nothing bnt His own power, eonjoined His extel'llal man with the a ccrblin activity coming forth Ti'oIÎl the Celestial WllTéh intel'llal, and infilled the Knowledges with celestial i~n ; the Cele'tia.! i~!L~al! lleYeLe~ without things, aud implanted them in celestial things, and this ll.:JY..2!lvc, and worship is the tirst active ..• accordiug to Di vine order ; tirst in the eelestial things ' 15682. With 0.11 things that stream out from the love of childhood,"" then in the celestial things of th!ê_~e of self anù from the love of the world ... celestial between -clÜ!!!l.!Qoo a,nd infa~lci and at last in the tlJings, which are of lovc to the Lord aud of love towards c~iaLthiugs_ofliisinfilllcy.? the ucighbour, cannot agrce, for these reg<l.rd the Lord __o. As the Lord implantcd Kuo",ledges in eelestial as an cnd ... things, ~o He had perçcption. Sig. 1572. By celestial things, which are 'the shepherds 1624. Ali the visible colours in the other Iife represcnt of AhrahaIu's cattle,' are me:lnt .~ings in what is celestial and spiritual. Ex. worslJip, which are of thc internai man; aud by 'the 1659c. The Word ... is heavenly, not earthly. shepherds of Lofs cattle' are meant the sensuous things 17022. The Celestial is distinct from the N atural, and which are in worship, which are of the extemal m<l.n ; still more from the Corporeal, and l!nless there is a allli which ,10 not agree with the celestial things of the mediuIll through which there is coml1luuication, the worship of the iutcl'llal man. l1elestial can never opemte into the Natura!, and still 1577. There are two tbings in the internai man, less into the Corporeal ... l1Il.mely, the Celestial and the Spiritual, which two con­ 17073. The in/lux from the internai into the interiOl' stitutc one when the Spil"itnal is fl'Om the Celestial ... or midde man, aud so into the exterior man, is twofoll! ; _ _ 3. The internai man is saitl to be uuited to the being either through celestial things, or tiuùugh spiritual external, wh en the f'elestial Spiritual of the iutel'llul things ; or, what is the samc thing, being either thl'Ough man inltows into the Natural of the extern<l.l, <l.1ll1 causes goods, or through truths; t~~~.?-~l.!!~ings,~.) 1 then. to act as one; hence the N a.tural ,tlso hecomes "ooos, it /lo",s in only with regenerate men, who are celestinl ami spiritnal, buta 10werCeiestiai and Spiritual; ~ved either with QQrception, or ",ith cou.,eiellce; 01" what is t.he same thillg, tl~ extel'll<l.1 m<l.n also becol1l~s t!lùsï"F /lo's in through eithe-;: perception 01' couscieuce ; ! e~~L2n!'LsDiritual, but an exterior Celestial aud wherefore influx throug!J celestial thiugs has no exist· l~I~I ... ence except witiï1hose wh-;;-are iu love to the Lord aud ___ o. As in the in te l'Ila man there are t'O things, iu charity tow<I.l'ds the neighbour; but thl'ough spil'itnal nalllely, the Celeitial am! the Spiritual, whieh constitute things, 01' truths, the Lord 110ws iu with evcry mau ... a one, so also it is in the extel'llal llJan; his CelEstial is 'Vhen a mau is of such a charaete' as to pervcrt goocls c<l.llelluatuml good, and his Spiritual, natura! truth ... and tl'llths, and wheu he cares notlling fol' celestial und 161]. 'Accordillg to its length <I.!HI according to its spiritual things, there is no in/ll.x of celestial things, or 1 brea<lth' = ",hat is ,elestial and spiritual, or, ",hat is the of goods, but the way fol' celestial things and goods is} sa me, goocJ <l.lll[ truth. closed; but still there is an influx of spiritual things, 01' 16162. Conjunction with celestial things gives ~'cep, ol'truths ... 1725. tion, for in the celeBtial things ",l~are of ove to 1725. 'Melchizedek' = the celest,ial things of the ."J"elî'oy.l!h.. there is ~y life or the intcl'Ilal mau; 01', interior lllaiiiTfJitIie Lord. [( (
  • 21. Celestial 506 Celestial [A.] 1727. 'Bronght forth ùread' = celestial things, man, who reeeives perception; there is a certain tl'l1th and the refl'eshment thencc ... In the Ancicnt Church, adjoined to good wh~tes; anù afterwarùs there is br.eaJ.l 'as·e of all celestial...t.l!Ëlgs ... ~el fmm whieh or by meaus ofwhieh.~h is perceived. 1732°. 'Vhen there is a communication of celestial 1909°. If he has the crooll Lt~our, things, the intcrior man is called ':lelchizedek;' but the common good, the Lonl's KingdolO, cspecially the wh en there is a communication of spiritual things, it is Lord Himself, he may know that he is h~venJY. 1 called 'Abram the Hebrew.' 1741°. 191,6. A celestial man has pe~ from, the Lord' 1759. The speech of celestial Spirits cannot casily of what is good an l'I1e. ' infiow into articulate sounds or words with man, for it 1928. (Truths) first receive life wheo the form is alike cannot be applied to any word in which thcre is auy on both sides, or when the little heaven of man is a harshness of sound, or in which there is a doubling of eorresponding image of the grand Heavell; before this, the harder consonants, or in which there is any idea no one can be called a h~~u. from what is scicntific; wherefore they rarely infiow into speech otherwise than throngh affections ... 1937 6 • The Lord wills to communieate to everlooe whnt jy Biy t1HJ,J "'1:lat iY celestial, so th'at it should' 1772°. From an earthly paradise to sce a heavenly app.ear as hi;. . . ­ paradise. 19972 TIle afl'e.ctioll o8;onel caIU>,Jly_be..p1:L~f . 1774". Heavenly ornaments ... the eelestial i1lan, but the affection of truth of the 1775. (Nccessity of there being) heavenly truths for spiritual man ..--' the instrnction of man, because he is born for heavenly 2023". They who have the_Lor~~ cel~al things, anù after death ought to come among the meo, but they who have lo'e towards the lleighbour, or celestials. charity, arc spiritual. 20482. 2088 2• i783°. He who is in heavenly wisdom .. 2027. Dy self·love ... they destroy that which is 18072. The heavenly things th us represen tcd . celestial, uamelY,~!..!.2ve... 18232. Celestial thillgs are signified by animaIs, and 2034". After ail the Celestial with man had perislIed, spiritual things by birds. that is, ail love to God ... 1824. 'A cow-calf' (Geu.xv.9)=those tllings whieh 2054°. The celestial are Iike the lIeart, the spiritnal are reprcsentative of exterior celestial things; 'a she· arc like the lungs. goat,' thosc whieh arc representative of intcrior celestial 2069". Divine ood can flow in ooly with the celes.', 1 things; anù 'a l'am,' those things whieh are repre· tial man, because it inflllvs ioto his . II l'Y l)art scntativc of celestia.1 spHtual things . . . Exterior celestia.l things are those of the extel'llal man, illteriOl' ... Bùt Divine trnth inflows with the spiritual man, J becanse solely into his intellectnalllart, whichJ.n...!W:n is celestial things are those of the internaI man, celestial separated from his voluntary part. Or, what is the spiritnal things are those which arc thence derived. same thing, celestial good inflows Vith the celestial The Celestial itself is love to the Lord and love towarns man, and spiritual good with the spiritual man ... the neighbnur; this Celestial flows in from the Lord, 2078. There are two kinds of meu within the Church, amI in faet through the internai man into the external ; namely, the spiritual aod the celestial ; the spiritnal in the interiOi' man it is called the interior Celestia'!; in become ratio~om truth, the celestial from good. the cxterior, the exterior Celestial. The exterior Celestia.l is every affection of gooù, nay, it is also every plca.sure 2085. By'seed' re here signified those who ha'e the ,-,,!!i~fï is l'fOin an arre~ion of good; in proportion as the faith of love, fhat is, 10 e t le Lord hus.-th~l, g9Q(L~o'é and" of charity is in th!. affection cLgood or those who arc of the Celestial Church, fol' the seed of and the plea.slÜ'e thence ùerived, it is celestial, and itis I~e treate of. ­ hal'PY' Bnt the Celestial Spiritual is ever)' affection of 20882, The celestial are they who arc in the affection trnth in whieh is affection of good ... of good from d, but thc spiritual are they who are in ( 1831 ParallelislIl aud corres oudence as ta celestial the atfection of good from trnth. In the be innino- aIL thinf;il, (but not so as to spiritual tlllngs. ig. 1832. were eelestial, becalIse iulOVë to the Lord; henee they (See below, 3514.) r;;-eived r.eree tion, ly-;'hicfl they P"l'cci'ed what is 1866. ''1'0 the river of Eg)'pt'=thc cxtension of good, not from truth, but.l!,um thQJ~freetion otgQod ... spiritual thiugs; 'to the river Euphrates' = the extension 20<)43• The celestial (in Heaven) regard (the thiugs in } of celestial things. the internaI ~the Worel) from gQQ.d, that the case 18792. l was then introùuced into a certain celestial state. Des. - -- -- --- is so; bot the spiritual (regard them) l'rom truth ... 2114. .' os boro in the house' (Gen.xvii.27)=thel ..... 1880. The light of Heaven, or heavenly Iight ... celestial; 'those bought with sil ver,' the spiritua ... .A • 'ho_constitÜtë the Cfliiï-C 1 are eit 1er ce estial or spiritual J ... 1894. The vcr' being (rom whieh n 0 is, is Divine, con' , l ' 's ce estia n s u·itual; witllont nIe 21354. 'Judah'= e lestial; 'Israel,' the sl'iritual, Divine Celestial and Spll'itual lerc is IlOthillgÎl'lïîÏlaÏl in Heaven and earth. with man ... T I ~ a L ~ l l1StJïat 2137. That His Human would approach uearer to the e O'CS the Lord, aud that he loves the neighbour ... Divine by puttillg on the eelestial, treateù of. 1898. There is somewhat similar with the eelestial 21442. "Then man was no longer in celestill.l ideas,