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Issues with Canberra Builder
Issues with Canberra Builder
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User #34986 1489 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-May-31, 3:54 pm
Hi all. I bought a house in 2007 already built and apparently just over
6 months old at the time.
By mid 2009 we started noticing cracks appearing everywhere, and the
roof leaked in a few places. I had the roof fixed under my insurance
thinking it was storm damage – we'd just had some wild weather.
By October 2010, the problem had continued to worsen, the slab looks
like it's been shifting making the cracks larger, and the shower base on
the ground floor had separated from the wall causing water to leak into
the cavity. I had a plumber out to look into it and he recommended I not
get it fixed as the builder should have to make good.
I got my insurance agent out again to see if it was covered, however
they gave me a written report back saying they believed the issue to be
poor quality construction and as such not covered by my insurance, the
builder would have to cover it. This is because some of the cracks were
around 1-2 inches wide in some places, indicating major structural
damage. This is all over the house, front, back, doorways etc. Some
doors no longer close or open etc.
I started calling the company in Jan 2011. The very first time I got
through to a guy, left my name and number with him as he said he was
busy and would call me back. He never did. I called a few more times
into 2011 and always got voicemail, leaving my name and number each time.
In June 2011 I called a last time and this time wrote down the time and
I then proceeded to get extremely ill (Crohn's disease, lymphoma etc
etc) and spent the rest of 2011 and into Jan of 2012 in and out of hospital.
In April this year I finally felt well enough to continue chasing this
up. I wrote a letter this time and attached the report from my insurance
agency saying it was the builders fault as well as my contact details.
To this date I still haven't heard back.
I'm getting fed up and want to know who I can contact in Canberra to
force this builder to send out their insurance agent to get the process
started to fix the house. In its current condition I would not be able
to sell it. I'm not ready to go to lawyers yet unless I have to, I'm
more hoping there is a government body or some agency responsible for
getting builders to honour their warranty's.
Anyone have any ideas?
User #31191 883 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-May-31, 5:19 pm
Sounds painful!
Have a look at the Master Builders Association, and have a talk to them
about the situation.
User #145082 1300 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-May-31, 5:38 pm
Unfortunately, Canberra is a small place and so it is hard to get great
builders. It is sad to have something you call your own and then it
leads to a disaster. I do not know if naming and shaming this builder
will help because he probably has jumped states already.
Generally, builders gaurentees are for 7 years. If you are an
owner-builder then you must provide that gaurentee.
User #165231 1194 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-May-31, 6:20 pm
whim me the name of the builder if you do not mind
User #252823 1402 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-Jun-1, 3:35 pm
XBOX-360 writes...
Generally, builders gaurentees are for 7 years.
thats not for structure. structural warranty is 25 years. its the clay
that does it. to the op, see if you can track down a soil test that was
done. it will reveal what type of ground you have. there are minimum
requirements with slab thickness and design for different soils.
ring all the companies that do it in your city and see if they will
cough the report up.then get a building inspector to look at your slab
and report what hasn,t been done. then off you go to a solicitor. a
letter from them should get the builder moving.
User #145082 1300 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-Jun-1, 4:39 pm
plastererdan writes...
see if you can track down a soil test that was done. it will reveal what
type of ground you have. there are minimum requirements with slab
thickness and design for different soils.
Yes, find that report which a soil engineer completed.
User #34986 1489 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-Jun-21, 1:09 pm
well sent an email to the MBA on the 12/06/2012 and guess what, no response.
What the hell is it with Canberra?
Today I'm going to try Office of Fair Trading and ACCC.
If this goes on much longer it might be easier to just get hold of the
media and get them to do most of the legwork for me.
User #472241 2 posts
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2012-Jun-21, 2:04 pm
I came across this thread whilst searching about a dodgy builder that
I'm dealing with myself.
Maybe you could contact Mike Welsh from 2CC. I have been keeping him
updated with my hassles. Maybe the more of us that whinge, the further
we might get.
User #512347 1 posts
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2012-Jul-31, 5:25 pm
Hi All,
I too made the mistake of buying a property from Empire Building Group.
The property was an off the plan purchase in the Mosaic Apartments. Once
I moved in I had issues with condensation beyond what is tolerable, and
in turn a mould problem.
The overall quality of the units themselves were also substandard at
best, being in the industry it is embarassing to see this quality of
work. I feel for the people who have worked themselves to the bone to
save enough money, firstly to secure a home loan, and secondly a home,
something which should be a wonderful event, a milestone, in your life.
I have spoken to the MBA who have mentioned that if the builder is not a
member then they have no real power to do anything. For matters relating
to structural problems I would highly recommend talking to ACTPLA. If
the matter is relating to defective work (which it sounds like it is)
they will send an inspector out to investigate. ACTPLA then have the
power to get the builder to rectify faulty work without the need for
litigation. ACTPLA's number is 6207 1923
Hope this helps,
User #34986 1489 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
posted 2012-Oct-12, 3:10 pm
Well, to update this I was given the run around by ACCC and a few other
departments until finally the Office of Fair Trading was left as the
only one the others thought would assist.
I got hold of them in June. They needed copies of the letter and
insurance report before they could proceed, also I was hospitalised
again which added another two months to the time period.
I finally managed to get them all the documents and they wrote a letter
to Empire Building saying that they had 10 days to get back to them.
On what I believe was the 10th day, the Office of Fair trading heard
back from him. Tom (Empire Building) said he would have to review the
house and make his own assessment as my insurance company "would be
biased in my favour as I was paying them". I told Fair Trading that he
could take a look, but that until he sent out a third party from his
insurance or a building asseror it wouldn't be binding and for his
information only.
They got back to me and told me that Tom would call me to arrange a time
to come by.
That was a few days ago and as usual I have heard nothing from him. Then
today I got an email from Fair Trading saying that he had informed them
that he would be "interstate on business" and I could chase him up when
he got back.
This is the exact same thing he said back in January 2011 after which I
never heard from him again and was left leaving messages on his phone.
So I've replied back to Fair Trading saying this is unacceptable, the
whole point of their involvement was not for me to be chasing him up but
for them to enforce him sending someone out and progressing the issue.
Frankly I think I've done more than enough work chasing this up and I
imagine that a court would probaly see it my way as well. I shouldn't
need to be the one trying to get hold of him YET AGAIN when he has been
formally contacted by the Office of Fair Trading to say there is a dispute.
At this point I want to hit him so hard he doesn't have a business left.
Anyone know a good number to contact at Today Tonight or some such. I'm
going to start calling lawyers as well. Originally I would have been
happy to just get the damn house fixed but now I'm going to go for
damages as well.
I've fricken survived Lymphoma, having my intestines cut out and more
over this last 2 years and I just don't need the stress this whole thing
has caused. I've been 2 years without a main bathroom becuase of this
shitty building company and now they are going to pay through the nose
and never work in the industry again if I can help it.
Hopefully any lawyer I can find to take this on agrees. If anyone has a
good property lawyer in Canberra I'd love to hear about it, they have a
100% gauranteed win case here if they want to take it on.
User #531577 1 posts
Blitzkrieg Bob
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2012-Nov-14, 12:07 am
edited 2013-Feb-24, 11:12 am
Seems like some people are not happy with Marburg Constructions
User #27671 7684 posts
Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2012-Nov-14, 1:14 am
B.Thompson, good luck with this battle you have ahead. From experience,
Fair Traiding are toothless tigers. Rather useless even when we provided
clear cut specifications & tolerances by way of Australian Standards.
Anyway, good luck I hope it goes your way from here. Keep us informed,
as people love to see harsh justice served to those who deserve it.
User #536003 130 posts
In the penalty box
posted 2013-May-23, 12:10 pm
Hi Mate,
Have you had any progress / update ?
So far after reading this thread, There is one builder to stay away
"Empire Building Group " I did a google and could not find any link to
their website.
User #614168 1 posts
Peak Consulting
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2014-Feb-7, 5:06 pm
Disapointingly, this is an example of a situation which is becomming all
too commmon.
Our Consultancy specialises in dealing with the problem jobs and we
recieve enquiry like this very often.
Accountability is something that ACTPLA are working on but is it always
a struggle with companies readily choosing bankruptcy as a means of evasion.
For what it is worth, early detection, diagnosis and action is vital as
time often passes, predudicing possible claims.
As soon as you see a possible issue obtain professional advice, even if
the issue turns out to be benign, it is always best to have independent
advice to be sure.
User #624266 14 posts
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2014-Apr-3, 8:02 pm
edited 2014-Apr-3, 8:55 pm
There are powerful lobbyist groups like MBA or HIA who look after the
interests of the builders and their industry, however, to my knowledge
there is none for the owners. It seems the owners who are victimised by
unscrupulous builders have nowhere to go to seek assistance or advice.
If there is then I would like to know their contact, please.
@B. Thomson...
We had pretty similar experiences with our newly built house in Canberra
and our dream turned into nightmare within the first 3 months of
occupancy. Cracked walls, water pooling in the backyard, water leakage
in bedroom, mouldy ceiling, unfinished work/inclusion list items.... you
name it – we had them all. During construction there were multiple
delays without any excuse putting us into financial pressure from
mortgage interest. We also received surprised bills despite it was fixed
price contract and were forced to come to a compromise or risk further
delays from disputes and legal costs. Lodged a written complaint with
MBA but had same experience as you. In the meantime, the building
company filed for insolvency as they ran into disputes with other owners
due to similar conduct. Note that there's nothing to stop the builder
from victimising someone else by forming a new company.
User #351236 331 posts
Forum Regular
posted 2014-Apr-3, 8:49 pm
Scoobth writes...
Have a look at the Master Builders Association, and have a talk to them
about the situation.
MBA always side with the builder ... waste of time.
User #624266 14 posts
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2014-Apr-3, 8:59 pm
A320 writes...
MBA always side with the builder ... waste of time.
Exactly. We need owner's forum where people can share their experiences
and learn from other victims in similar situation.
User #624266 14 posts
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2014-Apr-3, 9:11 pm
Peak Consulting writes...
Accountability is something that ACTPLA are working on but is it always
a struggle with companies readily choosing bankruptcy as a means of evasion.
From my experience of dealing with ACTPLA for the past 3 years in
relation to the faulty works, they themselves do not have any
As soon as you see a possible issue obtain professional advice
Seeking professional or legal advise is not free. Even after investing
on such advice there is not guarantee that the shonky builders will fix
their shonky works.
User #251995 8839 posts
Sir NoCashatAll
Whirlpool Forums Addict
posted 2014-Apr-3, 9:41 pm
CBR_pOOl writes...
It seems the owners who are victimised by unscrupulous builders have
nowhere to go to seek assistance or advice. If there is then I would
like to know their contact, please.
I was in the position to owner build and contract the work out and
supervise. I knew what I was doing and had honest tradies to deal with.
The good news for spec buyers is this
The OPs original issue is slab heave and that's what happens on clay soil.
User #442552 2 posts
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2014-Apr-13, 9:19 pm
B.Thompson. I know that you posted nearly a couple of years ago, but how
have you gone with your building issue? Did you go to a lawyer? I have
also had a very bad experience building in Canberra. The matter is now
in the hands of my lawyer. The builders who do this are criminals, thugs
and bullies. I contacted everyone--ACTPLA, the minister, ACCC, Fair
Trading, the MBA. I fought for a long time. The problem in the ACT is
that there is no legislation protecting consumers. Builders continue
these practices because they have always got away with them and no one
has stopped them. The MBA protects them and does nothing to stop this
kind of behaviour. Did you call ACTPLA?
User #574942 51 posts
posted 2014-Apr-14, 5:17 pm
edited 2014-Apr-14, 6:08 pm
Perhaps Aus. needs to go to a building inspection regime, like NZ.
Perhaps a pre-pour concrete inspection may have picked it up........naah
– everyone would scream about the cost!
As a qualified Carpenter, Quantity Surveyor and Building Surveyor, and
having worked in the Australian Construction industry for the last 10
yrs, I'm generally appalled by a lot of what passes for "quality home
construction" in Australia! I used to play a little game when I first
came over here – failing new buildings from the street based on basic
building flaws, shoddy construction and breaches of building codes – it
wasn't hard!
The building industry policing itself has ended up the same way as most
self policing regimes -looking after themselves and bugger the clients!
User #642610 1 posts
I'm new here, please be nice
posted 2014-Nov-7, 11:17 am
Hi All,
Did anyone get any further with something similar to the issues?
I'm also having issues with a builder in Canberra: Stormer building
They used to go under the name: Bonner Affordable Homes in the past.
We've purchased a property from them and needed to report any issues
within a month so that they could be fixed. Did so however: they went
into complete silent mode. Had my solicitor send the request to theirs..
that's a good 3 weeks ago (at the least) still nothing.
When still negotiating the price they were very fast with getting things
done but the moment the deal was completed nobody home anymore..
I've also send an inquiry to Master Builders to get an official
complaint in but no response yet. ACTPLA is looking what they can do for
me at the moment. But there should be something that can be done against
these practices? Is there already some sort of register or Website in
place that warns people against these rip off practices?
I'm still searching but might setup one myself just to save others the
headache they're causing

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Issues with Canberra Builder

  • 1. Issues with Canberra Builder Issues with Canberra Builder Issues with Canberra Builder Whirlpool Go to navigation <#navigation> Know your ISP. * Forums Archive * Home * Real Estate * Issues with Builder in Canberra * Archive version * Return to standard view User #34986 1489 posts B.Thomson Whirlpool Enthusiast reference: posted 2012-May-31, 3:54 pm O.P. Hi all. I bought a house in 2007 already built and apparently just over 6 months old at the time. By mid 2009 we started noticing cracks appearing everywhere, and the roof leaked in a few places. I had the roof fixed under my insurance thinking it was storm damage – we'd just had some wild weather. By October 2010, the problem had continued to worsen, the slab looks like it's been shifting making the cracks larger, and the shower base on
  • 2. the ground floor had separated from the wall causing water to leak into the cavity. I had a plumber out to look into it and he recommended I not get it fixed as the builder should have to make good. I got my insurance agent out again to see if it was covered, however they gave me a written report back saying they believed the issue to be poor quality construction and as such not covered by my insurance, the builder would have to cover it. This is because some of the cracks were around 1-2 inches wide in some places, indicating major structural damage. This is all over the house, front, back, doorways etc. Some doors no longer close or open etc. I started calling the company in Jan 2011. The very first time I got through to a guy, left my name and number with him as he said he was busy and would call me back. He never did. I called a few more times into 2011 and always got voicemail, leaving my name and number each time. In June 2011 I called a last time and this time wrote down the time and date. I then proceeded to get extremely ill (Crohn's disease, lymphoma etc etc) and spent the rest of 2011 and into Jan of 2012 in and out of hospital. In April this year I finally felt well enough to continue chasing this up. I wrote a letter this time and attached the report from my insurance agency saying it was the builders fault as well as my contact details. To this date I still haven't heard back. I'm getting fed up and want to know who I can contact in Canberra to force this builder to send out their insurance agent to get the process started to fix the house. In its current condition I would not be able to sell it. I'm not ready to go to lawyers yet unless I have to, I'm
  • 3. more hoping there is a government body or some agency responsible for getting builders to honour their warranty's. Anyone have any ideas? User #31191 883 posts Scoobth Whirlpool Enthusiast reference: posted 2012-May-31, 5:19 pm Sounds painful! Have a look at the Master Builders Association, and have a talk to them about the situation. User #145082 1300 posts Blue123 Whirlpool Enthusiast reference: posted 2012-May-31, 5:38 pm Unfortunately, Canberra is a small place and so it is hard to get great builders. It is sad to have something you call your own and then it leads to a disaster. I do not know if naming and shaming this builder will help because he probably has jumped states already. Generally, builders gaurentees are for 7 years. If you are an owner-builder then you must provide that gaurentee. User #165231 1194 posts flashback Whirlpool Enthusiast
  • 4. reference: posted 2012-May-31, 6:20 pm whim me the name of the builder if you do not mind User #252823 1402 posts plastererdan Whirlpool Enthusiast reference: posted 2012-Jun-1, 3:35 pm XBOX-360 writes... Generally, builders gaurentees are for 7 years. thats not for structure. structural warranty is 25 years. its the clay that does it. to the op, see if you can track down a soil test that was done. it will reveal what type of ground you have. there are minimum requirements with slab thickness and design for different soils. ring all the companies that do it in your city and see if they will cough the report up.then get a building inspector to look at your slab and report what hasn,t been done. then off you go to a solicitor. a letter from them should get the builder moving. User #145082 1300 posts Blue123 Whirlpool Enthusiast reference: posted 2012-Jun-1, 4:39 pm plastererdan writes... see if you can track down a soil test that was done. it will reveal what type of ground you have. there are minimum requirements with slab
  • 5. thickness and design for different soils. Yes, find that report which a soil engineer completed. User #34986 1489 posts B.Thomson Whirlpool Enthusiast reference: posted 2012-Jun-21, 1:09 pm O.P. well sent an email to the MBA on the 12/06/2012 and guess what, no response. What the hell is it with Canberra? Today I'm going to try Office of Fair Trading and ACCC. If this goes on much longer it might be easier to just get hold of the media and get them to do most of the legwork for me. User #472241 2 posts lj20272 I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2012-Jun-21, 2:04 pm Hi, I came across this thread whilst searching about a dodgy builder that I'm dealing with myself. Maybe you could contact Mike Welsh from 2CC. I have been keeping him updated with my hassles. Maybe the more of us that whinge, the further we might get. Cheers Amanda
  • 6. User #512347 1 posts Andrewdc I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2012-Jul-31, 5:25 pm Hi All, I too made the mistake of buying a property from Empire Building Group. The property was an off the plan purchase in the Mosaic Apartments. Once I moved in I had issues with condensation beyond what is tolerable, and in turn a mould problem. The overall quality of the units themselves were also substandard at best, being in the industry it is embarassing to see this quality of work. I feel for the people who have worked themselves to the bone to save enough money, firstly to secure a home loan, and secondly a home, something which should be a wonderful event, a milestone, in your life. I have spoken to the MBA who have mentioned that if the builder is not a member then they have no real power to do anything. For matters relating to structural problems I would highly recommend talking to ACTPLA. If the matter is relating to defective work (which it sounds like it is) they will send an inspector out to investigate. ACTPLA then have the power to get the builder to rectify faulty work without the need for litigation. ACTPLA's number is 6207 1923 Hope this helps, Andrew User #34986 1489 posts B.Thomson
  • 7. Whirlpool Enthusiast reference: posted 2012-Oct-12, 3:10 pm O.P. Well, to update this I was given the run around by ACCC and a few other departments until finally the Office of Fair Trading was left as the only one the others thought would assist. I got hold of them in June. They needed copies of the letter and insurance report before they could proceed, also I was hospitalised again which added another two months to the time period. I finally managed to get them all the documents and they wrote a letter to Empire Building saying that they had 10 days to get back to them. On what I believe was the 10th day, the Office of Fair trading heard back from him. Tom (Empire Building) said he would have to review the house and make his own assessment as my insurance company "would be biased in my favour as I was paying them". I told Fair Trading that he could take a look, but that until he sent out a third party from his insurance or a building asseror it wouldn't be binding and for his information only. They got back to me and told me that Tom would call me to arrange a time to come by. That was a few days ago and as usual I have heard nothing from him. Then today I got an email from Fair Trading saying that he had informed them that he would be "interstate on business" and I could chase him up when he got back. This is the exact same thing he said back in January 2011 after which I
  • 8. never heard from him again and was left leaving messages on his phone. So I've replied back to Fair Trading saying this is unacceptable, the whole point of their involvement was not for me to be chasing him up but for them to enforce him sending someone out and progressing the issue. Frankly I think I've done more than enough work chasing this up and I imagine that a court would probaly see it my way as well. I shouldn't need to be the one trying to get hold of him YET AGAIN when he has been formally contacted by the Office of Fair Trading to say there is a dispute. At this point I want to hit him so hard he doesn't have a business left. Anyone know a good number to contact at Today Tonight or some such. I'm going to start calling lawyers as well. Originally I would have been happy to just get the damn house fixed but now I'm going to go for damages as well. I've fricken survived Lymphoma, having my intestines cut out and more over this last 2 years and I just don't need the stress this whole thing has caused. I've been 2 years without a main bathroom becuase of this shitty building company and now they are going to pay through the nose and never work in the industry again if I can help it. Hopefully any lawyer I can find to take this on agrees. If anyone has a good property lawyer in Canberra I'd love to hear about it, they have a 100% gauranteed win case here if they want to take it on. User #531577 1 posts Blitzkrieg Bob I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2012-Nov-14, 12:07 am
  • 9. edited 2013-Feb-24, 11:12 am Seems like some people are not happy with Marburg Constructions [img] [/img] User #27671 7684 posts ColdRain Whirlpool Forums Addict reference: posted 2012-Nov-14, 1:14 am B.Thompson, good luck with this battle you have ahead. From experience, Fair Traiding are toothless tigers. Rather useless even when we provided clear cut specifications & tolerances by way of Australian Standards. Anyway, good luck I hope it goes your way from here. Keep us informed, as people love to see harsh justice served to those who deserve it. User #536003 130 posts 20startlight In the penalty box reference: posted 2013-May-23, 12:10 pm Hi Mate, Have you had any progress / update ? So far after reading this thread, There is one builder to stay away "Empire Building Group " I did a google and could not find any link to their website. Cheers. User #614168 1 posts
  • 10. Peak Consulting I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2014-Feb-7, 5:06 pm Disapointingly, this is an example of a situation which is becomming all too commmon. Our Consultancy specialises in dealing with the problem jobs and we recieve enquiry like this very often. Accountability is something that ACTPLA are working on but is it always a struggle with companies readily choosing bankruptcy as a means of evasion. For what it is worth, early detection, diagnosis and action is vital as time often passes, predudicing possible claims. As soon as you see a possible issue obtain professional advice, even if the issue turns out to be benign, it is always best to have independent advice to be sure. User #624266 14 posts CBR_pOOl I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2014-Apr-3, 8:02 pm edited 2014-Apr-3, 8:55 pm There are powerful lobbyist groups like MBA or HIA who look after the interests of the builders and their industry, however, to my knowledge there is none for the owners. It seems the owners who are victimised by unscrupulous builders have nowhere to go to seek assistance or advice. If there is then I would like to know their contact, please.
  • 11. @B. Thomson... We had pretty similar experiences with our newly built house in Canberra and our dream turned into nightmare within the first 3 months of occupancy. Cracked walls, water pooling in the backyard, water leakage in bedroom, mouldy ceiling, unfinished work/inclusion list items.... you name it – we had them all. During construction there were multiple delays without any excuse putting us into financial pressure from mortgage interest. We also received surprised bills despite it was fixed price contract and were forced to come to a compromise or risk further delays from disputes and legal costs. Lodged a written complaint with MBA but had same experience as you. In the meantime, the building company filed for insolvency as they ran into disputes with other owners due to similar conduct. Note that there's nothing to stop the builder from victimising someone else by forming a new company. User #351236 331 posts A320 Forum Regular reference: posted 2014-Apr-3, 8:49 pm Scoobth writes... Have a look at the Master Builders Association, and have a talk to them about the situation. MBA always side with the builder ... waste of time. User #624266 14 posts CBR_pOOl
  • 12. I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2014-Apr-3, 8:59 pm A320 writes... MBA always side with the builder ... waste of time. Exactly. We need owner's forum where people can share their experiences and learn from other victims in similar situation. User #624266 14 posts CBR_pOOl I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2014-Apr-3, 9:11 pm Peak Consulting writes... Accountability is something that ACTPLA are working on but is it always a struggle with companies readily choosing bankruptcy as a means of evasion. From my experience of dealing with ACTPLA for the past 3 years in relation to the faulty works, they themselves do not have any accountability. As soon as you see a possible issue obtain professional advice Seeking professional or legal advise is not free. Even after investing on such advice there is not guarantee that the shonky builders will fix their shonky works. User #251995 8839 posts Sir NoCashatAll Whirlpool Forums Addict reference:
  • 13. posted 2014-Apr-3, 9:41 pm CBR_pOOl writes... It seems the owners who are victimised by unscrupulous builders have nowhere to go to seek assistance or advice. If there is then I would like to know their contact, please. I was in the position to owner build and contract the work out and supervise. I knew what I was doing and had honest tradies to deal with. The good news for spec buyers is this 0140401-35wdo.html The OPs original issue is slab heave and that's what happens on clay soil. User #442552 2 posts waterbaby61 I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2014-Apr-13, 9:19 pm B.Thompson. I know that you posted nearly a couple of years ago, but how have you gone with your building issue? Did you go to a lawyer? I have also had a very bad experience building in Canberra. The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer. The builders who do this are criminals, thugs and bullies. I contacted everyone--ACTPLA, the minister, ACCC, Fair Trading, the MBA. I fought for a long time. The problem in the ACT is that there is no legislation protecting consumers. Builders continue these practices because they have always got away with them and no one has stopped them. The MBA protects them and does nothing to stop this kind of behaviour. Did you call ACTPLA?
  • 14. User #574942 51 posts Spercepolnes Participant reference: posted 2014-Apr-14, 5:17 pm edited 2014-Apr-14, 6:08 pm Perhaps Aus. needs to go to a building inspection regime, like NZ. Perhaps a pre-pour concrete inspection may have picked it up........naah – everyone would scream about the cost! As a qualified Carpenter, Quantity Surveyor and Building Surveyor, and having worked in the Australian Construction industry for the last 10 yrs, I'm generally appalled by a lot of what passes for "quality home construction" in Australia! I used to play a little game when I first came over here – failing new buildings from the street based on basic building flaws, shoddy construction and breaches of building codes – it wasn't hard! The building industry policing itself has ended up the same way as most self policing regimes -looking after themselves and bugger the clients! User #642610 1 posts Mautje I'm new here, please be nice reference: posted 2014-Nov-7, 11:17 am Hi All, Did anyone get any further with something similar to the issues? I'm also having issues with a builder in Canberra: Stormer building
  • 15. group They used to go under the name: Bonner Affordable Homes in the past. We've purchased a property from them and needed to report any issues within a month so that they could be fixed. Did so however: they went into complete silent mode. Had my solicitor send the request to theirs.. that's a good 3 weeks ago (at the least) still nothing. When still negotiating the price they were very fast with getting things done but the moment the deal was completed nobody home anymore.. I've also send an inquiry to Master Builders to get an official complaint in but no response yet. ACTPLA is looking what they can do for me at the moment. But there should be something that can be done against these practices? Is there already some sort of register or Website in place that warns people against these rip off practices? I'm still searching but might setup one myself just to save others the headache they're causing