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Revelation11:1515The seventh angel sounded his
trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which
said: "The kingdom of the world has become the
kingdom of our LORD and of his Messiah, and he will
reign for ever and ever."
The Final Victory
R. Green
Again, as frequently in the course of the writing, the assurance ofthe final
triumph of the truth over all opposers is clearly, definitely, and unequivocally
given - given to the comfort and joy of the toiling, patient, enduring followers
of the Lamb. Greatvoices in heaven are heard, and they proclaim one all
sufficient and grand truth: "The kingdom of the world is become the kingdom
of our Lord, and of his Christ." This word runs through the ages. It is the
word of prophecy. It has ever and ever will comfortthe hearts and stimulate
the faith of the Christian warrior. It is the song of assurance with which the
hosts of the contending forces of"him that sitteth on the white horse" are
cheeredand urged to unflagging zeal. Always before the eye of faith this
assurance ofvictory floats. It is the summing up of all the prophetic words in
one. It needs no exposition. The figure is too plain. It borders on the realistic.
"Jesus shallreign where'erthe sun
Doth his successivejourneys run,
His kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise and set no more." Universal, complete, and final, shall that
conquestof the nations be. It is a complete rout. The long continued struggle
is at an end. The truth has triumphed overerror; righteousness oversin. The
King long "set" upon the "holy hill of Zion" is now acknowledgedas the
lawful Heir, the rightful Sovereign. The holy oracles themselves define this
complete reign over the individual, national, and universal life.
ESTABLISHED AND ACKNOWLEDGED."The kingdomof this world is
become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ."
knowledge ofthe Lord shall coverthe earth as the waters coverthe sea."
shall leaven the whole lump."
BE AMELIORATED. "The swords shallbe beaten," etc.
HARMONIZED. "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard lie down
with the kid," etc.
BRIGHTENED."The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad, and the
desertblossomas the rose."
OF THE EARTH. "He shall have the heathen for his inheritance, and the
uttermost parts of the earth for his possession."
BLESSED CONDITIONS. "Inhis day shall righteousness prevail, and
abundance of peace, so long." etc. - R.G.
Biblical Illustrator
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His
Ave, Imperator
J. Halsey.
This text is generallyquoted in a missionary connection, and associatedwith
the conversionof the heathen. But it is of much wider scope than that. There
are plenty of Christians that want converting, plenty of Churches that want
Christianising. The progress of all life in our planet has been a progress from
the animal upward to the intellectual, the moral, the spiritual; from mere
brute force to the dominion of thought and reason. Ages back mere bigness of
mass seemedto count for everything. The so-called"antediluvian" monsters
were rampant. As life developedmere bigness became ofless and less account,
and brain became of more account. Those who can influence mind are the
true monarchs of creation. This is the realm in which Christ's supreme
triumphs are to take place. Christ will fascinate and possessthe mind of the
world, and the mind will rule all the rest. "Strong beliefs win strong men, and
then make them stronger." The masculine but humane morality of Jesus
Christ must more and more commend itself to the thinking and influential
portion of society. Ideas and institutions which have been long prevalent go
down before a superior idea. So shall it be with many world-ideas in presence
of the truth of Christ. Many institutions have lived and done their work. They
have served their day and generation, but now they have waxedold, and are
ready to decayand vanish awayin the presence of a nobler ideal. Still, we are
not to disparage the old because the new has come. The present forms of
animal life are far superior in development and attainment to those whose
remains are found in the tertiary rocks. Butthe forms of to-day could not
have existed without the forms that went before. Those very things which
Christ's law and spirit will supplant have been important factors in human
progress. Whenthe Apocalyptic dream of the New Jerusalem, the Christian
state, the city of God, finally and triumphantly establishedupon earth, shall
find complete fulfilment, it will be characterisedby a fuller embodiment of the
law of Christ in every sphere of human relationship and conduct. For
instance, the kingdom of Art shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His
Christ. It has become so to a greatextent. All the noblestpaintings, all the
grandestbuildings in the world during the Christian era, have been the
product of the Christian imagination. Certainly the sublimest music owns this
inspiration. We need not fear the complete annexation of this kingdom,
because the genius of the true Christianity is hopeful and happy. The kingdom
of Literature would, in like manner, come under the dominance of Christian
ideas. It is hard to say at present whether this tremendous engine for goodor
evil works mostgoodor evil. What a blessedthing it will be when the domain
of literature becomes the domain of Christ; when nothing will be written or
read the tendency of which is not to the true elevationand edification of the
human mind; when editors shall all be men of conscience, andthe venal pen
shall be as much an archaeologicalcuriosityas the stone hatchet; when we
shall be able to take up any book and feel that it will be safe for our children
to read; when we can open even the latest novel from Paris with the
confidence that none of our finer sensibilities will be shocked, andthat an
atmosphere will not be introduced into the home whose poisonous vapours we
should shudder to think that our young people will breathe. The kingdom of
Commerce, too, shall one day fall under the rule of Christ. That will be indeed
a blessedday when men cantrust one another, and when all shall be worthy
of that trust; when anotherman's property shall be as sacredin our eyes as
our own; when public funds shall be administered with the same scrupulous
integrity with which our own are dispensed. The realm of Amusements, too,
shall come under the same rule. The prophecy will find its fulfilment not in
the expressionofany particular forms of recreation, but in the Christianising
of them all. And will it not be a grand day when the kingdom of Politics shall
be sanctified by the Spirit of Christ? When debates shallbe purged from the
pettiness of personality and the rancour of recrimination; when offices shall
be filled with the sole aim that the commonwealthshall receive the services of
its most capable citizens; and when the statesman's ruling principle shall be
not to catchvotes, but to redress wrongs and establishrighteousness. And
then may we not hope that even the Church itself in that happy day shall come
under the dominion of the law of Christ? No longer to be the collectionof
ecclesiasticalantiquities, the museum of theologicalcuriosities, the arena of
strife and debate that it is to-day, but the abode of ideal men and women, the
home of all the sweetand pure Christian virtues. Then Christians shall no
longer"bite and devour one another";"giving the enemy occasionto
blaspheme." Their energies shallbe converted into light, and not into heat,
and men will be willing to rejoice in that light. But how shall those great
results, of which we have spokenin other spheres, be achieved unless the
Church be first true to herself? It is through her that these beneficent
impulses upon societymust come. We must begin by being ideal Christians if
the world is to become an ideal world.
(J. Halsey.)
The glory awaiting the Church on earth
1. The universal disseminationof Christian knowledge.
2. The generalprevalence of religious life.
3. The increase and glory of the Christian Church.
4. The diffusion of happiness throughout the world. Christianity is the parent
of morality, industry, patriotism, public spirit.
1. The preaching of the gospel.
2. The active zeal of Christians.
3. The operations of Divine providence.
4. The effusion of the Holy Spirit.
1. To seek the possessionofpersonal religion.
2. To render all assistanceto accelerate the advent of this glorious period.
3. To unite in prayer for the accomplishment of this prediction.
The kingdom of God
Bp. Courtney.
We canimagine, I suppose, that when the Revelationof St. John the Divine
was takento the different Christian Churches, in the upper chambers where
they were accustomedto meet together, or in the secretplaces where they
gatheredfor fear of persecution, afterthey had read these glowing pages, they
must have parted with new feelings of hope in their hearts. They would expect
that a time would come speedily when the persecutions would be memories of
the past, and the kingdom would be setup, of which they had been reading in
such vivid colours. Yet the day passedby, and the Romanpower remained,
and the Temple, sacredto Diana at Ephesus, was as stable as ever. It
happened then as it has happened to many a one since. So it must have been
with many of those of the ancient Church, when, all eagerand expectant, they
found the vision was sealedfor the time; they must go their way and tarry
until the time should come when the promise would be fulfilled. We can
scarcelybe surprised at finding that they lookedfor a very literal fulfilment in
the shape of a kingdom which should, by the exercise ofpower, bear down all
opposition. They were told of a greatking who went forth "conquering and to
conquer." The tradition of the old JewishChurch was of a people going forth
as the Lord's messengers to crush down all the Lord's enemies. Again, the
majority of Christian people, when they found that the promise could not be
realisedin that way, lookedfor something totally different. The promise
seemedimpossible of literal fulfilment. The kingdom of Godbecame totally
distinct from the kingdom of the world. It was something which could only be
reachedwhen this world was over. When persecutionbroke out, when the
people were draggedto prison, men felt that the kingdom of God was not of
this world, but of that which is to come. And so, little by little, people had that
expectationfor the realisationof this promise. Does the Christian Church of
to-day have the same expectation? Is there any possibility of the realisationof
this promise? I would suggestthat the realisationis to come through our
changedideas about the kingdom of God; that the kingdom of God does not
mean power victorious, but that it means love victorious; that the kingdom of
God means what St. Paul does when he writes, "Be not overcome of evil, but
overcome evil with good." WhatI want to leave in your minds is the
conviction that the crownof thorns is the crownof glory; that the Cross is the
throne on which Christ is exalted. What do these two things mean — the
crownof thorns and the cross ofshame? They mean the extremest
manifestation of infinite love. Christ has said that love is greaterthan hate;
love is greaterthan infamy. And that is the only principle on which "the
kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His
Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever." The Christian Church is slowly
abandoning the idea of conquering by mere power. The Christian Church is
slowlylosing the idea of the kingdom of this world becoming the kingdom of
our Lord and of His Christ in the persons of those who pass awaybeyond this
world, and become the subjects of a kingdom which has nothing to do with
this world. His kingdom shall come on this earth by the individual members
copying the example of Jesus Christ, and believing in the revelation of that
love which overcame sin; so that the people who live upon this earth shall be
willing subjects of Divine love, and living in perfect love to their fellow-men.
(Bp. Courtney.)
It is related of Hannibal that, when he had led his men to one of the higher
ridges of the Alps, they beganto murmur, and requestedthat they should be
reconductedto their native country. Standing on an eminence and waving his
hand, the intrepid Carthaginian Generaldirected their attention to the plains
of Piedmont below. "Behold," saidhe, "these fruitful vineyards and luxuriant
fields. A few more struggles, and they are all your own." These were inspiring
words, and they had the desired effect. May we not apply them to the subject
of missions, and say, Behold, from the mount of promise, the nations of the
earth at the feet of the Church's exalted Head! A few more struggles on the
part of His followers, and voices shallbe heard, not in heaven only, but from
the innumerable and widely scatteredtongues of earth, giving utterance to the
joyous announcement, "The kingdoms of this world are become," etc.
The kingdom of heaven and its progress
H. W. Beecher.
You might as wellstand on the banks of the Mississippiand be afraid it was
going to run up streamas to suppose that the current of Christendom canrun
more than one way. What would you think of a man who should stand
moonstruck over an eddy, and because that didn't go right forward, declare
that the whole flood had gotout of its course? So in the stream of time. The
things that appear in our day all have bearing on the coming triumph of the
gospeland the reign of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
(H. W. Beecher.)
Jesus will conquer the world
C. W. Boot.
Yonder in the cathedralat Vienna the Emperor Frederick is represented,
standing with arm uplifted, and at the tip of his extended fingers are the five
vowels, A, E, I, O, U, which, being interpreted, means, "Austria est imperare
obi universo" — "Austria will conquer the world." Another and a gander
figure meets the gaze of every Christian of to-day, no matter where his
standpoint, and the inscription thereonis in letters of fire: "Jesus estimperare
obi universo" — "Jesus will conquer the world."
(C. W. Boot.)
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(15) And the seventh angel. . .—Better, And the seventh angelsounded; and
there were greatvoices in the heaven (persons) saying, The kingdom of the
world is become (the possession)ofour Lord, and of His Christ, and He shall
reign to the ages ofages. The literal translation is, The kingdom of the world
is become our Lord’s, and of His Christ. As far as the expression“ourLord’s”
is concerned, there is no need that any word, such as kingdom or possession,
should be supplied, but the additional phrase “of His Christ” creates an
awkwardness, andthe word “possession,”orinheritance, may not
inappropriately be used from the Psalm which foretells this final
establishment of the kingdom of the anointed Messiah, the Christ of God.
“Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the
uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession” (Psalm2:8). It is the
kingdom—not, as in the English version, “the kingdoms”—ofthe world which
has become Christ’s possession. The contestis not for the kingdoms, the
separate nationalities:the varying political systems might exist, as far as mere
organisationis concerned, under the rule of Christ; the contestis for the
kingdom of the world. Satanwas willing to surrender the kingdoms of the
world to our Lord on condition of a homage which would have left him still in
possessionofthe kingdom of the world. But now the close ofthe contestis the
overthrow of the kingdom of evil, the establishmentof the kingdom of good:
that is, of God; and He shall reign for ever and ever. DeanAlford pointed out
that our familiarity with the “Hallelujah Chorus” tempted us to put an
emphasis on the word He which is not sanctionedby the Greek;it is the reign
of the Lord which is the prominent thought. The reign is unto the ages ofages.
Surely this means always. We are not told whose voices sing this chorus; it is
just the tumultuous sound of heavenly voices, growing into natural and
irresistible chorus as the trumpet heralds the approachof the glorious end.
Revelation11:15-18. And the seventh angelsounded, &c. — With the
sounding of this angel, the third wo commences, whichis rather implied than
expressed, as it will be describedmore fully hereafter. The third wo brought
on the inhabitants of the earth, is the ruin and downfall of the antichristian
kingdom: and then, and not till then, according to the heavenly chorus, the
kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his
Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever — St. John is rapt and hurried
awayas it were to a view of the happy millennium, without considering the
steps preceding and conducting to it. At the same time, the four and twenty
elders — Or the ministers of the church, (Revelation11:16-18,)
are representedas praising and glorifying God, for manifesting his powerand
kingdom more than he had done before. They give likewise anintimation of
some succeeding events, as the angerof the nations, Gog and Magog,
(Revelation20:8,) and the wrath of God, displayed in their destruction,
(Revelation20:9,) and the rewarding of all the good, small and great, as well
as the punishing of the wicked. Here we have only a summary accountof the
circumstances and occurrencesofthe seventh trumpet, but the particulars
will be dilated and enlargedupon hereafter. And thus are we arrived at the
consummation of all things, through a series ofprophecies, extending from the
apostle’s days to the end of the world. It is this series whichhas been our clew
to conduct us in our interpretation of these prophecies:and though some of
them may be dark and obscure, consideredin themselves, yet they receive
light and illustration from others preceding and following. All together, they
are, as it were, a chain of prophecies, whereofone link depends on and
supports another. If any parts remain yet obscure and unsatisfactory, they
may perhaps be clearedup by what the apostle himself hath added by way of
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
11:14-19 Before the sounding of the seventh and last trumpet, there is the
usual demand of attention. The saints and angels in heaven know the right of
our God and Saviour to rule over all the world. But the nations met God's
wrath with their own anger. It was a time in which he was beginning to
reward his people's faithful services, andsufferings; and their enemies fretted
againstGod, and so increasedtheir guilt, and hastenedtheir destruction. By
the opening the temple of God in heaven, may be meant, that there was a
more free communication betweenheaven and earth; prayer and praises
more freely and frequently going up, graces andblessings plentifully coming
down. But it rather seems to refer to the church of Godon earth. In the reign
of antichrist, God's law was laid aside, and made void by traditions and
decrees;the Scriptures were lockedup from the people, but now they are
brought to the view of all. This, like the ark, is a token of the presence ofGod
returned to his people, and his favour toward them in Jesus Christ, as the
Propitiation for their sins. The greatblessing of the Reformationwas attended
with very awful providences;as by terrible things in righteousness God
answeredthe prayers presentedin his holy temple now opened.
Barnes'Notes on the Bible
And the seventh angel sounded - See the notes on Revelation 8:2, Revelation
8:6-7. This is the last of the trumpets, implying, of course, that under this the
series ofvisions was to end, and that this was to introduce the state of things
under which the affairs of the world were to be wound up. The place which
this occupies in the order of time, is when the events pertaining to the colossal
Roman power- the fourth kingdom of DanielDan. 2-7 - should have been
completed, and when the reign of the saints Daniel 7:9-14, Daniel7:27-28
should have been introduced. This, both in Daniel and in John, is to occur
when the mighty power of the papacyshall have been overthrown at the
termination of the twelve hundred and sixty years of its duration. See the
notes on Daniel7:25. In both Daniel and John the termination of that
persecuting poweris the commencementof the reign of the saints; the
downfall of the papacy, the introduction of the kingdom of God, and its
establishment on the earth.
And there were greatvoices in heaven - As of exultation and praise. The
grand consummation had come, the period so long anticipated and desired
when God should reign on the earth had arrived, and this lays the foundation
for joy and thanksgiving in heaven.
The kingdoms of this world - The modern editions of the New Testament(see
Tittmann and Hahn) read this in the singular number - "The kingdom of this
world has become," etc. According to this reading, the meaning would be,
either that the sole reign over this world had become that of the Lord Jesus;
or, more probably, that the dominion over the earth had been regarded as one
in the sense that Satanhad reigned over it, but had now become the kingdom
of God; that is, that "the kingdoms of this world are many consideredin
themselves;but in reference to the swayof Satan, there is only one kingdom
ruled over by the 'god of this world'" (Prof. Stuart). The sense is not
materially different whicheverreading is adopted; though the authority is in
favor of the latter (Wetstein). According to the common reading, the sense is,
that all the kingdoms of the earth, being many in themselves, had been now
brought under the one scepterof Christ; according to the other, the whole
world was regardedas in fact one kingdom - that of Satan- and the scepter
had now passedfrom his hands into those of the Saviour.
The kingdoms of our Lord - Or, the kingdom of our Lord, according to the
reading adopted in the previous part of the verse. The word "Lord" here
evidently has reference to God as such - representedas the original source of
authority, and as giving the kingdom to his Son. See the notes on Daniel 7:13-
14; compare Psalm2:8. The word "Lord" - Κυριος Kurios - implies the
notion of possessor, owner, sovereign, supreme ruler - and is thus properly
given to God. See Matthew 1:22; Matthew 5:33; Mark 5:19; Luke 1:6, Luke
1:28; Acts 7:33; Hebrews 8:2, Hebrews 8:10; James 4:15, al. saepe.
And of his Christ - Of his anointed; of him who is set apart as the Messiah,
and consecratedto this high office. See the notes on Matthew 1:1. He is called
"his Christ," because he is setapart by him, or appointed by him to perform
the work appropriate to that office on earth. Such language as what occurs
here is often employed, in which God and Christ are spokenof as, in some
respects, distinct - as sustaining different offices, and performing different
works. The essentialmeaning here is, that the kingdom of this world had now
become the kingdom of God under Christ; that is, that that kingdom is
administered by the Son of God.
And he shall reign forever and ever - A kingdom is commencedwhich shall
never terminate. It is not said that this would be on the earth; but the essential
idea is, that the scepterof the world had now, after so long a time, come into
his hands never more to pass away. The fuller characteristics ofthis reign are
statedin a subsequent part of this book Revelation20-22. Whatis here stated
is in accordance withall the predictions in the Bible. A time is to come when,
in the proper sense of the term, God is to reign on the earth; when his
kingdom is to be universal; when his laws shall be everywhere recognizedas
binding; when all idolatry shall come to an end; and when the understandings
and the hearts of people everywhere shall bow to his authority. Compare
Psalm2:8; Isaiah 9:7; Isaiah 11:9; Isaiah45:22; 60; Daniel2:35, Daniel2:44-
45; Daniel7:13-14, Daniel7:27-28;Zechariah 14:9; Malachi1:11; Luke 1:33.
On this whole subject, see the very ample illustrations and proofs in the notes
on Daniel 2:44-45;Daniel 7:13-14, Daniel7:27-28;compare the notes on
Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary
15. sounded—with his trumpet. Evidently "the LAST trumpet." Six is close to
seven, but does not reachit. The world judgments are complete in six, but by
the fulfilment of seven the world kingdoms become Christ's. Six is the number
of the world given over to judgment. It is half of twelve, the Church's number,
as three and a half is half of seven, the divine number for completeness.
Bengelthinks the angelhere to have been Gabriel, which name is
compounded of El, God, and Geber, MIGHTY MAN (Re 10:1). Gabriel
therefore appropriately announced to Mary the advent of the mighty God-
man: compare the accountof the man-child's birth which follows (Re 12:1-6),
to which this forms the transition though the seventh trumpet in time is
subsequent, being the consummation of the historical episode, the twelfth and
thirteen chapters. The seventhtrumpet, like the seventh sealand seventh vial,
being the consummation, is accompanieddifferently from the preceding six:
not the consequenceswhichfollow on earth, but those IN HEAVEN, are set
before us, the greatvoices and thanksgiving of the twenty-four elders in
heaven, as the half-hour's silence in heaven at the seventh seal, and the voice
out of the temple in heaven, "It is done," at the seventh vial. This is parallel to
Da 2:44, "The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be
destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break
to pieces all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." It is the setting up of
Heaven's sovereigntyover the earth visibly, which, when invisibly exercised,
was rejectedby the earthly rulers heretofore. The distinction of worldly and
spiritual shall then cease.There will be no beastin opposition to the woman.
Poetry, art, science, and sociallife will be at once worldly and Christian.
kingdoms—A, B, C, and Vulgate read the singular, "The kingdom
(sovereignty)of (over) the world is our Lord's and His Christ's." There is no
goodauthority for English Version reading. The kingdoms of the world give
way to the kingdom of (over) the world exercisedby Christ. The earth-
kingdoms are many: His shall be one. The appellation "Christ," the Anointed,
is here, where His kingdom is mentioned appropriately for the first time used
in Revelation. Forit is equivalent to King. Though priests and prophets also
were anointed, yet this term is peculiarly applied to Him as King, insomuch
that "the Lord's anointed" is His title as King, in places where He is
distinguished from the priests. The glorified Son of man shall rule mankind by
His transfigured Church in heaven, and by His people Israelon earth: Israel
shall be the priestly mediator of blessings to the whole world, realizing them
he—not emphatic in the Greek.
shall reign for ever and ever—Greek, "unto the ages ofthe ages."Here begins
the millennial reign, the consummationof "the mystery of God" (Re 10:7).
Matthew Poole's Commentary
And the seventh angel sounded; the last of those angels mentioned Revelation
And there were greatvoices in heaven, saying; St. John in his vision heard
greatacclamations andshoutings for the victory which Christ and his gospel
had gotover the beast.
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his
Christ; and he shall reign for everand ever; so that a great part of the world,
casting off the papacy, that new Gentilism, togetherwith all their abominable
idolatries and superstitions, embraced the truth of the gospel. Here ariseth a
greatquestion, whether the sevenvials, of which we shall find the 16th
chapter treating, {Revelation 16:1-21}do belong all to the seventh trumpet, or
some of them belong to the sixth trumpet, of which mention hath been before
made. Greatdivines are on both sides as to this question. Mr. Pool, in his
Latin Synopsis, hath collectedtogethertheir reasons, ofwhich I shall give a
short account, leaving my reader for a fuller satisfactionto the Latin
Those who think that the sevenvials do all relate to the seventh trumpet, and
contemporize with it, in defence of their opinion say:
1. That the seven seals, andthe seventrumpets, and the sevenvials, are all
mentioned in the same form of speech;and therefore the seven vials are not to
be divided, some to one trumpet, some to another.
2. Becausethe seventh trumpet and the seven vials are one and the same
thing, nothing being revealedunder the sevenvials which doth not belong to
the seventhtrumpet; they agree in their titles of woes, in the nature of the
revelations, in their objects, both the one and the other declaring the ruin of
antichrist; both of them are mentioned as the last plagues to come upon the
world before the last day.
3. All the vials are of the same nature, declaring but the judgments by which
God, setting up the kingdom of Christ, would ruin antichrist; they only differ
in the degrees ofthe plagues, eachone rising higher than the other.
4. The seventh trumpet cannot declare the ruin of antichrist, unless the seven
vials be poured out under it, for they show the means by which he must be
5. The seventh trumpet soundeth immediately upon the slaying of the
witnesses,and contemporizeth with the whole course of their renewedliberty,
and therefore the period signified by it must be before the fall of antichrist,
declaredby the sixth vial.
6. The seventh trumpet soundeth immediately after the expiration of the
twelve hundred and sixty days; before the end of which none of the vials were
poured out.
Those who think that divers of the vials were poured out, or shall be poured
out, before the sounding of this seventhtrumpet, say, that the beast’s kingdom
beginning to fall under the sixth trumpet, severalof the vials, declaring the
degrees ofhis falling, must belong to that. It appeareth by all we have in this
chapter Revelation11:7-15, that antichrist’s kingdom was in a greatmeasure
weakenedunder the sixth trumpet, particularly from Revelation11:11-13. To
which those who think that all the vials related to the seventh trumpet say,
that they grant that there were some preparations to the final ruin of
antichrist, during the period of the sixth trumpet, but the sevenvials signify
the further progress and perfection of his ruin, which falls under the period
signified by the seventh trumpet. This being premised, I proceedwith the text.
It is doubted here whether those words, are become the kingdoms of our
Lord, and of his Christ, be to be understood as being actually so, or now
beginning to be so. Those who make the sense that they now actually were so,
must understand the time to be the day of judgment, or some time next to it,
and consequentlymust think that five at leastof the sevenvials, mentioned
Revelation16:1-21, belongedto the sixth trumpet. Those who make the sense,
are beginning to become the kingdoms of the Lord, or shall shortly be so, may
make all the sevenvials to belong to the seventh trumpet. By becoming the
kingdoms of the Lord Christ, he means in outward profession;so as antichrist
shall reign no more, but they shall be ruled by the officers of the Lord Christ,
until they be taken up to reign with him in glory.
Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
And the seventh angel sounded,.... The lastof the seven angels, who had
trumpets given them to sound, Revelation8:2. The days of the voice of this
angel, as in Revelation10:7, cannotrefer to the times of Constantine;for
though there was then a strange turn of affairs in favour of the kingdom of
Christ, when there was a greatspread of the Gospel, and large conversions in
many places, and many churches were raisedand formed in several countries,
and the whole empire became Christian; yet this, as we have seen, came to
pass under the sixth seal, before any of the trumpets were sounded, and much
less this seventh and last; nor do they belong to the times of the Reformation
in Germany. Brightman fixes the sounding of this trumpet to the year 1558,
when the kings of Swedenand Denmark set up the Gospelin their kingdoms,
and reformed them from Popery; and when Queen Elizabeth came to the
throne of England, and rooted out greatpart of the Romish superstition: but
it is certain that this angel has not yet sounded his trumpet, and therefore
cannot refer to anything past, but to what is to come;we are yet under the
sixth trumpet; the outward court is not yet given to the Gentiles; the witnesses
are not slain, and much less risen and ascended;the earthquake, the fall of the
tenth part of the city, and the slaughterof seventhousand names of men, with
what will follow thereon, are things yet to come;the Turkish woe is not over,
and antichrist still reigns, and the kingdoms of this world are far from
appearing to be the kingdoms of Christ. Some think, and indeed the generality
of interpreters, that this respects the voice of the archangel, and trump of
God, the last trump, which will sound at the resurrection of the dead, and the
day of judgment; but none of these appearin the accountof things under this
trumpet; but rather the whole has a view to the spiritual reign of Christ, when
both the easternand westernantichrist will be destroyed; the Gospelwill be
carried all over the world, and there will be large conversions both among
Jews and Gentiles, and Christ will reign in a spiritual manner over all the
earth. Hence it follows,
and there were greatvoices in heaven; these are either the voices of the angels
in heaven, who rejoice at every appearance, and breaking forth of Christ's
kingdom and glory, as in Revelation5:11; and indeed, if they rejoice at the
conversionof one sinner, at a single addition to Christ's interest, then much
more will they, when the kingdoms of this world become his; or rather these
may be the voices ofthe multitude of the saints in the churches, the same
company with those in Revelation19:1; who express their joy at the judgment
of the greatwhore, and at the marriage of the Lamb; and who, as here, are
attended with the thanksgivings and hallelujahs of the four and twenty elders:
and it may be, that these are also the voices ofthe four living creatures, the
ministers of the word, since the four and twenty elders generally follow them,
Revelation4:9; they may be the witnesses, who were silenced, but are now
raisedup, and are ascendedinto heaven, and their mouths are opened, and
their voices heard again:
saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and
of his Christ; by "the kingdoms of this world" are meant worldly kingdoms,
which are setup by worldly power, and are supported by worldly policy, and
subsist upon worldly principles and maxims; the government of which
proceeds upon worldly ends and views;in distinction from the kingdom of
Christ, which is not of this world, and is not supported by any such methods;
and they are the kingdoms, into which the world is divided, which, and the
glory of them, Satan showedto Christ, and insolently offered to give him
them, if he would worship him; but these were to come to Christ in another
way, and at anothertime. The Alexandrian copy, and some others, the
Complutensian edition, the Vulgate Latin version, and all the Oriental
versions, read in the singular number, "the kingdom of this world"; the whole
government of it, which is his by right of nature, and will be overturned, and
overturned againand again, till he comes, whoseright it is; and then all
power, rule, and authority, will be put down, and his kingdom, which will tilt
the face of the whole earth, will take place:all the antichristian states and
kingdoms are here intended, particularly the kingdoms into which the Roman
empire, sometimes calledthe whole world, Luke 2:1, is divided, which are ten;
one of the ten, a tenth part of the city or jurisdiction of Rome, will fall at the
close ofthe sixth trumpet, and the other nine, or the other nine parts, will fall
at the sounding of the seventh; the ten kings, that have given their kingdoms
to the beast, will have an aversionto the whore, hate her, and burn her flesh,
will fall off from her, and into the hands of Christ; there will be a generaland
thorough reformation from Poperyin all the kingdoms of the Roman empire:
but though these are greatly intended, yet not only they, but the Mahometan
nations also, as the Turkish woe will now be over, and the greatriver
Euphrates dried up, to make way for the kings of the east, those large
kingdoms and countries of China, Tartary, and Persia;and these now under
the powerof the Turk will embrace the Christian faith; and also all the Pagan
nations are to be takeninto the account, and who will now enjoy the light of
the Gospel:and all, and everyone those Pagan, Papal, and Mahometan
kingdoms, will "become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ"; by
"our Lord" may be designedGod the Father, who is the Lord of the whole
earth, the Lord GodAlmighty, and is acknowledgedas suchby angels and
men; and by "his Christ", his Son Jesus Christ, who is equal with him; and
what belongs to the one belongs to the other; and who, as Mediator, is his
anointed One; anointed to be prophet, priest, and King; anointed with the oil
of gladness, the Holy Ghost;see Psalm2:2, where the same distinction is. In
the Targum on Isaiah4:2 mention is made of , "the Messiah";or "Christ of
Jehovah":and in the same Targum on Isaiah53:10, it is said, "they shall
look" , "upon the kingdom of their Messiah";though it may be rather that
Christ is designedby both these phrases, and the words be rendered, "our
Lord, even his Christ"; since the phrase, "our Lord", as well as Christ, is
generallyunderstood of Jesus Christ in the New Testament;and who is Lord
of all, of angels, andof men, and the Christ of God. Now these kingdoms will
become his, not merely by right, for so they are his already, by right of nature,
and creation, and preservation; but these have shakenoff his government, and
have refused to have him to reign over them, and have fallen into the hands of
usurpers, as Satan, the godof this world, the Romish antichrist, that reigns
over the kings of the earth, and Mahomet the king of the locusts;but now
these will, in fact, come into his hands, and be under his government; they will
acknowledge him as their Lord and Sovereign, and fear and worship him, as
King of saints: and this will be brought about, not by force of arms, as
Mahometgot his dominions; nor by policy and fraud, by imposture and lying
wonders, by which the pope of Rome has obtained his authority overthe
nations; but partly by the pouring out of the vials of God's wrath upon the
seatof the beast, and upon the river Euphrates, that is, both upon the pope
and Turk, which will weakenanddestroy their power and authority, and
make way for Christ to set up his kingdom; and partly, and chiefly, by the
preaching of the Gospel:now will an open door be set, which none can shut;
many will run to and fro, and knowledge willbe increased;the earth will be
coveredwith it, as the sea with waters;multitudes of souls everywhere will be
converted; a nation will be born at once;churches will be set up in every
place, which are Christ's kingdom, where he reigns, and where his subjects
are, and his laws are put in execution; where his word will be now faithfully
preached, his ordinances purely administered, and he, in his person, office,
and grace, willbe alone exalted: the consequence ofwhich will be,
and he shall reign for ever and ever; no usurper will ever start up more, or
obtain, neither Satan, nor the beast, nor the false prophet, shall ever regain
their power and authority any more; neither Paganism, nor Judaism, nor
antichristianism, either Papal or Mahometan, shall ever have place more:
Christ will reign in this spiritual way, more or less, until he comes personally,
and then he will reign with his people on earth a thousand years;and when
they are ended, he will reign with them in heaven to all eternity; for though, at
the end of these years, he shall deliver up the kingdom to the Father, yet he
will not cease to reign; indeed he will not reign in the same manner, but he
will reign with equal power and authority, and over, and with the same
persons. The Vulgate Latin versionadds, "Amen".
Geneva Study Bible
{27} And the seventhangel sounded; and there were greatvoices in heaven,
saying, {28} The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our
Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
(27) Of whose sounding the trumpet Christ expresslyforetold in Re 10:7 and
this is the secondpart of this chapter, containing a generalhistory of the
Christian Church, from the time of Boniface to the consummation of the
victory declaredby voice from heaven. In this history there are three
branches: a preparation by the sound of the angels trumpet: a narration by
the voice of heavenly angels and elders and a confirmation by sign.
(28) The narration has two parts: an acclamationof the heavenly creatures in
this verse, and both an adorationby all the elders in Re 11:16 and also a
thanksgiving in Re 11:17,18. The sense ofthe acclamationis, Now the Lord
has enteredhis kingdom and has restoredhis church in which most mightily
recoveredfrom the profanation of the Gentiles, he may glorify himself.
Namely that, which the Lord ordained when he first ordained his Church,
that the faith of the saints does now behold as accomplished.
Meyer's NT Commentary
Revelation11:15. ἐγένοντο φωναὶ μεγ., κ.τ.λ. To whom these voices belonged,
is neither to be askednor to be answered. Ewaldwants to ascribe them to the
four beasts;[2961]De Wette, to the angels;Beng., to various dwellers in
heaven, angels and men. Hengstenb. tries to show that the innumerable hosts,
Revelation7:9 sq., are to be understood. This is incorrect, because the hosts
which John there sees prolepticallyin heaven do not as yet correspondin
Revelation11:15, with the progressive course ofthe visions, but are not
actually in heaven until Revelation15:2 sqq.[2962]Also in Revelation11:15-
19 Hengstenb. mistakes the prolepticalreference correctlyunderstood by C. a
Lap., Beng., Ew., De Wette, etc., by regarding all the contents of the seventh
trumpet (the third woe)exhausted alreadywith Revelation11:19. Still more
preposterously, Ebrard limits the seventh trumpet to Revelation11:15-
ἘΝ Τῷ ΟὐΡΑΝῷ, where John is not as yet,[2964]but whither the look of the
seeris directed.[2965]
ΛΈΓΟΝΤΕς. Cf. Revelation4:8, Revelation5:13. Ἡ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑ ΤΟῦ
ΚΌΣΜΟΥ. The regaldominion over the world.[2966]Insteadof the obj. gen.,
in Revelation17:18, ἘΠΊ follows. Cf. also Revelation1:6, Revelation12:10.
The immediately following ΚΑῚ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΎΣΕΙpresupposes notonly the
active idea of Ἡ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑ, but also this reading. Incorrectly, Luther,
according to the var. supported by Ew. ii., ἘΓΈΝΟΝΤΟ ΑἹ ΒΑΣΙΛΕῖΑΙ: the
kingdoms of this world.
The proleptical[2967]in the songs of the heavenly voices lies in this, that
immediately after the sound of the trumpet, and yet before any thing else has
actually occurredof what is afterwards celebratedwith similar songs of
praise,[2968]they say, ἘΓΈΝΕΤΟ ἩΒΑΣ., Κ.Τ.Λ.[2969]In reality the
dominion over the world does not become God’s and that of his Anointed until
the wrathful judgment described, viz., until ch. 18, yea, in another respect
until Revelation20:10, has actually dislodged from its assumeddominion all
ungodly and antichristian power, which, by its rebellion[2970]againstthe
only King and Lord, had usurped, to an extent, a part of his βασιλεία. The
inner justification of the prolepsis—whichHengstenb. acknowledgesonly at
Revelation11:15-18 in the relation to Revelation11:19, where he finds the
final judgment—lies in the fact that the seventh trumpet has alreadyactually
sounded; that one, therefore, from which the realfulfilment of the mystery of
God will infallibly proceed.[2971]But even if only a specialseries offurther
visions leads to that final consummation, yet the prospective celebrationof
that glorious result, especiallyin the mouth of the dwellers in heaven, has,
after the sounding of the seventh trumpet, its full justification and beautiful
significance;the allusion, however, in connectionwith this, to redemption, as
the proper root of the fact here celebrated,[2972]is entirely out of place.
τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν καὶ τοῦ χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ. Notonly the expression,[2973]but
also the idea, points back to Psalm2:2, for the Lord’s Anointed is the Son of
God because ofthe βασιλεία, which is takenin general, indeed, from the
nations,[2974]yet only for their destruction.
The ἡμῶν with τ. κυρίου does not give here a statement strange in itself
concerning the co-regencyofthe saints,[2975]but corresponds, as also
Revelation12:10, Revelation19:1, Revelation5:6, to the joy of those who now
behold their Lord and God, whom they themselves serve, in his victorious
dominion over the judged world.
κ. βασιλεύσει εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τ. αἰών. For, after his overthrow of all powers
opposedto God, no new enemy could arise. The subj. to βασιλεύσει is ὁ κύριος
ἡμῶν;[2976]but his Christ is manifestly understood as partner of this
[2962]Cf. Revelation19:1 sqq.
[2963]See onRevelation11:19.
[2964]Cf. Revelation10:1.
[2965]De Wette.
[2966]Beng., De Wette, Hengstenb., etc.
[2967]Also Klief.
[2968]Cf. Revelation19:1 sqq.
[2969]Cf. Revelation11:17 sq.: εἵληφας
[2971]Beng., De Wette, etc.
[2973]Cf. Revelation12:10;Acts 4:26.
[2974]Cf. Revelation11:18.
[2976]According to Revelation11:17 : κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ παντοκρ.
[2977]Beng., De Wette.
Revelation11:15-19. At the blast of the seventh trumpet, which[2960]will
bring the glorious end, songs of praise resound in heaven which proclaim the
fulfilment as having already occurred(Revelation11:15-18). At the opening of
the heavenly temple of God, the ark of the covenanttherein is visible, and
lightnings, and other signs, indicating the judgments belonging to the actual
fulfilment of the mystery of God, occur.
[2960]Cf. Revelation10:7.
Expositor's Greek Testament
Revelation11:15. The rout of Satan(Revelation12:10 and Revelation20:4-10)
means the absolute messianic (ὁ Χ. only in these sections = “messiah” in the
eschatologicalsense)authority of God, as the destruction or submission of
paganism(cf. Revelation11:13)means the true coming of the eschatological
βασιλεία (cf. Revelation19:1-6, after Rome’s downfall). The apocalyptic
motto is not so much “The Lord reigns,” as “The Lord is to reign”.
Meanwhile he overrules, and every preliminary judgment shoots the pious
mind forward to anticipate the final triumph. Linguistically τοῦ Χριστοῦ
might mean here as in Habakkuk 3:13 God’s chosenpeople, but the usage of
the Apocalypse puts this out of the question. There is no need to delete the
words here as a gloss (so, e.g., Baljon, vonSoden, Rauch) or the similar phrase
in En. 48:10 (with Dalman).
Cambridge Bible for Schools andColleges
The Seventh Trumpet, Revelation11:15-19. Chap. Revelation12:7-1215.great
voices]Cf. Revelation16:17.
The kingdoms of this world &c.]Read, The kingdom of the world is become
our Lord’s and His Christ’s. The phrase “His Christ” is founded on the O. T.
phrase “the Lord’s Anointed;” cf. St Luke 2:26.
he shall reign] Who? Our Lord or His Christ? St John probably would have
regardedthe question as meaningless, though comparing Revelation11:1 (see
note on “therein”) it is not likely that he used the sing, consciouslyto imply
that Christ and His Fatherare One. It would be more to the point to compare
“Christ the Lord” in St Luke 2:11 with “the Lord’s Christ” already quoted.
Bengel's Gnomen
Revelation11:15. [114]Ὁ ἛΒΔΟΜΟς, the seventh) The principal trumpet is
that of the seventhangel. This closelyapproachedthe very times of the
apostles:but it was about to have a long continuance. The near approachof
the events, which were about to follow in it, were often viewed by the apostles
separately, and held forth by them to the view of the faithful: but in
consequence ofthe length of the interval, scoffers deniedthe end itself, in
which the course of the events was about to issue;while the faithful did not
fully comprehend the long continuance of the interval. Eachclass furnished
the apostles witha reasonfor explaining the mystery more fully: 2 Peter3:2; 2
Thessalonians 2.
[114]ἡ οὐαὶ ἡ τρίτη, the third woe)This is predicted finally, ch. Revelation
12:12 : then ch. 13 and 14 it actually follows.—V. g.
Whether Gabriel is the angelhere meant, we propose in the German Exegesis
as a subject of considerationfor the reader. And the very name ‫לאירבג‬agrees;
for ‫לא‬ is God, and ‫רבג‬ a man, strong. Therefore that name exhibits the sum of
the messageto Mary, Luke 1:31; Luke 1:35; and here of the commencement
of the trumpet in heaven: for, ch. Revelation12:5, there is born υἱὸς ἄῤῥην;
that is, ‫לא‬ ‫,רובג‬ Isaiah 9:5. I give no definition; I make no conjecture;I only
inquire. But that which follows I affirm: This trumpet is the most important
of all, which both of itself has here a most joyful meaning, and renders joyful
all the trumpets of the former angels, but only to the inhabitants of heaven.
Wherefore they are not to be heard, who here prefer to interpret sorrowful
trumpets, used by the Jews in excommunication, rather than festive trumpets.
The injury arising from the abuse of Jewishantiquities, in the explanation of
the New Testament, and especiallyofthe Apocalypse, is greaterthan the
advantage arising from the use of the same. Truth is learned from the very
clearness ofthe text, containing its ownαὐτάρκειαν(self-dependent
completeness);the abuse introduces errors. We see other examples on ch.
Revelation13:18 (Annot. ii. § 2), and on ch. Revelation14:20, Revelation17:9,
note 1. It would be better not to have recourse to the books ofthe Jews, if no
better reward for the labour could be carried off from them.—ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ,
in heaven) This is strictly parallel with that passageofDaniel2:44, “IN the
days of those kings (not, after they shall be destroyed), the God OF HEAVEN
shall setup a kingdom.” He is calledthe God of heaven, as showing His
majesty in heaven. Comp. altogetherRevelation11:13, note. Afterwards the
actiondescends to the earth. See shortly afterwards concerning the kingdom
of the world.—λέγοντες)See App. Ed. ii. So ch. Revelation4:1. Many read, ἡ
φωνὴ λέγων.[115]See also ch. Revelation5:12, and the remarks which we
have made above on ch. Revelation 9:13-14, and Wolf’s remarks on
Revelation14:7, Revelation19:1. Dionysius of Alexandria thus expressedhis
opinion respecting the writer of the Apocalypse, not 200 years afterwards:
Lightfoot, he forms this judgment concerning dialectand phraseology, who
was acquainted with neither, and he censures as a fault that which chiefly
commends this book. For John θεοδίδακτος (being taught of God),
everywhere in his Apocalypse assumedthe style of the Old Testament:while
this man, who was ignorant of the Hebrew language, reckonedas a
SOLECISM the whole of that, which was THE DIALECT OF GOD, and
believed that that which he could not understand was barbarous.—Op. Posth.
f. 145. But yet the readings of the Apocalypse (which present the appearance
of a solecism), as Dionysius demonstrates, are ancient, are repeated, and have
an analogyto one another: but those which follow the ordinary syntax have
been introduced by copyists, many ages afterDionysius.—ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία
τοῦ κόσμου, the kingdom of the world is become)This reading of an early age
is much more glorious than that of the hasty copyist, ἐγένοντο αἱ
βασιλεῖαι,[116]Κ.Τ.Λ. Blemishes ofsuch a character, and of such importance,
as I have noticed, ch. Revelation1:18, Revelation3:12, Revelation5:14,
Revelation6:11, Revelation11:2; Revelation11:17, Revelation14:1,
Revelation15:3, Revelation17:8; Revelation17:16, Revelation20:4,
Revelation21:24, Revelation22:19, etc., remain in those editions, which are
eagerlyreprinted the revision which applies a remedy to them (I do not
complain on my own account)lies neglected. See Pref. § viii. Admon. 20. We
return to the passage.The kingdoms of the world give way to the kingdom of
the world. Thus Obadiah, Obadiah 1:21, and the Psalms repeatedly. Vitringa
indeed correctlysays, The fulfilment of this oracle is in vain sought in the time
of Constantine: Anacr. Ap. p. 512;but at the same time he thinks that this
prophecy will be fulfilled after the destruction of the beast. In both points D.
Lange assents to him. Here a true analysis of the text is especiallynecessary:
moreoverwe have presentedsuch a one above, in the Introduction to the
Apoc. Number 6. Many separate the natural sequence of ch. 11 and those
which follow; but it vindicates itself. See Erkl. Offenb. p. 71 and following,
552, 564, etc. The third woe, which is setforth in ch. Revelation12:12, and is
describedparticularly in ch. 13, is long ago in course, ofaccomplishment: and
from things presentit is distinguished, what things are past under the trumpet
of the seventh angel, and what are still future.—τοῦ Κυρίου[117])See App.
Crit. Ed. ii. Κυρίου is here used as a proper name (as Grotius and Le Buy
admit), with which that which immediately follows, καὶ Χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ, best
agrees:for the expressionis, the Lord’s Christ, ‫הישמ‬ ‫,הוהי‬ not the Christ of
OUR Lord. And thus in the Apocalypse the inhabitants of heaven say, God,
Lord, our God, the Lord our God; but never, our Lord. Athanasius, in his
Synopsis on this passage,and Rupertus, in his Comm. p. 308, were ofthe same
opinion, if they did not retain the same reading.—ΚΑῚ ΤΟῦ ΧΡΙΣΤΟῦ
ΑὐΤΟῦ, and of His Christ, or Anointed) This is the first appellation of Christ
in this prophetic Treatise, afterthe Introduction of the book, namely, in the
mention of the Kingdom under the trumpet of the seventh angel. ForChrist is
calleda King antonomastically,[118]as Hiller observes, Syntagm. p. 356.
Comp. Brent’s Homily xlii. on Acts, and Explan. of Catech. p. 114 and
following, and p. 23. Elisha the prophet was anointed, 1 Kings 19:16;priests
were anointed, Exodus 28:41;but with especialpropriety, Kings. Whence the
title of Anointed, put absolutely, denotes nothing but a king. The usual
expressionis, the Lord’s anointed, not the anointed king: but [in the case of
the priest] the only expressionusedis, the priest that is anointed, by way of
epithet: Leviticus 4:5. Nay, the Anointed is even expresslydistinguished from
the priest, 1 Samuel2:35; Psalm 132:16-17.In the whole Evangelic history, the
name, Christ, is never set forth under the title of priest; it very frequently is
under the name of king. And moreover, as often as the Messiahis mentioned
in the Scripture, there is a reference to his Kingdom. The priestly office and
the prophetical also are both containedin the kingly (which by a metaphor is
the meaning of Shepherd also:ch. Revelation12:5). See Hebrews 2:17, note.
Among the Gentiles also, one man has often borne the kingly office in addition
to the priestly, sometimes under the title of priest, sometimes under that of
[115]AB Vulg. read λέγοντες. Rec. Text, λέγουσαι, with C.—E.
[116]Ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεια, ABCh Vulg. Ἐγένοντο αἱ βασιλεῖαι, Rec. Text,
without goodauthority.—E.
[117]So AC Vulg.: but h, “Dei.” AC Vulg. and the best authorities read ἡμῶν,
in opposition to Bengel.—E.
[118]See Appendix on Antonomasia.
Pulpit Commentary
Verse 15. - And the seventh angelsounded; and there were greatvoices in
heaven, saying. The participle "saying" is masculine, λέγοντες, in A, B; the
feminine, λέγουσαι, is read in ‫,א‬ C, P. Though the latter would be more
correct, grammatically, yet irregular constructionin such cases is not
uncommon in the Apocalypse. The voices were possibly those of the angels
rejoicing in the triumph of the kingdom of God. Or perhaps they proceeded
from the four living beings, since the elders are next mentioned (ver. 17)as
offering the praises ofthe redeemedChurch which they represent. At the
opening of the seventh sealthere was silence in heaven; here, at the sound of
the seventhangel's trumpet, voices are heard "in heaven," but there is silence
as to the fate of the wicked, with whom the trumpet visions have been chiefly
concerned. In the revelation of the fate in store for the Church, as well as in
that of the doom awardedto the ungodly, the visions stop short of describing
circumstances connectedwith the life after the judgment day. The kingdoms
of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he
shall reign forever and ever. Ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλαία, in the singular, is found in ‫,א‬
A, B, C, P, and versions, and is adopted by the RevisedVersion. Ἐγένοντο αἱ
βασιλεῖαι, the plural, is readin two cursives. We canunderstand the first part
of this verse by referring to Revelation12:10. God's powerand authority is
establishedby the final overthrow of Satan. It naturally follows the account,
in vers. 12, 13, of the vindication of God's witnesses,and of the glory rendered
by the rest of mankind. With God the Fatheris associatedChrist, by whose
means the overthrow of the devil is effected, and by whom his servants
overcome (cf. Revelation1:6; Revelation5:9; Revelation7:14; Revelation
12:11). This is the final victory; henceforth"he shall reign forever and ever."
Vincent's Word Studies
The kingdoms - are become (ἐγένοντο αἱ βασιλεῖαι)
Readἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία, the kingdom - is become.
Of our Lord, etc.
Compare Psalm 2:2-9.
Revelation11:15 Open Bible at Rev. 11:15 Listen to Rev. 11:15
seventh angelsounded
The seventh angelsounds the seventh trumpet (Rev. 8:2‣ ). This lastof the
seventrumpets is not to be confusedwith the “lasttrump” which attends the
This cannot be what is meant by the lasttrump [1Cor. 15:52];at the time that
I Corinthians was written, John had not written Revelation. The Corinthians
would not have had any knowledge ofthe seventrumpets. The only knowledge
they would have of trumpets are those spokenof in the Old Testament,
especiallythose of the Feastof Trumpets. The lasttrump refers to the Feastof
Trumpets and the Jewishpractice of blowing trumpets at this feasteachyear.
During the ceremony there are a series of short trumpet sounds concluding
with one long trumpet blast which is called the tekiah gedolah, the great
trumpet blast. This is what Paul means by the last trump.104
This seventh trumpet is the lastof this series of seven, but not the last
absolutely, and is not to be confused with the “lasttrump” of 1Cor. 15:52.
Chronologically, the trumpet of Mat. 24:31 must follow this seventh trumpet
of Revelation, for it occurs after the Tribulation, at the open manifestation of
Christ’s SecondAdvent (Mat. 24:30), which in the book of Revelationis
recordedin Rev. 19:11-16‣ , whichis after the time expressedhere. In the
book of Revelationthe seventhtrumpet is never called“last” (Rev. 1:11‣ ,
17‣ ;2:8‣ , 19‣ ;15:1‣ . 21:9‣ ; 22:13‣ ).105
The seventh trumpet covers an extended period of time, thus distinguishing it
from the instantaneous (“in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”)event of
the “lasttrumpet.” Insteadof calling for the moment of the Rapture of the
church, as the “lasttrumpet” does, the seventh trumpet calls for prolonged
waves of judgment on the ungodly. It does not parallel the trumpet of 1
Corinthians 15:52, but does parallel the trumpet of Joel2:1-2: “Blow a
trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the
inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming; surely it is
near, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness.”106
The seventh trumpet is typified by the seventrumpets of the conquestof
Jericho by Joshua. See commentaryon Revelation8:2.
kingdoms of this world
MT and NU texts have kingdom (singular).107
The use of the singular term kingdom of the world insteadof the plural
“kingdoms” introduces an important truth. All of the world’s diverse
national, political, social, cultural, linguistic, and religious groups are in
reality one kingdom under one king. That king is known in Scripture by many
names and titles, including the accuser(Rev. 12:10‣ ), the adversary(1 Pet.
5:8), Beelzebul (Mat. 12:24), Belial(2Cor. 6:15), the dragon (Rev. 12:3‣ , 7‣ ,
9‣ ), the “evil one” (John 17:15), the god of this world (2Cor. 4:4), the prince
of the powerof the air (Eph. 2:2), the roaring lion (1Pe. 5:8), the ruler of the
demons (Mark 3:22), the ruler of this world (John 12:31), the serpent of old
(Rev. 12:9‣ ;20:2‣ ), the tempter (1Th. 3:5), and, most commonly, the devil
(Mat. 4:1) and Satan (1Ti. 5:15).108
The sounding of the seventh trumpet “proclaims the coming coronationof
earth’s rightful king, the answerto the prayer of the ages, ‘thy kingdom come’
[Mat. 6:10].”109The seventh trumpet is typified by Zadok’s blowing of the
horn when Solomonwas anointed as King (1K. 1:39). The coming of the
kingdom of God is connectedwith the overthrow of Satan (Rev. 12:10‣ )and
involves the reclamationof the earth as the Lord’s, but now, Satanis “god of
this age” (Mat. 4:8-9; 2Cor. 4:4). See commentary on Revelation20:2.
The sounding of the seventh trumpet signals God’s answerto the prayer,
“Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Mat.
6:10). That answersweeps throughchapters 12-22 as God finishes His mighty
work of reclaiming creationfrom the usurper, Satan.110
See commentary on Revelation5:1.
have become
ἐγένετο [egeneto], singular, prophetic aorist. The event is so certain in the
sounding of the seventh angelthat it is treated as if already past. However, the
kingdom will not have arrived in totality until all sevenbowl judgments are
poured forth (Rev. 16:17‣ )and the King Himself returns to earth to defeat
the armies of the nations (Isa. 63:1-6; Zec. 12:1-9; 14:1-8; Rev. 19:11-21‣ ).
That day is describedby many passages ofwhich a small sample appears
All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the
families of the nations shall worship before You. Forthe kingdom is the
Lord’s, and He rules over the nations. (Ps. 22:27-28).
He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of
the earth. Those who dwell in the wilderness will bow before Him, and His
enemies will lick the dust. The kings of Tarshishand of the isles will bring
presents;the kings of Sheba and Seba will offer gifts. Yes, all kings shall fall
down before Him; all nations shall serve Him. (Ps. 72:8-11)
Of the increase ofHis government and peace There will be no end, upon the
throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establishit with
judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the
LORD of hosts will perform this. (Isa. 9:7)
And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which
shall never be destroyed;and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it
shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand
forever. (Dan. 2:44‣ )
Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples,
nations, and languages shouldserve Him. His dominion is an everlasting
dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one Which shall
not be destroyed. (Dan. 7:14‣ )
And the LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be-“The
LORD is one,” and His name one. All the land shall be turned into a plain
from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem. Jerusalemshallbe raised up and
inhabited in her place from Benjamin’s Gate to the place of the First Gate and
the CornerGate, and from the Towerof Hananeel to the king’s winepresses.
The people shall dwell in it; and no longer shall there be utter destruction, but
Jerusalemshall be safelyinhabited. (Zec. 14:9-11)
He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God
will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house
of Jacobforever, and of His kingdom there will be no end. (Luke 1:32-33)
Not one of the above passagesfinds literal fulfillment in the present day
Church as the adherents of ReplacementTheology, DominionTheology, and
CovenantTheologyclaim because the sounding of the seventhtrumpet
remains future to our time. These passagesdo not speak of an invisible
spiritual kingdom, but a visible earthly kingdom—the Millennial Kingdom of
Revelation20:4-6‣ . See The Arrival of God’s Kingdom.111
All attempts to equate this glorious reign of Christ over the whole earth with
any past event or with the church is utterly foreign and contradictoryto the
cleareschatologicalteaching ofScripture, including especiallythis passage.
There is no way this text can be fulfilled except by the universal reign of Jesus
Christ overthe whole earth—as the prophets had for so long predicted.112
His Christ
Christ is Χριστοῦ [Christou], an appellative the Anointed One, the
Messiah.113This speaks ofHis office as the promised Anointed One and is a
direct allusion to the Father’s pronouncement concerning the Son: “Why do
the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set
themselves and the rulers take counseltogetheragainstthe LORD and His
Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and castawayTheir
cords from us.’ ” [emphasis added] (Ps. 2:1-2). His Anointed is ‫יְמ‬ ִ‫י‬ ‫ח‬‫מ‬ [mešîḥô],
the anointed of His and is a direct parallel to τοῦ Χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ [tou Christou
autou], the Christ of His. The seventhtrumpet proclaims the impending
fulfillment of Psalm2, especiallyverses 7-9 which will be realized in the
pouring forth of the final sevenbowls:
“I will declare the decree:the LORD has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today
I have begottenYou. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your
inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break
them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’”
(Ps. 2:7-9)
See commentary on Revelation2:27.
forever and ever
εἰς τούς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων [eis tous aiōnas tōn aiōnōn], into the ages of the
ages. His kingdom is without end (Ex. 15:18;Ps. 10:16; 145:13;Isa. 9:7; Dan.
2:44‣ ; 4:3‣ ; 6:26‣ ; 7:14‣ , 18‣ , 27‣ ;Mic. 4:7; Luke 1:33; 1Ti. 1:17; 2Pe.
1:11; Rev. 11:15‣ ).
Worship in Anticipation of the King (Message#26)
We have spent much time in the book of Revelation. I hope you have been
and are enjoying our study thus far. Tonight we come to the half-way point in
Revelation. It is
here that we find the 7th trumpet being sounded, the 3rd woe that will bring
the finality of God’s
When the 7th trumpet sounds it will revealthe 7 vials or “bowljudgments.”
We read of
the trumpet being sounded here in V.15, but the events surrounding the
trumpet aren’t revealed
until Chp.15. The book of Revelationisn’t written entirely in chronological
order. Chapters 12-14
will deal with the Tribulation, but from a different perspective. In Chps.6-11
the focus has been
on the Lord and His judgment to claim possessionofthe earth. In Chps.12-14
the focus will shift
to the Antichrist, but it will dealwith the same time period we’ve already
studied. We have
been looking at the Tribulation from God’s perspective and next week we’ll
look at it as it
pertains to Satan.
Our text tonight is once againcenteredin heaven. Verse 16 reveals the
attitude and
atmosphere found in heavenas the 7th trumpet sounds. It will be a time of
worship and
rejoicing. Let’s look at this time of: Worship in Anticipation of the King.
There are 3 specific
scenes revealedin these verses. Firstwe see:
I. A Scene ofRejoicing (15-17)– Let me remind you that the 24 elders
redeemedof all the ages. As the 7th trumpet sounds, the elders fall to their
faces and worship
the Lord. They are rejoicing because Jesus has beentriumphant over Satan.
They are
rejoicing over the Lord and His kingdom. Let’s take a moment to consider the
Lord’s kingdom.
It is:
A. A Prominent Kingdom (15) – And the seventh angelsounded; and there
were greatvoices
in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of
our Lord, and of
his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. “The kingdoms of this world
are become the
kingdoms of our Lord.” Take a moment and considerthe kingdoms that have
ruled the world:
the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, as wellas the world powers of
our day. Most
of these have fallen and are no longer kingdoms of dominance.
 Eachof these had one thing in common, a desire to rule the world. They
influenced by the godof this world, Satan himself. For centuries evil men, led
by Satan, have
ruled the world. They have denied the Lord and slaughteredthose who
followedHim. The
kingdoms of this world will not last! Jesus is coming againas King of kings
and Lord of lords.
He will set up His kingdom in righteousness and all will bow to Him!
B. A Providential Kingdom (15) – He shall reign for everand ever. Now think
of the powerful
rulers of the world: Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Caesar, Alexanderthe
Great, Napoleon,
Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, etc. These men conquered and ruled vast
empires, but they all
have one thing in common, they all died. Their reign ended as they drew their
last breath. Our
King died, but praise the Lord, He rose to die no more. We have no reasonto
fear. Our King
shall reign forever. He will never lose His throne. Jesus will setup His throne
and reign forever.
Ps.145:13 – Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion
endureth throughout all
C. A PowerfulKingdom (17) – Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God
Almighty, which art,
and wast, and art to come;because thou hast takento thee thy greatpower,
and hast reigned.
The coming kingdom will be ruled by the Lord God Almighty. Thou hast
takento thee thy great
power, and hast reigned. The kingdoms of earth are limited to men’s ability.
The powerof a
kingdom rests upon its ability to maintain order and control, and defend
againstinvasion and
 The kingdom of the Lord is built upon the power of His word! His kingdom
doesn’t rest
on the frailties of men. He will one day defeat the powers of hell in great
power. Satanand
those who follow him will be judged and their sentence carriedout in the lake
of fire.
 There is no one who will be able to stand againstthe power of Almighty
God. Even now,
the godof this world operates under His sovereignpower.
D. A PerpetualKingdom (17) – The Lord is describedas the Lord God
Almighty, which art,
and wast, and art to come. The Lord’s kingdom is eternal, reaching all the
way from eternity
past into eternity future. There has never been a time when God wasn’t and
when He wasn’tin
 The world would have us to believe that He is just a myth. They may even
think that
God has forsakenus and that Satanhas gainedthe upper hand. The Lord
reigned before
Satanwas createdand He will continue to reign long after Satan is bound in
the depths of hell.
We serve the God of eternity!
 I firmly believe in the Lord’s eternalexistence, His eternal atonement
through His
precious blood, and my eternal salvationin eternalGod! We will one day step
into the eternal
kingdom of God to spend the countless ageswith Him. The troubles and
afflictions we face
down here are but fleeting seconds in the face of eternity. We can rejoice in
the perpetual
kingdom of God!
I. A Scene ofRejoicing (15-17)
II. A Scene of Recompense(18) – And the nations were angry, and thy wrath
is come, and
the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldestgive
reward unto thy
servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small
and great;and
shouldestdestroy them which destroy the earth. The scene ofrejoicing turns
its attention to a
scene ofrecompense where men receive their just reward. All who have ever
lived will stand
before the Lord in judgment. Notice:
A. The Retribution of the Sinners (18a) – And the nations were angry, and thy
wrath is
come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged. Even in
Tribulation the world
remains angry and defiant toward God. They will oppose and reject the
Lord’s offer of salvation
until the end. Rather than seeing themselves as they are, sinners in need of a
holy God, they
curse and deny Him.
 This verse reminds us of the Great White Throne Judgment, Rev.20:11-15.
Our world
today is filled with those who rejectChrist. They live as they please, indulging
in sin, and
expectto answerto no one.
 The Bible warns of the coming judgment for those who rejectChrist. The
Lord will have
the final word in judgment. There won’t be any arguments or accusations
brought againstthe
Lord. These will stand without defense as judgment is pronounced, resulting
in eternal death,
separation, and torment apart from God.
 Jesus died for all men, but those who deny Him will end up in hell. All whose
names are
not found in the Book ofLife will stand accountable for their sin. What a
terrible time to stand
before God facing the penalty of sin. I’m glad that my sins are coveredin the
blood, never to
be remembered!
B. The Rewardof the Saints (18b) – and that thou shouldestgive reward unto
thy servants
the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great;
and shouldest
destroy them which destroy the earth. As the lostare judged for sin, the
rewardedfor their service unto the Lord. The verse mentions servants,
prophets, saints, and
them that fear they name, small and great. No one will be left out.
 Your service down here may go unnoticed with little gratitude or
encouragement, but
Jesus hasn’t forgotten!He will reward you for every deed you’ve done for His
glory. Every
sacrifice, everyfaithful deed, every prayer, every encouraging word, every
expressionof love,
all remembered and rewarded by the Lord. Rev.22:12 – And, behold, I come
quickly; and my
reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
I. A Scene ofRejoicing (15-17)
II. A Scene of Recompense(18)
III. A Scene of Revelation(19) – And the temple of God was openedin heaven,
and there
was seenin his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and
voices, and
thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. The scene in heaven closes
with a revelation
of things to come. It reveals the reality for all mankind.
A. The Acceptance ofthe Redeemed(19a) – We see the temple of God was
opened in
heaven. This speaks ofthe acceptanceofthe redeemed. We will have access to
the throne of
God. In the original temple there was a veil that separatedthe Holy of Holies
from the restof
the temple. When Jesus died the veil was rent in twain, the separationis gone
because of
redeeming blood! We will be able to approachthe throne and worship the
 Consider a lowly sinner, with nothing of value within ourselves, being able
to enter the
very presence ofGod! I certainly don’t deserve it, but praise God I’m going to
experience it.
B. The Assurance ofthe Jews (19b) – And the temple of God was openedin
heaven, and
there was seenin his temple the ark of his testament. Here we find yet another
that God isn’t finished with His covenant people. The Ark of the Covenant
was where God
dwelt. It representedHis presence, His power, and His promises. God is
reminding Israelthat
He will keepHis covenantwith them and fulfill His plan.
C. The Affliction of the World (19c)– and there were lightnings, and voices,
and thunderings,
and an earthquake, and greathail. The passagecloses witha vivid reminder
of coming
judgment. Those who have rejectedthe Lord will face the horrors of the 7th
 As eachvial is poured out, the judgment intensifies. We serve a holy God.
He is a God
of mercy and love; One who is longsuffering, but His mercy will not last
forever. He will judge
sin. For those who choose to rejectthe Lord in Tribulation, the vials will be
Clearlythis passagedivides men into two categories, savedandlost. There is
middle ground. There is no purgatory or appeal from judgment. The choice
we make in this life
will determine our eternity. Right now eachof us are in one of these
categories. Youhave
either been saved or you are still in your sin. Once we pass through the gates
of death our
destiny is sealed.
If you were to die right now, do you know for sure that you would be in that
rejoicing around God’s throne? Or would you be in that number that will
stand at the Great
White Throne in judgment?
Jesus died for you! He gave His life that YOU might be saved!He loves you
and wants
you to enjoy the heaventhat He is preparing. You can know for sure that
you’ll be in that
number. Won’t you come if the Lord is dealing with your heart this evening?
Intro: We have spent the better part of a year in the book of Revelation. I
don’t know about you, but this book has been speaking to my heart and I am
enjoying our study. This messagebrings us to the half way point of the book
of Revelation. It also brings us to the end of a very long sectionthat began
back in Rev. 10:1. In this passage,the seventhtrumpet, which was announced
in Rev. 10:7, is about to sound. When it is sounded, this trumpet will unleash
God’s final acts of judgments upon the earth.
The seventh trumpet will bring about a devastating wave of judgment. It
will fulfill the ancientprophecies of Joel2:1-2, “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion,
and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land
tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; (2) A day of
darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the
morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath
not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of
many generations.” Whenit is sounds, the sevenbowl judgments are revealed.
These bowls contain the final, awesome, awfuljudgments of God, Rev. 15:1.
The sound of the seventh trumpet alerts the world that King Jesus is about to
reclaim everything that belongs to Him.
Now, the seventh trumpet is sounded here in Rev. 11:1, but the events it
brings to pass are not recordeduntil we getto Rev 15. Chapters 12-14 are a
retelling of the Tribulation story from a different perspective. In Rev. 6-11,
the focus has been on the Lord Jesus. We have learned about the process He
uses to take possessionofthis earth. Rev. 12-14 takes the focus off the Lord
and places in on the Antichrist. We have been observing the Tribulation from
God’s perspective. For the next few chapters we will observe that awful period
of time fro Satan’s perspective.
This passagetakesus forward in time to the very edge of eternity. We are
transported aheadto the end of the age to a time when Jesus has taken
possessionofthe world and judged sin and sinners. As we look aheadto that
blessedday, we find Heaven in a state of rejoicing.
Today, we want to look into these verses, and by virtue into Heaven itself.
In doing so, we are allowedto witness Heaven’s reactionto the reign of the
Lord Jesus. I want to show you the great reasons why we see worship, praise
and excitement in Heaven as time comes to an end. The words “greatvoices”
translate the Greek words “mega” and“phonay”. We get the word
“megaphone” from these words. It refers to shouting and loud speech. This is
a picture of loud, vigorous praise in glory, v. 15-16!I want to preachon this
thought: Heavenly Rejoicing On The Edge Of Eternity.
(Heaven rejoices becauseGodand His Son Jesus have takenpossessionofa
world that was lost to sin and Satanthousands of years ago.)
A. v. 15 The Scope Of His Kingdom – “kingdoms of this world” – In the
Greek, the word “kingdoms” is singular. There are many rulers, leaders,
kings and presidents in this world, but there is but one true kingdom. Men
think they rule, in reality, Satanrules this world today. Satanis called“the
god of this world” in 2 Cor. 4:4. The Lord Jesus calledhim “the prince of this
world” three times in John’s Gospel, John12:31; 14:30;16:11.
The truth of Satan’s rule can be seenin the hatred that is being leveled
againstJesus Christand His Gospelin this world. People have no reasonto
hate Jesus. Theydo so because theyare led to by the devil! He is the ruler of
this world today.
I praise the Lord that His kingdom is to be short-lived. Jesus Christ will
come in glory and power and assume His rightful place as King, Lord and
God of this world! There is just one rightful King and one day, the whole
world will bow at His feet and worship Him, Phil. 2:9-11!
B. v. 15 The Span Of His Kingdom – “He shall reign for ever and ever” –
Jesus will not be like a human ruler. All human rulers eventually reach the
end of their reign. They die or are deposedand replacedby another. Not
Jesus!He will reign eternally, “Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and
thy dominion endureth throughout all generations,”Psalm145:13.
(Ill. The Republicans have held the reigns of power in Congress since 1994. It
looks like they are about to lose their power, at leastin the House of
Representatives,to the Democrats.There will be a lot of sad people after the
electionbecause their side lost. Those who give their allegiance to the Lord
Jesus Christ need never fear that He will be overthrown! He is and ever will
be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!)
C. v. 17 The Strength Of His Kingdom – God is called“Almighty”, “Thou
hast takento the Thy greatpower, and Thou hast reigned.” Every human
kingdom fails because it is built on the limited powerof men. Saddam Hussein
ruled by the power of fear, but he was overthrown. Kim Jung Il rules by
intimidation and ruthlessness, he will be defeated.
God’s kingdom is establishedon One Who holds all power, Matt.
28:18. He will never be overcome by any enemy, for He has placed all His foes
under His feet, Heb. 2:8. He will never be deposedby any rival, for He has no
rivals, Psa. 86:10.
D. The Stability Of His Kingdom – “Which art, and wastand art to come” –
God’s kingdom is an everlasting kingdom! He has always reigned!It may look
like Satanhas his hands on the wheelin this world today. It may look like he
is in control. Even Satanis the servant of Almighty God and he operates
within a limited sphere of activity. He does only that which God allows him to
do. His activity is limited by the providence, sovereignty, purposes and power
of God. (Ill. Satanhad to get permission to attack Job – Job 1-2.)Satan is a
finite, limited, createdbeing. He must always yield to the One Who has
reigned by eternity past; the One Who will always reign!
Ill. Heaven rejoices in this truth. If we really believed it, we would rejoice
as well. We would know, without a doubt, that our God reigns and that He is
in absolute control of everything in His universe! (Ill. Col. 1:16-17)(Ill. Psa.
E. The Surety Of His Kingdom – The verb phrase “are become” is in the
“proleptic aorist” tense. This tense is used to describe future events that are so
certain; they canbe spokenof as they had already happened. This tense is
used in Isa. 53:3-9. Though the ministered 700 years before Jesus, he writes of
the sufferings of Jesus as though they had already happened!
(Ill. People canbelieve what they will, one day the kingdom of this world will
be given overto the Lord Jesus. He will rule and reign on the throne of this
earth forever. Praise God!No wonder Heavenrejoices. I thank God that I will
be there when Heaven bubbles overwith praise. But, I thank Him that I can
praise Him today! You see, He may not b recognizedas the King of the world
yet, but He is the King of my heart!)
A. The Sinners Will Be Rewarded – This world hates Jesus and demonstrates
that hatred againstHim when He comes to reign. This verse looks aheadto
that day when the armies of the world will gatherthemselves togetherto fight
againstthe Lord Jesus Christ at His coming, Rev. 16:14.
The hatred of the world is clearto see in our day. Everywhere you look;
this world is trying to eradicate the name of Jesus and anything to do with
Him from the public arena. They will not bow to Him! Their hatred is
expressedin Psalm2:1-3. There, we see that they will rise up againstHim and
attempt to conquer the Lord. But, Psalm2:4-9 tell us that God will have the
final say in the matter.
In the end, lost sinners will be rewardedfor their rejectionof Jesus by
having to face Him in judgment, Rev. 20:11-15, v. 18b. God will have the final
word and all lost sinners will receive the due reward of their sins, Rom. 6:23.
What a tragedy, since they could be saved if they would only come to Him!
(Note:We may wonder about the saints in Heaven rejoicing over the
punishment of sinners. It bothers us when we see sceneslike that. After all, we
do not want to see anyone go to Hell. We want to see people saved. All I can
say is that when we arrive in Heaven, we will possess a mind like that of the
Lord Jesus. We will think like He thinks and we will agree with His plan to
judge all those who rejectHim! When He pronounces their sentence, we will
say “Amen!”)
B. The Saints Will Be Rewarded – While the lostsinners will face the Lord in
judgment, faithful believers will be honored for their devotion to Him. He will
reward His servants (“prophets”). Those who have faithfully preachedHis
Word will be rewarded by the Lord one day. He will also reward His saints
(“them that fearthy name, greatand small”). One day, every actof devotion
to Jesus will be rewardedby Him. Nothing was so small that He missedit. He
saw every sacrifice, everylabor of love, every gift, every deed, which was done
in His Name, and He will reward all those who faithfully serve Him! (Ill. Even
something so small as a cup of cold water given in His name will be rewarded
some day, Mark 9:41.)
(Ill. This verse almost seems out of place in this chapter. It just doesn’tseem
to fit in with the seenof rejoicing in Heaven. But, this verse is important. The
mention of the Temple places us back on Jewishground. You see, the church
does not have a Temple, we are the Temple! This verse contains two great
realities that I want to touch on for just a moment.)
A. The Reality Of Access – The open Temple and the vision of the Ark serve
to remind us that in Heaven, we will have accessto the Lord. We will see Him
and be able to worship Him. There will be no veil to separate us from Him.
There will be no flesh to separate us from Him. There will be nothing to keep
us awayfrom Him in that day! We will have free, unfettered access to the God
of glory, Rev. 22:3-4!
B. The Reality Of Affirmation – The mention of the Ark places us squarely
on Jewishground. You see, for the Jew, the Ark of the Covenant represented
the presence ofGod, the communion of God and the redemption of God.
Here, the Jews are reminded that God is not finished with them. He will
complete His plan for Israel and He will keepHis covenants with the seedof
(Note:In the Bible, there are five different names for the Ark of the Covenant
mentioned. These five names revealwhat God is doing in these verses.
1. The Ark of the Covenant – Num. 10:33 – The ancient Ark containedthe
Law. In these verses we see a world that has transgressedGod’s Law. The
world has angeredthe Lord and He has come down to judge them!
2. The Ark of the Testimony – Ex. 25:22 – The Ark testified to God’s holiness
and man’s sinfulness. God is still holy and man is still a sinner. As a sinner,
man will be judged by a holy God.
3. The Ark of God – 1 Sam. 3:3 – The Ark was the only visible throne of God
on the earth. This vision of the Ark reminds everyone that God is still on His
4. The Ark of Strength – Psa. 132:8 – It was calledthis because ofthe
miracles and greatworks associatedwith it. We are reminded here that God
is still Almighty God and He still reigns in power.
5. The Holy Ark – 2 Chron. 35:3 – It was calledthe Holy Ark because it is
where God dwelt! This vision of the Ark reminds us that God is still alive and
Conc:Verse 19 closes withpremonitions of impending disasters. More
horrors, worse horrors, than those we have seenthus far, are on the horizon.
We are at the half-way point of the book and of the Tribulation. We have seen
things from God’s perspective, now we will see things from Satan’s
These verses have literally takenus to the very edge of eternity. The
question that must be faced today is this: Which group mentioned in verse 18
are you a part of?
Are you a part of that group that will be doomed and damned to Hell? Are
you losttoday? If you are, you need to know that the wrath of God already
abides on your life, John 3:36; 3:18; Eph. 2:3; Rom. 1:18. You also need to
know that you do not have to stay in that condition for another minute! If you
will come to Jesus, He will save you by His grace!Come now, if He is calling
you to come to Him.
If you are part of that group that will be rewardedand rejoicing one day,
then praise the Lord! You ought to bow before Him and tell Him how
thankful you are that He has saved you.
If you are lost today, you may be here for the Tribulation and you may
not. But think about this: You are one heartbeatawayfrom eternity. Have
you ever thought about that? All that has to happen for your heart to stop and
the moment it stops and your spirit will leave your body you will be in
eternity. Up in Washington, D.C., at the depot there is a strange mark on a
wall. That mark is there because many years ago PresidentJames Garfield
was in that depot. An assassinwalkedin, saw the President, and fired a shot.
The shot went through PresidentGarfield, killing him, and the bullet hit the
wall and left a mark, and mark is still there. It identifies the place where
PresidentGarfield stepped from time into eternity.
And dear friend, for every one of us, somewhere onthis earth there is a
mark. It may be on a death bed in a hospital somewhere. It may be on an
interstate highway where an accidentwill occur. There is some point in time
where your time will cease andyour eternity will begin.
If you came to the place where your mark is locatedtoday, how would it
be with your soul? Are you saved? Do you know that you know you're
saved? Let’s mind Him today!
Intro: In Chapters 6-11, we have studied the events of the greattribulation.
chapters 12-19, we will be covering the same ground again. Except, this time,
we will
see a different slant on things. Same scenes different angle. v.15-19 are a
statement. A syllabus, if you will, of the events that will lead up to the dawn of
eternity. Folk, one day, time will ceaseto exist! We will step from this time
world into an era that is not affectedby time. Let’s look into the events that
will lead
to the edge.
A. Jesus will not actually take the throne until 19:11
B. Kingdoms - Now belong to Satan, he controls every government in the
(Matt. 4:8-10). But, one day soon, they will belong to Jesus! Imagine a
controlled by the Holy Sonof God!
1. In Power- (Rev. 19:11-16) (Ill. The Queenof England!)
C. Eternal - This King will never abdicate, die or be dethroned! (Psa.
D. Is Jesus King in your life? There are two kinds, which is HE?
1. TotalitarianMonarch
2. ConstitutionalMonarch - (Ill. England)
A. v.16-17 The 24 elders, representing the redeemed of Christ, burst into
They praise Him because He has retakenwhat is rightfully His! (Ill. He
has also
answeredthe prayer of the ages - Matt. 6:10)
B. Nations Were Angry - The rebellion in man vents it’s hatred toward
God! (Ill.
Trying to kill the Jews!)
C. TheyWrath Is Come - Rom. 1:18ff During the last 3 1/2 years, God’s
will pour itself in torrents upon the earth. (Ill. This isn’t a milquetoast
God! Heb
D. The Time Of The Dead -
1. Resurrections - 20:4; 20:12
2. Judgments - Rev. 20:11-15 (Ill. Judgment will come to all men who
E. Rewards - O.T. Saints and Tribulation Saints. All of God’s People will
rewarded! All the Pauls and Peters, and even the rest of us too! Rev.
F. Destroythe Destroyers -Satan, every demon and every person who
him will be castinto the lake of fire - Rev. 20:10
G. Temple - Jewishground, the church has no temple!
Opened - Access (Ill. The old days!)
Ark - 2nd. Mostimportant article of worship in the Jewishreligion.
There are 5 names for the Ark in Scripture and they all speak to what
the Lord
is doing!
1. Ark of Covenant (Num 10:33) Containedthe Law - God’s Law has
transgressedandHe is angry.
2. Ark of Testimony (Ex. 25:22) Testifiedto God’s holiness and man’s
God is still holy and man is still a sinner!
3. The Ark of God (1 Sam. 3:3) It was the only visible throne of God
God is still on His throne!
4. The Ark of Strength (Psalm 132:8) Becauseofmiracles and works
associatedwith it. God is still in power!
5. The Holy Ark (2 Chron. 35:3) Because itis where God dwelt!
God is still alive and well!
H. All of these things are to encourage the Jewishpeople in the midst of
trials.I’ll tell you, this also encouragesme!
I. Lightenings, etc - Speak ofthe horrors that are ahead!
Conc: Time is running out! We must be motivated to reachour generation
for Jesus!
Dr. W. A. Criswell
10-14-62 8:15 a.m.
On the radio you are sharing the services ofthe First Baptist Church in
Dallas. This is the pastor bringing the early morning messageentitled The
Sounding of the Last Trumpet. In our preaching through the Bible we have
come to the Revelation, and in our preaching through the Revelation, to
chapter 11. And last Sunday we left off preaching at verse 13 [Revelation
11:13]. We begin now at verse 14, and the text follows to the end of the
chapter. If you would like to turn in your Bible to the place, you can easily
follow the message, forit is an expositionof Revelation11:14-19.
“The secondwoe is past,” the blowing of the sixth trumpet, “and, behold, the
third woe cometh quickly” [Revelation11:14], the blowing of the final and
seventh trumpet. Then it follows:
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were greatvoices in heaven, saying,
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His
Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever.
And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their thrones, fell
upon their faces, and worshipedGod,
Saying, We give Thee thanks, O Lord GodAlmighty, which art, and wast, and
art to come;because Thouhast takento Thee Thy greatpower, and hast
And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead,
that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldestgive reward unto Thy
servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small
and great;and shouldestdestroy them which destroythe earth.
And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seenin His
temple the ark of His covenant: and there were lightnings, and voices, and
thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
This is proleptic; it is synoptic. This is a brief summary, a syllabus of all that
shall happen to the end of time, to the completed redemption. For the
glorious, cloud-robed angelwho came down from heaven in chapter 10
[Revelation10:1], raisedhis hand, and swore by Him that liveth forever and
ever . . . that there should be delay no longer; but that “in the days of the voice
of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be
finished” [Revelation10:1, 5-7]. That would let us know that the sounding of
the seventhangel, the last trumpet is not a piercing blast that is over in a
moment, but the angelsaid, “In the days of the voice of the seventhangel,
when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished”
[Revelation10:7]. So there is here a period of time in the days of the voice of
this lastangel. All that God hath purposed for this earth and these heavens
and for us will come to pass. So beginning here we have the overreaching of
all that God purposes to the creationof the new heavens and the new earth.
This passagewe have just read is an exergasia, it is a little synoptic for all of
the Revelationbeginning at chapter 12 through chapter 22 [Revelation12-22].
That would include then, the harvest of the vintage of the earth [Revelation
14:14-16]. It would include the pouring out of the sevenbowls, the sevenvials
of the wrath of God [Revelation15:1-16:21]. It would include the great final
battle of Armageddon [Revelation19:19]. It would include the establishment
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever
Jesus was to reign for ever and ever

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Jesus was to reign for ever and ever

  • 1. JESUS WAS TO REIGN FOR EVER AND EVER EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Revelation11:1515The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our LORD and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever." BIBLEHUB RESOURCES The Final Victory Revelation11:15-19 R. Green Again, as frequently in the course of the writing, the assurance ofthe final triumph of the truth over all opposers is clearly, definitely, and unequivocally given - given to the comfort and joy of the toiling, patient, enduring followers of the Lamb. Greatvoices in heaven are heard, and they proclaim one all sufficient and grand truth: "The kingdom of the world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ." This word runs through the ages. It is the word of prophecy. It has ever and ever will comfortthe hearts and stimulate the faith of the Christian warrior. It is the song of assurance with which the hosts of the contending forces of"him that sitteth on the white horse" are
  • 2. cheeredand urged to unflagging zeal. Always before the eye of faith this assurance ofvictory floats. It is the summing up of all the prophetic words in one. It needs no exposition. The figure is too plain. It borders on the realistic. "Jesus shallreign where'erthe sun Doth his successivejourneys run, His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more." Universal, complete, and final, shall that conquestof the nations be. It is a complete rout. The long continued struggle is at an end. The truth has triumphed overerror; righteousness oversin. The King long "set" upon the "holy hill of Zion" is now acknowledgedas the lawful Heir, the rightful Sovereign. The holy oracles themselves define this complete reign over the individual, national, and universal life. I. THE SUPREMACYOF THE DIVINE RULE SHALL BE UNIVERSALLY ESTABLISHED AND ACKNOWLEDGED."The kingdomof this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ." II. THE DIFFUSION OF DIVINE TRUTH SHALL BE UNIVERSAL. "The knowledge ofthe Lord shall coverthe earth as the waters coverthe sea." III. THE PRINCIPLES OF THAT GOVERNMENTSHALL PERMEATE NATIONAL LIFE, LITERATURE, AND INSTITUTIONS. "The little leaven shall leaven the whole lump." IV. UNDER THIS GRACIOUS RULE NATIONAL ANIMOSITIES SHALL BE AMELIORATED. "The swords shallbe beaten," etc.
  • 3. V. CONFLICTING AND ANTAGONISTIC FORCESSHALL BE HARMONIZED. "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard lie down with the kid," etc. VI. HUMAN LIFE SHALL BE BEAUTIFIED, ADORNED, AND BRIGHTENED."The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad, and the desertblossomas the rose." VII. TO THE MILD AND BENEFICENTSWAY OF THE REDEEMER SHALL BE HANDED OVER THE OUTLYING AND OUTCAST NATIONS OF THE EARTH. "He shall have the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession." VIII. THIS REIGN SHALL BE CHARACTERIZED BY THE MOST BLESSED CONDITIONS. "Inhis day shall righteousness prevail, and abundance of peace, so long." etc. - R.G.
  • 4. Biblical Illustrator The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. Revelation11:15 Ave, Imperator J. Halsey. This text is generallyquoted in a missionary connection, and associatedwith the conversionof the heathen. But it is of much wider scope than that. There are plenty of Christians that want converting, plenty of Churches that want Christianising. The progress of all life in our planet has been a progress from the animal upward to the intellectual, the moral, the spiritual; from mere brute force to the dominion of thought and reason. Ages back mere bigness of mass seemedto count for everything. The so-called"antediluvian" monsters were rampant. As life developedmere bigness became ofless and less account, and brain became of more account. Those who can influence mind are the true monarchs of creation. This is the realm in which Christ's supreme triumphs are to take place. Christ will fascinate and possessthe mind of the world, and the mind will rule all the rest. "Strong beliefs win strong men, and then make them stronger." The masculine but humane morality of Jesus Christ must more and more commend itself to the thinking and influential portion of society. Ideas and institutions which have been long prevalent go down before a superior idea. So shall it be with many world-ideas in presence of the truth of Christ. Many institutions have lived and done their work. They have served their day and generation, but now they have waxedold, and are ready to decayand vanish awayin the presence of a nobler ideal. Still, we are not to disparage the old because the new has come. The present forms of animal life are far superior in development and attainment to those whose remains are found in the tertiary rocks. Butthe forms of to-day could not have existed without the forms that went before. Those very things which Christ's law and spirit will supplant have been important factors in human
  • 5. progress. Whenthe Apocalyptic dream of the New Jerusalem, the Christian state, the city of God, finally and triumphantly establishedupon earth, shall find complete fulfilment, it will be characterisedby a fuller embodiment of the law of Christ in every sphere of human relationship and conduct. For instance, the kingdom of Art shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. It has become so to a greatextent. All the noblestpaintings, all the grandestbuildings in the world during the Christian era, have been the product of the Christian imagination. Certainly the sublimest music owns this inspiration. We need not fear the complete annexation of this kingdom, because the genius of the true Christianity is hopeful and happy. The kingdom of Literature would, in like manner, come under the dominance of Christian ideas. It is hard to say at present whether this tremendous engine for goodor evil works mostgoodor evil. What a blessedthing it will be when the domain of literature becomes the domain of Christ; when nothing will be written or read the tendency of which is not to the true elevationand edification of the human mind; when editors shall all be men of conscience, andthe venal pen shall be as much an archaeologicalcuriosityas the stone hatchet; when we shall be able to take up any book and feel that it will be safe for our children to read; when we can open even the latest novel from Paris with the confidence that none of our finer sensibilities will be shocked, andthat an atmosphere will not be introduced into the home whose poisonous vapours we should shudder to think that our young people will breathe. The kingdom of Commerce, too, shall one day fall under the rule of Christ. That will be indeed a blessedday when men cantrust one another, and when all shall be worthy of that trust; when anotherman's property shall be as sacredin our eyes as our own; when public funds shall be administered with the same scrupulous integrity with which our own are dispensed. The realm of Amusements, too, shall come under the same rule. The prophecy will find its fulfilment not in the expressionofany particular forms of recreation, but in the Christianising of them all. And will it not be a grand day when the kingdom of Politics shall be sanctified by the Spirit of Christ? When debates shallbe purged from the pettiness of personality and the rancour of recrimination; when offices shall be filled with the sole aim that the commonwealthshall receive the services of its most capable citizens; and when the statesman's ruling principle shall be not to catchvotes, but to redress wrongs and establishrighteousness. And
  • 6. then may we not hope that even the Church itself in that happy day shall come under the dominion of the law of Christ? No longer to be the collectionof ecclesiasticalantiquities, the museum of theologicalcuriosities, the arena of strife and debate that it is to-day, but the abode of ideal men and women, the home of all the sweetand pure Christian virtues. Then Christians shall no longer"bite and devour one another";"giving the enemy occasionto blaspheme." Their energies shallbe converted into light, and not into heat, and men will be willing to rejoice in that light. But how shall those great results, of which we have spokenin other spheres, be achieved unless the Church be first true to herself? It is through her that these beneficent impulses upon societymust come. We must begin by being ideal Christians if the world is to become an ideal world. (J. Halsey.) The glory awaiting the Church on earth Homilist. I. THE PROBABLE CONDITIONOF THE WORLD IN THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THIS PREDICTION.It will be characterisedby — 1. The universal disseminationof Christian knowledge. 2. The generalprevalence of religious life. 3. The increase and glory of the Christian Church. 4. The diffusion of happiness throughout the world. Christianity is the parent of morality, industry, patriotism, public spirit.
  • 7. II. THE PROBABLE MEANS BY WHICH THIS GREAT EVENT WILL BE PRODUCED. 1. The preaching of the gospel. 2. The active zeal of Christians. 3. The operations of Divine providence. 4. The effusion of the Holy Spirit. III. THE DUTIES WHICH ARISE IN ANTICIPATING THIS GREAT CONSUMMATION. 1. To seek the possessionofpersonal religion. 2. To render all assistanceto accelerate the advent of this glorious period. 3. To unite in prayer for the accomplishment of this prediction. (Homilist.) The kingdom of God
  • 8. Bp. Courtney. We canimagine, I suppose, that when the Revelationof St. John the Divine was takento the different Christian Churches, in the upper chambers where they were accustomedto meet together, or in the secretplaces where they gatheredfor fear of persecution, afterthey had read these glowing pages, they must have parted with new feelings of hope in their hearts. They would expect that a time would come speedily when the persecutions would be memories of the past, and the kingdom would be setup, of which they had been reading in such vivid colours. Yet the day passedby, and the Romanpower remained, and the Temple, sacredto Diana at Ephesus, was as stable as ever. It happened then as it has happened to many a one since. So it must have been with many of those of the ancient Church, when, all eagerand expectant, they found the vision was sealedfor the time; they must go their way and tarry until the time should come when the promise would be fulfilled. We can scarcelybe surprised at finding that they lookedfor a very literal fulfilment in the shape of a kingdom which should, by the exercise ofpower, bear down all opposition. They were told of a greatking who went forth "conquering and to conquer." The tradition of the old JewishChurch was of a people going forth as the Lord's messengers to crush down all the Lord's enemies. Again, the majority of Christian people, when they found that the promise could not be realisedin that way, lookedfor something totally different. The promise seemedimpossible of literal fulfilment. The kingdom of Godbecame totally distinct from the kingdom of the world. It was something which could only be reachedwhen this world was over. When persecutionbroke out, when the people were draggedto prison, men felt that the kingdom of God was not of this world, but of that which is to come. And so, little by little, people had that expectationfor the realisationof this promise. Does the Christian Church of to-day have the same expectation? Is there any possibility of the realisationof this promise? I would suggestthat the realisationis to come through our changedideas about the kingdom of God; that the kingdom of God does not mean power victorious, but that it means love victorious; that the kingdom of God means what St. Paul does when he writes, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." WhatI want to leave in your minds is the conviction that the crownof thorns is the crownof glory; that the Cross is the
  • 9. throne on which Christ is exalted. What do these two things mean — the crownof thorns and the cross ofshame? They mean the extremest manifestation of infinite love. Christ has said that love is greaterthan hate; love is greaterthan infamy. And that is the only principle on which "the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever." The Christian Church is slowly abandoning the idea of conquering by mere power. The Christian Church is slowlylosing the idea of the kingdom of this world becoming the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ in the persons of those who pass awaybeyond this world, and become the subjects of a kingdom which has nothing to do with this world. His kingdom shall come on this earth by the individual members copying the example of Jesus Christ, and believing in the revelation of that love which overcame sin; so that the people who live upon this earth shall be willing subjects of Divine love, and living in perfect love to their fellow-men. (Bp. Courtney.) Missionaryprospects It is related of Hannibal that, when he had led his men to one of the higher ridges of the Alps, they beganto murmur, and requestedthat they should be reconductedto their native country. Standing on an eminence and waving his hand, the intrepid Carthaginian Generaldirected their attention to the plains of Piedmont below. "Behold," saidhe, "these fruitful vineyards and luxuriant fields. A few more struggles, and they are all your own." These were inspiring words, and they had the desired effect. May we not apply them to the subject of missions, and say, Behold, from the mount of promise, the nations of the earth at the feet of the Church's exalted Head! A few more struggles on the part of His followers, and voices shallbe heard, not in heaven only, but from the innumerable and widely scatteredtongues of earth, giving utterance to the joyous announcement, "The kingdoms of this world are become," etc. The kingdom of heaven and its progress H. W. Beecher.
  • 10. You might as wellstand on the banks of the Mississippiand be afraid it was going to run up streamas to suppose that the current of Christendom canrun more than one way. What would you think of a man who should stand moonstruck over an eddy, and because that didn't go right forward, declare that the whole flood had gotout of its course? So in the stream of time. The things that appear in our day all have bearing on the coming triumph of the gospeland the reign of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (H. W. Beecher.) Jesus will conquer the world C. W. Boot. Yonder in the cathedralat Vienna the Emperor Frederick is represented, standing with arm uplifted, and at the tip of his extended fingers are the five vowels, A, E, I, O, U, which, being interpreted, means, "Austria est imperare obi universo" — "Austria will conquer the world." Another and a gander figure meets the gaze of every Christian of to-day, no matter where his standpoint, and the inscription thereonis in letters of fire: "Jesus estimperare obi universo" — "Jesus will conquer the world." (C. W. Boot.) COMMENTARIES Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers THE SEVENTHTRUMPET—THE LAST WOE TRUMPET. (15) And the seventh angel. . .—Better, And the seventh angelsounded; and there were greatvoices in the heaven (persons) saying, The kingdom of the world is become (the possession)ofour Lord, and of His Christ, and He shall
  • 11. reign to the ages ofages. The literal translation is, The kingdom of the world is become our Lord’s, and of His Christ. As far as the expression“ourLord’s” is concerned, there is no need that any word, such as kingdom or possession, should be supplied, but the additional phrase “of His Christ” creates an awkwardness, andthe word “possession,”orinheritance, may not inappropriately be used from the Psalm which foretells this final establishment of the kingdom of the anointed Messiah, the Christ of God. “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession” (Psalm2:8). It is the kingdom—not, as in the English version, “the kingdoms”—ofthe world which has become Christ’s possession. The contestis not for the kingdoms, the separate nationalities:the varying political systems might exist, as far as mere organisationis concerned, under the rule of Christ; the contestis for the kingdom of the world. Satanwas willing to surrender the kingdoms of the world to our Lord on condition of a homage which would have left him still in possessionofthe kingdom of the world. But now the close ofthe contestis the overthrow of the kingdom of evil, the establishmentof the kingdom of good: that is, of God; and He shall reign for ever and ever. DeanAlford pointed out that our familiarity with the “Hallelujah Chorus” tempted us to put an emphasis on the word He which is not sanctionedby the Greek;it is the reign of the Lord which is the prominent thought. The reign is unto the ages ofages. Surely this means always. We are not told whose voices sing this chorus; it is just the tumultuous sound of heavenly voices, growing into natural and irresistible chorus as the trumpet heralds the approachof the glorious end. BensonCommentary Revelation11:15-18. And the seventh angelsounded, &c. — With the sounding of this angel, the third wo commences, whichis rather implied than expressed, as it will be describedmore fully hereafter. The third wo brought on the inhabitants of the earth, is the ruin and downfall of the antichristian kingdom: and then, and not till then, according to the heavenly chorus, the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever — St. John is rapt and hurried
  • 12. awayas it were to a view of the happy millennium, without considering the steps preceding and conducting to it. At the same time, the four and twenty elders — Or the ministers of the church, (Revelation11:16-18,) are representedas praising and glorifying God, for manifesting his powerand kingdom more than he had done before. They give likewise anintimation of some succeeding events, as the angerof the nations, Gog and Magog, (Revelation20:8,) and the wrath of God, displayed in their destruction, (Revelation20:9,) and the rewarding of all the good, small and great, as well as the punishing of the wicked. Here we have only a summary accountof the circumstances and occurrencesofthe seventh trumpet, but the particulars will be dilated and enlargedupon hereafter. And thus are we arrived at the consummation of all things, through a series ofprophecies, extending from the apostle’s days to the end of the world. It is this series whichhas been our clew to conduct us in our interpretation of these prophecies:and though some of them may be dark and obscure, consideredin themselves, yet they receive light and illustration from others preceding and following. All together, they are, as it were, a chain of prophecies, whereofone link depends on and supports another. If any parts remain yet obscure and unsatisfactory, they may perhaps be clearedup by what the apostle himself hath added by way of explanation. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 11:14-19 Before the sounding of the seventh and last trumpet, there is the usual demand of attention. The saints and angels in heaven know the right of our God and Saviour to rule over all the world. But the nations met God's wrath with their own anger. It was a time in which he was beginning to reward his people's faithful services, andsufferings; and their enemies fretted againstGod, and so increasedtheir guilt, and hastenedtheir destruction. By the opening the temple of God in heaven, may be meant, that there was a more free communication betweenheaven and earth; prayer and praises more freely and frequently going up, graces andblessings plentifully coming down. But it rather seems to refer to the church of Godon earth. In the reign
  • 13. of antichrist, God's law was laid aside, and made void by traditions and decrees;the Scriptures were lockedup from the people, but now they are brought to the view of all. This, like the ark, is a token of the presence ofGod returned to his people, and his favour toward them in Jesus Christ, as the Propitiation for their sins. The greatblessing of the Reformationwas attended with very awful providences;as by terrible things in righteousness God answeredthe prayers presentedin his holy temple now opened. Barnes'Notes on the Bible And the seventh angel sounded - See the notes on Revelation 8:2, Revelation 8:6-7. This is the last of the trumpets, implying, of course, that under this the series ofvisions was to end, and that this was to introduce the state of things under which the affairs of the world were to be wound up. The place which this occupies in the order of time, is when the events pertaining to the colossal Roman power- the fourth kingdom of DanielDan. 2-7 - should have been completed, and when the reign of the saints Daniel 7:9-14, Daniel7:27-28 should have been introduced. This, both in Daniel and in John, is to occur when the mighty power of the papacyshall have been overthrown at the termination of the twelve hundred and sixty years of its duration. See the notes on Daniel7:25. In both Daniel and John the termination of that persecuting poweris the commencementof the reign of the saints; the downfall of the papacy, the introduction of the kingdom of God, and its establishment on the earth. And there were greatvoices in heaven - As of exultation and praise. The grand consummation had come, the period so long anticipated and desired when God should reign on the earth had arrived, and this lays the foundation for joy and thanksgiving in heaven. The kingdoms of this world - The modern editions of the New Testament(see Tittmann and Hahn) read this in the singular number - "The kingdom of this world has become," etc. According to this reading, the meaning would be, either that the sole reign over this world had become that of the Lord Jesus; or, more probably, that the dominion over the earth had been regarded as one
  • 14. in the sense that Satanhad reigned over it, but had now become the kingdom of God; that is, that "the kingdoms of this world are many consideredin themselves;but in reference to the swayof Satan, there is only one kingdom ruled over by the 'god of this world'" (Prof. Stuart). The sense is not materially different whicheverreading is adopted; though the authority is in favor of the latter (Wetstein). According to the common reading, the sense is, that all the kingdoms of the earth, being many in themselves, had been now brought under the one scepterof Christ; according to the other, the whole world was regardedas in fact one kingdom - that of Satan- and the scepter had now passedfrom his hands into those of the Saviour. The kingdoms of our Lord - Or, the kingdom of our Lord, according to the reading adopted in the previous part of the verse. The word "Lord" here evidently has reference to God as such - representedas the original source of authority, and as giving the kingdom to his Son. See the notes on Daniel 7:13- 14; compare Psalm2:8. The word "Lord" - Κυριος Kurios - implies the notion of possessor, owner, sovereign, supreme ruler - and is thus properly given to God. See Matthew 1:22; Matthew 5:33; Mark 5:19; Luke 1:6, Luke 1:28; Acts 7:33; Hebrews 8:2, Hebrews 8:10; James 4:15, al. saepe. And of his Christ - Of his anointed; of him who is set apart as the Messiah, and consecratedto this high office. See the notes on Matthew 1:1. He is called "his Christ," because he is setapart by him, or appointed by him to perform the work appropriate to that office on earth. Such language as what occurs here is often employed, in which God and Christ are spokenof as, in some respects, distinct - as sustaining different offices, and performing different works. The essentialmeaning here is, that the kingdom of this world had now become the kingdom of God under Christ; that is, that that kingdom is administered by the Son of God.
  • 15. And he shall reign forever and ever - A kingdom is commencedwhich shall never terminate. It is not said that this would be on the earth; but the essential idea is, that the scepterof the world had now, after so long a time, come into his hands never more to pass away. The fuller characteristics ofthis reign are statedin a subsequent part of this book Revelation20-22. Whatis here stated is in accordance withall the predictions in the Bible. A time is to come when, in the proper sense of the term, God is to reign on the earth; when his kingdom is to be universal; when his laws shall be everywhere recognizedas binding; when all idolatry shall come to an end; and when the understandings and the hearts of people everywhere shall bow to his authority. Compare Psalm2:8; Isaiah 9:7; Isaiah 11:9; Isaiah45:22; 60; Daniel2:35, Daniel2:44- 45; Daniel7:13-14, Daniel7:27-28;Zechariah 14:9; Malachi1:11; Luke 1:33. On this whole subject, see the very ample illustrations and proofs in the notes on Daniel 2:44-45;Daniel 7:13-14, Daniel7:27-28;compare the notes on Revelation20-22. Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary 15. sounded—with his trumpet. Evidently "the LAST trumpet." Six is close to seven, but does not reachit. The world judgments are complete in six, but by the fulfilment of seven the world kingdoms become Christ's. Six is the number of the world given over to judgment. It is half of twelve, the Church's number, as three and a half is half of seven, the divine number for completeness. Bengelthinks the angelhere to have been Gabriel, which name is compounded of El, God, and Geber, MIGHTY MAN (Re 10:1). Gabriel therefore appropriately announced to Mary the advent of the mighty God- man: compare the accountof the man-child's birth which follows (Re 12:1-6), to which this forms the transition though the seventh trumpet in time is subsequent, being the consummation of the historical episode, the twelfth and thirteen chapters. The seventhtrumpet, like the seventh sealand seventh vial, being the consummation, is accompanieddifferently from the preceding six: not the consequenceswhichfollow on earth, but those IN HEAVEN, are set before us, the greatvoices and thanksgiving of the twenty-four elders in heaven, as the half-hour's silence in heaven at the seventh seal, and the voice
  • 16. out of the temple in heaven, "It is done," at the seventh vial. This is parallel to Da 2:44, "The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break to pieces all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." It is the setting up of Heaven's sovereigntyover the earth visibly, which, when invisibly exercised, was rejectedby the earthly rulers heretofore. The distinction of worldly and spiritual shall then cease.There will be no beastin opposition to the woman. Poetry, art, science, and sociallife will be at once worldly and Christian. kingdoms—A, B, C, and Vulgate read the singular, "The kingdom (sovereignty)of (over) the world is our Lord's and His Christ's." There is no goodauthority for English Version reading. The kingdoms of the world give way to the kingdom of (over) the world exercisedby Christ. The earth- kingdoms are many: His shall be one. The appellation "Christ," the Anointed, is here, where His kingdom is mentioned appropriately for the first time used in Revelation. Forit is equivalent to King. Though priests and prophets also were anointed, yet this term is peculiarly applied to Him as King, insomuch that "the Lord's anointed" is His title as King, in places where He is distinguished from the priests. The glorified Son of man shall rule mankind by His transfigured Church in heaven, and by His people Israelon earth: Israel shall be the priestly mediator of blessings to the whole world, realizing them first. he—not emphatic in the Greek. shall reign for ever and ever—Greek, "unto the ages ofthe ages."Here begins the millennial reign, the consummationof "the mystery of God" (Re 10:7). Matthew Poole's Commentary And the seventh angel sounded; the last of those angels mentioned Revelation 8:2.
  • 17. And there were greatvoices in heaven, saying; St. John in his vision heard greatacclamations andshoutings for the victory which Christ and his gospel had gotover the beast. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for everand ever; so that a great part of the world, casting off the papacy, that new Gentilism, togetherwith all their abominable idolatries and superstitions, embraced the truth of the gospel. Here ariseth a greatquestion, whether the sevenvials, of which we shall find the 16th chapter treating, {Revelation 16:1-21}do belong all to the seventh trumpet, or some of them belong to the sixth trumpet, of which mention hath been before made. Greatdivines are on both sides as to this question. Mr. Pool, in his Latin Synopsis, hath collectedtogethertheir reasons, ofwhich I shall give a short account, leaving my reader for a fuller satisfactionto the Latin Synopsis. Those who think that the sevenvials do all relate to the seventh trumpet, and contemporize with it, in defence of their opinion say: 1. That the seven seals, andthe seventrumpets, and the sevenvials, are all mentioned in the same form of speech;and therefore the seven vials are not to be divided, some to one trumpet, some to another. 2. Becausethe seventh trumpet and the seven vials are one and the same thing, nothing being revealedunder the sevenvials which doth not belong to the seventhtrumpet; they agree in their titles of woes, in the nature of the revelations, in their objects, both the one and the other declaring the ruin of antichrist; both of them are mentioned as the last plagues to come upon the world before the last day.
  • 18. 3. All the vials are of the same nature, declaring but the judgments by which God, setting up the kingdom of Christ, would ruin antichrist; they only differ in the degrees ofthe plagues, eachone rising higher than the other. 4. The seventh trumpet cannot declare the ruin of antichrist, unless the seven vials be poured out under it, for they show the means by which he must be destroyed. 5. The seventh trumpet soundeth immediately upon the slaying of the witnesses,and contemporizeth with the whole course of their renewedliberty, and therefore the period signified by it must be before the fall of antichrist, declaredby the sixth vial. 6. The seventh trumpet soundeth immediately after the expiration of the twelve hundred and sixty days; before the end of which none of the vials were poured out. Those who think that divers of the vials were poured out, or shall be poured out, before the sounding of this seventhtrumpet, say, that the beast’s kingdom beginning to fall under the sixth trumpet, severalof the vials, declaring the degrees ofhis falling, must belong to that. It appeareth by all we have in this chapter Revelation11:7-15, that antichrist’s kingdom was in a greatmeasure weakenedunder the sixth trumpet, particularly from Revelation11:11-13. To which those who think that all the vials related to the seventh trumpet say, that they grant that there were some preparations to the final ruin of antichrist, during the period of the sixth trumpet, but the sevenvials signify the further progress and perfection of his ruin, which falls under the period signified by the seventh trumpet. This being premised, I proceedwith the text.
  • 19. It is doubted here whether those words, are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, be to be understood as being actually so, or now beginning to be so. Those who make the sense that they now actually were so, must understand the time to be the day of judgment, or some time next to it, and consequentlymust think that five at leastof the sevenvials, mentioned Revelation16:1-21, belongedto the sixth trumpet. Those who make the sense, are beginning to become the kingdoms of the Lord, or shall shortly be so, may make all the sevenvials to belong to the seventh trumpet. By becoming the kingdoms of the Lord Christ, he means in outward profession;so as antichrist shall reign no more, but they shall be ruled by the officers of the Lord Christ, until they be taken up to reign with him in glory. Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible And the seventh angel sounded,.... The lastof the seven angels, who had trumpets given them to sound, Revelation8:2. The days of the voice of this angel, as in Revelation10:7, cannotrefer to the times of Constantine;for though there was then a strange turn of affairs in favour of the kingdom of Christ, when there was a greatspread of the Gospel, and large conversions in many places, and many churches were raisedand formed in several countries, and the whole empire became Christian; yet this, as we have seen, came to pass under the sixth seal, before any of the trumpets were sounded, and much less this seventh and last; nor do they belong to the times of the Reformation in Germany. Brightman fixes the sounding of this trumpet to the year 1558, when the kings of Swedenand Denmark set up the Gospelin their kingdoms, and reformed them from Popery; and when Queen Elizabeth came to the throne of England, and rooted out greatpart of the Romish superstition: but it is certain that this angel has not yet sounded his trumpet, and therefore cannot refer to anything past, but to what is to come;we are yet under the sixth trumpet; the outward court is not yet given to the Gentiles; the witnesses are not slain, and much less risen and ascended;the earthquake, the fall of the tenth part of the city, and the slaughterof seventhousand names of men, with what will follow thereon, are things yet to come;the Turkish woe is not over, and antichrist still reigns, and the kingdoms of this world are far from
  • 20. appearing to be the kingdoms of Christ. Some think, and indeed the generality of interpreters, that this respects the voice of the archangel, and trump of God, the last trump, which will sound at the resurrection of the dead, and the day of judgment; but none of these appearin the accountof things under this trumpet; but rather the whole has a view to the spiritual reign of Christ, when both the easternand westernantichrist will be destroyed; the Gospelwill be carried all over the world, and there will be large conversions both among Jews and Gentiles, and Christ will reign in a spiritual manner over all the earth. Hence it follows, and there were greatvoices in heaven; these are either the voices of the angels in heaven, who rejoice at every appearance, and breaking forth of Christ's kingdom and glory, as in Revelation5:11; and indeed, if they rejoice at the conversionof one sinner, at a single addition to Christ's interest, then much more will they, when the kingdoms of this world become his; or rather these may be the voices ofthe multitude of the saints in the churches, the same company with those in Revelation19:1; who express their joy at the judgment of the greatwhore, and at the marriage of the Lamb; and who, as here, are attended with the thanksgivings and hallelujahs of the four and twenty elders: and it may be, that these are also the voices ofthe four living creatures, the ministers of the word, since the four and twenty elders generally follow them, Revelation4:9; they may be the witnesses, who were silenced, but are now raisedup, and are ascendedinto heaven, and their mouths are opened, and their voices heard again: saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; by "the kingdoms of this world" are meant worldly kingdoms, which are setup by worldly power, and are supported by worldly policy, and subsist upon worldly principles and maxims; the government of which proceeds upon worldly ends and views;in distinction from the kingdom of Christ, which is not of this world, and is not supported by any such methods; and they are the kingdoms, into which the world is divided, which, and the glory of them, Satan showedto Christ, and insolently offered to give him them, if he would worship him; but these were to come to Christ in another
  • 21. way, and at anothertime. The Alexandrian copy, and some others, the Complutensian edition, the Vulgate Latin version, and all the Oriental versions, read in the singular number, "the kingdom of this world"; the whole government of it, which is his by right of nature, and will be overturned, and overturned againand again, till he comes, whoseright it is; and then all power, rule, and authority, will be put down, and his kingdom, which will tilt the face of the whole earth, will take place:all the antichristian states and kingdoms are here intended, particularly the kingdoms into which the Roman empire, sometimes calledthe whole world, Luke 2:1, is divided, which are ten; one of the ten, a tenth part of the city or jurisdiction of Rome, will fall at the close ofthe sixth trumpet, and the other nine, or the other nine parts, will fall at the sounding of the seventh; the ten kings, that have given their kingdoms to the beast, will have an aversionto the whore, hate her, and burn her flesh, will fall off from her, and into the hands of Christ; there will be a generaland thorough reformation from Poperyin all the kingdoms of the Roman empire: but though these are greatly intended, yet not only they, but the Mahometan nations also, as the Turkish woe will now be over, and the greatriver Euphrates dried up, to make way for the kings of the east, those large kingdoms and countries of China, Tartary, and Persia;and these now under the powerof the Turk will embrace the Christian faith; and also all the Pagan nations are to be takeninto the account, and who will now enjoy the light of the Gospel:and all, and everyone those Pagan, Papal, and Mahometan kingdoms, will "become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ"; by "our Lord" may be designedGod the Father, who is the Lord of the whole earth, the Lord GodAlmighty, and is acknowledgedas suchby angels and men; and by "his Christ", his Son Jesus Christ, who is equal with him; and what belongs to the one belongs to the other; and who, as Mediator, is his anointed One; anointed to be prophet, priest, and King; anointed with the oil of gladness, the Holy Ghost;see Psalm2:2, where the same distinction is. In the Targum on Isaiah4:2 mention is made of , "the Messiah";or "Christ of Jehovah":and in the same Targum on Isaiah53:10, it is said, "they shall look" , "upon the kingdom of their Messiah";though it may be rather that Christ is designedby both these phrases, and the words be rendered, "our Lord, even his Christ"; since the phrase, "our Lord", as well as Christ, is generallyunderstood of Jesus Christ in the New Testament;and who is Lord
  • 22. of all, of angels, andof men, and the Christ of God. Now these kingdoms will become his, not merely by right, for so they are his already, by right of nature, and creation, and preservation; but these have shakenoff his government, and have refused to have him to reign over them, and have fallen into the hands of usurpers, as Satan, the godof this world, the Romish antichrist, that reigns over the kings of the earth, and Mahomet the king of the locusts;but now these will, in fact, come into his hands, and be under his government; they will acknowledge him as their Lord and Sovereign, and fear and worship him, as King of saints: and this will be brought about, not by force of arms, as Mahometgot his dominions; nor by policy and fraud, by imposture and lying wonders, by which the pope of Rome has obtained his authority overthe nations; but partly by the pouring out of the vials of God's wrath upon the seatof the beast, and upon the river Euphrates, that is, both upon the pope and Turk, which will weakenanddestroy their power and authority, and make way for Christ to set up his kingdom; and partly, and chiefly, by the preaching of the Gospel:now will an open door be set, which none can shut; many will run to and fro, and knowledge willbe increased;the earth will be coveredwith it, as the sea with waters;multitudes of souls everywhere will be converted; a nation will be born at once;churches will be set up in every place, which are Christ's kingdom, where he reigns, and where his subjects are, and his laws are put in execution; where his word will be now faithfully preached, his ordinances purely administered, and he, in his person, office, and grace, willbe alone exalted: the consequence ofwhich will be, and he shall reign for ever and ever; no usurper will ever start up more, or obtain, neither Satan, nor the beast, nor the false prophet, shall ever regain their power and authority any more; neither Paganism, nor Judaism, nor antichristianism, either Papal or Mahometan, shall ever have place more: Christ will reign in this spiritual way, more or less, until he comes personally, and then he will reign with his people on earth a thousand years;and when they are ended, he will reign with them in heaven to all eternity; for though, at the end of these years, he shall deliver up the kingdom to the Father, yet he will not cease to reign; indeed he will not reign in the same manner, but he
  • 23. will reign with equal power and authority, and over, and with the same persons. The Vulgate Latin versionadds, "Amen". Geneva Study Bible {27} And the seventhangel sounded; and there were greatvoices in heaven, saying, {28} The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. (27) Of whose sounding the trumpet Christ expresslyforetold in Re 10:7 and this is the secondpart of this chapter, containing a generalhistory of the Christian Church, from the time of Boniface to the consummation of the victory declaredby voice from heaven. In this history there are three branches: a preparation by the sound of the angels trumpet: a narration by the voice of heavenly angels and elders and a confirmation by sign. (28) The narration has two parts: an acclamationof the heavenly creatures in this verse, and both an adorationby all the elders in Re 11:16 and also a thanksgiving in Re 11:17,18. The sense ofthe acclamationis, Now the Lord has enteredhis kingdom and has restoredhis church in which most mightily recoveredfrom the profanation of the Gentiles, he may glorify himself. Namely that, which the Lord ordained when he first ordained his Church, that the faith of the saints does now behold as accomplished. EXEGETICAL(ORIGINAL LANGUAGES) Meyer's NT Commentary Revelation11:15. ἐγένοντο φωναὶ μεγ., κ.τ.λ. To whom these voices belonged, is neither to be askednor to be answered. Ewaldwants to ascribe them to the four beasts;[2961]De Wette, to the angels;Beng., to various dwellers in heaven, angels and men. Hengstenb. tries to show that the innumerable hosts, Revelation7:9 sq., are to be understood. This is incorrect, because the hosts
  • 24. which John there sees prolepticallyin heaven do not as yet correspondin Revelation11:15, with the progressive course ofthe visions, but are not actually in heaven until Revelation15:2 sqq.[2962]Also in Revelation11:15- 19 Hengstenb. mistakes the prolepticalreference correctlyunderstood by C. a Lap., Beng., Ew., De Wette, etc., by regarding all the contents of the seventh trumpet (the third woe)exhausted alreadywith Revelation11:19. Still more preposterously, Ebrard limits the seventh trumpet to Revelation11:15- 18.[2963] ἘΝ Τῷ ΟὐΡΑΝῷ, where John is not as yet,[2964]but whither the look of the seeris directed.[2965] ΛΈΓΟΝΤΕς. Cf. Revelation4:8, Revelation5:13. Ἡ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑ ΤΟῦ ΚΌΣΜΟΥ. The regaldominion over the world.[2966]Insteadof the obj. gen., in Revelation17:18, ἘΠΊ follows. Cf. also Revelation1:6, Revelation12:10. The immediately following ΚΑῚ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΎΣΕΙpresupposes notonly the active idea of Ἡ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑ, but also this reading. Incorrectly, Luther, according to the var. supported by Ew. ii., ἘΓΈΝΟΝΤΟ ΑἹ ΒΑΣΙΛΕῖΑΙ: the kingdoms of this world. The proleptical[2967]in the songs of the heavenly voices lies in this, that immediately after the sound of the trumpet, and yet before any thing else has actually occurredof what is afterwards celebratedwith similar songs of praise,[2968]they say, ἘΓΈΝΕΤΟ ἩΒΑΣ., Κ.Τ.Λ.[2969]In reality the dominion over the world does not become God’s and that of his Anointed until the wrathful judgment described, viz., until ch. 18, yea, in another respect until Revelation20:10, has actually dislodged from its assumeddominion all ungodly and antichristian power, which, by its rebellion[2970]againstthe only King and Lord, had usurped, to an extent, a part of his βασιλεία. The inner justification of the prolepsis—whichHengstenb. acknowledgesonly at Revelation11:15-18 in the relation to Revelation11:19, where he finds the
  • 25. final judgment—lies in the fact that the seventh trumpet has alreadyactually sounded; that one, therefore, from which the realfulfilment of the mystery of God will infallibly proceed.[2971]But even if only a specialseries offurther visions leads to that final consummation, yet the prospective celebrationof that glorious result, especiallyin the mouth of the dwellers in heaven, has, after the sounding of the seventh trumpet, its full justification and beautiful significance;the allusion, however, in connectionwith this, to redemption, as the proper root of the fact here celebrated,[2972]is entirely out of place. τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν καὶ τοῦ χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ. Notonly the expression,[2973]but also the idea, points back to Psalm2:2, for the Lord’s Anointed is the Son of God because ofthe βασιλεία, which is takenin general, indeed, from the nations,[2974]yet only for their destruction. The ἡμῶν with τ. κυρίου does not give here a statement strange in itself concerning the co-regencyofthe saints,[2975]but corresponds, as also Revelation12:10, Revelation19:1, Revelation5:6, to the joy of those who now behold their Lord and God, whom they themselves serve, in his victorious dominion over the judged world. κ. βασιλεύσει εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τ. αἰών. For, after his overthrow of all powers opposedto God, no new enemy could arise. The subj. to βασιλεύσει is ὁ κύριος ἡμῶν;[2976]but his Christ is manifestly understood as partner of this ΒΑΣΙΛΕΊΑ.[2977] [2961]Revelation4:8. [2962]Cf. Revelation19:1 sqq.
  • 26. [2963]See onRevelation11:19. [2964]Cf. Revelation10:1. [2965]De Wette. [2966]Beng., De Wette, Hengstenb., etc. [2967]Also Klief. [2968]Cf. Revelation19:1 sqq. [2969]Cf. Revelation11:17 sq.: εἵληφας ἐβασίλευσας ἦλθεν. [2970]Beng. [2971]Beng., De Wette, etc. [2972]Hengstenb.
  • 27. [2973]Cf. Revelation12:10;Acts 4:26. [2974]Cf. Revelation11:18. [2975]Hengstenb. [2976]According to Revelation11:17 : κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ παντοκρ. [2977]Beng., De Wette. Revelation11:15-19. At the blast of the seventh trumpet, which[2960]will bring the glorious end, songs of praise resound in heaven which proclaim the fulfilment as having already occurred(Revelation11:15-18). At the opening of the heavenly temple of God, the ark of the covenanttherein is visible, and lightnings, and other signs, indicating the judgments belonging to the actual fulfilment of the mystery of God, occur. [2960]Cf. Revelation10:7. Expositor's Greek Testament Revelation11:15. The rout of Satan(Revelation12:10 and Revelation20:4-10) means the absolute messianic (ὁ Χ. only in these sections = “messiah” in the eschatologicalsense)authority of God, as the destruction or submission of paganism(cf. Revelation11:13)means the true coming of the eschatological βασιλεία (cf. Revelation19:1-6, after Rome’s downfall). The apocalyptic motto is not so much “The Lord reigns,” as “The Lord is to reign”. Meanwhile he overrules, and every preliminary judgment shoots the pious
  • 28. mind forward to anticipate the final triumph. Linguistically τοῦ Χριστοῦ might mean here as in Habakkuk 3:13 God’s chosenpeople, but the usage of the Apocalypse puts this out of the question. There is no need to delete the words here as a gloss (so, e.g., Baljon, vonSoden, Rauch) or the similar phrase in En. 48:10 (with Dalman). Cambridge Bible for Schools andColleges The Seventh Trumpet, Revelation11:15-19. Chap. Revelation12:7-1215.great voices]Cf. Revelation16:17. The kingdoms of this world &c.]Read, The kingdom of the world is become our Lord’s and His Christ’s. The phrase “His Christ” is founded on the O. T. phrase “the Lord’s Anointed;” cf. St Luke 2:26. he shall reign] Who? Our Lord or His Christ? St John probably would have regardedthe question as meaningless, though comparing Revelation11:1 (see note on “therein”) it is not likely that he used the sing, consciouslyto imply that Christ and His Fatherare One. It would be more to the point to compare “Christ the Lord” in St Luke 2:11 with “the Lord’s Christ” already quoted. Bengel's Gnomen Revelation11:15. [114]Ὁ ἛΒΔΟΜΟς, the seventh) The principal trumpet is that of the seventhangel. This closelyapproachedthe very times of the apostles:but it was about to have a long continuance. The near approachof the events, which were about to follow in it, were often viewed by the apostles separately, and held forth by them to the view of the faithful: but in consequence ofthe length of the interval, scoffers deniedthe end itself, in which the course of the events was about to issue;while the faithful did not fully comprehend the long continuance of the interval. Eachclass furnished the apostles witha reasonfor explaining the mystery more fully: 2 Peter3:2; 2 Thessalonians 2.
  • 29. [114]ἡ οὐαὶ ἡ τρίτη, the third woe)This is predicted finally, ch. Revelation 12:12 : then ch. 13 and 14 it actually follows.—V. g. Whether Gabriel is the angelhere meant, we propose in the German Exegesis as a subject of considerationfor the reader. And the very name ‫לאירבג‬agrees; for ‫לא‬ is God, and ‫רבג‬ a man, strong. Therefore that name exhibits the sum of the messageto Mary, Luke 1:31; Luke 1:35; and here of the commencement of the trumpet in heaven: for, ch. Revelation12:5, there is born υἱὸς ἄῤῥην; that is, ‫לא‬ ‫,רובג‬ Isaiah 9:5. I give no definition; I make no conjecture;I only inquire. But that which follows I affirm: This trumpet is the most important of all, which both of itself has here a most joyful meaning, and renders joyful all the trumpets of the former angels, but only to the inhabitants of heaven. Wherefore they are not to be heard, who here prefer to interpret sorrowful trumpets, used by the Jews in excommunication, rather than festive trumpets. The injury arising from the abuse of Jewishantiquities, in the explanation of the New Testament, and especiallyofthe Apocalypse, is greaterthan the advantage arising from the use of the same. Truth is learned from the very clearness ofthe text, containing its ownαὐτάρκειαν(self-dependent completeness);the abuse introduces errors. We see other examples on ch. Revelation13:18 (Annot. ii. § 2), and on ch. Revelation14:20, Revelation17:9, note 1. It would be better not to have recourse to the books ofthe Jews, if no better reward for the labour could be carried off from them.—ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ, in heaven) This is strictly parallel with that passageofDaniel2:44, “IN the days of those kings (not, after they shall be destroyed), the God OF HEAVEN shall setup a kingdom.” He is calledthe God of heaven, as showing His majesty in heaven. Comp. altogetherRevelation11:13, note. Afterwards the actiondescends to the earth. See shortly afterwards concerning the kingdom of the world.—λέγοντες)See App. Ed. ii. So ch. Revelation4:1. Many read, ἡ φωνὴ λέγων.[115]See also ch. Revelation5:12, and the remarks which we have made above on ch. Revelation 9:13-14, and Wolf’s remarks on Revelation14:7, Revelation19:1. Dionysius of Alexandria thus expressedhis opinion respecting the writer of the Apocalypse, not 200 years afterwards: ΔΙΆΛΕΚΤΟΝ ΜΈΝΤΟΙΚΑῚ ΓΛῶΣΣΑΝ ΟὐΚ ἈΚΡΙΒῶς ἙΛΛΗΝΊΖΟΥΣΑΝ ΑὐΤΟῦ ΒΛΈΠΩ, ἈΛΛʼ ἸΔΙΏΜΑΣΙ ΜῈΝ
  • 30. ΒΑΡΒΑΡΙΚΟῖς ΧΡΏΜΕΝΟΝ,ΚΑΊ ΠΟΥ ΚΑῚ ΣΟΛΟΙΚΊΖΟΝΤΑ. But, says Lightfoot, he forms this judgment concerning dialectand phraseology, who was acquainted with neither, and he censures as a fault that which chiefly commends this book. For John θεοδίδακτος (being taught of God), everywhere in his Apocalypse assumedthe style of the Old Testament:while this man, who was ignorant of the Hebrew language, reckonedas a SOLECISM the whole of that, which was THE DIALECT OF GOD, and believed that that which he could not understand was barbarous.—Op. Posth. f. 145. But yet the readings of the Apocalypse (which present the appearance of a solecism), as Dionysius demonstrates, are ancient, are repeated, and have an analogyto one another: but those which follow the ordinary syntax have been introduced by copyists, many ages afterDionysius.—ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ κόσμου, the kingdom of the world is become)This reading of an early age is much more glorious than that of the hasty copyist, ἐγένοντο αἱ βασιλεῖαι,[116]Κ.Τ.Λ. Blemishes ofsuch a character, and of such importance, as I have noticed, ch. Revelation1:18, Revelation3:12, Revelation5:14, Revelation6:11, Revelation11:2; Revelation11:17, Revelation14:1, Revelation15:3, Revelation17:8; Revelation17:16, Revelation20:4, Revelation21:24, Revelation22:19, etc., remain in those editions, which are eagerlyreprinted the revision which applies a remedy to them (I do not complain on my own account)lies neglected. See Pref. § viii. Admon. 20. We return to the passage.The kingdoms of the world give way to the kingdom of the world. Thus Obadiah, Obadiah 1:21, and the Psalms repeatedly. Vitringa indeed correctlysays, The fulfilment of this oracle is in vain sought in the time of Constantine: Anacr. Ap. p. 512;but at the same time he thinks that this prophecy will be fulfilled after the destruction of the beast. In both points D. Lange assents to him. Here a true analysis of the text is especiallynecessary: moreoverwe have presentedsuch a one above, in the Introduction to the Apoc. Number 6. Many separate the natural sequence of ch. 11 and those which follow; but it vindicates itself. See Erkl. Offenb. p. 71 and following, 552, 564, etc. The third woe, which is setforth in ch. Revelation12:12, and is describedparticularly in ch. 13, is long ago in course, ofaccomplishment: and from things presentit is distinguished, what things are past under the trumpet of the seventh angel, and what are still future.—τοῦ Κυρίου[117])See App. Crit. Ed. ii. Κυρίου is here used as a proper name (as Grotius and Le Buy
  • 31. admit), with which that which immediately follows, καὶ Χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ, best agrees:for the expressionis, the Lord’s Christ, ‫הישמ‬ ‫,הוהי‬ not the Christ of OUR Lord. And thus in the Apocalypse the inhabitants of heaven say, God, Lord, our God, the Lord our God; but never, our Lord. Athanasius, in his Synopsis on this passage,and Rupertus, in his Comm. p. 308, were ofthe same opinion, if they did not retain the same reading.—ΚΑῚ ΤΟῦ ΧΡΙΣΤΟῦ ΑὐΤΟῦ, and of His Christ, or Anointed) This is the first appellation of Christ in this prophetic Treatise, afterthe Introduction of the book, namely, in the mention of the Kingdom under the trumpet of the seventh angel. ForChrist is calleda King antonomastically,[118]as Hiller observes, Syntagm. p. 356. Comp. Brent’s Homily xlii. on Acts, and Explan. of Catech. p. 114 and following, and p. 23. Elisha the prophet was anointed, 1 Kings 19:16;priests were anointed, Exodus 28:41;but with especialpropriety, Kings. Whence the title of Anointed, put absolutely, denotes nothing but a king. The usual expressionis, the Lord’s anointed, not the anointed king: but [in the case of the priest] the only expressionusedis, the priest that is anointed, by way of epithet: Leviticus 4:5. Nay, the Anointed is even expresslydistinguished from the priest, 1 Samuel2:35; Psalm 132:16-17.In the whole Evangelic history, the name, Christ, is never set forth under the title of priest; it very frequently is under the name of king. And moreover, as often as the Messiahis mentioned in the Scripture, there is a reference to his Kingdom. The priestly office and the prophetical also are both containedin the kingly (which by a metaphor is the meaning of Shepherd also:ch. Revelation12:5). See Hebrews 2:17, note. Among the Gentiles also, one man has often borne the kingly office in addition to the priestly, sometimes under the title of priest, sometimes under that of king. [115]AB Vulg. read λέγοντες. Rec. Text, λέγουσαι, with C.—E. [116]Ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεια, ABCh Vulg. Ἐγένοντο αἱ βασιλεῖαι, Rec. Text, without goodauthority.—E.
  • 32. [117]So AC Vulg.: but h, “Dei.” AC Vulg. and the best authorities read ἡμῶν, in opposition to Bengel.—E. [118]See Appendix on Antonomasia. Pulpit Commentary Verse 15. - And the seventh angelsounded; and there were greatvoices in heaven, saying. The participle "saying" is masculine, λέγοντες, in A, B; the feminine, λέγουσαι, is read in ‫,א‬ C, P. Though the latter would be more correct, grammatically, yet irregular constructionin such cases is not uncommon in the Apocalypse. The voices were possibly those of the angels rejoicing in the triumph of the kingdom of God. Or perhaps they proceeded from the four living beings, since the elders are next mentioned (ver. 17)as offering the praises ofthe redeemedChurch which they represent. At the opening of the seventh sealthere was silence in heaven; here, at the sound of the seventhangel's trumpet, voices are heard "in heaven," but there is silence as to the fate of the wicked, with whom the trumpet visions have been chiefly concerned. In the revelation of the fate in store for the Church, as well as in that of the doom awardedto the ungodly, the visions stop short of describing circumstances connectedwith the life after the judgment day. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever. Ἐγένετο ἡ βασιλαία, in the singular, is found in ‫,א‬ A, B, C, P, and versions, and is adopted by the RevisedVersion. Ἐγένοντο αἱ βασιλεῖαι, the plural, is readin two cursives. We canunderstand the first part of this verse by referring to Revelation12:10. God's powerand authority is establishedby the final overthrow of Satan. It naturally follows the account, in vers. 12, 13, of the vindication of God's witnesses,and of the glory rendered by the rest of mankind. With God the Fatheris associatedChrist, by whose means the overthrow of the devil is effected, and by whom his servants overcome (cf. Revelation1:6; Revelation5:9; Revelation7:14; Revelation 12:11). This is the final victory; henceforth"he shall reign forever and ever." Vincent's Word Studies
  • 33. The kingdoms - are become (ἐγένοντο αἱ βασιλεῖαι) Readἐγένετο ἡ βασιλεία, the kingdom - is become. Of our Lord, etc. Compare Psalm 2:2-9. PRECEPTAUSTIN RESOURCES TONY GARLAND Revelation11:15 Open Bible at Rev. 11:15 Listen to Rev. 11:15 seventh angelsounded The seventh angelsounds the seventh trumpet (Rev. 8:2‣ ). This lastof the seventrumpets is not to be confusedwith the “lasttrump” which attends the Rapture.103 This cannot be what is meant by the lasttrump [1Cor. 15:52];at the time that I Corinthians was written, John had not written Revelation. The Corinthians would not have had any knowledge ofthe seventrumpets. The only knowledge they would have of trumpets are those spokenof in the Old Testament, especiallythose of the Feastof Trumpets. The lasttrump refers to the Feastof Trumpets and the Jewishpractice of blowing trumpets at this feasteachyear. During the ceremony there are a series of short trumpet sounds concluding
  • 34. with one long trumpet blast which is called the tekiah gedolah, the great trumpet blast. This is what Paul means by the last trump.104 This seventh trumpet is the lastof this series of seven, but not the last absolutely, and is not to be confused with the “lasttrump” of 1Cor. 15:52. Chronologically, the trumpet of Mat. 24:31 must follow this seventh trumpet of Revelation, for it occurs after the Tribulation, at the open manifestation of Christ’s SecondAdvent (Mat. 24:30), which in the book of Revelationis recordedin Rev. 19:11-16‣ , whichis after the time expressedhere. In the book of Revelationthe seventhtrumpet is never called“last” (Rev. 1:11‣ , 17‣ ;2:8‣ , 19‣ ;15:1‣ . 21:9‣ ; 22:13‣ ).105 The seventh trumpet covers an extended period of time, thus distinguishing it from the instantaneous (“in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”)event of the “lasttrumpet.” Insteadof calling for the moment of the Rapture of the church, as the “lasttrumpet” does, the seventh trumpet calls for prolonged waves of judgment on the ungodly. It does not parallel the trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15:52, but does parallel the trumpet of Joel2:1-2: “Blow a trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming; surely it is near, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness.”106 The seventh trumpet is typified by the seventrumpets of the conquestof Jericho by Joshua. See commentaryon Revelation8:2. kingdoms of this world MT and NU texts have kingdom (singular).107 The use of the singular term kingdom of the world insteadof the plural “kingdoms” introduces an important truth. All of the world’s diverse
  • 35. national, political, social, cultural, linguistic, and religious groups are in reality one kingdom under one king. That king is known in Scripture by many names and titles, including the accuser(Rev. 12:10‣ ), the adversary(1 Pet. 5:8), Beelzebul (Mat. 12:24), Belial(2Cor. 6:15), the dragon (Rev. 12:3‣ , 7‣ , 9‣ ), the “evil one” (John 17:15), the god of this world (2Cor. 4:4), the prince of the powerof the air (Eph. 2:2), the roaring lion (1Pe. 5:8), the ruler of the demons (Mark 3:22), the ruler of this world (John 12:31), the serpent of old (Rev. 12:9‣ ;20:2‣ ), the tempter (1Th. 3:5), and, most commonly, the devil (Mat. 4:1) and Satan (1Ti. 5:15).108 The sounding of the seventh trumpet “proclaims the coming coronationof earth’s rightful king, the answerto the prayer of the ages, ‘thy kingdom come’ [Mat. 6:10].”109The seventh trumpet is typified by Zadok’s blowing of the horn when Solomonwas anointed as King (1K. 1:39). The coming of the kingdom of God is connectedwith the overthrow of Satan (Rev. 12:10‣ )and involves the reclamationof the earth as the Lord’s, but now, Satanis “god of this age” (Mat. 4:8-9; 2Cor. 4:4). See commentary on Revelation20:2. The sounding of the seventh trumpet signals God’s answerto the prayer, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Mat. 6:10). That answersweeps throughchapters 12-22 as God finishes His mighty work of reclaiming creationfrom the usurper, Satan.110 See commentary on Revelation5:1. have become ἐγένετο [egeneto], singular, prophetic aorist. The event is so certain in the sounding of the seventh angelthat it is treated as if already past. However, the kingdom will not have arrived in totality until all sevenbowl judgments are poured forth (Rev. 16:17‣ )and the King Himself returns to earth to defeat the armies of the nations (Isa. 63:1-6; Zec. 12:1-9; 14:1-8; Rev. 19:11-21‣ ).
  • 36. That day is describedby many passages ofwhich a small sample appears below: All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You. Forthe kingdom is the Lord’s, and He rules over the nations. (Ps. 22:27-28). He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth. Those who dwell in the wilderness will bow before Him, and His enemies will lick the dust. The kings of Tarshishand of the isles will bring presents;the kings of Sheba and Seba will offer gifts. Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him; all nations shall serve Him. (Ps. 72:8-11) Of the increase ofHis government and peace There will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establishit with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. (Isa. 9:7) And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed;and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. (Dan. 2:44‣ ) Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages shouldserve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed. (Dan. 7:14‣ ) And the LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be-“The LORD is one,” and His name one. All the land shall be turned into a plain
  • 37. from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem. Jerusalemshallbe raised up and inhabited in her place from Benjamin’s Gate to the place of the First Gate and the CornerGate, and from the Towerof Hananeel to the king’s winepresses. The people shall dwell in it; and no longer shall there be utter destruction, but Jerusalemshall be safelyinhabited. (Zec. 14:9-11) He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacobforever, and of His kingdom there will be no end. (Luke 1:32-33) Not one of the above passagesfinds literal fulfillment in the present day Church as the adherents of ReplacementTheology, DominionTheology, and CovenantTheologyclaim because the sounding of the seventhtrumpet remains future to our time. These passagesdo not speak of an invisible spiritual kingdom, but a visible earthly kingdom—the Millennial Kingdom of Revelation20:4-6‣ . See The Arrival of God’s Kingdom.111 All attempts to equate this glorious reign of Christ over the whole earth with any past event or with the church is utterly foreign and contradictoryto the cleareschatologicalteaching ofScripture, including especiallythis passage. There is no way this text can be fulfilled except by the universal reign of Jesus Christ overthe whole earth—as the prophets had for so long predicted.112 His Christ Christ is Χριστοῦ [Christou], an appellative the Anointed One, the Messiah.113This speaks ofHis office as the promised Anointed One and is a direct allusion to the Father’s pronouncement concerning the Son: “Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counseltogetheragainstthe LORD and His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and castawayTheir
  • 38. cords from us.’ ” [emphasis added] (Ps. 2:1-2). His Anointed is ‫יְמ‬ ִ‫י‬ ‫ח‬‫מ‬ [mešîḥô], the anointed of His and is a direct parallel to τοῦ Χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ [tou Christou autou], the Christ of His. The seventhtrumpet proclaims the impending fulfillment of Psalm2, especiallyverses 7-9 which will be realized in the pouring forth of the final sevenbowls: “I will declare the decree:the LORD has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begottenYou. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’” (Ps. 2:7-9) See commentary on Revelation2:27. forever and ever εἰς τούς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων [eis tous aiōnas tōn aiōnōn], into the ages of the ages. His kingdom is without end (Ex. 15:18;Ps. 10:16; 145:13;Isa. 9:7; Dan. 2:44‣ ; 4:3‣ ; 6:26‣ ; 7:14‣ , 18‣ , 27‣ ;Mic. 4:7; Luke 1:33; 1Ti. 1:17; 2Pe. 1:11; Rev. 11:15‣ ). CHRIS BENFIELD Worship in Anticipation of the King (Message#26) Revelation11:15-19 We have spent much time in the book of Revelation. I hope you have been enlightened
  • 39. and are enjoying our study thus far. Tonight we come to the half-way point in Revelation. It is here that we find the 7th trumpet being sounded, the 3rd woe that will bring the finality of God’s judgment. When the 7th trumpet sounds it will revealthe 7 vials or “bowljudgments.” We read of the trumpet being sounded here in V.15, but the events surrounding the trumpet aren’t revealed until Chp.15. The book of Revelationisn’t written entirely in chronological order. Chapters 12-14 will deal with the Tribulation, but from a different perspective. In Chps.6-11 the focus has been on the Lord and His judgment to claim possessionofthe earth. In Chps.12-14 the focus will shift to the Antichrist, but it will dealwith the same time period we’ve already studied. We have been looking at the Tribulation from God’s perspective and next week we’ll look at it as it pertains to Satan. Our text tonight is once againcenteredin heaven. Verse 16 reveals the attitude and atmosphere found in heavenas the 7th trumpet sounds. It will be a time of worship and rejoicing. Let’s look at this time of: Worship in Anticipation of the King. There are 3 specific scenes revealedin these verses. Firstwe see:
  • 40. I. A Scene ofRejoicing (15-17)– Let me remind you that the 24 elders representthe redeemedof all the ages. As the 7th trumpet sounds, the elders fall to their faces and worship the Lord. They are rejoicing because Jesus has beentriumphant over Satan. They are rejoicing over the Lord and His kingdom. Let’s take a moment to consider the Lord’s kingdom. It is: A. A Prominent Kingdom (15) – And the seventh angelsounded; and there were greatvoices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord.” Take a moment and considerthe kingdoms that have ruled the world: the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, as wellas the world powers of our day. Most of these have fallen and are no longer kingdoms of dominance.  Eachof these had one thing in common, a desire to rule the world. They were influenced by the godof this world, Satan himself. For centuries evil men, led by Satan, have ruled the world. They have denied the Lord and slaughteredthose who followedHim. The
  • 41. kingdoms of this world will not last! Jesus is coming againas King of kings and Lord of lords. He will set up His kingdom in righteousness and all will bow to Him! B. A Providential Kingdom (15) – He shall reign for everand ever. Now think of the powerful rulers of the world: Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Caesar, Alexanderthe Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, etc. These men conquered and ruled vast empires, but they all have one thing in common, they all died. Their reign ended as they drew their last breath. Our King died, but praise the Lord, He rose to die no more. We have no reasonto fear. Our King shall reign forever. He will never lose His throne. Jesus will setup His throne and reign forever. Ps.145:13 – Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. C. A PowerfulKingdom (17) – Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come;because thou hast takento thee thy greatpower, and hast reigned. The coming kingdom will be ruled by the Lord God Almighty. Thou hast takento thee thy great power, and hast reigned. The kingdoms of earth are limited to men’s ability. The powerof a
  • 42. kingdom rests upon its ability to maintain order and control, and defend againstinvasion and attack.  The kingdom of the Lord is built upon the power of His word! His kingdom doesn’t rest on the frailties of men. He will one day defeat the powers of hell in great power. Satanand those who follow him will be judged and their sentence carriedout in the lake of fire.  There is no one who will be able to stand againstthe power of Almighty God. Even now, the godof this world operates under His sovereignpower. D. A PerpetualKingdom (17) – The Lord is describedas the Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come. The Lord’s kingdom is eternal, reaching all the way from eternity past into eternity future. There has never been a time when God wasn’t and when He wasn’tin control.  The world would have us to believe that He is just a myth. They may even think that God has forsakenus and that Satanhas gainedthe upper hand. The Lord reigned before Satanwas createdand He will continue to reign long after Satan is bound in the depths of hell. We serve the God of eternity!
  • 43.  I firmly believe in the Lord’s eternalexistence, His eternal atonement through His precious blood, and my eternal salvationin eternalGod! We will one day step into the eternal kingdom of God to spend the countless ageswith Him. The troubles and afflictions we face down here are but fleeting seconds in the face of eternity. We can rejoice in the perpetual kingdom of God! I. A Scene ofRejoicing (15-17) II. A Scene of Recompense(18) – And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldestgive reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great;and shouldestdestroy them which destroy the earth. The scene ofrejoicing turns its attention to a scene ofrecompense where men receive their just reward. All who have ever lived will stand before the Lord in judgment. Notice: A. The Retribution of the Sinners (18a) – And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged. Even in Tribulation the world remains angry and defiant toward God. They will oppose and reject the Lord’s offer of salvation
  • 44. until the end. Rather than seeing themselves as they are, sinners in need of a holy God, they curse and deny Him.  This verse reminds us of the Great White Throne Judgment, Rev.20:11-15. Our world today is filled with those who rejectChrist. They live as they please, indulging in sin, and expectto answerto no one.  The Bible warns of the coming judgment for those who rejectChrist. The Lord will have the final word in judgment. There won’t be any arguments or accusations brought againstthe Lord. These will stand without defense as judgment is pronounced, resulting in eternal death, separation, and torment apart from God.  Jesus died for all men, but those who deny Him will end up in hell. All whose names are not found in the Book ofLife will stand accountable for their sin. What a terrible time to stand before God facing the penalty of sin. I’m glad that my sins are coveredin the blood, never to be remembered! B. The Rewardof the Saints (18b) – and that thou shouldestgive reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest
  • 45. destroy them which destroy the earth. As the lostare judged for sin, the redeemedare rewardedfor their service unto the Lord. The verse mentions servants, prophets, saints, and them that fear they name, small and great. No one will be left out.  Your service down here may go unnoticed with little gratitude or encouragement, but Jesus hasn’t forgotten!He will reward you for every deed you’ve done for His glory. Every sacrifice, everyfaithful deed, every prayer, every encouraging word, every expressionof love, all remembered and rewarded by the Lord. Rev.22:12 – And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I. A Scene ofRejoicing (15-17) II. A Scene of Recompense(18) III. A Scene of Revelation(19) – And the temple of God was openedin heaven, and there was seenin his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. The scene in heaven closes with a revelation of things to come. It reveals the reality for all mankind. A. The Acceptance ofthe Redeemed(19a) – We see the temple of God was opened in heaven. This speaks ofthe acceptanceofthe redeemed. We will have access to the throne of
  • 46. God. In the original temple there was a veil that separatedthe Holy of Holies from the restof the temple. When Jesus died the veil was rent in twain, the separationis gone because of redeeming blood! We will be able to approachthe throne and worship the Lord.  Consider a lowly sinner, with nothing of value within ourselves, being able to enter the very presence ofGod! I certainly don’t deserve it, but praise God I’m going to experience it. B. The Assurance ofthe Jews (19b) – And the temple of God was openedin heaven, and there was seenin his temple the ark of his testament. Here we find yet another reminder that God isn’t finished with His covenant people. The Ark of the Covenant was where God dwelt. It representedHis presence, His power, and His promises. God is reminding Israelthat He will keepHis covenantwith them and fulfill His plan. C. The Affliction of the World (19c)– and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and greathail. The passagecloses witha vivid reminder of coming judgment. Those who have rejectedthe Lord will face the horrors of the 7th trumpet.  As eachvial is poured out, the judgment intensifies. We serve a holy God. He is a God
  • 47. of mercy and love; One who is longsuffering, but His mercy will not last forever. He will judge sin. For those who choose to rejectthe Lord in Tribulation, the vials will be theirs. Clearlythis passagedivides men into two categories, savedandlost. There is no middle ground. There is no purgatory or appeal from judgment. The choice we make in this life will determine our eternity. Right now eachof us are in one of these categories. Youhave either been saved or you are still in your sin. Once we pass through the gates of death our destiny is sealed. If you were to die right now, do you know for sure that you would be in that number rejoicing around God’s throne? Or would you be in that number that will stand at the Great White Throne in judgment? Jesus died for you! He gave His life that YOU might be saved!He loves you and wants you to enjoy the heaventhat He is preparing. You can know for sure that you’ll be in that number. Won’t you come if the Lord is dealing with your heart this evening?
  • 48. ALAN CARR Revelation11:15-19 HEAVENLY REJOICINGON THE EDGE OF ETERNITY Intro: We have spent the better part of a year in the book of Revelation. I don’t know about you, but this book has been speaking to my heart and I am enjoying our study. This messagebrings us to the half way point of the book of Revelation. It also brings us to the end of a very long sectionthat began back in Rev. 10:1. In this passage,the seventhtrumpet, which was announced in Rev. 10:7, is about to sound. When it is sounded, this trumpet will unleash God’s final acts of judgments upon the earth. The seventh trumpet will bring about a devastating wave of judgment. It will fulfill the ancientprophecies of Joel2:1-2, “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; (2) A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.” Whenit is sounds, the sevenbowl judgments are revealed. These bowls contain the final, awesome, awfuljudgments of God, Rev. 15:1. The sound of the seventh trumpet alerts the world that King Jesus is about to reclaim everything that belongs to Him. Now, the seventh trumpet is sounded here in Rev. 11:1, but the events it brings to pass are not recordeduntil we getto Rev 15. Chapters 12-14 are a retelling of the Tribulation story from a different perspective. In Rev. 6-11, the focus has been on the Lord Jesus. We have learned about the process He uses to take possessionofthis earth. Rev. 12-14 takes the focus off the Lord
  • 49. and places in on the Antichrist. We have been observing the Tribulation from God’s perspective. For the next few chapters we will observe that awful period of time fro Satan’s perspective. This passagetakesus forward in time to the very edge of eternity. We are transported aheadto the end of the age to a time when Jesus has taken possessionofthe world and judged sin and sinners. As we look aheadto that blessedday, we find Heaven in a state of rejoicing. Today, we want to look into these verses, and by virtue into Heaven itself. In doing so, we are allowedto witness Heaven’s reactionto the reign of the Lord Jesus. I want to show you the great reasons why we see worship, praise and excitement in Heaven as time comes to an end. The words “greatvoices” translate the Greek words “mega” and“phonay”. We get the word “megaphone” from these words. It refers to shouting and loud speech. This is a picture of loud, vigorous praise in glory, v. 15-16!I want to preachon this thought: Heavenly Rejoicing On The Edge Of Eternity. I. v. 16-17 THERE IS REJOICING OVER A RULER (Heaven rejoices becauseGodand His Son Jesus have takenpossessionofa world that was lost to sin and Satanthousands of years ago.) A. v. 15 The Scope Of His Kingdom – “kingdoms of this world” – In the Greek, the word “kingdoms” is singular. There are many rulers, leaders, kings and presidents in this world, but there is but one true kingdom. Men
  • 50. think they rule, in reality, Satanrules this world today. Satanis called“the god of this world” in 2 Cor. 4:4. The Lord Jesus calledhim “the prince of this world” three times in John’s Gospel, John12:31; 14:30;16:11. The truth of Satan’s rule can be seenin the hatred that is being leveled againstJesus Christand His Gospelin this world. People have no reasonto hate Jesus. Theydo so because theyare led to by the devil! He is the ruler of this world today. I praise the Lord that His kingdom is to be short-lived. Jesus Christ will come in glory and power and assume His rightful place as King, Lord and God of this world! There is just one rightful King and one day, the whole world will bow at His feet and worship Him, Phil. 2:9-11! B. v. 15 The Span Of His Kingdom – “He shall reign for ever and ever” – Jesus will not be like a human ruler. All human rulers eventually reach the end of their reign. They die or are deposedand replacedby another. Not Jesus!He will reign eternally, “Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations,”Psalm145:13. (Ill. The Republicans have held the reigns of power in Congress since 1994. It looks like they are about to lose their power, at leastin the House of Representatives,to the Democrats.There will be a lot of sad people after the electionbecause their side lost. Those who give their allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ need never fear that He will be overthrown! He is and ever will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!)
  • 51. C. v. 17 The Strength Of His Kingdom – God is called“Almighty”, “Thou hast takento the Thy greatpower, and Thou hast reigned.” Every human kingdom fails because it is built on the limited powerof men. Saddam Hussein ruled by the power of fear, but he was overthrown. Kim Jung Il rules by intimidation and ruthlessness, he will be defeated. God’s kingdom is establishedon One Who holds all power, Matt. 28:18. He will never be overcome by any enemy, for He has placed all His foes under His feet, Heb. 2:8. He will never be deposedby any rival, for He has no rivals, Psa. 86:10. D. The Stability Of His Kingdom – “Which art, and wastand art to come” – God’s kingdom is an everlasting kingdom! He has always reigned!It may look like Satanhas his hands on the wheelin this world today. It may look like he is in control. Even Satanis the servant of Almighty God and he operates within a limited sphere of activity. He does only that which God allows him to do. His activity is limited by the providence, sovereignty, purposes and power of God. (Ill. Satanhad to get permission to attack Job – Job 1-2.)Satan is a finite, limited, createdbeing. He must always yield to the One Who has reigned by eternity past; the One Who will always reign! Ill. Heaven rejoices in this truth. If we really believed it, we would rejoice as well. We would know, without a doubt, that our God reigns and that He is in absolute control of everything in His universe! (Ill. Col. 1:16-17)(Ill. Psa. 93:1-5)
  • 52. E. The Surety Of His Kingdom – The verb phrase “are become” is in the “proleptic aorist” tense. This tense is used to describe future events that are so certain; they canbe spokenof as they had already happened. This tense is used in Isa. 53:3-9. Though the ministered 700 years before Jesus, he writes of the sufferings of Jesus as though they had already happened! (Ill. People canbelieve what they will, one day the kingdom of this world will be given overto the Lord Jesus. He will rule and reign on the throne of this earth forever. Praise God!No wonder Heavenrejoices. I thank God that I will be there when Heaven bubbles overwith praise. But, I thank Him that I can praise Him today! You see, He may not b recognizedas the King of the world yet, but He is the King of my heart!) II. v. 18 THERE IS REJOICINGOVER A REWARD A. The Sinners Will Be Rewarded – This world hates Jesus and demonstrates that hatred againstHim when He comes to reign. This verse looks aheadto that day when the armies of the world will gatherthemselves togetherto fight againstthe Lord Jesus Christ at His coming, Rev. 16:14. The hatred of the world is clearto see in our day. Everywhere you look; this world is trying to eradicate the name of Jesus and anything to do with Him from the public arena. They will not bow to Him! Their hatred is expressedin Psalm2:1-3. There, we see that they will rise up againstHim and
  • 53. attempt to conquer the Lord. But, Psalm2:4-9 tell us that God will have the final say in the matter. In the end, lost sinners will be rewardedfor their rejectionof Jesus by having to face Him in judgment, Rev. 20:11-15, v. 18b. God will have the final word and all lost sinners will receive the due reward of their sins, Rom. 6:23. What a tragedy, since they could be saved if they would only come to Him! (Note:We may wonder about the saints in Heaven rejoicing over the punishment of sinners. It bothers us when we see sceneslike that. After all, we do not want to see anyone go to Hell. We want to see people saved. All I can say is that when we arrive in Heaven, we will possess a mind like that of the Lord Jesus. We will think like He thinks and we will agree with His plan to judge all those who rejectHim! When He pronounces their sentence, we will say “Amen!”) B. The Saints Will Be Rewarded – While the lostsinners will face the Lord in judgment, faithful believers will be honored for their devotion to Him. He will reward His servants (“prophets”). Those who have faithfully preachedHis Word will be rewarded by the Lord one day. He will also reward His saints (“them that fearthy name, greatand small”). One day, every actof devotion to Jesus will be rewardedby Him. Nothing was so small that He missedit. He saw every sacrifice, everylabor of love, every gift, every deed, which was done in His Name, and He will reward all those who faithfully serve Him! (Ill. Even
  • 54. something so small as a cup of cold water given in His name will be rewarded some day, Mark 9:41.) III. v. 19 THERE IS REJOICING OVER A REALITY (Ill. This verse almost seems out of place in this chapter. It just doesn’tseem to fit in with the seenof rejoicing in Heaven. But, this verse is important. The mention of the Temple places us back on Jewishground. You see, the church does not have a Temple, we are the Temple! This verse contains two great realities that I want to touch on for just a moment.) A. The Reality Of Access – The open Temple and the vision of the Ark serve to remind us that in Heaven, we will have accessto the Lord. We will see Him and be able to worship Him. There will be no veil to separate us from Him. There will be no flesh to separate us from Him. There will be nothing to keep us awayfrom Him in that day! We will have free, unfettered access to the God of glory, Rev. 22:3-4! B. The Reality Of Affirmation – The mention of the Ark places us squarely on Jewishground. You see, for the Jew, the Ark of the Covenant represented the presence ofGod, the communion of God and the redemption of God. Here, the Jews are reminded that God is not finished with them. He will complete His plan for Israel and He will keepHis covenants with the seedof Abraham!
  • 55. (Note:In the Bible, there are five different names for the Ark of the Covenant mentioned. These five names revealwhat God is doing in these verses. 1. The Ark of the Covenant – Num. 10:33 – The ancient Ark containedthe Law. In these verses we see a world that has transgressedGod’s Law. The world has angeredthe Lord and He has come down to judge them! 2. The Ark of the Testimony – Ex. 25:22 – The Ark testified to God’s holiness and man’s sinfulness. God is still holy and man is still a sinner. As a sinner, man will be judged by a holy God. 3. The Ark of God – 1 Sam. 3:3 – The Ark was the only visible throne of God on the earth. This vision of the Ark reminds everyone that God is still on His throne! 4. The Ark of Strength – Psa. 132:8 – It was calledthis because ofthe miracles and greatworks associatedwith it. We are reminded here that God is still Almighty God and He still reigns in power. 5. The Holy Ark – 2 Chron. 35:3 – It was calledthe Holy Ark because it is where God dwelt! This vision of the Ark reminds us that God is still alive and well!
  • 56. Conc:Verse 19 closes withpremonitions of impending disasters. More horrors, worse horrors, than those we have seenthus far, are on the horizon. We are at the half-way point of the book and of the Tribulation. We have seen things from God’s perspective, now we will see things from Satan’s perspective. These verses have literally takenus to the very edge of eternity. The question that must be faced today is this: Which group mentioned in verse 18 are you a part of? Are you a part of that group that will be doomed and damned to Hell? Are you losttoday? If you are, you need to know that the wrath of God already abides on your life, John 3:36; 3:18; Eph. 2:3; Rom. 1:18. You also need to know that you do not have to stay in that condition for another minute! If you will come to Jesus, He will save you by His grace!Come now, if He is calling you to come to Him. If you are part of that group that will be rewardedand rejoicing one day, then praise the Lord! You ought to bow before Him and tell Him how thankful you are that He has saved you. If you are lost today, you may be here for the Tribulation and you may not. But think about this: You are one heartbeatawayfrom eternity. Have you ever thought about that? All that has to happen for your heart to stop and the moment it stops and your spirit will leave your body you will be in eternity. Up in Washington, D.C., at the depot there is a strange mark on a wall. That mark is there because many years ago PresidentJames Garfield was in that depot. An assassinwalkedin, saw the President, and fired a shot. The shot went through PresidentGarfield, killing him, and the bullet hit the
  • 57. wall and left a mark, and mark is still there. It identifies the place where PresidentGarfield stepped from time into eternity. And dear friend, for every one of us, somewhere onthis earth there is a mark. It may be on a death bed in a hospital somewhere. It may be on an interstate highway where an accidentwill occur. There is some point in time where your time will cease andyour eternity will begin. If you came to the place where your mark is locatedtoday, how would it be with your soul? Are you saved? Do you know that you know you're saved? Let’s mind Him today! ALAN CARR Rev. 11:15-19 THE EDGE OF ETERNITY Intro: In Chapters 6-11, we have studied the events of the greattribulation. In chapters 12-19, we will be covering the same ground again. Except, this time, we will
  • 58. see a different slant on things. Same scenes different angle. v.15-19 are a summary statement. A syllabus, if you will, of the events that will lead up to the dawn of eternity. Folk, one day, time will ceaseto exist! We will step from this time oriented world into an era that is not affectedby time. Let’s look into the events that will lead to the edge. I. v.15 THE ANNOUNCEMENTOF THE REIGN OF CHRIST A. Jesus will not actually take the throne until 19:11 B. Kingdoms - Now belong to Satan, he controls every government in the world!
  • 59. (Matt. 4:8-10). But, one day soon, they will belong to Jesus! Imagine a world controlled by the Holy Sonof God! 1. In Power- (Rev. 19:11-16) (Ill. The Queenof England!) C. Eternal - This King will never abdicate, die or be dethroned! (Psa. 145:13) D. Is Jesus King in your life? There are two kinds, which is HE? 1. TotalitarianMonarch 2. ConstitutionalMonarch - (Ill. England) II. v.16-19 THE ADORATION OF THE REDEEMEDOF CHRIST A. v.16-17 The 24 elders, representing the redeemed of Christ, burst into song.
  • 60. They praise Him because He has retakenwhat is rightfully His! (Ill. He has also answeredthe prayer of the ages - Matt. 6:10) B. Nations Were Angry - The rebellion in man vents it’s hatred toward God! (Ill. Trying to kill the Jews!) C. TheyWrath Is Come - Rom. 1:18ff During the last 3 1/2 years, God’s wrath will pour itself in torrents upon the earth. (Ill. This isn’t a milquetoast God! Heb 12:29) D. The Time Of The Dead - 1. Resurrections - 20:4; 20:12 2. Judgments - Rev. 20:11-15 (Ill. Judgment will come to all men who reject
  • 61. Jesus!) E. Rewards - O.T. Saints and Tribulation Saints. All of God’s People will be rewarded! All the Pauls and Peters, and even the rest of us too! Rev. 22:12 F. Destroythe Destroyers -Satan, every demon and every person who followed him will be castinto the lake of fire - Rev. 20:10 G. Temple - Jewishground, the church has no temple! Opened - Access (Ill. The old days!) Ark - 2nd. Mostimportant article of worship in the Jewishreligion. There are 5 names for the Ark in Scripture and they all speak to what the Lord is doing!
  • 62. 1. Ark of Covenant (Num 10:33) Containedthe Law - God’s Law has been transgressedandHe is angry. 2. Ark of Testimony (Ex. 25:22) Testifiedto God’s holiness and man’s sin. God is still holy and man is still a sinner! 3. The Ark of God (1 Sam. 3:3) It was the only visible throne of God God is still on His throne! 4. The Ark of Strength (Psalm 132:8) Becauseofmiracles and works associatedwith it. God is still in power! 5. The Holy Ark (2 Chron. 35:3) Because itis where God dwelt! God is still alive and well!
  • 63. H. All of these things are to encourage the Jewishpeople in the midst of their trials.I’ll tell you, this also encouragesme! I. Lightenings, etc - Speak ofthe horrors that are ahead! Conc: Time is running out! We must be motivated to reachour generation for Jesus! THE SOUNDING OF THE LAST TRUMPET Dr. W. A. Criswell Revelation11:14-19 10-14-62 8:15 a.m.
  • 64. On the radio you are sharing the services ofthe First Baptist Church in Dallas. This is the pastor bringing the early morning messageentitled The Sounding of the Last Trumpet. In our preaching through the Bible we have come to the Revelation, and in our preaching through the Revelation, to chapter 11. And last Sunday we left off preaching at verse 13 [Revelation 11:13]. We begin now at verse 14, and the text follows to the end of the chapter. If you would like to turn in your Bible to the place, you can easily follow the message, forit is an expositionof Revelation11:14-19. “The secondwoe is past,” the blowing of the sixth trumpet, “and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly” [Revelation11:14], the blowing of the final and seventh trumpet. Then it follows: And the seventh angel sounded; and there were greatvoices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their thrones, fell upon their faces, and worshipedGod, Saying, We give Thee thanks, O Lord GodAlmighty, which art, and wast, and art to come;because Thouhast takento Thee Thy greatpower, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldestgive reward unto Thy
  • 65. servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great;and shouldestdestroy them which destroythe earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seenin His temple the ark of His covenant: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. [Revelation11:15-19] This is proleptic; it is synoptic. This is a brief summary, a syllabus of all that shall happen to the end of time, to the completed redemption. For the glorious, cloud-robed angelwho came down from heaven in chapter 10 [Revelation10:1], raisedhis hand, and swore by Him that liveth forever and ever . . . that there should be delay no longer; but that “in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished” [Revelation10:1, 5-7]. That would let us know that the sounding of the seventhangel, the last trumpet is not a piercing blast that is over in a moment, but the angelsaid, “In the days of the voice of the seventhangel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished” [Revelation10:7]. So there is here a period of time in the days of the voice of this lastangel. All that God hath purposed for this earth and these heavens and for us will come to pass. So beginning here we have the overreaching of all that God purposes to the creationof the new heavens and the new earth. This passagewe have just read is an exergasia, it is a little synoptic for all of the Revelationbeginning at chapter 12 through chapter 22 [Revelation12-22]. That would include then, the harvest of the vintage of the earth [Revelation 14:14-16]. It would include the pouring out of the sevenbowls, the sevenvials of the wrath of God [Revelation15:1-16:21]. It would include the great final battle of Armageddon [Revelation19:19]. It would include the establishment