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Acts 4:26-27 26Thekings of the earth rise up and the
rulers band together againstthe LORD and against
his anointedone.' 27Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate
met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel
in this city to conspireagainstyour holy servantJesus,
whom you anointed.
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(26) And againsthis Christ.—The question whether the word “Christ” should
be used as a proper name, or translated, is commonly answeredby accepting
the former alternative. Here, perhaps, to maintain the connectionwith the
Psalmand with the verb in the next verse, it would be better to say, “against
His Anointed.” The “Lord” stands, of course, for the Supreme Deity of the
MacLaren's Expositions
Acts 4:19 - Acts 4:31.
The only chance for persecutionto succeedis to smite hard and swiftly. If you
cannot strike, do not threaten. Menacing words only give courage. The rulers
betrayed their hesitation when the end of their solemnconclave was but to
‘straitly threaten’; and less heroic confessorsthan Peterand John would have
disregardedthe prohibition as mere wind. None the less the attitude of these
two Galileanfishermen is noble and singular, when their previous cowardice
is remembered. This first collisionwith civil authority gives, as has been
already noticed, the main lines on which the relations of the Church to hostile
powers have proceeded.
I. The heroic refusal of unlawful obedience.
We shall probably not do injustice to John if we suppose that Peterwas
spokesman. If so, the contrastof the tone of his answerwith all previously
recordedutterances of his is remarkable. Warm-heartedimpulsiveness, often
wrong-headedand sometimes illogical, had been their mark; but here we have
calm, fixed determination, which, as is usually its manner, wastes no words,
but in its very brevity impresses the hearers as being immovable. Whence did
this man getthe powerto lay down once for all the foundation principles of
the limits of civil obedience, and of the duty of Christian confession? His
words take rank with the ever-memorable sayings of thinkers and heroes,
from Socratesin his prison telling the Athenians that he loved them, but that
he must ‘obey God rather than you,’ to Luther at Worms with his ‘It is
neither safe nor right to do anything againstconscience. Here I stand; I can do
nothing else. Godhelp me! Amen.’ Peter’s words are the first of a long series.
This first instance of persecutionis made the occasionfor the clearexpression
of the greatprinciples which are to guide the Church. The answerfalls into
two parts, in the first of which the limits of obedience to civil authority are
laid down in a perfectly generalform to which even the Council are expected
to assent, and in the secondan irresistible compulsion to speak is boldly
allegedas driving the two Apostles to a flat refusal to obey.
It was a daring stroke to appeal to the Council for an endorsement of the
principle in Acts 4:19, but the appeal was unanswerable;for this tribunal had
no other ostensible reasonforexistence than to enforce obedience to the law of
God, and to Peter’s dilemma only one reply was possible. But it rested on a
bold assumption, which was calculatedto irritate the court; namely, that there
was a blank contradiction betweentheir commands and God’s, so that to obey
the one was to disobey the other. When that parting of the ways is reached,
there remains no doubt as to which road a religious man must take.
The limits of civil obedience are clearly drawn. It is a duty, because ‘the
powers that be are ordained of God,’ and obedience to them is obedience to
Him. But if they, transcending their sphere, claim obedience which can only
be rendered by disobedience to Him who has appointed them, then they are
no longer His ministers, and the duty of allegiance falls away. But there must
be a plain conflictof commands, and we must take care lest we substitute
whims and fancies of our own for the injunctions of God. Peterwas not guided
by his own conceptions ofduty, but by the distinct precept of his Master,
which had bid him speak. It is not true that it is the cause which makes the
martyr, but it is true that many goodmen have made themselves martyrs
needlessly. This principle is too sharp a weaponto be causelesslydrawnand
brandished. Only an unmistakable oppositionof commandments warrants its
use; and then, he has little right to be calledChrist’s soldier who keeps the
swordin the scabbard.
The articulate refusal in Acts 4:20 bases itselfon the ground of irrepressible
necessity:‘We cannot but speak.’The immediate application was to the facts
of Christ’s life, death, and glory. The Apostles could not help speaking of
these, both because to do so was their commission, and because the knowledge
of them and of their importance forbade silence. The truth implied is of wide
reach. Whoeverhas a real, personalexperience of Christ’s saving power, and
has heard and seenHim, will be irresistibly impelled to impart what he has
received. Speechis a relief to a full heart. The word, concealedin the
prophet’s heart, burned there ‘like fire in his bones, and he was wearyof
forbearing.’ So it always is with deep conviction. If a man has never felt that
he must speak of Christ, he is a very imperfect Christian. The glow of his own
heart, the pity for men who know Him not, his Lord’s command, all concurto
compel speech. The full river cannot be dammed up.
II. The lame and impotent conclusionof the perplexed Council.
How plain the path is when only duty is takenas a guide, and how vigorously
and decisivelya man marches along it! Peterhad no hesitation, and his
resolvedanswercomes crashing in a straight course, like a cannon-ball. The
Council had a much more ambiguous oracle to consultin order to settle their
course, and they hesitate accordingly, and at last do a something which is a
nothing. They wantedto trim their sails to catchpopular favour, and so they
could not do anything thoroughly. To punish or acquit was the only
alternative for just judges. But they were not just; and as Jesus had been
crucified, not because Pilate thought Him guilty, but to please the people, so
His Apostles were let off, not because they were innocent, but for the same
reason. When popularity-hunters geton the judicial bench, societymust be
rotten, and nearing its dissolution. To ‘decree unrighteousness by a law’is
among the most hideous of crimes. Judges ‘willing to wound, and yet afraid to
strike,’are portents indicative of corruption. We may remark here how the
physician’s pen takes note of the patient’s age, as making his cure more
striking, and manifestly miraculous.
III. The Church’s answerto the first assaultof the world’s power.
How beautifully natural that is, ‘Being let go, they went to their own,’ and
how large a principle is expressedin the naive words! The greatlaw of
associationaccording to spiritual affinity has much to do in determining
relations here. It aggregatesmen, according to sorts;but its operation is
thwarted by other conditions, so that companionship is often misery. But a
time comes when it will work unhindered, and men will be united with their
like, as the stones on some sea-beaches are laid in rows, according to their size,
by the force of the sea. Judas ‘went to his own place,’and, in another world,
like will draw to like, and prevailing tendencies will be increasedby
associationwith those who share them.
The prayer of the Church was probably the inspired outpouring of one voice,
and all the people said ‘Amen,’ and so made it theirs. Whose voice it was
which thus put into words the common sentiment we should gladly have
known, but need not speculate. The greatfactis that the Church answered
threats by prayer. It augurs healthy spiritual life when opposition and danger
neither make cheeks blanchwith fear nor flush with anger. No man there
trembled nor thought of vengeance, orof repaying threats with threats. Every
man there instinctively turned heavenwards, and flung himself, as it were,
into God’s arms for protection. Prayer is the strongestweaponthat a
persecutedChurch canuse. Browning makes a tyrant say, recounting how he
had tried to crush a man, that his intended victim
‘Stood erect, caughtat God’s skirts, and prayed,
So I was afraid.’
The contents of the prayer are equally noteworthy. Instead of minutely
studying it verse by verse, we may note some of its salientpoints. Observe its
undaunted courage. Thatcompany never quivered or wavered. Theyhad no
thought of obeying the mandate of the Council. They were a little army of
heroes. Whathad made them so? What but the convictionthat they had a
living Lord at God’s right hand, and a mighty Spirit in their spirits? The
world has never seena transformation like that. Unique effects demand
unique causes fortheir explanation, and nothing but the historical truth of the
facts recordedin the last pages ofthe Gospels and first of the Acts accounts
for the demeanour of these men.
Their courage is strikingly marked by their petition. All they ask is ‘boldness’
to speak a word which shall not be theirs, but God’s. Fearwould have prayed
for protection;passionwould have askedretribution on enemies. Christian
courage and devotion only ask that they may not shrink from their duty, and
that the word may be spoken, whateverbecomes ofthe speakers. The worldis
powerless againstmen like that. Would the Church of to-day meet threats
with like unanimity of desire for boldness in confession? If not, it must be
because it has not the same firm hold of the RisenLord which these first
believers had. The truest courage is that which is conscious ofits weakness,
and yet has no thought of flight, but prays for its own increase.
We may observe, too, the body of belief expressedin the prayer. First it lays
hold on the creative omnipotence of God, and thence passes to the recognition
of His written revelation. The Church has begun to learn the inmost meaning
of the Old Testament, and to find Christ there. David may not have written
the secondPsalm. Its attribution to him by the Church stands on a different
level from Christ’s attribution of authorship, as, for instance, of the hundred
and tenth Psalm. The prophecy of the Psalmis plainly Messianic, howeverit
may have had a historicaloccasionin some forgottenrevolt againstsome
Davidic king; and, while the particular incidents to which the prayer alludes
do not exhaust its far-reaching application, they are rightly regardedas partly
fulfilling it. Herod is a ‘king of the earth,’ Pilate is a ‘ruler’; Roman soldiers
are Gentiles;Jewishrulers are the representatives of‘the people.’Jesus is
‘God’s Anointed.’ The factthat such an unnatural and daring combination of
rebels was predicted in the Psalm bears witness that even that crime at
Calvary was foreordainedto come to pass, and that God’s hand and counsel
ruled. Therefore all other opposition, such as now threatened, will turn out to
be swayedby that same Mighty Hand, to work out His counsel. Why, then,
should the Church fear? If we can see God’s hand moving all things, terror is
dead for us, and threats are like the whistling of idle wind.
Mark, too, the strong expressionof the Church’s dependence on God. ‘Lord’
here is an unusual word, and means ‘Master,’while the Church collectivelyis
called‘Thy servants,’or properly, ‘slaves.’It is a different word from that of
‘servant’ {rather than ‘child’} applied to Jesus in Acts 4:27 - Acts 4:30. God is
the Master, we are His ‘slaves,’bound to absolute obedience, unconditional
submission, belonging to Him, not to ourselves, and therefore having claims
on Him for such care as an owner gives to his slaves orhis cattle. He will not
let them be maltreated nor starved. He will defend them and feed them; but
they must serve him by life, and death if need be. Unquestioning submission
and unreserved dependence are our duties. Absolute ownership and unshared
responsibility for our well-being belong to Him.
Further, the view of Christ’s relationship to God is the same as occurs in other
of the early chapters of the Acts. The title of ‘Thy holy Servant Jesus’dwells
on Christ’s office, rather than on His nature. Here it puts Him in contrast
with David, also called‘Thy servant.’ The latter was imperfectly what Jesus
was perfectly. His complete realisationof the prophetic picture of the Servant
of the Lord in Isaiah is emphasisedby the adjective ‘holy,’ implying complete
devotion or separationto the service of God, and unsullied, unlimited moral
purity. The uniqueness of His relation in this aspectis expressedby the
definite article in the original. He is the Servant, in a sense and measure all
His own. He is further the Anointed Messiah. This was the Church’s message
to Israel and the stay of its own courage, that Jesus was the Christ, the
Anointed and perfect Servant of the Lord, who was now in heaven, reigning
there. All that this faith involved had not yet become clearto their
consciousness, but the Spirit was guiding them stepby step into all the truth;
and what they saw and heard, not only in the historicalfacts of which they
were the witnesses, but in the teaching of that Spirit, they could not but speak.
The answercame swift as the roll of thunder after lightning. They who ask for
courage to do God’s will and speak Christ’s name have never long to wait for
response. The place ‘was shaken,’symbol of the effectof faithful witness-
bearing, or manifestationof the power which was given in answerto their
prayer. ‘They were all filled with the Holy Ghost,’who now did not, as before,
conferability to speak with other tongues, but wrought no less worthily in
heartening and fitting them to speak ‘in their own tongue, wherein they were
born,’ in bold defiance of unlawful commands.
The statementof the answerrepeats the petition verbatim: ‘With all boldness
they spake the word.’ What we desire of spiritual gifts we get, and God
moulds His replies so as to remind us of our petitions, and to show by the
event that these have reachedHis earand guided His giving hand.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
4:23-31 Christ's followers do best in company, provided it is their own
company. It encouragesGod's servants, both in doing work, and suffering
work, that they serve the God who made all things, and therefore has the
disposalof all events;and the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Jesus was anointed
to be a Saviour, therefore it was determined he should be a sacrifice, to make
atonement for sin. But sin is not the less evil for God's bringing goodout of it.
In threatening times, our care should not be so much that troubles may be
prevented, as that we may go on with cheerfulness and courage in our work
and duty. They do not pray, Lord let us go away from our work, now that it is
become dangerous, but, Lord, give us thy grace to go on stedfastly in our
work, and not to fear the face of man. Those who desire Divine aid and
encouragement, may depend upon having them, and they ought to go forth,
and go on, in the strength of the Lord God. Godgave a sign of acceptance of
their prayers. The place was shaken, that their faith might be establishedand
unshaken. God gave them greaterdegrees ofhis Spirit; and they were all
filled with the Holy Ghost, more than ever; by which they were not only
encouraged, but enabled to speak the word of God with boldness. When they
find the Lord Godhelp them by his Spirit, they know they shall not be
confounded, Isa 1.7.
Barnes'Notes on the Bible
The kings of the earth - The Psalmistspecifies more particularly that kings
and rulers would be opposedto the Messiah. This had occurredalready by the
opposition made to the Messiahby the rulers of the Jewishpeople, and it
would be still more evinced by the opposition of princes and kings as the
gospelspreadamong the nations.
Stoodup - The word used here παρίστημι paristēmi commonly means "to
present oneself, orto stand forth, for the purpose of aiding, counseling," etc.
But here it means that they "rose," or"presentedthemselves,"to evince their
opposition. They stoodopposedto the Messiah, andoffered resistance to him.
The rulers - This is another instance of the Hebrew parallelism. The word
does not denote another class ofpeople from kings, but expresses the same
idea in another form, or in a more generalmanner, meaning that all classesof
persons in authority would be opposedto the gospel.
Were gatheredtogether - Hebrew, consultedtogether; were united in a
consultation. The Greek implies that they were assembledfor the purpose of
Against the Lord - In the Hebrew, "againstYahweh." This is the specialname
which is given in the Scriptures to God. They rose againsthis plan of
appointing a Messiah, andagainstthe Messiahwhomhe had chosen.
Against his Christ - Hebrew, againsthis Messiah, orhis Anointed. See the
notes on Matthew 1:1. This is one of the places where the word "Messiah"is
used in the Old Testament. The word occurs in about 40 places, and is
commonly translated"his anointed," and is applied to kings. The direct
reference of the word to the Messiahin the Old Testamentis not frequent.
This passageimplies that opposition to the Messiahis opposition to Yahweh.
And this is uniformly supposed in the sacredScriptures. He that is opposedto
Christ is opposedto God. He that neglects him neglects God. He that despises
him despises God, Matthew 10:40;Matthew 18:5; John 12:44-45;Luke 10:16,
"He that despisethme, despiseth him that sent me." The reasons ofthis are:
(1) That the Messiahis "the brightness of the Father's glory, and the express
image of his person," Hebrews 1:3.
(2) he is equal with the Father, possessing the same attributes and the same
power, John 1:1; Philippians 2:6.
(3) he is appointed by God to this greatwork of saving people. To despise him,
or to oppose him, is to despise and oppose him who appointed him to this
work, to contemn his counsels, andto set him at naught.
(4) his work is dear to God. It has engagedhis thoughts. It has been approved
by him. His missionhas been confirmed by the miraculous powerof the
Father, and by every possible manifestationof his approbation and love. To
oppose the Messiahis, therefore, to oppose what is dear to the heart of God,
and which has long been the object of his tender solicitude. It follows from
this, that they who neglectthe Christian religion are exposing themselves to
the displeasure of God, and endangering their everlasting interests. No man is
safe who opposes God;and no man can have evidence that Godwill approve
him who does not embrace the Messiah, whomHe has appointed to redeem
the world.
Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary
25. by the mouth of … David—to whom the Jews ascribedthe secondPsalm,
though anonymous; and internal evidence confirms it. David's spirit sees with
astonishment "the heathen, the people, the kings and princes of the earth," in
deadly combination againstthe swayof Jehovahand His Anointed (his
Messiah, orChrist), and asks "why" it is. This fierce confederacyour praying
disciples see in full operation, in the "gathering togetherof Herod and Pilate,
the Gentiles (the Roman authority), and the people of Israel, againstGod's
holy Child ('Servant') Jesus." (Seeon[1950]Ac 3:13). The best ancient copies
read, after "were gatheredtogether," "inthis city," which probably answers
to "upon my holy hill of Zion," in the Ps 2:6.
Matthew Poole's Commentary
These words do not vary in sense from what we read, Psalm 2:2, but are the
same for substance.
The kings;not only such who in a strict sense we callkings, but any chief
governors, as Herod and Pilate were.
The rulers; the sanhedrim, or greatcouncil of the Jews.
Against the Lord; God looks upon it as done againsthim, whatsoeveris done
againstthem that fear him; thus the Israelites are said to be
gatheredtogetheragainstthe Lord, Numbers 16:11, who were gathered
againstMoses andAaron.
And againsthis Christ; our Saviour was at the right hand of his Father, but
they who afflict his members afflict him; he cries from heavento Saul, Why
persecutestthou me? Acts 9:4; and had before told his disciples, He that
despisethyou despisethme, Luke 10:16.
Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
The kings of the earth stoodup,.... Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee,
sometimes calleda king, Mark 6:14 and Pilate the Roman governor, who
representedhis masterCaesar;these stood, or rose up in an hostile manner,
and setthemselves against, and opposedthemselves to the Messiah, Jesus of
and the rulers were gatheredtogether;the Jewishrulers, Annas, Caiaphas,
and the rest of the members of the sanhedrim, who met togethermore than
once;and particularly at the high priest's palace, to consult how they should
take Jesus and put him to death; and who also gatheredtogetherat the same
place, when he was taken, to arraign, examine, and condemn him. And this
opposition, and these conspiracies andconsultations, were
againstthe Lord: Jehovah, the Father of Christ, who sent him, and anointed
him; so that what was done againstChrist, was done againstthe Lord, their
views and designs, their interestand glory, being the same:
and againsthis Christ; or anointed one, who was anointed by him, with the
Holy Ghost, from his birth, and at his baptism, to be prophet, priest, and
Geneva Study Bible
The kings of the earth stoodup, and the rulers were gatheredtogetheragainst
the Lord, and againsthis Christ.
Expositor's Greek Testament
Acts 4:26. παρέστησαν:not necessarilyof hostile intent, although here the
context indicates it; R.V., “setthemselves in array,” lit[162] “presented
themselves,” anexactrendering of the Hebrew ‫י‬ ָ‫ַצ‬‫ב‬, which sometimes implies
rising up againstas here, Psalm 2:2, and cf. 2 Samuel18:13 (R.V. margin). Of
the generallyacceptedMessianic interpretationof the Psalm, and of the verses
here quoted, there can be no doubt, cf. Edersheim, Jesus the Messiah, ii., 716
(appendix on Messianic passages), andWetstein, in loco. The Psalmis
regardedas full of Messianic references(Briggs,Messianic Prophecy, pp. 132–
140, and 492, 493), cf., e.g., the comment on this verse of the Psalmin the
Mechilta (quoted in the Yalkut Shimeoni, ii., f. 90, 1 Sch. p. 227), Perowne,
Psalms (small edition), p. 16; and Edersheim, u. s. The Psalm carries us back
to the greatDavidic promise in 2 Samuel 7:11-16, and it reflects the Messianic
hopes of the Davidic period. That hope the N.T. writers who quote this Psalm
very frequently or refer to it, cf. Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:5; Hebrews 5:5, see
fulfilled in Christ, the antitype of David and of Solomon. Thus the gathering
togetherof the nations and their fruitless decrees find their counterpart in the
alliance of Herod and Pilate, and the hostile combination of Jew and Gentile
againstthe holy Servant Jesus, the anointed of God, and againstHis followers;
although the words of the Psalmand the issues ofthe conflict carry on our
thoughts to a still wider and deeper fulfilment in the final triumph of Christ’s
kingdom, cf. the frequent recurrence of the language of the Psalmin
Revelation12:5; Revelation19:15, and cf. Revelation1:5; Revelation2:26-27.
[162]literal, literally.
Bengel's Gnomen
Acts 4:26. Οἱ βασιλεῖς τῆς γῆς, the kings of the earth) All the kingdoms of the
world have at some time or other assailedthe Gospel.—οἱ ἄρχοντες, the
rulers) Pilate was the representative of these; as Herod was of “the kings.”
The prophecy and the event accuratelycorrespond. Subsequently we read of
Herod, not Pilate, having afflicted also the apostles.
Pulpit Commentary
Verse 26. - Set themselves in array for stoodup, A.V.; Anointed for Christ,
A.V. Set themselves in array, Παρίστημι does not speciallymean "to set
themselves in array," which implies a battle, of which there is not question
home, but it means simply "to present" or "show themselves" (Acts 1:3) "to
be ready," or, as in ver. 10, "to stand." Anointed. The text in the whole
citation follows the LXX. exactly.
Jesus the Anointed One
The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me. (Luke 4:18)
God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Spirit and with power. (Acts
In the West, we often tend to think of “Jesus”as His first name and “Christ”
as His last, but that is not accurate. “Christ” is not His surname; it is His title,
and speaks ofHis office and function. Our English word “Christ” is an
anglicized versionof the Greek word Christos, which translates the Hebrew
word Messiah, whichliterally means “Anointed One.” That is, Jesus Christ is
actually Jesus the Anointed One.
In the Old Testament, kings and priests were anointed to show that they were
authorized and empoweredby God to operate in those offices. The title
“Anointed One” shows that Jesus is authorized and empoweredby God to
rule over His people as His perfect and final King. It also reveals that Jesus is
the true and ultimate intermediary betweenGod and His people. All other
kings and priests in the Old Testamentwere merely types and foreshadows of
Jesus the Anointed One.
What is the function or purpose of His anointing? First, let’s look in Isaiah
10:27, where we see a description of the anointing:
It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken awayfrom your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyedbecause ofthe anointing oil.
The anointing is for removing all burdens from the people of God and
destroying all the yokes ofthe oppressor. Thatis exactly what Jesus came to
do — to remove the burdens and destroy the yoke of the oppressor. Jesus said,
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easyand My
burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
The Bible teaches us that Jesus not only came to remove our burdens but also
to destroy the yoke, or works ofthe devil:
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the
works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)
Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself
likewise sharedin the same, that through death He might destroy him who
had the power of death, that is, the devil. (Hebrews 2:14)
Even the name “Jesus”speaksofthis. In Hebrew, it is Yeshua, which literally
means “salvation,”and speaks ofdeliverance, healing, and restorationto
prosperity and well-being. We find all this in the anointing. One day, Jesus
was teaching in the synagogue andHe read from the scrollof Isaiah(at Isaiah
The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,
BecauseHe has anointed Me
To preach the gospelto the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recoveryof sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
To proclaim the acceptable yearof the LORD.
(Luke 4:18-19)
Then He satdown, indicating that He was about to comment on that passage,
and said, “Todaythis Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). The
gospelof Jesus the Anointed One lifts the burden and breaks the yoke of
poverty, sickness, blindness and oppression, bringing prosperity, freedom and
wholeness in their place. BecauseHe is anointed with the Spirit of the LORD,
all these things are fulfilled in Him and are available to all those who believe
Him. Petersummarized it this way:
God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Spirit and with power, who
went about doing goodand healing all who were oppressedby the devil, for
God was with Him. (Acts 10:38)
Remember that Jesus is the Christ, the One Anointed by God to lift every
burden and destroyevery demonic bondage in your life, and restore you to
wholeness in every way.
by Jeff Doles
Jesus Christ, Anointed One
by R.C. Sproul
Throughout the New Testament, we encountermany titles for Jesus of
Nazareth—“Sonof God,” “Sonof Man,” “Lord,” and others. However, the
title that is given to Jesus mostoften in the New Testamentis one that is
familiar to us, but one that we do not understand well. It is the title “Christ.”
Why do I say that we do not understand this title well? I say it because
“Christ” is used so often in conjunction with “Jesus”that we tend to think of
it as His last name. However, “Christ” is not a secondaryname for Jesus;He
would have been known as “Jesus Bar-Joseph,”meaning “Jesus, sonof
Joseph.” Rather, “Christ” is Jesus’supreme title. But what does it mean?
The meaning of Christ is drawn from the Old Testament. Godpromised the
ancient Israelites that a Messiahwouldcome to deliver them from sin. The
idea of the Messiahis carried overinto the New Testamentwith the title
Christ. The Greek word Christos, from which we get the English word Christ,
is the translation of the Hebrew term Mashiach, which is the source for the
English word Messiah. Mashiach, in turn, is related to the Hebrew verb
masach, which means “to anoint.” Therefore, whenthe New Testamentspeaks
of Jesus Christ, it is saying “Jesus the Messiah,” whichliterally means, “Jesus
the Anointed One.”
In Old Testamenttimes, people were subject to anointing when they were
calledto the offices of prophet, priest, and king. For example, when Saul
became the first king of Israel, Samuel the prophet anointed his head with oil
in a ceremonialfashion (1 Sam. 10:1). This religious rite was performed to
show that the king of Israelwas chosenand endowedby God for the kingship.
Likewise, the priests (Ex. 28:41) and prophets (1 Kings 19:16) were anointed
at God’s command. In a sense, anyone in the Old Testamentwho was set
apart and consecratedfor a servanttask was a messiah, for he was one who
receivedan anointing.
But the people of Israellookedforward to that promised individual who was
to be not merely a messiahbut the Messiah, the One who would be supremely
setapart and consecratedby God to be their Prophet, Priest, and King. So, at
the time Jesus was born, there was a strong sense ofanticipation among the
Jews, who had been waiting for their Messiahforcenturies.
Amazingly, when Jesus beganHis public ministry, few recognizedHim for
who He was, despite overwhelming evidence that He possessedan anointing
from God that far surpassedthat which had restedon any other man. We
know that there was greatconfusion about Him even after He had been
ministering for some time. At one point, Jesus askedHis disciples, “Who do
people saythat the Sonof Man is?” (Matt. 16:13b). He was taking the pulse of
His culture, getting feedback regarding the rumors about Himself. In
response to Jesus’question, the disciples ticked off various views that were
being put forward: “Some sayJohn the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others
Jeremiahor one of the prophets” (v. 14). Jesus was being identified with all
kinds of people, but none of these speculations was correct.
Then Jesus askedthe disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” (v. 15b).
Peteransweredwith what is knownas the greatconfession, a statementof his
belief as to the identity of Jesus:“You are the Christ, the Son of the Living
God” (v. 16). With these words, Peterdeclaredthat Jesus was the Christos,
the Mashiach, the Anointed One.
Then Jesus saidan interesting thing. He told Peterthat he was blessedto have
this understanding of Jesus’identity. Why did He say this? Jesus explained:
“Forflesh and blood has not revealedthis to you, but my Father who is in
heaven” (v. 17). Peterhad receiveda divine insight that Jesus was the
Messiah;it was not something that he had discerned by his own ability. Again,
this amazes me because one would think that nearly everyone who
encounteredJesus would have recognizedHim immediately as the Messiah.
After all, there is no shortage ofinformation in the Old Testamentabout the
coming Messiah—where He would be born, how He would behave, and what
powerHe would manifest—and everyone could see whatJesus had done—
raising people from the dead, healing all sorts of maladies, and teaching with
greatauthority. But, of course, they did not. Jesus’anointing was not
immediately apparent.
Many people today have positive things to sayabout Jesus as a model of
virtue, a greatteacher, and so on, but they stop short of saying He is Messiah.
This is the greatdivide betweenChristians and unbelievers. Only one who has
been born againcan confess that Jesus is the Christ. Can you?
Christ the Anointed One
We bear the name Christians and are followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let
us concentrate for a few moments on the name Christ which became, in the
first years after the Resurrectionofthe Lord, his proper name.
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For, in the Creed we profess our belief "in one Lord, Jesus Christ".
The word "Christ" is the English transliteration of the Greek word Christos
which means "the anointed one". This Greek word, in turn, is a translation of
the Hebrew and Aramaic Messiahwhich also means "anointed". During Lent
we frequently see advertisements for performances or records of Handel's
Messiah. So "Christ" and "Messiah" meanthe very same thing.
The practice and notion of "anointing" are found in the Old Testamentbooks
of Samuel and Kings. These books recountthe beginnings, history and
disappearance ofthe kings of Israel, beginning with Saul, David and Solomon,
and ending with the destruction of Jerusalemin 587 B.C., and the
enslavementof the Jewishpeople by the Babylonians.
King David and his descendants were allanointed in their office as head and
leaderof the ChosenPeople. Scripture refers to the king as the "anointedof
Yahweh". He was, therefore, a sacredpersonwho, in a way, representedthe
kingship of Yahweh over his people. The people also believed that God
workedthrough the king to protectthem and to achieve his specialplan.
When the kingdom is destroyed, the faithful beganto look into the future for
the Messiah(Christ) who would deliver them and establish an everlasting
kingdom. The theologicalbasis forthis hope is the promise of the prophet
Nathan containedin 2 Samuel(7:13), and repeatedin Psalm89 (28-29). I
suggest that you take down your Bible and read these two passages.
In the course of time the title "Christ" underwent many changes, but we
know for sure that at the time of Jesus it was understoodmainly in a political
and not a theologicalsense.The feeling of the Messiah's imminent arrival was
very intense.
Jesus himself was reservedin his attitude to the title. He forbade the demonics
to say he was the Messiah(Lk 4:41); he told the twelve Apostles not to saythat
he was the Christ (Mt 16:20). The reasonwas that he did not want the people
to get the wrong, political idea about his messiahship. His efforts were
directed to give the title a transcendent, heavenly meaning. Finally, during his
passion, when askeddirectly by the Jewishauthorities, he admits that he is the
Messiah(Mk 14:60-62). Thatwas one of the reasons why they put him to
After the Resurrection, the first believers used the title "Christ" to sum up all
the other titles. Gradually, what was once just a title became practically a
proper name. Thus St. Paul, in his writings, is constantly referring to the Lord
as "Jesus Christ" (cf. 1 Cor 1:1-9). The title-name was so important that
within a few years the followers ofJesus of Nazarethwere designatedby it. "It
was at Antioch that the disciples were first called 'Christians'" (Acts 11:20).
See the index of chapters from Fundamentals of Catholicismwhich have been
reprinted to CERC here.
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Kenneth Baker, S.J. "Christthe Anointed One." In Fundamentals of
CatholicismVol. 1 Chapter 10 (San Francisco:Ignatius Press, 1995), 40-42.
This article reprinted with permission from FatherKenneth Baker, S.J.
Christ the Anointed One
“And Simon Peteransweredand said, Thou out the Christ, the Son of the
living God” – (Mt.16:16).
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Ghostand with
power…” – (Acts 10:38).
The Hebrew word is Messiahand in the Greek it’s Christ. Christ is in the
New Testament509 times and it means – ‘the anointed one.’The anointed one
is the Sonof God and Peter’s confessionin (Mt.16)shows plainly that Jesus is
the Christ, the anointed one – the Son of God. Hence His full title – Lord Jesus
Christ. And the more we know about Christ, the better we can discern the
Antichrist who deceives and counterfeits Christ. Oil will be very closely
connectedwith Antichrist as he is the Devil’s anointed one, emperor over the
whole earth.
That’s where the word Christ-ian comes from. Because we have received
Christ and been born again of the Holy Spirit, we also are anointed ones with
the oil of the Holy Ghostin us and one day we shall rule and reign on this
earth as anointed kings and priests. “But the anointing which ye have received
of him abideth in you...” – (I Jn.2:27). We don’t have the oil poured on the
outside of our body like the Old Testamentbut now it’s poured inside of us
and Christ the Anointed One is the one who anoints. But only the true
Christians who are born again, not just those who occupya pew in church.
The oil of the Holy Spirit is the power working in His church. “Notby
might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord”- (Zach.4:6). God
doesn’t use the worldly powerof this world – the political power and religious
powerof worldly churches and government. He doesn’t use powerful armies
and money power and petroleum oil power. You see here the two symbols of
the Holy Spirit powerin Israelin (Zach.4). The high priest Joshua and the
political ruler Zerubbabel symbolized by the two olive trees beside the
candlestick giving light – “These are the two anointed ones” – (vs.14). They
build up and edify the temple of God, which is the church. They were the two
olive branches witch through the two goldenpipes empty the goldenoil out of
themselves. Godhas not given Israelmuch ‘black gold’ (oil) under their
ground but God gave them the Anointed One, Jesus Christ and the Bible and
the Holy Spirit which is the true riches.
Three people were anointed in the Old Testament – prophet, priest and
king. And Jesus Christfulfilled the first two at His first coming and will come
back as King of Kings. All this anointing of the Old Testamentpointed to
Christ – the Anointed One. He’s the precious cornerstone ofGod’s living
temple, the church. Can you not see the anointed stone, the Lord Jesus Christ,
when you read about Jacobanointing the stone with oil at Bethel and calling it
the house of God? Jesus Christ is the gatewayto heaven. “And Jacobrose up
early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and
setit up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. And he calledthe name
of the place Bethel. And this stone, which I have setfor a pillar, shall be God’s
house” – (Gen.28:18,19,22). Here we see the true riches and the true oil of the
Holy Spirit that God gives His church. Not the rock oil calledpetroleum that
the world lusts after, but the oil of the Holy Spirit in eachstone of His
spiritual temple. As Peter, whose name means stone, said in his letter – “To
whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowedindeed of men, but chosenof
God and precious.Ye also as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an
holy priest hood… Wherefore also it is containedin the scripture, Behold, I
lay in Zion, a chief cornerstone, elect, precious:and he that believeth on him
shall not be confounded” – (I Pet.2:4-6). Yes, Jesus Christ, the precious
anointed cornerstone ofGod’s spiritual church – God’s precious oil - Amen.
Don’t get rich in the oil business – getsaved and born again. Choose the
spiritual oil, not the physical oil.
Oil plays a very important place in the affairs of this world and oil plays a
very important part in the affairs of God – oil runs His church. As for me, I’ll
take the oil from above, the kind that Israel had. I’ll receive Christ, the
Anointed One, and the riches in Him and eternallife over the oil from below
that will probably fuel the lake of fire. Keep this in mind when you hear of
Mideastoil and the politics of oil.
Not only was olive oil used for the anointing in the Old Testament, it was
used for fuel for the light – for the candlestick in the house of God.
(Ps.119:105)says – “Thy word is a lamp unto my feetand a light unto my
path.” That was outer light but now it’s inner light that the Holy Spirit gives
us when we’re born again. We’re enlightened through the reading and
studying of God’s Word by the greatteacher, the Holy Ghost – (I Jn.2:27). It
is written in (Luke 4:18) when Jesus beganHis ministry – “The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preachthe gospel..” And
eachone of God’s true ministers must be anointed with the oil of the Holy
Spirit and born againbefore he is qualified to preach. God enlightens us and
we enlighten others by opening up the scriptures to them.
In (Mt.25:1-13)we have the parable of the lamps of oil and it is a parable for
these end times. We are waiting for our bridegroom to return and for His
bride to be raptured up to meet Him. The focus is on oil in the lamps and
buying and selling oil, which is what the whole world is engagedin today.
When the midnight cry comes and the church is taken, many church members
who have no oil of the Holy Spirit in them will be left behind. Jesus tells them
– “I know you not” – (vs.12). Jesus then tells us to be watchmenand watch in
these end times – “Watchtherefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour
wherein the Sonof Man cometh” – (vs.13). Jesus was telling us to make sure
you have God’s oil in you and are born againand not just a religious, worldly
minded church member. Immediately after this rapture the Mark of the Beast
will come and will be required to buy and selland that means no oil and gas
for those who refuse it.
Satanis called the ‘Anointed Cherub’ in (Ezk.28:14). His angelic name was
Lucifer but he sinned by pride and he fell from his high exalted place. Lucifer
said “I will ascendinto heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I
will sit also upon the mount of the congregationin the sides of the North: I
will ascendabove the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high” –
(Is.14:13,14). Yet because he exalted himself God will abase him down to hell
– “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit” – (vs.15). He
now is the greatenemy of Christ and Christians who are the true anointed
ones of God. He gives all his power to Antichrist, the pseudo-Christ, the false
anointed one who is extremely proud like Satanand desires to rule the world.
(2 Thes.2:3,4).
Therefore we should expectAntichrist to have much to do with oil – not the
oil of the Holy Spirit from above, but petroleum oil from below. He will have
‘gold fever,’ and lust after ‘black gold’ and the riches of this world and the
powerthat money buys. Antichrist is the false anointed one and the chosen
one of Satan, the fallen anointed cherub of God. He is Satan’s masterpiece of
end-time deception and will be anointed by the rich and powerful oil
companies who will bankroll his electioninto the Presidency.
We see humble Jesus being anointed, not by the rich and powerful, but by
the poor. “And, behold, a womenin the city, which was a sinner, when she
knew that Jesus satat meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabasterbox
of ointment. And stoodat his feet behind him weeping, and beganto washhis
feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissedhis
feet and anointed them with the ointment. Jesus said“My head with oil thou
didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment.” “And
he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven” – (Luke 7 :37,38,46,48). Our Anointed
One came the first time to be our humble Savior on the cross, shedding His
blood for atonement and remission of our sins. He was our anointed High
Priestwho became the sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. He was our
anointed prophet who was martyred on Calvary for preaching the truth of
God. He’s coming back as the anointed King of Kings to rule over the whole
earth as emperor. He’s coming back in power and greatglory with His army
of saints from heavento defeatthe Antichrist-Beast, the false anointed one, at
Armageddon. – (Rev.19:11-21).
“But unto Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepterof
righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness,
and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the
oil of gladness above thy fellows”–(Heb.1:8,9). Here we see the throne of
God’s Anointed One, His dearly beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We see
His deity as God’s Son and we see His dynasty – his throne is foreverand ever
– Christ’s dynasty will never end. He will rule with a sceptre of righteousness.
The constitution under which He governs can be summed up in a single word
– RIGHTEOUSNESS. His kingdom is organized around that one plank and
principle because He loves righteousness andhates iniquity. Imagine what it
will be to have this whole earth be ruled by not just a Godly man, but God
himself. The sinless Saviorwho died for us will rule as King over this whole
earth in righteousness and justice.
Many a power-seekerhas swornto uphold the constitution as he swears ona
Bible, but then the powercorrupts him. Not so Christ. The authority under
which He governs is upheld by His personalintegrity, He will never lie to us –
PTL. He has been anointed by God and there is no higher authority than that.
Our Anointed Savior will be our Anointed Emperor – filled with the Holy
He will have the ‘oil of gladness.’O’how happy I was when I was born
again. Christ will have a cheerful, happy disposition by nature - filled with joy
and in turn will cause His kingdom to have gladness. I don’t mean He’s a
comediantelling jokes, but He’s a happy, gladman and we will serve the Lord
with gladness also. O’our precious, precious Anointed One, the Lord Jesus
Have you been anointed by God’s Holy Spirit? Are you born again? Repent
of your sins and by faith believe on Christ for forgiveness and remissionof
sins. God loves you and sent His dear Son to this earth to be your savior. “For
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begottenSon, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” – (Jn.3:16). “In
this was manifestedthe love of God toward us, because thatGod sent his only
begottenSon into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love,
not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and senthis Son to be the
propitiation for our sins” – (I Jn.4:9,10). Be an anointed one of God through
Christ. Do not spurn the love and grace ofGod.
PastorMike Storti
The Anointed One
by Wayne Blank
Messiahis the transliteration of the Old TestamentHebrew word pronounced
maw-shakh, meaning Anointed One, which when translated into the New
TestamentGreek is Christos. Since the first century AD, Christ has been used
as the name of the man knownduring His own human lifetime as Jesus of
Nazareth(Nazareth is shownin the photograph) - and rightly so, for He was
indeed The Christ, The Messiah.
"We have found the Messiah"
It was John The Baptist who announced that the Messiahhad arrived:
"And John bore witness, "I saw the Spirit descendas a dove from heaven, and
it remained on Him. I myself did not know Him; but he who sent me to
baptize with watersaid to me, 'He on Whom you see the Spirit descendand
remain, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.' And I have seenand
have borne witness that this is the Son of God."
"The next day againJohn was standing with two of his disciples;and he
lookedat Jesus as He walked, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God!"
"The two disciples heard him say this, and they followedJesus. Jesusturned,
and saw them following, and said to them, "What do you seek?"And they
said to him, "Rabbi," which means Teacher, "where are you staying?"
"He said to them, "Come and see." Theycame and saw where He was
staying; and they stayedwith Him that day, for it was about the tenth hour."
"One of the two who heard John speak, and followedHim, was Andrew,
Simon Peter's brother. He first found his brother Simon, and said to him,
"We have found the Messiah" (John1:32-41 RSV)
"Godanointed Jesus of Nazareth"
Jesus Christ is the anointed one; He is the The Way, the only Way, to
"And Peteropened his mouth and said: "Truly I perceive that God shows no
partiality, but in every nation any one who fears Him and does what is right is
acceptable to Him. You know the word which He sent to Israel, preaching
goodnews of peace by Jesus Christ, He is Lord of all, the word which was
proclaimed throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee after the baptism
which John preached:how God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy
Spirit and with power; how He went about doing goodand healing all that
were oppressedby the devil, for God was with Him."
"And we are witnesses to all that He did both in the country of the Jews and
in Jerusalem. They put Him to death by hanging Him on a tree [see Stauros];
but God raisedHim on the third day and made Him manifest; not to all the
people but to us who were chosenby God as witnesses,who ate and drank
with Him after He rose from the dead. And He commanded us to preachto
the people, and to testify that He is the one ordained by Godto be judge of the
living and the dead. To Him all the prophets bear witness that every one who
believes in Him receives forgivenessofsins through His Name." (Acts 10:34-
43 RSV)
Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing
Sun, 2015-11-29 12:35
00:00 - 56:39
Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing Ps Stefan291115.mp3
Ps. Stefan Schlogl
Stefan is a greatBible teacherand is highly respectedfor his ‘How to’
messages thathave helped many step into a life of ‘faith and victory.’
Stefan and Vanessa have a gift of administration and are strategic thinkers
who have a passionto see the localchurch organizedaround the 5 New
TestamentPurposes, with integrity, relevance and excellence.
about Ps. Stefan Schlogl
1. Jesus Christ, the Anointed
One and His Anointing
Luke 4:16–19 (NKJV) So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought
up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day,
and stoodup to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah.
And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach
the gospelto the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim
liberty to the captives and recoveryof sight to the blind, to set at liberty those
who are oppressed;19 To proclaim the acceptable yearof the Lord.”
Jesus was anointedwith the Holy Spirit to perform six specific functions:
He preached the gospel(GoodNews)to the poor
He healed the brokenhearted
He proclaimed liberty to the captives
He proclaimed recovery of sight to the blind
He set at liberty those who were oppressed
He proclaimed the acceptable yearof the Lord (the Year of Jubilee)
The anointing is:
The burden-removing and yoke-destroying PowerofGod
The Presence& power of the Holy Spirit to heal and liberate
In the Scriptures, Jesus is called“the Christ”.
Christ – from Greek “Christos”meaning:“the Anointed One”
So in effect, the Bible calls our Lord and Saviour “Jesus the Anointed One”
Therefore, the name “Christ” isn’t Jesus’surname, but a title of being the
Anointed One, and reference to His anointing
Jesus had been anointed with the Holy Spirit when He was baptized by John
the Baptistin the Jordan River.
John 1:35–41 (NKJV) Again, the next day, John stoodwith two of his
disciples. 36 And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Beholdthe Lamb of
God!” 37 The two disciples heard him speak, andthey followedJesus. 38 Then
Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “Whatdo you seek?”
They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher),
“where are You staying?” 39 He said to them, “Come and see.” Theycame
and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was
about the tenth hour). 40 One of the two who heard John speak, and followed
Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41 He first found his own brother
Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (whichis translated,
the Christ).
Amplified Translation:… We have found (discovered)the Messiah!—which
translated is the Christ (the Anointed One).
Messiah–fromGr. “Messias”– from Hebrew “Mashiyach”= the Anointed
Christians – the anointed ones
Acts 11:25–26 (NKJV)Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. 26
And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a
whole year they assembledwith the church and taught a great many people.
And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
Christians – from Greek “Christianos”
Dictionaries define the word “Christians” as “followers ofJesus Christ”.
Whilst this definition is correct, it is not complete, because it ignores the
meaning of the “anointing” in the word “Christianos”.
The word “Christ” inside the word “Christian” still means “Anointed One.
Christ is the Anointed One (capital “A” and capital“O”).
We, the Christians, are the anointed ones (small “a” and small “o”).
Colossians 1:27 (NCV) God decided to let His people know this rich and
glorious secretwhich He has for all people. This secretis Christ Himself, who
is in you. He is our only hope for glory.
If Christ is in us, then His anointing is in us.
2 Corinthians 1:21 (NET) But it is God who establishes us togetherwith you
in Christ and who anointed us.
At the point of our conversionGod the Father establishedus in Christ.
At the point of our baptism with the Holy Spirit He anointed us.
1 John 2:20 (NKJV) But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you
know all things.
The anointing within teaches us, and we know the difference:
betweenright and wrong
betweentruth and error
1 John 2:27 (NKJV) But the anointing which you have receivedfrom Him
abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teachyou; but as the same
anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and
just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
1 John 2:27 (Msg)But they’re no match for what is embedded deeply within
you—Christ’s anointing, no less!You don’t need any of their so-called
teaching. Christ’s anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to
know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. Live deeply in
what you were taught.
Every Spirit-filled believer is anointed.
Christ’s anointing abides and lives within us.
1 Timothy 4:14 (AMP) Do not neglectthe gift which is in you, [that special
inward endowment] which was directly imparted to you [by the Holy Spirit]
by prophetic utterance when the elders laid their hands upon you [at your
Many “Christ”ians ignore and neglectthe anointing within them.
Every Christian has been given a specialinward endowment to perform a
specific function.
The anointing is:
a specialability
a divine endowment of supernatural power
a divine enabling to carry out a function assignedto us by God
2 Timothy 1:6 (NKJV) Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which
is in you through the laying on of my hands.
We stir up the gift through:
Praying (in tongues)
Anointed preaching
Reading and meditating in God’s Word
Fellowshipwith the saints
Using the gift by serving others
Question:"What does Christ mean?"
Answer: To the surprise of some, “Christ” is not Jesus’ lastname (surname).
“Christ” comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning “anointedone” or
“chosenone.” This is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Mashiach, or
“Messiah.” “Jesus” is the Lord’s human name given to Mary by the angel
Gabriel (Luke 1:31). “Christ” is His title, signifying Jesus was sentfrom God
to be a King and Deliverer (see Daniel9:25; Isaiah 32:1). “Jesus Christ”
means “Jesusthe Messiah”or“Jesus the Anointed One.”
In ancient Israel, when someone was givena position of authority, oil was
poured on his head to signify his being set apart for God’s service (e.g., 1
Samuel 10:1). Kings, priests, and prophets were anointed in such fashion.
Anointing was a symbolic actto indicate God’s choosing (e.g., 1 Samuel24:6).
Although the literal meaning of anointed refers to the application of oil, it can
also refer to one’s consecrationby God, evenif literal oil is not used (Hebrews
There are hundreds of prophetic passages inthe Old Testamentthat refer to a
coming Messiahwho would deliver His people (e.g., Isaiah61:1; Daniel 9:26).
Ancient Israelthought their Messiahwould come with military might to
deliver them from decades ofcaptivity to earthly kings and pagan nations. But
the New Testamentreveals a much better deliverance provided by Jesus the
Messiah—adeliverance from the powerand penalty of sin (Luke 4:18;
Romans 6:23).
The Bible says Jesus was anointedwith oil on two separate occasionsby two
different women (Matthew 26:6–7;Luke 7:37–38), but the most significant
anointing came by way of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38). Jesus’title of “Christ”
means He is God’s Anointed One, the One who fulfills the Old Testament
prophecies, the ChosenSaviorwho came to rescue sinners (1 Timothy 1:15),
and the King of kings who is coming back againto set up His Kingdom on
earth (Zechariah 14:9).
Jesus Is The Christ, The Anointed One Series
Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 10, 2011
based on 11 ratings
(rate this sermon)
Scripture: Luke 4:14-22
Denomination: *other
Summary: Jesus is anointed to preachgoodnews to the poor, heal broken
hearts, comfort those who mourn, set the captives free, give beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of
1 2 3
“Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on
high has visited us.” (Luke 1:78).
• Visit: “to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes in order to see
how he is; to visit; to look upon in order to help or benefit; to look after, have
care for, provide for.”
• As we are going through Luke, we don’t just want to learn facts about Jesus.
• Our goalto know Him more, and experience His visitation today!
• Paul said: “Formy determined purpose is that I may know Him, that I may
progressivelybecome more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him…”
(Phil. 3:10, Amp).
• PRAYER: Visit us Lord! Rend the Heavens and come down!
• In Chapter one, we learned that Jesus is the Dayspring who brings us Hope.
• In Chapter two, we learned that Jesus is the Savior who brings Salvation.
• In Chapter two, we learned that Jesus is the Open Heavens who brings
“14 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of
Him went out through all the surrounding region. 15 And He taught in their
synagogues, being glorified by all. 16 So He came to Nazareth, where He had
been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue onthe
Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the
prophet Isaiah. And when He had openedthe book, He found the place where
it was written: 18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, BecauseHe has
anointed Me To preach the gospelto the poor; He has sent Me to heal the
brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recoveryof sight to
the blind, To setat liberty those who are oppressed;19 To proclaim the
acceptable yearof the Lord." 20 Then He closedthe book, and gave it back to
the attendant and satdown. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue
were fixed on Him. 21 And He beganto sayto them, "Todaythis Scripture is
fulfilled in your hearing." 22 So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the
gracious words which proceededout of His mouth.” (Luke 4:14-22a).
• Here we learn that Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed One.
• The Greek word Christ is the same as the Hebrew word Messiah= the
Anointed One.
• The Holy Spirit came on Him for a purpose: “Godanointed Jesus of
Nazarethwith the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good
and healing all who were oppressedby the devil, for God was with Him.”
(Acts 10:38).
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• “Forthe kingdom of God is not in word but in power.” (1 Cor. 4:20).
• Christianity isn’t just about telling stories;it’s about encountering the
anointed Jesus!
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Becausethe Lord has anointed Me
To preach goodtidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those
who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable yearofthe Lord, And the day of
vengeance ofour God; To comfort all who mourn, To console those who
mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;That they may be called
trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
(Isaiah 61:1-3).
Who are the poor? The poor, weak, needy, humble and meek.
• Jesus said, “Blessedare the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of
heaven.” (Mt. 5:3).
• Luke 5:27-32 Example: Jesus calls Levi, a tax collector, to follow Him.
• “And their scribes and the PhariseescomplainedagainstHis disciples,
saying, "Why do You eatand drink with tax collectors andsinners?" Jesus
answeredand said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician,
but those who are sick. I have not come to callthe righteous, but sinners, to
repentance.” (v.30-32).
• Are you poor, weak and needy? Jesus is calling YOU! You can be forgiven!
Who are the brokenhearted? Those who are broken down; torn violently,
• Luke 7:38-50 Example: Jesus forgives a sinful woman at Simon the
Pharisee’s house.
• “And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that
Jesus satat the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabasterflask of
fragrant oil, and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she beganto wash
His feetwith her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she
kissedHis feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil.” (v. 37-38).
• This broken-heartedwoman encounteredJesus, and she was changed
• “ThenHe said to her, "Your sins are forgiven.” (v.48).
• Are you broken-hearted? If you come to Jesus today, He canheal that
• Jesus addedthat He came to “proclaim the recoveryof sight to the blind.”
• Jesus heals brokenhearts, but He also heals broken bodies as well!
Who are the captives? Those bound by addictions, bad habits, anxieties,
compulsions, etc.
• Luke 8:26-39 Example: Jesus delivers a demon possessedman in the
• This man’s life was so messedup he was alone, naked, and cut himself (see
Mark 5:5).
• “Thenthey went out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and
found the man from whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of
Jesus, clothedand in his right mind. And they were afraid…” Jesus said:
“Return to your own house, and tell what greatthings God has done for you."
And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great
things Jesus had done for him” (v. 35,39).
• In Mark’s account, he adds that Jesus said, “and how He has had
compassiononyou.” (Mark 4:19b). Jesus was anointedto do goodto people!
• Are you bound by addictions, drugs, alcohol, fears or…? Jesus cansetyou
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Who are the mourning? Those who have lost loved ones, or just struggle with
Luke 7:11-16 Example: Jesus comforts a widow who is grieving the loss of her
• “Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and
many of His disciples went with Him, and a large crowd. And when He came
near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only
son of his mother; and she was a widow. And a large crowdfrom the city was
with her.” (v.11-12).
• How many of you know this widow was mourning the loss of her only son?
• “When the Lord saw her, He had compassiononher and said to her, "Do
not weep." ThenHe came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried
him stoodstill. And He said, "Young man, I sayto you, arise." So he who was
dead sat up and beganto speak. And He presentedhim to his mother. Then
fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, "A greatprophet has risen
up among us"; and, "God has visited His people.” (v.13-16).
• Are you grieving or mourning? Jesus wants to comfort you!
Luke 5:12-16 Example: Jesus cleansesa leper.
• “And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who
was full of leprosysaw Jesus;and he fell on his face and implored Him,
saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” (5:12).
• Here was a man whose life was ashes – because ofthis skin-disease,he was
alone, lonely and isolated. But Jesus is anointed to give beauty for ashes!
• “ThenJesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be
cleansed."Immediately the leprosy left him.” (v.13).
• Is your life is a pile of smoldering ashes?Jesus wants to make your life
Luke 19:1-10 Example: Jesus brings joy and salvationto Zacchaeus’house.
• Jesus saidto Zacchaeus,“Iwant to come to your house for a visit!” (v.5).
• “So (Zach) made haste and came down, and receivedHim joyfully.” (v.6).
• When Jesus comes fora visit, it is like the oil of joy!
Luke 8:43-48 Example: Jesus brings healing to a woman with the issue of
• “Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all
her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any.” (v.43).
• This woman had a spirit of heaviness – spent all her money on doctors, but
no change.
• She “came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And
immediately her flow of blood stopped.” (v.44).
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THE RESULT: What happens when we experience Jesus the anointed one?
“Thatthey may be calledtrees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that
He may be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:3).
1. When we are planted in the house of the Lord we flourish.
• It’s so important to be a part of the localchurch – Jesus is building His
2. Every time people encounteredJesus and their lives were changed, Godwas
CLOSING CHALLENGE: Jesus came to preachthe acceptable yearof the
What does that mean? The year of the Lord’s favour, pleasure, delight,
goodwill, acceptance.
PRAYER: Forpeople to encounter a fresh visitation of JESUS THE CHRIST!
BeausejourCommunity Church Website:
PastorChris Jordan’s Blog:
KJV Acts 4:26 The kings of the earth stoodup, and the rulers were gathered
togetheragainstthe Lord, and againsthis Christ.
kings of the earth Ps 83:2-8;Joel3:9-14; Rev 17:12-14,17;Rev 19:16-21
Against the Lord and His Christ Rev11:15; 12:10
Acts 4 Resources -Multiple Sermons and Commentaries
WERE GATHERED TOGETHER- What is the early church saying as they
quote Psalm 2 in their prayer? They interpret Psalm 2 as related to the
crucifixion and acknowledgethat the Gentiles (Romans), the people (Jewish
laity), kings and rulers (including religious rulers like the high priests
Caiaphas and Annas) were involved in crime againstthe Messiah. However,
the final fulfillment of Psalm 2 awaits the final rebellion of kings and rulers
againstthe Messiahwhich will take place at the end of this present age and is
describedin the Revelationof John. For example, John records
“The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet receiveda
kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beastfor one hour. 13
“These have one purpose, and they give their powerand authority to the
beast. 14 “These will wage waragainstthe Lamb, and the Lamb will
overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who
are with Him are the calledand chosenand faithful.” (Rev 17:12-14+)
And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS,
AND LORD OF LORDS.” 17 Then I saw an angelstanding in the sun, and he
cried out with a loud voice, saying to all the birds which fly in midheaven,
“Come, assemble forthe greatsupper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh
of kings and the flesh of commanders and the flesh of mighty men and the
flesh of horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men, both free
men and slaves, andsmall and great.” 19 And I saw the beast and the kings of
the earth and their armies assembledto make war againstHim who saton the
horse and againstHis army. 20 And the beastwas seized, and with him the
false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived
those who had receivedthe mark of the beast and those who worshiped his
image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with
brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the swordwhich came from the
mouth of Him who saton the horse, and all the birds were filled with their
flesh. (Rev 19:16-21+)
MacArthur comments "Theyhad witnessedthe initial fulfillment of that
prophecy in the city of Jerusalem. The final fulfillment is presentedin
Revelation17:9-14 and sets the stage forHis secondcoming revealedin
Revelation19:11-21. (Ibid)
Phillips has a very insightful comment regarding the early church's used of
Psalm2 - "We (THE MODERN DAY CHURCH) would see its final
fulfillment at Armageddon; the infant church saw its initial fulfillment at
Calvary. Calvary and Armageddon are two critical phases of the world's
planned opposition to Christ. They represent the world's attitude to His two
comings. The first time He came, He came in weakness, andGod allowedmen
to do their worstto His Beloved. The next time He will come for war, in all the
powerof His might. The first time His glory was veiled; the next time it will be
displayed in dazzling splendor. The first time they shed His blood; the next
time He will shed theirs. Both times the world's oppositionis organized,
official, and determined." (Exploring Acts)
The kings of earth - In the context of Jesus'crucifixion, the kings would
include Herod the tetrarch (Mt 14:1, Lk 23:8-12+).
The rulers - The rulers (of the people) describes the members of the
Pilate summoned the chief priests and the rulers and the people...35 And the
people stoodby, looking on. And even the rulers were sneering at Him, saying,
“He savedothers; let Him save Himself if this is the Christ of God, His Chosen
One.” (Lk 23:13, 35+)
The chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to the sentence of death, and
crucified Him. ( Lk 24:20+)
Rulers (official) (758)(archonfrom present participle of archo = to rule)
describes one who has eminence in a ruling capacity, referring to earthly
figures (Mt 20:25) such as rulers as here in (Acts 4:26), and later used of
Moses (Acts 7:27, 35). It is a mysterious irony that in God's sovereignplan He
allowed(in fact He predestined) these earthly rulers to take their stand
againstJesus Who is "the ruler of the kings of the earth." (Rev 1:5+) Luke
has alreadyused archon two times in this chapter Acts 4:5+ and Acts 4:8+.
Luke's uses of archonin Acts - Acts 3:17; Acts 4:5; Acts 4:8; Acts 4:26; Acts
7:27; Acts 7:35; Acts 13:27; Acts 14:5; Acts 16:19;Acts 23:5;
Took their stand is first in the Greek sentence foremphasis! These various
groups presentedthemselves with hostile intent againstJesus.
Took stand (3936)(paristemifrom para = near, beside + histemi = place, set)
literally means to place or set beside or near and hence to place at someone's
disposal. As Barnes says the verb "commonly means, to presentone's self, or
to stand forth, for the purpose of aiding, counselling, etc. But here it means
that they rose, or presented themselves, to evince their opposition. They stood
opposedto the Messiah, andoffered resistance to Him." In fact, they crucified
It is interesting that the verb paristemi while in the present context conveys
the picture of the ruler's oppositionto Jesus also has anothermeaning of
surrendering or yielding up, which is in factwhat Jesus did as He voluntarily
gave Himself to the powerof these evil kings and rulers. What kind of love is
Jehovahand againstHis Anointed, His Messiah. The point is that when they
opposedJesus, they opposedHis Father(Jn 10:29, cf Jn 5:17, 8:19, 49) Note
the appearance ofthe "Trinity" in Acts 4:25 (Holy Spirit) and Acts 4:26
(Father and Son).
Against is kata which Louw-Nida says is "a marker of opposition, with the
possible implication of antagonism—‘against, in opposition to, in conflict
with.’" (cf "fleshly lusts" waging waragainstthe believer's soul - 1 Pe 2:11,
God "canceledout the certificate ofdebt consisting of decrees againstus" -
Col 2:14; “Blessedare you when people insult you and persecute you, and
falselysay all kinds of evil againstyou because ofMe." - Mt 5:11; "they
brought charges to the governoragainstPaul." - Acts 24:1; "If God is for us,
who is againstus?" - Ro 8:31)
His Christ - Christ is Christos from chrio which means to anoint. Jesus is
God's anointed One (Acts 10:37, 38). Luke plays off the Name Christ in Acts
4:27 describing the "holy Servant Jesus, Whom You anointed (chrio)."
See Utley's discussionof Anointing in the Bible.
Don't miss the implication of the passagesthat they quote in this prayer. They
are acknowledging thatMessiahexperiencedopposition, so as His followers
they should not be surprised that Peterand John experiencedopposition. And
furthermore they should understand that oppositionto Christ would be the lot
of all who followed Christ. And in the following verses they express in prayer
the truth that while Jesus was opposed, this opposition had been predestined
by the hand of the sovereignGod(the "despotes," the One with absolute
powerand authority). While they do not specificallystate it, it is clearthat the
opposition which brought about their Lord's death and burial was followedby
His resurrection, so that His persecutionhad purpose. Likewise, they could be
assuredthat their persecutionwould have purpose in God's sovereignplan of
redemption. It would not simply be persecutionfor persecution's sake. It
would not be wasted. And basedon this realization, this truth prompts them
to cry out for powerto witness boldly, realizing that the "kings and rulers"
will stand againstthem, just as they had stoodagainstJesus.
Bob Utley on the OT quotations - In Acts Luke records severalOT quotes as
they relate to the gospel.
1. Joel2:1–5 in Acts 2:16
2. Psalm16:8–11 in Acts 2:25
3. Isaiah52:12–53:12 in Acts 3:18
4. Deut. 18:15–20 in Acts 3:22
5. Gen. 12:3; 22:18 in Acts 3:25
6. Psalm118:22 in Acts 4:11
7. Psalm2:1–2 in Acts 4:25–26
Christianity is not something new, but the fulfillment of the Old Testament
(cf. Matt. 5:17–48).
Acts 4:27 "Fortruly in this city there were gatheredtogetheragainstYour
holy servant Jesus, whomYou anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along
with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,
KJV Acts 4:27 For of a truth againstthy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast
anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of
Israel, were gatheredtogether,
For truly Mt 26:3; Luke 22:1; 23:1,8-12
againstYour holy servant Jesus Acts 4:30; 2:27; 3:14; Job 14:4; 15:14;25:4;
Luke 1:35; Hebrews 7:26
whom You anointed Acts 10:38; Ps 2:2,6; Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; Luke 4:18; John
both Herod Mt 2:13-16;Luke 13:31-33;23:7-12
Pontius Pilate Acts 3:13; Mt 27:2,11-36;Mark 15:1-28;Luke 18:31-33;23:13-
38; John 19:1-24,34
along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel Acts Isa 49:7; 53:3;
Zechariah 11:7,8;Mt 20:18,19;21:28; 23:37;26:3,4,59-68;Mt 27:25,40-43;
Mark 10:33; 14:1,2,43-65;15:1-3,31;Luke 9:22; Luke 20:13-19;22:2-6,47-
52,63-71;23:1-5;John 1:11; 18:1-14,19-24;John 18:28-40;19:15
Acts 4 Resources -Multiple Sermons and Commentaries
For (gar) - Term of explanation. Those praying are elaborating on those who
took their stand againstthe Lord and His Messiah, againstGodthe Father
and God the Son. And so the old saying is true - the enemy of my enemy is my
Truly (225)(aletheia) is used with the conjunction epi in this verse is literally
"upon truth" and means "in reality truly, certainly" (Mk. 12:14; Mk. 12:32;
Lk. 4:25; Lk. 20:21; Lk. 22:59; Acts 4:27; Acts 10:34). It adds emphasis to
what they are saying, that it was a real or actualevent.
In this city - The holy city of Jerusalemwhere the Holy One of God was
There were gathered togetheragainstYour holy (hagios)servant Jesus
(Iesous)- This was a concertedeffortby individuals and groups who did not
even like eachother! So great was their hatred of Jesus and His messagethat
these enemies beganunited as "friends" on this one occasion.
Gathered(4863)(sunago)means assembled, convened, gatheredtogether.
Against is epi which Louw-Nida says is "a marker of opposition in a judicial
or quasijudicial context." (E.g., Mt 26:55 = “Have you come out with swords
and clubs to arrest Me as you would against[epi] a robber? Every day I used
to sit in the temple teaching and you did not seize Me.")
Servant (3816)(see preceding discussionofpais)
Like Peterhad done in Acts 3:13 and Acts 3:26, the disciples identify Jesus as
the God's Servant, using an unusual word for servant (not the familiar doulos
as Paul refers to himself in Titus 1:1 "a servant [doulos] of God"). The word
Peteruses is the Greek noun pais which is used 25 times in the NT with about
8 uses referring to children and 15 uses referring to a servant and in secular
Greek referredto an especiallyintimate and trusted servant. Pais describes
severaldifferent servants - David (Lk 1:69; Acts 4:25; Lxx - 2 Sa 7:5, 8, 19, 20,
21, 25), Israel (Lk 1:54) but most importantly Jesus the Messiah. The KJV
actually translates Acts 3:13 as "His SonJesus," whichis not bad because
Jesus is the "ServantSon" (so both translation of pais would apply to Him.
Mostmodern versions prefer to translate it as "Servant Jesus.")What would
have made Peter's use of pais so interesting to his Jewishaudience was the
fact that there are at leasttwo well-knownuses in Isaiah in which he speaks
prophetically of the Messiahas God's Servant, and in both passages, servant
is translated pais.
Whom You anointed - Anointed (5548)is the verb chrio the root verb of
Christos in Acts 4:26. (See also Messiah- Anointed One) In the OT, priests,
kings and prophets were anointed and the Messiahis all three!
Both Herod and Pontius Pilate - The Kings and Rulers about which David had
prophesied in Psalm 2:2! "Herod Antipas, who was a king of the Jews,
mockedJesus;Pontius Pilate, a Gentile ruler, murdered Jesus. Herod scorned
Him because he was angry; Pilate sentencedHim because he was afraid. The
motive for rejecting Christ is different, the result is the same." (Phillips
Exploring Acts)
Along with the Gentiles (ethnos) and the peoples of Israel - Notice that this
verse allows for no elementof anti-Semitism regarding the death of Christ on
the Cross. The point this passagemakes is that Gentiles and Jews are ALL
guilty. You and I are guilty of putting Christ on the Cross!The Jews and
Herod and Pontius Pilate just happened to be the immediate "instruments"
God used to bring about His predestined purpose (Acts 4:28).
Marshallmakes a salientpoint regarding the inclusion of the phrase the
peoples of Israel - The inclusion of Israelamong the foes of the Messiahmarks
the beginning of the Christian understanding that insofar as the people of
Israelreject the Messiahthey cease to be the Lord’s people and can be ranked
with unbelieving Gentiles.
The Messiah- The Anointed One
Compiled by Bruce Hurt
MESSIAH THE ANOINTED ONE:Webstersays Messiahis a title given to
"the promised Deliverer of the Jewishnation prophesiedin the Hebrew
Bible." Messiahis derived from the Hebrew word mashiachwhich means
"anointed one" and which corresponds to the NT title of "Christ" (Christos =
anointed one). As Andrew exclaimed to his brother Peter“We have found the
MESSIAH” (which translatedmeans CHRIST)." (Jn 1:41) And as the
Samaritan womanat the well said to Jesus "I know that MESSIAH is coming
(He Who is calledCHRIST)." (Jn 4:25) So when you encounterthe title
"CHRIST" in the NT, you are really encountering "MESSIAH." Let me
encourage you, as you read the NT, especiallythe Gospels and Acts, to
considersubstituting "MESSIAH" when you see the title "CHRIST". Indeed,
even "Jesus Christ" canproperly be read as "Jesus the Messiah,"for Christ
is actually Jesus'officialtitle more than His proper Name. Some translations
such as the NIV (2011 edition) and Christian Standard Bible (Holman) even
translate "Christ" in the Gospels and Acts with the title "Messiah"to
emphasize the importance of the conceptof Messiah. And as discussedbelow
the majority of Jews (and this Gentile writer) have come to salvationby grace
through faith (Eph 2:8-9-note) as the Spirit unveiled the OT messianic
prophecies (2Cor4:6-note, Jn 3:8) to clearly show "Jesus (is)the Messiah
appointed for" them and for us, "to the Jew first and also to the Greek
(anyone not Jewish)." (Acts 3:20, Ro 1:16-note). In fact the main purpose of
John's Gospelis that "you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of
God; and that believing you may have life in His Name." (Jn 20:31) Jesus is
the Anointed One, the fulfillment of the three OT offices which God anointed
(selectedand setapart for specialservice):Prophet (Ps 105:15-note, Dt18:18,
fulfilled = Jn 7:40), Priest (Ex 29:7, Lev 4:3-note, Ps 110:4-note fulfilled = Heb
6:19-20-note)and King (1Sa 2:10, Ps 2:2,6-note shadows of Messiahfulfilled =
Mk 15:26, Rev19:16-note). Norman Geisleradds that the conceptof
MESSIAH (Christ) "is the keyto the interpretation of the Bible, not only in
that He is the fulfillment of OT types and prophecies, but in that Christ
(Messiah)is the tie betweenthe Testaments, the content of the whole canon
and the unifying theme in the Bible!" In short the entire Bible is "Messiah-
centric" or "Christo-centric!" Belovedbrethren, God's Anointed is
appointed, and we shall not be disappointed! "All hail the power of Jesus'
Name!, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown
Him Lord of all." (Perronet)
MESSIAH THE EXPECTED ONE:The anticipation of national deliverance
through a Man anointed by God has been a theme of Judaism throughout the
ages, evenas many first century Jews were "eagerlywaiting for the Messiah
to come and rescue Israel… looking forwardto the redemption of Jerusalem"
(Lk 2:25,38). Johnthe Baptistaskedthe question every pious Jew had been
asking for centuries "Are You the ExpectedOne?" (Mt 11:3, Lk 7:19-20),
which is anotherway of asking "Jesus, Are You the Messiah, the Anointed
One, the Deliverer?" The 12th article of the orthodox Jewishcreedsays "I
believe with a perfectfaith in the coming of the Messiah, andthough He tarry,
yet will I wait daily for His coming." (Rambam) The first century Jews
expecteda conquering king who would free them from Rome, but instead this
Messiahdied a shameful death on a Roman cross. And so there was great
disappointment because Jesus did not appearto be the Expected One. Have
you ever been discouragedbecausesomeone in whom you placed your hope
let you down?" Then you can identify with the two disciples who walkedon
the dusty road to Emmaus and were joined by a resurrectedStrangerwhose
identity was veiled. Jesus saw they were "looking sad" forthey "were hoping
that (Jesus)was (the Messiah)Who was going to redeemIsrael." (Lk 24:17,
21) Had not Zacharias said that "the Lord God of Israel… (had) visited us
and accomplishedredemption (paid the ransom to effectdeliverance) for His
people?" (Lk 1:68) And yet Israelwas still in Rome's grip, a grip "as strong as
iron!" (Da 2:40-note) Against this backdrop of hopelessness anddespair
beganthe greatestBible lessonevertaught, for the Teacher, the Messiah,
"beginning with Moses (Pentateuch - Genesis to Deut) and all the Prophets
explained to them what was said in ALL the (OT) Scriptures concerning
Himself.” (Luke 24:27, cp Jn 5:39, Lk 16:29-31)
And so Messiahgave hope to these downcastdisciples explaining that the
woman's SEED (Messiah)would have His heel bruised but would crush the
head of the serpent (Ge 3:15 - the protoevangelium= the "first Gospel," cp
Heb 2:14-15-note, Ro 16:20-note). He explained that the prophet Micah had
foretold of His birth from the clanof Judah in Bethlehem Ephrathah (Micah
5:2-note). He explained that 500 years earlierDaniel had predicted the exact
time of His arrival as "Messiahthe Prince" (Da 9:25NASB-note)and that He
would not conquer but "be cut off" (crucified) (Da 9:26NASB-note). In fact60
major messianic prophecies with 270 ramifications (Jewishrabbis saw up to
456 messianic allusions!) were inspired by the Spirit so that there would be
absolutely no doubt to OT readers that the Man Jesus was truly the long
expectedMessiah. Sadly, first century Jews were looking forMessiahto be a
conquering King, not a suffering Servant and as a result most failed to
recognize Him as God's "Wonderful" One (Isaiah 9:6-note) because they
missed Isaiah's later prediction that He would be "despised, forsakenofmen,
a man of sorrows, acquaintedwith grief… stricken, smitten of God,
afflicted… and pierced through for our transgressions…crushedfor our
iniquities… by His stripes we are healed." (Isaiah53:3-5) In His first coming
Messiahcame as a King riding a donkey to conquer sin (Zech 9:9, Mt 21:4-5),
but in His secondcoming He will return as King of kings riding on a white
horse to conquer sinful men (Rev 19:11-16-note)!"BornThy people to deliver,
born a Child and yet a King; born to reign in us forever, now Thy gracious
Kingdom bring." (C Wesley)
MESSIAH THE END POINT:Jesus was the "end point", the fulfillment of all
the OT prophecies that foretold of a coming Messiah. Manymen have claimed
to be the Messiahoverthe centuries and these pretenders will proliferate in
the lastdays for Jesus warnedthat "false Messiah's andfalse prophets will
arise and will show greatsigns and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even
the elect" (Mt 24:24), but only Jesus fulfilled every detail of the more than 300
OT Messianicprophecies. Applying the laws of probability, Stoner says that
the chance offulfilling just 8 of the 300+ Messianic prophecies is "1 in 10 to
the 17th power." To help visualize these odds Stoner says imagine one had 10
to the 17th powersilver dollars and scatteredthem over the surface of the
state of Texas producing a pile two feetdeep. Mark one of the silver dollars
distinctively and stir them together. Now blindfold a man with instructions to
travel anywhere in the state and selectone coin. The chance of finding the
marked coin would be the same chance that the prophets would have had of
writing just eight prophecies fulfilled in one man! And Jesus fulfilled every
detail of every prophecy perfectly declaring to His disciples that "ALL
THINGS which are written about Me in the Law of Moses andthe Prophets
and the Psalms must be fulfilled." (Lk 24:44) As JoshMcDowellsaidthe
"New Testamentwriters spotlighted the Old Testament"ADDRESS" ofJesus
for one main reason--to convince their Jewishreaders that Jesus was the
Messiah—the Delivererthey had been praying for God to send." "Come, thou
long-expectedJesus, born to setThy people free; from our fears and sins
release us:Let us find our rest in Thee." (C Wesley)
An old pastor was speaking with an inquisitive Jewishman and beganto read
Isaiah53 to him asking where he thought this was in the Bible? The Jewish
man said "probably Matthew" and when he was told it was "his Scripture"
(the JewishOld Testament), he realized that this descriptionwas none other
than the Messiah!(See link below for MichaelGoldstone's fascinating
testimony) The apostles give us a goodpattern to imitate when we speak to
our Jewishfriends, as they repeatedly appealedto the Messianicprophecies to
substantiate their claim that Jesus was the long expectedMessiah. And so
Peterdeclaredto the Jews that “the things which God announced beforehand
by the mouth of all the prophets, that His MESSIAH should suffer, He has
thus FULFILLED." (Acts 3:18NIV, cp Acts 5:42NIV) Paul speaking to the
Jews atThessalonicawas "explaining (lit. "opening wide" the OT passages)
and giving evidence (lit. "setting before" them) that the MESSIAH had to
suffer and rise againfrom the dead, saying, “This Jesus Whom I am
proclaiming to you is the MESSIAH.” (Acts 17:3NIV-note, cp Jews in Berea
Acts 17:11-note)Paul in explaining the Gospelwrote the Messiah"diedfor
our sins in accordancewith what the Scriptures foretold (Ps 22:1, 16-note),
that He was buried (Acts 2:31) and that He arose on the third day as the
Scriptures foretold. (Jonah 1:17, Mt 12:40, Ps 16:10-note)" (1Cor15:3-4-note)
"Tis finished! The Messiahcries, Cutoff for sins, but not His own:
Accomplished is the sacrifice, The greatredeeming work is done." (C Wesley)
MESSIAH OUR EXAMPLE: Paul instructs believers to "Follow my example,
as I follow the example of Christ (Messiah)." (1Cor11:1NIV)But how can we
imitate the Messiah? Whatpattern did He provide? At the beginning of
Messiah's ministry, He was FILLED WITH "the Holy Spirit… and LED
about by the Spirit in the wilderness where He was tempted by the devil" (Lk
4:1-2). We as His followers are commanded to be continually "FILLED
WITH (controlledby) the Spirit" (Eph 5:18-note) that we might be "LED by
the Spirit." (Gal 5:18-note)After His temptation "Jesus returned to Galilee in
the POWER (dunamis = inherent ability to accomplisha task)of the Spirit."
(Lk 4:14) Similarly, we as His followers are "to be strengthenedwith POWER
(dunamis) through His Spirit in our inner man." (Eph 3:16-note, read Acts
1:8-note) When Jesus enteredthe synagogue in Nazarethto begin His
ministry, He read from Isaiah's Messianic prophecy"The Spirit of the LORD
is upon Me, because He has ANOINTED (chrio - verb root of Christos =
Christ) Me to preachthe Gospelto the poor; He has sentMe to heal the
brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the captives and recoveryof sight to the
blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable yearof
the LORD.” (Luke 4:18-19 quoting Isa 61:1-2). As Warren Wiersbe explains
"When our Lord lived on earth, ALL THAT HE DID was directed by the
Father and EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit, Whom the Fathergave to
Jesus “withoutlimit” (Jn 3:34)." And so at the beginning of His ministry
“Godanointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, and He went around
doing goodand healing” (Acts 10:38). And even as Jesus was anointedfor
ministry, the Father has establishedus "in Christ and ANOINTED us."
(2Cor. 1:21NIV) John adds that like Jesus every believerhas "an
ANOINTING (the Holy Spirit) from the Holy One" (1Jn 2:20-note) and that
"the anointing which we receivedfrom Him abides (continually) in" us
empowering us and enabling us to "walk in the same manner as (Messiah)
walked." (1Jn2:6-note). Are you walking in your natural "power" or in the
SUPERNATURALPOWER of the Spirit Who anointed you for service? If we
are to successivelywalk in the "good(God) works whichGod prepared (for
us) beforehand" (Eph 2:10-note), we must continually seek to follow Messiah's
example of ministry, "redeeming the time, for the days are evil." (Eph 5:16-
note) "Give every flying minute, Something to keepin store;Work, for the
night is coming, When man works no more." (Anna Coghill)
MESSIAH OUR EXPECTATION:After American troops were forced to
surrender the Philippines in May, 1942, GeneralDouglasMacArthur vowed
to retake the islands, giving his famous "prophetic promise" "I WILL
RETURN" whichwas printed on thousands of matchbooks, buttons, bars of
soapand leaflets dropped by air all over the Philippines to encourage and give
hope. MacArthur kept his promise! But even better the "Commander of the
Lord's army" (Josh5:15NLT), Jesus ourMessiah, made a similar "prophetic
promise" to His disciples declaring "I go to prepare a place for you" and "I
WILL COME AGAIN!" (Jn 14:3) As Hoekema rightly observes "The faith of
the New Testamentis dominated by this expectation." Indeed, the NT has
some 318 prophetic promises (direct and indirect) describing Messiah's
triumphant return as King of kings, and Lord of lords (Rev 19:11-16-note),
which means that there is approximately one prophecy on the SecondComing
in every 20 verses!In factit has been estimated that for every prophecy of
Messiah's FirstComing, there are eight describing His SecondComing! As
the old Scottishpreachersaid "The doctrine of Messiah'sSecondComing, as
it appears in the NT, is like a lofty mountain that dominates the entire
landscape.” JohnWalvoordadds that Messiah's SecondComing is also
"implied in hundreds of OT prophecies" oftenmingling them with His first
coming as in Isa 61:1-2a which was fulfilled at Messiah's firstcoming (Lk
4:18-21)and Isa 61:2b which describes "the day of vengeance ofour God to
comfort all who mourn" to be fulfilled at Messiah's SecondComing. And so
just as MacArthur's promise on leaflets gave hope during the dark days of
WWII, the prophecies of Messiah's SecondComing "give us hope and
encouragementas we wait patiently for God's promises" (Ro 15:4NLT-note).
As this world grows darkerand the promised return of Messiahgrows
brighter, we should continually be "looking (expectantly) for the BLESSED
HOPE and the appearing of the glory of our great Godand Savior, Christ
(Messiah)Jesus."(Titus 2:13-note) Paul calledMessiah's return ‘the Blessed
Hope’ and as our world unravels morally and ethically, indeed He appears to
be the only hope for the world! And so it is interesting that the largesttype
used by newspapers for headlines of astounding events is called“second
coming” type and is reservedfor the most amazing front-page news
(beginning or end of wars, moon landings, etc). One day soonevery eye "will
see Him," (Rev 1:7) the One for Whom "SecondComing" type was named!
Messiahcame first as the "Manof sorrows" (Isa 53:3), but will come again
"with power and greatglory" (Mt 24:30)as Judge and King (2Ti 4:1-note).
Martin Luther well said, ‘I preach as though Messiahdied yesterday, rose
from the dead today and was coming back tomorrow." How different our
lives would be if we lived them in that spirit! As one has well said"Don't
complain about what this world is coming to. Proclaimthe One Who is
coming to this world." "And for the hope of His return, DearLord, Your
Name we praise;With longing hearts we watch and wait; Forthat greatday
of days!" (Sherwood)
APPLICATION: Jesus may come at ANY time, so we must be ready ALL the
time! This begs the question, do my day to day choices reflectthe reality of an
expectantattitude? "Expectantlooking" is always a great"antidote" for
"apathetic living!" Look for Christ’s future return, and you will live for
Christ’s glory in the present, remembering that His SECOND Coming is as
certain as His FIRST!Indeed, "the certainty of the Second Coming should
touch and tincture every part of our daily behavior." (Blanchard) "We know
that, when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shallsee Him just as
He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as
He is pure." (1Jn 3:2-3-note, cp 2Pe 3:11-note)"Preciselybecausewe cannot
predict the moment, we must be ready at all moments." (C S Lewis)
"Uncertainty about the date of the Lord's return is calculatedto keep
believers in an attitude of constantexpectationand to preserve them from
despondency." (Ryle) John Piper asks “Doesyour mind return frequently to
the truth of Christ’s appearing? When your mind turns to the truth of His
appearing, does your heart want it—is there an eagernessto see Him? Do you
pray for His coming? Maranatha, prayed the early church! Come, Lord
Jesus!” Amen! (Rev 22:20-note)
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
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Jesus was the anointed one
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Jesus was the anointed one
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Jesus was the anointed one
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Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
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Jesus was the anointed one
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Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one
Jesus was the anointed one

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Jesus was the anointed one

  • 1. JESUS WAS THE ANOINTED ONE EDITED BY GLENN PEASE Acts 4:26-27 26Thekings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together againstthe LORD and against his anointedone.' 27Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspireagainstyour holy servantJesus, whom you anointed. BIBLEHUB RESOURCES COMMENTARIES Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (26) And againsthis Christ.—The question whether the word “Christ” should be used as a proper name, or translated, is commonly answeredby accepting the former alternative. Here, perhaps, to maintain the connectionwith the Psalmand with the verb in the next verse, it would be better to say, “against His Anointed.” The “Lord” stands, of course, for the Supreme Deity of the Father. MacLaren's Expositions Acts
  • 2. OBEDIENT DISOBEDIENCE Acts 4:19 - Acts 4:31. The only chance for persecutionto succeedis to smite hard and swiftly. If you cannot strike, do not threaten. Menacing words only give courage. The rulers betrayed their hesitation when the end of their solemnconclave was but to ‘straitly threaten’; and less heroic confessorsthan Peterand John would have disregardedthe prohibition as mere wind. None the less the attitude of these two Galileanfishermen is noble and singular, when their previous cowardice is remembered. This first collisionwith civil authority gives, as has been already noticed, the main lines on which the relations of the Church to hostile powers have proceeded. I. The heroic refusal of unlawful obedience. We shall probably not do injustice to John if we suppose that Peterwas spokesman. If so, the contrastof the tone of his answerwith all previously recordedutterances of his is remarkable. Warm-heartedimpulsiveness, often wrong-headedand sometimes illogical, had been their mark; but here we have calm, fixed determination, which, as is usually its manner, wastes no words, but in its very brevity impresses the hearers as being immovable. Whence did this man getthe powerto lay down once for all the foundation principles of the limits of civil obedience, and of the duty of Christian confession? His words take rank with the ever-memorable sayings of thinkers and heroes, from Socratesin his prison telling the Athenians that he loved them, but that he must ‘obey God rather than you,’ to Luther at Worms with his ‘It is neither safe nor right to do anything againstconscience. Here I stand; I can do nothing else. Godhelp me! Amen.’ Peter’s words are the first of a long series.
  • 3. This first instance of persecutionis made the occasionfor the clearexpression of the greatprinciples which are to guide the Church. The answerfalls into two parts, in the first of which the limits of obedience to civil authority are laid down in a perfectly generalform to which even the Council are expected to assent, and in the secondan irresistible compulsion to speak is boldly allegedas driving the two Apostles to a flat refusal to obey. It was a daring stroke to appeal to the Council for an endorsement of the principle in Acts 4:19, but the appeal was unanswerable;for this tribunal had no other ostensible reasonforexistence than to enforce obedience to the law of God, and to Peter’s dilemma only one reply was possible. But it rested on a bold assumption, which was calculatedto irritate the court; namely, that there was a blank contradiction betweentheir commands and God’s, so that to obey the one was to disobey the other. When that parting of the ways is reached, there remains no doubt as to which road a religious man must take. The limits of civil obedience are clearly drawn. It is a duty, because ‘the powers that be are ordained of God,’ and obedience to them is obedience to Him. But if they, transcending their sphere, claim obedience which can only be rendered by disobedience to Him who has appointed them, then they are no longer His ministers, and the duty of allegiance falls away. But there must be a plain conflictof commands, and we must take care lest we substitute whims and fancies of our own for the injunctions of God. Peterwas not guided by his own conceptions ofduty, but by the distinct precept of his Master, which had bid him speak. It is not true that it is the cause which makes the martyr, but it is true that many goodmen have made themselves martyrs needlessly. This principle is too sharp a weaponto be causelesslydrawnand brandished. Only an unmistakable oppositionof commandments warrants its use; and then, he has little right to be calledChrist’s soldier who keeps the swordin the scabbard.
  • 4. The articulate refusal in Acts 4:20 bases itselfon the ground of irrepressible necessity:‘We cannot but speak.’The immediate application was to the facts of Christ’s life, death, and glory. The Apostles could not help speaking of these, both because to do so was their commission, and because the knowledge of them and of their importance forbade silence. The truth implied is of wide reach. Whoeverhas a real, personalexperience of Christ’s saving power, and has heard and seenHim, will be irresistibly impelled to impart what he has received. Speechis a relief to a full heart. The word, concealedin the prophet’s heart, burned there ‘like fire in his bones, and he was wearyof forbearing.’ So it always is with deep conviction. If a man has never felt that he must speak of Christ, he is a very imperfect Christian. The glow of his own heart, the pity for men who know Him not, his Lord’s command, all concurto compel speech. The full river cannot be dammed up. II. The lame and impotent conclusionof the perplexed Council. How plain the path is when only duty is takenas a guide, and how vigorously and decisivelya man marches along it! Peterhad no hesitation, and his resolvedanswercomes crashing in a straight course, like a cannon-ball. The Council had a much more ambiguous oracle to consultin order to settle their course, and they hesitate accordingly, and at last do a something which is a nothing. They wantedto trim their sails to catchpopular favour, and so they could not do anything thoroughly. To punish or acquit was the only alternative for just judges. But they were not just; and as Jesus had been crucified, not because Pilate thought Him guilty, but to please the people, so His Apostles were let off, not because they were innocent, but for the same reason. When popularity-hunters geton the judicial bench, societymust be rotten, and nearing its dissolution. To ‘decree unrighteousness by a law’is among the most hideous of crimes. Judges ‘willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike,’are portents indicative of corruption. We may remark here how the
  • 5. physician’s pen takes note of the patient’s age, as making his cure more striking, and manifestly miraculous. III. The Church’s answerto the first assaultof the world’s power. How beautifully natural that is, ‘Being let go, they went to their own,’ and how large a principle is expressedin the naive words! The greatlaw of associationaccording to spiritual affinity has much to do in determining relations here. It aggregatesmen, according to sorts;but its operation is thwarted by other conditions, so that companionship is often misery. But a time comes when it will work unhindered, and men will be united with their like, as the stones on some sea-beaches are laid in rows, according to their size, by the force of the sea. Judas ‘went to his own place,’and, in another world, like will draw to like, and prevailing tendencies will be increasedby associationwith those who share them. The prayer of the Church was probably the inspired outpouring of one voice, and all the people said ‘Amen,’ and so made it theirs. Whose voice it was which thus put into words the common sentiment we should gladly have known, but need not speculate. The greatfactis that the Church answered threats by prayer. It augurs healthy spiritual life when opposition and danger neither make cheeks blanchwith fear nor flush with anger. No man there trembled nor thought of vengeance, orof repaying threats with threats. Every man there instinctively turned heavenwards, and flung himself, as it were, into God’s arms for protection. Prayer is the strongestweaponthat a persecutedChurch canuse. Browning makes a tyrant say, recounting how he had tried to crush a man, that his intended victim ‘Stood erect, caughtat God’s skirts, and prayed,
  • 6. So I was afraid.’ The contents of the prayer are equally noteworthy. Instead of minutely studying it verse by verse, we may note some of its salientpoints. Observe its undaunted courage. Thatcompany never quivered or wavered. Theyhad no thought of obeying the mandate of the Council. They were a little army of heroes. Whathad made them so? What but the convictionthat they had a living Lord at God’s right hand, and a mighty Spirit in their spirits? The world has never seena transformation like that. Unique effects demand unique causes fortheir explanation, and nothing but the historical truth of the facts recordedin the last pages ofthe Gospels and first of the Acts accounts for the demeanour of these men. Their courage is strikingly marked by their petition. All they ask is ‘boldness’ to speak a word which shall not be theirs, but God’s. Fearwould have prayed for protection;passionwould have askedretribution on enemies. Christian courage and devotion only ask that they may not shrink from their duty, and that the word may be spoken, whateverbecomes ofthe speakers. The worldis powerless againstmen like that. Would the Church of to-day meet threats with like unanimity of desire for boldness in confession? If not, it must be because it has not the same firm hold of the RisenLord which these first believers had. The truest courage is that which is conscious ofits weakness, and yet has no thought of flight, but prays for its own increase. We may observe, too, the body of belief expressedin the prayer. First it lays hold on the creative omnipotence of God, and thence passes to the recognition of His written revelation. The Church has begun to learn the inmost meaning of the Old Testament, and to find Christ there. David may not have written the secondPsalm. Its attribution to him by the Church stands on a different level from Christ’s attribution of authorship, as, for instance, of the hundred and tenth Psalm. The prophecy of the Psalmis plainly Messianic, howeverit
  • 7. may have had a historicaloccasionin some forgottenrevolt againstsome Davidic king; and, while the particular incidents to which the prayer alludes do not exhaust its far-reaching application, they are rightly regardedas partly fulfilling it. Herod is a ‘king of the earth,’ Pilate is a ‘ruler’; Roman soldiers are Gentiles;Jewishrulers are the representatives of‘the people.’Jesus is ‘God’s Anointed.’ The factthat such an unnatural and daring combination of rebels was predicted in the Psalm bears witness that even that crime at Calvary was foreordainedto come to pass, and that God’s hand and counsel ruled. Therefore all other opposition, such as now threatened, will turn out to be swayedby that same Mighty Hand, to work out His counsel. Why, then, should the Church fear? If we can see God’s hand moving all things, terror is dead for us, and threats are like the whistling of idle wind. Mark, too, the strong expressionof the Church’s dependence on God. ‘Lord’ here is an unusual word, and means ‘Master,’while the Church collectivelyis called‘Thy servants,’or properly, ‘slaves.’It is a different word from that of ‘servant’ {rather than ‘child’} applied to Jesus in Acts 4:27 - Acts 4:30. God is the Master, we are His ‘slaves,’bound to absolute obedience, unconditional submission, belonging to Him, not to ourselves, and therefore having claims on Him for such care as an owner gives to his slaves orhis cattle. He will not let them be maltreated nor starved. He will defend them and feed them; but they must serve him by life, and death if need be. Unquestioning submission and unreserved dependence are our duties. Absolute ownership and unshared responsibility for our well-being belong to Him. Further, the view of Christ’s relationship to God is the same as occurs in other of the early chapters of the Acts. The title of ‘Thy holy Servant Jesus’dwells on Christ’s office, rather than on His nature. Here it puts Him in contrast with David, also called‘Thy servant.’ The latter was imperfectly what Jesus was perfectly. His complete realisationof the prophetic picture of the Servant of the Lord in Isaiah is emphasisedby the adjective ‘holy,’ implying complete devotion or separationto the service of God, and unsullied, unlimited moral
  • 8. purity. The uniqueness of His relation in this aspectis expressedby the definite article in the original. He is the Servant, in a sense and measure all His own. He is further the Anointed Messiah. This was the Church’s message to Israel and the stay of its own courage, that Jesus was the Christ, the Anointed and perfect Servant of the Lord, who was now in heaven, reigning there. All that this faith involved had not yet become clearto their consciousness, but the Spirit was guiding them stepby step into all the truth; and what they saw and heard, not only in the historicalfacts of which they were the witnesses, but in the teaching of that Spirit, they could not but speak. The answercame swift as the roll of thunder after lightning. They who ask for courage to do God’s will and speak Christ’s name have never long to wait for response. The place ‘was shaken,’symbol of the effectof faithful witness- bearing, or manifestationof the power which was given in answerto their prayer. ‘They were all filled with the Holy Ghost,’who now did not, as before, conferability to speak with other tongues, but wrought no less worthily in heartening and fitting them to speak ‘in their own tongue, wherein they were born,’ in bold defiance of unlawful commands. The statementof the answerrepeats the petition verbatim: ‘With all boldness they spake the word.’ What we desire of spiritual gifts we get, and God moulds His replies so as to remind us of our petitions, and to show by the event that these have reachedHis earand guided His giving hand. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 4:23-31 Christ's followers do best in company, provided it is their own company. It encouragesGod's servants, both in doing work, and suffering work, that they serve the God who made all things, and therefore has the disposalof all events;and the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Jesus was anointed to be a Saviour, therefore it was determined he should be a sacrifice, to make atonement for sin. But sin is not the less evil for God's bringing goodout of it. In threatening times, our care should not be so much that troubles may be
  • 9. prevented, as that we may go on with cheerfulness and courage in our work and duty. They do not pray, Lord let us go away from our work, now that it is become dangerous, but, Lord, give us thy grace to go on stedfastly in our work, and not to fear the face of man. Those who desire Divine aid and encouragement, may depend upon having them, and they ought to go forth, and go on, in the strength of the Lord God. Godgave a sign of acceptance of their prayers. The place was shaken, that their faith might be establishedand unshaken. God gave them greaterdegrees ofhis Spirit; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, more than ever; by which they were not only encouraged, but enabled to speak the word of God with boldness. When they find the Lord Godhelp them by his Spirit, they know they shall not be confounded, Isa 1.7. Barnes'Notes on the Bible The kings of the earth - The Psalmistspecifies more particularly that kings and rulers would be opposedto the Messiah. This had occurredalready by the opposition made to the Messiahby the rulers of the Jewishpeople, and it would be still more evinced by the opposition of princes and kings as the gospelspreadamong the nations. Stoodup - The word used here παρίστημι paristēmi commonly means "to present oneself, orto stand forth, for the purpose of aiding, counseling," etc. But here it means that they "rose," or"presentedthemselves,"to evince their opposition. They stoodopposedto the Messiah, andoffered resistance to him. The rulers - This is another instance of the Hebrew parallelism. The word does not denote another class ofpeople from kings, but expresses the same idea in another form, or in a more generalmanner, meaning that all classesof persons in authority would be opposedto the gospel. Were gatheredtogether - Hebrew, consultedtogether; were united in a consultation. The Greek implies that they were assembledfor the purpose of consultation.
  • 10. Against the Lord - In the Hebrew, "againstYahweh." This is the specialname which is given in the Scriptures to God. They rose againsthis plan of appointing a Messiah, andagainstthe Messiahwhomhe had chosen. Against his Christ - Hebrew, againsthis Messiah, orhis Anointed. See the notes on Matthew 1:1. This is one of the places where the word "Messiah"is used in the Old Testament. The word occurs in about 40 places, and is commonly translated"his anointed," and is applied to kings. The direct reference of the word to the Messiahin the Old Testamentis not frequent. This passageimplies that opposition to the Messiahis opposition to Yahweh. And this is uniformly supposed in the sacredScriptures. He that is opposedto Christ is opposedto God. He that neglects him neglects God. He that despises him despises God, Matthew 10:40;Matthew 18:5; John 12:44-45;Luke 10:16, "He that despisethme, despiseth him that sent me." The reasons ofthis are: (1) That the Messiahis "the brightness of the Father's glory, and the express image of his person," Hebrews 1:3. (2) he is equal with the Father, possessing the same attributes and the same power, John 1:1; Philippians 2:6. (3) he is appointed by God to this greatwork of saving people. To despise him, or to oppose him, is to despise and oppose him who appointed him to this work, to contemn his counsels, andto set him at naught. (4) his work is dear to God. It has engagedhis thoughts. It has been approved by him. His missionhas been confirmed by the miraculous powerof the Father, and by every possible manifestationof his approbation and love. To oppose the Messiahis, therefore, to oppose what is dear to the heart of God, and which has long been the object of his tender solicitude. It follows from this, that they who neglectthe Christian religion are exposing themselves to the displeasure of God, and endangering their everlasting interests. No man is safe who opposes God;and no man can have evidence that Godwill approve him who does not embrace the Messiah, whomHe has appointed to redeem the world. Jamieson-Fausset-BrownBible Commentary
  • 11. 25. by the mouth of … David—to whom the Jews ascribedthe secondPsalm, though anonymous; and internal evidence confirms it. David's spirit sees with astonishment "the heathen, the people, the kings and princes of the earth," in deadly combination againstthe swayof Jehovahand His Anointed (his Messiah, orChrist), and asks "why" it is. This fierce confederacyour praying disciples see in full operation, in the "gathering togetherof Herod and Pilate, the Gentiles (the Roman authority), and the people of Israel, againstGod's holy Child ('Servant') Jesus." (Seeon[1950]Ac 3:13). The best ancient copies read, after "were gatheredtogether," "inthis city," which probably answers to "upon my holy hill of Zion," in the Ps 2:6. Matthew Poole's Commentary These words do not vary in sense from what we read, Psalm 2:2, but are the same for substance. The kings;not only such who in a strict sense we callkings, but any chief governors, as Herod and Pilate were. The rulers; the sanhedrim, or greatcouncil of the Jews. Against the Lord; God looks upon it as done againsthim, whatsoeveris done againstthem that fear him; thus the Israelites are said to be gatheredtogetheragainstthe Lord, Numbers 16:11, who were gathered againstMoses andAaron. And againsthis Christ; our Saviour was at the right hand of his Father, but they who afflict his members afflict him; he cries from heavento Saul, Why
  • 12. persecutestthou me? Acts 9:4; and had before told his disciples, He that despisethyou despisethme, Luke 10:16. Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible The kings of the earth stoodup,.... Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee, sometimes calleda king, Mark 6:14 and Pilate the Roman governor, who representedhis masterCaesar;these stood, or rose up in an hostile manner, and setthemselves against, and opposedthemselves to the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth: and the rulers were gatheredtogether;the Jewishrulers, Annas, Caiaphas, and the rest of the members of the sanhedrim, who met togethermore than once;and particularly at the high priest's palace, to consult how they should take Jesus and put him to death; and who also gatheredtogetherat the same place, when he was taken, to arraign, examine, and condemn him. And this opposition, and these conspiracies andconsultations, were againstthe Lord: Jehovah, the Father of Christ, who sent him, and anointed him; so that what was done againstChrist, was done againstthe Lord, their views and designs, their interestand glory, being the same: and againsthis Christ; or anointed one, who was anointed by him, with the Holy Ghost, from his birth, and at his baptism, to be prophet, priest, and King. Geneva Study Bible The kings of the earth stoodup, and the rulers were gatheredtogetheragainst the Lord, and againsthis Christ. EXEGETICAL(ORIGINAL LANGUAGES) Expositor's Greek Testament Acts 4:26. παρέστησαν:not necessarilyof hostile intent, although here the context indicates it; R.V., “setthemselves in array,” lit[162] “presented themselves,” anexactrendering of the Hebrew ‫י‬ ָ‫ַצ‬‫ב‬, which sometimes implies rising up againstas here, Psalm 2:2, and cf. 2 Samuel18:13 (R.V. margin). Of
  • 13. the generallyacceptedMessianic interpretationof the Psalm, and of the verses here quoted, there can be no doubt, cf. Edersheim, Jesus the Messiah, ii., 716 (appendix on Messianic passages), andWetstein, in loco. The Psalmis regardedas full of Messianic references(Briggs,Messianic Prophecy, pp. 132– 140, and 492, 493), cf., e.g., the comment on this verse of the Psalmin the Mechilta (quoted in the Yalkut Shimeoni, ii., f. 90, 1 Sch. p. 227), Perowne, Psalms (small edition), p. 16; and Edersheim, u. s. The Psalm carries us back to the greatDavidic promise in 2 Samuel 7:11-16, and it reflects the Messianic hopes of the Davidic period. That hope the N.T. writers who quote this Psalm very frequently or refer to it, cf. Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:5; Hebrews 5:5, see fulfilled in Christ, the antitype of David and of Solomon. Thus the gathering togetherof the nations and their fruitless decrees find their counterpart in the alliance of Herod and Pilate, and the hostile combination of Jew and Gentile againstthe holy Servant Jesus, the anointed of God, and againstHis followers; although the words of the Psalmand the issues ofthe conflict carry on our thoughts to a still wider and deeper fulfilment in the final triumph of Christ’s kingdom, cf. the frequent recurrence of the language of the Psalmin Revelation12:5; Revelation19:15, and cf. Revelation1:5; Revelation2:26-27. [162]literal, literally. Bengel's Gnomen Acts 4:26. Οἱ βασιλεῖς τῆς γῆς, the kings of the earth) All the kingdoms of the world have at some time or other assailedthe Gospel.—οἱ ἄρχοντες, the rulers) Pilate was the representative of these; as Herod was of “the kings.” The prophecy and the event accuratelycorrespond. Subsequently we read of Herod, not Pilate, having afflicted also the apostles. Pulpit Commentary Verse 26. - Set themselves in array for stoodup, A.V.; Anointed for Christ, A.V. Set themselves in array, Παρίστημι does not speciallymean "to set themselves in array," which implies a battle, of which there is not question home, but it means simply "to present" or "show themselves" (Acts 1:3) "to
  • 14. be ready," or, as in ver. 10, "to stand." Anointed. The text in the whole citation follows the LXX. exactly. END OF BIBLHUB RESOURCES Jesus the Anointed One The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me. (Luke 4:18) God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Spirit and with power. (Acts 10:38) In the West, we often tend to think of “Jesus”as His first name and “Christ” as His last, but that is not accurate. “Christ” is not His surname; it is His title, and speaks ofHis office and function. Our English word “Christ” is an anglicized versionof the Greek word Christos, which translates the Hebrew word Messiah, whichliterally means “Anointed One.” That is, Jesus Christ is actually Jesus the Anointed One. In the Old Testament, kings and priests were anointed to show that they were authorized and empoweredby God to operate in those offices. The title “Anointed One” shows that Jesus is authorized and empoweredby God to rule over His people as His perfect and final King. It also reveals that Jesus is the true and ultimate intermediary betweenGod and His people. All other kings and priests in the Old Testamentwere merely types and foreshadows of Jesus the Anointed One. What is the function or purpose of His anointing? First, let’s look in Isaiah 10:27, where we see a description of the anointing:
  • 15. It shall come to pass in that day That his burden will be taken awayfrom your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck, And the yoke will be destroyedbecause ofthe anointing oil. The anointing is for removing all burdens from the people of God and destroying all the yokes ofthe oppressor. Thatis exactly what Jesus came to do — to remove the burdens and destroy the yoke of the oppressor. Jesus said, Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easyand My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30) The Bible teaches us that Jesus not only came to remove our burdens but also to destroy the yoke, or works ofthe devil: For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8) Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise sharedin the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil. (Hebrews 2:14) Even the name “Jesus”speaksofthis. In Hebrew, it is Yeshua, which literally means “salvation,”and speaks ofdeliverance, healing, and restorationto prosperity and well-being. We find all this in the anointing. One day, Jesus was teaching in the synagogue andHe read from the scrollof Isaiah(at Isaiah 61:1-2): The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, BecauseHe has anointed Me To preach the gospelto the poor;
  • 16. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recoveryof sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable yearof the LORD. (Luke 4:18-19) Then He satdown, indicating that He was about to comment on that passage, and said, “Todaythis Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). The gospelof Jesus the Anointed One lifts the burden and breaks the yoke of poverty, sickness, blindness and oppression, bringing prosperity, freedom and wholeness in their place. BecauseHe is anointed with the Spirit of the LORD, all these things are fulfilled in Him and are available to all those who believe Him. Petersummarized it this way: God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing goodand healing all who were oppressedby the devil, for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38) Remember that Jesus is the Christ, the One Anointed by God to lift every burden and destroyevery demonic bondage in your life, and restore you to wholeness in every way. by Jeff Doles Jesus Christ, Anointed One by R.C. Sproul Throughout the New Testament, we encountermany titles for Jesus of Nazareth—“Sonof God,” “Sonof Man,” “Lord,” and others. However, the
  • 17. title that is given to Jesus mostoften in the New Testamentis one that is familiar to us, but one that we do not understand well. It is the title “Christ.” Why do I say that we do not understand this title well? I say it because “Christ” is used so often in conjunction with “Jesus”that we tend to think of it as His last name. However, “Christ” is not a secondaryname for Jesus;He would have been known as “Jesus Bar-Joseph,”meaning “Jesus, sonof Joseph.” Rather, “Christ” is Jesus’supreme title. But what does it mean? The meaning of Christ is drawn from the Old Testament. Godpromised the ancient Israelites that a Messiahwouldcome to deliver them from sin. The idea of the Messiahis carried overinto the New Testamentwith the title Christ. The Greek word Christos, from which we get the English word Christ, is the translation of the Hebrew term Mashiach, which is the source for the English word Messiah. Mashiach, in turn, is related to the Hebrew verb masach, which means “to anoint.” Therefore, whenthe New Testamentspeaks of Jesus Christ, it is saying “Jesus the Messiah,” whichliterally means, “Jesus the Anointed One.” In Old Testamenttimes, people were subject to anointing when they were calledto the offices of prophet, priest, and king. For example, when Saul became the first king of Israel, Samuel the prophet anointed his head with oil in a ceremonialfashion (1 Sam. 10:1). This religious rite was performed to show that the king of Israelwas chosenand endowedby God for the kingship. Likewise, the priests (Ex. 28:41) and prophets (1 Kings 19:16) were anointed at God’s command. In a sense, anyone in the Old Testamentwho was set apart and consecratedfor a servanttask was a messiah, for he was one who receivedan anointing. But the people of Israellookedforward to that promised individual who was to be not merely a messiahbut the Messiah, the One who would be supremely setapart and consecratedby God to be their Prophet, Priest, and King. So, at the time Jesus was born, there was a strong sense ofanticipation among the Jews, who had been waiting for their Messiahforcenturies. Amazingly, when Jesus beganHis public ministry, few recognizedHim for who He was, despite overwhelming evidence that He possessedan anointing
  • 18. from God that far surpassedthat which had restedon any other man. We know that there was greatconfusion about Him even after He had been ministering for some time. At one point, Jesus askedHis disciples, “Who do people saythat the Sonof Man is?” (Matt. 16:13b). He was taking the pulse of His culture, getting feedback regarding the rumors about Himself. In response to Jesus’question, the disciples ticked off various views that were being put forward: “Some sayJohn the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiahor one of the prophets” (v. 14). Jesus was being identified with all kinds of people, but none of these speculations was correct. Then Jesus askedthe disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” (v. 15b). Peteransweredwith what is knownas the greatconfession, a statementof his belief as to the identity of Jesus:“You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (v. 16). With these words, Peterdeclaredthat Jesus was the Christos, the Mashiach, the Anointed One. Then Jesus saidan interesting thing. He told Peterthat he was blessedto have this understanding of Jesus’identity. Why did He say this? Jesus explained: “Forflesh and blood has not revealedthis to you, but my Father who is in heaven” (v. 17). Peterhad receiveda divine insight that Jesus was the Messiah;it was not something that he had discerned by his own ability. Again, this amazes me because one would think that nearly everyone who encounteredJesus would have recognizedHim immediately as the Messiah. After all, there is no shortage ofinformation in the Old Testamentabout the coming Messiah—where He would be born, how He would behave, and what powerHe would manifest—and everyone could see whatJesus had done— raising people from the dead, healing all sorts of maladies, and teaching with greatauthority. But, of course, they did not. Jesus’anointing was not immediately apparent. Many people today have positive things to sayabout Jesus as a model of virtue, a greatteacher, and so on, but they stop short of saying He is Messiah. This is the greatdivide betweenChristians and unbelievers. Only one who has been born againcan confess that Jesus is the Christ. Can you?
  • 19. Christ the Anointed One FR. KENNETHBAKER, S.J. We bear the name Christians and are followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us concentrate for a few moments on the name Christ which became, in the first years after the Resurrectionofthe Lord, his proper name. AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to More For, in the Creed we profess our belief "in one Lord, Jesus Christ". The word "Christ" is the English transliteration of the Greek word Christos which means "the anointed one". This Greek word, in turn, is a translation of the Hebrew and Aramaic Messiahwhich also means "anointed". During Lent we frequently see advertisements for performances or records of Handel's Messiah. So "Christ" and "Messiah" meanthe very same thing. The practice and notion of "anointing" are found in the Old Testamentbooks of Samuel and Kings. These books recountthe beginnings, history and disappearance ofthe kings of Israel, beginning with Saul, David and Solomon, and ending with the destruction of Jerusalemin 587 B.C., and the enslavementof the Jewishpeople by the Babylonians. King David and his descendants were allanointed in their office as head and leaderof the ChosenPeople. Scripture refers to the king as the "anointedof
  • 20. Yahweh". He was, therefore, a sacredpersonwho, in a way, representedthe kingship of Yahweh over his people. The people also believed that God workedthrough the king to protectthem and to achieve his specialplan. When the kingdom is destroyed, the faithful beganto look into the future for the Messiah(Christ) who would deliver them and establish an everlasting kingdom. The theologicalbasis forthis hope is the promise of the prophet Nathan containedin 2 Samuel(7:13), and repeatedin Psalm89 (28-29). I suggest that you take down your Bible and read these two passages. In the course of time the title "Christ" underwent many changes, but we know for sure that at the time of Jesus it was understoodmainly in a political and not a theologicalsense.The feeling of the Messiah's imminent arrival was very intense. Jesus himself was reservedin his attitude to the title. He forbade the demonics to say he was the Messiah(Lk 4:41); he told the twelve Apostles not to saythat he was the Christ (Mt 16:20). The reasonwas that he did not want the people to get the wrong, political idea about his messiahship. His efforts were directed to give the title a transcendent, heavenly meaning. Finally, during his passion, when askeddirectly by the Jewishauthorities, he admits that he is the Messiah(Mk 14:60-62). Thatwas one of the reasons why they put him to death. After the Resurrection, the first believers used the title "Christ" to sum up all the other titles. Gradually, what was once just a title became practically a proper name. Thus St. Paul, in his writings, is constantly referring to the Lord as "Jesus Christ" (cf. 1 Cor 1:1-9). The title-name was so important that within a few years the followers ofJesus of Nazarethwere designatedby it. "It was at Antioch that the disciples were first called 'Christians'" (Acts 11:20). See the index of chapters from Fundamentals of Catholicismwhich have been reprinted to CERC here. AddThis Sharing Buttons
  • 21. Share to More Acknowledgement Kenneth Baker, S.J. "Christthe Anointed One." In Fundamentals of CatholicismVol. 1 Chapter 10 (San Francisco:Ignatius Press, 1995), 40-42. This article reprinted with permission from FatherKenneth Baker, S.J. Christ the Anointed One “And Simon Peteransweredand said, Thou out the Christ, the Son of the living God” – (Mt.16:16). “How God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Ghostand with power…” – (Acts 10:38). The Hebrew word is Messiahand in the Greek it’s Christ. Christ is in the New Testament509 times and it means – ‘the anointed one.’The anointed one is the Sonof God and Peter’s confessionin (Mt.16)shows plainly that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed one – the Son of God. Hence His full title – Lord Jesus Christ. And the more we know about Christ, the better we can discern the Antichrist who deceives and counterfeits Christ. Oil will be very closely connectedwith Antichrist as he is the Devil’s anointed one, emperor over the whole earth. That’s where the word Christ-ian comes from. Because we have received Christ and been born again of the Holy Spirit, we also are anointed ones with the oil of the Holy Ghostin us and one day we shall rule and reign on this
  • 22. earth as anointed kings and priests. “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you...” – (I Jn.2:27). We don’t have the oil poured on the outside of our body like the Old Testamentbut now it’s poured inside of us and Christ the Anointed One is the one who anoints. But only the true Christians who are born again, not just those who occupya pew in church. The oil of the Holy Spirit is the power working in His church. “Notby might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord”- (Zach.4:6). God doesn’t use the worldly powerof this world – the political power and religious powerof worldly churches and government. He doesn’t use powerful armies and money power and petroleum oil power. You see here the two symbols of the Holy Spirit powerin Israelin (Zach.4). The high priest Joshua and the political ruler Zerubbabel symbolized by the two olive trees beside the candlestick giving light – “These are the two anointed ones” – (vs.14). They build up and edify the temple of God, which is the church. They were the two olive branches witch through the two goldenpipes empty the goldenoil out of themselves. Godhas not given Israelmuch ‘black gold’ (oil) under their ground but God gave them the Anointed One, Jesus Christ and the Bible and the Holy Spirit which is the true riches. Three people were anointed in the Old Testament – prophet, priest and king. And Jesus Christfulfilled the first two at His first coming and will come back as King of Kings. All this anointing of the Old Testamentpointed to Christ – the Anointed One. He’s the precious cornerstone ofGod’s living temple, the church. Can you not see the anointed stone, the Lord Jesus Christ, when you read about Jacobanointing the stone with oil at Bethel and calling it the house of God? Jesus Christ is the gatewayto heaven. “And Jacobrose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and setit up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it. And he calledthe name of the place Bethel. And this stone, which I have setfor a pillar, shall be God’s house” – (Gen.28:18,19,22). Here we see the true riches and the true oil of the Holy Spirit that God gives His church. Not the rock oil calledpetroleum that
  • 23. the world lusts after, but the oil of the Holy Spirit in eachstone of His spiritual temple. As Peter, whose name means stone, said in his letter – “To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowedindeed of men, but chosenof God and precious.Ye also as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priest hood… Wherefore also it is containedin the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion, a chief cornerstone, elect, precious:and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded” – (I Pet.2:4-6). Yes, Jesus Christ, the precious anointed cornerstone ofGod’s spiritual church – God’s precious oil - Amen. Don’t get rich in the oil business – getsaved and born again. Choose the spiritual oil, not the physical oil. Oil plays a very important place in the affairs of this world and oil plays a very important part in the affairs of God – oil runs His church. As for me, I’ll take the oil from above, the kind that Israel had. I’ll receive Christ, the Anointed One, and the riches in Him and eternallife over the oil from below that will probably fuel the lake of fire. Keep this in mind when you hear of Mideastoil and the politics of oil. Not only was olive oil used for the anointing in the Old Testament, it was used for fuel for the light – for the candlestick in the house of God. (Ps.119:105)says – “Thy word is a lamp unto my feetand a light unto my path.” That was outer light but now it’s inner light that the Holy Spirit gives us when we’re born again. We’re enlightened through the reading and studying of God’s Word by the greatteacher, the Holy Ghost – (I Jn.2:27). It is written in (Luke 4:18) when Jesus beganHis ministry – “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preachthe gospel..” And eachone of God’s true ministers must be anointed with the oil of the Holy Spirit and born againbefore he is qualified to preach. God enlightens us and we enlighten others by opening up the scriptures to them.
  • 24. In (Mt.25:1-13)we have the parable of the lamps of oil and it is a parable for these end times. We are waiting for our bridegroom to return and for His bride to be raptured up to meet Him. The focus is on oil in the lamps and buying and selling oil, which is what the whole world is engagedin today. When the midnight cry comes and the church is taken, many church members who have no oil of the Holy Spirit in them will be left behind. Jesus tells them – “I know you not” – (vs.12). Jesus then tells us to be watchmenand watch in these end times – “Watchtherefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Sonof Man cometh” – (vs.13). Jesus was telling us to make sure you have God’s oil in you and are born againand not just a religious, worldly minded church member. Immediately after this rapture the Mark of the Beast will come and will be required to buy and selland that means no oil and gas for those who refuse it. Satanis called the ‘Anointed Cherub’ in (Ezk.28:14). His angelic name was Lucifer but he sinned by pride and he fell from his high exalted place. Lucifer said “I will ascendinto heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregationin the sides of the North: I will ascendabove the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high” – (Is.14:13,14). Yet because he exalted himself God will abase him down to hell – “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit” – (vs.15). He now is the greatenemy of Christ and Christians who are the true anointed ones of God. He gives all his power to Antichrist, the pseudo-Christ, the false anointed one who is extremely proud like Satanand desires to rule the world. (2 Thes.2:3,4). Therefore we should expectAntichrist to have much to do with oil – not the oil of the Holy Spirit from above, but petroleum oil from below. He will have ‘gold fever,’ and lust after ‘black gold’ and the riches of this world and the powerthat money buys. Antichrist is the false anointed one and the chosen one of Satan, the fallen anointed cherub of God. He is Satan’s masterpiece of
  • 25. end-time deception and will be anointed by the rich and powerful oil companies who will bankroll his electioninto the Presidency. We see humble Jesus being anointed, not by the rich and powerful, but by the poor. “And, behold, a womenin the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus satat meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabasterbox of ointment. And stoodat his feet behind him weeping, and beganto washhis feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissedhis feet and anointed them with the ointment. Jesus said“My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment.” “And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven” – (Luke 7 :37,38,46,48). Our Anointed One came the first time to be our humble Savior on the cross, shedding His blood for atonement and remission of our sins. He was our anointed High Priestwho became the sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. He was our anointed prophet who was martyred on Calvary for preaching the truth of God. He’s coming back as the anointed King of Kings to rule over the whole earth as emperor. He’s coming back in power and greatglory with His army of saints from heavento defeatthe Antichrist-Beast, the false anointed one, at Armageddon. – (Rev.19:11-21). “But unto Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepterof righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows”–(Heb.1:8,9). Here we see the throne of God’s Anointed One, His dearly beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We see His deity as God’s Son and we see His dynasty – his throne is foreverand ever – Christ’s dynasty will never end. He will rule with a sceptre of righteousness. The constitution under which He governs can be summed up in a single word – RIGHTEOUSNESS. His kingdom is organized around that one plank and principle because He loves righteousness andhates iniquity. Imagine what it will be to have this whole earth be ruled by not just a Godly man, but God
  • 26. himself. The sinless Saviorwho died for us will rule as King over this whole earth in righteousness and justice. Many a power-seekerhas swornto uphold the constitution as he swears ona Bible, but then the powercorrupts him. Not so Christ. The authority under which He governs is upheld by His personalintegrity, He will never lie to us – PTL. He has been anointed by God and there is no higher authority than that. Our Anointed Savior will be our Anointed Emperor – filled with the Holy Spirit. He will have the ‘oil of gladness.’O’how happy I was when I was born again. Christ will have a cheerful, happy disposition by nature - filled with joy and in turn will cause His kingdom to have gladness. I don’t mean He’s a comediantelling jokes, but He’s a happy, gladman and we will serve the Lord with gladness also. O’our precious, precious Anointed One, the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you been anointed by God’s Holy Spirit? Are you born again? Repent of your sins and by faith believe on Christ for forgiveness and remissionof sins. God loves you and sent His dear Son to this earth to be your savior. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begottenSon, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” – (Jn.3:16). “In this was manifestedthe love of God toward us, because thatGod sent his only begottenSon into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and senthis Son to be the propitiation for our sins” – (I Jn.4:9,10). Be an anointed one of God through Christ. Do not spurn the love and grace ofGod. PastorMike Storti
  • 27. The Anointed One by Wayne Blank Messiahis the transliteration of the Old TestamentHebrew word pronounced maw-shakh, meaning Anointed One, which when translated into the New TestamentGreek is Christos. Since the first century AD, Christ has been used as the name of the man knownduring His own human lifetime as Jesus of Nazareth(Nazareth is shownin the photograph) - and rightly so, for He was indeed The Christ, The Messiah. "We have found the Messiah" It was John The Baptist who announced that the Messiahhad arrived: "And John bore witness, "I saw the Spirit descendas a dove from heaven, and it remained on Him. I myself did not know Him; but he who sent me to baptize with watersaid to me, 'He on Whom you see the Spirit descendand remain, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.' And I have seenand have borne witness that this is the Son of God." "The next day againJohn was standing with two of his disciples;and he lookedat Jesus as He walked, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" "The two disciples heard him say this, and they followedJesus. Jesusturned, and saw them following, and said to them, "What do you seek?"And they said to him, "Rabbi," which means Teacher, "where are you staying?" "He said to them, "Come and see." Theycame and saw where He was staying; and they stayedwith Him that day, for it was about the tenth hour." "One of the two who heard John speak, and followedHim, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first found his brother Simon, and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (John1:32-41 RSV) "Godanointed Jesus of Nazareth"
  • 28. Jesus Christ is the anointed one; He is the The Way, the only Way, to salvation: "And Peteropened his mouth and said: "Truly I perceive that God shows no partiality, but in every nation any one who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him. You know the word which He sent to Israel, preaching goodnews of peace by Jesus Christ, He is Lord of all, the word which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee after the baptism which John preached:how God anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Spirit and with power; how He went about doing goodand healing all that were oppressedby the devil, for God was with Him." "And we are witnesses to all that He did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put Him to death by hanging Him on a tree [see Stauros]; but God raisedHim on the third day and made Him manifest; not to all the people but to us who were chosenby God as witnesses,who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead. And He commanded us to preachto the people, and to testify that He is the one ordained by Godto be judge of the living and the dead. To Him all the prophets bear witness that every one who believes in Him receives forgivenessofsins through His Name." (Acts 10:34- 43 RSV) Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing Sun, 2015-11-29 12:35 play
  • 29. stop mute previous next 00:00 - 56:39 Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing Ps Stefan291115.mp3 Download Ps. Stefan Schlogl Stefan is a greatBible teacherand is highly respectedfor his ‘How to’ messages thathave helped many step into a life of ‘faith and victory.’ Stefan and Vanessa have a gift of administration and are strategic thinkers who have a passionto see the localchurch organizedaround the 5 New TestamentPurposes, with integrity, relevance and excellence. Readmore about Ps. Stefan Schlogl
  • 30. 1. Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing Luke 4:16–19 (NKJV) So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stoodup to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospelto the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recoveryof sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed;19 To proclaim the acceptable yearof the Lord.” Jesus was anointedwith the Holy Spirit to perform six specific functions: He preached the gospel(GoodNews)to the poor He healed the brokenhearted He proclaimed liberty to the captives He proclaimed recovery of sight to the blind He set at liberty those who were oppressed He proclaimed the acceptable yearof the Lord (the Year of Jubilee) The anointing is: The burden-removing and yoke-destroying PowerofGod The Presence& power of the Holy Spirit to heal and liberate
  • 31. In the Scriptures, Jesus is called“the Christ”. Christ – from Greek “Christos”meaning:“the Anointed One” So in effect, the Bible calls our Lord and Saviour “Jesus the Anointed One” Therefore, the name “Christ” isn’t Jesus’surname, but a title of being the Anointed One, and reference to His anointing Jesus had been anointed with the Holy Spirit when He was baptized by John the Baptistin the Jordan River. John 1:35–41 (NKJV) Again, the next day, John stoodwith two of his disciples. 36 And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Beholdthe Lamb of God!” 37 The two disciples heard him speak, andthey followedJesus. 38 Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “Whatdo you seek?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), “where are You staying?” 39 He said to them, “Come and see.” Theycame and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour). 40 One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41 He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (whichis translated, the Christ).
  • 32. Amplified Translation:… We have found (discovered)the Messiah!—which translated is the Christ (the Anointed One). Messiah–fromGr. “Messias”– from Hebrew “Mashiyach”= the Anointed One Christians – the anointed ones Acts 11:25–26 (NKJV)Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. 26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembledwith the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Christians – from Greek “Christianos” Dictionaries define the word “Christians” as “followers ofJesus Christ”. Whilst this definition is correct, it is not complete, because it ignores the meaning of the “anointing” in the word “Christianos”. The word “Christ” inside the word “Christian” still means “Anointed One. Christ is the Anointed One (capital “A” and capital“O”).
  • 33. We, the Christians, are the anointed ones (small “a” and small “o”). Colossians 1:27 (NCV) God decided to let His people know this rich and glorious secretwhich He has for all people. This secretis Christ Himself, who is in you. He is our only hope for glory. If Christ is in us, then His anointing is in us. 2 Corinthians 1:21 (NET) But it is God who establishes us togetherwith you in Christ and who anointed us. At the point of our conversionGod the Father establishedus in Christ. At the point of our baptism with the Holy Spirit He anointed us. 1 John 2:20 (NKJV) But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. The anointing within teaches us, and we know the difference: betweenright and wrong betweentruth and error 1 John 2:27 (NKJV) But the anointing which you have receivedfrom Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teachyou; but as the same
  • 34. anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. 1 John 2:27 (Msg)But they’re no match for what is embedded deeply within you—Christ’s anointing, no less!You don’t need any of their so-called teaching. Christ’s anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. Live deeply in what you were taught. Every Spirit-filled believer is anointed. Christ’s anointing abides and lives within us. 1 Timothy 4:14 (AMP) Do not neglectthe gift which is in you, [that special inward endowment] which was directly imparted to you [by the Holy Spirit] by prophetic utterance when the elders laid their hands upon you [at your ordination]. Many “Christ”ians ignore and neglectthe anointing within them. Every Christian has been given a specialinward endowment to perform a specific function. The anointing is: a specialability a divine endowment of supernatural power
  • 35. a divine enabling to carry out a function assignedto us by God 2 Timothy 1:6 (NKJV) Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. We stir up the gift through: Praying (in tongues) Worship Anointed preaching Reading and meditating in God’s Word Fellowshipwith the saints Using the gift by serving others Etc. Question:"What does Christ mean?" Answer: To the surprise of some, “Christ” is not Jesus’ lastname (surname). “Christ” comes from the Greek word Christos, meaning “anointedone” or “chosenone.” This is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Mashiach, or “Messiah.” “Jesus” is the Lord’s human name given to Mary by the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:31). “Christ” is His title, signifying Jesus was sentfrom God
  • 36. to be a King and Deliverer (see Daniel9:25; Isaiah 32:1). “Jesus Christ” means “Jesusthe Messiah”or“Jesus the Anointed One.” In ancient Israel, when someone was givena position of authority, oil was poured on his head to signify his being set apart for God’s service (e.g., 1 Samuel 10:1). Kings, priests, and prophets were anointed in such fashion. Anointing was a symbolic actto indicate God’s choosing (e.g., 1 Samuel24:6). Although the literal meaning of anointed refers to the application of oil, it can also refer to one’s consecrationby God, evenif literal oil is not used (Hebrews 1:9). There are hundreds of prophetic passages inthe Old Testamentthat refer to a coming Messiahwho would deliver His people (e.g., Isaiah61:1; Daniel 9:26). Ancient Israelthought their Messiahwould come with military might to deliver them from decades ofcaptivity to earthly kings and pagan nations. But the New Testamentreveals a much better deliverance provided by Jesus the Messiah—adeliverance from the powerand penalty of sin (Luke 4:18; Romans 6:23). The Bible says Jesus was anointedwith oil on two separate occasionsby two different women (Matthew 26:6–7;Luke 7:37–38), but the most significant anointing came by way of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38). Jesus’title of “Christ” means He is God’s Anointed One, the One who fulfills the Old Testament prophecies, the ChosenSaviorwho came to rescue sinners (1 Timothy 1:15), and the King of kings who is coming back againto set up His Kingdom on earth (Zechariah 14:9).
  • 37. Jesus Is The Christ, The Anointed One Series Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 10, 2011 based on 11 ratings (rate this sermon) | 15,624 views Scripture: Luke 4:14-22 Denomination: *other Summary: Jesus is anointed to preachgoodnews to the poor, heal broken hearts, comfort those who mourn, set the captives free, give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. 1 2 3 Next VISITATION #4:JESUS IS THE CHRIST, THE ANOINTED ONE WHAT IS THE VISITATION? “Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us.” (Luke 1:78). • Visit: “to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes in order to see how he is; to visit; to look upon in order to help or benefit; to look after, have care for, provide for.” • As we are going through Luke, we don’t just want to learn facts about Jesus.
  • 38. • Our goalto know Him more, and experience His visitation today! • Paul said: “Formy determined purpose is that I may know Him, that I may progressivelybecome more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him…” (Phil. 3:10, Amp). • PRAYER: Visit us Lord! Rend the Heavens and come down! REVIEW: • In Chapter one, we learned that Jesus is the Dayspring who brings us Hope. • In Chapter two, we learned that Jesus is the Savior who brings Salvation. • In Chapter two, we learned that Jesus is the Open Heavens who brings Transformation. JESUS IS THE CHRIST, THE ANOINTED ONE: “14 Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region. 15 And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all. 16 So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue onthe Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had openedthe book, He found the place where it was written: 18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, BecauseHe has anointed Me To preach the gospelto the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recoveryof sight to the blind, To setat liberty those who are oppressed;19 To proclaim the acceptable yearof the Lord." 20 Then He closedthe book, and gave it back to the attendant and satdown. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He beganto sayto them, "Todaythis Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." 22 So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceededout of His mouth.” (Luke 4:14-22a). • Here we learn that Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed One. • The Greek word Christ is the same as the Hebrew word Messiah= the Anointed One.
  • 39. • The Holy Spirit came on Him for a purpose: “Godanointed Jesus of Nazarethwith the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressedby the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38). Video Illustration of the Week Get weeklyvideos including full access to all illustrations, sermons, and church media. Free With PRO → • “Forthe kingdom of God is not in word but in power.” (1 Cor. 4:20). • Christianity isn’t just about telling stories;it’s about encountering the anointed Jesus! EXPERIENCINGTHE SEVEN-FOLD ANOINTING: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Becausethe Lord has anointed Me To preach goodtidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable yearofthe Lord, And the day of vengeance ofour God; To comfort all who mourn, To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:1-3). 1. JESUS IS ANOINTED TO PREACHGOOD NEWS TO THE POOR: Who are the poor? The poor, weak, needy, humble and meek. • Jesus said, “Blessedare the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 5:3). • Luke 5:27-32 Example: Jesus calls Levi, a tax collector, to follow Him. • “And their scribes and the PhariseescomplainedagainstHis disciples, saying, "Why do You eatand drink with tax collectors andsinners?" Jesus
  • 40. answeredand said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to callthe righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (v.30-32). • Are you poor, weak and needy? Jesus is calling YOU! You can be forgiven! 2. JESUS IS ANOINTED TO HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTED: Who are the brokenhearted? Those who are broken down; torn violently, wreckedorcrushed. • Luke 7:38-50 Example: Jesus forgives a sinful woman at Simon the Pharisee’s house. • “And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus satat the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabasterflask of fragrant oil, and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she beganto wash His feetwith her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissedHis feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil.” (v. 37-38). • This broken-heartedwoman encounteredJesus, and she was changed forever! • “ThenHe said to her, "Your sins are forgiven.” (v.48). • Are you broken-hearted? If you come to Jesus today, He canheal that brokenness! • Jesus addedthat He came to “proclaim the recoveryof sight to the blind.” (4:18). • Jesus heals brokenhearts, but He also heals broken bodies as well! 3. JESUS IS ANOINTED TO PROCLAM LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVES: Who are the captives? Those bound by addictions, bad habits, anxieties, compulsions, etc. • Luke 8:26-39 Example: Jesus delivers a demon possessedman in the Gadarenes.
  • 41. • This man’s life was so messedup he was alone, naked, and cut himself (see Mark 5:5). • “Thenthey went out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothedand in his right mind. And they were afraid…” Jesus said: “Return to your own house, and tell what greatthings God has done for you." And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him” (v. 35,39). • In Mark’s account, he adds that Jesus said, “and how He has had compassiononyou.” (Mark 4:19b). Jesus was anointedto do goodto people! • Are you bound by addictions, drugs, alcohol, fears or…? Jesus cansetyou free! 4. JESUS IS ANOINTED TO COMFORTTHOSE WHO MOURN: Pastor, have you claimed your 14 day PRO trial? Enter your name and email to begin. Credit card required, cancelany time. Plus, getemail updates & offers from SermonCentral. Privacy Who are the mourning? Those who have lost loved ones, or just struggle with depression. Luke 7:11-16 Example: Jesus comforts a widow who is grieving the loss of her son. • “Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him, and a large crowd. And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow. And a large crowdfrom the city was with her.” (v.11-12). • How many of you know this widow was mourning the loss of her only son?
  • 42. • “When the Lord saw her, He had compassiononher and said to her, "Do not weep." ThenHe came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stoodstill. And He said, "Young man, I sayto you, arise." So he who was dead sat up and beganto speak. And He presentedhim to his mother. Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, "A greatprophet has risen up among us"; and, "God has visited His people.” (v.13-16). • Are you grieving or mourning? Jesus wants to comfort you! 5. JESUS IS ANOINTED TO GIVE BEAUTY FOR ASHES: Luke 5:12-16 Example: Jesus cleansesa leper. • “And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosysaw Jesus;and he fell on his face and implored Him, saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” (5:12). • Here was a man whose life was ashes – because ofthis skin-disease,he was alone, lonely and isolated. But Jesus is anointed to give beauty for ashes! • “ThenJesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed."Immediately the leprosy left him.” (v.13). • Is your life is a pile of smoldering ashes?Jesus wants to make your life beautiful! 6. JESUS IS ANOINTED TO GIVE THE OIL OF JOY FOR MOURNING: Luke 19:1-10 Example: Jesus brings joy and salvationto Zacchaeus’house. • Jesus saidto Zacchaeus,“Iwant to come to your house for a visit!” (v.5). • “So (Zach) made haste and came down, and receivedHim joyfully.” (v.6). • When Jesus comes fora visit, it is like the oil of joy! 7. JESUS GIVES THE GARMENT OF PRAISE FOR THE SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS: Luke 8:43-48 Example: Jesus brings healing to a woman with the issue of blood.
  • 43. • “Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any.” (v.43). • This woman had a spirit of heaviness – spent all her money on doctors, but no change. • She “came from behind and touched the border of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood stopped.” (v.44). Pastor, have you claimed your 14 day PRO trial? Enter your name and email to begin. Credit card required, cancelany time. Plus, getemail updates & offers from SermonCentral. Privacy THE RESULT: What happens when we experience Jesus the anointed one? “Thatthey may be calledtrees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:3). 1. When we are planted in the house of the Lord we flourish. • It’s so important to be a part of the localchurch – Jesus is building His church! 2. Every time people encounteredJesus and their lives were changed, Godwas glorified. CLOSING CHALLENGE: Jesus came to preachthe acceptable yearof the Lord. What does that mean? The year of the Lord’s favour, pleasure, delight, goodwill, acceptance. PRAYER: Forpeople to encounter a fresh visitation of JESUS THE CHRIST! BeausejourCommunity Church Website: PastorChris Jordan’s Blog:
  • 44. PRECEPTAUSTIN RESOURCES BRUCE HURT Acts 4:26 'THE KINGS OF THE EARTH TOOKTHEIR STAND, AND THE RULERS WERE GATHERED TOGETHER AGAINST THE LORD AND AGAINST HIS CHRIST.' KJV Acts 4:26 The kings of the earth stoodup, and the rulers were gathered togetheragainstthe Lord, and againsthis Christ. kings of the earth Ps 83:2-8;Joel3:9-14; Rev 17:12-14,17;Rev 19:16-21 Against the Lord and His Christ Rev11:15; 12:10 Acts 4 Resources -Multiple Sermons and Commentaries THE KINGS AND RULERS CRUCIFY JESUS THE KINGS OF THE EARTH TOOKTHEIR STAND, AND THE RULERS WERE GATHERED TOGETHER- What is the early church saying as they quote Psalm 2 in their prayer? They interpret Psalm 2 as related to the crucifixion and acknowledgethat the Gentiles (Romans), the people (Jewish laity), kings and rulers (including religious rulers like the high priests Caiaphas and Annas) were involved in crime againstthe Messiah. However, the final fulfillment of Psalm 2 awaits the final rebellion of kings and rulers againstthe Messiahwhich will take place at the end of this present age and is describedin the Revelationof John. For example, John records “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet receiveda kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beastfor one hour. 13 “These have one purpose, and they give their powerand authority to the beast. 14 “These will wage waragainstthe Lamb, and the Lamb will
  • 45. overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the calledand chosenand faithful.” (Rev 17:12-14+) And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” 17 Then I saw an angelstanding in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice, saying to all the birds which fly in midheaven, “Come, assemble forthe greatsupper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men, both free men and slaves, andsmall and great.” 19 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembledto make war againstHim who saton the horse and againstHis army. 20 And the beastwas seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had receivedthe mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the swordwhich came from the mouth of Him who saton the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh. (Rev 19:16-21+) MacArthur comments "Theyhad witnessedthe initial fulfillment of that prophecy in the city of Jerusalem. The final fulfillment is presentedin Revelation17:9-14 and sets the stage forHis secondcoming revealedin Revelation19:11-21. (Ibid) Phillips has a very insightful comment regarding the early church's used of Psalm2 - "We (THE MODERN DAY CHURCH) would see its final fulfillment at Armageddon; the infant church saw its initial fulfillment at Calvary. Calvary and Armageddon are two critical phases of the world's planned opposition to Christ. They represent the world's attitude to His two comings. The first time He came, He came in weakness, andGod allowedmen to do their worstto His Beloved. The next time He will come for war, in all the powerof His might. The first time His glory was veiled; the next time it will be displayed in dazzling splendor. The first time they shed His blood; the next time He will shed theirs. Both times the world's oppositionis organized, official, and determined." (Exploring Acts)
  • 46. The kings of earth - In the context of Jesus'crucifixion, the kings would include Herod the tetrarch (Mt 14:1, Lk 23:8-12+). The rulers - The rulers (of the people) describes the members of the Sanhedrin. Pilate summoned the chief priests and the rulers and the people...35 And the people stoodby, looking on. And even the rulers were sneering at Him, saying, “He savedothers; let Him save Himself if this is the Christ of God, His Chosen One.” (Lk 23:13, 35+) The chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to the sentence of death, and crucified Him. ( Lk 24:20+) Rulers (official) (758)(archonfrom present participle of archo = to rule) describes one who has eminence in a ruling capacity, referring to earthly figures (Mt 20:25) such as rulers as here in (Acts 4:26), and later used of Moses (Acts 7:27, 35). It is a mysterious irony that in God's sovereignplan He allowed(in fact He predestined) these earthly rulers to take their stand againstJesus Who is "the ruler of the kings of the earth." (Rev 1:5+) Luke has alreadyused archon two times in this chapter Acts 4:5+ and Acts 4:8+. Luke's uses of archonin Acts - Acts 3:17; Acts 4:5; Acts 4:8; Acts 4:26; Acts 7:27; Acts 7:35; Acts 13:27; Acts 14:5; Acts 16:19;Acts 23:5; Took their stand is first in the Greek sentence foremphasis! These various groups presentedthemselves with hostile intent againstJesus. Took stand (3936)(paristemifrom para = near, beside + histemi = place, set) literally means to place or set beside or near and hence to place at someone's disposal. As Barnes says the verb "commonly means, to presentone's self, or to stand forth, for the purpose of aiding, counselling, etc. But here it means that they rose, or presented themselves, to evince their opposition. They stood opposedto the Messiah, andoffered resistance to Him." In fact, they crucified Him! It is interesting that the verb paristemi while in the present context conveys the picture of the ruler's oppositionto Jesus also has anothermeaning of
  • 47. surrendering or yielding up, which is in factwhat Jesus did as He voluntarily gave Himself to the powerof these evil kings and rulers. What kind of love is this? AGAINST THE LORD (kurios)AND AGAINST HIS CHRIST - Against Jehovahand againstHis Anointed, His Messiah. The point is that when they opposedJesus, they opposedHis Father(Jn 10:29, cf Jn 5:17, 8:19, 49) Note the appearance ofthe "Trinity" in Acts 4:25 (Holy Spirit) and Acts 4:26 (Father and Son). Against is kata which Louw-Nida says is "a marker of opposition, with the possible implication of antagonism—‘against, in opposition to, in conflict with.’" (cf "fleshly lusts" waging waragainstthe believer's soul - 1 Pe 2:11, God "canceledout the certificate ofdebt consisting of decrees againstus" - Col 2:14; “Blessedare you when people insult you and persecute you, and falselysay all kinds of evil againstyou because ofMe." - Mt 5:11; "they brought charges to the governoragainstPaul." - Acts 24:1; "If God is for us, who is againstus?" - Ro 8:31) His Christ - Christ is Christos from chrio which means to anoint. Jesus is God's anointed One (Acts 10:37, 38). Luke plays off the Name Christ in Acts 4:27 describing the "holy Servant Jesus, Whom You anointed (chrio)." See Utley's discussionof Anointing in the Bible. Don't miss the implication of the passagesthat they quote in this prayer. They are acknowledging thatMessiahexperiencedopposition, so as His followers they should not be surprised that Peterand John experiencedopposition. And furthermore they should understand that oppositionto Christ would be the lot of all who followed Christ. And in the following verses they express in prayer the truth that while Jesus was opposed, this opposition had been predestined by the hand of the sovereignGod(the "despotes," the One with absolute powerand authority). While they do not specificallystate it, it is clearthat the opposition which brought about their Lord's death and burial was followedby His resurrection, so that His persecutionhad purpose. Likewise, they could be assuredthat their persecutionwould have purpose in God's sovereignplan of redemption. It would not simply be persecutionfor persecution's sake. It
  • 48. would not be wasted. And basedon this realization, this truth prompts them to cry out for powerto witness boldly, realizing that the "kings and rulers" will stand againstthem, just as they had stoodagainstJesus. Bob Utley on the OT quotations - In Acts Luke records severalOT quotes as they relate to the gospel. 1. Joel2:1–5 in Acts 2:16 2. Psalm16:8–11 in Acts 2:25 3. Isaiah52:12–53:12 in Acts 3:18 4. Deut. 18:15–20 in Acts 3:22 5. Gen. 12:3; 22:18 in Acts 3:25 6. Psalm118:22 in Acts 4:11 7. Psalm2:1–2 in Acts 4:25–26 Christianity is not something new, but the fulfillment of the Old Testament (cf. Matt. 5:17–48). Acts 4:27 "Fortruly in this city there were gatheredtogetheragainstYour holy servant Jesus, whomYou anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, KJV Acts 4:27 For of a truth againstthy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gatheredtogether, For truly Mt 26:3; Luke 22:1; 23:1,8-12 againstYour holy servant Jesus Acts 4:30; 2:27; 3:14; Job 14:4; 15:14;25:4; Luke 1:35; Hebrews 7:26 whom You anointed Acts 10:38; Ps 2:2,6; Ps 45:7; Isa 61:1; Luke 4:18; John 10:36 both Herod Mt 2:13-16;Luke 13:31-33;23:7-12
  • 49. Pontius Pilate Acts 3:13; Mt 27:2,11-36;Mark 15:1-28;Luke 18:31-33;23:13- 38; John 19:1-24,34 along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel Acts Isa 49:7; 53:3; Zechariah 11:7,8;Mt 20:18,19;21:28; 23:37;26:3,4,59-68;Mt 27:25,40-43; Mark 10:33; 14:1,2,43-65;15:1-3,31;Luke 9:22; Luke 20:13-19;22:2-6,47- 52,63-71;23:1-5;John 1:11; 18:1-14,19-24;John 18:28-40;19:15 Acts 4 Resources -Multiple Sermons and Commentaries THE INITIAL FULFILLMENT OF PSALM 2 For (gar) - Term of explanation. Those praying are elaborating on those who took their stand againstthe Lord and His Messiah, againstGodthe Father and God the Son. And so the old saying is true - the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Truly (225)(aletheia) is used with the conjunction epi in this verse is literally "upon truth" and means "in reality truly, certainly" (Mk. 12:14; Mk. 12:32; Lk. 4:25; Lk. 20:21; Lk. 22:59; Acts 4:27; Acts 10:34). It adds emphasis to what they are saying, that it was a real or actualevent. In this city - The holy city of Jerusalemwhere the Holy One of God was crucified. There were gathered togetheragainstYour holy (hagios)servant Jesus (Iesous)- This was a concertedeffortby individuals and groups who did not even like eachother! So great was their hatred of Jesus and His messagethat these enemies beganunited as "friends" on this one occasion. Gathered(4863)(sunago)means assembled, convened, gatheredtogether. Against is epi which Louw-Nida says is "a marker of opposition in a judicial or quasijudicial context." (E.g., Mt 26:55 = “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me as you would against[epi] a robber? Every day I used to sit in the temple teaching and you did not seize Me.") Servant (3816)(see preceding discussionofpais)
  • 50. Like Peterhad done in Acts 3:13 and Acts 3:26, the disciples identify Jesus as the God's Servant, using an unusual word for servant (not the familiar doulos as Paul refers to himself in Titus 1:1 "a servant [doulos] of God"). The word Peteruses is the Greek noun pais which is used 25 times in the NT with about 8 uses referring to children and 15 uses referring to a servant and in secular Greek referredto an especiallyintimate and trusted servant. Pais describes severaldifferent servants - David (Lk 1:69; Acts 4:25; Lxx - 2 Sa 7:5, 8, 19, 20, 21, 25), Israel (Lk 1:54) but most importantly Jesus the Messiah. The KJV actually translates Acts 3:13 as "His SonJesus," whichis not bad because Jesus is the "ServantSon" (so both translation of pais would apply to Him. Mostmodern versions prefer to translate it as "Servant Jesus.")What would have made Peter's use of pais so interesting to his Jewishaudience was the fact that there are at leasttwo well-knownuses in Isaiah in which he speaks prophetically of the Messiahas God's Servant, and in both passages, servant is translated pais. Whom You anointed - Anointed (5548)is the verb chrio the root verb of Christos in Acts 4:26. (See also Messiah- Anointed One) In the OT, priests, kings and prophets were anointed and the Messiahis all three! Both Herod and Pontius Pilate - The Kings and Rulers about which David had prophesied in Psalm 2:2! "Herod Antipas, who was a king of the Jews, mockedJesus;Pontius Pilate, a Gentile ruler, murdered Jesus. Herod scorned Him because he was angry; Pilate sentencedHim because he was afraid. The motive for rejecting Christ is different, the result is the same." (Phillips Exploring Acts) Along with the Gentiles (ethnos) and the peoples of Israel - Notice that this verse allows for no elementof anti-Semitism regarding the death of Christ on the Cross. The point this passagemakes is that Gentiles and Jews are ALL guilty. You and I are guilty of putting Christ on the Cross!The Jews and Herod and Pontius Pilate just happened to be the immediate "instruments" God used to bring about His predestined purpose (Acts 4:28). Marshallmakes a salientpoint regarding the inclusion of the phrase the peoples of Israel - The inclusion of Israelamong the foes of the Messiahmarks
  • 51. the beginning of the Christian understanding that insofar as the people of Israelreject the Messiahthey cease to be the Lord’s people and can be ranked with unbelieving Gentiles. The Messiah- The Anointed One Compiled by Bruce Hurt MESSIAH THE ANOINTED ONE:Webstersays Messiahis a title given to "the promised Deliverer of the Jewishnation prophesiedin the Hebrew Bible." Messiahis derived from the Hebrew word mashiachwhich means "anointed one" and which corresponds to the NT title of "Christ" (Christos = anointed one). As Andrew exclaimed to his brother Peter“We have found the MESSIAH” (which translatedmeans CHRIST)." (Jn 1:41) And as the Samaritan womanat the well said to Jesus "I know that MESSIAH is coming (He Who is calledCHRIST)." (Jn 4:25) So when you encounterthe title "CHRIST" in the NT, you are really encountering "MESSIAH." Let me encourage you, as you read the NT, especiallythe Gospels and Acts, to considersubstituting "MESSIAH" when you see the title "CHRIST". Indeed, even "Jesus Christ" canproperly be read as "Jesus the Messiah,"for Christ is actually Jesus'officialtitle more than His proper Name. Some translations such as the NIV (2011 edition) and Christian Standard Bible (Holman) even translate "Christ" in the Gospels and Acts with the title "Messiah"to emphasize the importance of the conceptof Messiah. And as discussedbelow the majority of Jews (and this Gentile writer) have come to salvationby grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9-note) as the Spirit unveiled the OT messianic prophecies (2Cor4:6-note, Jn 3:8) to clearly show "Jesus (is)the Messiah appointed for" them and for us, "to the Jew first and also to the Greek (anyone not Jewish)." (Acts 3:20, Ro 1:16-note). In fact the main purpose of John's Gospelis that "you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His Name." (Jn 20:31) Jesus is
  • 52. the Anointed One, the fulfillment of the three OT offices which God anointed (selectedand setapart for specialservice):Prophet (Ps 105:15-note, Dt18:18, fulfilled = Jn 7:40), Priest (Ex 29:7, Lev 4:3-note, Ps 110:4-note fulfilled = Heb 6:19-20-note)and King (1Sa 2:10, Ps 2:2,6-note shadows of Messiahfulfilled = Mk 15:26, Rev19:16-note). Norman Geisleradds that the conceptof MESSIAH (Christ) "is the keyto the interpretation of the Bible, not only in that He is the fulfillment of OT types and prophecies, but in that Christ (Messiah)is the tie betweenthe Testaments, the content of the whole canon and the unifying theme in the Bible!" In short the entire Bible is "Messiah- centric" or "Christo-centric!" Belovedbrethren, God's Anointed is appointed, and we shall not be disappointed! "All hail the power of Jesus' Name!, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all." (Perronet) MESSIAH THE EXPECTED ONE:The anticipation of national deliverance through a Man anointed by God has been a theme of Judaism throughout the ages, evenas many first century Jews were "eagerlywaiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel… looking forwardto the redemption of Jerusalem" (Lk 2:25,38). Johnthe Baptistaskedthe question every pious Jew had been asking for centuries "Are You the ExpectedOne?" (Mt 11:3, Lk 7:19-20), which is anotherway of asking "Jesus, Are You the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Deliverer?" The 12th article of the orthodox Jewishcreedsays "I believe with a perfectfaith in the coming of the Messiah, andthough He tarry, yet will I wait daily for His coming." (Rambam) The first century Jews expecteda conquering king who would free them from Rome, but instead this Messiahdied a shameful death on a Roman cross. And so there was great disappointment because Jesus did not appearto be the Expected One. Have you ever been discouragedbecausesomeone in whom you placed your hope let you down?" Then you can identify with the two disciples who walkedon the dusty road to Emmaus and were joined by a resurrectedStrangerwhose identity was veiled. Jesus saw they were "looking sad" forthey "were hoping that (Jesus)was (the Messiah)Who was going to redeemIsrael." (Lk 24:17, 21) Had not Zacharias said that "the Lord God of Israel… (had) visited us and accomplishedredemption (paid the ransom to effectdeliverance) for His people?" (Lk 1:68) And yet Israelwas still in Rome's grip, a grip "as strong as
  • 53. iron!" (Da 2:40-note) Against this backdrop of hopelessness anddespair beganthe greatestBible lessonevertaught, for the Teacher, the Messiah, "beginning with Moses (Pentateuch - Genesis to Deut) and all the Prophets explained to them what was said in ALL the (OT) Scriptures concerning Himself.” (Luke 24:27, cp Jn 5:39, Lk 16:29-31) And so Messiahgave hope to these downcastdisciples explaining that the woman's SEED (Messiah)would have His heel bruised but would crush the head of the serpent (Ge 3:15 - the protoevangelium= the "first Gospel," cp Heb 2:14-15-note, Ro 16:20-note). He explained that the prophet Micah had foretold of His birth from the clanof Judah in Bethlehem Ephrathah (Micah 5:2-note). He explained that 500 years earlierDaniel had predicted the exact time of His arrival as "Messiahthe Prince" (Da 9:25NASB-note)and that He would not conquer but "be cut off" (crucified) (Da 9:26NASB-note). In fact60 major messianic prophecies with 270 ramifications (Jewishrabbis saw up to 456 messianic allusions!) were inspired by the Spirit so that there would be absolutely no doubt to OT readers that the Man Jesus was truly the long expectedMessiah. Sadly, first century Jews were looking forMessiahto be a conquering King, not a suffering Servant and as a result most failed to recognize Him as God's "Wonderful" One (Isaiah 9:6-note) because they missed Isaiah's later prediction that He would be "despised, forsakenofmen, a man of sorrows, acquaintedwith grief… stricken, smitten of God, afflicted… and pierced through for our transgressions…crushedfor our iniquities… by His stripes we are healed." (Isaiah53:3-5) In His first coming Messiahcame as a King riding a donkey to conquer sin (Zech 9:9, Mt 21:4-5), but in His secondcoming He will return as King of kings riding on a white horse to conquer sinful men (Rev 19:11-16-note)!"BornThy people to deliver, born a Child and yet a King; born to reign in us forever, now Thy gracious Kingdom bring." (C Wesley) MESSIAH THE END POINT:Jesus was the "end point", the fulfillment of all the OT prophecies that foretold of a coming Messiah. Manymen have claimed to be the Messiahoverthe centuries and these pretenders will proliferate in the lastdays for Jesus warnedthat "false Messiah's andfalse prophets will arise and will show greatsigns and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect" (Mt 24:24), but only Jesus fulfilled every detail of the more than 300
  • 54. OT Messianicprophecies. Applying the laws of probability, Stoner says that the chance offulfilling just 8 of the 300+ Messianic prophecies is "1 in 10 to the 17th power." To help visualize these odds Stoner says imagine one had 10 to the 17th powersilver dollars and scatteredthem over the surface of the state of Texas producing a pile two feetdeep. Mark one of the silver dollars distinctively and stir them together. Now blindfold a man with instructions to travel anywhere in the state and selectone coin. The chance of finding the marked coin would be the same chance that the prophets would have had of writing just eight prophecies fulfilled in one man! And Jesus fulfilled every detail of every prophecy perfectly declaring to His disciples that "ALL THINGS which are written about Me in the Law of Moses andthe Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." (Lk 24:44) As JoshMcDowellsaidthe "New Testamentwriters spotlighted the Old Testament"ADDRESS" ofJesus for one main reason--to convince their Jewishreaders that Jesus was the Messiah—the Delivererthey had been praying for God to send." "Come, thou long-expectedJesus, born to setThy people free; from our fears and sins release us:Let us find our rest in Thee." (C Wesley) An old pastor was speaking with an inquisitive Jewishman and beganto read Isaiah53 to him asking where he thought this was in the Bible? The Jewish man said "probably Matthew" and when he was told it was "his Scripture" (the JewishOld Testament), he realized that this descriptionwas none other than the Messiah!(See link below for MichaelGoldstone's fascinating testimony) The apostles give us a goodpattern to imitate when we speak to our Jewishfriends, as they repeatedly appealedto the Messianicprophecies to substantiate their claim that Jesus was the long expectedMessiah. And so Peterdeclaredto the Jews that “the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that His MESSIAH should suffer, He has thus FULFILLED." (Acts 3:18NIV, cp Acts 5:42NIV) Paul speaking to the Jews atThessalonicawas "explaining (lit. "opening wide" the OT passages) and giving evidence (lit. "setting before" them) that the MESSIAH had to suffer and rise againfrom the dead, saying, “This Jesus Whom I am proclaiming to you is the MESSIAH.” (Acts 17:3NIV-note, cp Jews in Berea Acts 17:11-note)Paul in explaining the Gospelwrote the Messiah"diedfor our sins in accordancewith what the Scriptures foretold (Ps 22:1, 16-note),
  • 55. that He was buried (Acts 2:31) and that He arose on the third day as the Scriptures foretold. (Jonah 1:17, Mt 12:40, Ps 16:10-note)" (1Cor15:3-4-note) "Tis finished! The Messiahcries, Cutoff for sins, but not His own: Accomplished is the sacrifice, The greatredeeming work is done." (C Wesley) MESSIAH OUR EXAMPLE: Paul instructs believers to "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ (Messiah)." (1Cor11:1NIV)But how can we imitate the Messiah? Whatpattern did He provide? At the beginning of Messiah's ministry, He was FILLED WITH "the Holy Spirit… and LED about by the Spirit in the wilderness where He was tempted by the devil" (Lk 4:1-2). We as His followers are commanded to be continually "FILLED WITH (controlledby) the Spirit" (Eph 5:18-note) that we might be "LED by the Spirit." (Gal 5:18-note)After His temptation "Jesus returned to Galilee in the POWER (dunamis = inherent ability to accomplisha task)of the Spirit." (Lk 4:14) Similarly, we as His followers are "to be strengthenedwith POWER (dunamis) through His Spirit in our inner man." (Eph 3:16-note, read Acts 1:8-note) When Jesus enteredthe synagogue in Nazarethto begin His ministry, He read from Isaiah's Messianic prophecy"The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has ANOINTED (chrio - verb root of Christos = Christ) Me to preachthe Gospelto the poor; He has sentMe to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the captives and recoveryof sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable yearof the LORD.” (Luke 4:18-19 quoting Isa 61:1-2). As Warren Wiersbe explains "When our Lord lived on earth, ALL THAT HE DID was directed by the Father and EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit, Whom the Fathergave to Jesus “withoutlimit” (Jn 3:34)." And so at the beginning of His ministry “Godanointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, and He went around doing goodand healing” (Acts 10:38). And even as Jesus was anointedfor ministry, the Father has establishedus "in Christ and ANOINTED us." (2Cor. 1:21NIV) John adds that like Jesus every believerhas "an ANOINTING (the Holy Spirit) from the Holy One" (1Jn 2:20-note) and that "the anointing which we receivedfrom Him abides (continually) in" us empowering us and enabling us to "walk in the same manner as (Messiah) walked." (1Jn2:6-note). Are you walking in your natural "power" or in the SUPERNATURALPOWER of the Spirit Who anointed you for service? If we
  • 56. are to successivelywalk in the "good(God) works whichGod prepared (for us) beforehand" (Eph 2:10-note), we must continually seek to follow Messiah's example of ministry, "redeeming the time, for the days are evil." (Eph 5:16- note) "Give every flying minute, Something to keepin store;Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more." (Anna Coghill) MESSIAH OUR EXPECTATION:After American troops were forced to surrender the Philippines in May, 1942, GeneralDouglasMacArthur vowed to retake the islands, giving his famous "prophetic promise" "I WILL RETURN" whichwas printed on thousands of matchbooks, buttons, bars of soapand leaflets dropped by air all over the Philippines to encourage and give hope. MacArthur kept his promise! But even better the "Commander of the Lord's army" (Josh5:15NLT), Jesus ourMessiah, made a similar "prophetic promise" to His disciples declaring "I go to prepare a place for you" and "I WILL COME AGAIN!" (Jn 14:3) As Hoekema rightly observes "The faith of the New Testamentis dominated by this expectation." Indeed, the NT has some 318 prophetic promises (direct and indirect) describing Messiah's triumphant return as King of kings, and Lord of lords (Rev 19:11-16-note), which means that there is approximately one prophecy on the SecondComing in every 20 verses!In factit has been estimated that for every prophecy of Messiah's FirstComing, there are eight describing His SecondComing! As the old Scottishpreachersaid "The doctrine of Messiah'sSecondComing, as it appears in the NT, is like a lofty mountain that dominates the entire landscape.” JohnWalvoordadds that Messiah's SecondComing is also "implied in hundreds of OT prophecies" oftenmingling them with His first coming as in Isa 61:1-2a which was fulfilled at Messiah's firstcoming (Lk 4:18-21)and Isa 61:2b which describes "the day of vengeance ofour God to comfort all who mourn" to be fulfilled at Messiah's SecondComing. And so just as MacArthur's promise on leaflets gave hope during the dark days of WWII, the prophecies of Messiah's SecondComing "give us hope and encouragementas we wait patiently for God's promises" (Ro 15:4NLT-note). As this world grows darkerand the promised return of Messiahgrows brighter, we should continually be "looking (expectantly) for the BLESSED HOPE and the appearing of the glory of our great Godand Savior, Christ (Messiah)Jesus."(Titus 2:13-note) Paul calledMessiah's return ‘the Blessed
  • 57. Hope’ and as our world unravels morally and ethically, indeed He appears to be the only hope for the world! And so it is interesting that the largesttype used by newspapers for headlines of astounding events is called“second coming” type and is reservedfor the most amazing front-page news (beginning or end of wars, moon landings, etc). One day soonevery eye "will see Him," (Rev 1:7) the One for Whom "SecondComing" type was named! Messiahcame first as the "Manof sorrows" (Isa 53:3), but will come again "with power and greatglory" (Mt 24:30)as Judge and King (2Ti 4:1-note). Martin Luther well said, ‘I preach as though Messiahdied yesterday, rose from the dead today and was coming back tomorrow." How different our lives would be if we lived them in that spirit! As one has well said"Don't complain about what this world is coming to. Proclaimthe One Who is coming to this world." "And for the hope of His return, DearLord, Your Name we praise;With longing hearts we watch and wait; Forthat greatday of days!" (Sherwood) APPLICATION: Jesus may come at ANY time, so we must be ready ALL the time! This begs the question, do my day to day choices reflectthe reality of an expectantattitude? "Expectantlooking" is always a great"antidote" for "apathetic living!" Look for Christ’s future return, and you will live for Christ’s glory in the present, remembering that His SECOND Coming is as certain as His FIRST!Indeed, "the certainty of the Second Coming should touch and tincture every part of our daily behavior." (Blanchard) "We know that, when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shallsee Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." (1Jn 3:2-3-note, cp 2Pe 3:11-note)"Preciselybecausewe cannot predict the moment, we must be ready at all moments." (C S Lewis) "Uncertainty about the date of the Lord's return is calculatedto keep believers in an attitude of constantexpectationand to preserve them from despondency." (Ryle) John Piper asks “Doesyour mind return frequently to the truth of Christ’s appearing? When your mind turns to the truth of His appearing, does your heart want it—is there an eagernessto see Him? Do you pray for His coming? Maranatha, prayed the early church! Come, Lord Jesus!” Amen! (Rev 22:20-note) RelatedResources: