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UFOLOGY 2.0: Forcing Change
Sacred Water / Holy Wells
Lisa Barretta
Dr. John Ward
The Sirius Project travels to
Marie D. Jones &
Larry Flaxman
THE BARE FISTED CLERIC | PLUS+ The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O’Hare >> BOOKMARK IT NOW!
A Ufological Life
INTREPIDBOLDLY GOING • March & April 2012 • $5.95 USA | $6.95 Canada 	 • VOLUME 1 / ISSUE 9
Micah Hanks
| Lucy Wyatt |
69 INTREPID Magazine 70
| Shroud of Turin [continued] |
[ Barrie Schwortz continued from page 26 ]
w w w . t e k - t i t e . c o m • 8 0 0 . 5 4 0 . 2 8 1 4 MADE IN THE USA
Having recently completed my work on the The Rise
and Fall of the Nephilim, sending it off on it’s own to
find it’s way amongst the varied and sundry plethora of
books on the religio-science-new-agist-alien-spirituality
shelves of bookstores, I found myself in a highly agitated
state of spiritual and emotional unrest. I had either just
opened up – at least for me – an exponentially expanded
view of who God is, or I had, in essence, eliminated his
existence altogether. Either the god of the Hebrew and
Christian scriptures existed as I had been taught long
ago in cloistered, fundamentalist academia, or I had
effectively stripped away his divinity by lowering him
a few rungs on the ladder to the level of ‘non-human’
entity with some power over the human race to create,
procreate and destroy.
To me, this represented a crisis of faith and I
shambliong through was nigh unto a grieving process;
a ‘loss of innocence’ as embodied in the unwitting
dismantling of the theology I once adhered to so strictly
and believed in so intimately. When my theology
was forced to stand against the onslaught of history,
comparative religion, cumulative cultural mythologies
anthropology and archaeological record, everything
about my religious practice seemed to be ripped open
and lain bare, as if by a great whirlwind. And all that
was left was a naked faith, shivering in the harsh cold
of a veritable nuclear winter of pragmatic thinking and
common sense, void the protective cloak of religious
When one steps outside the legalistic-yet-comfortable
box of religion and denominational spirituality, they
find themselves in a unique vantage point of being able
to see a myriad of varied myths, accounts, legends and
tales that have intrinsicly common historic threads
woven throughout.
It’s rather like walking into one of those glorious,
old theatres that dominated the cultural avenues of
upper crust society at the turn of the last century. As
you entered the theatre and walked down the main
aisle, the gilded proscenium and glittering chandeliers
sparkled the magnificence of the thespian palace, built
as a showcase for the art of the show. And there, lining
the aisles were row after row of rich, red velvet seats,
all identical and all capable of holding the weight of a
patron every night. Yet despite their identical construct
and appearance, each chair held a different perspective
of the show being performed on the stage. Depending
on which seat you settled into, your viewpoint of what
was being performed up front varied. Some seats were
side-by-side, so their vantage was nearly identical, while
other seats delivered views from the far sides, back or
distant last row of the balcony. Some seats even had
partially obstructed views. But in a literal, matematical
sense, not a single seat held the same exact vantage
point or view of the show being played out onstage. But
one thing was also sure: no matter where you sat in that
theatre, and no matter which vantage point from which
you viewed the show, the performance itself, playing up
on the stagde, was completely unaltered by my point-of-
Perception does not alter reality, it merely alters
practice. The show on stage doesn’t change dependent
on where I am sitting or from what vantage point I am
viewing. Only my perception of it alters. So the trick is
to not be part of the audience, but rather a part of the
play; a member of the cast. A participant as opposed to
an observer.
A Shivering Faith
[ Scotty Roberts ]
(651) 468-8115
From the Publisher >>
INTREPID Magazine 6
Publisher >> Scotty Roberts
Executive Editorial Director >> Micah Hanks
Creative Director & Designer >> Scotty Roberts
Editorial & Advertising >> (651) 468-8115
Staff Writers >> Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman, Mark Collins,
Jonathan Weyer, Micah Hanks, Fr. Jack Ashcraft
Advertising Sales >>
APRIL 2012
9	 Micah Hanks
	 Stanton Friedman: A Life in the Study of UFOs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
14	 Paul Von Ward
	 12 Myths of 2012
17	 Dr. John Ward of the Sirius Project
	 Qasr el Dush: In the Western Desert
21	 Fr. Jack Ashcraft is: ‘The Bare Fisted Cleric’
	 Reclaiming the Culture: Defeating Globalist Brainwashing
25	 Lisa Barretta	
	 Cosmic Energy Changing Our World
27	 Anthony F. Sanchez
	 Ufology 2.0: Forcing Change
35	 Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman
	 I Put a Spell On You:
	 The Power of Belief to Create or Destroy
37	 Mark Collins - Metaphysical View
	 Psychic Compassion
39	 Glenn Broughton
	 Sacred Springs / Holy Wells
43	 Scotty Roberts
	 The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O’Hare (part 2)
51	 William Constantine
	 Making Life Work for You
65	 Dennis Vieria’s ‘Animal Medicine’
| Ufology |
We Come in Peace!
Recently Stanton Friedman sat down with Intrepid Magazine and
spent time musing with us on UFOs and the current state of flying
saucer science, as well as advanced technology, and what direction
humanity’s future seems to be heading with regard to all this. As
usual, we found ourselves “Captured!” temporarily by his clever wit
and insights… and we’re certain you will also.
MH: So Stan, what’s been going on in the world of UFOs with
you… any news lately?
SF: Well yeah, one bit of news: over a year ago, I signed an option
agreement with Stellar Productions for movie rights to my book,
Top Secret/Majic… along with my life story. You know, my fifth
grandchild… whatever. They also signed an agreement for the book
Witness to Roswell with Don Schmitt, and they’ve combined these
into an exciting, dynamic movie along the lines of All the President’s
Men that’s about UFOs… or something like that. Then, just a little
over a week ago the same company bought the movie rights to the
book Captured: The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience that
I coauthored with Kathleen Marden. She was Betty Hill’s niece.
Kathy has the inside story on that; she has all the hypnosis tapes,
all the correspondence, and she was executor of Betty’s estate; she
did most of the work, let’s face it! But I had met Betty and Barney
Hill back in the 1960s, and I was the first to publish about the star
map work (Editor’s note: The “star map” referred to here was an
alleged series of stars Betty Hill claims she was shown during her
famous abduction experience. According to some researchers, this
“map,” later drawn from memory by Hill, aligned with several star
systems known to modern cosmologists. However, some experts,
most notably Carl Sagan, expressed skepticism regarding the
authenticity of Hill’s map). We got a book together, and it’s doing
quite well, and they want to make a movie out of it. So two movies
going at once… maybe!
MH: Wow, that’s how it goes. You do this stuff long enough
and you become a Hollywood guy. And you mentioned a film
that’s going to have some to do with Roswell, and then another
that’s going to have to do with Betty and Barney Hill. There was
one famous film that was made about that already, I think it was
called The Interrupted Journey?
SF: Well the book was The Interrupted Journey, and the film was
called The UFO Incident, starring James Earl Jones in 1975. And
would you believe I was actually a consultant on that movie? I was
living in California, and Universal Studios got my name from the Air
Force, of all places!
MH: (Laughs) …the Air Force?
SF: Well, they were supposed to report requests for information
to the local scientists, so I said to Bill, “ya know, I guess.” That was
an interesting experience, and that movie was seen by a lot of people.
It was well, received, but remember, it only covered up through the
mid sixties. And the whole point is what happened to Betty’s life
after that, the whole business of the star map work, and the scientific
work that went on after that. It’s an interesting life story, the impact
and so forth. Here’s a social worker who works for the State of New
Hampshire, Barney worked for the Post Office, and there was a
Governor’s Civil Rights Commission he was on. Their lives got turned
topsy-turvy; they thought they’d lose their jobs, they couldn’t do
anything to stop the story from coming out.
Somebody had taped something they shouldn’t have, and gave
it to a reporter who wanted to interview them. “We don’t want any
interviews, we’ll lose our jobs!” Well, they went to a lawyer, and
couldn’t stop them. So it changed everything, and it turned out the
book was a best seller around the world, written by John Fuller. As
a matter of fact, John Fuller and I, Betty, and a few other people
appeared on a show with David Susskind, and an interesting thing
happened there, which sets up the problem for many in the media:
David said between takes, “I read the New York Times, and there’s
nothing there that says these things are real.” So we have the
Susskind syndrome, where “I’m someone who takes very seriously the
notion that I should keep up with what’s important in the world, and
if aliens were visiting, that would be important.” But, since, if it were
important, I would know about it—and I don’t—it must not be true,
and I’m not gonna waste my time on it. And that’s a common attitude.
MH: It’s perfect logic isn’t it? Come on, Stan.
SF: Well of course, ego triumphs over everything (laughs). Ya
know, Kathy (Marden) and I did a book together called Science Was
Wrong, in which we looked at fourteen different cases of smart people
saying very stupid things that stood in the way of progress for a very
long time, because the world listens to smart people… who may not
know anything about the topic at hand, but have good credentials, and
know a lot about something else. And there are consequences to that
kind of follow-the-leader mentality. Billy Mitchell said after the First
World War (he was a pilot in WWI) that aviation was going to change
everything. “We’re gonna be able to sink big ships from airplanes.”
The Secretary of the Navy said, “what, are you crazy? I’ll stand in
the middle of any boat you’re gonna try to sink.” It’s a good thing he
didn’t! But their attitude was very strong, and at the end of November
1941, the Army/Navy Football game program said—they had a picture
INTREPID Magazine 10INTREPID Magazine 10
| Micah Hanks |
[ by Micah Hanks ]
of the USS Arizona—and there was a comment in the story that,
“nobody has ever sunk a battle ship from the sky.” Eight days later
was Pearl Harbor, and the USS Arizona went to the bottom with eleven
hundred sailors on board.
MH: That’s the kind of attitude, though, that we’ve seen
continuously since time began. And we always end up having to
eat crow a little later on down the road, and revising our theories.
You know, I remember something, by the way, that was in the old
Report of Unidentified Flying Objects that Edward Ruppelt put
out. And he said at the end of that first edition that, within the
next few decades, he was certain that with the innovations that
were occurring in technology and the like, that his successors
would be able to solve the UFO mystery. And yet, here we are
decades later; more than half a century later, and we don’t really
seem to be that much closer to solving anything.
SF: Well, you know, it’s clear: if you look at the evidence, and talk
to the scientists who have looked at the evidence, it’s clear. There
is no mystery: aliens are coming here from someplace else, they’re
doing their thing, governments are covering it up, and its very simple
and straightforward. That’s why I wrote the book Flying Saucers and
Science. If you go down the line, and look at each question… “can you
get here from there?” Oh, of course not, say the prominent physicists.
That’s baloney! You can’t get from Fredericton, New Brunswick where
I live to California in six hours if you’re gonna walk! But try using an
airplane, ya know? Magellan’s ship took three years to make it around
the planet; then there was around the world in eighty days, and now
the space station does it in ninety minutes. Technological progress
comes from doing things differently in an unpredictable way.
One of the advantages I have in the umpteen years I’ve been
working on UFOs is that I worked on fission nuclear rockets, fusion
nuclear rockets, nuclear power plants in space… and I can deal with
those arguments. There are other people who will say, “governments
can’t cover anything up!” (Neil deGrasse) Tyson of the Hayden
Planetarium (says), “we know they can’t cover things up.” Look how
much we know about President Clinton’s genitalia? (Big laughs!)
Really funny, but really relevant remark… and so it goes that you
have to look at the relevant data, and that’s why I take on any of these
guys, is because of their basic attitude. There are four basic rules
for debunkers: 1) don’t bother me with the facts, my mind’s made
up, 2) what the public doesn’t know, I’m not gonna tell ‘em, 3) if you
can’t attack the data, attack the people… it’s easier, and 4) do your
research by proclamation! It’s much easier than investigation… and
so they’ll tell you! The SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)
people are one of my pet peeves—the “Silly Effort To Investigate” I
call it—they’re not looking for extraterrestrial life! They’re looking
for radio signals that would have to be sent by somebody stuck at the
same level of technology as we are, even though we’ve only had radio
for roughly 110 years. How utterly absurd… I don’t use a slide rule
MH: It is pretty silly, isn’t it? But here’s the other aspect
too, Stan: now, if we are dealing with a highly advanced
extraterrestrial—or interdimensional, or anything else—if they’re
not from here, and they are not human, then what if there is a
technology at play here that is so highly advanced that there are
aspects of it that are not even perceptible to humanity?
SF: Well, that’s not impossible. Of course, get Christopher
Columbus… “Hey Chris, uh, nice job with that new discovery of
yours. I’ve got a nuclear powered submarine, I two more, and I
have an unlimited budget. Can you make me a couple?” Of course
he couldn’t. He couldn’t even have started one. He didn’t know
anything about nuclei, and all the rest of that. So, by it’s very nature,
technological advancement has got to include things that we didn’t
know before… if we had known them we’d have used them! And so,
of course they could be using techniques far beyond what we know.
My point isn’t that I know the ultimate secrets of how they work, but
that with what we already know—things like nuclear fusion can get
us to the stars. Fusion is what makes the energy in all the stars in the
universe. Everybody who is an advanced civilization may be only a
million years ahead of us, after all. In the Betty and Barney Hill case,
those stars (from the Hill Star Map) Zeta I and Zeta II Reticuli are
only a billion years older than the Sun, and they’re only 39.3 light
years away, and they’re only an eighth of a light year apart from each
other… I would expect that they would know some things we don’t
MH: Hey, that’s just right down the road…
SF: Yeah, and so, we don’t need to go far out. But let me go back
to the nuclear for a minute. In a period of ten years, we went from ten
ton blockbusters in WWII; it took a B-29 to carry that bomb, and they
made a nice big hole in the ground! Three years later we’ve got the
first atomic bomb, the equivalent of 19,000 tons of TNT as opposed
to ten for the bomb. And seven years after that we exploded our first
H-bomb: ten million tons of TNT energy-released equivalent. Three-
mile-wide fireball if you can imagine that. And the Russians outdid
us a few years later… 57 million tons! Now if you use the right stuff
in the right way with nuclear fusion reactors, you can kick particles
out the back end of a rocket that only have ten million times as much
energy per particle as they can get in a dumb old chemical rocket. So
we know how to get out there, and if I were an alien, I’d be worried
about the idiots on this planet! And I mean that seriously; we killed
50 million of our own kind during WWII. We destroyed 1,700 cities.
And the killing hasn’t stopped… so we’re not nice guys! Nobody
would want us to take our brand of friendship—everybody else calls
it hostility—out there! You know, so I’m not invoking “unobtainium”
and “unknowium.” I’m saying that with what we know already, (we
could reach space) if we want to spend the dough. I’m not saying we
should, that’s a different question…
Well there is undeniably a nuclear component to a lot of this. You
know, you and I have talked in the past about the Cash/Landrum
sighting; it wasn’t just a sighting, it was a full-on encounter. There
were absolutely devastating long-lasting physical repercussions as
a result of that, because Betty Cash, of course, ended up eventually
suffering multiple different varieties of cancer as a result of exposure
to incredible amounts of radiation in the presence of whatever that
aircraft was that she saw. Many have said that maybe it was some kind
of secret government craft, others have said…
Well I worked on nuclear airplanes, and it sure doesn’t sound like
one to me!
MH: Yeah, didn’t sound like anything we know about, right?
SF: Uh, no… maybe it had a problem, I don’t know. But yeah,
there are a lot of manifestations of interesting stuff, and nuclear is
only one. And what you said before certainly applies: maybe we will
know how to warp space and time. I’m not saying there is no such
thing, I’m saying that we don’t need to invoke it to say (how) to get
from here to someplace else. I mean, people want half an Einstein!
“The limit is the speed of light!” Hey, when you get close to the speed
of light, time slows down… so at 99.99% of the speed of light—and
particles in the big accelerator at CERN go much faster than that… a
bunch more nines—but at just 99.99% of the speed of light, you can
go 37 light years in six months “pilot time.” You go out, come back,
and marry your granddaughter’s best friend! You know, it’s the gift
of immortality, sounds like fun! So, they tend to leave that out very
conveniently. I’m not saying warp space and time, we’ve had guys
in space for six months, guys under the water in nuclear powered
| Micah Hanks |
[ continued from page 49 ]
13 INTREPID Magazine 14
| Paul Von Ward |
OF 2012
Von Ward
Like many of you, I have been musing
about the importance of this new year for our
younger generations. It led me to think about
our tendency toward self-delusion — as we
kick possible solutions to today’s problems
down the road. Below are some ways in
which I think we delude ourselves.
In this new year, humans are playing a
high stakes game for the world’s future. In
the current social and intellectual climate,
Americans only hear promises of easy
fixes from political, corporate, educational,
religious, and scientific institutions.
Unvarnished facts indicate it is time to shed
wishful thinking and embrace realism. See
the myths below:
1. 2012 Will Change Earth Forever: Publishing and
media industries made a fortune purveying baseless prophecies about
the hazards of 2012. Believers will be distracted until December 31.
Whatever the impact is on our planet from a galactic line crossing, it
has gradually affected us for centuries as it approached and continues
as it moves on.
2.BigGovernmentIstheProblem:The size of government
per se is irrelevant. Size depends on the benefits (security, support,
and regulation) desired by its citizens. In a self-established democracy,
people assume government will benefit all fairly. But some who benefit
most from its functions seek to avoid paying their share and call it Too
3. Cutting Government Is the Answer: If all social groups
agree that they will benefit proportionately less from a government’s
security, support, and regulation, reductions can be made fairly.
However, when those who benefit most from the success of the present
government wish to cripple it, it is to reduce someone else’s share of
the pie.
4. God Always Protects Our Planet: People who assume
that humans are protected by their god do not worry about the impact
of their activities on the ecosystem. But, our experience shows the
universe works on a principle of cause and effect. If we close our eyes to
artificial damage to natural systems, we may create a Mars-like future
for Earth.
5. The Earth Is Self-Adjusting: The Earth has endured
natural cataclysms over billions of years and adjusted itself to serious
geophysical shifts. But, in documentable historical time, unprecedented
population explosions and new technologies have interrupted long-
wave, atmospheric cycles that provide a weather balance necessary to
human survival.
6. Individuals Can Succeed by Themselves: While
one can die alone, one cannot be born or survive alone. The notion
that each person is master of his own fate is a myth. A society with
too much individualism fails to progress and breaks apart. One with
too much central control will also smother its creativity and cause its
innovation to decline.
7. Drugs and Machines Give Health: In an over-drugged
society all the body’s natural systems eventually atrophy, creating the
need for more artificial fixes. Technology can help diagnose and repair
our bodies, but only proper exercise, diet, and mental peace insures
healing and longterm maintenance. Advance prevention is the safest
8. The United States Is An Exception: Americans believe
that they are immune to the law of cause and effect that determines
the rise and fall of nations. This sense of “exceptionalism” leads people
to avoid examining the actual results of their decisions and absolve
themselves of any responsibilities. Recognition of truth can come too
9. Military Dominance Guarantees Peace: The U.S.
military establishment is larger than all the other militaries on Earth,
yet new enemies pop up every day. There is some correlation between
the two. Real peace arrives when all societies are free and healthy. The
military’s role in a democracy is to deter threats to itself, not to fix
faults in others.
10. Religions Save The World: Religion was created to help
individuals feel that they have a niche in society and in the universe.
It provides inner comfort and offers rituals to help us through rough
times. But, when it is used to accrue personal, political, social, or
financial power over others, it destroys the integrity of believers and
creates social strife.
11. Magical Thinking Creates Reality: New Age and
spiritual entrepreneurs have promised us for decades now that solving
our problems requires only wishing. Think the thought and there it
is! While thinking positively and using our imagination motivates and
guides our problem solving, actual results depend on human action in
a real world.
12. eSkeptics Speak for Science: Fundamentalists in
science are like those in religion; they attempt to force yesterday’s
beliefs on anyone who questions their dogma. In every age those with
vested interests in the status quo are fearful that a new discovery
will threaten their hierarchy. Real science is open to considering and
testing all new ideas.
My hope for 2012 is that most of us can first shun magical thinking
and blaming others for all wrongs, and then assume our share of the
responsibility for solving the challenges we now face. Let us work
together with friends and neighbors to improve the world closest to us,
and then move on to help others beyond our community. When such
new circles overlap, we will have created a new society.
| Archaeology / Anthropology |
[ by Dr. John Ward ]
INTREPID Magazine 18
In The
Western Desert
| Dr. John Ward of The Sirius Project |
ollowing on from my last article with Intrepid Magazine, I felt
it only right to bring you up to speed in respect of the research
that we at The Sirius Project have thus far covered in the
Western deserts of Egypt.
Back in 2008 both Maria and I spent 21 days investigating the
trade routes within the kharga oasis. This allowed us the opportunity
to investigate all the known ancient sites, and to explore the routes
between them aswell, to record and document the graffiti, inscriptions
and symbolism that have been left by our ancient ancestors as they
traversed this great wilderness. This part of the research pertains
to the theory that parts, if not all, of the ancient knowledge and
superstition that encompassed the ancient Egyptian religion, once
migrated along these trade routes via the establishment of the
dynastic outposts and subsequently the Roman, Gnostic and early
Christian settlements, which took hold within the safety of the
western desert. Rather than drive the modern tarmac road that links
the oasis with the smaller and less visited villages that line the deserts
edge. We commuted between the sites by the ancient trade routes that
still exist to this day, littered with the remains of human interference
that have been left by the earlier travelers.
The standard of living within these somewhat isolated
communities is far from romantic and seems little has changed by the
passing of the years. Having said that,
their way of life is in harmony with
their surroundings and their lifestyles
are more than adequately adapted
to such harsh living conditions.
When confronted by such sights, it is
human nature to judge and compare
to one’s own experiences and draw
conclusions from such observations.
For us, we were going to not only
observe these variations in living
styles, but we were going to have to
adapt to them, if we were going to
make it through the expedition.
From day one we threw ourselves
into the deep end, so to speak.
Leaving behind the comfort of the
tarmac road and instead driving
deep into the desert landscape of the
area known as Qasr el Dush (Roman
Kysis). The actual site of Qasr el
Dush itself lies a few kilometers from
the nearest village, and only half
an hour’s drive from Baris, the first
major village on the Luxor/Armant
road. The site once stood within the
centre of an agricultural explosion,
it is not known exactly who was
responsible for the water supplies at
Dush, although the Persians invested heavily in this area, and many
of their irrigation techniques can still be observed today. But it must
be said that it was the Romans who took advantage of it, and to its
maximum potential. Exploiting the abundant fresh water supply from
deep beneath the sands, the inhabitants of Dush quickly turned the
desert into a lush green landscape, predominately that of the hardy
grape vine, producing some of Egypt’s finest wines, which the Romans
exported across its Empire. The Kharga oasis soon became famous
for its wine production and its abundance of fresh produce which was
nourishment for its influx of newcomer’s aswell as sustaining the great
caravans that traversed the inhospitable trade routes.
The ancient pharaonic trade routes that had been established
some thousand years earlier were now becoming lined with small
independent, self sustainable communities in their own right. There
is much debate as to how far; the small communities were able to
sustain themselves, and whether outside help was required to keep
them from collapsing during the dynastic period. There is however a
plethora of evidence to acknowledge the fact that there were self-
sustained communities living and thriving in the various oases during
the dynastic periods in Egypt’s history, in fact the smaller temples
such as Ain el Amur and the Oracle of Siwa stand as testament
to such a debate and discussion. Then there are the historical
accounts that have been handed down over the years by historical
chroniclers such as Herodotus and Strabo, who both wrote on the
harsh living conditions of the oases, and how they existed within the
governmental, social and religious framework. And of course our own
research that has so far documented the ancient sites and trade routes
within the Kharga oasis, which points to certain evidential material,
indicating the self sustainability of these communities far beyond that
of the Roman period.
For instance, one of Egypt’s famous early Christians; Athanasius,
Bishop of Alexandria (AD 298 – 373) was banished to the Oases for his
remarks and support with regards the Nicaean position of the church.
He was banished a total of five times during his forty five year term
in office as Bishop, spending fifteen years and ten months of this in
exile. Although not all of his exiles were spent in the deserts of Egypt.
The desert oases were a place where the banished were sent since the
Pharaonic era, and have been well documented as such, but it was
not until the early Christians began to develop the areas, as places
of pilgrimage and devotion, that the authorities began to look further
afield for suitable places of banishment, as the Christian communities
became so comfortable that it no longer suited as a punishment rather
a sabbatical. El Bagawat, one of the world’s oldest Christian burial
sites lies within the boundaries of modern Kharga, with its many
basilicas and mausoleums, nestling at foot of the mountain ridge. Its
proximity to the Temples of Nadura and Hibis, are again testament
that the evolving religions of that time also embraced their ancestral
roots and were not threatened by their real and ever Omni presence.
El Bagawat not only served as a burial ground but also became a
INTREPID Magazine 20
[ continued from page 50 ]
| Dr. John Ward of The Sirius Project | | Archaeology / Anthropology |
prominent place of worship and pilgrimage. The foothills that lie
to the north of the Christian settlement were home to hundreds of
early Christian Hermits seeking enlightenment through their own self
imposed solitary confinement. One other famous Egyptian Christian
was that of Bishop Nestorius who was banished to the Kharga oases in
AD435 by Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria for not accepting the churches
stance on the immaculate conception, but rather stating that he
believed that Jesus Christ was twofold, both divine and human, and
that Mary gave birth to a man, and therefore could not be called the
Mother of God.
In fact it was Nestorius that drew both our attentions, as he
had documented his capture
and eventual release by the
barbarians that were known as
the Blemmeys. These barbaric
tribes from the south were well
known for their incursions into
the north, and their apparent
lack of humanity towards the
inhabitants of the oases, laying
waste to complete villages and
disposing of their populations.
Nestorius was taken captive by
one such raid, and tells us of the
devastation that the Blemmeys
bestowed upon Kharga, as they
laid waste to the villages and
farms by fire. The Blemmeys are
but one of the many tribes that
are mentioned on the twelfth
century Mappa Mundi, which is
held in the Hereford Cathedral
in Britain. The depiction of the
Blemmeys on the map shows
a headless anthropomorphic
figure (human like), with the
facial features placed upon
the chest area, wielding a
distorted wooden club at the
same time; both the male and
female Blemmeys are shown.
So it is said by Nestorius, that
the Blemmeys for reasons
unknown released him shortly
afterwards. However the
deadly raids carried out by the
Blemmeys have been recorded
throughout history and
continued throughout the early
Christian and Islamic periods.
The reason the Blemmeys are
of interest to our research is
their depiction on the Mappa
Mundi itself, the Medieval map
plays an important part within the over all research of the Sirius
project, and has been a source of information and material since it
became known to me many years ago as a child. Not to distract too
far from the essence of the article. The map provides some fascinating
insights into the cartography of the early medieval period and to
how much actual geographical knowledge was known by Richard of
Haldringham, the maps creator, a monk residing in Lincoln Cathedral
with prominent links to the Clergy of Hereford Cathedral and further
more tangible associations with the infamous Knights Templars of
both principalities.
I shall elaborate on the Mappa Mundi again within these articles,
but for the time being, we shall return to Dush. The actual location
Christianized place of worship.
A further low doorway provides access to the inner sanctuary
with its roof intact, the only light shining through the purpose built
stone windows high up in the walls providing shards of light that
penetrate the dust filled air like a car headlight cutting through the
nights fog. The detailing of the architecture inside this inner chamber
is clean and free of relief or dedication, except for that of graffiti left
behind by those past travelers who wished to leave there names as
a testament to time. A small staircase leads off to the right, winding
its way to the roof from where one can view the inner courtyard,
and receive the warmth of Ra as he touches ones skin. On the south
wall of the sanctuary three doors lead of, two of which lead to empty
chambers free of any light or decoration, the door jams of sandstone
still retaining the indentations where the heavy wooden doors would
have once hung and closed tightly. The central doorway leads into the
Holy of Holies with its altar still in situ. The altar still stands in the
centre of this chamber and as one kneels behind it, one is afforded
the most spectacular view of symmetry as you gaze from one chamber
to the next and onwards into the courtyards and doorways with
the desert landscape far in the distance to the north. You can feel a
direct alignment with a source of energy that is invisible but yet ever
present as one kneels there. There has been much debate regarding
the application of so called Ley Lines upon sacred Egyptian sites, I
have been fortunate to dowse most if not all the ancient sites and
other related areas throughout Egypt, that we have covered during
the course of our investigations and research. I can confirm that my
dowsing experiments have always indicated an alignment of some kind
with direct associations to the actual fabric or structure and where
in the absence of such, visible landmarks have also proved to be as
important with the said alignments. Ley lines were first discussed
in 1922 within the pages of Early British Track Ways and again in
1925 publication; The Old Straight Track, both by Alfred Watkins
of Hereford in the UK. When his theories were first published, they
caused much controversy in the archaeological forum but have since
become accepted within many professional fields, made the more
possible by J. Cecil Maby and T Bedford Franklins publication; “The
Physics of the Divining Rod” and their subsequent association with
Sir Oliver Lodge F.R.S. The altar itself has received at one point an
engraving that resembles a tree with its branches hanging downwards,
its trunk acting as a central channel to collect the libational fluid
of the offering. There is a further small chamber that opens beyond
the altar but feels quite different and has at one point had its floor
removed. The walls are free from any inscriptions or graffiti, and with
the floor removed one is left with a sense of loss or mis-connection
with the rest of the temple.
The third structure or I should correctly say ruins, belongs to what
was once a small basilica which is located alongside the processional
route, approximately 20 meters or so from the Temple. Most of the
fabric lays hidden from view, buried beneath the wind driven sands.
But one can clearly make out some of the remaining columns and the
decorative mud brick arches with their detailing that would have been
covered in the white plaster. Unfortunately the basilica has been torn
apart by the prevailing winds that sweep up and over the escarpment,
tearing apart this once beautiful place of worship.
The escarpment floor is littered by hundreds of thousands of
pottery shards, discarded and giving the appearance from a distance
that the ground is of a reddish brown colour, when in fact it is the
pottery producing this un-natural effect. Wherever you walk, you are
literally walking amongst the ruins of this once powerful place. The
foundations of houses, workshops and alike protrude from their sandy
graves. One can clearly make out the streets with doorways providing
access to the now outlines of what once was. As one follows the
pathways and meanders westwards across the escarpment, the fourth
and last ruined structure dominates the horizon.
of the main Temple and its associated structures lies atop of an
escarpment that rises from the desert floor and commands not only
a spectacular view of the surrounding landscape, but also provides
an excellent strategic defense from any forthcoming adversary. It
is possibly the sites heightened elevation contributed to its overall
success as an outpost, not to mention that its location was at a cross
roads of the major Darbs (trade routes), that converged at this point.
There are four main ruined structures of significance still remaining
on the escarpment; all of them yielding important information
and raw material that have provided a timeline of the site and its
development. The oldest structure dates to the Ptolemaic period
(323BC-30), which consists of four mud brick walls which rise to
six meters in some locations;
the rectangular enclosure is
filled with further mud brick
structures. Similar to the
architectural remains of Ain um
el Dabadib which I described
in my previous article, an
array of vaulted rooms and half
ruined walls lie half buried and
partly exposed providing an
artificial floor to the enclosure.
In fact the floor area is quite
possibly the fifth or even the
sixth floor with the lower levels
most likely remaining intact
beneath. This structure has not
been completely excavated and
could yet yield exciting and
important artifacts that will
quite possibly point towards an
earlier settlement other than
the Ptolemies. There have been
various papyri found in and
around Dush that date the site
before the Ptolemaic period,
but as yet no other artifact or
structure of significance has
been located to substantiate
this hypothesis.
It is worth noting here,
that during the end of the
dynastic period when the
Persian conqueror Cambyses
the son of Cyrus the Great
defeated Pharaoh Psamtik
III at Pelusium in 525BC, he
then found and established
the first Persian period in
Egypt. While Cambyses was
fighting in Ethiopia he sent
fifty thousand troops with all
their accompaniments to lay
waste to the Temple of Jupiter (Oracle), in the Siwan oases. Although
Herodotus chronicles this legend, the actual whereabouts of the army
is still not known. The entire army and all its support disappeared
in the vastness of the Western desert before ever reaching the
Siwan Temple. The reason I mention this legend is that if the trade
routes that converged at Dush existed at that time, which is highly
probable, then the possible existence of further structures that date
to the dynastic period most probably lay beneath the ruins that we
clearly see today. The legend of Cambyses army has intrigued and
captivated many an explorer and archaeologist alike, with many
still searching for the lost army. With regards to the description that
Herodotus gives within his Histories, he does mention the “isles of
the blessed”, now, one could translate this in many ways, for me the
use of the word “Isles” refers to islands, and this could quite possibly
have connections with Um Ain el Dabadib with its flooded plains
as previously discussed. One of the many interpretations that are
currently discussed in regards the disappearance of Cambyses army.
The sandstone Temple of Domitian stands and abuts the Ptolemaic
mud brick structure to the east. The Temple itself is dedicated to the
Egyptian deity; Osiris and was most probably built between AD81 &
96 by the Roman Emperor Domitian. The Roman Emperor’s Trajan
and Hadrian added various other facets to the original structure; these
included a courtyard and hypostyle hall. The Temple architecture
follows the understood dynamics of Egyptian Temple construction and
thus provides a sandstone paved ceremonial processional route with
dwarf walls encompassing its ascent from the base of the escarpment
towards the first outer courtyard, which one descends into via series
of steps. The outer courtyard now lies filled with sand, but the view
is as impressive as it would have been when this Temple received its
first dedication. It is said that the Temple was once clad in Gold, if
so, one can only imagine the sheer brilliance as the gold reflected the
unabated rays of sun that shone down upon it, Ra in all his glory.
The gated front pylon sits in the outer courtyard emblazoned by
the names and cartouches of past Roman Emperors, but also ancient
travelers alike, including some of the early European explorers who
could not resist but place their names besides those that line our
history books. Although the steps are now missing one can utilize the
precariously balanced broken blocks to access the gated doorway,
once through the gate one is confronted by a vast open inner
courtyard that was once separated by the hypostyle courtyard that
followed. There is but only five columns no remaining in situ within
this forgotten place of worship. The sandstone floor with its wind torn
slabs provide an uneven surface to walk upon, while to the east the
exterior walls have fallen to provide one with a view of the eastern
mountain range, and the desert floor between. A ruined part mud
brick wall in dispersed with fragments of dressed sandstone rise to
the height of a few meters to the west with various niches here and
there still retaining fragments of their white lime plaster coverings.
On the reverse of the gate, a stair case provides access to a minstrel’s
gallery that overlooks both the entrance and the reverse into the inner
courtyard. On the foundation of the gate one can clearly make out
the remaining fragments of the white lime plaster but with the added
coloured outlines of decoration that once adorned the interior walls
of this temple. What a sight it must have been, the eyes dreary from
the sand and sun bleached earth outside, and the glare of the golden
clad walls, only to be met with vibrant colours and warmth internally.
Truly the embrace of the Osiris lied within these Temple walls.
At the far southern end of the inner courtyard a ramp leads up to
dressed sandstone portico providing access to the first inner chamber
having lost its roof covering and now open to the elements. Again the
doorway has received the cartouches and relief of the past Roman
Emperors with their dedications to Egyptian Gods. Once through
the doorway the walls on either aside rise some six meters blocking
the rays of sunshine upon the sandy floor, hiding the worn uneven
sandstone slabs that have witnessed the very footsteps of Emperors
and priests alike. At the base of the walls the remains of the mastabas
still remain, where the ones who were not permitted within the
sacred confines of the Holy of Holies itself would have awaited the
exit of their master. Situated in the centre of this inner courtyard
the main Temple itself stands with its smooth wind torn walls. The
roof of the first chamber has since been eroded and its debris having
been removed during the excavation and restoration of this glorious
shrine. The walls still standing with their faint outlines of what was
once a complete dedication and acts of libational ceremonies, with
the unmistakable red painted lettering of the ancient Coptic language
with recognizable crosses having been placed upon the walls either as
blessings or as an act of re-dedication of the Pagan Temple to that of a
| The Bare Fisted Cleric |
INTREPID Magazine 22INTREPID Magazine 22
[ continued on page 73 ]
Angry college kids camping in public
parks wearing the standard clothing of
subcultural revolution, carrying picket signs
with the usual anti-American slogans of the far
Left, joined by a variety of Socialist, Communist,
and Anarchist leadership have stormed the major
cities of our country under the collective term
“The Occupy Movement.” The despised object of
their vehemence? Not just a banking system out
of control, not simply Wall Street insiders, but
the emerging message is that of a Progressive
revolution against all things traditionally
American. This particular protest is merely one
instance of a phenomenon which, in the last
decade, has fundamentally transformed the
content of higher education in the
this country.
A New Age Vision
The movement, which is most prominent in our universities, is
essentially a “New Age” vision of Globalism/Progressivism. Its stated
aim is to equalize all cultures, all nations, and all individuals within
a Global socialist system deemed to be some sort of Utopia. The
New Age Movement refers to this desire in the terms of a “higher
consciousness” that views everyone and everything as interconnected
and interdependent, while denying individual freedom and self
determination. The college student achieves this higher consciousness,
when he no longer views one culture or social outlook as superior to
another culture or social outlook. The main effort of the Globalist
is to train the student to both view his own culture (i.e., Western,
Christian culture) as one culture among many equally valid cultures
and, consequently, assume a mental stance of “openness” to values
present in other, non-Western cultures. In fact, this consciousness
actually demands the American and the Christian revile his culture
and religion, and to constantly apologize for the perceived evils of
both. It appears that within the Progressive paradigm all cultures are
celebrated except that influenced by Christian thought. In fact, the
openness of the Left ends when the American Dream is mentioned,
since the American Dream is the polar opposite of the fascist
dictatorship the Progressives seek. Put simply, freedom is an obstacle
to the Progressive agenda.
A Revolutionary Curriculum
As in all egalitarian efforts, this process of “equalization” amounts
to an attempt to “level the playing field,” or make “fair” that which
has traditionally been considered to be superior. How is this done?
By exalting that which is normally considered to be inferior or
defective. The Globalists achieve this result by introducing courses
into the college curriculum which both exalt other cultures and, most
importantly, focus on the absolute evil of Western, Christian culture.
You might think that the Globalists would be frustrated in their
attempt to exalt the “suppressed and oppressed” non-Western cultures,
basically because students generally aren’t interested. Or one might
think students would see the obvious great works and great ideas of
Western, Christian culture. This obviously is not the case. The National
Endowment for the Humanities reports that it is possible to graduate
from 37% of American colleges without taking a course in history, from
45% without taking a course in American or English literature, from
62% without taking any philosophy, and from 77% without studying
a foreign language. Indeed they state it is now “extremely rare” to
find students exposed to a core curriculum in Western civilization,
even at major state universities and the elite Ivy League universities.
Not only is the average American undergraduate seemingly unfit, and
definitely uninterested, in such expanded cultural “awareness,” but the
very purveyors of Globalism, the university faculties, are themselves
obviously uninterested in any serious study of the ideas, habits, and
customs which make up the content of Western Christian cultures.
They simply do not fit the revolutionary ideology of the Globalist cabal.
Racial Hatred and Globalism
Despite the facade of racial equality the Progressive Movement
presents, racism is often allowed on campus in certain specific forms.
There is no question to the thinking individual that racism in all its
forms is evil, vile and has no place in a college curriculum or public
discourse. However, the Globalists allow racism from certain segments
of the population since the ideologies of these racist groups and
professors promotes the Globalist paradigm by denigrating Western
Christian culture. For example. Dr. Jeffries, chairman of the Afro-
American Studies Department at City College of New York, is well-
known for his claim that whites are biologically inferior to blacks.
Dinesh D’Souza in his book “Illiberal Education: the Politics of Race
and Sex on Campus” cites the college newspaper The Campus as
African American scholar Leonard Jeffries claims that whites
are biologically inferior to blacks....Adopting an evolutionary
perspective, Jeffries told his class that whites suffer from an
inadequate supply of melanin, making them unable to function
as effectively as other groups. One reason that whites have
perpetuated so many crimes and atrocities, Jeffries argues, is that
the Ice Age caused the deformation of white genes, while blacks
were enhanced by “the value system of the sun.”
There were no protests of Dr. Jeffries visit. And almost certainly,
if there had been protests they would have been denounced by both
the university and the mainstream media as “racist.” Dr. Jeffries was
subsequently asked to co-author a multicultural curriculum outline for
all New York public schools. Ask yourself the logical question. Would
a member of the Ku Klux Klan or National Socialist Party holding the
same, but reverse, racist views be asked to do so? The answer is no
and for good reason! Racism, no matter where it comes from, is wrong
and has no place in forming a curriculum for our children to imbibe.
Yet the revolutionary forces of the Left have no problem with minority
There are many practical consequences of the Globalist anti-European
ideological pogrom. In their drive to implement the numerical
appearence of equality on the university level, college administrators
have engaged in “affirmative action” programs in which professors are
hired and students admitted, not because they are the most qualified,
but rather, because they happen to be female, African American,
Hispanic, or Native American. Interestingly enough, Asians rarely
“benefit” from “affirmative action” programs. Probably because they
are not in the pool of potential recruits for the American Left and by
and large tend to be conservative.
This systematic disregard for academic qualifications, along with
the proliferation of anti-Western courses has resulted in a decline in
academic standards and achievement. Nothing else can be expected
if students and faculty are not chosen based on the quality of their
minds, but rather their gender and skin color. It should also be noted
that African Americans who identify as conservative or Republicans
rarely benefit from these same programs and are often ostracized by
the predominant Leftist African American subculture. In a 1989 survey
of 5,000 university faculty members by the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching they found “widespread lowering
of academic standards at their institutions.” This decline was only
partially masked by an equally “widespread grade inflation.” Moreover,
a review of 25,000 student transcripts by Professor Zemsky of the
University of Pennsylvania showed broad neglect of mathematics and
science courses, especially at the advanced level, and an overall “lack
of depth and structure” in what undergraduates study.
There is something, however, which the Globalists can build on and
exploit for their own ends. It is the ingrained relativism and instinctive
egalitarianism which characterizes the moral outlook of almost all
American undergraduates. For example, when you meet a student with
some form of religious faith, he never attempts to defend or support
the intrinsic veracity of the doctrines which they hold to, but rather,
are content to say that “this is what I believe” and “other people
believe other things,” therefore, we can never know who is right or
wrong. Thus, the foundational virtue becomes “tolerance” which is
not defined as a necessary defense of individual freedom or values.
“Tolerance” for the Progressive is extended to everyone but those they
deem to be “intolerant” (i.e., Christians, Conservatives, Republicans,
and most recently Jews and the State of Israel). The same student who
will tolerate Louis Farrakhan calling Caucasians “devils” and calling for
a separation of the races, or the New Black Panthers publicly putting
21 INTREPID Magazine 22
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25 INTREPID Magazine 26
| Metaphysics |
[ continued on page 31 ]
What an exciting time to be living
in. Are you open to the next big
evolutionary leap for man?
You’ve probably been feeling this new wave of energy coming
in but perhaps you had no idea what was making your life seem
extremely hectic, confusing and possibly even causing your
relationships to become more challenging. Sit tight…our planet is
moving into a new band of frequency that will basically kick up our
evolution and give us the opportunity to experience our world from
a higher vibration as Earth shifts into the cradle of the Photon Belt
moving toward the galactic center and begins entry into the Age of
Aquarius. This area of our galaxy radiates intense electromagnetic
radiation and in a sense we are going from AM reception to Satellite
reception making it possible to tune into our extrasensory senses
beyond our five physical senses. Literally we are becoming a new
species of man–our consciousness is expanding and our attachments
to the material world are being redefined by a new reality, one of
energy and light.
We are in the midst of a dimensional shift that the Mayans marked
with the end of their calendar or should I say 13-baktun cycle of
the Mayan Long Count slated to end on the winter solstice which is
December 21, 2012. As this cycle ends it leaves us on the doorstep
for a new cycle to begin. At that time there will be a close conjunction
of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic
Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun)
forming a cosmic cross. The last time this happened was 25,800 years
ago. This long awaited for galactic alignment will set us up for an
evolutionary up-grade along with a recalibration to our relationship
with “time.” This is not the end of the world as much as it is the end
of how we experience “time” and our world from the vantage point of
higher consciousness which is set alight by a new
high speed cycle of cosmic frequency.
Time is often referred to as the fourth
dimension and our shift into a new “wireless
plan” from the Universe allows for us to surpass
time and move into the fifth dimension where
we have a range of perception beyond our five
physical senses. It may seem a little weird at first
but soon you will start to notice how everything
around you including the people milling about,
going to work, shopping in malls and even the food
you eat, the sounds you hear all appear to have
another dimension to them. You may shake your
head as a reality check only to find that the colors
of their now apparent auras move in and out like
the shifting shapes inside of a kaleidoscope and
realize that physical reality is an illusion made
up of waves of energy that slow down enough to
materialize into your perception of form. You
begin to sense a world that goes beyond the physical boundaries as
a new level of awareness, one defined more by waves of frequency
instead of weight and mass, becomes accessible to you. Everything
is more illuminated and your heightened awareness ignites your
extrasensory senses so you can hear, taste, feel, smell and see all the
energy that makes up the world around you. Jeez…could it be that
we are surpassing our own technology? With all of these “new human
apps” I wonder if we will also be able to download music and stream
videos on demand.
Seriously, our shift into a new frequency will impact our DNA,
awaken our deepest cellular memories and enable us to tune into
the nonverbal language of the Universe that speaks to us in coded
frequencies that clue us in through synchronicities, intuition and
psychic knowing. Our evolution will allow us to move beyond the
limits of the third dimensional, time/space paradigm and open the
portal to a world of higher consciousness and infinite possibilities.
Everything is experienced in the creative, manifesting powers of the
“NOW’ moment which is unbounded by time.
We have been preparing for this new energy shift since the
harmonic convergence of the late 1980’s which ushered in a period
of Earth’s “cleansing”, global awakening to peace, love, and unity
through divine transformation. Since then we have witnessed many of
the planet’s “false structures and beliefs” fall apart and collapse. This
new awareness movement was also the time when the gifted children
began to emerge. They are the intuitive, creative, technologically
advanced Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Star children who seem to
have a more unique way of functioning in society. These children are
more sentient in nature and are a precursor to our evolution into a
race of highly evolved beings. They already display the characteristics
of having advanced DNA that appears to code more to frequency and
light as opposed to just protein. We are also due for this evolutionary
jump onto the new wavelengths as we adapt to the frequency changes
going on both globally and galactically within our vast Universe.
The truth of the matter as to why our
senses beyond our five physical senses seem to
be kicking in actually lies in our DNA and our
chakra centers, the often over looked energy
hubs that regulate the frequencies for our
physical body. You see when we last evolved
there was an intervention in the development of
our species ( the interesting facts have been well
hidden up until now) and we were designed or
pre-wired for an advanced way of living in order
for us to be able to adapt to an ever changing and
evolving Universe.
As we get closer to the eye point, or galactic
center of the Milky Way Galaxy we will be
exposed to a faster frequency of cosmic waves
and these lighter waves of electromagnetic
energy will directly activate additional strands
of our DNA and advance our evolution. This
open energy portal in the galactic center beams
Waves of Galactic Energy
are Changing Our World!
the new sexy.
[ by Linda Barretta ]
27 INTREPID Magazine 28
| Anthony F. Sanchez |
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things
I cannot change, the courage to change the things
I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” -
Reinhold Niebuhr
Change;it happens every day. It is something
that we are taught to embrace and it is something that we are told
is inevitable. Change is the result of a formula in which time is one
variable, and everything else is ‘x’. And our lives revolve around
solving for ‘x’. When we finally discover what ‘x’ is, we are faced
with a truth, an outcome that says ‘x’ is an incontrovertible fact of all
existence. But, again… what is change? The answer is this… change
is everything. Change is the death of the old and emergence of the
One of my favorite political cartoonists and poets, who not too long
ago passed away, Tuli Kupferberg, once said that “when patterns are
broken, new worlds emerge.” I always think to this one comment he
made when I think of where Ufology is headed, where it has been, and
how I am personally affected along with many of my colleagues and
those who would chose to honor us by reading our collective works.
The emergence of a new world is occurring all around us. New
generations of people, new generations of ideas, and new attitudes are
surfacing challenging the age-old institutions that for too long have
determined the path for so many others in Ufology. In the context
of this writing I am going to analyze the evolution of Ufology. And
together we will take a look at ‘who’ within the field and ‘what’ within
the field has managed to determine the many outcomes, some negative
and some positive, that we deal with today.
In 1995 I remember reading “UFOs, the Grand Deception and the
Coming New World Order” by a man who would later become a close
friend and colleague of mine, Norio F. Hayakawa. I remember thinking
two things. First, just unbelievably how far ahead this person was in
his thinking in conspiratorial matters. And second, how elegantly he
related (connected) his own ideas to well established ideas and areas
of Ufology as it stood, at that time. Other researchers over time would
ridicule him, then steal from him, and ultimately try to ignore his work
into a place of nothingness… so they thought, so they tried, and they
When a person tries their hardest to get a message out, even if it
means accepting and facing ridicule, threats, even being ostracized,
it is these challenges that make a person stronger if they have the
wisdom to accept it and use it as reinforcement of their message.
Norio is such a person. This is why I have chosen to model my own
career in Ufology and within the Paranormal as a student of his actions,
and of his means to deal with people who would choose to take very
negative paths. Norio represents what is good about Ufology.
In contrast we need to take a look at those who are starkly different
within Ufology and who unfortunately “the mainstream” has come
to identify as the ‘baseline representatives’ for everyone who studies
UFOs, Aliens, Paranormal, Conspiratorial and other related disciplines.
But I ask this, “is it fair that these people who the media pounced
upon and touted repeatedly as experts and spokespersons continue to
represent Ufology?” The answer is no.
Today when we look at conferences, books, television shows,
documentaries, films, etc. what we are witnessing is the emergence
of new faces, new ideas and the reemergence of timeless data from
experts who despite having emerged from within the old guard, have
come forth with newly augmented data, data that has once again
managed to successfully catapult them back to the forefront.
A perfect example of a person who emerged with data some
several decades ago, but who has managed to reinvigorate the field
with excitement thus managing to capture the minds of newer
younger prospects within Ufology is Erich von Daniken. Yes, von
Daniken exemplifies the type of person who reaches out to the new
[ by Anthony F. Sanchez ]
hen I first stumbled across a
photo of the Sphinx Observatory,
I thought it was a screen shot
from one of those elaborately designed
computer games. On second glance,
however, I found that it was, indeed, very
real, and I exclaimed aloud at what an
exquisitely mad place to have built such
a structure.
Located atop the Bernese Alps, the Jungfraujoch station opened
in 1912, becoming the highest railway stop in all of Europe. This
eventually opened the door for eager scientists awaiting easy access to
a high altitude site to conduct their work.
The Sphinx Observatory, completed in 1937 is the highest-altitude
construction in the entire continent, perched on a shockingly steep
precipice aptly dubbed the “Top of Europe.”
The small mountain peak observatory boasts an astronomical
dome, two large and two small laboratories, a workshop, two terraces
for scientific experiments, a weather observation station, and a 76-cm
telescope with Cassegrain and Coudé focus, which is part of the solar
spectrometer of the Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique de
l’Université de Liège, Belgium, and the LIDAR experiment run by the
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
The Sphinx has served as a headquarters for researchers in fields
such as glaciology, medicine, cosmic ray physics, and astronomy, with
the building adapting, over the years, to meet scientists’ needs. Today,
the observatory is fully outfitted with electricity, water, telephone,
internet, a machine to produce liquid air and even an elevator built
into the hollowed-out mountain for easier access to the peak.
In addition to the science, the observatory also provides visitors
with vertigo-inducing, panoramic views of the snowy Alps, green
valleys, and the Great Aletsch Glacier. From the metal grating terrace
that surrounds the building, one can see over 11,000 feet below, with
views stretching as far as Germany and Italy.
Getting to the observatory is an incredible journey all itself. Riding
along the historic Jungfrau railway, passengers have a chance to peer
through windows built into the mountainside and browse the peculiar
Eispalast (Ice Palace), where ice sculptures depicting everything from
people to automobiles are carved within a chilly glacier.
The Sphinx Laboratory is part of the Sphinx building and
belongs to the Sphinx AG Jungfraujoch, a subsidiary company of the
Jungfraubahn Holding AG. It is at the free disposal of the Foundation.
It has an astronomical dome, two large and two small laboratories,
a workshop, two terraces for scientific experiments, and a weather
observation station. Several long-term experiments are permanently
installed in the Sphinx laboratories, and there is space for other
projects and campaigns available upon request. So if you have that
nagging astronomical project, but just don’t have the altitude, give the
Sphinx a call. They may just have a cot and table space for you.
| Unusual Places |
INTREPID Magazine 3029
Anthony F. Sanchez received his
BSc. in Computer Information Systems from
Western Governors University of Salt Lake
City, UT in 2008. He has been a Software
Consultant for the State of California, 16
years as a Software Engineer for 3Com, Intel,
Acer, Netscape and Hewlett Packard. He has
been a UFO researcher for 20 years, and has
studied ancient Hebrew religious texts, the
Dead Sea Scrolls ‘book of Giants’, and ‘book
of Enoch’. He has also studied Sumerian-
Babylonian and Akkadian Mesopotamian
| Anthony F. Sanchez |
crop of experts, if not personally, then through his work. But most
importantly, never with the intent to stifle those would chose to study
what he himself has learned and has ultimately shared. People are
revisiting data like his, and synthesizing their own work against his
to give us new perspectives on Human Origins, Ancient Aliens, Early
Civilization, Religion, etc.
Unfortunately though, too many others have chosen to stifle
intellectual innovation, and to prevent young prospective minds
from joining the ranks of Ufology. Sadly, various pathetic individuals
use their arrogance and knowledge of regurgitated data to criticize,
humiliate and prevent the emergence of new faces, new concepts, and
new thinking.
Therefore it is with this declaration that I say Ufology 1.0 is
officially dying, on its last leg and soon to be gone from the forefront.
And I further declare that Ufology 2.0 has now emerged. And even
in its infancy, Ufology 2.0 wields more power and infinite more levels
of data which allows previously ignored pieces of the puzzle to finally
begin to come together.
I personally tire of the notion that if it is not a “malleable piece of
metal with hieroglyphics” that someone saw over 50 years ago, that
it’s not worth discussing or looking at by the establishment. I am tired
of the notion that if someone says they were abducted, probed and
impregnated, etc. or claim to have an implant, that well, these people
must be crazy; therefore, it’s not worth the effort to be investigated
by the establishment. They laugh and tell the experiencers to seek
help on the fringes of their field; to seek out fringe personalities. Well
guess what? The fringe has emerged as the new power base in Ufology.
Also, who the hell gives these dinosaurs the authority to make these
top-level decisions? I mean really, who? Well, one source tells me the
CIA, but that’s for another time.
Quite frankly, a dark and sinister Elitist controlled ‘debunking
community’ has surfaced within the ranks of Ufology, plaguing the field
so badly that the existing so-called experts are either afraid to contest
them, or are controlled by them, and thus ‘content’ to rest on their
own laurels, happily get paid to appear and spout the nothingness of
their tired old lectures, again, and again, and again. Doing this, all
while the new researchers are attacked viciously and too often (if not
always) by them, and with the help of the debunker community.
Who are the debunkers? Too often they are people with an outlet
professing their opinions, but who never actually leave their homes,
never perform real research, have never had an experience, and do
not believe experiencers, but who have the audacity to ask for PayPal
“donations”. They ask to get paid for debunking and giving us the
same old tired bullshit, repeatedly via junky infested (monitored)
websites that are shill sites for the CIA.
Personally I have seen a trend in Ufology which is the
disassociation from up and coming faces in the crowd from peer
pressure. Either by old guard Urologists’ who are afraid to lose the
living they make off one another’s table scraps, or from the ridicule
they know they will receive from the debunkers who have truly
taken over Ufology (up to now). These types of actions damage the
field. These types of people have damaged the field. So it is with
those actions, that many like me have personally seen, that an easy
transitioning into adopting Ufology 2.0 over the ‘Old Guard’ makes
it so easy. Yes, I belong to a group of new thinkers, new researchers,
reinvigorated ideas, and reinvigorated people who themselves have
made the transition away from the old guard and into Ufology 2.0.
Those who remain active in Ufology 1.0 today are dangerous. It in
itself represents a metamorphosis into what many people considered a
tainted and compromised group of individuals.
But I do not denigrate all that Ufology 1.0 is, or was, because
there were heroes who emerged, and who have since left us a legacy
of intellectual richness that we are indebted to. The Major Donald
Kehoe’s of the world, the Zacharai Sitchin’s, the many similar
pioneers of the old guard who I offer tremendous levels of respect and
admiration for, people who are now gone. This includes the warriors
like Paul Bennewitz who got sucked into the lies of the establishment,
but whose work provided critical keys before their demise; and to
others, much like the late New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe
Valdez, a man I knew, and a man whose data helped elevate the field.
So what remains is questionable. And sadly, when researchers
with ‘anonymous sources’ emerge, brave sources who are risking
their lives to present critical data, it is these old guard experts who
immediately attack rather than analyze. They work to prevent people
from emerging with new important data. It makes me think of the
mysterious circumstances under which Drew Ryan Maras a fellow
Ufologist, a part of the new guard, a person whose life was taken too
soon. Tragically, innocent lives of three other people were taken, and
we seemingly we will never know why. Except that he and his message
contradicted the very core of the regurgitated data that the Ufology 1.0
group represents.
Identifying the ranks of Ufology 1.0 is just too easy. For instance,
to spot them, look for this: People in gray suits, with unchanging data,
an unwillingness to accept new data, and whose primary idea of UFO
research is to rest upon their own books (in many cases, 30 year old
investigations – which they never revisit). Individuals who are living
off the regurgitation of the “same old data” that offers nothing to
anyone, and which offers nothing to help further Ufology.
I would be remiss if I did not give credit to Jesse Randolph Singer
who coined the term Ufology 2.0. And incidentally, he is a friend who
I believe exemplifies the best of this evolution into the new guard. So
I challenge you to WALK AWAY from the old guard. And I challenge
you to embrace the new path for UFO, Paranormal, and Conspiratorial
Do not allow yourself to get sucked back into the same old data by
the same old CIA backed disinformation agents, these puppets of the
Illuminati, the controlled media, the Reptilian Elitists, these Archons,
these God damned Progenitors… the living descendants of the Planet-
Controlling Anunnaki.
And damn it, enlighten yourself, and look to those who are offering
data on Geo-Political, Economic, Religious, and Archeological data
in addition to Scientific data as your experts and hopefuls across the
disciplines of Ufology, the Paranormal, and Conspiratorial to help
answer your questions. Do yourself a favor by daring yourself into
thinking outside the periphery of the old guard.
Do something revolutionary. Dare to “change”.
| Lisa Barretta |
INTREPID Magazine 32
[ Continued from page 26 ]
higher frequency energy waves that bounce off of the sun and then
are transmitted to us. These waves are called torsion waves. In
the 1950s Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev discovered that
torsion waves are linked to consciousness, and that our thoughts also
produce these waves. Recent discoveries show that the extra strands
of our DNA, commonly called junk DNA, are now being connected
into the Universal consciousness and enabling us to experience our
multidimensional, lighter body, the spirit.
Our DNA activation will take us beyond our physical blueprint
which is coded in the 2 strands of protein coding DNA and 46
chromosomes. We have been taught in high school biology 101 to
believe that this is the only formula for our nature. Guess again? Our
junk DNA is essentially DNA that doesn’t code for a protein but none
the less is very important for our future existence if we are to adapt
and survive in the expanding Universe. Wave Genetics shows us that
the junk DNA functions from frequency messages it codes to and it is
realized in material form as crystalline structures. Are you following
me? This can get a little deep. As we evolve and change within the
universe our junk DNA, which is 98% of our total DNA, will be plugging
in to the new waves and frequencies that we are being exposed to
therefore making us more crystal based verses carbon based, literally
lighter and also psychic.
These extra strands of DNA are activated from exposure to
frequency waves and we can literally reprogram our genetic layout
through the vibrations of thoughts and words. Our expanding
consciousness is equivalent to adding more memory to your
computer and signing up for fiber optic Internet. We are becoming
multidimensional and our thoughts are able to create and produce
results instantaneously. You can expect to finally be able to bridge
the mind, body and spirit gap because of the activated junk DNA that
harnesses our latent PSI abilities and usher in our transformation into
the dimensions of higher consciousness. We are about to experience
the full potential of our activated spiritual awareness expressed
through the physical body.
Our evolution and shift do not remove the three dimensional
world but rather allow us to experience the higher energy and auras
of the thoughts that make up our things. Pretty heavy stuff since now
we get to see the (energy) blueprints of our created reality too. We
will have the transcendental experiences once only reserved for Yogis,
Gurus, mystics, shamans and sages who were taught how to achieve
higher consciousness and spiritual awareness in the mystery schools.
Now we are all privy to a natural “high” from the higher dimensions of
consciousness. Who could ask for anything more?
We are detaching from the old beliefs of separateness, overly
organized religions and materialism and advancing to a new
consciousness of unity, spirituality and energy. As long as we
understand that a frequency change is going on we can get through
this but it’s not always an easy journey and there are some changes
that you should expect to occur as you go through the stages of your
rebirth into a more finely attuned, awakened human being. Some
changes such as our relationship with “time” are coming in at such
a speedy rate causing some of us to feel discombobulated and spacy.
This is the “quickening” phase of our rebirth and that is why so many
of us are aware of what is called “fast time” which is really just a
higher, faster, lighter frequency that we are now able to experience as
we make the shift into a higher dimension of awareness.
These new vibrations open a portal for us to evolve as we adjusts
to the changes and challenges of being more in tune to our energy
or spiritual essence. The transition phase of any birth is usually the
hardest and in all honesty there are some physical and emotional
birthing pains for us to go through as we purge our limited false belief
system that contains some deep emotional traumas and fears so we
can reboot into the program of higher consciousness and love. As
we go through this stage we sometimes feel confused and tired along
with experiencing strange aches and pains that appear to be flu like
symptoms along with crazy weight fulgurations, blurry vision and a
general feeling like the world’s collapsing around us. Anything in your
life that does not match the high level of vibration coming in is being
transformed or cleared out so that you can have a more peaceful,
lighter and loving life. It may seem at times that you are creating
chaos in your life or even sabotaging you own best efforts. Relax, out
of chaos comes order and you are not losing anything but rather
gaining a more refined perspective on life and embracing your true
authentic self.
This is an amazing and exciting time for all of us who choose
to evolve along with our planet into the dimensions of higher
consciousness where fear is replaced with love, our self-healing
abilities defeat disease which is rooted in fear based beliefs and we
look out to the heavens and open up to the fact that we are not the
only intelligent life occupying the boundless Universe as we get ready
to be socialized within the other galactic communities.
Cosmic energy is the “new sexy.”
Lisa Barretta
is a practicing
astrologer, intuitive
counselor, certified
Reiki practitioner,
and researcher
in the fields of
and psychic
sensing. Her ability
in astrological
delineation coupled
with uncanny
intuitive insight
has secured a
loyal following in
the United States,
Canada, the United
Kingdom, and the
Middle East. During
the past 30 years she has developed her client base strictly by
word of mouth.
Drawing on knowledge from past life incarnations along with
a lifelong practice of the esoteric arts helped Lisa open the
portal to self-discovery and transformation. Through her own
personal journey she has tapped into the realms of the higher
dimensions, the insights from which she shares for the first
time in The Book of Transformation.
Lisa Barretta is also the author of The Street Smart Psychic’s
Guide to Getting a Good Reading, an informative and at times
humorous book which offers insider advice on how to tap into
the world of psychic energy. She also gives you a peek into
what it is like to be the psychic reader on the other side of the
tarot cards, crystal ball, and tea leaves.
Visit her web site at:
Follow her on twitter: streetpsychic
33 INTREPID Magazine 34
[ continued on page 59 ]
[ continued from page 12 ]
| Todd Allen Gates || Scotty Roberts |
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INTREPID Magazine 36
| The Power of Belief |
[ Continued on Page 47 ]
ome people will ostensibly believe anything.
Of course, there are those who take it to an
extreme, fully believing every conspiracy
theory, plot, or scheme without corroborating or
substantive evidence. However, for most of us,
“that voodoo that you do” may actually have a
lot more power than imaginable. While the mind
can be a terrible thing to waste, it can also, when
infected with a negative or destructive meme,
thought or suggestion, become just a terrible
thing.	 We like to say that the human mind is
“powerful beyond belief,” but the truth is, it is only
as powerful as our belief allows it to be. Whether
we are talking about that lucky horseshoe charm
we keep in our purse for good luck, or that voodoo
doll we used to try and hurt a bastard of an ex,
we buy into belief all the time. Ignorance is not a
legitimate excuse, because even the most educated
and powerful peoples on the planet are guilty of
superstition, prejudice and intolerance.
But how far to the extreme can the power of the mind be taken?
Can you cast a spell on someone and make him/her love you? Can
you kill someone by simply cursing them and pointing a stick at them,
or poking a pin in a doll made to their likeness? Can you heal yourself
or others of a terminal disease simply because you believe you can?
Religion has long promoted objects such as magical talismans and
enchanted amulets to either ward off evil or brings safety and security.
Fetishism, the belief that a physical object can have supernatural
powers, is as old as humanity itself. The use of blood, animal fur,
claws, beads, coins, rings, feathers, stones, gems and crystals, and
specific plants and animals by native and primitive peoples is no
different from our use today of crucifixes, Buddha statuettes, Holy
Water, Star of David necklaces, Rosary Beads, voodoo dolls, the Italian
Horn to ward off evil eye, worry beads, prayer stones, and even four-
leafed clovers and lucky charms. Placing revered power in an object
is as much a part of today’s traditions and religious practices as it was
for our ancestors, who applied value to different objects according to
their personal worldview and beliefs.
Idolatry, totemism, and even animism are fetishism beliefs. But
even with the change from animism and polytheism to monotheism,
the belief that symbols hold as much power and influence as what
they are supposed to symbolize still makes up a part of everyday
religious life. When a Christian takes the body and blood of Christ at
Communion, they may not realize it, but they are practicing a type
of fetishism, giving the wafer and wine a level of power which they do
not have as physical objects, but rather as symbols of something far
Yet, some may argue that the objects DO have power on their
own. Perhaps we are somehow sending the object energy, which
is then reflected back to us (or even absorbed into the substrate
material itself,) based upon our motivation or use of the object. If we
believe strongly enough that a lucky charm will make us, well, lucky,
| Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman |
i p u t a s p e l l o n y o u :
t h e p o w e r o f b e l i e f
t o c r e a t e o r d e s t r o y
perhaps we may be raising the resonant frequency of the object to
match the resonant frequency of our intention. We may be “instilling”
a particular energy into the object, which then raises or lowers the
object’s actual resonant frequency depending upon whether it will be
used to charm, or to harm.
Generally, we think of the occult arts when we think of talismans,
intricately designed charms worn about the neck or kept in a pocket,
however, one only has to walk into a church, temple, or synagogue
to see modern day talismans. Although the Catholic Church and
Christian churches in general shun talismans and amulets as
“witchcraft,” their own use of beads and crosses and statues of saints
show that the idea of putting power into a physical object is not
always the domain of evil-doers. In the Jewish tradition, amulets are
abundant, many carrying holy names or phrases taken from holy
texts. The Jewish tallis is a fringed prayer shawl with knotted tassels
used in a similar fashion as Catholic Rosary Beads. The word “tallis”
even sounds similar to “talisman,” although most linguistic experts
believe the word “talisman” is of Greek origin, from the word “telsma”
for “to initiate into the mysteries” (the word “amulet” comes from
the Latin word amuletum for “an object that protects a person from
In the Muslim culture, individuals also wear amulets that bear
chosen inscriptions from the Quran. Known as “Ta’wiz,” these medals
are used in different situations to symbolize different things, just as
one might wear a medal of a four-leafed clover to attract good, or
the Khamsa pendant of Fatima’s Hand that supposedly wards off the
evil eye. Other countries use talismans to represent various Gods
and Goddesses, elements of nature such as power animals, and even
objects such as bells to keep demons away. It all sounds like good,
old-fashioned folk religion, but it is the foundational basis of all belief
systems. Symbolism cannot be separated from belief, especially
when the belief is in the unknown or unseen. These objects serve
as a means for us to “objectify” the subjective or bring form to the
The most obvious use of fetishes, talismans and amulets comes
to us from the West African traditions and folk beliefs. West African
Vodun or Voudou is a religion practiced throughout coastal West
Africa. It is an animistic tradition, with a cosmology filled with a
hierarchy of various vodun, or spirits and divine elements governing
humans and the earth. Deities are called orishas, suggesting a
pantheistic worldview, but there is One God, as in monotheism,
with the orishas as God’s helpers (similar to the idea of the Christian
God and his angels). The history of vodun is rich and filled with
symbolism, ritual and practices many Westerners might find foreign,
even frightening. Haitians also practice Vodou, Dominicans have
their Vudu, and in the States, it is referred to as voodoo, or hoodoo.
Candomble is similar in roots and rituals, and is practiced in many
countries, most notably in Brazil as Candomble Jeje.
Cuban Santeria, also practiced in some Southern American cities
with large Cuban populations, is similar to Vodun, but has adopted
many Christian symbols and rituals to create a syncretized and very
much misunderstood religious practice.
What is most notable about these religions, which are far more
organized than people might think, is that followers have a distinct
relationship with nature, both the seen and unseen. Vodun practices
often involve animal sacrifice and ancestral worship, even the
[ by Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman ]

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  • 2. | Lucy Wyatt | 69 INTREPID Magazine 70 | Shroud of Turin [continued] | [ Barrie Schwortz continued from page 26 ] ® DEMANDING ENVIRONMENTS DEMAND RUGGED GEAR ™ w w w . t e k - t i t e . c o m • 8 0 0 . 5 4 0 . 2 8 1 4 MADE IN THE USA
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  • 4. 5 Having recently completed my work on the The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim, sending it off on it’s own to find it’s way amongst the varied and sundry plethora of books on the religio-science-new-agist-alien-spirituality shelves of bookstores, I found myself in a highly agitated state of spiritual and emotional unrest. I had either just opened up – at least for me – an exponentially expanded view of who God is, or I had, in essence, eliminated his existence altogether. Either the god of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures existed as I had been taught long ago in cloistered, fundamentalist academia, or I had effectively stripped away his divinity by lowering him a few rungs on the ladder to the level of ‘non-human’ entity with some power over the human race to create, procreate and destroy. To me, this represented a crisis of faith and I shambliong through was nigh unto a grieving process; a ‘loss of innocence’ as embodied in the unwitting dismantling of the theology I once adhered to so strictly and believed in so intimately. When my theology was forced to stand against the onslaught of history, comparative religion, cumulative cultural mythologies anthropology and archaeological record, everything about my religious practice seemed to be ripped open and lain bare, as if by a great whirlwind. And all that was left was a naked faith, shivering in the harsh cold of a veritable nuclear winter of pragmatic thinking and common sense, void the protective cloak of religious insulation. When one steps outside the legalistic-yet-comfortable box of religion and denominational spirituality, they find themselves in a unique vantage point of being able to see a myriad of varied myths, accounts, legends and tales that have intrinsicly common historic threads woven throughout. It’s rather like walking into one of those glorious, old theatres that dominated the cultural avenues of upper crust society at the turn of the last century. As you entered the theatre and walked down the main aisle, the gilded proscenium and glittering chandeliers sparkled the magnificence of the thespian palace, built as a showcase for the art of the show. And there, lining the aisles were row after row of rich, red velvet seats, all identical and all capable of holding the weight of a patron every night. Yet despite their identical construct and appearance, each chair held a different perspective of the show being performed on the stage. Depending on which seat you settled into, your viewpoint of what was being performed up front varied. Some seats were side-by-side, so their vantage was nearly identical, while other seats delivered views from the far sides, back or distant last row of the balcony. Some seats even had partially obstructed views. But in a literal, matematical sense, not a single seat held the same exact vantage point or view of the show being played out onstage. But one thing was also sure: no matter where you sat in that theatre, and no matter which vantage point from which you viewed the show, the performance itself, playing up on the stagde, was completely unaltered by my point-of- view. Perception does not alter reality, it merely alters practice. The show on stage doesn’t change dependent on where I am sitting or from what vantage point I am viewing. Only my perception of it alters. So the trick is to not be part of the audience, but rather a part of the play; a member of the cast. A participant as opposed to an observer. Mister Roberts. A Shivering Faith [ Scotty Roberts ] (651) 468-8115 From the Publisher >> INTREPID Magazine 6 Publisher >> Scotty Roberts Executive Editorial Director >> Micah Hanks Creative Director & Designer >> Scotty Roberts Editorial & Advertising >> (651) 468-8115 Staff Writers >> Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman, Mark Collins, Jonathan Weyer, Micah Hanks, Fr. Jack Ashcraft Advertising Sales >> APRIL 2012 FEATURES / COVER STORIES 9 Micah Hanks Stanton Friedman: A Life in the Study of UFOs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14 Paul Von Ward 12 Myths of 2012 17 Dr. John Ward of the Sirius Project Qasr el Dush: In the Western Desert 21 Fr. Jack Ashcraft is: ‘The Bare Fisted Cleric’ Reclaiming the Culture: Defeating Globalist Brainwashing 25 Lisa Barretta Cosmic Energy Changing Our World 27 Anthony F. Sanchez Ufology 2.0: Forcing Change 35 Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman I Put a Spell On You: The Power of Belief to Create or Destroy 37 Mark Collins - Metaphysical View Psychic Compassion 39 Glenn Broughton Sacred Springs / Holy Wells 43 Scotty Roberts The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O’Hare (part 2) 51 William Constantine Making Life Work for You 65 Dennis Vieria’s ‘Animal Medicine’ Whale 9
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  • 6. | Ufology | We Come in Peace! Recently Stanton Friedman sat down with Intrepid Magazine and spent time musing with us on UFOs and the current state of flying saucer science, as well as advanced technology, and what direction humanity’s future seems to be heading with regard to all this. As usual, we found ourselves “Captured!” temporarily by his clever wit and insights… and we’re certain you will also. MH: So Stan, what’s been going on in the world of UFOs with you… any news lately? SF: Well yeah, one bit of news: over a year ago, I signed an option agreement with Stellar Productions for movie rights to my book, Top Secret/Majic… along with my life story. You know, my fifth grandchild… whatever. They also signed an agreement for the book Witness to Roswell with Don Schmitt, and they’ve combined these into an exciting, dynamic movie along the lines of All the President’s Men that’s about UFOs… or something like that. Then, just a little over a week ago the same company bought the movie rights to the book Captured: The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience that I coauthored with Kathleen Marden. She was Betty Hill’s niece. Kathy has the inside story on that; she has all the hypnosis tapes, all the correspondence, and she was executor of Betty’s estate; she did most of the work, let’s face it! But I had met Betty and Barney Hill back in the 1960s, and I was the first to publish about the star map work (Editor’s note: The “star map” referred to here was an alleged series of stars Betty Hill claims she was shown during her famous abduction experience. According to some researchers, this “map,” later drawn from memory by Hill, aligned with several star systems known to modern cosmologists. However, some experts, most notably Carl Sagan, expressed skepticism regarding the authenticity of Hill’s map). We got a book together, and it’s doing quite well, and they want to make a movie out of it. So two movies going at once… maybe! MH: Wow, that’s how it goes. You do this stuff long enough and you become a Hollywood guy. And you mentioned a film that’s going to have some to do with Roswell, and then another that’s going to have to do with Betty and Barney Hill. There was one famous film that was made about that already, I think it was called The Interrupted Journey? SF: Well the book was The Interrupted Journey, and the film was called The UFO Incident, starring James Earl Jones in 1975. And would you believe I was actually a consultant on that movie? I was living in California, and Universal Studios got my name from the Air Force, of all places! MH: (Laughs) …the Air Force? SF: Well, they were supposed to report requests for information to the local scientists, so I said to Bill, “ya know, I guess.” That was an interesting experience, and that movie was seen by a lot of people. It was well, received, but remember, it only covered up through the mid sixties. And the whole point is what happened to Betty’s life after that, the whole business of the star map work, and the scientific work that went on after that. It’s an interesting life story, the impact and so forth. Here’s a social worker who works for the State of New Hampshire, Barney worked for the Post Office, and there was a Governor’s Civil Rights Commission he was on. Their lives got turned topsy-turvy; they thought they’d lose their jobs, they couldn’t do anything to stop the story from coming out. Somebody had taped something they shouldn’t have, and gave it to a reporter who wanted to interview them. “We don’t want any interviews, we’ll lose our jobs!” Well, they went to a lawyer, and couldn’t stop them. So it changed everything, and it turned out the book was a best seller around the world, written by John Fuller. As a matter of fact, John Fuller and I, Betty, and a few other people appeared on a show with David Susskind, and an interesting thing happened there, which sets up the problem for many in the media: David said between takes, “I read the New York Times, and there’s nothing there that says these things are real.” So we have the Susskind syndrome, where “I’m someone who takes very seriously the notion that I should keep up with what’s important in the world, and if aliens were visiting, that would be important.” But, since, if it were important, I would know about it—and I don’t—it must not be true, and I’m not gonna waste my time on it. And that’s a common attitude. MH: It’s perfect logic isn’t it? Come on, Stan. SF: Well of course, ego triumphs over everything (laughs). Ya know, Kathy (Marden) and I did a book together called Science Was Wrong, in which we looked at fourteen different cases of smart people saying very stupid things that stood in the way of progress for a very long time, because the world listens to smart people… who may not know anything about the topic at hand, but have good credentials, and know a lot about something else. And there are consequences to that kind of follow-the-leader mentality. Billy Mitchell said after the First World War (he was a pilot in WWI) that aviation was going to change everything. “We’re gonna be able to sink big ships from airplanes.” The Secretary of the Navy said, “what, are you crazy? I’ll stand in the middle of any boat you’re gonna try to sink.” It’s a good thing he didn’t! But their attitude was very strong, and at the end of November 1941, the Army/Navy Football game program said—they had a picture INTREPID Magazine 10INTREPID Magazine 10 | Micah Hanks | 9 [ by Micah Hanks ] STANTON FRIEDMANA LIFE IN THE STUDY OF UFOS
  • 7. of the USS Arizona—and there was a comment in the story that, “nobody has ever sunk a battle ship from the sky.” Eight days later was Pearl Harbor, and the USS Arizona went to the bottom with eleven hundred sailors on board. MH: That’s the kind of attitude, though, that we’ve seen continuously since time began. And we always end up having to eat crow a little later on down the road, and revising our theories. You know, I remember something, by the way, that was in the old Report of Unidentified Flying Objects that Edward Ruppelt put out. And he said at the end of that first edition that, within the next few decades, he was certain that with the innovations that were occurring in technology and the like, that his successors would be able to solve the UFO mystery. And yet, here we are decades later; more than half a century later, and we don’t really seem to be that much closer to solving anything. SF: Well, you know, it’s clear: if you look at the evidence, and talk to the scientists who have looked at the evidence, it’s clear. There is no mystery: aliens are coming here from someplace else, they’re doing their thing, governments are covering it up, and its very simple and straightforward. That’s why I wrote the book Flying Saucers and Science. If you go down the line, and look at each question… “can you get here from there?” Oh, of course not, say the prominent physicists. That’s baloney! You can’t get from Fredericton, New Brunswick where I live to California in six hours if you’re gonna walk! But try using an airplane, ya know? Magellan’s ship took three years to make it around the planet; then there was around the world in eighty days, and now the space station does it in ninety minutes. Technological progress comes from doing things differently in an unpredictable way. One of the advantages I have in the umpteen years I’ve been working on UFOs is that I worked on fission nuclear rockets, fusion nuclear rockets, nuclear power plants in space… and I can deal with those arguments. There are other people who will say, “governments can’t cover anything up!” (Neil deGrasse) Tyson of the Hayden Planetarium (says), “we know they can’t cover things up.” Look how much we know about President Clinton’s genitalia? (Big laughs!) Really funny, but really relevant remark… and so it goes that you have to look at the relevant data, and that’s why I take on any of these guys, is because of their basic attitude. There are four basic rules for debunkers: 1) don’t bother me with the facts, my mind’s made up, 2) what the public doesn’t know, I’m not gonna tell ‘em, 3) if you can’t attack the data, attack the people… it’s easier, and 4) do your research by proclamation! It’s much easier than investigation… and so they’ll tell you! The SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) people are one of my pet peeves—the “Silly Effort To Investigate” I call it—they’re not looking for extraterrestrial life! They’re looking for radio signals that would have to be sent by somebody stuck at the same level of technology as we are, even though we’ve only had radio for roughly 110 years. How utterly absurd… I don’t use a slide rule anymore! MH: It is pretty silly, isn’t it? But here’s the other aspect too, Stan: now, if we are dealing with a highly advanced extraterrestrial—or interdimensional, or anything else—if they’re not from here, and they are not human, then what if there is a technology at play here that is so highly advanced that there are aspects of it that are not even perceptible to humanity? SF: Well, that’s not impossible. Of course, get Christopher Columbus… “Hey Chris, uh, nice job with that new discovery of yours. I’ve got a nuclear powered submarine, I two more, and I have an unlimited budget. Can you make me a couple?” Of course he couldn’t. He couldn’t even have started one. He didn’t know anything about nuclei, and all the rest of that. So, by it’s very nature, technological advancement has got to include things that we didn’t know before… if we had known them we’d have used them! And so, of course they could be using techniques far beyond what we know. My point isn’t that I know the ultimate secrets of how they work, but that with what we already know—things like nuclear fusion can get us to the stars. Fusion is what makes the energy in all the stars in the universe. Everybody who is an advanced civilization may be only a million years ahead of us, after all. In the Betty and Barney Hill case, those stars (from the Hill Star Map) Zeta I and Zeta II Reticuli are only a billion years older than the Sun, and they’re only 39.3 light years away, and they’re only an eighth of a light year apart from each other… I would expect that they would know some things we don’t know! MH: Hey, that’s just right down the road… SF: Yeah, and so, we don’t need to go far out. But let me go back to the nuclear for a minute. In a period of ten years, we went from ten ton blockbusters in WWII; it took a B-29 to carry that bomb, and they made a nice big hole in the ground! Three years later we’ve got the first atomic bomb, the equivalent of 19,000 tons of TNT as opposed to ten for the bomb. And seven years after that we exploded our first H-bomb: ten million tons of TNT energy-released equivalent. Three- mile-wide fireball if you can imagine that. And the Russians outdid us a few years later… 57 million tons! Now if you use the right stuff in the right way with nuclear fusion reactors, you can kick particles out the back end of a rocket that only have ten million times as much energy per particle as they can get in a dumb old chemical rocket. So we know how to get out there, and if I were an alien, I’d be worried about the idiots on this planet! And I mean that seriously; we killed 50 million of our own kind during WWII. We destroyed 1,700 cities. And the killing hasn’t stopped… so we’re not nice guys! Nobody would want us to take our brand of friendship—everybody else calls it hostility—out there! You know, so I’m not invoking “unobtainium” and “unknowium.” I’m saying that with what we know already, (we could reach space) if we want to spend the dough. I’m not saying we should, that’s a different question… Well there is undeniably a nuclear component to a lot of this. You know, you and I have talked in the past about the Cash/Landrum sighting; it wasn’t just a sighting, it was a full-on encounter. There were absolutely devastating long-lasting physical repercussions as a result of that, because Betty Cash, of course, ended up eventually suffering multiple different varieties of cancer as a result of exposure to incredible amounts of radiation in the presence of whatever that aircraft was that she saw. Many have said that maybe it was some kind of secret government craft, others have said… Well I worked on nuclear airplanes, and it sure doesn’t sound like one to me! MH: Yeah, didn’t sound like anything we know about, right? SF: Uh, no… maybe it had a problem, I don’t know. But yeah, there are a lot of manifestations of interesting stuff, and nuclear is only one. And what you said before certainly applies: maybe we will know how to warp space and time. I’m not saying there is no such thing, I’m saying that we don’t need to invoke it to say (how) to get from here to someplace else. I mean, people want half an Einstein! “The limit is the speed of light!” Hey, when you get close to the speed of light, time slows down… so at 99.99% of the speed of light—and particles in the big accelerator at CERN go much faster than that… a bunch more nines—but at just 99.99% of the speed of light, you can go 37 light years in six months “pilot time.” You go out, come back, and marry your granddaughter’s best friend! You know, it’s the gift of immortality, sounds like fun! So, they tend to leave that out very conveniently. I’m not saying warp space and time, we’ve had guys in space for six months, guys under the water in nuclear powered | Micah Hanks | 11 [ continued from page 49 ]
  • 8. G R A P H I C D E S I G N B O O K C O V E R D E S I G N I L L U S T R A T I O N P H O T O G R A P H Y W E B D E V E L O P M E N T 13 INTREPID Magazine 14 | Paul Von Ward | 12MYTHS OF 2012 Paul Von Ward Like many of you, I have been musing about the importance of this new year for our younger generations. It led me to think about our tendency toward self-delusion — as we kick possible solutions to today’s problems down the road. Below are some ways in which I think we delude ourselves. In this new year, humans are playing a high stakes game for the world’s future. In the current social and intellectual climate, Americans only hear promises of easy fixes from political, corporate, educational, religious, and scientific institutions. Unvarnished facts indicate it is time to shed wishful thinking and embrace realism. See the myths below: 1. 2012 Will Change Earth Forever: Publishing and media industries made a fortune purveying baseless prophecies about the hazards of 2012. Believers will be distracted until December 31. Whatever the impact is on our planet from a galactic line crossing, it has gradually affected us for centuries as it approached and continues as it moves on. 2.BigGovernmentIstheProblem:The size of government per se is irrelevant. Size depends on the benefits (security, support, and regulation) desired by its citizens. In a self-established democracy, people assume government will benefit all fairly. But some who benefit most from its functions seek to avoid paying their share and call it Too Big. 3. Cutting Government Is the Answer: If all social groups agree that they will benefit proportionately less from a government’s security, support, and regulation, reductions can be made fairly. However, when those who benefit most from the success of the present government wish to cripple it, it is to reduce someone else’s share of the pie. 4. God Always Protects Our Planet: People who assume that humans are protected by their god do not worry about the impact of their activities on the ecosystem. But, our experience shows the universe works on a principle of cause and effect. If we close our eyes to artificial damage to natural systems, we may create a Mars-like future for Earth. 5. The Earth Is Self-Adjusting: The Earth has endured natural cataclysms over billions of years and adjusted itself to serious geophysical shifts. But, in documentable historical time, unprecedented population explosions and new technologies have interrupted long- wave, atmospheric cycles that provide a weather balance necessary to human survival. 6. Individuals Can Succeed by Themselves: While one can die alone, one cannot be born or survive alone. The notion that each person is master of his own fate is a myth. A society with too much individualism fails to progress and breaks apart. One with too much central control will also smother its creativity and cause its innovation to decline. 7. Drugs and Machines Give Health: In an over-drugged society all the body’s natural systems eventually atrophy, creating the need for more artificial fixes. Technology can help diagnose and repair our bodies, but only proper exercise, diet, and mental peace insures healing and longterm maintenance. Advance prevention is the safest route. 8. The United States Is An Exception: Americans believe that they are immune to the law of cause and effect that determines the rise and fall of nations. This sense of “exceptionalism” leads people to avoid examining the actual results of their decisions and absolve themselves of any responsibilities. Recognition of truth can come too late. 9. Military Dominance Guarantees Peace: The U.S. military establishment is larger than all the other militaries on Earth, yet new enemies pop up every day. There is some correlation between the two. Real peace arrives when all societies are free and healthy. The military’s role in a democracy is to deter threats to itself, not to fix faults in others. 10. Religions Save The World: Religion was created to help individuals feel that they have a niche in society and in the universe. It provides inner comfort and offers rituals to help us through rough times. But, when it is used to accrue personal, political, social, or financial power over others, it destroys the integrity of believers and creates social strife. 11. Magical Thinking Creates Reality: New Age and spiritual entrepreneurs have promised us for decades now that solving our problems requires only wishing. Think the thought and there it is! While thinking positively and using our imagination motivates and guides our problem solving, actual results depend on human action in a real world. 12. eSkeptics Speak for Science: Fundamentalists in science are like those in religion; they attempt to force yesterday’s beliefs on anyone who questions their dogma. In every age those with vested interests in the status quo are fearful that a new discovery will threaten their hierarchy. Real science is open to considering and testing all new ideas. My hope for 2012 is that most of us can first shun magical thinking and blaming others for all wrongs, and then assume our share of the responsibility for solving the challenges we now face. Let us work together with friends and neighbors to improve the world closest to us, and then move on to help others beyond our community. When such new circles overlap, we will have created a new society.
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  • 10. | Archaeology / Anthropology | 17 [ by Dr. John Ward ] INTREPID Magazine 18 Qasr Dushel In The Western Desert | Dr. John Ward of The Sirius Project | F ollowing on from my last article with Intrepid Magazine, I felt it only right to bring you up to speed in respect of the research that we at The Sirius Project have thus far covered in the Western deserts of Egypt. Back in 2008 both Maria and I spent 21 days investigating the trade routes within the kharga oasis. This allowed us the opportunity to investigate all the known ancient sites, and to explore the routes between them aswell, to record and document the graffiti, inscriptions and symbolism that have been left by our ancient ancestors as they traversed this great wilderness. This part of the research pertains to the theory that parts, if not all, of the ancient knowledge and superstition that encompassed the ancient Egyptian religion, once migrated along these trade routes via the establishment of the dynastic outposts and subsequently the Roman, Gnostic and early Christian settlements, which took hold within the safety of the western desert. Rather than drive the modern tarmac road that links the oasis with the smaller and less visited villages that line the deserts edge. We commuted between the sites by the ancient trade routes that still exist to this day, littered with the remains of human interference that have been left by the earlier travelers. The standard of living within these somewhat isolated communities is far from romantic and seems little has changed by the passing of the years. Having said that, their way of life is in harmony with their surroundings and their lifestyles are more than adequately adapted to such harsh living conditions. When confronted by such sights, it is human nature to judge and compare to one’s own experiences and draw conclusions from such observations. For us, we were going to not only observe these variations in living styles, but we were going to have to adapt to them, if we were going to make it through the expedition. From day one we threw ourselves into the deep end, so to speak. Leaving behind the comfort of the tarmac road and instead driving deep into the desert landscape of the area known as Qasr el Dush (Roman Kysis). The actual site of Qasr el Dush itself lies a few kilometers from the nearest village, and only half an hour’s drive from Baris, the first major village on the Luxor/Armant road. The site once stood within the centre of an agricultural explosion, it is not known exactly who was responsible for the water supplies at Dush, although the Persians invested heavily in this area, and many of their irrigation techniques can still be observed today. But it must be said that it was the Romans who took advantage of it, and to its maximum potential. Exploiting the abundant fresh water supply from deep beneath the sands, the inhabitants of Dush quickly turned the desert into a lush green landscape, predominately that of the hardy grape vine, producing some of Egypt’s finest wines, which the Romans exported across its Empire. The Kharga oasis soon became famous for its wine production and its abundance of fresh produce which was nourishment for its influx of newcomer’s aswell as sustaining the great caravans that traversed the inhospitable trade routes. The ancient pharaonic trade routes that had been established some thousand years earlier were now becoming lined with small independent, self sustainable communities in their own right. There is much debate as to how far; the small communities were able to sustain themselves, and whether outside help was required to keep them from collapsing during the dynastic period. There is however a plethora of evidence to acknowledge the fact that there were self- sustained communities living and thriving in the various oases during the dynastic periods in Egypt’s history, in fact the smaller temples such as Ain el Amur and the Oracle of Siwa stand as testament to such a debate and discussion. Then there are the historical accounts that have been handed down over the years by historical chroniclers such as Herodotus and Strabo, who both wrote on the harsh living conditions of the oases, and how they existed within the governmental, social and religious framework. And of course our own research that has so far documented the ancient sites and trade routes within the Kharga oasis, which points to certain evidential material, indicating the self sustainability of these communities far beyond that of the Roman period. For instance, one of Egypt’s famous early Christians; Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria (AD 298 – 373) was banished to the Oases for his remarks and support with regards the Nicaean position of the church. He was banished a total of five times during his forty five year term in office as Bishop, spending fifteen years and ten months of this in exile. Although not all of his exiles were spent in the deserts of Egypt. The desert oases were a place where the banished were sent since the Pharaonic era, and have been well documented as such, but it was not until the early Christians began to develop the areas, as places of pilgrimage and devotion, that the authorities began to look further afield for suitable places of banishment, as the Christian communities became so comfortable that it no longer suited as a punishment rather a sabbatical. El Bagawat, one of the world’s oldest Christian burial sites lies within the boundaries of modern Kharga, with its many basilicas and mausoleums, nestling at foot of the mountain ridge. Its proximity to the Temples of Nadura and Hibis, are again testament that the evolving religions of that time also embraced their ancestral roots and were not threatened by their real and ever Omni presence. El Bagawat not only served as a burial ground but also became a
  • 11. INTREPID Magazine 20 [ continued from page 50 ] 19 | Dr. John Ward of The Sirius Project | | Archaeology / Anthropology | prominent place of worship and pilgrimage. The foothills that lie to the north of the Christian settlement were home to hundreds of early Christian Hermits seeking enlightenment through their own self imposed solitary confinement. One other famous Egyptian Christian was that of Bishop Nestorius who was banished to the Kharga oases in AD435 by Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria for not accepting the churches stance on the immaculate conception, but rather stating that he believed that Jesus Christ was twofold, both divine and human, and that Mary gave birth to a man, and therefore could not be called the Mother of God. In fact it was Nestorius that drew both our attentions, as he had documented his capture and eventual release by the barbarians that were known as the Blemmeys. These barbaric tribes from the south were well known for their incursions into the north, and their apparent lack of humanity towards the inhabitants of the oases, laying waste to complete villages and disposing of their populations. Nestorius was taken captive by one such raid, and tells us of the devastation that the Blemmeys bestowed upon Kharga, as they laid waste to the villages and farms by fire. The Blemmeys are but one of the many tribes that are mentioned on the twelfth century Mappa Mundi, which is held in the Hereford Cathedral in Britain. The depiction of the Blemmeys on the map shows a headless anthropomorphic figure (human like), with the facial features placed upon the chest area, wielding a distorted wooden club at the same time; both the male and female Blemmeys are shown. So it is said by Nestorius, that the Blemmeys for reasons unknown released him shortly afterwards. However the deadly raids carried out by the Blemmeys have been recorded throughout history and continued throughout the early Christian and Islamic periods. The reason the Blemmeys are of interest to our research is their depiction on the Mappa Mundi itself, the Medieval map plays an important part within the over all research of the Sirius project, and has been a source of information and material since it became known to me many years ago as a child. Not to distract too far from the essence of the article. The map provides some fascinating insights into the cartography of the early medieval period and to how much actual geographical knowledge was known by Richard of Haldringham, the maps creator, a monk residing in Lincoln Cathedral with prominent links to the Clergy of Hereford Cathedral and further more tangible associations with the infamous Knights Templars of both principalities. I shall elaborate on the Mappa Mundi again within these articles, but for the time being, we shall return to Dush. The actual location Christianized place of worship. A further low doorway provides access to the inner sanctuary with its roof intact, the only light shining through the purpose built stone windows high up in the walls providing shards of light that penetrate the dust filled air like a car headlight cutting through the nights fog. The detailing of the architecture inside this inner chamber is clean and free of relief or dedication, except for that of graffiti left behind by those past travelers who wished to leave there names as a testament to time. A small staircase leads off to the right, winding its way to the roof from where one can view the inner courtyard, and receive the warmth of Ra as he touches ones skin. On the south wall of the sanctuary three doors lead of, two of which lead to empty chambers free of any light or decoration, the door jams of sandstone still retaining the indentations where the heavy wooden doors would have once hung and closed tightly. The central doorway leads into the Holy of Holies with its altar still in situ. The altar still stands in the centre of this chamber and as one kneels behind it, one is afforded the most spectacular view of symmetry as you gaze from one chamber to the next and onwards into the courtyards and doorways with the desert landscape far in the distance to the north. You can feel a direct alignment with a source of energy that is invisible but yet ever present as one kneels there. There has been much debate regarding the application of so called Ley Lines upon sacred Egyptian sites, I have been fortunate to dowse most if not all the ancient sites and other related areas throughout Egypt, that we have covered during the course of our investigations and research. I can confirm that my dowsing experiments have always indicated an alignment of some kind with direct associations to the actual fabric or structure and where in the absence of such, visible landmarks have also proved to be as important with the said alignments. Ley lines were first discussed in 1922 within the pages of Early British Track Ways and again in 1925 publication; The Old Straight Track, both by Alfred Watkins of Hereford in the UK. When his theories were first published, they caused much controversy in the archaeological forum but have since become accepted within many professional fields, made the more possible by J. Cecil Maby and T Bedford Franklins publication; “The Physics of the Divining Rod” and their subsequent association with Sir Oliver Lodge F.R.S. The altar itself has received at one point an engraving that resembles a tree with its branches hanging downwards, its trunk acting as a central channel to collect the libational fluid of the offering. There is a further small chamber that opens beyond the altar but feels quite different and has at one point had its floor removed. The walls are free from any inscriptions or graffiti, and with the floor removed one is left with a sense of loss or mis-connection with the rest of the temple. The third structure or I should correctly say ruins, belongs to what was once a small basilica which is located alongside the processional route, approximately 20 meters or so from the Temple. Most of the fabric lays hidden from view, buried beneath the wind driven sands. But one can clearly make out some of the remaining columns and the decorative mud brick arches with their detailing that would have been covered in the white plaster. Unfortunately the basilica has been torn apart by the prevailing winds that sweep up and over the escarpment, tearing apart this once beautiful place of worship. The escarpment floor is littered by hundreds of thousands of pottery shards, discarded and giving the appearance from a distance that the ground is of a reddish brown colour, when in fact it is the pottery producing this un-natural effect. Wherever you walk, you are literally walking amongst the ruins of this once powerful place. The foundations of houses, workshops and alike protrude from their sandy graves. One can clearly make out the streets with doorways providing access to the now outlines of what once was. As one follows the pathways and meanders westwards across the escarpment, the fourth and last ruined structure dominates the horizon. of the main Temple and its associated structures lies atop of an escarpment that rises from the desert floor and commands not only a spectacular view of the surrounding landscape, but also provides an excellent strategic defense from any forthcoming adversary. It is possibly the sites heightened elevation contributed to its overall success as an outpost, not to mention that its location was at a cross roads of the major Darbs (trade routes), that converged at this point. There are four main ruined structures of significance still remaining on the escarpment; all of them yielding important information and raw material that have provided a timeline of the site and its development. The oldest structure dates to the Ptolemaic period (323BC-30), which consists of four mud brick walls which rise to six meters in some locations; the rectangular enclosure is filled with further mud brick structures. Similar to the architectural remains of Ain um el Dabadib which I described in my previous article, an array of vaulted rooms and half ruined walls lie half buried and partly exposed providing an artificial floor to the enclosure. In fact the floor area is quite possibly the fifth or even the sixth floor with the lower levels most likely remaining intact beneath. This structure has not been completely excavated and could yet yield exciting and important artifacts that will quite possibly point towards an earlier settlement other than the Ptolemies. There have been various papyri found in and around Dush that date the site before the Ptolemaic period, but as yet no other artifact or structure of significance has been located to substantiate this hypothesis. It is worth noting here, that during the end of the dynastic period when the Persian conqueror Cambyses the son of Cyrus the Great defeated Pharaoh Psamtik III at Pelusium in 525BC, he then found and established the first Persian period in Egypt. While Cambyses was fighting in Ethiopia he sent fifty thousand troops with all their accompaniments to lay waste to the Temple of Jupiter (Oracle), in the Siwan oases. Although Herodotus chronicles this legend, the actual whereabouts of the army is still not known. The entire army and all its support disappeared in the vastness of the Western desert before ever reaching the Siwan Temple. The reason I mention this legend is that if the trade routes that converged at Dush existed at that time, which is highly probable, then the possible existence of further structures that date to the dynastic period most probably lay beneath the ruins that we clearly see today. The legend of Cambyses army has intrigued and captivated many an explorer and archaeologist alike, with many still searching for the lost army. With regards to the description that Herodotus gives within his Histories, he does mention the “isles of the blessed”, now, one could translate this in many ways, for me the use of the word “Isles” refers to islands, and this could quite possibly have connections with Um Ain el Dabadib with its flooded plains as previously discussed. One of the many interpretations that are currently discussed in regards the disappearance of Cambyses army. The sandstone Temple of Domitian stands and abuts the Ptolemaic mud brick structure to the east. The Temple itself is dedicated to the Egyptian deity; Osiris and was most probably built between AD81 & 96 by the Roman Emperor Domitian. The Roman Emperor’s Trajan and Hadrian added various other facets to the original structure; these included a courtyard and hypostyle hall. The Temple architecture follows the understood dynamics of Egyptian Temple construction and thus provides a sandstone paved ceremonial processional route with dwarf walls encompassing its ascent from the base of the escarpment towards the first outer courtyard, which one descends into via series of steps. The outer courtyard now lies filled with sand, but the view is as impressive as it would have been when this Temple received its first dedication. It is said that the Temple was once clad in Gold, if so, one can only imagine the sheer brilliance as the gold reflected the unabated rays of sun that shone down upon it, Ra in all his glory. The gated front pylon sits in the outer courtyard emblazoned by the names and cartouches of past Roman Emperors, but also ancient travelers alike, including some of the early European explorers who could not resist but place their names besides those that line our history books. Although the steps are now missing one can utilize the precariously balanced broken blocks to access the gated doorway, once through the gate one is confronted by a vast open inner courtyard that was once separated by the hypostyle courtyard that followed. There is but only five columns no remaining in situ within this forgotten place of worship. The sandstone floor with its wind torn slabs provide an uneven surface to walk upon, while to the east the exterior walls have fallen to provide one with a view of the eastern mountain range, and the desert floor between. A ruined part mud brick wall in dispersed with fragments of dressed sandstone rise to the height of a few meters to the west with various niches here and there still retaining fragments of their white lime plaster coverings. On the reverse of the gate, a stair case provides access to a minstrel’s gallery that overlooks both the entrance and the reverse into the inner courtyard. On the foundation of the gate one can clearly make out the remaining fragments of the white lime plaster but with the added coloured outlines of decoration that once adorned the interior walls of this temple. What a sight it must have been, the eyes dreary from the sand and sun bleached earth outside, and the glare of the golden clad walls, only to be met with vibrant colours and warmth internally. Truly the embrace of the Osiris lied within these Temple walls. At the far southern end of the inner courtyard a ramp leads up to dressed sandstone portico providing access to the first inner chamber having lost its roof covering and now open to the elements. Again the doorway has received the cartouches and relief of the past Roman Emperors with their dedications to Egyptian Gods. Once through the doorway the walls on either aside rise some six meters blocking the rays of sunshine upon the sandy floor, hiding the worn uneven sandstone slabs that have witnessed the very footsteps of Emperors and priests alike. At the base of the walls the remains of the mastabas still remain, where the ones who were not permitted within the sacred confines of the Holy of Holies itself would have awaited the exit of their master. Situated in the centre of this inner courtyard the main Temple itself stands with its smooth wind torn walls. The roof of the first chamber has since been eroded and its debris having been removed during the excavation and restoration of this glorious shrine. The walls still standing with their faint outlines of what was once a complete dedication and acts of libational ceremonies, with the unmistakable red painted lettering of the ancient Coptic language with recognizable crosses having been placed upon the walls either as blessings or as an act of re-dedication of the Pagan Temple to that of a
  • 12. 21 | The Bare Fisted Cleric | INTREPID Magazine 22INTREPID Magazine 22 [ continued on page 73 ] Angry college kids camping in public parks wearing the standard clothing of subcultural revolution, carrying picket signs with the usual anti-American slogans of the far Left, joined by a variety of Socialist, Communist, and Anarchist leadership have stormed the major cities of our country under the collective term “The Occupy Movement.” The despised object of their vehemence? Not just a banking system out of control, not simply Wall Street insiders, but the emerging message is that of a Progressive revolution against all things traditionally American. This particular protest is merely one instance of a phenomenon which, in the last decade, has fundamentally transformed the content of higher education in the this country. A New Age Vision The movement, which is most prominent in our universities, is essentially a “New Age” vision of Globalism/Progressivism. Its stated aim is to equalize all cultures, all nations, and all individuals within a Global socialist system deemed to be some sort of Utopia. The New Age Movement refers to this desire in the terms of a “higher consciousness” that views everyone and everything as interconnected and interdependent, while denying individual freedom and self determination. The college student achieves this higher consciousness, when he no longer views one culture or social outlook as superior to another culture or social outlook. The main effort of the Globalist is to train the student to both view his own culture (i.e., Western, Christian culture) as one culture among many equally valid cultures and, consequently, assume a mental stance of “openness” to values present in other, non-Western cultures. In fact, this consciousness actually demands the American and the Christian revile his culture and religion, and to constantly apologize for the perceived evils of both. It appears that within the Progressive paradigm all cultures are celebrated except that influenced by Christian thought. In fact, the openness of the Left ends when the American Dream is mentioned, since the American Dream is the polar opposite of the fascist dictatorship the Progressives seek. Put simply, freedom is an obstacle to the Progressive agenda. A Revolutionary Curriculum As in all egalitarian efforts, this process of “equalization” amounts to an attempt to “level the playing field,” or make “fair” that which has traditionally been considered to be superior. How is this done? By exalting that which is normally considered to be inferior or defective. The Globalists achieve this result by introducing courses into the college curriculum which both exalt other cultures and, most importantly, focus on the absolute evil of Western, Christian culture. You might think that the Globalists would be frustrated in their attempt to exalt the “suppressed and oppressed” non-Western cultures, basically because students generally aren’t interested. Or one might think students would see the obvious great works and great ideas of Western, Christian culture. This obviously is not the case. The National Endowment for the Humanities reports that it is possible to graduate from 37% of American colleges without taking a course in history, from 45% without taking a course in American or English literature, from 62% without taking any philosophy, and from 77% without studying a foreign language. Indeed they state it is now “extremely rare” to find students exposed to a core curriculum in Western civilization, even at major state universities and the elite Ivy League universities. Not only is the average American undergraduate seemingly unfit, and definitely uninterested, in such expanded cultural “awareness,” but the very purveyors of Globalism, the university faculties, are themselves obviously uninterested in any serious study of the ideas, habits, and customs which make up the content of Western Christian cultures. They simply do not fit the revolutionary ideology of the Globalist cabal. Racial Hatred and Globalism Despite the facade of racial equality the Progressive Movement presents, racism is often allowed on campus in certain specific forms. There is no question to the thinking individual that racism in all its forms is evil, vile and has no place in a college curriculum or public discourse. However, the Globalists allow racism from certain segments of the population since the ideologies of these racist groups and professors promotes the Globalist paradigm by denigrating Western Christian culture. For example. Dr. Jeffries, chairman of the Afro- American Studies Department at City College of New York, is well- known for his claim that whites are biologically inferior to blacks. Dinesh D’Souza in his book “Illiberal Education: the Politics of Race and Sex on Campus” cites the college newspaper The Campus as stating: African American scholar Leonard Jeffries claims that whites are biologically inferior to blacks....Adopting an evolutionary perspective, Jeffries told his class that whites suffer from an inadequate supply of melanin, making them unable to function as effectively as other groups. One reason that whites have perpetuated so many crimes and atrocities, Jeffries argues, is that the Ice Age caused the deformation of white genes, while blacks were enhanced by “the value system of the sun.” There were no protests of Dr. Jeffries visit. And almost certainly, if there had been protests they would have been denounced by both the university and the mainstream media as “racist.” Dr. Jeffries was subsequently asked to co-author a multicultural curriculum outline for all New York public schools. Ask yourself the logical question. Would a member of the Ku Klux Klan or National Socialist Party holding the same, but reverse, racist views be asked to do so? The answer is no and for good reason! Racism, no matter where it comes from, is wrong and has no place in forming a curriculum for our children to imbibe. Yet the revolutionary forces of the Left have no problem with minority racism. Consequences There are many practical consequences of the Globalist anti-European ideological pogrom. In their drive to implement the numerical appearence of equality on the university level, college administrators have engaged in “affirmative action” programs in which professors are hired and students admitted, not because they are the most qualified, but rather, because they happen to be female, African American, Hispanic, or Native American. Interestingly enough, Asians rarely “benefit” from “affirmative action” programs. Probably because they are not in the pool of potential recruits for the American Left and by and large tend to be conservative. This systematic disregard for academic qualifications, along with the proliferation of anti-Western courses has resulted in a decline in academic standards and achievement. Nothing else can be expected if students and faculty are not chosen based on the quality of their minds, but rather their gender and skin color. It should also be noted that African Americans who identify as conservative or Republicans rarely benefit from these same programs and are often ostracized by the predominant Leftist African American subculture. In a 1989 survey of 5,000 university faculty members by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching they found “widespread lowering of academic standards at their institutions.” This decline was only partially masked by an equally “widespread grade inflation.” Moreover, a review of 25,000 student transcripts by Professor Zemsky of the University of Pennsylvania showed broad neglect of mathematics and science courses, especially at the advanced level, and an overall “lack of depth and structure” in what undergraduates study. Relativism There is something, however, which the Globalists can build on and exploit for their own ends. It is the ingrained relativism and instinctive egalitarianism which characterizes the moral outlook of almost all American undergraduates. For example, when you meet a student with some form of religious faith, he never attempts to defend or support the intrinsic veracity of the doctrines which they hold to, but rather, are content to say that “this is what I believe” and “other people believe other things,” therefore, we can never know who is right or wrong. Thus, the foundational virtue becomes “tolerance” which is not defined as a necessary defense of individual freedom or values. “Tolerance” for the Progressive is extended to everyone but those they deem to be “intolerant” (i.e., Christians, Conservatives, Republicans, and most recently Jews and the State of Israel). The same student who will tolerate Louis Farrakhan calling Caucasians “devils” and calling for a separation of the races, or the New Black Panthers publicly putting 21 RECLAIMINGTHE CULTURE: Defeating Globalist Brainwashing
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  • 14. 25 INTREPID Magazine 26 | Metaphysics | [ continued on page 31 ] What an exciting time to be living in. Are you open to the next big evolutionary leap for man? You’ve probably been feeling this new wave of energy coming in but perhaps you had no idea what was making your life seem extremely hectic, confusing and possibly even causing your relationships to become more challenging. Sit tight…our planet is moving into a new band of frequency that will basically kick up our evolution and give us the opportunity to experience our world from a higher vibration as Earth shifts into the cradle of the Photon Belt moving toward the galactic center and begins entry into the Age of Aquarius. This area of our galaxy radiates intense electromagnetic radiation and in a sense we are going from AM reception to Satellite reception making it possible to tune into our extrasensory senses beyond our five physical senses. Literally we are becoming a new species of man–our consciousness is expanding and our attachments to the material world are being redefined by a new reality, one of energy and light. We are in the midst of a dimensional shift that the Mayans marked with the end of their calendar or should I say 13-baktun cycle of the Mayan Long Count slated to end on the winter solstice which is December 21, 2012. As this cycle ends it leaves us on the doorstep for a new cycle to begin. At that time there will be a close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun) forming a cosmic cross. The last time this happened was 25,800 years ago. This long awaited for galactic alignment will set us up for an evolutionary up-grade along with a recalibration to our relationship with “time.” This is not the end of the world as much as it is the end of how we experience “time” and our world from the vantage point of higher consciousness which is set alight by a new high speed cycle of cosmic frequency. Time is often referred to as the fourth dimension and our shift into a new “wireless plan” from the Universe allows for us to surpass time and move into the fifth dimension where we have a range of perception beyond our five physical senses. It may seem a little weird at first but soon you will start to notice how everything around you including the people milling about, going to work, shopping in malls and even the food you eat, the sounds you hear all appear to have another dimension to them. You may shake your head as a reality check only to find that the colors of their now apparent auras move in and out like the shifting shapes inside of a kaleidoscope and realize that physical reality is an illusion made up of waves of energy that slow down enough to materialize into your perception of form. You begin to sense a world that goes beyond the physical boundaries as a new level of awareness, one defined more by waves of frequency instead of weight and mass, becomes accessible to you. Everything is more illuminated and your heightened awareness ignites your extrasensory senses so you can hear, taste, feel, smell and see all the energy that makes up the world around you. Jeez…could it be that we are surpassing our own technology? With all of these “new human apps” I wonder if we will also be able to download music and stream videos on demand. Seriously, our shift into a new frequency will impact our DNA, awaken our deepest cellular memories and enable us to tune into the nonverbal language of the Universe that speaks to us in coded frequencies that clue us in through synchronicities, intuition and psychic knowing. Our evolution will allow us to move beyond the limits of the third dimensional, time/space paradigm and open the portal to a world of higher consciousness and infinite possibilities. Everything is experienced in the creative, manifesting powers of the “NOW’ moment which is unbounded by time. We have been preparing for this new energy shift since the harmonic convergence of the late 1980’s which ushered in a period of Earth’s “cleansing”, global awakening to peace, love, and unity through divine transformation. Since then we have witnessed many of the planet’s “false structures and beliefs” fall apart and collapse. This new awareness movement was also the time when the gifted children began to emerge. They are the intuitive, creative, technologically advanced Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Star children who seem to have a more unique way of functioning in society. These children are more sentient in nature and are a precursor to our evolution into a race of highly evolved beings. They already display the characteristics of having advanced DNA that appears to code more to frequency and light as opposed to just protein. We are also due for this evolutionary jump onto the new wavelengths as we adapt to the frequency changes going on both globally and galactically within our vast Universe. The truth of the matter as to why our senses beyond our five physical senses seem to be kicking in actually lies in our DNA and our chakra centers, the often over looked energy hubs that regulate the frequencies for our physical body. You see when we last evolved there was an intervention in the development of our species ( the interesting facts have been well hidden up until now) and we were designed or pre-wired for an advanced way of living in order for us to be able to adapt to an ever changing and evolving Universe. As we get closer to the eye point, or galactic center of the Milky Way Galaxy we will be exposed to a faster frequency of cosmic waves and these lighter waves of electromagnetic energy will directly activate additional strands of our DNA and advance our evolution. This open energy portal in the galactic center beams Waves of Galactic Energy are Changing Our World! COSMIC ENERGY the new sexy. [ by Linda Barretta ]
  • 15. 27 INTREPID Magazine 28 | Anthony F. Sanchez | UFOLOGY 2.0CH-CH-CH-CH-CH-CHANGES “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” - Reinhold Niebuhr Change;it happens every day. It is something that we are taught to embrace and it is something that we are told is inevitable. Change is the result of a formula in which time is one variable, and everything else is ‘x’. And our lives revolve around solving for ‘x’. When we finally discover what ‘x’ is, we are faced with a truth, an outcome that says ‘x’ is an incontrovertible fact of all existence. But, again… what is change? The answer is this… change is everything. Change is the death of the old and emergence of the new. One of my favorite political cartoonists and poets, who not too long ago passed away, Tuli Kupferberg, once said that “when patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” I always think to this one comment he made when I think of where Ufology is headed, where it has been, and how I am personally affected along with many of my colleagues and those who would chose to honor us by reading our collective works. The emergence of a new world is occurring all around us. New generations of people, new generations of ideas, and new attitudes are surfacing challenging the age-old institutions that for too long have determined the path for so many others in Ufology. In the context of this writing I am going to analyze the evolution of Ufology. And together we will take a look at ‘who’ within the field and ‘what’ within the field has managed to determine the many outcomes, some negative and some positive, that we deal with today. In 1995 I remember reading “UFOs, the Grand Deception and the Coming New World Order” by a man who would later become a close friend and colleague of mine, Norio F. Hayakawa. I remember thinking two things. First, just unbelievably how far ahead this person was in his thinking in conspiratorial matters. And second, how elegantly he related (connected) his own ideas to well established ideas and areas of Ufology as it stood, at that time. Other researchers over time would ridicule him, then steal from him, and ultimately try to ignore his work into a place of nothingness… so they thought, so they tried, and they failed. When a person tries their hardest to get a message out, even if it means accepting and facing ridicule, threats, even being ostracized, it is these challenges that make a person stronger if they have the wisdom to accept it and use it as reinforcement of their message. Norio is such a person. This is why I have chosen to model my own career in Ufology and within the Paranormal as a student of his actions, and of his means to deal with people who would choose to take very negative paths. Norio represents what is good about Ufology. In contrast we need to take a look at those who are starkly different within Ufology and who unfortunately “the mainstream” has come to identify as the ‘baseline representatives’ for everyone who studies UFOs, Aliens, Paranormal, Conspiratorial and other related disciplines. But I ask this, “is it fair that these people who the media pounced upon and touted repeatedly as experts and spokespersons continue to represent Ufology?” The answer is no. Today when we look at conferences, books, television shows, documentaries, films, etc. what we are witnessing is the emergence of new faces, new ideas and the reemergence of timeless data from experts who despite having emerged from within the old guard, have come forth with newly augmented data, data that has once again managed to successfully catapult them back to the forefront. A perfect example of a person who emerged with data some several decades ago, but who has managed to reinvigorate the field with excitement thus managing to capture the minds of newer younger prospects within Ufology is Erich von Daniken. Yes, von Daniken exemplifies the type of person who reaches out to the new [ by Anthony F. Sanchez ]
  • 16. W hen I first stumbled across a photo of the Sphinx Observatory, I thought it was a screen shot from one of those elaborately designed computer games. On second glance, however, I found that it was, indeed, very real, and I exclaimed aloud at what an exquisitely mad place to have built such a structure. Located atop the Bernese Alps, the Jungfraujoch station opened in 1912, becoming the highest railway stop in all of Europe. This eventually opened the door for eager scientists awaiting easy access to a high altitude site to conduct their work. The Sphinx Observatory, completed in 1937 is the highest-altitude construction in the entire continent, perched on a shockingly steep precipice aptly dubbed the “Top of Europe.” The small mountain peak observatory boasts an astronomical dome, two large and two small laboratories, a workshop, two terraces for scientific experiments, a weather observation station, and a 76-cm telescope with Cassegrain and Coudé focus, which is part of the solar spectrometer of the Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique de l’Université de Liège, Belgium, and the LIDAR experiment run by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. The Sphinx has served as a headquarters for researchers in fields such as glaciology, medicine, cosmic ray physics, and astronomy, with the building adapting, over the years, to meet scientists’ needs. Today, the observatory is fully outfitted with electricity, water, telephone, internet, a machine to produce liquid air and even an elevator built into the hollowed-out mountain for easier access to the peak. In addition to the science, the observatory also provides visitors with vertigo-inducing, panoramic views of the snowy Alps, green valleys, and the Great Aletsch Glacier. From the metal grating terrace that surrounds the building, one can see over 11,000 feet below, with views stretching as far as Germany and Italy. Getting to the observatory is an incredible journey all itself. Riding along the historic Jungfrau railway, passengers have a chance to peer through windows built into the mountainside and browse the peculiar Eispalast (Ice Palace), where ice sculptures depicting everything from people to automobiles are carved within a chilly glacier. The Sphinx Laboratory is part of the Sphinx building and belongs to the Sphinx AG Jungfraujoch, a subsidiary company of the Jungfraubahn Holding AG. It is at the free disposal of the Foundation. It has an astronomical dome, two large and two small laboratories, a workshop, two terraces for scientific experiments, and a weather observation station. Several long-term experiments are permanently installed in the Sphinx laboratories, and there is space for other projects and campaigns available upon request. So if you have that nagging astronomical project, but just don’t have the altitude, give the Sphinx a call. They may just have a cot and table space for you. 29 | Unusual Places | INTREPID Magazine 3029 Star razingg Anthony F. Sanchez received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City, UT in 2008. He has been a Software Consultant for the State of California, 16 years as a Software Engineer for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape and Hewlett Packard. He has been a UFO researcher for 20 years, and has studied ancient Hebrew religious texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls ‘book of Giants’, and ‘book of Enoch’. He has also studied Sumerian- Babylonian and Akkadian Mesopotamian texts. | Anthony F. Sanchez | crop of experts, if not personally, then through his work. But most importantly, never with the intent to stifle those would chose to study what he himself has learned and has ultimately shared. People are revisiting data like his, and synthesizing their own work against his to give us new perspectives on Human Origins, Ancient Aliens, Early Civilization, Religion, etc. Unfortunately though, too many others have chosen to stifle intellectual innovation, and to prevent young prospective minds from joining the ranks of Ufology. Sadly, various pathetic individuals use their arrogance and knowledge of regurgitated data to criticize, humiliate and prevent the emergence of new faces, new concepts, and new thinking. Therefore it is with this declaration that I say Ufology 1.0 is officially dying, on its last leg and soon to be gone from the forefront. And I further declare that Ufology 2.0 has now emerged. And even in its infancy, Ufology 2.0 wields more power and infinite more levels of data which allows previously ignored pieces of the puzzle to finally begin to come together. I personally tire of the notion that if it is not a “malleable piece of metal with hieroglyphics” that someone saw over 50 years ago, that it’s not worth discussing or looking at by the establishment. I am tired of the notion that if someone says they were abducted, probed and impregnated, etc. or claim to have an implant, that well, these people must be crazy; therefore, it’s not worth the effort to be investigated by the establishment. They laugh and tell the experiencers to seek help on the fringes of their field; to seek out fringe personalities. Well guess what? The fringe has emerged as the new power base in Ufology. Also, who the hell gives these dinosaurs the authority to make these top-level decisions? I mean really, who? Well, one source tells me the CIA, but that’s for another time. Quite frankly, a dark and sinister Elitist controlled ‘debunking community’ has surfaced within the ranks of Ufology, plaguing the field so badly that the existing so-called experts are either afraid to contest them, or are controlled by them, and thus ‘content’ to rest on their own laurels, happily get paid to appear and spout the nothingness of their tired old lectures, again, and again, and again. Doing this, all while the new researchers are attacked viciously and too often (if not always) by them, and with the help of the debunker community. Who are the debunkers? Too often they are people with an outlet professing their opinions, but who never actually leave their homes, never perform real research, have never had an experience, and do not believe experiencers, but who have the audacity to ask for PayPal “donations”. They ask to get paid for debunking and giving us the same old tired bullshit, repeatedly via junky infested (monitored) websites that are shill sites for the CIA. Personally I have seen a trend in Ufology which is the disassociation from up and coming faces in the crowd from peer pressure. Either by old guard Urologists’ who are afraid to lose the living they make off one another’s table scraps, or from the ridicule they know they will receive from the debunkers who have truly taken over Ufology (up to now). These types of actions damage the field. These types of people have damaged the field. So it is with those actions, that many like me have personally seen, that an easy transitioning into adopting Ufology 2.0 over the ‘Old Guard’ makes it so easy. Yes, I belong to a group of new thinkers, new researchers, reinvigorated ideas, and reinvigorated people who themselves have made the transition away from the old guard and into Ufology 2.0. Those who remain active in Ufology 1.0 today are dangerous. It in itself represents a metamorphosis into what many people considered a tainted and compromised group of individuals. But I do not denigrate all that Ufology 1.0 is, or was, because there were heroes who emerged, and who have since left us a legacy of intellectual richness that we are indebted to. The Major Donald Kehoe’s of the world, the Zacharai Sitchin’s, the many similar pioneers of the old guard who I offer tremendous levels of respect and admiration for, people who are now gone. This includes the warriors like Paul Bennewitz who got sucked into the lies of the establishment, but whose work provided critical keys before their demise; and to others, much like the late New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez, a man I knew, and a man whose data helped elevate the field. So what remains is questionable. And sadly, when researchers with ‘anonymous sources’ emerge, brave sources who are risking their lives to present critical data, it is these old guard experts who immediately attack rather than analyze. They work to prevent people from emerging with new important data. It makes me think of the mysterious circumstances under which Drew Ryan Maras a fellow Ufologist, a part of the new guard, a person whose life was taken too soon. Tragically, innocent lives of three other people were taken, and we seemingly we will never know why. Except that he and his message contradicted the very core of the regurgitated data that the Ufology 1.0 group represents. Identifying the ranks of Ufology 1.0 is just too easy. For instance, to spot them, look for this: People in gray suits, with unchanging data, an unwillingness to accept new data, and whose primary idea of UFO research is to rest upon their own books (in many cases, 30 year old investigations – which they never revisit). Individuals who are living off the regurgitation of the “same old data” that offers nothing to anyone, and which offers nothing to help further Ufology. I would be remiss if I did not give credit to Jesse Randolph Singer who coined the term Ufology 2.0. And incidentally, he is a friend who I believe exemplifies the best of this evolution into the new guard. So I challenge you to WALK AWAY from the old guard. And I challenge you to embrace the new path for UFO, Paranormal, and Conspiratorial intellectualism. Do not allow yourself to get sucked back into the same old data by the same old CIA backed disinformation agents, these puppets of the Illuminati, the controlled media, the Reptilian Elitists, these Archons, these God damned Progenitors… the living descendants of the Planet- Controlling Anunnaki. And damn it, enlighten yourself, and look to those who are offering data on Geo-Political, Economic, Religious, and Archeological data in addition to Scientific data as your experts and hopefuls across the disciplines of Ufology, the Paranormal, and Conspiratorial to help answer your questions. Do yourself a favor by daring yourself into thinking outside the periphery of the old guard. Do something revolutionary. Dare to “change”.
  • 17. | Lisa Barretta | INTREPID Magazine 32 [ Continued from page 26 ] 31 higher frequency energy waves that bounce off of the sun and then are transmitted to us. These waves are called torsion waves. In the 1950s Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev discovered that torsion waves are linked to consciousness, and that our thoughts also produce these waves. Recent discoveries show that the extra strands of our DNA, commonly called junk DNA, are now being connected into the Universal consciousness and enabling us to experience our multidimensional, lighter body, the spirit. Our DNA activation will take us beyond our physical blueprint which is coded in the 2 strands of protein coding DNA and 46 chromosomes. We have been taught in high school biology 101 to believe that this is the only formula for our nature. Guess again? Our junk DNA is essentially DNA that doesn’t code for a protein but none the less is very important for our future existence if we are to adapt and survive in the expanding Universe. Wave Genetics shows us that the junk DNA functions from frequency messages it codes to and it is realized in material form as crystalline structures. Are you following me? This can get a little deep. As we evolve and change within the universe our junk DNA, which is 98% of our total DNA, will be plugging in to the new waves and frequencies that we are being exposed to therefore making us more crystal based verses carbon based, literally lighter and also psychic. These extra strands of DNA are activated from exposure to frequency waves and we can literally reprogram our genetic layout through the vibrations of thoughts and words. Our expanding consciousness is equivalent to adding more memory to your computer and signing up for fiber optic Internet. We are becoming multidimensional and our thoughts are able to create and produce results instantaneously. You can expect to finally be able to bridge the mind, body and spirit gap because of the activated junk DNA that harnesses our latent PSI abilities and usher in our transformation into the dimensions of higher consciousness. We are about to experience the full potential of our activated spiritual awareness expressed through the physical body. Our evolution and shift do not remove the three dimensional world but rather allow us to experience the higher energy and auras of the thoughts that make up our things. Pretty heavy stuff since now we get to see the (energy) blueprints of our created reality too. We will have the transcendental experiences once only reserved for Yogis, Gurus, mystics, shamans and sages who were taught how to achieve higher consciousness and spiritual awareness in the mystery schools. Now we are all privy to a natural “high” from the higher dimensions of consciousness. Who could ask for anything more? We are detaching from the old beliefs of separateness, overly organized religions and materialism and advancing to a new consciousness of unity, spirituality and energy. As long as we understand that a frequency change is going on we can get through this but it’s not always an easy journey and there are some changes that you should expect to occur as you go through the stages of your rebirth into a more finely attuned, awakened human being. Some changes such as our relationship with “time” are coming in at such a speedy rate causing some of us to feel discombobulated and spacy. This is the “quickening” phase of our rebirth and that is why so many of us are aware of what is called “fast time” which is really just a higher, faster, lighter frequency that we are now able to experience as we make the shift into a higher dimension of awareness. These new vibrations open a portal for us to evolve as we adjusts to the changes and challenges of being more in tune to our energy or spiritual essence. The transition phase of any birth is usually the hardest and in all honesty there are some physical and emotional birthing pains for us to go through as we purge our limited false belief system that contains some deep emotional traumas and fears so we can reboot into the program of higher consciousness and love. As we go through this stage we sometimes feel confused and tired along with experiencing strange aches and pains that appear to be flu like symptoms along with crazy weight fulgurations, blurry vision and a general feeling like the world’s collapsing around us. Anything in your life that does not match the high level of vibration coming in is being transformed or cleared out so that you can have a more peaceful, lighter and loving life. It may seem at times that you are creating chaos in your life or even sabotaging you own best efforts. Relax, out of chaos comes order and you are not losing anything but rather gaining a more refined perspective on life and embracing your true authentic self. This is an amazing and exciting time for all of us who choose to evolve along with our planet into the dimensions of higher consciousness where fear is replaced with love, our self-healing abilities defeat disease which is rooted in fear based beliefs and we look out to the heavens and open up to the fact that we are not the only intelligent life occupying the boundless Universe as we get ready to be socialized within the other galactic communities. Cosmic energy is the “new sexy.” Lisa Barretta is a practicing astrologer, intuitive counselor, certified Reiki practitioner, and researcher in the fields of consciousness and psychic sensing. Her ability in astrological delineation coupled with uncanny intuitive insight has secured a loyal following in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. During the past 30 years she has developed her client base strictly by word of mouth. Drawing on knowledge from past life incarnations along with a lifelong practice of the esoteric arts helped Lisa open the portal to self-discovery and transformation. Through her own personal journey she has tapped into the realms of the higher dimensions, the insights from which she shares for the first time in The Book of Transformation. Lisa Barretta is also the author of The Street Smart Psychic’s Guide to Getting a Good Reading, an informative and at times humorous book which offers insider advice on how to tap into the world of psychic energy. She also gives you a peek into what it is like to be the psychic reader on the other side of the tarot cards, crystal ball, and tea leaves. Visit her web site at: Follow her on twitter: streetpsychic
  • 18. 33 INTREPID Magazine 34 [ continued on page 59 ] [ continued from page 12 ] | Todd Allen Gates || Scotty Roberts | Building sustainable communities One Garden at a Time! 4EVERSEEDS.COM 4everSeeds is much more than a company selling garden seeds -- we’re a social networking organization, working to establish a cohesive alliance of intentional communities and homesteading enclaves across North America.
  • 19. INTREPID Magazine 36 | The Power of Belief | [ Continued on Page 47 ] S ome people will ostensibly believe anything. Of course, there are those who take it to an extreme, fully believing every conspiracy theory, plot, or scheme without corroborating or substantive evidence. However, for most of us, “that voodoo that you do” may actually have a lot more power than imaginable. While the mind can be a terrible thing to waste, it can also, when infected with a negative or destructive meme, thought or suggestion, become just a terrible thing. We like to say that the human mind is “powerful beyond belief,” but the truth is, it is only as powerful as our belief allows it to be. Whether we are talking about that lucky horseshoe charm we keep in our purse for good luck, or that voodoo doll we used to try and hurt a bastard of an ex, we buy into belief all the time. Ignorance is not a legitimate excuse, because even the most educated and powerful peoples on the planet are guilty of superstition, prejudice and intolerance. But how far to the extreme can the power of the mind be taken? Can you cast a spell on someone and make him/her love you? Can you kill someone by simply cursing them and pointing a stick at them, or poking a pin in a doll made to their likeness? Can you heal yourself or others of a terminal disease simply because you believe you can? Religion has long promoted objects such as magical talismans and enchanted amulets to either ward off evil or brings safety and security. Fetishism, the belief that a physical object can have supernatural powers, is as old as humanity itself. The use of blood, animal fur, claws, beads, coins, rings, feathers, stones, gems and crystals, and specific plants and animals by native and primitive peoples is no different from our use today of crucifixes, Buddha statuettes, Holy Water, Star of David necklaces, Rosary Beads, voodoo dolls, the Italian Horn to ward off evil eye, worry beads, prayer stones, and even four- leafed clovers and lucky charms. Placing revered power in an object is as much a part of today’s traditions and religious practices as it was for our ancestors, who applied value to different objects according to their personal worldview and beliefs. Idolatry, totemism, and even animism are fetishism beliefs. But even with the change from animism and polytheism to monotheism, the belief that symbols hold as much power and influence as what they are supposed to symbolize still makes up a part of everyday religious life. When a Christian takes the body and blood of Christ at Communion, they may not realize it, but they are practicing a type of fetishism, giving the wafer and wine a level of power which they do not have as physical objects, but rather as symbols of something far greater. Yet, some may argue that the objects DO have power on their own. Perhaps we are somehow sending the object energy, which is then reflected back to us (or even absorbed into the substrate material itself,) based upon our motivation or use of the object. If we believe strongly enough that a lucky charm will make us, well, lucky, | Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman | i p u t a s p e l l o n y o u : t h e p o w e r o f b e l i e f t o c r e a t e o r d e s t r o y perhaps we may be raising the resonant frequency of the object to match the resonant frequency of our intention. We may be “instilling” a particular energy into the object, which then raises or lowers the object’s actual resonant frequency depending upon whether it will be used to charm, or to harm. Generally, we think of the occult arts when we think of talismans, intricately designed charms worn about the neck or kept in a pocket, however, one only has to walk into a church, temple, or synagogue to see modern day talismans. Although the Catholic Church and Christian churches in general shun talismans and amulets as “witchcraft,” their own use of beads and crosses and statues of saints show that the idea of putting power into a physical object is not always the domain of evil-doers. In the Jewish tradition, amulets are abundant, many carrying holy names or phrases taken from holy texts. The Jewish tallis is a fringed prayer shawl with knotted tassels used in a similar fashion as Catholic Rosary Beads. The word “tallis” even sounds similar to “talisman,” although most linguistic experts believe the word “talisman” is of Greek origin, from the word “telsma” for “to initiate into the mysteries” (the word “amulet” comes from the Latin word amuletum for “an object that protects a person from trouble.”) In the Muslim culture, individuals also wear amulets that bear chosen inscriptions from the Quran. Known as “Ta’wiz,” these medals are used in different situations to symbolize different things, just as one might wear a medal of a four-leafed clover to attract good, or the Khamsa pendant of Fatima’s Hand that supposedly wards off the evil eye. Other countries use talismans to represent various Gods and Goddesses, elements of nature such as power animals, and even objects such as bells to keep demons away. It all sounds like good, old-fashioned folk religion, but it is the foundational basis of all belief systems. Symbolism cannot be separated from belief, especially when the belief is in the unknown or unseen. These objects serve as a means for us to “objectify” the subjective or bring form to the formless. The most obvious use of fetishes, talismans and amulets comes to us from the West African traditions and folk beliefs. West African Vodun or Voudou is a religion practiced throughout coastal West Africa. It is an animistic tradition, with a cosmology filled with a hierarchy of various vodun, or spirits and divine elements governing humans and the earth. Deities are called orishas, suggesting a pantheistic worldview, but there is One God, as in monotheism, with the orishas as God’s helpers (similar to the idea of the Christian God and his angels). The history of vodun is rich and filled with symbolism, ritual and practices many Westerners might find foreign, even frightening. Haitians also practice Vodou, Dominicans have their Vudu, and in the States, it is referred to as voodoo, or hoodoo. Candomble is similar in roots and rituals, and is practiced in many countries, most notably in Brazil as Candomble Jeje. Cuban Santeria, also practiced in some Southern American cities with large Cuban populations, is similar to Vodun, but has adopted many Christian symbols and rituals to create a syncretized and very much misunderstood religious practice. What is most notable about these religions, which are far more organized than people might think, is that followers have a distinct relationship with nature, both the seen and unseen. Vodun practices often involve animal sacrifice and ancestral worship, even the [ by Marie D. Jones & Larry Flaxman ] 35 “THE TONGUE HA S THE POWER OF LIFE A ND DEATH.” PROVER BS 18:21