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Healthcare in Bavaria
Invest in Bavaria –
The Business Promotion Agency of the State
of Bavaria

      The one-stop all-round service
        Invest in Bavaria is the Business Promotion Agency of the State of Bavaria. Since 1999, it has been helping
        companies from Germany and abroad to build up or extend a base in Bavaria. Invest in Bavaria puts together
        customised information, helps to find the ideal location in Bavaria and arranges the contacts needed for im-
        plementing projects: with government agencies and associations as well as with important local networks. The
        services offered by Invest in Bavaria are free of charge and all inquiries are, of course, treated confidentially.
        The Business Promotion Agency of the State of Bavaria is a reliable and competent partner for every phase of
        the investment project.

      Planning and Preparation
        The better the information about potential sites, the easier it is to reach a sound and efficient investment
        decision. Invest in Bavaria provides companies interested in Bavaria with comparable and reliable facts and
        figures about the market and business environment, industry and technology networks or funding and financ-
        ing instruments.

      Choice of Location
        Project-related location criteria are jointly developed to meet the wishes and needs of the investor. Invest in
        Bavaria uses this requirement profile to draw up concrete proposals of potential sites, to identify suitable com-
        mercial properties and industrial real estate and to organise on-the-spot site inspections.

      Location Implementation
        Once the location has been chosen, Invest in Bavaria makes sure that the companies receive local support
        from the right partners. It investigates funding options, organises contacts with appropriate funding institutions
        and – if required – with possible financing partners. Invest in Bavaria also offers its assistance with tax, legal
        and administration issues, ensuring straightforward and smooth coordination with the relevant authorities for
        a particular project, the regional business development organisations or specialised service providers.

      Site Development
        Even after the new business has been set up, Invest in Bavaria is still on hand for interested companies. In-
        formation on the promotion of business in Bavaria, like the trade fair participation program, all the way to tips
        about useful corporate databases and industry networks and arranging contacts with foreign communities are
        typical examples of the wide range of services offered by Invest in Bavaria. And if it is a matter of expanding
        an existing facility, Invest in Bavaria will be standing by ready to offer help, advice and good contacts.

Martin Zeil                          The life science sector develops key technologies of the 21st century like no other sector and is highly
Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria     innovative. Added value and sustainable growth can only be achieved by means of innovations. Bavaria
Bavarian Minister of Economic
Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport
                                     is well prepared for this challenge. With global industry leaders like Siemens, GE, Novartis, Roche,
and Technology                       but especially due to the research-oriented and committed small and medium sized enterprises, the
                                     Free State of Bavaria is a healthcare site that is unique in Europe.

                                     In order to create innovations, research facilities must be available. Bavaria offers the best conditions
                                     in this regard: with 13 Max Planck Institutes, three Helmholtz Centres and eight Fraunhofer Institutes,
                                     Bavaria enables a close networking of research and practical implementation. Eleven universities and
                                     17 universities of applied sciences create a climate for a direct entrepreneurial implementation of the
                                     latest research results and produce highly qualified experts for Bavarian companies.

                                     Also citizens benefit from this lively climate of innovation: the comprehensive availability of more than
                                     400 hospitals and 300 prevention and rehabilitation facilities ensures the involvement of everybody on
                                     the medical progress.

                                     The complex healthcare sector is closely linked in all segments and assumes an extraordinary role in the
                                     technology policy of the Free State of Bavaria. Especially through the targeted bundling of different
                                     partners from various sectors, Bavaria initiated an effective cluster policy in 2006. In particular, the
                                     high-tech companies on site benefit from this, as the connection and the interchange between science
                                     and economics is considerably simplified and accelerated. Specific frameworks have been used in
                                     order to establish uniform standards in the areas of standardisation and legislation. These contribute
                                     substantially to targeted research in order to continue being a global leader in this segment.

                                     In order to provide investors with access to this extraordinary potential, representatives of the Free
                                     State of Bavaria are available as points of contact in metropolises of more than 20 countries. They
                                     cooperate closely with Invest in Bavaria, the Bavarian Business Promotion Agency. Invest in Bavaria
                                     supports investors comprehensively, confidentially and free of charge. From the initial conversation
                                     on the choice of location to the groundbreaking ceremony and the continuous follow-up care, the team
                                     of the Business Promotion Agency supports companies together with its country and sector experts.

                                     This brochure presents the strong position of Bavaria in life sciences and makes clear why the free
                                     state is an ideal place for business development and innovation. It provides an overview of all the
                                     excellent companies from biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceuticals that you as an
                                     investor can work with and tells the success stories behind the people and the products which are
                                     ”Made in Bavaria”!

                                     Martin Zeil
                                     Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria
                                     Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology
                                                                                                                                                      Invest in Bavaria
                         03   Martin Zeil
                              Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria
                              Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology

                              Bavaria – Location for Biotechnology and Medical Technology
                         06   Overview

                              ”The launch of the tech campus is expected for 2015”
                         07   Interview with Dr. Thomas Diefenthal, Managing Director, BioPark Regensburg GmbH

                              ”Our location is essentially characterised by its further education establishments”
                         08   Interview with Dirk Jung, COO, joint operating company IGZ BioMed/ZmK mbH

                              ”Bavaria is a leading medical technology region”
                         10   Interview with Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich, Chairman, Forum MedTech Pharma e.V.

                              ”Synergies between drug development and medical technology are especially valuable”
                         12   Interview with Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, BioM, and
                              Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich R. Reinhardt, Medical Valley EMN e.V.

                              Bavarian research excellence in Biotechnology and medical technology
                         13   Pioneering concepts are developing in the Free State thanks to academic and economic cooperation

                              The highlight from Erlangen
                         15   Testing directly in the hospital

                              Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies in Bavaria
                         16   Overview, trends and developments

                         Biotech in Bavaria
                              ”Willingness to found companies is spreading like a virus”
                         18   Interview with Prof. Dr. Axel Ullrich, Director, Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

                              Fit for the Medicine of the Future
                         19   Focus on “Personalised Medicine” in Munich

                              Land of the Biotech Pioneers
                         20   Innovation in Bavaria comes from small and medium sized enterprises

                              ”IZB will continue to grow”
                         21   Interview with Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel, Managing Director, IZB GmbH

Invest in Bavaria
”It is important that business models are scalable”
24      Interview with Helmut Jeggle, Athos Service GmbH,
        and Michael Motschmann, MIG Verwaltungs AG

        ”Since 1998, approximately EUR 2 billion have been invested
25      in site expansion projects”
        Interview with Claus Haberda, Site Manager, Roche Penzberg

        ”The acquisition of Micromet is the largest single investment Amgen has ever made”
26      Interview with Richard Paulson, VP & General Manager, Amgen GmbH in Germany

MedTech in Bavaria
        ”A win-win situation for both sides; the economy and university research”
27      Interview with Prof. Dr. Willi A. Kalender, Director, Institute for Medical Physics,
        Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

        Trendsetter for health
28      From recent start-ups to global market leaders, small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria
        are driving forward advancement in medical technology.

        ”The location can compete with international leading centres”
29      Interview with Dr. Peter Terhart, Chairman, S-Refit AG

        The Healthcare of Tomorrow
31      Four examples from Medical Valley EMN

        ”Bavaria’s university hospitals are absolutely world class”
32      Interview with Michael Sigmund, Head of Communications, Siemens Healthcare

        Success with eye laser technology
33      Wavelight GmbH: Synergy potential in the Alcon Group

Imprint                                                Design and realisation
Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs,                 GoingPublic Media AG
Infrastructure, Transport and Technology               Hofmannstraße 7a
Invest in Bavaria                                      81379 Munich
Prinzregentenstraße 28                                 Germany
80538 Munich
Germany                                                Tel.: +49 89 2000339-0
                                                       Fax: +49 89 2000339-39
Tel.: +49 89 2162-2642
Fax: +49 89 2162-2803                                  Project management
                                                       Markus Hofelich, Martin Bellof
                                                       Overall design
                                                       Holger Aderhold

                                                                                                           Invest in Bavaria

                         Bavaria – Location for Biotechnology
                         and Medical Technology

                         Across the globe, Bavaria is mainly known for its                    of the Biotech and MedTech hub Bavaria. Suc-
                         tourist highlights: Neuschwanstein Castle, the most                  cessfully. Today, Bavaria is one of the three
                         visited German attraction, as well as the pano-                      top locations for biotechnology in Europe. In a
                         ramic view of the Bavarian Alps with the highest                     national comparison, Bavaria is in the lead. The
                         mountain in Germany, the Zugspitze. Furthermore,                     medical technology developed in Bavaria also
                         Bavaria signifies culinary delights and lifestyle,                   leads on both a national and international level.
                         beer gardens, hearty food and good beer. The                         25,000 jobs depend on the industries of Biotech
                         same is true of the Oktoberfest, the largest public                  and biopharmaceuticals; in medical technology
                         festival in the world. The unique combination                        alone, 45,000 jobs in the Leading-Edge Cluster
                         of the great scenic beauty, culture and culinary                     of the Medical Valley European Metropolitan
                         delights attract more than 25 million visitors each                  Region Nuremberg. Besides a vast amount of
                         year; the highest number of visitors throughout                      small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s), glob-
                         Germany. But Bavaria is also a booming business                      ally operating multinational healthcare groups
                         location and high-tech region. Several global                        decided on Bavaria as their location. Roche
                         players, among them seven of the 30 corporations                     Diagnostics operates one of the worldwide
                         listed in the Dax, Germany's blue chip stock mar-                    largest biopharmaceutical research and produc-
                         ket index, have their headquarters in Bavaria.                       tion sites in Penzberg on more than 350,000m².
                         BMW, Audi, Siemens and Adidas are only a few                         Siemens Sector Healthcare, global market leader
                         examples for the variety of companies with inter-                    in the field of imaging diagnostics, has its head-
                         national standing located in Bavaria. Bavaria is                     quarters in Erlangen.
                         also an innovation hub. Both the diesel engine
                         and the MP3 format as well as soccer shoes with                      Growth Segment: Bavarian Biotechnology
                         screw studs were developed in Bavaria. Even                          In the past 15 years, five biotechnology clusters
                         in the field of life science the Free State of                       have developed in Bavaria. In the biotechnology
                         Bavaria is a national and international leader.                      regions of Wuerzburg, Regensburg and Munich,
                                                                                              the focus is on biotechnology with a healthcare
                         Investments in high tech pay off                                     aspect. The other two clusters, Freising-Weihen-
                         EUR 800 million – this is the sum the free state                     stephan and Straubing, are more specialised on
                         of Bavaria has so far invested in the construction                   green or white biotechnology. In order to support

                     Dedicated biotechnology and medical technology centres in Bavaria
                     Source: own research

                     Bio-Region                                  Startup centre                                  Rentable space              Tenants   Employees

                     Munich                                      IZB Martinsried/Freising                            23,000 m²                 > 60       700

                     Regensburg                                  BioPark Regensburg                                  18,000 m²                 > 30       550

                     Franconia                                   IGZ Würzburg                                         5,000 m²                 > 20       300

                     Nuremberg-Erlangen                          Medical Valley Center                                5,000 m²                 > 30       200
                     Employees: Number of employees of the tenants in the respective startup centre
Invest in Bavaria

                            and make better use of the particularities and          investors, funding authorities, advisers and other
                            strengths of the different regions, individual net-     workers in the cluster. The BioM Biotech Cluster
                            work organisations have been formed that are            Development GmbH has been coordinating and
                            responsible for the management of the respec-           networking all biotechnology activities within
                            tive clusters: the BioM Biotech Cluster Develop-        Bavaria across since 2006.
                            ment GmbH manages the metropolitan region of
                            Munich as well as the neighbouring cluster of           Metropolitan Region Munich – Pioneer in
                            Freising-Weihenstephan; the BioPark Regens-             Biotechnology
                            burg GmbH manages the region of Regensburg              Startup centres are a special component of each
                            and the IGZ Bio-Med/ZmK represents the region           regional cluster. They provide the infrastructure
                            of Wuerzburg. Their objective is the development        that biotechnology startups need for the growth
                            and marketing of the respective cluster in the in-      of their company, especially laboratories and
                            terest of the founders, companies and scientists        office spaces. Various important players of the
                            in each of the locations, as well as a networking       German biotechnology industry originate from
                            of companies, universities, research facilities,        the Innovation and Startup Centre (IZB) in Mar-
                            university hospitals, chambers and associations,        tinsried and Freising-Weihenstephan, founded

”The launch of the tech campus is expected
for 2015”
Interview with Dr. Thomas Diefenthal, Managing Director, BioPark Regensburg GmbH

What characterises BioRegio Regensburg                   the decision-makers involved often know one
as part of the Biotech cluster of Bavaria?               another personally due to the geographical
In 1999, a centre for biotechnology was created          proximity. Ideas can then be implemented in
on the Regensburg University campus under the            projects quickly. Firstly, projects were created
motto ”small but mighty”. Due to the principle of        with life sciences companies, i.e. pharmaceutical,
”short routes”, in the east of Bavaria it was possible   analytics, diagnostics and medical technology
to address company founders, the medium-sized            firms. Other areas followed, such as sensor
industry and external companies willing to relocate.     systems. Since automation in all areas of a
Both sides have been benefitting from the integration    Biotech lab or in the processing industry, e.g.
of this network into the Bavarian Biotech cluster.       foodstuffs, has been booming, this sector is
                                                                                                               Dr. Thomas Diefenthal is
The Leading-Edge Cluster in Munich is being linked to    also expanding. Due to the comparably short           Managing Director of BioPark
innovative companies situated in the outer regions       development times, such companies are suc-            Regensburg GmbH. He also
                                                                                                               coordinates the BioRegio
of the Free State; at the same time, these compa-        cessful on the market even today.
                                                                                                               Regensburg biotechnology
nies receive access to the extensive services and                                                              cluster and is the deputy
information provided by the regional initiatives.        What do you imagine the location of                   speaker of the German
                                                                                                               BioRegionen working group.
                                                         Regensburg will be like in ten years?
There are many interdisciplinary projects in             The neighbouring tech campus to be commis-
Regensburg. How did this come about?                     sioned in 2015 will accommodate a multitude
Regensburg’s consistent and innovative business          of companies, which started out in the BioPark
promotion forms the basis for this. In addition,         Regensburg.
                                                                                                                                                   Invest in Bavaria


                     in 1995 and 2007, respectively: Morphosys and            m4 – Leading-Edge Cluster
                     Micromet (now Amgen Research GmbH) as well               of Personalised Medicine
                     as Corimmun were founded in this centre. The             In 2010, the German Ministry of Education and
                     Munich site is characterised in particular by its        Research honoured the Munich consortium “m4 –
                     proximity to first-class centres for fundamental         Personalised Medicine and Targeted Therapies”
                     research. The Bavarian capital is home to three          in the second round of the Leading-Edge Cluster
                     biological-medical Max Planck Institutes for             competition as one of the five Leading-Edge
                     biochemistry, neurobiology and psychiatry, one           Clusters. The vision of this Leading-Edge Cluster
                     Helmholtz Zentrum München (German Research               is to establish itself as an international model
                     Centre for Environment and Health), the Fraun-           area and area of excellence for personalised and
                     hofer Headquarters, the Gene Center Munich that,         targeted therapy. For this purpose, funds in the
                     since 1984, has played a pioneering role both            amount of approximately EUR 100 million are
                     scientifically and organisationally in the German        available for a period of five years; about half of
                     research community, the two universities of applied      these funds have been contributed by the compa-
                     sciences of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf and Munich           nies involved. The BioM Biotech Cluster Develop-
                     as well as two of the best German universities,          ment GmbH assumes the management.
                     the Technische Universität München and Ludwig-
                     Maximilians-Universität. Additionally, it is home        Regensburg – Interdisciplinary Cooperation
                     to two university hospitals (Klinikum der Univer-        The BioPark Regensburg GmbH is not only in charge
                     sität München and Klinikum rechts der Isar) and 60       of the cluster management but also operates a
                     other hospitals in Munich and its surroundings.          startup centre with the same name on the campus

                     ”Our location is essentially characterised by
                     its further education establishments”
                     Interview with Dirk Jung, COO, joint operating company IGZ BioMed/ZmK mbH

                                                     Can you briefly introduce the Biomed                 there was information and communication tech-
                                                     region of Wuerzburg?                                 nology, and also, at the interface, bioinformatics.
                                                     We are a location which is essentially charac-       We have now expanded the topics of IGZ to in-
                                                     terised by its further education establishments.     clude closely-related scientific areas. In this way,
                                                     Many of our tenants come from the University         we can also offer highly qualified niche suppliers
                                                     of Wuerzburg or the Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt Uni-       ideal starting conditions in the medical technology
                                                     versity of Applied Sciences. The change in the       service.
                                                     culture of promotion has resulted in spin-off com-
                                                     panies today consisting of rather small groups       How intense is the collaboration with
                               Dirk Jung is COO of
                                                     of founders, who remain in further education         other cluster regions?
                                IGZ Würzburg and     for a comparably long amount of time. This thus      For us, ’founding companies from one’s own
                         Deputy Managing Director    reduces influence being exerted by venture           means’ and ’corporate maintenance’ are key
                           of Congress-Tourismus-
                                 Wirtschaft of the
                                                     capitalists at a very early stage. The University    phrases. But for this, local and national network-
                                City of Wuerzburg.   Hospital is also significant for our life sciences   ing is absolutely necessary; this actively illustrates
                                                     landscape. We hope to soon be able to house          exchange on the part of the individual bioregions,
                                                     the first spin-off companies from the hospital.      as well as cooperation at interdisciplinary level.
                                                                                                          At the moment, we are intensifying our efforts to
                                                     Which sectors are represented within IGZ?            establish contact between the spin-off founders,
                                                     From the beginning, IGZ was topically split into     established firms and further education establish-
                                                     two or three areas: on the one hand, there was       ments. In this way, we hope to get solutions from
                                                     biotechnology and biomedicine, on the other hand,    science to the questions posed by business.
Invest in Bavaria

of the University of Regensburg. Located in the                                  than half of the more than 320 companies located
BioPark are mainly companies of the field of                                     in Bavaria in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals
biotechnology and medical technology as well                                     are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
as related service providers. Furthermore, there                                 This represents around 30 per cent of German
are eight non-academic research institutes or                                    SMEs in biotechnology. The specific focus of these
project groups within the BioPark, among them                                    companies is the development of new therapeu-
two Fraunhofer Project Groups (Diagnosis and                                     tics and diagnostics. Their “drug candidates” are
Treatment of Tumors, Metabolic Disease and                                       tested worldwide in over 80 clinical trials. More
Disease associated with Ageing and Sensor                                        than 100 candidates in research and preclinical
Technology Materials). This demonstrates the                                     studies ensure a steady supply.
proximity to non-academic research units. In
addition, a number of research networks have                                     Medical Valley – Leading-Edge Cluster for
been formed in the region of Regensburg. The                                     Medical Technology
latest example is the Centre for Interventional                                  When talking about German medical technology,
Immunology that pools existing medical and                                       the Medical Valley European Metropolitan Re-
scientific excellence in immunotherapy and                                       gion of Nuremberg (EMN) cannot be ignored.
transplantation medicine in eastern Bavaria.                                     The Medical Valley EMN is the leading region
                                                                                 for medical technology within Germany. Like the
Wuerzburg – Centre of Competence for                                             m4 in Munich, it was honoured in 2010 by the
Biomedicine                                                                      German Ministry of Education and Research as
The Innovation and Startup Centre (IGZ) Würzburg                                 national Leading-Edge Cluster. It is characterised
is the largest startup centre in northern Bavaria                                by a high concentration of excellence in medical
and is home to companies in life sciences and IT.                                technology. Approximately 500 companies operate
It is located in direct vicinity to the University of                            in the Medical Valley, among them numerous
Wuerzburg and the University of Applied Science                                  global players and many market leaders. The
as well as numerous research facilities. For com-                                Medical Valley Center is the foundational core
panies in biotechnology and medical technology,                                  of the cluster. In its direct vicinity are more than
the proximity to the renowned department for                                     70 institutes with medical engineering orienta-
biomedicine of the university as well as the uni-                                tion in Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-
versity hospital is of particular importance. Not                                Nürnberg and universities for applied sciences,
least for this reason, Wuerzburg is recognised as                                more than 20 non-academic research facilities
a centre of competence for biomedicine.                                          closely linked to medical technology (among
                                                                                 them Fraunhofer and Max Planck Institutes) as
Strong Starting Situation for                                                    well as more than 65 hospitals. The unusual
Bavaria’s Biotech-SME’s                                                          density of partners together with the interna-
The importance of Bavaria for biotechnology be-                                  tional market and competitive position of indi-
comes very clear in a national comparison. More                                  vidual companies provide ideal conditions for

Bavarian Biotech SMEs’ staff since 2006                                                      Bavarian Biotech SMEs by field of expertise
Source: Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/12, BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH               Source: Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/12, BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH


                                    %                            4,016                                                11%
                                 2,5                                                                                                                      39%

                             3,460                                                                                 25%
    3,030                                                                                                                                            16

                                                                                                    Therapeutics/Diagnostics                       Agriculture, Food, Environment
                                                                                                    Bioinformatics                                 Devices/Reagents
    2006         2007        2008        2009         2010        2011                              DNA-/Proteinanalysis                           Preclinical Services
                                                                                                                                                                                         Invest in Bavaria

                     ”Bavaria is a leading medical technology
                     Interview with Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich, Chairman, Forum MedTech Pharma e.V.
                         What role does the Forum MedTech Pharma             devices in Germany are created in Bavaria.
                         network play for the healthcare sector in           Bavaria is number one when considering the
                         Bavaria?                                            total turnover generated in the field of med-
                         As the biggest network of its kind in Europe,       ical technology, and it comes second as regards
                         Forum MedTech Pharma is a platform for trans-       the number of employees. Bavaria can thus be
                         regional and international networking. Regional     called a leading medical technology region, and
                         networks and clusters such as Medical Valley        rightly so.
                         EMN or the Biotech cluster in Munich give rise
                         to close connections. Their regionally focused      What trends can be observed in medical
                         commitment is perfectly complemented by the         technology?
                                                                                                                                  Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich is
                         trans-regional network activities. As a national    In the area of technology, the far-reaching          head of the Department for
                         and international link, the association ensures     collection of information technology, the trend      Accident Surgery at Regens-
                         the extensive consideration of all phases of the    towards devices for out-patient or even domes-       burg University Hospital. He
                                                                                                                                  is also Chairman of Forum
                         value added chain – from research and devel-        tic care, or even the ever-growing interplay of      MedTech Pharma e.V.
                         opment, over production, supplier networks,         the medicine technology, biotechnology and
                         clinical trials and application, to international   pharmaceuticals sectors, in the form of combi-
                         marketing. In addition, interfaces between the      nation products, for instance, are important cur-
                         disciplines of medicine technology, biotechnol-     rent developments. The sector is devoting its
                         ogy and pharmaceuticals are being created.          energies to even greater technological chal-
                                                                             lenges resulting from the requirement of ensur-
                         How significant is Bavaria for medical              ing efficiency in the case of innovations and
                         technology in Germany?                              dealing with the issue of cost reimbursement
                         30 per cent of all medical technology products      for products and services.
                         and even 60 per cent of all electromedical

                                                   the transfer of ideas into products and services.   puts Bavaria in front of countries like France or
                                                   The Medical Valley is being developed, coordi-      Italy. In particular, SMEs play a specific role in
                                                   nated and marketed by an association with the       the medical technology of Bavaria. The majority
                                                   same name. The recipe for success of the cluster    of companies located here are SMEs. Companies
                                                   is the close contact between highly specialised     with less than 50 employees even make up more
                                                   research institutes, internationally established    than half of all medical engineering companies.
                                                   market leaders as well as growing and medium
                                                   Furthermore, the largest German network of the      Conclusion
                                                   German health sector (more than 620 members         The future prospects for the healthcare site
                                                   from 14 countries), Forum MedTech Pharma, is        Bavaria are consistently positive. Strong funda-
                                                   located in the Medical Valley EMN. The associ-      mental research, ideal infrastructure, a high
                                                   ation offers the players of the sector various      degree of networking and interest in active
                                                   opportunities for national and international        cooperation are responsible for the positive im-
                                                   networking.                                         pulses that originate from Bavaria. Biotechnolo-
                                                                                                       gy and medical technology are important pillars
                                                   Strong SMEs in the Field of Medical                 of the Bavarian and German economies and
                                                   Technology                                          should remain this way in the future. The Ger-
                                                   The actual strength of Bavarian medical technol-    man and Bavarian governments demonstrate
                                                   ogy becomes clear on a closer inspection of its     this with their continuous investments in these
                                                   turnover. EUR 7 billion, almost one third of the    sectors.
                                                   total turnover of EUR 22 billion in German med-
                                                   ical technology, are produced in Bavaria. This                                            Martin Bellof
Invest in Bavaria

Bavarian Bio-Regions engaged in healthcare
Source: own presentation

                           Europe                                                    Germany





                                                           Munich    Freising-

                                                                                                    Invest in Bavaria

                         ”Synergies between drug development
                         and medical technology are especially
                         Interview with Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, BioM, and
                         Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich R. Reinhardt, Medical Valley EMN e.V.

                                                             Professor Domdey, what significance does              Where do you see Medical Valley in 10
                                                             the Munich Biotech Cluster have in Germany            years?
                                                             and how does it differ from other locations?          Reinhardt: By 2022 many innovations from Me-
                                                             Domdey: In the area of drug development, the          dical Valley EMN will have revealed, that they
                                                             Munich Biotech Cluster m4 is, without a doubt,        are able to provide a sustainable contribution
                                                             the most successful biotechnology location in         to healthcare efficiency and effectiveness. Initial
                                                             Germany. We are proud that patients are already       assessments by some Leading-Edge Cluster
                                                             benefiting from four drugs that were developed        projects show that, in Germany alone, EUR
                                                             here. With more than 300 life science companies       7.5 billion could be saved per year – without
                              Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey is      and a good 130 small and medium-sized compa-          loss of quality. Through innovations in structure
                            Managing Director of BioM        nies, we are also counted among the European          and processes, Medical Valley EMN will develop
                          Biotech Cluster Development        market leaders. What characterises Munich and         into a model region for optimal healthcare with
                              GmbH and speaker of the
                         Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster.     what promotes both innovation and translation         the highest credentials.
                                                             is the close dovetailing of excellent science and
                                                             the Biotech industry.                                 In the m4 – personalised Medicine pro-
                                                                                                                   gramme, you are planning to work more
                                                             Professor Reinhardt, what is the USP of               closely together with Medical Valley. What
                                                             Medical Valley EMN compared with other                benefits do you see in doing this?
                                                             medical technology clusters in Germany?               Domdey: I am convinced that through the interplay
                                                             Reinhardt: Global players such as Siemens             of precise diagnostics and targeted therapiest, a
                                                             and many SMEs are developing innovative               better and more cost-effective provision of health-
                                                             medical technology in Medical Valley EMN.             care services can be achieved. Synergies between
                                                             Even in the early stages of the innovation            drug development and medical technology are
                                                             process, they work closely with partners in           especially valuable in order to transfer innovative
                                                             science and healthcare. This is how a sustain-        concepts into clinical practices.
                         Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich R. Reinhardt
                                      is Chairman of the     able problem solving capability has arisen,
                                   Medical Valley EMN.       that, together with the technological capabili-       How realistic is it that both regions are ad-
                                                             ties of partners, marks the innovative strength       vancing together to become the leading
                                                             of Medical Valley.                                    European cluster in personalised medicine
                                                                                                                   within Europe?
                                                             What is your vision for the Munich Biotech            Reinhardt: Personalised medicine is a focal point
                                                             Cluster in 10 years?                                  for research and development worldwide, as know-
                                                             Domdey: Munich has devoted its energies to            ledge about the effects of medication enables ac-
                                                             drug development, especially to the future trend      curate and individual treatment. Strong coopera-
                                                             of ”personalised medicine”, and is purposefully       tion between the medical technology and phar-
                                                             improving the corresponding framework condi-          maceutical sectors is therefore indispensible for
                                                             tions, such as the biobanking infrastructure. In      the development of necessary technology. If the
                                                             addition to the well-filled drug pipeline, Munich     two strongest places in Bavaria in this sector
                                                             offers unique technology platforms. Especially        pooled their abilities, the best conditions in which
                                                             because of large international partners of com-       to form a Europe-wide leading working group in
                                                             panies such as Morphosys, Wilex, 4SC, Pieris          the area of personalised medicine would exist.
                                                             or Proteros, the perception abroad is very positive
                                                             and will improve further still.                               Interview conducted by Markus Hofelich.
Invest in Bavaria

Bavarian research excellence in Bio-
technology and medical technology
Pioneering concepts are developing in the
Free State thanks to academic and economic
                                       Numerous institutes in Bavarian universities                         medicine”, i.e. several academic cooperations,
                                       and other establishments are devoting their en-                      are considered to be especially pioneering.
                                       ergies to medical technology and biotechnology.
                                       The outstanding position of Bavarian universities                    Interdisciplinary approaches are shaping
                                       has been underpinned as part of the excellence                       the scene
                                       initiatives, while the Centre for Higher Education                   Performing precise operations with robot sys-
                                       Development (CHE) is listing several Bavarian                        tems is no longer a dream of the future. Indeed,
                                       faculties in the leading group of its research                       lightweight robot arms, which a doctor can
                                       ranking. A multitude of support is now being                         control remotely, have been developed at the
                                       offered for clinical studies, in order to over-                      Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the
                                       come the hurdles. Activities for ”personalised                       German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffen-
                                                                                                            hofen. Another DLR Institute, the Institute of
                                                                                                            Atmospheric Physics, is devoting itself to the
                                                                                                            prevention of skin cancer through use of satel-
                                                                                                            lites. Interdisciplinary approaches such as these
                                                                                                            have long since characterised research in medical
                                                                                                            technology and biotechnology, too. The ”Munich
                                                                                                            Center of Health Sciences” (MC-Health) of Lud-
                                                                                                            wig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) also pursues
                                                                                                            an interdisciplinary approach like the Munich
                                                                                                            Helmholtz Centre, Europe’s leading research
                                                                                                            centre for ”Environmental Health”. Munich is
                                                                                                            internationally recognised as being the location
                                                                                                            for biomedical basic research and its clinical
                                                                                                            application. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and
                                                                                                            Technische Universität München (TUM) play a key
                                                                                                            role. At the latter’s central Institute of Medical
                                                                                                            Engineering (IMETUM), the disciplines are entwined;
                                                                                                            specialities range from the "Medical Electronics
                                                                                                            Innovation Centre" to the "Heinz Nixdorf Profes-
                                                                                                            sorship for Medical Electronics". The Max Planck
                                                                                                            Society accommodates one of its biggest biologi-
                                                                                                            cal-medical research concentrations in Munich
                                                                                                            with the Institutes of Biochemistry, Neurobiology
                                                                                                            and Psychiatry. An example of the close network-
                                                                                                            ing is the Excellence Cluster Center for Integrat-
                                                                                                            ed Protein Science Munich (CIPSM). At the Julius
                                                                                                            Maximilian University of Wuerzburg, the Inter-
                                                                                                            disciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF)
                                                                                                            is the internal research promotion tool. The
                                                                                                            Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürn-
Two locations of the Bavarian Biotech and MedTech research community that are rich in variety: Technische
Universität München (top) and University of Augsburg                                                        berg is home to a Centre for Medical Physics and
Photos: © Helmholtz-Zentrum München/TUM, Universität Augsburg                                               Technology; while at the University of Regensburg,
                                                                                                                                                                   Invest in Bavaria

                         a Telemedicine Centre has been built. The Fraun-       racic oncology and in in-
                         hofer Society is dealing with issues relating to       terventional broncholo-
                         medical technology at several locations, such          gy – or at the Munich
                         as in Erlangen (image processing), Fuerth (X-ray       Municipal Hospital
                         technology) and Regensburg (tumourous and              Group. What needs
                         metabolic diseases). There are also technology         to be observed during
                         projects at the Bundeswehr University Munich,          clinical studies is
                         from sensor systems for prosthetic arms to             often underestimated
                         computer simulation for injecting bone cement.         by developers. ”In the
                         At the University of Passau, the Faculty of Com-       first instance, they are
                         puter Science and Mathematics is dealing with          shocked”, confirms
                         digital image processing for computer tomographs,      Dr. Bernd Gebhardt,
                         while the University of Augsburg has made a            Manager of the Center
                         name for itself with a legal research establish-       for Clinical Studies (CCS)
                         ment for medical device law. Further education         at the Friedrich-Alexan-
                         certificates can be acquired for this purpose at       der-Universität Erlangen-
                         the university’s Centre for Further Education          Nürnberg. But he helps          Within around 40 research projects interdisciplinary academic
                         and Knowledge Transfer (ZWW) – a phenomenon            the hospitals with the             research and industrial partners are being brought together.
                                                                                                                                     Photos: © BVMed-Bilderpool, Fraunhofer IBMT
                         which is unique in Germany.                            complex organisational,
                                                                                business-related and legal tasks. Support such as
                         Clinical studies at a number of locations              this is now attracting circles.
                         Innovation hurdles in medical technology are not
                         something that the experts have had to deal with       Strategy concept for personalised medicine
                         since VDI/VDE Innovation und Technik GmbH              Key research principles are being developed in
                         tackled this thorny issue with a study. Consul-        Bavaria for the field of ”personalised medicine”,
                         tancy and support in the case of clinical studies      which may well usher in a profound change to
                         are now gaining in significance. For studies such      medicine and a new dimension of drug devel-
                         as these, there are several starting points – pri-     opment by way of an individual focus. This
                         marily, but not limited to, the university hospitals   applies, for instance, to the work undertaken
                         in Munich, Erlangen, Regensburg and Wuerzburg,         on depression by Professor Florian Holsboer,
                         or the German Heart Centre in Munich. The              who works at the Max Planck Institute of
                         coordination serves as a ”Bavarian Network for         Psychiatry in Munich, to the work examining
                         Clinical Studies” (BayernNetz) with a branch           the development of Herceptin (the only person-
                         office at the university hospital Klinikum rechts      alised cancer drug for many years) undertaken
                         der Isar (on the right of the river Isar) in Munich.   by Professor Axel Ullrich, who is now Director
                         Clinical studies are thus to be made easier for        of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, or
                         even smaller companies. Centres for clinical           that of Professor Matthias Mann at the Max
                         studies are also being run at several universi-        Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried
                         ties. The LMU is involved in an ongoing basis in       near Munich, which looks into innovative tech-
                         clinical and epidemiological studies, both in          nologies for proteins. In the Munich Metropoli-
                         individual hospitals and in establishments such        tan Area, biotechnology and pharmaceutical
                         as the "Clinical Study Center" (CSCLMU), the           companies, hospitals and scientific institutes
                         "Coordination Centre for Surgical Studies" (KCS)       have come together with the cluster manage-
                         or the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCLMU).           ment company BioM for a strategy concept
                         Clinical studies are also possible at the Munich       entitled ”m4 – Personalised Medicine and Tar-
                         Tumour Centre (TZM). The translation of results        geted Therapies”. Within around 40 research
                         from basic research and pre-clinical studies to        projects, the work of interdisciplinary academic
                         clinical practice is also being ascribed a great       research and industrial, mainly medium-sized
                         deal of importance at the Faculty for Medicine at      partners, is being brought together. The respon-
                         TU München, for instance at the Klinikum rechts        sible company, BioM Biotech Cluster Develop-
                         der Isar. The Helmholtz Zentrum München also           ment GmbH, is working closely with partners at
                         nurtures collaboration with industrial partners.       universities and other research establishments,
                         Clinical studies can also be conducted at other        as well as service providers.
                         Bavarian establishments, such as the Asklepios
                         Fachkliniken München-Gauting – primarily in tho-                                             Dr. Lorenz Goslich
Invest in Bavaria

The highlight from Erlangen
Testing directly in the hospital

                                         Small and medium-sized companies are often               university hospital), the infrastructure of which
                                         faced with a mountain of problems when it                can thus be used for external partners. The Test
                                         comes to testing new medical technology solu-            and Demonstration Centre is situated directly on
                                         tions and devices. What has to be observed?              the premises of the university hospital. Together
                                         What is to be documented? How do you obtain              with the medical staff, the new innovations are
                                         approval? In Erlangen, there is help to overcome         subjected to testing within everyday hospital life –
                                         the mountain: with "Metean".                             and if the worst comes to the worst, problems are
                                                                                                  discovered immediately. The findings are then
                                         All-inclusive – from the idea to marketing               passed on to the relevant company without delay.
                                         The ”Metean” Medical Technology Test and                 Fast user feedback is thus catered for, such that
                                         Demonstration Centre of the Fraunhofer Institute         no unnecessary time is wasted and relevant
                                         for Integrated Circuits (IIS) in Erlangen is a key       ramifications can be drawn. The staff at Metean
                                         project within the Fraunhofer ”Personal Health”          believe that they can help small and medium-
                                         cluster of innovation, which bundles different           sized companies especially to overcome inno-
                                         competencies within the Fraunhofer Society. Its          vation hurdles and to find a way through the statu-
                                         vision is to prevent illnesses through providing         tory, regulatory, economic and technical regula-
                                         medical remote support. Healthcare research              tions with their multitude of basic conditions.
                                         projects form the most important focal point of
                                         Metean’s work. Clinical studies are conducted in         Highly personal: the tracksuit that instructs
                                         cooperation with hospitals, university institutes,       its user
                                         health insurance firms and companies. At the             In the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits,
                                                                     fore are improvements        the Image Processing and Medical Technology
                                                                     through use of telemed-      (BMT) department is primarily devoting its
                                                                     icine systems and ser-       energies to medical image processing, medical
                                                                     vices – both in the case     sensor systems, medical communication and
                                                                     of the transition from       biosignal processing. Indeed, the ”Hemacam”
                                                                     in-patient to out-pa-        product, a computer-assisted microscope system
                                                                     tient treatment and          for haematology, was developed at Metean.
                                                                     support, and in the case     One example of the intensive work being under-
                                                                     of healthcare quality.       taken on the topic of personalised medicine is
                                                                     The experts at Metean        a so-called fitness companion, a sub-project of
                                                                     are aspiring to cover        the ”FitForAge” Bayerischer Forschungsstiftungs-
                                                                     the entire chain of the      verbund (Bavarian Research Foundation Associa-
                                                                     innovation and develop-      tion). It is an intelligent tracksuit, which provides
                                                                     ment process, from the       an individual health and fitness program, evalu-
                                                                     idea over feasibility        ates the data measured, provides the user with
                                                                     analyses, tests and val-     feedback on his activities and thus instructs him
                                                                     idations, to certification   in gymnastic or rehabilitation exercises – in an
                                                                     and approval – and not       entirely personal manner, as it were. To date,
                                                                     least rapid marketing.       this suit has primarily been used in movement
                                                                                                  programmes for the elderly or rehabilitation pa-
                                                                    Fast user feedback            tients. But in the future, it is also to be offered
                                                                    is catered for                to young people, for games or virtual competi-
                                                                    The highlight at Metean       tions, for instance.
                                                                    is close involvement in
Campus of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg         Universitätsklinikum
Photo: © Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg          Erlangen (Erlangen                                             Dr. Lorenz Goslich
                                                                                                                                                             Invest in Bavaria

                         Pharmaceutical and medical
                         technology companies in Bavaria
                         Overview, trends and developments

                         Representatives of both the pharmaceutical and         Fantastic research infrastructure and
                         the medical technology industry are companies          excellently trained staff
                         with an above-average level of commitment to           A key tool during the development of new active
                         research and development. With research ex-            agents and drugs is testing them on individuals
                         penditure amounting to more than 10 per cent           as part of clinical studies. Here, Bavarian com-
                         of company turnover, they are both innovation          panies are benefiting from the fantastic research
                         drivers and business drivers in equal measure.         infrastructure and excellently trained staff in a
                         In addition to numerous small and medium-sized         well-developed network of in-patient and out-
                         companies, global players such as Siemens              patient medical care establishments. Over the
                         Healthcare, Roche Diagnostics, GE Healthcare,          last few years, there has been a further con-
                         Novartis Pharma, Fresenius Medical Care or             siderable increase especially in the number of
                         GlaxoSmithKline are also represented in Bavaria        approval studies performed in Germany during
                         with research and production sites.                    the early phases I and II. Global players such as
                                                                                Novartis Pharma with just under 1,800 employees
                         An attractive location for global players              at the Nuremberg site have strengthened Ger-
                         In the field of drug development, Germany shook        many, where it is currently conducting around
                         off its role as ”the world’s pharmacy” many years      180 ongoing studies, to make it the most impor-
                         ago. Numerous so-called pharmaceutical giants          tant clinical research location after the US.
                         have relocated both their research and develop-        The situation is a similar one for the German
                         ment sites and their production facilities abroad.     subsidiaries of the international pharmaceutical
                         But it is a different situation in the area of prom-   giants such as GlaxoSmithKline, MSD and Daiichi-
                         ising drugs produced using biotechnology. Here,        Sankyo, which also have their headquarters in
                         Germany has established itself as the biggest          the Munich Metropolitan Area. Beyond pure sales
                         production site in Europe and, on a global             subsidiaries, firms have increasingly been invest-
                         scale, is the world number 2, following the US.        ing in the expansion of their clinical research
                         Companies such as Roche Diagnostics are re-            sites over the last few years.
                         sponsible for this development. Through making
                         continuous investments in its Bavarian site in         Medical technology from Bavaria: Leading
                         Penzberg, Roche Diagnostics has expanded to            position for electromedical devices
                         become the Roche Group’s biggest biotechnolo-          In the field of medical technology, Bavaria covers
                         gy research, development and production centre         around 30 per cent of Germany’s entire medical
                         within Europe, with more than 4,500 employees.         technology production. Electromedical device
                         As a pioneer to a certain extent, Roche has            production occupies a leading position, with a
                         committed itself to personalised medicine as a         share of more than 60 per cent. In addition to
                         core element of its business strategy. Generally       a multitude of small and medium-sized compa-
                         speaking, the concept of personalised medicine         nies, Siemens Healthcare (which has research,
                         requires the patient to be characterised on the        development and production sites in the Nurem-
                         basis of so-called biomarkers, which allow for         berg Metropolitan Area), one of the world’s
                         said patient to be assigned to a patient group         biggest suppliers in healthcare, is responsible
                         for which tailored treatment is available. With        for this. With more than 50,000 employees the
                         regard to the co-development of diagnostics and        world over, the company is a specialist in the
                         treatment required for this, in Bavaria Roche is       different areas of imaging and is the global
                         benefiting from the group’s globally unique            market leader in the magnetic resonance to-
                         location, where research, development and              mography (MRT) sector. In addition to computer
                         production of the two business divisions, Phar-        tomography (CT), MRT has established itself as
                         maceuticals and Diagnostics, are combined.             one of the most important imaging procedures
Invest in Bavaria

                                                                                                 hoping to achieve an improvement in patient
                                                                                                 management in the case of early detection, di-
                                                                                                 agnosis and treatment and thus an associated
                                                                                                 reduction in healthcare costs.

                                                                                                 Efficiency and integration: The future of
                                                                                                 Achieving integration in healthcare is also the
                                                                                                 strategy of Fresenius, the world’s leading sup-
                                                                                                 plier of products and services for individuals
                                                                                                 with chronic kidney failure. More than every
                                                                                                 second dialysis machine in the world has
                                                                                                 been developed and produced at Fresenius’
                                                                                                 Bavarian site in Schweinfurt. On the basis of
                                                                                                 this business field, over the last few years
                                                                                                 Fresenius has developed other divisions and is
                                                                                                 nowadays not just combining the development
                                                                                                 and production of medicine products and drugs,
                                                                                                 but also patient care with some hospitals and
                                                                                                 special clinics in an integrated healthcare group.
                                                                                                 On the way to allowing for the best possible
                                                                                                 healthcare within a restricted budget, the in-
                                                                                                 creasing integration of different areas from
Bavaria as a pharmaceutical and medical technology location is occupying an excellent position
in the global environment                                                                        medical technology and pharmaceuticals,
Photos: © Archiv, Ioana Drutu                                                                    diagnostics and treatment, is proving itself as
                                     and especially allows for the representation of             a common strategy of large groups especially.
                                     soft tissue, such as that of the brain or internal          The cooperation with different solution providers
                                     organs. At present, MRT is increasingly gaining             from the area of modern communication tech-
                                     in significance in hybrid imaging, as a combi-              nology is also playing an important role in this
                                     nation made up of MRT and positron emission                 development.
                                     tomography (PET). Due to the simultaneous
                                     measurement of morphology and function on                   Summary
                                     the one hand and metabolism on the other                    Bavaria as a pharmaceutical and medical
                                     hand, considerable advancements are possible                technology location is occupying an excellent
                                     in the case of clinical diagnostics, as well as in          position in the global environment and has
                                     the development of new biomarkers in person-                extensive potential to consolidate and further
                                     alised medicine. Here, too, extreme technical               build on this international leading position.
                                     efforts are required in order to render PET de-             Accordingly, a large majority of companies are
                                     tectors usable within strong magnetic fields.               rating the prospects for the future as positive –
                                     In addition to the continual further development            based on the opportunities gleaned through new
                                     of its diagnostic systems and devices, Siemens              markets, demographic development, a high level
                                     Healthcare is pursuing a long-term strategy for             of innovation and the outstanding reputation of
                                     the future by merging patient data from imaging             ”Made in Bavaria” healthcare products.
                                     and laboratory diagnostic procedures using
                                     its own in-house IT systems. The company is                                                        Ilja Hagen
                                                                                                                                                           Invest in Bavaria
Biotech in Bavaria

                         ”Willingness to found companies is
                         spreading like a virus”
                         Interview with Prof. Dr. Axel Ullrich, Director, Department of Molecular Biology,
                         Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB)

                                                                Professor Ullrich, can you briefly introduce                        who today manages BioM Biotech Cluster Devel-
                                                                the MPIB and the focal points of its research?                      opment GmbH, had a laboratory at the MPIB
                                                                We are part of one of the most successful                           and played a decisive role in establishing mo-
                                                                research organisations in Germany, the Max                          lecular-biological methods. And, I suppose, my
                                                                Planck Society. Within our institute, eight                         past experiences in the first Biotech company in
                                                                departments and more than 30 research groups                        the world, Genentech, also helped. I think that a
                                                                contribute to the latest findings in the areas of                   certain role model function was assigned to me,
                                                                biochemistry, cell biology, structural biology,                     which inspired others. What’s more, the Max
                                                                biophysics and molecular science. The classic                       Planck Society has also provided the premises
                                Prof. Dr. Axel Ullrich is       research areas of our institute are developing                      on which the Martinsried Biotechnology Innova-
                            director of the Department          increasingly in the direction of structural and                     tion and Startup Center is located.
                         of Molecular Biology at MPIB
                                      and a pioneering
                                                                system biology, genetics and new imaging
                                 Biotech-entrepreneur.          methods – bioinformatics is playing a major                         You founded three companies within
                                                                role, too. Basic biomedical research is another                     Martinsried, including Kinaxo GmbH,
                                                                important aspect, as faults in cellular signal                      which was recently sold to Evotec. How
                                                                transmission or defective protein structures can                    would you evaluate the founding environ-
                                                                result in illnesses such as cancer, diabetes or                     ment in Bavaria?
                                                                Alzheimer’s. The work of our scientists thus also                   For some time now, I have had the feeling
                                                                                           helps to better under-                   that among scientists, the willingness to
                                                                                           stand the development                    found companies is spreading like a virus. It
                                                                                           of these illnesses and                   is unbelievably exciting to watch. Prof. Domdey,
                                                                                           forms a basis for new                    who acts as a promoter and advocate for the
                                                                                           therapy strategies.                      Munich and Bavaria region, is largely responsi-
                                                                                                                                    ble for this. The environment for founding com-
                                                                                                        What significance           panies is very good. Academic and non-academic
                                                                                                        does the MPIB have          research establishments, founder centres and
                                                                                                        for the German              university hospitals are situated in direct prox-
                                                                                                        biotechnology sec-          imity to one another and are in regular con-
                                                                                                        tor?                        tact. I myself recently co-founded a company
                                                                                                        I think an important        again and I am also considering another com-
                                                                                                        one. Some MPIB em-          mitment.
                                                                                                        ployees played a cen-
                                                                                                        tral role in the develop-   You often travel abroad due to your profes-
                                                                                                        ment of the sector. In      sional activities. What strengths do you
                                                                                                        the Seventies, Prof.        consider Bavaria as a location to have in
                                                                                                        Peter Hofschneider, for     an international comparison?
                                                                                                        instance, was one of        One of the biggest strengths of Bavaria as a
                                                                                                        the first founders in       business location is the political support. When
                                                                                                        the area of biotechnol-     players from politics recognise economic poten-
                                                                                                        ogy at European level.      tial, they work consistently on tapping into this
                                                                                                        Prof. Horst Domdey,         potential, too. I personally was therefore not
                                                                                                        who was greatly in-         surprised that the German biotechnology adven-
                                                                                                        volved in expanding         ture started in Bavaria.
                                                             Located in Munich/Martinsried –
                                      Max Planck Institutes of Biochemistry and Neurobiology.           the biotechnology loca-
                                                       Photos: © Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry   tion of Bavaria and          The interview was conducted by Martin Bellof.
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  • 1. Healthcare in Bavaria
  • 2. Invest in Bavaria – The Business Promotion Agency of the State of Bavaria The one-stop all-round service Invest in Bavaria is the Business Promotion Agency of the State of Bavaria. Since 1999, it has been helping companies from Germany and abroad to build up or extend a base in Bavaria. Invest in Bavaria puts together customised information, helps to find the ideal location in Bavaria and arranges the contacts needed for im- plementing projects: with government agencies and associations as well as with important local networks. The services offered by Invest in Bavaria are free of charge and all inquiries are, of course, treated confidentially. The Business Promotion Agency of the State of Bavaria is a reliable and competent partner for every phase of the investment project. Planning and Preparation The better the information about potential sites, the easier it is to reach a sound and efficient investment decision. Invest in Bavaria provides companies interested in Bavaria with comparable and reliable facts and figures about the market and business environment, industry and technology networks or funding and financ- ing instruments. Choice of Location Project-related location criteria are jointly developed to meet the wishes and needs of the investor. Invest in Bavaria uses this requirement profile to draw up concrete proposals of potential sites, to identify suitable com- mercial properties and industrial real estate and to organise on-the-spot site inspections. Location Implementation Once the location has been chosen, Invest in Bavaria makes sure that the companies receive local support from the right partners. It investigates funding options, organises contacts with appropriate funding institutions and – if required – with possible financing partners. Invest in Bavaria also offers its assistance with tax, legal and administration issues, ensuring straightforward and smooth coordination with the relevant authorities for a particular project, the regional business development organisations or specialised service providers. Site Development Even after the new business has been set up, Invest in Bavaria is still on hand for interested companies. In- formation on the promotion of business in Bavaria, like the trade fair participation program, all the way to tips about useful corporate databases and industry networks and arranging contacts with foreign communities are typical examples of the wide range of services offered by Invest in Bavaria. And if it is a matter of expanding an existing facility, Invest in Bavaria will be standing by ready to offer help, advice and good contacts.
  • 3. Preface Martin Zeil The life science sector develops key technologies of the 21st century like no other sector and is highly Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria innovative. Added value and sustainable growth can only be achieved by means of innovations. Bavaria Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport is well prepared for this challenge. With global industry leaders like Siemens, GE, Novartis, Roche, and Technology but especially due to the research-oriented and committed small and medium sized enterprises, the Free State of Bavaria is a healthcare site that is unique in Europe. In order to create innovations, research facilities must be available. Bavaria offers the best conditions in this regard: with 13 Max Planck Institutes, three Helmholtz Centres and eight Fraunhofer Institutes, Bavaria enables a close networking of research and practical implementation. Eleven universities and 17 universities of applied sciences create a climate for a direct entrepreneurial implementation of the latest research results and produce highly qualified experts for Bavarian companies. Also citizens benefit from this lively climate of innovation: the comprehensive availability of more than 400 hospitals and 300 prevention and rehabilitation facilities ensures the involvement of everybody on the medical progress. The complex healthcare sector is closely linked in all segments and assumes an extraordinary role in the technology policy of the Free State of Bavaria. Especially through the targeted bundling of different partners from various sectors, Bavaria initiated an effective cluster policy in 2006. In particular, the high-tech companies on site benefit from this, as the connection and the interchange between science and economics is considerably simplified and accelerated. Specific frameworks have been used in order to establish uniform standards in the areas of standardisation and legislation. These contribute substantially to targeted research in order to continue being a global leader in this segment. In order to provide investors with access to this extraordinary potential, representatives of the Free State of Bavaria are available as points of contact in metropolises of more than 20 countries. They cooperate closely with Invest in Bavaria, the Bavarian Business Promotion Agency. Invest in Bavaria supports investors comprehensively, confidentially and free of charge. From the initial conversation on the choice of location to the groundbreaking ceremony and the continuous follow-up care, the team of the Business Promotion Agency supports companies together with its country and sector experts. This brochure presents the strong position of Bavaria in life sciences and makes clear why the free state is an ideal place for business development and innovation. It provides an overview of all the excellent companies from biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceuticals that you as an investor can work with and tells the success stories behind the people and the products which are ”Made in Bavaria”! Martin Zeil Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology Invest in Bavaria 03 3
  • 4. Contents Preface 03 Martin Zeil Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology Bavaria Bavaria – Location for Biotechnology and Medical Technology 06 Overview ”The launch of the tech campus is expected for 2015” 07 Interview with Dr. Thomas Diefenthal, Managing Director, BioPark Regensburg GmbH ”Our location is essentially characterised by its further education establishments” 08 Interview with Dirk Jung, COO, joint operating company IGZ BioMed/ZmK mbH ”Bavaria is a leading medical technology region” 10 Interview with Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich, Chairman, Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. ”Synergies between drug development and medical technology are especially valuable” 12 Interview with Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, BioM, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich R. Reinhardt, Medical Valley EMN e.V. Bavarian research excellence in Biotechnology and medical technology 13 Pioneering concepts are developing in the Free State thanks to academic and economic cooperation The highlight from Erlangen 15 Testing directly in the hospital Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies in Bavaria 16 Overview, trends and developments Biotech in Bavaria ”Willingness to found companies is spreading like a virus” 18 Interview with Prof. Dr. Axel Ullrich, Director, Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Fit for the Medicine of the Future 19 Focus on “Personalised Medicine” in Munich Land of the Biotech Pioneers 20 Innovation in Bavaria comes from small and medium sized enterprises ”IZB will continue to grow” 21 Interview with Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel, Managing Director, IZB GmbH Invest in Bavaria 04
  • 5. ”It is important that business models are scalable” 24 Interview with Helmut Jeggle, Athos Service GmbH, and Michael Motschmann, MIG Verwaltungs AG ”Since 1998, approximately EUR 2 billion have been invested 25 in site expansion projects” Interview with Claus Haberda, Site Manager, Roche Penzberg ”The acquisition of Micromet is the largest single investment Amgen has ever made” 26 Interview with Richard Paulson, VP & General Manager, Amgen GmbH in Germany MedTech in Bavaria ”A win-win situation for both sides; the economy and university research” 27 Interview with Prof. Dr. Willi A. Kalender, Director, Institute for Medical Physics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Trendsetter for health 28 From recent start-ups to global market leaders, small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria are driving forward advancement in medical technology. ”The location can compete with international leading centres” 29 Interview with Dr. Peter Terhart, Chairman, S-Refit AG The Healthcare of Tomorrow 31 Four examples from Medical Valley EMN ”Bavaria’s university hospitals are absolutely world class” 32 Interview with Michael Sigmund, Head of Communications, Siemens Healthcare Success with eye laser technology 33 Wavelight GmbH: Synergy potential in the Alcon Group Imprint Design and realisation Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, GoingPublic Media AG Infrastructure, Transport and Technology Hofmannstraße 7a Invest in Bavaria 81379 Munich Prinzregentenstraße 28 Germany 80538 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 89 2000339-0 Fax: +49 89 2000339-39 Tel.: +49 89 2162-2642 Fax: +49 89 2162-2803 Project management Markus Hofelich, Martin Bellof Overall design Holger Aderhold Invest in Bavaria 05
  • 6. Bavaria Bavaria – Location for Biotechnology and Medical Technology Overview Across the globe, Bavaria is mainly known for its of the Biotech and MedTech hub Bavaria. Suc- tourist highlights: Neuschwanstein Castle, the most cessfully. Today, Bavaria is one of the three visited German attraction, as well as the pano- top locations for biotechnology in Europe. In a ramic view of the Bavarian Alps with the highest national comparison, Bavaria is in the lead. The mountain in Germany, the Zugspitze. Furthermore, medical technology developed in Bavaria also Bavaria signifies culinary delights and lifestyle, leads on both a national and international level. beer gardens, hearty food and good beer. The 25,000 jobs depend on the industries of Biotech same is true of the Oktoberfest, the largest public and biopharmaceuticals; in medical technology festival in the world. The unique combination alone, 45,000 jobs in the Leading-Edge Cluster of the great scenic beauty, culture and culinary of the Medical Valley European Metropolitan delights attract more than 25 million visitors each Region Nuremberg. Besides a vast amount of year; the highest number of visitors throughout small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s), glob- Germany. But Bavaria is also a booming business ally operating multinational healthcare groups location and high-tech region. Several global decided on Bavaria as their location. Roche players, among them seven of the 30 corporations Diagnostics operates one of the worldwide listed in the Dax, Germany's blue chip stock mar- largest biopharmaceutical research and produc- ket index, have their headquarters in Bavaria. tion sites in Penzberg on more than 350,000m². BMW, Audi, Siemens and Adidas are only a few Siemens Sector Healthcare, global market leader examples for the variety of companies with inter- in the field of imaging diagnostics, has its head- national standing located in Bavaria. Bavaria is quarters in Erlangen. also an innovation hub. Both the diesel engine and the MP3 format as well as soccer shoes with Growth Segment: Bavarian Biotechnology screw studs were developed in Bavaria. Even In the past 15 years, five biotechnology clusters in the field of life science the Free State of have developed in Bavaria. In the biotechnology Bavaria is a national and international leader. regions of Wuerzburg, Regensburg and Munich, the focus is on biotechnology with a healthcare Investments in high tech pay off aspect. The other two clusters, Freising-Weihen- EUR 800 million – this is the sum the free state stephan and Straubing, are more specialised on of Bavaria has so far invested in the construction green or white biotechnology. In order to support Dedicated biotechnology and medical technology centres in Bavaria Source: own research Bio-Region Startup centre Rentable space Tenants Employees Munich IZB Martinsried/Freising 23,000 m² > 60 700 Regensburg BioPark Regensburg 18,000 m² > 30 550 Franconia IGZ Würzburg 5,000 m² > 20 300 Nuremberg-Erlangen Medical Valley Center 5,000 m² > 30 200 Employees: Number of employees of the tenants in the respective startup centre Invest in Bavaria 06
  • 7. Bavaria and make better use of the particularities and investors, funding authorities, advisers and other strengths of the different regions, individual net- workers in the cluster. The BioM Biotech Cluster work organisations have been formed that are Development GmbH has been coordinating and responsible for the management of the respec- networking all biotechnology activities within tive clusters: the BioM Biotech Cluster Develop- Bavaria across since 2006. ment GmbH manages the metropolitan region of Munich as well as the neighbouring cluster of Metropolitan Region Munich – Pioneer in Freising-Weihenstephan; the BioPark Regens- Biotechnology burg GmbH manages the region of Regensburg Startup centres are a special component of each and the IGZ Bio-Med/ZmK represents the region regional cluster. They provide the infrastructure of Wuerzburg. Their objective is the development that biotechnology startups need for the growth and marketing of the respective cluster in the in- of their company, especially laboratories and terest of the founders, companies and scientists office spaces. Various important players of the in each of the locations, as well as a networking German biotechnology industry originate from of companies, universities, research facilities, the Innovation and Startup Centre (IZB) in Mar- university hospitals, chambers and associations, tinsried and Freising-Weihenstephan, founded ”The launch of the tech campus is expected for 2015” Interview with Dr. Thomas Diefenthal, Managing Director, BioPark Regensburg GmbH What characterises BioRegio Regensburg the decision-makers involved often know one as part of the Biotech cluster of Bavaria? another personally due to the geographical In 1999, a centre for biotechnology was created proximity. Ideas can then be implemented in on the Regensburg University campus under the projects quickly. Firstly, projects were created motto ”small but mighty”. Due to the principle of with life sciences companies, i.e. pharmaceutical, ”short routes”, in the east of Bavaria it was possible analytics, diagnostics and medical technology to address company founders, the medium-sized firms. Other areas followed, such as sensor industry and external companies willing to relocate. systems. Since automation in all areas of a Both sides have been benefitting from the integration Biotech lab or in the processing industry, e.g. of this network into the Bavarian Biotech cluster. foodstuffs, has been booming, this sector is Dr. Thomas Diefenthal is The Leading-Edge Cluster in Munich is being linked to also expanding. Due to the comparably short Managing Director of BioPark innovative companies situated in the outer regions development times, such companies are suc- Regensburg GmbH. He also coordinates the BioRegio of the Free State; at the same time, these compa- cessful on the market even today. Regensburg biotechnology nies receive access to the extensive services and cluster and is the deputy information provided by the regional initiatives. What do you imagine the location of speaker of the German BioRegionen working group. Regensburg will be like in ten years? There are many interdisciplinary projects in The neighbouring tech campus to be commis- Regensburg. How did this come about? sioned in 2015 will accommodate a multitude Regensburg’s consistent and innovative business of companies, which started out in the BioPark promotion forms the basis for this. In addition, Regensburg. Invest in Bavaria 07
  • 8. Bavaria in 1995 and 2007, respectively: Morphosys and m4 – Leading-Edge Cluster Micromet (now Amgen Research GmbH) as well of Personalised Medicine as Corimmun were founded in this centre. The In 2010, the German Ministry of Education and Munich site is characterised in particular by its Research honoured the Munich consortium “m4 – proximity to first-class centres for fundamental Personalised Medicine and Targeted Therapies” research. The Bavarian capital is home to three in the second round of the Leading-Edge Cluster biological-medical Max Planck Institutes for competition as one of the five Leading-Edge biochemistry, neurobiology and psychiatry, one Clusters. The vision of this Leading-Edge Cluster Helmholtz Zentrum München (German Research is to establish itself as an international model Centre for Environment and Health), the Fraun- area and area of excellence for personalised and hofer Headquarters, the Gene Center Munich that, targeted therapy. For this purpose, funds in the since 1984, has played a pioneering role both amount of approximately EUR 100 million are scientifically and organisationally in the German available for a period of five years; about half of research community, the two universities of applied these funds have been contributed by the compa- sciences of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf and Munich nies involved. The BioM Biotech Cluster Develop- as well as two of the best German universities, ment GmbH assumes the management. the Technische Universität München and Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität. Additionally, it is home Regensburg – Interdisciplinary Cooperation to two university hospitals (Klinikum der Univer- The BioPark Regensburg GmbH is not only in charge sität München and Klinikum rechts der Isar) and 60 of the cluster management but also operates a other hospitals in Munich and its surroundings. startup centre with the same name on the campus ”Our location is essentially characterised by its further education establishments” Interview with Dirk Jung, COO, joint operating company IGZ BioMed/ZmK mbH Can you briefly introduce the Biomed there was information and communication tech- region of Wuerzburg? nology, and also, at the interface, bioinformatics. We are a location which is essentially charac- We have now expanded the topics of IGZ to in- terised by its further education establishments. clude closely-related scientific areas. In this way, Many of our tenants come from the University we can also offer highly qualified niche suppliers of Wuerzburg or the Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt Uni- ideal starting conditions in the medical technology versity of Applied Sciences. The change in the service. culture of promotion has resulted in spin-off com- panies today consisting of rather small groups How intense is the collaboration with Dirk Jung is COO of of founders, who remain in further education other cluster regions? IGZ Würzburg and for a comparably long amount of time. This thus For us, ’founding companies from one’s own Deputy Managing Director reduces influence being exerted by venture means’ and ’corporate maintenance’ are key of Congress-Tourismus- Wirtschaft of the capitalists at a very early stage. The University phrases. But for this, local and national network- City of Wuerzburg. Hospital is also significant for our life sciences ing is absolutely necessary; this actively illustrates landscape. We hope to soon be able to house exchange on the part of the individual bioregions, the first spin-off companies from the hospital. as well as cooperation at interdisciplinary level. At the moment, we are intensifying our efforts to Which sectors are represented within IGZ? establish contact between the spin-off founders, From the beginning, IGZ was topically split into established firms and further education establish- two or three areas: on the one hand, there was ments. In this way, we hope to get solutions from biotechnology and biomedicine, on the other hand, science to the questions posed by business. Invest in Bavaria 08
  • 9. Bavaria of the University of Regensburg. Located in the than half of the more than 320 companies located BioPark are mainly companies of the field of in Bavaria in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals biotechnology and medical technology as well are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). as related service providers. Furthermore, there This represents around 30 per cent of German are eight non-academic research institutes or SMEs in biotechnology. The specific focus of these project groups within the BioPark, among them companies is the development of new therapeu- two Fraunhofer Project Groups (Diagnosis and tics and diagnostics. Their “drug candidates” are Treatment of Tumors, Metabolic Disease and tested worldwide in over 80 clinical trials. More Disease associated with Ageing and Sensor than 100 candidates in research and preclinical Technology Materials). This demonstrates the studies ensure a steady supply. proximity to non-academic research units. In addition, a number of research networks have Medical Valley – Leading-Edge Cluster for been formed in the region of Regensburg. The Medical Technology latest example is the Centre for Interventional When talking about German medical technology, Immunology that pools existing medical and the Medical Valley European Metropolitan Re- scientific excellence in immunotherapy and gion of Nuremberg (EMN) cannot be ignored. transplantation medicine in eastern Bavaria. The Medical Valley EMN is the leading region for medical technology within Germany. Like the Wuerzburg – Centre of Competence for m4 in Munich, it was honoured in 2010 by the Biomedicine German Ministry of Education and Research as The Innovation and Startup Centre (IGZ) Würzburg national Leading-Edge Cluster. It is characterised is the largest startup centre in northern Bavaria by a high concentration of excellence in medical and is home to companies in life sciences and IT. technology. Approximately 500 companies operate It is located in direct vicinity to the University of in the Medical Valley, among them numerous Wuerzburg and the University of Applied Science global players and many market leaders. The as well as numerous research facilities. For com- Medical Valley Center is the foundational core panies in biotechnology and medical technology, of the cluster. In its direct vicinity are more than the proximity to the renowned department for 70 institutes with medical engineering orienta- biomedicine of the university as well as the uni- tion in Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen- versity hospital is of particular importance. Not Nürnberg and universities for applied sciences, least for this reason, Wuerzburg is recognised as more than 20 non-academic research facilities a centre of competence for biomedicine. closely linked to medical technology (among them Fraunhofer and Max Planck Institutes) as Strong Starting Situation for well as more than 65 hospitals. The unusual Bavaria’s Biotech-SME’s density of partners together with the interna- The importance of Bavaria for biotechnology be- tional market and competitive position of indi- comes very clear in a national comparison. More vidual companies provide ideal conditions for Bavarian Biotech SMEs’ staff since 2006 Bavarian Biotech SMEs by field of expertise Source: Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/12, BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH Source: Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/12, BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH 13 8% 19 65 % 4,016 11% 2,5 39% +3 3,793 3,715 3,460 25% 42 3,290 10% 7% 3,030 16 11 Therapeutics/Diagnostics Agriculture, Food, Environment Bioinformatics Devices/Reagents 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 DNA-/Proteinanalysis Preclinical Services Invest in Bavaria 09
  • 10. Bavaria ”Bavaria is a leading medical technology region” Interview with Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich, Chairman, Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. What role does the Forum MedTech Pharma devices in Germany are created in Bavaria. network play for the healthcare sector in Bavaria is number one when considering the Bavaria? total turnover generated in the field of med- As the biggest network of its kind in Europe, ical technology, and it comes second as regards Forum MedTech Pharma is a platform for trans- the number of employees. Bavaria can thus be regional and international networking. Regional called a leading medical technology region, and networks and clusters such as Medical Valley rightly so. EMN or the Biotech cluster in Munich give rise to close connections. Their regionally focused What trends can be observed in medical commitment is perfectly complemented by the technology? Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich is trans-regional network activities. As a national In the area of technology, the far-reaching head of the Department for and international link, the association ensures collection of information technology, the trend Accident Surgery at Regens- the extensive consideration of all phases of the towards devices for out-patient or even domes- burg University Hospital. He is also Chairman of Forum value added chain – from research and devel- tic care, or even the ever-growing interplay of MedTech Pharma e.V. opment, over production, supplier networks, the medicine technology, biotechnology and clinical trials and application, to international pharmaceuticals sectors, in the form of combi- marketing. In addition, interfaces between the nation products, for instance, are important cur- disciplines of medicine technology, biotechnol- rent developments. The sector is devoting its ogy and pharmaceuticals are being created. energies to even greater technological chal- lenges resulting from the requirement of ensur- How significant is Bavaria for medical ing efficiency in the case of innovations and technology in Germany? dealing with the issue of cost reimbursement 30 per cent of all medical technology products for products and services. and even 60 per cent of all electromedical the transfer of ideas into products and services. puts Bavaria in front of countries like France or The Medical Valley is being developed, coordi- Italy. In particular, SMEs play a specific role in nated and marketed by an association with the the medical technology of Bavaria. The majority same name. The recipe for success of the cluster of companies located here are SMEs. Companies is the close contact between highly specialised with less than 50 employees even make up more research institutes, internationally established than half of all medical engineering companies. market leaders as well as growing and medium Furthermore, the largest German network of the Conclusion German health sector (more than 620 members The future prospects for the healthcare site from 14 countries), Forum MedTech Pharma, is Bavaria are consistently positive. Strong funda- located in the Medical Valley EMN. The associ- mental research, ideal infrastructure, a high ation offers the players of the sector various degree of networking and interest in active opportunities for national and international cooperation are responsible for the positive im- networking. pulses that originate from Bavaria. Biotechnolo- gy and medical technology are important pillars Strong SMEs in the Field of Medical of the Bavarian and German economies and Technology should remain this way in the future. The Ger- The actual strength of Bavarian medical technol- man and Bavarian governments demonstrate ogy becomes clear on a closer inspection of its this with their continuous investments in these turnover. EUR 7 billion, almost one third of the sectors. total turnover of EUR 22 billion in German med- ical technology, are produced in Bavaria. This Martin Bellof Invest in Bavaria 10
  • 11. Bavaria Bavarian Bio-Regions engaged in healthcare Source: own presentation Europe Germany Bavaria Wuerzburg Erlangen Nuremberg Regensburg Munich Freising- Weihenstephan Invest in Bavaria 11
  • 12. Bavaria ”Synergies between drug development and medical technology are especially valuable” Interview with Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, BioM, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich R. Reinhardt, Medical Valley EMN e.V. Professor Domdey, what significance does Where do you see Medical Valley in 10 the Munich Biotech Cluster have in Germany years? and how does it differ from other locations? Reinhardt: By 2022 many innovations from Me- Domdey: In the area of drug development, the dical Valley EMN will have revealed, that they Munich Biotech Cluster m4 is, without a doubt, are able to provide a sustainable contribution the most successful biotechnology location in to healthcare efficiency and effectiveness. Initial Germany. We are proud that patients are already assessments by some Leading-Edge Cluster benefiting from four drugs that were developed projects show that, in Germany alone, EUR here. With more than 300 life science companies 7.5 billion could be saved per year – without Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey is and a good 130 small and medium-sized compa- loss of quality. Through innovations in structure Managing Director of BioM nies, we are also counted among the European and processes, Medical Valley EMN will develop Biotech Cluster Development market leaders. What characterises Munich and into a model region for optimal healthcare with GmbH and speaker of the Bavarian Biotechnology Cluster. what promotes both innovation and translation the highest credentials. is the close dovetailing of excellent science and the Biotech industry. In the m4 – personalised Medicine pro- gramme, you are planning to work more Professor Reinhardt, what is the USP of closely together with Medical Valley. What Medical Valley EMN compared with other benefits do you see in doing this? medical technology clusters in Germany? Domdey: I am convinced that through the interplay Reinhardt: Global players such as Siemens of precise diagnostics and targeted therapiest, a and many SMEs are developing innovative better and more cost-effective provision of health- medical technology in Medical Valley EMN. care services can be achieved. Synergies between Even in the early stages of the innovation drug development and medical technology are process, they work closely with partners in especially valuable in order to transfer innovative science and healthcare. This is how a sustain- concepts into clinical practices. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich R. Reinhardt is Chairman of the able problem solving capability has arisen, Medical Valley EMN. that, together with the technological capabili- How realistic is it that both regions are ad- ties of partners, marks the innovative strength vancing together to become the leading of Medical Valley. European cluster in personalised medicine within Europe? What is your vision for the Munich Biotech Reinhardt: Personalised medicine is a focal point Cluster in 10 years? for research and development worldwide, as know- Domdey: Munich has devoted its energies to ledge about the effects of medication enables ac- drug development, especially to the future trend curate and individual treatment. Strong coopera- of ”personalised medicine”, and is purposefully tion between the medical technology and phar- improving the corresponding framework condi- maceutical sectors is therefore indispensible for tions, such as the biobanking infrastructure. In the development of necessary technology. If the addition to the well-filled drug pipeline, Munich two strongest places in Bavaria in this sector offers unique technology platforms. Especially pooled their abilities, the best conditions in which because of large international partners of com- to form a Europe-wide leading working group in panies such as Morphosys, Wilex, 4SC, Pieris the area of personalised medicine would exist. or Proteros, the perception abroad is very positive and will improve further still. Interview conducted by Markus Hofelich. Invest in Bavaria 12
  • 13. Bavaria Bavarian research excellence in Bio- technology and medical technology Pioneering concepts are developing in the Free State thanks to academic and economic cooperation Numerous institutes in Bavarian universities medicine”, i.e. several academic cooperations, and other establishments are devoting their en- are considered to be especially pioneering. ergies to medical technology and biotechnology. The outstanding position of Bavarian universities Interdisciplinary approaches are shaping has been underpinned as part of the excellence the scene initiatives, while the Centre for Higher Education Performing precise operations with robot sys- Development (CHE) is listing several Bavarian tems is no longer a dream of the future. Indeed, faculties in the leading group of its research lightweight robot arms, which a doctor can ranking. A multitude of support is now being control remotely, have been developed at the offered for clinical studies, in order to over- Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the come the hurdles. Activities for ”personalised German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffen- hofen. Another DLR Institute, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, is devoting itself to the prevention of skin cancer through use of satel- lites. Interdisciplinary approaches such as these have long since characterised research in medical technology and biotechnology, too. The ”Munich Center of Health Sciences” (MC-Health) of Lud- wig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) also pursues an interdisciplinary approach like the Munich Helmholtz Centre, Europe’s leading research centre for ”Environmental Health”. Munich is internationally recognised as being the location for biomedical basic research and its clinical application. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and Technische Universität München (TUM) play a key role. At the latter’s central Institute of Medical Engineering (IMETUM), the disciplines are entwined; specialities range from the "Medical Electronics Innovation Centre" to the "Heinz Nixdorf Profes- sorship for Medical Electronics". The Max Planck Society accommodates one of its biggest biologi- cal-medical research concentrations in Munich with the Institutes of Biochemistry, Neurobiology and Psychiatry. An example of the close network- ing is the Excellence Cluster Center for Integrat- ed Protein Science Munich (CIPSM). At the Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg, the Inter- disciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) is the internal research promotion tool. The Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürn- Two locations of the Bavarian Biotech and MedTech research community that are rich in variety: Technische Universität München (top) and University of Augsburg berg is home to a Centre for Medical Physics and Photos: © Helmholtz-Zentrum München/TUM, Universität Augsburg Technology; while at the University of Regensburg, Invest in Bavaria 13
  • 14. Bavaria a Telemedicine Centre has been built. The Fraun- racic oncology and in in- hofer Society is dealing with issues relating to terventional broncholo- medical technology at several locations, such gy – or at the Munich as in Erlangen (image processing), Fuerth (X-ray Municipal Hospital technology) and Regensburg (tumourous and Group. What needs metabolic diseases). There are also technology to be observed during projects at the Bundeswehr University Munich, clinical studies is from sensor systems for prosthetic arms to often underestimated computer simulation for injecting bone cement. by developers. ”In the At the University of Passau, the Faculty of Com- first instance, they are puter Science and Mathematics is dealing with shocked”, confirms digital image processing for computer tomographs, Dr. Bernd Gebhardt, while the University of Augsburg has made a Manager of the Center name for itself with a legal research establish- for Clinical Studies (CCS) ment for medical device law. Further education at the Friedrich-Alexan- certificates can be acquired for this purpose at der-Universität Erlangen- the university’s Centre for Further Education Nürnberg. But he helps Within around 40 research projects interdisciplinary academic and Knowledge Transfer (ZWW) – a phenomenon the hospitals with the research and industrial partners are being brought together. Photos: © BVMed-Bilderpool, Fraunhofer IBMT which is unique in Germany. complex organisational, business-related and legal tasks. Support such as Clinical studies at a number of locations this is now attracting circles. Innovation hurdles in medical technology are not something that the experts have had to deal with Strategy concept for personalised medicine since VDI/VDE Innovation und Technik GmbH Key research principles are being developed in tackled this thorny issue with a study. Consul- Bavaria for the field of ”personalised medicine”, tancy and support in the case of clinical studies which may well usher in a profound change to are now gaining in significance. For studies such medicine and a new dimension of drug devel- as these, there are several starting points – pri- opment by way of an individual focus. This marily, but not limited to, the university hospitals applies, for instance, to the work undertaken in Munich, Erlangen, Regensburg and Wuerzburg, on depression by Professor Florian Holsboer, or the German Heart Centre in Munich. The who works at the Max Planck Institute of coordination serves as a ”Bavarian Network for Psychiatry in Munich, to the work examining Clinical Studies” (BayernNetz) with a branch the development of Herceptin (the only person- office at the university hospital Klinikum rechts alised cancer drug for many years) undertaken der Isar (on the right of the river Isar) in Munich. by Professor Axel Ullrich, who is now Director Clinical studies are thus to be made easier for of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, or even smaller companies. Centres for clinical that of Professor Matthias Mann at the Max studies are also being run at several universi- Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried ties. The LMU is involved in an ongoing basis in near Munich, which looks into innovative tech- clinical and epidemiological studies, both in nologies for proteins. In the Munich Metropoli- individual hospitals and in establishments such tan Area, biotechnology and pharmaceutical as the "Clinical Study Center" (CSCLMU), the companies, hospitals and scientific institutes "Coordination Centre for Surgical Studies" (KCS) have come together with the cluster manage- or the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCLMU). ment company BioM for a strategy concept Clinical studies are also possible at the Munich entitled ”m4 – Personalised Medicine and Tar- Tumour Centre (TZM). The translation of results geted Therapies”. Within around 40 research from basic research and pre-clinical studies to projects, the work of interdisciplinary academic clinical practice is also being ascribed a great research and industrial, mainly medium-sized deal of importance at the Faculty for Medicine at partners, is being brought together. The respon- TU München, for instance at the Klinikum rechts sible company, BioM Biotech Cluster Develop- der Isar. The Helmholtz Zentrum München also ment GmbH, is working closely with partners at nurtures collaboration with industrial partners. universities and other research establishments, Clinical studies can also be conducted at other as well as service providers. Bavarian establishments, such as the Asklepios Fachkliniken München-Gauting – primarily in tho- Dr. Lorenz Goslich Invest in Bavaria 14
  • 15. Bavaria The highlight from Erlangen Testing directly in the hospital Small and medium-sized companies are often university hospital), the infrastructure of which faced with a mountain of problems when it can thus be used for external partners. The Test comes to testing new medical technology solu- and Demonstration Centre is situated directly on tions and devices. What has to be observed? the premises of the university hospital. Together What is to be documented? How do you obtain with the medical staff, the new innovations are approval? In Erlangen, there is help to overcome subjected to testing within everyday hospital life – the mountain: with "Metean". and if the worst comes to the worst, problems are discovered immediately. The findings are then All-inclusive – from the idea to marketing passed on to the relevant company without delay. The ”Metean” Medical Technology Test and Fast user feedback is thus catered for, such that Demonstration Centre of the Fraunhofer Institute no unnecessary time is wasted and relevant for Integrated Circuits (IIS) in Erlangen is a key ramifications can be drawn. The staff at Metean project within the Fraunhofer ”Personal Health” believe that they can help small and medium- cluster of innovation, which bundles different sized companies especially to overcome inno- competencies within the Fraunhofer Society. Its vation hurdles and to find a way through the statu- vision is to prevent illnesses through providing tory, regulatory, economic and technical regula- medical remote support. Healthcare research tions with their multitude of basic conditions. projects form the most important focal point of Metean’s work. Clinical studies are conducted in Highly personal: the tracksuit that instructs cooperation with hospitals, university institutes, its user health insurance firms and companies. At the In the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, fore are improvements the Image Processing and Medical Technology through use of telemed- (BMT) department is primarily devoting its icine systems and ser- energies to medical image processing, medical vices – both in the case sensor systems, medical communication and of the transition from biosignal processing. Indeed, the ”Hemacam” in-patient to out-pa- product, a computer-assisted microscope system tient treatment and for haematology, was developed at Metean. support, and in the case One example of the intensive work being under- of healthcare quality. taken on the topic of personalised medicine is The experts at Metean a so-called fitness companion, a sub-project of are aspiring to cover the ”FitForAge” Bayerischer Forschungsstiftungs- the entire chain of the verbund (Bavarian Research Foundation Associa- innovation and develop- tion). It is an intelligent tracksuit, which provides ment process, from the an individual health and fitness program, evalu- idea over feasibility ates the data measured, provides the user with analyses, tests and val- feedback on his activities and thus instructs him idations, to certification in gymnastic or rehabilitation exercises – in an and approval – and not entirely personal manner, as it were. To date, least rapid marketing. this suit has primarily been used in movement programmes for the elderly or rehabilitation pa- Fast user feedback tients. But in the future, it is also to be offered is catered for to young people, for games or virtual competi- The highlight at Metean tions, for instance. is close involvement in Campus of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Universitätsklinikum Photo: © Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Erlangen (Erlangen Dr. Lorenz Goslich Invest in Bavaria 15
  • 16. Bavaria Pharmaceutical and medical technology companies in Bavaria Overview, trends and developments Representatives of both the pharmaceutical and Fantastic research infrastructure and the medical technology industry are companies excellently trained staff with an above-average level of commitment to A key tool during the development of new active research and development. With research ex- agents and drugs is testing them on individuals penditure amounting to more than 10 per cent as part of clinical studies. Here, Bavarian com- of company turnover, they are both innovation panies are benefiting from the fantastic research drivers and business drivers in equal measure. infrastructure and excellently trained staff in a In addition to numerous small and medium-sized well-developed network of in-patient and out- companies, global players such as Siemens patient medical care establishments. Over the Healthcare, Roche Diagnostics, GE Healthcare, last few years, there has been a further con- Novartis Pharma, Fresenius Medical Care or siderable increase especially in the number of GlaxoSmithKline are also represented in Bavaria approval studies performed in Germany during with research and production sites. the early phases I and II. Global players such as Novartis Pharma with just under 1,800 employees An attractive location for global players at the Nuremberg site have strengthened Ger- In the field of drug development, Germany shook many, where it is currently conducting around off its role as ”the world’s pharmacy” many years 180 ongoing studies, to make it the most impor- ago. Numerous so-called pharmaceutical giants tant clinical research location after the US. have relocated both their research and develop- The situation is a similar one for the German ment sites and their production facilities abroad. subsidiaries of the international pharmaceutical But it is a different situation in the area of prom- giants such as GlaxoSmithKline, MSD and Daiichi- ising drugs produced using biotechnology. Here, Sankyo, which also have their headquarters in Germany has established itself as the biggest the Munich Metropolitan Area. Beyond pure sales production site in Europe and, on a global subsidiaries, firms have increasingly been invest- scale, is the world number 2, following the US. ing in the expansion of their clinical research Companies such as Roche Diagnostics are re- sites over the last few years. sponsible for this development. Through making continuous investments in its Bavarian site in Medical technology from Bavaria: Leading Penzberg, Roche Diagnostics has expanded to position for electromedical devices become the Roche Group’s biggest biotechnolo- In the field of medical technology, Bavaria covers gy research, development and production centre around 30 per cent of Germany’s entire medical within Europe, with more than 4,500 employees. technology production. Electromedical device As a pioneer to a certain extent, Roche has production occupies a leading position, with a committed itself to personalised medicine as a share of more than 60 per cent. In addition to core element of its business strategy. Generally a multitude of small and medium-sized compa- speaking, the concept of personalised medicine nies, Siemens Healthcare (which has research, requires the patient to be characterised on the development and production sites in the Nurem- basis of so-called biomarkers, which allow for berg Metropolitan Area), one of the world’s said patient to be assigned to a patient group biggest suppliers in healthcare, is responsible for which tailored treatment is available. With for this. With more than 50,000 employees the regard to the co-development of diagnostics and world over, the company is a specialist in the treatment required for this, in Bavaria Roche is different areas of imaging and is the global benefiting from the group’s globally unique market leader in the magnetic resonance to- location, where research, development and mography (MRT) sector. In addition to computer production of the two business divisions, Phar- tomography (CT), MRT has established itself as maceuticals and Diagnostics, are combined. one of the most important imaging procedures Invest in Bavaria 16
  • 17. Bavaria hoping to achieve an improvement in patient management in the case of early detection, di- agnosis and treatment and thus an associated reduction in healthcare costs. Efficiency and integration: The future of healthcare Achieving integration in healthcare is also the strategy of Fresenius, the world’s leading sup- plier of products and services for individuals with chronic kidney failure. More than every second dialysis machine in the world has been developed and produced at Fresenius’ Bavarian site in Schweinfurt. On the basis of this business field, over the last few years Fresenius has developed other divisions and is nowadays not just combining the development and production of medicine products and drugs, but also patient care with some hospitals and special clinics in an integrated healthcare group. On the way to allowing for the best possible healthcare within a restricted budget, the in- creasing integration of different areas from Bavaria as a pharmaceutical and medical technology location is occupying an excellent position in the global environment medical technology and pharmaceuticals, Photos: © Archiv, Ioana Drutu diagnostics and treatment, is proving itself as and especially allows for the representation of a common strategy of large groups especially. soft tissue, such as that of the brain or internal The cooperation with different solution providers organs. At present, MRT is increasingly gaining from the area of modern communication tech- in significance in hybrid imaging, as a combi- nology is also playing an important role in this nation made up of MRT and positron emission development. tomography (PET). Due to the simultaneous measurement of morphology and function on Summary the one hand and metabolism on the other Bavaria as a pharmaceutical and medical hand, considerable advancements are possible technology location is occupying an excellent in the case of clinical diagnostics, as well as in position in the global environment and has the development of new biomarkers in person- extensive potential to consolidate and further alised medicine. Here, too, extreme technical build on this international leading position. efforts are required in order to render PET de- Accordingly, a large majority of companies are tectors usable within strong magnetic fields. rating the prospects for the future as positive – In addition to the continual further development based on the opportunities gleaned through new of its diagnostic systems and devices, Siemens markets, demographic development, a high level Healthcare is pursuing a long-term strategy for of innovation and the outstanding reputation of the future by merging patient data from imaging ”Made in Bavaria” healthcare products. and laboratory diagnostic procedures using its own in-house IT systems. The company is Ilja Hagen Invest in Bavaria 17
  • 18. Biotech in Bavaria ”Willingness to found companies is spreading like a virus” Interview with Prof. Dr. Axel Ullrich, Director, Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) Professor Ullrich, can you briefly introduce who today manages BioM Biotech Cluster Devel- the MPIB and the focal points of its research? opment GmbH, had a laboratory at the MPIB We are part of one of the most successful and played a decisive role in establishing mo- research organisations in Germany, the Max lecular-biological methods. And, I suppose, my Planck Society. Within our institute, eight past experiences in the first Biotech company in departments and more than 30 research groups the world, Genentech, also helped. I think that a contribute to the latest findings in the areas of certain role model function was assigned to me, biochemistry, cell biology, structural biology, which inspired others. What’s more, the Max biophysics and molecular science. The classic Planck Society has also provided the premises Prof. Dr. Axel Ullrich is research areas of our institute are developing on which the Martinsried Biotechnology Innova- director of the Department increasingly in the direction of structural and tion and Startup Center is located. of Molecular Biology at MPIB and a pioneering system biology, genetics and new imaging Biotech-entrepreneur. methods – bioinformatics is playing a major You founded three companies within role, too. Basic biomedical research is another Martinsried, including Kinaxo GmbH, important aspect, as faults in cellular signal which was recently sold to Evotec. How transmission or defective protein structures can would you evaluate the founding environ- result in illnesses such as cancer, diabetes or ment in Bavaria? Alzheimer’s. The work of our scientists thus also For some time now, I have had the feeling helps to better under- that among scientists, the willingness to stand the development found companies is spreading like a virus. It of these illnesses and is unbelievably exciting to watch. Prof. Domdey, forms a basis for new who acts as a promoter and advocate for the therapy strategies. Munich and Bavaria region, is largely responsi- ble for this. The environment for founding com- What significance panies is very good. Academic and non-academic does the MPIB have research establishments, founder centres and for the German university hospitals are situated in direct prox- biotechnology sec- imity to one another and are in regular con- tor? tact. I myself recently co-founded a company I think an important again and I am also considering another com- one. Some MPIB em- mitment. ployees played a cen- tral role in the develop- You often travel abroad due to your profes- ment of the sector. In sional activities. What strengths do you the Seventies, Prof. consider Bavaria as a location to have in Peter Hofschneider, for an international comparison? instance, was one of One of the biggest strengths of Bavaria as a the first founders in business location is the political support. When the area of biotechnol- players from politics recognise economic poten- ogy at European level. tial, they work consistently on tapping into this Prof. Horst Domdey, potential, too. I personally was therefore not who was greatly in- surprised that the German biotechnology adven- volved in expanding ture started in Bavaria. Located in Munich/Martinsried – Max Planck Institutes of Biochemistry and Neurobiology. the biotechnology loca- Photos: © Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry tion of Bavaria and The interview was conducted by Martin Bellof. Invest in Bavaria 18