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ByProf.	Timothy	Noakes	July,	2019
When	medical	scientists	propagate	a	false	hypothesis,	two	things	happen,	and	both	of	them	are	bad.	
First,	the	wrong	idea	causes	direct	harm	to	those	who	adopt	practices	based	on	that	incorrect	hypothesis.	Second,	the	wrong	idea	suppresses	any	attempts	to	
discover	the	correct	hypothesis.	Such	suppression	occurs	as	a	result	of	(enforced)	scientific	consensus.	
Anyone	who	dares	to	question	the	false	but	agreed-upon	hypothesis	is	labeled	a	“hypothesis	skeptic”	or	“hypothesis	denier.”	Very	soon,	that	individual	finds	herself	
a	scientific	pariah,	shunned	and	publicly	humiliated	by	her	colleagues,	no	longer	able	to	secure	research	funding.	In	this	way	skeptics	are	conveniently	and	very	
effectively	removed	from	the	scientific	mainstream.	This	technique	is	now	recognized	as	academic	mobbing	(2)	and	ritual	degradation	(3).	The	consequences	for	the	
victim	of	academic	mobbing	and	ritual	degradation	are	usually	calamitous.	
Having	personally	traversed	this	academic	minefield	for	the	past	nine	years,	I	understand	it	rather	too	well	(4).	
But	the	reality	is	that	science	is	never	settled,	and	skeptics	will	always	play	a	crucial	role	in	driving	scientific	progress.	
Ancel	Keys’	incorrect	diet-heart	hypothesis	that	saturated	fat	is	the	direct	cause	of	heart	attacks	and	death	from	coronary	heart	disease	(CHD)	led	directly	to	its	
offspring,	the	lipid	hypothesis,	which	holds	that	an	elevated	blood	cholesterol	concentration	is	the	singular	cause	of	CHD.	This	in	turn	led	to	a	multibillion-dollar	
industry	focused	on	reducing	blood	cholesterol	concentrations,	principally	through	the	prescription	of	cholesterol-lowering	statins	and	“aided”	by	a	low-fat,	high-
carbohydrate	(LFHC)	diet.	This	diet	recommendation	was	enshrined	in	the	1977	U.S.	Dietary	Guidelines	for	Americans	(USDGA)	(5).	
The	1977	USDGA	and	other	forms	of	continued	support	for	the	diet-heart	and	lipid	hypotheses	have	led	to	at	least	three	dire	consequences	(4).	
First,	the	incidences	of	obesity	and	Type	2	diabetes	mellitus	(T2DM)	have	more	than	doubled	in	this	period	(6).	The	reasons	for	this	will	be	explained.	Importantly,	
the	key	pathological	feature	of	T2DM	is	widespread	progressive	obstructive	arterial	disease	in	all	the	major	arterial	systems	in	the	body	but	especially	the	arteries	
supplying	the	kidneys	and	lower	limbs	—	thus	the	growing	global	pandemic	of	kidney	failure	and	lower-limb	amputations.	
As	a	result	of	the	worldwide	adoption	of	the	USDGA	based	on	Keys’	false	diet-heart	hypothesis,	the	LFHC	diet	has	been	promoted	as	the	ultimate	intervention	to	
prevent	obstruction	of	the	coronary	arteries.	Yet,	very	inconveniently,	the	promotion	of	this	diet	has	clearly	produced	a	much	more	devastating	outcome	—	the	
worst	possible	forms	of	obstructive	arterial	disease	in	persons	with	T2DM.	
Second,	despite	the	almost	universal	prescription	of	statin	drugs	to	anyone	considered	at	even	the	slightest	risk	of	ever	developing	CHD,	after	five	or	more	decades	
in	decline,	the	global	incidence	of	CHD	has	begun	to	increase	in	some	countries	(7).	Clearly,	the	billion-dollar	statin	drug	industry	that	thrives	by	promising	to	
prevent	all	future	heart	attacks	is	not	delivering	on	its	puffery.	Evidence	of	the	ineffectiveness	of	statins	is	perhaps	the	final	repudiation	of	both	the	diet-heart	and	
lipid	hypotheses.	
Third,	because	these	two	hypotheses	were	embraced	so	fanatically	(and	without	proper	due	scientific	process),	any	attempts	by	skeptics	to	develop	alternate	
hypotheses	have	been	rigorously	suppressed	in	part	by	labeling	the	challengers	as	“cholesterol-skeptics”	or	“cholesterol-denialists”	(8).	
The	ultimate	tragedy	is	that	the	one	theory	that	best	explains	why	the	adoption	of	the	LFHC	diet	has	destroyed	global	health	has	been	ignored.	It	is	not	taught	in	even	
a	minority	of	medical	schools	around	the	world.	This	theory	holds	that	a	single	biological	state,	insulin	resistance	syndrome	(IRS),	is	the	key	driver	of	most	of	the	
chronic	medical	conditions	to	which	modern	humans	fall	prey.	This	theory	is	the	work	of	a	single	researcher,	Dr.	Gerald	Reaven,	recently	deceased,	and	his	small	
team	of	researchers	at	Stanford	University	in	Palo	Alto,	California.	
It	is	my	argument	that	Reaven’s	work	is	perhaps	the	most	important	body	of	medical	research	of	the	last	five	decades.	His	work	is	so	far	ahead	of	current	medical	
thinking	that,	sadly,	Reaven	died	before	his	work’s	value	was	properly	recognized	with	a	Nobel	Prize.	But	his	time	of	recognition	will	come.	The	moment	is	rapidly	
approaching	when	the	medical	profession	will	be	forced	to	admit	the	genius	in	Reaven’s	work.	The	truth	cannot	be	denied	forever.
Reaven	spent	60	years	describing	the	condition	that	would	become	his	trademark,	insulin	resistance	syndrome	(IRS).	
His	academic	interest	(1,	9)	was	stirred	early	in	his	career	when	he	read	the	work	of	Harry	Himsworth	(10),	who	already	in	the	1930s	had	proposed	that	there	are	
two	forms	of	diabetes.	The	first,	insulin-deficient	Type	1	diabetes	mellitus	(T1DM),	is	caused	when	the	pancreatic	insulin-secreting	beta	cells	are	destroyed	by	an	
autoimmune	process	of	unknown	origin.	As	a	result,	the	affected	person	is	left	without	any	ability	to	produce	insulin.	Such	persons	cannot	live	without	regular	
insulin	injections.	
It	was	this	group	of	patients	whose	lives	were	so	dramatically	changed	with	the	discovery	of	insulin	by	Frederick	Banting,	John	Macleod,	Charles	Best,	and	James	
Collip	in	December	1921	(11).	Because	insulin	is	present	in	the	blood	in	such	small	amounts,	at	the	time	of	insulin’s	discovery,	it	was	not	possible	to	accurately	
measure	blood	insulin	concentrations.	(Banting	and	Macleod	won	the	Nobel	Prize	for	isolating	a	pancreatic	substance	that	reduced	blood	insulin	concentrations	in	
those	with	T1DM.	At	the	time,	they	knew	only	that	insulin	was	a	protein	present	in	pancreatic	tissue.	The	structure	of	insulin	was	first	characterized	by	another	
Nobel	Prize	winner,	Dorothy	Hodgkin,	in	1968	(12)).	The	natural	assumption,	then,	was	that	all	forms	of	diabetes	are	caused	by	the	same	mechanism:	an	absolute	
deficiency	in	circulating	blood	insulin	concentrations,	as	found	in	T1DM.	
But	Himsworth	came	up	with	a	different	explanation,	seemingly	from	nowhere	(10).	He	understood	that	in	all	forms	of	diabetes,	the	tissues	have	a	reduced	capacity	
to	take	up	glucose.	He	did	not	agree,	however,	that	this	was	always	due	to	the	complete	absence	of	the	hormone	insulin,	one	action	of	which	is	to	promote	glucose	
uptake	by	the	tissues,	particularly	the	liver,	heart,	and	skeletal	muscles.	
Instead,	he	proposed,	“The	diminished	ability	of	the	tissues	to	utilize	glucose	is	referable	either	to	a	deficiency	of	insulin	or	to	insensitivity	to	insulin,	although	it	is	
possible	that	both	factors	may	operate	simultaneously.”	Accordingly,	he	argued	that	diabetes	should	be	subdivided	into	two	categories:	“insulin-sensitive	and	
insulin-insensitive	types.”	He	also	noted	that	there	were	clear	differences	in	the	clinical	expression	of	these	two	subtypes	so	that	“insulin-sensitive	diabetes,	which	is	
thought	to	be	due	to	a	deficiency	of	insulin,	tends	to	be	severe	…	whereas	diabetes	due	not	a	lack	of	insulin	but	to	insensitivity	to	insulin,	is	generally	less	severe.”	
So	by	1949,	Himsworth	had	concluded,	“It	appears	we	should	accustom	ourselves	to	the	idea	that	a	primary	deficiency	of	insulin	is	only	one,	and	then	not	the	
commonest,	cause	of	the	diabetes	syndrome”	(13).	It	would	take	another	40	years	before	the	National	Diabetes	Data	Group	would	formally	acknowledge	this	
distinction	(14).	
Today,	we	understand	that	in	persons	with	IRS,	especially	those	who	ultimately	develop	T2DM,	the	target	cells	on	which	insulin	normally	acts,	especially	those	in	the	
pancreas	and	liver	but	also	in	many	other	organs,	become	progressively	more	resistant	to	the	normal	action	of	insulin	over	years	and	even	decades.	As	a	result,	
insulin	must	be	secreted	in	increasingly	greater	amounts,	producing	the	progressive	IRS	that	Reaven’s	methodical	research	ultimately	discovered.	
But	after	perhaps	two	to	three	decades	of	this	daily	need	to	oversecrete	insulin,	the	pancreatic	beta	cells	become	exhausted;	the	pancreas	fails;	blood	insulin	
concentrations	fall;	and	the	patient	develops	the	characteristic	features	of	T2DM,	including	very	high	blood	glucose	concentrations	with	the	appearance	of	glucose	in	
the	urine.	
Reaven	demonstrated	that	most	persons	with	IRS	do	not	develop	T2DM.	However,	this	does	not	mean	those	who	have	IRS	that	does	not	progress	to	T2DM	will	live	
long	and	disease-free	lives.	
In	fact,	Reaven’s	unique	contribution	has	been	to	show	that	IRS	is	the	precursor	for	essentially	all	the	chronic	medical	conditions	that	currently	plague	modern	
humans,	from	acne	and	Alzheimer’s	disease	or	dementia	to	hypertension,	peripheral	vascular	disease,	polycystic	ovarian	syndrome,	coronary	heart	disease,	and	
perhaps	even	cancer.	
Thus,	while	we	fret	over	the	growing	pandemic	of	T2DM,	we	need	to	understand	that	this	is	only	the	tip	of	the	disease	iceberg;	hidden	underneath	lies	an	even	
greater	epidemic	of	chronic	modern	diseases	caused	by	IRS	in	those	who	will	not	ever	develop	T2DM	but	who	will	nevertheless	suffer	from	any	number	of	a	wide	
array	of	conditions	that,	in	our	ignorance,	we	continue	to	call	“diseases	of	lifestyle.”	These	diseases,	as	I	will	show,	are	more	correctly	termed	“diseases	of	the	modern	
industrial	diet”	of	highly	processed	foods.	
Since	IRS	is	the	key	driver	of	elevated	blood	pressure	(hypertension)	(15)	and	coronary	artery	disease	(16),	in	his	repudiation	of	the	simplistic	diet-heart	and	lipid	
hypotheses,	Reaven	also	established	that	“coronary	heart	disease	risk	factors	in	normotensive,	nondiabetic	individuals	includes	more	than	a	high	LDL	cholesterol	
concentration”	(1).	
To	fully	comprehend	the	nature	of	modern	human	ill	health,	we	need	first	to	understand	the	IRS.	
Today,	it	is	rather	easier	to	distinguish	between	T1DM,	T2DM,	and	IRS	in	affected	patients.	All	one	need	do	is	measure	blood	insulin	concentrations.	If	endogenous	
(produced	by	the	patient’s	body)	insulin	is	absent,	the	patient	has	T1DM;	if	insulin	is	present,	the	patient	may	have	either	T2DM	or	IRS.	
But	when	Reaven	began	his	work,	the	ability	to	effectively	measure	blood	insulin	concentrations	was	still	new.	It	had	only	just	been	achieved	by	Rosalyn	Yalow	and	
Solomon	Berson	in	1960.	Working	at	the	Veterans	Administration	(VA)	hospital	in	the	Bronx,	New	York,	Yalow	and	Berson	developed	an	immunoassay	method	to	
accurately	measure	the	tiny	amounts	of	insulin	in	the	blood	(17).	For	this,	Yalow	was	awarded	the	Nobel	Prize	in	1977.	
Yalow	and	Berson	wasted	no	time	in	showing	that	blood	insulin	concentrations	were,	on	average,	higher	in	persons	with	T2DM	than	in	healthy	subjects	without	the	
disease.	They	concluded:	“The	tissues	of	the	maturity-onset	diabetic	do	not	respond	to	his	insulin	as	well	as	the	tissues	of	the	nondiabetic	subject	respond	to	his	
insulin”	(16).	Thus,	they	confirmed	Himsworth’s	postulate	from	two	decades	earlier:	that	those	with	T2DM	are	“insulin	insensitive.”
Yet,	no	one	at	that	time	understood	exactly	what	constitutes	“insulin	insensitivity.”	Reaven	would	devote	the	remainder	of	his	working	life	to	the	explanation	of	this	
Reaven	began	his	research	in	the	1960s,	at	a	time	when	Keys’	diet-heart	and	lipid	hypotheses	were	gaining	great	traction	globally.	Reaven,	(like	most	medical	
doctors	around	the	world	then	and	now)	was	taught	that	an	elevated	blood	cholesterol	concentration	“was	considered	the	primary	culprit	in	heart	disease”	(18,	p.	
But	what	was	Reaven	to	make	of	Margaret	Albrink	and	Evelyn	Man’s	1959	findings	(19),	which	showed	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	appeared	to	be	no	higher	in	
those	who	had	suffered	heart	attacks	(many	of	whom	had	T2DM)	than	they	were	in	normal	patients	without	established	heart	disease	(Figure	1)?	
Figure	1:	The	distribution	at	different	ages	of	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	in	persons	without	(normals)	and	those	with	diagnosed	heart	attack	(acute	myocardial	
infarction)	(coronaries).	Note	that	the	majority	of	coronaries	have	what	were	then	considered	normal	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	(below	horizontal	line	at	a	
cholesterol	concentration	of	280	mg%).	Reproduced	from	reference	19.	
The	usual	response	to	such	information	is	to	ignore	it,	to	pretend	that	it	does	not	exist,	as	indeed	has	been	the	common	practice	for	the	past	six	decades.	But	clearly	
Reaven	was	made	of	sterner	stuff.	He	knew	a	paradox	when	he	saw	one,	and	his	personality	was	such	that	the	uncertainty	revealed	by	this	paradox	would	drive	him	
to	examine	that	enigma	until	its	truth	was	exposed.	
Albrink	and	Man	also	reported	that	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	were	different	in	normal	and	coronary	groups,	and	appeared	to	be	higher	in	those	with	
established	heart	disease	(Figure	2).
Figure	2:	The	distribution	at	different	ages	of	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	in	persons	without	(normals)	and	those	with	(coronaries)	diagnosed	heart	attack	(acute	
myocardial	infarction).	Note	that	the	majority	of	normal	subjects	have	normal	blood	triglyceride	concentrations,	whereas	more	than	50%	of	coronaries	have	elevated	
blood	triglyceride	concentrations	(above	horizontal	line	at	a	triglyceride	concentration	of	8	mEq/L.	Reproduced	from	reference	19.	
When	Albrink	and	Man	plotted	the	distribution	of	these	cholesterol	and	triglyceride	concentrations	in	the	two	groups,	there	was	much	greater	overlap	in	blood	
cholesterol	than	in	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	(Figure	3),	which	suggests	coronary	patients	and	normal”	were	more	similar	in	the	blood	cholesterol	than	in	
their	blood	triglyceride	concentrations.	From	this,	Reaven	could	have	drawn	only	one	conclusion:	that	it	cannot	be	differences	in	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	
driving	the	greater	prevalence	of	CHD	in	the	coronary	patients.	He	may	indeed	have	wondered:	Does	the	difference	in	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	explains	this	
difference,	and	if	so,	why?	This	was	the	research	question	that	would	define	his	legacy.	
Figure	3:	Distribution	of	blood	triglyceride	(top)	and	blood	cholesterol	(bottom)	concentrations	in	persons	without	(normals)	and	those	with	diagnosed	heart	attack	
(acute	myocardial	infarction)	(coronaries).	Note	that	the	overlap	in	these	values	in	much	greater	for	blood	cholesterol	than	for	blood	triglyceride	concentrations.	
Reproduced	from	reference	19.	
To	further	analyze	the	possible	association	of	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	and	development	of	CHD,	the	authors	next	compared	the	percentage	of	
persons	with	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	higher	than	5.5	mEq/L.	As	shown	in	Figure	4,	the	percentage	with	serum	triglyceride	concentrations	above	5.5	
mEq/L	rose	from	about	5%	in	normal	persons	between	ages	20	and	29	to	>70%	in	those	with	coronary	artery	disease	and	to	>85%	in	12	subjects	who	had	
experienced	chest	pain	during	exertion	(angina)	but	who	had	not	suffered	a	heart	attack.
Figure	4:	Percentage	of	cases	below	and	above	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	of	5.5	mEq/L	in	persons	without	(normal)	and	those	with	diagnosed	heart	attack	(acute	
myocardial	infarction)	(coronary)	and	in	persons	with	chest	pain	during	exercise	(angina).	Note	that	the	percentage	with	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	rises	
from	about	5%	in	20-	to	29-years-old	normal	subjects	to	above	85%	in	12	subjects	with	angina.	Note	that	the	top	and	bottom	extents	of	the	vertical	blocks	show	the	%	of	
subjects	with	(top)	and	without	(bottom)	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations.	Reproduced	from	reference	19.	
These	findings	forced	the	following	conclusion:		
In	summary,	elevations	of	serum	triglycerides	above	5.5	mEq.	per	liter	(about	160	mg.%)	occurred	in	only	5%	of	normal	young	adults,	in	at	most	30%	of	normal	
men	over	50,	and,	if	the	effects	of	acute	illness	were	excluded,	in	85%	to	90%	of	patients	with	coronary	artery	disease.	Few,	if	any,	other	lipid	measurements	which	
have	been	reported	effect	such	a	clear-cut	separation	between	the	normal	and	coronary	subjects.	
And	then	Albrink	and	Man	added	the	sentence	that	probably	galvanized	Reaven’s	attention:	“The	present	report	suggests	that	an	error	in	the	metabolism	of	
triglycerides	is	the	lipid	abnormality	operative	in	coronary	artery	disease.”	
In	their	final	studies	(20,	21)	the	authors	expanded	on	this	theory	that	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	are	more	likely	to	be	elevated	than	are	blood	cholesterol	
concentrations	in	persons	with	coronary	artery	disease.	Thus,	in	their	1961	paper	(20),	they	reported,	“82	per	cent	of	the	patients	of	all	ages	with	coronary	artery	
disease	had	high	serum	triglyceride	concentrations.”	In	contrast,	elevated	serum	cholesterol	concentrations	“in	the	absence	of	elevated	triglyceride	values	
characterized	only	about	10	per	cent	of	the	normal	population,	10	to	18	percent	of	the	population	of	the	patients	with	coronary	artery	disease	under	fifty	years	of	
age,	but	virtually	none	of	the	patients	over	age	fifty”	(p.	11).	
As	a	result,	they	concluded,	“The	serum	triglyceride	levels	in	this	series	appeared	to	provide	a	better	separation	between	normal	persons	and	patients	with	coronary	
artery	disease	than	the	reported	measurements	of	other	serum	lipids,	and	may	provide	the	most	accurate	single	indication	yet	available	of	the	biochemical	defect	
recognizable	in	disease	of	the	coronary	arteries”	(p.	15).	They	added,	“There	can	be	no	doubt	from	the	present	data	that	the	serum	triglyceride	concentration	is	more	
closely	associated	with	coronary	heart	disease	than	is	the	serum	cholesterol	concentration”	(p.	17).	
Only	in	the	very	recent	past	has	the	key	insight	of	these	pioneers	—	that	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	are	more	effective	(associational)	predictors	of	
CHD	risk	than	are	blood	cholesterol	markers	—	begun	to	be	appreciated.	The	reason	for	such	reluctance	is	obvious:	Whereas	the	targeted	lowering	of	blood	
cholesterol	concentrations	is	a	highly	profitable	billion-dollar	industry,	there	are	no	drugs	that	effectively	lower	blood	triglyceride	concentrations.	But	there	is	one	
simple,	cheap	and	absolutely	effective	method	of	which,	as	I	will	reveal,	these	authors	were	already	well	aware.	
Five	years	after	Albrink	and	Man’s	original	publication,	Peter	Kuo	at	the	Hospital	of	the	University	of	Pennsylvania	published	his	study	of	286	persons	with	arterial	
disease	and	known	abnormalities	of	blood	lipid	(cholesterol,	triglycerides,	or	both)	concentrations	(22).	He	showed	that	by	far	the	commonest	abnormality	in	234	
(81.8%)	of	these	subjects	was	what	he	termed	“carbohydrate-induced	hyper(tri)glyceridemia.”	In	fact,	he	concluded	that	more	than	90%	of	these	patients	had	the	
Although	the	majority	of	patients	with	atherosclerosis	in	this	series	were	referred	to	us	…	(for	the	investigation)	of	hypercholesterolemia,	only	8.4%	were	found	to	
have	essential	familial	hypercholesterolemia.	More	than	90%	were	found	to	have	carbohydrate-sensitive	hyper(tri)glyceridemia	with	or	without	
hypercholesterolemia.	Thus,	it	is	reasonable	to	assume	that	with	proper	dietary	preparation	and	appropriate	laboratory	studies,	a	high	incidence	of	carbohydrate-
sensitive	hyperglyceridemia	could	be	demonstrated	in	persons	with	atherosclerosis.	(22,	p.	92)	
Another	key	finding	at	about	this	time	was	made	by	Manuel	Tzagournis	and	colleagues	(23).	They	found	that	the	majority	of	persons	with	premature	CHD	before	age	
49	had	elevated	blood	triglyceride	and	fasting	insulin	concentrations,	as	well	as	abnormal	glucose	tolerance.	All	are	markers	of	impaired	insulin	sensitivity.	They	
explain,	“The	high	prevalence	of	abnormal	glucose	tolerance	tests	was	unexpected	because	subjects	with	known	clinical	diabetes	and	elevated	blood	glucose	levels	
were	deliberately	excluded.	This	study	also	disclosed	a	significant	positive	correlation	between	fasting	serum	triglyceride	concentrations	and	the	magnitude	of	
glucose-induced	insulin	secretion	as	well	as	the	level	of	serum	cholesterol”	(p.	1161).	
The	study	by	Tzagournis	et	al.	advanced	the	finding	of	Kuo	(22)	because	it	suggested	a	link	between	carbohydrate-sensitive	hypertriglyceridemia,	insulin	resistance,	
and	premature	development	of	CHD,	even	in	the	absence	of	diagnosed	T2DM.
Fast-forward	to	1997	and	the	study	by	J.	Michael	Gaziano	et	al.	(24),	which	found	that	persons	in	the	highest	quartile	of	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	had	a	16-
fold	higher	risk	of	heart	attack	than	did	the	group	with	the	lowest	blood	triglyceride	concentrations.	The	authors	could	have	been	repeating	the	1959	statement	by	
Albrink	and	Man	when	they	concluded,	“Elevated	fasting	triglyceride	represents	a	useful	marker	for	risk	of	coronary	heart	disease,	particularly	when	HDL	levels	are	
considered”	(24,	p.	2520).	
More	recently,	in	2014,	Maria-Agata	Miselli	and	colleagues	(25)	reported	their	results	from	a	study	in	which	they	followed	1,917	T2DM	outpatients	over	10	years	to	
evaluate	predictors	of	long-term	outcomes.	They	reported:	
In	conclusion,	we	found	a	direct	association	between	mean	triglycerides	levels	and	long-term	total	mortality	risk	in	older	adult	type	2	diabetic	outpatients;	the	
relationship	was	significant	even	after	taking	into	account	for	the	effect	of	traditional	cardiovascular	risk	factors	and	pharmacological	treatments.	This	finding	
suggests	that	more	attention	should	be	given	to	cardiovascular	risk	management	in	type	2	diabetic	patients	with	high	triglycerides	levels.	
The	modern	literature	is	now	replete	with	scientific	papers	reporting	precisely	the	same	finding.	
It	is	a	pity	that	the	pioneering	observations	of	Albrink	and	Man	have	been	ignored	for	so	long	while	an	alternate	but	false	hypothesis	has	been	promoted.	
In	1961,	Albrink	and	Man	reviewed	the	data	they	had	collected	in	the	previous	30	years	since	they	began	treating	T2DM	patients	in	1931	(20,	21).	During	this	time,	
they	learned	that	persons	with	T2DM	are	at	increased	risk	of	developing	CHD	(26).	Importantly,	during	the	course	of	their	study,	there	had	been	a	significant	change	
in	the	dietary	advice	given	to	all	persons	with	diabetes,	including	those	with	T2DM.	
Before	the	discovery	of	insulin	in	1921,	it	was	known	that	persons	with	insulin-sensitive	T1DM	could	survive	a	little	longer	if	they	severely	restricted	their	calorie	
intake	and	ate	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	(27,	28).	Thus,	in	the	1870s,	William	Morgan	wrote,	“A	diabetic	should	exclude	all	saccharine	and	farinaceous	materials	from	
his	diet”	(29,	p.	159).	He	observed,	“Theoretically,	the	Diabetic	should	be	supplied	pretty	largely	with	FAT;	and	practically	it	is	found	that	its	effect	is	highly	
beneficial”	(p.162-3).	
But	the	discovery	of	insulin	allowed	persons	with	T1DM	to	survive	when	they	ate	more	calories,	including	more	carbohydrate.	The	result	was	that,	with	time,	
diabetologists	began	to	prescribe	diets	with	progressively	higher	carbohydrate	contents,	so	that	whereas	in	1915	the	typical	diet	for	a	T1DM	patient	would	contain	
only	about	25	grams	of	carbohydrate	per	day,	already	by	the	1940	this	had	increased	to	172	grams/day	(30,	p.	62).	Concurrently,	diabetologists	began	to	prescribe	
higher	carbohydrate	diets	also	for	those	with	T2DM.	
Albrink,	Man,	and	Paul	Lavietes	proposed	that	this	dietary	change	had	not	been	without	one	potentially	worrying	effect	(21).	In	particular,	they	argued	that	this	
change	to	a	higher	carbohydrate	diet	had	produced	an	increase	in	average	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	in	diabetic	patients	(Figure	5).	
Figure	5:	Blood	triglyceride	concentrations	in	two	populations	of	patients	with	T2DM;	the	one	studied	from	1931	to	1939,	when	diets	containing	between	53	and	67%	of	
total	calories	as	fat	were	prescribed	for	persons	with	T2DM,	and	the	second	from	1951	to	1961,	when	restrictions	on	dietary	carbohydrate	intake	had	been	relaxed,	
causing	a	reduction	in	fat	intake	percentages	to	about	40%.	Note	that	the	number	of	subjects	with	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	increased	substantially	
with	this	increase	in	carbohydrate	intake.	Reproduced	from	reference	21.	
Since	Albrink	and	Man	were	of	the	opinion	that	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	rather	than	higher	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	were	the	better	
predictors	of	risk	for	developing	CHD,	they	were	bound	to	conclude	the	following:	
At	least	in	diabetic	persons,	the	present	study	suggests	that	the	increased	coronary	rate	over	the	past	30	years	has	not	been	associated	with	any	change	in	the	serum	
cholesterol,	but	rather	with	an	increased	triglyceride	concentration,	and	the	dietary	change	has	been	in	the	direction	of	lower	fat	and	higher	carbohydrate	intake	
rather	than	the	higher	fat	reported	for	the	country	as	a	whole.	Indeed	starvation,	rigorous	caloric	restriction,	and	stringent	high	fat,	low	carbohydrate	diets	were	the
only	form	of	therapy	for	diabetes	prior	to	insulin.	A	similar	diet,	liberal	in	fat	but	low	in	carbohydrate,	was	carried	over	in	the	early	part	of	the	1930’s	when	the	
present	study	began,	but	in	recent	years	fat	intake	has	been	reduced	to	that	of	the	country	as	a	whole	and	carbohydrate	intake	has	been	liberalized.	Thus	the	rising	
triglyceride	concentration	of	diabetics	is	associated	with	the	trend	toward	decreasing	dietary	fat	and	increasing	carbohydrate	intake.	(21)	
As	if	their	first	dramatic	finding	(debunking	the	lipid	hypothesis)	was	not	enough,	Albrink	and	colleagues	were	now	proposing	a	second	theory	that	would	also	be	
completely	ignored	in	the	teaching	of	cardiology	and	internal	medicine,	then	and	now.	They	proposed	that	the	prescription	of	a	higher	carbohydrate	diet	to	persons	
with	T2DM	may	cause	their	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	to	rise	(Figure	5).	According	to	their	first	controversial	theory,	this	would	have	to	mean	that	a	higher	
carbohydrate	diet	would	place	these	persons	at	increased	risk	for	CHD.	Kuo,	of	course,	later	provided	them	with	evidence	that	their	theory	was	correct	and	a	high-
carbohydrate	diet	does	indeed	elevate	blood	triglyceride	levels.	
Kuo	noted	that	others	(34,	35)	had	already	observed	that	very	high-carbohydrate	diets	(80%)	could	cause	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	to	increase	even	in	
healthy	persons	(34).	But	diets	containing	such	large	amounts	of	carbohydrate	are	unusual,	so	this	finding	is	not	of	much	practical	significance.	
Kuo’s	next	contribution	(22,	36)	was	to	establish	that	humans	differ	in	their	sensitivity	to	this	carbohydrate-induced	hypertriglyceridemia	so	that	some	would	
develop	hypertriglyceridemia	with	much	lower	carbohydrate	intakes.	He	wrote:	
The	salient	feature	of	a	patient	sensitivity	to	carbohydrate	resides	in	his	ability	to	develop	hyper(tri)glyceridemia	on	an	average	American	diet,	estimated	to	supply	
35%	to	40%	of	total	calories	largely	as	refined	carbohydrates	…	(so	that)	wide	fluctuations	of	the	serum	triglyceride	level	in	relation	to	carbohydrate	intake	is	
another	distinctive	feature	of	carbohydrate-induced	hyper(tri)glyceridemia.	(22,	pp.106-107)	
To	prove	this	causal	relationship,	he	placed	64	patients	with	carbohydrate-sensitive	hyper(tri)glyceridemia	(CSHT)	on	a	carbohydrate-	and	sugar-restricted	diet	for	
between	six	and	30	months.	The	prescribed	diet	included	four	elements	(22,	p.	92):	
1. Limit	carbohydrate	intake	to	125	to	150	g/day.	
2. Give	complex	carbohydrates	in	place	of	sugars,	fruit	juice,	and	sugar-containing	foods.	(Sucrose,	lactose	and	fructose	had	to	be	totally	eliminated	from	the	
3. Restrict	fats	and	oils	with	high	short-	and	medium-chain	fatty	acid	content	(milk	fat	and	coconut	oil).	
4. Reduce	alcohol	consumption.	
A	typical	response	to	this	dietary	intervention	in	one	such	patient	with	CSHT	is	shown	in	Figure	6.	
Figure	6:	Changes	in	serum	cholesterol,	phospholipid,	and	triglyceride	concentrations	induced	in	one	subject	in	response	to	a	dietary	change	from	a	low-fat,	high-
carbohydrate	to	a	low-carbohydrate,	high-fat	diet	with	no	added	sugars	at	12	months.	Note	that	all	three	blood	parameters	fell	on	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	and	
remained	low	for	the	remaining	20	months	of	the	study.	Reproduced	from	reference	22.	
Figure	7	shows	the	outcome	in	all	64	CSHT	patients	who	followed	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	for	an	average	of	16.6	months.
Figure	7:	Changes	in	serum	triglyceride,	phospholipid,	and	cholesterol	concentrations	in	64	subjects	with	CSHT	in	response	to	a	dietary	change	from	a	low-fat,	high-
carbohydrate	to	a	low-carbohydrate,	high-fat	diet	with	no	added	sugars	at	time	zero.	Note	that	all	three	blood	parameters	fell	on	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	and	
remained	low	for	the	remaining	16.6	months	of	the	study.	Reproduced	from	reference	22.	
An	interesting	finding	shown	in	Figure	7	is	that	the	low-carbohydrate,	no-sugar	diet	not	only	lowered	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	but	also	lowered	blood	
cholesterol	concentrations.	
Another	important	finding	was	that	sugar	and	“starch”	had	quite	different	effects	on	blood	triglyceride	responses	in	persons	with	CSHT.	Whereas	ingesting	the	same	
number	of	calories	in	the	form	of	sugar	substantially	raised	blood	triglyceride	concentrations,	these	concentrations	fell	steeply	when	the	sugar	was	replaced	with	
“starch”	(36).	
So	what	did	we	know	in	1967	as	a	result	of	the	research	of	Albrink,	Man,	and	Kuo,	and	what	have	we	since	forgotten?	
1. Blood	triglyceride	concentrations	appear	to	be	better	predictors	of	the	risk	of	CHD	than	blood	cholesterol	concentrations.	
2. Blood	triglyceride	concentrations	rise	in	response	to	carbohydrate	ingestion.	
3. Individuals	differ	in	the	extent	to	which	their	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	rise	in	response	to	carbohydrate	feeding.	
4. The	extent	to	which	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	rise	with	carbohydrate	feeding	is	one	of	the	best	measures	of	that	individual’s	degree	of	insulin-
sensitivity/insulin-resistance.	Hence,	Kuo	coined	the	term	“carbohydrate-sensitive	hyper(tri)glyceridemia”	(CSHT).	
5. Sugar	(sucrose)	produced	a	greater	increase	in	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	than	did	an	equivalent	amount	of	starch	(36,	37).	This	effect	was	due	to	
the	presence	of	fructose	(in	sucrose)	and	resulted	from	up-regulation	of	triglyceride	synthesis	in	both	liver	and	adipose	tissue	(37).	
6. A	carbohydrate-restricted	diet	lowers	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	and	may	also	reduce	blood	cholesterol	concentrations.	
All	these	findings	were	most	inconvenient,	as	they	were	reported	at	the	exact	time	Ancel	Keys	and	the	American	Heart	Association	were	beginning	to	demonize	fat,	
especially	saturated	fat,	as	the	cause	of	CHD.	Thus,	the	need	arose	to	glorify	carbohydrates,	especially	“whole”	grains,	as	uniquely	healthy.	
To	achieve	this,	any	finding	that	carbohydrates	may	produce	undesirable	health	consequences	would	have	to	be	suppressed;	six	decades	of	the	“health-washing”	of	
carbohydrates	was	about	to	begin	in	earnest.	
A	key	component	of	this	carbohydrate	“health-washing”	would	have	to	be	the	absolute	suppression	of	any	mention	that	carbohydrate-sensitive	
hypertriglyceridemia	is	a	—	perhaps	the	key	driver	of	CHD.	
This	inconvenient	fact	would	need	to	be	hidden	over	the	next	60	years	as	the	false	diet-heart	and	lipid	hypotheses	became	the	dominant	paradigms	directing	the	
teaching	and	conduct	of	medical	professionals	around	the	globe.
In	the	following	column,	we	will	continue	to	track	Reaven’s	journey	toward	discovering	an	alternate	explanation	for	CHD.	
This article was first published on the CrossFit website.	
Professor	T.D.	Noakes	(OMS,	MBChB,	MD,	D.Sc.,	Ph.D.[hc],	FACSM,	[hon]	FFSEM	UK,	[hon]	FFSEM	Ire)	studied	at	the	University	of	Cape	Town	(UCT),	obtaining	a	
MBChB	degree	and	an	MD	and	DSc	(Med)	in	Exercise	Science.	He	is	now	an	Emeritus	Professor	at	UCT,	following	his	retirement	from	the	Research	Unit	of	Exercise	
Science	and	Sports	Medicine.	In	1995,	he	was	a	co-founder	of	the	now-prestigious	Sports	Science	Institute	of	South	Africa	(SSISA).	He	has	been	rated	an	A1	scientist	
by	the	National	Research	Foundation	of	SA	(NRF)	for	a	second	five-year	term.	In	2008,	he	received	the	Order	of	Mapungubwe,	Silver,	from	the	President	of	South	
Africa	for	his	“excellent	contribution	in	the	field	of	sports	and	the	science	of	physical	exercise.”	
Noakes	has	published	more	than	750	scientific	books	and	articles.	He	has	been	cited	more	than	16,000	times	in	scientific	literature	and	has	an	H-index	of	71.	He	has	
won	numerous	awards	over	the	years	and	made	himself	available	on	many	editorial	boards.	He	has	authored	many	books,	including	Lore	of	Running	(4th	Edition),	
considered	to	be	the	“bible”	for	runners;	his	autobiography,	Challenging	Beliefs:	Memoirs	of	a	Career;	Waterlogged:	The	Serious	Problem	of	Overhydration	in	
Endurance	Sports	(in	2012);	and	The	Real	Meal	Revolution	(in	2013).	
Following	the	publication	of	the	best-selling	The	Real	Meal	Revolution,	he	founded	The	Noakes	Foundation,	the	focus	of	which	is	to	support	high	quality	research	of	
the	low-carbohydrate,	high-fat	diet,	especially	for	those	with	insulin	resistance.	
He	is	highly	acclaimed	in	his	field	and,	at	age	67,	still	is	physically	active,	taking	part	in	races	up	to	21	km	as	well	as	regular	CrossFit	training.	
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3. Therese	S,	Martin	B.	Resist	scientist!	Countering	degradation	rituals	in	science.	Prometheus	32(2015):	203-220.	
4. Noakes	TD,	Sboros	M.	Real	food	on	trial:	How	the	diet	dictators	tried	to	destroy	a	top	scientist.	U.K.:	Columbus	Publishing	Ltd.,	2019.	
5. U.S.	Senate	Select	Committee	on	Nutrition	and	Human	Needs.	Dietary	Goals	for	the	United	States,	2nd	ed.	Washington,	D.C.,	U.S.:	Government	Printing	Office,	1977.	
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15. Reaven	GM,	Lithell	H,	Landsberg	L.	Hypertension	and	associated	metabolic	abnormalities—the	role	of	insulin	resistance	and	the	sympathoadrenal	system.	N	Engl	J	
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16. Reaven	G.	Insulin	resistance	and	coronary	heart	disease	in	nondiabetic	subjects.	Arterioscler	Thromb	Vasc	Biol.	32(2012):	1754-1759.	
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21. Albrink	MJ,	Lavietes	PH,	Man	EB.	Vascular	disease	and	serum	lipids	in	diabetes	mellitus:	Observations	over	thirty	years	(1931-1961).	Ann	Intern	Med.	58(1963):	
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ByProf.	Timothy	NoakesJuly	17,	2019
In	the	previous	column	(1),	I	explained	that	Gerald	Reaven	began	his	research	of	insulin	resistance	syndrome	(IRS)	because	he	wanted	to	understand	what	Harry	
Himsworth	meant	when	he	proposed	that	the	metabolic	defect	in	the	commoner	form	of	diabetes	is	an	insensitivity	of	the	patient’s	tissues	to	the	actions	of	insulin	
(2).	In	the	process,	Reaven	discovered	the	work	of	Margaret	Albrink	and	her	colleagues	(3),	which	showed	that	persons	with	coronary	heart	disease	(CHD),	
including	those	with	Type	2	diabetes	mellitus	(T2DM),	are	rather	more	likely	to	have	elevated	blood	triglyceride	than	blood	cholesterol	concentrations.	This	finding	
ran	contrary	to	the	idea	then	gaining	global	credence:	that	elevated	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	are	the	singular	cause	of	CHD.	At	the	same	time,	Peter	Kuo	in	
Philadelphia	was	showing	that	high-carbohydrate	diets,	especially	those	containing	sucrose	or	fructose,	caused	an	increase	in	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	
(hypertriglyceridemia),	particularly	in	those	who	are	carbohydrate-sensitive	(4).	Thus,	Kuo	coined	the	term	“carbohydrate-sensitive	hypertriglyceridemia”	(CSHT).	
This	led	Reaven	to	ask	the	question:	Why	do	carbohydrate-sensitive	persons	with	insulin-resistant	T2DM	have	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations?
Reaven	began	his	research	journey	with	the	popular	understanding	of	the	day	that	T2DM	is	a	key	driver	of	arterial	disease,	especially	of	the	coronary	arteries,	thus	
leading	to	coronary	heart	disease	(CHD).	This	was	the	concept	that,	I	suspect,	was	then	being	taught	at	most	of	the	world’s	medical	schools,	but	the	next	60	years	
would	witness	a	radical	change.	Future	generations	instead	would	be	taught	Ancel	Keys’	false	lipid	hypothesis,	which	holds	that	an	elevated	blood	cholesterol	
concentration	is	the	only	important	blood	(bio)chemical	driver	of	CHD.	
So	when	those	with	T2DM	developed	CHD,	the	explanation	offered	by	the	experts	was	as	simple	then	as	it	is	today:	The	main	cause	is	elevated	blood	cholesterol	
concentrations.	The	evidence	Albrink	and	her	colleagues	presented	to	show	blood	triglyceride	and	not	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	were	more	likely	to	be	
raised	in	persons	with	T2DM	and	CHD	was	simply	ignored	—	and	ultimately	suppressed	and	then	forgotten	(as	it	is	today).	
This	knowledge	was	forgotten	even	though	other	researchers	(5-9)	had	come	to	exactly	the	same	conclusion	by	the	time	Reaven	and	colleagues	completed	their	
studies	of	the	topic	in	1994.	
Reaven’s	first	important	study,	published	in	1963	(10),	evaluated	carbohydrate	metabolism	in	41	patients	with	documented	myocardial	infarction	(MI).	He	found	
that	carbohydrate	metabolism	was	impaired	in	MI	patients	compared	to	controls	—	that	is,	MI	patients	were	more	insulin	resistant.	He	also	observed	that	MI	
patients	had	higher	serum	triglyceride	and	cholesterol	levels.	He	concluded,	“The	apparent	presence	of	minimal	abnormalities	of	carbohydrate	metabolism	in	a	
significant	number	of	patients	with	arteriosclerotic	heart	disease	warrants	further	consideration	as	a	possible	factor	in	the	development	of	atherosclerosis”	(10,	p.	
1013,	my	emphasis).		He	noted	that	four	other	studies	had	already	recognized	this	relationship:	
Although	the	number	of	patients	from	the	infarction	group	with	a	positive	glucose	tolerance	test	seems	quite	high	(41%),	the	existence	of	abnormal	carbohydrate	
metabolism	in	patients	with	atherosclerosis	has	been	observed	by	Sohrade,	Boehle	and	Bieglee	(11),	Waddell	and	Field	(12),	Sowton	(13)	and	Wahlberg	(14).	
Although	all	these	studies	differed	in	the	nature	of	the	patients	selected,	composition	of	the	control	group,	glucose	tolerance	test	used,	time	tested	after	infarction,	
and	other	factors,	there	is	considerable	degree	of	similarity	between	the	results.	(10,	p.	1019)	
Patients	with	higher	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	were	more	insulin	resistant	than	controls,	but	Reaven	was	unable	to	demonstrate	a	clear	link	between	higher	
levels	of	insulin	resistance	and	hypertriglyceridemia.	Thus,	the	cause	of	hypertriglyceridemia	in	these	MI	patients	was	not	established.	
However,	others	were	already	showing	that	persons	with	hypertriglyceridemia	were	more	likely	to	be	resistant	to	the	glucose-lowering	effects	of	injected	insulin	
(15).	That	is,	persons	with	hypertriglyceridemia	required	the	injection	of	more	insulin	to	lower	their	blood	glucose	concentrations.	
Next,	Reaven	developed	the	methods	to	measure	rates	of	liver	triglyceride	production	(16).	These	rates	were	then	measured	in	a	range	of	persons	with	different	
blood	triglyceride	concentrations.	In	a	second	study	(17),	a	group	of	33	clinic	patients	were	fed	a	high-carbohydrate	diet	(85%)	for	three	weeks,	at	the	end	of	which,	
29	subjects	had	markedly	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	(>300	mg/dL;	>3.4	mmol/L).	
These	studies	showed	a	linear	relationship	between	the	rates	of	liver	triglyceride	production	and	the	log	of	the	blood	(plasma)	triglyceride	concentrations	(Figure	1;	
left	panel).	They	showed	a	similar	linear	relationship	between	plasma	triglyceride	concentrations	and	blood	insulin	concentrations.	
Figure	1:		The	left	panel	shows	a	significant	linear	relationship	between	the	rates	of	hepatic	(liver)	triglyceride	production	and	the	log	of	plasma	(blood)	triglyceride	
concentrations.	The	right	panel	shows	a	significant	relationship	between	plasma	triglyceride	and	plasma	insulin	concentrations.	Reproduced	from	reference	17.	
Note	that	a	healthy	blood	triglyceride	concentration	is	below	88	mg/dL	(1	mmol/L).	Thus,	the	overwhelming	majority	of	subjects	in	this	study	were	markedly	
Thus,	the	primary	cause	of	hypertriglyceridemia	in	these	studies	appeared	to	be	“carbohydrate-induced	increases	in	hepatic	triglyceride	secretion	rates”	(17,	p.	
1765),	which	was	in	turn	“highly	correlated	with	the	plasma	insulin	response	produced	by	that	diet”	(p.	1766).	Interestingly	there	was	no	relationship	between	
degree	of	obesity	and	the	extent	of	this	carbohydrate-induced	hypertriglyceridemia.
A	subsequent	study	seven	years	later	(18)	confirmed	all	these	findings.	It	added	the	additional	finding	that	the	stable	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	in	persons	all	
eating	the	same	diet	was	predicted	by	differences	in	their	levels	of	insulin	resistance,	which	determined	their	insulin	responses	to	carbohydrate	ingestion.	Once	
again,	obesity	did	not	predict	any	of	these	relationships.	
One	of	the	forgotten	gems	from	this	1974	paper	is	that	the	metabolic	responses	of	subjects	were	measured	when	they	ingested	a	diet	that	“attempts	to	approximate	
the	constituents	of	the	average	American	diet”	of	that	time.	The	diet	comprised	43%	carbohydrate	and	42%	fat	(18,	p.	552).	In	today’s	language,	that	would	be	
described	(incorrectly)	as	a	low-carbohydrate,	high-fat	diet.	
During	this	period,	Reaven’s	group	also	evaluated	the	effects	on	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	of	eating	high-	and	low-carbohydrate	diets	(85%	and	17%,	
respectively)	for	between	two	and	10	weeks	(19).	As	shown	in	Figure	2,	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	doubled	on	the	high-carbohydrate	diet,	whereas	blood	
cholesterol	and	phospholipid	values	were	less	affected.	Note	that	even	on	the	0%-carbohydrate	diet,	the	majority	of	patients	had	quite	markedly	elevated	blood	
triglyceride	concentrations,	with	only	two	subjects	recording	desirable	values	of	<88	mg/dL	(<1	mmol/L).	
Figure	2:	Comparison	of	blood	triglyceride,	cholesterol,	and	phospholipid	concentrations	in	the	same	subjects	when	they	ate	either	a	high-fat,	low-carbohydrate	diet	(left	
panels)	or	a	high-carbohydrate,	low-fat	diet	(right	panels)	for	10	weeks.	Note	that	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	more	than	doubled	on	the	high-carbohydrate,	low-
fat	diet,	whereas	the	increases	in	blood	cholesterol	and	phospholipid	concentrations	were	more	modest.	Redrawn	from	data	in	Table	2,	reference	19.	
The	study	found	that	all	measures	of	glucose	and	insulin	responses	to	carbohydrate	ingestion	correlated	“very	well	with	triglyceride	response”	(p.	1652-3).	Thus,	the	
authors	explained,	“The	more	abnormal	the	glucose	tolerance	test	and	the	higher	the	accompanying	rises	in	plasma	insulin-like	activity	and	immune-reactive	
insulin,	the	greater	the	subsequent	triglyceride	rise	on	ingestion	of	a	high	carbohydrate	diet”	(p.1654).	Once	again,	the	indication	was	that	the	hypertriglyceridemic	
response	was	related	to	the	individual’s	degree	of	insulin	resistance.	
The	authors	concluded,	“The	observed	elevations	of	plasma	glucose,	insulin-like	activity,	and	immunoreactive	insulin	correlated	well	with	the	magnitude	of	the	
triglyceride	response	that	resulted	from	the	subsequent	ingestion	of	the	higher	carbohydrate	diet.”	They	therefore	ultimately	suggested,	“Hyperinsulinemia,	in	the	
presence	of	normal	to	moderately	elevated	levels	of	plasma	glucose,	may	be	an	important	cause	of	the	enhanced	hepatic	triglyceride	production	that	underlies	
endogenous	hypertriglyceridemia”	(p.	1655).	
As	I	described	in	the	previous	column	(1),	at	precisely	the	same	time,	Kuo	in	Philadelphia	was	showing	that	“a	high	incidence	of	carbohydrate-sensitive	
hyperglyceridemia	could	be	demonstrated	in	persons	with	atherosclerosis”	(4,	p.	92).	
So,	already	by	1967,	Reaven’s	research	group	had	established	the	following:	
1. When	tested	appropriately,	a	significant	proportion	of	persons	with	coronary	artery	disease	(atherosclerosis)	have	abnormalities	in	carbohydrate	
2. The	key	abnormality	appears	to	be	elevated	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	due	in	part	to	higher	levels	of	insulin	resistance.	
3. Higher	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	were	due	to	higher	rates	of	hepatic	(liver)	triglyceride	production.	
4. Higher	rates	of	liver	triglyceride	production	were	due	to	higher	blood	insulin	concentrations.	
5. Blood	triglyceride	concentrations	increased	on	a	very	high-carb,	low-fat	diet	(85%	and	0%,	respectively).	
6. Blood	triglyceride	concentrations	were	lower	on	a	lower-carbohydrate,	higher-fat	diet	(17%	and	68%,	respectively).	
7. The	response	of	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	appeared	to	be	explained	by	individual	differences	in	carbohydrate	tolerance	(insulin	resistance).	
Most	of	the	future	work	performed	by	Reaven	and	his	group	would	be	focused	on	the	description	of	this	condition	(insulin	resistance/carbohydrate	intolerance)	and	
its	role	in	causing	the	majority	of	our	modern	chronic	“lifestyle”	diseases.	We	will	conclude	this	column	with	an	analysis	of	his	groups’	studies	of	the	influence	of	diet,	
in	particular	carbohydrate	content,	on	hypertriglyceridemia	and	other	markers	of	impaired	carbohydrate	metabolism.
Over	a	seven-year	period	between	1987	and	1994,	Reaven	and	his	colleagues	published	three	papers	(20-23)	that	evaluated	the	effects	of	diets	with	different	
carbohydrate	contents	on	blood	parameters,	specifically	in	persons	with	T2DM.	
Without	exception,	these	studies	showed	that	removing	carbohydrates	from	the	diet	uniformly	improved	measures	of	metabolic	health	in	those	with	T2DM.	
Conversely,	increasing	the	carbohydrate	content	of	the	diets	produced	uniformly	detrimental	effects.	
In	the	first	study,	nine	patients	with	T2DM	followed	diets	with	higher	(60%)	or	lower	(40%)	carbohydrate	contents	for	15	days	each	(20).	The	authors	made	the	
point	that	the	40%-carbohydrate	diet	was,	at	the	time,	reflective	of	what	Americans	were	eating,	whereas	the	60%-carbohydrate	diet	was	the	diet	promoted	by	the	
American	Diabetes	Association	(ADA)	for	persons	with	T2DM	in	order	to	produce	a	“fall	in	plasma	low-density	lipoprotein	(LDL)	cholesterol	concentration	and	thus	
a	reduction	in	the	risk	of	coronary	heart	disease”	(p.	214).	
But	the	authors	noted	there	was	no	evidence	that	a	60%-carb	diet	was	advisable.	Instead,	they	cited	a	range	of	studies	showing	that	in	person	with	T2DM,	a	higher-
carbohydrate	diet	was	known	to	cause	“hyperglycemia,	hyperinsulinemia,	hypertriglyceridemia,	and	reduced	plasma	HDL	cholesterol	concentrations	(all	of	which)	
have	been	identified	as	factors	predisposing	to	the	risk	of	coronary	artery	disease”	(p.	214).	
They	warned:	“Thus,	there	appears	to	be	evidence	that	the	dietary	recommendations	of	the	ADA	may	actually	increase	the	risk	(of)	coronary	artery	disease	in	
patients	with	T2DM”	(p.	214).	
The	important	point	is	that	Reaven	was	saying	a	diet	that	raised	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	would	increase	the	risk	of	coronary	artery	disease,	even	if	it	
lowered	the	blood	cholesterol	concentrations.	
The	key	findings	were	that	eating	the	higher-carbohydrate	diet	produced	the	precise	outcomes	the	authors	believed	to	be	detrimental,	specifically	“an	increase	in	
fasting	and	postprandial	triglyceride	concentrations,	a	deterioration	in	glycemic	control	…	and	a	fall	in	plasma	HDL-cholesterol	concentrations”	(p.	216).	Worse,	“the	
decrease	in	dietary	fat	intake	associated	with	the	60	percent	carbohydrate	diet	did	not	result	in	lower	LDL	cholesterol	concentrations”	(p.	216).	
The	authors	concluded:	
The	60	percent	carbohydrate	diet	did	not	have	the	beneficial	effect	on	LDL	metabolism	that	was	predicted	and	aggravated	the	defects	in	glucose,	lipid	and	
lipoprotein	metabolism	that	are	characteristic	of	NIDDM	(non-insulin-dependent	diabetes	mellitus	or	T2DM).	Furthermore,	it	should	be	emphasized	that	these	
untoward	changes	were	noted	despite	the	fact	that	the	60	percent	carbohydrate	diet	contained	almost	twice	as	much	(dietary)	fiber.	(p.	216-217)	
Further,	because	of	their	interest	in	the	triglyceride-raising	effects	of	carbohydrates,	they	continued	to	focus	their	attention	on	what	they	then	considered	to	be	the	
key	question:	What	are	the	likely	long-term	health	consequences	of	this	carbohydrate-induced	deterioration	in	glycemic	control,	the	carbohydrate-induced	
hypertriglyceridemia,	and	the	carbohydrate-induced	reduction	in	blood	HDL-cholesterol	concentrations?	
They	began	by	drawing	attention	to	three	studies	(5-7)	showing	hypertriglyceridemia	is	a	significant	risk	factor	for	CHD	in	patients	with	T2DM	and	noted:	“It	seems	
inappropriate	to	dismiss	the	current	findings	on	the	presumption	that	elevated	triglyceride	concentrations	in	patients	with	NIDDM	are	of	no	clinical	significance”	(p.	
218).	In	fact,	all	three	studies	showed	plasma	triglyceride	concentrations	were	more	important	CHD	risk	factors	than	cholesterol	(7,	p.	351).	
Next,	they	quoted	a	study	(26)	linking	the	degree	of	hyperglycemia	and	damage	to	small	arteries	(which	would	include	the	arteries	supplying	the	retina	and	the	
kidneys)	and	posed	this	question:	“Even	if	the	significance	of	this	relationship	is	debated,	could	it	be	argued	that	the	best	diet	for	patients	with	NIDDM	is	one	that	
accentuates	the	magnitude	of	their	hyperglycemia?”	(p.	218)	
Finally,	they	noted	that	even	a	small	(carbohydrate-induced)	reduction	in	blood	HDL-cholesterol	concentrations	had	been	associated	with	“significantly	increased	
risk	of	coronary	artery	disease	(27).	Consequently,	it	seems	to	us	that	the	burden	of	proof	is	on	those	who	would	argue	that	the	effects	of	a	60	percent	carbohydrate	
diet	on	HDL	cholesterol	is	of	no	clinical	significance”	(p.	218).	
They	finalized	their	conclusions	with	a	challenge	to	the	ADA:	
These	results	document	that	low-fat	(20%),	high-carbohydrate	(60%)	diets,	containing	moderate	amounts	of	sucrose,	similar	in	composition	to	the	
recommendations	of	the	American	Diabetes	Association,	have	deleterious	metabolic	effects	when	consumed	by	patients	with	NIDDM	for	15	days.	Until	it	can	be	
shown	that	these	untoward	effects	are	evanescent,	and	that	long-term	ingestion	of	similar	diets	will	result	in	beneficial	metabolic	changes,	it	seems	prudent	to	avoid	
the	use	of	low-fat,	high-carbohydrate	diets	containing	moderate	amounts	of	sucrose	in	patients	with	NIDDM.	(20,	p.	213)	
The	next	study	from	this	research	group	repeated	a	study	identical	to	the	previous	study	but	increased	the	dietary	intervention	periods	from	15	days	to	six	weeks	
(21).	The	findings	were	essentially	identical	and	showed	that	persons	with	NIDDM	do	not	“adapt”	to	the	negative	metabolic	consequences	of	eating	a	low-fat,	high-
carbohydrate	diet.	
Thus,	the	authors	again	concluded:	
The	results	of	this	study	indicate	that	high-carbohydrate	diets	lead	to	several	changes	in	carbohydrate	and	lipid	metabolism	in	patients	with	NIDDM	that	could	lead	
to	an	increased	risk	of	coronary	artery	disease,	and	these	effects	persist	for	>6	weeks.	Given	these	results,	it	seems	reasonable	to	suggest	that	the	routine	
recommendation	of	low-fat	high-carbohydrate	diets	for	patients	with	NIDDM	be	reconsidered.	(21,	p.	94)	
In	their	final	study,	published	in	1994,	the	authors	investigated	the	effects	of	the	metabolic	parameters	of	two	different	diets	—	the	first	high	in	carbohydrate	(55%)	
and	moderate	in	fat	(30%);	the	second	lower	in	carbohydrate	(40%)	and	higher	in	fat	(45%),	with	the	added	fat	coming	from	monounsaturated	fatty	acids	(22).	
Once	again,	the	control	diet	was	designed	to	match	the	ADA	guidelines	of	the	day.
And	once	again,	the	findings	were	identical	to	those	of	the	other	studies:	
In	NIDDM	patients,	high-carbohydrate	diets	compared	with	high-monounsaturated-fat	diets	caused	persistent	deterioration	of	glycemic	control	and	accentuation	of	
hyperinsulinemia,	as	well	as	increased	plasma	triglyceride	and	very-low-density	lipoprotein	cholesterol	levels,	which	may	not	be	desirable.	(22,	p.	1421)	
The	authors	again	warned:	
We	conclude	that	high-carbohydrate	diets	in	NIDDM	patients	may	cause	persistent	increase	in	plasma	triglyceride	and	VLDL	cholesterol	levels,	hyperinsulinemia,	
and	deterioration	in	glycemic	control;	all	of	these	metabolic	changes	may	be	deleterious	and	have	the	potential	to	accelerate	atherosclerosis	as	well	as	
microangiopathy.	…	Diets	with	higher	proportions	of	cis-monounsaturated	fats	may	be	advantageous	in	reducing	the	long-term	complications,	particularly	heart	
disease,	in	NIDDM	patients.	(p.	1427)	
So,	the	key	point	is	that	by	1994,	Reaven	and	his	group	were	on	the	brink	of	discovering	the	optimum	treatment	for	the	very	condition	—	the	insulin	resistance	
syndrome	(IRS),	including	T2DM	and	what	Reaven	would	call	“Syndrome	X”	—	that	his	remarkable	research	group	would	discover	and	define	over	the	next	20	
The	treatment	they	would	have	“discovered”	was	a	very	low-carbohydrate	(5-10%)	diet.	
But	they	failed	to	ask	the	key	question:	If	higher-carbohydrate	diets	(60%)	induce	an	abnormal	metabolic	profile	in	those	with	IRS,	whereas	lower-carbohydrate	
diets	(40%)	have	a	less	damaging	effect,	what	would	happen	if	we	lowered	the	carbohydrate	content	even	lower.	Say	to	below	20%?	Or	perhaps	even	below	10%?	
Or	as	low	as	5%?	
The	result	was	that	between	1994	and	when	he	passed	away	in	2018,	Reaven	would	never	promote	a	genuinely	low-carbohydrate	diet	for	the	management	of	IRS,	
T2DM,	or	Syndrome	X.	
Instead	he	would,	in	my	opinion	and	as	I	describe	in	the	next	column,	drop	the	dietary	“ball.”	On	the	edge	of	a	stunning	medical	victory	and	with	perhaps	a	real	shot	
at	the	Nobel	Prize,	he	would	snatch	defeat	right	out	of	the	jaws	of	victory.	
By	failing	to	ask	the	key	question,	he	delayed	by	at	least	two	decades	the	discovery	that	very	low-carbohydrate	diets	(5-10%)	can	reverse	the	metabolic	
consequences	of	IRS.	
This article was first published on the CrossFit website.	
Professor	T.D.	Noakes	(OMS,	MBChB,	MD,	D.Sc.,	Ph.D.[hc],	FACSM,	[hon]	FFSEM	UK,	[hon]	FFSEM	Ire)	studied	at	the	University	of	Cape	Town	(UCT),	obtaining	a	
MBChB	degree	and	an	MD	and	DSc	(Med)	in	Exercise	Science.	He	is	now	an	Emeritus	Professor	at	UCT,	following	his	retirement	from	the	Research	Unit	of	Exercise	
Science	and	Sports	Medicine.	In	1995,	he	was	a	co-founder	of	the	now-prestigious	Sports	Science	Institute	of	South	Africa	(SSISA).	He	has	been	rated	an	A1	scientist	
by	the	National	Research	Foundation	of	SA	(NRF)	for	a	second	five-year	term.	In	2008,	he	received	the	Order	of	Mapungubwe,	Silver,	from	the	President	of	South	
Africa	for	his	“excellent	contribution	in	the	field	of	sports	and	the	science	of	physical	exercise.”	
Noakes	has	published	more	than	750	scientific	books	and	articles.	He	has	been	cited	more	than	16,000	times	in	scientific	literature	and	has	an	H-index	of	71.	He	has	
won	numerous	awards	over	the	years	and	made	himself	available	on	many	editorial	boards.	He	has	authored	many	books,	including	Lore	of	Running	(4th	Edition),	
considered	to	be	the	“bible”	for	runners;	his	autobiography,	Challenging	Beliefs:	Memoirs	of	a	Career;	Waterlogged:	The	Serious	Problem	of	Overhydration	in	
Endurance	Sports	(in	2012);	and	The	Real	Meal	Revolution	(in	2013).	
Following	the	publication	of	the	best-selling	The	Real	Meal	Revolution,	he	founded	The	Noakes	Foundation,	the	focus	of	which	is	to	support	high	quality	research	of	
the	low-carbohydrate,	high-fat	diet,	especially	for	those	with	insulin	resistance.	
He	is	highly	acclaimed	in	his	field	and,	at	age	67,	still	is	physically	active,	taking	part	in	races	up	to	21	km	as	well	as	regular	CrossFit	training.
1. Noakes	TD.	It’s	the	insulin	resistance,	stupid:	Part	1.	7	July	2019.	Available	here.	
2. Himsworth	HP.	Diabetes	mellitus:	Its	differentiation	into	insulin	sensitive	and	insulin	insensitive	types.	Lancet	1(1936):127–130.	
3. Albrink	MJ,	Man	EB.	Serum	triglycerides	in	coronary	artery	disease.	Arch	Intern	Med.	103(1959):	4-8;	Albrink	MJ,	Lavietes	PH,	Man	EB.	Vascular	disease	and	serum	
lipids	in	diabetes	mellitus:	observations	over	thirty	years	(1931-1961).	Ann	Intern	Med.	58(1963):	305-323.	Albrink	MJ,	Meigs	JW,	Man	EB.	Serum	lipids,	
hypertension	and	coronary	artery	disease.	Am	J	Med.	31(1961):	4-23.	
4. Kuo	PT.	Hyperglyceridemia	in	coronary	artery	disease	and	its	management.	JAMA	201(1967):	87-94.	
5. Santen	RJ,	Willis	PW,	Fajans	SS.	Arteriosclerosis	in	diabetes	mellitus.	Correlations	with	serum	lipid	levels,	adiposity,	and	serum	lipid	levels.	Arch	Intern	
Med.	130(1972):	833-843.	
6. West	KM,	Ahuja	MMS,	Bennett	PH,	et	al.	The	role	of	circulating	glucose	and	triglyceride	concentrations	and	their	interaction	with	other	“risk	factors”	as	determinants	
of	arterial	disease	in	nine	diabetic	population	samples	from	the	WHO	multinational	study.	Diabetes	Care	6(1983):	361-169.	
7. Carlson	LA,	Bottiger	LE,	Ahfeldt	PE.	Risk	factors	for	myocardial	infarction	in	the	Stockholm	prospective	study.	A	14-year	follow-up	focussing	on	the	role	of	plasma	
triglycerides	and	cholesterol.	Acta	Med	Scand.	206(1979):	351-360.	
8. Fontbonne	AM,	Eschwege	EM.	Insulin	and	cardiovascular	disease:	Paris	prospective	study.	Diabetes	Care	14(1991):	461-469.	
9. Fontbonne	AM,	Eschwege	EM,	Cambien	F,	et	al.	Hypertriglyceridemia	as	a	risk	factor	of	coronary	heart	disease	mortality	in	subject	with	impaired	glucose	tolerance	
or	diabetes:	Results	from	the	11-year	follow-up	of	the	Paris	prospective	study.	Diabetologia	32(1989):	300-304.	
10. Reaven	G,	Calciano	A,	Cody	R,	et	al.	Carbohydrate	intolerance	and	hyperlipidemia	in	patients	with	myocardial	infarction	with	known	diabetes	mellitus.	J	Clin	
Endocrinol	Metab.	23(1963):1013-1023.	
11. Sohrade	W,	Boehle	E,	Bieglee	R.	Humoral	changes	in	arteriosclerosis.	Investigations	on	lipids,	fatty	acids,	ketone	bodies,	pyruvic	acid,	lactic	acid,	and	glucose	in	the	
blood.	Lancet	2(1960):	1409-1416.	
12. Waddell	WR,	Field	RA.	Carbohydrate	metabolism	in	atherosclerosis.	Metabolism	9(1960):	800-806.	
13. Sowton	E.	Cardiac	infarction	and	the	glucose	tolerance	test.	Brit	Med	J.	1(1962):	85-87.	
14. Wahlberg	F.	The	intravenous	glucose	tolerance	test	in	the	atherosclerotic	disease	with	special	reference	to	obesity,	hypertension,	diabetic	heredity	and	cholesterol	
values.	Acta	Med	Scand.	171(1962):	1-7.	
15. Davidson	PC,	Albrink	MJ.	Insulin	resistance	in	hyperglyceridemia.	Metabolism	14(1965):	1059-1070.	
16. Reaven	GM,	Hill	DB,	Gross	RC,	et	al.	Kinetics	of	triglyceride	turnover	of	very	low	density	lipoproteins	of	human	plasma.	J	Clin	Invest.	44(1965):	1826-1833.	
17. Reaven	GM,	Lerner	RL,	Stern	MP,	et	al.	Role	of	insulin	in	endogenous	hypertriglyceridemia.	J	Clin	Invest.	46(1967):	1756-1767.	
18. Olefsky	JM,	Farquhar	JW,	Reaven	GM.	Reappraisal	of	the	role	of	insulin	in	hypertriglyceridemia.	Am	J	Med.	57(1974):	551-560.	
19. Farquhar	JW,	Frank	A,	Gross	RC,	et	al.	Glucose,	insulin	and	triglyceride	responses	to	high	and	low	carbohydrate	diets	in	man.	J	Clin	Invest.		45(1966):	1648-1656.	
20. Coulson	AM,	Hollenbeck	CB,	Swislocki	ALM,	et	al.	Deleterious	metabolic	effects	of	high-carbohydate,	sucrose-containing	diets	in	patients	with	non-insulin-dependent	
diabetes	mellitus.	Am	J	Med.	82(1987):	213-220.	
21. Coulson	AM,	Hollenbeck	CB,	Swislocki	ALM,	et	al.	Persistence	of	hypertriglyceridemic	effects	of	low-fat	high-carbohydrate	diets	in	NIDDM	patients.	Diabetes	
Care	12(1989):	94-101.	
22. Garg	A,	Bantle	JP,	Henry	RR,	et	al.	Effects	of	varying	carbohydrate	content	of	diet	in	patients	with	non-insulin-dependent	diabetes	mellitus.	JAMA	271(1994):	1421-
23. Albrink	MJ.	Dietary	and	drug	treatment	of	hyperlipidemia	in	diabetes.	Diabetes	23(1974):	913-918.	
24. Goldberg	RB.	Lipid	disorders	in	diabetes.	Diabetes	Care	4(1981):	561-572.	
25. Reaven	G,	Strom	TK,	Fox	B.	Syndrome	X.	The	Silent	Killer.	The	new	heart	disease	risk.	New	York:	Simon	and	Schuster,	2001.	
26. Bennett	PH,	Knowler	WC,	Pettit	DJ.	Longitudinal	studies	of	the	development	of	diabetes	in	the	Pima	Indian.	In:	Eschwege	E,	ed.	Advances	in	diabetes	
epidemiology.	New	York:	Elsevier	Biomedical	Press,1982;	65-74.	
27. Castelli	WP,	Doyle	JT,	Gordon	T,	et	al.	HDL	cholesterol	and	other	lipids	in	coronary	heart	disease.	The	cooperative	lipoprotein	phenotyping	
study.	Circulation	55(1977):	767-772.
ByProf.	Timothy	NoakesJuly	31,	2019	
It	is	November	1963.	The	33-year-old	New	York	physician	Dr.	Robert	Atkins,	MD,	is	dissatisfied	with	his	life	—	and	his	physical	appearance.	He	reckons	he	has	
gained	90	pounds	in	the	16	years	since	he	graduated	from	high	school	in	Dayton,	Ohio.	But	his	medical	training	at	the	University	of	Michigan	and	Cornell	Medical	
College	has	provided	no	answers	to	his	persistent	worry:	How	do	I	lose	this	excess	weight	(2)?	He	has	already	experimented	with	a	number	of	different	weight-loss	
diets	but	without	any	lasting	success.	Always	the	outcome	is	the	same:	His	willpower	capitulates	to	ravenous	hunger.	
Then	the	unimaginable	happens.	At	midday	on	November	22,	1963,	President	John	F.	Kennedy	is	assassinated	in	Dealey	Plaza,	Dallas,	Texas.	As	he	watches	the	story	
unfold	on	national	television,	Atkins	becomes	deeply	depressed.	He	decides	that	it	is	time	to	save	his	own	life.	He	vows	that	his	recovery	must	begin	immediately.	To	
start,	he	must	somehow	find	a	way	to	lose	his	excess	weight.	
He	begins	with	one	rule:	He	will	never	again	attempt	any	diet	that	makes	him	hungry	—	not	even	for	a	single	day.	He	decides	to	devote	himself	to	solving	this	
baffling	riddle:	How	can	one	eat	less	without	being	perpetually	hungry?	His	natural	inclination	is	to	search	for	answers	in	the	medical	literature,	and	he	begins	in	the	
medical	school	library.	
His	first	discovery	is	the	work	of	Garfield	Duncan,	MD	(3-5).	Duncan	describes	his	use	of	total	fasts	lasting	one	to	15	days	for	the	treatment	of	intractable	obesity.	
There,	Atkins	uncovers	the	first	two	clues:	“Anorexia	was	the	rule	after	the	first	day	of	fasting	and	paralleled	the	degree	of	hyperketonemia.	A	sense	of	well-being	
was	associated	with	the	fast”	(2,	p.	309);	“Ketonuria	usually	occurred	on	the	first	or	second	day	of	the	fast	and	hyperketonemia	was	detectable	on	the	second	day	
and	increased	as	the	fast	progressed	(3,	p.	124-125).	The	sense	of	well-being	and	cheerfulness	was	surprisingly	constant;	anorexia	was	striking,	notably	after	the	
first	day	of	the	fast,	but	in	many	patients,	hunger	was	not	a	complaint	at	any	time.	Several	patients	expressed	a	desire	to	continue	the	fast	beyond	14	days;	there	was	
a	close	relationship	between	hyperketonemia	and	the	loss	of	appetite	in	every	case	(p.	126).	The	anorexia	during	total	abstinence	from	food,	Duncan	writes,	is	
associated	with	and	believed	to	be	due	to	the	hyperketonemia	provoked	by	the	fast	(p.	126).	
Atkins	concludes	that	the	development	of	ketosis	explains	the	anorexia	of	fasting,	but	he	knows	fasting	cannot	be	a	long-term	solution.	He	narrows	his	search	to	
discover	a	diet	that	will	produce	persistent	ketosis	while	providing	sufficient	calories	for	sustained	health.	
His	search	takes	him	to	a	study	published	just	eight	months	earlier	by	G.J.	Azar	and	W.L.	Bloom,	two	physicians	from	Atlanta,	Georgia.	In	their	article,	entitled	
“Similarities	of	carbohydrate	deficiency	and	fasting.	II.	Ketones,	nonesterified	fatty	acids,	and	nitrogen	excretion”	(6),	Azar	and	Bloom	note,	“At	a	cellular	level,	the	
major	characteristic	of	fasting	is	limitation	of	available	carbohydrate	as	an	energy	source.	Since	fat	and	protein	are	the	energy	sources	in	fasting,	there	should	be	
little	difference	in	cellular	metabolism	whether	the	fat	and	protein	come	from	endogenous	or	exogenous	resources”	(p.	92).	
Azar	and	Bloom’s	study	reports	that	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	“similar	to	the	endogenous	caloric	mixture	of	fasting”	produced	a	10-fold	increase	in	blood	ketones	
within	the	first	24	hours	that	continued	until	the	subjects	again	ate	carbohydrates.	The	authors	conclude	that	the	availability	of	dietary	carbohydrate	determines	this	
ketogenic	response.	In	addition,	they	note,	“The	fat-sparing	action	of	glucose	in	normal	metabolism	is	out	of	proportion	to	its	calorigenic	capacity”	(p.	341).	
So,	if	fasting	and	low-carbohydrate	diets	have	the	same	effects	on	human	metabolism,	and	both	produce	significant	ketosis,	Atkins	reasons	that	perhaps	a	
“carbohydrate-deficient”	diet	is	the	hunger-free,	healthy	eating	plan	for	which	he	is	searching.	
Returning	home,	he	decides	to	test	the	idea	on	himself:	“He	threw	out	the	bread	and	donuts	in	his	kitchen,	instead	filling	the	refrigerator	with	as	much	fresh	shrimp	
as	he	could	hold.	He	followed	the	same	routine	when	he	wasn’t	at	home.”	
“He	lost	twenty-eight	pounds	in	six	weeks.	The	rest	is	history”	(2,	p.	55).	
Atkins’	subsequent	academic	search	introduces	him	to	the	work	of	two	other	New	York	physicians,	Drs.	Blake	F.	Donaldson	and	Alfred	Pennington,	both	of	whom	
had	been	promoting	low-carbohydrate	diets,	Donaldson	from	as	early	as	the	1920s.	
As	Gary	Taubes,	who	carefully	researched	the	topic,	explains,	Donaldson	had	been	working	with	a	group	of	“fat	cardiacs”	in	New	York	(7).	Frustrated	at	their	
inability	to	lose	weight	when	trying	to	eat	less	and	exercise	more,	Donaldson	seeks	another	explanation	(1).	By	chance,	he	befriends	a	Canadian	engineer	who	is
himself	a	friend	of	the	Arctic	explorer	Vilhjalmur	Stefansson,	author	of	a	series	of	books	describing	his	life	among	the	Arctic	Inuit	(8-12).	After	they	meet	in	New	York	
City	and	Stefansson	describes	how	the	Inuit	live	on	a	purely	carnivorous	diet,	Donaldson	recalls	wondering,	“What	was	I	worrying	about?	If	Stefansson	could	get	his	
people	(North	American	Europeans)	to	live	that	way,	I	certainly	should	have	enough	executive	ability	to	get	my	patients	to	stick	to	a	beautifully	broiled	sirloin	and	a	
demitasse	of	black	coffee”	(1,	p.	41).	
Based	on	the	meat-only	diet	Stefansson	had	eaten	for	a	full	year	during	the	iconic	laboratory	study	that	included	himself	and	fellow	explorer	Karsten	Anderson	(13),	
Donaldson	designs	an	identical	diet	of	three	meals	a	day,	each	of	a	half-pound	of	fatty	meat,	three	parts	fat	to	one	part	lean	protein	by	calories.	After	cooking,	this	
would	provide	18	ounces	of	lean	meat	with	six	ounces	of	attached	fat	per	day	(1).	The	Stefansson/Donaldson	diet	prohibits	all	sugar,	flour,	alcohol,	and	starches,	
with	the	exception	of	a	small	portion	of	raw	fruit	or	potato	once	a	day.	
According	to	Taubes	(7),	Donaldson	claims	to	have	treated	about	17,000	patients	over	four	decades,	most	of	whom	lost	two	to	three	pounds	per	week	on	the	diet	
without	experiencing	hunger.	The	only	patients	who	failed	to	lose	weight	were	those	with	a	“bread	addiction,”	for	which	his	advice	was,	“No	breadstuff	means	any	
kind	of	bread	…	.	They	must	go	out	of	your	life,	now	and	forever.”	To	diabetics,	he	admonished:	“You	are	out	of	your	mind	when	you	take	insulin	in	order	to	eat	
Danish	pastry.”	
Donaldson	does	not	publish	any	personal	scientific	research,	preferring	to	speak	only	to	audiences	at	the	New	York	Hospital,	where	Pennington,	a	local	internist,	
hears	him	speak.	Impressed,	Pennington	tests	the	diet	on	himself	and	soon	begins	prescribing	it	to	his	patients.	
At	the	time,	Pennington	is	employed	as	a	company	physician	in	the	medical	care	division	of	E.I.	du	Pont	de	Nemours	and	Company.	By	1948,	the	company	is	
becoming	concerned	about	the	rising	incidence	of	heart	attack	among	its	employees;	the	target	of	the	diet	prescription	is	the	prevention	and	reversal	of	obesity	in	
the	hope	that	this	will	reduce	heart-disease	risk.	
The	original	dietary	intervention	followed	the	standard	for	the	day,	which	called	for	a	reduction	in	portion	size,	calorie	counting,	limiting	the	amount	of	fat	and	
carbohydrate	consumed	in	meals,	and	exercising	more	(7).	The	results	of	the	original	diet	were	predictable:	None	of	those	things	worked,	so	instead	Pennington	and	
his	team	decided	to	test	Donaldson’s	diet	on	their	overweight	executives.	
In	his	first	publications	(14,	15),	Pennington	reports	the	outcomes	in	20	Du	Pont	executives	who	have	lost	between	nine	and	54	pounds	at	an	average	rate	of	nearly	
two	pounds	per	week.	Subjects	ate	a	minimum	of	2,400	calories.	
“Notable	was	a	lack	of	hunger	between	meals,	increased	physical	activity	and	sense	of	well-being,”	Pennington	writes.	Although	carbohydrate	intake	was	restricted	
to	no	more	than	80	calories	(20	grams)	at	each	meal,	he	notes	that	“in	a	few	cases	even	this	much	carbohydrate	prevented	weight	loss,	though	an	ad-libitum	
(unrestricted)	intake	of	protein	and	fat,	more	exclusively,	was	successful”	(14,	p.	260).	
Pennington	subsequently	writes	extensively	on	what	he	learns	from	his	clinical	experience	working	with	these	patients	(16-23).	The	model	of	obesity	he	develops	
includes	the	following:	
• Appetite	is	homeostatically	regulated	to	ensure	energy	intake	exactly	matches	energy	expenditure.	The	mechanism	can	be	affected	by	(i)	altered	
hormonal	influences,	as	in	hyperinsulinemia	or	through	the	action	of	the	stress	hormones;	(ii)	structural	damage	to	the	center	(in	the	hypothalamus);	
(iii)	conscious	overeating	(“careless	or	perverted	eating	habits”).	
• Alterations	in	“lipophilia,”	which	is	the	theory	that	obesity	is	the	result	of	“increased	fat	storage	in	the	body	(and	which	is)	presumed	an	active	regulation	
of	the	size	of	the	adipose	deposits,	rather	than	the	mere	passive	response	to	the	balance	between	calorie	intake	and	output”	(18,	p.	102,	my	emphasis).	(This	
concept	is	first	described	in	the	English	scientific	literature	by	Julius	Bauer	(24):	“The	adipose	tissue	is	not	merely	a	passive	storing	place	for	reserve	fat,	
but	a	living	and	active	part	of	the	body,	with	its	own	physiologic	and	pathologic	processes”	(p.	993).	Lipophilia	explains,	for	example,	why	hunger	is	
stimulated	by	weight	loss	and	is	only	restrained	when	the	adipose	fat	stores	are	again	refilled.)	
• Fat	is	stored	in	adipose	tissue,	not	just	from	ingested	fat	but	also	from	carbohydrate	(22),	and	this	later	process	is	stimulated	in	the	presence	of	insulin.	
• The	oxidation	of	fat	is	impaired	in	the	obese,	a	consequence	of	a	reduced	capacity	to	fully	oxidize	carbohydrates.	Instead,	partial	(glycolytic;	
fermentation)	carbohydrate	metabolism	causes	blood	pyruvic	(and	lactic)	acid	levels	to	rise.	Higher	pyruvic	acid	levels	then	inhibit	fat	oxidation	in	all	
tissues,	particularly	in	the	muscles.	Thus,	pyruvic	acid	is	a	metabolic	regulator,	“stimulating	fat	formation	and	inhibiting	fat	oxidation”	(18,	p.	104).	
• Since	the	obese	have	an	impaired	capacity	to	generate	energy	from	both	carbohydrate	and	fat,	they	will	be	continually	hungry.	As	a	result,	“excessive	fat	
storage,	or	obesity,	would	be	the	cause	of	an	increased	appetite,	rather	than	the	result	of	it”	(22,	p.	71).	
Pennington	states	his	hypothesis	in	the	following	terms:	“Obesity,	in	most	cases,	is	a	compensatory	hypertrophy	of	the	adipose	tissues,	providing	for	a	greater	
utilization	of	fat	by	an	organism	that	suffers	a	defect	in	its	ability	to	oxidize	carbohydrate”	(21,	p.	68).	
He	concludes	that	if	obesity	is	due	to	excessive	fat	storage	(lipophilia)	directed	by	the	fat	cells	themselves,	then	caloric	restriction	is	a	non-specific	therapy	that	acts	
solely	at	the	level	of	the	appetite,	reducing	calorie	consumption	without	addressing	the	disordered	drive	of	the	fat	cells	to	store	excessive	amounts	of	fat.	His	solution	
is	to	promote	treatment	“directed	primarily	toward	mobilization	of	the	adipose	deposits,”	which	would	allow	the	appetite	“to	regulate	the	intake	of	food	needed	to	
supplement	the	mobilized	fat	in	fulfilling	the	energy	needs	of	the	body.”	
Since	incomplete	metabolism	of	carbohydrate	is	the	key	factor	preventing	fat	utilization,	“Limitation	of	dietary	carbohydrate,	specifically,	as	the	chief	source	of	
pyruvic	acid	makes	possible	a	treatment	of	obesity	without	restriction	of	the	total	caloric	intake”	(22,	p.	73).	His	experience	with	the	Du	Pont	executives	teaches	him,	
“The	use	of	a	diet	allowing	an	ad	libitum	intake	of	protein	and	fat	and	restricting	only	carbohydrate	appears	to	meet	the	qualifications	of	such	a	treatment”	(18,	p.	
The	advantages	of	this	approach	include	the	following:	
Restriction	of	carbohydrate,	alone,	appears	to	make	possible	the	treatment	of	obesity	on	a	calorically	unrestricted	diet	composed	chiefly	of	protein	and	fat.	The	
limiting	factor	on	appetite,	necessary	to	any	treatment	of	obesity,	appears	to	be	provided	by	increased	mobilization	and	utilization	of	fat,	in	conjunction	with	the	
homeostatic	forces	which	normally	regulate	the	appetite.	Ketogenesis	appears	to	be	a	key	factor	in	the	increased	utilization	of	fat.	Treatment	of	obesity	by	this	
method	appears	to	avoid	the	decline	in	the	metabolism	encountered	in	treatment	of	caloric	restriction.	(19,	p.	347).
Pennington	also	notes	that	some	patients	become	hungry	on	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	and	need	to	“increase	their	fat	intake”	(23,	p.	36).	He	writes:	“Provided	
carbohydrate	is	restricted	sufficiently,	there	does	not	seem	to	be	any	need	to	restrict	fat	at	all	…	.	Although	the	emphasis	has	often	been	put	on	protein	in	
constructing	diets	for	the	obese,	it	seems	that	the	emphasis	should	be	put	on	fat	as	the	major	source	of	energy,	with	carbohydrate	restricted	to	the	degree	
necessitated	by	the	obesity	defect,	and	ample	protein	allowed	for	its	well-recognized	benefits	to	health”	(23,	p.36).	
Pennington’s	ideas	strengthen	Atkins’	understanding	that	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	that	induces	ketosis	and	reduces	hunger	without	requiring	significant	caloric	
restriction	is	the	solution	for	his	own	weight	problem	—	and	perhaps	for	many	others	who	have	a	similar	problem.	
Atkins	is	further	encouraged	by	a	recent	publication	showing	that	the	Pennington	diet	reduces	hunger	and	produces	weight	loss	in	the	majority:	“Our	results	do	
show	that	satisfactory	weight	loss	may	be	accomplished	by	a	full	caloric,	low	carbohydrate	diet.	The	patients	ingested	protein	and	fat	as	desired.	Careful	attention	
was	paid	to	keeping	carbohydrate	intake	to	a	minimum”	(25,	p.	1413).	
The	authors	continue:	“All	the	other	methods	of	weight	reduction	mentioned	earlier	have	been	utilized	by	the	author	in	the	past.	The	diet	discussed	was	found	to	be	
the	most	satisfactory	of	all	these	methods	in	our	hands.	Weight	reduction	occurred	dramatically	with	a	rapid	fall	early	and	proceeding	slowly	but	surely”	(25,	
Perhaps	Atkins	also	reads	the	chairman’s	address,	presented	by	George	L.Thorpe,	MD,	of	Wichita,	Kansas,	at	the	106th	Annual	Meeting	of	the	American	Medical	
Association	in	New	York	on	June	4,	1957	(26).	There,	Thorpe	repeats	the	Pennington	interpretation	of	how	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	induces	weight	loss	in	the	obese:	
“That	the	usual	low-calorie	diet	is	rarely	successful	is	readily	understood	in	the	light	of	our	present	knowledge	of	carbohydrate	and	fat	metabolism	…	(as)	the	
presence	of	carbohydrate	suppresses	the	fat-mobilizing	ability	of	the	pituitary	gland	and	increases	the	fat-depositing	activity	of	insulin”	(p.1364).	
Thorpe	says,	“It	is	possible	to	lose	weight	without	counting	the	calorie	intake,	without	being	weak,	hungry,	lethargic,	irritable,	and	constipated.	There	is	no	magic	or	
mystery,	no	fancy	rules	to	follow,	and	the	entire	program	may	be	successfully	conducted	without	radical	change	to	one’s	normal	routine	…	but	the	key	to	long-term	
success	is	the	simple	return	to	normal	eating	habits.	Normal	eating	habits	might	be	described	in	technical	language	as	adhering	to	a	high-protein,	high-fat,	low-
carbohydrate	diet”	(p.	1364).	
Thorpe	then	describes	how	his	own	consumption	of	high-carbohydrate	foods	had	caused	him	to	develop	a	“personal	problem	of	excess	weight”	and	how,	in	trying	to	
solve	this	personal	issue,	he	had	discovered	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	promoted	by	Stefansson,	Donaldson,	and	Pennington.	
This	information	likely	confirms	to	Atkins	that	the	solution	to	his	personal	weight	problem	is	the	same	as	it	was	for	Thorpe:	a	low-carbohydrate	diet.	
Atkins	finds	one	final	piece	of	evidence	to	further	support	his	growing	conviction	that	he	has	discovered	a	“cure”	for	obesity.	Dr.	A.	Kerwick	and	Mr.	G.	L.	S.	Pawan	
from	Middlesex	Hospital	Medical	School	had	also	become	disillusioned	with	the	calories-in,	calories-out	model	of	human	weight	control	(27-29).	As	they	wrote,	“If	
deficiency	of	calories	accounts	for	loss	of	weight,	low	calorie	diets	should	induce	the	same	rate	of	weight	loss	in	the	same	patient,	no	matter	what	the	composition	of	
the	diet.	Manifestly	they	do	not	do	so”	(29,	p.	449).	
A	series	of	their	studies	shows	that	whereas	subjects	eating	a	low-calorie	(1,000	cal),	high-protein	or	high-fat	diet	for	seven	days	lost	substantial	amounts	of	weight,	
eating	a	high-carbohydrate	diet	resulted	in	little	if	any	weight	loss	(28).	They	conclude,	“An	alteration	in	metabolism	takes	place	(in	those	eating	low-carbohydrate	
diets)”	(28,	p.	161).	This	alteration	in	metabolism	apparently	explains	the	greater	rates	of	weight	loss	in	those	eating	low-carbohydrate	diets.	
We	now	know	that	Kerwick	and	Pawan’s	conclusions	are	in	error.	Marjorie	Yang	and	Theodore	Van	Itallie	subsequently	show	that,	in	the	short	term,	any	differences	
in	absolute	weight	losses	on	isocaloric	diets	differing	in	their	fat,	protein,	and	carbohydrate	contents	can	be	explained	entirely	by	much	greater	water	losses	on	the	
higher	fat	and	protein	diets	(30).	However,	this	applies	only	to	short-duration	studies	of	less	than	perhaps	14	days	or	so.	The	one	fact	established	by	these	studies	is	
that	high-carbohydrate	diets	promote	fluid	retention,	most	likely	as	a	result	of	an	insulin	effect	increasing	water	retention	by	the	kidneys	(31).	
Fortunately,	at	the	time,	Atkins	is	unaware	of	this	error.	
By	the	late	1960s,	Atkins	has	converted	his	private	medical	practice	to	focus	purely	on	weight	loss	using	the	low-carbohydrate	diet.	Although	he	treats	tens	of	
thousands	of	patients	during	this	period,	he	has	little	interest	in	documenting	the	results	of	his	diet	prescription	on	their	health.	He	is	happy	to	be	surrounded	by	so	
much	clear	evidence	of	success.	
In	1997,	Dr.	Eric	Westman,	a	physician	practicing	at	the	Duke	University	Medical	Center	in	Durham,	North	Carolina,	is	becoming	concerned	that	some	of	his	patients	
have	chosen	to	follow	what	had	by	then	become	known	as	the	Atkins	Diet.	In	particular,	he	is	worried	that	the	high	fat	content	of	the	diet	will	increase	his	patients’	
blood	cholesterol	concentrations,	placing	them	at	risk	of	“artery	clogging”	and	heart	attacks.	He	is	initially	so	skeptical	of	Atkins’	dietary	advice	that	“he	didn’t	believe	
Atkins	actually	had	gone	to	medical	school	and	earned	his	M.D.”	(2,	p.	167).	
Yet	Westman’s	patients	continue	to	show	impressive	weight	loss.	At	their	suggestion,	he	agrees	to	read	Atkins’	first	book	(32).	He	remains	puzzled	about	how	Atkins	
can	claim	success	from	a	diet	that	conflicts	with	everything	Westman	has	been	taught	in	his	medical	training.	He	can’t	understand	how,	first,	his	patients	are	losing	
weight	eating	so	much	fat,	and	second,	why	their	blood	cholesterol	concentrations	don’t	seem	to	be	reaching	dangerous	levels.	
When	faced	with	such	a	paradox,	the	majority	of	physicians	simply	ignore	it	as	if	what	they	are	seeing	hasn’t	really	happened.	But	Westman	is	different.	He	writes	to	
Atkins,	who	invites	him	to	come	to	New	York	to	sit	in	on	some	patient	consultations.	Later,	Westman	recalls,	“I	was	both	surprised	and	impressed	that	he	actually	
had	an	office	and	was	seeing	patients.	I	had	to	see	through	the	veneer	of	the	book	before	I	could	actually	start	to	believe	the	concept	behind	the	diet”	(2,	p.	169).	
By	the	end	of	his	visit,	Westman	has	convinced	Atkins	that	he	needs	to	fund	rigorous	scientific	studies	to	prove	to	a	growing	body	of	medical	skeptics	that	his	diet	is	
safe	and	can	successfully	treat	obesity	and	Type	2	diabetes	mellitus	(T2DM).
Westman	uses	Atkins’	funding	to	undertake	a	six-month	pilot	study	of	the	effects	of	a	low-carbohydrate	(<25	g/day)	diet	“with	no	limit	on	caloric	intake”	on	body	
weight	and	blood	lipid	parameters	in	51	overweight/obese	healthy	volunteers	(33).	The	41	subjects	who	adhere	to	the	program	lose	an	average	of	9.0	kg	(19.8	lb.)	
and	improve	all	their	blood	parameters,	including	lowering	their	total	cholesterol	and	LDL-cholesterol	concentrations.	The	authors	conclude	rather	modestly,	“A	
very	low	carbohydrate	diet	program	led	to	sustained	weight	loss	during	a	6-month	period	(without	any	adverse	effects	in	the	41	subjects	who	completed	the	
The	study	leads	to	a	larger	study,	this	time	with	120	subjects,	60	of	whom	follow	a	hypocaloric	low-fat	diet	and	the	other	60	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	for	24	weeks	
(34).	The	study	finds	that	“compared	with	a	low-fat	diet,	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	program	had	better	participant	retention	and	greater	weight	loss.”	The	authors	
observe,	“During	active	weight	loss,	serum	triglyceride	levels	decreased	more	and	high-density	lipoprotein	cholesterol	levels	increased	more	with	the	low-
carbohydrate	than	with	the	low-fat	diet”	(p.	769).	
Predictably,	when	the	same	study	is	presented	at	the	American	Heart	Association	(AHA)	meeting	in	November	2002,	the	Association	feels	compelled	to	issue	a	
media	advisory	that	conveys	its	“concerns	with	the	study”	in	the	following	terms:	
• The	study	is	very	small,	with	only	120	total	participants	and	just	60	on	the	high-fat,	low-carbohydrate	diet.	
• This	is	a	short-term	study,	following	participants	for	just	6	months.	There	is	no	evidence	provided	by	this	study	that	the	weight	loss	produced	could	be	
maintained	long	term.	
• There	is	no	evidence	provided	by	the	study	that	the	diet	is	effective	long	term	in	improving	health.	
• A	high	intake	of	saturated	fats	over	time	raises	great	concern	about	increased	cardiovascular	risk	—	the	study	did	not	follow	participants	long	enough	to	
evaluate	this.	
• This	study	did	not	actually	compare	the	Atkins	diet	with	the	current	AHA	dietary	recommendations.	(35)	
The	advisory	concludes	with	a	statement	from	Robert	O.	Bonow,	MD,	President	of	the	AHA:	“‘Bottom	line,	the	American	Heart	Association	says	that	people	who	want	
to	lose	weight	and	keep	it	off	need	to	make	lifestyle	changes	for	the	long	term	—	this	means	regular	exercise	and	a	balanced	diet.”	
Bonow	adds,	“People	should	not	change	their	eating	patterns	based	on	one	very	small,	short-term	study.	Instead,	we	hope	that	the	public	will	continue	to	rely	on	the	
guidance	of	organizations	such	as	the	American	Heart	Association	which	look	at	all	the	very	best	evidence	before	formulating	recommendations.”	
This	advisory	echoes	some	of	the	sentiments	published	in	the	Journal	of	the	American	Medical	Association	29	years	earlier	in	a	highly	critical	review	of	Atkins’	first	
book	(36).	The	article	is	attributed	to	Philip	L.	White,	D.Sc.,	Secretary	of	the	American	Medical	Association	Council	on	Food	and	Nutrition.	White	is	not	a	trained	
medical	practitioner.	
White’s	relevant	points	include	the	following:	
• “The	low-carbohydrate	diet	approach	to	weight	reduction	is	neither	new	nor	innovative”	(p.	1415).	
• “If	such	diets	are	truly	successful,	why	then,	do	they	fade	into	obscurity	within	a	relatively	short	period	only	to	be	resurrected	some	years	later	in	slightly	
different	guise	and	under	new	sponsorship?”	(p.	1415).	
• “Moreover,	despite	the	claims	of	universal	and	painless	success	for	such	diets,	no	nationwide	decrease	in	obesity	has	been	reported”	(p.	1415).	
• “Dietary	carbohydrate,	particularly	sugar,	is	considered	by	some	advocates	to	be	a	nutritional	‘poison’	that	promotes	‘hypoglycemia’,	diabetes,	
atherosclerosis	and,	of	course,	obesity”	(p.	1415).	
• “…	the	weight	reduction	that	occurs	in	obese	subjects	who	are	shifted	to	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	seems	to	reflect	their	inability	to	adapt	rapidly	to	the	
marked	change	in	dietary	composition”	(p.	1416).	
• “There	appears	to	be	no	inherent	reason	why	body	weight	cannot	be	maintained	on	a	diet	devoid	of	carbohydrate	if	the	other	essential	nutrients	are	
provided”	(p.	1416).	(Dr.	White	appears	to	have	forgotten	this	is	a	discussion	on	diets	for	weight	loss,	not	weight	maintenance.)	
• Many	human	populations	remain	lean	“on	diets	extremely	high	in	carbohydrate	(by	American	standards)	and	correspondingly	low	in	fat.”	Thus,	“there	is	
equally	no	inherent	reason	to	associate	a	diet	rich	in	carbohydrate	with	obesity”	(p.	1416).	
• Potential	hazards	of	low-carbohydrate	diets	include	hypercholesterolemia	and	hypertriglyceridemia	(p.1416-1417).	(White	does	not	realize	
hypertriglyceridemia	is	caused	by	high-carbohydrate	diets	in	those	with	carbohydrate-sensitive	hypertriglyceridemia,	but	he	is	right	to	note	
hypertriglyceridemia	is	a	risk	factor	for	coronary	heart	disease).	
• Other	potential	hazards	include	hyperuricemia,	fatigue,	and	postural	hypotension.	(Note:	Postural	hypotension	is	a	benign	condition	and	indicates	that	
the	diet	is	producing	an	overall	reduction	in	blood	pressure.	This	surely	is	good	since	high	blood	pressure	is	common	and	in	most	is	described	as	
“essential	hypertension.”	In	other	words,	medicine	has	no	understanding	of	what	is	causing	the	hypertension,	but	if	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	causes	
hypotension,	could	this	not	possibly	be	an	indication	of	a	possible	mechanism	for	hypertension	—	high-carbohydrate	diets	in	persons	with	insulin	
• “The	assertion	that	carbohydrates	are	the	principal	elements	in	foods	that	fatten	is,	at	best,	a	half-truth”	(p.	1417).	White	argues	instead	that	higher	rates	
of	dietary	fat	intake	explain	the	high	rates	of	obesity	in	North	Americans:	“Obesity	is	relatively	rare	in	large	areas	of	the	world	where	the	‘hidden	sugar’	of	
rice	starch	comprises	a	very	high	proportion	of	the	total	daily	food	intake”	(p.	1417).	
• White	concludes:	“The	‘diet	revolution’	is	neither	new	nor	revolutionary”	(p.	1418).	He	argues	the	low-carb	diet	is	simply	a	variant	of	a	diet	that	has	been	
promoted	for	many	years.	The	rationale	used	to	promote	the	diet	is	“for	the	most	part	without	scientific	merit”	(p.	1418).	The	unlimited	intake	of	
saturated	fat	and	cholesterol-rich	foods	may	well	increase	“coronary	artery	disease	and	other	clinical	manifestations	of	atherosclerosis	…	particularly	if	
the	diet	is	maintained	over	a	prolonged	period”	(p.	1418).	“Any	grossly	unbalanced	diet,	particularly	one	which	interdicts	the	45%	of	calories	that	is	
usually	consumed	as	carbohydrate,	is	likely	to	induce	some	anorexia	if	the	subject	is	willing	to	persevere	in	following	such	a	bizarre	regimen”	(p.	1419).	
“Bizarre	concepts	of	nutrition	and	dieting	should	not	be	promoted	to	the	public	as	if	they	were	established	scientific	principles”	(p.	1419).	“Patients	
should	counsel	their	patients	as	to	the	potentially	harmful	results	that	might	occur	because	of	the	adherence	to	the	‘ketogenic	diet’”	(p.	1419).	And	
finally:	“Observations	on	patients	who	suffer	adverse	effects	from	this	regimen	should	be	reported	in	the	medical	literature	or	elsewhere,	just	as	in	the	
case	of	an	adverse	drug	reaction”	(p.	1419).
Important	points	missing	from	White’s	critique	include	the	following:	
• He	ignores	evidence	from	North	America	that	establishes	a	high-fat	diet	can	manage	T2DM	(see	subsequent	discussion).	He	also	ignores	Pennington’s	
work,	which	shows	obesity	can	be	effectively	treated	with	this	dietary	intervention.	
• He	ignores	opinions	from	Britain,	especially	the	published	work	of	John	Yudkin,	a	former	Professor	of	Nutrition	and	Dietetics	at	the	University	of	London.	
Unlike	White,	but	like	Pennington	(and	Atkins),	Yudkin	had	actually	studied	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	in	real	patients	and	become	convinced	of	the	
value	of	this	diet	for	the	management	of	obesity	(37-41).	Thus,	Yudkin	wrote	in	1972:	“I	have	no	doubt	that	in	practice	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	will	be	
found	to	be	the	most	effective	and,	nutritionally,	the	most	desirable	for	the	management	of	obese	patients”	(41,	p.	154).	In	the	same	article,	he	warned	of	
the	danger	of	drawing	conclusions	from	theoretical	considerations	rather	than	practical	experience.	
• White	ignores	the	editorial	by	Thorpe,	advocating	the	value	of	this	diet	in	the	same	journal	two	decades	earlier	(26).	
• He	ignores	Atkins’	extensive	discussions	of	the	role	of	carbohydrate	intolerance	(insulin	resistance)	in	obesity	and	T2DM,	as	well	as	Atkins’	explanation	
of	why	the	high-fat	diet	works	in	persons	with	this	condition.	White,	who	is	not	a	medical	practitioner	and	has	no	personal	experience	in	the	treatment	of	
persons	with	obesity/T2DM,	fails	to	appreciate	that	Atkins’	advocacy	was	for	a	diet	that	worked	best	for	persons	with	carbohydrate	intolerance/insulin	
• White’s	errors	are	further	underscored	by	the	absence	of	reports	in	the	medical	literature	of	“adverse	effects	from	the	regimen”	in	the	46	years	since	he	
made	the	plea	that	all	such	negative	outcomes	should	be	reported.	
None	of	White’s	misgivings	deter	Westman,	who	negotiates	with	Atkins	to	fund	another	trial,	this	time	in	persons	with	T2DM.	The	resulting	study	finds	that	21	
patients	with	T2DM	who	followed	the	diet	for	16	weeks	lost	an	average	of	9	kg	(19.8lbs),	reduced	their	blood	HbA1c	values	by	1.2%	(Figure	1),	and	improved	all	
their	blood	markers,	including	reducing	blood	triglyceride	concentrations	by	an	average	of	1.1	mmol/L	(42).	Seventeen	of	the	21	patients	reduced	or	stopped	using	
anti-diabetic	medications,	indicating	disease	“remission”	or	perhaps	even	“reversal”	in	some.	
Figure	1:	Changes	in	glycated	hemoglobin	(HbA1c)	concentrations	in	21	patients	with	T2DM	who	ate	a	low-carbohydrate	diet	for	16	weeks.	HbA1c	concentrations	are	a	
measure	of	the	average	24-hour	blood	glucose	concentrations	over	the	previous	three	months.	Values	greater	than	6.5%	are	considered	diagnostic	of	T2DM.	According	to	
this	measurement,	14	of	21	(67%)	patients	put	their	T2DM	into	“remission”	on	this	eating	plan.	Reproduced	from	reference	42.	
Since	an	HbA1c	below	6.5%	is	considered	to	be	the	upper	end	of	the	“normal”	range,	perhaps	this	is	the	first	study	in	the	modern	literature	showing	“remission”	or	
“reversal”	of	T2DM	while	using	nothing	more	than	a	dietary	intervention.	Importantly,	there	is	no	single	report	in	the	medical	literature	documenting	T2DM	
“remission”	or	“reversal”	while	following	usual	medical	care	including	the	prescription	of	insulin	or	other	medications.	
For	historical	completeness,	it’s	appropriate	to	mention	that	Leslie	Newburg	and	colleagues	at	the	University	of	Michigan	began	to	use	a	high-fat,	low-carbohydrate	
diet	to	treat	T2DM	in	the	1920s	(43-49).	It	seems	probable	that	among	the	73	patients	they	reported	in	their	first	paper	(43),	some	may	have	gone	into	“remission”	
on	the	high-fat	diet.	Indeed,	their	second	paper	(44)	shows	a	number	of	patients	whose	random	blood	glucose	concentrations	fall	below	5.5	mmol/L	(0.10%),	as	
does	their	third	paper	(45).	The	authors	also	argued	that	mortality	in	the	group	treated	with	this	diet	was	no	worse	and	might	even	have	been	slightly	better	than	
that	for	similar	patients	treated	with	the	low-fat,	low-calorie	diet	then	promoted	at	the	Joslin	clinic.	
In	1973,	J.R.	Wall	and	colleagues	also	reported	the	use	of	a	carbohydrate-restricted	diet	produced	“good	diabetic	control	on	diet	alone,	in	two-thirds	of	cases	by	the	
time	of	the	second	visit	—	that	is,	within	2	to	3	weeks”	(51,	p.	578).	The	authors’	main	focus	was	not	on	“reversal”	of	T2DM.	Rather,	they	wished	to	determine	
whether	weight	loss	or	carbohydrate	restriction	was	the	key	to	successful	management	of	T2DM.	They	concluded	that	“control	of	diabetes	in	obese	patients	who	
respond	to	diet	alone	is	due	to	carbohydrate	restriction	rather	than	to	weight	loss”	(p.	578).	
These	studies	show	that	already	in	the	1920s,	there	were	those	who	argued	that	a	carbohydrate-restricted	diet	is	beneficial	for	the	management	of	T2DM.	
Westman	and	his	colleagues	establish	this	as	fact,	and	their	study	shows	that	on	a	carbohydrate-restricted	diet,	some	T2DM	patients	do	not	require	medications	to	
maintain	good	glucose	control	(42).	
It	takes	another	13	years	for	a	larger	study	to	confirm	these	findings	and	bring	the	value	of	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	for	the	management	of	T2DM	to	a	much	wider	
Drs.	Jeff	Volek,	Ph.D.,	and	Stephen	Phinney,	MD,	are	two	other	scientists	whose	research	was	funded	by	the	Atkins	Foundation.	They	undertake	a	number	of	studies	
of	low-carbohydrate	diets	in	different	populations,	ultimately	focusing	on	changes	in	blood	lipid	profiles	in	those	with	metabolic	syndrome	(52-58).	
The	key	difference	between	their	work	and	Dr.	Gerald	Reaven’s	is,	for	the	reasons	I	will	suggest	in	due	course,	that	Reaven	balks	at	studying	truly	low-carbohydrate	
diets.	Instead,	Volek	and	Phinney	choose	to	study	properly	low-carbohydrate	diets	(<50	g/day),	and	in	the	end,	that	makes	all	the	difference.	
Some	of	the	most	important	findings	from	these	studies	are	shown	in	Figure	2.	
Figure	2:	Changes	in	metabolic	and	other	health	markers	in	person	with	metabolic	syndrome,	randomized	to	either	a	high-carbohydrate	(56%),	low-fat	(24%)	diet	or	a	
high-fat	(59%),	low-carbohydrate	(12%)	diet.	Both	diets	were	hypocaloric	(~1,500	cal/day).	Note	that	all	variables	show	greater	improvement	on	the	low-carbohydrate	
diet	than	the	low-fat	diet.	Data	from	reference	54.	
The	evidence	clearly	shows	that	all	variables	improve	to	a	greater	extent	on	the	low-carbohydrate	diet.	The	greatest	reductions	are	in	blood	triglyceride,	insulin,	and	
saturated	fatty	acid	concentrations,	with	a	marked	increase	in	blood	HDL-cholesterol	concentrations	as	well.	
The	authors	conclude:	
Restriction	in	dietary	carbohydrate,	even	in	the	presence	of	high	saturated	fatty	acids,	decreases	the	availability	of	ligands	(glucose,	fructose,	and	insulin)	that	
activate	lipogenic	and	inhibit	fatty	oxidation	pathways.	The	relative	importance	of	each	transcriptional	pathway	is	unclear,	but	the	end	result	—	increased	fat	
oxidation,	decreased	lipogenesis,	and	decreased	secretion	of	very	low-density	lipoprotein	—	is	a	highly	reliable	outcome	of	a	low-carbohydrate	diet.	(55,	p.	309)	
In	their	most	recent	study,	Phinney	and	Volek	find	that	these	benefits	can	occur	rapidly	and	are	not	dependent	on	weight	loss	(58).	There,	they	conclude:	“Overall,	
this	work	highlights	the	importance	of	the	dietary	carbohydrate-to-fat	ratio	as	a	control	element	in	Metabolic	Syndrome	expression	and	points	to	low	carbohydrate	
diets	as	being	uniquely	therapeutic	independent	of	traditional	concerns	about	dietary	total	and	saturated	fat	intakes	…	.	Based	on	these	results,	any	long-term	trials	
in	participants	with	Metabolic	Syndrome	should	include	low	carbohydrate	diets”	(p.	11).	
Phinney	and	Volek’s	studies	confirm	and	extend	Reaven’s	findings	from	between	1987	and	1994	(59),	and	address	the	impact	of	low-carbohydrate	diets	on	the	
metabolic	profile	and	other	health	markers	of	persons	with	the	metabolic	syndrome.	
Logically,	Reaven’s	group	should	have	completed	and	published	studies	identical	to	these	already	by	the	turn	of	the	last	century.	Why	they	did	not	is	a	mystery	I	will	
explain	subsequently.	
Certain	that	the	low-carbohydrate	diet	could	correct	the	metabolic	syndrome	(55)	and	might	even	“reverse”	T2DM	in	some	individuals	(41),	some	time	around	
2014,	Phinney	has	the	opportunity	to	speak	to	recently	retired	Sami	Inkinen,	who	was	planning	to	row	across	the	Pacific	from	San	Francisco	to	Honolulu	on	a	
carbohydrate-free	diet	(60,	61).	Phinney,	together	with	Jeff	Volek,	wishes	to	repeat	the	Westman	study	(41)	in	a	larger	group.	But	Phinney	and	Volek	need	help,	so	
they	ask	Inkinen	if	he	would	be	interested.	
Inkinen	agrees	on	one	condition:	that	the	study	becomes	part	of	a	startup	tech	company,	the	ultimate	goal	of	which	is	to	“reverse	diabetes	in	100	million	persons	by	
the	year	2025.”	And	thus,	the	Virta	Health	company	is	founded.
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
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It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!
It's the insulin resistance, stupid!

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