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Hello. I have a term project due. First off, thank you so much so
taking on such a challenging task. There are multiple
components to this project.
1 Final Report
Details for report requirements explained in “Introduction to
Industry and Company Analysis”
And “Term Project Guidelines”
1 Project PowerPoint
This PowerPoint needs to reflect the information that you have
put in your report. Please provide accurate & detailed notes for
each slide made. I will have to present this for minimum ten
6 Equity Market News and Stock Analysis Reports
This is 6 individual, 1-page short Reports. Summarize, discuss
or analyze at least one equity investment news/events occurred
current week in US or global financial markets, and/or one
news/updates about the company and stock you are working on
for your project.
· Relate the news/events to the company, stock and industry you
are working on for your project. Or you can select news/events
about your company and stock.
· Short paragraphs preferred, Less than one page. And please
indicate the information sources (web links or any references.)
· Grade based on relevance and significance of the
· Please submit by each Thursday and use the link provided
(type or attach a WRDS or PDF file).
Each week certain topics are discussed. So one report will be
based on a recent article pertaining to the topics mentioned
from each week. In essence:
Report# 1 = Article related to topics from date 3/25
Report# 2 = Article related to topics from date 4/01
Report# 3 = Article related to topics from date 4/08
Report# 4= Article related to topics from date 4/22
Report# 5= Article related to topics from date 4/29
Report# 6= article related to topis from date 5/06
6 Project Progress Reports
This professor requires a brief, two-three sentence update on the
progress of our project.
PSY 409 Outcomes Assessment Assignment Planning Document
Step 1: Create a Research Question (RQ)
A well-written RQ statement is critical to successful research
writing. Your RQ should direct the reader's focus on what he or
she can expect to learn from the paper. It should introduce the
subject matter of the essay and why it is worth reading.
When developing a research question, it is important to be as
specific and linear as possible. A strong RQ for this project
would include just a few simple variables that can be defined,
measured, and analyzed. Keep in mind that whatever variables
you choose for your research question will require a specific
real-world measurement during the methods section.
In general, the formula for determining your thesis statement is
“Does (Variable X) have an (affect) on (Variable Y)? For
“Does increased activity on social media increase symptoms of
Fill out the following template to complete this handout:
Variable #1: _________drug
Variable #2:
Hypothesized Effect: ____increase in unemployment
Write your completed research question below:
_does an increase in drug abuse increase unemployment
John Doe
PSY 409
Wilmington University
Scholars have developed theories on the effectiveness of early
identification and early intervention programs and their effects
on children with an intellectual disability. It has also been
developed the significant modification these programs have on
their IQ scores. This research is conducted to ensure the
effectiveness of these programs for children with an intellectual
disability to understand the full extent of improvement these
programs can construct their adaptive behaviors and cognitive
skills that are exhibited in their IQ.
Research Proposal
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-IV), the diagnostic
criteria of intellectual disability is characterized as the
involvement of “impairments of general mental abilities that
impact adaptive functioning in three domains, or area”
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 1). The
involvement of early intervention programs has had perceived
profits of participation in the early intervention programs. Early
intervention programs allow children with intellectual
disabilities and their parents to assist in the children’s
development while working with specialized professionals to
advocate for the child. “The provision of comprehensive early
intervention services and supports for children with established
developmental delays continues to be a high priority in the
United States” (Guralnick, 2015, p. 1).
Early intervention measures the developmental goals that
are attempted to be achieved. According to the Children and
Youth Welfare Law, early intervention for children with an
intellectual disability can conduct through a professional team
in aspects of medical and educational, as well as performing
before the age of six. The goal of this literature review is to
define the effectiveness of early identification and intervention
in the development of children with intellectual disabilities and
the effect on their IQs. This literature review is mixed with
qualitative approaches and consensus-based knowledge and
recommendations from expert evidence.
Intelligence Quotient and Intellectual Disabilities
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) explores the reasoning ability of
a child compared to the statistical norm for their age range. The
test defines the cognitive and intellectual ability of a child, as
well as the deficits in adaptive behavior. The statistical norm of
the IQ is defined under a scale from mild to profound ID, with a
profound ID being below 20-25 and mild ID being 50-55 to 70.
Intellectual disabilities have a profound effect on the
impairment of adaptive functions and cognitive ability before
age 18, which is identified early based on where a child is
scaled on an IQ assessment.
An inclusion criterion entails two test scores that
demarcate IQ among children in the Wechsler Preschool and
Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R). “The brain
develops with the environment; therefore, it is essential that
there are optimal early environments for learning” (Kirk, 2015,
p. 70). The emphasis of the early identification of IQ testing
creates an optimal advantage to social and environmental
learning that increases cognitive development in IQ. Intellectual
ability is emphasized with the limitations in adaptive and
cognitive behaviors and low intelligence, defined by the
intelligence quotient. According to the National Academies
Press, “the prevalence of intellectual disabilities is "in range of
2.5 to 5 per 1,000 children" as of 2012.
Effectiveness of Early Intervention and Identification
As intellectual disabilities can create a higher risk for children
with lower cognitive ability and adaptive behavior problems
compared to children of the broad-spectrum population, early
intervention and identification are effective in reducing the
burden of these cognitive and behavioral difficulties in the
intellectual disability population. “Nearly all studies
demonstrated medium to large intervention effects on child
behavior post-intervention” (Petrenko, 2013, para. 1). Early
identification allows a greater outcome in positive behavior and
cognitive ability, as an IQ, in young children with intellectual
disabilities with the onset of early clinical diagnosis.
Early intervention has an emphasis on the multi-component
intervention programs, most commonly with parental training.
Early interventions are efficacious in increasing children with
intellectual disabilities cognitive ability in their IQ and has a
benefit of adaptive behavior skills for the child and family.
“Parenting program components that are consistently associated
with the largest effects include increasing positive parent-child
interactions and communication skills” (Petrenko, 2013, para.
9) that improve cognitive and intellectual ability.
Retrospective Cohort Study of the Effectiveness of Early
In 2014, Der-Chung Lai, Chung-Hsin Chiang, and Yuh-
Ming Hou described the phenomenon of early intervention and
identification effectiveness in increasing the IQ scores of
children with intellectual disabilities. They conducted a cohort
study of two IQ assessments between 2001 and 2005. The two
tests would indicate the effectiveness of early intervention for
the children with an ID through the improvement of their IQ
The participants of the study included the participation of
thirteen girls and twenty-three boys around six months of age.
The participants were chosen in stratified random sampling, as
other previous studies have been conducted in this sampling
technique. “The IQ increased from 57.0 ± 8.0 to 65.1 ± 12.3;
p < 0.001 (Lai, 2014, para. 3). Their results revealed
improvement in IQ in their participants in the four years from
the first administration of the test to the second. This study
concluded the effectiveness of an early intervention in
improving the IQ of children with intellectual disabilities, and
the effectiveness of the earlier the better beginning intervention
and identification.
In the current literature review, limitations were
discovered in the lack of diversity in participants on a
socioeconomic and cultural level and the lack of usage of
control groups in previous studies. It should be recommenced in
future studies on the effectiveness of early intervention for
children with intellectual disabilities to enlist a control group
that does not receive early intervention and identification.
Previous studies have been limited to a particular region and
socioeconomic group that does not represent an entire
population of different families, socioeconomic backgrounds,
and cultural backgrounds.
Significance of the Study
Early intervention and identification is an imperative aspect of
the medical and educational field for developmental disabilities
such as intellectual disabilities. As through the increase in
studies and technology, there are many approaches to early
intervention and identification techniques that are available to
children with ID and their families with parental training being
the most common. “Appropriate identification is important so
that we can match supports and services, or interventions, to the
child’s specific needs” (Kirk, 2015, p. 66).
Early intervention and identification programs have shown a
significant improvement in IQ in children with an intellectual
disability as the intelligence quotient defines the developmental
levels in skills of adaptive behaviors and cognitive ability.
Through qualitative research and professional development
in the knowledge of the significance of intellectual disabilities,
early intervention and identification have been proven to be
effective in improving children with an intellectual disability's
IQ that becomes closer to the intellectual level of the statistic
norm for their developmental stage. Previous studies and
literature reviews have defined the effectiveness of early
intervention and identification, which contributes to the
development of improving intervention programs.
Five females and five males ranging from ages 5-9 years
old participated in the experiment and were compensated with
an opportunity to offer more enlightenment on the effectiveness
of early intervention for their family and others.
The independent variable is the stimulus that the children
are exposed to in the participation of the early intervention
program in the past three years. The dependent variable is the
IQ scores that have been administered by the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). The conditions of the
early intervention techniques including occupational therapy,
speech and language services, counseling and training for
families, and assistive technology that the children had received
the past three years.
The experiment will begin with ten parents of children
with an intellectual disability, in which a computer-based
questionnaire will be administered. This questionnaire will
include straightforward questions of the child's present age
compared to the age in which they were originally identified
and diagnosed with an intellectual disability. Further questions
will target the IQ score in which the child falls under the scale
of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). These
questions will be administered through a computerized platform
and remain confidential to participants, as well will the
questions be taken into consideration to identify the
effectiveness of an early intervention on each child's IQ score
that was assessed at the introduction of early intervention and
three years prior to participation in early intervention.
Data Analysis
This study was conducted on ten participants including
male and female children with ID from a variety of
socioeconomic backgrounds. The researchers conducted a
questionnaire for the parents identifying the IQ score of their
children at the introduction to early intervention with the
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and the IQ
score in which was presented three years which subsequently
was conducted on three years after the initial assessment.
The study is intended to confirm the effectiveness of early
intervention for children with intellectual disabilities (ID) on
the improvement of their IQ scores, which validates the
outcomes of their adaptive behaviors and cognitive functioning.
As previously presented by Der-Chung Lai and his colleagues of
the effectiveness of early intervention and identification, "the
effectiveness is more prominent in boys and children with a low
maternal educational level" (Lai, 2014, para. 28).
The study defines the concepts of intellectual disabilities,
referring to a learning disability that causes limitations in
adaptive behaviors and intellectual and cognitive functioning,
as well as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC).
This assessment is administered through a clinician or
professional through standard paper-and-pencil or in digital
format in a total of seven subtests, then reviewed by the
conductors of the study.
The purpose of this analysis is to determine the
effectiveness of early intervention programs, and the need for
the intervention and identification to detect educational and
social needs for children with ID. This will confirm the
existence of early intervention and its positive impact on
children with ID on their IQ, along with the improvement of
their adaptive behaviors and intellectual functioning.
Due to ethical reasoning and lack of resources, there was
no use of a control group in this study which could have shown
the effectiveness in the early intervention compared to the
participants in the control group's improvement. The sample
size in the study was limited in the study as there were only ten
participants were available in the population given. Further
research should include a larger sample size to validate the
reliability of the study, as well as investigate the impact within
a longer time frame of intervention.
From previous scholars, it has been instituted that early
identification and early intervention have a prominent and
positive effect on those with intellectual disabilities and the
improved outcome of their IQ scores. Through conducted
research, children are administered the Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children (WISC) from age three to eighteen years old
and it has been proved to have a positive outcome of results in
the improvement of IQ, including adaptive behaviors and
cognitive ability. Further research can be conducted on this
notion to further validate the effectiveness of an early
intervention on children with intellectual disabilities.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and
statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA:
Guralnick, M.J. (2015, November 26). Early intervention for
children with intellectual disabilities: An update. Center on
Human Development and Disability: University of Washington.
Seattle, Washington. Retrieved from
Kirk, S., Gallagher, J., & Coleman, M.R. (2015) Educating
exceptional children. 14th edition. Cengage.
Lai, D.C., Chiang, C.H., and Hou, Y.M. (2014, July 2).
Predictors of effectiveness of early intervention on children
with intellectual disability: a retrospective cohort study. BMC
Pediatrics. Retrieved from
National Academies Press. (2015). Prevalence of intellectual
disabilities. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from!po=94.2308
Petrenko, C.L.M. (2013, December 1). A review of intervention
programs to prevent and treat behavioral problems in young
children with developmental disabilities. J Developmental Phys
Disability. Retrieved from
Consent Form
Description of Research
My name is Kaitlyn Cash, and I will be conducting the research
in this study. The research study in which you will participate is
part of a larger project that examines the influence of early
intervention effects on the development of IQ in children with
ID. We plan to compare the IQ scores of children with ID at the
beginning of early intervention participation to the IQ scores
three years into early intervention in order to better understand
the effectiveness of early intervention techniques.
Description of Participation
During this session, you will be asked to as a parent, to allow
your child’s IQ scores to be presented through a questionnaire
that was administered in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC) before beginning early intervention in a 65-
minute session. Participants will receive an hour to complete a
questionnaire on their children with ID and their IQ score
difference within three years.
Conditions and Benefits of Participation
We anticipate no risks of participating in this study that exceeds
those ordinarily encountered in daily life. You and your child
may not receive direct benefit from your participation, but
others may benefit from the outcomes obtained from the study.
Your identity will remain confidential upon request and will not
be identified in any of the reports on the study. Records will be
kept confidential to the extent provided by federal, state, and
local law. However, the Institutional Review Board or
university and government officials responsible for monitoring
this study may inspect these records. Your participation in this
project is voluntary, you may decide to exit the study at any
time without penalty.
Please feel free to contact John Do, Undergraduate Student, at
856-6952 or [email protected] or contact Dr. Andrew Lightfoot
at 764-0268 or [email protected] if you have any questions
about this study.
I have read the information given above. I hereby consent to
participate in the study.
Consenting Signature:
__________________________________ Date
Name (Please Print):
Effectiveness of Early Intervention on Children with
Intellectual Disabilities’ IQ
Human Subjects Review
Contact Information
Principal Investigator: John Doe
Project status
This research is for (check one): Dissertation ___ Practicum
___ Master’s _____ Undergraduate _✓__ Other (specify)
This research proposal is (check one): New _✓__ Renewal ___
Re-evaluation ___
Instructor or assigned faculty sponsor: Andrew
Project Information
Title of study: Effectiveness of early intervention on children
with ID and their IQ
Research purpose or issue: To define the effectiveness of early
intervention on those with
Population to be studied: gender: M/F___________ age Parents
of children: 3-18 of age_______ race/ethnicity: Diverse_____
number of groups and number of participants in each group Two
groups of 5_________________________
inclusion and exclusion criteria
How will participants be recruited: 10
Describe the procedures that the participants will undergo in the
proposed research project to include the physical location and
duration of subject participation (attach a copy of all research
instruments e.g., surveys, questionnaires, interview questions
etc.): An online questionnaire will be administered to the
parents of the participants.
Describe procedures that will be used to maintain
confidentiality, including plans for storing/disposing of tapes
and other data records at the conclusion of the research: The
questionnaire will be anonymous, meaning confidentiality will
remain contained.
Research Protocol Please answer yes or no to all questions
Does this research involve:
__NO__ __ prisoners, probationers, pregnant women,
fetuses, the seriously ill or mentally or cognitively
compromised adults, or minors (under 18 yrs) as parti cipants
__NO__ ____ the collection of information regarding sensitive
aspects of the participants' behavior (e.g., drug, or alcohol use,
illegal conduct, sexual behavior
__NO__ ____ the collection or recording of behavior which, if
known outside the research,
could place the participants at risk of criminal or civil liability
or could be
damaging to the participant’s financial standing, employability,
insurability, or
__NO__ ____ procedures to be employed that present more
than minimal risk * to participants
____ ____ deception or coercion
__NO__ ____ benefits or compensation to participants
__NO_ ___ a conflict of interest (e.g., teacher/student,
employer/employee: is there any financial interest in this
If you answered NO to all of the questions please proceed to the
next page.
If you answered YES to any of the questions your proposal must
clearly indicate why the use of participants in any of these
categories is scientifically necessary and what safeguards will
be employed to preserve the participant's
anonymity/confidentiality. The proposal must identify all risks
(physical, psychological, financial, social, other) connected to
the proposed procedures, indicate clearly how such risks to
participants are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits,
describe methods to protect or minimize such risks, and access
their likely effectiveness. Consent/assent forms must be
included for research involving minors (see pg 4 regarding
details on consent forms).
minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of
harm or discomfort anticipated in the proposed research are not
greater than those ordinarily encountered in everyday life or
during the performance of routine physical or psychological
examinations or tests.
Consent Forms
YES_✓___ NO____ Is a consent form included with this study?
If so, attach a copy.
YES____ NO__✓__ Are child assent forms included with this
study? If so, attach a copy. Minors must provide affirmative
consent to participate by signing a simplified form unless the
principal investigator can provide evidence that the minors are
not capable of assenting because of age, maturity, psychological
state, or other factors.
Who is obtaining consent? Check all that apply. Principal
Investigator _✓__ Research Assistant ___
Other___(specify)__________________ How is consent being
obtained? _Consent form to parents in the releasing of IQ
What steps are being taken to determine that potential subjects
are competent to participate in the decision-making process?
Selection of participants that are
Obligations of Principal Investigator
HSRC meets on the second Thursday of each month September
to May and twice during the summer months. Protocol must be
received two weeks before that date.
Any changes made to the research protocol must be reported to
division representatives of the HSRC for review prior to the
implementation of such change. Any complications, adverse
reactions, or changes in the original estimates of risks must be
reported at once to the HRSC chairperson before continuing the
Any data collection that extends beyond one year must be
resubmitted before the anniversary for continuing review by the
According to federal regulation, all data, including signed
consent form documents must be retained for a minimum of
three years past the completion of the research.
I have read and understood my obligations as an investigator. I
certify that the research proposal is accurate and complete.
Print name: John Do________________________________
Date: _12/2/19_____________________
Signature: _John Do________________________________
Instructor or: __Andrew
Lightfoot___________________________ Date:
__12/2/19________________ Assigned Faculty print name
______________________________ signature
This section is to be completed by the HSRC
Principal Investigator:
____________________________________________ Date
The protocol and attachments were reviewed: ___ The proposed
research is approved as ___ Exempt ___ Expedited ___ Ful l
Committee ___ The proposed research was approved pending
the following changes:
___ see attached letter
___ resubmit changes to the HSRC chairman
___ The proposed research was disapproved. See attached letter
for more information.
HSRC Co-Chair _______________________
Date:_________________ Or Representative print name
HSRC Co-Chair _______________________
Date:_________________ Or Representative print name
Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis
1. Provide an overview/introduction to the industry and
companies you have selected.
2. Provide a list of information sources (please be specific).
1. Framework, concepts and theories to be considered:
Products and/or Services Supplied (principal business activity
and other business activities)
Business-Cycle Sensitivities
Industry Classification (Classifying Companies into Industries)
Constructing a Peer Group
· Examine commercial classification systems
· Review the subject company’s annual report for a discussion
of the competitive environment
· Review competitors’ annual reports to identify other potential
comparable companies
“Porter’s five forces” analysis (threat of new entrants,
bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers,
threat of substitutes, intensity of rivalry among existing
Price competition (Barriers to entry, Industry concentration,
Industry capacity, Market share stability).
Competitive strategies (Low-cost strategy and Product/service
differentiation strategy).
Using the life-cycle model (embryonic; growth; shakeout;
mature; and decline).
External influences on industry growth, profitability, and risk (
· Macroeconomic influences include the level of production,
interest rates, availability of credit, and inflation
· Technological influences include new products that change
how companies do business
· Demographic influences include the distribution of consumers
by age and gender
· Governmental influences include tax rates and regulations
· Social influences include how people work and spend.
A checklist for company analysis (please see Exhibit 8 for
· corporate profile;
· industry characteristics;
· demand for products/services;
· supply of products/services; pricing; and
· financial ratios.
2. Information sources include:
· economic publications
· business publications
· industry and trade associations
· company disclosures, and
· The companies’ competitors, suppliers, and customers
Term Project
Business 771 Equity Asset Valuation 1712
George Z. Li, Ph.D., CFA
Real world application of equity asset valuation models.
Hands-on experience on equity analysis, recommendation, and
• Select one company or ideally a pair of companies (for
example, two
competing firms, a big vs a small player, a winning vs. a losing
stock, a public
vs. a private equity, an established vs. a start-up companies) in
an industry you
have interest and /or experience; conduct detailed valuation
analysis applying
the Dividend Discount Model, Free Cash Flow Model, Price
Multiples, and
Residual Income Valuation Model.
• Conduct macroeconomic analysis, industry analysis, company
analysis and
technical analysis in addition to the fundamental valuation
• Write a research report, make recommendation, and present to
the class.
Timeline (please conduct analysis on a continuous basis and
submit periodic report)
03/25 choose an industry and/or a company.
3/31- 4/1 provide an overview of the industry and the
Find industry publications/webpages.
Read professional analysis sample reports (methodologies and
Industry performance, sub-sector, main product/service, key
Decide 1-2 companies to work on the project.
Company basics (business line, production, sales, marketing,
outlook), financial
statements 3-5 years, stock market performance.
4/7- 4/08 Return analysis, earning quality/ accounting quality,
profitability analysis,
Industry analysis: business cycle, life cycle, sales/revenue
forecast, growth rate.
Company analysis: operating, investing and financing activities.
Ratio analysis,
industry benchmark (safety, efficiency, profitability).
4/15 half-way report
4/21- 4/22 Discounted dividend valuation (adjustment and
projection). Industry or
Fee cash flow valuation (calculation, adjustment and
4/28- 4/29 market-based valuation (peer group, comparable,
Residual income valuation.
5/5- 5/6 M&A and other considerations, private equity
(sum-of-the-parts valuation, sensitivity analysis, situational
Project presentation
5/13 project modification and revision
Final written project due
Analysis Report 70%
Project Progress 12%
Project Presentation 18%

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Hello. I have a term project due. First off, thank you so much so

  • 1. Hello. I have a term project due. First off, thank you so much so taking on such a challenging task. There are multiple components to this project. COMPONENT 1: 1 Final Report Details for report requirements explained in “Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis” And “Term Project Guidelines” COMPONENT 2: 1 Project PowerPoint This PowerPoint needs to reflect the information that you have put in your report. Please provide accurate & detailed notes for each slide made. I will have to present this for minimum ten minutes. COMPONENT 3: 6 Equity Market News and Stock Analysis Reports This is 6 individual, 1-page short Reports. Summarize, discuss or analyze at least one equity investment news/events occurred current week in US or global financial markets, and/or one news/updates about the company and stock you are working on for your project. · Relate the news/events to the company, stock and industry you are working on for your project. Or you can select news/events about your company and stock. · Short paragraphs preferred, Less than one page. And please indicate the information sources (web links or any references.) · Grade based on relevance and significance of the news/events. · Please submit by each Thursday and use the link provided (type or attach a WRDS or PDF file). Each week certain topics are discussed. So one report will be based on a recent article pertaining to the topics mentioned
  • 2. from each week. In essence: Report# 1 = Article related to topics from date 3/25 Report# 2 = Article related to topics from date 4/01 Report# 3 = Article related to topics from date 4/08 Report# 4= Article related to topics from date 4/22 Report# 5= Article related to topics from date 4/29 Report# 6= article related to topis from date 5/06 COMPONENT 4: 6 Project Progress Reports This professor requires a brief, two-three sentence update on the progress of our project. PSY 409 Outcomes Assessment Assignment Planning Document Step 1: Create a Research Question (RQ) A well-written RQ statement is critical to successful research writing. Your RQ should direct the reader's focus on what he or she can expect to learn from the paper. It should introduce the subject matter of the essay and why it is worth reading. When developing a research question, it is important to be as specific and linear as possible. A strong RQ for this project would include just a few simple variables that can be defined, measured, and analyzed. Keep in mind that whatever variables you choose for your research question will require a specific real-world measurement during the methods section. In general, the formula for determining your thesis statement is “Does (Variable X) have an (affect) on (Variable Y)? For Example: “Does increased activity on social media increase symptoms of depression?” Fill out the following template to complete this handout: Variable #1: _________drug
  • 3. abuse________________________________________________ __________ Variable #2: ____unemployment_____________________________________ ________________________ Hypothesized Effect: ____increase in unemployment rates_________________________________________________ _______ Write your completed research question below: _does an increase in drug abuse increase unemployment rates_________________________________________________ ________________________ _____________________________________________________ ________________________ _____________________________________________________ ________________________ 1 Running head: RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1 RESEARCH PROPOSAL
  • 4. John Doe PSY 409 Wilmington University Abstract Scholars have developed theories on the effectiveness of early identification and early intervention programs and their effects on children with an intellectual disability. It has also been developed the significant modification these programs have on their IQ scores. This research is conducted to ensure the effectiveness of these programs for children with an intellectual disability to understand the full extent of improvement these programs can construct their adaptive behaviors and cognitive skills that are exhibited in their IQ.
  • 5. Research Proposal According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-IV), the diagnostic criteria of intellectual disability is characterized as the involvement of “impairments of general mental abilities that impact adaptive functioning in three domains, or area” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 1). The involvement of early intervention programs has had perceived profits of participation in the early intervention programs. Early intervention programs allow children with intellectual disabilities and their parents to assist in the children’s development while working with specialized professionals to advocate for the child. “The provision of comprehensive early intervention services and supports for children with established developmental delays continues to be a high priority in the United States” (Guralnick, 2015, p. 1). Early intervention measures the developmental goals that are attempted to be achieved. According to the Children and Youth Welfare Law, early intervention for children with an intellectual disability can conduct through a professional team in aspects of medical and educational, as well as performing before the age of six. The goal of this literature review is to define the effectiveness of early identification and intervention in the development of children with intellectual disabilities and the effect on their IQs. This literature review is mixed with qualitative approaches and consensus-based knowledge and recommendations from expert evidence. Intelligence Quotient and Intellectual Disabilities Intelligence Quotient (IQ) explores the reasoning ability of
  • 6. a child compared to the statistical norm for their age range. The test defines the cognitive and intellectual ability of a child, as well as the deficits in adaptive behavior. The statistical norm of the IQ is defined under a scale from mild to profound ID, with a profound ID being below 20-25 and mild ID being 50-55 to 70. Intellectual disabilities have a profound effect on the impairment of adaptive functions and cognitive ability before age 18, which is identified early based on where a child is scaled on an IQ assessment. An inclusion criterion entails two test scores that demarcate IQ among children in the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R). “The brain develops with the environment; therefore, it is essential that there are optimal early environments for learning” (Kirk, 2015, p. 70). The emphasis of the early identification of IQ testing creates an optimal advantage to social and environmental learning that increases cognitive development in IQ. Intellectual ability is emphasized with the limitations in adaptive and cognitive behaviors and low intelligence, defined by the intelligence quotient. According to the National Academies Press, “the prevalence of intellectual disabilities is "in range of 2.5 to 5 per 1,000 children" as of 2012. Effectiveness of Early Intervention and Identification As intellectual disabilities can create a higher risk for children with lower cognitive ability and adaptive behavior problems compared to children of the broad-spectrum population, early intervention and identification are effective in reducing the burden of these cognitive and behavioral difficulties in the intellectual disability population. “Nearly all studies demonstrated medium to large intervention effects on child behavior post-intervention” (Petrenko, 2013, para. 1). Early identification allows a greater outcome in positive behavior and cognitive ability, as an IQ, in young children with intellectual disabilities with the onset of early clinical diagnosis. Early intervention has an emphasis on the multi-component intervention programs, most commonly with parental training.
  • 7. Early interventions are efficacious in increasing children with intellectual disabilities cognitive ability in their IQ and has a benefit of adaptive behavior skills for the child and family. “Parenting program components that are consistently associated with the largest effects include increasing positive parent-child interactions and communication skills” (Petrenko, 2013, para. 9) that improve cognitive and intellectual ability. Retrospective Cohort Study of the Effectiveness of Early Intervention In 2014, Der-Chung Lai, Chung-Hsin Chiang, and Yuh- Ming Hou described the phenomenon of early intervention and identification effectiveness in increasing the IQ scores of children with intellectual disabilities. They conducted a cohort study of two IQ assessments between 2001 and 2005. The two tests would indicate the effectiveness of early intervention for the children with an ID through the improvement of their IQ scores. The participants of the study included the participation of thirteen girls and twenty-three boys around six months of age. The participants were chosen in stratified random sampling, as other previous studies have been conducted in this sampling technique. “The IQ increased from 57.0 ± 8.0 to 65.1 ± 12.3; p < 0.001 (Lai, 2014, para. 3). Their results revealed improvement in IQ in their participants in the four years from the first administration of the test to the second. This study concluded the effectiveness of an early intervention in improving the IQ of children with intellectual disabilities, and the effectiveness of the earlier the better beginning intervention and identification. In the current literature review, limitations were discovered in the lack of diversity in participants on a socioeconomic and cultural level and the lack of usage of control groups in previous studies. It should be recommenced in future studies on the effectiveness of early intervention for children with intellectual disabilities to enlist a control group that does not receive early intervention and identification.
  • 8. Previous studies have been limited to a particular region and socioeconomic group that does not represent an entire population of different families, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultural backgrounds. Significance of the Study Early intervention and identification is an imperative aspect of the medical and educational field for developmental disabilities such as intellectual disabilities. As through the increase in studies and technology, there are many approaches to early intervention and identification techniques that are available to children with ID and their families with parental training being the most common. “Appropriate identification is important so that we can match supports and services, or interventions, to the child’s specific needs” (Kirk, 2015, p. 66). Early intervention and identification programs have shown a significant improvement in IQ in children with an intellectual disability as the intelligence quotient defines the developmental levels in skills of adaptive behaviors and cognitive ability. Through qualitative research and professional development in the knowledge of the significance of intellectual disabilities, early intervention and identification have been proven to be effective in improving children with an intellectual disability's IQ that becomes closer to the intellectual level of the statistic norm for their developmental stage. Previous studies and literature reviews have defined the effectiveness of early intervention and identification, which contributes to the development of improving intervention programs. Methodology Participants Five females and five males ranging from ages 5-9 years old participated in the experiment and were compensated with an opportunity to offer more enlightenment on the effectiveness of early intervention for their family and others. Design The independent variable is the stimulus that the children are exposed to in the participation of the early intervention
  • 9. program in the past three years. The dependent variable is the IQ scores that have been administered by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). The conditions of the early intervention techniques including occupational therapy, speech and language services, counseling and training for families, and assistive technology that the children had received the past three years. Procedure The experiment will begin with ten parents of children with an intellectual disability, in which a computer-based questionnaire will be administered. This questionnaire will include straightforward questions of the child's present age compared to the age in which they were originally identified and diagnosed with an intellectual disability. Further questions will target the IQ score in which the child falls under the scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). These questions will be administered through a computerized platform and remain confidential to participants, as well will the questions be taken into consideration to identify the effectiveness of an early intervention on each child's IQ score that was assessed at the introduction of early intervention and three years prior to participation in early intervention. Data Analysis This study was conducted on ten participants including male and female children with ID from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. The researchers conducted a questionnaire for the parents identifying the IQ score of their children at the introduction to early intervention with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and the IQ score in which was presented three years which subsequently was conducted on three years after the initial assessment. Background The study is intended to confirm the effectiveness of early intervention for children with intellectual disabilities (ID) on the improvement of their IQ scores, which validates the outcomes of their adaptive behaviors and cognitive functioning.
  • 10. As previously presented by Der-Chung Lai and his colleagues of the effectiveness of early intervention and identification, "the effectiveness is more prominent in boys and children with a low maternal educational level" (Lai, 2014, para. 28). The study defines the concepts of intellectual disabilities, referring to a learning disability that causes limitations in adaptive behaviors and intellectual and cognitive functioning, as well as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). This assessment is administered through a clinician or professional through standard paper-and-pencil or in digital format in a total of seven subtests, then reviewed by the conductors of the study. Purpose The purpose of this analysis is to determine the effectiveness of early intervention programs, and the need for the intervention and identification to detect educational and social needs for children with ID. This will confirm the existence of early intervention and its positive impact on children with ID on their IQ, along with the improvement of their adaptive behaviors and intellectual functioning. Limitations Due to ethical reasoning and lack of resources, there was no use of a control group in this study which could have shown the effectiveness in the early intervention compared to the participants in the control group's improvement. The sample size in the study was limited in the study as there were only ten participants were available in the population given. Further research should include a larger sample size to validate the reliability of the study, as well as investigate the impact within a longer time frame of intervention. Conclusion From previous scholars, it has been instituted that early identification and early intervention have a prominent and positive effect on those with intellectual disabilities and the improved outcome of their IQ scores. Through conducted research, children are administered the Wechsler Intelligence
  • 11. Scale for Children (WISC) from age three to eighteen years old and it has been proved to have a positive outcome of results in the improvement of IQ, including adaptive behaviors and cognitive ability. Further research can be conducted on this notion to further validate the effectiveness of an early intervention on children with intellectual disabilities. References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. Guralnick, M.J. (2015, November 26). Early intervention for children with intellectual disabilities: An update. Center on Human Development and Disability: University of Washington. Seattle, Washington. Retrieved from Guralnick-Early%20Intervention%20_for_Children-Update.pdf Kirk, S., Gallagher, J., & Coleman, M.R. (2015) Educating exceptional children. 14th edition. Cengage. Lai, D.C., Chiang, C.H., and Hou, Y.M. (2014, July 2). Predictors of effectiveness of early intervention on children with intellectual disability: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Pediatrics. Retrieved from
  • 12. National Academies Press. (2015). Prevalence of intellectual disabilities. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from!po=94.2308 Petrenko, C.L.M. (2013, December 1). A review of intervention programs to prevent and treat behavioral problems in young children with developmental disabilities. J Developmental Phys Disability. Retrieved from Consent Form Description of Research My name is Kaitlyn Cash, and I will be conducting the research in this study. The research study in which you will participate is part of a larger project that examines the influence of early intervention effects on the development of IQ in children with ID. We plan to compare the IQ scores of children with ID at the beginning of early intervention participation to the IQ scores three years into early intervention in order to better understand the effectiveness of early intervention techniques. Description of Participation During this session, you will be asked to as a parent, to allow your child’s IQ scores to be presented through a questionnaire that was administered in the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) before beginning early intervention in a 65- minute session. Participants will receive an hour to complete a questionnaire on their children with ID and their IQ score difference within three years. Conditions and Benefits of Participation We anticipate no risks of participating in this study that exceeds those ordinarily encountered in daily life. You and your child may not receive direct benefit from your participation, but others may benefit from the outcomes obtained from the study.
  • 13. Your identity will remain confidential upon request and will not be identified in any of the reports on the study. Records will be kept confidential to the extent provided by federal, state, and local law. However, the Institutional Review Board or university and government officials responsible for monitoring this study may inspect these records. Your participation in this project is voluntary, you may decide to exit the study at any time without penalty. Contacts Please feel free to contact John Do, Undergraduate Student, at 856-6952 or [email protected] or contact Dr. Andrew Lightfoot at 764-0268 or [email protected] if you have any questions about this study. Agreement I have read the information given above. I hereby consent to participate in the study. Consenting Signature: __________________________________ Date ___________ Name (Please Print): _________________________________________
  • 14. Effectiveness of Early Intervention on Children with Intellectual Disabilities’ IQ Human Subjects Review WILMINGTON UNIVERSITY HUMAN SUBJECTS REVIEW COMMITTEE (HSRC) RECORD AND REVIEW OF RESEARCH PROTOCOL Contact Information Principal Investigator: John Doe Project status This research is for (check one): Dissertation ___ Practicum ___ Master’s _____ Undergraduate _✓__ Other (specify) ______________ This research proposal is (check one): New _✓__ Renewal ___ Re-evaluation ___ Instructor or assigned faculty sponsor: Andrew Lightfoot__________________________________________ Project Information Title of study: Effectiveness of early intervention on children with ID and their IQ scores_______________________________________________ _______________ Research purpose or issue: To define the effectiveness of early intervention on those with ID__________________________________________________ ___ Population to be studied: gender: M/F___________ age Parents of children: 3-18 of age_______ race/ethnicity: Diverse_____ number of groups and number of participants in each group Two groups of 5_________________________ inclusion and exclusion criteria _________________________________________________ How will participants be recruited: 10 Participants___________________________________________
  • 15. _ Describe the procedures that the participants will undergo in the proposed research project to include the physical location and duration of subject participation (attach a copy of all research instruments e.g., surveys, questionnaires, interview questions etc.): An online questionnaire will be administered to the parents of the participants. Describe procedures that will be used to maintain confidentiality, including plans for storing/disposing of tapes and other data records at the conclusion of the research: The questionnaire will be anonymous, meaning confidentiality will remain contained. Research Protocol Please answer yes or no to all questions below. Does this research involve: YES NO __NO__ __ prisoners, probationers, pregnant women, fetuses, the seriously ill or mentally or cognitively compromised adults, or minors (under 18 yrs) as parti cipants __NO__ ____ the collection of information regarding sensitive aspects of the participants' behavior (e.g., drug, or alcohol use, illegal conduct, sexual behavior __NO__ ____ the collection or recording of behavior which, if known outside the research, could place the participants at risk of criminal or civil liability or could be damaging to the participant’s financial standing, employability, insurability, or reputation __NO__ ____ procedures to be employed that present more than minimal risk * to participants ____ ____ deception or coercion __NO__ ____ benefits or compensation to participants __NO_ ___ a conflict of interest (e.g., teacher/student, employer/employee: is there any financial interest in this research)
  • 16. If you answered NO to all of the questions please proceed to the next page. If you answered YES to any of the questions your proposal must clearly indicate why the use of participants in any of these categories is scientifically necessary and what safeguards will be employed to preserve the participant's anonymity/confidentiality. The proposal must identify all risks (physical, psychological, financial, social, other) connected to the proposed procedures, indicate clearly how such risks to participants are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, describe methods to protect or minimize such risks, and access their likely effectiveness. Consent/assent forms must be included for research involving minors (see pg 4 regarding details on consent forms). minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the proposed research are not greater than those ordinarily encountered in everyday life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests. Consent Forms YES_✓___ NO____ Is a consent form included with this study? If so, attach a copy. YES____ NO__✓__ Are child assent forms included with this study? If so, attach a copy. Minors must provide affirmative consent to participate by signing a simplified form unless the principal investigator can provide evidence that the minors are not capable of assenting because of age, maturity, psychological state, or other factors. Who is obtaining consent? Check all that apply. Principal Investigator _✓__ Research Assistant ___ Other___(specify)__________________ How is consent being obtained? _Consent form to parents in the releasing of IQ information___________________________________________ _____ What steps are being taken to determine that potential subjects
  • 17. are competent to participate in the decision-making process? Selection of participants that are cooperative___________________________________________ _______ Obligations of Principal Investigator HSRC meets on the second Thursday of each month September to May and twice during the summer months. Protocol must be received two weeks before that date. Any changes made to the research protocol must be reported to division representatives of the HSRC for review prior to the implementation of such change. Any complications, adverse reactions, or changes in the original estimates of risks must be reported at once to the HRSC chairperson before continuing the project. Any data collection that extends beyond one year must be resubmitted before the anniversary for continuing review by the HSRC. According to federal regulation, all data, including signed consent form documents must be retained for a minimum of three years past the completion of the research. I have read and understood my obligations as an investigator. I certify that the research proposal is accurate and complete. Print name: John Do________________________________ Date: _12/2/19_____________________ Signature: _John Do________________________________ Instructor or: __Andrew Lightfoot___________________________ Date: __12/2/19________________ Assigned Faculty print name Sponsor ______________________________ signature WILMINGTON COLLEGE HUMAN SUBJECTS REVIEW COMMITTEE (HSRC) PROTOCOL REVIEW This section is to be completed by the HSRC Principal Investigator: ____________________________________________ Date
  • 18. submitted: ____________________________________________ The protocol and attachments were reviewed: ___ The proposed research is approved as ___ Exempt ___ Expedited ___ Ful l Committee ___ The proposed research was approved pending the following changes: ___ see attached letter ___ resubmit changes to the HSRC chairman ___ The proposed research was disapproved. See attached letter for more information. HSRC Co-Chair _______________________ Date:_________________ Or Representative print name signature HSRC Co-Chair _______________________ Date:_________________ Or Representative print name signature Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis Requirement: 1. Provide an overview/introduction to the industry and companies you have selected. 2. Provide a list of information sources (please be specific). 1. Framework, concepts and theories to be considered: Products and/or Services Supplied (principal business activity and other business activities) Business-Cycle Sensitivities Industry Classification (Classifying Companies into Industries) Constructing a Peer Group · Examine commercial classification systems · Review the subject company’s annual report for a discussion of the competitive environment · Review competitors’ annual reports to identify other potential comparable companies “Porter’s five forces” analysis (threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitutes, intensity of rivalry among existing
  • 19. competitors). Price competition (Barriers to entry, Industry concentration, Industry capacity, Market share stability). Competitive strategies (Low-cost strategy and Product/service differentiation strategy). Using the life-cycle model (embryonic; growth; shakeout; mature; and decline). External influences on industry growth, profitability, and risk ( · Macroeconomic influences include the level of production, interest rates, availability of credit, and inflation · Technological influences include new products that change how companies do business · Demographic influences include the distribution of consumers by age and gender · Governmental influences include tax rates and regulations · Social influences include how people work and spend. A checklist for company analysis (please see Exhibit 8 for details): · corporate profile; · industry characteristics; · demand for products/services; · supply of products/services; pricing; and · financial ratios. 2. Information sources include: · economic publications · business publications · industry and trade associations · company disclosures, and · The companies’ competitors, suppliers, and customers 1 Term Project
  • 20. Business 771 Equity Asset Valuation 1712 George Z. Li, Ph.D., CFA Purpose Real world application of equity asset valuation models. Hands-on experience on equity analysis, recommendation, and presentation. Requirement • Select one company or ideally a pair of companies (for example, two competing firms, a big vs a small player, a winning vs. a losing stock, a public vs. a private equity, an established vs. a start-up companies) in an industry you have interest and /or experience; conduct detailed valuation analysis applying the Dividend Discount Model, Free Cash Flow Model, Price Multiples, and Residual Income Valuation Model. • Conduct macroeconomic analysis, industry analysis, company analysis and
  • 21. technical analysis in addition to the fundamental valuation analysis. • Write a research report, make recommendation, and present to the class. Timeline (please conduct analysis on a continuous basis and submit periodic report) 03/25 choose an industry and/or a company. 3/31- 4/1 provide an overview of the industry and the companies. Find industry publications/webpages. Read professional analysis sample reports (methodologies and forecast). Industry performance, sub-sector, main product/service, key players. Decide 1-2 companies to work on the project. Company basics (business line, production, sales, marketing, outlook), financial statements 3-5 years, stock market performance. 4/7- 4/08 Return analysis, earning quality/ accounting quality,
  • 22. profitability analysis, Industry analysis: business cycle, life cycle, sales/revenue forecast, growth rate. Company analysis: operating, investing and financing activities. Ratio analysis, industry benchmark (safety, efficiency, profitability). 4/15 half-way report 4/21- 4/22 Discounted dividend valuation (adjustment and projection). Industry or comparable, 2 Fee cash flow valuation (calculation, adjustment and projection). 4/28- 4/29 market-based valuation (peer group, comparable, ratios). Residual income valuation.
  • 23. 5/5- 5/6 M&A and other considerations, private equity investment. (sum-of-the-parts valuation, sensitivity analysis, situational adjustments) Project presentation 5/13 project modification and revision Final written project due Evaluation Analysis Report 70% Project Progress 12% Project Presentation 18%