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Marketing Trends (B2B)
for 2024
December 2023 © IndustryAtom 2024
As we delve into marketing trends for the first time, we aim to decode
the intricate interactions between individuals and their behaviors and
attitudes, particularly in the fast-evolving domain of marketing
technology. The consensus in the martech industry is clear: prioritizing
customer-centricity is the key to sustainable growth. In today’s market,
businesses are expected to deliver outstanding customer experiences
as a standard. This requires a sophisticated integration of marketing
technologies and strategies to remain impactful and pertinent in the
lives of customers.The challenge in martech, however, lies in the fluid
nature of customer behavior.
Customers, influenced by rapidly changing technologies and trends,
exhibit preferences that evolve quicker than traditional business
strategies can keep up with.
This constant evolution presents a persistent challenge for marketers
to remain aligned with customer expectations. These martech trends
are intended to shed light on these dynamic shifts, offering insights
and strategies for businesses to leverage in order to catalyze growth
by staying relevant and resonant with their customers. This exploration
is central to Industry Atom's mission: to empower businesses with the
insights and tools necessary to navigate the complex and ever-
changing landscape of marketing technology, ensuring they maintain
a strong connection with their customer base
A word from Industry Atom
In the ever-evolving world of marketing technology, Industry Atom's
Martech Trends for the first time delves into the layers that shape how
individuals engage with the digital world. These trends highlight the
complex interplay between technology and human behavior,
influencing everything from consumer habits to business strategies.
Key areas like Data-Privacy Empowerment, AI-Powered Marketing
Personalization, and Sustainable Digital Marketing Practices are
transforming how organizations interact with and understand their
This year's trends reflect a dynamic shift in the marketing landscape,
where traditional practices are being reevaluated in light of new
technologies and ethical considerations. From the application of AI
and blockchain for enhanced customer experiences and transparency
to the exploration of quantum computing in marketing analytics, these
trends are setting the stage for a transformative era in marketing,
underscoring Industry Atom's commitment to staying at the forefront
of innovation and customer engagement.
Where should we start?
Trend 1
Trend 2
AI-Powered Marketing
Trend 3
Sustainable Digital
Trend 4
Real-Time Data Insight
Trend 5
Immersive Tech-
Enhanced Experiences
Trend 6
Marketing Workflows
Trend 7
Strategic AI Ethics
Trend 8
Trend 9
Integration Agility
Trend 10
Quantum Computing in
Marketing for IT Services
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Data Privacy Empowerment
Trend 1
Data-Privacy Empowerment centers around the
strategic and ethical handling of customer data,
particularly in the IT services sector. It is increasingly
critical as businesses navigate a landscape marked
by stringent data privacy regulations, evolving
technological capabilities, and heightened customer
expectations around data handling.
1.Regulatory Compliance:
With global data privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA continually evolving,
IT services companies must stay compliant to avoid hefty penalties and legal
2. Building Customer Trust:
Transparency in data practices builds customer trust. With 72% of B2B buyers indicating
a preference for transparent pricing, extending this clarity to data handling can
significantly impact purchasing decisions.
3. Business Agility and Innovation:
Effective data privacy management enables IT companies to leverage data responsibly
for innovation, ensuring they stay competitive in a rapidly changing technological
Why is it Important
of B2B buyers indicated a
preference for transparent
Regulatory Evolution and Compliance Pressures:
The increasing complexity and global nature of data privacy laws are compelling IT
services companies to prioritize data privacy as a core aspect of their operations.
Shifting Marketing Paradigms:
The phasing out of third-party cookies and the rise of privacy-friendly alternatives are
pushing companies to adapt their marketing strategies, emphasizing first-party and
zero-party data.
Advancements in Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs):
Technologies like homomorphic encryption enable IT services companies to analyze
and share data securely, complying with privacy regulations without compromising on
data utility.
Why is it trending?
Establish a Data Privacy Task Force:
Create a dedicated team responsible for managing data privacy initiatives, staying
abreast of regulatory changes, and implementing best practices.
Implement Robust Data Governance Frameworks:
Develop comprehensive data governance and compliance programs to ensure
adherence to data privacy laws and ethical guidelines.
Invest in Privacy Technology and Expertise:
Equip your organization with the necessary tools and skilled personnel specialized in
data privacy, such as PETs and privacy law experts.
How to get started
By 2026, companies actively embracing Data-
Privacy Empowerment strategies will see a 60%
increase in customer trust and loyalty, and a
reduction in compliance-related costs by up to 40%.
Policy and Compliance (P):
Establish clear policies that comply with global data privacy regulations.
Responsibility and Ethics (R):
Foster a culture of ethical data use and corporate responsibility.
Innovation and Security (I):
Leverage privacy-enhancing technologies to innovate while ensuring data security.
Stakeholder Engagement (S):
Actively engage with stakeholders, including customers and employees, to build trust
and transparency.
Monitoring and Adaptation (M):
Continuously monitor privacy practices and adapt to emerging trends and regulations.
Framework for Data-Privacy Empowerment:
The PRISM Model
AI-Powered Marketing Personalization
Trend 2
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
AI-Powered Marketing Personalization refers to the
use of artificial intelligence technologies to tailor
marketing efforts to individual customers’
preferences, behaviors, and needs. In the IT services
sector, this trend is transforming how companies
engage with their B2B clients, offering
unprecedented levels of personalization and
customer understanding.
Enhanced Customer Engagement:
AI personalization enables IT companies to create marketing strategies that resonate
more deeply with each client, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction
Operational Efficiency:
By automating the personalization process, IT firms can streamline their marketing
efforts, achieving greater results with less resource investment.
Data-Driven Decision Making:
AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to uncover insights that human marketers
might miss, leading to more informed and effective marketing strategies.
Why is it Important
is the expected value of the
global AI in marketing market
by 2027, representing a
compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 22.3% from 2022 to
$26.3 B
Advancements in AI Technologies: Ongoing improvements in AI algorithms and
computing power are making AI personalization more accessible and effective.
Increasing Demand for Personalized Experiences: B2B clients are expecting more
tailored interactions, with personalized experiences leading to higher conversion rates
and customer loyalty.
Shift Towards Omnichannel Marketing: The need for consistent personalization
across multiple channels is driving the adoption of AI in marketing, as it can seamlessly
integrate and analyze data from various sources.
Why is it trending?
Invest in the Right AI Tools: Identify and deploy AI solutions that can effectively
analyze customer data and automate personalized marketing campaigns.
Develop a Data-Driven Culture: Foster an organizational culture that prioritizes data
collection, analysis, and usage in decision-making processes.
Integrate AI with Human Expertise: Combine the efficiency and scalability of AI with
the creativity and intuition of human marketers for optimal results.
How to get started
By 2027, a significant 78% of marketers are
convinced that AI will emerge as the key
differentiator in the realm of marketing.
Predictive Analytics (P): Utilize AI to predict customer behaviors and preferences.
Relevance (R): Ensure all marketing content is highly relevant to each individual client.
Engagement (E): Use AI to create engaging and interactive marketing experiences.
Scalability (S): Leverage AI to scale personalization efforts across a large client base.
Insight (I): Gain deep insights into customer needs and behaviors through AI analytics.
Consistency (C): Maintain a consistent level of personalization across all marketing channels.
Integration (I): Seamlessly integrate AI with existing marketing tools and platforms.
Optimization (O): Continuously optimize marketing strategies based on AI-generated insights.
Nurturing (N): Use AI to nurture long-term relationships with clients through ongoing personalized engagement.
Framework for AI-Powered Marketing Personalization:
Sustainable Digital Marketing
Trend 3
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Sustainable Digital Marketing Practices in the IT
services sector involve integrating eco-friendly and
ethical approaches into digital marketing strategies.
This trend reflects a growing awareness of
environmental impacts and a desire to align
business practices with sustainability goals.
Corporate Responsibility and Brand Image: Emphasizing sustainability in marketing
practices reflects a company’s commitment to social responsibility, enhancing its brand
Increasing Consumer Demand: With 85% of B2B buyers willing to pay more for
products from sustainable companies, integrating sustainability into marketing
strategies can directly impact sales and customer loyalty.
Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management: Adopting sustainable practices can
help IT companies comply with environmental regulations and reduce the risk of
reputational damage due to greenwashing allegations.
Why is it Important
is the projected value of the
global demand for sustainable
marketing services by 2025,
expanding at a CAGR of
$37.8 B
Global Sustainability Movement: The worldwide focus on sustainability is pushing
companies to adopt greener marketing practices.
Technological Advancements: New technologies are making it easier for companies
to implement sustainable practices in digital marketing, such as energy-efficient data
centers and green web hosting.
Consumer Awareness and Greenwashing Concerns: As consumers become more
environmentally conscious, they are demanding authentic sustainability efforts from
brands, leading to a rise in scrutiny and the need to avoid greenwashing.
Why is it trending?
Measure and Track Sustainability Metrics: Implement tools and methodologies to
measure the environmental impact of your digital marketing activities.
Educate and Engage Your Audience: Use digital platforms to educate your B2B clients
about your sustainability initiatives and how they can benefit from them.
Collaborate for Greater Impact: Partner with other sustainable businesses and
organizations to amplify the reach and effectiveness of your sustainability campaigns.
How to get started
Gen Z and Alpha generations, reaching adulthood in
2030, will represent a powerful force for sustainable
purchasing and brand engagement.
Leverage Sustainable Technologies (L): Utilize eco-friendly technologies and
platforms in digital marketing efforts.
Engage and Educate (E): Actively engage with clients and educate them about your
sustainability initiatives and their benefits.
Authenticity and Transparency (A): Ensure all sustainability claims are credible and
transparent to avoid greenwashing.
Foster Collaborative Efforts (F): Work with other organizations and clients to foster a
community focused on sustainable practices.
Framework for Sustainable Digital Marketing:
The LEAF Model
Real-Time Data Insight Extraction
Trend 4
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Real-Time Data Insight Extraction in the IT services
industry refers to the immediate analysis and
interpretation of data as it becomes available. This
capability allows businesses to respond quickly to
market trends, customer behaviors, and operational
changes, offering a significant competitive advantage.
Enhanced Decision-Making: Instant access to data insights allows IT companies to
make informed decisions swiftly, adapting to market dynamics in real-time.
Improved Customer Engagement: Real-time data enables personalized customer
interactions, leading to better engagement and satisfaction.
Operational Efficiency: Instant data analysis helps in identifying and addressing
inefficiencies quickly, optimizing business operations.
Why is it Important
is the anticipated value of the
global real-time analytics
market by 2030, demonstrating
a CAGR of 15.2% from 2023 to
$71.2 B
Technological Advancements: The rise of AI, ML, and edge computing has made it
feasible to process and analyze large volumes of data instantaneously.
Market Dynamics: The fast-paced nature of the IT industry demands quick responses
to market changes, making real-time insights invaluable.
Customer Expectations: There's a growing expectation for personalized and
immediate service in the B2B sector, which real-time data can facilitate.
Why is it trending?
Invest in Relevant Technologies: Adopt AI, ML, and cloud-based solutions that
support real-time data processing and analysis.
Integrate Data Sources: Ensure that all relevant data sources are integrated to provide
a comprehensive view for real-time analysis.
Develop a Skilled Workforce: Train and hire professionals skilled in data analytics and
real-time systems management.
How to get started
90% of marketing decisions could be driven by real-time
data insights by 2030, up from around 50% today.
Responsive Analytics (R): Develop capabilities for responsive and immediate data
Agile Processes (A): Implement agile methodologies that can quickly adapt based on
real-time insights.
Predictive Intelligence (P): Use real-time data to predict future trends and customer
Integrated Data Systems (I): Ensure all data systems are integrated for a seamless flow
of real-time information.
Decision Empowerment (D): Empower decision-makers with real-time insights to make
quick, informed choices.
Framework for Real-Time Data Insight Extraction:
The RAPID Model
Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences
Trend 5
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences in IT
services involve leveraging technologies like
Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and
Web3 to create highly engaging and interactive
customer experiences. These technologies
transform how IT services are marketed and
delivered, offering clients a unique and memorable
interaction with products and services.
Enhanced Client Engagement: Immersive technologies offer engaging and
memorable experiences that significantly increase client engagement and brand recall.
Innovative Product Demonstrations: VR and AR enable IT companies to demonstrate
complex services and solutions in an intuitive and interactive manner, aiding in client
understanding and decision-making.
Differentiation in a Competitive Market: Utilizing immersive tech helps IT companies
stand out in a crowded market, offering unique experiences that competitors may not
Why is it Important
is the forecasted value of the global
immersive technology market by
2026, with a growth at a CAGR of
35.6% from 2023 to 2026.
$350.1 B
Rapid Technological Advancements: The rapid development in AR, VR, and Web3
technologies makes them more accessible and effective for marketing purposes.
Growing Consumer Interest: With 45% of global consumers interested in using AR/VR
for shopping, there's a clear demand for immersive experiences in the B2B space as
Increased Market Investment: With the immersive technology market projected to
reach $310.8 billion by 2024, there's significant investment and interest in these
technologies across industries.
Why is it trending?
Identify Appropriate Use Cases: Determine which aspects of your IT services can
most benefit from immersive technologies.
Invest in the Right Technology: Choose the right AR, VR, or Web3 platforms that align
with your marketing goals and client needs.
Develop Engaging Content: Create compelling and interactive content for these
platforms to fully leverage their capabilities.
How to get started
70% of marketers believe that immersive
technologies will be essential for creating engaging
customer experiences in the next few years.
Visionary Approach (V): Adopt a forward-thinking strategy in utilizing immersive technologies.
User-Centric Design (U): Focus on creating user-centric experiences that meet the specific needs of your clients.
Robust Infrastructure (R): Build a robust technological infrastructure to support immersive experiences.
Training and Skills (T): Invest in training your team to effectively utilize and manage these technologies.
Innovative Content Creation (I): Develop innovative and engaging content tailored for immersive platforms.
Client Engagement (C): Use these technologies to enhance client engagement and build stronger relationships.
Analytics and Feedback (A): Implement analytics to measure the effectiveness of your immersive experiences and
gather client feedback for continuous improvement.
Leverage Trends (L): Stay updated with the latest trends in immersive technology to keep your offerings relevant and
Framework for Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences:
Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows
Trend 6
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows in the IT
services sector involve leveraging advanced
technologies like AI, machine learning, and low-
code/no-code platforms to automate marketing
processes comprehensively. This trend signifies a
shift towards greater efficiency, personalization, and
agility in marketing operations.
Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Hyper-automation significantly reduces the time
and resources required for marketing tasks, enabling IT companies to focus on strategic
Improved Marketing Personalization: With hyper-automation, IT firms can deliver
highly personalized marketing experiences, leading to increased customer engagement
and satisfaction.
Agility in Market Response: Hyper-automated workflows allow IT companies to
quickly adapt to market changes and customer needs, maintaining a competitive edge.
Why is it Important
is the projected size of the global
hyper-automation market by 2027,
expanding at a CAGR of 22.3%
from 2022 to 2027
$596.6 B
Market Growth and Adoption: With the market for hyper-automated marketing
workflows expected to reach $17.5 billion by 2024, there's a clear trend towards
widespread adoption in the IT industry.
Technological Advancements: The integration of AI and machine learning into
marketing automation tools is driving smarter and more efficient marketing operations.
Increased Demand for Efficiency and Personalization: As businesses seek to
optimize their marketing efforts, the need for efficient, personalized, and agile
marketing strategies is becoming more pronounced.
Why is it trending?
Invest in Advanced Automation Tools: Identify and invest in the latest marketing
automation tools that leverage AI and machine learning.
Integrate Multi-Channel Marketing: Ensure that your hyper-automated workflows can
seamlessly manage marketing across various channels.
Focus on Data Security and Compliance: Implement robust data security measures to
ensure compliance and protect customer data.
How to get started
72% of marketers believe hyper-automation is critical
for driving marketing success by 2025
Smart Technology Integration (S): Leverage smart technologies like AI and ML for intelligent
Targeted Personalization (T): Use hyper-automation to create highly personalized marketing
Responsive Operations (R): Ensure your marketing operations can quickly respond to changing
market dynamics.
Efficiency Optimization (E): Focus on maximizing operational efficiency in all marketing processes.
Agile Adaptation (A): Stay agile and adaptable in your marketing strategies with the help of
Multi-Channel Coordination (M): Ensure seamless coordination across various marketing channels
through hyper-automation.
Framework for Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows:
The STREAM Model
Strategic AI Ethics Governance
Trend 7
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Strategic AI Ethics Governance in IT services involves
implementing ethical guidelines and practices for the
development and use of AI technologies. It's about ensuring that
AI is used responsibly, with considerations for bias, transparency,
human oversight, privacy, and security. In an industry where AI is
increasingly integral, ethical governance is crucial for maintaining
trust and adhering to regulatory standards.
Maintaining Public Trust: Ethical AI practices help in building and maintaining trust
among clients and the public, crucial for long-term business sustainability.
Regulatory Compliance: As AI regulations evolve, IT companies must ensure
compliance to avoid legal and financial repercussions.
Risk Mitigation: Ethical governance helps in identifying and mitigating risks associated
with AI, such as bias, misuse, and privacy breaches.
Why is it Important
is the estimated value of the
global AI governance market
by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of
22.7% from 2022 to 2027
7.2 B
Increased Investment and Regulations: With global spending on AI ethics growing,
and more countries implementing AI-specific regulations, there’s a clear trend towards
standardized ethical AI practices.
Rising Public Awareness: Public scrutiny regarding AI ethics is intensifying, leading to
increased pressure on companies to adopt responsible AI practices.
International Collaboration: Global initiatives are fostering harmonization and best
practices in AI ethics, influencing IT companies to align with these standards.
Why is it trending?
Develop Ethical Guidelines and Policies: Establish clear guidelines on how AI should
be developed and used within your organization.
Implement Bias and Fairness Controls: Actively work to identify and mitigate bias in AI
Foster Transparency and Human Oversight: Ensure AI systems are transparent and
maintain appropriate levels of human control and oversight.
How to get started
84% of organizations believe that developing an AI
ethics strategy is important or very important.
Ethical Standards (E): Set and adhere to high ethical standards in AI development and
Transparency (T): Ensure AI operations are transparent to users, clients, and regulators.
Human Oversight (H): Maintain human oversight in AI systems to ensure ethical
Integrity (I): Uphold integrity in AI practices, ensuring fairness and avoiding misuse.
Compliance (C): Stay compliant with evolving AI regulations and industry standards.
Security and Privacy (S): Prioritize security and privacy in AI systems to protect user
Framework for Data-Privacy Empowerment:
The PRISM Model
Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency
Trend 8
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency (BET) in IT
services refers to the integration of blockchain
technology to foster greater transparency, security,
and efficiency in various operations. This approach
involves using blockchain's decentralized ledger
system to create an unalterable, transparent record
of transactions and interactions, which is particularly
relevant in areas like supply chain management,
contract execution, and data management.
Improved Trust and Accountability: Blockchain's immutable record-keeping
enhances trust between IT service providers and their clients, ensuring transparency in
transactions and data exchanges.
Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings: By automating processes and reducing
paperwork, blockchain can significantly cut operational costs, as evidenced by IBM's
finding of up to 20% cost reduction in food shipment tracking.
Enhanced Security and Data Integrity: The technology's robust security features
make it an ideal choice for managing sensitive data, reducing the risk of fraud and data
Why is it Important
is the projected size of the
global blockchain in marketing
market by 2027, expanding at a
CAGR of 32.1% from 2022 to
$1.78 B
Accelerated Market Growth: With predictions of blockchain being integrated into 25%
of all production systems by 2025, there's a clear trend toward widespread adoption
across various sectors.
Increasing Sector-Specific Applications: Blockchain is finding applications in diverse
fields like healthcare for secure medical records and finance for transparent
transactions, indicating its versatility and utility.
Global Economy Benefits: With the World Bank estimating blockchain's potential to
save the global economy $1.5 trillion annually by 2030, its economic impact is
becoming increasingly evident.
Why is it trending?
Identify Suitable Applications: Determine which areas of your IT services can most
benefit from blockchain integration.
Invest in Blockchain Infrastructure: Develop or partner with platforms that offer
robust blockchain solutions.
Educate and Train Staff: Ensure your team is knowledgeable about blockchain
technology and its applications in your business.
How to get started
60% of marketers believe blockchain will be transformative
for the industry within the next three years.
Consistency and Compliance (C): Maintain consistent practices in blockchain
implementation and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
Honesty and Accountability (H): Foster a culture of honesty and accountability in all
blockchain-related operations.
Automated Efficiency (A): Utilize blockchain to automate and streamline processes for
improved efficiency.
Integrity and Security (I): Uphold the highest levels of data integrity and security in
blockchain applications.
Networked Transparency (N): Leverage blockchain's networked structure to enhance
transparency across all operations.
Framework for Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency:
The CHAIN Model
Cross-Platform Integration Agility
Trend 9
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Cross-Platform Integration Agility in IT services refers to the ability
to seamlessly integrate and synchronize various software
platforms and systems. This capability is crucial for IT service
providers, allowing them to offer a cohesive, efficient, and
personalized service experience. It involves using APIs, headless
technology, and other tools to ensure that different applications
and data sources work together harmoniously.
Unified Customer Experience: Integration agility allows IT companies to provide a
consistent experience across multiple platforms, enhancing customer satisfaction and
Operational Efficiency: Seamless integration reduces redundancies and streamlines
workflows, leading to improved operational efficiency and cost savings.
Data-Driven Insights: Integrating platforms enables a unified view of data, facilitating
better decision-making and strategic planning based on comprehensive insights.
Why is it Important
is the anticipated value of the
global market for marketing
automation platforms (MAPs)
by 2024, with a growth rate of
13.7% CAGR from 2023 to
$7.6 B
Omnichannel Marketing Adoption: The rise in omnichannel marketing strategies
necessitates the integration of various marketing platforms and tools.
Demand for Personalized Experiences: As personalization becomes key in customer
interactions, integrated platforms are essential to deliver tailored experiences efficiently.
Advancements in Technology: Developments in API-driven integrations and AI are
making it easier and more efficient to integrate multiple platforms.
Why is it trending?
Assess Integration Needs: Evaluate your current technology stack and identify key
integration points.
Invest in Integration Platforms: Adopt integration platforms as a service (iPaaS) or
other tools that facilitate seamless cross-platform integration.
Foster IT and Marketing Collaboration: Ensure close collaboration between IT and
marketing teams to manage integrations effectively.
How to get started
84% of marketers believe that cross-channel
marketing is critical to their success.
Systematic Approach (S): Adopt a systematic and strategic approach to cross-
platform integration.
Yield Data Insights (Y): Leverage integrated platforms to gather and analyze data for
actionable insights.
Networked Solutions (N): Utilize networked and API-driven solutions for efficient and
scalable integrations.
Customer-Centric Focus (C): Ensure all integrations are aligned with the goal of
enhancing the customer experience.
Framework for Cross-Platform Integration Agility:
The SYNC Model
Quantum Computing in Marketing
Trend 10
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Quantum Computing in Marketing refers to the
application of quantum computing technologies in
the field of marketing within IT services. This
futuristic approach leverages the immense
processing power of quantum computers to handle
complex data sets, perform advanced analytics, and
optimize marketing strategies in ways traditional
computers can't match.
Hyper-Personalization: Quantum computing enables sophisticated customer
segmentation and targeting, allowing for highly personalized marketing campaigns.
Enhanced Data Analysis: Its ability to process vast and complex data sets at
unprecedented speeds allows for deeper insights into market trends and consumer
Innovative Problem-Solving: Quantum computing offers new ways to approach
marketing challenges, such as fraud detection and creative content optimization.
Why is it Important
is the projected value of the
global quantum computing
market by 2030, expanding at a
CAGR of 31.2% from 2022 to
$65 B
Market Growth and Potential: With the quantum computing market projected to grow
significantly, its potential applications in marketing are garnering interest.
Advanced Personalization Needs: The demand for more sophisticated
personalization in marketing is driving interest in technologies like quantum computing.
Increasing Data Complexity: As marketing data becomes more complex, the superior
data processing capabilities of quantum computing make it an attractive solution.
Why is it trending?
Invest in Research and Development: Focus on understanding and developing
quantum computing applications specific to marketing.
Build Partnerships: Collaborate with quantum computing experts and institutions to
stay at the forefront of this technology.
Train Your Team: Invest in training and resources to develop in-house expertise in
quantum computing technologies.
How to get started
Quantum computing startups raised $3.8 billion in
venture capital in 2022, highlighting the growing
interest and investment in this technology.
Quality Data Insights (Q): Utilize quantum computing for high-quality, in-depth data analysis.
User-Centric Personalization (U): Leverage quantum computing to create user-centric, highly
personalized marketing strategies.
Advanced Analytics (A): Employ advanced analytics capabilities of quantum computing for market
research and trend prediction.
Novel Approaches (N): Explore novel approaches in marketing problem-solving with quantum
Technology Integration (T): Integrate quantum computing technology with existing marketing tools and
Upskilling and Training (U): Focus on upskilling and training marketing teams in quantum computing
Market Adaptation (M): Adapt to market changes swiftly using insights derived from quantum
Framework for Quantum Computing in Marketing:
The marketing landscape is increasingly shaped by technological advances, ethical
considerations, and a focus on personalization and sustainability. Brands embracing these trends,
from data privacy to quantum computing, are set to excel in a dynamic, digital market. The use of
AI for personalization, alongside real-time analytics and immersive technologies, is shifting
marketing towards more efficient, engaging customer experiences. Ethical practices, including
sustainable strategies and AI governance, are becoming essential for modern businesses.
As marketing evolves, a balance of advanced technology and human-centric methods will define
its future. Integrating AI, blockchain, and quantum computing will boost efficiency and customer
engagement, necessitating agility and adaptability from brands in response to rapid technological
and consumer shifts.
Successful brands will be those that effectively utilize emerging technologies while upholding
ethical standards, sustainability, and customer focus. This alignment with key trends enables
brands to connect deeply with customers and remain relevant, positioning them as future leaders
in the marketing domain.
Joseph, as the Principal Consultant at Industry Atom, is the visionary mind behind the
METABRAND framework, a groundbreaking approach tailored for B2B brands. With
over two decades of diverse experience spanning media, digital technology, banking,
and design, he stands out as a seasoned entrepreneur and a forward-thinking
innovator in marketing. His expertise reflects a deep understanding of the dynamic
interplay between technology and business, making him a sought-after strategist in
the realm of B2B marketing solutions. Joseph's leadership at Industry Atom
exemplifies a commitment to pioneering strategies that drive brand growth and
industry evolution.
Joseph Abraham
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
This year marks the inaugural edition of Industry Atom's Martech trends report, a significant
endeavor where we've tapped into our network of marketers, Martech companies, and revenue
leaders. Our goal was to identify and analyze the most influential trends shaping the marketing
technology landscape. For this first report, we expanded our research scope, conducting
comprehensive interviews with a diverse group of thought leaders across academia, business,
and social enterprises to gain a broad spectrum of insights on emerging trends.
Our process involved a meticulous collection and in-depth analysis of information from these
varied sources, ensuring a rich and multifaceted understanding of the Martech sector. Our team,
dedicated to authenticity and thoroughness, manually sifted through the data, focusing on
interpreting and understanding the real-world implications of each identified trend.
The outcome of this extensive research is our first Martech trends report, carefully compiled and
refined by our editorial team. This report is not just a collection of insights; it's a reflection of
Industry Atom's commitment to providing comprehensive, informed, and valuable perspectives
on the evolving domain of marketing technology. It serves as an essential guide for industry
professionals seeking to navigate the complexities and seize the opportunities in this rapidly
changing field.
About the research
Trends | 2024
Indust ry Atom’s
Mar keting
Industry Atom is an emerging global marketing advisory, analyst and
technology firm that helps the fast growing IT services, SaaS and product
companies build their marketing and sales core, optimize martech stack,
enhance analyst relations, accelerate their pathway to become a METABRAND
creating tangible value at speed and scale. We are a innovation-led company
serving clients globally with strong ecosystem relationships. We measure our
success by the value we create for our clients, each other, our shareholders,
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Industry Atom Marketing Trends for 2024 (B2B Version) (2).pdf

  • 1. Marketing Trends (B2B) for 2024 December 2023 © IndustryAtom 2024 INDUSTRY ATOM’S
  • 2. As we delve into marketing trends for the first time, we aim to decode the intricate interactions between individuals and their behaviors and attitudes, particularly in the fast-evolving domain of marketing technology. The consensus in the martech industry is clear: prioritizing customer-centricity is the key to sustainable growth. In today’s market, businesses are expected to deliver outstanding customer experiences as a standard. This requires a sophisticated integration of marketing technologies and strategies to remain impactful and pertinent in the lives of customers.The challenge in martech, however, lies in the fluid nature of customer behavior. Customers, influenced by rapidly changing technologies and trends, exhibit preferences that evolve quicker than traditional business strategies can keep up with. This constant evolution presents a persistent challenge for marketers to remain aligned with customer expectations. These martech trends are intended to shed light on these dynamic shifts, offering insights and strategies for businesses to leverage in order to catalyze growth by staying relevant and resonant with their customers. This exploration is central to Industry Atom's mission: to empower businesses with the insights and tools necessary to navigate the complex and ever- changing landscape of marketing technology, ensuring they maintain a strong connection with their customer base A word from Industry Atom Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 3. In the ever-evolving world of marketing technology, Industry Atom's Martech Trends for the first time delves into the layers that shape how individuals engage with the digital world. These trends highlight the complex interplay between technology and human behavior, influencing everything from consumer habits to business strategies. Key areas like Data-Privacy Empowerment, AI-Powered Marketing Personalization, and Sustainable Digital Marketing Practices are transforming how organizations interact with and understand their customers. This year's trends reflect a dynamic shift in the marketing landscape, where traditional practices are being reevaluated in light of new technologies and ethical considerations. From the application of AI and blockchain for enhanced customer experiences and transparency to the exploration of quantum computing in marketing analytics, these trends are setting the stage for a transformative era in marketing, underscoring Industry Atom's commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation and customer engagement. Where should we start? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 4. Trend 1 Contents Data-Privacy Empowerment 8-13 Trend 2 AI-Powered Marketing Personalization 14-20 Trend 3 Sustainable Digital Marketing 21-27 Trend 4 Real-Time Data Insight Extraction 28-24 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 5. Trend 5 Contents Immersive Tech- Enhanced Experiences 35-41 Trend 6 Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows 42-48 Trend 7 Strategic AI Ethics Governance 49-55 Trend 8 Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency 56-62 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 6. Trend 9 Contents Cross-Platform Integration Agility 63-69 Trend 10 Quantum Computing in Marketing for IT Services 70-76 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 7. Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting Data Privacy Empowerment Trend 1 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 8. Data-Privacy Empowerment centers around the strategic and ethical handling of customer data, particularly in the IT services sector. It is increasingly critical as businesses navigate a landscape marked by stringent data privacy regulations, evolving technological capabilities, and heightened customer expectations around data handling. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 9. 1.Regulatory Compliance: With global data privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA continually evolving, IT services companies must stay compliant to avoid hefty penalties and legal challenges. 2. Building Customer Trust: Transparency in data practices builds customer trust. With 72% of B2B buyers indicating a preference for transparent pricing, extending this clarity to data handling can significantly impact purchasing decisions. 3. Business Agility and Innovation: Effective data privacy management enables IT companies to leverage data responsibly for innovation, ensuring they stay competitive in a rapidly changing technological landscape. Why is it Important of B2B buyers indicated a preference for transparent pricing, 72% Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 10. Regulatory Evolution and Compliance Pressures: The increasing complexity and global nature of data privacy laws are compelling IT services companies to prioritize data privacy as a core aspect of their operations. Shifting Marketing Paradigms: The phasing out of third-party cookies and the rise of privacy-friendly alternatives are pushing companies to adapt their marketing strategies, emphasizing first-party and zero-party data. Advancements in Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs): Technologies like homomorphic encryption enable IT services companies to analyze and share data securely, complying with privacy regulations without compromising on data utility. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Data Privacy Empowerment
  • 11. Establish a Data Privacy Task Force: Create a dedicated team responsible for managing data privacy initiatives, staying abreast of regulatory changes, and implementing best practices. Implement Robust Data Governance Frameworks: Develop comprehensive data governance and compliance programs to ensure adherence to data privacy laws and ethical guidelines. Invest in Privacy Technology and Expertise: Equip your organization with the necessary tools and skilled personnel specialized in data privacy, such as PETs and privacy law experts. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Data Privacy Empowerment
  • 12. By 2026, companies actively embracing Data- Privacy Empowerment strategies will see a 60% increase in customer trust and loyalty, and a reduction in compliance-related costs by up to 40%. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Data Privacy Empowerment
  • 13. Policy and Compliance (P): Establish clear policies that comply with global data privacy regulations. Responsibility and Ethics (R): Foster a culture of ethical data use and corporate responsibility. Innovation and Security (I): Leverage privacy-enhancing technologies to innovate while ensuring data security. Stakeholder Engagement (S): Actively engage with stakeholders, including customers and employees, to build trust and transparency. Monitoring and Adaptation (M): Continuously monitor privacy practices and adapt to emerging trends and regulations. Framework for Data-Privacy Empowerment: The PRISM Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Data Privacy Empowerment
  • 14. AI-Powered Marketing Personalization Trend 2 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 15. AI-Powered Marketing Personalization refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to tailor marketing efforts to individual customers’ preferences, behaviors, and needs. In the IT services sector, this trend is transforming how companies engage with their B2B clients, offering unprecedented levels of personalization and customer understanding. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 16. Enhanced Customer Engagement: AI personalization enables IT companies to create marketing strategies that resonate more deeply with each client, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction Operational Efficiency: By automating the personalization process, IT firms can streamline their marketing efforts, achieving greater results with less resource investment. Data-Driven Decision Making: AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to uncover insights that human marketers might miss, leading to more informed and effective marketing strategies. Why is it Important is the expected value of the global AI in marketing market by 2027, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.3% from 2022 to 2027. $26.3 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 17. Advancements in AI Technologies: Ongoing improvements in AI algorithms and computing power are making AI personalization more accessible and effective. Increasing Demand for Personalized Experiences: B2B clients are expecting more tailored interactions, with personalized experiences leading to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty. Shift Towards Omnichannel Marketing: The need for consistent personalization across multiple channels is driving the adoption of AI in marketing, as it can seamlessly integrate and analyze data from various sources. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 AI-Powered Marketing Personalization
  • 18. Invest in the Right AI Tools: Identify and deploy AI solutions that can effectively analyze customer data and automate personalized marketing campaigns. Develop a Data-Driven Culture: Foster an organizational culture that prioritizes data collection, analysis, and usage in decision-making processes. Integrate AI with Human Expertise: Combine the efficiency and scalability of AI with the creativity and intuition of human marketers for optimal results. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 AI-Powered Marketing Personalization
  • 19. By 2027, a significant 78% of marketers are convinced that AI will emerge as the key differentiator in the realm of marketing. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 AI-Powered Marketing Personalization
  • 20. Predictive Analytics (P): Utilize AI to predict customer behaviors and preferences. 1. Relevance (R): Ensure all marketing content is highly relevant to each individual client. 2. Engagement (E): Use AI to create engaging and interactive marketing experiences. 3. Scalability (S): Leverage AI to scale personalization efforts across a large client base. 4. Insight (I): Gain deep insights into customer needs and behaviors through AI analytics. 5. Consistency (C): Maintain a consistent level of personalization across all marketing channels. 6. Integration (I): Seamlessly integrate AI with existing marketing tools and platforms. 7. Optimization (O): Continuously optimize marketing strategies based on AI-generated insights. 8. Nurturing (N): Use AI to nurture long-term relationships with clients through ongoing personalized engagement. 9. Framework for AI-Powered Marketing Personalization: The PRECISION Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 AI-Powered Marketing Personalization
  • 21. Sustainable Digital Marketing Trend 3 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 22. Sustainable Digital Marketing Practices in the IT services sector involve integrating eco-friendly and ethical approaches into digital marketing strategies. This trend reflects a growing awareness of environmental impacts and a desire to align business practices with sustainability goals. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 23. Corporate Responsibility and Brand Image: Emphasizing sustainability in marketing practices reflects a company’s commitment to social responsibility, enhancing its brand image. Increasing Consumer Demand: With 85% of B2B buyers willing to pay more for products from sustainable companies, integrating sustainability into marketing strategies can directly impact sales and customer loyalty. Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management: Adopting sustainable practices can help IT companies comply with environmental regulations and reduce the risk of reputational damage due to greenwashing allegations. Why is it Important is the projected value of the global demand for sustainable marketing services by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 17.5%. $37.8 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 24. Global Sustainability Movement: The worldwide focus on sustainability is pushing companies to adopt greener marketing practices. Technological Advancements: New technologies are making it easier for companies to implement sustainable practices in digital marketing, such as energy-efficient data centers and green web hosting. Consumer Awareness and Greenwashing Concerns: As consumers become more environmentally conscious, they are demanding authentic sustainability efforts from brands, leading to a rise in scrutiny and the need to avoid greenwashing. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Sustainable Digital Marketing
  • 25. Measure and Track Sustainability Metrics: Implement tools and methodologies to measure the environmental impact of your digital marketing activities. Educate and Engage Your Audience: Use digital platforms to educate your B2B clients about your sustainability initiatives and how they can benefit from them. Collaborate for Greater Impact: Partner with other sustainable businesses and organizations to amplify the reach and effectiveness of your sustainability campaigns. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Sustainable Digital Marketing
  • 26. Gen Z and Alpha generations, reaching adulthood in 2030, will represent a powerful force for sustainable purchasing and brand engagement. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Sustainable Digital Marketing
  • 27. Leverage Sustainable Technologies (L): Utilize eco-friendly technologies and platforms in digital marketing efforts. Engage and Educate (E): Actively engage with clients and educate them about your sustainability initiatives and their benefits. Authenticity and Transparency (A): Ensure all sustainability claims are credible and transparent to avoid greenwashing. Foster Collaborative Efforts (F): Work with other organizations and clients to foster a community focused on sustainable practices. Framework for Sustainable Digital Marketing: The LEAF Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Sustainable Digital Marketing
  • 28. Real-Time Data Insight Extraction Trend 4 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 29. Real-Time Data Insight Extraction in the IT services industry refers to the immediate analysis and interpretation of data as it becomes available. This capability allows businesses to respond quickly to market trends, customer behaviors, and operational changes, offering a significant competitive advantage. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 30. Enhanced Decision-Making: Instant access to data insights allows IT companies to make informed decisions swiftly, adapting to market dynamics in real-time. Improved Customer Engagement: Real-time data enables personalized customer interactions, leading to better engagement and satisfaction. Operational Efficiency: Instant data analysis helps in identifying and addressing inefficiencies quickly, optimizing business operations. Why is it Important is the anticipated value of the global real-time analytics market by 2030, demonstrating a CAGR of 15.2% from 2023 to 2030. $71.2 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 31. Technological Advancements: The rise of AI, ML, and edge computing has made it feasible to process and analyze large volumes of data instantaneously. Market Dynamics: The fast-paced nature of the IT industry demands quick responses to market changes, making real-time insights invaluable. Customer Expectations: There's a growing expectation for personalized and immediate service in the B2B sector, which real-time data can facilitate. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Real-Time Data Insight Extraction
  • 32. Invest in Relevant Technologies: Adopt AI, ML, and cloud-based solutions that support real-time data processing and analysis. Integrate Data Sources: Ensure that all relevant data sources are integrated to provide a comprehensive view for real-time analysis. Develop a Skilled Workforce: Train and hire professionals skilled in data analytics and real-time systems management. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Real-Time Data Insight Extraction
  • 33. 90% of marketing decisions could be driven by real-time data insights by 2030, up from around 50% today. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Real-Time Data Insight Extraction
  • 34. Responsive Analytics (R): Develop capabilities for responsive and immediate data analysis. Agile Processes (A): Implement agile methodologies that can quickly adapt based on real-time insights. Predictive Intelligence (P): Use real-time data to predict future trends and customer behaviors. Integrated Data Systems (I): Ensure all data systems are integrated for a seamless flow of real-time information. Decision Empowerment (D): Empower decision-makers with real-time insights to make quick, informed choices. Framework for Real-Time Data Insight Extraction: The RAPID Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Real-Time Data Insight Extraction
  • 35. Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences Trend 5 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 36. Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences in IT services involve leveraging technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Web3 to create highly engaging and interactive customer experiences. These technologies transform how IT services are marketed and delivered, offering clients a unique and memorable interaction with products and services. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 37. Enhanced Client Engagement: Immersive technologies offer engaging and memorable experiences that significantly increase client engagement and brand recall. Innovative Product Demonstrations: VR and AR enable IT companies to demonstrate complex services and solutions in an intuitive and interactive manner, aiding in client understanding and decision-making. Differentiation in a Competitive Market: Utilizing immersive tech helps IT companies stand out in a crowded market, offering unique experiences that competitors may not provide. Why is it Important is the forecasted value of the global immersive technology market by 2026, with a growth at a CAGR of 35.6% from 2023 to 2026. $350.1 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 38. Rapid Technological Advancements: The rapid development in AR, VR, and Web3 technologies makes them more accessible and effective for marketing purposes. Growing Consumer Interest: With 45% of global consumers interested in using AR/VR for shopping, there's a clear demand for immersive experiences in the B2B space as well. Increased Market Investment: With the immersive technology market projected to reach $310.8 billion by 2024, there's significant investment and interest in these technologies across industries. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences
  • 39. Identify Appropriate Use Cases: Determine which aspects of your IT services can most benefit from immersive technologies. Invest in the Right Technology: Choose the right AR, VR, or Web3 platforms that align with your marketing goals and client needs. Develop Engaging Content: Create compelling and interactive content for these platforms to fully leverage their capabilities. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences
  • 40. 70% of marketers believe that immersive technologies will be essential for creating engaging customer experiences in the next few years. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences
  • 41. Visionary Approach (V): Adopt a forward-thinking strategy in utilizing immersive technologies. 1. User-Centric Design (U): Focus on creating user-centric experiences that meet the specific needs of your clients. 2. Robust Infrastructure (R): Build a robust technological infrastructure to support immersive experiences. 3. Training and Skills (T): Invest in training your team to effectively utilize and manage these technologies. 4. Innovative Content Creation (I): Develop innovative and engaging content tailored for immersive platforms. 5. Client Engagement (C): Use these technologies to enhance client engagement and build stronger relationships. 6. Analytics and Feedback (A): Implement analytics to measure the effectiveness of your immersive experiences and gather client feedback for continuous improvement. 7. Leverage Trends (L): Stay updated with the latest trends in immersive technology to keep your offerings relevant and effective. 8. Framework for Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences: The VIRTUAL Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Immersive Tech-Enhanced Experiences
  • 42. Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows Trend 6 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 43. Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows in the IT services sector involve leveraging advanced technologies like AI, machine learning, and low- code/no-code platforms to automate marketing processes comprehensively. This trend signifies a shift towards greater efficiency, personalization, and agility in marketing operations. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 44. Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Hyper-automation significantly reduces the time and resources required for marketing tasks, enabling IT companies to focus on strategic initiatives. Improved Marketing Personalization: With hyper-automation, IT firms can deliver highly personalized marketing experiences, leading to increased customer engagement and satisfaction. Agility in Market Response: Hyper-automated workflows allow IT companies to quickly adapt to market changes and customer needs, maintaining a competitive edge. Why is it Important is the projected size of the global hyper-automation market by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 22.3% from 2022 to 2027 $596.6 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 45. Market Growth and Adoption: With the market for hyper-automated marketing workflows expected to reach $17.5 billion by 2024, there's a clear trend towards widespread adoption in the IT industry. Technological Advancements: The integration of AI and machine learning into marketing automation tools is driving smarter and more efficient marketing operations. Increased Demand for Efficiency and Personalization: As businesses seek to optimize their marketing efforts, the need for efficient, personalized, and agile marketing strategies is becoming more pronounced. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows
  • 46. Invest in Advanced Automation Tools: Identify and invest in the latest marketing automation tools that leverage AI and machine learning. Integrate Multi-Channel Marketing: Ensure that your hyper-automated workflows can seamlessly manage marketing across various channels. Focus on Data Security and Compliance: Implement robust data security measures to ensure compliance and protect customer data. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows
  • 47. 72% of marketers believe hyper-automation is critical for driving marketing success by 2025 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows
  • 48. Smart Technology Integration (S): Leverage smart technologies like AI and ML for intelligent automation. Targeted Personalization (T): Use hyper-automation to create highly personalized marketing campaigns. Responsive Operations (R): Ensure your marketing operations can quickly respond to changing market dynamics. Efficiency Optimization (E): Focus on maximizing operational efficiency in all marketing processes. Agile Adaptation (A): Stay agile and adaptable in your marketing strategies with the help of automation. Multi-Channel Coordination (M): Ensure seamless coordination across various marketing channels through hyper-automation. Framework for Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows: The STREAM Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Hyper-Automated Marketing Workflows
  • 49. Strategic AI Ethics Governance Trend 7 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 50. Strategic AI Ethics Governance in IT services involves implementing ethical guidelines and practices for the development and use of AI technologies. It's about ensuring that AI is used responsibly, with considerations for bias, transparency, human oversight, privacy, and security. In an industry where AI is increasingly integral, ethical governance is crucial for maintaining trust and adhering to regulatory standards. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 51. Maintaining Public Trust: Ethical AI practices help in building and maintaining trust among clients and the public, crucial for long-term business sustainability. Regulatory Compliance: As AI regulations evolve, IT companies must ensure compliance to avoid legal and financial repercussions. Risk Mitigation: Ethical governance helps in identifying and mitigating risks associated with AI, such as bias, misuse, and privacy breaches. Why is it Important is the estimated value of the global AI governance market by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 22.7% from 2022 to 2027 7.2 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 52. Increased Investment and Regulations: With global spending on AI ethics growing, and more countries implementing AI-specific regulations, there’s a clear trend towards standardized ethical AI practices. Rising Public Awareness: Public scrutiny regarding AI ethics is intensifying, leading to increased pressure on companies to adopt responsible AI practices. International Collaboration: Global initiatives are fostering harmonization and best practices in AI ethics, influencing IT companies to align with these standards. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Strategic AI Ethics Governance
  • 53. Develop Ethical Guidelines and Policies: Establish clear guidelines on how AI should be developed and used within your organization. Implement Bias and Fairness Controls: Actively work to identify and mitigate bias in AI algorithms. Foster Transparency and Human Oversight: Ensure AI systems are transparent and maintain appropriate levels of human control and oversight. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Strategic AI Ethics Governance
  • 54. 84% of organizations believe that developing an AI ethics strategy is important or very important. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Strategic AI Ethics Governance
  • 55. Ethical Standards (E): Set and adhere to high ethical standards in AI development and usage. Transparency (T): Ensure AI operations are transparent to users, clients, and regulators. Human Oversight (H): Maintain human oversight in AI systems to ensure ethical decision-making. Integrity (I): Uphold integrity in AI practices, ensuring fairness and avoiding misuse. Compliance (C): Stay compliant with evolving AI regulations and industry standards. Security and Privacy (S): Prioritize security and privacy in AI systems to protect user data. Framework for Data-Privacy Empowerment: The PRISM Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Strategic AI Ethics Governance
  • 57. Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency (BET) in IT services refers to the integration of blockchain technology to foster greater transparency, security, and efficiency in various operations. This approach involves using blockchain's decentralized ledger system to create an unalterable, transparent record of transactions and interactions, which is particularly relevant in areas like supply chain management, contract execution, and data management. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 58. Improved Trust and Accountability: Blockchain's immutable record-keeping enhances trust between IT service providers and their clients, ensuring transparency in transactions and data exchanges. Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings: By automating processes and reducing paperwork, blockchain can significantly cut operational costs, as evidenced by IBM's finding of up to 20% cost reduction in food shipment tracking. Enhanced Security and Data Integrity: The technology's robust security features make it an ideal choice for managing sensitive data, reducing the risk of fraud and data breaches. Why is it Important is the projected size of the global blockchain in marketing market by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 32.1% from 2022 to 2027. $1.78 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 59. Accelerated Market Growth: With predictions of blockchain being integrated into 25% of all production systems by 2025, there's a clear trend toward widespread adoption across various sectors. Increasing Sector-Specific Applications: Blockchain is finding applications in diverse fields like healthcare for secure medical records and finance for transparent transactions, indicating its versatility and utility. Global Economy Benefits: With the World Bank estimating blockchain's potential to save the global economy $1.5 trillion annually by 2030, its economic impact is becoming increasingly evident. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency
  • 60. Identify Suitable Applications: Determine which areas of your IT services can most benefit from blockchain integration. Invest in Blockchain Infrastructure: Develop or partner with platforms that offer robust blockchain solutions. Educate and Train Staff: Ensure your team is knowledgeable about blockchain technology and its applications in your business. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency
  • 61. 60% of marketers believe blockchain will be transformative for the industry within the next three years. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency
  • 62. Consistency and Compliance (C): Maintain consistent practices in blockchain implementation and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Honesty and Accountability (H): Foster a culture of honesty and accountability in all blockchain-related operations. Automated Efficiency (A): Utilize blockchain to automate and streamline processes for improved efficiency. Integrity and Security (I): Uphold the highest levels of data integrity and security in blockchain applications. Networked Transparency (N): Leverage blockchain's networked structure to enhance transparency across all operations. Framework for Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency: The CHAIN Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Blockchain-Enhanced Transparency
  • 63. Cross-Platform Integration Agility Trend 9 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 64. Cross-Platform Integration Agility in IT services refers to the ability to seamlessly integrate and synchronize various software platforms and systems. This capability is crucial for IT service providers, allowing them to offer a cohesive, efficient, and personalized service experience. It involves using APIs, headless technology, and other tools to ensure that different applications and data sources work together harmoniously. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 65. Unified Customer Experience: Integration agility allows IT companies to provide a consistent experience across multiple platforms, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement. Operational Efficiency: Seamless integration reduces redundancies and streamlines workflows, leading to improved operational efficiency and cost savings. Data-Driven Insights: Integrating platforms enables a unified view of data, facilitating better decision-making and strategic planning based on comprehensive insights. Why is it Important is the anticipated value of the global market for marketing automation platforms (MAPs) by 2024, with a growth rate of 13.7% CAGR from 2023 to 2024. $7.6 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 66. Omnichannel Marketing Adoption: The rise in omnichannel marketing strategies necessitates the integration of various marketing platforms and tools. Demand for Personalized Experiences: As personalization becomes key in customer interactions, integrated platforms are essential to deliver tailored experiences efficiently. Advancements in Technology: Developments in API-driven integrations and AI are making it easier and more efficient to integrate multiple platforms. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Cross-Platform Integration Agility
  • 67. Assess Integration Needs: Evaluate your current technology stack and identify key integration points. Invest in Integration Platforms: Adopt integration platforms as a service (iPaaS) or other tools that facilitate seamless cross-platform integration. Foster IT and Marketing Collaboration: Ensure close collaboration between IT and marketing teams to manage integrations effectively. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Cross-Platform Integration Agility
  • 68. 84% of marketers believe that cross-channel marketing is critical to their success. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Cross-Platform Integration Agility
  • 69. Systematic Approach (S): Adopt a systematic and strategic approach to cross- platform integration. Yield Data Insights (Y): Leverage integrated platforms to gather and analyze data for actionable insights. Networked Solutions (N): Utilize networked and API-driven solutions for efficient and scalable integrations. Customer-Centric Focus (C): Ensure all integrations are aligned with the goal of enhancing the customer experience. Framework for Cross-Platform Integration Agility: The SYNC Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Cross-Platform Integration Agility
  • 70. Quantum Computing in Marketing Trend 10 Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 71. Quantum Computing in Marketing refers to the application of quantum computing technologies in the field of marketing within IT services. This futuristic approach leverages the immense processing power of quantum computers to handle complex data sets, perform advanced analytics, and optimize marketing strategies in ways traditional computers can't match. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 72. Hyper-Personalization: Quantum computing enables sophisticated customer segmentation and targeting, allowing for highly personalized marketing campaigns. Enhanced Data Analysis: Its ability to process vast and complex data sets at unprecedented speeds allows for deeper insights into market trends and consumer behavior. Innovative Problem-Solving: Quantum computing offers new ways to approach marketing challenges, such as fraud detection and creative content optimization. Why is it Important is the projected value of the global quantum computing market by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 31.2% from 2022 to 2030. $65 B Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 73. Market Growth and Potential: With the quantum computing market projected to grow significantly, its potential applications in marketing are garnering interest. Advanced Personalization Needs: The demand for more sophisticated personalization in marketing is driving interest in technologies like quantum computing. Increasing Data Complexity: As marketing data becomes more complex, the superior data processing capabilities of quantum computing make it an attractive solution. Why is it trending? Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Quantum Computing in Marketing
  • 74. Invest in Research and Development: Focus on understanding and developing quantum computing applications specific to marketing. Build Partnerships: Collaborate with quantum computing experts and institutions to stay at the forefront of this technology. Train Your Team: Invest in training and resources to develop in-house expertise in quantum computing technologies. How to get started Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Quantum Computing in Marketing
  • 75. Quantum computing startups raised $3.8 billion in venture capital in 2022, highlighting the growing interest and investment in this technology. Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Quantum Computing in Marketing
  • 76. Quality Data Insights (Q): Utilize quantum computing for high-quality, in-depth data analysis. 1. User-Centric Personalization (U): Leverage quantum computing to create user-centric, highly personalized marketing strategies. 2. Advanced Analytics (A): Employ advanced analytics capabilities of quantum computing for market research and trend prediction. 3. Novel Approaches (N): Explore novel approaches in marketing problem-solving with quantum computing. 4. Technology Integration (T): Integrate quantum computing technology with existing marketing tools and platforms. 5. Upskilling and Training (U): Focus on upskilling and training marketing teams in quantum computing applications. 6. Market Adaptation (M): Adapt to market changes swiftly using insights derived from quantum computing. 7. Framework for Quantum Computing in Marketing: The QUANTUM Model Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Quantum Computing in Marketing
  • 77. The marketing landscape is increasingly shaped by technological advances, ethical considerations, and a focus on personalization and sustainability. Brands embracing these trends, from data privacy to quantum computing, are set to excel in a dynamic, digital market. The use of AI for personalization, alongside real-time analytics and immersive technologies, is shifting marketing towards more efficient, engaging customer experiences. Ethical practices, including sustainable strategies and AI governance, are becoming essential for modern businesses. As marketing evolves, a balance of advanced technology and human-centric methods will define its future. Integrating AI, blockchain, and quantum computing will boost efficiency and customer engagement, necessitating agility and adaptability from brands in response to rapid technological and consumer shifts. Successful brands will be those that effectively utilize emerging technologies while upholding ethical standards, sustainability, and customer focus. This alignment with key trends enables brands to connect deeply with customers and remain relevant, positioning them as future leaders in the marketing domain. Closing: Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024
  • 78. Joseph, as the Principal Consultant at Industry Atom, is the visionary mind behind the METABRAND framework, a groundbreaking approach tailored for B2B brands. With over two decades of diverse experience spanning media, digital technology, banking, and design, he stands out as a seasoned entrepreneur and a forward-thinking innovator in marketing. His expertise reflects a deep understanding of the dynamic interplay between technology and business, making him a sought-after strategist in the realm of B2B marketing solutions. Joseph's leadership at Industry Atom exemplifies a commitment to pioneering strategies that drive brand growth and industry evolution. Author Joseph Abraham Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 79. This year marks the inaugural edition of Industry Atom's Martech trends report, a significant endeavor where we've tapped into our network of marketers, Martech companies, and revenue leaders. Our goal was to identify and analyze the most influential trends shaping the marketing technology landscape. For this first report, we expanded our research scope, conducting comprehensive interviews with a diverse group of thought leaders across academia, business, and social enterprises to gain a broad spectrum of insights on emerging trends. Our process involved a meticulous collection and in-depth analysis of information from these varied sources, ensuring a rich and multifaceted understanding of the Martech sector. Our team, dedicated to authenticity and thoroughness, manually sifted through the data, focusing on interpreting and understanding the real-world implications of each identified trend. The outcome of this extensive research is our first Martech trends report, carefully compiled and refined by our editorial team. This report is not just a collection of insights; it's a reflection of Industry Atom's commitment to providing comprehensive, informed, and valuable perspectives on the evolving domain of marketing technology. It serves as an essential guide for industry professionals seeking to navigate the complexities and seize the opportunities in this rapidly changing field. About the research Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024 Trends | 2024 Indust ry Atom’s Mar keting
  • 80. Industry Atom is an emerging global marketing advisory, analyst and technology firm that helps the fast growing IT services, SaaS and product companies build their marketing and sales core, optimize martech stack, enhance analyst relations, accelerate their pathway to become a METABRAND creating tangible value at speed and scale. We are a innovation-led company serving clients globally with strong ecosystem relationships. We measure our success by the value we create for our clients, each other, our shareholders, partners and communities. Visit us at About Industry Atom Industry Atom’s Marketing Trends 2024