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SEPT 2011


NAVIGATION >> Welcome   I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I    Kili Trekkers
             Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact        EXIT
Welcome from your chairman
   The Prime Minister delivered a speech earlier this              On the business front, the Government’s says it intends
   month at the CBI’s annual conference where he                   to provide opportunities for start-up companies and
   outlined a ‘strategy for growth’ for Britain’s private          boost business confidence and growth. It is pleasing to
   sector. It was all very upbeat.                                 see the role that many of our members, and the wider
                                                                   business community, are playing in helping make this
   However, days later, spending cuts were announced               vision a reality on a local level. If we remain confident
   and there was a very mixed response from business.              and focused I am sure we can and will succeed
   Many professional commentators have been critical of            together. Please let me know if there’s anything that the
   the proposed cuts, warning that slashing the deficit too        branch can do to play an active part in your growth and
   quickly could pose a threat to economic recovery and            prosperity initiatives across our patch. We would be
   push the UK back into a recession.                              pleased to lend a professional hand wherever we can.

   To all intents and purposes there was an emphasis on            There is plenty going on within our branch at the
   the need to re-boot the country’s infrastructure, with          moment so please keep getting involved and let me
   a vision of what needs to be done over the next five            know if there is anything you would like me to include
   years to secure economic growth. Hopefully it will bear
   fruit. We’ll see!                                               Thank you for your continued support. I hope to see
                                                                   you at our next event.
   Since our last newsletter, there have been ongoing
   discussions and developments surrounding the Green              Richard Tuplin
   Ports initiatives on both banks of the Humber and               Chairman, IoD East Yorkshire (Humber)
   some very encouraging school examination results
   across the sub-region. Well done to educationalists
   across the city of Hull for continuing a very positive
   upward trend. It is all very heartening indeed and there
   are many reasons for us to be optimistic about the

NAVIGATION >> Welcome        I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
                Meet the Committee       I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Future Event: An insight
   into Tax Investigations
   Tuesday 8 November 2011 at 8.30am at the offices of Rollits,
   Wilberforce Court, High Street, Hull

   The IoD have teamed up with Baker Tilly             The guest speaker is Kevin Hall, Tax Director
   to present a breakfast seminar which will           at Baker Tilly whose tax career has spanned
   consider HMRC’s “dash for cash” programme           26 years, 20 years of which was as a senior
   of business records checks. Their recent            Inspector of Taxes. On leaving HMRC Kevin
   announcement of task forces to tackle               joined a tax investigations team with the big
   tax evasion will undoubtedly lead to more           4 and then joined Baker Tilly as a Director
   investigation cases as HMRC attempt to              in 2008. Kevin was an investigator within
   bridge the tax gap.                                 HMRC’s elite London Special Compliance
                                                       Office and since 2005 has provided advice
   Areas to be covered during the seminar will         to clients ranging from private individuals to
   include:                                            the largest corporates of how to mitigate,
                                                       regularise and settle their tax liabilities. Kevin
   • HMRC training, motives and expectations           is an experienced presenter and looks
   • HMRC’s current penalty regime and how to          forward to sharing his tales and tips from his
     mitigate them                                     time both within HMRC and without.
   • HMRC’s various amnesties
   • Business record checks                            To book a place please email Pat Coyle at
   • Disclosable schemes                     

NAVIGATION >> Welcome     I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
               Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Investment fund launched to support
   local technology start-ups
   Communications firm KC has launched an                 Sean Royce, KC’s Finance and Commercial                   Successful funding applicants will also have
   investment fund of £300,000 to provide financing       Director, said: “The ‘perfect storm’ caused by the        access to mentoring and support to make sure
   for technology start-ups.                              banking crisis and public sector cuts mean that           their fledgling business has the best possible
                                                          not only is the job market depressed, but it’s also       chance of long-term success.
   Through the fund, called KC Invest, KC hopes           harder than ever for people to obtain finance to
   to stimulate business growth in the Hull and           set up their own businesses and create work for           Both the Acorn Fund and Sirius are Community
   East Yorkshire economy and help create new,            themselves and others.                                    Development Finance Institutions that are able
   sustainable jobs for local people.                                                                               to deliver loans through the European Regional
                                                          “Yet we need those new businesses more than               Development Fund (ERDF). Because the financing
   The fund is being administered by two local            ever now to stimulate growth and help the                 provided by KC will be matched by ERDF, the
   enterprise agencies, the Acorn Fund and Sirius         country’s economic recovery.                              total cash available to local businesses will be
   Business Advice Centre. They have each received                                                                  £600,000. 
   £150,000 from KC to distribute as loan financing       “Through the KC Invest fund we want to give
   to business start-ups and expanding businesses         practical support to new business start-ups to            KC hopes KC Invest will encourage further private
   in digital and technology sectors.                     help support the local economy and create new             sector investment in the region, with other large
                                                          jobs.                                                     local businesses providing funding for start-ups
   KC has launched the fund in the wake of the                                                                      within their sectors using the blueprint it has
   economic crisis and banks’ resulting reluctance to     “While we have the desire and resources to do             established.
   provide affordable financing for small businesses.     this, we’re not experts in small business support,
                                                          which is why we’re partnering with the Acorn              More information about KC Invest can be found
                                                          Fund and Sirius, who both have excellent and              on KC’s website. People who are interested in
                                                          long track records in supporting new business             applying for KC Invest finance can contact the
                                                          start-ups.”                                               Acorn Fund on 01482 324976 or Sirius at
                                                                                                                    01482 890146.

NAVIGATION >> Welcome      I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
               Meet the Committee      I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Photo courtesy of Hull Daily Mail

   Kili Trekkers
   Later this month IoD East Yorkshire (Humber)           “On a serious note, you may not be aware that            “Those of you who have known me for a while
   Branch Committee member Andrew Mould                   Dove House is the only adult hospice available to        will hopefully have seen the change in physique
   of Baker Tilly and Karen Bright of Signature           offer invaluable end of life services and support        and that has come about from hard work, joining
   Associates are undertaking a sponsored climb           to the whole Hull and East Riding area. It cannot        the office running club and a village boot camp!
   of Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of the Dove House          cope and is having to turn away individuals and          Without it this trek could not happen because of
   Hospice Love you 2 Appeal.                             families with real need. It recently launched its        the physical demands involved.
                                                          Love you 2 Appeal to fund a £2.5M extension and
   They will be taking the Machame route which is         refurbishment of the facility. Further details can be    “All I ask is can you please think seriously about
   about 100kms, takes 6 days and culminates at           found on its website           offering a sponsorship donation? The pain I have
   the Uhuru Peak at a height of 5,895m. At the end                                                                still to go through to get up there is far more than
   of their climb, Karen and Andrew - both members        “Although I have been fortunate in never having          you will suffer by logging on to my Virgin Giving
   of the appeal Business Committee - will spend 3        to rely on the hospice for any family situation I am     website through the following link:
   days doing volunteer work at a local orphanage.        hearing of many who do. I was asked to join the
                                                          Business Committee earlier this year and now   
   Their aim has been to persuade sponsors to             find myself as Vice Chair. Along with the newly
   cover all major costs and several local companies      appointed chair Karen Bright we decided we had
   have been very generous. Hopefully more than           to do something to raise the profile of the appeal
   £5,000 will be raised for the appeal.                  and this was the “Bright” idea! We have organised
                                                          this ourselves and have latched on to another trek
   Andrew says “It sounded like a great idea when I       going up but our fund raising is all for the local
   first agreed several months ago but we are now         hospice. By way of relaxation when we descend
   only a few days away and lots more training is         we are spending 3 days working in a Tanzanian
   required now that the dreaded vaccinations are all     orphanage before flying back to the UK.
   through the system.

NAVIGATION >> Welcome      I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
               Meet the Committee      I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact         EXIT
Meet the Committee
                            Richard Tuplin
                            Richard is the Chair of East Yorkshire IoD. Richard is an Executive Director of The Insurance Partnership, a leading Regional
                            Financial Services Company and has worked there for the past 15 years. A Champion for East Yorkshire and certainly the
                            City of Hull, Richard Chairs the Hull City Council “One Hull” Earnings Board and sits on the Executive Group to encourage and
                            deliver on Public and Private Sector Partnership Working.

                            Sean Royce
                            Vice Chairman
                            Sean Royce is Commercial and Finance Director at leading regional communications provider KC, part of the KCOM
                            Group PLC. A Chartered Certified accountant, since joining KC in 1989 he has held a number of senior finance and
                            commercial roles within the Group. Sean serves on a number of local business bodies, including the Hull and Humber
                            Chamber of Commerce Council, the North Bank Local Enterprise Partnership sub-board, and the Hull Business
                            Development Fund. Sean lives locally and is married with two teenage children. In his spare time he is a keen cricketer
                            and footballer who has captained Hull Cricket Club and played for North Ferriby Utd AFC.

                            Steve Trynka
                            Steve Trynka is the Senior Partner of Rollits LLP, a regional commercial law firm with offices in Hull and York. A graduate
                            of the University of Birmingham, Steve joined Rollits as an Articled Clerk in 1976, qualifying as a Solicitor in 1978 and has
                            worked for the firm ever since. Steve specialises in company and commercial law and over the years has been involved
                            with various corporate matters, many in the food industry, including flotations, acquisitions and disposals, management
                            buy-outs and shareholder agreements. Steve also acts as the Client Relationship Partner for several major clients,
                            including Stock Exchange companies and works on many high value transactions.

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NAVIGATION >> Welcome   I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
             Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Meet the Committee
                            Paul Brooke
                            A Sewell Group Board Director, Paul Brooke has worked in both Public and Private sectors and brings valuable experience
                            and understanding across a range of PPP initiatives; PFI, NHS, LIFT and BSF plus 20 years experience of working across
                            development disciplines ranging from design, construction, development, marketing and communications. A Business
                            Development role to further develop the Sewell Group’s already strong Public Private Partnership portfolio has provided
                            Paul with extensive PPP (Public Private Partnership). More recently Paul’s education experience has led to him leading
                            the successful consortium for Hull’s £400m Building School’s Future programme to transform Hulls Secondary Schools
                            resulting in a position on the board of Esteem the Local Education Partnership.
                            Mark Conway
                            Mark Conway is Director of KC Business Services and joined the KC Executive team as a Director in February 2008 and
                            has served in 2 other Director roles at KC. Mark has held several product and marketing roles within KC and O2 over his
                            16 year career in Telecommunications and IT Services. Mark also serves on a number of local bodies; Hull & Humber
                            World Trade Centre Steering Group; Enterprise Sub board of One Hull; Member of East Yorkshire (Humber) Committee
                            for Institute of Directors.

                            Pat Coyle
                            Pat Coyle is the Director of Marketing at Rollits LLP, a regional commercial law firm with offices in Hull and York. She joined
                            Rollits in 1993, having previously worked as a Marketing Assistant for Binney & Smith (Europe) Ltd (manufacturer of the Crayola
                            brand) and a Marketing Executive at Granada TV Rental. Pat’s role at Rollits is to provide an effective firm-wide business
                            development and marketing function within the firm. With full marketing mix responsibilities, she manages all aspects of the
                            firm’s marketing strategy, and works closely with the Partners to promote a client relations-led culture within Rollits.

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NAVIGATION >> Welcome   I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
             Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Meet the Committee
                            Neil Fisher
                            Neil Fisher is the Managing Director of Airco Installations Ltd which he started from the back room of a house 29 years ago.
                            The company now employs over 50 people handling national chains and local authority contracts a great success story.
                            Neil brings true entrepreneurial thinking and instinct to the table as well as his passion for Hull and East Yorkshire.

                            Andrew Hirst
                            Andrew Hirst is a director of Sandglass Limited a firm specializing in accountancy, business advisory and interim business
                            support. Andrew is a qualified Chartered Accountant with over 20 years experience of advising both the private and
                            public sector in business and project finance. He is currently working with Airco Installations and has recently finished
                            a project working as Interim Director of Finance at Hull’s Sirius Academy. Over the previous 8 years Andrew provided
                            strategic and financial leadership and operational management for Hull Forward, Hull’s Economic Development Company.
                            Andrew is also the Chair of Governors at an East Yorkshire Primary School and a parent governor at an East Riding
                            Secondary School.

                            Blair Jacobs
                            Blair Jacobs is a Broadcaster and Journalist. When he’s not on the radio, he runs his own business, Blair Jacobs Communications,
                            which provides voice overs, corporate videos, media and crisis management consultancy and training. Blair also specializes in
                            facilitating and hosting conferences, media and presentation training to executives throughout the UK. Although Blair set up the
                            business during the recession, he’s seen his turnover double in the last three years and has provided consultancy and media
                            training to many major blue chip companies. Even though Blair is an ‘immigrant’ to Hull and East Yorkshire, he’s passionate about
                            the city and as well as serving on the local committee of the IoD, is also part of the regional Crimestoppers board.

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NAVIGATION >> Welcome   I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
             Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Meet the Committee
                            Sarah Longthorne
                            Sarah is a founding member and Director of Wedge Welly Limited.WedgeWelly is a British owned, ladies footwear brand
                            which exports to over 10 countries globally.  The brand fast became famous following a successful appearance on the
                            BBC2 Dragons’ Den programme, and securing investment from Retail Guru Theo Paphitis. Sarah has worked within both
                            the public and private sectors and has experience in varying disciplines, ranging from retail to logistics and supply chain
                            management. Born and educated in Hull, Sarah has an undeniable passion for the local region and enterprise. 

                            Andrew Mould
                            Andrew Mould is a Chartered Accountant and business adviser. His current role is the office Managing Partner for Baker
                            Tilly’s Hull Office covering the Humber and East Yorkshire area. Born in Cottingham he attended University and also
                            worked for a while in West Yorkshire but otherwise have spent his working life in and around Hull, the Humber and East
                            Yorkshire; an area he is passionate about. Particular specialism is taxation. He acts as a business adviser to businesses
                            of all size and structures both locally and nationally, advising clients on strategic issues including tax planning, exit
                            opportunities, succession planning, regulatory issues and so on.

                            Ken Sturdy
                            Ken Sturdy is Managing Director of IT@Spectrum Limited. He began his career in the office equipment industry in the
                            eighties as a copier service engineer with Spectrum, progressing through service management into sales and general
                            management. Having being appointed Director in 2000, he led a Management Buyout in 2003, and now heads up a
                            team of 36 staff operating throughout Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Ken was brought up and educated in East Hull, and is
                            passionate about the city and the region. As well as serving on the committee of the local branch of the IOD, Ken is a Local
                            Advisory Board member of the new Archbishop Sentamu Career Academy and an active Hull Bondholder.

                                                                                                                                        << PREVIouS Page 4 of 4

NAVIGATION >> Welcome   I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups     I   Kili Trekkers
             Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I    Join   I   Contact       EXIT
A Business Guide to Twitter
   Have you heard about Twitter but not sure what all the fuss is about?
   Think you would like to explore it but have never got round to it? If so, then
   this short guide is for you. It will show you how to get started, some simple
   techniques and ways it can help you and your business.
   The guide covers:                                        This simple guide which is available
                                                            as a free download at:
   •   What is Twitter
   •   What it’s not                              
   •   What are Tweets?                                     abusinessguidetotwitter/tabid/692/Default.aspx
   •   Key facts about Twitter
   •   How does that help my business?
   •   Real-life examples of businesses using Twitter
   •   The growth of Twitter
   •   How do I get involved?
   •   Get started
   •   Completing your profile
   •   Having a plan
   •   To follow and be followed
   •   What to tweet?
   •   How much, how often?
   •   Some techniques
   •   Some tools
   •   How can I promote my feed?
   •   Embed your feed on your website

NAVIGATION >> Welcome        I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
                 Meet the Committee      I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Mixing business with pleasure
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                                                          *Offer available for sessions on or before 31 October 2011

NAVIGATION >> Welcome          I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations          I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
                   Meet the Committee      I   A Business Guide to Twitter        I   Mixing Business with Pleasure      I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
Humber LEP Board
   You may have seen recently that the Humber              However, what is expected from all applicants is
   Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is seeking           experience of, passion for and commitment to the
   private sector Chairs and members from across           Humber region combined with business creativity
   the Humber region to join both its main Board and       to help realise the area’s great potential and make
   North Bank Sub-Board.                                   a meaningful contribution not only on a regional
                                                           and national level, but also internationally.
   The purpose of these voluntary positions will be
   to encourage and manage the LEP’s agenda for            If this describes you, then we would welcome
   economic development and growth across the              hearing from you.
                                                           Further details of the work of the LEP and how to
   Board members will have the leadership skills and       apply for one of the board positions can be found
   business qualities expected of people who can           at
   work with ministers, MPs, politicians, civic leaders
   and other business seniors.                             Please note that the deadline for applications
                                                           is 23 September.
   For the main Board, we are especially keen to
   hear from business leaders with a background
   in the key sectors of renewable energy, ports,
   logistics or chemicals. For the North Bank Sub-
   Board, we would be interested in applications
   from those with expertise in agriculture, food,
   tourism, logistics, healthcare or renewables.

NAVIGATION >> Welcome       I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
                Meet the Committee      I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
   Be a part of it
   The IoD is the professional body for business leaders and we have                 If you are responsible for the strategic direction of your
   been representing individual directors from all sectors for the last              organisation, we can support you. For full details on our
   100 years. Over this time, we have created a series of benefits                   membership criteria, click here.
   and effective business tools designed to support our members in
   their strategic decision-making and their ever-growing portfolio of               The current annual membership fee is £313 (UK & EU). There is
   responsibilities required of today’s directors. We recognise that they            a joining fee of £205 but if you join for two years or more, you will
   have individual needs and we can help them meet their personal                    receive a substantial discount. For full details on our membership
   business challenges too.                                                          fees, click here.
   Whether it’s for our research facilities, our regional events or our              You have three methods of application:
   training programmes, join our knowledgeable and experienced
   membership to accelerate your professional development. Our                       • Contact our Membership team on +44 (0) 20 7766 8888
   member benefits are designed to adapt and transform according                       (Mon - Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm)
   to your business size and sector. We can support you both
   professionally and personally, whether you’re from a large public                 • Download our Membership Application Form
   corporation or a small family firm.                                                 and return by fax or post
                                                                                     • Apply online here

NAVIGATION >> Welcome     I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I     Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
               Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure      I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT
   If you would like to submit information for inclusion
   or would like to feature in a forthcoming edition,
   please contact:

   Pat Coyle
   Tel: 01482 337318
   Connect is produced by                                                                Branch sponsors

NAVIGATION >> Welcome    I   Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations   I   Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups    I   Kili Trekkers
              Meet the Committee     I   A Business Guide to Twitter   I   Mixing Business with Pleasure    I   Humber LEP Board     I   Join   I   Contact       EXIT

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Iod connect september 2011

  • 1. SEPT 2011 NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 2. Welcome from your chairman The Prime Minister delivered a speech earlier this On the business front, the Government’s says it intends month at the CBI’s annual conference where he to provide opportunities for start-up companies and outlined a ‘strategy for growth’ for Britain’s private boost business confidence and growth. It is pleasing to sector. It was all very upbeat. see the role that many of our members, and the wider business community, are playing in helping make this However, days later, spending cuts were announced vision a reality on a local level. If we remain confident and there was a very mixed response from business. and focused I am sure we can and will succeed Many professional commentators have been critical of together. Please let me know if there’s anything that the the proposed cuts, warning that slashing the deficit too branch can do to play an active part in your growth and quickly could pose a threat to economic recovery and prosperity initiatives across our patch. We would be push the UK back into a recession. pleased to lend a professional hand wherever we can. To all intents and purposes there was an emphasis on There is plenty going on within our branch at the the need to re-boot the country’s infrastructure, with moment so please keep getting involved and let me a vision of what needs to be done over the next five know if there is anything you would like me to include years to secure economic growth. Hopefully it will bear fruit. We’ll see! Thank you for your continued support. I hope to see you at our next event. Since our last newsletter, there have been ongoing discussions and developments surrounding the Green Richard Tuplin Ports initiatives on both banks of the Humber and Chairman, IoD East Yorkshire (Humber) some very encouraging school examination results across the sub-region. Well done to educationalists across the city of Hull for continuing a very positive upward trend. It is all very heartening indeed and there are many reasons for us to be optimistic about the future. NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 3. Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations Tuesday 8 November 2011 at 8.30am at the offices of Rollits, Wilberforce Court, High Street, Hull The IoD have teamed up with Baker Tilly The guest speaker is Kevin Hall, Tax Director to present a breakfast seminar which will at Baker Tilly whose tax career has spanned consider HMRC’s “dash for cash” programme 26 years, 20 years of which was as a senior of business records checks. Their recent Inspector of Taxes. On leaving HMRC Kevin announcement of task forces to tackle joined a tax investigations team with the big tax evasion will undoubtedly lead to more 4 and then joined Baker Tilly as a Director investigation cases as HMRC attempt to in 2008. Kevin was an investigator within bridge the tax gap. HMRC’s elite London Special Compliance Office and since 2005 has provided advice Areas to be covered during the seminar will to clients ranging from private individuals to include: the largest corporates of how to mitigate, regularise and settle their tax liabilities. Kevin • HMRC training, motives and expectations is an experienced presenter and looks • HMRC’s current penalty regime and how to forward to sharing his tales and tips from his mitigate them time both within HMRC and without. • HMRC’s various amnesties • Business record checks To book a place please email Pat Coyle at • Disclosable schemes NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 4. Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups Communications firm KC has launched an Sean Royce, KC’s Finance and Commercial Successful funding applicants will also have investment fund of £300,000 to provide financing Director, said: “The ‘perfect storm’ caused by the access to mentoring and support to make sure for technology start-ups. banking crisis and public sector cuts mean that their fledgling business has the best possible not only is the job market depressed, but it’s also chance of long-term success. Through the fund, called KC Invest, KC hopes harder than ever for people to obtain finance to to stimulate business growth in the Hull and set up their own businesses and create work for Both the Acorn Fund and Sirius are Community East Yorkshire economy and help create new, themselves and others. Development Finance Institutions that are able sustainable jobs for local people. to deliver loans through the European Regional “Yet we need those new businesses more than Development Fund (ERDF). Because the financing The fund is being administered by two local ever now to stimulate growth and help the provided by KC will be matched by ERDF, the enterprise agencies, the Acorn Fund and Sirius country’s economic recovery. total cash available to local businesses will be Business Advice Centre. They have each received £600,000.  £150,000 from KC to distribute as loan financing “Through the KC Invest fund we want to give to business start-ups and expanding businesses practical support to new business start-ups to KC hopes KC Invest will encourage further private in digital and technology sectors. help support the local economy and create new sector investment in the region, with other large jobs. local businesses providing funding for start-ups KC has launched the fund in the wake of the within their sectors using the blueprint it has economic crisis and banks’ resulting reluctance to “While we have the desire and resources to do established. provide affordable financing for small businesses. this, we’re not experts in small business support, which is why we’re partnering with the Acorn More information about KC Invest can be found Fund and Sirius, who both have excellent and on KC’s website. People who are interested in long track records in supporting new business applying for KC Invest finance can contact the start-ups.” Acorn Fund on 01482 324976 or Sirius at 01482 890146. NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 5. Photo courtesy of Hull Daily Mail Kili Trekkers Later this month IoD East Yorkshire (Humber) “On a serious note, you may not be aware that “Those of you who have known me for a while Branch Committee member Andrew Mould Dove House is the only adult hospice available to will hopefully have seen the change in physique of Baker Tilly and Karen Bright of Signature offer invaluable end of life services and support and that has come about from hard work, joining Associates are undertaking a sponsored climb to the whole Hull and East Riding area. It cannot the office running club and a village boot camp! of Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of the Dove House cope and is having to turn away individuals and Without it this trek could not happen because of Hospice Love you 2 Appeal. families with real need. It recently launched its the physical demands involved. Love you 2 Appeal to fund a £2.5M extension and They will be taking the Machame route which is refurbishment of the facility. Further details can be “All I ask is can you please think seriously about about 100kms, takes 6 days and culminates at found on its website offering a sponsorship donation? The pain I have the Uhuru Peak at a height of 5,895m. At the end still to go through to get up there is far more than of their climb, Karen and Andrew - both members “Although I have been fortunate in never having you will suffer by logging on to my Virgin Giving of the appeal Business Committee - will spend 3 to rely on the hospice for any family situation I am website through the following link: days doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. hearing of many who do. I was asked to join the Business Committee earlier this year and now Their aim has been to persuade sponsors to find myself as Vice Chair. Along with the newly cover all major costs and several local companies appointed chair Karen Bright we decided we had have been very generous. Hopefully more than to do something to raise the profile of the appeal £5,000 will be raised for the appeal. and this was the “Bright” idea! We have organised this ourselves and have latched on to another trek Andrew says “It sounded like a great idea when I going up but our fund raising is all for the local first agreed several months ago but we are now hospice. By way of relaxation when we descend only a few days away and lots more training is we are spending 3 days working in a Tanzanian required now that the dreaded vaccinations are all orphanage before flying back to the UK. through the system. NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 6. Meet the Committee Richard Tuplin Chairman Richard is the Chair of East Yorkshire IoD. Richard is an Executive Director of The Insurance Partnership, a leading Regional Financial Services Company and has worked there for the past 15 years. A Champion for East Yorkshire and certainly the City of Hull, Richard Chairs the Hull City Council “One Hull” Earnings Board and sits on the Executive Group to encourage and deliver on Public and Private Sector Partnership Working. Sean Royce Vice Chairman Sean Royce is Commercial and Finance Director at leading regional communications provider KC, part of the KCOM Group PLC. A Chartered Certified accountant, since joining KC in 1989 he has held a number of senior finance and commercial roles within the Group. Sean serves on a number of local business bodies, including the Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce Council, the North Bank Local Enterprise Partnership sub-board, and the Hull Business Development Fund. Sean lives locally and is married with two teenage children. In his spare time he is a keen cricketer and footballer who has captained Hull Cricket Club and played for North Ferriby Utd AFC. Steve Trynka Steve Trynka is the Senior Partner of Rollits LLP, a regional commercial law firm with offices in Hull and York. A graduate of the University of Birmingham, Steve joined Rollits as an Articled Clerk in 1976, qualifying as a Solicitor in 1978 and has worked for the firm ever since. Steve specialises in company and commercial law and over the years has been involved with various corporate matters, many in the food industry, including flotations, acquisitions and disposals, management buy-outs and shareholder agreements. Steve also acts as the Client Relationship Partner for several major clients, including Stock Exchange companies and works on many high value transactions. Page 1 of 4 NEXT >> NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 7. Meet the Committee Paul Brooke A Sewell Group Board Director, Paul Brooke has worked in both Public and Private sectors and brings valuable experience and understanding across a range of PPP initiatives; PFI, NHS, LIFT and BSF plus 20 years experience of working across development disciplines ranging from design, construction, development, marketing and communications. A Business Development role to further develop the Sewell Group’s already strong Public Private Partnership portfolio has provided Paul with extensive PPP (Public Private Partnership). More recently Paul’s education experience has led to him leading the successful consortium for Hull’s £400m Building School’s Future programme to transform Hulls Secondary Schools resulting in a position on the board of Esteem the Local Education Partnership. Mark Conway Mark Conway is Director of KC Business Services and joined the KC Executive team as a Director in February 2008 and has served in 2 other Director roles at KC. Mark has held several product and marketing roles within KC and O2 over his 16 year career in Telecommunications and IT Services. Mark also serves on a number of local bodies; Hull & Humber World Trade Centre Steering Group; Enterprise Sub board of One Hull; Member of East Yorkshire (Humber) Committee for Institute of Directors. Pat Coyle Pat Coyle is the Director of Marketing at Rollits LLP, a regional commercial law firm with offices in Hull and York. She joined Rollits in 1993, having previously worked as a Marketing Assistant for Binney & Smith (Europe) Ltd (manufacturer of the Crayola brand) and a Marketing Executive at Granada TV Rental. Pat’s role at Rollits is to provide an effective firm-wide business development and marketing function within the firm. With full marketing mix responsibilities, she manages all aspects of the firm’s marketing strategy, and works closely with the Partners to promote a client relations-led culture within Rollits. << PREVIouS Page 2 of 4 NEXT >> NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 8. Meet the Committee Neil Fisher Neil Fisher is the Managing Director of Airco Installations Ltd which he started from the back room of a house 29 years ago. The company now employs over 50 people handling national chains and local authority contracts a great success story. Neil brings true entrepreneurial thinking and instinct to the table as well as his passion for Hull and East Yorkshire. Andrew Hirst Andrew Hirst is a director of Sandglass Limited a firm specializing in accountancy, business advisory and interim business support. Andrew is a qualified Chartered Accountant with over 20 years experience of advising both the private and public sector in business and project finance. He is currently working with Airco Installations and has recently finished a project working as Interim Director of Finance at Hull’s Sirius Academy. Over the previous 8 years Andrew provided strategic and financial leadership and operational management for Hull Forward, Hull’s Economic Development Company. Andrew is also the Chair of Governors at an East Yorkshire Primary School and a parent governor at an East Riding Secondary School. Blair Jacobs Blair Jacobs is a Broadcaster and Journalist. When he’s not on the radio, he runs his own business, Blair Jacobs Communications, which provides voice overs, corporate videos, media and crisis management consultancy and training. Blair also specializes in facilitating and hosting conferences, media and presentation training to executives throughout the UK. Although Blair set up the business during the recession, he’s seen his turnover double in the last three years and has provided consultancy and media training to many major blue chip companies. Even though Blair is an ‘immigrant’ to Hull and East Yorkshire, he’s passionate about the city and as well as serving on the local committee of the IoD, is also part of the regional Crimestoppers board. << PREVIouS Page 3 of 4 NEXT >> NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 9. Meet the Committee Sarah Longthorne Sarah is a founding member and Director of Wedge Welly Limited.WedgeWelly is a British owned, ladies footwear brand which exports to over 10 countries globally.  The brand fast became famous following a successful appearance on the BBC2 Dragons’ Den programme, and securing investment from Retail Guru Theo Paphitis. Sarah has worked within both the public and private sectors and has experience in varying disciplines, ranging from retail to logistics and supply chain management. Born and educated in Hull, Sarah has an undeniable passion for the local region and enterprise.  Andrew Mould Andrew Mould is a Chartered Accountant and business adviser. His current role is the office Managing Partner for Baker Tilly’s Hull Office covering the Humber and East Yorkshire area. Born in Cottingham he attended University and also worked for a while in West Yorkshire but otherwise have spent his working life in and around Hull, the Humber and East Yorkshire; an area he is passionate about. Particular specialism is taxation. He acts as a business adviser to businesses of all size and structures both locally and nationally, advising clients on strategic issues including tax planning, exit opportunities, succession planning, regulatory issues and so on. Ken Sturdy Ken Sturdy is Managing Director of IT@Spectrum Limited. He began his career in the office equipment industry in the eighties as a copier service engineer with Spectrum, progressing through service management into sales and general management. Having being appointed Director in 2000, he led a Management Buyout in 2003, and now heads up a team of 36 staff operating throughout Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Ken was brought up and educated in East Hull, and is passionate about the city and the region. As well as serving on the committee of the local branch of the IOD, Ken is a Local Advisory Board member of the new Archbishop Sentamu Career Academy and an active Hull Bondholder. << PREVIouS Page 4 of 4 NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 10. A Business Guide to Twitter Have you heard about Twitter but not sure what all the fuss is about? Think you would like to explore it but have never got round to it? If so, then this short guide is for you. It will show you how to get started, some simple techniques and ways it can help you and your business. The guide covers: This simple guide which is available as a free download at: • What is Twitter • What it’s not • What are Tweets? abusinessguidetotwitter/tabid/692/Default.aspx • Key facts about Twitter • How does that help my business? • Real-life examples of businesses using Twitter • The growth of Twitter • How do I get involved? • Get started • Completing your profile • Having a plan • To follow and be followed • What to tweet? • How much, how often? • Some techniques • Some tools • How can I promote my feed? • Embed your feed on your website NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 11. Mixing business with pleasure SPECIAL oFFER oNLY FoR IoD MEMBERS 10% off commercial or lifestyle photography at Mercury Photos when you quote IOD10* Choose to have your pictures taken in our Or, for something more personal, our lifestyle purpose built studio, a special location, your photography packages include pregnancy, office or in the comfort of your own home. bump to birth, babies, families and pets as well as the flexibility to tailor your session according Our professional photographer will work with you to your specific needs. to create high quality, individual photos that you own full copyright for, with all digital files supplied on disc. For more information or to book an appointment visit We offer a range of commercial photography opportunities that can be tailored to your business requirements ranging from one hour to full day sessions. or ring 01482 780330. *Offer available for sessions on or before 31 October 2011 NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 12. Humber LEP Board You may have seen recently that the Humber However, what is expected from all applicants is Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is seeking experience of, passion for and commitment to the private sector Chairs and members from across Humber region combined with business creativity the Humber region to join both its main Board and to help realise the area’s great potential and make North Bank Sub-Board. a meaningful contribution not only on a regional and national level, but also internationally. The purpose of these voluntary positions will be to encourage and manage the LEP’s agenda for If this describes you, then we would welcome economic development and growth across the hearing from you. Humber. Further details of the work of the LEP and how to Board members will have the leadership skills and apply for one of the board positions can be found business qualities expected of people who can at work with ministers, MPs, politicians, civic leaders and other business seniors. Please note that the deadline for applications is 23 September. For the main Board, we are especially keen to hear from business leaders with a background in the key sectors of renewable energy, ports, logistics or chemicals. For the North Bank Sub- Board, we would be interested in applications from those with expertise in agriculture, food, tourism, logistics, healthcare or renewables. NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 13. Join Be a part of it   The IoD is the professional body for business leaders and we have If you are responsible for the strategic direction of your been representing individual directors from all sectors for the last organisation, we can support you. For full details on our 100 years. Over this time, we have created a series of benefits membership criteria, click here. and effective business tools designed to support our members in their strategic decision-making and their ever-growing portfolio of The current annual membership fee is £313 (UK & EU). There is responsibilities required of today’s directors. We recognise that they a joining fee of £205 but if you join for two years or more, you will have individual needs and we can help them meet their personal receive a substantial discount. For full details on our membership business challenges too. fees, click here.   Whether it’s for our research facilities, our regional events or our You have three methods of application: training programmes, join our knowledgeable and experienced membership to accelerate your professional development. Our • Contact our Membership team on +44 (0) 20 7766 8888 member benefits are designed to adapt and transform according (Mon - Fri 9.30am - 5.30pm) to your business size and sector. We can support you both professionally and personally, whether you’re from a large public • Download our Membership Application Form corporation or a small family firm. and return by fax or post   • Apply online here NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT
  • 14. Contact If you would like to submit information for inclusion or would like to feature in a forthcoming edition, please contact: Pat Coyle Tel: 01482 337318 Connect is produced by Branch sponsors NAVIGATION >> Welcome I Future Event: An insight into Tax Investigations I Investment fund launched to support local technology start-ups I Kili Trekkers Meet the Committee I A Business Guide to Twitter I Mixing Business with Pleasure I Humber LEP Board I Join I Contact EXIT