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IB Global Politics Engagement Activity Mark Scheme
Criterion A: Introduction (4 marks)
The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors
The political issue raised by the engagement is implied but not
explicitly identified. There is some limited explanation of why
the student chose this engagement. There is some limited
explanation of why the student chose this engagement. There is
some link between the engagement and course content.
The political issue explored through the engagement is clearly
and explicitly identified. There is a clear explanation of why
this engagement and political issue are of interest to the
student. There is a clear link between the engagement and
political issue on one hand and course content on the other
Criterion B: Explanation of the Engagement (4 marks)
The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors
There is a description of the engagement and of what the
student actually did. There is some limited explanation of what
the student learned about global politics from undertaking the
The description of the engagement and of what the student
actually did is clear and relevant for their chosen political issue.
There is a clear explanation of the ways in which the student’s
experiences informed his or her understanding of the political
Criterion C: Analysis of the Issue (6 marks)
The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors
There is some attempt at analysis of the political issue but the
response is largely descriptive. Few of the main points are
There is some critical analysis of the political issue but this
analysis lacks depth. The response is more descriptive than
analytical. Some of the main points are justified
The political issue is explored in depth, using the key concepts
of the course where relevant, and the response contains clear
critical analysis. All, or nearly all, of the main points are
Criterion D: Synthesis & Analysis (6 marks)
The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors
There are limited links between ideas. There are no conclusions,
or the conclusions are not relevant
There are some links between the student’s experiences and
more theoretical perspectives on the political issue. Conclusions
are stated but are not entirely consistent with the evidence
presented. Multiple perspectives are acknowledged where
The student’s experiences and more theoretical perspectives are
synthesized so that an integrated and rich treatment of the
political issues ensues. Conclusions are clearly stated, balanced
and consistent with the evidence presented. There is evidence of
evaluation of the political issue from multiple perspectives
Total Score
/20 Points x 3= 60 sum
Attack on The Capitol
How effective has the Jan 6th committee been in creating policy
that will ensure US Congressional leaders are not put at
physical risk while in session?
A case study of the National Security Council and the Jan 6th
Word Count: 1992
The title of my investigation is the attack on the capital. The
political issue that goes with my topic is security. On January
6th of 2021, after the election and President Biden being
elected, many Trump supporters decided to invade/attack the
capitol with the intent to cause fear. Rioters wanted to have
Trump back in the office. I wanted to know how secure places
such as the capital were able to get attacked and invaded by
people. The capital is supposed to be one of the most secure
places, however, due to many not supporting Biden, they went
to attack the capitol demanding reelection. Donald Trump
proceeds to say, “He calls on Vice President Mike Pence — as
the president of the Senate — to reject Biden's win and send the
votes back to the states” ( Lonsdorf, January 5, 2022). This
issue is personal to me because when I was in middle school, a
man drove to my friends and I asked to play with him. He
shouldn't be able to talk to middle schoolers. This made me
question the security and made me question my safety. How was
this man comfortable enough to come to young kids and ask
them to get in his car? I should have felt safe in school and I
shouldn't feel afraid. To explore the investigation, I will contact
my alderman and discuss with them ways to prevent any of this
from happening in the future. We will discuss the safety of
voters. We will talk about the safety of voters who will be
voting for the next election to ensure that the attack does not
take place in the near future. Everyone should have the right to
vote and who they voted for should be private. Because of the
attack that happened on the capitol, many may not feel safe to
say who they voted for.
First and foremost, what I did was I looked locally. The reason
why the attack happened was because of the voting issue,
Trump supporters believed that the vote was rigged. I contacted
my alderman to get more information then I contacted my
congresswoman. I chose to contact my alderman because I could
ask them questions regarding my research question. This is
because my alderman is responsible for representing the citizens
and the county levels. What I did first was I went on google and
searched up who my alderman was. I put my address and zip
code to determine this, and my alderman was Silverstein, Debra
L. I went locally because I wanted to discuss how to improve
and secure voter rights in my community before we start
internationally. My engagement was limited because I was
unable to reach my alderman and congresswomen in time. That
is because they were busy answering calls or emails. During this
engagement, I learned that many are not going to like what you
do or who vote for you. An article written by Grisales Claudia,
states, “My biggest concern is getting our staffing up”(
Grisales, January 5th, 2022), says the Capitol Police Chief Tom
Manger. This shows that events like this are inevitable,
however, to ensure that this doesn't happen in the near future,
the police will up their staff. When getting information from my
organization, this was hard to do. That is because reaching the
congresswomen will require a lot of time. It was my alderman
that told me to reach my congresswomen because my alderman
didn't have the answers I was looking for.
On January 6th, 2021, a large mob of about 2,000 Donald
Trump supporters decided to attack the Capitol building in
Washington DC because of fear. This was due to Trump losing
the presidential election to President Joe Biden. This outraged
his supporters, causing them to attack the capital. Because
Trump denied his loss, this gave his supporters a motive to
attack the capital. The rioters were armed with weapons, not to
harm anyone but to cause fear. This quickly escalated when they
were able to reach inside the capitol, and in doing so, it caused
5 lives to be lost. However, many are wondering how the rioters
were able to get inside a place where it is supposed to be well
secured. This comes down to the question of where was the
security when this was happening or how an important place
like the capital was easily invaded. This ties to security becaus e
the capital should not have been easily accessible, it should
have been well guarded.
First and foremost, the liberals did not agree with the action at
all. Before the attack, there were threats saying that there was
going to be an attack on the capital because former President
Donald Trump lost. However, those warning signs were
overlooked. “the agency saw an uptick in activity on platforms
tied to white supremacists and neo-Nazis and warned law
enforcement partners when appropriate, the official said. This
monitoring relies on DHS analysts, not artificial intelligence,
and doesn’t target “ideologies”, the official added, but rather
“calls for violence”. If they had taken the warning sign as a
serious threat and overboard the capitol with police officers ,
maybe this would have been preventable.
Secondly, the realists were not looking for the blame. Many
replications are looking the other way according to Ms. Cheney.
This is because the Wyoming NBS stated, “Former President
[Donald] Trump continues to make the same claims that he
knows caused violence on Jan. 6.” Because of what happened on
January 6th, former President Donald Trump will be unfit to run
for the near future elections. Ms. Cheney feels as if President
Trump had anything to do with it. She wants him to take
accountability and admit that he was the person behind the riot.
She refuses to accept the lies that Trump is saying, she believes
that it was pre-meditated.
And last, On January 6th, 2021, a mob of former President
Donald Trump decided to invade the capital. Capitol Police
Chief Tom Manger says that “But in terms of responding to
events like the 6th, we're so much better prepared than we were
a year ago”. However, because of their lack of staff and lack of
securing the capital, these caused 5 innocent lives to be lost. It
was a devastating event, however, to prevent horrid events like
this, they will increase their staff members and increase
security. Recently, the president of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse, was
gunned down and assassinated back on July 7th, 2021. President
Jovenel Moïse began his term back in 2017. Moïse was shot and
killed in his own comfort of his house. He and his wife were
both shots but his wife survived. This shows that the president
was not secured and security is poor. Considering that Haiti is a
developing country, they don't have a lot of resources, however,
because he is the president of Haiti, security should be high at
all times. This is similar to my topic because the riot happened
in the capital of Washington DC, where it is supposed to be one
of the most secure buildings. However, rioters were able to
swamp in with weapons seeking demanding change and causing
fear. This is different from the topic because, due to former
president Donald Trump losing the election, many of his
supporters went to the street. Demanding to recount the votes
and to have Donald Trump remain in office. The killing was not
a target, however, it happened.
First, from the 1st source, I felt displeased with the way the
solution was handheld. The capital should always be secured. If
the police couldn't protect one of the most important places like
the capital, what makes you think they are going to be able to
protect me? In the article, it mentions that “Now, it's focused on
a larger mission of securing the Capitol to ensure a day like Jan.
6 never happens again, through a comprehensive investigation
and legislative proposals” (Grisales, C. 2022) However, I feel
like it shouldn't have happened in the place. The second source,
coming from the left side, had me really upset. This is because
the capital received countless warning signs that they
overlooked. For example, “...the agency saw an uptick in
activity on platforms tied to white supremacists and neo-Nazis
and warned law enforcement partners when appropriate, the
official said This monitoring relies on DHS analysts, not
artificial intelligence, and doesn’t target “ideologies”, the
official added, but rather “calls for violence”. (Levin, S. 2022).
When there are warning signs about the capital, I feel like they
should have taken it into consideration and taken it seriously.
They should have increased staff members and increased
security. Lastly, from the right side, Ms. Cheney was able to
publicly express what many of us felt, saying, "anyone who
attempts to minimize what happened, anyone who denies the
truth of what happened, they ought to be ashamed of
themselves. History is watching, and history will judge them." I
agree with her because history is going to be the judge of
everything. All in all, this event shouldn't have happened.
When the riot happened back on January 6, 2021, many were not
pleased. BLM was not pleased with the outcome and the
solution of the event. This is because they felt that if POC were
to storm into the capital, they would have a different outcome.
Nuuy Nichols said that “People who were just out there to
protest — to make sure our voice is being heard — as soon as
they were getting even close to a building or even close to a
police officer, they were instantly tear-gassing, and they were
shooting rubber bullets," she recalls. (Leila Fadel, January 9).
Nuuy is right, this is because back when the George Floyd
protest occurred, the protest did not end with a peaceful protest.
BLM protesters went to protest peacefully, however, it ended
with violence.
The question that I kept in mind during my investigation was,
How effective has the Jan 6th committee been in creating policy
that will ensure US Congressional leaders are not put at
physical risk while in session? A case study of the National
Security Council and the Jan 6th Committee. From this
investigation, I learned that voters' security should be
prioritized every election to prevent any potential deaths and
attacks from occurring in the near future. Additionally, I
learned any actions taken out of context will be seen as a
violation of human rights. Due to my investigation having
limitations, I was unable to have full access to all the research I
need for my research question. However, doing my own
research, helped me understand this investigation from a
different perspective. During this experiment/ investigation, I
had many complications obtaining the right amount of research
I needed to support the research question. Unfortunately, I had
to use sources such as videos, primary sources as well as
articles to answer my question. If I had to do anything
differently, I would have approached it differently. I had to
keep my research on a local perspective because it was highly
unlikely that a person from Washington DC, will see my email.
My engagement taught me that not everyone gets what they
want and they shouldn't go, attack people because things didn't
go their way. This investigation made me understand so much
about the world we live in. First and foremost, the attack on the
capital was a crime. However, because nothing was done about
it while it was happening, this causes more attention to the
crime. This will be difficult to change because everyone has
different political views and they support different leaders.
However, to prevent something like this from occurring in the
future, we should keep voting private. An article by Barret,
Delvin, “Biden administration has to make decisions about how
to better guard the country against spasms of politically
motivated violence” (Barret, January,5th 2022). They are
ensuring that this does not happen again.
Development - Max Kirsch, Global Politics - Course
Companion, 2017
Grisales, C. January 5th, 2022, AllSides, A year after the
capitol riot, work remains to prevent another attack.
Levin, S. January 7th, 2022, The Guardian, US Capitol attack:
is the government’s expanded online surveillance effective?
Lonsdorf, K. January 5th, 2022. NPR. A timeline of how the
Jan. 6 attack unfolded — including who said what and when
Barret, D. January 5th, 2022. The Philadelphia Inquirer. The
Biden administration says it’s applying lessons from Jan. 6
failings as it tries to prevent another attack
CNBC, January 11, 2021. Youtube. The Capitol Riots: An Hour-
By-Hour Timeline XAv2cDkWAA
NBC News. January 2, 2022. Youtube. Supporters Of Jan. 6
Attack On Capitol Shift Focus To Local Politics.
Devine, M. February 20, 2022. New York Post. BLM privilege
and Jan. 6 Capitol riot shame.

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IB Global Politics Engagement Activity Mark Scheme Criterion

  • 1. IB Global Politics Engagement Activity Mark Scheme Criterion A: Introduction (4 marks) Comments 0 The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors below 1-2 The political issue raised by the engagement is implied but not explicitly identified. There is some limited explanation of why the student chose this engagement. There is some limited explanation of why the student chose this engagement. There is some link between the engagement and course content. 3-4 The political issue explored through the engagement is clearly and explicitly identified. There is a clear explanation of why this engagement and political issue are of interest to the student. There is a clear link between the engagement and political issue on one hand and course content on the other hand. Criterion B: Explanation of the Engagement (4 marks) Comments 0 The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors below 1-2 There is a description of the engagement and of what the student actually did. There is some limited explanation of what the student learned about global politics from undertaking the
  • 2. engagement 3-4 The description of the engagement and of what the student actually did is clear and relevant for their chosen political issue. There is a clear explanation of the ways in which the student’s experiences informed his or her understanding of the political issue Criterion C: Analysis of the Issue (6 marks) Comments 0 The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors below 1-2 There is some attempt at analysis of the political issue but the response is largely descriptive. Few of the main points are justified 3-4 There is some critical analysis of the political issue but this analysis lacks depth. The response is more descriptive than analytical. Some of the main points are justified 5-6 The political issue is explored in depth, using the key concepts of the course where relevant, and the response contains clear critical analysis. All, or nearly all, of the main points are justified Criterion D: Synthesis & Analysis (6 marks) Comments 0
  • 3. The work does not meet a standard described by the descriptors below 1-2 There are limited links between ideas. There are no conclusions, or the conclusions are not relevant 3-4 There are some links between the student’s experiences and more theoretical perspectives on the political issue. Conclusions are stated but are not entirely consistent with the evidence presented. Multiple perspectives are acknowledged where relevant 5-6 The student’s experiences and more theoretical perspectives are synthesized so that an integrated and rich treatment of the political issues ensues. Conclusions are clearly stated, balanced and consistent with the evidence presented. There is evidence of evaluation of the political issue from multiple perspectives Total Score /20 Points x 3= 60 sum
  • 4. Attack on The Capitol How effective has the Jan 6th committee been in creating policy that will ensure US Congressional leaders are not put at physical risk while in session? A case study of the National Security Council and the Jan 6th Committee Word Count: 1992
  • 5. The title of my investigation is the attack on the capital. The political issue that goes with my topic is security. On January 6th of 2021, after the election and President Biden being elected, many Trump supporters decided to invade/attack the capitol with the intent to cause fear. Rioters wanted to have Trump back in the office. I wanted to know how secure places such as the capital were able to get attacked and invaded by people. The capital is supposed to be one of the most secure places, however, due to many not supporting Biden, they went to attack the capitol demanding reelection. Donald Trump proceeds to say, “He calls on Vice President Mike Pence — as the president of the Senate — to reject Biden's win and send the votes back to the states” ( Lonsdorf, January 5, 2022). This issue is personal to me because when I was in middle school, a man drove to my friends and I asked to play with him. He shouldn't be able to talk to middle schoolers. This made me question the security and made me question my safety. How was this man comfortable enough to come to young kids and ask them to get in his car? I should have felt safe in school and I shouldn't feel afraid. To explore the investigation, I will contact my alderman and discuss with them ways to prevent any of this from happening in the future. We will discuss the safety of voters. We will talk about the safety of voters who will be voting for the next election to ensure that the attack does not take place in the near future. Everyone should have the right to vote and who they voted for should be private. Because of the attack that happened on the capitol, many may not feel safe to say who they voted for. First and foremost, what I did was I looked locally. The reason why the attack happened was because of the voting issue, Trump supporters believed that the vote was rigged. I contacted my alderman to get more information then I contacted my congresswoman. I chose to contact my alderman because I could ask them questions regarding my research question. This is because my alderman is responsible for representing the citizens
  • 6. and the county levels. What I did first was I went on google and searched up who my alderman was. I put my address and zip code to determine this, and my alderman was Silverstein, Debra L. I went locally because I wanted to discuss how to improve and secure voter rights in my community before we start internationally. My engagement was limited because I was unable to reach my alderman and congresswomen in time. That is because they were busy answering calls or emails. During this engagement, I learned that many are not going to like what you do or who vote for you. An article written by Grisales Claudia, states, “My biggest concern is getting our staffing up”( Grisales, January 5th, 2022), says the Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger. This shows that events like this are inevitable, however, to ensure that this doesn't happen in the near future, the police will up their staff. When getting information from my organization, this was hard to do. That is because reaching the congresswomen will require a lot of time. It was my alderman that told me to reach my congresswomen because my alderman didn't have the answers I was looking for. On January 6th, 2021, a large mob of about 2,000 Donald Trump supporters decided to attack the Capitol building in Washington DC because of fear. This was due to Trump losing the presidential election to President Joe Biden. This outraged his supporters, causing them to attack the capital. Because Trump denied his loss, this gave his supporters a motive to attack the capital. The rioters were armed with weapons, not to harm anyone but to cause fear. This quickly escalated when they were able to reach inside the capitol, and in doing so, it caused 5 lives to be lost. However, many are wondering how the rioters were able to get inside a place where it is supposed to be well secured. This comes down to the question of where was the security when this was happening or how an important place like the capital was easily invaded. This ties to security becaus e the capital should not have been easily accessible, it should have been well guarded. First and foremost, the liberals did not agree with the action at
  • 7. all. Before the attack, there were threats saying that there was going to be an attack on the capital because former President Donald Trump lost. However, those warning signs were overlooked. “the agency saw an uptick in activity on platforms tied to white supremacists and neo-Nazis and warned law enforcement partners when appropriate, the official said. This monitoring relies on DHS analysts, not artificial intelligence, and doesn’t target “ideologies”, the official added, but rather “calls for violence”. If they had taken the warning sign as a serious threat and overboard the capitol with police officers , maybe this would have been preventable. Secondly, the realists were not looking for the blame. Many replications are looking the other way according to Ms. Cheney. This is because the Wyoming NBS stated, “Former President [Donald] Trump continues to make the same claims that he knows caused violence on Jan. 6.” Because of what happened on January 6th, former President Donald Trump will be unfit to run for the near future elections. Ms. Cheney feels as if President Trump had anything to do with it. She wants him to take accountability and admit that he was the person behind the riot. She refuses to accept the lies that Trump is saying, she believes that it was pre-meditated. And last, On January 6th, 2021, a mob of former President Donald Trump decided to invade the capital. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger says that “But in terms of responding to events like the 6th, we're so much better prepared than we were a year ago”. However, because of their lack of staff and lack of securing the capital, these caused 5 innocent lives to be lost. It was a devastating event, however, to prevent horrid events like this, they will increase their staff members and increase security. Recently, the president of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse, was gunned down and assassinated back on July 7th, 2021. President Jovenel Moïse began his term back in 2017. Moïse was shot and killed in his own comfort of his house. He and his wife were both shots but his wife survived. This shows that the president was not secured and security is poor. Considering that Haiti is a
  • 8. developing country, they don't have a lot of resources, however, because he is the president of Haiti, security should be high at all times. This is similar to my topic because the riot happened in the capital of Washington DC, where it is supposed to be one of the most secure buildings. However, rioters were able to swamp in with weapons seeking demanding change and causing fear. This is different from the topic because, due to former president Donald Trump losing the election, many of his supporters went to the street. Demanding to recount the votes and to have Donald Trump remain in office. The killing was not a target, however, it happened. First, from the 1st source, I felt displeased with the way the solution was handheld. The capital should always be secured. If the police couldn't protect one of the most important places like the capital, what makes you think they are going to be able to protect me? In the article, it mentions that “Now, it's focused on a larger mission of securing the Capitol to ensure a day like Jan. 6 never happens again, through a comprehensive investigation and legislative proposals” (Grisales, C. 2022) However, I feel like it shouldn't have happened in the place. The second source, coming from the left side, had me really upset. This is because the capital received countless warning signs that they overlooked. For example, “...the agency saw an uptick in activity on platforms tied to white supremacists and neo-Nazis and warned law enforcement partners when appropriate, the official said This monitoring relies on DHS analysts, not artificial intelligence, and doesn’t target “ideologies”, the official added, but rather “calls for violence”. (Levin, S. 2022). When there are warning signs about the capital, I feel like they should have taken it into consideration and taken it seriously. They should have increased staff members and increased security. Lastly, from the right side, Ms. Cheney was able to publicly express what many of us felt, saying, "anyone who attempts to minimize what happened, anyone who denies the truth of what happened, they ought to be ashamed of themselves. History is watching, and history will judge them." I
  • 9. agree with her because history is going to be the judge of everything. All in all, this event shouldn't have happened. When the riot happened back on January 6, 2021, many were not pleased. BLM was not pleased with the outcome and the solution of the event. This is because they felt that if POC were to storm into the capital, they would have a different outcome. Nuuy Nichols said that “People who were just out there to protest — to make sure our voice is being heard — as soon as they were getting even close to a building or even close to a police officer, they were instantly tear-gassing, and they were shooting rubber bullets," she recalls. (Leila Fadel, January 9). Nuuy is right, this is because back when the George Floyd protest occurred, the protest did not end with a peaceful protest. BLM protesters went to protest peacefully, however, it ended with violence. The question that I kept in mind during my investigation was, How effective has the Jan 6th committee been in creating policy that will ensure US Congressional leaders are not put at physical risk while in session? A case study of the National Security Council and the Jan 6th Committee. From this investigation, I learned that voters' security should be prioritized every election to prevent any potential deaths and attacks from occurring in the near future. Additionally, I learned any actions taken out of context will be seen as a violation of human rights. Due to my investigation having limitations, I was unable to have full access to all the research I need for my research question. However, doing my own research, helped me understand this investigation from a different perspective. During this experiment/ investigation, I had many complications obtaining the right amount of research I needed to support the research question. Unfortunately, I had to use sources such as videos, primary sources as well as articles to answer my question. If I had to do anything differently, I would have approached it differently. I had to keep my research on a local perspective because it was highly unlikely that a person from Washington DC, will see my email.
  • 10. My engagement taught me that not everyone gets what they want and they shouldn't go, attack people because things didn't go their way. This investigation made me understand so much about the world we live in. First and foremost, the attack on the capital was a crime. However, because nothing was done about it while it was happening, this causes more attention to the crime. This will be difficult to change because everyone has different political views and they support different leaders. However, to prevent something like this from occurring in the future, we should keep voting private. An article by Barret, Delvin, “Biden administration has to make decisions about how to better guard the country against spasms of politically motivated violence” (Barret, January,5th 2022). They are ensuring that this does not happen again. Development - Max Kirsch, Global Politics - Course Companion, 2017 Grisales, C. January 5th, 2022, AllSides, A year after the capitol riot, work remains to prevent another attack. capitol-riot-work-remains-prevent-another-attack Levin, S. January 7th, 2022, The Guardian, US Capitol attack:
  • 11. is the government’s expanded online surveillance effective? attack-government-online-surveillance Lonsdorf, K. January 5th, 2022. NPR. A timeline of how the Jan. 6 attack unfolded — including who said what and when how-the-jan-6-attack-unfolded-including-who-said-what-and- when Barret, D. January 5th, 2022. The Philadelphia Inquirer. The Biden administration says it’s applying lessons from Jan. 6 failings as it tries to prevent another attack administration-preventive-measures-20220105.html CNBC, January 11, 2021. Youtube. The Capitol Riots: An Hour- By-Hour Timeline XAv2cDkWAA NBC News. January 2, 2022. Youtube. Supporters Of Jan. 6 Attack On Capitol Shift Focus To Local Politics. Devine, M. February 20, 2022. New York Post. BLM privilege and Jan. 6 Capitol riot shame.