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Luke 11:20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of
God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Christianity The Benignant Power
Luke 11:20
W. Clarkson
Lasting powershows solid worth. The corrupt empire falls; the false systemis
exploded; the demoralizing customis discarded. That which, under all
changes, showsitselfstrong and enduring, is proved to be sound and good.
But add the element of benignity. Jesus Christ adduces his beneficent power
in the expulsion of evil spirits from the bodies of men as a convincing evidence
of the Divine presence;that being done, "no doubt the kingdom of God is
come." Powerforgood, for healing, for restoring, for transforming, such
powercontinuing for many generations and acting under all skies, - "no
doubt" that is from above;it is of God. If we find that Christianity has proved
itself to be the one greatbenignant powerin the world, exerting a gracious,
redeeming, elevating influence on humanity, then "no doubt the kingdom of
God is come" upon us. We shall see that this is so if we consider -
into our accountthe parental tyranny; the position of woman in her state of
inferiority and even degradation; the universal sentiment toward the stranger
or the foreigner, spokenof and treatedas a "barbarian" and an enemy; the
prevalence of war, and its conduct with every imaginable cruelty and the most
shocking recklessness oflife; the prevalence of slavery under a system in
which the slaves were regardedand treated as absolutely without any rights
or claims whatsoever;the existence of gladiatorialshows, in which the lives of
hundreds of strong men in the midst of life were sacrificedfor sport to men
and even to women; the common usage ofinfanticide; the abundance of
pauperism, existing to such an extent that in the time of Caesar"nearlythree-
fourths of the whole population of the city of Rome were on the roll of public
succor;" the institution of torture; the practice of licentious shows, and of
unnatural and unnameable vices. We have here no more than a bare outline
of the evils which existed in the world when "Jesus was born at Bethlehem."
WORKING. Three things have to be mentioned - one to be admitted, and the
other two to be maintained.
1. That there have been one or two auxiliary forces in the field, which have
contributed towards the elevationof mankind; but theirs has been very much
indeed the smaller share.
2. That Christianity was prevented from doing all it would have done by being
bitterly opposed.
3. That its action has been most pitifully weakenedby its truth having been so
greatly corrupted. But what, notwithstanding, has it accomplished.9
(1) It has castout the demon of parental tyranny, and made the child to be the
objectof respectand kindness.
(2) It has raised woman, and made her the helpmeet, in every way, of her
husband, causing her to be treated with deference and consideration.
(3) It has mitigated the terrible severities of war, carrying its red cross of
succorinto the very midst of the battle-field, and, to a large extent, removing
its hideous savagery.
(4) It has gone far towards exorcising the demon of slavery.
(5) It has abolished the shameful scenesofthe old Roman arena.
(6) It has extinguished infanticide and torture whereverit has authority to
(7) It is carrying on a stern and victorious campaignagainstimpurity and
(8) It has built hospitals, lunatic asylums, reformatories, orphanages,
almshouses, by the hundred, by the thousand.
(9) It has opened the school-doorin which youth everywhere is prepared for
the duties, the joys, and the conflicts of life.
(10) It has sentforth its many hundreds of heralds to carry light, peace, love,
purity, wisdom, into the haunts of superstition, violence, and vice.
(11) It is penetrating the worstslums of our greatcities, seeking outthe prod,
me, the abandoned, the criminal; and with its touch of holy pity, which surely
proceeds from "the finger of God," it is casting out the demons of sin and
shame. At the present rate of progress, anotherhalf-century will see a most
wonderful and glorious change in the aspectof the human world.
III. THE CONCLUSION THAT WE DRAW. If Christianity has done, is
doing, will do, all this, then "no doubt "in its advent we have the coming of the
"kingdom of God." No doubt Christ has that to say to us which it is infinitely
worth our while to know;that to do for us it is our highest privilege to have
done on our behalf; that to be to us which it is immeasurably desirable he
should be. Let us learn of him; be led by him into paths of sacredservice;and
invite him to become our personalLord and Savior. - C.
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(20) If I with the finger of God . . .—Note the substitution of this language for
“by the Spirit of God,” in Matthew 12:28, and its connectionwith the use by
the older prophets of “the hand of the Lord,” to indicate the state which
issuedin prophetic inspiration (Ezekiel1:3; Ezekiel37:1), and with “the
finger of God” as writing the Commandments on the tables of stone (Exodus
31:18), and Pharaoh’s confessionthat “the finger of God” was with Moses and
Aaron in the wonders which they wrought (Exodus 8:19). The meaning of this
boldly anthropomorphic language is sufficiently obvious. As the “hand”
denotes powergenerally, so the “finger” symbolises powerin its concentrated
and specially-directedenergy.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
11:14-26 Christ's thus casting out the devils, was really the destroying of their
power. The heart of every unconverted sinner is the devil's palace, where he
dwells, and where he rules. There is a kind of peace in the heart of an
unconverted soul, while the devil, as a strong man armed, keeps it. The sinner
is secure, has no doubt concerning the goodness ofhis state, nor any dread of
the judgment to come. But observe the wonderful change made in conversion.
The conversionof a soul to God, is Christ's victory over the devil and his
powerin that soul, restoring the soul to its liberty, and recovering his own
interest in it and powerover it. All the endowments of mind of body are now
employed for Christ. Here is the condition of a hypocrite. The house is swept
from common sins, by a forced confession, as Pharaoh's;by a feigned
contrition, as Ahab's; or by a partial reformation, as Herod's. The house is
swept, but it is not washed; the heart is not made holy. Sweeping takes offonly
the loose dirt, while the sin that besets the sinner, the beloved sin, is
untouched. The house is garnishedwith common gifts and graces.It is not
furnished with any true grace;it is all paint and varnish, not real nor lasting.
It was never given up to Christ, nor dwelt in by the Spirit. Let us take heed of
resting in that which a man may have, and yet come short of heaven. The
wickedspirits enter in without any difficulty; they are welcomed, and they
dwell there; there they work, there they rule. From such an awful state let all
earnestlypray to be delivered.
Barnes'Notes on the Bible
See this passage explainedin the notes at Matthew 12:22-30.
Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary
20. the finger of God—"the Spirit of God" (Mt 12:28);the former figuratively
denoting the powerof God, the latter the living PersonalAgentin every
exercise ofit.
Matthew Poole's Commentary
See Poole on"Luke 11:18"
Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
But if I with the, finger of God,.... The powerof God, referring to Exodus 8:19
and so the Cabalistic Jews (r) explain it,
"the finger is one of the five in the hand, and is that finger which works by the
powerof Elohim;''
it is the same with the Spirit of God; See Gill on Matthew 12:28 which is often
calledthe hand of the Lord, Ezekiel1:3.
(r) R. Moschin Sepher Hashem, apud Cabal. Denudata. T. I. par. l. p. 146.
Geneva Study Bible
But if I with the {d} finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of
God is come upon you.
(d) That is, by the power of God: so it says in Geneva Ex 8:19.
Expositor's Greek Testament
Luke 11:20. ἐν δακτύλῳ Θεοῦ:instead of Mt.’s ἐν πνεύματι Θεοῦ, which is
doubtless the original expression, being more appropriate to the connection of
thought. Lk.’s expressionemphasises the immediateness of the Divine action
through Jesus, in accordancewith his habit of giving prominence to the
miraculousness ofChrist’s healing acts. But the question was not as to the
fact, but as to the moral quality of the miracle. The phrase recalls Exodus
8:9.—ἔφθασεν:φθάνω in classicsmeans to anticipate, in later Greek to reach,
the idea of priority being dropped out.
Cambridge Bible for Schools andColleges
20. with the finger of God] “Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the
finger of God” Exodus 8:19.
is come upon you] The word and tense imply suddenness and surprise.
Bengel's Gnomen
Luke 11:20. Δακτύλῳ, with the finger) by a powermanifestly divine, and
without any difficulty. Comp. Exodus 8:19.
Pulpit Commentary
Verse 20. - But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the
kingdom of God is come upon you. Here Jesus points to a fact well knownand
thoroughly established. There was no question here; the most obstinate cases
of possessionhad yielded to that "finger" be spoke ofhere; the fiercestof the,
alas!(then) great company of the insane, at the bidding of that quiet, humble
Rabbi, for ever shook offthe spirit of madness, in whatever form of terrible
possessionit had been dwelling in his body. There was no question here; the
only point raised by his enemies how had that quiet Rabbi done these strange,
mighty works - Jesus had answered;and now draws a picture of one of these
acts of his. The "finger of God" in St. Matthew, where the same or a similar
discourse is related, is calledthe "Spirit of God." The expressionis strange,
but is one not unusual in ancient Hebrew phraseology. So the Egyptian
magicians saidto Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God" (Exodus 8:19). The ten
commandments are describedas written on the two tables of stone with the
"finger of God." "You have seenby what powerthe devils obey me; yea, the
kingdom of God, for which you are waiting and looking, lo, it is come upon
Vincent's Word Studies
Is come upon you
See on Matthew 12:28.
Luke 11:20Is come upon you
See on Matthew 12:28.
Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the kingdom of God
come upon you.
The finger of God ... This was a masterstroke. When Moses performedgreat
wonders before Pharaoh, and when for a time the magicians duplicated the
wonders, then came the plague of lice. Aaron stretchedthe rod upon the land,
and the dust of the earth became lice in man and beast(Exodus 8:17).
Attempting to do this they failed; and they went and told Pharaoh, "This is
the finger of God" (Exodus 8:19). Jesus'use of the same language here
stressesthe superiority of his miracles over the professedcures performed by
the sons of the Pharisees.
Then is the kingdom of God come upon you ... This is not a declarationthat
Christ's church, or kingdom, had at this time been established, an event that
took place on Pentecost. The kingdom had come in the sense that the King had
appearedand was gathering out of secularIsrael, the spiritual remnant, the
true Israel, who, along with Gentiles, would form the nucleus of the new
institution. See under Luke 11:4.
Copyright Statement
James Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene
Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved.
Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Luke 11:20". "Coffman
Commentaries on the Old and New Testament".
https: Abilene
Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999.
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John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
But if I with the, finger of God,.... The powerof God, referring to Exodus 8:19
and so the Cabalistic JewsF18 explainit,
"the finger is one of the five in the hand, and is that finger which works by the
powerof Elohim;'
it is the same with the Spirit of God; See Gill on Matthew 12:28 which is often
calledthe hand of the Lord, Ezekiel1:3.
Copyright Statement
The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted
for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved,
Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.
A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard
Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855
Gill, John. "Commentary on Luke 11:20". "The New JohnGill Exposition of
the Entire Bible". https:
11.html. 1999.
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Geneva Study Bible
But if I with the d finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God
is come upon you.
(d) That is, by the power of God: so it says in {See (Exodus 8:19) }.
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
Beza, Theodore. "Commentaryon Luke 11:20". "The 1599 Geneva Study
Bible". https:
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Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
the finger of God — “the Spirit of God” (Matthew 12:28);the former
figuratively denoting the powerof God, the latter the living PersonalAgentin
every exercise ofit.
Robertson's WordPictures in the New Testament
By the finger of God (εν δακτυλωι τεου — en daktulōi theou). In distinction
from the Jewishexorcists.Matthew 12:28 has “by the Spirit of God.”
Then is come (αρα επτασεν — ara ephthasen). Πτανω — Phthanō in late
Greek comes to mean simply to come, not to come before. The aorist
indicative tense here is timeless. Note αρα — ara (accordingly)in the
conclusion(αποδοσις — apodosis).
Wesley's ExplanatoryNotes
But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is
come upon you.
If I castout devils by the finger of God — That is, by a powermanifestly
Divine. Perhaps the expressionintimates farther, that it was done without any
labour: then the kingdom of God is come upon you - Unawares, unexpected:
so the Greek wordimplies.
Greek TestamentCriticalExegeticalCommentary
20.]ἐν δακτύλῳ θ. = ἐν πνεύματι θ. Matt. No distinction can be established, as
Gresw. attempts. The one expressionexplains the other. What was done
(Hebraistically speaking)by the finger of God, was done by the Spirit of God.
We have much greatervariations than this in sayings demonstrably the same.
And as to what the same author maintains about the relative magnitude of the
works of the finger, hand, and arm of God, a reference to ref. Ps., where the
heavens are ‘the works of Thy fingers,’will sufficiently shew how little
reliance is to be placedon such subtleties.
PeterPett's Commentary on the Bible
“But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the Kingly Rule of God
come upon you.”
On the other hand they should considerthe factthat if He castout evil spirits
by the finger of God, then it proved that the Kingly Rule of God was present
in Him. That it had come on them unexpectedly. This is not arguing that the
fact that evil spirits were castout proved that the Kingly Rule of God had
come. Their ‘sons’did similar things and no one suggestedthat that meant
that the Kingly Rule of God had come. All that did was prove that they and
He were of God.
What He is saying here is that it is becauseHe,as God’s Anointed One, was
doing it by the finger of God that it proved that the Kingly Rule of God had
come. For the admission that He did castout demons by the powerof God
when combined with His claims (which His successagainstdemons would
confirm) would establishHis claims. They could not agree that He castout
demons by the powerof Godand at the same time deny His claims to be the
Son of man, for His successagainstdemons would be evidence that God was
pleasedwith Him and acknowledgedHis claims. That would then be sufficient
proof that the Kingly Rule of Godhad come.
The phrase ‘finger of God’ is an Old Testamentphrase denoting God’s direct
actionfree from any occultmethods. The Egyptian magicians used it when
they at last had to recognisethat Moses was notusing conjuring tricks or
demonic magic, but that God Himself was acting directly (Exodus 8:19). They
recognisedthat now God had put His sealon things. It was also usedof the
writing of ‘the ten words on the tablet which were ‘written by the finger of
God’ (Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy9:10). The finger of God was the
guarantee that the words were His words. Thus here it is a sealof Who and
What Jesus is. Matthew translates it as ‘if I by the Spirit of God’ (Matthew
12:28), which is saying the same thing, for the phrase ‘Spirit of God’ always
indicates direct action.
As the chiasmus demonstrates, these words are centralto the whole passage.
Luke’s centralpoint here is that the Kingly Rule of God has come with power
in Jesus as He does battle with the forces of evil. This will then be further
emphasisedin order to demonstrate that Jesus is the ‘Strongerthan he’.
The Expositor's Greek Testament
Luke 11:20. ἐν δακτύλῳ θεοῦ:instead of Mt.’s ἐν πνεύματι θεοῦ, which is
doubtless the original expression, being more appropriate to the connectionof
thought. Lk.’s expressionemphasises the immediateness of the Divine action
through Jesus, in accordancewith his habit of giving prominence to the
miraculousness ofChrist’s healing acts. But the question was not as to the
fact, but as to the moral quality of the miracle. The phrase recalls Exodus
8:9.— ἔφθασεν: φθάνω in classicsmeans to anticipate, in later Greek to reach,
the idea of priority being dropped out.
E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes
with = by. Greek. en, as in Luke 11:19. Compare Matthew 3:11.
the finger of God. Figure of speechAnthropopatheia. App-6See Exodus 8:19.
Finger, here, put by Figure of speechMetonymy (of Subject), App-6, for the
Holy Spirit Himself.
the kingdom of God. See App-114.
come upon you. With suddenness and surprise Greek. phthano. Occurances
elsewhere:Matthew 12:28. Romans 9:31, 2 Corinthians 10:14. Philippians 1:3,
Philippians 1:16. 1 Thessalonians 2:16;1 Thessalonians 4:15.
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(20) If I with the finger of God . . .—Note the substitution of this language for
“by the Spirit of God,” in Matthew 12:28, and its connectionwith the use by
the older prophets of “the hand of the Lord,” to indicate the state which
issuedin prophetic inspiration (Ezekiel1:3; Ezekiel37:1), and with “the
finger of God” as writing the Commandments on the tables of stone (Exodus
31:18), and Pharaoh’s confessionthat “the finger of God” was with Moses and
Aaron in the wonders which they wrought (Exodus 8:19). The meaning of this
boldly anthropomorphic language is sufficiently obvious. As the “hand”
denotes powergenerally, so the “finger” symbolises powerin its concentrated
and specially-directedenergy.
Treasuryof Scripture Knowledge
But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is
come upon you.
the finger
Exodus 8:19; Matthew 12:28
the kingdom
For the destruction of the kingdom of Satan plainly implies the setting up of
the kingdom of God. The reasoning of the Pharisees(ver. 17, and Mt 12:24,
25,)was not expressed, and Jesus knowing their thoughts, gave ample proof of
his omniscience. This, with our Lord's masterly confutation of their
reasonings, by a conclusiondrawn from their own premises, one would have
supposedmight have humbled and convinced those men; but the most
conclusive reasoning, and the most astonishing miracles, were lost upon a
people who were obstinately determined to disbelieve every thing that was
goodrelative to Jesus of Nazareth.
10:9,11;Daniel 2:44; Acts 20:25; 28:23-28;2 Thessalonians 1:5
Luke 11:20 "But if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom
of God has come upon you.
NET Luke 11:20 But if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the
kingdom of God has already overtakenyou.
GNT Luke 11:20 εἰ δὲ ἐν δακτύλῳ θεοῦ [ἐγὼ] ἐκβάλλω τὰ δαιμόνια, ἄρα
ἔφθασεν ἐφ᾽ ὑμᾶς ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ.
NLT Luke 11:20 But if I am casting out demons by the powerof God, then
the Kingdom of God has arrived among you.
KJV Luke 11:20 But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the
kingdom of God is come upon you.
ESV Luke 11:20 But if it is by the finger of God that I castout demons, then
the kingdom of God has come upon you.
NIV Luke 11:20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the
kingdom of God has come to you.
ASV Luke 11:20 But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the
kingdom of God come upon you.
CSB Luke 11:20 If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom
of God has come to you.
NKJ Luke 11:20 "But if I castout demons with the finger of God, surely the
kingdom of God has come upon you.
NRS Luke 11:20 But if it is by the finger of God that I castout the demons,
then the kingdom of God has come to you.
YLT Luke 11:20 but if by the finger of God I castforth the demons, then
come unawares upon you did the reign of God.
NAB Luke 11:20 But if it is by the finger of God that (I) drive out demons,
then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
NJB Luke 11:20 But if it is through the finger of God that I drive devils out,
then the kingdom of God has indeed caught you unawares.
GWN Luke 11:20 But if I force out demons with the help of God's power,
then the kingdom of God has come to you.
BBE Luke 11:20 But if I, by the finger of God, send out evil spirits, then the
kingdom of God has overtakenyou.
the finger of God Ex 8:19; Mt 12:28
then the kingdom of God has come upon you Lk 10:9,11;Daniel2:44; Acts
20:25;28:23-28;2 Th 1:5
Luke 11 Resources - Multiple Sermons and Commentaries
Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part1 - John MacArthur
Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part2 - John MacArthur
But - This contrastis betweentwo "IF'S" - the "IF" of Lk 11:19 and the "IF"
in this passage!And so Jesus introduces another explanation for His ability to
castout demons and it is the antithesis of the accusationmade by the Jews.
If I castout demons by the finger of God - "IF" is not an expressionof doubt,
but a first class conditionalstatement(see Conditional statements)meaning
"Since by the finger of God I castout demons, then the kingdom of God has
come upon you." Jesus having demolished their scandalous charge thatHe
was empoweredby Satan, now gives the true source ofHis power, the finger
of God. The parallelpassage in Matthew 12:28 says "But if I castout demons
by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." From this
we can conclude conclude that the finger of Godis the same as the Spirit of
God. The fact that Jesus was casting outdemons by the Spirit of God was
evidence indeed that the kingdom of God had come upon the people of that
generation. The kingdom had come in the Personof the King Himself. The
very fact that the Lord Jesus was there, performing such miracles, was proof
positive that God's anointed Ruler had appeared upon the stage of history.
We see this same phrase finger of God in Exodus 8:19 where Pharaoh's
magicians even admitted that Mosessigns pointed to the fact that his power
was from God. "Then the magicians saidto Pharaoh, “This is the finger of
God.” But Pharaoh’s heartwas hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the
LORD had said." Compare these other allusions to the finger of God - The
Ten Commandments were inscribed by the “fingerof God” (Ex 31:18; Dt
9:10). Ps 8:3 says the heavens are the work of God’s fingers. In sum, the finger
of God is clearly a reference to God's powerand not to the power of Satanas
assertedby the protagonists. Jesusexorcisedthe demons by the powerof God
and the Spirit of God Who filled Jesus and empoweredHim for ministry (see
Lk 4:2-note and Lk 4:14-note, cf Acts 10:38).
Steven Cole - The term, “finger of God,” goes back to Exodus 8:19, where the
Egyptian magicians recognize God’s powerthrough Moses. Jesus is saying
that if Satanis not behind His power, then clearly, God is. By saying that the
kingdom of God had come upon them, Jesus was referring to the initial phase
of the kingdom as manifested in the presence ofthe King. Jesus’deliverance
of people from Satan’s bondage anticipates the coming day when Jesus will
reign not only in hearts, but on the throne of David, when Satanwill be bound
from his powerful influence on earth. Until His enemies are made His
footstool, Christexercises His rule from the Father’s right hand in the hearts
of all who submit their lives to Him.
Then the kingdom (basileia)of God- One must understand that there are (at
least)two phases to the Kingdom of God. The first phase is the invisible,
internal Kingdom of Godand which He later described as "in your midst”
(Lk 17:21+), the Kingdom in which the King reigns in the heart of the person
who has acceptedJesusas Messiah. To proclaim the Kingdom of God is to
preach the Gospel, to proclaim the goodnews of salvation, explaining how one
can enter the Kingdom of God. (Jn 3:3-16+) When the King returns on "the
day that the Son of Man is revealed(apokalupto)," (Lk 17:30+)the heart of
every person will also be revealedas to whether they sought the kingdom of
"self" or the kingdom of the Savior! The future phase of the Kingdom of God
is known as the MessianicAge or the Millennial Kingdom.(See detailed
explanation of Jesus'meaning of the Kingdom of God in notes on Luke 17:20-
21). Jesus knew the Jews were looking for the future aspectofthe Kingdom of
God, (cf Mt 20:21 and Acts 1:6+) but His preaching and that of His disciples
was to explain how one could enter the invisible aspectof the Kingdom of God
in the present and in that way they would be assuredof experiencing the
visible Kingdom of God in the future. All of this talk about the Kingdom begs
one question dear reader-- Have you entered the Kingdom of God by
believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of that Kingdom? If not today
could be the best day of your life (2 Cor 6:2).
Has come upon you - Has come is the aorist tense, indicative mood which
speaks ofa completedaction, something that has takenplace. Jesus'ability to
castout demons who belong to the kingdom of darkness is clear evidence that
another Kingdom (and King) has arrived! The miracles of Jesus
demonstrated God's victory over the forces of evil, a victory which was
achievedon the Cross and validated by the Resurrection. Christ's Kingdom
will be consummated when He returns and defeats the Antichrist (Rev 19:11-
16+, Rev19:19-21+)and casts Sataninto prison for 1000 years, the
Millennium, (Rev 20:1-3+)and then into the Lake of Fire forever (Rev 20:7-
10+ where He had castthe Antichrist 1000 years prior)! That said, it is should
be emphasized that Satan is presently still powerful, but His poweris limited,
his doom is sealed, and his time is short.
Bock on kingdom of God has come - Jesus says the miracles are evidences of
the arrival of God’s promised, redemptive rule. They are audiovisual
testimony to God’s power and rule....The key term in the verse is ephthasen
(from phthano), “has come.”....The miracles trumpet the arrival of God’s
ruling power in such a way that Satan’s display of poweron earth is
challengedand is in the process ofbeing defeated.To saythe kingdom has
arrived is not to argue that consummation has come, only that its presence has
begun. The process ofestablishing kingdom authority is a long one, as Jesus
will reveal, and it will take his return to bring the full promise of the kingdom
to completion....Godis breaking peacefully into the creationthrough Jesus to
reclaim humanity from Satan’s grip. Jesus overcomesthe presence and power
of evil in the world. His power is greaterthan that of demons. He is stronger
than Satan. His powerand authority reverse the effectof sin. This exercise of
powerthrough Jesus is why Paul cancall the gospel“the powerof God” in
Romans 1:16–17+. The storyof the gospelis the story of how Satan, sin and
the flesh are overcome through Jesus’provisionof the Spirit (1 Th 1:5+). So
Paul calls the kingdom of God a matter of power(1 Cor 4:20) as wellas
justice, peace and joy inspired by the Spirit (Ro 14:17). And Ephesians 1:15–
2:10 and Eph 6:10–18+referto the battle we have againstthe forces of evil
and note how Jesus has a position of authority over them. These theological
realities are pictured in Jesus’words.” (IVPNTC-Lk)(IN LIGHT OF THESE
TRUTHS - Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able
to resistin the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm." Eph
The NET Note on has come upon you - The phrase is also quite important.
Does it mean merely "approach" oractually "come upon"? The issue here is
like the one in Lk 10:9 (see note there on the phrase "come near"). Is the
arrival of the kingdom in process ormerely anticipated? Two factors favor
arrival. First, the prepositionalphrase "onyou" suggests arrival(Da 4:24, 28
Theodotion). Second, the following illustration in Lk 11:21-23 looksatthe
healing as portraying Satanbeing overrun. So the presence ofGod's authority
has come.
Cornerstone BiblicalCommentary on the Kingdom of God has come - The
exorcisms performed by Jesus provided strong evidence that God’s Kingdom,
long anticipated and hoped for, had at last entered history in a transforming
way. In fact, the words and works of Jesus as a whole revealedthe fact that
the Kingdom of God had actually arrived in the person of Jesus of Nazareth
(cf. Jesus’answerto John the Baptist’s questions in Lk 7:22+;Mt 11:5). Yet,
there was still the future time when the purposes of God would be fully
realized and consummated, and so the disciples were taught to pray, “May
your Kingdom come soon” (Lk 11:2; Matt 6:10). The Kingdom’s nearness and
imminence (Mark 1:14-15+)calledfor repentance in preparation for its final
realization, when the Son of Man would come in power (Mark 14:62;Matt
26:64;cf. Luke 21:36; 22:69). Both the “already” and the “not yet”
dimensions of the Kingdom must be affirmed and kept in carefulbalance to
do justice to the present and future dimensions of the Kingdom theme. For
further discussionsee Beasley-Murray(1986). (Cornerstone Biblical
Commentary – Volume 12: Luke and Acts)
Has come (aoristtense) (5348)(phthano)originally meant to precede someone,
to come before or to anticipate (as in 1Th4:15+). Over time phthano begin to
lose the idea of priority and to mean simply to come to or to arrive at. The
idea is to come to a particular state or to arrive at a goaland so to attain it. In
Mt 12:28+ "“Butif I castout demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom
of God has come upon you." Phthano pictures progress along a road to a
certain point.
Ryle - The kingdom of God is come upon you. The argument here appears to
be this,—“If these miracles which I work are really workedby the finger of
God, and I am clearlyproved by them to be one sent from God, then, whether
you will allow it or not, the times of Messiahhave evidently arrived. The
kingdom of God has come down upon you unawares, and these miracles are
signs that it is so.”—This argumentreduced the enemies of our Lord to a
dilemma. Either they must deny that our Lord castout devils,—this they
could not do;—or else they must admit that their own sons castout devils by
the powerof Beelzebub;—this they would not do.—The nature of the
argument appears to show that when our Lord spake of“your sons casting
out devils,” He could not have meant His own disciples.
“But,” Jesus adds, “if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the
kingdom of God has come upon you” (11:20). The term, “finger of God,” goes
back to Exodus 8:19, where the Egyptian magicians recognize God’s power
through Moses.Jesus is saying that if Satanis not behind His power, then
clearly, God is. By saying that the kingdom of God had come upon them,
Jesus was referring to the initial phase of the kingdom as manifested in the
presence ofthe King. Jesus’deliverance ofpeople from Satan’s bondage
anticipates the coming day when Jesus will reign not only in hearts, but on the
throne of David, when Satanwill be bound from his powerful influence on
earth. Until His enemies are made His footstool, Christexercises His rule from
the Father’s right hand in the hearts of all who submit their lives to Him.
. That, in opposing the conviction of this miracle, they were enemies to
themselves, stoodin their own light, and put a bar in their own door, for they
thrust from them the kingdom of God (Luke 11:2): "If I with the finger of
God castout devils, as you may assure yourselves I do, no doubt the kingdom
of God is come upon you, the kingdom of the Messiahoffers itselfand all its
advantages to you, and, if you receive it not, it is at your peril." In Matthew it
is by the Spirit of God, here by the finger of God the Spirit is the arm of the
Lord, Isaiah53:1. His greatestand most mighty works were wrought by his
Spirit but, if the Spirit in this work is said to be the finger of the Lord, it
perhaps may intimate how easilyChrist did and could conquer Satan, even
with the finger of God, the exerting of the divine powerin a less and lower
degree than in many other instances. He needednot make bare his everlasting
arm that roaring lion, when he pleases,is crushed, like a moth, with a touch of
a finger. Perhaps here is an allusionto the acknowledgmentofPharaoh's
magicians, whenthey were run aground (Exodus 8:19): This is the finger of
God. "Now if the kingdom of God be herein come to you, and you be found by
those cavils and blasphemies fighting againstit, it will come upon you as a
victorious force which you cannotstand before."
:20 But if I castout demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God
has come upon you.
:20 if I castout demons with the finger of God
When Moses was working to have Pharaohrelease the Israelites from their
slavery, there was a sort of “contest” betweenGod’s miracles and the tricks
that the Egyptian magicians were able to perform.
Yet there came a time when God’s miracles proved to be much greaterthan
Even the magicians realizedthis was God at work.
(Exodus 8:19 NKJV) Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger
of God.” But Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, just as
the LORD had said.
Jesus didn’t have to perform elaborate rituals, He simply told the demons to
He’s laying claim to the same powerthat Moses usedin Egypt.
He has been demonstrating the powerof God.
The people Jesus is talking to are making a big mistake in not recognizing that
God has been at work.
:20 surely the kingdom of God has come upon you
When is the kingdom?
A kingdom of God is the realm where God is the king.
There are two simple truths that Jesus taught about when the kingdom of God
is coming.
Jesus taught us to pray,
(Luke 11:2b NKJV) …Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it
is in heaven.
It is coming. It’s on its way.
At the last supper, Jesus talkedabout the next time He would drink wine:
(Luke 22:18 NKJV) for I sayto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine
until the kingdom of God comes.”
The full kingdom of God has not yet come. It is establishedwhen Jesus
Jesus came to bring the kingdom of God here, right now.
(Luke 17:20–21 NKJV)—20 Now when He was askedby the Pharisees when
the kingdom of God would come, He answeredthem and said, “The kingdom
of God does not come with observation;21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or
‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
Until the day that Jesus returns at His SecondComing, the kingdom of Godis
making its presence knownthrough us.
It’s in us. It’s with us. It’s on us.
Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III
“But if it is of the finger of God” verse 20 “that I castout
demons, then the kingdom
of God has come upon you.”
In other words, He’s now turning to the people who’ve said, “We want
another sign,” and He says, “Now look, here’s your sign.
How is it that I’m casting out demons?
How could I possibly do that unless I’m sovereignoverdemons?
And who’s sovereignover demons but God?
And so the only way that I could do what I’m doing is if God has
empoweredMe to do it and that is the signthat the kingdom of God is among
and at work and that ought to evoke in you of all people, people who have
up on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, those of you
have grown up on the law and the prophets ought to know that this is an
irrefutable sign that God is afoot, that I am the anointed of God, and that I
ought to be believed and followed.”
And yet they want another sign. This
is not unlike other places where other signs are demanded from Jesus and His
And so He responds to the charges thatare made againstHim and He shows
illogic of them and He explains to them why they ought to have believed at this
greatdisplay of God’s relieving mercy to this man who had been under the
domination of this mute spirit who kept him from even being able to talk.
Verse 20
“But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the Kingly Rule of God
come upon you.”
On the other hand they should considerthe factthat if He castout evil spirits
by the finger of God, then it proved that the Kingly Rule of God was present
in Him. That it had come on them unexpectedly. This is not arguing that the
fact that evil spirits were castout proved that the Kingly Rule of God had
come. Their ‘sons’did similar things and no one suggestedthat that meant
that the Kingly Rule of God had come. All that did was prove that they and
He were of God.
What He is saying here is that it is becauseHe,as God’s Anointed One, was
doing it by the finger of God that it proved that the Kingly Rule of God had
come. For the admission that He did castout demons by the powerof God
when combined with His claims (which His successagainstdemons would
confirm) would establishHis claims. They could not agree that He castout
demons by the powerof Godand at the same time deny His claims to be the
Son of man, for His successagainstdemons would be evidence that God was
pleasedwith Him and acknowledgedHis claims. That would then be sufficient
proof that the Kingly Rule of Godhad come.
The phrase ‘finger of God’ is an Old Testamentphrase denoting God’s direct
actionfree from any occultmethods. The Egyptian magicians used it when
they at last had to recognisethat Moses was notusing conjuring tricks or
demonic magic, but that God Himself was acting directly (Exodus 8:19). They
recognisedthat now God had put His sealon things. It was also usedof the
writing of ‘the ten words on the tablet which were ‘written by the finger of
God’ (Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy9:10). The finger of God was the
guarantee that the words were His words. Thus here it is a sealof Who and
What Jesus is. Matthew translates it as ‘if I by the Spirit of God’ (Matthew
12:28), which is saying the same thing, for the phrase ‘Spirit of God’ always
indicates direct action.
As the chiasmus demonstrates, these words are centralto the whole passage.
Luke’s centralpoint here is that the Kingly Rule of God has come with power
in Jesus as He does battle with the forces of evil. This will then be further
emphasisedin order to demonstrate that Jesus is the ‘Strongerthan he’.
How Is the Kingdom Present?
Resource by John Piper Scripture: Luke 11:14–23 Topic: Kingdom of God
Now he was casting out a demon that was dumb; when the demon had gone
out, the dumb man spoke, and the people marveled. But some of them said,
"He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons"; while others, to
test him, sought from him a signfrom heaven. But he, knowing their thoughts,
said to them, "Every kingdom divided againstitselfis laid waste, and a
divided householdfalls. And if Satanalso is divided againsthimself, how will
his kingdom stand? For you saythat I castout demons by Beelzebul, by whom
do your sons castthem out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if it is by
the finger of God that I castout demons, then the kingdom of God has come
upon you. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods
are in peace;but when one strongerthan he assails him and overcomes him,
he takes awayhis armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoil. He who is
not with me is againstme, and he who does not gatherwith me scatters.
Last week we saw that in an unprecedented way the kingdom of Godarrived
with the coming of Jesus. We saw also thatthe kingdom of God will only
arrive in its fullness at the secondcoming of the Lord. The "mystery of the
kingdom" is the surprising fact that the kingdom comes in two stages, notjust
one; and that the first stage is like a mustard seedand not a military coup
(Matthew 13:31; Luke 17:20). The king comes first on a donkeywith a branch
of peace and amnesty. Later he will come on a greatwhite horse with a sword
of judgment. Many kingdom blessings have been fulfilled; but the
consummation is still future.
Not Betweenthe Times, but In Both Times
Or, as we saw lastWednesdayevening, the New Testamentpictures all of
history in two ages:this age with its sin and misery and satanic power, and the
age to come with its righteousness and wholeness andfreedom and joy. The
mystery of the kingdom is that these two ages have intersectedwith the
coming of Jesus. Theynow overlap. The age to come has in a sense begun. But
this fallen age endures for a time. We live, not betweenthe times, but in both
times. We have tastedthe "powers of the age to come" (Hebrews 6:5).
We know that Christ already purchased our healing (1 Peter 2:24; Matthew
8:17), but we still groanwith sickness(Romans 8:23;2 Corinthians 4:16). We
have already passedfrom death to life (1 John 3:14), but we still die (1
Corinthians 15:26). We already have the sanctifying Spirit as a down payment
of our inheritance (Ephesians 1:14), but the warbetweenflesh and Spirit goes
on every day (Galatians 5:16–18). We have already been acquitted of all sin in
Christ (Romans 5:1), but must go on every day praying, "forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin againstus" (Matthew 6:12). We already have our
citizenship in the kingdom of God (Philippians 3:20), but for now must still
submit in measure to the rulers of this world (Romans 13:1).
In a word, every blessing of the age to come is already ours in Christ
(Ephesians 1:3), but God wills for us to come into our inheritance patiently.
According to Acts 14:22 Paul taught all his new believers, "Through many
tribulations we must enter the kingdom" (Acts 14:22; Matthew 7:14; Mark
10:24). It is God's way to make us "fit for the kingdom" (2 Thessalonians 1:5).
How to Approach Our QuestionToday
Today's question is: How is the kingdom present? If the kingdom has come in
Jesus, whatis the powerof the kingdom doing? But we must be careful even
how we ask the question. It is one thing to ask:how was the kingdom present
in the life and ministry of Jesus and another to ask how it is present with us
today. Jesus was the embodiment of the kingdom. He was the King. His
demonstration of the kingdom was unique. Believers may do the kind of
works he did (John 14:12), but there will always remain a uniqueness about
the wayhe did them. And we should not assume that our demonstration of the
kingdom and Jesus'demonstrationof the kingdom will be the same.
For example, when Jesus turned the waterinto wine, John says, "This, the
first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory" (John
2:11). And that glory John tells us is the glory as of the only Son of the Father
(John 1:14). Therefore I think it is wrong to saythat the signs and wonders
wrought by Jesus are simply the work of a Spirit-filled man that we can copy
in the same measure if we will only be Spirit-filled. John said that when Jesus
demonstrated power, he did it in a way that manifested his glory. There was
an inseparable connectionbetweenthe signs of Jesus and the glorious Sonship
of Jesus.
Another example comes from John 5:36. Jesus says, "The works whichthe
Father has granted me to accomplish, these very works whichI am doing,
bear me witness that the Fatherhas sent me." There was something about the
works of Jesus orthe way he did them that pointed not just to his being filled
with the Spirit but his being the very Son of God sent from the Father.
Another example is the resurrectionof Lazarus. Jesus'explanationto Martha
of what was about to happen was not, "I am full of the Spirit and can do the
works of God that other Spirit-filled people can do." His explanation was, "I
am the resurrectionand the life" (John 11:25). Lazarus' resurrectionwas a
sign not merely of a human in tune with the powerof God. It was a sign that
Jesus was the Sonof God, the one with death-overcoming power. So just
before Jesus calls Lazarus from the grave, Jesus prays out loud to his Father
and says, "I have said this on accountof the people standing by, that they may
believe that thou dids't send me" (John 11:42). NOT:that they may believe
that I am full of the Spirit, or that my words are true, or that the kingdom has
come;BUT: that they may believe that I have been sent by the Fatherinto the
So I say again, we should not assume that our demonstration of the kingdom
today and Jesus'demonstrationof the kingdom in his ministry will be the
same. In fact I wonder if we should not at times glory in our inability to heal
the wayJesus healedin order to exalt his absolute uniqueness as THE Son
from the Father, while we admit our imperfection as adopted sons on the way
to the Father.
Eight Powerful Effects ofthe Kingdom
With that introduction and caution let's ask, How is the kingdom present? Or:
What blessings did the arrival of the kingdom bring? I am going to mention
eight powerful effects of the kingdom. And I will say in advance that I believe
all of these are still at work today through the disciples of Jesus. To what
degree we will be studying more fully in the weeks to come.
1. In Relationto PhysicalMisery and Healing
The kingdom overcomes physicalmisery and brings healing.
In Luke 10:8–9 Jesus sends outthe 70 disciples and tells them, "Whenever
you enter a town and they receive you, eatwhat is set before you; heal the sick
in it and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'" Note the
connectionbetweenthe coming of the kingdom and the healing of the sick.
Heal and saythe kingdom has come near.
This is a tremendously important part of Jesus'ministry: he preachedthe
kingdom and healed the sick againand againand again. This was his basic
style of ministry; it was his modus operandi. You see this especiallyin the
summary verses like Matthew 4:23, "He went about all Galilee, teaching in
their synagoguesand preaching the gospelof the kingdom and healing every
disease andevery infirmity among the people" (cf. Matthew 9:35; 10:8; 11:2–
6; Luke 4:16–20). Isn't that amazing! Every disease andevery infirmity!
This was not a merely occasionalthing. Healing the sick was the meat and
potatoes ofhis ministry alongside preaching the gospelof the kingdom. He
preachedthe kingdom and he healed. He preachedthe kingdom and he
healed. It's clearthat one effect of the arrival of the kingdom in Jesus'
ministry is the overcoming of physical misery. We will take up in detail later
in the series to what degree and how it should be a part of our ministry.
2. In Relationto Death and Resurrection
The kingdom overcomes deathand brings resurrection.
When Jesus sentout the twelve apostles, it says in Matthew 10:7–8 that he told
them, "Preachas you go saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the
sick, raise the dead . . . " They were to preach, "The kingdom of heavenis at
hand!" And they were to perform certain signs including raising the dead. So
one of the ways the kingdom comes is by overcoming death and bringing
But notice something very important. To our knowledge Jesusraisedonly
three people from the dead during his earthly ministry (Matthew 9:18–26;
Luke 7:11–17;John 11:38–44). In the book of Acts the apostles raisedtwo
people from the dead (Acts 9:36–43;20:9–10).
Contrastthis with the countless people that Jesus healed. Why do you suppose
Jesus healedpeople by the hundreds, or even thousands, but raisedonly three
from the dead? Ultimately it comes downto this: in the overlap of this age and
the age to come—in the "already" and the "not yet" of redemption, in the
time of the mystery of the kingdom—God wills that some blessings ofthe age
to come be experiencedmore fully than others. And he chooses as he wills
which blessings we will have now and in what measure. I suspectthat one
reasonJesus raisedso few people from the dead is that it is no greatblessing
to have to die twice.
We must always keepin mind that virtually all the people Jesus healedand
raisedgot sick againand died. The blessings were temporary in this fallen age.
They were signs—pointers, foretastes—ofthe greatfinal resurrection and
"the redemption of our bodies" (Romans 8:23). Sicknessand death were not
abolishedwith the coming of Jesus. His healings and resurrections were signs
that in the final kingdom they would be abolished.
3. In Relationto Demonic Oppressionand Deliverance
The kingdom overcomes demonic oppressionand brings deliverance.
In Luke 11:20 Jesus says, "Ifit is by the finger of God that I castout demons,
then the kingdom of God has come upon you." So the arrival of the kingdom
brings an unprecedented conflict with Satanand his demons. It is amazing to
considerthat in the whole Old Testamentonly about five of the 39 books even
mention Satan. And nowhere does any prophet or priest or king or wise man
castout any demons. But as soonas Jesus is on the seen, he is in conflictwith
Satanin the wilderness and his ministry involved casting out "many demons"
(Mark 1:34); and in Matthew 10:1 it says, "Jesus calledto him his twelve
disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to castthem out . . . "
So it is clearthat something unprecedented is in the offing here with the
coming of the kingdom. The spiritual conflict hidden behind idolatry and
national conflict in the Old Testamentis brought out in the open and Jesus
gives his people a new kind of authority and armor to make war with the evil
4. In Relationto Rebellion and Conversion
The kingdom overcomes rebellionand brings conversion.
Jesus made clear that no one enters the kingdom without being converted. In
Matthew 18:3 he says, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn [be converted!]
and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." What
powerbrings about this conversionfrom rebellious, proud independence to
submissive, humble, childlike dependence on God? The answeris the power of
the kingdom itself.
This is implied in the parable of the net in Matthew 13:47–50:"The kingdom
of heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and gatheredfish." The
kingdom is the powerthat gathers fish. Fish don't jump into the net. They try
to get out of it. (Cf. Colossians 1:13.)
It is also implied in the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:24 and
38). "The kingdom of heaven may be comparedto a man who sowedgood
seedin his field . . . He who sows the seedis the Son of Man; the field is the
world, and the goodseedmeans the sons of the kingdom." Where do sons of
the kingdom come from in the world? They come from the Son of Man. They
don't put themselves in the world. The Son of Man puts them there. (Cf. John
6:44, 65;15:16; 17:16.)
When the rich young ruler turns awayfrom Jesus and Jesus says, "Itwill be
hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven," the disciples are amazed
and say, "Who then can be saved?" To this Jesus responds, "Withmen this is
impossible [to enter the kingdom and be saved], but with God all things are
possible" (Matthew 19:23–26). In other words being converted and entering
the kingdom is not merely the work of man. With men it is impossible to enter
the kingdom and be saved. But not with God. God canconvert people and
bring them into the kingdom.
"It is the Father's pleasure to give you the kingdom of God" (Luke 12:32).
"To you it has been given [by God] to know the secrets ofthe kingdom of
heaven" (Matthew 13:11). "Fleshand blood has not revealedthis to you, but
my Fatherin heaven" (Matthew 16:17;cf. 11:25–27). Thereforethe kingdom
itself overcomes rebellionand brings conversion.
5. In Relationto Condemnation and Forgiveness
The kingdom overcomes condemnationand brings forgiveness.
The greatobstacle to salvationis that we are guilty of sin and under the just
condemnation of God. Why then is it that the tax collectorsand harlots go into
the kingdom of God before the chief priests and the elders (Matthews 21:31)?
Why is it that the kingdom of heaven is like a householderwho at the end of
the day hires people for one hour's work and yet gives them pay for a full day
(Matthew 20:1–16)? Why is it that the kingdom of heaven is like a king giving
a marriage feastfor his son and yet inviting whoeverhappens to be in the
street, both goodand bad (Matthew 22:1, 10)? And why does Jesus say,
"Blessedare the poor in spirit [the ones who have nothing to commend
themselves], for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3)?
The answeris given in Matthew 18:23–35:the kingdom of heaven is like a
king who calledhis debtors to account, and when one of them pleads for
mercy concerning a million dollar debt, the king has pity and forgives him
everything he owes. The kingdom overcomes condemnationand brings
forgiveness. And we know from this side of the cross how the King did it!
6. In Relationto Wrongdoing and Righteousness
The kingdom overcomes wrongdoing and brings righteousness.
Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done" (Matthew
6:10). Where the kingdom of God comes, the will of God is done—justice and
righteousness abound. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God," Jesus said, "and
his righteousness. . . in the Holy Spirit." When the kingdom of God comes, it
comes with righteousness. Paulsaidin Romans 14:17, "The kingdom of God
is not food and drink but righteousness . . . " So the kingdom of God
overcomes wrongdoing. It changes the way people live. It brings justice and
7. In Relationto Sadness and Joy
The kingdom overcomes sadnessandbrings joy.
It's obvious that if the kingdom brings life and healing and deliverance and
conversionand forgiveness andrighteousness, it would also bring greatjoy.
But Paul makes the point explicit in Romans 14:17 when he says, "The
kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness,joy, and peace in the
Holy Spirit." And Jesus made it just as plain when he said, "Blessed—
happy—are those who are persecutedfor righteousness'sake, fortheirs is the
kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10). The kingdom overcomes sadness and
brings joy—evenin the midst of suffering.
8. In Relationto Aimless Futility and Purposeful Ministry
The kingdom overcomes aimless futility and brings purposeful ministry.
I conclude with this because it launches us into our next segmentof messages
and our next five-week term in the BITC. I take the point from Revelation
1:6. John says, "[Jesus]has made us a kingdom, priests to his God and
Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." What the
kingdom creates whenit draws men and women into its power is a priesthood
of believers. And priests are, above all, ministers. If you belong to the
kingdom of God, you belong to a "royalpriesthood" (1 Peter2:9). You are a
priest. Your calling is to draw near to God with the burdens of people, and to
draw near to people with the blessings of God. That's what it means to be a
The kingdom has come and it has overcome the aimlessness andfutility of our
lives and given us an awesome reasonto live. We are a royal priesthood. You
are a priest to God and to man. What we plan to look at in the coming weeks
is the nature of that royal, priestly ministry. How should Christians
demonstrate the powerof the kingdom today in their ministry as priests? It is
an exciting question. I look forward to pursuing it with you.
20. εἰ δὲ ἐν δακτύλῳ Θεοῦ.1 As distinct from the charms and incantations
used by Jewishexorcists, who did not rely simply upon the power of God. Mt.
has ἐν πνεύματι Θεοῦ. Lk. seems to be fond of Hebraistic
anthropomorphisms: 1:51, 66, 73. But it is not likely that “the finger of God”
indicates the ease with which it is done. Comp. Exodus 8:19, Exodus 8:31:18;
Deuteronomy 9:10; Psalm8:4.See foot-note P. 473.
ἔφθασεν ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς. In late Greek, φθάνω followedby a prepositioncommonly
loses allnotion of priority or surprise, and siniply means “arrive at, attain to”:
Romans 9:31; Php 3:16; 2 Corinthians 10:14, 1 Thessalonians2:16;Daniel
4:19. In 1 Thessalonians 4:15 it is not followedby a preposition, and that is
perhaps the only passage in N.T. in which the notion of anticipating survives.
Here Vulg. and many Lat. texts have prævenit, while a2, has anticipanit; but
many others have pernenit, and d has adpropinquanit.
Verse 20
(20) If I with the finger of God . . .—Note the substitution of this language for
“by the Spirit of God,” in Matthew 12:28, and its connectionwith the use by
the older prophets of “the hand of the Lord,” to indicate the state which
issuedin prophetic inspiration (Ezekiel1:3; Ezekiel37:1), and with “the
finger of God” as writing the Commandments on the tables of stone (Exodus
31:18), and Pharaoh’s confessionthat “the finger of God” was with Moses and
Aaron in the wonders which they wrought (Exodus 8:19). The meaning of this
boldly anthropomorphic language is sufficiently obvious. As the “hand”
denotes powergenerally, so the “finger” symbolises powerin its concentrated
and specially-directedenergy
Luke 11:14- 26 THE FINGER OF GOD
Intro: As we come to this portion of Luke’s Gospelwe see another example of
Jesus Poweroverthe forces of Darkness
He castof Demon out of a man – Demon had affectover the man’s motor
skills so that the man was unable to speak .
V.14 says that the Multitudes MARVELED
Thaumazoµ (marveled) means to be greatly amazed and astounded, to be
overcome with awe.
They were amazed & filled w/ wonder at the work of God & the Powerof the
Guys / Gals – Do you wonder at the work of God . When a person
comes forwardto receive Christ – Are you Amazed !!!!
D) I think a realdanger that many of us who have "beenaround a while " can
fall into is because we have seenso much we take so much for granted
My wife nailed me on this in Hungary – Eachday ask – So what did
you think ? Alright - ( Comparing what happened 8 yrs ago)
Must not ever lose that sense of wonderbecause if we do we will also
lose our sense of expectancy!!!!
1) No longeranticipate God moving in our mist – working in our lives / no
longerpray w/ a fervency about things – ( BECOME RELIGIOUS )
So the Multitudes marveled & in Matt. Gospelit says that they beganto ask –
Could this be the Son of David/ ie Messiah
That line of line of thinking – was the result of the 2nd reactionseenhere –
Multitudes were AFFECTED/ Religious leaders OFFENDED
They respond in v. 15 by saying the only reasonJesus couldcastout Demons
was through Satan’s power –
Becausethey could not deny the fact of Jesus’miracles, they chose to deny the
source. Wasn’tof God but the DEVIL/ BEELZEBUB
BEELZEBUB was one of the names of the philistine godBaal/ Beelzebub
(which means, "lord of the flies")
A variant of that definition is Beelzebubwhich means the Lord of the dwelling
– name the Jews oftenused in referring to Satan.
Gooddescription – Flies are Pest& Satanis a pest – He doesn’tgive up –
relentless .
Now a question I think would naturally come to our minds is why were these
religious leaders so againstJesus
Of all the people in Israelyou would think that these guys would have
embracedHim – ( They were to be looking for Messiah)
The simple reasonis that His Life exposedtheir Hypocrisy – He was
everything that they were not .
They were arrogant/ Pompous / they tried hard to be esteemedby men / they
setthemselves apart from the common man
They burdens on the People that they themselves didn’t even follow.
Jesus shows up on the scene in Humility not arrogance / He interacted , ate &
spent time w/ the common man – Came to be the greatburden lifter –
Matt. 11:28 –30 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. 29 "Take Myyoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am
gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find restfor your souls.
"ForMy yoke is easyand My burden is light."
So His life confrontedtheir Hypocrisy & they hated Him for it .
We see the same thing today – People who don’t want to have anything to do
w/ Jesus & w/ truth because it exposes their – Sin.
Jn. 3: 19 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the
world, & men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 "Foreveryone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light,
lest his deeds should be exposed.
Readtrue story Robert Moffat – Missionaryto Africa who was to be visited
by an African Chieftaness – Female Chief / Chief’s wife
She came all deckedout in her tribal clothes – She noticed outside his tent
hanging on a tree a mirror – never seenanything like it
Lookedinto it beheld her face – so startled – ( same reactions some mornings )
D) Ugliest thing she had everseen – demanded to know – what is that I saw in
there - Replied – That is your own face
Once she finally believed Moffat was telling the truth – she demanded to
purchase the mirror - bargained/ finally gave in – She broke it
E) Declared– Now this mirror would never tell on her again. -
SO These leaders declare thatJesus is able to exercise this power over the
demonic because He is empoweredby SatanHimself.
Jesus responds in v. 17 & 18 by basicallysaying – What you are suggesting
doesn’t make any sense – Absurd
If I castout Demons by the Powerof Satanthen Satan is divided & a house
that is divided is sure to fall . PLUS V. 19 "And if I castout demons by
Beelzebub, by whom do your sons castthem out? Therefore they will be your
judges.V.20 "Butif I castout demons with the finger of God, surely the
kingdom of God has come upon you.
Now according to Josephus ( The JewishHistorian) they did have exorcism
rights, that were handed down from Solomon.
They say that Solomonin all of his wisdom did devise certain drugs and
incantations for the exercising of demons.
And there were those in those days according to Josephus who using these
agedrights of Solomonwere able to exercise demons.
1) Which is probably what Jesus was referring to here / these widely
practiced, and totally exceptedexorcism rights, of which Josephus spoke.
Side note v. 17 is a word to all married couples here - "Every kingdom divided
againstitself is brought to desolation, and a house divided againsta house
A) You are one / Divided – heart / desires / discipline / fall -
House built on Rock ofChrist / centeredaround Christ / passionfor the
things of Christ / given to the word of Christ – will stand
Now Jesus proceeds to make His point clearby telling the parable of the
strong man v. 21-23
The Strong man in ref. Here is the Devil & The heart of every unconverted
sinner is the devil's palace, where he rules;
And where he works in the children of disobedience. The heart is a palace, a
noble dwelling; but the unsanctified heart is the devil's palace.
As unbelievers we are both indirectly & directly influenced by Satan.
Who uses the Things of this world to entice us by appealing to our flesh
in order to put us into bondage.
the devil, as a strong man armed, keeps this palace, does all he can to secure it
to himself, and to fortify it againstChrist.
He fills the minds of men w/ certainprejudices & w/ doubts that he uses to
harden men's hearts againsttruth and holiness
And there is a certain kind of peace in the palace of an unconverted soul,
while the devil, as a strong man armed, keeps it.
Satandubs man into thinking he is alright / The sinner has a goodopinion of
himself, After all I am a good person
There isn’t any thought or dread of the judgment to come;
Before Christ appeared, all was quiet, because allwent one way; Man did
what was right in His own eyes
but the preaching of the gospeldisturbed the peace of the devil's palace.
Gospelproclaims that we are all sinners / doesn’t matter how good/ how bad
– all missed the mark .
Only Jesus cansetus free from the stronghold of the Devil !
That as strong as Satanis He is No match for JESUS.
ONE thing we must realize is that Satan is not the opposite of God / He is not
on the same plain w/ Jesus .
Actually Satanis a createdbeing / fallen Angel – very powerful Angel who is
more on the same Level as Michaelthe arch Angel –
Dan. 10 angelic messengersentto answerDaniel’s prayer – 21 day delay –
hung up by Satanuntil – Michaelcome & help break through.
That is Satan’s counter part – Michael/ not Jesus.
Satanis the strong man armed – who guards his palace / seeks to keephis
things in order –
But Jesus is the one who is strongerthan him who is able to overcome him &
as v.22 puts it DISARM HIM
Notice the ease atwhich / Christ Poweris described – v.20 The finger….
This passageshouldawakenus to the Spiritual battle that is all around us /
need to be praying – but it should also encourage us in Powerof Christ.
Col. 1 sheds some keeninsight into this parable that Jesus is giving. ( turn)
v.13,14 Speaking ofChrist 13 He has delivered us from the powerof darkness
and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness ofsins.
Phrase powerof darkness canalso be translated – the Stronghold of Satan –
his domain & Jurisdiction
Our Lord used the phrase domain of darkness to refer to the super natural
forces of Satanmarshaled againstHim at His arrest (Luke 22:53).
Deliveredis from, which means "to draw to oneself," or"to rescue." God
drew us out of Satan’s kingdom to Himself.
That event was our new birth/ When we placedour faith in Christ, we were
instantly delivered.
"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed
away;behold, new things have come" (2 Cor. 5:17
1Jn. 4:4 Greateris He that is in you than He that is in the World.
So Jesus delivered us from the poweror strongholdof Satan/ He conquered
that strong man at Calvary
And He has draw us to Himself .
Jesus Christ did not release us from bondage, only to have us wander
He moved us into His own kingdom of light and made us victors over Satan’s
kingdom of darkness.
Word transfer lit. means to move or to Change address /
That is exactly what happens to a person who has been born again – moved
from darkness to light / Pit to a ROCK / road to hell/ to heaven
Col. 2 :15 further explains Christ Victory over the strongman15 Having
disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle ofthem,
triumphing over them in it.
Romans General – no longer intimidated
Yes we are in a spiritual battle but we are Victorious in Christ !!!!
Turn back to Luke 11 rap this up
V. 23 Jesus makes a very profound statement - 23 "He who is not with Me is
againstMe, and he who does not gatherwith Me scatters.
Every single personhere today is in one camp or the other – either in the
kingdom of God / or the kingdom of Satan.
Powerof Jesus orunder the power of Satan/ There is no Neutral place
Can’t say that Jesus is cool – I like some of the things that He taught but all in
all I’m my own man doing my own thing.
No way – doesn’t work that way – It is either all or nothing .
See the problem that some people have is that they want Deliverance – they
want to be setfree from their addictions problems etc.
But they don’t want entrance – they really don’t want to give their hearts over
to Jesus.
Jesus addressesthat problem in v. 24 –26
Here is the problem – if your heart is not given over to Jesus you will become
in bondage to something else.
Many people want to cleanup their lives / so they enroll in an AA or NA or
some other type of support group / want DELIEVERANCE
Now listen I know that some people have been helped by such groups because
through it they were introduced to the Lord.
So don’t getbent out of shape by what I am going to say – write me letters ( I
am attacking AA or what ever)
The fact of the matter is that many don’t get Jesus their " higher power" is
something else / someone else
And for many although they are no longerin bondage to their alcohol
addiction – they are in bondage to going to meetings 6 days a week
E) Guys that is not the kind of freedom that Jesus offers ! Jesus saidyou shall
know the truth & the truth will setyou free …… free indeed !!!!!
This is exactly what Jesus is referring to w./ the person who merely seeks to
cleanup the outside of his life / but doesn’tlet Christ in!
It is not reformation that is needed – lets cleanup our society/ lets
Christianize our society –
In Closing go back to v. 20 Finger of God. Interesting - Releaseyoubreak you
or it can condemn you CHOICE IS UP TO YOU
A) Gen. 32 Jacobwrestles w/the Lord - Broken
Dan. 5 BelshazzarBabylonianKing - MENE MENE TEKEL UPHRSAN -
You have been weighedin the balances & found wanting
Is that what the Lord would say to you today – it is if you are standing in
own strength on your own merit . - Weighedfound lacking !!!!
Jn. 8 woman caughtin actof Adultery – Jesus stuped down & wrote w/ his
finger in the dirt - list of sins
Word to the judgmental hypocrite who sees the faults & sins in everyone else
but not in Himself
B) Jesus says look your sins condemn – you - You need same forgiveness –
go & sin no more !!!!
THOMAS – Unless I can put my finger into the nail prints in his hand touch
the hole in his side I will not believe
Jesus appearedsaidhere Thomas – see & touch the holes in my hand put your
finger into my side
Idea is Jesus was illustrating – pointing w/ His own finger – drawing attention
to those marks speak ofdeep love & SALVATION.
Thomas responds My Lord & My God!!!!!!!
Biblical Hermeneutics
Why does Luke 11:20 read “The Fingerof God” insteadof “Spirit of God”?
Asked7 years, 8 months ago
Active 2 years, 1 month ago
Viewed 25k times
In Matthew's account(12:27-28), we read (All quotes from NIV, all empahsis
And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them
out? So then, they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I
drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
But Luke 11:19-20 renders it a bit differently:
Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your followers drive
them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the
finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Given that Luke's writings are so Spirit-focused, I would have expectedit the
other way around: that Matthew would use "finger of God" and Luke "Spirit
of God". Why would Luke be the one to adopt the phrase "finger of God"
here? What does it tell us?
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askedMar15 '13 at 17:36
32.6k5151goldbadges163163silverbadges330330bronze badges
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7 Answers
The "finger of God" is mentioned in two passagesin the Hebrew Bible. Once
when the magicians of Pharaohconcededdefeatbefore Moses (Ex8:19) and
secondlywhen the two tablets were inscribed with the Ten Commandments
(Ex 31:18).
In the context at hand here in Matt 12:27-28 and Luke 11:19-20, where we see
Jesus casting out the demons, the confrontation hails back to the former
episode in Exodus, when magicians in the court of Pharaohwere stymied by
"the finger of God."
Thus, like Moses, Jesushad stymied the power of Satan, whom Jesus likens in
this contextto a strong man that is bound and plundered (Matt 12:29-30 and
Luke 11:21-23). The strong man is stymied by "the finger of God." Please
notice that Jesus makes the connectionin the immediate context at hand.
According to Isaiah, the "Holy Spirit" of Yahweh was this power of God,
which enabled Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. The words are ָ‫ְד‬ ‫ש‬ֹׁ‫ו‬
‫חּו‬ ַ, which literally are translatedas "his Holy Spirit" in Isaiah63:10 and
Isaiah63:11. It was therefore "the Spirit of Yahweh" (Isaiah 63:14) who
empoweredMoses according to these three respective passagesin Isaiah.
As we see in the Exodus account, the "mighty hand and outstretchedarm"
now come into focus in these passagesfrom Isaiah. It was not the finger of
God, but the "mighty hand and outstretchedarm" of Godthat delivered them
from Egypt. The progressionofpower starts with the finger, the hand, and
then the arm. The visible theocratic Kingdom of God was subsequently
establishedthrough the "mighty hand and outstretched arm" of God.
Jesus thus said to the Pharisees that"the Kingdom of Godwas nigh." He
implied therefore to his listeners who were familiar with the Hebrew Bible
that the "mighty hand and outstretched arm" of God was next, since the
"finger of God" was now presently evident to them. In other words, when
Jesus had mentioned that the Kingdom of God was at hand, he signaledthe
immanency of the return of the Kingdom of God to earth (just as the Exodus
in Egypt resulted in the visible theocratic Kingdom at the giving of the Ten
Commandments on Sinai). Please note that the TenCommandments (Old
Covenant) was given 50 days (Shavuot) after the Exodus from Egypt in the
same way that the New Covenant was given 50 days (Pentecost)afterthe
resurrectionof Jesus the Nazarene.
Further, in Ezekiel20:33-44, we see the predictive prophecy at the time that
Ezekielwrote, that the "mighty hand and outstretchedarm" will again save
the faithful remnant of Jews but through God's covenant, which was the New
Covenantthat was in view (cf. Ezek 20:37 with Ezek 11:19-20;Ezek 34:25;
and Ezek 36:24-28). Therefore Jesus was heralding to his listeners the
immanency of this New Covenant-basedKingdom.
The finger of God therefore prefigures "the mighty hand and outstretched
arm" of God, who delivers his people through "his Holy Spirit" ( ‫חּו‬ ַ ָ‫ְד‬ ‫ש‬ֹׁ‫ו‬ ).
The Holy Spirit therefore is the power that binds Satan.
Jesus is the Moses who heralds the New Covenant-basedKingdom of God,
which arrived at Pentecost by the Holy Spirit.
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answeredMar15 '13 at 22:50
15.3k2828silverbadges7676 bronze badges
I thought the explanation of how the finger relates to the hand and arm was
very informative, but I don't see where the OP's question is actually
addressed:why do Matthew and Luke use different expressions? If anything,
you seemto have provided even more reasons for Matthew, rather than Luke,
to have used the expression. – user33515Dec 5 '17 at 17:49
@user33515- the OP only askedtwo questions, and they concernedLuke, and
not Matthew – JosephDec 5 '17 at 17:52
"In Matthew's account... But Luke ... Why would Luke be the one to adopt
the phrase 'finger of God' here?" I read the question as why Luke rather than
Matthew chose the expression"fingerof God". But you're right, there were
two questions. You answeredthe second, but not the first. it was a really good
answerthough. You might also check out Cyprian's commentary on the hand
of God. He lists a lot of additional references from Isaiah. – user33515Dec 5
'17 at 17:55
For me, I associateLuke with wolf. In Norse mythology, Tyr gave his Hand to
Fenrir the wolf when the wolf was being bound. The Hand will ultimately save
the wolf, the leastof us. Josephshows deference to Benjamin (wolf) because
the part of Josephthat resides in Benjamin. And Deut. 33:12. In the NT,
"Today" is capped and tells us that, one day, the Hand will be calledback to
Himself. To discoverHoly Spirit Within while His Hand is stretched out still,
or it will be too late. – tblue Feb25 '18 at 8:26
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The Spirit of God and the finger of God are used in Matthew 12:27 and Luke
11:20 interchangeably. The Lord God wrote down the 10 commandments on
the stone tablets with his finger. Ex. 34:1. In Jeremiah31:33 talking about the
new covenantGod says,”Iwill put my law in their minds and write it on their
hearts.” How can God write his law on our hearts? By his Spirit. Here the law
is not external rules written on stone, but an internal truth coming from the
Holy Spirit at work inside us. This is the Spirit of Christ, Roman8:9. “ You
howeverare not controlled by the sinful nature, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit
of God lives in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ, does not
belong to him.” As a Christian, I need the finger of God writing his law on my
heart and the Spirit of Christ living in my heart. First his Spirit comes in
when I am born from above ( again) John 3:3 I think the finger of God in this
context is the physical, delicate and surgicallyaccurate working of the Holy
Spirit etching his truth in my innermost being. So in practice, I cannot
separate God’s Spirit who gives me new life, from His finger within me which
enables me to live for Jesus so I can work out my salvation. Phil 2:12
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answeredJun 11 '18 at 0:59
1111 bronze badge
Beautiful job in connecting the Spirit of God with the Fingerof God, Jocelyn.
Welcome to the forum. Bestwishes, – Dieter Jun 14 '18 at 2:34
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In addition to the previous answer, considera bit more simply, that Mt and
Lk are communicating the exactsame conceptwith "spirit" and "finger".
Point being that only the one true God has powerover the devil (immediate
context of both Mt and Lk) as the Gospelwriters (all 4) are evidencing that
Jesus is the Christ, the Saving Son of the Living God. Matthew's primary
Jewishaudience needed no connectionto the "fingerof God" in Ex 8:19 for
they were already acutelyaware that all the plagues (and in particular the
plague of gnats which was a unique plague in that it was sheerex nihilo, a
creationof a living thing out of nothing, a miracle which the magicians of
Egypt could not duplicate) evidencedthe powerof the Spirit of the living God.
Luke's audience would have been more looselyaware ofthe details of the
Exodus story. So Luke's Gospelcatcheshis audience with a reference that
would give them pause to consider:either to go back and look at the Exodus
story, or more likely, to tie the Holy Spirit's presence and power directly to
this Jesus, who, like God alone, had his own "finger" with Holy Spirit power
over the forces of darkness.
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answeredNov17 '15 at 17:38
David M Groleau
Welcome to Stack Exchange,we are glad you are here. When you have a
chance, be sure to check out the site tour and read up on how this site is a little
different than other sites around the web... This is an OK answer, but would
be greatly improved by referencing reliably sources.In general, don't just tell
us what you know, show us how you know it. – ThaddeusB Nov 17 '15 at 18:37
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Jesus traveledfrom town to town preaching the GoodNews, it is most likely
that on many occasionsHe repeated the same things but in a slightly different
manner, that is I believe the reasonfor the difference.
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answeredFeb20 '18 at 21:32
Ozzie Ozzie
6,53811 goldbadge1414silverbadges4141 bronze badges
Are you suggesting that Luke was only aware ofthe times that Jesus usedthe
"finger of God" version of this expressionand not aware of any times he used
"Spirit of God" instead? – Soldarnal Feb 20 '18 at 21:46
@Soldarnal:Luke was aware that Jesus used the term "Spirit of God",
because the Gospelof Matthew was completedby 41 of our Common Era and
the GospelofLuke was by 58 C.E. , so Luke must have been aware that
Matthew used that term , and perhaps knowingly choose to use the other term
"finger of God" used also by Jesus. – Ozzie Ozzie Feb 21 '18 at 19:35
Yes, so my question is if he knowingly choose the other term, why? –
Soldarnal Feb22 '18 at 1:23
@Soldarnal:From the narration of the four gospels we note differences, and
not simply that eachwriter copies the others ,just to give us different
testimonies of the same thing. The narration of Luke for example contains
about 60 % material that is not found in the other gospels and the rich
vocabulary used indicates that Luke was well educated. In mentioning the
"finger of God " Jesus was likelyalluding to Exodus 8:19, probably a well
known verse to the Jews, andthe factthat Luke used it, indicates that he
avoided copying others. – Ozzie Ozzie Feb22 '18 at 19:16
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I believe that since a finger always used to points in a direction, I would say
that the Finger of God is the Spirit of God directed towards a specific
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answeredJul 9 '18 at 1:05
Umanuwa Dick
Please addmore research. Whatdid finger of God mean to the Jews in the
first century? – Perry Webb Jul 9 '18 at 7:42
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Could it be that Jesus was wiselyrebuking their lack of faith and ability by all
THEIR efforts of flesh?
And demonstrated How much Poweris even in His finger? Demons did not
take yelling and saying prayers etc, He was contrasting His limitless powerto
the finite Poweroflegions of demons.
A man a woman, boy or girl, living in Faith in the Name above all names, not
Their Faith, but like Peter, Faith in the Holy Name of Jesus..strong and
mighty Tower....
That’s why His Wisdoms reminds us Not to take HIS NAME in vain
When you and His Name are One With the adversary you will have fun Take
heart dear warrior
His Name moves mountains Melts hearts Binds wounds Cleanses souls Makes
whole The Soul!
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answeredOct11 '18 at 11:02
Hi Rick! Welcome to Hermeneutics.SE. You might take the tour if you have
not alreadyto getan idea of what constitutes a thorough answer. – Jack Oct
20 '18 at 13:36
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This is because Luke being a Physician is a bit more functionally accurate. He
is implying that another word for "spirit" is "finger".
The same practicality can be seenwith the word "soul".
Matthew 16:26
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?
Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?
Luke 9:25
What goodis it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit
their very self?
Luke is being more specific by implying that the soulis anotherway of saying
Your soul is your self. Your spirit is your finger.
Finger of God
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Fingerof God (disambiguation).
Moses breaksthe TenCommandments inscribed by the Finger of God in
response to the golden calfworship in this 1860 woodcutby Julius Schnorr
von Carolsfeld.
The "finger of God" is a phrase used in the Bible. In Exodus 8:16–20 it is used
during the plagues of Egypt by the Egyptian magicians.[1]In Exodus 31:18
and Deuteronomy9:10 it refers to the method by which the Ten
Commandments were written on tablets of stone that were brought down
from biblical Mount Sinai by Moses.[2]
It was also used once by Jesus in the Gospelof Luke to describe how he had
castout demons.[3]
1 Hebrew Bible
1.1 Writing on the wall
2 New Testament
3 See also
4 References
5 External links
Hebrew Bible
The first time the phrase "finger of God" appears is in the Hebrew Bible, in
the eighth chapter, in the paragraph of verses sixteenthrough twenty of the
Book ofExodus, which reads
Then the Lord said to Moses,"Sayto Aaron, 'Stretch out your staff and strike
the dust of the earth, so that it may become gnats throughout the whole land
of Egypt.'" And they did so; Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff and
struck the dust of the earth, and gnats came on humans and animals alike;all
the dust of the earth turned into gnats throughout the whole land of Egypt.
The magicians tried to produce gnats by their secretarts, but they could not.
There were gnats on both humans and animals. And the magicians saidto
Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God!" But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and
he would not listen to them, just as the Lord had said.
— Exodus 8:16–20
The secondtime the phrase "fingerof God" appears is at the lastverse, verse
eighteenof the thirty-first chapterof the same book, which reads "And he
gave unto Moses,whenhe had made an end of communing with him upon
mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of
The third time the phrase appears is a secondreference to the tablets of the
Ten Commandments, and is found in Deuteronomy 9:10, which says "And the
LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God;
and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spake
with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly."
Writing on the wall
The fourth biblical mention is during Belshazzar's Feastin Daniel5, when
scripture reports 'fingers of a man's hand' wrote on the wall:
‫ָמַאנמ‬ ‫ק‬ ‫פו‬ ‫פו‬
Daniel reads the words "MENE, MENE,TEKEL, UPHARSIN" and
interprets them for the king: "MENE, Godhas numbered the days of your
kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed... and
found wanting;" and "PERES, your kingdom is divided and given to the
Medes and Persians. ThenBelshazzargave the command, and Danielwas
clothed in purple, a chain of gold was put around his neck, and a
proclamation was made… that he should rank third in the kingdom; [and]
that very night Belshazzarthe Chaldean (Babylonian) king was killed, and
Darius the Mede receivedthe kingdom." [4]
The phrase handwriting on the wall has entered our lexiconfrom this
reference to mean a warning of impending doom.[5]
New Testament
See also:Exorcising the blind and mute man
The phrase is also usedby Jesus in the Christian New Testamentduring his
proof that he did not castout demons by the powerof Beelzebub. He said,
"But if it is by the finger of God that I castout the demons, then the kingdom
of God has come to you."[6]
In the New Testamentstory of Jesus and the woman takenin adultery, Jesus
writes in the dust of the earth with his finger.[7]Pope BenedictXVI notes
from St Augustine that this gesture canbe seenas portraying Christ as the
divine legislator;Jesus'actions in writing in the dust are redolent of the
Finger of God writing the Law on tablets of stone.[8]
See also
Act of God
Belshazzar's feast
The Creationof Adam
Exodus 8:16–20
Exodus 31:18, Deuteronomy9:10
Luke 11:20
Seow, C.L. (2003). Daniel. WestminsterJohnKnox Press. pp. 74–75. ISBN
"idoms". The Free Dictionary.
Luke 11:20
John 8:6
"Angelus". 21 March2010. Retrieved22 October2018.
11 Bible Verses aboutFinger Of God
Verse Concepts
When I considerYour heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
Verse Concepts
“Surely My hand founded the earth,
And My right hand spreadout the heavens;
When I call to them, they stand together.
Verse Concepts
But now, O Lord, You are our Father,
We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all of us are the work of Your hand.
Exodus 31:18
Verse Concepts
When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses
the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God.
Exodus 24:12
Verse Concepts
Now the Lord said to Moses,“Come up to Me on the mountain and remain
there, and I will give you the stone tablets with the law and the commandment
which I have written for their instruction.”
Exodus 32:16
Verse Concepts
The tablets were God’s work, and the writing was God’s writing engravedon
the tablets.
Exodus 34:1
Verse Concepts
Now the Lord said to Moses,“Cutout for yourself two stone tablets like the
former ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former
tablets which you shattered.
Daniel 5:5
Verse Concepts
Suddenly the fingers of a man’s hand emerged and began writing opposite the
lampstand on the plasterof the wall of the king’s palace, and the king saw the
back of the hand that did the writing.
Daniel 5:24-28
Then the hand was sent from Him and this inscription was written out. “Now
this is the inscription that was written out: ‘MENĒ, MENĒ, TEKĒL,
UPHARSIN.’ This is the interpretation of the message:‘MENĒ’—Godhas
numbered your kingdom and put an end to more.
Exodus 8:19
Verse Concepts
Then the magicians saidto Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But
Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had
Luke 11:20
Verse Concepts
But if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has
come upon you.
Bible Theasaurus
Finger (39 instances)
God (4960 instances)
From Thematic Bible
God, Powerof» Expressedby the » Fingerof God
God, Powerof» Expressedby the » Fingerof God
Verse Concepts
When I considerYour heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
Exodus 8:19
Verse Concepts
Then the magicians saidto Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But
Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had
What is the finger of God?
finger of God
Question:"What is the finger of God?"
Answer: The phrase the finger of God is found four times in the Bible, three
times in the Old Testamentand once in the New. It is synonymous with the
supernatural power of God as it directly impacts events in this world. The
first reference to the finger of Godis found in Exodus. Moses hadjust
unleashed the third plague on Egypt in an effort to force Pharaohto free the
Israelites who had been held captive for four hundred years. The Lord
instructed Mosesto tell Aaron to stretchout his staff and “strike the dust of
the earth, so that it may become gnats in all the land of Egypt” (Exodus 8:16).
After Pharaoh’s magicians tried and failed to replicate the miracle, they said
to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God” (Exodus 8:19).
The secondreference to the finger of God also occurs in Exodus, where the
phrase is used about the tablets of stone given to Moses. Thesetablets
containedthe covenantlaw, “inscribedby the finger of God” (Exodus 31:18).
Moses relatesanaccountof the same incident in Deuteronomy 9:10. It is not
to be supposedthat God literally touched the tablets, since God is spirit and
has no “fingers”;rather, the phrase the finger of God is an
anthropomorphism indicating that God directly causedthe commandments to
be engraved upon the stone. The 1956 movie The Ten Commandments depicts
the writing as coming from a finger of fire, which is probably as gooda
rendering of the actual actas any. HoweverGod accomplishedit, the letters
were devised and formed by Him, the writing was His, and the engraving on
the stones was done by His own power.
The New Testamentreference to the finger of God is from Jesus Himself.
After freeing a blind and mute man from a demon, Jesus saidto His critics,
“If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has
come upon you” (Luke 11:20). In a parallel passage, the phrase is the Spirit of
God rather than the finger of God(Matthew 12:28). In both accounts, the
meaning is that Jesus performed miracles by the overt power of God, the
same power that causedthe gnats to swarm and the writing to appear on the
tablets of stone.
The finger of God is a reference to God’s unlimited poweras He intervenes
directly in the affairs of men. The working of the finger of God is
unmistakable. No device of man can compete with that power, as even the
heathen magicians came to recognize in Moses’day.
“The Finger of God” Refers to His Power
May 1, 2016 by Bob Wilkin in Grace in Focus Articles
Jesus finger writing in the sand in close up view
Ask any Biblically literate personabout the expressionthe finger of God and
he will either refer to God writing the Ten Commandments with His own
finger (Exod 31:18)or to the mysterious fingers of a man’s hand that
appearedout of nowhere and wrote a mystical message onthe wall in Dan5:5,
But most Christians have never given much thought to the expressionthe
finger of God.
Recentlywhile seeing that expressionin the NT, I realized I needed to give it
more thought. This article is a result of my further thinking on the subject.
The Fingerof God Writing the Ten Commandments Twice (Exodus 31:18)
Moses tells us, “And when He [the Lord] had made an end of speaking with
him [Moses]onMount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony,
tablets of stone, written with the finger of God” (Exod 31:18, emphasis
added). Of course, Godthe Father has no finger. Nor does God the Holy
Spirit. Thus this must refer to the finger of God the Son, the secondmember
of the Trinity.
The Lord Jesus wrote the Ten Commandments twice. Why? Because Moses
broke the original tablets when he saw that the people were rebelling against
God in his absence (Exod32:19). So the Lord Jesus wrote the Ten
Commandments a secondtime on two new tablets of stone (Exod 34:1ff).
In this case the finger of God refers to God’s powerand to His revelatory
power. He not only is greatand powerful but He also communicates His will
to mankind, in this case, to His chosenpeople, Israel.
The Lord Jesus Writing in the Dirt Twice with His Finger(John 8:6)
I am indebted to Ken Yates for my understanding of Jesus twice writing with
His finger in the dirt in the accountof Jesus’testing due to the woman caught
in adultery (John 7:53–8:11). I heard Ken preach on this. He suggestedthat
the reasonJohndoes not tell us what Jesus wrote in the dirt is that the content
of what He wrote is not the point. The point is the very fact that He wrote in
the dirt with His finger and that He did so twice.
The religious leaders of Israelwere trying to catchJesus in an impossible
situation. They knew He was very gracious and forgiving. Thus they figured
He would not condemn the woman caught in adultery to death. Yet the Law of
Moses commandedthat anyone caught in adultery should be stoned. Thus the
leaders felt they had Jesus trapped and that He would violate the Law of
Of course, they felt He violated the Law of Moses everytime He healed on the
Sabbath too. But this case wouldbe something that they could more easily sell
to the masses as being a violation of the Law.
So notice the three elements: 1) Jesus writing with His finger, 2) Jesus doing
so twice, and 3) Jesus doing so in a dispute about the Law of Moses.
Ken pointed out that by writing with His finger in the dirt, His audience
should have understood that He was claiming to be the one who wrote the Ten
Commandments with His own finger. Certainly we today should pick this up.
Thus they were trying to testthe very Personwho gave them the Law in the
first place. It was the pre-incarnate Jesus who met with MosesatSinai. He
gave Moses the Law. He wrote it once on two tablets of stone. Then when
Moses broke the tablets, He wrote the Ten Commandments a secondtime.
The finger of God in John 8:6, 8 refers to the fact that Jesus, Godin the flesh,
is the Personwho revealedthe Law in the first place. He is the Lawgiver.
Revelationand authority and powercome from Him. To oppose Him is to
oppose the Law of Moses whetherthey realized it or not.
The Ten Plagues ofEgypt as the Finger of God (Exodus 8:19)
The Egyptian magicians could duplicate some of the ten plagues which God
did through Mosesand Aaron. But they could not duplicate the plague of lice.
In that case the magicians said, ‘“This is the finger of God’” (Exod 8:19).
Surely the Egyptian magicians knew that all of the plagues were the finger of
God. But when they can’t duplicate this one, they confess that“This is the
finger of God.”
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god
Jesus was wielding the finger of god

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Jesus was wielding the finger of god

  • 1. JESUS WAS WEILDING THE FINGER OF GOD EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Luke 11:20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. BIBLEHUB RESOURCES Christianity The Benignant Power Luke 11:20 W. Clarkson Lasting powershows solid worth. The corrupt empire falls; the false systemis exploded; the demoralizing customis discarded. That which, under all changes, showsitselfstrong and enduring, is proved to be sound and good. But add the element of benignity. Jesus Christ adduces his beneficent power in the expulsion of evil spirits from the bodies of men as a convincing evidence of the Divine presence;that being done, "no doubt the kingdom of God is come." Powerforgood, for healing, for restoring, for transforming, such powercontinuing for many generations and acting under all skies, - "no doubt" that is from above;it is of God. If we find that Christianity has proved itself to be the one greatbenignant powerin the world, exerting a gracious, redeeming, elevating influence on humanity, then "no doubt the kingdom of God is come" upon us. We shall see that this is so if we consider -
  • 2. I. THE STATE OF SOCIETYWHEN JESUS CAME. And we have to take into our accountthe parental tyranny; the position of woman in her state of inferiority and even degradation; the universal sentiment toward the stranger or the foreigner, spokenof and treatedas a "barbarian" and an enemy; the prevalence of war, and its conduct with every imaginable cruelty and the most shocking recklessness oflife; the prevalence of slavery under a system in which the slaves were regardedand treated as absolutely without any rights or claims whatsoever;the existence of gladiatorialshows, in which the lives of hundreds of strong men in the midst of life were sacrificedfor sport to men and even to women; the common usage ofinfanticide; the abundance of pauperism, existing to such an extent that in the time of Caesar"nearlythree- fourths of the whole population of the city of Rome were on the roll of public succor;" the institution of torture; the practice of licentious shows, and of unnatural and unnameable vices. We have here no more than a bare outline of the evils which existed in the world when "Jesus was born at Bethlehem." II. WHAT AMELIORATION CHRISTIANITY HAS WROUGHT AND IS WORKING. Three things have to be mentioned - one to be admitted, and the other two to be maintained. 1. That there have been one or two auxiliary forces in the field, which have contributed towards the elevationof mankind; but theirs has been very much indeed the smaller share. 2. That Christianity was prevented from doing all it would have done by being bitterly opposed. 3. That its action has been most pitifully weakenedby its truth having been so greatly corrupted. But what, notwithstanding, has it accomplished.9
  • 3. (1) It has castout the demon of parental tyranny, and made the child to be the objectof respectand kindness. (2) It has raised woman, and made her the helpmeet, in every way, of her husband, causing her to be treated with deference and consideration. (3) It has mitigated the terrible severities of war, carrying its red cross of succorinto the very midst of the battle-field, and, to a large extent, removing its hideous savagery. (4) It has gone far towards exorcising the demon of slavery. (5) It has abolished the shameful scenesofthe old Roman arena. (6) It has extinguished infanticide and torture whereverit has authority to legislate. (7) It is carrying on a stern and victorious campaignagainstimpurity and intemperance. (8) It has built hospitals, lunatic asylums, reformatories, orphanages, almshouses, by the hundred, by the thousand. (9) It has opened the school-doorin which youth everywhere is prepared for the duties, the joys, and the conflicts of life.
  • 4. (10) It has sentforth its many hundreds of heralds to carry light, peace, love, purity, wisdom, into the haunts of superstition, violence, and vice. (11) It is penetrating the worstslums of our greatcities, seeking outthe prod, me, the abandoned, the criminal; and with its touch of holy pity, which surely proceeds from "the finger of God," it is casting out the demons of sin and shame. At the present rate of progress, anotherhalf-century will see a most wonderful and glorious change in the aspectof the human world. III. THE CONCLUSION THAT WE DRAW. If Christianity has done, is doing, will do, all this, then "no doubt "in its advent we have the coming of the "kingdom of God." No doubt Christ has that to say to us which it is infinitely worth our while to know;that to do for us it is our highest privilege to have done on our behalf; that to be to us which it is immeasurably desirable he should be. Let us learn of him; be led by him into paths of sacredservice;and invite him to become our personalLord and Savior. - C. COMMENTARIES Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (20) If I with the finger of God . . .—Note the substitution of this language for “by the Spirit of God,” in Matthew 12:28, and its connectionwith the use by the older prophets of “the hand of the Lord,” to indicate the state which issuedin prophetic inspiration (Ezekiel1:3; Ezekiel37:1), and with “the finger of God” as writing the Commandments on the tables of stone (Exodus 31:18), and Pharaoh’s confessionthat “the finger of God” was with Moses and Aaron in the wonders which they wrought (Exodus 8:19). The meaning of this
  • 5. boldly anthropomorphic language is sufficiently obvious. As the “hand” denotes powergenerally, so the “finger” symbolises powerin its concentrated and specially-directedenergy. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 11:14-26 Christ's thus casting out the devils, was really the destroying of their power. The heart of every unconverted sinner is the devil's palace, where he dwells, and where he rules. There is a kind of peace in the heart of an unconverted soul, while the devil, as a strong man armed, keeps it. The sinner is secure, has no doubt concerning the goodness ofhis state, nor any dread of the judgment to come. But observe the wonderful change made in conversion. The conversionof a soul to God, is Christ's victory over the devil and his powerin that soul, restoring the soul to its liberty, and recovering his own interest in it and powerover it. All the endowments of mind of body are now employed for Christ. Here is the condition of a hypocrite. The house is swept from common sins, by a forced confession, as Pharaoh's;by a feigned contrition, as Ahab's; or by a partial reformation, as Herod's. The house is swept, but it is not washed; the heart is not made holy. Sweeping takes offonly the loose dirt, while the sin that besets the sinner, the beloved sin, is untouched. The house is garnishedwith common gifts and graces.It is not furnished with any true grace;it is all paint and varnish, not real nor lasting. It was never given up to Christ, nor dwelt in by the Spirit. Let us take heed of resting in that which a man may have, and yet come short of heaven. The wickedspirits enter in without any difficulty; they are welcomed, and they dwell there; there they work, there they rule. From such an awful state let all earnestlypray to be delivered. Barnes'Notes on the Bible See this passage explainedin the notes at Matthew 12:22-30. Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary
  • 6. 20. the finger of God—"the Spirit of God" (Mt 12:28);the former figuratively denoting the powerof God, the latter the living PersonalAgentin every exercise ofit. Matthew Poole's Commentary See Poole on"Luke 11:18" Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible But if I with the, finger of God,.... The powerof God, referring to Exodus 8:19 and so the Cabalistic Jews (r) explain it, "the finger is one of the five in the hand, and is that finger which works by the powerof Elohim;'' it is the same with the Spirit of God; See Gill on Matthew 12:28 which is often calledthe hand of the Lord, Ezekiel1:3. (r) R. Moschin Sepher Hashem, apud Cabal. Denudata. T. I. par. l. p. 146. Geneva Study Bible But if I with the {d} finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. (d) That is, by the power of God: so it says in Geneva Ex 8:19. EXEGETICAL(ORIGINAL LANGUAGES) Expositor's Greek Testament Luke 11:20. ἐν δακτύλῳ Θεοῦ:instead of Mt.’s ἐν πνεύματι Θεοῦ, which is doubtless the original expression, being more appropriate to the connection of
  • 7. thought. Lk.’s expressionemphasises the immediateness of the Divine action through Jesus, in accordancewith his habit of giving prominence to the miraculousness ofChrist’s healing acts. But the question was not as to the fact, but as to the moral quality of the miracle. The phrase recalls Exodus 8:9.—ἔφθασεν:φθάνω in classicsmeans to anticipate, in later Greek to reach, the idea of priority being dropped out. Cambridge Bible for Schools andColleges 20. with the finger of God] “Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God” Exodus 8:19. is come upon you] The word and tense imply suddenness and surprise. Bengel's Gnomen Luke 11:20. Δακτύλῳ, with the finger) by a powermanifestly divine, and without any difficulty. Comp. Exodus 8:19. Pulpit Commentary Verse 20. - But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. Here Jesus points to a fact well knownand thoroughly established. There was no question here; the most obstinate cases of possessionhad yielded to that "finger" be spoke ofhere; the fiercestof the, alas!(then) great company of the insane, at the bidding of that quiet, humble Rabbi, for ever shook offthe spirit of madness, in whatever form of terrible possessionit had been dwelling in his body. There was no question here; the only point raised by his enemies how had that quiet Rabbi done these strange, mighty works - Jesus had answered;and now draws a picture of one of these acts of his. The "finger of God" in St. Matthew, where the same or a similar discourse is related, is calledthe "Spirit of God." The expressionis strange, but is one not unusual in ancient Hebrew phraseology. So the Egyptian magicians saidto Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God" (Exodus 8:19). The ten commandments are describedas written on the two tables of stone with the "finger of God." "You have seenby what powerthe devils obey me; yea, the
  • 8. kingdom of God, for which you are waiting and looking, lo, it is come upon you." Vincent's Word Studies Is come upon you See on Matthew 12:28. Luke 11:20Is come upon you See on Matthew 12:28. STUDYLIGHTRESOURCES Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the kingdom of God come upon you. The finger of God ... This was a masterstroke. When Moses performedgreat wonders before Pharaoh, and when for a time the magicians duplicated the wonders, then came the plague of lice. Aaron stretchedthe rod upon the land, and the dust of the earth became lice in man and beast(Exodus 8:17). Attempting to do this they failed; and they went and told Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God" (Exodus 8:19). Jesus'use of the same language here
  • 9. stressesthe superiority of his miracles over the professedcures performed by the sons of the Pharisees. Then is the kingdom of God come upon you ... This is not a declarationthat Christ's church, or kingdom, had at this time been established, an event that took place on Pentecost. The kingdom had come in the sense that the King had appearedand was gathering out of secularIsrael, the spiritual remnant, the true Israel, who, along with Gentiles, would form the nucleus of the new institution. See under Luke 11:4. Copyright Statement James Burton Coffman Commentaries reproduced by permission of Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. All other rights reserved. Bibliography Coffman, James Burton. "Commentary on Luke 11:20". "Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament". https: Abilene Christian University Press, Abilene, Texas, USA. 1983-1999. Return to Jump List return to 'Jump List' John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible But if I with the, finger of God,.... The powerof God, referring to Exodus 8:19 and so the Cabalistic JewsF18 explainit, "the finger is one of the five in the hand, and is that finger which works by the powerof Elohim;'
  • 10. it is the same with the Spirit of God; See Gill on Matthew 12:28 which is often calledthe hand of the Lord, Ezekiel1:3. Copyright Statement The New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernisedand adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario. A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855 Bibliography Gill, John. "Commentary on Luke 11:20". "The New JohnGill Exposition of the Entire Bible". https: 11.html. 1999. Return to Jump List return to 'Jump List' Geneva Study Bible But if I with the d finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. (d) That is, by the power of God: so it says in {See (Exodus 8:19) }. Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesyof Used by Permission.
  • 11. Bibliography Beza, Theodore. "Commentaryon Luke 11:20". "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". https: 1599-1645. Return to Jump List return to 'Jump List' Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible the finger of God — “the Spirit of God” (Matthew 12:28);the former figuratively denoting the powerof God, the latter the living PersonalAgentin every exercise ofit. Robertson's WordPictures in the New Testament By the finger of God (εν δακτυλωι τεου — en daktulōi theou). In distinction from the Jewishexorcists.Matthew 12:28 has “by the Spirit of God.” Then is come (αρα επτασεν — ara ephthasen). Πτανω — Phthanō in late Greek comes to mean simply to come, not to come before. The aorist indicative tense here is timeless. Note αρα — ara (accordingly)in the conclusion(αποδοσις — apodosis). Wesley's ExplanatoryNotes But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. If I castout devils by the finger of God — That is, by a powermanifestly Divine. Perhaps the expressionintimates farther, that it was done without any
  • 12. labour: then the kingdom of God is come upon you - Unawares, unexpected: so the Greek wordimplies. Greek TestamentCriticalExegeticalCommentary 20.]ἐν δακτύλῳ θ. = ἐν πνεύματι θ. Matt. No distinction can be established, as Gresw. attempts. The one expressionexplains the other. What was done (Hebraistically speaking)by the finger of God, was done by the Spirit of God. We have much greatervariations than this in sayings demonstrably the same. And as to what the same author maintains about the relative magnitude of the works of the finger, hand, and arm of God, a reference to ref. Ps., where the heavens are ‘the works of Thy fingers,’will sufficiently shew how little reliance is to be placedon such subtleties. PeterPett's Commentary on the Bible “But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the Kingly Rule of God come upon you.” On the other hand they should considerthe factthat if He castout evil spirits by the finger of God, then it proved that the Kingly Rule of God was present in Him. That it had come on them unexpectedly. This is not arguing that the fact that evil spirits were castout proved that the Kingly Rule of God had come. Their ‘sons’did similar things and no one suggestedthat that meant that the Kingly Rule of God had come. All that did was prove that they and He were of God. What He is saying here is that it is becauseHe,as God’s Anointed One, was doing it by the finger of God that it proved that the Kingly Rule of God had come. For the admission that He did castout demons by the powerof God
  • 13. when combined with His claims (which His successagainstdemons would confirm) would establishHis claims. They could not agree that He castout demons by the powerof Godand at the same time deny His claims to be the Son of man, for His successagainstdemons would be evidence that God was pleasedwith Him and acknowledgedHis claims. That would then be sufficient proof that the Kingly Rule of Godhad come. The phrase ‘finger of God’ is an Old Testamentphrase denoting God’s direct actionfree from any occultmethods. The Egyptian magicians used it when they at last had to recognisethat Moses was notusing conjuring tricks or demonic magic, but that God Himself was acting directly (Exodus 8:19). They recognisedthat now God had put His sealon things. It was also usedof the writing of ‘the ten words on the tablet which were ‘written by the finger of God’ (Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy9:10). The finger of God was the guarantee that the words were His words. Thus here it is a sealof Who and What Jesus is. Matthew translates it as ‘if I by the Spirit of God’ (Matthew 12:28), which is saying the same thing, for the phrase ‘Spirit of God’ always indicates direct action. As the chiasmus demonstrates, these words are centralto the whole passage. Luke’s centralpoint here is that the Kingly Rule of God has come with power in Jesus as He does battle with the forces of evil. This will then be further emphasisedin order to demonstrate that Jesus is the ‘Strongerthan he’. The Expositor's Greek Testament Luke 11:20. ἐν δακτύλῳ θεοῦ:instead of Mt.’s ἐν πνεύματι θεοῦ, which is doubtless the original expression, being more appropriate to the connectionof thought. Lk.’s expressionemphasises the immediateness of the Divine action through Jesus, in accordancewith his habit of giving prominence to the miraculousness ofChrist’s healing acts. But the question was not as to the fact, but as to the moral quality of the miracle. The phrase recalls Exodus
  • 14. 8:9.— ἔφθασεν: φθάνω in classicsmeans to anticipate, in later Greek to reach, the idea of priority being dropped out. E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes with = by. Greek. en, as in Luke 11:19. Compare Matthew 3:11. the finger of God. Figure of speechAnthropopatheia. App-6See Exodus 8:19. Finger, here, put by Figure of speechMetonymy (of Subject), App-6, for the Holy Spirit Himself. the kingdom of God. See App-114. come upon you. With suddenness and surprise Greek. phthano. Occurances elsewhere:Matthew 12:28. Romans 9:31, 2 Corinthians 10:14. Philippians 1:3, Philippians 1:16. 1 Thessalonians 2:16;1 Thessalonians 4:15. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (20) If I with the finger of God . . .—Note the substitution of this language for “by the Spirit of God,” in Matthew 12:28, and its connectionwith the use by the older prophets of “the hand of the Lord,” to indicate the state which issuedin prophetic inspiration (Ezekiel1:3; Ezekiel37:1), and with “the finger of God” as writing the Commandments on the tables of stone (Exodus 31:18), and Pharaoh’s confessionthat “the finger of God” was with Moses and Aaron in the wonders which they wrought (Exodus 8:19). The meaning of this boldly anthropomorphic language is sufficiently obvious. As the “hand” denotes powergenerally, so the “finger” symbolises powerin its concentrated and specially-directedenergy.
  • 15. Treasuryof Scripture Knowledge But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. the finger Exodus 8:19; Matthew 12:28 the kingdom For the destruction of the kingdom of Satan plainly implies the setting up of the kingdom of God. The reasoning of the Pharisees(ver. 17, and Mt 12:24, 25,)was not expressed, and Jesus knowing their thoughts, gave ample proof of his omniscience. This, with our Lord's masterly confutation of their reasonings, by a conclusiondrawn from their own premises, one would have supposedmight have humbled and convinced those men; but the most conclusive reasoning, and the most astonishing miracles, were lost upon a people who were obstinately determined to disbelieve every thing that was goodrelative to Jesus of Nazareth. 10:9,11;Daniel 2:44; Acts 20:25; 28:23-28;2 Thessalonians 1:5 PRECEPTAUSTIN RESOURCES BRUCE HURT MD Luke 11:20 "But if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
  • 16. NET Luke 11:20 But if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has already overtakenyou. GNT Luke 11:20 εἰ δὲ ἐν δακτύλῳ θεοῦ [ἐγὼ] ἐκβάλλω τὰ δαιμόνια, ἄρα ἔφθασεν ἐφ᾽ ὑμᾶς ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ. NLT Luke 11:20 But if I am casting out demons by the powerof God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you. KJV Luke 11:20 But if I with the finger of God castout devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. ESV Luke 11:20 But if it is by the finger of God that I castout demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. NIV Luke 11:20 But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. ASV Luke 11:20 But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the kingdom of God come upon you. CSB Luke 11:20 If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. NKJ Luke 11:20 "But if I castout demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
  • 17. NRS Luke 11:20 But if it is by the finger of God that I castout the demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you. YLT Luke 11:20 but if by the finger of God I castforth the demons, then come unawares upon you did the reign of God. NAB Luke 11:20 But if it is by the finger of God that (I) drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. NJB Luke 11:20 But if it is through the finger of God that I drive devils out, then the kingdom of God has indeed caught you unawares. GWN Luke 11:20 But if I force out demons with the help of God's power, then the kingdom of God has come to you. BBE Luke 11:20 But if I, by the finger of God, send out evil spirits, then the kingdom of God has overtakenyou. the finger of God Ex 8:19; Mt 12:28 then the kingdom of God has come upon you Lk 10:9,11;Daniel2:44; Acts 20:25;28:23-28;2 Th 1:5 Luke 11 Resources - Multiple Sermons and Commentaries Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part1 - John MacArthur Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part2 - John MacArthur
  • 18. THE FINGER OF GOD IS THE POWER OF GOD But - This contrastis betweentwo "IF'S" - the "IF" of Lk 11:19 and the "IF" in this passage!And so Jesus introduces another explanation for His ability to castout demons and it is the antithesis of the accusationmade by the Jews. If I castout demons by the finger of God - "IF" is not an expressionof doubt, but a first class conditionalstatement(see Conditional statements)meaning "Since by the finger of God I castout demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." Jesus having demolished their scandalous charge thatHe was empoweredby Satan, now gives the true source ofHis power, the finger of God. The parallelpassage in Matthew 12:28 says "But if I castout demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." From this we can conclude conclude that the finger of Godis the same as the Spirit of God. The fact that Jesus was casting outdemons by the Spirit of God was evidence indeed that the kingdom of God had come upon the people of that generation. The kingdom had come in the Personof the King Himself. The very fact that the Lord Jesus was there, performing such miracles, was proof positive that God's anointed Ruler had appeared upon the stage of history. We see this same phrase finger of God in Exodus 8:19 where Pharaoh's magicians even admitted that Mosessigns pointed to the fact that his power was from God. "Then the magicians saidto Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh’s heartwas hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the LORD had said." Compare these other allusions to the finger of God - The Ten Commandments were inscribed by the “fingerof God” (Ex 31:18; Dt 9:10). Ps 8:3 says the heavens are the work of God’s fingers. In sum, the finger of God is clearly a reference to God's powerand not to the power of Satanas assertedby the protagonists. Jesusexorcisedthe demons by the powerof God
  • 19. and the Spirit of God Who filled Jesus and empoweredHim for ministry (see Lk 4:2-note and Lk 4:14-note, cf Acts 10:38). Steven Cole - The term, “finger of God,” goes back to Exodus 8:19, where the Egyptian magicians recognize God’s powerthrough Moses. Jesus is saying that if Satanis not behind His power, then clearly, God is. By saying that the kingdom of God had come upon them, Jesus was referring to the initial phase of the kingdom as manifested in the presence ofthe King. Jesus’deliverance of people from Satan’s bondage anticipates the coming day when Jesus will reign not only in hearts, but on the throne of David, when Satanwill be bound from his powerful influence on earth. Until His enemies are made His footstool, Christexercises His rule from the Father’s right hand in the hearts of all who submit their lives to Him. Then the kingdom (basileia)of God- One must understand that there are (at least)two phases to the Kingdom of God. The first phase is the invisible, internal Kingdom of Godand which He later described as "in your midst” (Lk 17:21+), the Kingdom in which the King reigns in the heart of the person who has acceptedJesusas Messiah. To proclaim the Kingdom of God is to preach the Gospel, to proclaim the goodnews of salvation, explaining how one can enter the Kingdom of God. (Jn 3:3-16+) When the King returns on "the day that the Son of Man is revealed(apokalupto)," (Lk 17:30+)the heart of every person will also be revealedas to whether they sought the kingdom of "self" or the kingdom of the Savior! The future phase of the Kingdom of God is known as the MessianicAge or the Millennial Kingdom.(See detailed explanation of Jesus'meaning of the Kingdom of God in notes on Luke 17:20- 21). Jesus knew the Jews were looking for the future aspectofthe Kingdom of God, (cf Mt 20:21 and Acts 1:6+) but His preaching and that of His disciples was to explain how one could enter the invisible aspectof the Kingdom of God in the present and in that way they would be assuredof experiencing the visible Kingdom of God in the future. All of this talk about the Kingdom begs one question dear reader-- Have you entered the Kingdom of God by
  • 20. believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of that Kingdom? If not today could be the best day of your life (2 Cor 6:2). Has come upon you - Has come is the aorist tense, indicative mood which speaks ofa completedaction, something that has takenplace. Jesus'ability to castout demons who belong to the kingdom of darkness is clear evidence that another Kingdom (and King) has arrived! The miracles of Jesus demonstrated God's victory over the forces of evil, a victory which was achievedon the Cross and validated by the Resurrection. Christ's Kingdom will be consummated when He returns and defeats the Antichrist (Rev 19:11- 16+, Rev19:19-21+)and casts Sataninto prison for 1000 years, the Millennium, (Rev 20:1-3+)and then into the Lake of Fire forever (Rev 20:7- 10+ where He had castthe Antichrist 1000 years prior)! That said, it is should be emphasized that Satan is presently still powerful, but His poweris limited, his doom is sealed, and his time is short. Bock on kingdom of God has come - Jesus says the miracles are evidences of the arrival of God’s promised, redemptive rule. They are audiovisual testimony to God’s power and rule....The key term in the verse is ephthasen (from phthano), “has come.”....The miracles trumpet the arrival of God’s ruling power in such a way that Satan’s display of poweron earth is challengedand is in the process ofbeing defeated.To saythe kingdom has arrived is not to argue that consummation has come, only that its presence has begun. The process ofestablishing kingdom authority is a long one, as Jesus will reveal, and it will take his return to bring the full promise of the kingdom to completion....Godis breaking peacefully into the creationthrough Jesus to reclaim humanity from Satan’s grip. Jesus overcomesthe presence and power of evil in the world. His power is greaterthan that of demons. He is stronger than Satan. His powerand authority reverse the effectof sin. This exercise of powerthrough Jesus is why Paul cancall the gospel“the powerof God” in Romans 1:16–17+. The storyof the gospelis the story of how Satan, sin and the flesh are overcome through Jesus’provisionof the Spirit (1 Th 1:5+). So
  • 21. Paul calls the kingdom of God a matter of power(1 Cor 4:20) as wellas justice, peace and joy inspired by the Spirit (Ro 14:17). And Ephesians 1:15– 2:10 and Eph 6:10–18+referto the battle we have againstthe forces of evil and note how Jesus has a position of authority over them. These theological realities are pictured in Jesus’words.” (IVPNTC-Lk)(IN LIGHT OF THESE TRUTHS - Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resistin the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm." Eph 6:13+) The NET Note on has come upon you - The phrase is also quite important. Does it mean merely "approach" oractually "come upon"? The issue here is like the one in Lk 10:9 (see note there on the phrase "come near"). Is the arrival of the kingdom in process ormerely anticipated? Two factors favor arrival. First, the prepositionalphrase "onyou" suggests arrival(Da 4:24, 28 Theodotion). Second, the following illustration in Lk 11:21-23 looksatthe healing as portraying Satanbeing overrun. So the presence ofGod's authority has come. Cornerstone BiblicalCommentary on the Kingdom of God has come - The exorcisms performed by Jesus provided strong evidence that God’s Kingdom, long anticipated and hoped for, had at last entered history in a transforming way. In fact, the words and works of Jesus as a whole revealedthe fact that the Kingdom of God had actually arrived in the person of Jesus of Nazareth (cf. Jesus’answerto John the Baptist’s questions in Lk 7:22+;Mt 11:5). Yet, there was still the future time when the purposes of God would be fully realized and consummated, and so the disciples were taught to pray, “May your Kingdom come soon” (Lk 11:2; Matt 6:10). The Kingdom’s nearness and imminence (Mark 1:14-15+)calledfor repentance in preparation for its final realization, when the Son of Man would come in power (Mark 14:62;Matt 26:64;cf. Luke 21:36; 22:69). Both the “already” and the “not yet” dimensions of the Kingdom must be affirmed and kept in carefulbalance to do justice to the present and future dimensions of the Kingdom theme. For further discussionsee Beasley-Murray(1986). (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary – Volume 12: Luke and Acts)
  • 22. Has come (aoristtense) (5348)(phthano)originally meant to precede someone, to come before or to anticipate (as in 1Th4:15+). Over time phthano begin to lose the idea of priority and to mean simply to come to or to arrive at. The idea is to come to a particular state or to arrive at a goaland so to attain it. In Mt 12:28+ "“Butif I castout demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." Phthano pictures progress along a road to a certain point. Ryle - The kingdom of God is come upon you. The argument here appears to be this,—“If these miracles which I work are really workedby the finger of God, and I am clearlyproved by them to be one sent from God, then, whether you will allow it or not, the times of Messiahhave evidently arrived. The kingdom of God has come down upon you unawares, and these miracles are signs that it is so.”—This argumentreduced the enemies of our Lord to a dilemma. Either they must deny that our Lord castout devils,—this they could not do;—or else they must admit that their own sons castout devils by the powerof Beelzebub;—this they would not do.—The nature of the argument appears to show that when our Lord spake of“your sons casting out devils,” He could not have meant His own disciples. STEVEN COLE “But,” Jesus adds, “if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you” (11:20). The term, “finger of God,” goes back to Exodus 8:19, where the Egyptian magicians recognize God’s power through Moses.Jesus is saying that if Satanis not behind His power, then clearly, God is. By saying that the kingdom of God had come upon them, Jesus was referring to the initial phase of the kingdom as manifested in the
  • 23. presence ofthe King. Jesus’deliverance ofpeople from Satan’s bondage anticipates the coming day when Jesus will reign not only in hearts, but on the throne of David, when Satanwill be bound from his powerful influence on earth. Until His enemies are made His footstool, Christexercises His rule from the Father’s right hand in the hearts of all who submit their lives to Him. MATTHEW HENRY . That, in opposing the conviction of this miracle, they were enemies to themselves, stoodin their own light, and put a bar in their own door, for they thrust from them the kingdom of God (Luke 11:2): "If I with the finger of God castout devils, as you may assure yourselves I do, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you, the kingdom of the Messiahoffers itselfand all its advantages to you, and, if you receive it not, it is at your peril." In Matthew it is by the Spirit of God, here by the finger of God the Spirit is the arm of the Lord, Isaiah53:1. His greatestand most mighty works were wrought by his Spirit but, if the Spirit in this work is said to be the finger of the Lord, it perhaps may intimate how easilyChrist did and could conquer Satan, even with the finger of God, the exerting of the divine powerin a less and lower degree than in many other instances. He needednot make bare his everlasting arm that roaring lion, when he pleases,is crushed, like a moth, with a touch of a finger. Perhaps here is an allusionto the acknowledgmentofPharaoh's magicians, whenthey were run aground (Exodus 8:19): This is the finger of God. "Now if the kingdom of God be herein come to you, and you be found by those cavils and blasphemies fighting againstit, it will come upon you as a victorious force which you cannotstand before."
  • 24. RICH CATHERS :20 But if I castout demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. :20 if I castout demons with the finger of God When Moses was working to have Pharaohrelease the Israelites from their slavery, there was a sort of “contest” betweenGod’s miracles and the tricks that the Egyptian magicians were able to perform. Yet there came a time when God’s miracles proved to be much greaterthan magicians’tricks. Even the magicians realizedthis was God at work. (Exodus 8:19 NKJV) Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, just as the LORD had said. Jesus didn’t have to perform elaborate rituals, He simply told the demons to leave. He’s laying claim to the same powerthat Moses usedin Egypt. He has been demonstrating the powerof God. The people Jesus is talking to are making a big mistake in not recognizing that God has been at work. :20 surely the kingdom of God has come upon you Lesson When is the kingdom? A kingdom of God is the realm where God is the king. There are two simple truths that Jesus taught about when the kingdom of God is coming. Future
  • 25. Jesus taught us to pray, (Luke 11:2b NKJV) …Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. It is coming. It’s on its way. At the last supper, Jesus talkedabout the next time He would drink wine: (Luke 22:18 NKJV) for I sayto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” The full kingdom of God has not yet come. It is establishedwhen Jesus returns. Now Jesus came to bring the kingdom of God here, right now. (Luke 17:20–21 NKJV)—20 Now when He was askedby the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answeredthem and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation;21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Until the day that Jesus returns at His SecondComing, the kingdom of Godis making its presence knownthrough us.
  • 26. It’s in us. It’s with us. It’s on us. Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III “But if it is of the finger of God” verse 20 “that I castout demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” In other words, He’s now turning to the people who’ve said, “We want another sign,” and He says, “Now look, here’s your sign. How is it that I’m casting out demons? How could I possibly do that unless I’m sovereignoverdemons? And who’s sovereignover demons but God? And so the only way that I could do what I’m doing is if God has empoweredMe to do it and that is the signthat the kingdom of God is among you and at work and that ought to evoke in you of all people, people who have grown up on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, those of you who have grown up on the law and the prophets ought to know that this is an irrefutable sign that God is afoot, that I am the anointed of God, and that I ought to be believed and followed.”
  • 27. And yet they want another sign. This is not unlike other places where other signs are demanded from Jesus and His disciples. And so He responds to the charges thatare made againstHim and He shows the illogic of them and He explains to them why they ought to have believed at this greatdisplay of God’s relieving mercy to this man who had been under the foul domination of this mute spirit who kept him from even being able to talk. PETER PETT Verse 20 “But if I by the finger of God castout demons, then is the Kingly Rule of God come upon you.” On the other hand they should considerthe factthat if He castout evil spirits by the finger of God, then it proved that the Kingly Rule of God was present in Him. That it had come on them unexpectedly. This is not arguing that the fact that evil spirits were castout proved that the Kingly Rule of God had come. Their ‘sons’did similar things and no one suggestedthat that meant that the Kingly Rule of God had come. All that did was prove that they and He were of God.
  • 28. What He is saying here is that it is becauseHe,as God’s Anointed One, was doing it by the finger of God that it proved that the Kingly Rule of God had come. For the admission that He did castout demons by the powerof God when combined with His claims (which His successagainstdemons would confirm) would establishHis claims. They could not agree that He castout demons by the powerof Godand at the same time deny His claims to be the Son of man, for His successagainstdemons would be evidence that God was pleasedwith Him and acknowledgedHis claims. That would then be sufficient proof that the Kingly Rule of Godhad come. The phrase ‘finger of God’ is an Old Testamentphrase denoting God’s direct actionfree from any occultmethods. The Egyptian magicians used it when they at last had to recognisethat Moses was notusing conjuring tricks or demonic magic, but that God Himself was acting directly (Exodus 8:19). They recognisedthat now God had put His sealon things. It was also usedof the writing of ‘the ten words on the tablet which were ‘written by the finger of God’ (Exodus 31:18; Deuteronomy9:10). The finger of God was the guarantee that the words were His words. Thus here it is a sealof Who and What Jesus is. Matthew translates it as ‘if I by the Spirit of God’ (Matthew 12:28), which is saying the same thing, for the phrase ‘Spirit of God’ always indicates direct action. As the chiasmus demonstrates, these words are centralto the whole passage. Luke’s centralpoint here is that the Kingly Rule of God has come with power in Jesus as He does battle with the forces of evil. This will then be further emphasisedin order to demonstrate that Jesus is the ‘Strongerthan he’. How Is the Kingdom Present?
  • 29. Resource by John Piper Scripture: Luke 11:14–23 Topic: Kingdom of God Now he was casting out a demon that was dumb; when the demon had gone out, the dumb man spoke, and the people marveled. But some of them said, "He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons"; while others, to test him, sought from him a signfrom heaven. But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, "Every kingdom divided againstitselfis laid waste, and a divided householdfalls. And if Satanalso is divided againsthimself, how will his kingdom stand? For you saythat I castout demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons castthem out? Therefore they shall be your judges. But if it is by the finger of God that I castout demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace;but when one strongerthan he assails him and overcomes him, he takes awayhis armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoil. He who is not with me is againstme, and he who does not gatherwith me scatters. Last week we saw that in an unprecedented way the kingdom of Godarrived with the coming of Jesus. We saw also thatthe kingdom of God will only arrive in its fullness at the secondcoming of the Lord. The "mystery of the kingdom" is the surprising fact that the kingdom comes in two stages, notjust one; and that the first stage is like a mustard seedand not a military coup (Matthew 13:31; Luke 17:20). The king comes first on a donkeywith a branch of peace and amnesty. Later he will come on a greatwhite horse with a sword of judgment. Many kingdom blessings have been fulfilled; but the consummation is still future. Not Betweenthe Times, but In Both Times Or, as we saw lastWednesdayevening, the New Testamentpictures all of history in two ages:this age with its sin and misery and satanic power, and the age to come with its righteousness and wholeness andfreedom and joy. The mystery of the kingdom is that these two ages have intersectedwith the coming of Jesus. Theynow overlap. The age to come has in a sense begun. But this fallen age endures for a time. We live, not betweenthe times, but in both times. We have tastedthe "powers of the age to come" (Hebrews 6:5).
  • 30. We know that Christ already purchased our healing (1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 8:17), but we still groanwith sickness(Romans 8:23;2 Corinthians 4:16). We have already passedfrom death to life (1 John 3:14), but we still die (1 Corinthians 15:26). We already have the sanctifying Spirit as a down payment of our inheritance (Ephesians 1:14), but the warbetweenflesh and Spirit goes on every day (Galatians 5:16–18). We have already been acquitted of all sin in Christ (Romans 5:1), but must go on every day praying, "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin againstus" (Matthew 6:12). We already have our citizenship in the kingdom of God (Philippians 3:20), but for now must still submit in measure to the rulers of this world (Romans 13:1). In a word, every blessing of the age to come is already ours in Christ (Ephesians 1:3), but God wills for us to come into our inheritance patiently. According to Acts 14:22 Paul taught all his new believers, "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom" (Acts 14:22; Matthew 7:14; Mark 10:24). It is God's way to make us "fit for the kingdom" (2 Thessalonians 1:5). How to Approach Our QuestionToday Today's question is: How is the kingdom present? If the kingdom has come in Jesus, whatis the powerof the kingdom doing? But we must be careful even how we ask the question. It is one thing to ask:how was the kingdom present in the life and ministry of Jesus and another to ask how it is present with us today. Jesus was the embodiment of the kingdom. He was the King. His demonstration of the kingdom was unique. Believers may do the kind of works he did (John 14:12), but there will always remain a uniqueness about the wayhe did them. And we should not assume that our demonstration of the kingdom and Jesus'demonstrationof the kingdom will be the same.
  • 31. For example, when Jesus turned the waterinto wine, John says, "This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory" (John 2:11). And that glory John tells us is the glory as of the only Son of the Father (John 1:14). Therefore I think it is wrong to saythat the signs and wonders wrought by Jesus are simply the work of a Spirit-filled man that we can copy in the same measure if we will only be Spirit-filled. John said that when Jesus demonstrated power, he did it in a way that manifested his glory. There was an inseparable connectionbetweenthe signs of Jesus and the glorious Sonship of Jesus. Another example comes from John 5:36. Jesus says, "The works whichthe Father has granted me to accomplish, these very works whichI am doing, bear me witness that the Fatherhas sent me." There was something about the works of Jesus orthe way he did them that pointed not just to his being filled with the Spirit but his being the very Son of God sent from the Father. Another example is the resurrectionof Lazarus. Jesus'explanationto Martha of what was about to happen was not, "I am full of the Spirit and can do the works of God that other Spirit-filled people can do." His explanation was, "I am the resurrectionand the life" (John 11:25). Lazarus' resurrectionwas a sign not merely of a human in tune with the powerof God. It was a sign that Jesus was the Sonof God, the one with death-overcoming power. So just before Jesus calls Lazarus from the grave, Jesus prays out loud to his Father and says, "I have said this on accountof the people standing by, that they may believe that thou dids't send me" (John 11:42). NOT:that they may believe that I am full of the Spirit, or that my words are true, or that the kingdom has come;BUT: that they may believe that I have been sent by the Fatherinto the world. So I say again, we should not assume that our demonstration of the kingdom today and Jesus'demonstrationof the kingdom in his ministry will be the
  • 32. same. In fact I wonder if we should not at times glory in our inability to heal the wayJesus healedin order to exalt his absolute uniqueness as THE Son from the Father, while we admit our imperfection as adopted sons on the way to the Father. Eight Powerful Effects ofthe Kingdom With that introduction and caution let's ask, How is the kingdom present? Or: What blessings did the arrival of the kingdom bring? I am going to mention eight powerful effects of the kingdom. And I will say in advance that I believe all of these are still at work today through the disciples of Jesus. To what degree we will be studying more fully in the weeks to come. 1. In Relationto PhysicalMisery and Healing The kingdom overcomes physicalmisery and brings healing. In Luke 10:8–9 Jesus sends outthe 70 disciples and tells them, "Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eatwhat is set before you; heal the sick in it and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'" Note the connectionbetweenthe coming of the kingdom and the healing of the sick. Heal and saythe kingdom has come near. This is a tremendously important part of Jesus'ministry: he preachedthe kingdom and healed the sick againand againand again. This was his basic style of ministry; it was his modus operandi. You see this especiallyin the summary verses like Matthew 4:23, "He went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagoguesand preaching the gospelof the kingdom and healing every disease andevery infirmity among the people" (cf. Matthew 9:35; 10:8; 11:2– 6; Luke 4:16–20). Isn't that amazing! Every disease andevery infirmity!
  • 33. This was not a merely occasionalthing. Healing the sick was the meat and potatoes ofhis ministry alongside preaching the gospelof the kingdom. He preachedthe kingdom and he healed. He preachedthe kingdom and he healed. It's clearthat one effect of the arrival of the kingdom in Jesus' ministry is the overcoming of physical misery. We will take up in detail later in the series to what degree and how it should be a part of our ministry. 2. In Relationto Death and Resurrection The kingdom overcomes deathand brings resurrection. When Jesus sentout the twelve apostles, it says in Matthew 10:7–8 that he told them, "Preachas you go saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead . . . " They were to preach, "The kingdom of heavenis at hand!" And they were to perform certain signs including raising the dead. So one of the ways the kingdom comes is by overcoming death and bringing resurrection. But notice something very important. To our knowledge Jesusraisedonly three people from the dead during his earthly ministry (Matthew 9:18–26; Luke 7:11–17;John 11:38–44). In the book of Acts the apostles raisedtwo people from the dead (Acts 9:36–43;20:9–10). Contrastthis with the countless people that Jesus healed. Why do you suppose Jesus healedpeople by the hundreds, or even thousands, but raisedonly three from the dead? Ultimately it comes downto this: in the overlap of this age and the age to come—in the "already" and the "not yet" of redemption, in the time of the mystery of the kingdom—God wills that some blessings ofthe age to come be experiencedmore fully than others. And he chooses as he wills
  • 34. which blessings we will have now and in what measure. I suspectthat one reasonJesus raisedso few people from the dead is that it is no greatblessing to have to die twice. We must always keepin mind that virtually all the people Jesus healedand raisedgot sick againand died. The blessings were temporary in this fallen age. They were signs—pointers, foretastes—ofthe greatfinal resurrection and "the redemption of our bodies" (Romans 8:23). Sicknessand death were not abolishedwith the coming of Jesus. His healings and resurrections were signs that in the final kingdom they would be abolished. 3. In Relationto Demonic Oppressionand Deliverance The kingdom overcomes demonic oppressionand brings deliverance. In Luke 11:20 Jesus says, "Ifit is by the finger of God that I castout demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." So the arrival of the kingdom brings an unprecedented conflict with Satanand his demons. It is amazing to considerthat in the whole Old Testamentonly about five of the 39 books even mention Satan. And nowhere does any prophet or priest or king or wise man castout any demons. But as soonas Jesus is on the seen, he is in conflictwith Satanin the wilderness and his ministry involved casting out "many demons" (Mark 1:34); and in Matthew 10:1 it says, "Jesus calledto him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to castthem out . . . " So it is clearthat something unprecedented is in the offing here with the coming of the kingdom. The spiritual conflict hidden behind idolatry and national conflict in the Old Testamentis brought out in the open and Jesus
  • 35. gives his people a new kind of authority and armor to make war with the evil one. 4. In Relationto Rebellion and Conversion The kingdom overcomes rebellionand brings conversion. Jesus made clear that no one enters the kingdom without being converted. In Matthew 18:3 he says, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn [be converted!] and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." What powerbrings about this conversionfrom rebellious, proud independence to submissive, humble, childlike dependence on God? The answeris the power of the kingdom itself. This is implied in the parable of the net in Matthew 13:47–50:"The kingdom of heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and gatheredfish." The kingdom is the powerthat gathers fish. Fish don't jump into the net. They try to get out of it. (Cf. Colossians 1:13.) It is also implied in the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:24 and 38). "The kingdom of heaven may be comparedto a man who sowedgood seedin his field . . . He who sows the seedis the Son of Man; the field is the world, and the goodseedmeans the sons of the kingdom." Where do sons of the kingdom come from in the world? They come from the Son of Man. They don't put themselves in the world. The Son of Man puts them there. (Cf. John 6:44, 65;15:16; 17:16.)
  • 36. When the rich young ruler turns awayfrom Jesus and Jesus says, "Itwill be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven," the disciples are amazed and say, "Who then can be saved?" To this Jesus responds, "Withmen this is impossible [to enter the kingdom and be saved], but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:23–26). In other words being converted and entering the kingdom is not merely the work of man. With men it is impossible to enter the kingdom and be saved. But not with God. God canconvert people and bring them into the kingdom. "It is the Father's pleasure to give you the kingdom of God" (Luke 12:32). "To you it has been given [by God] to know the secrets ofthe kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 13:11). "Fleshand blood has not revealedthis to you, but my Fatherin heaven" (Matthew 16:17;cf. 11:25–27). Thereforethe kingdom itself overcomes rebellionand brings conversion. 5. In Relationto Condemnation and Forgiveness The kingdom overcomes condemnationand brings forgiveness. The greatobstacle to salvationis that we are guilty of sin and under the just condemnation of God. Why then is it that the tax collectorsand harlots go into the kingdom of God before the chief priests and the elders (Matthews 21:31)? Why is it that the kingdom of heaven is like a householderwho at the end of the day hires people for one hour's work and yet gives them pay for a full day (Matthew 20:1–16)? Why is it that the kingdom of heaven is like a king giving a marriage feastfor his son and yet inviting whoeverhappens to be in the street, both goodand bad (Matthew 22:1, 10)? And why does Jesus say, "Blessedare the poor in spirit [the ones who have nothing to commend themselves], for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3)?
  • 37. The answeris given in Matthew 18:23–35:the kingdom of heaven is like a king who calledhis debtors to account, and when one of them pleads for mercy concerning a million dollar debt, the king has pity and forgives him everything he owes. The kingdom overcomes condemnationand brings forgiveness. And we know from this side of the cross how the King did it! 6. In Relationto Wrongdoing and Righteousness The kingdom overcomes wrongdoing and brings righteousness. Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done" (Matthew 6:10). Where the kingdom of God comes, the will of God is done—justice and righteousness abound. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God," Jesus said, "and his righteousness. . . in the Holy Spirit." When the kingdom of God comes, it comes with righteousness. Paulsaidin Romans 14:17, "The kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness . . . " So the kingdom of God overcomes wrongdoing. It changes the way people live. It brings justice and righteousness. 7. In Relationto Sadness and Joy The kingdom overcomes sadnessandbrings joy. It's obvious that if the kingdom brings life and healing and deliverance and conversionand forgiveness andrighteousness, it would also bring greatjoy. But Paul makes the point explicit in Romans 14:17 when he says, "The kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness,joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit." And Jesus made it just as plain when he said, "Blessed—
  • 38. happy—are those who are persecutedfor righteousness'sake, fortheirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10). The kingdom overcomes sadness and brings joy—evenin the midst of suffering. 8. In Relationto Aimless Futility and Purposeful Ministry The kingdom overcomes aimless futility and brings purposeful ministry. I conclude with this because it launches us into our next segmentof messages and our next five-week term in the BITC. I take the point from Revelation 1:6. John says, "[Jesus]has made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." What the kingdom creates whenit draws men and women into its power is a priesthood of believers. And priests are, above all, ministers. If you belong to the kingdom of God, you belong to a "royalpriesthood" (1 Peter2:9). You are a priest. Your calling is to draw near to God with the burdens of people, and to draw near to people with the blessings of God. That's what it means to be a priest. The kingdom has come and it has overcome the aimlessness andfutility of our lives and given us an awesome reasonto live. We are a royal priesthood. You are a priest to God and to man. What we plan to look at in the coming weeks is the nature of that royal, priestly ministry. How should Christians demonstrate the powerof the kingdom today in their ministry as priests? It is an exciting question. I look forward to pursuing it with you.
  • 39. ALFRED PLUMMER 20. εἰ δὲ ἐν δακτύλῳ Θεοῦ.1 As distinct from the charms and incantations used by Jewishexorcists, who did not rely simply upon the power of God. Mt. has ἐν πνεύματι Θεοῦ. Lk. seems to be fond of Hebraistic anthropomorphisms: 1:51, 66, 73. But it is not likely that “the finger of God” indicates the ease with which it is done. Comp. Exodus 8:19, Exodus 8:31:18; Deuteronomy 9:10; Psalm8:4.See foot-note P. 473. ἔφθασεν ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς. In late Greek, φθάνω followedby a prepositioncommonly loses allnotion of priority or surprise, and siniply means “arrive at, attain to”: Romans 9:31; Php 3:16; 2 Corinthians 10:14, 1 Thessalonians2:16;Daniel 4:19. In 1 Thessalonians 4:15 it is not followedby a preposition, and that is perhaps the only passage in N.T. in which the notion of anticipating survives. Here Vulg. and many Lat. texts have prævenit, while a2, has anticipanit; but many others have pernenit, and d has adpropinquanit. E H PLUMPTRE, D.D. Verse 20 (20) If I with the finger of God . . .—Note the substitution of this language for “by the Spirit of God,” in Matthew 12:28, and its connectionwith the use by the older prophets of “the hand of the Lord,” to indicate the state which issuedin prophetic inspiration (Ezekiel1:3; Ezekiel37:1), and with “the finger of God” as writing the Commandments on the tables of stone (Exodus 31:18), and Pharaoh’s confessionthat “the finger of God” was with Moses and Aaron in the wonders which they wrought (Exodus 8:19). The meaning of this boldly anthropomorphic language is sufficiently obvious. As the “hand” denotes powergenerally, so the “finger” symbolises powerin its concentrated and specially-directedenergy
  • 40. ROB SALVATO Luke 11:14- 26 THE FINGER OF GOD Intro: As we come to this portion of Luke’s Gospelwe see another example of Jesus Poweroverthe forces of Darkness He castof Demon out of a man – Demon had affectover the man’s motor skills so that the man was unable to speak . B) TWO REACTIONS TO THIS MIRACLE – Some were AFFECTED- V.14 says that the Multitudes MARVELED Thaumazoµ (marveled) means to be greatly amazed and astounded, to be overcome with awe. They were amazed & filled w/ wonder at the work of God & the Powerof the gospel. Guys / Gals – Do you wonder at the work of God . When a person comes forwardto receive Christ – Are you Amazed !!!! D) I think a realdanger that many of us who have "beenaround a while " can fall into is because we have seenso much we take so much for granted
  • 41. My wife nailed me on this in Hungary – Eachday ask – So what did you think ? Alright - ( Comparing what happened 8 yrs ago) Must not ever lose that sense of wonderbecause if we do we will also lose our sense of expectancy!!!! 1) No longeranticipate God moving in our mist – working in our lives / no longerpray w/ a fervency about things – ( BECOME RELIGIOUS ) So the Multitudes marveled & in Matt. Gospelit says that they beganto ask – Could this be the Son of David/ ie Messiah That line of line of thinking – was the result of the 2nd reactionseenhere – Multitudes were AFFECTED/ Religious leaders OFFENDED They respond in v. 15 by saying the only reasonJesus couldcastout Demons was through Satan’s power – Becausethey could not deny the fact of Jesus’miracles, they chose to deny the source. Wasn’tof God but the DEVIL/ BEELZEBUB BEELZEBUB was one of the names of the philistine godBaal/ Beelzebub (which means, "lord of the flies") A variant of that definition is Beelzebubwhich means the Lord of the dwelling – name the Jews oftenused in referring to Satan.
  • 42. Gooddescription – Flies are Pest& Satanis a pest – He doesn’tgive up – relentless . Now a question I think would naturally come to our minds is why were these religious leaders so againstJesus Of all the people in Israelyou would think that these guys would have embracedHim – ( They were to be looking for Messiah) The simple reasonis that His Life exposedtheir Hypocrisy – He was everything that they were not . They were arrogant/ Pompous / they tried hard to be esteemedby men / they setthemselves apart from the common man They burdens on the People that they themselves didn’t even follow. Jesus shows up on the scene in Humility not arrogance / He interacted , ate & spent time w/ the common man – Came to be the greatburden lifter – Matt. 11:28 –30 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 "Take Myyoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find restfor your souls. "ForMy yoke is easyand My burden is light." So His life confrontedtheir Hypocrisy & they hated Him for it . We see the same thing today – People who don’t want to have anything to do w/ Jesus & w/ truth because it exposes their – Sin.
  • 43. Jn. 3: 19 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, & men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 "Foreveryone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. Readtrue story Robert Moffat – Missionaryto Africa who was to be visited by an African Chieftaness – Female Chief / Chief’s wife She came all deckedout in her tribal clothes – She noticed outside his tent hanging on a tree a mirror – never seenanything like it Lookedinto it beheld her face – so startled – ( same reactions some mornings ) D) Ugliest thing she had everseen – demanded to know – what is that I saw in there - Replied – That is your own face Once she finally believed Moffat was telling the truth – she demanded to purchase the mirror - bargained/ finally gave in – She broke it E) Declared– Now this mirror would never tell on her again. - MANY PEOPLE’S REACTIONTO TRUTH / CHRIST – NO ABSOLUTES / IF THERE ARE IT EXPOSES THEIR UGLINESS SO These leaders declare thatJesus is able to exercise this power over the demonic because He is empoweredby SatanHimself. Jesus responds in v. 17 & 18 by basicallysaying – What you are suggesting doesn’t make any sense – Absurd
  • 44. If I castout Demons by the Powerof Satanthen Satan is divided & a house that is divided is sure to fall . PLUS V. 19 "And if I castout demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons castthem out? Therefore they will be your judges.V.20 "Butif I castout demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. Now according to Josephus ( The JewishHistorian) they did have exorcism rights, that were handed down from Solomon. They say that Solomonin all of his wisdom did devise certain drugs and incantations for the exercising of demons. And there were those in those days according to Josephus who using these agedrights of Solomonwere able to exercise demons. 1) Which is probably what Jesus was referring to here / these widely practiced, and totally exceptedexorcism rights, of which Josephus spoke. Side note v. 17 is a word to all married couples here - "Every kingdom divided againstitself is brought to desolation, and a house divided againsta house falls. A) You are one / Divided – heart / desires / discipline / fall - House built on Rock ofChrist / centeredaround Christ / passionfor the things of Christ / given to the word of Christ – will stand
  • 45. Now Jesus proceeds to make His point clearby telling the parable of the strong man v. 21-23 The Strong man in ref. Here is the Devil & The heart of every unconverted sinner is the devil's palace, where he rules; And where he works in the children of disobedience. The heart is a palace, a noble dwelling; but the unsanctified heart is the devil's palace. As unbelievers we are both indirectly & directly influenced by Satan. Who uses the Things of this world to entice us by appealing to our flesh in order to put us into bondage. the devil, as a strong man armed, keeps this palace, does all he can to secure it to himself, and to fortify it againstChrist. He fills the minds of men w/ certainprejudices & w/ doubts that he uses to harden men's hearts againsttruth and holiness And there is a certain kind of peace in the palace of an unconverted soul, while the devil, as a strong man armed, keeps it. Satandubs man into thinking he is alright / The sinner has a goodopinion of himself, After all I am a good person There isn’t any thought or dread of the judgment to come; Before Christ appeared, all was quiet, because allwent one way; Man did what was right in His own eyes but the preaching of the gospeldisturbed the peace of the devil's palace. Gospelproclaims that we are all sinners / doesn’t matter how good/ how bad – all missed the mark .
  • 46. Only Jesus cansetus free from the stronghold of the Devil ! That as strong as Satanis He is No match for JESUS. ONE thing we must realize is that Satan is not the opposite of God / He is not on the same plain w/ Jesus . Actually Satanis a createdbeing / fallen Angel – very powerful Angel who is more on the same Level as Michaelthe arch Angel – Dan. 10 angelic messengersentto answerDaniel’s prayer – 21 day delay – hung up by Satanuntil – Michaelcome & help break through. That is Satan’s counter part – Michael/ not Jesus. Satanis the strong man armed – who guards his palace / seeks to keephis things in order – But Jesus is the one who is strongerthan him who is able to overcome him & as v.22 puts it DISARM HIM Notice the ease atwhich / Christ Poweris described – v.20 The finger…. This passageshouldawakenus to the Spiritual battle that is all around us / need to be praying – but it should also encourage us in Powerof Christ. Col. 1 sheds some keeninsight into this parable that Jesus is giving. ( turn) v.13,14 Speaking ofChrist 13 He has delivered us from the powerof darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness ofsins.
  • 47. Phrase powerof darkness canalso be translated – the Stronghold of Satan – his domain & Jurisdiction Our Lord used the phrase domain of darkness to refer to the super natural forces of Satanmarshaled againstHim at His arrest (Luke 22:53). Deliveredis from, which means "to draw to oneself," or"to rescue." God drew us out of Satan’s kingdom to Himself. That event was our new birth/ When we placedour faith in Christ, we were instantly delivered. "Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away;behold, new things have come" (2 Cor. 5:17 1Jn. 4:4 Greateris He that is in you than He that is in the World. So Jesus delivered us from the poweror strongholdof Satan/ He conquered that strong man at Calvary And He has draw us to Himself . Jesus Christ did not release us from bondage, only to have us wander aimlessly. He moved us into His own kingdom of light and made us victors over Satan’s kingdom of darkness. Word transfer lit. means to move or to Change address / That is exactly what happens to a person who has been born again – moved from darkness to light / Pit to a ROCK / road to hell/ to heaven
  • 48. ONLY JESUS COULD DO THAT Col. 2 :15 further explains Christ Victory over the strongman15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle ofthem, triumphing over them in it. Romans General – no longer intimidated Yes we are in a spiritual battle but we are Victorious in Christ !!!! Turn back to Luke 11 rap this up V. 23 Jesus makes a very profound statement - 23 "He who is not with Me is againstMe, and he who does not gatherwith Me scatters. Every single personhere today is in one camp or the other – either in the kingdom of God / or the kingdom of Satan. Powerof Jesus orunder the power of Satan/ There is no Neutral place Can’t say that Jesus is cool – I like some of the things that He taught but all in all I’m my own man doing my own thing. No way – doesn’t work that way – It is either all or nothing . See the problem that some people have is that they want Deliverance – they want to be setfree from their addictions problems etc. But they don’t want entrance – they really don’t want to give their hearts over to Jesus.
  • 49. Jesus addressesthat problem in v. 24 –26 Here is the problem – if your heart is not given over to Jesus you will become in bondage to something else. Many people want to cleanup their lives / so they enroll in an AA or NA or some other type of support group / want DELIEVERANCE Now listen I know that some people have been helped by such groups because through it they were introduced to the Lord. So don’t getbent out of shape by what I am going to say – write me letters ( I am attacking AA or what ever) The fact of the matter is that many don’t get Jesus their " higher power" is something else / someone else And for many although they are no longerin bondage to their alcohol addiction – they are in bondage to going to meetings 6 days a week E) Guys that is not the kind of freedom that Jesus offers ! Jesus saidyou shall know the truth & the truth will setyou free …… free indeed !!!!! This is exactly what Jesus is referring to w./ the person who merely seeks to cleanup the outside of his life / but doesn’tlet Christ in! DELIEVERANCE / BUT NO ENTRANCE – It is not reformation that is needed – lets cleanup our society/ lets Christianize our society – IT IS NOT REFORMATIONTHAT IS NEEDEDBUT REGENERATION & REVIVAL -
  • 50. REBIRTHINWARDLY & NOT REFORM OUTWARDLY In Closing go back to v. 20 Finger of God. Interesting - Releaseyoubreak you or it can condemn you CHOICE IS UP TO YOU A) Gen. 32 Jacobwrestles w/the Lord - Broken Dan. 5 BelshazzarBabylonianKing - MENE MENE TEKEL UPHRSAN - You have been weighedin the balances & found wanting Is that what the Lord would say to you today – it is if you are standing in own strength on your own merit . - Weighedfound lacking !!!! Jn. 8 woman caughtin actof Adultery – Jesus stuped down & wrote w/ his finger in the dirt - list of sins Word to the judgmental hypocrite who sees the faults & sins in everyone else but not in Himself B) Jesus says look your sins condemn – you - You need same forgiveness – go & sin no more !!!!
  • 51. THOMAS – Unless I can put my finger into the nail prints in his hand touch the hole in his side I will not believe Jesus appearedsaidhere Thomas – see & touch the holes in my hand put your finger into my side Idea is Jesus was illustrating – pointing w/ His own finger – drawing attention to those marks speak ofdeep love & SALVATION. Thomas responds My Lord & My God!!!!!!! THE FINGER OF GOD – WHICH IS YOUR RESPONSE Biblical Hermeneutics Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered Why does Luke 11:20 read “The Fingerof God” insteadof “Spirit of God”? Asked7 years, 8 months ago Active 2 years, 1 month ago
  • 52. Viewed 25k times 7 In Matthew's account(12:27-28), we read (All quotes from NIV, all empahsis mine): And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. But Luke 11:19-20 renders it a bit differently: Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your followers drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Given that Luke's writings are so Spirit-focused, I would have expectedit the other way around: that Matthew would use "finger of God" and Luke "Spirit of God". Why would Luke be the one to adopt the phrase "finger of God" here? What does it tell us? matthew luke
  • 53. redaction-criticism share improve this question follow askedMar15 '13 at 17:36 Soldarnal 32.6k5151goldbadges163163silverbadges330330bronze badges add a comment 7 Answers 8 The "finger of God" is mentioned in two passagesin the Hebrew Bible. Once when the magicians of Pharaohconcededdefeatbefore Moses (Ex8:19) and secondlywhen the two tablets were inscribed with the Ten Commandments (Ex 31:18). In the context at hand here in Matt 12:27-28 and Luke 11:19-20, where we see Jesus casting out the demons, the confrontation hails back to the former episode in Exodus, when magicians in the court of Pharaohwere stymied by "the finger of God." Thus, like Moses, Jesushad stymied the power of Satan, whom Jesus likens in this contextto a strong man that is bound and plundered (Matt 12:29-30 and Luke 11:21-23). The strong man is stymied by "the finger of God." Please notice that Jesus makes the connectionin the immediate context at hand.
  • 54. According to Isaiah, the "Holy Spirit" of Yahweh was this power of God, which enabled Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. The words are ָ‫ְד‬ ‫ש‬ֹׁ‫ו‬ ‫חּו‬ ַ, which literally are translatedas "his Holy Spirit" in Isaiah63:10 and Isaiah63:11. It was therefore "the Spirit of Yahweh" (Isaiah 63:14) who empoweredMoses according to these three respective passagesin Isaiah. As we see in the Exodus account, the "mighty hand and outstretchedarm" now come into focus in these passagesfrom Isaiah. It was not the finger of God, but the "mighty hand and outstretchedarm" of Godthat delivered them from Egypt. The progressionofpower starts with the finger, the hand, and then the arm. The visible theocratic Kingdom of God was subsequently establishedthrough the "mighty hand and outstretched arm" of God. Jesus thus said to the Pharisees that"the Kingdom of Godwas nigh." He implied therefore to his listeners who were familiar with the Hebrew Bible that the "mighty hand and outstretched arm" of God was next, since the "finger of God" was now presently evident to them. In other words, when Jesus had mentioned that the Kingdom of God was at hand, he signaledthe immanency of the return of the Kingdom of God to earth (just as the Exodus in Egypt resulted in the visible theocratic Kingdom at the giving of the Ten Commandments on Sinai). Please note that the TenCommandments (Old Covenant) was given 50 days (Shavuot) after the Exodus from Egypt in the same way that the New Covenant was given 50 days (Pentecost)afterthe resurrectionof Jesus the Nazarene. Further, in Ezekiel20:33-44, we see the predictive prophecy at the time that Ezekielwrote, that the "mighty hand and outstretchedarm" will again save the faithful remnant of Jews but through God's covenant, which was the New Covenantthat was in view (cf. Ezek 20:37 with Ezek 11:19-20;Ezek 34:25; and Ezek 36:24-28). Therefore Jesus was heralding to his listeners the immanency of this New Covenant-basedKingdom.
  • 55. The finger of God therefore prefigures "the mighty hand and outstretched arm" of God, who delivers his people through "his Holy Spirit" ( ‫חּו‬ ַ ָ‫ְד‬ ‫ש‬ֹׁ‫ו‬ ). The Holy Spirit therefore is the power that binds Satan. Jesus is the Moses who heralds the New Covenant-basedKingdom of God, which arrived at Pentecost by the Holy Spirit. share improve this answer follow answeredMar15 '13 at 22:50 Joseph 15.3k2828silverbadges7676 bronze badges I thought the explanation of how the finger relates to the hand and arm was very informative, but I don't see where the OP's question is actually addressed:why do Matthew and Luke use different expressions? If anything, you seemto have provided even more reasons for Matthew, rather than Luke, to have used the expression. – user33515Dec 5 '17 at 17:49 @user33515- the OP only askedtwo questions, and they concernedLuke, and not Matthew – JosephDec 5 '17 at 17:52 "In Matthew's account... But Luke ... Why would Luke be the one to adopt the phrase 'finger of God' here?" I read the question as why Luke rather than Matthew chose the expression"fingerof God". But you're right, there were two questions. You answeredthe second, but not the first. it was a really good answerthough. You might also check out Cyprian's commentary on the hand of God. He lists a lot of additional references from Isaiah. – user33515Dec 5 '17 at 17:55
  • 56. For me, I associateLuke with wolf. In Norse mythology, Tyr gave his Hand to Fenrir the wolf when the wolf was being bound. The Hand will ultimately save the wolf, the leastof us. Josephshows deference to Benjamin (wolf) because the part of Josephthat resides in Benjamin. And Deut. 33:12. In the NT, "Today" is capped and tells us that, one day, the Hand will be calledback to Himself. To discoverHoly Spirit Within while His Hand is stretched out still, or it will be too late. – tblue Feb25 '18 at 8:26 add a comment 1 The Spirit of God and the finger of God are used in Matthew 12:27 and Luke 11:20 interchangeably. The Lord God wrote down the 10 commandments on the stone tablets with his finger. Ex. 34:1. In Jeremiah31:33 talking about the new covenantGod says,”Iwill put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.” How can God write his law on our hearts? By his Spirit. Here the law is not external rules written on stone, but an internal truth coming from the Holy Spirit at work inside us. This is the Spirit of Christ, Roman8:9. “ You howeverare not controlled by the sinful nature, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ, does not belong to him.” As a Christian, I need the finger of God writing his law on my heart and the Spirit of Christ living in my heart. First his Spirit comes in when I am born from above ( again) John 3:3 I think the finger of God in this context is the physical, delicate and surgicallyaccurate working of the Holy Spirit etching his truth in my innermost being. So in practice, I cannot separate God’s Spirit who gives me new life, from His finger within me which enables me to live for Jesus so I can work out my salvation. Phil 2:12 share improve this answer follow answeredJun 11 '18 at 0:59
  • 57. JocelynWilson 1111 bronze badge Beautiful job in connecting the Spirit of God with the Fingerof God, Jocelyn. Welcome to the forum. Bestwishes, – Dieter Jun 14 '18 at 2:34 add a comment 0 In addition to the previous answer, considera bit more simply, that Mt and Lk are communicating the exactsame conceptwith "spirit" and "finger". Point being that only the one true God has powerover the devil (immediate context of both Mt and Lk) as the Gospelwriters (all 4) are evidencing that Jesus is the Christ, the Saving Son of the Living God. Matthew's primary Jewishaudience needed no connectionto the "fingerof God" in Ex 8:19 for they were already acutelyaware that all the plagues (and in particular the plague of gnats which was a unique plague in that it was sheerex nihilo, a creationof a living thing out of nothing, a miracle which the magicians of Egypt could not duplicate) evidencedthe powerof the Spirit of the living God. Luke's audience would have been more looselyaware ofthe details of the Exodus story. So Luke's Gospelcatcheshis audience with a reference that would give them pause to consider:either to go back and look at the Exodus story, or more likely, to tie the Holy Spirit's presence and power directly to this Jesus, who, like God alone, had his own "finger" with Holy Spirit power over the forces of darkness. share improve this answer follow answeredNov17 '15 at 17:38
  • 58. David M Groleau 1 Welcome to Stack Exchange,we are glad you are here. When you have a chance, be sure to check out the site tour and read up on how this site is a little different than other sites around the web... This is an OK answer, but would be greatly improved by referencing reliably sources.In general, don't just tell us what you know, show us how you know it. – ThaddeusB Nov 17 '15 at 18:37 add a comment 0 Jesus traveledfrom town to town preaching the GoodNews, it is most likely that on many occasionsHe repeated the same things but in a slightly different manner, that is I believe the reasonfor the difference. share improve this answer follow answeredFeb20 '18 at 21:32 Ozzie Ozzie 6,53811 goldbadge1414silverbadges4141 bronze badges Are you suggesting that Luke was only aware ofthe times that Jesus usedthe "finger of God" version of this expressionand not aware of any times he used "Spirit of God" instead? – Soldarnal Feb 20 '18 at 21:46 @Soldarnal:Luke was aware that Jesus used the term "Spirit of God", because the Gospelof Matthew was completedby 41 of our Common Era and
  • 59. the GospelofLuke was by 58 C.E. , so Luke must have been aware that Matthew used that term , and perhaps knowingly choose to use the other term "finger of God" used also by Jesus. – Ozzie Ozzie Feb 21 '18 at 19:35 Yes, so my question is if he knowingly choose the other term, why? – Soldarnal Feb22 '18 at 1:23 @Soldarnal:From the narration of the four gospels we note differences, and not simply that eachwriter copies the others ,just to give us different testimonies of the same thing. The narration of Luke for example contains about 60 % material that is not found in the other gospels and the rich vocabulary used indicates that Luke was well educated. In mentioning the "finger of God " Jesus was likelyalluding to Exodus 8:19, probably a well known verse to the Jews, andthe factthat Luke used it, indicates that he avoided copying others. – Ozzie Ozzie Feb22 '18 at 19:16 add a comment 0 I believe that since a finger always used to points in a direction, I would say that the Finger of God is the Spirit of God directed towards a specific purpose. share improve this answer follow answeredJul 9 '18 at 1:05 Umanuwa Dick 1 1
  • 60. Please addmore research. Whatdid finger of God mean to the Jews in the first century? – Perry Webb Jul 9 '18 at 7:42 add a comment 0 Could it be that Jesus was wiselyrebuking their lack of faith and ability by all THEIR efforts of flesh? And demonstrated How much Poweris even in His finger? Demons did not take yelling and saying prayers etc, He was contrasting His limitless powerto the finite Poweroflegions of demons. A man a woman, boy or girl, living in Faith in the Name above all names, not Their Faith, but like Peter, Faith in the Holy Name of Jesus..strong and mighty Tower.... That’s why His Wisdoms reminds us Not to take HIS NAME in vain When you and His Name are One With the adversary you will have fun Take heart dear warrior His Name moves mountains Melts hearts Binds wounds Cleanses souls Makes whole The Soul!
  • 61. share improve this answer follow answeredOct11 '18 at 11:02 Rick 1 Hi Rick! Welcome to Hermeneutics.SE. You might take the tour if you have not alreadyto getan idea of what constitutes a thorough answer. – Jack Oct 20 '18 at 13:36 add a comment -1 This is because Luke being a Physician is a bit more functionally accurate. He is implying that another word for "spirit" is "finger". The same practicality can be seenwith the word "soul". Matthew 16:26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? Luke 9:25
  • 62. What goodis it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? Luke is being more specific by implying that the soulis anotherway of saying "self". Your soul is your self. Your spirit is your finger. Finger of God From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search For other uses, see Fingerof God (disambiguation). Moses breaksthe TenCommandments inscribed by the Finger of God in response to the golden calfworship in this 1860 woodcutby Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld. The "finger of God" is a phrase used in the Bible. In Exodus 8:16–20 it is used during the plagues of Egypt by the Egyptian magicians.[1]In Exodus 31:18 and Deuteronomy9:10 it refers to the method by which the Ten Commandments were written on tablets of stone that were brought down from biblical Mount Sinai by Moses.[2]
  • 63. It was also used once by Jesus in the Gospelof Luke to describe how he had castout demons.[3] Contents 1 Hebrew Bible 1.1 Writing on the wall 2 New Testament 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Hebrew Bible The first time the phrase "finger of God" appears is in the Hebrew Bible, in the eighth chapter, in the paragraph of verses sixteenthrough twenty of the Book ofExodus, which reads Then the Lord said to Moses,"Sayto Aaron, 'Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the earth, so that it may become gnats throughout the whole land of Egypt.'" And they did so; Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff and struck the dust of the earth, and gnats came on humans and animals alike;all the dust of the earth turned into gnats throughout the whole land of Egypt. The magicians tried to produce gnats by their secretarts, but they could not. There were gnats on both humans and animals. And the magicians saidto Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God!" But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not listen to them, just as the Lord had said. — Exodus 8:16–20
  • 64. The secondtime the phrase "fingerof God" appears is at the lastverse, verse eighteenof the thirty-first chapterof the same book, which reads "And he gave unto Moses,whenhe had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God." The third time the phrase appears is a secondreference to the tablets of the Ten Commandments, and is found in Deuteronomy 9:10, which says "And the LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly." Writing on the wall The fourth biblical mention is during Belshazzar's Feastin Daniel5, when scripture reports 'fingers of a man's hand' wrote on the wall: ‫ָמַאנמ‬ ‫ק‬ ‫פו‬ ‫פו‬ Daniel reads the words "MENE, MENE,TEKEL, UPHARSIN" and interprets them for the king: "MENE, Godhas numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed... and found wanting;" and "PERES, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. ThenBelshazzargave the command, and Danielwas clothed in purple, a chain of gold was put around his neck, and a proclamation was made… that he should rank third in the kingdom; [and] that very night Belshazzarthe Chaldean (Babylonian) king was killed, and Darius the Mede receivedthe kingdom." [4] The phrase handwriting on the wall has entered our lexiconfrom this reference to mean a warning of impending doom.[5]
  • 65. New Testament See also:Exorcising the blind and mute man The phrase is also usedby Jesus in the Christian New Testamentduring his proof that he did not castout demons by the powerof Beelzebub. He said, "But if it is by the finger of God that I castout the demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you."[6] In the New Testamentstory of Jesus and the woman takenin adultery, Jesus writes in the dust of the earth with his finger.[7]Pope BenedictXVI notes from St Augustine that this gesture canbe seenas portraying Christ as the divine legislator;Jesus'actions in writing in the dust are redolent of the Finger of God writing the Law on tablets of stone.[8] See also Act of God Belshazzar's feast The Creationof Adam References Exodus 8:16–20 Exodus 31:18, Deuteronomy9:10 Luke 11:20 Seow, C.L. (2003). Daniel. WestminsterJohnKnox Press. pp. 74–75. ISBN 9780664256753. "idoms". The Free Dictionary.
  • 66. Luke 11:20 John 8:6 "Angelus". 21 March2010. Retrieved22 October2018. 11 Bible Verses aboutFinger Of God MostRelevantVerses Psalm8:3 Verse Concepts When I considerYour heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; Isaiah48:13 Verse Concepts “Surely My hand founded the earth, And My right hand spreadout the heavens; When I call to them, they stand together. Isaiah64:8 Verse Concepts But now, O Lord, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter;
  • 67. And all of us are the work of Your hand. Exodus 31:18 Verse Concepts When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God. Exodus 24:12 Verse Concepts Now the Lord said to Moses,“Come up to Me on the mountain and remain there, and I will give you the stone tablets with the law and the commandment which I have written for their instruction.” Exodus 32:16 Verse Concepts The tablets were God’s work, and the writing was God’s writing engravedon the tablets. Exodus 34:1 Verse Concepts Now the Lord said to Moses,“Cutout for yourself two stone tablets like the former ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets which you shattered. Daniel 5:5
  • 68. Verse Concepts Suddenly the fingers of a man’s hand emerged and began writing opposite the lampstand on the plasterof the wall of the king’s palace, and the king saw the back of the hand that did the writing. Daniel 5:24-28 Then the hand was sent from Him and this inscription was written out. “Now this is the inscription that was written out: ‘MENĒ, MENĒ, TEKĒL, UPHARSIN.’ This is the interpretation of the message:‘MENĒ’—Godhas numbered your kingdom and put an end to more. Exodus 8:19 Verse Concepts Then the magicians saidto Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had said. Luke 11:20 Verse Concepts But if I castout demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Bible Theasaurus Finger (39 instances) God (4960 instances) From Thematic Bible
  • 69. God, Powerof» Expressedby the » Fingerof God God, Powerof» Expressedby the » Fingerof God Psalm8:3 Verse Concepts When I considerYour heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; Exodus 8:19 Verse Concepts Then the magicians saidto Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had said. Source: What is the finger of God? finger of God Question:"What is the finger of God?" Answer: The phrase the finger of God is found four times in the Bible, three times in the Old Testamentand once in the New. It is synonymous with the
  • 70. supernatural power of God as it directly impacts events in this world. The first reference to the finger of Godis found in Exodus. Moses hadjust unleashed the third plague on Egypt in an effort to force Pharaohto free the Israelites who had been held captive for four hundred years. The Lord instructed Mosesto tell Aaron to stretchout his staff and “strike the dust of the earth, so that it may become gnats in all the land of Egypt” (Exodus 8:16). After Pharaoh’s magicians tried and failed to replicate the miracle, they said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God” (Exodus 8:19). The secondreference to the finger of God also occurs in Exodus, where the phrase is used about the tablets of stone given to Moses. Thesetablets containedthe covenantlaw, “inscribedby the finger of God” (Exodus 31:18). Moses relatesanaccountof the same incident in Deuteronomy 9:10. It is not to be supposedthat God literally touched the tablets, since God is spirit and has no “fingers”;rather, the phrase the finger of God is an anthropomorphism indicating that God directly causedthe commandments to be engraved upon the stone. The 1956 movie The Ten Commandments depicts the writing as coming from a finger of fire, which is probably as gooda rendering of the actual actas any. HoweverGod accomplishedit, the letters were devised and formed by Him, the writing was His, and the engraving on the stones was done by His own power. The New Testamentreference to the finger of God is from Jesus Himself. After freeing a blind and mute man from a demon, Jesus saidto His critics, “If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Luke 11:20). In a parallel passage, the phrase is the Spirit of God rather than the finger of God(Matthew 12:28). In both accounts, the meaning is that Jesus performed miracles by the overt power of God, the same power that causedthe gnats to swarm and the writing to appear on the tablets of stone.
  • 71. The finger of God is a reference to God’s unlimited poweras He intervenes directly in the affairs of men. The working of the finger of God is unmistakable. No device of man can compete with that power, as even the heathen magicians came to recognize in Moses’day. “The Finger of God” Refers to His Power May 1, 2016 by Bob Wilkin in Grace in Focus Articles Jesus finger writing in the sand in close up view Ask any Biblically literate personabout the expressionthe finger of God and he will either refer to God writing the Ten Commandments with His own finger (Exod 31:18)or to the mysterious fingers of a man’s hand that appearedout of nowhere and wrote a mystical message onthe wall in Dan5:5, 24. But most Christians have never given much thought to the expressionthe finger of God. Recentlywhile seeing that expressionin the NT, I realized I needed to give it more thought. This article is a result of my further thinking on the subject. The Fingerof God Writing the Ten Commandments Twice (Exodus 31:18) Moses tells us, “And when He [the Lord] had made an end of speaking with him [Moses]onMount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God” (Exod 31:18, emphasis
  • 72. added). Of course, Godthe Father has no finger. Nor does God the Holy Spirit. Thus this must refer to the finger of God the Son, the secondmember of the Trinity. The Lord Jesus wrote the Ten Commandments twice. Why? Because Moses broke the original tablets when he saw that the people were rebelling against God in his absence (Exod32:19). So the Lord Jesus wrote the Ten Commandments a secondtime on two new tablets of stone (Exod 34:1ff). In this case the finger of God refers to God’s powerand to His revelatory power. He not only is greatand powerful but He also communicates His will to mankind, in this case, to His chosenpeople, Israel. Universe The Lord Jesus Writing in the Dirt Twice with His Finger(John 8:6) I am indebted to Ken Yates for my understanding of Jesus twice writing with His finger in the dirt in the accountof Jesus’testing due to the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53–8:11). I heard Ken preach on this. He suggestedthat the reasonJohndoes not tell us what Jesus wrote in the dirt is that the content of what He wrote is not the point. The point is the very fact that He wrote in the dirt with His finger and that He did so twice. The religious leaders of Israelwere trying to catchJesus in an impossible situation. They knew He was very gracious and forgiving. Thus they figured He would not condemn the woman caught in adultery to death. Yet the Law of Moses commandedthat anyone caught in adultery should be stoned. Thus the leaders felt they had Jesus trapped and that He would violate the Law of Moses.
  • 73. Of course, they felt He violated the Law of Moses everytime He healed on the Sabbath too. But this case wouldbe something that they could more easily sell to the masses as being a violation of the Law. So notice the three elements: 1) Jesus writing with His finger, 2) Jesus doing so twice, and 3) Jesus doing so in a dispute about the Law of Moses. Ken pointed out that by writing with His finger in the dirt, His audience should have understood that He was claiming to be the one who wrote the Ten Commandments with His own finger. Certainly we today should pick this up. Thus they were trying to testthe very Personwho gave them the Law in the first place. It was the pre-incarnate Jesus who met with MosesatSinai. He gave Moses the Law. He wrote it once on two tablets of stone. Then when Moses broke the tablets, He wrote the Ten Commandments a secondtime. The finger of God in John 8:6, 8 refers to the fact that Jesus, Godin the flesh, is the Personwho revealedthe Law in the first place. He is the Lawgiver. Revelationand authority and powercome from Him. To oppose Him is to oppose the Law of Moses whetherthey realized it or not. The Ten Plagues ofEgypt as the Finger of God (Exodus 8:19) The Egyptian magicians could duplicate some of the ten plagues which God did through Mosesand Aaron. But they could not duplicate the plague of lice. In that case the magicians said, ‘“This is the finger of God’” (Exod 8:19). Surely the Egyptian magicians knew that all of the plagues were the finger of God. But when they can’t duplicate this one, they confess that“This is the finger of God.”