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John Elijah, Gunalan and Jeff Ng Jun Guan
Indigo short story by Satyajit Ray
Deep in the heart of Calcutta, India at first light in a
flat a figure could be seen under the covers and comfort of
a blanket, accompanied by a faint light signaling a new
dawn. Then, the noise of an alarm pierced through the calm
ANIRUDDHA BOSE, a rather fine looking young man whom one
would guess is approaching 30, arose from underneath the
He laid in his bed for a moment, let out a sigh, as if
knowing what to expect from this day and stepped out of bed.
He walked to:
He brushed his teeth in an unorthodox manner, slow and sure
Bose entered his living room after his bath then sat down in
front of a table for breakfast. Next to his breakfast he
picked up a piece that he wrote and looked at it. Then after
a momentary pause he got up, carried his briefcase and went
out the door.
On the streets of Calcutta, the city is slowly coming to
life as Bose’s Ambassador car exits into the street from the
flat’s parking lot and drives off towards the city.
Bose is sitting in front of a computer and types into the
keyboard, paying little attention to his colleagues.
Suddenly, one of his colleagues went over.
SHARMA, mid 30s and in terrific shape, leaned in.
Bose, the boss wants to see you.
Bose is surprised and asked.
What? Why?
Sharma could only afford a shrug of the shoulder. Bose
stood and headed for the:
Bose peeked into the room to find a man sitting on a grand
office chair.
SALMAN RAJ, a slightly overweight man, in his mid 60s,
looked up from his desk and gestured towards the chair
opposite his.
Bose, have a seat.
Bose nervously sat down. Salman observed his employee for a
moment before finally breaking the silence.
How are you, Bose?
I’m fine, Mr. Raj. Is there
anything I could do for you?
(shakes his head and smiled)
I think you’ve done a lot for this
agency. Actually I called you in
for something else entirely.
Alright, what is it?
You’ve worked so hard for this
agency, but lately you seemed out
of gas. Have you ever thought about
maybe taking a break?
Uh not really. I try to keep myself
busy at all times
I’m just saying, you look like you
could use some time off or
something seeing as we’re doing
great lately.
I don’t know Mr. Raj. I guess I’ll
do it
Great. You are dismissed.
Thank you so much, Mr. Raj.
Bose stepped out of the chair and walked out of the office.
Bose entered his flat and closed the door. He picked up a
few letters and went straight into the living room.
Tired, he sat down and went through the mails briefly before
stopping at a particular mail. It was sent an old friend of
his from Dumka.
The letter: I have a job in the Forest Department here. I
have my own quarters. Why don’t you take a week’s leave and
come over?
Bose smiled a little bit then thought for a while. He then
got up and headed for the bathroom.
Bose is busy packing his items and belongings for the long
Bose is sitting down and was about to eat his meal that he
prepared for the long drive when suddenly there was a knock
on the door. Bose stood up and headed for--
And opened the door. And there stood someone.
UNCLE MOHIT, a very old acquintance of the family and
friends with Bose’s father, now a rather frail old man,
stood there.
Uncle, I wasn’t expecting this.
Hello, Bose. I was around the
neighbourhood so i thought i could
pay you a visit.
Oh sure, come in.
Uncle Mohit stepped into the flat and sat down on the couch.
Bose poured a cup of tea for his uncle and joined him.
So how are things, uncle?
Ah, you know. Same old same old.
Always a relative for me to visit.
How about you?
Yeah, you know. Getting busy all
the time.
Uncle Mohit, seemingly aware of Bose’s dissatisfaction with
life in the city, leaned forward.
You know, when your father died,
your mother made the tough decision
to move here with your uncle. She’d
never liked the city life but yet
for your sake and your future, she
made the leap.
I know, uncle.
Last time I heard your brother is
working at a hospital in England
and has no plans to return soon.
Ya, I think he has settled there.
Look at you. Your dad would’ve been
proud of you in a way.
In a way?
You’ve done really well for
yourself, Bose. But we all know
that you don’t enjoy the city life,
You got that from your mother.
(looks around) Is that why you’re
(looks at his luggage)
What, oh no. Just taking a break
from everything for a little bit.
I’m going to Dumka to visit an old
Oh, that’s nice. Well, I guess I’ll
be going now. It has been really
nice getting to meet you again,
Yeah, me too, uncle.
Bose sends off Uncle Mohit at the door.
Bose was putting all of his luggage into the back seat of
his car. Suddenly Bose is approached.
BHOLA BABU, his ground-floor neighbour, carrying PINTU, his
four-year-old son.
Where are you heading all by
Oh, I’m driving to Dumka to spend
time with an old friend.
Bhola smiled at the idea, but then wondered about the plan
to drive to Damku.
But that’s a long journey. Aren’t
you going to arrange for a personal
I think I can handle that. Besides,
I got a good car to take me there.
Don’t worry about it.
Alright then. Good luck and drive
Will do.
Bose smiled and closed the back door of his car upon
finishing loading his luggage.
Bose spent the first hour-and-a-half driving through shanty
towns and didn’t enjoy it.
Upon officially exiting suburban area into open country,
Bose let a sigh of relief and a smile. He continued his
drive towards Dumka.
While driving, Bose felt hungry again. He noticed a station
and stopped by the station.
Bose enjoyed his light meal of toast, omelette and coffee.
It was also during then that he took out an old photo album
and browsed through his childhood photos in Bihar, his
Bose was actually enjoying the ride and the impressive view
of the countryside then suddenly there was a bang coming
from the rear of his car.
He mumbled to himself.
What the??
Bose stopped at the roadside and inspected to find a flat
tyre. He pulled out a spare tyre and some tools and replaced
Upon finishing replacing the flat tyre, Bose was clearly
tired. He glanced at his watch as sighed frustratedly upon
seeing the time. He looked up to see his destination and saw
dark clouds ahead. Bose got back into his car.
It was raining heavily and the rain was accompanied by
lightning. Bose flinched at every lightning strike.
Suddenly, there was another bang. Very similar to the one
before, only from the other side.
Bose shook his head in disbelief.
Oh no, not again.
Bose stopped the car and held his head in his hand in
disappointment upon realisong he had no more spare tyres.
He glanced up but couldn’t see anything past the windshields
despite the efforts of his wiper. He opened the door on his
right and peeked around. Amongst the trees he could only
make out a few buildings. As the rain still poured heavily,
Bose closed his car door and took a quick look at the map
only to see that he has taken a wrong turn.
After fifteen minutes, Bose pulled out a pack of cigarettes
and lit one. Whilst smoking Bose stared off into the
distance. Suddenly, through the rear view mirror Bose could
see a car coming in the same direction.
Bose got out of his car and signalled for help. The car
approached him.
There were two SIKH guys inside the car. SIKH GUY 1 pulled
down the window.
Help, please.
What’s the matter? a busted tyre?
You guessed it. And I think I lost
the way to my destination in Dumka.
SIKH GUY 2 looked around to see no one. Both of them got out
of the car and unexpectedly pulled out a knife.
Give me your wallet and for your
sake, don’t argue.
Bose was startled.
Please, you can’t do this. I have
nowhere to go. What am I going to
Bose slowly took out his wallet and dropped it on the road.
Sikh Guy 2 picked up the wallet and walked away.
Wise move. And oh, by the way, you
should head back for three miles
then you should be back on the
right track. Safe journey.
Sikh Guy 1 smiled as he closed the car door and drove off.
Bose gruntled in disbelief and at his luck.
There were only the sound of frogs and cricket accompanying
the silence. Bose got back into his back and was about to
lit a second cigarette when suddenly a light glimmered
through the window on his side.
Bose opened the car door again. And amongst the approaching
darkness he could a rectangular glow. Assuming it was a
window, Bose took out his torch and headed for the light
source, locking his car in the process.
He made his way through puddles of mud and after passing
through the trees into a clearing, he finally caught sight
of the building of the source of the light, a cottage.
In desperation, Bose called out.
Hello, is anybody there?
A man came out of the cottage.
SUKHANRAM, a stocky, middle-aged man with a thick moustache
came out but was blinded by the torch. Bose turned away his
Where did you come from,sir?
I was on my way to Dumka, but I
took the wrong turn and my tyre is
flat. And I was robbed.
Bose paused for a moment, then asked.
Is there a place here where I can
spend the night? I would be so
grateful and I shall be in your
Sukhanram looked at Bose for a while, seemingly studying
him, and then finally replied.
Alright, I guess you could spend
the night at the dak bungalow.
Bose asked.
What dak bungalow?
Bose shone his torch and saw a large bungalow a few metres
from the cottage. Sukhanram walked with Bose towards the old
Remember, there is no bedding
there, only a charpoy. And you
can’t have any meals there.
Oh, don’t worry. I carry my own
Bose turned back towards the light from inside the cottage,
then asked.
I see you’ve got a stove lit in
your cottage. Are you cooking a
Sukhanram broke into a smile that relieved Bose and replied.
I’m making some coarse chapattis.
But of course the main attraction
is my wife’s homemade urad-ka-dal.
Care to join us?
Oh yes, that would do very nicely.
After dinner, Sukhanram brought Bose whom carried his
luggage and torch into the dak bungalow.
Becareful around here, this
bungalow was built during the time
of the Raj
Ohh, alright.
Sukhanram led Bose into the:
Sukhanram entered the bedroom first followed by Bose. Bose
observed the room which had a high ceiling, a charpoy or
bed, a table set against the wall, and a chair with a broken
Sukhanram lit a lantern and placed it on the table. Bose
finally mustered up the courage to ask a question.
So, what’s is your name?
Sukhanram, sir.
Nice to meet you, Sukhanram. So
tell me, has anybody ever stayed in
this bungalow or am I the first
Oh no, sir, others have come too.
There was a gentleman who satyed
here for two nights during last
Bose jokingly remarked.
I hope there are no ghosts in here.
God forbid, sir. SO far we have not
reveived any complains regarding
Sukhanram glanced around the room.
This used to be home to an indigo
planter, and there used to be an
indigo factory nearby, but all was
that was left of it is the chimney.
Oh wow. I knew a little bit about
the history of indigo. Back in
Monghyr I’ve seen many ruins of
indigo factories.
Sukhanram nodded, then headed for the door
Well I guess you should probably
call it a day now.
Alright, thanks again so much.
Bose, tired, set up his bedding and headed for the the bed
after sending a telegram to his frined saying he would
arrive that afternoon.
He then placed the lantern in the adjoining bathroom and
slept with the lights on.
Bose was suddenly awakened by the sound of something
scratching at the door which was bolted. Bose shut his eyes
in an effort to sleep was disturbed again, this time by the
strange bay of a hound.
At that time, a faint moonlight glimmered throught the
window. Bose raised his left arm only to notice that his
wristwatch that he always wore to bed is gone. He checked
for his torch which also gone and under the bed for his
suitcase that has disappeared as well.
Panicked, Bose called out for Sukhanram through his nickname
as the caretaker.
There was no reply. Bose headed to the bolted door to check
and glanced at his hand, which is now pale white. And
instead of the vest that he had been wearing the whole day,
Bose is now in a white silk shirt.
He went out into the verandah.
Bose was startled as his accent had also changed and the
place that which laid the cottage is instead a wide open
field and in the distance, a building with a chimney.
Bose entered the bedroom only to find everything has
changed. The bed had a mosquito net, the pillow looked
different, the table and chair looked newer than they did,
and on the table was a kerosene lamp intead of a lantern.
Bose turned away from the objects and looked at himself
instead.To his surprise he was wearing a narrow trousers and
socks. He used his hands to feel his facial features and
found that they too, had changed.
He had a sharp nose, thin lips and narrow chin. The hair on
his head was wavy and that there were sideburns which
reached below his ears.
Despite of this terrible ordeal, Bose decided to see what he
looked like in the mirror, and therefore he headed to the:
And he opened the door. Before that had only been a bucket
in the bathroom but now there were many items such as a
metal bath tub, a stool and more importantly, an oval shaped
He peered into the mirror but found that a different person
was staring back at him, a 19th century Englishman who had a
fair complexion, blond hair and light eyes that show signs
of depression and grit.
As Bose took a closer look, he let out a sigh which
expressed the feelings of the Englishman. Suddenly, Bose
completely lost control of his limbs. He went back to the:
And sat on a chair beside a table that had a quillpen and
ink. Suddenly without his consent, his right arm picked up
the quill and he started writing.
What he wrote:27 April 1968
Those fiendish mosquitoes are singing in my ears again. So
that’s how the son of a mighty empire has to meet his end -
at the hands of a tiny insect. What strange will of God is
this? Eric has made his escape. Percy and Tony too left
earlier. Perhaps I was greedier than them. So in spite of
repeated attacks of malaria I couldn’t resist the lure of
indigo. No, not only that. One mustn’t lie in one’s diary.
My countrymen know me only too well. I didn’t lead a
blameless life at home either; and they surely have not
forgotten that. So I do not dare go back home. I know I will
have to stay here and lay down my life on this alien
soil. My place will be beside the graves of my wife Mary
and dear little son Toby. I have treated the natives here so
badly that there is no one to shed a tear at my passing
away. Perhaps Mirjan would miss me - my faithful trusted
bearer Mirjan. And Rex? My real worry is about Rex. Alas,
faithful Rex! When I die, these people will not spare you.
They will either stone you or club you to death. If only I
could do something about you.
Then, his hands started shaking against his will. He put
down the pen and opened his drawer and reached for a pistol.
He stood up from the chair headed for the:
Out in the moonlight, there was a large greyhound. Then the
same deep Englishman voiced called out
As Rex approached his master, he raised the pistol and
pointed it towards Rex. Rex growled as the pistol is pointed
at him.
He pressed the trigger. The smell of gunpowder now filled
the air as Rex’s lifeless body lay.
Loud noises could be heard coming from the indigo factory.
He went back into the bedroom, bolted the door and calmly
sat on the bed.
The shouting became louder as the source drew near.
He placed the still-hot muzzle of the pistol by his right
That is all he remembers.

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  • 1. Indigo By John Elijah, Gunalan and Jeff Ng Jun Guan Indigo short story by Satyajit Ray
  • 2. FADE IN: INT. BOSE’S BEDROOM - DAY Deep in the heart of Calcutta, India at first light in a flat a figure could be seen under the covers and comfort of a blanket, accompanied by a faint light signaling a new dawn. Then, the noise of an alarm pierced through the calm morning. ANIRUDDHA BOSE, a rather fine looking young man whom one would guess is approaching 30, arose from underneath the blanket. He laid in his bed for a moment, let out a sigh, as if knowing what to expect from this day and stepped out of bed. He walked to: INT. BOSE’S BATHROOM - DAY He brushed his teeth in an unorthodox manner, slow and sure strokes. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Bose entered his living room after his bath then sat down in front of a table for breakfast. Next to his breakfast he picked up a piece that he wrote and looked at it. Then after a momentary pause he got up, carried his briefcase and went out the door. EXT. SADAR SHANKAR ROAD - DAY On the streets of Calcutta, the city is slowly coming to life as Bose’s Ambassador car exits into the street from the flat’s parking lot and drives off towards the city. INT. ADVERTISING AGENCY OFFICE - DAY Bose is sitting in front of a computer and types into the keyboard, paying little attention to his colleagues. Suddenly, one of his colleagues went over. SHARMA, mid 30s and in terrific shape, leaned in. SHARMA Bose, the boss wants to see you. Bose is surprised and asked. BOSE What? Why?
  • 3. 2. Sharma could only afford a shrug of the shoulder. Bose stood and headed for the: INT. BOSS’ OFFICE - DAY Bose peeked into the room to find a man sitting on a grand office chair. SALMAN RAJ, a slightly overweight man, in his mid 60s, looked up from his desk and gestured towards the chair opposite his. SALMAN Bose, have a seat. Bose nervously sat down. Salman observed his employee for a moment before finally breaking the silence. SALMAN How are you, Bose? BOSE I’m fine, Mr. Raj. Is there anything I could do for you? SALMAN (shakes his head and smiled) I think you’ve done a lot for this agency. Actually I called you in for something else entirely. BOSE Alright, what is it? SALMAN You’ve worked so hard for this agency, but lately you seemed out of gas. Have you ever thought about maybe taking a break? BOSE Uh not really. I try to keep myself busy at all times SALMAN I’m just saying, you look like you could use some time off or something seeing as we’re doing great lately. BOSE I don’t know Mr. Raj. I guess I’ll do it (CONTINUED)
  • 4. CONTINUED: 3. SALMAN Great. You are dismissed. BOSE Thank you so much, Mr. Raj. Bose stepped out of the chair and walked out of the office. INT. BOSE’S FLAT - NIGHT Bose entered his flat and closed the door. He picked up a few letters and went straight into the living room. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Tired, he sat down and went through the mails briefly before stopping at a particular mail. It was sent an old friend of his from Dumka. The letter: I have a job in the Forest Department here. I have my own quarters. Why don’t you take a week’s leave and come over? Bose smiled a little bit then thought for a while. He then got up and headed for the bathroom. INT. BOSE’S BEDROOM - DAY Bose is busy packing his items and belongings for the long drive. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Bose is sitting down and was about to eat his meal that he prepared for the long drive when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Bose stood up and headed for-- THE MAIN DOOR And opened the door. And there stood someone. UNCLE MOHIT, a very old acquintance of the family and friends with Bose’s father, now a rather frail old man, stood there. BOSE Uncle, I wasn’t expecting this. MOHIT Hello, Bose. I was around the neighbourhood so i thought i could pay you a visit. (CONTINUED)
  • 5. CONTINUED: 4. BOSE Oh sure, come in. Uncle Mohit stepped into the flat and sat down on the couch. Bose poured a cup of tea for his uncle and joined him. BOSE So how are things, uncle? MOHIT Ah, you know. Same old same old. Always a relative for me to visit. How about you? BOSE Yeah, you know. Getting busy all the time. Uncle Mohit, seemingly aware of Bose’s dissatisfaction with life in the city, leaned forward. MOHIT You know, when your father died, your mother made the tough decision to move here with your uncle. She’d never liked the city life but yet for your sake and your future, she made the leap. BOSE I know, uncle. MOHIT Last time I heard your brother is working at a hospital in England and has no plans to return soon. BOSE Ya, I think he has settled there. MOHIT Look at you. Your dad would’ve been proud of you in a way. BOSE In a way? MOHIT You’ve done really well for yourself, Bose. But we all know that you don’t enjoy the city life, You got that from your mother. (looks around) Is that why you’re packing? (CONTINUED)
  • 6. CONTINUED: 5. BOSE (looks at his luggage) What, oh no. Just taking a break from everything for a little bit. I’m going to Dumka to visit an old friend. MOHIT Oh, that’s nice. Well, I guess I’ll be going now. It has been really nice getting to meet you again, Bose. BOSE Yeah, me too, uncle. Bose sends off Uncle Mohit at the door. EXT. FLAT PARKING LOT - DAY Bose was putting all of his luggage into the back seat of his car. Suddenly Bose is approached. BHOLA BABU, his ground-floor neighbour, carrying PINTU, his four-year-old son. BHOLA Where are you heading all by yourself? BOSE Oh, I’m driving to Dumka to spend time with an old friend. Bhola smiled at the idea, but then wondered about the plan to drive to Damku. BHOLA But that’s a long journey. Aren’t you going to arrange for a personal driver? BOSE I think I can handle that. Besides, I got a good car to take me there. Don’t worry about it. BHOLA Alright then. Good luck and drive safe. (CONTINUED)
  • 7. CONTINUED: 6. BOSE Will do. Bose smiled and closed the back door of his car upon finishing loading his luggage. EXT. ON THE ROAD - DAY Bose spent the first hour-and-a-half driving through shanty towns and didn’t enjoy it. Upon officially exiting suburban area into open country, Bose let a sigh of relief and a smile. He continued his drive towards Dumka. EXT. NEARING BURDWAN - DAY While driving, Bose felt hungry again. He noticed a station and stopped by the station. INT. RESTAURANT - DAY Bose enjoyed his light meal of toast, omelette and coffee. It was also during then that he took out an old photo album and browsed through his childhood photos in Bihar, his hometown. EXT. NEAR PANAGARH - DAY Bose was actually enjoying the ride and the impressive view of the countryside then suddenly there was a bang coming from the rear of his car. He mumbled to himself. BOSE What the?? Bose stopped at the roadside and inspected to find a flat tyre. He pulled out a spare tyre and some tools and replaced it. Upon finishing replacing the flat tyre, Bose was clearly tired. He glanced at his watch as sighed frustratedly upon seeing the time. He looked up to see his destination and saw dark clouds ahead. Bose got back into his car.
  • 8. 7. EXT. CROSSING ILLAMBAZAR - DAY It was raining heavily and the rain was accompanied by lightning. Bose flinched at every lightning strike. Suddenly, there was another bang. Very similar to the one before, only from the other side. Bose shook his head in disbelief. BOSE Oh no, not again. Bose stopped the car and held his head in his hand in disappointment upon realisong he had no more spare tyres. He glanced up but couldn’t see anything past the windshields despite the efforts of his wiper. He opened the door on his right and peeked around. Amongst the trees he could only make out a few buildings. As the rain still poured heavily, Bose closed his car door and took a quick look at the map only to see that he has taken a wrong turn. After fifteen minutes, Bose pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. Whilst smoking Bose stared off into the distance. Suddenly, through the rear view mirror Bose could see a car coming in the same direction. Bose got out of his car and signalled for help. The car approached him. There were two SIKH guys inside the car. SIKH GUY 1 pulled down the window. BOSE Help, please. SIKH GUY 1 What’s the matter? a busted tyre? BOSE You guessed it. And I think I lost the way to my destination in Dumka. SIKH GUY 2 looked around to see no one. Both of them got out of the car and unexpectedly pulled out a knife. SIKH GUY 1 Give me your wallet and for your sake, don’t argue. Bose was startled. (CONTINUED)
  • 9. CONTINUED: 8. BOSE Please, you can’t do this. I have nowhere to go. What am I going to do? Bose slowly took out his wallet and dropped it on the road. Sikh Guy 2 picked up the wallet and walked away. SIKH GUY 1 Wise move. And oh, by the way, you should head back for three miles then you should be back on the right track. Safe journey. Sikh Guy 1 smiled as he closed the car door and drove off. Bose gruntled in disbelief and at his luck. There were only the sound of frogs and cricket accompanying the silence. Bose got back into his back and was about to lit a second cigarette when suddenly a light glimmered through the window on his side. Bose opened the car door again. And amongst the approaching darkness he could a rectangular glow. Assuming it was a window, Bose took out his torch and headed for the light source, locking his car in the process. EXT. THE FORREST - NIGHT He made his way through puddles of mud and after passing through the trees into a clearing, he finally caught sight of the building of the source of the light, a cottage. In desperation, Bose called out. BOSE Hello, is anybody there? A man came out of the cottage. SUKHANRAM, a stocky, middle-aged man with a thick moustache came out but was blinded by the torch. Bose turned away his torch. SUKHANRAM Where did you come from,sir? BOSE I was on my way to Dumka, but I took the wrong turn and my tyre is flat. And I was robbed. Bose paused for a moment, then asked. (CONTINUED)
  • 10. CONTINUED: 9. BOSE Is there a place here where I can spend the night? I would be so grateful and I shall be in your debt. Sukhanram looked at Bose for a while, seemingly studying him, and then finally replied. SUKHANRAM Alright, I guess you could spend the night at the dak bungalow. Bose asked. BOSE What dak bungalow? Bose shone his torch and saw a large bungalow a few metres from the cottage. Sukhanram walked with Bose towards the old bungalow. SUKHANRAM Remember, there is no bedding there, only a charpoy. And you can’t have any meals there. BOSE Oh, don’t worry. I carry my own bedding. Bose turned back towards the light from inside the cottage, then asked. BOSE I see you’ve got a stove lit in your cottage. Are you cooking a meal? Sukhanram broke into a smile that relieved Bose and replied. SUKHANRAM I’m making some coarse chapattis. But of course the main attraction is my wife’s homemade urad-ka-dal. Care to join us? BOSE Oh yes, that would do very nicely.
  • 11. 10. INT. DAK BUNGALOW - NIGHT After dinner, Sukhanram brought Bose whom carried his luggage and torch into the dak bungalow. SUKHANRAM Becareful around here, this bungalow was built during the time of the Raj BOSE Ohh, alright. Sukhanram led Bose into the: INT. DAK BUNGALOW BEDROOM - NIGHT Sukhanram entered the bedroom first followed by Bose. Bose observed the room which had a high ceiling, a charpoy or bed, a table set against the wall, and a chair with a broken arm. Sukhanram lit a lantern and placed it on the table. Bose finally mustered up the courage to ask a question. BOSE So, what’s is your name? SUKHANRAM Sukhanram, sir. BOSE Nice to meet you, Sukhanram. So tell me, has anybody ever stayed in this bungalow or am I the first one? SUKHANRAM Oh no, sir, others have come too. There was a gentleman who satyed here for two nights during last winter. Bose jokingly remarked. BOSE I hope there are no ghosts in here. SUKHANRAM God forbid, sir. SO far we have not reveived any complains regarding ghosts. Sukhanram glanced around the room. (CONTINUED)
  • 12. CONTINUED: 11. SUKHANRAM This used to be home to an indigo planter, and there used to be an indigo factory nearby, but all was that was left of it is the chimney. BOSE Oh wow. I knew a little bit about the history of indigo. Back in Monghyr I’ve seen many ruins of indigo factories. Sukhanram nodded, then headed for the door SUKHANRAM Well I guess you should probably call it a day now. BOSE Alright, thanks again so much. Bose, tired, set up his bedding and headed for the the bed after sending a telegram to his frined saying he would arrive that afternoon. He then placed the lantern in the adjoining bathroom and slept with the lights on. DREAM SEQUENCE Bose was suddenly awakened by the sound of something scratching at the door which was bolted. Bose shut his eyes in an effort to sleep was disturbed again, this time by the strange bay of a hound. At that time, a faint moonlight glimmered throught the window. Bose raised his left arm only to notice that his wristwatch that he always wore to bed is gone. He checked for his torch which also gone and under the bed for his suitcase that has disappeared as well. Panicked, Bose called out for Sukhanram through his nickname as the caretaker. BOSE Chowkidar! There was no reply. Bose headed to the bolted door to check and glanced at his hand, which is now pale white. And instead of the vest that he had been wearing the whole day, Bose is now in a white silk shirt.
  • 13. 12. EXT. DAK BUNGALOW VERANDAH - NIGHT He went out into the verandah. BOSE Chowkidar! Bose was startled as his accent had also changed and the place that which laid the cottage is instead a wide open field and in the distance, a building with a chimney. INT. DAK BUNGALOW BEDROOM - NIGHT Bose entered the bedroom only to find everything has changed. The bed had a mosquito net, the pillow looked different, the table and chair looked newer than they did, and on the table was a kerosene lamp intead of a lantern. Bose turned away from the objects and looked at himself instead.To his surprise he was wearing a narrow trousers and socks. He used his hands to feel his facial features and found that they too, had changed. He had a sharp nose, thin lips and narrow chin. The hair on his head was wavy and that there were sideburns which reached below his ears. Despite of this terrible ordeal, Bose decided to see what he looked like in the mirror, and therefore he headed to the: BEDROOM BATH And he opened the door. Before that had only been a bucket in the bathroom but now there were many items such as a metal bath tub, a stool and more importantly, an oval shaped mirror. He peered into the mirror but found that a different person was staring back at him, a 19th century Englishman who had a fair complexion, blond hair and light eyes that show signs of depression and grit. As Bose took a closer look, he let out a sigh which expressed the feelings of the Englishman. Suddenly, Bose completely lost control of his limbs. He went back to the: INT. DAK BUNGALOW BEDROOM - NIGHT And sat on a chair beside a table that had a quillpen and ink. Suddenly without his consent, his right arm picked up the quill and he started writing. (CONTINUED)
  • 14. CONTINUED: 13. What he wrote:27 April 1968 Those fiendish mosquitoes are singing in my ears again. So that’s how the son of a mighty empire has to meet his end - at the hands of a tiny insect. What strange will of God is this? Eric has made his escape. Percy and Tony too left earlier. Perhaps I was greedier than them. So in spite of repeated attacks of malaria I couldn’t resist the lure of indigo. No, not only that. One mustn’t lie in one’s diary. My countrymen know me only too well. I didn’t lead a blameless life at home either; and they surely have not forgotten that. So I do not dare go back home. I know I will have to stay here and lay down my life on this alien soil. My place will be beside the graves of my wife Mary and dear little son Toby. I have treated the natives here so badly that there is no one to shed a tear at my passing away. Perhaps Mirjan would miss me - my faithful trusted bearer Mirjan. And Rex? My real worry is about Rex. Alas, faithful Rex! When I die, these people will not spare you. They will either stone you or club you to death. If only I could do something about you. Then, his hands started shaking against his will. He put down the pen and opened his drawer and reached for a pistol. He stood up from the chair headed for the: EXT. DAK BUNGALOW VERANDAH - NIGHT Out in the moonlight, there was a large greyhound. Then the same deep Englishman voiced called out BOSE Rex!! As Rex approached his master, he raised the pistol and pointed it towards Rex. Rex growled as the pistol is pointed at him. He pressed the trigger. The smell of gunpowder now filled the air as Rex’s lifeless body lay. Loud noises could be heard coming from the indigo factory. INT. DAK BUNGALOW BEDROOM - NIGHT He went back into the bedroom, bolted the door and calmly sat on the bed. The shouting became louder as the source drew near. He placed the still-hot muzzle of the pistol by his right ear. That is all he remembers.