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                                                   work in progress
      iScrumBoard –                                by PCSol
      What’s That?
      iScrumBoard is an iPad and iPhone application developed by PCSol S.A.
      for the attention of the ScrumMaster, Product Owner, Developers and
      Clients involved in a Scrum Agile project.

      This application is interfaced with the RedMine project management
      tools and allows you to monitor the progress of your projects’ Sprints and
      Issues visually.

      After having successfully passed the Apple certification test, it is now
      available from the iTunes Store.
iScrumBoard, work in progress by PCSol                                                                                                                 2

How Did iScrumBoard Come Into Being?
PCSol S.A. is an Open Source solutions integrator.                                      The choice of RedMine was justified by our absolute
We have chosen the Scrum Agile methodology, assert-                                     mastery of the product (both technical and functional)
ing that the success of a project depends on the control                                and by our capacity to configure it so that can be per-
of the process far more than on the technique that is                                   fectly adapted to our applied methodology.
                                                                                        It above all enables us to guarantee our clients total
We build made-to-measure solutions for our profes-                                      transparency in the monitoring of their projects.
sional clients by integrating the most known Open
Source solutions such as OpenERP, RedMine, Nuxeo,                                       In perfect alignment with this strategy and with our de-
Drools, etc. Thanks to our strong partnerships with the                                 sire for transparency and collaboration, we have decid-
various software houses, PCSol S.A. has become an                                       ed to develop an application on iPad and iPhone allow-
unavoidable Open Source player.                                                         ing even user-friendlier monitoring for all the members
                                                                                        of our Scrum teams.
To allow our teams and our clients to apply the Scrum
methodology on daily basis, we had a while ago set up
the collaborative project management tool, RedMine.

How Does It work?
iScrumBoard, having located your RedMine server and                                     This information is then made available to you on your
having identified you as a user with your associated                                    iPhone or your iPad.
rights, will collect the information relating to your Pro-
jects, your Sprints and all the Issues identified for each
Sprint in RedMine.

How Can iScrumboard Be Tested?
Nothing could be simpler: PCSol S.A. has set up a test                                   Enter the following information:
environment precisely for that purpose.                                                 	   •   Redmine URL:
 Download iScrumBoard on your iPhone or your iPad                                     	   •   Username: iscrumboard
  from the iTunes Store                                                                 	   •   Password: iscrumboard
	 (link via our blog:                                Read the instructions given below in this document.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard, work in progress by PCSol                                                                                                                 3

Why Is PCSol S.A. Sharing iScrumBoard?
Firstly, Apple has accepted iScrumBoard, on its very
first application, for publication in the Apple Store. This
shows that PCSol S.A. has the technological skills that
will to enable you to benefit from the most modern tools
and to interface with your Open Source management

Then, PCSol S.A. has not only implemented RedMine
and iScrumBoard for its internal needs, but is also ca-
pable of extending its use in order to align it more close-
ly with its users’ specific needs.

If you would like to run RedMine and iScrumBoard in
your own company, PCSol S.A. can help you with its in-
stallation and its set-up, and especially, with its adapta-                             PCSol S.A. does its utmost to guarantee the projects’
tion to your operating system.                                                          success.

Lastly, iScrumBoard shows the extent to which PCSol                                     PCSol S.A. will continue to develop this new tool in or-
S.A. has invested in the Scrum Agile method. Not only                                   der to improve both its operating system and its ergo-
have we installed all the internal and external tools for                               nomics. So continue to monitor iScrumBoard.
mastering the method, but we have also created the
necessary tools for easy access to the information.

Thanks to iScrumBoard, there is total transparency,
both at the level of the Scrum team and of that of the

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard, work in progress by PCSol                                                                                                                 4

Monitor us also on our various communica-
tion channels:
Our website:

PCSol’s Blog ( is our space of ex-                                 The various aspects of our market watch are brought
pression, but also yours. We are going to publish arti-                                 together in our channels:
cles, comments and references that you will be free to
use or from which you will be able to draw inspiration.                                 	 he zenith of uncertainty (
If you have any questions or comments about a given                                        gee-de-l-incertitude): Whereas most people fear un-
article, don’t hesitate to communicate them, directly on                                   certainty, others see it as a fantastic opportunity. We
the blog.                                                                                  bring together on this page all the evidence, analyses
                                                                                           and articles referring to the harnessing of uncertain-
Our YouTube channel (                                          ty.
pcsolbe/videos): We use this for giving you news of PC-
Sol, but via video clips that we create as and then the                                 	 RM – Know your customers (
opportunities arise. Right now, you can find testimoni-                                    crm-connaissez-vos-clients): Shows, if it is still nec-
als from PCSol clients on it, but you will also to see PC-                                 essary, the crucial importance of knowing your cus-
Sol participating in trade fairs, conferences, and so on.                                  tomers… and not only at the financial level.
You will see a dynamic, motivated team there.
                                                                                        	 anagement of the Agile Project (http://www.scoop.
Our publications and our documentation (http://www.                                        it/t/gestion-de-projet-agile): Compiles many testimo- You can find our document li-                                     nials and analyses relating to the value of the promot-
brary there.                                                                               ed Agile method, which is part of PCSol’s very roots.

In our SlideShare space (                                     	 pen the Source (
pcsol), we publish the presentations that we deliver                                       Take the time to understand the Open Source issues.
during our conferences. It has to be easier to download                                    Where has it come from, its opportunities, and its
them directly from the Internet than to take a hard copy                                   possible dangers, in order to see how today’s market
of them.                                                                                   has adopted it.

Our events ( You can find                                  	 penERP with curiosity and interest (http://www.
the events PCSol that organises there because, as you                             testi-
know, our year is strewn with breakfasts during which                                      monials, comments and dialogues on the subject of
we take the time to speak to you, and to present the                                       OpenERP.
latest developments of our solutions. We also have ac-
tivities other than breakfasts, but all of them can be                                    PCSol can also be found on Twitter (http://twitter.
found here.                                                                                com/pcsolbe) behind the @pcsolbe ID.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •

                                                                                                User guide
Homepage Screen
This screen is composed of three fields for completion
by the user:
	 edmine URL: the Redmine URL.
	 sername: the user’s name.
	 assword: the user’s password.

As this information is necessary for retrieving the data
from the Redmine platform, we record it in a variable of
the application in order to prevent the user from having
to provide it again whenever it is required.
The application remembers the user’s password at the
time of his or her first connection. At the time of a future
connection, the user can enter his or her username and
knock a part of the screen (apart from the text fields and
the button) so that the application fills in the password

Main Screen
Once the user is connected to the Redmine platform,
the application will display the main screen. This screen
consists of a calendar and three panels located on the
left, right and bottom of the screen.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard User guide                                                                                                                                 6

When the main screen is displayed, the calendar will be
positioned by default on the current month. The role of
the calendar is to display the Versions from their start
date to their end date in the form of a coloured rectan-
The grading composing the version’s coloured rectan-
gle represents the ratio between the number of closed
Story Points and the number of Story Points planned
for the version.
The calendar can be consulted in two forms:
	A per-month view.
	A per-week view.

To switch from the “month” view to the “week” view, you                                    index finger on the screen, make a “pinching” gesture
just have to place your thumb and your index finger on                                     on the screen, and then withdraw your fingers from the
the week that you would like to display, separate them,                                    screen. This action will have the effect of displaying the
and withdraw them from the screen. This action will                                        calendar in “month” view on the month to which the
have the effect of displaying the calendar in “week” view                                  week belongs.
on the selected week.                                                                      To change the displayed period (month or week), you
                                                                                           just have to put a finger on the screen and slide it to
To go from the “month” view to the “week” view, you                                        the right to display the previous period or to the left to
must do the opposite, i.e. place your thumb and your                                       display the following period.

       PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard User guide                                                                                                                                 7

Above the calendar, a coloured rectangle includes:
	The name of the month in progress.
	 he number of hours clocked-on by the user for the
  displayed month.

A repeated knock on the right-hand part of this rectan-
gle will cause a window to emerge containing the de-
tails of the user’s clocking-on.

The information concerning the user’s clocking-on is
contained in a scrolling list that you can browse by put-
ting a finger on the list and sliding it up and down.
A repeated knock on the left part of the month’s rectan-
gle will make a window emerge containing the details
of the clocking-on of all the users for the month in pro-
The information concerning the users’ clocking-on is
contained in a scrolling list that you can browse by put-
ting a finger on the list and sliding it up and down.
The selected month can be changed by putting a finger
on the window and by sliding it to the right to display the
previous month and to the left to display the following
Entering a number of hours in the text field and press-
ing on the “Check” button will display in blue the peo-
ple who have already clocked-on for a number of hours
equal to or higher than the number that has been en-

To return to the main screen, you just have to press on
the “Back” button or to put a finger on the upper part of
the screen and slide it downwards.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard User guide                                                                                                                                 8

A repeated knock on a rectangle representing a version
will make a window with four tabs emerge. The tab can
be changed by clicking a tab on the tab bar located at
the bottom of the window or by putting a finger on the
screen and sliding it to the left or to the right.
To return to the main screen, you just have to press on
the “OK” button or to put a finger on the upper part of
the screen and slide it downwards.

General Information
By default, the emerging window opens the version’s
general information tab.
  project to which the version belongs.
  version’s name.
  version’s status.
  date on which the version begins.
  date on which the version ends.
  number of story points planned for the version.

Burn Down Chart
The second tab allows the burn down chart to be dis-
played. The burn down chart is a graph representing the
following information:
 line representing the ideal degression of the points
  planned for the version.
 curve representing the closed issue points at a giv-
  en date in the version.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard User guide                                                                                                                                 9

The third tab offers information concerning the ver-
sion’s issues.
The issues are contained in a scrolling list that you can
browse by putting a finger on the list and sliding it up
and down.
The selection of an issue in the scrolling list will cause
the information to be displayed above the list. The “Go”
button enables a web browser to be opened so that you
can go to Redmine on the page of the selected issue.

Version Selector
The fourth tab allows a selector to be displayed that in-
cludes all the versions of the project to which the previ-
ously selected version belongs. To select an element in
the selector, you just have to place a finger on the selec-
tor and move it up or down until you reach the desired
The selection of a version will have the effect of updat-
ing the data of the other three tabs relating to that par-
ticular version.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard User guide                                                                                                                                 10

Side  Bottom Panels
The main screen also contains three panels located on                                   Bottom Panel
the sides and at the bottom of the screen. These panels                                 The bottom panel consists of five buttons:
are displayed by putting a finger on the end of the panel                               	 ogout: button allowing disconnection from the ap-
and by sliding it towards the centre of the screen. In or-                                 plication.
der to keep the calendar as legible as possible, when                                   	 -mail: button allowing an e-mail to be sent for re-
one panel is opened, the others are closed.                                                porting a bug.
                                                                                        	 edmine: button allowing direct connection to Red-
Left-Hand Panel                                                                            mine in a web browser’s MyPage section.
The left-hand panel contains two scrolling lists, the                                   	 elocity: button allowing you to go to the velocity-ori-
content of which you can browse by putting a finger on                                     ented view
the list and sliding it up and down.                                                    	 ettings: button allowing the application’s settings to
	 list of the projects available for the user.
  A                                                                                        be displayed.
	 list of the versions of the project selected in the first

Right-Hand Panel
The right-hand panel contains two selectors and a
scrolling list, the content of which you can browse by
putting a finger on the list (or a selector) and sliding it
up and down.
	 selector allowing the application’s general theme
  to be changed.
	 selector allowing the opaqueness of the rectangles
  representing the versions to be changed.
	 list containing all of the developer teams.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard User guide                                                                                                                              11

Velocity Screen
The velocity screen consists of a graph and three pan-
els located on the left, right and bottom of the screen.
The velocity is the ratio between the estimated num-
ber of hours and the number of hours that are actually
By default, when the view is displayed, the graph that
is generated represents the projects’ velocity. To move
the graph, you just have to put a finger on the screen
and slide to the left or to the right. You can also zoom
in on the graph by putting your thumb and your index
finger on the screen and then separating them.
The selector in the upper right-hand corner of the
screen enables a graph type to be selected: a curve
graph or a bar graph.
                                                                                        Right-Hand Panel
                                                                                        The right-hand panel contains two selectors, the con-
The velocity screen contains three panels similar to
                                                                                        tent of which you can browse by putting a finger on the
those on the main screen. These panels are displayed
                                                                                        selector and sliding it up and down.
by putting a finger on the end of the panel and by sliding
                                                                                        	 selector allowing the application’s general theme
it towards the centre of the screen.
                                                                                           to be changed.
                                                                                        	 selector allowing the opaqueness of the rectangles
Left-Hand Panel                                                                            representing the versions to be changed.
The left-hand panel contains two scrolling lists, the
content of which you can browse by putting a finger on
                                                                                        Bottom Panel
the list and sliding it up and down.
                                                                                        The bottom panel consists of six buttons:
	 list of the projects available for the user.
                                                                                        	 ogout: button allowing disconnection from the ap-
	 list of the versions of the project selected in the
  first list.
                                                                                        	 -mail: button allowing an e-mail to be sent for re-
                                                                                           porting a bug.
When a project is selected, the graph corresponding to
                                                                                        	 edmine: button allowing direct connection to Red-
its velocity will be generated. Each version’s velocity is
                                                                                           mine in a web browser’s MyPage section.
represented by a point, and a line representing the pro-
                                                                                        	 raph: button allowing the display of the graph rep-
ject’s average velocity is represented in blue.
                                                                                           resenting the projects’ general velocity.
                                                                                        	 crum Board: button allowing a return to the main
                                                                                        	 ettings: button allowing the application’s settings to
                                                                                           be displayed.

    PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
iScrumBoard User guide

Settings Screen
The settings screen allows the user to customise the
application’s behaviour. The screen consists of the fol-
lowing elements:
  Four switches influencing the versions to be dis-
	 selector for the choice of language.
	A “Close” button allowing a return to the screen that
  had triggered the opening of the settings screen.

For enhanced use of the application, as well as a bet-
ter legibility, you can limit the type of version to be dis-
played in the calendar and in the scrolling lists. By de-
fault, only the “open” versions are displayed. There are
four types of version:                                         Language Selector
  Open: the versions currently in progress (known as
	                                                           The language selector enables the user to change the
  “open”).                                                     language in which the application is presented without
	 losed: the closed versions.
  C                                                            influencing the appliance’s settings. By default, the ap-
	 ocked: the locked versions.
  L                                                            plication is presented in the appliance’s language.
	 upport: the support versions.
                                                               The selector is used in a similar way as a scrolling list:
A version type can be activated (or deactivated) by a          you just have to put a finger on the selector and move it up
simple knock on the switch or by putting a finger on the       or down to the desired element.
switch and sliding it in the desired direction.

                                                                                                          design by

iScrumBoard,                                                                                  PCSol sa
                                                                               Rue César de Paepe, 43
work in progress by PCSol                                                      4683 Vivegnis (Belgique)
                                                                                   Tél. +32 4 248 82 40
                                                                                   Fax +32 4 248 82 49

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iScrumBoard, work in progress by PCSol - English version

  • 1. IT Partnership for business efficiency iScrumBoard, work in progress iScrumBoard – by PCSol What’s That? iScrumBoard is an iPad and iPhone application developed by PCSol S.A. for the attention of the ScrumMaster, Product Owner, Developers and Clients involved in a Scrum Agile project. This application is interfaced with the RedMine project management tools and allows you to monitor the progress of your projects’ Sprints and Issues visually. After having successfully passed the Apple certification test, it is now available from the iTunes Store.
  • 2. iScrumBoard, work in progress by PCSol 2 How Did iScrumBoard Come Into Being? PCSol S.A. is an Open Source solutions integrator. The choice of RedMine was justified by our absolute We have chosen the Scrum Agile methodology, assert- mastery of the product (both technical and functional) ing that the success of a project depends on the control and by our capacity to configure it so that can be per- of the process far more than on the technique that is fectly adapted to our applied methodology. used. It above all enables us to guarantee our clients total We build made-to-measure solutions for our profes- transparency in the monitoring of their projects. sional clients by integrating the most known Open Source solutions such as OpenERP, RedMine, Nuxeo, In perfect alignment with this strategy and with our de- Drools, etc. Thanks to our strong partnerships with the sire for transparency and collaboration, we have decid- various software houses, PCSol S.A. has become an ed to develop an application on iPad and iPhone allow- unavoidable Open Source player. ing even user-friendlier monitoring for all the members of our Scrum teams. To allow our teams and our clients to apply the Scrum methodology on daily basis, we had a while ago set up the collaborative project management tool, RedMine. How Does It work? iScrumBoard, having located your RedMine server and This information is then made available to you on your having identified you as a user with your associated iPhone or your iPad. rights, will collect the information relating to your Pro- jects, your Sprints and all the Issues identified for each Sprint in RedMine. How Can iScrumboard Be Tested? Nothing could be simpler: PCSol S.A. has set up a test  Enter the following information: environment precisely for that purpose. • Redmine URL:  Download iScrumBoard on your iPhone or your iPad • Username: iscrumboard from the iTunes Store • Password: iscrumboard (link via our blog:  Read the instructions given below in this document. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 3. iScrumBoard, work in progress by PCSol 3 Why Is PCSol S.A. Sharing iScrumBoard? Firstly, Apple has accepted iScrumBoard, on its very first application, for publication in the Apple Store. This shows that PCSol S.A. has the technological skills that will to enable you to benefit from the most modern tools and to interface with your Open Source management solutions. Then, PCSol S.A. has not only implemented RedMine and iScrumBoard for its internal needs, but is also ca- pable of extending its use in order to align it more close- ly with its users’ specific needs. If you would like to run RedMine and iScrumBoard in your own company, PCSol S.A. can help you with its in- stallation and its set-up, and especially, with its adapta- PCSol S.A. does its utmost to guarantee the projects’ tion to your operating system. success. Lastly, iScrumBoard shows the extent to which PCSol PCSol S.A. will continue to develop this new tool in or- S.A. has invested in the Scrum Agile method. Not only der to improve both its operating system and its ergo- have we installed all the internal and external tools for nomics. So continue to monitor iScrumBoard. mastering the method, but we have also created the necessary tools for easy access to the information. Thanks to iScrumBoard, there is total transparency, both at the level of the Scrum team and of that of the Client. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 4. iScrumBoard, work in progress by PCSol 4 Monitor us also on our various communica- tion channels: Our website: PCSol’s Blog ( is our space of ex- The various aspects of our market watch are brought pression, but also yours. We are going to publish arti- together in our channels: cles, comments and references that you will be free to use or from which you will be able to draw inspiration.  he zenith of uncertainty ( T If you have any questions or comments about a given gee-de-l-incertitude): Whereas most people fear un- article, don’t hesitate to communicate them, directly on certainty, others see it as a fantastic opportunity. We the blog. bring together on this page all the evidence, analyses and articles referring to the harnessing of uncertain- Our YouTube channel ( ty. pcsolbe/videos): We use this for giving you news of PC- Sol, but via video clips that we create as and then the  RM – Know your customers ( C opportunities arise. Right now, you can find testimoni- crm-connaissez-vos-clients): Shows, if it is still nec- als from PCSol clients on it, but you will also to see PC- essary, the crucial importance of knowing your cus- Sol participating in trade fairs, conferences, and so on. tomers… and not only at the financial level. You will see a dynamic, motivated team there.  anagement of the Agile Project (http://www.scoop. M Our publications and our documentation (http://www. it/t/gestion-de-projet-agile): Compiles many testimo- You can find our document li- nials and analyses relating to the value of the promot- brary there. ed Agile method, which is part of PCSol’s very roots. In our SlideShare space (  pen the Source ( O pcsol), we publish the presentations that we deliver Take the time to understand the Open Source issues. during our conferences. It has to be easier to download Where has it come from, its opportunities, and its them directly from the Internet than to take a hard copy possible dangers, in order to see how today’s market of them. has adopted it. Our events ( You can find  penERP with curiosity and interest (http://www. O the events PCSol that organises there because, as you testi- know, our year is strewn with breakfasts during which monials, comments and dialogues on the subject of we take the time to speak to you, and to present the OpenERP. latest developments of our solutions. We also have ac- tivities other than breakfasts, but all of them can be PCSol can also be found on Twitter (http://twitter.  found here. com/pcsolbe) behind the @pcsolbe ID. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 5. 5 iScrumBoard User guide Homepage Screen This screen is composed of three fields for completion by the user:  edmine URL: the Redmine URL. R  sername: the user’s name. U  assword: the user’s password. P As this information is necessary for retrieving the data from the Redmine platform, we record it in a variable of the application in order to prevent the user from having to provide it again whenever it is required. The application remembers the user’s password at the time of his or her first connection. At the time of a future connection, the user can enter his or her username and knock a part of the screen (apart from the text fields and the button) so that the application fills in the password automatically. Main Screen Once the user is connected to the Redmine platform, the application will display the main screen. This screen consists of a calendar and three panels located on the left, right and bottom of the screen. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 6. iScrumBoard User guide 6 Calendar When the main screen is displayed, the calendar will be positioned by default on the current month. The role of the calendar is to display the Versions from their start date to their end date in the form of a coloured rectan- gle. The grading composing the version’s coloured rectan- gle represents the ratio between the number of closed Story Points and the number of Story Points planned for the version. The calendar can be consulted in two forms:  A per-month view.  A per-week view. To switch from the “month” view to the “week” view, you index finger on the screen, make a “pinching” gesture just have to place your thumb and your index finger on on the screen, and then withdraw your fingers from the the week that you would like to display, separate them, screen. This action will have the effect of displaying the and withdraw them from the screen. This action will calendar in “month” view on the month to which the have the effect of displaying the calendar in “week” view week belongs. on the selected week. To change the displayed period (month or week), you just have to put a finger on the screen and slide it to To go from the “month” view to the “week” view, you the right to display the previous period or to the left to must do the opposite, i.e. place your thumb and your display the following period. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 7. iScrumBoard User guide 7 Clocking-on Above the calendar, a coloured rectangle includes:  The name of the month in progress.  he number of hours clocked-on by the user for the T displayed month. A repeated knock on the right-hand part of this rectan- gle will cause a window to emerge containing the de- tails of the user’s clocking-on. The information concerning the user’s clocking-on is contained in a scrolling list that you can browse by put- ting a finger on the list and sliding it up and down. A repeated knock on the left part of the month’s rectan- gle will make a window emerge containing the details of the clocking-on of all the users for the month in pro- gress. The information concerning the users’ clocking-on is contained in a scrolling list that you can browse by put- ting a finger on the list and sliding it up and down. The selected month can be changed by putting a finger on the window and by sliding it to the right to display the previous month and to the left to display the following month. Entering a number of hours in the text field and press- ing on the “Check” button will display in blue the peo- ple who have already clocked-on for a number of hours equal to or higher than the number that has been en- tered. To return to the main screen, you just have to press on the “Back” button or to put a finger on the upper part of the screen and slide it downwards. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 8. iScrumBoard User guide 8 Versions A repeated knock on a rectangle representing a version will make a window with four tabs emerge. The tab can be changed by clicking a tab on the tab bar located at the bottom of the window or by putting a finger on the screen and sliding it to the left or to the right. To return to the main screen, you just have to press on the “OK” button or to put a finger on the upper part of the screen and slide it downwards. General Information By default, the emerging window opens the version’s general information tab.  project to which the version belongs. The  version’s name. The  version’s status. The  date on which the version begins. The  date on which the version ends. The  number of story points planned for the version. The Burn Down Chart The second tab allows the burn down chart to be dis- played. The burn down chart is a graph representing the following information:  line representing the ideal degression of the points A planned for the version.  curve representing the closed issue points at a giv- A en date in the version. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 9. iScrumBoard User guide 9 Issues The third tab offers information concerning the ver- sion’s issues. The issues are contained in a scrolling list that you can browse by putting a finger on the list and sliding it up and down. The selection of an issue in the scrolling list will cause the information to be displayed above the list. The “Go” button enables a web browser to be opened so that you can go to Redmine on the page of the selected issue. Version Selector The fourth tab allows a selector to be displayed that in- cludes all the versions of the project to which the previ- ously selected version belongs. To select an element in the selector, you just have to place a finger on the selec- tor and move it up or down until you reach the desired element. The selection of a version will have the effect of updat- ing the data of the other three tabs relating to that par- ticular version. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 10. iScrumBoard User guide 10 Side Bottom Panels The main screen also contains three panels located on Bottom Panel the sides and at the bottom of the screen. These panels The bottom panel consists of five buttons: are displayed by putting a finger on the end of the panel  ogout: button allowing disconnection from the ap- L and by sliding it towards the centre of the screen. In or- plication. der to keep the calendar as legible as possible, when  -mail: button allowing an e-mail to be sent for re- E one panel is opened, the others are closed. porting a bug.  edmine: button allowing direct connection to Red- R Left-Hand Panel mine in a web browser’s MyPage section. The left-hand panel contains two scrolling lists, the  elocity: button allowing you to go to the velocity-ori- V content of which you can browse by putting a finger on ented view the list and sliding it up and down.  ettings: button allowing the application’s settings to S  list of the projects available for the user. A be displayed.  list of the versions of the project selected in the first A list. Right-Hand Panel The right-hand panel contains two selectors and a scrolling list, the content of which you can browse by putting a finger on the list (or a selector) and sliding it up and down.  selector allowing the application’s general theme A to be changed.  selector allowing the opaqueness of the rectangles A representing the versions to be changed.  list containing all of the developer teams. A PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 11. iScrumBoard User guide 11 Velocity Screen The velocity screen consists of a graph and three pan- els located on the left, right and bottom of the screen. The velocity is the ratio between the estimated num- ber of hours and the number of hours that are actually worked. By default, when the view is displayed, the graph that is generated represents the projects’ velocity. To move the graph, you just have to put a finger on the screen and slide to the left or to the right. You can also zoom in on the graph by putting your thumb and your index finger on the screen and then separating them. The selector in the upper right-hand corner of the screen enables a graph type to be selected: a curve graph or a bar graph. Right-Hand Panel The right-hand panel contains two selectors, the con- The velocity screen contains three panels similar to tent of which you can browse by putting a finger on the those on the main screen. These panels are displayed selector and sliding it up and down. by putting a finger on the end of the panel and by sliding  selector allowing the application’s general theme A it towards the centre of the screen. to be changed.  selector allowing the opaqueness of the rectangles A Left-Hand Panel representing the versions to be changed. The left-hand panel contains two scrolling lists, the content of which you can browse by putting a finger on Bottom Panel the list and sliding it up and down. The bottom panel consists of six buttons:  list of the projects available for the user. A  ogout: button allowing disconnection from the ap- L  list of the versions of the project selected in the A plication. first list.  -mail: button allowing an e-mail to be sent for re- E porting a bug. When a project is selected, the graph corresponding to  edmine: button allowing direct connection to Red- R its velocity will be generated. Each version’s velocity is mine in a web browser’s MyPage section. represented by a point, and a line representing the pro-  raph: button allowing the display of the graph rep- G ject’s average velocity is represented in blue. resenting the projects’ general velocity.  crum Board: button allowing a return to the main S screen.  ettings: button allowing the application’s settings to S be displayed. PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 • 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) • Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 • Fax +32 4 248 82 49 • • •
  • 12. iScrumBoard User guide Settings Screen The settings screen allows the user to customise the application’s behaviour. The screen consists of the fol- lowing elements: Four switches influencing the versions to be dis-  played.  selector for the choice of language. A  A “Close” button allowing a return to the screen that had triggered the opening of the settings screen. Switches For enhanced use of the application, as well as a bet- ter legibility, you can limit the type of version to be dis- played in the calendar and in the scrolling lists. By de- fault, only the “open” versions are displayed. There are four types of version: Language Selector Open: the versions currently in progress (known as  The language selector enables the user to change the “open”). language in which the application is presented without  losed: the closed versions. C influencing the appliance’s settings. By default, the ap-  ocked: the locked versions. L plication is presented in the appliance’s language.  upport: the support versions. S The selector is used in a similar way as a scrolling list: A version type can be activated (or deactivated) by a you just have to put a finger on the selector and move it up simple knock on the switch or by putting a finger on the or down to the desired element. switch and sliding it in the desired direction. design by iScrumBoard, PCSol sa Rue César de Paepe, 43 work in progress by PCSol 4683 Vivegnis (Belgique) Tél. +32 4 248 82 40 Fax +32 4 248 82 49