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Pros and Cons of Immigration Essay
Pro/Con Illegal Immigration
Picture a scenario where crowds of people surround you. You don't know who they are. Hundreds
of people of all cultures, ethnicities, and genders pass by you. To you, they might seem like
regular people trying to get from Point A to B. Therefore, you would not assume that they play a
significant role in society. However, what if one person that passed by you today was an
undocumented citizen in the United States? How would you be able to tell the difference? Everyone
currently living in the Northern Hemisphere is an immigrant or a descendant of one. Far too often
illegal immigration is generalized as a negative act in the world today. Despite that illegal
immigration is less rationalized through the more content...
Legal or illegal, we should all be granted the same opportunities in order to provide a substantial
foundation for our families. Still, people are willing to risk their lives' to enter the United States.
Some may succeed, while some will be unsuccessful and get deported back to their own country.
They sacrifice everything in order to provide a sense of hope for their family. This is what the
American Dream represents; being able to prosper, raise a family, and live the means of a good life.
Illegal immigrants long for a day where their offspring will develop into a successful individual,
rather than growing up in an environment of poverty and despair. Imagine your child working in
the fields of Mexico only earning 50 to 60 pesos a day ($5–$6). He/she is planting crops under the
blazing sun getting blisters on their feet. The heat consumes the dream and hopes they aspire. People
experience many difficulties while seeing more than they desire. Although immigrants approach the
U.S. longing for wealth, in reality wages are less than the average salary of Americans. Even so,
immigrants gain strength to continue through the encouragement of their family. Another problem
that arises often from this controversial matter is education. Parents, coaches, teachers, and
counselors tell students to stay in school because it will eventually pay off in the long run. What
would you do if your child was rejected from attending college and the chances of them becoming
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The Definition of Immigration Essay
The definition of immigration has developed to include a profound understanding of migration.
Immigration has put an emphasis on the effects of school funding. Evidence suggests that the largest
challenge in school funding is the result of increase in migrant children in schools. As a result, as the
South Carolina State Superintendent of Instruction a policy must be in place for the anticipated
increase of immigrant children. Many South Carolina voters agree that increase immigration has a
profound impact on taxpayers. For example, immigrants impose costs on state government by using
more in government services than they pay in taxes (Huddle, 1997). This causes taxes in taxpayers
households to soar tremendously. Due to the more content...
Having this in place will allow direct monitoring of immigrant students expenditure for the school
year thus meeting the budget goals of the fiscal year. The operations and planning staff member task
would be to offer continuing planning for school districts reducing operation cost and overcrowding
in the schools due to the increase in immigration. Lastly, I would have the educational policy staff
member to create learning communities for immigrants and their families as well as support services
in the community. Having this in place would eventually lessen the language barrier between the
home and school and allow meaningful opportunities to play a part in their children's education.
Due to the lack of funding caused by the recession, I would tell parents, voters, and members of the
General Assembly the same thing that I tell my senior–level staff. I would focus on the immigration
policy and its effect on educators as well as meeting the educational needs of immigrants in the
schools and communities. I would emphasize heavily to the General Assembly of South Carolina
the importance of providing funding to schools so that all schools can provided certified English as
a Second Language (ESOL) teachers who will be able to offer an adequate education to the
immigrant students.
An important idea that was raised in the article that is likely to impact the future of South Carolina's
system of public education is school finance. According to DeParle (2010),
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Immigration Issues Essay
The United States has long served as a refuge for people who seek to escape hunger, poverty,
torture, and the oppression of the human spirit in their own countries. However, the issue of
immigration in the United States has become a political flashpoint since the terrorist attacks on
September 11, 2001. The sacralization of the tragedy has served to paint all immigrants with the
same fear–ladened brush, and has marginalized and stereotyped an already vulnerable population.
Today, more than ever, immigrants in the United States face increasing stressors as they try to
assimilate in a politically charged post 9/11 world. To be an effective social worker,immigration
issues and multicultural awareness is critical. Mary and Mario, a couple more content...
The journey of many immigrants is characterized by trauma prior to, during, and following
migration. They may be escaping hunger, war, poverty, or torture in their native country. The
decision to migrate to host country is not an easy one for most immigrants. People leave behind
family members, and often risk their lives to cross borders in order to live a life of freedom and
opportunity. Immigrants must endure intolerance and suspicion, while navigating the complexities
of assimilating to a language and a culture foreign to their own. If the person enters the country
without proper documents, they live in constant fear of being detained and deported. Undocumented
immigrants may have to accept jobs far below their skill level, and endure blatant discrimination. If
Mario is an immigrant, his volatile behavior may be a result of acculturative stress or immigration
Immigration trauma has different phases, but generally begins years before the individual leaves the
country. The person is usually leaving conditions deemed intolerable; poverty, unemployment, and
violence, and fear for one's safety are common. The immigrant then has to endure acculturative
stress, the loss of social support, and displacement. A recent study asserts that 11% of all immigrant
Latinos reported political violence exposure and 76% described additional lifetime traumas (Foster,
2001). Armed with this knowledge, the clinician assessing Mario and Mary would want to screen
Mario for trauma,
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Migration Essay
Migration is one of the most important issues facing international politics today and is becoming
more prevalent an issue every year. In 1980 the estimated number of refugees was 8.2m, 1990 –
15m, 1992 – 20m (Castles and Miller, 1993, p 84). In our society there are a lot of preconceptions
and prejudices about immigration and its effect: "they are stealing our jobs!" "They are all
scroungers" and "we are to generous to them". It can be argued that these all arise from institutions
such as the tabloid media and right wing political groups, but also from past Government policy
which more content...
One of the most common arguments against immigration is that it puts a strain on government
expenditure. Some economists argue that "social capital expenditure on housing and social
services for immigrants reduced the capital available for productive investment" (Castles and
Miller, 1993, p 76). In Britain, the current media scare is "bogus asylum seekers" and how they are
a huge drain on the social services. A quote from the BBC web page sums up the anti immigration
feeling in this country: "We are too soft. I'm happy for the government allowing genuine asylum
seekers into this country. However something has to be done about the scroungers who think they
could make a better life here. There's nothing for them – our classrooms are over–crowded, our
hospitals can barely cope and our social services are on the brink of collapse such is the demand for
pensions and benefits. It's hard enough making a life for yourself when you live here by right. Simon
Skelton, UK" ( The British National party
claim: "The procedure of investigation of 'refugee' claims, together with the job of
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Immigration in USA Essay
The United States of America is the best place for immigration. The history proved that the United
States was the dream land, the place of chances. That started when Europeans escaped form their
countries because there were no jobs and no safe places to live. America became the best choice for
people who were looking for political asylum, jobs, or freedom, but after a few generations
something changed the Americans look to immigrants as strangers and they forgot where they are
from because America is multicultural place and immigration movement should be understandable,
but this is not the case. Governments should develop good laws for immigrants by giving rights to
immigrants to stay in America, to protect them, and to allow people more content...
At first the government supported open immigration in the open and settled land, but after the
Civil War while, states began to pass their own immigration regulations and immigrating become
more difficult. The Supreme Court decided immigration would be under federal jurisdiction in
1875, and Congress created the Department of Immigration in 1891. Since 1900 to 1921,
Congress created the "quota system," which gave authorization for a specified number of
individuals of all ethnic groups in immigration like most Asian nations (Wellman, Cole). The
government has also put provisions designed to encourage migration of certain kinds of workers
who have lost the skills from the current population. In 1924, as the fears of the immigrants
fleeing from border increased, Congress set up the first Office of border control to watch the
immigrants from Canada and Mexico. Immigration numbers decreased significantly around 1925
and 1945 In 1948, Congress made a temporary revision to the immigration policy to allow people
displaced by World War II to be in America. in 1952, Congress made the McCarran
Immigration and Nationality law, which officially canceled any remaining limitations on the
grounds of race, and immigration to people of any nation. The McCarran– Walter immigration and
nationality law improved political growth (Schrag). Therefore, in 1965, Congress abandoned the
quota system and the acceptance of immigration, based on the
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Immigration And Immigration
The debates over immigration and immigration policy did not develop in recent memory. In fact, one
could argue that the debates over this issue date back to antiquity. During Biblical times people did
not agree with each other regarding immigration. Even the authors of the Scriptures had different
opinions about immigration. Matthew and Paul are two New Testament authors who each discuss the
topic of immigration in their writings. Matthew did so in the second chapter of his Gospel, and Paul,
in the thirteenth chapter of his letter to the Romans.
In the Gospel of Matthew, the author discusses the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people
could argue that this story is an argument in favor of lenient immigration policies and international
laws, especially those regarding refugees and asylum. Matthew mentions the dream that Joseph
had about "an angel of the Lord" (Matthew 2:13) telling him to flee to Egypt with his wife and
their new baby because King Herod was searching for baby Jesus in order to kill him since Herod
did not want to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. This dream conversation is important because
part of the context of Matthew is trying to convince people that Jesus is the Messiah.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees defines a refugee as someone who has "been forced to flee
his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence." (UNHCR) An asylum seeker,
according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is defined as a person who "flees their
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The Problem with Immigration Essay examples
There are many, many issues when it comes to immigration and migration. Nothing is just black
and white, and there is always at least two sides to a story, usually more than that. I'm going to tell
my side, or at least the side that I see the most of living in Arizona, a border state to Mexico. Being
that the issue of immigration is so broad, I've narrowed it down to the most important question to me,
living in the southwest, concerning Mexican/American border issues. Is it the immigrants
themselves that are the problem or is it the laws governing immigration? This is a big debate
amongst politicians, activists, students, citizens, non–citizens, and everyone in between. I think that
the more content...
Who can argue against the fact that a successful government must be unified in, if nothing else, its
communications? However, the debate over the official language spread deep. Remembering the
previous paragraph, foreigners will be here no matter what. They are the majority in some
communities. This means that there is a whole population of consumers speaking and understanding
only a language other than English.
Anyone wanting to make a profit in these communities is forced to acknowledge the fact that the
language of that community must be accepted. It is just like the rules of supply and demand. There's
a tremendous market in many U.S. areas that speaks mainly Spanish, Korean, etc. Particularly, in the
southwest, the main foreign language is Spanish. The single largest foreign–language population in
the U.S. is Latin Americans, both native born and not. (Sassen p16) It was not until December of
1996 that the Supreme Court agreed to hear Arizonans for Official English v. Arizona. This was on
the issue of whether or not government services must be in English.(Clark p56) Now, considering
how long the debate has been at hand, wasn't 1996 a little late in the game?
Why has it taken so long just to get to where we are today with immigration laws (which have
improved, but are far from satisfactory.) Using Charles S. Clark's Chronology in The New
Immigrants, the period of 1920 to 1950 only housed three significant changes in policy, including the
first quotas.
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Pros Of Immigration
Like the insects that ravage our crops, like the termites that weaken our homes, like a virus that
enfeebles our bodies, immigration poses to undermine our strong nation. Throughout the existence of
humanity, people have traveled and settled in the farthest reaches of the world. Migrants have been
the constructors of great empires and the downfall of others. Advocates of immigration may assert
immigrants form the backbone of the economy and social life of a country. However, immigration
has proven to be more of a complication than a solution as many immigrants not only wrest jobs
from the natives and reside in the country for criminal intent but also leech off of government
Proponents of immigration argue that newcomers can fill more content...
Some people liken immigrants to being the root cause of crime and danger in most cities. This also
leads into the belief that cities that have a large population of immigrants are more crime–ridden than
cities with little to no immigrants. Rather, cities that have a large immigration population do not
have much crime. The city of El Paso, Texas has many immigrants, but notably only eighteen
homicides occurred out of 736,000 people in the previous year while in Baltimore, a city with only
637,000 inhabitants, there were 234 murders (Balko 43). Overall newcomers to a country do not
necessarily increase murder rates. However, this relative peacefulness of immigrants does not appear
consistently across the country. Within the city of Los Angeles, undocumented immigrants account
for more than 90% of homicide charges and 65% of felony charges (Kouri 40). These statistics
show that immigrants greatly contribute to crime. They cause harm to citizens while showing
disrespect to the laws of the country. By accepting more immigrants, a larger number of criminals
threaten the safety and security of America. As an increasing number of immigrants move into the
country, the risk of lives being lost increases. This is also seen in other parts of the world such as
the Calais jungle, where refugees attack truck drivers with makeshift weapons, power tools, and
projectiles in order to stowaway to
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Immigration and Its Benefits Essay
The high benefits that come from the inclusion of a large immigrant body are attacked by statements
that the overall negative consequences are far more drastic than the positives that the immigrants
bring to society. So let us cover the costs in detail to see why the benefits out–weigh the cost in an
overall beneficial matter that contributes heavily to the United States population. One of the main
components of the argument against immigration is its effects on the lower class (consisting of the
poor and the less educated). The opposition makes claims that an influx of immigrants ruins the lives
of unskilled laborers within the United States forcing them to lose their jobs and subsequently their
standard of living. How though does more content...
Although, if people keep agreeing to work for minimum wage then these higher wages will never
be set because the economic marketplace knows that it can increase its profit margin by paying
workers less which is what it will always try to do. Looking at the article, it can be seen that if
Wal–Mart were to raise there minimum wage to the acceptable amount of twelve dollars ($12.00)
an hour, the corporation would take a $3.21 billion dollar hit to their checkbooks. Even if
immigrants were the ones who were always sweeping the market to its lowest paying profit margin
they are still providing a benefit to corporations which is therefore providing a benefit to everyone
who interacts with that corporation and should it be a corporation like that of Wal–Mart a plethora
of people are receiving the benefits while much fewer are being harmed. Why do any economists see
this poor treatment of the poor as unfair? It really boils down to the fact that economics is not about
being fair and in trying to establish fairness one ends up in ethics which strays from the best
economic policies and usually hurt more people than it could possibly assist. Right now, with this
argument ethics states that the unskilled laborers are being unfairly punished, but should immigrants
not be allowed to work here, everyone will be hurt. To prove this lets dissect another popular
argument by the opposition. There is an argument that states that immigrants are like government
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Immigration Essay

  • 1. Pros and Cons of Immigration Essay Pro/Con Illegal Immigration Picture a scenario where crowds of people surround you. You don't know who they are. Hundreds of people of all cultures, ethnicities, and genders pass by you. To you, they might seem like regular people trying to get from Point A to B. Therefore, you would not assume that they play a significant role in society. However, what if one person that passed by you today was an undocumented citizen in the United States? How would you be able to tell the difference? Everyone currently living in the Northern Hemisphere is an immigrant or a descendant of one. Far too often illegal immigration is generalized as a negative act in the world today. Despite that illegal immigration is less rationalized through the more content... Legal or illegal, we should all be granted the same opportunities in order to provide a substantial foundation for our families. Still, people are willing to risk their lives' to enter the United States. Some may succeed, while some will be unsuccessful and get deported back to their own country. They sacrifice everything in order to provide a sense of hope for their family. This is what the American Dream represents; being able to prosper, raise a family, and live the means of a good life. Illegal immigrants long for a day where their offspring will develop into a successful individual, rather than growing up in an environment of poverty and despair. Imagine your child working in the fields of Mexico only earning 50 to 60 pesos a day ($5–$6). He/she is planting crops under the blazing sun getting blisters on their feet. The heat consumes the dream and hopes they aspire. People experience many difficulties while seeing more than they desire. Although immigrants approach the U.S. longing for wealth, in reality wages are less than the average salary of Americans. Even so, immigrants gain strength to continue through the encouragement of their family. Another problem that arises often from this controversial matter is education. Parents, coaches, teachers, and counselors tell students to stay in school because it will eventually pay off in the long run. What would you do if your child was rejected from attending college and the chances of them becoming successful Get more content on
  • 2. The Definition of Immigration Essay The definition of immigration has developed to include a profound understanding of migration. Immigration has put an emphasis on the effects of school funding. Evidence suggests that the largest challenge in school funding is the result of increase in migrant children in schools. As a result, as the South Carolina State Superintendent of Instruction a policy must be in place for the anticipated increase of immigrant children. Many South Carolina voters agree that increase immigration has a profound impact on taxpayers. For example, immigrants impose costs on state government by using more in government services than they pay in taxes (Huddle, 1997). This causes taxes in taxpayers households to soar tremendously. Due to the more content... Having this in place will allow direct monitoring of immigrant students expenditure for the school year thus meeting the budget goals of the fiscal year. The operations and planning staff member task would be to offer continuing planning for school districts reducing operation cost and overcrowding in the schools due to the increase in immigration. Lastly, I would have the educational policy staff member to create learning communities for immigrants and their families as well as support services in the community. Having this in place would eventually lessen the language barrier between the home and school and allow meaningful opportunities to play a part in their children's education. Due to the lack of funding caused by the recession, I would tell parents, voters, and members of the General Assembly the same thing that I tell my senior–level staff. I would focus on the immigration policy and its effect on educators as well as meeting the educational needs of immigrants in the schools and communities. I would emphasize heavily to the General Assembly of South Carolina the importance of providing funding to schools so that all schools can provided certified English as a Second Language (ESOL) teachers who will be able to offer an adequate education to the immigrant students. An important idea that was raised in the article that is likely to impact the future of South Carolina's system of public education is school finance. According to DeParle (2010), Get more content on
  • 3. Immigration Issues Essay The United States has long served as a refuge for people who seek to escape hunger, poverty, torture, and the oppression of the human spirit in their own countries. However, the issue of immigration in the United States has become a political flashpoint since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The sacralization of the tragedy has served to paint all immigrants with the same fear–ladened brush, and has marginalized and stereotyped an already vulnerable population. Today, more than ever, immigrants in the United States face increasing stressors as they try to assimilate in a politically charged post 9/11 world. To be an effective social worker,immigration issues and multicultural awareness is critical. Mary and Mario, a couple more content... The journey of many immigrants is characterized by trauma prior to, during, and following migration. They may be escaping hunger, war, poverty, or torture in their native country. The decision to migrate to host country is not an easy one for most immigrants. People leave behind family members, and often risk their lives to cross borders in order to live a life of freedom and opportunity. Immigrants must endure intolerance and suspicion, while navigating the complexities of assimilating to a language and a culture foreign to their own. If the person enters the country without proper documents, they live in constant fear of being detained and deported. Undocumented immigrants may have to accept jobs far below their skill level, and endure blatant discrimination. If Mario is an immigrant, his volatile behavior may be a result of acculturative stress or immigration trauma Immigration trauma has different phases, but generally begins years before the individual leaves the country. The person is usually leaving conditions deemed intolerable; poverty, unemployment, and violence, and fear for one's safety are common. The immigrant then has to endure acculturative stress, the loss of social support, and displacement. A recent study asserts that 11% of all immigrant Latinos reported political violence exposure and 76% described additional lifetime traumas (Foster, 2001). Armed with this knowledge, the clinician assessing Mario and Mary would want to screen Mario for trauma, Get more content on
  • 4. Migration Essay Migration Migration is one of the most important issues facing international politics today and is becoming more prevalent an issue every year. In 1980 the estimated number of refugees was 8.2m, 1990 – 15m, 1992 – 20m (Castles and Miller, 1993, p 84). In our society there are a lot of preconceptions and prejudices about immigration and its effect: "they are stealing our jobs!" "They are all scroungers" and "we are to generous to them". It can be argued that these all arise from institutions such as the tabloid media and right wing political groups, but also from past Government policy which more content... One of the most common arguments against immigration is that it puts a strain on government expenditure. Some economists argue that "social capital expenditure on housing and social services for immigrants reduced the capital available for productive investment" (Castles and Miller, 1993, p 76). In Britain, the current media scare is "bogus asylum seekers" and how they are a huge drain on the social services. A quote from the BBC web page sums up the anti immigration feeling in this country: "We are too soft. I'm happy for the government allowing genuine asylum seekers into this country. However something has to be done about the scroungers who think they could make a better life here. There's nothing for them – our classrooms are over–crowded, our hospitals can barely cope and our social services are on the brink of collapse such is the demand for pensions and benefits. It's hard enough making a life for yourself when you live here by right. Simon Skelton, UK" ( The British National party claim: "The procedure of investigation of 'refugee' claims, together with the job of Get more content on
  • 5. Immigration in USA Essay The United States of America is the best place for immigration. The history proved that the United States was the dream land, the place of chances. That started when Europeans escaped form their countries because there were no jobs and no safe places to live. America became the best choice for people who were looking for political asylum, jobs, or freedom, but after a few generations something changed the Americans look to immigrants as strangers and they forgot where they are from because America is multicultural place and immigration movement should be understandable, but this is not the case. Governments should develop good laws for immigrants by giving rights to immigrants to stay in America, to protect them, and to allow people more content... At first the government supported open immigration in the open and settled land, but after the Civil War while, states began to pass their own immigration regulations and immigrating become more difficult. The Supreme Court decided immigration would be under federal jurisdiction in 1875, and Congress created the Department of Immigration in 1891. Since 1900 to 1921, Congress created the "quota system," which gave authorization for a specified number of individuals of all ethnic groups in immigration like most Asian nations (Wellman, Cole). The government has also put provisions designed to encourage migration of certain kinds of workers who have lost the skills from the current population. In 1924, as the fears of the immigrants fleeing from border increased, Congress set up the first Office of border control to watch the immigrants from Canada and Mexico. Immigration numbers decreased significantly around 1925 and 1945 In 1948, Congress made a temporary revision to the immigration policy to allow people displaced by World War II to be in America. in 1952, Congress made the McCarran –Walter Immigration and Nationality law, which officially canceled any remaining limitations on the grounds of race, and immigration to people of any nation. The McCarran– Walter immigration and nationality law improved political growth (Schrag). Therefore, in 1965, Congress abandoned the quota system and the acceptance of immigration, based on the Get more content on
  • 6. Immigration And Immigration The debates over immigration and immigration policy did not develop in recent memory. In fact, one could argue that the debates over this issue date back to antiquity. During Biblical times people did not agree with each other regarding immigration. Even the authors of the Scriptures had different opinions about immigration. Matthew and Paul are two New Testament authors who each discuss the topic of immigration in their writings. Matthew did so in the second chapter of his Gospel, and Paul, in the thirteenth chapter of his letter to the Romans. In the Gospel of Matthew, the author discusses the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people could argue that this story is an argument in favor of lenient immigration policies and international laws, especially those regarding refugees and asylum. Matthew mentions the dream that Joseph had about "an angel of the Lord" (Matthew 2:13) telling him to flee to Egypt with his wife and their new baby because King Herod was searching for baby Jesus in order to kill him since Herod did not want to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. This dream conversation is important because part of the context of Matthew is trying to convince people that Jesus is the Messiah. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees defines a refugee as someone who has "been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence." (UNHCR) An asylum seeker, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is defined as a person who "flees their Get more content on
  • 7. The Problem with Immigration Essay examples There are many, many issues when it comes to immigration and migration. Nothing is just black and white, and there is always at least two sides to a story, usually more than that. I'm going to tell my side, or at least the side that I see the most of living in Arizona, a border state to Mexico. Being that the issue of immigration is so broad, I've narrowed it down to the most important question to me, living in the southwest, concerning Mexican/American border issues. Is it the immigrants themselves that are the problem or is it the laws governing immigration? This is a big debate amongst politicians, activists, students, citizens, non–citizens, and everyone in between. I think that the more content... Who can argue against the fact that a successful government must be unified in, if nothing else, its communications? However, the debate over the official language spread deep. Remembering the previous paragraph, foreigners will be here no matter what. They are the majority in some communities. This means that there is a whole population of consumers speaking and understanding only a language other than English. Anyone wanting to make a profit in these communities is forced to acknowledge the fact that the language of that community must be accepted. It is just like the rules of supply and demand. There's a tremendous market in many U.S. areas that speaks mainly Spanish, Korean, etc. Particularly, in the southwest, the main foreign language is Spanish. The single largest foreign–language population in the U.S. is Latin Americans, both native born and not. (Sassen p16) It was not until December of 1996 that the Supreme Court agreed to hear Arizonans for Official English v. Arizona. This was on the issue of whether or not government services must be in English.(Clark p56) Now, considering how long the debate has been at hand, wasn't 1996 a little late in the game? Why has it taken so long just to get to where we are today with immigration laws (which have improved, but are far from satisfactory.) Using Charles S. Clark's Chronology in The New Immigrants, the period of 1920 to 1950 only housed three significant changes in policy, including the first quotas. Get more content on
  • 8. Pros Of Immigration Like the insects that ravage our crops, like the termites that weaken our homes, like a virus that enfeebles our bodies, immigration poses to undermine our strong nation. Throughout the existence of humanity, people have traveled and settled in the farthest reaches of the world. Migrants have been the constructors of great empires and the downfall of others. Advocates of immigration may assert immigrants form the backbone of the economy and social life of a country. However, immigration has proven to be more of a complication than a solution as many immigrants not only wrest jobs from the natives and reside in the country for criminal intent but also leech off of government benefits. Proponents of immigration argue that newcomers can fill more content... Some people liken immigrants to being the root cause of crime and danger in most cities. This also leads into the belief that cities that have a large population of immigrants are more crime–ridden than cities with little to no immigrants. Rather, cities that have a large immigration population do not have much crime. The city of El Paso, Texas has many immigrants, but notably only eighteen homicides occurred out of 736,000 people in the previous year while in Baltimore, a city with only 637,000 inhabitants, there were 234 murders (Balko 43). Overall newcomers to a country do not necessarily increase murder rates. However, this relative peacefulness of immigrants does not appear consistently across the country. Within the city of Los Angeles, undocumented immigrants account for more than 90% of homicide charges and 65% of felony charges (Kouri 40). These statistics show that immigrants greatly contribute to crime. They cause harm to citizens while showing disrespect to the laws of the country. By accepting more immigrants, a larger number of criminals threaten the safety and security of America. As an increasing number of immigrants move into the country, the risk of lives being lost increases. This is also seen in other parts of the world such as the Calais jungle, where refugees attack truck drivers with makeshift weapons, power tools, and projectiles in order to stowaway to Get more content on
  • 9. Immigration and Its Benefits Essay The high benefits that come from the inclusion of a large immigrant body are attacked by statements that the overall negative consequences are far more drastic than the positives that the immigrants bring to society. So let us cover the costs in detail to see why the benefits out–weigh the cost in an overall beneficial matter that contributes heavily to the United States population. One of the main components of the argument against immigration is its effects on the lower class (consisting of the poor and the less educated). The opposition makes claims that an influx of immigrants ruins the lives of unskilled laborers within the United States forcing them to lose their jobs and subsequently their standard of living. How though does more content... Although, if people keep agreeing to work for minimum wage then these higher wages will never be set because the economic marketplace knows that it can increase its profit margin by paying workers less which is what it will always try to do. Looking at the article, it can be seen that if Wal–Mart were to raise there minimum wage to the acceptable amount of twelve dollars ($12.00) an hour, the corporation would take a $3.21 billion dollar hit to their checkbooks. Even if immigrants were the ones who were always sweeping the market to its lowest paying profit margin they are still providing a benefit to corporations which is therefore providing a benefit to everyone who interacts with that corporation and should it be a corporation like that of Wal–Mart a plethora of people are receiving the benefits while much fewer are being harmed. Why do any economists see this poor treatment of the poor as unfair? It really boils down to the fact that economics is not about being fair and in trying to establish fairness one ends up in ethics which strays from the best economic policies and usually hurt more people than it could possibly assist. Right now, with this argument ethics states that the unskilled laborers are being unfairly punished, but should immigrants not be allowed to work here, everyone will be hurt. To prove this lets dissect another popular argument by the opposition. There is an argument that states that immigrants are like government Get more content on