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I am going deeper…A Whole Lotta Scorpio
Monday, November 19

Our heads and hearts may be in conflict today as the conceptual Aquarius Moon prompts us to
detach from our feelings and act rationally. But it’s hard to ignore our gut instincts as intelligent
Mercury aspects passionate Pluto. Our emotions have a sense of urgency now; it can even
seem like we’re in survival mode. Nevertheless, the Moon’s stressful square to retrograde
Mercury makes communication difficult by clouding our logic with our desires.

A Whole Lotta Scorpio
Posted on November 18, 2012 by Eric Francis

The Sun is in Scorpio, though this is no ordinary journey of the Sun through this sign. Last week
we experienced the first eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio since 1995. At the same time, Mercury is
retrograde in Scorpio. Over the weekend we experienced an event that blended the two — the
Mercury and the Sun formed a conjunction on the North Node of the Moon.

While this has been happening, Saturn is in Scorpio for the first time in decades. So we have an
abundance of this energy in the air, and it happens to be one of the most challenging signs for
dimensions of the psyche to encounter.

It’s the place where our society sweeps all of its taboos — all the things you cannot talk about at
dinner: sex, death, financial matters, jealousy, secrets, control and surrender. Yet as much as
there is taboo to Scorpio, there is an irresistible attraction. It’s a draw into the unknown, the
forbidden, and the realms of pleasure that we may crave but will rarely admit to any other
person. There are indications that this whole field of thought, feeling and experience is opening
up, for both introspection and sharing.

Mercury retrograde is on a journey of discovery. It’s time to have the conversation with
ourselves that we’ve been avoiding, potentially for a very long time. When you look at the list of
topics covered by Scorpio, consider the way we’re taught to deal with most of them — denial or
feeling powerless, or alternately with greed and the concentration of power. Mercury retrograde
in this sign is an inquiry, and it’s one that many have been craving.

The rulers of Scorpio are also on the move. Mars is the traditional ruler, and it ingressed
Capricorn Friday evening. This puts the planet of drive, aggression and the outward expression
of desire into the sign of its exaltation. It’s an effective place for its energy in general, but the

move also puts Mars in position to rev up the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012 aspect.

Mars will make a 90-degree angle to Uranus (on Friday) before making a conjunction to Pluto
several days later. Pluto [not Mars as originally written] is considered by most astrologers to be
the modern ruler of Scorpio, so we will experience the two rulers of this sign in a conjunction.
Mars getting into the Uranus-Pluto square is sure to stir things up, as if they need it. Look at
what’s going on between Israel and Hamas for one expression of the energy. There are more
constructive ways to express this, though they all involve being honest with yourself about what
is going on for you emotionally, which includes sexually.

It’s all happening just as Venus moves into Scorpio as well, where it will head for a conjunction
to Saturn. Here we get an opportunity to unravel and perhaps understand the power aspect of
sex — the one that makes sex the least like itself.

As we ride through all of this, I suggest you keep a close watch on your emotions, your sexual
impulses and your relationship to any idea that threatens you. This is no ordinary astrology; we
haven’t seen Scorpio energy like this any time in the past 20 years. And for most of those 20
years we’ve swept everything that Scorpio represents under the rug.

So for many, this will seem like too much all at once. If you’ve gone out of your way to bury the
things that Scorpio represents, which in the emotional realm are some of the most visceral,
poignant feelings we experience, this may be painful. The thing to remember is that denial and
blame will not work. This is the moment when you have to take responsibility for your feelings,
your desires and your choices. Now is your chance to be honest with yourself.

If you’ve been consciously working with Scorpio energy, you may find yourself on an adventure
in these days and weeks. It’s just essential that you apply maximum consciousness as you do.
Keep the level of communication high; make sure you listen to see if you have a real
understanding with the people with whom you’re in intimate situations; and take every
opportunity to reality check.

PW FM :: Blue Studio Sessions :: Conversation with Susan

Monday November 19 – Moon Meditation: “I am going deeper…”

Moon in Aquarius: We have just a few days left of the Sun in Scorpio cycle for 2012.

We have had the eclipse in this sign and, very soon, the Sun will move into Sadge, the sign of
fun. So, what to do? Hunker down until the Sun moves into Sadge and you can start playing?
Mais non!

Rather, use the last of the Sun in Scorpio cycle to do the Scorpio thing and go deeper into life.
Deepen your connections with the people who matter most to you, ask the hard
questions, and/or investigate something or someone mysterious.

Horoscopes | Week of November 19-25, 2012

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Fateful turns-of-events continue to impact your career zone
(and/or other public-life participations), Aries, lifting you to ever-higher heights… whether or not
your present situation is able to contain your heightening potentiality. Alliances more powerfully
solidify, or threaten to reach the end of their rope. Structures of authority (and the
authority-figures who manage them) welcome you more deeply into their fold, or, sensing your
ascendency as a growing risk to their throne, begin trying to spit you out more determinedly. As
I said last week, there’s no purpose in trying to back away from this intensification—it’s
happening regardless of if you think you’re ready, and feigning ambivalence or polite diplomacy
will only smack of faltering confidence. Welcome these developments like a champ. This is a
necessary step in your continuing not to squelch your intrinsic go-getter-ness, no matter what
outer-world identifications must change in order for you to go get more. That is not to say, even
if such changes are pretty damn excellent, there won’t be a few big gulps of psychological
distress to swallow. But isn’t that how evolution works?

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your most gracious path ahead, Taurus, involves mincing no
words about exactly where you intend not to budge… then allowing the other affected
party to choose to accept this stance or not, and to remain a willing participant in the
relationship or not. (See also: last week’s scoop.) That hard-line approach might not seem
so gracious, and yet it is if you don’t in fact intend to yield any further on this
make-it-or-break-it issue. Merely ‘going through the motions’ of continued negotiation is
not worthwhile. Confronting the reality of unbridgeable differences, however, is. Of
course, it’s also wholly possible this astrology is playing out for you as a profound
reaffirmation of your interpersonal commitment rather than as a stalemate, due in large
part to a shared passion for a particular ethic or belief-system that unites you and this
other party. If that’s the case, this is no accident: It’s the direct result of a past act of
courageously saying no to something out of sync with your integrity, in order to attract
this present situation so powerfully aligned with it. Be sure to give yourself the proper

credit for it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The worst thing to do, even with the most caring intentions, would
be attempting to spare a crucially relevant party—or yourself—a full unvarnished account of this
serious situation. This is no time to ‘spin’ the story, Gemini, so it’s less difficult to hear and
digest. Deliver the news straight, without attempting to moderate it beneath an upbeat
rallying-cry about what to do next… particularly if the reality is that you actually aren’t quite sure
how to respond. It’s the collaborative process of designing a proper response together that’ll
provide everybody a bit of solace, an intimacy-building exercise which perhaps could offer a
brightening tone to an otherwise scary situation. That’s the point: You aren’t alone in this. And
any moves to put on a happy face or insincerely lessen the impact only separates you from
those who could help, through the act of sharing. Plus, playing a shell-game with your emotions
siphons energy away from the actual down-and-dirty work required to handle this all with

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Do you derive personal bliss from your current relationship
situation? It’s a simple enough question, Cancer… though I understand, of course, not so
simple to actually answer. I’ve purposely used the word ‘bliss’ instead of, say,
‘contentment’ to emphatically sharpen the focus of this inquiry toward a more utterly
ecstatic happiness. Word choice is important here because you could probably claim
‘contentment’ more easily, as I believe that term connotes the likelihood of settling for
something that’s okay, out of predictability or comfort or other ‘why bother rocking the
boat?’ sentiments—not a problem, per se, though not especially deeply rewarding. Yet,
here come the planets, poking at any such middling relational contentments, checking to
see if you might actually want something more bliss-inducing… whether that means
getting off your duff and back out into the dating world or finally addressing the pink
elephant in your existing partnership. What’s the activating development? Whatever
less-than-blissful element you’ve settled for is likely becoming increasingly less blissful,
and, oddly, quickly so.

LEO (July 23-August 22): That ol’ physical body of yours isn’t made of steel, you know… a
(self-evident?) truth I share with you now, Leo, not because I foresee bodily catastrophe but to
warn you against the potential of your overenthusiastic ambitions convincing you to attempt all
the work and all the play. Strangely enough, however, it might in fact be your emotional body
who’d secretly prefer not to stretch itself so thinly—and, if the rest of you refuses to abide by its
murkily non-rational requirements, could manifest a reason to keep you quietly at home more
than you’d intended. On the other hand, if you adjust yourself to a more modest scheduling

game-plan, what you accomplish during your work hours promises to be quite extraordinary. In
other words, if you aren’t emotionally exhausted, you’ll have the probing power to thoroughly
complete a previously vexing item that’s hung over you for a while. Mete out your physical
efforts respectfully, therefore, with endurance in mind. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll have to
adjust your mind’s ideas about how much after-hours fun you can legitimately make room for…
unless, of course, you’re a sucker for testing the extremes.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Speak up for personal desire, without feeling as if you
have to justify it. Wanting what you want is enough of a reason to want it, Virgo… and the
sooner you can get on board with that, the more quickly you can reassign that mental
muscle you’ve been using to outline bullet-point justifications toward more fruitful
purposes. I’m not sure, though, if it’s more difficult for you (1) to accept your desire on
its own terms, and just dispense with the hyper-self-analytical nitpicking, or (2) to tell
others what you desire, and not be able to fully explain it in a way that they’ll get
assuredly on board with. Perhaps the latter is more of a challenge because it seems to
jeopardize your reputation as the level-headed one? I don’t believe such reputational
jeopardy is much of a problem, incidentally, since you are a human (not, as you might
falsely believe, a data-crunching machine). But to prove your humanity, you might have
to participate in uncomfortable conversations where you rely more heavily on
gut-notions—such as desire—and leave them (and maybe you) to just wonder about the
thinking behind it.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22): Stare your economic balance-sheet dead in the face,
Libra… and make at least one major decision based upon what’s actually there rather than on
whatever vague impressions you’ve been entertaining. This advice holds true not only if
there’s less in the bank than you might wish; it’s just as valid for those who aren’t properly
valuing what you do have, and have let irrational fears preventing you from making the most of
your life. In any event, this essential exercise could likely be accompanied by a feeling of deeply
disappointing expectations—though how legitimately yours these expectations indeed are is a
question up for psychological excavation. To do what’s right for supporting your own self-worth,
you might need to launch some sort of jarring breakaway from persistent familial pressures that
impinge on your ability to make rational decisions in line with your life-choices, not theirs. If
actual conversations with family-members are required, do your best… but don’t necessarily
expect them to understand where your head’s at.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): I’m charging you with a responsibility, and I deeply
hope you’re willing to claim it, Scorpio. Please help the folks around you cope with their

uneasiness, in the refusing-to-sugarcoat-it manner unique to your kind. They’re losing
their shit left and right… and though you obviously have your own problems and/or
panics to contend with, you’re still better equipped to deal with this extreme vibe than
most anyone. Plus, beginning this week, you’ve got Venus on your side, helping you
look and act your proverbial best (even with the construction-zone filth still dripping off
you). You can put gorgeously painfully true words to this situation, gifting others with a
perspective-granting container they can use to hold their grief, anxiety and/or confusion
within. You understand. And it is this understanding, put into service on behalf of all
those who struggle to gaze directly into the eyes of the Devil (who is, in fact, nothing but
God from a different angle), that fills you when you’re behaving at your highest: You
Scorpios are the most powerful healers. Please put this power to good use this week.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): Though I generally advocate optimism, I’m
moved to caution you against blindly and happily assuming, as long as you’re zooming ever
onward, things will ‘just work themselves out’. It’s not that this assumption is flat-out wrong,
Sagittarius… only that, refusing to presently practice a bit of restraint may end up causing it to
take even longer, and to ultimately require more effort on your part, until those ‘things’ finally
do ‘work themselves out’. Even though I endorsed spontaneously following your instincts
just two short weeks ago, please recall that I mentioned this as a ‘passing capacity’—and
seeing as much has developed since then, that endorsement has now passed. It’s not, by the
way, as if your instincts aren’t still sharp; this is merely a question of speed and timing. The
best metaphor I can conjure: You might know what destination calls you, but you detract from
your pleasure in arriving there if you don’t make doubly sure to pack everything you’ll need,
and to confirm that whatever you’ve left behind has been adequately covered and/or accounted

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): A show of unshakable strength is becoming
increasingly imperative, Capricorn… a topic we already began to cover last week. Simply
put, if you do not actively choose to assert how you’ll be defined within the group of
your peers or the community at large, those who are threatened by and/or in competition
with you will do it on your behalf—and not in a complimentary manner. You have to get
out ahead of the narrative now being written, in order to cast yourself as hero rather than
villain, since the evidence itself could support any number of tales depending on who’s
the most engaging storyteller. I suppose we could moon over our idealistic yearnings for
a world in which there weren’t rivals waiting in the wings, folks who misread our motives
due to projections of their own moral failings, and troublemakers more interested in
destroying what they don’t like instead of creating appealing alternatives… but there is
no time for that. Those who will thrive (and I’d like to include you within this category)
must face the uglier elements head-on and unapologetically refuse to bow to their
cynical influence.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): Beware, Aquarius: The darker parts of your
imagination may be running away with the whole show, casting visions of suspicion or
bleakness that aren’t exactly accurate, but which you might help to manifest if you proceed as if
they are. Put another way, should you fixate on the pessimistic read of your given situation—at
the total expense of all the amazingly positive angles from which you might view your life, even
knowing that certain elements (career or public-calling, perhaps?) remain a stiff
challenge—you’ll end up creating a fairly unpleasant time for yourself. Dare I lapse into
touchy-feely territory, let me suggest this is one of those moments tailor-made for offering daily
gratitudes, if only to remind yourself how fortunate you are in so many ways. (That you even
have access to these online horoscopes, for instance, is a marvel of your being born in this
sensational era.) Darkness is around you, that is true. And so is light. They always co-exist, for
that is the manner of Divine Nature. Just because one chunk of your present circumstance may
be scaring the living shit out of you, that needn’t block out the luminous beauty beaming
through so much of the rest.

PISCES (February 19-March 20): When I urge you to stand your ground on any moral
issues which have presented themselves, this should immediately remind you of last
week’s horoscope, Pisces… and hopefully emboldens you to do exactly that, even if it
means kissing a certain identifying relationship or affiliation goodbye once and for all.
You may not know exactly where you’ll be heading, in light of such judgment calls, but
you will confidently know what you won’t tolerate in your life any longer—and that’s a
good enough compass for now. Trust me, any short-term turbulence you invite in on the
practical level due to the fallout (a result which isn’t altogether unlikely) is nothing you
can’t handle… and is far more palatable than making the sort of ideological tradeoffs
that’ll gnaw away at your stomach over long periods of times. Jobs, relationships, living
situations, cash-dollars, all these things come and go throughout our lives. Character,
however, is one pillar-of-being that ought to stay solidly with you, no matter the rest.

Week of November 19

                                   Love’s Week in Preview: Romance and recklessness are strong themes late in the week. On Thursday an
                                   enchanting Venus-Neptune trine instills us with imagination, idealism and an inclination for instant attraction.
                                   But Friday’s Mars-Uranus square craves independence as much as the previous day gave us a desire for
                                   fusion. Stay cool to keep steady and sane on this relationship roller coaster ride.

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I am going deeper…A Whole Lotta Scorpio

  • 1. I am going deeper…A Whole Lotta Scorpio Monday, November 19 Our heads and hearts may be in conflict today as the conceptual Aquarius Moon prompts us to detach from our feelings and act rationally. But it’s hard to ignore our gut instincts as intelligent Mercury aspects passionate Pluto. Our emotions have a sense of urgency now; it can even seem like we’re in survival mode. Nevertheless, the Moon’s stressful square to retrograde Mercury makes communication difficult by clouding our logic with our desires. A Whole Lotta Scorpio Posted on November 18, 2012 by Eric Francis The Sun is in Scorpio, though this is no ordinary journey of the Sun through this sign. Last week we experienced the first eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio since 1995. At the same time, Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio. Over the weekend we experienced an event that blended the two — the Mercury and the Sun formed a conjunction on the North Node of the Moon. While this has been happening, Saturn is in Scorpio for the first time in decades. So we have an abundance of this energy in the air, and it happens to be one of the most challenging signs for dimensions of the psyche to encounter. It’s the place where our society sweeps all of its taboos — all the things you cannot talk about at dinner: sex, death, financial matters, jealousy, secrets, control and surrender. Yet as much as there is taboo to Scorpio, there is an irresistible attraction. It’s a draw into the unknown, the forbidden, and the realms of pleasure that we may crave but will rarely admit to any other person. There are indications that this whole field of thought, feeling and experience is opening up, for both introspection and sharing. Mercury retrograde is on a journey of discovery. It’s time to have the conversation with ourselves that we’ve been avoiding, potentially for a very long time. When you look at the list of topics covered by Scorpio, consider the way we’re taught to deal with most of them — denial or feeling powerless, or alternately with greed and the concentration of power. Mercury retrograde in this sign is an inquiry, and it’s one that many have been craving. The rulers of Scorpio are also on the move. Mars is the traditional ruler, and it ingressed Capricorn Friday evening. This puts the planet of drive, aggression and the outward expression of desire into the sign of its exaltation. It’s an effective place for its energy in general, but the 1/8
  • 2. move also puts Mars in position to rev up the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012 aspect. Mars will make a 90-degree angle to Uranus (on Friday) before making a conjunction to Pluto several days later. Pluto [not Mars as originally written] is considered by most astrologers to be the modern ruler of Scorpio, so we will experience the two rulers of this sign in a conjunction. Mars getting into the Uranus-Pluto square is sure to stir things up, as if they need it. Look at what’s going on between Israel and Hamas for one expression of the energy. There are more constructive ways to express this, though they all involve being honest with yourself about what is going on for you emotionally, which includes sexually. It’s all happening just as Venus moves into Scorpio as well, where it will head for a conjunction to Saturn. Here we get an opportunity to unravel and perhaps understand the power aspect of sex — the one that makes sex the least like itself. As we ride through all of this, I suggest you keep a close watch on your emotions, your sexual impulses and your relationship to any idea that threatens you. This is no ordinary astrology; we haven’t seen Scorpio energy like this any time in the past 20 years. And for most of those 20 years we’ve swept everything that Scorpio represents under the rug. So for many, this will seem like too much all at once. If you’ve gone out of your way to bury the things that Scorpio represents, which in the emotional realm are some of the most visceral, poignant feelings we experience, this may be painful. The thing to remember is that denial and blame will not work. This is the moment when you have to take responsibility for your feelings, your desires and your choices. Now is your chance to be honest with yourself. If you’ve been consciously working with Scorpio energy, you may find yourself on an adventure in these days and weeks. It’s just essential that you apply maximum consciousness as you do. Keep the level of communication high; make sure you listen to see if you have a real understanding with the people with whom you’re in intimate situations; and take every opportunity to reality check. PW FM :: Blue Studio Sessions :: Conversation with Susan Monday November 19 – Moon Meditation: “I am going deeper…” Moon in Aquarius: We have just a few days left of the Sun in Scorpio cycle for 2012. 2/8
  • 3. We have had the eclipse in this sign and, very soon, the Sun will move into Sadge, the sign of fun. So, what to do? Hunker down until the Sun moves into Sadge and you can start playing? Mais non! Rather, use the last of the Sun in Scorpio cycle to do the Scorpio thing and go deeper into life. Deepen your connections with the people who matter most to you, ask the hard questions, and/or investigate something or someone mysterious. Horoscopes | Week of November 19-25, 2012 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Fateful turns-of-events continue to impact your career zone (and/or other public-life participations), Aries, lifting you to ever-higher heights… whether or not your present situation is able to contain your heightening potentiality. Alliances more powerfully solidify, or threaten to reach the end of their rope. Structures of authority (and the authority-figures who manage them) welcome you more deeply into their fold, or, sensing your ascendency as a growing risk to their throne, begin trying to spit you out more determinedly. As I said last week, there’s no purpose in trying to back away from this intensification—it’s happening regardless of if you think you’re ready, and feigning ambivalence or polite diplomacy will only smack of faltering confidence. Welcome these developments like a champ. This is a necessary step in your continuing not to squelch your intrinsic go-getter-ness, no matter what outer-world identifications must change in order for you to go get more. That is not to say, even if such changes are pretty damn excellent, there won’t be a few big gulps of psychological distress to swallow. But isn’t that how evolution works? TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your most gracious path ahead, Taurus, involves mincing no words about exactly where you intend not to budge… then allowing the other affected party to choose to accept this stance or not, and to remain a willing participant in the relationship or not. (See also: last week’s scoop.) That hard-line approach might not seem so gracious, and yet it is if you don’t in fact intend to yield any further on this make-it-or-break-it issue. Merely ‘going through the motions’ of continued negotiation is not worthwhile. Confronting the reality of unbridgeable differences, however, is. Of course, it’s also wholly possible this astrology is playing out for you as a profound reaffirmation of your interpersonal commitment rather than as a stalemate, due in large part to a shared passion for a particular ethic or belief-system that unites you and this other party. If that’s the case, this is no accident: It’s the direct result of a past act of courageously saying no to something out of sync with your integrity, in order to attract this present situation so powerfully aligned with it. Be sure to give yourself the proper 3/8
  • 4. credit for it. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The worst thing to do, even with the most caring intentions, would be attempting to spare a crucially relevant party—or yourself—a full unvarnished account of this serious situation. This is no time to ‘spin’ the story, Gemini, so it’s less difficult to hear and digest. Deliver the news straight, without attempting to moderate it beneath an upbeat rallying-cry about what to do next… particularly if the reality is that you actually aren’t quite sure how to respond. It’s the collaborative process of designing a proper response together that’ll provide everybody a bit of solace, an intimacy-building exercise which perhaps could offer a brightening tone to an otherwise scary situation. That’s the point: You aren’t alone in this. And any moves to put on a happy face or insincerely lessen the impact only separates you from those who could help, through the act of sharing. Plus, playing a shell-game with your emotions siphons energy away from the actual down-and-dirty work required to handle this all with aplomb. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Do you derive personal bliss from your current relationship situation? It’s a simple enough question, Cancer… though I understand, of course, not so simple to actually answer. I’ve purposely used the word ‘bliss’ instead of, say, ‘contentment’ to emphatically sharpen the focus of this inquiry toward a more utterly ecstatic happiness. Word choice is important here because you could probably claim ‘contentment’ more easily, as I believe that term connotes the likelihood of settling for something that’s okay, out of predictability or comfort or other ‘why bother rocking the boat?’ sentiments—not a problem, per se, though not especially deeply rewarding. Yet, here come the planets, poking at any such middling relational contentments, checking to see if you might actually want something more bliss-inducing… whether that means getting off your duff and back out into the dating world or finally addressing the pink elephant in your existing partnership. What’s the activating development? Whatever less-than-blissful element you’ve settled for is likely becoming increasingly less blissful, and, oddly, quickly so. LEO (July 23-August 22): That ol’ physical body of yours isn’t made of steel, you know… a (self-evident?) truth I share with you now, Leo, not because I foresee bodily catastrophe but to warn you against the potential of your overenthusiastic ambitions convincing you to attempt all the work and all the play. Strangely enough, however, it might in fact be your emotional body who’d secretly prefer not to stretch itself so thinly—and, if the rest of you refuses to abide by its murkily non-rational requirements, could manifest a reason to keep you quietly at home more than you’d intended. On the other hand, if you adjust yourself to a more modest scheduling 4/8
  • 5. game-plan, what you accomplish during your work hours promises to be quite extraordinary. In other words, if you aren’t emotionally exhausted, you’ll have the probing power to thoroughly complete a previously vexing item that’s hung over you for a while. Mete out your physical efforts respectfully, therefore, with endurance in mind. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll have to adjust your mind’s ideas about how much after-hours fun you can legitimately make room for… unless, of course, you’re a sucker for testing the extremes. VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Speak up for personal desire, without feeling as if you have to justify it. Wanting what you want is enough of a reason to want it, Virgo… and the sooner you can get on board with that, the more quickly you can reassign that mental muscle you’ve been using to outline bullet-point justifications toward more fruitful purposes. I’m not sure, though, if it’s more difficult for you (1) to accept your desire on its own terms, and just dispense with the hyper-self-analytical nitpicking, or (2) to tell others what you desire, and not be able to fully explain it in a way that they’ll get assuredly on board with. Perhaps the latter is more of a challenge because it seems to jeopardize your reputation as the level-headed one? I don’t believe such reputational jeopardy is much of a problem, incidentally, since you are a human (not, as you might falsely believe, a data-crunching machine). But to prove your humanity, you might have to participate in uncomfortable conversations where you rely more heavily on gut-notions—such as desire—and leave them (and maybe you) to just wonder about the thinking behind it. LIBRA (September 23-October 22): Stare your economic balance-sheet dead in the face, Libra… and make at least one major decision based upon what’s actually there rather than on whatever vague impressions you’ve been entertaining. This advice holds true not only if there’s less in the bank than you might wish; it’s just as valid for those who aren’t properly valuing what you do have, and have let irrational fears preventing you from making the most of your life. In any event, this essential exercise could likely be accompanied by a feeling of deeply disappointing expectations—though how legitimately yours these expectations indeed are is a question up for psychological excavation. To do what’s right for supporting your own self-worth, you might need to launch some sort of jarring breakaway from persistent familial pressures that impinge on your ability to make rational decisions in line with your life-choices, not theirs. If actual conversations with family-members are required, do your best… but don’t necessarily expect them to understand where your head’s at. SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): I’m charging you with a responsibility, and I deeply hope you’re willing to claim it, Scorpio. Please help the folks around you cope with their 5/8
  • 6. uneasiness, in the refusing-to-sugarcoat-it manner unique to your kind. They’re losing their shit left and right… and though you obviously have your own problems and/or panics to contend with, you’re still better equipped to deal with this extreme vibe than most anyone. Plus, beginning this week, you’ve got Venus on your side, helping you look and act your proverbial best (even with the construction-zone filth still dripping off you). You can put gorgeously painfully true words to this situation, gifting others with a perspective-granting container they can use to hold their grief, anxiety and/or confusion within. You understand. And it is this understanding, put into service on behalf of all those who struggle to gaze directly into the eyes of the Devil (who is, in fact, nothing but God from a different angle), that fills you when you’re behaving at your highest: You Scorpios are the most powerful healers. Please put this power to good use this week. SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): Though I generally advocate optimism, I’m moved to caution you against blindly and happily assuming, as long as you’re zooming ever onward, things will ‘just work themselves out’. It’s not that this assumption is flat-out wrong, Sagittarius… only that, refusing to presently practice a bit of restraint may end up causing it to take even longer, and to ultimately require more effort on your part, until those ‘things’ finally do ‘work themselves out’. Even though I endorsed spontaneously following your instincts just two short weeks ago, please recall that I mentioned this as a ‘passing capacity’—and seeing as much has developed since then, that endorsement has now passed. It’s not, by the way, as if your instincts aren’t still sharp; this is merely a question of speed and timing. The best metaphor I can conjure: You might know what destination calls you, but you detract from your pleasure in arriving there if you don’t make doubly sure to pack everything you’ll need, and to confirm that whatever you’ve left behind has been adequately covered and/or accounted for. CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): A show of unshakable strength is becoming increasingly imperative, Capricorn… a topic we already began to cover last week. Simply put, if you do not actively choose to assert how you’ll be defined within the group of your peers or the community at large, those who are threatened by and/or in competition with you will do it on your behalf—and not in a complimentary manner. You have to get out ahead of the narrative now being written, in order to cast yourself as hero rather than villain, since the evidence itself could support any number of tales depending on who’s the most engaging storyteller. I suppose we could moon over our idealistic yearnings for a world in which there weren’t rivals waiting in the wings, folks who misread our motives due to projections of their own moral failings, and troublemakers more interested in destroying what they don’t like instead of creating appealing alternatives… but there is no time for that. Those who will thrive (and I’d like to include you within this category) must face the uglier elements head-on and unapologetically refuse to bow to their cynical influence. 6/8
  • 7. AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): Beware, Aquarius: The darker parts of your imagination may be running away with the whole show, casting visions of suspicion or bleakness that aren’t exactly accurate, but which you might help to manifest if you proceed as if they are. Put another way, should you fixate on the pessimistic read of your given situation—at the total expense of all the amazingly positive angles from which you might view your life, even knowing that certain elements (career or public-calling, perhaps?) remain a stiff challenge—you’ll end up creating a fairly unpleasant time for yourself. Dare I lapse into touchy-feely territory, let me suggest this is one of those moments tailor-made for offering daily gratitudes, if only to remind yourself how fortunate you are in so many ways. (That you even have access to these online horoscopes, for instance, is a marvel of your being born in this sensational era.) Darkness is around you, that is true. And so is light. They always co-exist, for that is the manner of Divine Nature. Just because one chunk of your present circumstance may be scaring the living shit out of you, that needn’t block out the luminous beauty beaming through so much of the rest. PISCES (February 19-March 20): When I urge you to stand your ground on any moral issues which have presented themselves, this should immediately remind you of last week’s horoscope, Pisces… and hopefully emboldens you to do exactly that, even if it means kissing a certain identifying relationship or affiliation goodbye once and for all. You may not know exactly where you’ll be heading, in light of such judgment calls, but you will confidently know what you won’t tolerate in your life any longer—and that’s a good enough compass for now. Trust me, any short-term turbulence you invite in on the practical level due to the fallout (a result which isn’t altogether unlikely) is nothing you can’t handle… and is far more palatable than making the sort of ideological tradeoffs that’ll gnaw away at your stomach over long periods of times. Jobs, relationships, living situations, cash-dollars, all these things come and go throughout our lives. Character, however, is one pillar-of-being that ought to stay solidly with you, no matter the rest. 7/8
  • 8. Week of November 19 Love’s Week in Preview: Romance and recklessness are strong themes late in the week. On Thursday an enchanting Venus-Neptune trine instills us with imagination, idealism and an inclination for instant attraction. But Friday’s Mars-Uranus square craves independence as much as the previous day gave us a desire for fusion. Stay cool to keep steady and sane on this relationship roller coaster ride. 8/8 Powered by TCPDF (