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ADVERSITY, "Detour!" This highway sign is greeted with smothered
groans or ejaculations of impatience. The motorist glares at the sign and the barrier
across the road as if he were half determined to go on regardless of sign or barrier.
But if so, he runs the risk of danger, and ultimately meets with failure and is
compelled to turn back. The detour is rough, dusty, and at right angles to the
direction in which he has been traveling. Yet it is a necessary change of route, and if
followed patiently it brings the traveler back to the main highway.
Life has many detours. After many miles of smooth going in fine spirits and rapid
progress, suddenly we come upon this sign, "Detour!" and are arrested by the
barrier. Then we leave a fine road for the rough way, and life is heavy and labored
and difficult.—Clarence E. Macartney
At the time of his serious sickness and operation in August, 1893, Grover Cleveland
wrote: "I have learned how weak the strongest man is under God's decrees; and I
see in a new light the necessity of doing my allotted work in the full apprehension of
the coming night." Thus to be laid aside for a season from our task not only teaches
us humility but makes us more earnest and industrious when strength returns to us.
This was the verdict of David after his trouble: "It is good for me that I have been
afflicted" (Ps. 119:71). This was this verdict of Hezekiah after his near approach to
the gates of death: "By these things men live" (Isa. 38:16).
In Jerusalem today there is an institution known as the American Colony, founded
to help little children in the city where our Saviour died. And this is how it came to
be. A well-to-do, beautiful, and talented young woman, resident in Chicago, was
crossing the Atlantic on her way to visit her aged parents in Paris. On the journey
the steamer was struck amidships by a large sailing vessel, and immediately began
to sink. The four daughters who were with this woman were drowned, but she
herself was rescued.
When she reached land she sent a cable back to her husband in Chicago, "Saved
alone!" Then she began to think about that word "alone"; and, accepting her great
sorrow in the death of her children, and her own deliverance from death, as a divine
message, she resolved to give her life to the welfare of her fellow passengers on life's
long voyage, and so established in Jerusalem the Colony, which has brought the
knowledge and the spirit of Christ to so many of the children and youth of the Holy
Richard Cobden, the Manchester manufacturer, and John Bright, the Rochdale
spinner, were men who were not content merely to make money and to succeed in
life in the business sense. They looked upon the masses of Great Britain and were
moved with compassion. They began to think and to write and to speak of a better
day. They met first in the chapel of a Baptist church at Rochdale, where Bright had
asked Cobden to come and speak in the interests of education for the children of
laborers. But it is doubtful if Bright would ever have become the colaborer and
codisciple of Cobden in the work of reform had it not been for the sorrow that
crushed his early hopes, and the ministry of his friend Cobden in the critical hour.
Bright, who was a Quaker, had written to Cobden informing him of the death of his
young wife: "It has pleased the Almighty to take from me my beloved and cherished
companion. She sank peacefully to her rest about one o'clock this day. She had
almost no suffering, and death to her had long lost his terrors. Until she became
mine, I did not know that mortality ever was the abode of so much that was pure
and lovely. Her sainted spirit, I cannot doubt, is now an inhabitant of that city
'where none can say he is sick,' and in this deep affliction my heart rejoices in the
full assurance that to my precious wife the change is inconceivably glorious. I know
thou wilt sympathize with me in this very deep trial and it is therefore I write to
inform thee of it. I hope this may reach thee before thou leaves tomorrow."
In his speech at the unveiling of the Cobden statue at Bradford in 1877, Bright told
the story of Cobden's response to his letter. "At that time I was at Leamington, and
on the day when Mr. Cobden called upon me—for he happened to be there at the
time on a visit to some relatives—I was in the depths of grief, I might almost say of
despair, for the light and sunshine of my house had been extinguished. All that was
left on earth of my young wife, except the memory of a sainted life and a too-brief
happiness, was lying still and cold in the chamber above us. Mr. Cobden called upon
me as his friend, and addressed me, as you might suppose, with words of
condolence. After a time he looked up and said: 'There are thousands of houses in
England at this moment where wives, mothers, and children are dying of hunger.
ow,' he said, 'when the first paroxysm of your grief is past, I would advise you to
come with me, and we will never rest till the Corn Law is repealed.'
"I accepted his invitation. And since then, though there has been suffering, and
much suffering, in many homes in England, yet no wife and no mother and no little
child has been starved to death as the result of a famine made by law."
In writing of the final and heroic period of Walter Scott's life, when troubles came
in on him like a flood, R. H. Hutton applies to him the words with which Cicero
described a contemporary: "a man who had borne adversity wisely, who had not
been broken by fortune, and who, amidst the buffets of fate, had maintained his
dignity." In that description of character there is something which makes the heart
leap in quick and generous response. The greatest, highest task that can ever fall to
man is that of maintaining the awful dignity of the soul amid the bufferings of fate.
When the Confederate army retreated after Gettysburg, General Lee wrote to
Jefferson Davis a remarkable letter in which he said: "We must expect reverses,
even defeats. They are sent to teach us wisdom and prudence, to call forth greater
energies, and to prevent our falling into greater disasters." True of a nation's life,
this is also profoundly true of the life of the individual. And what shall we say of
sickness, sorrow, and affliction? Shall these things overwhelm us, or shall we be able
to say, with that great spirit who kept both his soul and his body under the
dominion of a great and holy purpose, " ay, in all these things we are more than
conquerors through him that loved us" (Rom. 8:37)?
Our own American history affords a shining example of fortitude under misfortune
and sickness. The preface to General Grant's Memoirs opens with the quotation,
"Man proposes, and God disposes." Then follows an account of how he came to
write the Memoirs. First, a fall from his horse, which kept him indoors; then the
rascality of business partners, which plunged him into debt and made him
dependent upon the kindness of friends. To pay his debts he commenced the
laborious task of writing his story of the war. He had not gone far with the work
when his mortal sickness fastened itself upon him. From then on it was a race with
death. There he sat on the porch at Mount McGregor, propped up in his chair with
pillows, the awful disease clutching his throat, toiling at the manuscript, until, just
four days before his death, he wrote these final and prophetic sentences: "I feel that
we are on the eve of a new era, when there is to be a great harmony between
Confederate and Federal. I cannot stay to be a living witness to the correctness of
this prophecy; but I feel it within me that it is to be so." That was Grant's greatest
Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Appomattox, are nothing alongside of
that last heroic battle against poverty and cancer.
1. Suppress it--claim up1. Suppress it--claim up1. Suppress it--claim up1. Suppress it--claim up
Repress it--stomach upRepress it--stomach upRepress it--stomach upRepress it--stomach up
Express it--blow upExpress it--blow upExpress it--blow upExpress it--blow up
Confess it--speak upConfess it--speak upConfess it--speak upConfess it--speak up
2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man
ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it.ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it.ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it.ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it.
There are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed orThere are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed orThere are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed orThere are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed or
shaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testamentshaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testamentshaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testamentshaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testament
when men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to bewhen men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to bewhen men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to bewhen men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to be
3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad!3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad!3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad!3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad!
Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad!Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad!Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad!Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad!
But the sadness of her sadness,But the sadness of her sadness,But the sadness of her sadness,But the sadness of her sadness,
And the gladness of her gladness,And the gladness of her gladness,And the gladness of her gladness,And the gladness of her gladness,
Are nothing to her madness when she's mad!Are nothing to her madness when she's mad!Are nothing to her madness when she's mad!Are nothing to her madness when she's mad!
4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his
opponent lose his temper can defeatopponent lose his temper can defeatopponent lose his temper can defeatopponent lose his temper can defeat
him whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personalhim whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personalhim whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personalhim whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personal
encounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain rangeencounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain rangeencounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain rangeencounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain range
in South America made this statement about a certain jaggedin South America made this statement about a certain jaggedin South America made this statement about a certain jaggedin South America made this statement about a certain jagged
volcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it hadvolcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it hadvolcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it hadvolcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it had
not blown its top." This can be said of many people who couldnot blown its top." This can be said of many people who couldnot blown its top." This can be said of many people who couldnot blown its top." This can be said of many people who could
not maintain the composure of coolness.not maintain the composure of coolness.not maintain the composure of coolness.not maintain the composure of coolness.
- Charles Ashcraft- Charles Ashcraft- Charles Ashcraft- Charles Ashcraft
- Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12.- Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12.- Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12.- Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12.
5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with
the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,
and for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is notand for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is notand for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is notand for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is not
within everybody's power and it is not easy."within everybody's power and it is not easy."within everybody's power and it is not easy."within everybody's power and it is not easy."
- Aristotle- Aristotle- Aristotle- Aristotle
- Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26.- Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26.- Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26.- Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26. years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrongMany years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrongMany years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrongMany years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrong
decision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was thendecision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was thendecision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was thendecision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was then
running the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of therunning the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of therunning the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of therunning the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of the
company were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest hiscompany were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest hiscompany were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest hiscompany were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest his
wrath descend on their heads.wrath descend on their heads.wrath descend on their heads.wrath descend on their heads.
There was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in theThere was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in theThere was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in theThere was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in the
company. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept thecompany. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept thecompany. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept thecompany. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept the
appointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against theappointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against theappointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against theappointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against the
man who made the error in who made the error in who made the error in who made the error in judgment.
When he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire wasWhen he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire wasWhen he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire wasWhen he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire was
bent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stoodbent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stoodbent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stoodbent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stood
silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up.silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up.silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up.silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up.
"Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?""Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?""Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?""Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?"
Bedford said that he had.Bedford said that he had.Bedford said that he had.Bedford said that he had.
"I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss"I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss"I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss"I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss
the matter, I've been making some notes."the matter, I've been making some notes."the matter, I've been making some notes."the matter, I've been making some notes."
Bedford later told the story this way:Bedford later told the story this way:Bedford later told the story this way:Bedford later told the story this way:
"Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There"Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There"Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There"Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There
followed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he hadfollowed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he hadfollowed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he hadfollowed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he had
helped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that hadhelped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that hadhelped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that hadhelped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that had
earned many times the cost of his recent error.earned many times the cost of his recent error.earned many times the cost of his recent error.earned many times the cost of his recent error.
"I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into"I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into"I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into"I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into
anyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list ofanyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list ofanyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list ofanyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list of
good points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, Igood points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, Igood points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, Igood points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, I
would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control.would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control.would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control.would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control.
There is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing oneThere is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing oneThere is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing oneThere is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing one
of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper.of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper.of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper.of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper.
"I commend it to anyone who must deal with people.""I commend it to anyone who must deal with people.""I commend it to anyone who must deal with people.""I commend it to anyone who must deal with people."
Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13
7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart.7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart.7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart.7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart.
Doctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumpingDoctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumpingDoctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumpingDoctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumping
action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls.action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls.action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls.action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls.
Each of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exerciseEach of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exerciseEach of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exerciseEach of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exercise
bicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recallingbicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recallingbicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recallingbicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recalling
a recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech toa recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech toa recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech toa recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech to
defend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticateddefend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticateddefend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticateddefend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticated
X-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action duringX-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action duringX-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action duringX-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action during
these tests.these tests.these tests.these tests.
For all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped toFor all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped toFor all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped toFor all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped to
body tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those whobody tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those whobody tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those whobody tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those who
had heart disease.had heart disease.had heart disease.had heart disease.
Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess.Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess.Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess.Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess.
But until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 beforeBut until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 beforeBut until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 beforeBut until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 before
you blow your blow your blow your blow your stack.
Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3
8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to
play a routine baseball game. But what happened that day wasplay a routine baseball game. But what happened that day wasplay a routine baseball game. But what happened that day wasplay a routine baseball game. But what happened that day was
anything but routine.anything but routine.anything but routine.anything but routine.
The Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston thirdThe Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston thirdThe Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston thirdThe Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston third
baseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams hadbaseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams hadbaseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams hadbaseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams had
joined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to thejoined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to thejoined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to thejoined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to the
grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.
Someone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned toSomeone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned toSomeone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned toSomeone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned to
the ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 otherthe ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 otherthe ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 otherthe ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 other
Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992 Abraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered byAbraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered byAbraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered byAbraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered by
an army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stantonan army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stantonan army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stantonan army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stanton
complained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write thecomplained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write thecomplained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write thecomplained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write the
officer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the stronglyofficer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the stronglyofficer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the stronglyofficer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the strongly
worded missive to the president. "What are you going to do withworded missive to the president. "What are you going to do withworded missive to the president. "What are you going to do withworded missive to the president. "What are you going to do with
it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."
Lincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," heLincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," heLincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," heLincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," he
said. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I havesaid. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I havesaid. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I havesaid. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I have
written a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and youwritten a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and youwritten a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and youwritten a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and you
had a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, andhad a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, andhad a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, andhad a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, and
write another."write another."write another."write another."
10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for
his fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestrashis fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestrashis fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestrashis fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestras
was particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwingwas particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwingwas particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwingwas particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwing
valuable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watchingvaluable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watchingvaluable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watchingvaluable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watching
closely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act whenclosely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act whenclosely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act whenclosely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act when
enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it.enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it.enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it.enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it.
If the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsalIf the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsalIf the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsalIf the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsal
continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.
The librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had aThe librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had aThe librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had aThe librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had a
generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!
11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish
people in preparation for an article on them. In his observationpeople in preparation for an article on them. In his observationpeople in preparation for an article on them. In his observationpeople in preparation for an article on them. In his observation
at the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed orat the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed orat the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed orat the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed or
yelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. Heyelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. Heyelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. Heyelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. He
remarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and askedremarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and askedremarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and askedremarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and asked
why the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmasterwhy the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmasterwhy the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmasterwhy the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmaster
replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?"replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?"replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?"replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?"
12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility
on standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurelyon standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurelyon standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurelyon standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurely
than men whose scores are low.than men whose scores are low.than men whose scores are low.than men whose scores are low.
13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told
the flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off inthe flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off inthe flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off inthe flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off in
Dallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in NewDallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in NewDallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in NewDallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in New
York. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended anYork. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended anYork. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended anYork. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended an
explanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, theexplanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, theexplanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, theexplanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, the
passenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" anotherpassenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" anotherpassenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" anotherpassenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" another
crew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think hecrew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think hecrew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think hecrew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think he
was mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen thewas mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen thewas mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen thewas mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen the
guy I put off the plane in Dallas!"guy I put off the plane in Dallas!"guy I put off the plane in Dallas!"guy I put off the plane in Dallas!" is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to ourAnger is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to ourAnger is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to ourAnger is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to our
instinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructiveinstinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructiveinstinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructiveinstinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructive
spiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil isspiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil isspiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil isspiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil is
a person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hatea person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hatea person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hatea person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hate
wrong, it's very questionable whether you really lovewrong, it's very questionable whether you really lovewrong, it's very questionable whether you really lovewrong, it's very questionable whether you really love
righteousness. Dr. David Seamandsrighteousness. Dr. David Seamandsrighteousness. Dr. David Seamandsrighteousness. Dr. David Seamands
15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick
Bueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. ToBueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. ToBueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. ToBueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To
lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over yourlick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over yourlick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over yourlick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your
tongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the lasttongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the lasttongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the lasttongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the last
toothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-intoothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-intoothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-intoothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-in
many ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you aremany ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you aremany ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you aremany ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are
wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never metwolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never metwolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never metwolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never met
anyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, oranyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, oranyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, oranyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, or
who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force.who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force.who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force.who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force.
The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger."The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger."The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger."The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger."
Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand.Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand.Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand.Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand.
He knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angryHe knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angryHe knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angryHe knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angry
that they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for thethat they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for thethat they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for thethat they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for the
handicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought tohandicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought tohandicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought tohandicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought to
bear on him.bear on him.bear on him.bear on him.
There were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternlyThere were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternlyThere were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternlyThere were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternly
charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43)charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43)charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43)charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43)
because he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtlessbecause he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtlessbecause he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtlessbecause he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtless
people who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But thepeople who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But thepeople who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But thepeople who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But the
leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus.leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus.leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus.leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus.
Jesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers andJesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers andJesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers andJesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers and
their children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way thetheir children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way thetheir children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way thetheir children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way the
disciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did notdisciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did notdisciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did notdisciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did not
have time for ordinary people.have time for ordinary people.have time for ordinary people.have time for ordinary people.
He showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those whoHe showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those whoHe showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those whoHe showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those who
bought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into abought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into abought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into abought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into a
den of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words andden of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words andden of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words andden of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words and
deeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot bedeeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot bedeeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot bedeeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot be
merciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposesmerciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposesmerciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposesmerciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposes
and God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feeland God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feeland God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feeland God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feel
anything positive towards them.anything positive towards them.anything positive towards them.anything positive towards them.
Finally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for theFinally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for theFinally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for theFinally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for the
mourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity ofmourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity ofmourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity ofmourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity of
death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38.death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38.death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38.death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38.
Your Father Loves You by James PackerYour Father Loves You by James PackerYour Father Loves You by James PackerYour Father Loves You by James Packer
1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the
weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4
tanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fattanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fattanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fattanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fat
generals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'mgenerals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'mgenerals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'mgenerals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'm
General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty."General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty."General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty."General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty."
2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was
traveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severetraveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severetraveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severetraveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severe
snowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and fearedsnowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and fearedsnowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and fearedsnowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and feared
he would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowinghe would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowinghe would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowinghe would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowing
which way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon andwhich way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon andwhich way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon andwhich way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon and
rescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made surerescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made surerescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made surerescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made sure
he wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlinhe wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlinhe wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlinhe wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlin
said, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you insaid, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you insaid, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you insaid, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you in
grateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now hadgrateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now hadgrateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now hadgrateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now had
recognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell merecognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell merecognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell merecognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell me
the name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot dothe name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot dothe name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot dothe name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot do
that, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactorthat, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactorthat, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactorthat, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactor
responded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me toresponded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me toresponded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me toresponded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me to
withhold mine."withhold mine."withhold mine."withhold mine."
New Bible Commentary, p. 27New Bible Commentary, p. 27New Bible Commentary, p. 27New Bible Commentary, p. 27
The two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both OldThe two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both OldThe two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both OldThe two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both Old
and New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew andand New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew andand New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew andand New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew and
PSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared byPSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared byPSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared byPSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared by
man and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal lifeman and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal lifeman and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal lifeman and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal life
in the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), orin the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), orin the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), orin the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), or
NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well.NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well.NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well.NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well.
The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind,The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind,The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind,The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind,
perhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in theperhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in theperhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in theperhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in the
biological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain otherbiological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain otherbiological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain otherbiological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain other
"lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not"lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not"lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not"lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not
alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death."alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death."alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death."alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death."
The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's)The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's)The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's)The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's)
nostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting onlynostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting onlynostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting onlynostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting only
to mankind some measure of His own spiritual mankind some measure of His own spiritual mankind some measure of His own spiritual mankind some measure of His own spiritual nature.
It is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--GreekIt is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--GreekIt is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--GreekIt is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--Greek
PNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from merePNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from merePNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from merePNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from mere
beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man.beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man.beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man.beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man.
The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man,The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man,The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man,The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man,
separating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual sideseparating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual sideseparating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual sideseparating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual side
makes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a sonmakes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a sonmakes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a sonmakes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a son
of God.of God.of God.of God.
In his autobiography, umber 1, Billy Martin told about hunting in Texas with
Mickey Mantle. Mickey had a friend who would let them hunt on his ranch. When
they reached the ranch, Mickey told Billy to wait in the car while he checked
in with his friend.
Mantle's friend quickly gave them permission to hunt, but he asked Mickey a
favor. He had a pet mule in the barn who was going blind, and he didn't have
the heart to put him out of his misery. He asked Mickey to shoot the mule for
When Mickey came back to the car, he pretended to be angry. He scowled and
slammed the door. Billy asked him what was wrong, and Mickey said his friend
wouldn't let them hunt. "I'm so mad at that guy," Mantle said, "I'm going out
to his barn and shoot one of his mules!"
Mantle drove like a maniac to the barn. Martin protested, "We can't do that!"
But Mickey was adamant. "Just watch me," he shouted.
When they got to the barn, Mantle jumped out of the car with his rifle, ran
inside, and shot the mule. As he was leaving, though, he heard two shots, and
he ran back to the car. He saw that Martin had taken out his rifle, too.
"What are you doing, Martin?" he yelled.
Martin yelled back, face red with anger, "We'll show that son of a gun! I
just killed two of his cows!"
Anger can be dangerously contagious. As Proverbs puts it, "Do not make
friends with a hot-tempered man ... or you may learn his ways" (Prov.
1. Proverbs6:1-192
Go to the ant. . . . It has no. . . . overseer. . . . yet it
storesits provisions in summer.
Proverbs 6:6-8 Bugs bug me. I have no real hatred for them, but
theyseem to enjoy tormenting me. I've been stung, bitten--and in a
ratherhorrifying incident, trampled by them.It's interesting that the
Bible includes insights on a number ofinsects--ants, bees, crickets,
fleas, flies, grasshoppers, gnats,hornets, katydids (Katy did what?),
leeches, moths, scorpions,spiders, worms, and (my personal favorite)
maggots. God's Word eventalks about these little critters!
But back to the trampling incident. I would rather not have
insectsfor houseguests. You see, one day I was tearing out a ceiling in
adilapidated little house my wife and I had bought. The piece ofdrywall
I was pulling on suddenly swung down, and with it came anentire army of
carpenter ants--right on top of my head!
Proverbs 6:6-83They scurried everywhere as I broke into a primitive
dance, trying toget them off my clothes, out of my hair, and onto the
ground where Icould begin some serious squishing. It was not a good
Later, after I had recovered from the ant assault, I took a good
lookat the remains of their nest. Amazing stuff! They had been
workinghard to carve their place in this world. As Solomon wrote in
Proverbs6, they had been storing and gathering and planning ahead.
If I had been planning ahead, I would have worn protective
clothingthat would have shielded me from the ant attack. But I was
justplodding along, taking chunks of plaster as they came.
Do you plan ahead? Important life decisions and experiences
arewaiting right around the bend. Have you been earnestly seeking
God'sdirection in your life? Have you been taking classes that will
helpyou in college? Have you been reading books that will guide you
towardpositive dating experiences? Have you been saving money for
bigexpenses on the horizon?
These issues and more are waiting at your door. It's time to plan
Proverbs64ahead. If you don't, well--you may just get trampled. --
TFREFLECTION * What areas in my life need immediate, strategic
planning? * How has the lack of planning affected me in the past?
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A life without a plan goes nowhere.
2. Albert G. Mackinnon writes, "The bridge-makers are an ingenious
class. They are given to constant emigrations, and thus have long
marches. Ravines or rivulets do not stop their onward progress. They
have learned how to make "the loop of life." When they come to a bqnk, a
number link themselves together into a long rope. They let the wind
carry one end across the water, and thus they form a living bridge over
which ;the main army passes in safety." Some ants take in borders and
make them do work to pay for their lodging. Other guard certain plants
from enemies and in return get exclusive right to eat the sweet
substance from their leaves. Their is true wisdom to the text, "Go to
;the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise."
1. Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
"I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so."
Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
"Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me."
Elizabeth Cheney
2. It is the fear of hurt or loss. All of us fear to lose things such
as a child fears to lose its mother and cries when she is not in sight.
We fear to lose friends, status, or self-esteem. We fear to lose jobs,
relationships and possessions. Life is full of the risk of loss and
that is why there is anxiety.
The greater your investment in any relationship or thing, the greater
your anxiety.
3. An average person's anxiety is focused on :
40% -- things that will never happen
30% -- things about the past that can't be changed
12% -- things about criticism by others, mostly untrue
10% -- about health, which gets worse with stress
8% -- about real problems that will be faced
4. Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts
a channel into which all others thoughts are drained. Arthur Somers Roche
2.When Rosina Hernandez was in college, she once attended a rock concert at which
one young man was brutally beaten by another.
o one made an attempt to stop the beating. The next day she was struck dumb to
learn that the youth had died as a result of the pounding. Yet neither she nor anyone
else had raised a hand to help him.
She could never forget the incident or her responsibility as an inactive bystander.
Some years later, Rosina saw another catastrophe. A car driving in the rain ahead
of her suddenly skidded and plunged into Biscayne Bay. The car landed head down
in the water with only the tail end showing. In a moment a woman appeared on the
surface, shouting for help and saying her husband was stuck inside.
This time Rosina waited for no one. She plunged into the water, tried unsuccessfully
to open the car door, then pounded on the back window as other bystanders stood
on the causeway and watched. First she screamed at them, begging for help, then
cursed them, telling them there was a man dying in the car.
First one man, then another, finally came to help. Together they broke the safety
glass and dragged the man out. They were just in time -- a few minutes later it
would have been all over.
The woman thanked Rosina for saving her husband, and Rosina was elated, riding
an emotional high that lasted for weeks. She had promised herself that she would
never again fail to do anything she could to save a human live. She had made good
on her promise.
3. The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be
governed by men worse than themselves. Plato
4. The nice thing about apathy is you don't have to exert yourself to show you're
sincere about it.
5.Did you hear about the company that makes blank bumper stickers? They're for
people who don't want to get involved.
1. "The Old Testament apocrypha agrees with the Scriptures here, and while the
Apocryphal books are not to be received as divinely inspired, they are useful as
showing how the best minds of ancient Israel thought about this matter of divine
truth and how it is received into the human heart." A. W. Tozer.
2. Lesile Paul wrote, 'There are two aprocryphal stories of the
childhood of Jesus which illustrate the difficulties a young poet
might hat to contend with among hill puritans. In one he
squatted childlike over the mud and modelled sparrows out of the
clay. Sparrows! It was the sabbath. Another child ran telling
tales to Joseph who came hurrying officiously out to his boyd and
said, "Why do you do this sort of thing--profaning the Sabbath>"
In the story Jesus would neither answer his question nor look at
him but stared down at his sparrows and said to them, "Go on, fly
away, and remember me for the rest of your life." And they flew
up to the rooftops. In another story Jesus was playing withother
boys on the flat roof of a two=story house. A playmate was
pushed and fell to the ground and was killed. The other boys
fled and Jesus was left standing alone on the roof. The parents
of the dead child ran from their house weeping and when they saw
Jesus standing alone on the roof accused him of the death of the
boy. "But Jesus, seeing that, leaped dwon straightaway from
theupper storey and stood a the the head of him that wasd dead,
and saith to him, 'Zeno, did I cast thee down? Arise and
tell....' And with the word the boy rose up and worshpped Jesus
and said, "Lord, thou didst not cast me down, but when I was dead
thou didst make alive.'"
1.There was a pastor of a very well-known Bible church, one that taught the
Word of God. Today he is a denier of the deity of Jesus Christ. He is a professor at
USC, one who does everything he can to turn young people away from Christianity.
He also falls into the category of an apostate, somebody who knows the truth, has all
the information about the truth, and willfully turns his back on the truth for his
own pursuit. (Cited by John MacArthur, Sermon on Jude 8-13). 32.
2." They are known as the forty martyrs of Sebaste. In the famed Twelfth Legion
of Rome's imperial army there were forty soldiers who professed their faith in Jesus
Christ. One day their captain informed them that Emperor Licinius had sent out an
edict commanding all soldiers to offer sacrifice to pagan gods. These Christian
warriors said, "You can have our armor and even our bodies, but our hearts'
allegiance belongs to Jesus Christ." Because of their stance they were marched onto
a frozen lake in the midwinter of A.D. 320 and stripped of their clothes. At any time
they could renounce Christ and be spared from death. Instead, they huddled close
together and sang their song of victory, "Forty martyrs for Christ." That freezing
night saw thirty nine men fall to their icy graves. When there was but one man left
he stumbled to the shore and renounced Christ. The officer in charge of guarding
these men had secretly come to believe in Christ. He then replaced the man who had
broken rank and walked out onto the ice. He threw off his clothes and confessed his
faith in Christ. At sunrise the Roman soldiers found forty men who gave their all for
the cause of Christ. (Good ews Is For Sharing, Leighton Ford, 1977, p. 16)
1. One of the first lessons I leanred in our marriage was the necessity
of saying, "I'm sorry," My wife, christy, is much better at it than me.
In fact, it seems that wheever we had a disagreement, she would be the
first to apologize. Due to muy delicate male ego, I would let her.
After one of our "discussions," Cristy decided that it was my turn
to say "I'm sorry." Since I wasn't used to apologizing, I thought
nothing of te stony silence that existed between us for the next hour.
However, I caught her nonverbal message after awhile: "Either you
apologize, or face the consequences." As a newlywed, it didn't take me
long to figure out what those consequences might be!
But I was feeling stubborn that evening and thought maybe I could
outwait her. I was wrong. There was no way she was going to apologize
first. She had made up her mind, and the next move was up to me.
I knew I should do my part; Christy was a very forgiving person.
And after all, wasn't I the head of our home? Wasn't I the one who was
supposed to be showing the way? Wasn't I to love Christy as Christ
loved His church?
Fianlly, I dropped to my knees. Not to pray, although I probably
should have. I dropped to my knees so I could crawl across the living
room and beg Christy's forgiveness. It was a well-calculated move, and
it broght the desired reesult; laughter. For all her determination, she
couldn't stay mad when she saw her penitent husband crawling on the
When I finally reached her, we collapsed in each other's arms,
almost simutaneously saying, "I'm sorry!" The ice had been broken, and
we could return to the joys of our relationship.
Since that time, I've said, "I'm sorry" many times. Sometimes I've
added flowers or a gift. I doubt I'll ever be as quick to forgive as
Christy, but I'll never forget the lesson I learned that night. Love
means you always have to say "I'm sorry."
J.D. Holt
APOSTLES, how killed according to tradition
Matthew suffered martyrdom by being slain with a sword at a
distant city of Ethiopia. Mark expired at Alexandria, after
being cruelly dragged through the streets of that city. Luke was
hanged upon an olive tree in the classic land of Greece. John
was put in a caldron of boiling oil, but escaped deaath in a
miraculous manner, and was afterward banished to Patmos. Peter
was crucified at Rome with his head downward. James, the
Greater, was beheaded at Jerusalem. James, the Less, was thrown
from a lofty pinnacle of the temple, and then beaten to death
with a fuller's club. Bartholomew was flayed alive. Andrew was
bound to a cross, whence he preached to his persecutors until he
died. Thomas was run through the body with a lance at Coromandel
in the East Indies. Jude was shot to death with arrows.
Matthais was first stoned and then beheaded. Barnabas of the
Gentiles was stoned to death at Salonica. Paul, after various
tortures and persecutions, was at length beheaded at Rome by the
Emperor ero.
TO: Jesus, Son of Joseph, Woodcrafters Shop, NazarethFROM: Jordan
Management Consultants, JerusalemSUBJECT: Staff Aptitude Evaluation
Thank you for submitting the resumes of the 12 men you have picked
formanagement positions in your new organization. All of them have
nowtaken our battery of tests, and we have not only run them with
ourpsychologist and vocational aptitude consultant.
It is the staff opinion that most of you nominees are lacking
inbackground, education and vocational aptitude for the type
ofenterprise you are undertaking. They do not have the team concept.
Wewould recommend that you continue your search for persons ofexperience
in managerial ability and proven capability.Simon Peter is emotionally
unstable and given to fits of temper.Andrew has absolutely no qualities
of leadership. The two brothers,James and John, the sons of Zebedee,
place personal interest abovecompany loyalty. Thomas demonstrates a
questioning attitude that would
tend to undermine morale. We feel that it is our duty to tell you that
Matthew has been blacklisted by the Greater Jerusalem Better
BusinessBureau. James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus definitely
haveradical leanings, and they both registeres a high score on the
manicdepressive scale.
One of the candidates, however, shows great potential. He is a man
ofability and resourcefulness, meets people well, has a keen businessind
and has contact in high places. He is highly motivated, ambitiousand
innovative. We recommend Judas Iscariot as your controller andright hand
man. All the other profiles are self-explanatory.We wish you every
success in your new venture.
Marko Jauhiainen
1. GOD'S The Bible is rather silent about God's looks and in fact, de-
what God looks like. Jesus told the woman at the well that God
was a spirit, which among other things means, he has no particular
look. So the description of him being stately with a long flowing
beard and piercing eyes--as in Michelangelo's painting--those
are all human conceptions of what a person with God's character
should look like, but God Himself has never found it necessary
to reveal himself in a way that we can actually make out a physical
image. (I know you're probably thinking of Jesus. Yes, Jesus was
what God would be as a man, but we don't say that Jesus is what
God looks like, do we?) Nevertheless,;in God's image;
does not mean that Creator and man look alike physically.
2. Jesus. The founder of Forest Lawn Cemetery in Calif. searched for a
smiling face of Jesus for he knew Jesus loved children and nature and
delighted in life and so looked for such an image, but he found that
artists pictured him only as a man of sorrows and always serious. The
New Testament was not the basis for art but rather the traditions of
3. There are many who take the verse in Isa. 53:2 and read into it that
Jesus was homely. But this is a false idea taken out of context. Jesus
was beaten and crucified and he had to look terrible and very
unappealing and even repulsive with wounds and blood. The most handsome
of men would not look good after what Jesus went through. To use this as
a basis for what he looked like all the time is very unfair and will not
be supported by other Scripture.
Jesus was the express image of the Father, and are we to assume
that God is homely, who created all that is beautiful. When God took on
the form of a man he took on the body of a strong and healthy man, and
we can assume a nice looking man. The Father is portrayed as beautiful
in Ps. 27:4 and Isa. 33:17. Jesus impressed both men and women and he
grew in favor with them and children flocked to sit on his lap and be
near him. He was attractive to all people. He made all that is beautiful
and it is logical he who loves beauty would make his own body a thing of
beauty. St. Augustine and St. Ambrose, and Chrysostom agreed that Jesus
was handsome. St. Jerome wrote, "The brightness and majesty of His
divinity hidden under the veil of His flesh, shed its rays over His
human countenance, and subdued all who had the happiness to gaze upon
it." Jesus had the inner beauty of holiness also.
When one discovers Him
it never occurs to him
that he should ever ask again:
"What is beauty?"
For He is the essence of the beautiful-
in His purity,
in His never-failing love,
in His vicarious death
and glorious resurrection-
our blessed assurance of life
and victory in Himself.
Now my search for Beauty
has lost its restless power.
My eyes have seen
And now I know:
Christ Jesus, my Lord-
He is beauty.
Millions of years your wond'ring eyes
Shall o'er His beauties rove:
And endless ages you'll adore
The glories of His love.
4. Charles Allen tells of the man who lost his billfold and in it he
had a picture of Jesus. The man who found it intended to keep the money
but when he saw the picture of Jesus he had to return it. The very
appearance of Jesus touched his conscience.
5. In a prison is the Southern state is a commercial artist serving
a life sentence and he painted a portrait of Jesus smiling and called it
"The Smiling Christ." He sent them all over the world and it is very
popular with people for Jesus was likely the most radiant personality
ever to walk this planet.
6. Jonathan Edwards described the believer's seeing Christ in glory
this way: "The seeing God in the glorified body of Christ, is the most
perfect way of seeing God with the bodily eyes that can be; for in
seeing a real body, which one of the Persons of the Trinity has assumed
to be His body, and in which He dwells forever as his own, the divine
majesty and excellency appear as much as it is possible for them to
appear in outward form or shape...They shall see Him, as appearing in
His glorified human nature, with their bodily eyes; and this will be a
most glorious sight.The loveliness of Christ as thus appearing will be a
most ravishing thing to them; for though the bodies of the saints appear
with an exceeding beauty and glory, yet the body of Christ will without
doubt immensely surpass them, as much as the brightness of the sun does
that of the stars. The glorified body of Christ will be the masterpiece
of all God's workmanship in the whole material universe. There shall be
in his glorious countenance the manifestations of His glorious spiritual
perfections, His majesty, His holiness, His surpassing grace, and love,
and meekness. The eye will never be wearied with beholding this glorious
There was a man who owned a Great Dane. Now this Great Dane was
anextremely large and ferocious dog--definitely not the kind of dog
youwant jumping up in your lap. One day, as the man was walking his
GreatDane down the street, he saw another man across the street who
wasalso walking his dog--a little bitty dog with short legs no tail
andno hair. It was on ugly dog and, very frankly, looked sick.
Suddenly the Great Dane saw the little ugly dog across the street
anddecided he hated that dog. He broke free from his owner's leash
anddashed across the street on the attack. The owner of the Great
Daneyelled to the man, "Look out! My dog is on the loose and he's
liableto kill you and that dog of yours! You had better run!"
But the little ugly dog turned around, bared its teeth, and when
theGreat Dane attacked, that little dog proceeded to grab hold of
theGreat Dane at the foreleg and began to eat that big dog up. It
ateright up the leg, right up the throat, ate its head, right
downthrough its body, right across the tail, right down the back
legs,spit out the bones, and smacked its lips- and that was the end
of theGreat Dane, just like that.Well, the owner of the Great Dane
was absolutely astonished by what hehad just witnessed. "Man, what
kind of dog is that?" the man exclaimed" I've never in my life seen a
little dog that could do something likethat!"
"Dog? Dog?" the other man said. "Before he got his nose run over
by atruck and his tail cut off by a train, this used to be an
alligator!"Appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes we judge people by
how theylook, but we fail to realize that on the inside, they are
quiteifferent. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at
theheart" (1 Samuel 16:7).
3You may feel like a puppy dog on the outside, but inside, you're
analligator. You have the power of God at your disposal to do
mightythings. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength,
"wrote Paul (Philippians 4:13). When you are under attack by the
GreatDanes of the world, you can eat 'em up with the power of Christ
thatlives and dwells within your heart.
8.In 1884 a young man died, and after the funeral his grieving
parents decided to establish a memorial to him. With that in
mind they met with Charles Eliot, president of Harvard
University. Eliot received the unpretentious couple into his
office and asked what he could do. After they expressed their
desire to fund a memorial, Eliot impatiently said, "Perhaps you
have in mind a scholarship."
"We were thinking of something more substantial than that...
perhaps a building," the woman replied. In a patronizing tone,
Eliot brushed aside the idea as being too expensive and the
couple departed. The next year, Eliot learned that this plain
pair had gone elsewhere and established a $26 million memorial
named Leland Stanford Junior University, better known today as
Stanford! Today in the Word, June 11, 1992
In 1884 a young man died, and after the funeral his grieving parents decided to
establish a memorial to him. With that in mind they met with Charles Eliot,
president of Harvard University. Eliot received the unpretentious couple into his
office and asked what he could do. After they expressed their desire to fund a
memorial, Eliot impatiently said, "Perhaps you have in mind a scholarship."
"We were thinking of something more substantial than that... perhaps a
building," the woman replied. In a patronizing tone, Eliot brushed aside the idea
as being too expensive and the couple departed. The next year, Eliot learned that
this plain pair had gone elsewhere and established a $26 million memorial
named Leland Stanford Junior University, better known today as Stanford!
Today in the Word, June 11, 1992
A mule dressed in a tuxedo is still a mule.
When architect Sir Christopher Wren designed the interior of Windsor Town
Hall near London in 1689, he built a ceiling supported by pillars. After city
fathers had inspected the finished building, they decided the ceiling would not
stay up and ordered Wren to put in some more pillars. England's greatest
architect didn't think the ceiling needed any more support, so he pulled a fast
one. He added four pillars that did not do anything -- they don't even reach the
ceiling. The optical illusion fooled the municipal authorities, and today the four
sham pillars amuse many a tourist. -- ino Lo Bello, European Detours
During one of his political campaigns, a delegation called on Theodore Roosevelt
at his home in Oyster Bay, Long Island. The President met them with his coat off
and his sleeves rolled up. "Ah, gentlemen," he said, "come down to the barn and
we will talk while I do some work." At the barn, Roosevelt picked up a pitchfork
and looked around for the hay. Then he called out, "John, where's all the hay?"
"Sorry, sir," John called down from the hayloft. "I ain't have time to toss it back
down again after you pitched it up while the Iowa folks were here." Bits &
Pieces, ovember 12, 1992, Page 19-20
As I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I metAs I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I metAs I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I metAs I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I met
the Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I sawthe Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I sawthe Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I sawthe Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I saw
Him as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked atHim as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked atHim as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked atHim as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked at
me in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. Ime in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. Ime in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. Ime in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. I
fell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made suchfell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made suchfell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made suchfell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made such
confessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to meconfessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to meconfessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to meconfessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to me
that I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in thisthat I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in thisthat I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in thisthat I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in this
state for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as Istate for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as Istate for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as Istate for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as I
turned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received aturned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received aturned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received aturned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received a
mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection thatmighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection thatmighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection thatmighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection that
I had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in theI had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in theI had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in theI had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in the
world, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemedworld, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemedworld, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemedworld, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed
to come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath ofto come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath ofto come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath ofto come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath of
God. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles FinneyGod. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles FinneyGod. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles FinneyGod. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles Finney
Our mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price wasOur mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price wasOur mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price wasOur mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price was
standard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two forstandard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two forstandard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two forstandard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two for
five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?"five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?"five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?"five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?"
"Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson"Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson"Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson"Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson
Never buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's outNever buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's outNever buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's outNever buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's out
of breath. Quoted in Funny Funny Worldof breath. Quoted in Funny Funny Worldof breath. Quoted in Funny Funny Worldof breath. Quoted in Funny Funny World
New York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by ManhattanNew York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by ManhattanNew York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by ManhattanNew York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by Manhattan
officials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinaryofficials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinaryofficials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinaryofficials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinary
opportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants twoopportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants twoopportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants twoopportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants two
for a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have afor a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have afor a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have afor a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have a
quarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in Newquarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in Newquarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in Newquarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in New
York TimesYork TimesYork TimesYork Times
A man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in anA man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in anA man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in anA man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in an
assistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, bothassistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, bothassistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, bothassistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, both
men do church planting work together for a couple of years, thenmen do church planting work together for a couple of years, thenmen do church planting work together for a couple of years, thenmen do church planting work together for a couple of years, then
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
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Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
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Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
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Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
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Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
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Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
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Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6
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Jesus was urging us to pray and never give up
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Jesus was saying what the kingdom is like
Jesus was telling a story of good fish and bad
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Jesus was telling a story of good fish and bad
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Jesus was comparing the kingdom of god to yeast
Jesus was telling a shocking parable
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Jesus was telling a shocking parable
Jesus was telling the parable of the talents
Jesus was telling the parable of the talentsJesus was telling the parable of the talents
Jesus was telling the parable of the talents
Jesus was explaining the parable of the sower
Jesus was explaining the parable of the sowerJesus was explaining the parable of the sower
Jesus was explaining the parable of the sower
Jesus was warning against covetousness
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Jesus was warning against covetousness
Jesus was explaining the parable of the weeds
Jesus was explaining the parable of the weedsJesus was explaining the parable of the weeds
Jesus was explaining the parable of the weeds
Jesus was radical
Jesus was radicalJesus was radical
Jesus was radical
Jesus was laughing
Jesus was laughingJesus was laughing
Jesus was laughing
Jesus was and is our protector
Jesus was and is our protectorJesus was and is our protector
Jesus was and is our protector
Jesus was not a self pleaser
Jesus was not a self pleaserJesus was not a self pleaser
Jesus was not a self pleaser
Jesus was to be our clothing
Jesus was to be our clothingJesus was to be our clothing
Jesus was to be our clothing
Jesus was the source of unity
Jesus was the source of unityJesus was the source of unity
Jesus was the source of unity
Jesus was love unending
Jesus was love unendingJesus was love unending
Jesus was love unending
Jesus was our liberator
Jesus was our liberatorJesus was our liberator
Jesus was our liberator

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Lesson 9 - Resisting Temptation Along the Way.pptx
Lesson 9 - Resisting Temptation Along the Way.pptxLesson 9 - Resisting Temptation Along the Way.pptx
Lesson 9 - Resisting Temptation Along the Way.pptx

Illustrations, humor, poetry and quotations vol 6

  • 1. ILLUSTRATIO S, HUMOR, POETRY A D QUOTATIO S VOL 6 COMPILED A D EDITED BY GLE PEASE A ADVERSITY, "Detour!" This highway sign is greeted with smothered groans or ejaculations of impatience. The motorist glares at the sign and the barrier across the road as if he were half determined to go on regardless of sign or barrier. But if so, he runs the risk of danger, and ultimately meets with failure and is compelled to turn back. The detour is rough, dusty, and at right angles to the direction in which he has been traveling. Yet it is a necessary change of route, and if followed patiently it brings the traveler back to the main highway. Life has many detours. After many miles of smooth going in fine spirits and rapid progress, suddenly we come upon this sign, "Detour!" and are arrested by the barrier. Then we leave a fine road for the rough way, and life is heavy and labored and difficult.—Clarence E. Macartney At the time of his serious sickness and operation in August, 1893, Grover Cleveland wrote: "I have learned how weak the strongest man is under God's decrees; and I see in a new light the necessity of doing my allotted work in the full apprehension of the coming night." Thus to be laid aside for a season from our task not only teaches us humility but makes us more earnest and industrious when strength returns to us. This was the verdict of David after his trouble: "It is good for me that I have been afflicted" (Ps. 119:71). This was this verdict of Hezekiah after his near approach to the gates of death: "By these things men live" (Isa. 38:16). In Jerusalem today there is an institution known as the American Colony, founded to help little children in the city where our Saviour died. And this is how it came to be. A well-to-do, beautiful, and talented young woman, resident in Chicago, was crossing the Atlantic on her way to visit her aged parents in Paris. On the journey the steamer was struck amidships by a large sailing vessel, and immediately began to sink. The four daughters who were with this woman were drowned, but she herself was rescued. When she reached land she sent a cable back to her husband in Chicago, "Saved alone!" Then she began to think about that word "alone"; and, accepting her great sorrow in the death of her children, and her own deliverance from death, as a divine message, she resolved to give her life to the welfare of her fellow passengers on life's
  • 2. long voyage, and so established in Jerusalem the Colony, which has brought the knowledge and the spirit of Christ to so many of the children and youth of the Holy Land. Richard Cobden, the Manchester manufacturer, and John Bright, the Rochdale spinner, were men who were not content merely to make money and to succeed in life in the business sense. They looked upon the masses of Great Britain and were moved with compassion. They began to think and to write and to speak of a better day. They met first in the chapel of a Baptist church at Rochdale, where Bright had asked Cobden to come and speak in the interests of education for the children of laborers. But it is doubtful if Bright would ever have become the colaborer and codisciple of Cobden in the work of reform had it not been for the sorrow that crushed his early hopes, and the ministry of his friend Cobden in the critical hour. Bright, who was a Quaker, had written to Cobden informing him of the death of his young wife: "It has pleased the Almighty to take from me my beloved and cherished companion. She sank peacefully to her rest about one o'clock this day. She had almost no suffering, and death to her had long lost his terrors. Until she became mine, I did not know that mortality ever was the abode of so much that was pure and lovely. Her sainted spirit, I cannot doubt, is now an inhabitant of that city 'where none can say he is sick,' and in this deep affliction my heart rejoices in the full assurance that to my precious wife the change is inconceivably glorious. I know thou wilt sympathize with me in this very deep trial and it is therefore I write to inform thee of it. I hope this may reach thee before thou leaves tomorrow." In his speech at the unveiling of the Cobden statue at Bradford in 1877, Bright told the story of Cobden's response to his letter. "At that time I was at Leamington, and on the day when Mr. Cobden called upon me—for he happened to be there at the time on a visit to some relatives—I was in the depths of grief, I might almost say of despair, for the light and sunshine of my house had been extinguished. All that was left on earth of my young wife, except the memory of a sainted life and a too-brief happiness, was lying still and cold in the chamber above us. Mr. Cobden called upon me as his friend, and addressed me, as you might suppose, with words of condolence. After a time he looked up and said: 'There are thousands of houses in England at this moment where wives, mothers, and children are dying of hunger. ow,' he said, 'when the first paroxysm of your grief is past, I would advise you to come with me, and we will never rest till the Corn Law is repealed.' "I accepted his invitation. And since then, though there has been suffering, and much suffering, in many homes in England, yet no wife and no mother and no little child has been starved to death as the result of a famine made by law." In writing of the final and heroic period of Walter Scott's life, when troubles came in on him like a flood, R. H. Hutton applies to him the words with which Cicero described a contemporary: "a man who had borne adversity wisely, who had not been broken by fortune, and who, amidst the buffets of fate, had maintained his dignity." In that description of character there is something which makes the heart
  • 3. leap in quick and generous response. The greatest, highest task that can ever fall to man is that of maintaining the awful dignity of the soul amid the bufferings of fate. When the Confederate army retreated after Gettysburg, General Lee wrote to Jefferson Davis a remarkable letter in which he said: "We must expect reverses, even defeats. They are sent to teach us wisdom and prudence, to call forth greater energies, and to prevent our falling into greater disasters." True of a nation's life, this is also profoundly true of the life of the individual. And what shall we say of sickness, sorrow, and affliction? Shall these things overwhelm us, or shall we be able to say, with that great spirit who kept both his soul and his body under the dominion of a great and holy purpose, " ay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us" (Rom. 8:37)? Our own American history affords a shining example of fortitude under misfortune and sickness. The preface to General Grant's Memoirs opens with the quotation, "Man proposes, and God disposes." Then follows an account of how he came to write the Memoirs. First, a fall from his horse, which kept him indoors; then the rascality of business partners, which plunged him into debt and made him dependent upon the kindness of friends. To pay his debts he commenced the laborious task of writing his story of the war. He had not gone far with the work when his mortal sickness fastened itself upon him. From then on it was a race with death. There he sat on the porch at Mount McGregor, propped up in his chair with pillows, the awful disease clutching his throat, toiling at the manuscript, until, just four days before his death, he wrote these final and prophetic sentences: "I feel that we are on the eve of a new era, when there is to be a great harmony between Confederate and Federal. I cannot stay to be a living witness to the correctness of this prophecy; but I feel it within me that it is to be so." That was Grant's greatest victory. Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Appomattox, are nothing alongside of that last heroic battle against poverty and cancer. ANGERANGERANGERANGER 1. Suppress it--claim up1. Suppress it--claim up1. Suppress it--claim up1. Suppress it--claim up Repress it--stomach upRepress it--stomach upRepress it--stomach upRepress it--stomach up Express it--blow upExpress it--blow upExpress it--blow upExpress it--blow up Confess it--speak upConfess it--speak upConfess it--speak upConfess it--speak up 2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man2. Elton Trueblood wrote, "In fact, there are many conditions under which a man ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it.ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it.ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it.ought not to have peace of mind and under which a good man will not have it. There are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed orThere are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed orThere are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed orThere are many situations in which a man ought to be serverely disturbed or shaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testamentshaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testamentshaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testamentshaken. There are times, even according to the teachings of the New Testament when men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to bewhen men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to bewhen men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to bewhen men ought to be angry, and there are countless times when they ought to be aroused."aroused."aroused."aroused."
  • 4. 3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad!3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad!3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad!3. Oh, the saddness of her sadness when she's sad! Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad!Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad!Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad!Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's glad! But the sadness of her sadness,But the sadness of her sadness,But the sadness of her sadness,But the sadness of her sadness, And the gladness of her gladness,And the gladness of her gladness,And the gladness of her gladness,And the gladness of her gladness, Are nothing to her madness when she's mad!Are nothing to her madness when she's mad!Are nothing to her madness when she's mad!Are nothing to her madness when she's mad! 4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his4. Anger is just one letter short of danger. 3. Any person who can make his opponent lose his temper can defeatopponent lose his temper can defeatopponent lose his temper can defeatopponent lose his temper can defeat him whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personalhim whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personalhim whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personalhim whether it be an athletic contest, debate, or personal encounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain rangeencounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain rangeencounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain rangeencounter. A guide commenting on the height of a mountain range in South America made this statement about a certain jaggedin South America made this statement about a certain jaggedin South America made this statement about a certain jaggedin South America made this statement about a certain jagged volcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it hadvolcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it hadvolcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it hadvolcanic mountain, "This would have been our tallest if it had not blown its top." This can be said of many people who couldnot blown its top." This can be said of many people who couldnot blown its top." This can be said of many people who couldnot blown its top." This can be said of many people who could not maintain the composure of coolness.not maintain the composure of coolness.not maintain the composure of coolness.not maintain the composure of coolness. - Charles Ashcraft- Charles Ashcraft- Charles Ashcraft- Charles Ashcraft - Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12.- Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12.- Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12.- Pulpit Helps, Dec. 1991, p. 12. 5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with5. "Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time,the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is notand for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is notand for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is notand for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is not within everybody's power and it is not easy."within everybody's power and it is not easy."within everybody's power and it is not easy."within everybody's power and it is not easy." - Aristotle- Aristotle- Aristotle- Aristotle - Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26.- Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26.- Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26.- Instant Quotation Dictionary, p. 26. years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrongMany years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrongMany years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrongMany years ago a senior executive of the then Standard Oil Company made a wrong decision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was thendecision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was thendecision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was thendecision that cost the company more than $2 million. John D. Rockefeller was then running the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of therunning the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of therunning the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of therunning the firm. On the day the news leaked out most of the executives of the company were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest hiscompany were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest hiscompany were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest hiscompany were finding various ingenious ways of avoiding Mr. Rockefeller, lest his wrath descend on their heads.wrath descend on their heads.wrath descend on their heads.wrath descend on their heads. There was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in theThere was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in theThere was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in theThere was one exception, however; he was Edward T. Bedford, a partner in the company. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept thecompany. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept thecompany. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept thecompany. Bedford was scheduled to see Rockefeller that day and he kept the appointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against theappointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against theappointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against theappointment, even though he was prepared to listen to a long harangue against the man who made the error in who made the error in who made the error in who made the error in judgment. When he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire wasWhen he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire wasWhen he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire wasWhen he entered the office the powerful head of the gigantic Standard Oil empire was bent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stoodbent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stoodbent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stoodbent over his desk busily writing with a pencil on a pad of paper. Bedford stood silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up.silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up.silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up.silently, not wishing to interrupt. After a few minutes Rockefeller looked up. "Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?""Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?""Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?""Oh, it's you, Bedford," he said calmly. "I suppose you've heard about our loss?" Bedford said that he had.Bedford said that he had.Bedford said that he had.Bedford said that he had. "I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss"I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss"I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss"I've been thinking it over," Rockefeller said, "and before I ask the man in to discuss the matter, I've been making some notes."the matter, I've been making some notes."the matter, I've been making some notes."the matter, I've been making some notes." Bedford later told the story this way:Bedford later told the story this way:Bedford later told the story this way:Bedford later told the story this way: "Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There"Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There"Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There"Across the top of the page was written, 'Points in favor of Mr. _______.' There followed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he hadfollowed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he hadfollowed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he hadfollowed a long list of the man's virtues, including a brief description of how he had helped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that hadhelped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that hadhelped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that hadhelped the company make the right decision on three separate occasions that had
  • 5. earned many times the cost of his recent error.earned many times the cost of his recent error.earned many times the cost of his recent error.earned many times the cost of his recent error. "I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into"I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into"I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into"I never forgot that lesson. In later years, whenever I was tempted to rip into anyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list ofanyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list ofanyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list ofanyone, I forced myself first to sit down and thoughtfully compile as long a list of good points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, Igood points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, Igood points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, Igood points as I possibly could. Invariably, by the time I finished my inventory, I would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control.would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control.would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control.would see the matter in its true perspective and keep my temper under control. There is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing oneThere is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing oneThere is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing oneThere is no telling how many times this habit has prevented me from committing one of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper.of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper.of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper.of the costliest mistakes any executive can make -- losing his temper. "I commend it to anyone who must deal with people.""I commend it to anyone who must deal with people.""I commend it to anyone who must deal with people.""I commend it to anyone who must deal with people." Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13Bits & Pieces, September 15, 1994, Page 11-13 7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart.7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart.7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart.7. Here's another study that says hostility can hurt your heart. Doctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumpingDoctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumpingDoctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumpingDoctors from Coral Gables, Fla., compared the efficiency of the heart's pumping action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls.action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls.action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls.action in 18 men with coronary artery disease to nine healthy controls. Each of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exerciseEach of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exerciseEach of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exerciseEach of the study participants underwent one physical stress test (riding an exercise bicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recallingbicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recallingbicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recallingbicycle) and three mental stress tests (doing math problems in their heads, recalling a recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech toa recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech toa recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech toa recent incident that had made them very angry, and giving a short speech to defend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticateddefend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticateddefend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticateddefend themselves against a hypothetical charge of shoplifting). Using sophisticated X-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action duringX-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action duringX-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action duringX-ray techniques, the doctors took pictures of the subjects' hearts in action during these tests.these tests.these tests.these tests. For all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped toFor all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped toFor all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped toFor all the subjects, anger reduced the amount of blood that the heart pumped to body tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those whobody tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those whobody tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those whobody tissues more than the other tests, but this was especially true for those who had heart disease.had heart disease.had heart disease.had heart disease. Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess.Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess.Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess.Why anger is so much more potent than fear or mental stress is anybody's guess. But until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 beforeBut until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 beforeBut until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 beforeBut until we see more research on this subject, it couldn't hurt to count to 10 before you blow your blow your blow your blow your stack. Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3Spokesman-Review, July 29, 1993, Page D3 8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to8. In the spring of 1894, the Baltimore Orioles came to Boston to play a routine baseball game. But what happened that day wasplay a routine baseball game. But what happened that day wasplay a routine baseball game. But what happened that day wasplay a routine baseball game. But what happened that day was anything but routine.anything but routine.anything but routine.anything but routine. The Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston thirdThe Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston thirdThe Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston thirdThe Orioles' John McGraw got into a fight with the Boston third baseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams hadbaseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams hadbaseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams hadbaseman. Within minutes all the players from both teams had joined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to thejoined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to thejoined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to thejoined in the brawl. The warfare quickly spread to the grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse.grandstands. Among the fans the conflict went from bad to worse. Someone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned toSomeone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned toSomeone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned toSomeone set fire to the stands and the entire ballpark burned to the ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 otherthe ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 otherthe ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 otherthe ground. Not only that, but the fire spread to 107 other Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992Boston buildings as well. Daily Bread, August 13, 1992 Abraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered byAbraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered byAbraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered byAbraham Lincoln's secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, was angered by an army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stantonan army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stantonan army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stantonan army officer who accused him of favoritism. Stanton complained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write thecomplained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write thecomplained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write thecomplained to Lincoln, who suggested that Stanton write the officer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the stronglyofficer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the stronglyofficer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the stronglyofficer a sharp letter. Stanton did, and showed the strongly worded missive to the president. "What are you going to do withworded missive to the president. "What are you going to do withworded missive to the president. "What are you going to do withworded missive to the president. "What are you going to do with it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."it?" Lincoln inquired. Surprised, Stanton replied, "Send it."
  • 6. Lincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," heLincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," heLincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," heLincoln shook his head. "You don't want to send that letter," he said. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I havesaid. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I havesaid. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I havesaid. "Put it in the stove. That's what I do when I have written a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and youwritten a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and youwritten a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and youwritten a letter while I am angry. It's a good letter and you had a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, andhad a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, andhad a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, andhad a good time writing it and feel better. Now burn it, and write another."write another."write another."write another." 10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for10. The great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini was legendary for his fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestrashis fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestrashis fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestrashis fits of rage. The librarian of one of Toscanini's orchestras was particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwingwas particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwingwas particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwingwas particularly vexed by the maestro's habit of throwing valuable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watchingvaluable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watchingvaluable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watchingvaluable musical scores at the musicians when angry. Watching closely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act whenclosely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act whenclosely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act whenclosely, the librarian observed that Toscanini's first act when enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it.enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it.enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it.enraged was to take his baton in both hands and try to break it. If the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsalIf the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsalIf the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsalIf the baton snapped, Toscanini usualy calmed down and rehearsal continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores.continued. If the baton did not break, he began hurling scores. The librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had aThe librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had aThe librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had aThe librarian's solution? He made sure the conductor had a generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal!generous supply of flimsy batons on hand for rehearsal! 11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish11. An author for READERS DIGEST writes how he studied the Amish people in preparation for an article on them. In his observationpeople in preparation for an article on them. In his observationpeople in preparation for an article on them. In his observationpeople in preparation for an article on them. In his observation at the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed orat the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed orat the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed orat the school yard, he noted that the children never screamed or yelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. Heyelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. Heyelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. Heyelled. This amazed him. He spoke to the schoolmaster. He remarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and askedremarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and askedremarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and askedremarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and asked why the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmasterwhy the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmasterwhy the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmasterwhy the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmaster replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?"replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?"replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?"replied, "Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?" 12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility12. Angry cynical people die young. Men who score high for hostility on standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurelyon standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurelyon standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurelyon standard tests are four times more likely to die prematurely than men whose scores are low.than men whose scores are low.than men whose scores are low.than men whose scores are low. 13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told13. As a passenger boarded the Los Angeles-to-New York plane, he told the flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off inthe flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off inthe flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off inthe flight attendant to wake him and make sure he got off in Dallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in NewDallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in NewDallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in NewDallas. The passenger awoke just as the plane was landing in New York. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended anYork. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended anYork. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended anYork. Furious, he called the flight attendant and demended an explanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, theexplanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, theexplanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, theexplanation. The fellow membled an apology and, in a rage, the passenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" anotherpassenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" anotherpassenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" anotherpassenger stomped off the plane. "Boy, was he ever mad!" another crew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think hecrew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think hecrew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think hecrew member observed to her errant colleague. "If you think he was mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen thewas mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen thewas mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen thewas mad," replied the flight attendant, "you should have seen the guy I put off the plane in Dallas!"guy I put off the plane in Dallas!"guy I put off the plane in Dallas!"guy I put off the plane in Dallas!" is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to ourAnger is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to ourAnger is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to ourAnger is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to our instinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructiveinstinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructiveinstinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructiveinstinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructive spiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil isspiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil isspiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil isspiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil is a person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hatea person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hatea person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hatea person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hate wrong, it's very questionable whether you really lovewrong, it's very questionable whether you really lovewrong, it's very questionable whether you really lovewrong, it's very questionable whether you really love righteousness. Dr. David Seamandsrighteousness. Dr. David Seamandsrighteousness. Dr. David Seamandsrighteousness. Dr. David Seamands 15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick15. Dr. Henry Brandt writes, "Some people relish and enjoy their anger. Frederick
  • 7. Bueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. ToBueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. ToBueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. ToBueckner says it clearly: "Of the 7 deadly sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over yourlick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over yourlick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over yourlick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your tongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the lasttongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the lasttongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the lasttongue the prospect of bitter confrontations to come, to savor to the last toothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-intoothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-intoothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-intoothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back-in many ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you aremany ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you aremany ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you aremany ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never metwolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never metwolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never metwolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you." I have never met anyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, oranyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, oranyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, oranyone, anywhere in the world who has escaped the destructive force of anger, or who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force.who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force.who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force.who has never experienced someone else's anger as a destructive force. The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger."The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger."The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger."The one single problem that everyone is plagued with universally is anger." ANGER, OF JESUSANGER, OF JESUSANGER, OF JESUSANGER, OF JESUS Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand.Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand.Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand.Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand. He knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angryHe knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angryHe knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angryHe knew that the Pharisees were watching to see what he would do, and he felt angry that they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for thethat they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for thethat they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for thethat they were only out to put him in the wrong. They did not care a scrap for the handicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought tohandicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought tohandicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought tohandicapped man, nor did they want to see the power and love of God brought to bear on him.bear on him.bear on him.bear on him. There were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternlyThere were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternlyThere were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternlyThere were other instances where Jesus showed anger or sternness. He "sternly charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43)charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43)charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43)charged" the leper whom he had healed not to tell anyone about it (Mark 1:43) because he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtlessbecause he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtlessbecause he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtlessbecause he foresaw the problems of being pursued by a huge crowd of thoughtless people who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But thepeople who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But thepeople who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But thepeople who were interested only in seeing miracles and not in his teaching. But the leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus.leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus.leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus.leper disobeyed and so made things very hard for Jesus. Jesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers andJesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers andJesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers andJesus showed anger again when the disciples tried to send away the mothers and their children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way thetheir children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way thetheir children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way thetheir children (Mark 10:13-16). He was indignant and distressed at the way the disciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did notdisciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did notdisciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did notdisciples were thwarting his loving purposes and giving the impression that he did not have time for ordinary people.have time for ordinary people.have time for ordinary people.have time for ordinary people. He showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those whoHe showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those whoHe showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those whoHe showed anger once more when he drove "out those who sold and those who bought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into abought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into abought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into abought in the temple" (Mark 11:15-17). God's house of prayer was being made into a den of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words andden of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words andden of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words andden of thieves and God was not being glorified -- hence Jesus' angry words and deeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot bedeeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot bedeeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot bedeeds. Commenting on this, Warfield wrote: "A man who cannot be angry, cannot be merciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposesmerciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposesmerciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposesmerciful." The person who cannot be angry at things which thwart God's purposes and God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feeland God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feeland God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feeland God's love toward people is living too far away from his fellow men ever to feel anything positive towards them.anything positive towards them.anything positive towards them.anything positive towards them. Finally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for theFinally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for theFinally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for theFinally, at Lazarus' grave Jesus showed not just sympathy and deep distress for the mourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity ofmourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity ofmourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity ofmourners (John 11:33-35), but also a sense of angry outrage at the monstrosity of death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38.death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38.death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38.death in God's world. This is the meaning of "deeply moved" in John 11:38. Your Father Loves You by James PackerYour Father Loves You by James PackerYour Father Loves You by James PackerYour Father Loves You by James Packer ANONYMOUSANONYMOUSANONYMOUSANONYMOUS 1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the1.A man called up the local armory to get a report on the number and status of the weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4weapons and vehicles. A private answered the phone and said, "We've got 3 jeeps, 4
  • 8. tanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fattanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fattanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fattanks, 500 rifles, and a ton of ammo. Oh, we also have two Cadillacs for the fat generals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'mgenerals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'mgenerals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'mgenerals." Silence, then this response, "Private, do you know who I am?" "No." "I'm General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty."General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty."General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty."General Westin." "General, do you know who I am?" "No." "See you later, fatty." 2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was2.Jean Frederick Oberlin, a minister in 18th century Germany, was traveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severetraveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severetraveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severetraveling by foot in winter when he was caught in a severe snowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and fearedsnowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and fearedsnowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and fearedsnowstorm. He soon lost his way in the blowing snow and feared he would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowinghe would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowinghe would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowinghe would freeze to death. In despair he sat down, not knowing which way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon andwhich way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon andwhich way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon andwhich way to turn. Just then, a man came along in a wagon and rescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made surerescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made surerescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made surerescued Oberlin. He took him to the next village and made sure he wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlinhe wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlinhe wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlinhe wold be cared for. As the man prepared to journey on, Oberlin said, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you insaid, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you insaid, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you insaid, "Tell me yor name so that I may at least have you in grateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now hadgrateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now hadgrateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now hadgrateful remembrance before God." The man, who by now had recognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell merecognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell merecognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell merecognized Oberlin, replied, "You are a minister. Please tell me the name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot dothe name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot dothe name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot dothe name of the Good Samaritan." Oberlin said, "I cannot do that, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactorthat, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactorthat, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactorthat, for it is not given in the Scriptures." His benefactor responded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me toresponded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me toresponded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me toresponded, "Until you can tell me his name, please permit me to withhold mine."withhold mine."withhold mine."withhold mine." ANTHROPOLOGYANTHROPOLOGYANTHROPOLOGYANTHROPOLOGY New Bible Commentary, p. 27New Bible Commentary, p. 27New Bible Commentary, p. 27New Bible Commentary, p. 27 The two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both OldThe two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both OldThe two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both OldThe two entities SOUL and SPIRIT are carefully distinguished in both Old and New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew andand New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew andand New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew andand New Testaments. The word SOUL translated from NEPHESH in Hebrew and PSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared byPSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared byPSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared byPSYCHE in Greek represents the living principle of the body, and is shared by man and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal lifeman and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal lifeman and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal lifeman and the animals. On the fifth day of creation, as God created animal life in the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), orin the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), orin the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), orin the oceans, and birds, He designated them as having "life" (Gen. 1:20), or NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well.NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well.NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well.NEPHESH. On the sixth day, "Man became a living SOUL" (Gen. 2?7) as well. The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind,The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind,The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind,The soul refers to desires and appetites both of the flesh and the mind, perhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in theperhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in theperhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in theperhaps summed up by the word "consciousness." Plants, while alive in the biological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain otherbiological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain otherbiological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain otherbiological sense, are not conscious (this may also be true for certain other "lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not"lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not"lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not"lower" organisms classified as animals by modern biology), and therefore not alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death."alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death."alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death."alive in the Biblical sense, nor does their death imply Biblical "death." The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's)The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's)The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's)The SPIRIT is quite different. God Himself "breathed into (man's) nostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting onlynostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting onlynostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting onlynostrils the breath (RUACH) of life" (Gen. 2:7), thereby imparting only to mankind some measure of His own spiritual mankind some measure of His own spiritual mankind some measure of His own spiritual mankind some measure of His own spiritual nature. It is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--GreekIt is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--GreekIt is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--GreekIt is noteworthy, that while God identified as "Spirit" (John 4:24--Greek PNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from merePNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from merePNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from merePNEUMA), nowhere is He identified as "soul." He stands separate from mere beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man.beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man.beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man.beings, not driven by the same desires as animals and man. The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man,The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man,The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man,The spirit, then, is the recreated "image of God" (Gen. 1L27) in man, separating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual sideseparating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual sideseparating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual sideseparating us from anilmals, while bonding us to God. This spiritual side makes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a sonmakes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a sonmakes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a sonmakes possible an earthly life in tune with God and an eternal life as a son of God.of God.of God.of God.
  • 9. A GER In his autobiography, umber 1, Billy Martin told about hunting in Texas with Mickey Mantle. Mickey had a friend who would let them hunt on his ranch. When they reached the ranch, Mickey told Billy to wait in the car while he checked in with his friend. Mantle's friend quickly gave them permission to hunt, but he asked Mickey a favor. He had a pet mule in the barn who was going blind, and he didn't have the heart to put him out of his misery. He asked Mickey to shoot the mule for him. When Mickey came back to the car, he pretended to be angry. He scowled and slammed the door. Billy asked him what was wrong, and Mickey said his friend wouldn't let them hunt. "I'm so mad at that guy," Mantle said, "I'm going out to his barn and shoot one of his mules!" Mantle drove like a maniac to the barn. Martin protested, "We can't do that!" But Mickey was adamant. "Just watch me," he shouted. When they got to the barn, Mantle jumped out of the car with his rifle, ran inside, and shot the mule. As he was leaving, though, he heard two shots, and he ran back to the car. He saw that Martin had taken out his rifle, too. "What are you doing, Martin?" he yelled. Martin yelled back, face red with anger, "We'll show that son of a gun! I just killed two of his cows!" Anger can be dangerously contagious. As Proverbs puts it, "Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man ... or you may learn his ways" (Prov. 22:24-25). ANTS 1. Proverbs6:1-192 Go to the ant. . . . It has no. . . . overseer. . . . yet it storesits provisions in summer. Proverbs 6:6-8 Bugs bug me. I have no real hatred for them, but theyseem to enjoy tormenting me. I've been stung, bitten--and in a ratherhorrifying incident, trampled by them.It's interesting that the Bible includes insights on a number ofinsects--ants, bees, crickets, fleas, flies, grasshoppers, gnats,hornets, katydids (Katy did what?), leeches, moths, scorpions,spiders, worms, and (my personal favorite) maggots. God's Word eventalks about these little critters!
  • 10. But back to the trampling incident. I would rather not have insectsfor houseguests. You see, one day I was tearing out a ceiling in adilapidated little house my wife and I had bought. The piece ofdrywall I was pulling on suddenly swung down, and with it came anentire army of carpenter ants--right on top of my head! Proverbs 6:6-83They scurried everywhere as I broke into a primitive dance, trying toget them off my clothes, out of my hair, and onto the ground where Icould begin some serious squishing. It was not a good time. Later, after I had recovered from the ant assault, I took a good lookat the remains of their nest. Amazing stuff! They had been workinghard to carve their place in this world. As Solomon wrote in Proverbs6, they had been storing and gathering and planning ahead. If I had been planning ahead, I would have worn protective clothingthat would have shielded me from the ant attack. But I was justplodding along, taking chunks of plaster as they came. Do you plan ahead? Important life decisions and experiences arewaiting right around the bend. Have you been earnestly seeking God'sdirection in your life? Have you been taking classes that will helpyou in college? Have you been reading books that will guide you towardpositive dating experiences? Have you been saving money for bigexpenses on the horizon? These issues and more are waiting at your door. It's time to plan Proverbs64ahead. If you don't, well--you may just get trampled. -- TFREFLECTION * What areas in my life need immediate, strategic planning? * How has the lack of planning affected me in the past? [IMAGE][IMAGE]Record your reflections by sending e-mail to yourself. To sharetoday's devotional with a friend, click here and then click "quote". A life without a plan goes nowhere. 2. Albert G. Mackinnon writes, "The bridge-makers are an ingenious class. They are given to constant emigrations, and thus have long marches. Ravines or rivulets do not stop their onward progress. They have learned how to make "the loop of life." When they come to a bqnk, a number link themselves together into a long rope. They let the wind carry one end across the water, and thus they form a living bridge over which ;the main army passes in safety." Some ants take in borders and make them do work to pay for their lodging. Other guard certain plants from enemies and in return get exclusive right to eat the sweet substance from their leaves. Their is true wisdom to the text, "Go to ;the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise." ANXIETY 1. Said the Robin to the Sparrow: "I should really like to know Why these anxious human beings Rush about and worry so." Said the Sparrow to the Robin: "Friend, I think that it must be That they have no heavenly Father Such as cares for you and me." Elizabeth Cheney 2. It is the fear of hurt or loss. All of us fear to lose things such as a child fears to lose its mother and cries when she is not in sight. We fear to lose friends, status, or self-esteem. We fear to lose jobs,
  • 11. relationships and possessions. Life is full of the risk of loss and that is why there is anxiety. The greater your investment in any relationship or thing, the greater your anxiety. 3. An average person's anxiety is focused on : 40% -- things that will never happen 30% -- things about the past that can't be changed 12% -- things about criticism by others, mostly untrue 10% -- about health, which gets worse with stress 8% -- about real problems that will be faced 4. Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all others thoughts are drained. Arthur Somers Roche APATHY 1. BUMPER STICKER, "I AM EITHER FOR OR AGAI ST APATHY." 2.When Rosina Hernandez was in college, she once attended a rock concert at which one young man was brutally beaten by another. o one made an attempt to stop the beating. The next day she was struck dumb to learn that the youth had died as a result of the pounding. Yet neither she nor anyone else had raised a hand to help him. She could never forget the incident or her responsibility as an inactive bystander. Some years later, Rosina saw another catastrophe. A car driving in the rain ahead of her suddenly skidded and plunged into Biscayne Bay. The car landed head down in the water with only the tail end showing. In a moment a woman appeared on the surface, shouting for help and saying her husband was stuck inside. This time Rosina waited for no one. She plunged into the water, tried unsuccessfully to open the car door, then pounded on the back window as other bystanders stood on the causeway and watched. First she screamed at them, begging for help, then cursed them, telling them there was a man dying in the car. First one man, then another, finally came to help. Together they broke the safety glass and dragged the man out. They were just in time -- a few minutes later it would have been all over. The woman thanked Rosina for saving her husband, and Rosina was elated, riding an emotional high that lasted for weeks. She had promised herself that she would never again fail to do anything she could to save a human live. She had made good on her promise. 3. The penalty that good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves. Plato 4. The nice thing about apathy is you don't have to exert yourself to show you're sincere about it. 5.Did you hear about the company that makes blank bumper stickers? They're for people who don't want to get involved. APOCRYPHA 1. "The Old Testament apocrypha agrees with the Scriptures here, and while the Apocryphal books are not to be received as divinely inspired, they are useful as showing how the best minds of ancient Israel thought about this matter of divine
  • 12. truth and how it is received into the human heart." A. W. Tozer. 2. APOCRYPHAL STORIES 2. Lesile Paul wrote, 'There are two aprocryphal stories of the childhood of Jesus which illustrate the difficulties a young poet might hat to contend with among hill puritans. In one he squatted childlike over the mud and modelled sparrows out of the clay. Sparrows! It was the sabbath. Another child ran telling tales to Joseph who came hurrying officiously out to his boyd and said, "Why do you do this sort of thing--profaning the Sabbath>" In the story Jesus would neither answer his question nor look at him but stared down at his sparrows and said to them, "Go on, fly away, and remember me for the rest of your life." And they flew up to the rooftops. In another story Jesus was playing withother boys on the flat roof of a two=story house. A playmate was pushed and fell to the ground and was killed. The other boys fled and Jesus was left standing alone on the roof. The parents of the dead child ran from their house weeping and when they saw Jesus standing alone on the roof accused him of the death of the boy. "But Jesus, seeing that, leaped dwon straightaway from theupper storey and stood a the the head of him that wasd dead, and saith to him, 'Zeno, did I cast thee down? Arise and tell....' And with the word the boy rose up and worshpped Jesus and said, "Lord, thou didst not cast me down, but when I was dead thou didst make alive.'" 3. APOSTASY 1.There was a pastor of a very well-known Bible church, one that taught the Word of God. Today he is a denier of the deity of Jesus Christ. He is a professor at USC, one who does everything he can to turn young people away from Christianity. He also falls into the category of an apostate, somebody who knows the truth, has all the information about the truth, and willfully turns his back on the truth for his own pursuit. (Cited by John MacArthur, Sermon on Jude 8-13). 32. 2." They are known as the forty martyrs of Sebaste. In the famed Twelfth Legion of Rome's imperial army there were forty soldiers who professed their faith in Jesus Christ. One day their captain informed them that Emperor Licinius had sent out an edict commanding all soldiers to offer sacrifice to pagan gods. These Christian warriors said, "You can have our armor and even our bodies, but our hearts' allegiance belongs to Jesus Christ." Because of their stance they were marched onto a frozen lake in the midwinter of A.D. 320 and stripped of their clothes. At any time they could renounce Christ and be spared from death. Instead, they huddled close together and sang their song of victory, "Forty martyrs for Christ." That freezing night saw thirty nine men fall to their icy graves. When there was but one man left he stumbled to the shore and renounced Christ. The officer in charge of guarding these men had secretly come to believe in Christ. He then replaced the man who had broken rank and walked out onto the ice. He threw off his clothes and confessed his faith in Christ. At sunrise the Roman soldiers found forty men who gave their all for the cause of Christ. (Good ews Is For Sharing, Leighton Ford, 1977, p. 16)
  • 13. IOWJUL91 APPOLOGIZE 1. One of the first lessons I leanred in our marriage was the necessity of saying, "I'm sorry," My wife, christy, is much better at it than me. In fact, it seems that wheever we had a disagreement, she would be the first to apologize. Due to muy delicate male ego, I would let her. After one of our "discussions," Cristy decided that it was my turn to say "I'm sorry." Since I wasn't used to apologizing, I thought nothing of te stony silence that existed between us for the next hour. However, I caught her nonverbal message after awhile: "Either you apologize, or face the consequences." As a newlywed, it didn't take me long to figure out what those consequences might be! But I was feeling stubborn that evening and thought maybe I could outwait her. I was wrong. There was no way she was going to apologize first. She had made up her mind, and the next move was up to me. I knew I should do my part; Christy was a very forgiving person. And after all, wasn't I the head of our home? Wasn't I the one who was supposed to be showing the way? Wasn't I to love Christy as Christ loved His church? Fianlly, I dropped to my knees. Not to pray, although I probably should have. I dropped to my knees so I could crawl across the living room and beg Christy's forgiveness. It was a well-calculated move, and it broght the desired reesult; laughter. For all her determination, she couldn't stay mad when she saw her penitent husband crawling on the floor. When I finally reached her, we collapsed in each other's arms, almost simutaneously saying, "I'm sorry!" The ice had been broken, and we could return to the joys of our relationship. Since that time, I've said, "I'm sorry" many times. Sometimes I've added flowers or a gift. I doubt I'll ever be as quick to forgive as Christy, but I'll never forget the lesson I learned that night. Love means you always have to say "I'm sorry." J.D. Holt APOSTLES, how killed according to tradition Matthew suffered martyrdom by being slain with a sword at a distant city of Ethiopia. Mark expired at Alexandria, after being cruelly dragged through the streets of that city. Luke was hanged upon an olive tree in the classic land of Greece. John was put in a caldron of boiling oil, but escaped deaath in a miraculous manner, and was afterward banished to Patmos. Peter was crucified at Rome with his head downward. James, the Greater, was beheaded at Jerusalem. James, the Less, was thrown from a lofty pinnacle of the temple, and then beaten to death with a fuller's club. Bartholomew was flayed alive. Andrew was bound to a cross, whence he preached to his persecutors until he died. Thomas was run through the body with a lance at Coromandel in the East Indies. Jude was shot to death with arrows. Matthais was first stoned and then beheaded. Barnabas of the
  • 14. Gentiles was stoned to death at Salonica. Paul, after various tortures and persecutions, was at length beheaded at Rome by the Emperor ero. APOSTLES 1. MEMORANDUM TO: Jesus, Son of Joseph, Woodcrafters Shop, NazarethFROM: Jordan Management Consultants, JerusalemSUBJECT: Staff Aptitude Evaluation Thank you for submitting the resumes of the 12 men you have picked formanagement positions in your new organization. All of them have nowtaken our battery of tests, and we have not only run them with ourpsychologist and vocational aptitude consultant. It is the staff opinion that most of you nominees are lacking inbackground, education and vocational aptitude for the type ofenterprise you are undertaking. They do not have the team concept. Wewould recommend that you continue your search for persons ofexperience in managerial ability and proven capability.Simon Peter is emotionally unstable and given to fits of temper.Andrew has absolutely no qualities of leadership. The two brothers,James and John, the sons of Zebedee, place personal interest abovecompany loyalty. Thomas demonstrates a questioning attitude that would tend to undermine morale. We feel that it is our duty to tell you that Matthew has been blacklisted by the Greater Jerusalem Better BusinessBureau. James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus definitely haveradical leanings, and they both registeres a high score on the manicdepressive scale. One of the candidates, however, shows great potential. He is a man ofability and resourcefulness, meets people well, has a keen businessind and has contact in high places. He is highly motivated, ambitiousand innovative. We recommend Judas Iscariot as your controller andright hand man. All the other profiles are self-explanatory.We wish you every success in your new venture. _________________________________________________________________ Marko Jauhiainen APPEARANCE 1. GOD'S The Bible is rather silent about God's looks and in fact, de- emphasizes what God looks like. Jesus told the woman at the well that God was a spirit, which among other things means, he has no particular look. So the description of him being stately with a long flowing beard and piercing eyes--as in Michelangelo's painting--those are all human conceptions of what a person with God's character should look like, but God Himself has never found it necessary to reveal himself in a way that we can actually make out a physical image. (I know you're probably thinking of Jesus. Yes, Jesus was what God would be as a man, but we don't say that Jesus is what God looks like, do we?) Nevertheless,;in God's image; does not mean that Creator and man look alike physically. 2. Jesus. The founder of Forest Lawn Cemetery in Calif. searched for a smiling face of Jesus for he knew Jesus loved children and nature and delighted in life and so looked for such an image, but he found that artists pictured him only as a man of sorrows and always serious. The New Testament was not the basis for art but rather the traditions of
  • 15. men. 3. There are many who take the verse in Isa. 53:2 and read into it that Jesus was homely. But this is a false idea taken out of context. Jesus was beaten and crucified and he had to look terrible and very unappealing and even repulsive with wounds and blood. The most handsome of men would not look good after what Jesus went through. To use this as a basis for what he looked like all the time is very unfair and will not be supported by other Scripture. Jesus was the express image of the Father, and are we to assume that God is homely, who created all that is beautiful. When God took on the form of a man he took on the body of a strong and healthy man, and we can assume a nice looking man. The Father is portrayed as beautiful in Ps. 27:4 and Isa. 33:17. Jesus impressed both men and women and he grew in favor with them and children flocked to sit on his lap and be near him. He was attractive to all people. He made all that is beautiful and it is logical he who loves beauty would make his own body a thing of beauty. St. Augustine and St. Ambrose, and Chrysostom agreed that Jesus was handsome. St. Jerome wrote, "The brightness and majesty of His divinity hidden under the veil of His flesh, shed its rays over His human countenance, and subdued all who had the happiness to gaze upon it." Jesus had the inner beauty of holiness also. When one discovers Him it never occurs to him that he should ever ask again: "What is beauty?" For He is the essence of the beautiful- in His purity, in His never-failing love, in His vicarious death and glorious resurrection- our blessed assurance of life and victory in Himself. Now my search for Beauty has lost its restless power. My eyes have seen And now I know: Christ Jesus, my Lord- He is beauty. Millions of years your wond'ring eyes Shall o'er His beauties rove: And endless ages you'll adore The glories of His love. 4. Charles Allen tells of the man who lost his billfold and in it he had a picture of Jesus. The man who found it intended to keep the money but when he saw the picture of Jesus he had to return it. The very appearance of Jesus touched his conscience. 5. In a prison is the Southern state is a commercial artist serving a life sentence and he painted a portrait of Jesus smiling and called it "The Smiling Christ." He sent them all over the world and it is very popular with people for Jesus was likely the most radiant personality ever to walk this planet. 6. Jonathan Edwards described the believer's seeing Christ in glory this way: "The seeing God in the glorified body of Christ, is the most
  • 16. perfect way of seeing God with the bodily eyes that can be; for in seeing a real body, which one of the Persons of the Trinity has assumed to be His body, and in which He dwells forever as his own, the divine majesty and excellency appear as much as it is possible for them to appear in outward form or shape...They shall see Him, as appearing in His glorified human nature, with their bodily eyes; and this will be a most glorious sight.The loveliness of Christ as thus appearing will be a most ravishing thing to them; for though the bodies of the saints appear with an exceeding beauty and glory, yet the body of Christ will without doubt immensely surpass them, as much as the brightness of the sun does that of the stars. The glorified body of Christ will be the masterpiece of all God's workmanship in the whole material universe. There shall be in his glorious countenance the manifestations of His glorious spiritual perfections, His majesty, His holiness, His surpassing grace, and love, and meekness. The eye will never be wearied with beholding this glorious sight." 7.THE GREAT DANE AND THE ALLIGATOR There was a man who owned a Great Dane. Now this Great Dane was anextremely large and ferocious dog--definitely not the kind of dog youwant jumping up in your lap. One day, as the man was walking his GreatDane down the street, he saw another man across the street who wasalso walking his dog--a little bitty dog with short legs no tail andno hair. It was on ugly dog and, very frankly, looked sick. Suddenly the Great Dane saw the little ugly dog across the street anddecided he hated that dog. He broke free from his owner's leash anddashed across the street on the attack. The owner of the Great Daneyelled to the man, "Look out! My dog is on the loose and he's liableto kill you and that dog of yours! You had better run!" But the little ugly dog turned around, bared its teeth, and when theGreat Dane attacked, that little dog proceeded to grab hold of theGreat Dane at the foreleg and began to eat that big dog up. It ateright up the leg, right up the throat, ate its head, right downthrough its body, right across the tail, right down the back legs,spit out the bones, and smacked its lips- and that was the end of theGreat Dane, just like that.Well, the owner of the Great Dane was absolutely astonished by what hehad just witnessed. "Man, what kind of dog is that?" the man exclaimed" I've never in my life seen a little dog that could do something likethat!" "Dog? Dog?" the other man said. "Before he got his nose run over by atruck and his tail cut off by a train, this used to be an alligator!"Appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes we judge people by how theylook, but we fail to realize that on the inside, they are quiteifferent. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at theheart" (1 Samuel 16:7). 3You may feel like a puppy dog on the outside, but inside, you're analligator. You have the power of God at your disposal to do mightythings. "I can do everything through him who gives me strength, "wrote Paul (Philippians 4:13). When you are under attack by the GreatDanes of the world, you can eat 'em up with the power of Christ thatlives and dwells within your heart. 8.In 1884 a young man died, and after the funeral his grieving parents decided to establish a memorial to him. With that in mind they met with Charles Eliot, president of Harvard University. Eliot received the unpretentious couple into his office and asked what he could do. After they expressed their desire to fund a memorial, Eliot impatiently said, "Perhaps you
  • 17. have in mind a scholarship." "We were thinking of something more substantial than that... perhaps a building," the woman replied. In a patronizing tone, Eliot brushed aside the idea as being too expensive and the couple departed. The next year, Eliot learned that this plain pair had gone elsewhere and established a $26 million memorial named Leland Stanford Junior University, better known today as Stanford! Today in the Word, June 11, 1992 APPEARA CES In 1884 a young man died, and after the funeral his grieving parents decided to establish a memorial to him. With that in mind they met with Charles Eliot, president of Harvard University. Eliot received the unpretentious couple into his office and asked what he could do. After they expressed their desire to fund a memorial, Eliot impatiently said, "Perhaps you have in mind a scholarship." "We were thinking of something more substantial than that... perhaps a building," the woman replied. In a patronizing tone, Eliot brushed aside the idea as being too expensive and the couple departed. The next year, Eliot learned that this plain pair had gone elsewhere and established a $26 million memorial named Leland Stanford Junior University, better known today as Stanford! Today in the Word, June 11, 1992 A mule dressed in a tuxedo is still a mule. When architect Sir Christopher Wren designed the interior of Windsor Town Hall near London in 1689, he built a ceiling supported by pillars. After city fathers had inspected the finished building, they decided the ceiling would not stay up and ordered Wren to put in some more pillars. England's greatest architect didn't think the ceiling needed any more support, so he pulled a fast one. He added four pillars that did not do anything -- they don't even reach the ceiling. The optical illusion fooled the municipal authorities, and today the four sham pillars amuse many a tourist. -- ino Lo Bello, European Detours (Hammond) During one of his political campaigns, a delegation called on Theodore Roosevelt at his home in Oyster Bay, Long Island. The President met them with his coat off and his sleeves rolled up. "Ah, gentlemen," he said, "come down to the barn and we will talk while I do some work." At the barn, Roosevelt picked up a pitchfork and looked around for the hay. Then he called out, "John, where's all the hay?" "Sorry, sir," John called down from the hayloft. "I ain't have time to toss it back down again after you pitched it up while the Iowa folks were here." Bits & Pieces, ovember 12, 1992, Page 19-20
  • 18. B BAPTISM, IN THE HOLY SPIRITBAPTISM, IN THE HOLY SPIRITBAPTISM, IN THE HOLY SPIRITBAPTISM, IN THE HOLY SPIRIT As I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I metAs I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I metAs I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I metAs I shut the door of the office after me, it seemed as if I met the Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I sawthe Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I sawthe Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I sawthe Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I saw Him as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked atHim as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked atHim as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked atHim as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked at me in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. Ime in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. Ime in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. Ime in such a manner as to break me right down at His feet. I fell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made suchfell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made suchfell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made suchfell down at His feet, wept aloud like a child, and made such confessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to meconfessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to meconfessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to meconfessions as I could with my choked utterance. It seemed to me that I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in thisthat I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in thisthat I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in thisthat I bathed His feet in tears. I must have continued in this state for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as Istate for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as Istate for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as Istate for a good while. I returned to the front office, but as I turned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received aturned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received aturned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received aturned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received a mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection thatmighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection thatmighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection thatmighty baptism of the Holy Ghost. Without any recollection that I had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in theI had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in theI had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in theI had ever heard the subject mentioned by any person in the world, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemedworld, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemedworld, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemedworld, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath ofto come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath ofto come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath ofto come in waves of liquid love; it semed like the very breath of God. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles FinneyGod. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles FinneyGod. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles FinneyGod. I wept aloud with joy and love. Charles Finney BARGAINBARGAINBARGAINBARGAIN Our mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price wasOur mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price wasOur mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price wasOur mammas did not hesitate to bargain. Questioning a price was standard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two forstandard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two forstandard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two forstandard procedure. "How much are these cucumbers?" "Two for five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?"five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?"five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?"five." The mamma pushed one aside. "And how much is this one?" "Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson"Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson"Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson"Three cents." "Okay. I'll take the other one." Sam Levenson Never buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's outNever buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's outNever buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's outNever buy a portable TV set on the sidewalk from a man who's out of breath. Quoted in Funny Funny Worldof breath. Quoted in Funny Funny Worldof breath. Quoted in Funny Funny Worldof breath. Quoted in Funny Funny World New York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by ManhattanNew York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by ManhattanNew York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by ManhattanNew York City's Mayor David N. Dinkins, when urged by Manhattan officials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinaryofficials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinaryofficials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinaryofficials to buy some property thought to be an "extraordinary opportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants twoopportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants twoopportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants twoopportunity for the city," said: "If they're sellig elephants two for a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have afor a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have afor a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have afor a quarter, that's a great bargain. But only if you have a quarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in Newquarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in Newquarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in Newquarter--and only if you need elephants." Leonard Buder in New York TimesYork TimesYork TimesYork Times BARNABASBARNABASBARNABASBARNABAS A man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in anA man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in anA man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in anA man who first pastored and nurtured a church brings in an assistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, bothassistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, bothassistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, bothassistant to help with the work, a hand-picked man. Later, both men do church planting work together for a couple of years, thenmen do church planting work together for a couple of years, thenmen do church planting work together for a couple of years, thenmen do church planting work together for a couple of years, then