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Translated by Hadi Abdollahian
1- Kluc (Al-Fatiha)
[1:1] V the vola sa z GOD Gracious Merciful.
[1:2] Chvalit bol GOD Lord universe.
[1:3] Gracious Merciful.
[1:4] Zvladnut Dni Judgment
[1:5] Ona alone my kult; Ona alone my ziadat pomoc.
[1:6] Guide us do na pravo chodnicek:
[1:7] Chodnicek z those Ona zehnat; nie z those zasluzit zloba nor strayers.
2- Heifer (Al-Baqarah)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[2:1] A L. M.
[2:2] This scripture bol infallible; beacon for the righteous;
[2:3] Kto verit v unseen observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) z our provisions do them they
dat laska k bliznemu!
[2:4] they verit v co revealed ona v co revealed before ona zretel Hereafter they je
absolutely certain!
[2:5] These som guided by ich Lord these bol winners.
[2:6] Mat rad for those disbelieve bol the same them; whether ona warn them nie warn
them they nie verit!
incurred severe retribution.
[2:8] Potom there bol those say My verit v GOD Posledny Dni chvila they nie bol
[2:9] Do trying klamat GOD those verit they len klamat without zbadat!
[2:10] Do ich zmyslanie there bol disease Consequently GOD zvacsit ich disease They
incurred painful retribution for ich laicky!
[2:11] When they told nie commit zly they say my bol righteous!
[2:12] Skutocne they bol evildoers they nie zbadat!
[2:13] When they told Verit ludia verit they say Shall my verit mat rad fools verit?
skutocne bol they je fools they nie zauzlit!
[2:14] When they schodza believers they say My verit when alone ich devils they say
My je s ona; my len mocking
[2:15] GOD mocks them leads them ICH transgressions blundering
[2:16] bol they kupit straying guidance! Such zivnost never prospers nor robit they
receive any guidance.
[2:17] Ich vzor bol those zaciatok zapalit potom mat rad it zacat chliev lahky them GOD
berie away ich lahky lavy them v darkness, unable see
[2:18] Deaf dumb blind they zlyhat spatny listok!
[2:19] Iny vzor rainstorm sky do there bol darkness thunder lightning They put ich
fingers ich ears evade smrt! GOD bol fully aware z disbelievers.
[2:20] lightning skoro chmatnut away ich eyesight. When it kypry them they move
forward a when it turns dark they stand still If GOD wills He mozem berie away ich
hearing ich eyesight! GOD bol Omnipotent
[2:21] O ludia kult len tvoj Lord - Jeden created ona a those before ona - Ze ona saved
[2:22] Jeden robit zem habitable ona sky zlozenie. He sends sky zavlazit produce all
laskavy z ovocie tvoj sustenance. Ona nie set idols rival GOD ihned ze ona zauzlit.
[2:23] Ona have any doubt zretel co my revealed our servant potom produce 1 sura mat
rad these vola sa tvoj own svedok GOD ona bol truthful.
[2:24] If ona nie robit this - Ona never robit this - Potom beware z Hellfire kurivo je
zaludnit rocks it awaits disbelievers!
[2:25] Dat dobry zvest those verit lead righteous zivot ze they have zahrada flowing
streams When zadovazit s provision ovocie therein they say This bol co je zadovazit for
us previously! Thus they dat allegorical descriptions. They have pure spouses therein
they abide therein forever
[2:26] GOD NIE shy away citing any laskavy z allegory tiny mosquito VELKA. Mat
rad for those kto verit they zauzlit it bol truth ich Lord Mat rad for those disbelieve they
say Co robit GOD lakomstvo such allegory? He zmylit vela thereby guides vela thereby!
He never zmylit thereby except the zlomyselny
[2:27] Kto znasilnit GOD's covenant zavazok uphold it sever co GOD commanded
joined commit zly! These bol losers.
[2:28] Ako ona disbelieve GOD when ona dead He je dat ona zivot potom He puts ona
smrt potom He brings ona chrbat zivot potom Him ona ultimately spatny listok?
[2:29] He je Jeden created ona everything on zem potom turned sky zdokonalit 7
universes therein He bol fully aware z all things!
[2:30] Recall tvoj Lord said do angels ja miesto zastupca temporary god Zem. They said
robit Ona miesto therein jeden spread zly therein chliev blood chvila my sing Tvoj chvalit
glorify Ona uphold Tvoj absolute authority He said ja zauzlit co ona nie zauzlit!
[2:31] He taught Adam all vola sa potom presented them angels saying Dat mna vola sa
z these ona je na pravo!
[2:32] They said Ona glorified my nie have znalost kto Ona taught us. Ona bol
Omniscient Wise.
[2:33] He said O Adam tell them ich vola sa When he told them ich vola sa He said ja
nie tell ona ja zauzlit secrets z heavens zem? Ja zauzlit co ona declare co ona zatajit.
[2:34] When my said do angels, Jesen prostrate Adam they fell prostrate Satan; he
refused bol i arrogant a disbeliever.
[2:35] My said O Adam zit tvoj manzelka v Raj jestn therefrom generously mat rad ona
prosim nie zblizit sa this strom lest ona zhresit!
[2:36] devil duped them zapricinit ich eviction therefrom My said Ist nadol enemies z 1
iny On Zem bol tvoj habitation provision for awhile!
[2:37] Potom Adam received z jeho Lord words whereby He redeemed him! He bol
Redeemer Merciful.
[2:38] My said Ist nadol therefrom all z ona! When guidance pojdem ona Mna those
nasledovat Moj guidance have fear nor will they rmutit sa!
[2:39] Mat rad for those disbelieve zamietnut our revelations they bol dwellers Hell
wherein they abide forever
[2:40] O Dieta Izrael zapamatat si Moj favor ja bestowed ona fulfill tvoj part covenant
ze ja fulfill Moj part covenant reverence Mna!
[2:41] Ona verit v co ja revealed tu confirming co ona have je prvy zamietnut it Nie
zivnost away Moj revelations lacny price observe Mna!
[2:42] Nie confound truth falsehood nor shall ona zatajit truth knowingly
[2:43] Ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat) bow
nadol those bow nadol.
[2:44] Ona exhort ludia robit bol righteous chvila zabudnut yourselves ona read
scripture? Ona nie chapat?
[2:45] Ona seek pomoc steadfastness Zmluva Prayers (Salat)! This bol difficult indeed
nie so for the reverent
[2:46] Kto verit they schodza ich Lord ze do Him they ultimately spatny listok.
[2:47] O Dieta Izrael zapamatat si Moj favor ja bestowed ona ze ja zehnat ona inak than
any inaksie zaludnit.
[2:48] Beware z dni when ziaden soul avail iny soul ziaden intercession nie accepted
ransom zaplatit nor mozem ktokolvek pomoc!
[2:49] Recall lenze my saved ona Pharaoh's ludia inflicted ona chory persecution
slaying tvoj syn rezervny tvoj dcera! Ze exacting test tvoj Lord
[2:50] Recall lenze my parted sea ona; my saved ona drowned Pharaoh's zaludnit tvoj
[2:51] lenze when my zvolat Moses 40 nights ona kult calf jeho absence turned
[2:52] Still my pardoned ona thereafter ze ona bol appreciative
[2:53] Recall lenze my dat Moses scripture statute kniha lenze ona guided
[2:54] Recall lenze Moses said do jeho ludia O moj zaludnit ona zlo tvoj souls kult calf
Ona repent tvoj Creator. Ona kill tvoj egos. This je lepsie ona zrak tvoj Creator. He robit
redeem ona. He bol Redeemer Merciful.
[2:55] Recall lenze ona said O Moses my nie verit my see GOD physically.
Consequently lightning struck ona mat rad ona looked
[2:56] My potom revived ona ona umrel lenze ona bol appreciative
[2:57] My zaclonit ona clouds Sinai) sent nadol ona manna quails Jestn dobry things my
zadovazit for ona They nie zranit us (by rebelling they len zranit ich own souls!
[2:58] Recall my said Zapisat this town ona zalozit mat rad vela provisions ona mat rad
Iba zapisat zavora humbly treat ludia nicely! My potom forgive tvoj zhresit zvacsit
reward for the zbozny.
[2:59] Zlomyselny among them beriem commands commands dat them. Consequently
my sent nadol transgressors condemnation sky ich wickedness.
[2:60] Recall Moses sought zavlazit jeho ludia! My said Strike rock tvoj staff
Whereupon 12 jaro gushed out therefrom members each tribe zauzlit ich own zavlazit.
Jestn pne GOD's provisions nie roam zem corruptingly!
[2:61] Recall lenze ona said O Moses my ziaden longer tolerate jeden laskavy z food
vola sa tvoj Lord produce us such earthly zozat fazula cucumbers cesnak lentils cibula.
He said ona zelat zastupid ze kto inferior ze kto je bol dobry? Ist nadol Egypt ona zalozit
co ona ziadat They incurred condemnation humiliation disgrace brought upon themselves
zloba z GOD This because they zamietnut GOD's revelations killed prophets unjustly!
This they disobeyed transgressed
[2:62] Iste those verit those bol Zidovsky Christians converts ktokolvek kto (1) verit v
GOD (2) verit v Posledny Dni (3) leads righteous zivot receive ich recompense ich Lord
They have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa.
[2:63] My robit covenant ona mat rad my chov Mount Sinai ona Ona uphold co my dat
ona strongly zapamatat si its contents lenze ona saved
[2:64] Ona turned thereafter a it je for GOD's grace ona Jeho zlutovanie ona doomed
[2:65] Ona zauzlit about those among ona desecrated Sabbath. My said do them Bol ona
mat rad despicable mat rad apes
[2:66] My set them vzor ich generation i mat rad subsequent generations enlightenment
for the righteous.
[2:67] Moses said do jeho ludia GOD commands ona sacrifice heifer. They said Je ona
mocking us? He said GOD zakazat, ja behave zaluba ignorant jeden!
[2:68] They said Vola Sa tvoj Lord show us kto jeden. He said He says ona bol heifer
bol neither i stara nor i young z intermediate vek! Teraz beriem co ona commanded robit!
[2:69] They said Vola Sa tvoj Lord show us ju color He said He says ona bol zlty heifer
chapavy colored prosim beholders!
[2:70] They said Vola Sa tvoj Lord show us kto 1! heifers look alike do us GOD willing
my guided
[2:71] He said He says ona bol heifer never humiliated plowing zem zavlazit zozat;
volny z any blemish They said Teraz ona brought truth. They finally sacrificed ju this
lengthy reluctance
[2:72] Ona killed soul potom disputed yourselves. GOD bol expose co ONA tried
[2:73] My said Strike (victim) part heifer.) Ze when GOD brought victim chrbat zivot
showed ona Jeho znamka lenze ona chapat!
[2:74] Despite this tvoj srdce hardened mat rad rocks vecer harder there bol rocks rieka
gush out. Others lamat release gentle streams inak rocks cringe reverence GOD GOD JE
never unaware Z anything ONA ROBIT.
[2:75] Ona expect them verit mat rad ona robit when some z them pouzivat hear word
GOD potom distort it full chapat thereof deliberately
[2:76] A when they schodza believers they say My verit when they get dohromady each
inak, they say nie informovat (believers) informacia dat do ona GOD lest ona zadovazit
them support for ich argument tvoj Lord Ona nie chapat?
[2:77] they nie zauzlit ze GOD zauzlit everything they zatajit everything they declare
[2:78] Among them je gentiles nie zauzlit scripture hearsay potom assume lenze they
zauzlit it
[2:79] Therefore woe do those distort scripture ich own hands potom say This bol co
GOD revealed seeking lacny latka zisk! Woe do them for such distortion woe do them for
ich illicit zisk.
[2:80] Some said Hell nie touch us limited zvazok dni. Say Have ona berie such zavazok
GOD - GOD never ZLOMIT JEHO ZAVAZOK! - Ona saying GOD co ona nie zauzlit?
[2:81] Indeed those zarabat zhresit become surrounded ich zly robota bol dwellers Hell;
they abide it forever
[2:82] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot they bol dwellers Raj; they abide it
[2:83] My robit covenant Dieta Izrael Ona nie kult GOD Ona honor tvoj rodicia zretel
vztazny orphans chudobny Ona treat ludia amicably. Ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat)
dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat.) ona turned except a few z ona ona became averse!
[2:84] My robit covenant ona ona nie chliev tvoj blood nor shall ona evict each inak tvoj
domov! Ona zhodovat sa bore svedok!
[2:85] tu ty bol killing each inak, evicting some z ona z ich domov banding them
sinfully maliciously! Vecer when they surrendered ona ziadat ransom them! Evicting
them zakazat ona v the 1 miesto. Ona verit v part z scripture robit a disbelieve v part Co
je retribution for those among ona kto this except humiliation v this zivot daleko zly
retribution Dni Vzkriesenie? GOD JE never unaware Z anything ONA ROBIT.
[2:86] bol they kupit this lowly zivot Hereafter Consequently retribution never zmenit
them nor mozem they pomoc.
[2:87] My dat Moses scripture subsequent him my sent inak posol my dat Jesus syn
Mary profound zazrak supported him Holy Spirit Je it nie fact ze kazdy cas posol ist ona
anything ona nemat rad tvoj ego zapricinit ona bol arrogant? Some z them ona zamietnut
some z them ona killed
[2:88] Some say Our zmyslanie je robit up Radsej it bol curse GOD consequence ich
disbelief ze keeps them z verit except for a few z them!
[2:89] When this scripture pojdem them GOD vecer it zhodovat sa confirms co they
have vecer they pouzivat prophesy its advent when they talked s disbelievers when ich
own prophecy pojdem ist okolo they disbelieved therein! GOD's condemnation thus
afflicts disbelievers.
[2:90] Chudobny indeed je co they zvarat ich souls for - Zamietnut these revelations
GOD sheer resentment lenze GOD bestow Jeho grace whomever He zvolit si Jeho
servants! Consequently they incurred zloba zloba. disbelievers incurred humiliating
[2:91] When they told Ona verit v these revelations GOD they say My verit len do co
sent nadol us. Thus they disbelieve subsequent revelations vecer it bol truth ich Lord
vecer it confirms co they have Say Why potom ona kill GOD's prophets ona bol
[2:92] Moses ist ona profound zazrak ona kult calf jeho absence ona turned zlomyselny!
[2:93] My robit covenant ona mat rad my chov Mount Sinai ona saying Ona uphold
commandments my dat ona strongly listen They said My hear my disobey Ich srdce
became filled adoration calf ich disbelief! Say Chudobny indeed je co tvoj faith dictates
ona ona have any faith!
[2:94] Say If abode Hereafter rezervovat ona GOD exclusion all inaksie zaludnit potom
ona long smrt ona bol truthful!
[2:95] They never long it co ich hands sent forth GOD bol fully aware z the
[2:96] Skutocne ona zalozit them the vela covetous z zivot; vecer inak so than idol
worshipers. Jeden z them zelat zit 1000 rocnik. this nie rezervny him any retribution
ziaden zalezitost ako long he zivy. GOD bol seer Z everything they ROBIT.
[2:97] Say Ktokolvek opposes Gabriel zauzlit lenze he brought this (Quran) into tvoj
srdce v accordance s GOD's will confirming previous scriptures zadovazit guidance
dobry zvest believers!
[2:98] Ktokolvek opposes GOD Jeho angels Jeho posol Gabriel Michael zauzlit lenze
GOD opposes disbelievers.
[2:99] My sent ona such zretelny revelations len zlomyselny will zamietnut them!
[2:100] Je it nie fact when they robit covenant zavazok keep it some z them vzdy
disregard it Skutocne vela z them nie verit.
[2:101] Ihned posol z GOD pojdem them vecer he proves confirms ich own scripture
some followers scripture (Zid Christians Muslims) disregard GOD's scripture ich zadny
mat rad they never had any scripture!
[2:102] They pursued co devils taught Solomon's kingdom. Solomon however nie bol
disbeliever devils bol disbelievers. They taught ludia sorcery a kto sent nadol 2 angels
Babel Haroot Maroot. These 2 nie divulge such znalost pointing This bol test Ona nie
zneuzit such znalost. ludia pouzivat it do such zly kut plany mat rad lamat z manzelstvo!
They never harm ktokolvek will GOD They thus learn co zranit them nie co benefits
them they zauzlit full lepsie ze whoever practices witchcraft have share Hereafter
Chudobny indeed je co they sell ich souls if they len zauzlit.
[2:103] they verit lead righteous zivot reward z GOD bol daleko lepsie they len zauzlit!
[2:104] O ona verit nie say Raa ena bol our shepherd Radsej ona say Unzurna watch us)
listen disbelievers incurred painful retribution.
[2:105] Neither disbelievers followers scripture nor idol worshipers zelat see any
blessings pod ona tvoj Lord GOD lejak Jeho blessings whomever He zvolit si. GOD
possesses infinite grace
[2:106] When my abrogate any zazrak zapricinit it zabudnut my produce lepsie zazrak o
maly equal 1. Ona nie recognize lenze GOD robit bol Omnipotent
[2:107] Ona nie recognize lenze GOD robit possesses kingship z heavens zem; ze ona
have ziaden GOD tvoj Lord Zvladnut
[2:108] Ona zelat ziadat z tvoj posol co ziadat z Moses v the minuly? Ktokolvek zvolit
si disbelief belief has truly strayed na pravo chodnicek.
[2:109] Vela followers scripture would radsej see ty revert disbelief ihned ze ona verit.
This je due do ziarlivsot ich part truth become zrejmy do them. Ona pardon them vlavo
them GOD issues Jeho judgment GOD bol Omnipotent
[2:110] Ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat). Any
dobre ona send forth tvoj souls ona zalozit it GOD GOD bol seer Z everything ONA
[2:111] Some said Ziaden 1 zapisat Raj except Zid Christians! Such bol ich wishful
myslienka Say Show us tvoj proof ona je na pravo!
[2:112] Indeed those submit absolutely GOD alone CHVILA leading righteous ZIVOT
receive ICH recompense ICH Lord they have nothing fear nor will they RMUTIT SA.
[2:113] Zid said Christians nie have zaklad chvila Christians said Zid nie have zaklad.
both z them read scripture! Such je utterances z those nie possess znalost. GOD will
judge them DNI VZKRIESENIE ICH disputes
[2:114] Kto zly than those je boycott GOD's masjids Jeho vola sa commemorated
contribute ich desertion? These nie zapisat therein except fearfully. They suffer v this
zivot humiliation suffer Hereafter hrozny retribution!
[2:115] Do GOD belongs east zapad; wherever ona ist there bol presence GOD GOD
bol Omnipresent Omniscient
[2:116] They said GOD begotten syn! He glorified never! Do Him belongs everything
heavens zem; all som subservient do Him!
[2:117] Initiator z heavens zem have anything robit He len says do Bol it bol
[2:118] Those nie possess znalost say len GOD speak do us some zazrak pojdem do us!
Others them uttered a podobne utterances; ich zmyslanie bol a podobne! My manifest
zazrak those attained certainty.
[2:119] My sent ona truth bearer z dobry zvest i mat rad warner. Ona nie bol answerable
those incur Hell.
[2:120] Neither Zid nor Christians accept ona ona nasledovat ich nabozenstvo. Say
GOD's guidance je true guidance. ona acquiesce ich zelat znalost ona received ona nie
zalozit ally supporter pomoc ona GOD
[2:121] Those received scripture zauzlit it mat rad it zauzlit verit v this! Mat rad for
those disbelieve they bol losers.
[2:122] O Dieta Izrael zapamatat si Moj favor ja bestowed ona ze ja zehnat ona inak
than any inaksie zaludnit.
[2:123] Beware z dni when ziaden soul pomoc iny soul nie ransom nie accepted
intercession bol useful ziaden 1 pomoc!
[2:124] Recall lenze Abraham put test jeho Lord certain commands he fulfilled them!
God said ja appointing ona imam ludia. He said i moj descendants? He said Moj covenant
nie zapocitat transgressors.
[2:125] My rendered shrine Ka aba) focal point ludia safe sanctuary. Ona pouzivat
Abraham's shrine mat rad prayer dom. My zmocnit Abraham Ismail Ona purify Moj dom
those visit those zit there those bow prostrate
[2:126] Abraham prayed Moj Lord robit this peaceful zem zadovazit its ludia ovocie!
Zadovazit for those verit v GOD Posledny Dni. God said ja robit i zadovazit for those
disbelieve! Ja let them enjoy temporarily potom commit them retribution Hell chudobny
[2:127] mat rad Abraham chov zaklad shrine dohromady s Ismail (they prayed Our Lord
accept this z us! Ona bol Hearer Omniscient
[2:128] Our Lord robit us submitters do Ona z our descendants let there bol obec
submitters Ona! Teach us rites our nabozenstvo redeem us! Ona bol Redeemer Merciful.
[2:129] Our Lord zvysenie among them posol recite them Tvoj revelations teach them
scripture wisdom purify them! Ona bol Almighty Wise.
[2:130] Kto forsake nabozenstvo Abraham 1 kto fools jeho own soul? My zvolit si him
v this world do Hereafter he bol s the righteous.
[2:131] When jeho Lord said do him Submit he said ja submit Lord universe!
[2:132] I Abraham exhorted jeho dieta robi same a so robit Jacob O moj dieta GOD
pointed nabozenstvo ona nie umrel submitters!
[2:133] Had ona svedok Jacob jeho smrt zahon; he said do jeho dieta Co will ona kult
after ja umrel? They said My kult tvoj god god z tvoj otca Abraham Ismail Isaac; 1 god
Do Him my bol submitters.
[2:134] Such bol obec minuly. They bol zodpovedny co they zarabat ona bol
zodpovedny co ona zarabat. Ona nie bol answerable anything they robit.
[2:135] They said Ona bol Zidovsky Christian guided Say My nasledovat nabozenstvo
Abraham! - monotheism - he never bol idol worshiper.
[2:136] Say My verit v GOD do co sent us v co sent nadol Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob
Patriarchs; v co dat do Moses Jesus all prophets z ich Lord My nie robit distinction any z
them. Do Him alone my bol submitters.
[2:137] they verit mat rad ona robit potom they guided Lenze if they turn potom they
bol do opposition GOD will REZERVNY ONA ICH opposition He bol Hearer
[2:138] Such je GOD's system system je lepsie than GOD's Him alone my kult.
[2:139] Say Robi ona argue us GOD when He bol our Lord tvoj Lord My bol
zodpovedny our cin ona bol zodpovedny for tvoj cin. Do Him alone my devoted
[2:140] Ona say lenze Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs bol Zidovsky Christian
Say ona zauzlit lepsie than GOD Kto zly than jeden zatajit testimony he je learned GOD
GOD JE never unaware Z anything ONA ROBIT.
[2:141] Ze bol obec minuly. They bol zodpovedny co they zarabat ona bol zodpovedny
co ona zarabat. Ona nie bol answerable anything they robit.
[2:142] fools among the ludia say robit they zmenit riadenie ich Qiblah? Say "Do GOD
belongs east zapad; He guides whoever wills straight chodnicek!
[2:143] My thus robit ona impartial obec ze ona serve svedok among the ludia, posol
serves svedok ona. My zmenit riadenie tvoj irecity Qiblah len distinguish those ona
readily nasledovat posol z those turn ich heels bol difficult test nie those bol guided by
GOD GOD never puts TVOJ KULT pusty GOD JE Compassionate towards LUDIA
[2:144] My seen ty turning tvoj face sky hladanie for na pravo riadenie)! My ihned
assign Qiblah prosim ona. Henceforth ona turn tvoj face Sacred Masjid. Wherever ona
bol all z ona turn tvoj faces it Those received previous scripture zauzlit lenze this bol
truth ich Lord GOD JE never unaware Z anything they ROBIT.
[2:145] Vecer if ona show followers scripture kazdy laskavy z zazrak they nie
nasledovat tvoj Qiblah! Nor shall ona nasledovat ich Qiblah. They robit nie vecer
nasledovat each others' Qiblah! Ona acquiesce ich zelat znalost pojdem ona ona belong
[2:146] Those received scripture recognize truth tu mat rad they recognize ich own
dieta. some z them zatajit truth knowingly
[2:147] This bol truth tvoj Lord nie harbor any doubt
[2:148] Each z ona zvolit si riadenie nasledovat; ona zavodny righteousness! Wherever
ona je GOD will zvolat ona all GOD bol Omnipotent
[2:149] Wherever ona ist ona turn tvoj face Salat) Sacred Masjid. This bol truth tvoj
Lord GOD bol never unaware Z anything ONA all ROBIT.
[2:150] Wherever ona ist ona turn tvoj face Salat) Sacred Masjid; wherever ona bol ona
turn tvoj faces Salat) it Thus ludia nie have argument ona transgressors them. Nie fear
them fear Mna radsej! Ja will potom zdokonalit Moj blessings ona ona guided
[2:151] (Blessings) such mat rad sending posol z ona do recite our revelations ona
purify ona teach ona scripture wisdom teach ona co ona never zauzlit!
[2:152] Ona zapamatat si Mna ja zapamatat si ona bol thankful Mna; nie bol
[2:153] O ona verit seek pomoc steadfastness Zmluva Prayers (Salat)! GOD bol those
steadfastly persevere
[2:154] Nie say z those killed zapricinit GOD They je dead They bol alive do ich Lord
ona nie zbadat!
[2:155] My iste test ona some fear hunger loss peniaze zivot zozat! Dat dobry zvest do
the steadfast!
[2:156] When affliction befalls them they say My belong do GOD Him my spatny
[2:157] These zasluzit blessings z ich Lord zlutovanie. These guided jeden.
[2:158] knolls z Safa Marwah bol rites decreed GOD Ktokolvek observes Hajj ‘Umrah
nie commits omyl traversing distance them! If 1 volunteers righteous robota potom GOD
bol Appreciative Omniscient
[2:159] Those zatajit our revelations guidance after proclaiming them ludia scripture
condemned GOD they condemned all condemners!
[2:160] Mat rad for those repent reform proclaim ja redeem them! Ja bol Redeemer
[2:161] Those disbelieve umrel mat rad disbelievers incurred condemnation GOD
angels all ludia Dni Judgment
[2:162] Eternally they abide therein. retribution never zmenit them nor they reprieved
[2:163] Tvoj god bol 1 god there nie bol god He Gracious Merciful.
[2:164] Do creation z heavens zem alternation night dni ships roam ocean for the benefit
ludia zavlazit lenze GOD sends nadol sky revive dead zem spread it all laskavy z
creatures manipulation zranit clouds miesto sky zem there bol sufficient proofs ludia
[2:165] some ludia set idols rival GOD laska them mat rad they bol GOD Those verit
laska GOD the vela. Len transgressors see when they see retribution! They realize potom
ze all power belongs do GOD alone ze GOD's retribution bol awesome.
[2:166] Those nasledovat disown those nasledovat them. They see retribution all puto
them severed
[2:167] Those nasledovat will say my get iny chance my disown them mat rad they
disowned us ihned. GOD thus shows them consequences z ich robota mat rad nothing
remorse; they never vychod Hell!
[2:168] O ludia jestn zem products all bol lawful dobry nie nasledovat steps Satan; he
bol tvoj zapalisty enemy
[2:169] He len commands ona commit zly zverak say GOD co ona nie zauzlit!
[2:170] When they told Nasledovat co GOD revealed tu they say My nasledovat len co
my zalozit our rodicia Co ich rodicia has robit. nie chapat nie guided
[2:171] Vzor such disbelievers bol lenze z parrots repeat co they hear zdravy vola sa
chapat Deaf dumb blind they nie chapat
[2:172] O ona verit jestn dobry things my zadovazit for ona bol thankful do GOD ona
kult Him alone
[2:173] He len zakazat for ona jestn zviera umrel z themselves human interference)
blood meat pigs zviera dedicated do inak than GOD 1 forced jestn these) without je
zlomyselny zamerny he nie incurs zhresit! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[2:174] Those zatajit GOD's revelations scripture lacny latka zisk jestn zapalit ich
brucho. GOD will NIE speak do them DNI VZKRIESENIE nor will He purify them!
They incurred painful retribution.
[2:175] bol they zvolit si straying guidance retribution forgiveness! Consequently they
endure Hell.
[2:176] This je GOD revealed this scripture bearing truth those dispute scripture bol the
vela zapalisty opponents.
[2:177] Righteousness nie turning tvoj faces towards east zapad. Righteous som those
verit v GOD Posledny Dni angels scripture prophets; they dat peniaze cheerfully vztazny
orphans chudobny cestovat alien zobrak volny slaves they observe Zmluva Prayers
(Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat;) they keep ich word whenever they robit
promise they steadfastly persevere v the face z persecution hardship vojnovy! These je
truthful; these bol the righteous.
[2:178] O ona verit equivalence bol zakon decreed ona when dealing s zavrazdit! -
Volny for volny slave slave zena zena. Jeden pardoned victim's kin appreciative response
bol v poradie, equitable compensation zaplatit. This bol alleviation z tvoj Lord
zlutovanie. Ktokolvek transgresses this incurs painful retribution.
[2:179] Equivalence bol zivot saving zakon ona O ona possess inteligencia ona bol
[2:180] It decreed when smrt zblizit sa ona pisat will for the benefit z rodicia vztazny
equitably. This bol clo upon the righteous.
[2:181] Ktokolvek zmenit will he heard zhresit zmenit befalls those zodpovedny for
such zmenit! GOD bol Hearer Knower.
[2:182] If 1 sees gross injustice bias part testator berie corrective cin restaurovat justice
will he commits nie zhresit. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[2:183] O ona verit chytro decreed ona mat rad it bol decreed for those before ona ze
ona attain salvation!
[2:184] Specific dni designated chytro;) 1 bol chory cestovat equal zvazok inak dni
zastupid! Those chytro velky difficulty zastupid zivit 1 chudobny clovek for each dni z
zlomit chytro! 1 volunteers righteous zavodny) it je lepsie. chytro je dobry for ona if ona
len zauzlit.
[2:185] Ramadan bol mesiac Quran revealed zadovazit guidance ludia zretelny
teachings statute kniha! Those z ona svedok this mesiac chytro therein. Those bol chory
cestovat maj zastupid same zvazok z inaksie dni! GOD zelat si ONA convenience NIE
hardship ZE ONA fulfill TVOJ ZAVAZNOST glorify GOD guiding ONA express TVOJ
[2:186] When Moj servants ziadat ona Mna ja je vzdy zblizit sa Ja answer ich prayers
when they pray Mna. Ludia respond Mna verit v Mna v poradie guided
[2:187] Permitted ona bol sexual intercourse tvoj manzelka nights z chytro! They bol
keepers tvoj secrets ona bol keepers ich secrets. GOD ZAUZLIT ONA POUZIVAT
ZRADIT TVOJ souls He redeemed ONA pardoned ONA! Henceforth ona have
intercourse them seeking co GOD permitted ona! Ona jestn pne biely zavit z kypry
becomes distinguishable z dark zavit night o dawn Potom ona chytro zapad slnka. Sexual
intercourse zakazat ona decide retreat masjid posledny 10 dni Ramadan)! These som
GOD's zakon; ona nie transgress them. GOD thus clarifies JEHO revelations LUDIA ZE
they attain salvation.
[2:188] Ona nie berie each others' peniaze illicitly nor shall ona bribe officials zbavit
others z some z ich na pravo illicitly chvila ona zauzlit!
[2:189] They ziadat ona phases moon Say They zadovazit timing device ludia zaumienit
si cas Hajj. nie bol righteous do beat around the bush; righteousness attained upholding
commandments by bol straightforward! Ona observe GOD ze ona succeed.
[2:190] Ona boj zapricinit GOD those kto Zachvatit ona nie aggress! GOD NIE
LASKA aggressors.
[2:191] Ona kill those wage vojnovy ona ona evict them whence they evicted ona!
Oppression bol zly than zavrazdit! Nie boj them Sacred Masjid unless they zachvatit ona
therein. they zachvatit ona ona kill them. This bol iba retribution those disbelievers.
[2:192] they zdrzat sa potom GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[2:193] Ona i boj them eliminate oppression kult GOD freely! they zdrzat sa ona nie
aggress; aggression permitted len against aggressors.
[2:194] During Sacred Mesiac aggression schodza equivalent response. they zachvatit
ona ona retaliate inflicting equitable retribution! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD
bol s the righteous.
[2:195] Ona spend zapricinit GOD robi nie throw tvoj own hands into znicenie! Ona bol
charitable; GOD laska the charitable!
[2:196] Ona observe complete rites z Hajj ‘Umrah GOD Ona zamedzit ona send
offering nie zaujat rez tvoj chlp tvoj offering zastihnut its destination. Ona bol chory
suffering riaditel zranenie ona rez tvoj chlp) ona expiate by chytro dat laska k bliznemu
some inaksie form z kult! During normal Hajj ona zlomit statny z Ihraam (sanctity) medzi
‘Umrah Hajj ona expiate offering zivocisny sacrifice Ona nie afford it ona chytro 3 dni
Hajj 7 when ona spatny listok domov - this completes 10 - Zadovazit ona nie zivy Sacred
Masjid! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol strict v enforcing retribution!
[2:197] Hajj observed specified mesiac. Whoever sets out observe Hajj zdrzat sa sexual
intercourse misconduct arguments Hajj. Whatever dobre ona robit GOD bol fully aware
thereof. mat rad ona chystat tvoj provisions journey dobry provision bol righteousness!
Ona observe Mna O ona possess inteligencia.
[2:198] Ona nie commit omyl seeking provisions tvoj Lord commerce)! When ona file
‘Arafaat ona commemorate GOD Sacred Location Muzdalifah). Ona commemorate Him
guiding ona; this ona ist astray.
[2:199] Ona file dohromady zvysok ludia file ziadat GOD forgiveness! GOD bol
Forgiver Merciful.
[2:200] Once ona complete tvoj rites ona zotrvat commemorate GOD ona commemorate
tvoj own rodicia al vecer dobre! Some ludia say Our Lord dat us z this world chvila
having share Hereafter
[2:201] Others say Our Lord grant us righteousness v this world righteousness Hereafter
rezervny us retribution Hell!
[2:202] Each z these receive share they zarabat. GOD bol ZDATNY DO reckoning
[2:203] Ona commemorate GOD a zvazok z dni Mena;) whoever hastens robit this do 2
dni nie commits zhresit whoever zostat longer commits zhresit long mat rad
righteousness maintained Ona observe GOD zauzlit ze Him ona zozbierat.
[2:204] Among the ludia, 1 imponovat ona jeho utterances this zivot vecer vola sa GOD
svedok jeho innermost thoughts chvila he bol zapalisty opponent!
[2:205] Mat rad skoro mat rad he lavy he roams zem corruptingly znicit imanie zivot.
GOD NIE LASKA corruption.
[2:206] When he told Observe GOD he becomes arrogantly indignant. Consequently
jeho iba destiny bol Hell; co chudobny abode.
[2:207] Potom there bol those dedicate ich zivot serving GOD GOD je compassionate
towards such worshipers!
[2:208] O ona verit ona embrace total submission; nie nasledovat steps Satan he bol tvoj
zapalisty enemy
[2:209] Ona backslide zretelny proofs pojdem ona potom zauzlit lenze GOD bol
Almighty Wise!
[2:210] they cakat GOD je pojdem them dense clouds dohromady angels? When this
happens whole zalezitost zakoncit GOD everything spatny listok
[2:211] Ziadat Dieta Izrael ako vela profound zazrak have my shown them! For those
disregard blessings bestowed upon them by GOD GOD bol strict retribution!
[2:212] This worldly zivot zdobit oci disbelievers they ridicule those verit. However
righteous will bol daleko above them Dni Vzkriesenie. GOD ZEHNAT whomever He
wills limits
[2:213] Ludia pouzivat je 1 obec when GOD sent prophets bearers z dobry zvest i mat
rad warners. He sent them scripture bearing truth judge among the ludia ich disputes
Ironically those kto received scripture je the jeden zamietnut any new scripture zretelny
proofs dat them! This bol ziarlivsot ich part GOD guides those VERIT truth disputed all
others v accordance s JEHO will GOD guides whoever wills straight CHODNICEK.
[2:214] Ona expect zapisat Raj robit without bol tested those before ona? They tested
hardship adversity a shaken posol those verit him said Kde bol GOD's victory? GOD's
victory je zblizit sa
[2:215] They ziadat ona dat say laska k bliznemu ona dat ist rodicia vztazny orphans
chudobny cestovat alien Any dobry ona robit GOD bol fully aware thereof!
[2:216] Boj maj impozantny ona vecer ona nemat rad it Ona nemat rad nieco je dobry
ona ona zaluba nieco bol zly for ona. GOD zauzlit CHVILA ONA NIE ZAUZLIT!
[2:217] They ziadat ona Sacred Mesiac boj therein say Boj therein bol sacrilege!
However zapudit chodnicek GOD disbelieving v Him sanctity Sacred Masjid evicting its
ludia je velka sacrileges zrak GOD Oppression bol zly than zavrazdit. They vzdy boj ona
revert ona z tvoj nabozenstvo they viem! Those among ona revert ich nabozenstvo
zomriet disbelievers nullified ich robota v this zivot Hereafter These je dwellers Hell
wherein they abide forever
[2:218] Those verit, those emigrate strive zapricinit GOD zasluzit GOD's zlutovanie!
GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[2:219] They ziadat ona about intoxicants gambling say them there bol gross zhresit
some benefits ludia. Ich sinfulness daleko outweighs ich benefit They i ziadat ona co dat
laska k bliznemu say excess GOD thus clarifies revelations ona ze ona zrkadlit!
[2:220] upon this zivot Hereafter they ziadat ona orphans say Bringing them mat rad
righteous clovek bol dobry ona robit them! Ona mix ich imanie yours ona treat them
rodina members. GOD zauzlit righteous the zlomyselny. Had GOD willed He
impozantny harsher rules ona. GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[2:221] Nie vydana idolatresses they verit; verit zensky je lepsie than idolatress vecer if
ona zaluba ju! Nor shall ona dat tvoj dcera manzelstvo do idolatrous clovek they verit.
verit clovek je lepsie than idolater vecer if ona zaluba him. These invite do Hell, chvila
GOD invites Raj forgiveness mat rad He wills. He clarifies Jeho revelations ludia ze they
berie heed
[2:222] They ziadat ona menstruation say bol harmful ona avoid sexual intercourse
zensky menstruation nie zblizit sa them until they rid z it Once they rid z it ona have
intercourse them chovanie zamyslat GOD GOD LASKA repenters He LASKA those JE
[2:223] Tvoj zensky bol bearers tvoj seed Thus ona enjoy this privilege ona mat rad so
long mat rad ona maintain righteousness! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze ona schodza
Him. Dat dobry zvest believers!
[2:224] Nie subject GOD's vola sa tvoj casual swearing ona zdat sa righteous zbozny
attain credibility among the ludia! GOD bol Hearer Knower.
[2:225] GOD NIE hold ONA ZODPOVEDNY for mere utterance oaths; He holds ONA
ZODPOVEDNY for TVOJ innermost ZAMER. GOD bol Forgiver Clement
[2:226] Those zamyslat divorce ich manzelka caka 4 mesiac chladiaci they zmenit ich
zmyslanie zmiernit potom GOD bol Forgiver Merciful!
[2:227] they ist divorce potom GOD bol Hearer Knower.
[2:228] divorced zensky cakat 3 menstruations vydana iny clovek)! Nie bol lawful for
them zatajit co GOD creates ich wombs they verit v GOD Posledny Dni. V puzdro z
pregnancy) muz zelat supersede manzelka zelat he chudoba remarry ju! Zensky have na
pravo i mat rad zavaznost equitably! Thus clovek zelat prevail pregnancy)! GOD bol
Almighty Wise.
[2:229] Divorce retracted dva krat! divorced zensky allowed zit v same domov amicably
lavy it amicably! Nie bol lawful muz berie anything he dat ju. couple fear ze they
transgress GOD's zakon. there bol fear they transgress GOD's zakon they commit nie
omyl manzelka willingly dat whatever ona zvolit si These je GOD's zakon; nie transgress
them! Those transgress GOD's zakon bol the unjust.
[2:230] he divorces ju for 3 cas bol unlawful him remarry ju unless ona vydana iny
clovek potom he divorces ju! Prvy manzel potom remarry ju long mat rad they observe
GOD's zakon! These som GOD's zakon; He explains them ludia zauzlit.
[2:231] Ona divorce zensky once they fulfill ich interim (3 menstruations) ona allow
them zit v same domov amicably let them lavy amicably! Nie force them zostat against
ich will mat rad revenge Ktokolvek robit this chybny jeho own soul. Nie berie GOD's
revelations v vain Zapamatat Si GOD's blessings ona He sent nadol ona scripture wisdom
enlighten ona! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol aware z all things.
[2:232] Ona divorce zensky once they fulfill ich interim robit nie zamedzit them z
remarrying ich muz they zmiernit amicably! This heeded those ona verit v GOD
Posledny Dni. This bol purer for ona righteous. GOD zauzlit, CHVILA ONA NIE
[2:233] Divorced matka nurse ich infants 2 full rocnik otca so zelat. Otca zadovazit
matka food clothing equitably! Ziaden 1 burdened jeho zrucnost. Ziaden matka harmed
on zisk z ju infant nor shall otca harmed jeho infant Otca umrel) jeho inheritor assume
these zodpovednost. infant's rodicia mutually zhodovat sa part due consultation they
commit nie omyl robit so Ona nie commit omyl hiring nursing matka so long mat rad ona
zaplatit them equitably! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol Seer z everything ona
[2:234] Those umrel lavy manzelka ich vdova cakat 4 mesiac 10 dni before they
remarry Once they fulfill ich interim ona commit nie omyl letting them robit whatever
righteous zalezitost they zelat robit! GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT.
[2:235] Ona nie commit zhresit zahlasit tvoj zasnubenie do zensky keeping it secret
GOD zauzlit ZE ONA MYSLIENKA them. Nie schodza them secretly unless ona have
nieco righteous discuss! Nie consummate manzelstvo ich interim fulfilled Ona zauzlit ze
GOD zauzlit tvoj innermost thoughts observe Him. Ona zauzlit lenze GOD bol Forgiver
[2:236] Ona nie commit omyl divorcing zensky before touching them before setting
dowry them! V this puzdro ona compensate them - Zirny mat rad he afford chudobny mat
rad he afford - equitable compensation. This bol clo upon the righteous.
[2:237] Ona divorce them before touching them after ona set dowry them compensation
bol half dowry they voluntarily forfeit ich na pravo party zodpovedny zapricinit divorce
zvolit si forfeit dowry! forfeit bol koniec do righteousness. Ona maintain amicable vztah
ona. GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT!
[2:238] Ona consistently observe Zmluva Prayers zvlast middle prayer devote totally
[2:239] Pod unusual circumstances ona pray chvila chodza riding Once ona bol safe ona
commemorate GOD mat rad He taught ona co ona never zauzlit!
[2:240] Those umrel lavy manzelka will zadovazit ich manzelka support rocnik
zadovazit they zostat same household! they lavy ona nie commit zhresit by letting them
robit whatever they zelat long mat rad righteousness maintained GOD bol Almighty
[2:241] divorcees i je zadovazit for equitably! This bol clo upon the righteous.
[2:242] GOD thus explains JEHO revelations ONA ONA CHAPAT.
[2:243] Have ona noted those fled ich domov - though they bol 1000 - fearing smrt?
GOD said do them UMREL POTOM revived them! GOD LEJAK JEHO grace LUDIA
VELA LUDIA bol unappreciative.
[2:244] Ona boj zapricinit GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol Hearer Knower.
[2:245] Kto would lend GOD loan righteousness do it repaid them multiplied manifold
GOD JE JEDEN ZADOVAZIT withholds Him ONA spatny listok
[2:246] Ona noted leaders Izrael Moses They said do ich prophet ona appoint king lead
us my boj zapricinit GOD He said Je it tvoj zamer boj decreed ona ona nie boj? They said
should my nie boj zapricinit GOD when my zbavit z our domov our dieta? Lenze when
boj decreed them they turned a few GOD bol aware z transgressors.
[2:247] Ich prophet said do them GOD appointed Taloot (Saul) je tvoj king. They said
Ako mozem he have kingship us when my bol worthy z kingship than he; he je nie vecer
zirny? He said GOD zvolit si him ona zehnat him abundance znalost do zbor GOD grants
Jeho kingship whomever He wills! GOD bol Bounteous Omniscient
[2:248] Ich prophet said do them znamenie jeho kingship bol lenze Ark Covenant
restaurovat ona bringing assurances tvoj Lord zvysky vlavo ludia z Moses ludia Aaron. It
beriem angels. This convincing znamenie ona if ona bol skutocne believers.
[2:249] When Saul berie command z troops he said GOD putting ona test stream
Ktokolvek pne z it robi nie belong mna! - Len those nie chut it belong mna - unless bol
iba single sip They pne z it a few z them. When he crossed it those verit they said Teraz
my lack strength face Goliath jeho troops Those bol conscious z schodza GOD said Vela
male army defeated velka army GOD's odist. GOD bol those steadfastly persevere
[2:250] When they faced Goliath jeho troops they prayed Our Lord grant us
steadfastness zosilnit our foothold support us disbelieving ludia!
[2:251] They defeated them GOD's lavy David killed Goliath! GOD DAT him kingship
wisdom taught him mat rad He willed! If it je for GOD's support z some ludia others
there bol chaos zem. GOD lejak Jeho grace ludia.
[2:252] These bol GOD's revelations. My recite them ona truthfully ona bol 1 z posol.
[2:253] These posol; my zehnat some z them inak than others. For vzor, GOD spoke do
jeden my chov some z them do higher ranks My dat Jesus syn Mary profound zazrak
supported him Holy Spirit Had GOD willed ich followers nie boj each inak, zretelny
proofs pojdem them! Radsej they disputed themselves; some z them verit some
disbelieved Had GOD willed they nie boj. Everything bol v accordance s GOD's will
[2:254] O ona verit ona dat laska k bliznemu provisions my dat ona dni pojdem kde
there nie bol zivnost ziaden nepotism ziaden intercession! disbelievers bol the unjust.
[2:255] GOD there NIE bol INAK god Him ZIVY the Eternal. Never chvilka
unawareness spat overtakes Him! Do Him belongs everything heavens everything on
zem! Kto intercede Him v accordance s Jeho will He zauzlit ich minuly ich buduci.
Ziaden 1 attains any znalost He wills. Jeho dominion encompasses heavens zem ruling
them never burdens Him. He bol the Vela High the Velky
[2:256] There nie bol compulsion nabozenstvo riadne je teraz zretelny zlo way
Ktokolvek denounces devil verit v GOD chapat strongest puto; jeden never zlomit! GOD
bol Hearer Omniscient
[2:257] GOD JE Lord Z those VERIT; He leads them darkness into LAHKY. Mat rad
for those disbelieve ich lords bol ich idols; they lead them lahky darkness - these je
dwellers Hell; they abide it forever
[2:258] Ona noted jeden Have argued Abraham jeho Lord GOD dat him kingship?
Abraham said Moj Lord grants zivot smrt. He said ja grant zivot smrt. Abraham said
GOD brings sun east mozem ona bring it zapad? disbeliever stumped GOD NIE guide the
[2:259] Consider jeden ist okolo ghost town zazrak Ako mozem GOD revive this it
umrel? GOD potom put him smrt 100 rocnik potom resurrected him! He said "Ako long
have ona zostat tu? He said ja je tu dni part dni. He nie said Ona bol tu sto rocnik. look do
tvoj food pne; they nie spoil Look tvoj donkey - My thus render ona lekcia ludia. ihned
note ako my zostrojit bones potom pokryvka them ani. ryba. ani. rak. When he realized
co happened he said Teraz ja zauzlit lenze GOD bol Omnipotent
[2:260] Abraham said Moj Lord show mna ako Ona revive dead He said Robit ona nie
verit? He said Ano Ja zelat si reassure moj srdce. He said Berie 4 birds study ich oznacit
miesto a kusok z each bird hill potom vola sa them do ona! They pojdem ona v a
ponahlajte sa Ona zauzlit lenze GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[2:261] Vzor z those spend ich monies zapricinit GOD bol lenze z zrno produces 7
spikes sto zrno v each spike GOD multiplies this manifold for whomever He wills. GOD
bol Bounteous Knower.
[2:262] Those spend ich peniaze zapricinit GOD potom nie nasledovat ich laska k
bliznemu s insult harm receive ich recompense ich Lord they have nothing fear nor will
they rmutit sa!
[2:263] Laskavy words compassion bol lepsi than laska k bliznemu nasledovat by insult
GOD bol ZIRNY Clement
[2:264] O ona verit nie nullify tvoj laska k bliznemu by inflicting reproach insult jeden
spends jeho peniaze show chvila disbelieving GOD Posledny Dni! Jeho vzor bol rock
pokryvka riedky layer znecistit; heavy dazo jesen it prat znecistit vlavo it zbytocny rock
They zisk nothing ich efforts. GOD NIE guide disbelieving LUDIA.
[2:265] Vzor z those dat ich peniaze seeking GOD's radost sincere conviction bol lenze
z zahrada high zirny znecistit; when heavy dazo jesen it dat dva krat mat rad vela zozat!
heavy dazo je available drizzle suffice. GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT!
[2:266] any z ona zelat own zahrada z palm strom grapes flowing streams generous
zozat potom iba mat rad he grows stara chvila jeho dieta je still rodinny prislusnik him
holocaust strikes burns jeho zahrada? GOD thus clarifies revelations ONA ZE ONA
[2:267] O ona verit ona dat laska k bliznemu dobry things ona zarabat z co my produced
for ona zem. Nie pick zly therein dat away when ona nie accept it tvoj oci koniec! Ona
zauzlit lenze GOD bol Zirny Zasluzny.
[2:268] devil promises ona chudoba commands ona commit zly chvila GOD promises
ona forgiveness Him a grace GOD bol Bounteous Omniscient
[2:269] He bestows wisdom whomever He zvolit si whoever attains wisdom attained
velka bounty! Len those possess inteligencia berie heed
[2:270] Any laska k bliznemu ona dat charitable zavazok ona fulfill GOD bol fully
aware thereof! Mat rad for zlomyselny they nie have helpers.
[2:271] Ona declare tvoj laska k bliznemu they je still dobry! Ona keep them
anonymous dat them chudobny bol lepsi ona remits inak z tvoj zhresit! GOD JE fully
Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT.
[2:272] Ona nie bol zodpovedny for guiding ktokolvek. GOD bol IBA JEDEN guides
whoever ZVOLIT SI guided Any laska k bliznemu ona dat bol tvoj own dobre Any laska
k bliznemu ona dat bol GOD Any laska k bliznemu ona dat repaid ona maly injustice.
[2:273] Laska K Bliznemu ist chudobny suffering zapricinit GOD a nie emigrate!
unaware maj myslienka they bol zirny due do ich dignity. Ona recognize them certain
znamenie; they never zobrat ludia persistently. Whatever laska k bliznemu ona dat GOD
bol fully aware thereof.
[2:274] Those dat laska k bliznemu night dni secretly publicly receive ich recompense
ich Lord they have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa.
[2:275] Those zverenec usury bol same position mat rad those controlled by devil's
influence This je they reklamacia lenze usury bol same mat rad commerce. GOD permits
commerce zakazat usury. Thus whoever heeds this commandment jeho Lord zdrzat sa
usury he keep jeho minuly earnings jeho judgment zvysok GOD Mat rad for those zotrvat
usury they incur Hell wherein they abide forever
KAZDY disbeliever guilty
[2:277] Those verit lead righteous zivot observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny
laska k bliznemu (Zakat) they receive ich recompense ich Lord they have nothing fear
nor will they rmutit sa!
[2:278] O ona verit ona observe GOD zdrzat sa all laskavy z usury ona bol believers.
[2:279] If ona nie robit potom expect vojnovy z GOD Jeho posol! Ona repent ona keep
tvoj capitals inflicting injustice incurring injustice!
[2:280] debtor bol unable do zaplatit cakat lepsie cas Ona dat up loan laska k bliznemu
bol lepsie ona if ona len zauzlit.
[2:281] Beware z dni when ona spatny listok GOD kazdy soul bol platit for everything it
robi maly injustice!
[2:282] O ona verit when ona transact loan any period ona pisat it impartial scribe robit
pisat! Ziaden scribe refuse zastavat this servis GOD's teachings! He pisat chvila debtor
dictates lehota. He observe GOD jeho Lord never cheat If debtor je mentally incapable
helpless nie dictate jeho guardian dictate equitably! 2 clovek serve svedok; if nie 2 clovek
potom clovek 2 zensky whose testimony je acceptable do all Thus if 1 zensky becomes
biased inaksie remind ju! bol zavaznost svedok testify when vola sa upon robi so Nie tire
z pisat details ziaden zalezitost ako long cas repayment! This bol equitable zrak GOD
assures lepsie svedok eliminates any doubts ona have zalezitost transactions ona execute
on the spot nie zapisnica have them svedok! ziaden scribe svedok harmed jeho servis!
Ona harm them it bol wickedness tvoj part Ona observe GOD GOD will teach ona! GOD
bol Omniscient
[2:283] Ona cestovat ziaden scribe bol available puto posta zaruka repayment! Jeden
trusted v this chovanie he spatny listok puto when due he observe GOD jeho Lord Nie
withhold any testimony by zatajit co ona svedok! Ktokolvek withholds testimony bol
sinful o srdce GOD JE fully aware z everything ONA ROBIT.
[2:284] Do GOD belongs everything heavens zem! Whether ona declare tvoj innermost
thoughts keep them zatajit GOD holds ona zodpovedny for them. He forgives whomever
He wills punishes whomever He wills! GOD bol Omnipotent
[2:285] Posol has verit v co sent nadol him jeho Lord a so robit believers! They verit v
GOD Jeho angels Jeho scripture Jeho posol My nie robit distinction any z Jeho posol
They say My hear my obey Forgive us our Lord Do Ona bol ultimate destiny.
[2:286] GOD never burdens soul its ZNAMENAT its credit bol CO it ZARABAT
against bol CO it commits Our Lord nie condemn us my zabudnut robit zamenit! Our
Lord chranit us z blaspheming Ona mat rad those before us robit! Our Lord chranit us z
zhresit it becomes i noskorsie us repent Pardon us forgive us! Ona bol our Lord Zvladnut
Grant us victory disbelieving ludia.
3- Amramites (Al-Imran)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[3:1] A L. M.
[3:2] GOD there NIE bol god except He ZIVY the Eternal.
[3:3] He sent ona this scripture truthfully confirming all previous scriptures He sent
nadol Torah Gospel!
[3:4] before ze, do guide ludia He sent statute kniha! Those disbelieve GOD's
revelations incur severe retribution. GOD bol Almighty Avenger.
[3:5] Nothing zatajit GOD zem heaven.
[3:6] He bol Jeden shapes ona wombs mat rad He wills. There nie bol inak god Him;
Almighty Wise.
[3:7] He sent ona this scripture containing straightforward verses - Kto constitute
essence scripture - I mat rad multiple-meaning allegorical verses Those harbor doubts ich
srdce pursue multiple-meaning verses create zmatok extricate certain vyznam! Ziaden
zauzlit true vyznam thereof except GOD those lepsi founded znalost! They say My verit
v this - all z it pojdem our Lord Len those possess inteligencia berie heed
[3:8] Our Lord let nie our srdce waver teraz ze Ona guided us! Lejak us Tvoj zlutovanie;
Ona bol Grantor!
[3:9] Our Lord Ona iste zozbierat ludia dni bol inevitable! GOD never ZLOMIT
[3:10] Those disbelieve never pomoc ich peniaze nor ich dieta GOD They je kurivo
[3:11] Mat Rad Pharaoh's ludia those them they zamietnut our revelations consequently
GOD punished them ich zhresit. GOD bol strict v enforcing retribution!
[3:12] Say do those disbelieve Ona defeated potom zozbierat Hell; co chudobny abode!
[3:13] Vzor set ona 2 armies clashed - 1 army boj zapricinit GOD chvila inaksie
disbelieving They saw ich own oci they bol dva krat mat rad vela. GOD supports JEHO
victory whomever He wills. This zadovazit assurance those possess vision.
[3:14] Zdobit ludia bol worldly radost such mat rad zensky having dieta piles piles z
zlaty silver vlak horses zivy inventar zozat. These bol latka this world Daleko lepsie
abode rezervovat GOD
[3:15] Say Let mna informovat ona z vela lepsie deal those lead righteous zivot
rezervovat ich Lord bol zahrada flowing streams pure spouses radost GOD's blessings
GOD bol Seer Jeho worshipers!
[3:16] They say Our Lord my verit forgive us our zhresit rezervny us agony hellfire.
[3:17] They bol steadfast truthful submitting charitable a meditators o dawn
[3:18] GOD bears SVEDOK there NIE bol god except He A robi angels those possess
ZNALOST! Truthfully equitably He bol absolute god there nie bol god He Almighty
[3:19] Iba nabozenstvo approved by GOD bol Submission. Ironically those received
scripture bol jeden dispute this fact znalost they received ziarlivsot. For such rejectors
GOD's revelations GOD bol strict do reckoning
[3:20] they argue ona potom say ja len submitted GOD ja those nasledovat mna. Ona
proclaim those received scripture i mat rad those nie robit Would ona submit? they
submit potom they guided they turn tvoj chodidlo mission je deliver this odkaz! GOD bol
Seer all LUDIA.
[3:21] Those zamietnut GOD's revelations killed prophets unjustly killed those zastanca
justice among the ludia, promise them painful retribution!
[3:22] Ich robota nullified both v this zivot Hereafter they nie have helpers.
[3:23] Ona noted those je dat part z scripture ako they invited uphold this scripture GOD
apply it ich own zivy potom some z them turn aversion?
[3:24] This because they said hellfire nie touch us a few dni. They thus klamat ich
nabozenstvo ich own fabrications!
[3:25] Ako it robit for them when my je zvolat them ze inevitable dni? Each soul je
platit for whatever it zarabat maly injustice!
[3:26] Say Our god possessor all sovereignty! Ona grant sovereignty whomever Ona
zvolit si Ona zosadit sovereignty whomever Ona zvolit si. Ona grant dignity whomever
Ona zvolit si commit do humiliation whomever Ona zvolit si. Do Tvoj hand bol all
provisions Ona bol Omnipotent
[3:27] Ona merge night dni merge dni night. Ona produce zivy dead produce dead z
zivy Ona zadovazit for whomever Ona zvolit si limits
[3:28] believers never ally disbelievers believers. Whoever robit this exiled GOD
Exempted som those forced robi this avoid persecution! GOD alerts ONA ZE ONA
reverence Him alone Do GOD bol ultimate destiny.
[3:29] Say Whether ona zatajit tvoj innermost myslienka declare it GOD je fully aware
thereof. He bol fully aware z everything do heavens zem! GOD bol Omnipotent
[3:30] Dni pojdem when each soul zalozit all dobre zavodny it robit brought forth Mat
rad for zlo zavodny it zelat ze they daleko daleko zosadit! GOD alerts ONA ZE ONA
reverence Him alone GOD JE Compassionate towards LUDIA.
[3:31] Proclaim If ona laska GOD ona nasledovat mna GOD will potom laska ona
forgive tvoj zhresit! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[3:32] Proclaim Ona obey GOD posol they turn GOD nie laska disbelievers!
[3:33] GOD ZVOLIT SI Adam Noah RODINA Abraham RODINA Amram POSOL)
[3:34] They belong same progeny. GOD bol Hearer Omniscient
[3:35] Manzelka Amram said Moj Lord ja dedicated baby moj brucho Ona totally so
accept mna! Ona bol Hearer Omniscient
[3:36] When ona dat narodenie do ju ona said Moj Lord ja dat narodenie girl - GOD JE
fully aware z CO ONA bore - Muzsky nie bol same mat rad zena. Ja vola sa ju Mary ja
vzyvat Tvoj protection ju ju descendants z zamietnut devil
[3:37] Ju Lord accepted ju gracious acceptance brought ju gracious upbringing
guardianship Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah zapisat ju sanctuary he zalozit provisions
ju. He ziadat Mary robit ona get this z? Ona say It bol GOD GOD zadovazit for
whomever He ZVOLIT SI limits
[3:38] when Zachariah implored jeho Lord Moj Lord grant mna such dobry dieta Ona
bol Hearer prayers.
[3:39] angels vola sa him when he praying sanctuary GOD dat ona dobry zvest z Ahoj
believer word GOD honorable moral righteous prophet.
[3:40] He said Ako mozem ja have chlapec when ja bol stara moj manzelka sterile He
said GOD robit whatever He wills.
[3:41] He said Moj Lord dat mna znamenie. He said Tvoj znamenie bol lenze ona nie
speak do ludia 3 dni znamenie! Commemorate tvoj Lord frequently; meditate night dni!
[3:42] angels said O Mary GOD zvolit si ona purified ona. He zvolit si ona all zensky.
[3:43] O Mary ona submit tvoj Lord prostrate bow nadol those bow nadol!
[3:44] This bol zvest minuly my reveal ona. Ona nie bol there when they kreslit ich
raffles select Mary's guardian Ona nie bol present when they argued 1 iny
[3:45] angels said O Mary GOD dat ona dobry zvest Word z Him vola sa je Messiah
Jesus syn Mary. He bol prominent v this zivot Hereafter 1 z those koniec do Mna. '
[3:46] He speak do ludia crib i mat rad dospely; he bol 1 z the righteous.
[3:47] Ona said Moj Lord ako mozem ja have syn when ziaden clovek touched mna? He
said GOD thus creates whatever He wills. Do have anything robit He len says do Bol ' it
[3:48] He teach him scripture wisdom Torah Gospel.
[3:49] mat rad posol Dieta Izrael ja pojdem ona znamenie z tvoj Lord - Ja create ona z il
shape bird potom ja blow it it becomes zit bird GOD's odist. Ja restaurovat vision blind
heal leprous ja revive dead GOD's odist! Ja tell ona co ona jestn co ona store tvoj domov.
This bol proof ona if ona bol believers.
[3:50] Ja confirm previous scripture - Torah - Ja revoke certain zakaz impozantny upon
ona. Ja pojdem ona sufficient proof z tvoj Lord Therefore ona observe GOD obey mna.
[3:51] GOD bol MOJ Lord TVOJ Lord ONA KULT Him alone This je na pravo
[3:52] When Jesus zmysel ich disbelief he said Kto bol moj supporters GOD disciples
said My bol GOD's supporters; my verit v GOD bear svedok my bol submitters!
[3:53] Our Lord my have verit v co Ona sent nadol my nasledovat posol; pocitat us
[3:54] They zapletka kut plany robi GOD GOD bol lepsie schemer!
[3:55] Thus GOD said O Jesus ja zakoncit tvoj zivot chov ona do Mi ridding ona z
disbelievers! Ja exalt those nasledovat ona above those disbelieve Dni Vzkriesenie.
Potom do Mna bol ultimate destiny z all z ona potom ja judge ona tvoj disputes
[3:56] Mat rad for those disbelieve ja commit them painful retribution v this world do
Hereafter They nie have helpers.
[3:57] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot He fully recompense them! GOD NIE
LASKA the unjust.
[3:58] These je revelations ze my recite ona zadovazit odkaz full z wisdom!
[3:59] Vzor Jesus GOD zaujem je same mat rad ze z Adam; He created him dust potom
said do him Bol he bol
[3:60] This bol truth tvoj Lord nie harbor any doubts
[3:61] Ktokolvek argues ona znalost ona received potom say Let us zvolat our dieta tvoj
dieta our zensky tvoj zensky yourselves potom let us vzyvat GOD's curse liars!
[3:62] Absolutely this bol narration truth. Absolutely there nie bol god except GOD
Absolutely GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[3:63] they turn potom GOD bol fully aware z evildoers.
[3:64] Say O followers scripture pojdem logical dohoda us ona ze my nie kult GOD my
never set any idols Him nor set any human beings lords GOD they turn say Bear svedok
my bol submitters!
[3:65] O followers scripture why ona argue Abraham when Torah Gospel nie revealed
until after him? Ona nie chapat?
[3:66] Ona argued things ona have zauzlit; ona argue things ona nie zauzlit? GOD
[3:67] Abraham bol neither Zidovsky nor Christian he bol monotheist submitter. He
never bol idol worshiper.
[3:68] Ludia worthy z Abraham bol those nasledovat him this prophet those verit. GOD
bol Lord ZVLADNUT Z believers!
[3:69] Some followers scripture zelat lead ona astray they len lead astray without
[3:70] O followers scripture ona zamietnut these revelations GOD ona bear svedok this
bol truth)?
[3:71] O followers scripture why ona confound truth falsehood robit zatajit truth
[3:72] Some followers scripture say Verit v co sent nadol believers v the rano zamietnut
it v the vecer maybe someday they revert
[3:73] Nie verit except mat rad those nasledovat tvoj nabozenstvo. Say true guidance bol
GOD's guidance. they reklamacia lenze they have same guidance argue ona tvoj Lord say
All grace bol GOD's hand He bestows it whomever He wills. GOD bol Bounteous
[3:74] He specifies Jeho zlutovanie whomever He wills; GOD possesses unlimited grace
[3:75] Some followers scripture trusted whole lot they dat it ona. Others them nie
trusted single dinar; they nie repay ona ona keep them. Je they say My have do bol honest
when dealing s gentiles! Thus they attribute laicky GOD knowingly
[3:76] Indeed those fulfill ich zavaznost lead righteous zivot GOD laska the righteous!
[3:77] Mat rad for those zivnost away GOD's covenant ich zavaznost lacny price they
receive ziaden share Hereafter GOD will NIE speak do them nor look them DNI
VZKRIESENIE nor will He purify them! They incurred painful retribution.
[3:78] Among them je those zvitok ich jazyk imitate scripture ona myslienka je scripture
when nie bol scripture they reklamacia it bol GOD when it nie bol GOD Thus they utter
laicky attribute them GOD knowingly
[3:79] Never would human bol koho GOD zehnat s scripture prophethood say do ludia
Idolize mna GOD Radsej (he say Devote absolutely tvoj Lord alone scripture ona preach
teachings ona learn
[3:80] Nor would he command ona idolize angels prophets lords he exhort ona Would
disbelieve becoming submitters?
[3:81] GOD BERIE covenant prophets saying JA DAT ONA scripture wisdom.
Afterwards posol pojdem confirm all existing scriptures! Ona verit v him support him.
He said Robi ona zhodovat sa this zavazok fulfill this covenant They said My zhodovat.
sa. He said Ona thus borne svedok ja bear svedok ona!
[3:82] Those zamietnut this (Quranic prophecy) bol zly jeden.
[3:83] they seeking GOD's nabozenstvo when everything do heavens zem submitted
Him willingly unwillingly a Him they spatny listok?
[3:84] Say My verit v GOD do co sent us v co sent nadol Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob
Patriarchs v co dat Moses Jesus prophets ich Lord My nie robit distinction any z them.
Do Him alone my bol submitters.
[3:85] Ktokolvek accepts Submission jeho nabozenstvo it nie accepted him Hereafter he
bol losers!
[3:86] Why GOD guide ludia should disbelieved after verit after svedok posol bol truth
a solid proofs dat them? GOD NIE guide the ZLOMYSELNY.
[3:87] These incurred condemnation GOD angels all ludia.
[3:88] Eternally they abide therein; retribution never zmenit them nor will they
[3:89] Exempted bol those kto repent thereafter reform GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[3:90] Those disbelieve verit potom plunge deeper disbelief ich repentance nie accepted
them; they bol real strayers.
[3:91] Those disbelieve umrel disbelievers earthful zlaty will nie accepted any z them
vecer such ransom bol possible They incurred painful retribution; they nie have helpers.
[3:92] Ona nie attain righteousness ona dat laska k bliznemu imanie ona laska.
Whatever ona dat laska k bliznemu GOD bol fully aware thereof.
[3:93] All food pouzivat je lawful for Dieta Izrael Izrael impozantny certain zakaz
themselves before Torah sent nadol! Say Bring Torah read it ona bol truthful!
[3:94] Those fabricate false zakaz this attribute them do GOD bol truly zlomyselny!
[3:95] Say GOD proclaimed truth Ona nasledovat Abraham's nabozenstvo -
monotheism. He never bol idolater.
[3:96] The vela dolezity shrine zriadit for ludia bol 1 Becca; zehnat beacon all ludia.
[3:97] Do je zretelny znamenie stanica Abraham. Ktokolvek zapisat it granted safe
chodba. Ludia owe it GOD ze they observe Hajj this shrine when they afford it Mat rad
for those disbelieve GOD nie need ktokolvek.
[3:98] Say O followers scripture why ona zamietnut these revelations GOD when GOD
svedok everything ona je robit?
[3:99] Say O followers scripture robit ona zapudit chodnicek GOD those zelat verit seek
distort it vecer ona je svedok? GOD je never unaware z anything ona robit!
[3:100] O ona verit ona obey some z those kto received scripture they revert ona verit
[3:101] Ako ona disbelieve when these revelations GOD recited ona Jeho posol pojdem
ona? Whoever holds chytro GOD will guided na pravo chodnicek!
[3:102] O ona verit ona observe GOD mat rad He observed nie umrel Submitters.
[3:103] Ona hold chytro lano GOD all z ona a nie divided Recall GOD's blessings ona! -
Ona pouzivat bol enemies He zmiernit tvoj srdce. By Jeho grace ona became brethren.
Ona je brink bana z zapalit, He saved ona therefrom GOD thus explains JEHO
revelations ONA ONA guided
[3:104] Let there bol obec z ona invite do co bol dobry zastanca righteousness zakazat
zly. These bol winners.
[3:105] Nie bol those became divided disputed zretelny proofs ze dat them! For these
incurred hrozny retribution.
[3:106] Dni pojdem when some faces brightened radost) chvila inaksie faces darkened
misery)! Mat rad for those faces darkened they ziadat ona je nie disbelieve after verit?
Therefore suffer retribution tvoj disbelief!
[3:107] Mat rad for those faces brightened they rejoice GOD's zlutovanie; they abide
therein forever
[3:108] These som GOD's revelations; my recite them ona truthfully. GOD NIE zelat si
any hardship LUDIA.
[3:109] GOD belongs everything heavens everything zem all zalezitost controlled GOD
[3:110] Ona je dobre obec vzdy chov among the ludia ona zastanca righteousness
zakazat zly ona verit v GOD followers scripture verit it je lepsie them. Some z them verit
majority z them bol zlomyselny!
[3:111] They never harm ona beyond insulting ona! they boj ona they turn around flee!
They never zvitazit.
[3:112] They humiliated whenever ona encounter them they uphold GOD's covenant i
mat rad ich peace covenants ona! They incurred zloba GOD consequently they
committed disgrace This because they zamietnut GOD's revelations killed prophets
unjustly! This they disobeyed transgressed
[3:113] They nie bol all the same followers scripture there bol those bol righteous. They
recite GOD's revelations night they jesen prostrate
[3:114] They verit v GOD Posledny Dni they zastanca righteousness zakazat zly they
hasten robi righteous robota! These bol the righteous.
[3:115] Any dobre they nie ist unrewarded. GOD bol fully aware z the righteous.
[3:116] Those disbelieved never pomoc ich peniaze ich dieta GOD They incurred Hell
wherein they abide forever
[3:117] Vzor ich accomplishments v this zivot bol violent zranit hits zatva ludia zlo ich
souls wipes it out! GOD never ZLO them; bol they ZLO!
[3:118] O ona verit nie befriend outsiders never cease zelat ona harm they vecer zelat
see ona suffer! Hatred flows ich usta co they zatajit v ich chests bol daleko zly My thus
clarify revelations ona if ona chapat.
[3:119] Tu ty bol laska them chvila they nie laska ona ona verit v all scripture! When
they schodza ona they say My verit mat rad skoro mat rad they lavy they kusok ich
fingers zurivost ona. Say Umrel tvoj zurivost. GOD bol fully aware z innermost thoughts.
[3:120] When anything dobry pod tvoj way they zranit when nieco zly happens ona they
rejoice Ona steadfastly persevere maintain righteousness ich kut plany never zranit ona!
GOD JE fully aware z everything they ROBIT.
[3:121] Recall ona (Muhammad) je tvoj ludia when ona set out assign believers ich
positions for battle GOD bol Hearer Omniscient
[3:122] 2 zoskupit ona skoro zlyhat GOD bol ich Lord Do GOD believers trust
[3:123] GOD granted ONA victory Badr TVOJ weakness. Therefore ona observe GOD
show tvoj appreciation.
[3:124] Ona told believers Je it nie enough ze tvoj Lord supports ona 3000 angels sent
[3:125] Indeed ona steadfastly persevere maintain righteousness potom they zachvatit
ona zrazu tvoj Lord support ona 5000 angels lepsi vlak
[3:126] GOD thus INFORMOVAT ONA v poradie DAT ONA DOBRY zvest assure
TVOJ srdce Victory pojdem len z GOD Almighty Wise.
[3:127] He thus annihilates some disbelievers neutralizes them; they vzdy koniec losers!
[3:128] Je up do ona; He redeem them He punish them for ich transgressions!
[3:129] Do GOD belongs everything heavens zem! He forgives whomever He wills
punishes whomever He wills! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[3:130] O ona verit ona nie berie usury zlucit over i over Observe GOD ze ona succeed!
[3:131] Beware z hellfire awaits disbelievers!
[3:132] Ona obey GOD posol ze ona attain zlutovanie.
[3:133] Ona eagerly zavodny forgiveness tvoj Lord Raj whose width encompasses
heavens zem; it awaits the righteous
[3:134] Kto dat laska k bliznemu dobry cas, i zly lehota. They bol suppressors zlost
pardoners ludia. GOD LASKA the charitable.
[3:135] they jesen zhresit zlo ich souls they zapamatat si GOD ziadat forgiveness ich
zhresit! - Kto forgives zhresit except GOD - they nie zotrvat do zhresit knowingly
[3:136] Ich recompense bol forgiveness ich Lord zahrada flowing streams they abide
therein forever Co zehnat reward robotnik!
[3:137] Precedents set ona v the minuly; roam zem note consequences unbelievers.
[3:138] This bol proclamation ludia guidance enlightenment for the righteous.
[3:139] Ona nie waver nor shall ona rmutit sa ona bol ultimate victors ona bol believers.
[3:140] Ona suffer hardship enemy i suffers same hardship. My alternate dni victory a
defeat among the ludia! GOD thus distinguishes true believers ZEHNAT some z ONA
martyrdom! GOD NEMAT RAD injustice.
[3:141] GOD thus toughens those verit humiliates disbelievers!
[3:142] Ona expect zapisat Raj GOD distinguishing those among ona kto strive without
distinguishing those bol steadfast?
[3:143] Ona pouzivat long smrt ona face it Ihned ona faced it riadne tvoj oci.
[3:144] Muhammad bol ziaden inak than posol posol him. he umrel Should get killed
ona turn tvoj heels Ktokolvek turns jeho heels nie zranit GOD v the maly GOD rewards
those bol appreciative
[3:145] Ziaden 1 umrel GOD's odist do predetermined cas Whoever seeks vanities this
world my dat him therefrom whoever seeks rewards Hereafter my zehnat him therein!
My reward those bol appreciative
[3:146] Vela prophet had godly ludia boj him without vzdy wavering pressure zapricinit
z GOD nor robit they hesitate become zastrasit! GOD LASKA the steadfast.
[3:147] Ich iba utterance bol Our Lord forgive us our zhresit our transgressions zosilnit
our foothold grant us victory disbelievers!
[3:148] Consequently GOD granted them rewards this world lepsie rewards z Hereafter
[3:149] O ona verit ona obey those disbelieve they turn ona on tvoj heels potom ona
koniec losers!
[3:150] GOD alone bol TVOJ Lord ZVLADNUT He bol LEPSIE supporter!
[3:151] My throw terror srdce z those disbelieved since they set GOD powerless idols.
Ich destiny bol Hell; co chudobny abode transgressors!
[3:152] GOD fulfilled JEHO promise ONA ONA defeated them JEHO ODIST! Potom
ona wavered disputed yourselves disobeyed after He shown ona (victory) ona longed for
Potom some z ona became zmateny spoils this world chvila others rightly zaujem
Hereafter He potom diverted ona them test ona! He pardoned ona. GOD LEJAK
believers JEHO grace
[3:153] Recall lenze ona rushed spoils platit ziaden pozor ktokolvek vecer when posol
vola sa z ona! Consequently He zastupid 1 misery iny ona nie rmutit sa anything ona
zameskat agonize any hardship ona suffered GOD bol Cognizant Z everything ONA
[3:154] After setback He sent ona peaceful spat pacified some z ona. Others ona
selfishly zaujem themselves. They harbored thoughts GOD je na pravo - same thoughts
they harbored dni ignorance. Thus they said Je anything up do us? Say Everything bol up
do GOD They zatajit inside co they nie reveal ona! They said it bol up do us ziaden z us
killed v this battle Say Had ona zostat tvoj domov those destined killed crawled ich smrt
zahon. GOD thus puts ona test bring out tvoj true convictions test co bol tvoj srdce! GOD
bol fully aware z innermost thoughts.
[3:155] Iste those among ona turned dni 2 armies clashed duped devil This zrkadlit
some z (zly) robota they committed GOD pardoned them. GOD bol Forgiver Clement
[3:156] O ona verit nie bol those disbelieved said z ich kinsmen cestovat mobilized
vojnovy Had they zostat us they nie umrel gotten killed GOD renders this zdroj zalost ich
srdce! GOD controls ZIVOT SMRT. GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT!
[3:157] Ona get killed umrel zapricinit GOD forgiveness z GOD zlutovanie bol daleko
lepsie than anything they hoard
[3:158] Ona umrel get killed ona zvolat GOD
[3:159] bol zlutovanie GOD ona became compassionate towards them. Had ona bol
harsh mean-hearted they zhyraly ona. Therefore ona pardon them ziadat forgiveness them
consult them! Once ona robit decision beriem tvoj plan trust GOD GOD LASKA those
trust Him.
[3:160] GOD supports ona ziaden defeat ona. A if He zhyraly ona kto support ona? Do
GOD believers trust
[3:161] Vecer prophet nie berie inak z spoils vojnovy than he entitled Ktokolvek berie
inak than jeho rightful share have zisk for it Dni Vzkriesenie! Je when each soul je platit
for whatever it zarabat maly injustice.
[3:162] Jeden pursues GOD's radost same mat rad jeden je incurs zloba GOD jeho
destiny bol Hell the vela chudobny abode?
[3:163] They istota zaujaty inak ranks GOD GOD bol Seer Z everything they ROBIT.
[3:164] GOD ZEHNAT believers CHOV ICH midst POSOL them recite them JEHO
revelations purify them teach them scripture wisdom! Before this they ist totally astray.
[3:165] Ihned ona suffered setback vecer ona inflicted dva krat mat rad vela suffering
(upon tvoj enemy ona said robit this happen us? Say This bol consequence z tvoj own
cin. GOD bol Omnipotent
[3:166] Co afflicted ona dni 2 armies clashed bol v accordance s GOD's will distinguish
[3:167] Do expose hypocrites told Pojdem boj zapricinit GOD contribute They said my
zauzlit ako boj my joined ona. They bol koniec do disbelief potom than they bol belief!
They uttered ich usta co nie bol ich srdce! GOD zauzlit co they ZATAJIT.
[3:168] They said z ich kinsmen mat rad they zostat zadny Had they obeyed us they nie
killed Say Potom zamedzit tvoj own smrt ona bol truthful!
[3:169] Nie myslienka those killed zapricinit GOD bol dead they bol alive ich Lord
enjoying Jeho provisions
[3:170] They rejoicing GOD's grace they have dobry zvest ich comrades robi nie
zomriet them ze they have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa!
[3:171] They have dobry zvest z GOD's blessings a grace a lenze GOD never zlyhat
reward believers!
[3:172] those respond GOD posol persecution they suffer maintain ich dobry robota lead
righteous zivot velka reward
[3:173] When ludia say do them Ludia mobilized ona; ona fear them this len zosilnit ich
faith they say GOD suffices us; He je lepsie Protector!
[3:174] They zasluzit GOD's blessings grace ziaden harm vzdy touches them they
attained GOD's approval GOD possesses infinite grace
[3:175] bol devil's system instill fear jeho subjects Nie fear them fear Mna radsej if ona
bol believers!
[3:176] Nie saddened those hasten disbelieve! They never zranit GOD v the maly
Radsej GOD has willed ze they have share Hereafter They incurred hrozny retribution.
[3:177] Those zvolit si disbelief belief nie zranit GOD v the maly they incurred painful
[3:178] Let nie disbelievers myslienka my lead them for ich own dobre My len lead
them on confirm ich sinfulness! They incurred humiliating retribution.
[3:179] GOD NIE bol LAVY believers ONA JE without distinguishing ZLY Z dobre
Nor robit GOD informovat ona z buduci GOD bestows such znalost whomever He zvolit
si Jeho posol! Therefore ona verit v GOD Jeho posol. Ona verit lead righteous zivot ona
receive velka recompense
[3:180] Let nie those withhold hoard GOD's provisions myslienka this bol dobry them;
it bol zly for them! For they beriem ich hoarding ich krk Dni Vzkriesenie. GOD bol
ultimate inheritor Z heavens ZEM. GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT.
[3:181] GOD heard utterances those said GOD bol CHUDOBNY CHVILA MY bol
ZIRNY. MY ZAPISNICA everything they said iba mat rad MY ZAPISNICA ICH killing
prophets unjustly MY say Suffer retribution Hell!
[3:182] This bol consequence tvoj own zavodny. GOD bol never unjust towards ludia.
[3:183] bol they said GOD robit covenant us ze my nie verit v any posol he produces
offering gets consumed zapalit. Say Posol mna pojdem do ona zretelny proofs inkluzive
co ona iba ziadat! Why potom ona kill them ona robit bol truthful?
[3:184] they zamietnut ona posol ona zamietnut vecer they brought proofs Zalm
enlightening scripture.
[3:185] Kazdy clovek chut smrt potom ona receive tvoj recompense Dni Vzkriesenie!
Whoever zameskat Hell ledva robit it Raj attained velka triumph Zivot this world bol
ziaden inak than iluzia.
[3:186] Ona istota tested tvoj peniaze tvoj zivot ona hear z those received scripture z
idol worshipers a lot z insult Ona steadfastly persevere lead righteous zivot this prove
strength tvoj faith!
[3:187] GOD BERIE covenant Z those received scripture ONA proclaim it LUDIA
never ZATAJIT it they disregarded it ICH ZADNY zivnost it away LACNY price Co
chudobny zivnost.
[3:188] Those kto chvastat sa ich robota zelat chvalit nieco they skutocne nie robit nie
myslienka they evade retribution. They incurred painful retribution.
[3:189] Do GOD belongs sovereignty z heavens zem! GOD bol Omnipotent
[3:190] Do creation z heavens zem alternation night dni there bol znamka those possess
[3:191] They zapamatat si GOD chvila standing zasadat ich strana they zrkadlit creation
heavens zem Our Lord Ona nie create all this v vain Ona glorified Save us z retribution
[3:192] Our Lord whomever Ona commit do Hell som the jeden Ona forsaken Such
transgressors nie have helpers.
[3:193] Our Lord my heard caller vola sa do faith proclaiming ‘Ona verit v tvoj Lord '
my verit! Our Lord forgive us our transgressions remit our zhresit umrel righteous
[3:194] Our Lord lejak us blessings ona promised us Tvoj posol nie forsake us Dni
Vzkriesenie! Ona never zlomit promise
[3:195] Ich Lord responded them ja never zlyhat reward any robotnik ona any robota
ona bol ona muzsky zena - Ona bol equal do jeden iny Thus those immigrate evicted ich
domov persecuted Mi boj get killed ja iste remit ich zhresit admit them into zahrada
flowing streams Such bol reward GOD GOD possesses ultimate reward
[3:196] Nie imponovat zjavny zdar disbelievers!
[3:197] They len enjoy temporarily potom koniec Hell; co chudobny destiny!
[3:198] Mat rad for those observe ich Lord they zasluzit zahrada flowing streams they
abide therein forever Such je abode dat do them GOD Co GOD possesses je daleko
lepsie for the righteous.
[3:199] Iste some followers previous scriptures verit v GOD v co revealed ona v co
revealed them! They reverence GOD they never zivnost away GOD's revelations for
lacny price These receive ich recompense ich Lord GOD JE the vela ZDATNY DO
[3:200] O ona verit ona bol steadfast ona persevere ona zlucit ona observe GOD ze ona
4- Zensky (Al-Nisa)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[4:1] O ludia observe tvoj Lord Jeden created ona 1 created z it its mate potom spread 2
vela clovek zensky. Ona zretel GOD koho ona swear zretel rodicia! GOD watching
[4:2] Ona hand orphans ich rightful imanie. Nie zastupid zly for dobre nie consume ich
imanie combining them yours! This bol gross injustice.
[4:3] Ona deem it dobre orphans ona vydana ich matka - Ona vydana 2 3 4. Ona fear
lest ona become unfair potom ona bol content len jeden al co ona already have
Additionally ona je thus likely avoid financial hardship!
[4:4] Ona dat zensky ich due dowries equitably. they willingly forfeit anything potom
ona accept it it bol rightfully yours.
[4:5] Nie dat immature orphans imanie lenze GOD entrusted ona guardians! Ona shall
zadovazit for them therefrom clothe them treat them laskavo!
[4:6] Ona test orphans when they zastihnut puberty. Mat rad skoro mat rad ona zalozit
them zrely enough dat them ich imanie! Nie consume it extravagantly v a ponahlajte sa
before they grow Zirny guardian nie zverenec any wage chudobny guardian maj zverenec
equitably! When ona dat them ich imanie ona have svedok. GOD suffices Reckoner.
[4:7] Clovek get share z co rodicia vztazny vlavo Zensky i get share z co rodicia vztazny
vlavo Whether bol male velka inheritance (zensky get definite share
[4:8] During distribution inheritances vztazny orphans chudobny clovek bol present ona
dat them therefrom treat them laskavo!
[4:9] Those zaujem ich own dieta v puzdro they vlavo them observe GOD bol equitable!
[4:10] Those consume orphans' imanie unjustly jestn zapalit ich brucho suffer Hell!
[4:11] GOD decrees will for the benefit TVOJ DIETA; MUZSKY gets DVA KRAT
share ZENA! If inheritors je len zensky inak than 2 they get two-thirds z co bequeathed
Len jeden dcera lavy ona gets one-half. Rodicia zomrela get one-sixth inheritance each
zomrela lavy any dieta. he nie lavy dieta jeho rodicia bol iba inheritors matka gets one-
third! he has siblings potom matka gets one-sixth. All this after fulfilling any will
zomrela lavy after platit off all debts. When it pojdem tvoj rodicia tvoj dieta ona nie
zauzlit kto z them bol skutocne dobry do ona the vela beneficial. This bol GOD's zakon.
GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:12] Ona get half z co tvoj manzelka vlavo they nie had dieta. they had dieta ona get
one-fourth z co they lavy. All this after fulfilling any will they lavy after platit off all
debts. They get one-fourth z co ona vlavo ona nie had dieta. Ona had dieta they get one-
eighth z co ona bequeath All this after fulfilling any will ona lavy after platit off all debts.
If zomrela clovek zensky bol loner vlavo 2 siblings muzsky zenska each z them gets one-
sixth inheritance! there bol inak siblings potom they equally share one-third inheritance.
All this after fulfilling any will after platit off all debts so ze ziaden 1 zranit. This will
decreed GOD GOD bol Omniscient Clement
[4:13] These bol GOD's zakon. Those obey GOD Jeho posol He admit them zahrada
flowing streams wherein they abide forever This bol velka triumph
[4:14] Mat rad for 1 kto disobeys GOD Jeho posol transgresses Jeho zakon He admit
him Hell wherein he abides forever He incurred shameful retribution.
[4:15] Those commit adultery tvoj zensky ona have 4 svedok them z ona. they bear
svedok potom ona keep such zensky ich domov until they umrel al GOD creates vychod
[4:16] couple commits adultery punished they repent reform ona vlavo them! GOD bol
Redeemer Merciful.
[4:17] Repentance bol acceptable GOD z those jesen zhresit ignorance potom repent
ihned thereafter! GOD redeems them. GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:18] Nie acceptable je repentance z those commit zhresit smrt pojdem them potom say
Ihned ja repent Nor je it acceptable z those umrel disbelievers! For these my chystat
painful retribution.
[4:19] O ona verit nie bol lawful ona zdedit co zensky vlavo against ich will Ona nie
force them dat up anything ona dat them they commit proven adultery! Ona treat them
nicely. Ona nemat rad them ona nemat rad nieco wherein GOD miesto a lot z dobry.
[4:20] Ona zelat vydana iny manzelka v miesto tvoj present manzelka ona dat any z
them a velka deal ona nie berie anything ona dat ju! Ona berie it fraudulently maliciously
[4:21] Ako ona berie it after ona je intimny s each inak, they pocas ona solemn
[4:22] Nie vydana zensky previously vydana tvoj otca! - existing manzelstvo exempted
nie zlomeny - for it bol gross offense abominable cin.
[4:23] Zakazat for ona manzelstvo) bol tvoj matka tvoj dcera tvoj sestra sestra tvoj otca
sestra tvoj matka dcera tvoj brat dcera tvoj sestra tvoj nursing matka girls kto nursed z
same zensky mat rad ona matka tvoj manzelka dcera tvoj manzelka koho ona
consummated manzelstvo! - Manzelstvo nie consummated ona vydana dcera. I zakazat
ona bol zensky vydana tvoj genetic syn. I ona nie vydana 2 sestra o the same cas - robi
nie zlomit existing manzelstvo! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:24] I zakazat som zensky already vydana they flee ich disbelieving muz bol o
vojnovy ona. These bol GOD's commandments ona. All inaksie categories permitted ona
manzelstvo long mat rad ona zaplatit them ich due dowries. Ona maintain tvoj morality
by nie committing adultery! Thus whoever ona zaluba them ona zaplatit them dowry
decreed for them. Ona nie commit omyl by mutually agreeing do any adjustments do
dowry! GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:25] Those among ona nie afford vydana volny verit zensky vydana verit slave
zensky! GOD zauzlit DOBRY TVOJ belief ONA bol equal do JEDEN iny mat rad
daleko mat rad belief ZAUJEM! Ona ziskat permission z ich guardians ona vydana them
zaplatit them ich due dowry equitably! They maintain moral chovanie by nie committing
adultery, al having secret lovers! Once they volny manzelstvo they commit adultery, ich
punishment bol half z ze volny zensky. Vydana slave bol posledny vyletne miesto for
those unable cakat! Je chory je lepsie for ona. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:26] GOD wills explain things ONA guide ONA through MINULY precedents DO
redeem ONA! GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:27] GOD ZELAT redeem ONA CHVILA those pursue ICH lusts ZELAT ONA
deviate VELKA deviation!
[4:28] GOD ZELAT BLESK ONA burden human bol created CHABY.
[4:29] O ona verit nie consume each others' imanie illicitly - Len mutually acceptable
transactions permitted Ona nie kill! GOD bol Merciful towards ONA
[4:30] Ktokolvek commits these transgressions maliciously deliberately my condemn
him do Hell. This bol easy GOD robit.
[4:31] Ona zdrzat sa z committing gross zhresit zakazat ona my remit tvoj zhresit admit
ona honorable admittance!
[4:32] Ona nie covet kvalita bestowed upon each inak by GOD clovek enjoy certain
kvalita zensky enjoy certain kvalita! Ona implore GOD lejak ona Jeho grace GOD bol
fully aware z all things.
[4:33] For each z ona my designated shares inheritance vlavo by rodicia vztazny. I those
related do ona manzelstvo ona dat them ich due share GOD SVEDOK all things.
[4:34] Clovek robit zodpovedny zensky GOD endowed them certain kvalita robit them
chlieb earners! righteous zensky cheerfully accept this zostava it bol GOD's
commandment honor ich muz ich absence. If ona zazitok rebellion zensky ona prvy talk
do them potom (ona pouzivat zaporny incentives mat) rad) zbehnut them v zahon, potom
ona maj posledny alternative beat them! they obey ona ona nie permitted transgress them.
[4:35] couple fears separation ona appoint arbitrator jeho rodina arbitrator z ju rodina;
they decide zmiernit GOD will pomoc them get dohromady! GOD bol Omniscient
[4:36] Ona kult GOD alone - robi nie associate anything Him! Ona zretel rodicia
vztazny orphans chudobny related neighbor unrelated neighbor koniec associate cestovat
alien tvoj servants. GOD NIE ROBIT arrogant show-offs.
[4:37] Jeden bol lakomstvo exhort ludia bol lakomstvo zatajit co GOD bestowed them
Jeho bounties! My chystat disbelievers shameful retribution.
[4:38] They dat peniaze laska k bliznemu len show chvila disbelieving GOD Posledny
Dni! 1 companion bol devil je zly companion.
[4:39] Why they nie verit v GOD Posledny Dni dat GOD's provisions them? GOD bol
fully aware z them.
[4:40] GOD NIE inflict atom's weight injustice. On the contrary He multiplies reward
manifold for righteous robota grants z Him velka recompense
[4:41] Thus when dni judgment pojdem my vola sa svedok each obec ona (posol) serve
svedok these ludia.
[4:42] Dni those disbelieved disobeyed posol zelat they je level ground nie single
utterance will they bol able do zatajit z GOD
[4:43] O ona verit nie observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) chvila intoxicated so ze ona
zauzlit co ona saying Nor after sexual orgasm kupel unless ona je cesta cestovat ona bol
chory cestovat ona had urinary fecal-related excretion such mat rad gas zmluva zensky
(sexually) ona nie zalozit zavlazit ona observe Tayammum dry ablution) touching cisty
dry znecistit potom wiping tvoj faces hands therewith! GOD bol Pardoner Forgiver.
[4:44] Ona noted those received portion scripture a ako they zvolit si stray zelat ona
stray chodnicek?
[4:45] GOD zauzlit LEPSIE KTO TVOJ enemies bol GOD bol IBA Lord Zvladnut
GOD bol IBA Supporter.
[4:46] Among those bol Zidovsky some distort words truth they say My hear my
disobey Tvoj words falling deaf ears Raa'ena bol our shepherd mat rad they zvitok ich
jazyk mock nabozenstvo! Had they said My hear my obey My hear ona Unzurna watch
us) it je lepsie for them a righteous. Radsej they incurred condemnation GOD ich
disbelief. Consequently majority z them nie verit.
[4:47] O ona received scripture ona verit v co my reveal tu confirming co ona have
before my banish certain faces exile condemn them mat rad my condemned those
desecrated Sabbath! GOD's command robit.
[4:48] GOD NIE forgive idolatry He forgives lesser offenses whomever He wills.
Ktokolvek sets idols GOD kut horrendous offense
[4:49] Ona noted those Have exalt? Radsej GOD je Jeden exalts whomever He wills
maly injustice.
[4:50] Note ako they fabricate laicky GOD co gross offense this bol
[4:51] Ona noted those received portion scripture a ako they verit v idolatry false
doctrine potom say disbelievers je lepsie guided than believers!?
[4:52] bol they incurred GOD's condemnation whomever GOD condemns ona nie
zalozit any helper him!
[4:53] they own share sovereignty? they robit they nie dat ludia zrno.
[4:54] Je they zavistlivy z ludia because GOD lejak them Jeho blessings? My dat
Abraham's rodina scripture wisdom; my granted them velka authority
[4:55] Some z them verit therein some z them zapudit therefrom Hell bol iba iba
retribution for these!
[4:56] Iste those disbelieve our revelations my condemn them hellfire. Whenever ich
skins zhoreny my dat them new skins Thus they suffer continuously. GOD bol Almighty
[4:57] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot my admit them zahrada flowing
streams they abide therein forever They have pure spouses therein. My admit them
blissful zaclonit.
[4:58] GOD commands ONA dat anything LUDIA entrusted ONA. Ona judge among
the ludia, ona judge equitably. Dobry enlightenment indeed je co GOD odporucat ona.
GOD bol Hearer Seer.
[4:59] O ona verit ona obey GOD ona obey posol those do zverenec ona! Ona dispute
any zalezitost ona refer it GOD posol ona verit v GOD Posledny Dni. This bol lepsi ona
zadovazit ona lepsie riesenie!
[4:60] Ona noted those reklamacia ze they Have verit v co revealed ona v co revealed
before ona je potom uphold unjust zakon ich idols? They commanded zamietnut such
zakon! Indeed bol devil's zelat lead them daleko astray.
[4:61] When they told Pojdem co GOD revealed posol ona see hypocrites shunning ona
[4:62] Ako it robit when disaster je hits them mat rad consequence ich own robota?
They pojdem ona potom swear GOD Our zamer bol dobry righteous!
[4:63] GOD bol fully aware z ICH innermost ZAMER. Ona ignorovat them enlighten
them dat them dobry rada save ich souls!
[4:64] My nie send any posol except obeyed v accordance s GOD's will Had they when
they zlo ich souls pojdem ona prayed GOD forgiveness posol prayed ich forgiveness they
zalozit GOD Redeemer Merciful.
[4:65] Never indeed by tvoj Lord they nie bol believers they pojdem ona judge ich
disputes potom zalozit hesitation ich srdce whatsoever do accepting tvoj judgment They
submit total submission.
[4:66] Had my decreed them Ona offer tvoj zivot Dat up tvoj domov they nie robit it
except for a few z them. (Vecer such command issued had they robit co they commanded
robi it je lepsi them prove strength ich faith!
[4:67] A my granted them velka recompense
[4:68] A my guided them na pravo chodnicek.
[4:69] Those obey GOD posol belong those zehnat GOD - prophets saints martyrs a the
righteous. These som dobre podnik.
[4:70] Such je zehnat z GOD GOD je lepsie Knower.
[4:71] O ona verit ona zostat alert mobilize mat rad individuum mobilize all
[4:72] Iste there bol those ona zavliect ich nohy potom setback afflicts ona they say
GOD zehnat mna ze ja nie martyred them.
[4:73] Ona attain zehnat GOD they say mat rad if nie friendship vzdy existed ona them
Ja zelat si ja bol them ja share such velky victory!
[4:74] Those readily boj zapricinit GOD bol those forsake this world Hereafter Whoever
boj zapricinit GOD potom gets killed attains victory my iste grant him velka recompense
[4:75] Why should ona nie boj zapricinit GOD when chaby clovek zensky dieta
imploring Our Lord deliver us z this obec whose ludia je oppressive bol Ona our Lord
[4:76] Those verit boj zapricinit GOD chvila those disbelieve boj zapricinit tyranny.
Therefore ona boj devil's allies devil's power je nil
[4:77] Ona noted those told Ona Have je boj; all ona have observe Zmluva Prayers
(Salat) je dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat) potom when boj decreed them they feared
ludia mat rad vela mat rad they feared GOD je vecer inak They said Our Lord Ona force
this boj us? If len Ona respite us awhile! Say latka this world je nil chvila Hereafter bol
daleko lepsie righteous ona never suffer slightest injustice.
[4:78] Wherever ona bol smrt will zastihnut up s ona vecer ona zit v formidable zamok!
When nieco dobre happens them they say This je GOD a when nieco zly afflicts them
they blame ona! Say Everything pojdem GOD these ludia misunderstand skoro
[4:79] Anything dobre happens ona je GOD anything zly ze happens ona bol ona. My
sent ona posol ludia GOD suffices mat rad svedok!
[4:80] Whoever obeys posol obeying GOD Mat rad for those turn my nie send ona ich
[4:81] They zavazok obedience they lavy ona some z them harbor zamer contrary do co
they say GOD ZAPISNICA ICH innermost ZAMER. Ona disregard them put tvoj trust
[4:82] Why they nie study Quran carefully If je z inak than GOD they zalozit it
numerous contradictions.
[4:83] When rumor affects zaruka pojdem ich way they spread it Had they referred it
posol those v zverenec them those chapat these zalezitost informovat them! If it je for
GOD's grace ona Jeho zlutovanie ona nasledovat devil a few
[4:84] Ona boj zapricinit GOD ona bol zodpovedny len tvoj own soul exhort believers
robi the same GOD will neutralize power Z those disbelieve! GOD bol vela MOCNY
vela effective
[4:85] Whoever mediates dobry cin receives share credit thereof whoever mediates zly
robota incurs share thereof! GOD controls all things.
[4:86] When greeted pozdravy ona respond lepsie pozdravy o maly equal 1! GOD
reckons all things.
[4:87] GOD there NIE bol god except He. He iste zvolat ona Dni Vzkriesenie -
inevitable dni. Whose narration je truthful than GOD's
[4:88] Why ona divide 2 zoskupit hypocrites ona)? GOD JE JEDEN condemned them
ich own CHOVANIE. Ona chudoba guide those robit sent astray GOD Whomever GOD
sends astray ona never zalozit way guide them!
[4:89] They zelat ona disbelieve mat rad they disbelieved potom ona become equal Nie
consider them znamy unless they mobilize along s ona zapricinit GOD they turn ona ona
boj them ona kill them when ona encounter them do vojnovy! Ona nie accept them
znamy allies
[4:90] Exempted som those join zaludnit koho ona znamka peace treaty those pojdem
ona zelat nie boj ona nor boj ich vztazny! Had GOD willed He permitted them boj ona!
Therefore if they vlavo ona zdrzat sa z boj ona offer ona peace potom GOD dat ona nie
excuse boj them!
[4:91] Ona zalozit others zelat robit peace ona i ich ludia. However mat rad skoro mat
rad vojnovy erupts they boj ona! these zaludnit vlavo ona offer ona peace zastavit boj ona
ona boj them when ona encounter them! Against these my dat ona zretelny authorization
[4:92] Ziaden believer kill iny believer it bol zrazka. Jeden kills believer by zrazka, he
atone volny verit slave zaplatit compensation victim's rodina they forfeit such
compensation laska k bliznemu! victim belonged do ludia je o vojnovy ona he bol
believer ona atone volny verit slave he belonged do ludia koho ona znamka peace treaty
ona zaplatit compensation inak volny verit slave Ona nie zalozit slave volny ona atone
chytro 2 consecutive mesiac v poradie redeemed GOD GOD bol Knower Wise.
[4:93] Ktokolvek kills believer on ucel, jeho retribution bol Hell wherein he abides
forever GOD je angry him condemns him chystat him hrozny retribution!
[4:94] O ona verit ona strike zapricinit GOD ona bol absolutely istota. Nie say do jeden
offers ona peace Ona je believer seeking spoils this world For GOD possesses infinite
spoils Zapamatat Si ona pouzivat bol them GOD zehnat ona! Therefore ona je absolutely
istota ona strike GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT.
[4:95] Nie equal som sedentary believers nie handicapped those strive zapricinit GOD
ich peniaze ich zivot. GOD exalts strivers ICH PENIAZE ICH ZIVOT above the
sedentary. both GOD promises salvation GOD exalts strivers sedentary velky
[4:96] higher ranks pojdem Him i mat rad forgiveness zlutovanie. GOD bol Forgiver
[4:97] Those zivot zakoncit angels chvila statny z zlo ich souls angels ziadat them Co
bol the zalezitost ona? They say My oppressed zem. They say Je GOD's zem nie spacious
enough ona emigrate therein? these zaverecny abode bol Hell chudobny destiny!
[4:98] Exempted som chaby clovek zensky dieta nie possess strength nor znamenat
zalozit way
[4:99] These pardoned GOD GOD bol Pardoner Forgiver.
[4:100] Ktokolvek emigrates zapricinit z GOD will zalozit zem velka bounties richness!
Ktokolvek dat up jeho domov emigrating GOD Jeho posol potom smrt zastihnut up s him
jeho recompense rezervovat GOD GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:101] When ona cestovat during vojnovy ona nie commit omyl shortening tvoj
Zmluva Prayers (Salat) ona fear ze disbelievers zachvatit ona! Iste disbelievers bol tvoj
zapalisty enemies.
[4:102] When ona bol them lead Zmluva Prayer (Salat) them let some z ona stand guard
let them hold ich zbran let them stand ona ona prostrate Potom let inaksie zoskupit nie
prayed berie ich turn praying ona chvila others stand guard hold ich zbran! Those
disbelieved zelat see ona zanedbany tvoj zbran tvoj naradie v poradie zachvatit ona once i
for all Ona nie commit omyl ona hampered dazo zranenie putting nadol tvoj zbran long
mat rad ona zostat alert GOD chystat disbelievers shameful retribution.
[4:103] Once ona complete tvoj Zmluva Prayer (Salat) ona zapamatat si GOD chvila
standing zasadat laicky! Once vojnovy bol ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat;) Zmluva
Prayers (Salat) decreed believers specific lehota!
[4:104] Nie waver pursuing enemy Ona suffer they i suffer. Ona expect GOD co they
never expect. GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:105] My sent nadol ona scripture truthfully v poradie do judge among the ludia v
accordance s co GOD shown ona! Ona nie strana betrayers.
[4:106] Ona implore GOD forgiveness. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:107] Nie argue on behalf z those zlo ich own souls; GOD nie laska any betrayer
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فرانس کے حالیہ واقعات کے بعد یورپ اور شمالی امریکی ملکوں کے نوجوانوں کے نام پ...فرانس کے حالیہ واقعات کے بعد یورپ اور شمالی امریکی ملکوں کے نوجوانوں کے نام پ...
فرانس کے حالیہ واقعات کے بعد یورپ اور شمالی امریکی ملکوں کے نوجوانوں کے نام پ...hajj2013
письмо великого лидера исламской революции молодежи европы и северной америки
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письмо великого лидера исламской революции молодежи европы и северной америкиhajj2013
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فرانس کے حالیہ واقعات کے بعد یورپ اور شمالی امریکی ملکوں کے نوجوانوں کے نام پ...
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Holy quran slovak

  • 1. slovak HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian 00989354664487 . 1- Kluc (Al-Fatiha) . [1:1] V the vola sa z GOD Gracious Merciful. [1:2] Chvalit bol GOD Lord universe. [1:3] Gracious Merciful. [1:4] Zvladnut Dni Judgment [1:5] Ona alone my kult; Ona alone my ziadat pomoc. [1:6] Guide us do na pravo chodnicek: [1:7] Chodnicek z those Ona zehnat; nie z those zasluzit zloba nor strayers. . 2- Heifer (Al-Baqarah) . V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful [2:1] A L. M. [2:2] This scripture bol infallible; beacon for the righteous; [2:3] Kto verit v unseen observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) z our provisions do them they dat laska k bliznemu!
  • 2. [2:4] they verit v co revealed ona v co revealed before ona zretel Hereafter they je absolutely certain! [2:5] These som guided by ich Lord these bol winners. [2:6] Mat rad for those disbelieve bol the same them; whether ona warn them nie warn them they nie verit! [2:7] GOD ZAPECATIT ICH ZMYSLANIE ICH hearing ICH OCI ZAVOJ. They incurred severe retribution. [2:8] Potom there bol those say My verit v GOD Posledny Dni chvila they nie bol believers. [2:9] Do trying klamat GOD those verit they len klamat without zbadat! [2:10] Do ich zmyslanie there bol disease Consequently GOD zvacsit ich disease They incurred painful retribution for ich laicky! [2:11] When they told nie commit zly they say my bol righteous! [2:12] Skutocne they bol evildoers they nie zbadat! [2:13] When they told Verit ludia verit they say Shall my verit mat rad fools verit? skutocne bol they je fools they nie zauzlit! [2:14] When they schodza believers they say My verit when alone ich devils they say My je s ona; my len mocking [2:15] GOD mocks them leads them ICH transgressions blundering [2:16] bol they kupit straying guidance! Such zivnost never prospers nor robit they receive any guidance. [2:17] Ich vzor bol those zaciatok zapalit potom mat rad it zacat chliev lahky them GOD berie away ich lahky lavy them v darkness, unable see [2:18] Deaf dumb blind they zlyhat spatny listok! [2:19] Iny vzor rainstorm sky do there bol darkness thunder lightning They put ich fingers ich ears evade smrt! GOD bol fully aware z disbelievers. [2:20] lightning skoro chmatnut away ich eyesight. When it kypry them they move forward a when it turns dark they stand still If GOD wills He mozem berie away ich hearing ich eyesight! GOD bol Omnipotent
  • 3. [2:21] O ludia kult len tvoj Lord - Jeden created ona a those before ona - Ze ona saved [2:22] Jeden robit zem habitable ona sky zlozenie. He sends sky zavlazit produce all laskavy z ovocie tvoj sustenance. Ona nie set idols rival GOD ihned ze ona zauzlit. [2:23] Ona have any doubt zretel co my revealed our servant potom produce 1 sura mat rad these vola sa tvoj own svedok GOD ona bol truthful. [2:24] If ona nie robit this - Ona never robit this - Potom beware z Hellfire kurivo je zaludnit rocks it awaits disbelievers! [2:25] Dat dobry zvest those verit lead righteous zivot ze they have zahrada flowing streams When zadovazit s provision ovocie therein they say This bol co je zadovazit for us previously! Thus they dat allegorical descriptions. They have pure spouses therein they abide therein forever [2:26] GOD NIE shy away citing any laskavy z allegory tiny mosquito VELKA. Mat rad for those kto verit they zauzlit it bol truth ich Lord Mat rad for those disbelieve they say Co robit GOD lakomstvo such allegory? He zmylit vela thereby guides vela thereby! He never zmylit thereby except the zlomyselny [2:27] Kto znasilnit GOD's covenant zavazok uphold it sever co GOD commanded joined commit zly! These bol losers. [2:28] Ako ona disbelieve GOD when ona dead He je dat ona zivot potom He puts ona smrt potom He brings ona chrbat zivot potom Him ona ultimately spatny listok? [2:29] He je Jeden created ona everything on zem potom turned sky zdokonalit 7 universes therein He bol fully aware z all things! [2:30] Recall tvoj Lord said do angels ja miesto zastupca temporary god Zem. They said robit Ona miesto therein jeden spread zly therein chliev blood chvila my sing Tvoj chvalit glorify Ona uphold Tvoj absolute authority He said ja zauzlit co ona nie zauzlit! [2:31] He taught Adam all vola sa potom presented them angels saying Dat mna vola sa z these ona je na pravo! [2:32] They said Ona glorified my nie have znalost kto Ona taught us. Ona bol Omniscient Wise. [2:33] He said O Adam tell them ich vola sa When he told them ich vola sa He said ja nie tell ona ja zauzlit secrets z heavens zem? Ja zauzlit co ona declare co ona zatajit. [2:34] When my said do angels, Jesen prostrate Adam they fell prostrate Satan; he refused bol i arrogant a disbeliever.
  • 4. [2:35] My said O Adam zit tvoj manzelka v Raj jestn therefrom generously mat rad ona prosim nie zblizit sa this strom lest ona zhresit! [2:36] devil duped them zapricinit ich eviction therefrom My said Ist nadol enemies z 1 iny On Zem bol tvoj habitation provision for awhile! [2:37] Potom Adam received z jeho Lord words whereby He redeemed him! He bol Redeemer Merciful. [2:38] My said Ist nadol therefrom all z ona! When guidance pojdem ona Mna those nasledovat Moj guidance have fear nor will they rmutit sa! [2:39] Mat rad for those disbelieve zamietnut our revelations they bol dwellers Hell wherein they abide forever [2:40] O Dieta Izrael zapamatat si Moj favor ja bestowed ona fulfill tvoj part covenant ze ja fulfill Moj part covenant reverence Mna! [2:41] Ona verit v co ja revealed tu confirming co ona have je prvy zamietnut it Nie zivnost away Moj revelations lacny price observe Mna! [2:42] Nie confound truth falsehood nor shall ona zatajit truth knowingly [2:43] Ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat) bow nadol those bow nadol. [2:44] Ona exhort ludia robit bol righteous chvila zabudnut yourselves ona read scripture? Ona nie chapat? [2:45] Ona seek pomoc steadfastness Zmluva Prayers (Salat)! This bol difficult indeed nie so for the reverent [2:46] Kto verit they schodza ich Lord ze do Him they ultimately spatny listok. [2:47] O Dieta Izrael zapamatat si Moj favor ja bestowed ona ze ja zehnat ona inak than any inaksie zaludnit. [2:48] Beware z dni when ziaden soul avail iny soul ziaden intercession nie accepted ransom zaplatit nor mozem ktokolvek pomoc! [2:49] Recall lenze my saved ona Pharaoh's ludia inflicted ona chory persecution slaying tvoj syn rezervny tvoj dcera! Ze exacting test tvoj Lord [2:50] Recall lenze my parted sea ona; my saved ona drowned Pharaoh's zaludnit tvoj oci!
  • 5. [2:51] lenze when my zvolat Moses 40 nights ona kult calf jeho absence turned zlomyselny. [2:52] Still my pardoned ona thereafter ze ona bol appreciative [2:53] Recall lenze my dat Moses scripture statute kniha lenze ona guided [2:54] Recall lenze Moses said do jeho ludia O moj zaludnit ona zlo tvoj souls kult calf Ona repent tvoj Creator. Ona kill tvoj egos. This je lepsie ona zrak tvoj Creator. He robit redeem ona. He bol Redeemer Merciful. [2:55] Recall lenze ona said O Moses my nie verit my see GOD physically. Consequently lightning struck ona mat rad ona looked [2:56] My potom revived ona ona umrel lenze ona bol appreciative [2:57] My zaclonit ona clouds Sinai) sent nadol ona manna quails Jestn dobry things my zadovazit for ona They nie zranit us (by rebelling they len zranit ich own souls! [2:58] Recall my said Zapisat this town ona zalozit mat rad vela provisions ona mat rad Iba zapisat zavora humbly treat ludia nicely! My potom forgive tvoj zhresit zvacsit reward for the zbozny. [2:59] Zlomyselny among them beriem commands commands dat them. Consequently my sent nadol transgressors condemnation sky ich wickedness. [2:60] Recall Moses sought zavlazit jeho ludia! My said Strike rock tvoj staff Whereupon 12 jaro gushed out therefrom members each tribe zauzlit ich own zavlazit. Jestn pne GOD's provisions nie roam zem corruptingly! [2:61] Recall lenze ona said O Moses my ziaden longer tolerate jeden laskavy z food vola sa tvoj Lord produce us such earthly zozat fazula cucumbers cesnak lentils cibula. He said ona zelat zastupid ze kto inferior ze kto je bol dobry? Ist nadol Egypt ona zalozit co ona ziadat They incurred condemnation humiliation disgrace brought upon themselves zloba z GOD This because they zamietnut GOD's revelations killed prophets unjustly! This they disobeyed transgressed [2:62] Iste those verit those bol Zidovsky Christians converts ktokolvek kto (1) verit v GOD (2) verit v Posledny Dni (3) leads righteous zivot receive ich recompense ich Lord They have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa. [2:63] My robit covenant ona mat rad my chov Mount Sinai ona Ona uphold co my dat ona strongly zapamatat si its contents lenze ona saved [2:64] Ona turned thereafter a it je for GOD's grace ona Jeho zlutovanie ona doomed
  • 6. [2:65] Ona zauzlit about those among ona desecrated Sabbath. My said do them Bol ona mat rad despicable mat rad apes [2:66] My set them vzor ich generation i mat rad subsequent generations enlightenment for the righteous. [2:67] Moses said do jeho ludia GOD commands ona sacrifice heifer. They said Je ona mocking us? He said GOD zakazat, ja behave zaluba ignorant jeden! [2:68] They said Vola Sa tvoj Lord show us kto jeden. He said He says ona bol heifer bol neither i stara nor i young z intermediate vek! Teraz beriem co ona commanded robit! [2:69] They said Vola Sa tvoj Lord show us ju color He said He says ona bol zlty heifer chapavy colored prosim beholders! [2:70] They said Vola Sa tvoj Lord show us kto 1! heifers look alike do us GOD willing my guided [2:71] He said He says ona bol heifer never humiliated plowing zem zavlazit zozat; volny z any blemish They said Teraz ona brought truth. They finally sacrificed ju this lengthy reluctance [2:72] Ona killed soul potom disputed yourselves. GOD bol expose co ONA tried ZATAJIT! [2:73] My said Strike (victim) part heifer.) Ze when GOD brought victim chrbat zivot showed ona Jeho znamka lenze ona chapat! [2:74] Despite this tvoj srdce hardened mat rad rocks vecer harder there bol rocks rieka gush out. Others lamat release gentle streams inak rocks cringe reverence GOD GOD JE never unaware Z anything ONA ROBIT. [2:75] Ona expect them verit mat rad ona robit when some z them pouzivat hear word GOD potom distort it full chapat thereof deliberately [2:76] A when they schodza believers they say My verit when they get dohromady each inak, they say nie informovat (believers) informacia dat do ona GOD lest ona zadovazit them support for ich argument tvoj Lord Ona nie chapat? [2:77] they nie zauzlit ze GOD zauzlit everything they zatajit everything they declare [2:78] Among them je gentiles nie zauzlit scripture hearsay potom assume lenze they zauzlit it
  • 7. [2:79] Therefore woe do those distort scripture ich own hands potom say This bol co GOD revealed seeking lacny latka zisk! Woe do them for such distortion woe do them for ich illicit zisk. [2:80] Some said Hell nie touch us limited zvazok dni. Say Have ona berie such zavazok GOD - GOD never ZLOMIT JEHO ZAVAZOK! - Ona saying GOD co ona nie zauzlit? [2:81] Indeed those zarabat zhresit become surrounded ich zly robota bol dwellers Hell; they abide it forever [2:82] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot they bol dwellers Raj; they abide it forever [2:83] My robit covenant Dieta Izrael Ona nie kult GOD Ona honor tvoj rodicia zretel vztazny orphans chudobny Ona treat ludia amicably. Ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat.) ona turned except a few z ona ona became averse! [2:84] My robit covenant ona ona nie chliev tvoj blood nor shall ona evict each inak tvoj domov! Ona zhodovat sa bore svedok! [2:85] tu ty bol killing each inak, evicting some z ona z ich domov banding them sinfully maliciously! Vecer when they surrendered ona ziadat ransom them! Evicting them zakazat ona v the 1 miesto. Ona verit v part z scripture robit a disbelieve v part Co je retribution for those among ona kto this except humiliation v this zivot daleko zly retribution Dni Vzkriesenie? GOD JE never unaware Z anything ONA ROBIT. [2:86] bol they kupit this lowly zivot Hereafter Consequently retribution never zmenit them nor mozem they pomoc. [2:87] My dat Moses scripture subsequent him my sent inak posol my dat Jesus syn Mary profound zazrak supported him Holy Spirit Je it nie fact ze kazdy cas posol ist ona anything ona nemat rad tvoj ego zapricinit ona bol arrogant? Some z them ona zamietnut some z them ona killed [2:88] Some say Our zmyslanie je robit up Radsej it bol curse GOD consequence ich disbelief ze keeps them z verit except for a few z them! [2:89] When this scripture pojdem them GOD vecer it zhodovat sa confirms co they have vecer they pouzivat prophesy its advent when they talked s disbelievers when ich own prophecy pojdem ist okolo they disbelieved therein! GOD's condemnation thus afflicts disbelievers. [2:90] Chudobny indeed je co they zvarat ich souls for - Zamietnut these revelations GOD sheer resentment lenze GOD bestow Jeho grace whomever He zvolit si Jeho servants! Consequently they incurred zloba zloba. disbelievers incurred humiliating retribution.
  • 8. [2:91] When they told Ona verit v these revelations GOD they say My verit len do co sent nadol us. Thus they disbelieve subsequent revelations vecer it bol truth ich Lord vecer it confirms co they have Say Why potom ona kill GOD's prophets ona bol believers? [2:92] Moses ist ona profound zazrak ona kult calf jeho absence ona turned zlomyselny! [2:93] My robit covenant ona mat rad my chov Mount Sinai ona saying Ona uphold commandments my dat ona strongly listen They said My hear my disobey Ich srdce became filled adoration calf ich disbelief! Say Chudobny indeed je co tvoj faith dictates ona ona have any faith! [2:94] Say If abode Hereafter rezervovat ona GOD exclusion all inaksie zaludnit potom ona long smrt ona bol truthful! [2:95] They never long it co ich hands sent forth GOD bol fully aware z the ZLOMYSELNY. [2:96] Skutocne ona zalozit them the vela covetous z zivot; vecer inak so than idol worshipers. Jeden z them zelat zit 1000 rocnik. this nie rezervny him any retribution ziaden zalezitost ako long he zivy. GOD bol seer Z everything they ROBIT. [2:97] Say Ktokolvek opposes Gabriel zauzlit lenze he brought this (Quran) into tvoj srdce v accordance s GOD's will confirming previous scriptures zadovazit guidance dobry zvest believers! [2:98] Ktokolvek opposes GOD Jeho angels Jeho posol Gabriel Michael zauzlit lenze GOD opposes disbelievers. [2:99] My sent ona such zretelny revelations len zlomyselny will zamietnut them! [2:100] Je it nie fact when they robit covenant zavazok keep it some z them vzdy disregard it Skutocne vela z them nie verit. [2:101] Ihned posol z GOD pojdem them vecer he proves confirms ich own scripture some followers scripture (Zid Christians Muslims) disregard GOD's scripture ich zadny mat rad they never had any scripture! [2:102] They pursued co devils taught Solomon's kingdom. Solomon however nie bol disbeliever devils bol disbelievers. They taught ludia sorcery a kto sent nadol 2 angels Babel Haroot Maroot. These 2 nie divulge such znalost pointing This bol test Ona nie zneuzit such znalost. ludia pouzivat it do such zly kut plany mat rad lamat z manzelstvo! They never harm ktokolvek will GOD They thus learn co zranit them nie co benefits them they zauzlit full lepsie ze whoever practices witchcraft have share Hereafter Chudobny indeed je co they sell ich souls if they len zauzlit.
  • 9. [2:103] they verit lead righteous zivot reward z GOD bol daleko lepsie they len zauzlit! [2:104] O ona verit nie say Raa ena bol our shepherd Radsej ona say Unzurna watch us) listen disbelievers incurred painful retribution. [2:105] Neither disbelievers followers scripture nor idol worshipers zelat see any blessings pod ona tvoj Lord GOD lejak Jeho blessings whomever He zvolit si. GOD possesses infinite grace [2:106] When my abrogate any zazrak zapricinit it zabudnut my produce lepsie zazrak o maly equal 1. Ona nie recognize lenze GOD robit bol Omnipotent [2:107] Ona nie recognize lenze GOD robit possesses kingship z heavens zem; ze ona have ziaden GOD tvoj Lord Zvladnut [2:108] Ona zelat ziadat z tvoj posol co ziadat z Moses v the minuly? Ktokolvek zvolit si disbelief belief has truly strayed na pravo chodnicek. [2:109] Vela followers scripture would radsej see ty revert disbelief ihned ze ona verit. This je due do ziarlivsot ich part truth become zrejmy do them. Ona pardon them vlavo them GOD issues Jeho judgment GOD bol Omnipotent [2:110] Ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat). Any dobre ona send forth tvoj souls ona zalozit it GOD GOD bol seer Z everything ONA ROBIT! [2:111] Some said Ziaden 1 zapisat Raj except Zid Christians! Such bol ich wishful myslienka Say Show us tvoj proof ona je na pravo! [2:112] Indeed those submit absolutely GOD alone CHVILA leading righteous ZIVOT receive ICH recompense ICH Lord they have nothing fear nor will they RMUTIT SA. [2:113] Zid said Christians nie have zaklad chvila Christians said Zid nie have zaklad. both z them read scripture! Such je utterances z those nie possess znalost. GOD will judge them DNI VZKRIESENIE ICH disputes [2:114] Kto zly than those je boycott GOD's masjids Jeho vola sa commemorated contribute ich desertion? These nie zapisat therein except fearfully. They suffer v this zivot humiliation suffer Hereafter hrozny retribution! [2:115] Do GOD belongs east zapad; wherever ona ist there bol presence GOD GOD bol Omnipresent Omniscient [2:116] They said GOD begotten syn! He glorified never! Do Him belongs everything heavens zem; all som subservient do Him!
  • 10. [2:117] Initiator z heavens zem have anything robit He len says do Bol it bol [2:118] Those nie possess znalost say len GOD speak do us some zazrak pojdem do us! Others them uttered a podobne utterances; ich zmyslanie bol a podobne! My manifest zazrak those attained certainty. [2:119] My sent ona truth bearer z dobry zvest i mat rad warner. Ona nie bol answerable those incur Hell. [2:120] Neither Zid nor Christians accept ona ona nasledovat ich nabozenstvo. Say GOD's guidance je true guidance. ona acquiesce ich zelat znalost ona received ona nie zalozit ally supporter pomoc ona GOD [2:121] Those received scripture zauzlit it mat rad it zauzlit verit v this! Mat rad for those disbelieve they bol losers. [2:122] O Dieta Izrael zapamatat si Moj favor ja bestowed ona ze ja zehnat ona inak than any inaksie zaludnit. [2:123] Beware z dni when ziaden soul pomoc iny soul nie ransom nie accepted intercession bol useful ziaden 1 pomoc! [2:124] Recall lenze Abraham put test jeho Lord certain commands he fulfilled them! God said ja appointing ona imam ludia. He said i moj descendants? He said Moj covenant nie zapocitat transgressors. [2:125] My rendered shrine Ka aba) focal point ludia safe sanctuary. Ona pouzivat Abraham's shrine mat rad prayer dom. My zmocnit Abraham Ismail Ona purify Moj dom those visit those zit there those bow prostrate [2:126] Abraham prayed Moj Lord robit this peaceful zem zadovazit its ludia ovocie! Zadovazit for those verit v GOD Posledny Dni. God said ja robit i zadovazit for those disbelieve! Ja let them enjoy temporarily potom commit them retribution Hell chudobny destiny! [2:127] mat rad Abraham chov zaklad shrine dohromady s Ismail (they prayed Our Lord accept this z us! Ona bol Hearer Omniscient [2:128] Our Lord robit us submitters do Ona z our descendants let there bol obec submitters Ona! Teach us rites our nabozenstvo redeem us! Ona bol Redeemer Merciful. [2:129] Our Lord zvysenie among them posol recite them Tvoj revelations teach them scripture wisdom purify them! Ona bol Almighty Wise. [2:130] Kto forsake nabozenstvo Abraham 1 kto fools jeho own soul? My zvolit si him v this world do Hereafter he bol s the righteous.
  • 11. [2:131] When jeho Lord said do him Submit he said ja submit Lord universe! [2:132] I Abraham exhorted jeho dieta robi same a so robit Jacob O moj dieta GOD pointed nabozenstvo ona nie umrel submitters! [2:133] Had ona svedok Jacob jeho smrt zahon; he said do jeho dieta Co will ona kult after ja umrel? They said My kult tvoj god god z tvoj otca Abraham Ismail Isaac; 1 god Do Him my bol submitters. [2:134] Such bol obec minuly. They bol zodpovedny co they zarabat ona bol zodpovedny co ona zarabat. Ona nie bol answerable anything they robit. [2:135] They said Ona bol Zidovsky Christian guided Say My nasledovat nabozenstvo Abraham! - monotheism - he never bol idol worshiper. [2:136] Say My verit v GOD do co sent us v co sent nadol Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs; v co dat do Moses Jesus all prophets z ich Lord My nie robit distinction any z them. Do Him alone my bol submitters. [2:137] they verit mat rad ona robit potom they guided Lenze if they turn potom they bol do opposition GOD will REZERVNY ONA ICH opposition He bol Hearer Omniscient [2:138] Such je GOD's system system je lepsie than GOD's Him alone my kult. [2:139] Say Robi ona argue us GOD when He bol our Lord tvoj Lord My bol zodpovedny our cin ona bol zodpovedny for tvoj cin. Do Him alone my devoted [2:140] Ona say lenze Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs bol Zidovsky Christian Say ona zauzlit lepsie than GOD Kto zly than jeden zatajit testimony he je learned GOD GOD JE never unaware Z anything ONA ROBIT. [2:141] Ze bol obec minuly. They bol zodpovedny co they zarabat ona bol zodpovedny co ona zarabat. Ona nie bol answerable anything they robit. [2:142] fools among the ludia say robit they zmenit riadenie ich Qiblah? Say "Do GOD belongs east zapad; He guides whoever wills straight chodnicek! [2:143] My thus robit ona impartial obec ze ona serve svedok among the ludia, posol serves svedok ona. My zmenit riadenie tvoj irecity Qiblah len distinguish those ona readily nasledovat posol z those turn ich heels bol difficult test nie those bol guided by GOD GOD never puts TVOJ KULT pusty GOD JE Compassionate towards LUDIA Merciful. [2:144] My seen ty turning tvoj face sky hladanie for na pravo riadenie)! My ihned assign Qiblah prosim ona. Henceforth ona turn tvoj face Sacred Masjid. Wherever ona
  • 12. bol all z ona turn tvoj faces it Those received previous scripture zauzlit lenze this bol truth ich Lord GOD JE never unaware Z anything they ROBIT. [2:145] Vecer if ona show followers scripture kazdy laskavy z zazrak they nie nasledovat tvoj Qiblah! Nor shall ona nasledovat ich Qiblah. They robit nie vecer nasledovat each others' Qiblah! Ona acquiesce ich zelat znalost pojdem ona ona belong transgressors. [2:146] Those received scripture recognize truth tu mat rad they recognize ich own dieta. some z them zatajit truth knowingly [2:147] This bol truth tvoj Lord nie harbor any doubt [2:148] Each z ona zvolit si riadenie nasledovat; ona zavodny righteousness! Wherever ona je GOD will zvolat ona all GOD bol Omnipotent [2:149] Wherever ona ist ona turn tvoj face Salat) Sacred Masjid. This bol truth tvoj Lord GOD bol never unaware Z anything ONA all ROBIT. [2:150] Wherever ona ist ona turn tvoj face Salat) Sacred Masjid; wherever ona bol ona turn tvoj faces Salat) it Thus ludia nie have argument ona transgressors them. Nie fear them fear Mna radsej! Ja will potom zdokonalit Moj blessings ona ona guided [2:151] (Blessings) such mat rad sending posol z ona do recite our revelations ona purify ona teach ona scripture wisdom teach ona co ona never zauzlit! [2:152] Ona zapamatat si Mna ja zapamatat si ona bol thankful Mna; nie bol unappreciative. [2:153] O ona verit seek pomoc steadfastness Zmluva Prayers (Salat)! GOD bol those steadfastly persevere [2:154] Nie say z those killed zapricinit GOD They je dead They bol alive do ich Lord ona nie zbadat! [2:155] My iste test ona some fear hunger loss peniaze zivot zozat! Dat dobry zvest do the steadfast! [2:156] When affliction befalls them they say My belong do GOD Him my spatny listok! [2:157] These zasluzit blessings z ich Lord zlutovanie. These guided jeden. [2:158] knolls z Safa Marwah bol rites decreed GOD Ktokolvek observes Hajj ‘Umrah nie commits omyl traversing distance them! If 1 volunteers righteous robota potom GOD bol Appreciative Omniscient
  • 13. [2:159] Those zatajit our revelations guidance after proclaiming them ludia scripture condemned GOD they condemned all condemners! [2:160] Mat rad for those repent reform proclaim ja redeem them! Ja bol Redeemer Merciful. [2:161] Those disbelieve umrel mat rad disbelievers incurred condemnation GOD angels all ludia Dni Judgment [2:162] Eternally they abide therein. retribution never zmenit them nor they reprieved [2:163] Tvoj god bol 1 god there nie bol god He Gracious Merciful. [2:164] Do creation z heavens zem alternation night dni ships roam ocean for the benefit ludia zavlazit lenze GOD sends nadol sky revive dead zem spread it all laskavy z creatures manipulation zranit clouds miesto sky zem there bol sufficient proofs ludia chapat! [2:165] some ludia set idols rival GOD laska them mat rad they bol GOD Those verit laska GOD the vela. Len transgressors see when they see retribution! They realize potom ze all power belongs do GOD alone ze GOD's retribution bol awesome. [2:166] Those nasledovat disown those nasledovat them. They see retribution all puto them severed [2:167] Those nasledovat will say my get iny chance my disown them mat rad they disowned us ihned. GOD thus shows them consequences z ich robota mat rad nothing remorse; they never vychod Hell! [2:168] O ludia jestn zem products all bol lawful dobry nie nasledovat steps Satan; he bol tvoj zapalisty enemy [2:169] He len commands ona commit zly zverak say GOD co ona nie zauzlit! [2:170] When they told Nasledovat co GOD revealed tu they say My nasledovat len co my zalozit our rodicia Co ich rodicia has robit. nie chapat nie guided [2:171] Vzor such disbelievers bol lenze z parrots repeat co they hear zdravy vola sa chapat Deaf dumb blind they nie chapat [2:172] O ona verit jestn dobry things my zadovazit for ona bol thankful do GOD ona kult Him alone [2:173] He len zakazat for ona jestn zviera umrel z themselves human interference) blood meat pigs zviera dedicated do inak than GOD 1 forced jestn these) without je zlomyselny zamerny he nie incurs zhresit! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
  • 14. [2:174] Those zatajit GOD's revelations scripture lacny latka zisk jestn zapalit ich brucho. GOD will NIE speak do them DNI VZKRIESENIE nor will He purify them! They incurred painful retribution. [2:175] bol they zvolit si straying guidance retribution forgiveness! Consequently they endure Hell. [2:176] This je GOD revealed this scripture bearing truth those dispute scripture bol the vela zapalisty opponents. [2:177] Righteousness nie turning tvoj faces towards east zapad. Righteous som those verit v GOD Posledny Dni angels scripture prophets; they dat peniaze cheerfully vztazny orphans chudobny cestovat alien zobrak volny slaves they observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat;) they keep ich word whenever they robit promise they steadfastly persevere v the face z persecution hardship vojnovy! These je truthful; these bol the righteous. [2:178] O ona verit equivalence bol zakon decreed ona when dealing s zavrazdit! - Volny for volny slave slave zena zena. Jeden pardoned victim's kin appreciative response bol v poradie, equitable compensation zaplatit. This bol alleviation z tvoj Lord zlutovanie. Ktokolvek transgresses this incurs painful retribution. [2:179] Equivalence bol zivot saving zakon ona O ona possess inteligencia ona bol righteous. [2:180] It decreed when smrt zblizit sa ona pisat will for the benefit z rodicia vztazny equitably. This bol clo upon the righteous. [2:181] Ktokolvek zmenit will he heard zhresit zmenit befalls those zodpovedny for such zmenit! GOD bol Hearer Knower. [2:182] If 1 sees gross injustice bias part testator berie corrective cin restaurovat justice will he commits nie zhresit. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [2:183] O ona verit chytro decreed ona mat rad it bol decreed for those before ona ze ona attain salvation! [2:184] Specific dni designated chytro;) 1 bol chory cestovat equal zvazok inak dni zastupid! Those chytro velky difficulty zastupid zivit 1 chudobny clovek for each dni z zlomit chytro! 1 volunteers righteous zavodny) it je lepsie. chytro je dobry for ona if ona len zauzlit. [2:185] Ramadan bol mesiac Quran revealed zadovazit guidance ludia zretelny teachings statute kniha! Those z ona svedok this mesiac chytro therein. Those bol chory cestovat maj zastupid same zvazok z inaksie dni! GOD zelat si ONA convenience NIE
  • 15. hardship ZE ONA fulfill TVOJ ZAVAZNOST glorify GOD guiding ONA express TVOJ appreciation! [2:186] When Moj servants ziadat ona Mna ja je vzdy zblizit sa Ja answer ich prayers when they pray Mna. Ludia respond Mna verit v Mna v poradie guided [2:187] Permitted ona bol sexual intercourse tvoj manzelka nights z chytro! They bol keepers tvoj secrets ona bol keepers ich secrets. GOD ZAUZLIT ONA POUZIVAT ZRADIT TVOJ souls He redeemed ONA pardoned ONA! Henceforth ona have intercourse them seeking co GOD permitted ona! Ona jestn pne biely zavit z kypry becomes distinguishable z dark zavit night o dawn Potom ona chytro zapad slnka. Sexual intercourse zakazat ona decide retreat masjid posledny 10 dni Ramadan)! These som GOD's zakon; ona nie transgress them. GOD thus clarifies JEHO revelations LUDIA ZE they attain salvation. [2:188] Ona nie berie each others' peniaze illicitly nor shall ona bribe officials zbavit others z some z ich na pravo illicitly chvila ona zauzlit! [2:189] They ziadat ona phases moon Say They zadovazit timing device ludia zaumienit si cas Hajj. nie bol righteous do beat around the bush; righteousness attained upholding commandments by bol straightforward! Ona observe GOD ze ona succeed. [2:190] Ona boj zapricinit GOD those kto Zachvatit ona nie aggress! GOD NIE LASKA aggressors. [2:191] Ona kill those wage vojnovy ona ona evict them whence they evicted ona! Oppression bol zly than zavrazdit! Nie boj them Sacred Masjid unless they zachvatit ona therein. they zachvatit ona ona kill them. This bol iba retribution those disbelievers. [2:192] they zdrzat sa potom GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [2:193] Ona i boj them eliminate oppression kult GOD freely! they zdrzat sa ona nie aggress; aggression permitted len against aggressors. [2:194] During Sacred Mesiac aggression schodza equivalent response. they zachvatit ona ona retaliate inflicting equitable retribution! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol s the righteous. [2:195] Ona spend zapricinit GOD robi nie throw tvoj own hands into znicenie! Ona bol charitable; GOD laska the charitable! [2:196] Ona observe complete rites z Hajj ‘Umrah GOD Ona zamedzit ona send offering nie zaujat rez tvoj chlp tvoj offering zastihnut its destination. Ona bol chory suffering riaditel zranenie ona rez tvoj chlp) ona expiate by chytro dat laska k bliznemu some inaksie form z kult! During normal Hajj ona zlomit statny z Ihraam (sanctity) medzi ‘Umrah Hajj ona expiate offering zivocisny sacrifice Ona nie afford it ona chytro 3 dni
  • 16. Hajj 7 when ona spatny listok domov - this completes 10 - Zadovazit ona nie zivy Sacred Masjid! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol strict v enforcing retribution! [2:197] Hajj observed specified mesiac. Whoever sets out observe Hajj zdrzat sa sexual intercourse misconduct arguments Hajj. Whatever dobre ona robit GOD bol fully aware thereof. mat rad ona chystat tvoj provisions journey dobry provision bol righteousness! Ona observe Mna O ona possess inteligencia. [2:198] Ona nie commit omyl seeking provisions tvoj Lord commerce)! When ona file ‘Arafaat ona commemorate GOD Sacred Location Muzdalifah). Ona commemorate Him guiding ona; this ona ist astray. [2:199] Ona file dohromady zvysok ludia file ziadat GOD forgiveness! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [2:200] Once ona complete tvoj rites ona zotrvat commemorate GOD ona commemorate tvoj own rodicia al vecer dobre! Some ludia say Our Lord dat us z this world chvila having share Hereafter [2:201] Others say Our Lord grant us righteousness v this world righteousness Hereafter rezervny us retribution Hell! [2:202] Each z these receive share they zarabat. GOD bol ZDATNY DO reckoning [2:203] Ona commemorate GOD a zvazok z dni Mena;) whoever hastens robit this do 2 dni nie commits zhresit whoever zostat longer commits zhresit long mat rad righteousness maintained Ona observe GOD zauzlit ze Him ona zozbierat. [2:204] Among the ludia, 1 imponovat ona jeho utterances this zivot vecer vola sa GOD svedok jeho innermost thoughts chvila he bol zapalisty opponent! [2:205] Mat rad skoro mat rad he lavy he roams zem corruptingly znicit imanie zivot. GOD NIE LASKA corruption. [2:206] When he told Observe GOD he becomes arrogantly indignant. Consequently jeho iba destiny bol Hell; co chudobny abode. [2:207] Potom there bol those dedicate ich zivot serving GOD GOD je compassionate towards such worshipers! [2:208] O ona verit ona embrace total submission; nie nasledovat steps Satan he bol tvoj zapalisty enemy [2:209] Ona backslide zretelny proofs pojdem ona potom zauzlit lenze GOD bol Almighty Wise!
  • 17. [2:210] they cakat GOD je pojdem them dense clouds dohromady angels? When this happens whole zalezitost zakoncit GOD everything spatny listok [2:211] Ziadat Dieta Izrael ako vela profound zazrak have my shown them! For those disregard blessings bestowed upon them by GOD GOD bol strict retribution! [2:212] This worldly zivot zdobit oci disbelievers they ridicule those verit. However righteous will bol daleko above them Dni Vzkriesenie. GOD ZEHNAT whomever He wills limits [2:213] Ludia pouzivat je 1 obec when GOD sent prophets bearers z dobry zvest i mat rad warners. He sent them scripture bearing truth judge among the ludia ich disputes Ironically those kto received scripture je the jeden zamietnut any new scripture zretelny proofs dat them! This bol ziarlivsot ich part GOD guides those VERIT truth disputed all others v accordance s JEHO will GOD guides whoever wills straight CHODNICEK. [2:214] Ona expect zapisat Raj robit without bol tested those before ona? They tested hardship adversity a shaken posol those verit him said Kde bol GOD's victory? GOD's victory je zblizit sa [2:215] They ziadat ona dat say laska k bliznemu ona dat ist rodicia vztazny orphans chudobny cestovat alien Any dobry ona robit GOD bol fully aware thereof! [2:216] Boj maj impozantny ona vecer ona nemat rad it Ona nemat rad nieco je dobry ona ona zaluba nieco bol zly for ona. GOD zauzlit CHVILA ONA NIE ZAUZLIT! [2:217] They ziadat ona Sacred Mesiac boj therein say Boj therein bol sacrilege! However zapudit chodnicek GOD disbelieving v Him sanctity Sacred Masjid evicting its ludia je velka sacrileges zrak GOD Oppression bol zly than zavrazdit. They vzdy boj ona revert ona z tvoj nabozenstvo they viem! Those among ona revert ich nabozenstvo zomriet disbelievers nullified ich robota v this zivot Hereafter These je dwellers Hell wherein they abide forever [2:218] Those verit, those emigrate strive zapricinit GOD zasluzit GOD's zlutovanie! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [2:219] They ziadat ona about intoxicants gambling say them there bol gross zhresit some benefits ludia. Ich sinfulness daleko outweighs ich benefit They i ziadat ona co dat laska k bliznemu say excess GOD thus clarifies revelations ona ze ona zrkadlit! [2:220] upon this zivot Hereafter they ziadat ona orphans say Bringing them mat rad righteous clovek bol dobry ona robit them! Ona mix ich imanie yours ona treat them rodina members. GOD zauzlit righteous the zlomyselny. Had GOD willed He impozantny harsher rules ona. GOD bol Almighty Wise.
  • 18. [2:221] Nie vydana idolatresses they verit; verit zensky je lepsie than idolatress vecer if ona zaluba ju! Nor shall ona dat tvoj dcera manzelstvo do idolatrous clovek they verit. verit clovek je lepsie than idolater vecer if ona zaluba him. These invite do Hell, chvila GOD invites Raj forgiveness mat rad He wills. He clarifies Jeho revelations ludia ze they berie heed [2:222] They ziadat ona menstruation say bol harmful ona avoid sexual intercourse zensky menstruation nie zblizit sa them until they rid z it Once they rid z it ona have intercourse them chovanie zamyslat GOD GOD LASKA repenters He LASKA those JE CISTY! [2:223] Tvoj zensky bol bearers tvoj seed Thus ona enjoy this privilege ona mat rad so long mat rad ona maintain righteousness! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze ona schodza Him. Dat dobry zvest believers! [2:224] Nie subject GOD's vola sa tvoj casual swearing ona zdat sa righteous zbozny attain credibility among the ludia! GOD bol Hearer Knower. [2:225] GOD NIE hold ONA ZODPOVEDNY for mere utterance oaths; He holds ONA ZODPOVEDNY for TVOJ innermost ZAMER. GOD bol Forgiver Clement [2:226] Those zamyslat divorce ich manzelka caka 4 mesiac chladiaci they zmenit ich zmyslanie zmiernit potom GOD bol Forgiver Merciful! [2:227] they ist divorce potom GOD bol Hearer Knower. [2:228] divorced zensky cakat 3 menstruations vydana iny clovek)! Nie bol lawful for them zatajit co GOD creates ich wombs they verit v GOD Posledny Dni. V puzdro z pregnancy) muz zelat supersede manzelka zelat he chudoba remarry ju! Zensky have na pravo i mat rad zavaznost equitably! Thus clovek zelat prevail pregnancy)! GOD bol Almighty Wise. [2:229] Divorce retracted dva krat! divorced zensky allowed zit v same domov amicably lavy it amicably! Nie bol lawful muz berie anything he dat ju. couple fear ze they transgress GOD's zakon. there bol fear they transgress GOD's zakon they commit nie omyl manzelka willingly dat whatever ona zvolit si These je GOD's zakon; nie transgress them! Those transgress GOD's zakon bol the unjust. [2:230] he divorces ju for 3 cas bol unlawful him remarry ju unless ona vydana iny clovek potom he divorces ju! Prvy manzel potom remarry ju long mat rad they observe GOD's zakon! These som GOD's zakon; He explains them ludia zauzlit. [2:231] Ona divorce zensky once they fulfill ich interim (3 menstruations) ona allow them zit v same domov amicably let them lavy amicably! Nie force them zostat against ich will mat rad revenge Ktokolvek robit this chybny jeho own soul. Nie berie GOD's
  • 19. revelations v vain Zapamatat Si GOD's blessings ona He sent nadol ona scripture wisdom enlighten ona! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol aware z all things. [2:232] Ona divorce zensky once they fulfill ich interim robit nie zamedzit them z remarrying ich muz they zmiernit amicably! This heeded those ona verit v GOD Posledny Dni. This bol purer for ona righteous. GOD zauzlit, CHVILA ONA NIE ZAUZLIT! [2:233] Divorced matka nurse ich infants 2 full rocnik otca so zelat. Otca zadovazit matka food clothing equitably! Ziaden 1 burdened jeho zrucnost. Ziaden matka harmed on zisk z ju infant nor shall otca harmed jeho infant Otca umrel) jeho inheritor assume these zodpovednost. infant's rodicia mutually zhodovat sa part due consultation they commit nie omyl robit so Ona nie commit omyl hiring nursing matka so long mat rad ona zaplatit them equitably! Ona observe GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol Seer z everything ona robit! [2:234] Those umrel lavy manzelka ich vdova cakat 4 mesiac 10 dni before they remarry Once they fulfill ich interim ona commit nie omyl letting them robit whatever righteous zalezitost they zelat robit! GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT. [2:235] Ona nie commit zhresit zahlasit tvoj zasnubenie do zensky keeping it secret GOD zauzlit ZE ONA MYSLIENKA them. Nie schodza them secretly unless ona have nieco righteous discuss! Nie consummate manzelstvo ich interim fulfilled Ona zauzlit ze GOD zauzlit tvoj innermost thoughts observe Him. Ona zauzlit lenze GOD bol Forgiver Clement [2:236] Ona nie commit omyl divorcing zensky before touching them before setting dowry them! V this puzdro ona compensate them - Zirny mat rad he afford chudobny mat rad he afford - equitable compensation. This bol clo upon the righteous. [2:237] Ona divorce them before touching them after ona set dowry them compensation bol half dowry they voluntarily forfeit ich na pravo party zodpovedny zapricinit divorce zvolit si forfeit dowry! forfeit bol koniec do righteousness. Ona maintain amicable vztah ona. GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT! [2:238] Ona consistently observe Zmluva Prayers zvlast middle prayer devote totally GOD [2:239] Pod unusual circumstances ona pray chvila chodza riding Once ona bol safe ona commemorate GOD mat rad He taught ona co ona never zauzlit! [2:240] Those umrel lavy manzelka will zadovazit ich manzelka support rocnik zadovazit they zostat same household! they lavy ona nie commit zhresit by letting them robit whatever they zelat long mat rad righteousness maintained GOD bol Almighty Wise.
  • 20. [2:241] divorcees i je zadovazit for equitably! This bol clo upon the righteous. [2:242] GOD thus explains JEHO revelations ONA ONA CHAPAT. [2:243] Have ona noted those fled ich domov - though they bol 1000 - fearing smrt? GOD said do them UMREL POTOM revived them! GOD LEJAK JEHO grace LUDIA VELA LUDIA bol unappreciative. [2:244] Ona boj zapricinit GOD zauzlit lenze GOD bol Hearer Knower. [2:245] Kto would lend GOD loan righteousness do it repaid them multiplied manifold GOD JE JEDEN ZADOVAZIT withholds Him ONA spatny listok [2:246] Ona noted leaders Izrael Moses They said do ich prophet ona appoint king lead us my boj zapricinit GOD He said Je it tvoj zamer boj decreed ona ona nie boj? They said should my nie boj zapricinit GOD when my zbavit z our domov our dieta? Lenze when boj decreed them they turned a few GOD bol aware z transgressors. [2:247] Ich prophet said do them GOD appointed Taloot (Saul) je tvoj king. They said Ako mozem he have kingship us when my bol worthy z kingship than he; he je nie vecer zirny? He said GOD zvolit si him ona zehnat him abundance znalost do zbor GOD grants Jeho kingship whomever He wills! GOD bol Bounteous Omniscient [2:248] Ich prophet said do them znamenie jeho kingship bol lenze Ark Covenant restaurovat ona bringing assurances tvoj Lord zvysky vlavo ludia z Moses ludia Aaron. It beriem angels. This convincing znamenie ona if ona bol skutocne believers. [2:249] When Saul berie command z troops he said GOD putting ona test stream Ktokolvek pne z it robi nie belong mna! - Len those nie chut it belong mna - unless bol iba single sip They pne z it a few z them. When he crossed it those verit they said Teraz my lack strength face Goliath jeho troops Those bol conscious z schodza GOD said Vela male army defeated velka army GOD's odist. GOD bol those steadfastly persevere [2:250] When they faced Goliath jeho troops they prayed Our Lord grant us steadfastness zosilnit our foothold support us disbelieving ludia! [2:251] They defeated them GOD's lavy David killed Goliath! GOD DAT him kingship wisdom taught him mat rad He willed! If it je for GOD's support z some ludia others there bol chaos zem. GOD lejak Jeho grace ludia. [2:252] These bol GOD's revelations. My recite them ona truthfully ona bol 1 z posol. [2:253] These posol; my zehnat some z them inak than others. For vzor, GOD spoke do jeden my chov some z them do higher ranks My dat Jesus syn Mary profound zazrak supported him Holy Spirit Had GOD willed ich followers nie boj each inak, zretelny
  • 21. proofs pojdem them! Radsej they disputed themselves; some z them verit some disbelieved Had GOD willed they nie boj. Everything bol v accordance s GOD's will [2:254] O ona verit ona dat laska k bliznemu provisions my dat ona dni pojdem kde there nie bol zivnost ziaden nepotism ziaden intercession! disbelievers bol the unjust. [2:255] GOD there NIE bol INAK god Him ZIVY the Eternal. Never chvilka unawareness spat overtakes Him! Do Him belongs everything heavens everything on zem! Kto intercede Him v accordance s Jeho will He zauzlit ich minuly ich buduci. Ziaden 1 attains any znalost He wills. Jeho dominion encompasses heavens zem ruling them never burdens Him. He bol the Vela High the Velky [2:256] There nie bol compulsion nabozenstvo riadne je teraz zretelny zlo way Ktokolvek denounces devil verit v GOD chapat strongest puto; jeden never zlomit! GOD bol Hearer Omniscient [2:257] GOD JE Lord Z those VERIT; He leads them darkness into LAHKY. Mat rad for those disbelieve ich lords bol ich idols; they lead them lahky darkness - these je dwellers Hell; they abide it forever [2:258] Ona noted jeden Have argued Abraham jeho Lord GOD dat him kingship? Abraham said Moj Lord grants zivot smrt. He said ja grant zivot smrt. Abraham said GOD brings sun east mozem ona bring it zapad? disbeliever stumped GOD NIE guide the ZLOMYSELNY. [2:259] Consider jeden ist okolo ghost town zazrak Ako mozem GOD revive this it umrel? GOD potom put him smrt 100 rocnik potom resurrected him! He said "Ako long have ona zostat tu? He said ja je tu dni part dni. He nie said Ona bol tu sto rocnik. look do tvoj food pne; they nie spoil Look tvoj donkey - My thus render ona lekcia ludia. ihned note ako my zostrojit bones potom pokryvka them ani. ryba. ani. rak. When he realized co happened he said Teraz ja zauzlit lenze GOD bol Omnipotent [2:260] Abraham said Moj Lord show mna ako Ona revive dead He said Robit ona nie verit? He said Ano Ja zelat si reassure moj srdce. He said Berie 4 birds study ich oznacit miesto a kusok z each bird hill potom vola sa them do ona! They pojdem ona v a ponahlajte sa Ona zauzlit lenze GOD bol Almighty Wise. [2:261] Vzor z those spend ich monies zapricinit GOD bol lenze z zrno produces 7 spikes sto zrno v each spike GOD multiplies this manifold for whomever He wills. GOD bol Bounteous Knower. [2:262] Those spend ich peniaze zapricinit GOD potom nie nasledovat ich laska k bliznemu s insult harm receive ich recompense ich Lord they have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa!
  • 22. [2:263] Laskavy words compassion bol lepsi than laska k bliznemu nasledovat by insult GOD bol ZIRNY Clement [2:264] O ona verit nie nullify tvoj laska k bliznemu by inflicting reproach insult jeden spends jeho peniaze show chvila disbelieving GOD Posledny Dni! Jeho vzor bol rock pokryvka riedky layer znecistit; heavy dazo jesen it prat znecistit vlavo it zbytocny rock They zisk nothing ich efforts. GOD NIE guide disbelieving LUDIA. [2:265] Vzor z those dat ich peniaze seeking GOD's radost sincere conviction bol lenze z zahrada high zirny znecistit; when heavy dazo jesen it dat dva krat mat rad vela zozat! heavy dazo je available drizzle suffice. GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT! [2:266] any z ona zelat own zahrada z palm strom grapes flowing streams generous zozat potom iba mat rad he grows stara chvila jeho dieta je still rodinny prislusnik him holocaust strikes burns jeho zahrada? GOD thus clarifies revelations ONA ZE ONA ZRKADLIT. [2:267] O ona verit ona dat laska k bliznemu dobry things ona zarabat z co my produced for ona zem. Nie pick zly therein dat away when ona nie accept it tvoj oci koniec! Ona zauzlit lenze GOD bol Zirny Zasluzny. [2:268] devil promises ona chudoba commands ona commit zly chvila GOD promises ona forgiveness Him a grace GOD bol Bounteous Omniscient [2:269] He bestows wisdom whomever He zvolit si whoever attains wisdom attained velka bounty! Len those possess inteligencia berie heed [2:270] Any laska k bliznemu ona dat charitable zavazok ona fulfill GOD bol fully aware thereof! Mat rad for zlomyselny they nie have helpers. [2:271] Ona declare tvoj laska k bliznemu they je still dobry! Ona keep them anonymous dat them chudobny bol lepsi ona remits inak z tvoj zhresit! GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT. [2:272] Ona nie bol zodpovedny for guiding ktokolvek. GOD bol IBA JEDEN guides whoever ZVOLIT SI guided Any laska k bliznemu ona dat bol tvoj own dobre Any laska k bliznemu ona dat bol GOD Any laska k bliznemu ona dat repaid ona maly injustice. [2:273] Laska K Bliznemu ist chudobny suffering zapricinit GOD a nie emigrate! unaware maj myslienka they bol zirny due do ich dignity. Ona recognize them certain znamenie; they never zobrat ludia persistently. Whatever laska k bliznemu ona dat GOD bol fully aware thereof. [2:274] Those dat laska k bliznemu night dni secretly publicly receive ich recompense ich Lord they have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa.
  • 23. [2:275] Those zverenec usury bol same position mat rad those controlled by devil's influence This je they reklamacia lenze usury bol same mat rad commerce. GOD permits commerce zakazat usury. Thus whoever heeds this commandment jeho Lord zdrzat sa usury he keep jeho minuly earnings jeho judgment zvysok GOD Mat rad for those zotrvat usury they incur Hell wherein they abide forever [2:276] GOD condemns usury ZEHNAT LASKA K BLIZNEMU. GOD NEMAT RAD KAZDY disbeliever guilty [2:277] Those verit lead righteous zivot observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat) they receive ich recompense ich Lord they have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa! [2:278] O ona verit ona observe GOD zdrzat sa all laskavy z usury ona bol believers. [2:279] If ona nie robit potom expect vojnovy z GOD Jeho posol! Ona repent ona keep tvoj capitals inflicting injustice incurring injustice! [2:280] debtor bol unable do zaplatit cakat lepsie cas Ona dat up loan laska k bliznemu bol lepsie ona if ona len zauzlit. [2:281] Beware z dni when ona spatny listok GOD kazdy soul bol platit for everything it robi maly injustice! [2:282] O ona verit when ona transact loan any period ona pisat it impartial scribe robit pisat! Ziaden scribe refuse zastavat this servis GOD's teachings! He pisat chvila debtor dictates lehota. He observe GOD jeho Lord never cheat If debtor je mentally incapable helpless nie dictate jeho guardian dictate equitably! 2 clovek serve svedok; if nie 2 clovek potom clovek 2 zensky whose testimony je acceptable do all Thus if 1 zensky becomes biased inaksie remind ju! bol zavaznost svedok testify when vola sa upon robi so Nie tire z pisat details ziaden zalezitost ako long cas repayment! This bol equitable zrak GOD assures lepsie svedok eliminates any doubts ona have zalezitost transactions ona execute on the spot nie zapisnica have them svedok! ziaden scribe svedok harmed jeho servis! Ona harm them it bol wickedness tvoj part Ona observe GOD GOD will teach ona! GOD bol Omniscient [2:283] Ona cestovat ziaden scribe bol available puto posta zaruka repayment! Jeden trusted v this chovanie he spatny listok puto when due he observe GOD jeho Lord Nie withhold any testimony by zatajit co ona svedok! Ktokolvek withholds testimony bol sinful o srdce GOD JE fully aware z everything ONA ROBIT. [2:284] Do GOD belongs everything heavens zem! Whether ona declare tvoj innermost thoughts keep them zatajit GOD holds ona zodpovedny for them. He forgives whomever He wills punishes whomever He wills! GOD bol Omnipotent
  • 24. [2:285] Posol has verit v co sent nadol him jeho Lord a so robit believers! They verit v GOD Jeho angels Jeho scripture Jeho posol My nie robit distinction any z Jeho posol They say My hear my obey Forgive us our Lord Do Ona bol ultimate destiny. [2:286] GOD never burdens soul its ZNAMENAT its credit bol CO it ZARABAT against bol CO it commits Our Lord nie condemn us my zabudnut robit zamenit! Our Lord chranit us z blaspheming Ona mat rad those before us robit! Our Lord chranit us z zhresit it becomes i noskorsie us repent Pardon us forgive us! Ona bol our Lord Zvladnut Grant us victory disbelieving ludia. . 3- Amramites (Al-Imran) . V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful [3:1] A L. M. [3:2] GOD there NIE bol god except He ZIVY the Eternal. [3:3] He sent ona this scripture truthfully confirming all previous scriptures He sent nadol Torah Gospel! [3:4] before ze, do guide ludia He sent statute kniha! Those disbelieve GOD's revelations incur severe retribution. GOD bol Almighty Avenger. [3:5] Nothing zatajit GOD zem heaven. [3:6] He bol Jeden shapes ona wombs mat rad He wills. There nie bol inak god Him; Almighty Wise. [3:7] He sent ona this scripture containing straightforward verses - Kto constitute essence scripture - I mat rad multiple-meaning allegorical verses Those harbor doubts ich srdce pursue multiple-meaning verses create zmatok extricate certain vyznam! Ziaden zauzlit true vyznam thereof except GOD those lepsi founded znalost! They say My verit v this - all z it pojdem our Lord Len those possess inteligencia berie heed [3:8] Our Lord let nie our srdce waver teraz ze Ona guided us! Lejak us Tvoj zlutovanie; Ona bol Grantor! [3:9] Our Lord Ona iste zozbierat ludia dni bol inevitable! GOD never ZLOMIT promise
  • 25. [3:10] Those disbelieve never pomoc ich peniaze nor ich dieta GOD They je kurivo Hell. [3:11] Mat Rad Pharaoh's ludia those them they zamietnut our revelations consequently GOD punished them ich zhresit. GOD bol strict v enforcing retribution! [3:12] Say do those disbelieve Ona defeated potom zozbierat Hell; co chudobny abode! [3:13] Vzor set ona 2 armies clashed - 1 army boj zapricinit GOD chvila inaksie disbelieving They saw ich own oci they bol dva krat mat rad vela. GOD supports JEHO victory whomever He wills. This zadovazit assurance those possess vision. [3:14] Zdobit ludia bol worldly radost such mat rad zensky having dieta piles piles z zlaty silver vlak horses zivy inventar zozat. These bol latka this world Daleko lepsie abode rezervovat GOD [3:15] Say Let mna informovat ona z vela lepsie deal those lead righteous zivot rezervovat ich Lord bol zahrada flowing streams pure spouses radost GOD's blessings GOD bol Seer Jeho worshipers! [3:16] They say Our Lord my verit forgive us our zhresit rezervny us agony hellfire. [3:17] They bol steadfast truthful submitting charitable a meditators o dawn [3:18] GOD bears SVEDOK there NIE bol god except He A robi angels those possess ZNALOST! Truthfully equitably He bol absolute god there nie bol god He Almighty Wise. [3:19] Iba nabozenstvo approved by GOD bol Submission. Ironically those received scripture bol jeden dispute this fact znalost they received ziarlivsot. For such rejectors GOD's revelations GOD bol strict do reckoning [3:20] they argue ona potom say ja len submitted GOD ja those nasledovat mna. Ona proclaim those received scripture i mat rad those nie robit Would ona submit? they submit potom they guided they turn tvoj chodidlo mission je deliver this odkaz! GOD bol Seer all LUDIA. [3:21] Those zamietnut GOD's revelations killed prophets unjustly killed those zastanca justice among the ludia, promise them painful retribution! [3:22] Ich robota nullified both v this zivot Hereafter they nie have helpers. [3:23] Ona noted those je dat part z scripture ako they invited uphold this scripture GOD apply it ich own zivy potom some z them turn aversion?
  • 26. [3:24] This because they said hellfire nie touch us a few dni. They thus klamat ich nabozenstvo ich own fabrications! [3:25] Ako it robit for them when my je zvolat them ze inevitable dni? Each soul je platit for whatever it zarabat maly injustice! [3:26] Say Our god possessor all sovereignty! Ona grant sovereignty whomever Ona zvolit si Ona zosadit sovereignty whomever Ona zvolit si. Ona grant dignity whomever Ona zvolit si commit do humiliation whomever Ona zvolit si. Do Tvoj hand bol all provisions Ona bol Omnipotent [3:27] Ona merge night dni merge dni night. Ona produce zivy dead produce dead z zivy Ona zadovazit for whomever Ona zvolit si limits [3:28] believers never ally disbelievers believers. Whoever robit this exiled GOD Exempted som those forced robi this avoid persecution! GOD alerts ONA ZE ONA reverence Him alone Do GOD bol ultimate destiny. [3:29] Say Whether ona zatajit tvoj innermost myslienka declare it GOD je fully aware thereof. He bol fully aware z everything do heavens zem! GOD bol Omnipotent [3:30] Dni pojdem when each soul zalozit all dobre zavodny it robit brought forth Mat rad for zlo zavodny it zelat ze they daleko daleko zosadit! GOD alerts ONA ZE ONA reverence Him alone GOD JE Compassionate towards LUDIA. [3:31] Proclaim If ona laska GOD ona nasledovat mna GOD will potom laska ona forgive tvoj zhresit! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [3:32] Proclaim Ona obey GOD posol they turn GOD nie laska disbelievers! [3:33] GOD ZVOLIT SI Adam Noah RODINA Abraham RODINA Amram POSOL) DO LUDIA. [3:34] They belong same progeny. GOD bol Hearer Omniscient [3:35] Manzelka Amram said Moj Lord ja dedicated baby moj brucho Ona totally so accept mna! Ona bol Hearer Omniscient [3:36] When ona dat narodenie do ju ona said Moj Lord ja dat narodenie girl - GOD JE fully aware z CO ONA bore - Muzsky nie bol same mat rad zena. Ja vola sa ju Mary ja vzyvat Tvoj protection ju ju descendants z zamietnut devil [3:37] Ju Lord accepted ju gracious acceptance brought ju gracious upbringing guardianship Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah zapisat ju sanctuary he zalozit provisions ju. He ziadat Mary robit ona get this z? Ona say It bol GOD GOD zadovazit for whomever He ZVOLIT SI limits
  • 27. [3:38] when Zachariah implored jeho Lord Moj Lord grant mna such dobry dieta Ona bol Hearer prayers. [3:39] angels vola sa him when he praying sanctuary GOD dat ona dobry zvest z Ahoj believer word GOD honorable moral righteous prophet. [3:40] He said Ako mozem ja have chlapec when ja bol stara moj manzelka sterile He said GOD robit whatever He wills. [3:41] He said Moj Lord dat mna znamenie. He said Tvoj znamenie bol lenze ona nie speak do ludia 3 dni znamenie! Commemorate tvoj Lord frequently; meditate night dni! [3:42] angels said O Mary GOD zvolit si ona purified ona. He zvolit si ona all zensky. [3:43] O Mary ona submit tvoj Lord prostrate bow nadol those bow nadol! [3:44] This bol zvest minuly my reveal ona. Ona nie bol there when they kreslit ich raffles select Mary's guardian Ona nie bol present when they argued 1 iny [3:45] angels said O Mary GOD dat ona dobry zvest Word z Him vola sa je Messiah Jesus syn Mary. He bol prominent v this zivot Hereafter 1 z those koniec do Mna. ' [3:46] He speak do ludia crib i mat rad dospely; he bol 1 z the righteous. [3:47] Ona said Moj Lord ako mozem ja have syn when ziaden clovek touched mna? He said GOD thus creates whatever He wills. Do have anything robit He len says do Bol ' it bol [3:48] He teach him scripture wisdom Torah Gospel. [3:49] mat rad posol Dieta Izrael ja pojdem ona znamenie z tvoj Lord - Ja create ona z il shape bird potom ja blow it it becomes zit bird GOD's odist. Ja restaurovat vision blind heal leprous ja revive dead GOD's odist! Ja tell ona co ona jestn co ona store tvoj domov. This bol proof ona if ona bol believers. [3:50] Ja confirm previous scripture - Torah - Ja revoke certain zakaz impozantny upon ona. Ja pojdem ona sufficient proof z tvoj Lord Therefore ona observe GOD obey mna. [3:51] GOD bol MOJ Lord TVOJ Lord ONA KULT Him alone This je na pravo chodnicek. [3:52] When Jesus zmysel ich disbelief he said Kto bol moj supporters GOD disciples said My bol GOD's supporters; my verit v GOD bear svedok my bol submitters! [3:53] Our Lord my have verit v co Ona sent nadol my nasledovat posol; pocitat us svedok!
  • 28. [3:54] They zapletka kut plany robi GOD GOD bol lepsie schemer! [3:55] Thus GOD said O Jesus ja zakoncit tvoj zivot chov ona do Mi ridding ona z disbelievers! Ja exalt those nasledovat ona above those disbelieve Dni Vzkriesenie. Potom do Mna bol ultimate destiny z all z ona potom ja judge ona tvoj disputes [3:56] Mat rad for those disbelieve ja commit them painful retribution v this world do Hereafter They nie have helpers. [3:57] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot He fully recompense them! GOD NIE LASKA the unjust. [3:58] These je revelations ze my recite ona zadovazit odkaz full z wisdom! [3:59] Vzor Jesus GOD zaujem je same mat rad ze z Adam; He created him dust potom said do him Bol he bol [3:60] This bol truth tvoj Lord nie harbor any doubts [3:61] Ktokolvek argues ona znalost ona received potom say Let us zvolat our dieta tvoj dieta our zensky tvoj zensky yourselves potom let us vzyvat GOD's curse liars! [3:62] Absolutely this bol narration truth. Absolutely there nie bol god except GOD Absolutely GOD bol Almighty Wise. [3:63] they turn potom GOD bol fully aware z evildoers. [3:64] Say O followers scripture pojdem logical dohoda us ona ze my nie kult GOD my never set any idols Him nor set any human beings lords GOD they turn say Bear svedok my bol submitters! [3:65] O followers scripture why ona argue Abraham when Torah Gospel nie revealed until after him? Ona nie chapat? [3:66] Ona argued things ona have zauzlit; ona argue things ona nie zauzlit? GOD zauzlit, CHVILA ONA NIE ZAUZLIT! [3:67] Abraham bol neither Zidovsky nor Christian he bol monotheist submitter. He never bol idol worshiper. [3:68] Ludia worthy z Abraham bol those nasledovat him this prophet those verit. GOD bol Lord ZVLADNUT Z believers! [3:69] Some followers scripture zelat lead ona astray they len lead astray without zbadat!
  • 29. [3:70] O followers scripture ona zamietnut these revelations GOD ona bear svedok this bol truth)? [3:71] O followers scripture why ona confound truth falsehood robit zatajit truth knowingly [3:72] Some followers scripture say Verit v co sent nadol believers v the rano zamietnut it v the vecer maybe someday they revert [3:73] Nie verit except mat rad those nasledovat tvoj nabozenstvo. Say true guidance bol GOD's guidance. they reklamacia lenze they have same guidance argue ona tvoj Lord say All grace bol GOD's hand He bestows it whomever He wills. GOD bol Bounteous Omniscient [3:74] He specifies Jeho zlutovanie whomever He wills; GOD possesses unlimited grace [3:75] Some followers scripture trusted whole lot they dat it ona. Others them nie trusted single dinar; they nie repay ona ona keep them. Je they say My have do bol honest when dealing s gentiles! Thus they attribute laicky GOD knowingly [3:76] Indeed those fulfill ich zavaznost lead righteous zivot GOD laska the righteous! [3:77] Mat rad for those zivnost away GOD's covenant ich zavaznost lacny price they receive ziaden share Hereafter GOD will NIE speak do them nor look them DNI VZKRIESENIE nor will He purify them! They incurred painful retribution. [3:78] Among them je those zvitok ich jazyk imitate scripture ona myslienka je scripture when nie bol scripture they reklamacia it bol GOD when it nie bol GOD Thus they utter laicky attribute them GOD knowingly [3:79] Never would human bol koho GOD zehnat s scripture prophethood say do ludia Idolize mna GOD Radsej (he say Devote absolutely tvoj Lord alone scripture ona preach teachings ona learn [3:80] Nor would he command ona idolize angels prophets lords he exhort ona Would disbelieve becoming submitters? [3:81] GOD BERIE covenant prophets saying JA DAT ONA scripture wisdom. Afterwards posol pojdem confirm all existing scriptures! Ona verit v him support him. He said Robi ona zhodovat sa this zavazok fulfill this covenant They said My zhodovat. sa. He said Ona thus borne svedok ja bear svedok ona! [3:82] Those zamietnut this (Quranic prophecy) bol zly jeden. [3:83] they seeking GOD's nabozenstvo when everything do heavens zem submitted Him willingly unwillingly a Him they spatny listok?
  • 30. [3:84] Say My verit v GOD do co sent us v co sent nadol Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs v co dat Moses Jesus prophets ich Lord My nie robit distinction any z them. Do Him alone my bol submitters. [3:85] Ktokolvek accepts Submission jeho nabozenstvo it nie accepted him Hereafter he bol losers! [3:86] Why GOD guide ludia should disbelieved after verit after svedok posol bol truth a solid proofs dat them? GOD NIE guide the ZLOMYSELNY. [3:87] These incurred condemnation GOD angels all ludia. [3:88] Eternally they abide therein; retribution never zmenit them nor will they reprieved [3:89] Exempted bol those kto repent thereafter reform GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [3:90] Those disbelieve verit potom plunge deeper disbelief ich repentance nie accepted them; they bol real strayers. [3:91] Those disbelieve umrel disbelievers earthful zlaty will nie accepted any z them vecer such ransom bol possible They incurred painful retribution; they nie have helpers. [3:92] Ona nie attain righteousness ona dat laska k bliznemu imanie ona laska. Whatever ona dat laska k bliznemu GOD bol fully aware thereof. [3:93] All food pouzivat je lawful for Dieta Izrael Izrael impozantny certain zakaz themselves before Torah sent nadol! Say Bring Torah read it ona bol truthful! [3:94] Those fabricate false zakaz this attribute them do GOD bol truly zlomyselny! [3:95] Say GOD proclaimed truth Ona nasledovat Abraham's nabozenstvo - monotheism. He never bol idolater. [3:96] The vela dolezity shrine zriadit for ludia bol 1 Becca; zehnat beacon all ludia. [3:97] Do je zretelny znamenie stanica Abraham. Ktokolvek zapisat it granted safe chodba. Ludia owe it GOD ze they observe Hajj this shrine when they afford it Mat rad for those disbelieve GOD nie need ktokolvek. [3:98] Say O followers scripture why ona zamietnut these revelations GOD when GOD svedok everything ona je robit? [3:99] Say O followers scripture robit ona zapudit chodnicek GOD those zelat verit seek distort it vecer ona je svedok? GOD je never unaware z anything ona robit!
  • 31. [3:100] O ona verit ona obey some z those kto received scripture they revert ona verit disbelievers. [3:101] Ako ona disbelieve when these revelations GOD recited ona Jeho posol pojdem ona? Whoever holds chytro GOD will guided na pravo chodnicek! [3:102] O ona verit ona observe GOD mat rad He observed nie umrel Submitters. [3:103] Ona hold chytro lano GOD all z ona a nie divided Recall GOD's blessings ona! - Ona pouzivat bol enemies He zmiernit tvoj srdce. By Jeho grace ona became brethren. Ona je brink bana z zapalit, He saved ona therefrom GOD thus explains JEHO revelations ONA ONA guided [3:104] Let there bol obec z ona invite do co bol dobry zastanca righteousness zakazat zly. These bol winners. [3:105] Nie bol those became divided disputed zretelny proofs ze dat them! For these incurred hrozny retribution. [3:106] Dni pojdem when some faces brightened radost) chvila inaksie faces darkened misery)! Mat rad for those faces darkened they ziadat ona je nie disbelieve after verit? Therefore suffer retribution tvoj disbelief! [3:107] Mat rad for those faces brightened they rejoice GOD's zlutovanie; they abide therein forever [3:108] These som GOD's revelations; my recite them ona truthfully. GOD NIE zelat si any hardship LUDIA. [3:109] GOD belongs everything heavens everything zem all zalezitost controlled GOD [3:110] Ona je dobre obec vzdy chov among the ludia ona zastanca righteousness zakazat zly ona verit v GOD followers scripture verit it je lepsie them. Some z them verit majority z them bol zlomyselny! [3:111] They never harm ona beyond insulting ona! they boj ona they turn around flee! They never zvitazit. [3:112] They humiliated whenever ona encounter them they uphold GOD's covenant i mat rad ich peace covenants ona! They incurred zloba GOD consequently they committed disgrace This because they zamietnut GOD's revelations killed prophets unjustly! This they disobeyed transgressed [3:113] They nie bol all the same followers scripture there bol those bol righteous. They recite GOD's revelations night they jesen prostrate
  • 32. [3:114] They verit v GOD Posledny Dni they zastanca righteousness zakazat zly they hasten robi righteous robota! These bol the righteous. [3:115] Any dobre they nie ist unrewarded. GOD bol fully aware z the righteous. [3:116] Those disbelieved never pomoc ich peniaze ich dieta GOD They incurred Hell wherein they abide forever [3:117] Vzor ich accomplishments v this zivot bol violent zranit hits zatva ludia zlo ich souls wipes it out! GOD never ZLO them; bol they ZLO! [3:118] O ona verit nie befriend outsiders never cease zelat ona harm they vecer zelat see ona suffer! Hatred flows ich usta co they zatajit v ich chests bol daleko zly My thus clarify revelations ona if ona chapat. [3:119] Tu ty bol laska them chvila they nie laska ona ona verit v all scripture! When they schodza ona they say My verit mat rad skoro mat rad they lavy they kusok ich fingers zurivost ona. Say Umrel tvoj zurivost. GOD bol fully aware z innermost thoughts. [3:120] When anything dobry pod tvoj way they zranit when nieco zly happens ona they rejoice Ona steadfastly persevere maintain righteousness ich kut plany never zranit ona! GOD JE fully aware z everything they ROBIT. [3:121] Recall ona (Muhammad) je tvoj ludia when ona set out assign believers ich positions for battle GOD bol Hearer Omniscient [3:122] 2 zoskupit ona skoro zlyhat GOD bol ich Lord Do GOD believers trust [3:123] GOD granted ONA victory Badr TVOJ weakness. Therefore ona observe GOD show tvoj appreciation. [3:124] Ona told believers Je it nie enough ze tvoj Lord supports ona 3000 angels sent nadol? [3:125] Indeed ona steadfastly persevere maintain righteousness potom they zachvatit ona zrazu tvoj Lord support ona 5000 angels lepsi vlak [3:126] GOD thus INFORMOVAT ONA v poradie DAT ONA DOBRY zvest assure TVOJ srdce Victory pojdem len z GOD Almighty Wise. [3:127] He thus annihilates some disbelievers neutralizes them; they vzdy koniec losers! [3:128] Je up do ona; He redeem them He punish them for ich transgressions! [3:129] Do GOD belongs everything heavens zem! He forgives whomever He wills punishes whomever He wills! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
  • 33. [3:130] O ona verit ona nie berie usury zlucit over i over Observe GOD ze ona succeed! [3:131] Beware z hellfire awaits disbelievers! [3:132] Ona obey GOD posol ze ona attain zlutovanie. [3:133] Ona eagerly zavodny forgiveness tvoj Lord Raj whose width encompasses heavens zem; it awaits the righteous [3:134] Kto dat laska k bliznemu dobry cas, i zly lehota. They bol suppressors zlost pardoners ludia. GOD LASKA the charitable. [3:135] they jesen zhresit zlo ich souls they zapamatat si GOD ziadat forgiveness ich zhresit! - Kto forgives zhresit except GOD - they nie zotrvat do zhresit knowingly [3:136] Ich recompense bol forgiveness ich Lord zahrada flowing streams they abide therein forever Co zehnat reward robotnik! [3:137] Precedents set ona v the minuly; roam zem note consequences unbelievers. [3:138] This bol proclamation ludia guidance enlightenment for the righteous. [3:139] Ona nie waver nor shall ona rmutit sa ona bol ultimate victors ona bol believers. [3:140] Ona suffer hardship enemy i suffers same hardship. My alternate dni victory a defeat among the ludia! GOD thus distinguishes true believers ZEHNAT some z ONA martyrdom! GOD NEMAT RAD injustice. [3:141] GOD thus toughens those verit humiliates disbelievers! [3:142] Ona expect zapisat Raj GOD distinguishing those among ona kto strive without distinguishing those bol steadfast? [3:143] Ona pouzivat long smrt ona face it Ihned ona faced it riadne tvoj oci. [3:144] Muhammad bol ziaden inak than posol posol him. he umrel Should get killed ona turn tvoj heels Ktokolvek turns jeho heels nie zranit GOD v the maly GOD rewards those bol appreciative [3:145] Ziaden 1 umrel GOD's odist do predetermined cas Whoever seeks vanities this world my dat him therefrom whoever seeks rewards Hereafter my zehnat him therein! My reward those bol appreciative [3:146] Vela prophet had godly ludia boj him without vzdy wavering pressure zapricinit z GOD nor robit they hesitate become zastrasit! GOD LASKA the steadfast.
  • 34. [3:147] Ich iba utterance bol Our Lord forgive us our zhresit our transgressions zosilnit our foothold grant us victory disbelievers! [3:148] Consequently GOD granted them rewards this world lepsie rewards z Hereafter GOD LASKA DOBRY doers. [3:149] O ona verit ona obey those disbelieve they turn ona on tvoj heels potom ona koniec losers! [3:150] GOD alone bol TVOJ Lord ZVLADNUT He bol LEPSIE supporter! [3:151] My throw terror srdce z those disbelieved since they set GOD powerless idols. Ich destiny bol Hell; co chudobny abode transgressors! [3:152] GOD fulfilled JEHO promise ONA ONA defeated them JEHO ODIST! Potom ona wavered disputed yourselves disobeyed after He shown ona (victory) ona longed for Potom some z ona became zmateny spoils this world chvila others rightly zaujem Hereafter He potom diverted ona them test ona! He pardoned ona. GOD LEJAK believers JEHO grace [3:153] Recall lenze ona rushed spoils platit ziaden pozor ktokolvek vecer when posol vola sa z ona! Consequently He zastupid 1 misery iny ona nie rmutit sa anything ona zameskat agonize any hardship ona suffered GOD bol Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT! [3:154] After setback He sent ona peaceful spat pacified some z ona. Others ona selfishly zaujem themselves. They harbored thoughts GOD je na pravo - same thoughts they harbored dni ignorance. Thus they said Je anything up do us? Say Everything bol up do GOD They zatajit inside co they nie reveal ona! They said it bol up do us ziaden z us killed v this battle Say Had ona zostat tvoj domov those destined killed crawled ich smrt zahon. GOD thus puts ona test bring out tvoj true convictions test co bol tvoj srdce! GOD bol fully aware z innermost thoughts. [3:155] Iste those among ona turned dni 2 armies clashed duped devil This zrkadlit some z (zly) robota they committed GOD pardoned them. GOD bol Forgiver Clement [3:156] O ona verit nie bol those disbelieved said z ich kinsmen cestovat mobilized vojnovy Had they zostat us they nie umrel gotten killed GOD renders this zdroj zalost ich srdce! GOD controls ZIVOT SMRT. GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT! [3:157] Ona get killed umrel zapricinit GOD forgiveness z GOD zlutovanie bol daleko lepsie than anything they hoard [3:158] Ona umrel get killed ona zvolat GOD
  • 35. [3:159] bol zlutovanie GOD ona became compassionate towards them. Had ona bol harsh mean-hearted they zhyraly ona. Therefore ona pardon them ziadat forgiveness them consult them! Once ona robit decision beriem tvoj plan trust GOD GOD LASKA those trust Him. [3:160] GOD supports ona ziaden defeat ona. A if He zhyraly ona kto support ona? Do GOD believers trust [3:161] Vecer prophet nie berie inak z spoils vojnovy than he entitled Ktokolvek berie inak than jeho rightful share have zisk for it Dni Vzkriesenie! Je when each soul je platit for whatever it zarabat maly injustice. [3:162] Jeden pursues GOD's radost same mat rad jeden je incurs zloba GOD jeho destiny bol Hell the vela chudobny abode? [3:163] They istota zaujaty inak ranks GOD GOD bol Seer Z everything they ROBIT. [3:164] GOD ZEHNAT believers CHOV ICH midst POSOL them recite them JEHO revelations purify them teach them scripture wisdom! Before this they ist totally astray. [3:165] Ihned ona suffered setback vecer ona inflicted dva krat mat rad vela suffering (upon tvoj enemy ona said robit this happen us? Say This bol consequence z tvoj own cin. GOD bol Omnipotent [3:166] Co afflicted ona dni 2 armies clashed bol v accordance s GOD's will distinguish believers! [3:167] Do expose hypocrites told Pojdem boj zapricinit GOD contribute They said my zauzlit ako boj my joined ona. They bol koniec do disbelief potom than they bol belief! They uttered ich usta co nie bol ich srdce! GOD zauzlit co they ZATAJIT. [3:168] They said z ich kinsmen mat rad they zostat zadny Had they obeyed us they nie killed Say Potom zamedzit tvoj own smrt ona bol truthful! [3:169] Nie myslienka those killed zapricinit GOD bol dead they bol alive ich Lord enjoying Jeho provisions [3:170] They rejoicing GOD's grace they have dobry zvest ich comrades robi nie zomriet them ze they have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa! [3:171] They have dobry zvest z GOD's blessings a grace a lenze GOD never zlyhat reward believers! [3:172] those respond GOD posol persecution they suffer maintain ich dobry robota lead righteous zivot velka reward
  • 36. [3:173] When ludia say do them Ludia mobilized ona; ona fear them this len zosilnit ich faith they say GOD suffices us; He je lepsie Protector! [3:174] They zasluzit GOD's blessings grace ziaden harm vzdy touches them they attained GOD's approval GOD possesses infinite grace [3:175] bol devil's system instill fear jeho subjects Nie fear them fear Mna radsej if ona bol believers! [3:176] Nie saddened those hasten disbelieve! They never zranit GOD v the maly Radsej GOD has willed ze they have share Hereafter They incurred hrozny retribution. [3:177] Those zvolit si disbelief belief nie zranit GOD v the maly they incurred painful retribution. [3:178] Let nie disbelievers myslienka my lead them for ich own dobre My len lead them on confirm ich sinfulness! They incurred humiliating retribution. [3:179] GOD NIE bol LAVY believers ONA JE without distinguishing ZLY Z dobre Nor robit GOD informovat ona z buduci GOD bestows such znalost whomever He zvolit si Jeho posol! Therefore ona verit v GOD Jeho posol. Ona verit lead righteous zivot ona receive velka recompense [3:180] Let nie those withhold hoard GOD's provisions myslienka this bol dobry them; it bol zly for them! For they beriem ich hoarding ich krk Dni Vzkriesenie. GOD bol ultimate inheritor Z heavens ZEM. GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT. [3:181] GOD heard utterances those said GOD bol CHUDOBNY CHVILA MY bol ZIRNY. MY ZAPISNICA everything they said iba mat rad MY ZAPISNICA ICH killing prophets unjustly MY say Suffer retribution Hell! [3:182] This bol consequence tvoj own zavodny. GOD bol never unjust towards ludia. [3:183] bol they said GOD robit covenant us ze my nie verit v any posol he produces offering gets consumed zapalit. Say Posol mna pojdem do ona zretelny proofs inkluzive co ona iba ziadat! Why potom ona kill them ona robit bol truthful? [3:184] they zamietnut ona posol ona zamietnut vecer they brought proofs Zalm enlightening scripture. [3:185] Kazdy clovek chut smrt potom ona receive tvoj recompense Dni Vzkriesenie! Whoever zameskat Hell ledva robit it Raj attained velka triumph Zivot this world bol ziaden inak than iluzia.
  • 37. [3:186] Ona istota tested tvoj peniaze tvoj zivot ona hear z those received scripture z idol worshipers a lot z insult Ona steadfastly persevere lead righteous zivot this prove strength tvoj faith! [3:187] GOD BERIE covenant Z those received scripture ONA proclaim it LUDIA never ZATAJIT it they disregarded it ICH ZADNY zivnost it away LACNY price Co chudobny zivnost. [3:188] Those kto chvastat sa ich robota zelat chvalit nieco they skutocne nie robit nie myslienka they evade retribution. They incurred painful retribution. [3:189] Do GOD belongs sovereignty z heavens zem! GOD bol Omnipotent [3:190] Do creation z heavens zem alternation night dni there bol znamka those possess inteligencia! [3:191] They zapamatat si GOD chvila standing zasadat ich strana they zrkadlit creation heavens zem Our Lord Ona nie create all this v vain Ona glorified Save us z retribution Hell. [3:192] Our Lord whomever Ona commit do Hell som the jeden Ona forsaken Such transgressors nie have helpers. [3:193] Our Lord my heard caller vola sa do faith proclaiming ‘Ona verit v tvoj Lord ' my verit! Our Lord forgive us our transgressions remit our zhresit umrel righteous believers! [3:194] Our Lord lejak us blessings ona promised us Tvoj posol nie forsake us Dni Vzkriesenie! Ona never zlomit promise [3:195] Ich Lord responded them ja never zlyhat reward any robotnik ona any robota ona bol ona muzsky zena - Ona bol equal do jeden iny Thus those immigrate evicted ich domov persecuted Mi boj get killed ja iste remit ich zhresit admit them into zahrada flowing streams Such bol reward GOD GOD possesses ultimate reward [3:196] Nie imponovat zjavny zdar disbelievers! [3:197] They len enjoy temporarily potom koniec Hell; co chudobny destiny! [3:198] Mat rad for those observe ich Lord they zasluzit zahrada flowing streams they abide therein forever Such je abode dat do them GOD Co GOD possesses je daleko lepsie for the righteous. [3:199] Iste some followers previous scriptures verit v GOD v co revealed ona v co revealed them! They reverence GOD they never zivnost away GOD's revelations for
  • 38. lacny price These receive ich recompense ich Lord GOD JE the vela ZDATNY DO reckoning [3:200] O ona verit ona bol steadfast ona persevere ona zlucit ona observe GOD ze ona succeed! . 4- Zensky (Al-Nisa) . V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful [4:1] O ludia observe tvoj Lord Jeden created ona 1 created z it its mate potom spread 2 vela clovek zensky. Ona zretel GOD koho ona swear zretel rodicia! GOD watching ONA. [4:2] Ona hand orphans ich rightful imanie. Nie zastupid zly for dobre nie consume ich imanie combining them yours! This bol gross injustice. [4:3] Ona deem it dobre orphans ona vydana ich matka - Ona vydana 2 3 4. Ona fear lest ona become unfair potom ona bol content len jeden al co ona already have Additionally ona je thus likely avoid financial hardship! [4:4] Ona dat zensky ich due dowries equitably. they willingly forfeit anything potom ona accept it it bol rightfully yours. [4:5] Nie dat immature orphans imanie lenze GOD entrusted ona guardians! Ona shall zadovazit for them therefrom clothe them treat them laskavo! [4:6] Ona test orphans when they zastihnut puberty. Mat rad skoro mat rad ona zalozit them zrely enough dat them ich imanie! Nie consume it extravagantly v a ponahlajte sa before they grow Zirny guardian nie zverenec any wage chudobny guardian maj zverenec equitably! When ona dat them ich imanie ona have svedok. GOD suffices Reckoner. [4:7] Clovek get share z co rodicia vztazny vlavo Zensky i get share z co rodicia vztazny vlavo Whether bol male velka inheritance (zensky get definite share [4:8] During distribution inheritances vztazny orphans chudobny clovek bol present ona dat them therefrom treat them laskavo! [4:9] Those zaujem ich own dieta v puzdro they vlavo them observe GOD bol equitable! [4:10] Those consume orphans' imanie unjustly jestn zapalit ich brucho suffer Hell!
  • 39. [4:11] GOD decrees will for the benefit TVOJ DIETA; MUZSKY gets DVA KRAT share ZENA! If inheritors je len zensky inak than 2 they get two-thirds z co bequeathed Len jeden dcera lavy ona gets one-half. Rodicia zomrela get one-sixth inheritance each zomrela lavy any dieta. he nie lavy dieta jeho rodicia bol iba inheritors matka gets one- third! he has siblings potom matka gets one-sixth. All this after fulfilling any will zomrela lavy after platit off all debts. When it pojdem tvoj rodicia tvoj dieta ona nie zauzlit kto z them bol skutocne dobry do ona the vela beneficial. This bol GOD's zakon. GOD bol Omniscient Wise. [4:12] Ona get half z co tvoj manzelka vlavo they nie had dieta. they had dieta ona get one-fourth z co they lavy. All this after fulfilling any will they lavy after platit off all debts. They get one-fourth z co ona vlavo ona nie had dieta. Ona had dieta they get one- eighth z co ona bequeath All this after fulfilling any will ona lavy after platit off all debts. If zomrela clovek zensky bol loner vlavo 2 siblings muzsky zenska each z them gets one- sixth inheritance! there bol inak siblings potom they equally share one-third inheritance. All this after fulfilling any will after platit off all debts so ze ziaden 1 zranit. This will decreed GOD GOD bol Omniscient Clement [4:13] These bol GOD's zakon. Those obey GOD Jeho posol He admit them zahrada flowing streams wherein they abide forever This bol velka triumph [4:14] Mat rad for 1 kto disobeys GOD Jeho posol transgresses Jeho zakon He admit him Hell wherein he abides forever He incurred shameful retribution. [4:15] Those commit adultery tvoj zensky ona have 4 svedok them z ona. they bear svedok potom ona keep such zensky ich domov until they umrel al GOD creates vychod them! [4:16] couple commits adultery punished they repent reform ona vlavo them! GOD bol Redeemer Merciful. [4:17] Repentance bol acceptable GOD z those jesen zhresit ignorance potom repent ihned thereafter! GOD redeems them. GOD bol Omniscient Wise. [4:18] Nie acceptable je repentance z those commit zhresit smrt pojdem them potom say Ihned ja repent Nor je it acceptable z those umrel disbelievers! For these my chystat painful retribution. [4:19] O ona verit nie bol lawful ona zdedit co zensky vlavo against ich will Ona nie force them dat up anything ona dat them they commit proven adultery! Ona treat them nicely. Ona nemat rad them ona nemat rad nieco wherein GOD miesto a lot z dobry. [4:20] Ona zelat vydana iny manzelka v miesto tvoj present manzelka ona dat any z them a velka deal ona nie berie anything ona dat ju! Ona berie it fraudulently maliciously sinfully?
  • 40. [4:21] Ako ona berie it after ona je intimny s each inak, they pocas ona solemn zavazok? [4:22] Nie vydana zensky previously vydana tvoj otca! - existing manzelstvo exempted nie zlomeny - for it bol gross offense abominable cin. [4:23] Zakazat for ona manzelstvo) bol tvoj matka tvoj dcera tvoj sestra sestra tvoj otca sestra tvoj matka dcera tvoj brat dcera tvoj sestra tvoj nursing matka girls kto nursed z same zensky mat rad ona matka tvoj manzelka dcera tvoj manzelka koho ona consummated manzelstvo! - Manzelstvo nie consummated ona vydana dcera. I zakazat ona bol zensky vydana tvoj genetic syn. I ona nie vydana 2 sestra o the same cas - robi nie zlomit existing manzelstvo! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [4:24] I zakazat som zensky already vydana they flee ich disbelieving muz bol o vojnovy ona. These bol GOD's commandments ona. All inaksie categories permitted ona manzelstvo long mat rad ona zaplatit them ich due dowries. Ona maintain tvoj morality by nie committing adultery! Thus whoever ona zaluba them ona zaplatit them dowry decreed for them. Ona nie commit omyl by mutually agreeing do any adjustments do dowry! GOD bol Omniscient Wise. [4:25] Those among ona nie afford vydana volny verit zensky vydana verit slave zensky! GOD zauzlit DOBRY TVOJ belief ONA bol equal do JEDEN iny mat rad daleko mat rad belief ZAUJEM! Ona ziskat permission z ich guardians ona vydana them zaplatit them ich due dowry equitably! They maintain moral chovanie by nie committing adultery, al having secret lovers! Once they volny manzelstvo they commit adultery, ich punishment bol half z ze volny zensky. Vydana slave bol posledny vyletne miesto for those unable cakat! Je chory je lepsie for ona. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [4:26] GOD wills explain things ONA guide ONA through MINULY precedents DO redeem ONA! GOD bol Omniscient Wise. [4:27] GOD ZELAT redeem ONA CHVILA those pursue ICH lusts ZELAT ONA deviate VELKA deviation! [4:28] GOD ZELAT BLESK ONA burden human bol created CHABY. [4:29] O ona verit nie consume each others' imanie illicitly - Len mutually acceptable transactions permitted Ona nie kill! GOD bol Merciful towards ONA [4:30] Ktokolvek commits these transgressions maliciously deliberately my condemn him do Hell. This bol easy GOD robit. [4:31] Ona zdrzat sa z committing gross zhresit zakazat ona my remit tvoj zhresit admit ona honorable admittance!
  • 41. [4:32] Ona nie covet kvalita bestowed upon each inak by GOD clovek enjoy certain kvalita zensky enjoy certain kvalita! Ona implore GOD lejak ona Jeho grace GOD bol fully aware z all things. [4:33] For each z ona my designated shares inheritance vlavo by rodicia vztazny. I those related do ona manzelstvo ona dat them ich due share GOD SVEDOK all things. [4:34] Clovek robit zodpovedny zensky GOD endowed them certain kvalita robit them chlieb earners! righteous zensky cheerfully accept this zostava it bol GOD's commandment honor ich muz ich absence. If ona zazitok rebellion zensky ona prvy talk do them potom (ona pouzivat zaporny incentives mat) rad) zbehnut them v zahon, potom ona maj posledny alternative beat them! they obey ona ona nie permitted transgress them. GOD bol High ZVRCHOVANY. [4:35] couple fears separation ona appoint arbitrator jeho rodina arbitrator z ju rodina; they decide zmiernit GOD will pomoc them get dohromady! GOD bol Omniscient Cognizant [4:36] Ona kult GOD alone - robi nie associate anything Him! Ona zretel rodicia vztazny orphans chudobny related neighbor unrelated neighbor koniec associate cestovat alien tvoj servants. GOD NIE ROBIT arrogant show-offs. [4:37] Jeden bol lakomstvo exhort ludia bol lakomstvo zatajit co GOD bestowed them Jeho bounties! My chystat disbelievers shameful retribution. [4:38] They dat peniaze laska k bliznemu len show chvila disbelieving GOD Posledny Dni! 1 companion bol devil je zly companion. [4:39] Why they nie verit v GOD Posledny Dni dat GOD's provisions them? GOD bol fully aware z them. [4:40] GOD NIE inflict atom's weight injustice. On the contrary He multiplies reward manifold for righteous robota grants z Him velka recompense [4:41] Thus when dni judgment pojdem my vola sa svedok each obec ona (posol) serve svedok these ludia. [4:42] Dni those disbelieved disobeyed posol zelat they je level ground nie single utterance will they bol able do zatajit z GOD [4:43] O ona verit nie observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) chvila intoxicated so ze ona zauzlit co ona saying Nor after sexual orgasm kupel unless ona je cesta cestovat ona bol chory cestovat ona had urinary fecal-related excretion such mat rad gas zmluva zensky (sexually) ona nie zalozit zavlazit ona observe Tayammum dry ablution) touching cisty dry znecistit potom wiping tvoj faces hands therewith! GOD bol Pardoner Forgiver.
  • 42. [4:44] Ona noted those received portion scripture a ako they zvolit si stray zelat ona stray chodnicek? [4:45] GOD zauzlit LEPSIE KTO TVOJ enemies bol GOD bol IBA Lord Zvladnut GOD bol IBA Supporter. [4:46] Among those bol Zidovsky some distort words truth they say My hear my disobey Tvoj words falling deaf ears Raa'ena bol our shepherd mat rad they zvitok ich jazyk mock nabozenstvo! Had they said My hear my obey My hear ona Unzurna watch us) it je lepsie for them a righteous. Radsej they incurred condemnation GOD ich disbelief. Consequently majority z them nie verit. [4:47] O ona received scripture ona verit v co my reveal tu confirming co ona have before my banish certain faces exile condemn them mat rad my condemned those desecrated Sabbath! GOD's command robit. [4:48] GOD NIE forgive idolatry He forgives lesser offenses whomever He wills. Ktokolvek sets idols GOD kut horrendous offense [4:49] Ona noted those Have exalt? Radsej GOD je Jeden exalts whomever He wills maly injustice. [4:50] Note ako they fabricate laicky GOD co gross offense this bol [4:51] Ona noted those received portion scripture a ako they verit v idolatry false doctrine potom say disbelievers je lepsie guided than believers!? [4:52] bol they incurred GOD's condemnation whomever GOD condemns ona nie zalozit any helper him! [4:53] they own share sovereignty? they robit they nie dat ludia zrno. [4:54] Je they zavistlivy z ludia because GOD lejak them Jeho blessings? My dat Abraham's rodina scripture wisdom; my granted them velka authority [4:55] Some z them verit therein some z them zapudit therefrom Hell bol iba iba retribution for these! [4:56] Iste those disbelieve our revelations my condemn them hellfire. Whenever ich skins zhoreny my dat them new skins Thus they suffer continuously. GOD bol Almighty Wise. [4:57] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot my admit them zahrada flowing streams they abide therein forever They have pure spouses therein. My admit them blissful zaclonit.
  • 43. [4:58] GOD commands ONA dat anything LUDIA entrusted ONA. Ona judge among the ludia, ona judge equitably. Dobry enlightenment indeed je co GOD odporucat ona. GOD bol Hearer Seer. [4:59] O ona verit ona obey GOD ona obey posol those do zverenec ona! Ona dispute any zalezitost ona refer it GOD posol ona verit v GOD Posledny Dni. This bol lepsi ona zadovazit ona lepsie riesenie! [4:60] Ona noted those reklamacia ze they Have verit v co revealed ona v co revealed before ona je potom uphold unjust zakon ich idols? They commanded zamietnut such zakon! Indeed bol devil's zelat lead them daleko astray. [4:61] When they told Pojdem co GOD revealed posol ona see hypocrites shunning ona completely [4:62] Ako it robit when disaster je hits them mat rad consequence ich own robota? They pojdem ona potom swear GOD Our zamer bol dobry righteous! [4:63] GOD bol fully aware z ICH innermost ZAMER. Ona ignorovat them enlighten them dat them dobry rada save ich souls! [4:64] My nie send any posol except obeyed v accordance s GOD's will Had they when they zlo ich souls pojdem ona prayed GOD forgiveness posol prayed ich forgiveness they zalozit GOD Redeemer Merciful. [4:65] Never indeed by tvoj Lord they nie bol believers they pojdem ona judge ich disputes potom zalozit hesitation ich srdce whatsoever do accepting tvoj judgment They submit total submission. [4:66] Had my decreed them Ona offer tvoj zivot Dat up tvoj domov they nie robit it except for a few z them. (Vecer such command issued had they robit co they commanded robi it je lepsi them prove strength ich faith! [4:67] A my granted them velka recompense [4:68] A my guided them na pravo chodnicek. [4:69] Those obey GOD posol belong those zehnat GOD - prophets saints martyrs a the righteous. These som dobre podnik. [4:70] Such je zehnat z GOD GOD je lepsie Knower. [4:71] O ona verit ona zostat alert mobilize mat rad individuum mobilize all dohromady!
  • 44. [4:72] Iste there bol those ona zavliect ich nohy potom setback afflicts ona they say GOD zehnat mna ze ja nie martyred them. [4:73] Ona attain zehnat GOD they say mat rad if nie friendship vzdy existed ona them Ja zelat si ja bol them ja share such velky victory! [4:74] Those readily boj zapricinit GOD bol those forsake this world Hereafter Whoever boj zapricinit GOD potom gets killed attains victory my iste grant him velka recompense [4:75] Why should ona nie boj zapricinit GOD when chaby clovek zensky dieta imploring Our Lord deliver us z this obec whose ludia je oppressive bol Ona our Lord Zvladnut [4:76] Those verit boj zapricinit GOD chvila those disbelieve boj zapricinit tyranny. Therefore ona boj devil's allies devil's power je nil [4:77] Ona noted those told Ona Have je boj; all ona have observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) je dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat) potom when boj decreed them they feared ludia mat rad vela mat rad they feared GOD je vecer inak They said Our Lord Ona force this boj us? If len Ona respite us awhile! Say latka this world je nil chvila Hereafter bol daleko lepsie righteous ona never suffer slightest injustice. [4:78] Wherever ona bol smrt will zastihnut up s ona vecer ona zit v formidable zamok! When nieco dobre happens them they say This je GOD a when nieco zly afflicts them they blame ona! Say Everything pojdem GOD these ludia misunderstand skoro everything? [4:79] Anything dobre happens ona je GOD anything zly ze happens ona bol ona. My sent ona posol ludia GOD suffices mat rad svedok! [4:80] Whoever obeys posol obeying GOD Mat rad for those turn my nie send ona ich guardian [4:81] They zavazok obedience they lavy ona some z them harbor zamer contrary do co they say GOD ZAPISNICA ICH innermost ZAMER. Ona disregard them put tvoj trust GOD GOD suffices ZASTANCA. [4:82] Why they nie study Quran carefully If je z inak than GOD they zalozit it numerous contradictions. [4:83] When rumor affects zaruka pojdem ich way they spread it Had they referred it posol those v zverenec them those chapat these zalezitost informovat them! If it je for GOD's grace ona Jeho zlutovanie ona nasledovat devil a few
  • 45. [4:84] Ona boj zapricinit GOD ona bol zodpovedny len tvoj own soul exhort believers robi the same GOD will neutralize power Z those disbelieve! GOD bol vela MOCNY vela effective [4:85] Whoever mediates dobry cin receives share credit thereof whoever mediates zly robota incurs share thereof! GOD controls all things. [4:86] When greeted pozdravy ona respond lepsie pozdravy o maly equal 1! GOD reckons all things. [4:87] GOD there NIE bol god except He. He iste zvolat ona Dni Vzkriesenie - inevitable dni. Whose narration je truthful than GOD's [4:88] Why ona divide 2 zoskupit hypocrites ona)? GOD JE JEDEN condemned them ich own CHOVANIE. Ona chudoba guide those robit sent astray GOD Whomever GOD sends astray ona never zalozit way guide them! [4:89] They zelat ona disbelieve mat rad they disbelieved potom ona become equal Nie consider them znamy unless they mobilize along s ona zapricinit GOD they turn ona ona boj them ona kill them when ona encounter them do vojnovy! Ona nie accept them znamy allies [4:90] Exempted som those join zaludnit koho ona znamka peace treaty those pojdem ona zelat nie boj ona nor boj ich vztazny! Had GOD willed He permitted them boj ona! Therefore if they vlavo ona zdrzat sa z boj ona offer ona peace potom GOD dat ona nie excuse boj them! [4:91] Ona zalozit others zelat robit peace ona i ich ludia. However mat rad skoro mat rad vojnovy erupts they boj ona! these zaludnit vlavo ona offer ona peace zastavit boj ona ona boj them when ona encounter them! Against these my dat ona zretelny authorization [4:92] Ziaden believer kill iny believer it bol zrazka. Jeden kills believer by zrazka, he atone volny verit slave zaplatit compensation victim's rodina they forfeit such compensation laska k bliznemu! victim belonged do ludia je o vojnovy ona he bol believer ona atone volny verit slave he belonged do ludia koho ona znamka peace treaty ona zaplatit compensation inak volny verit slave Ona nie zalozit slave volny ona atone chytro 2 consecutive mesiac v poradie redeemed GOD GOD bol Knower Wise. [4:93] Ktokolvek kills believer on ucel, jeho retribution bol Hell wherein he abides forever GOD je angry him condemns him chystat him hrozny retribution! [4:94] O ona verit ona strike zapricinit GOD ona bol absolutely istota. Nie say do jeden offers ona peace Ona je believer seeking spoils this world For GOD possesses infinite spoils Zapamatat Si ona pouzivat bol them GOD zehnat ona! Therefore ona je absolutely istota ona strike GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT.
  • 46. [4:95] Nie equal som sedentary believers nie handicapped those strive zapricinit GOD ich peniaze ich zivot. GOD exalts strivers ICH PENIAZE ICH ZIVOT above the sedentary. both GOD promises salvation GOD exalts strivers sedentary velky recompense [4:96] higher ranks pojdem Him i mat rad forgiveness zlutovanie. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [4:97] Those zivot zakoncit angels chvila statny z zlo ich souls angels ziadat them Co bol the zalezitost ona? They say My oppressed zem. They say Je GOD's zem nie spacious enough ona emigrate therein? these zaverecny abode bol Hell chudobny destiny! [4:98] Exempted som chaby clovek zensky dieta nie possess strength nor znamenat zalozit way [4:99] These pardoned GOD GOD bol Pardoner Forgiver. [4:100] Ktokolvek emigrates zapricinit z GOD will zalozit zem velka bounties richness! Ktokolvek dat up jeho domov emigrating GOD Jeho posol potom smrt zastihnut up s him jeho recompense rezervovat GOD GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [4:101] When ona cestovat during vojnovy ona nie commit omyl shortening tvoj Zmluva Prayers (Salat) ona fear ze disbelievers zachvatit ona! Iste disbelievers bol tvoj zapalisty enemies. [4:102] When ona bol them lead Zmluva Prayer (Salat) them let some z ona stand guard let them hold ich zbran let them stand ona ona prostrate Potom let inaksie zoskupit nie prayed berie ich turn praying ona chvila others stand guard hold ich zbran! Those disbelieved zelat see ona zanedbany tvoj zbran tvoj naradie v poradie zachvatit ona once i for all Ona nie commit omyl ona hampered dazo zranenie putting nadol tvoj zbran long mat rad ona zostat alert GOD chystat disbelievers shameful retribution. [4:103] Once ona complete tvoj Zmluva Prayer (Salat) ona zapamatat si GOD chvila standing zasadat laicky! Once vojnovy bol ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat;) Zmluva Prayers (Salat) decreed believers specific lehota! [4:104] Nie waver pursuing enemy Ona suffer they i suffer. Ona expect GOD co they never expect. GOD bol Omniscient Wise. [4:105] My sent nadol ona scripture truthfully v poradie do judge among the ludia v accordance s co GOD shown ona! Ona nie strana betrayers. [4:106] Ona implore GOD forgiveness. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful. [4:107] Nie argue on behalf z those zlo ich own souls; GOD nie laska any betrayer guilty