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Know Your
Numbers –
Know Your
Strong words with a powerful message
  If you are not an accounting professional, how do you know if your bookkeeper
   is providing your company with the level of expertise you desire and require?
       Chapter 1                      Introduction
• Taking Control
• Managerial Accounting – What is it?

       Chapter 2                     The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping
•TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey
•TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive
•TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money

       Chapter 3                    Know How to Put This Information to Work for You
•Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports
• Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet
• Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report
• Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting
• Checking Payroll Activity

       Chapter 4                    About Us
•    Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping
    • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO
    • Senior Accountant
    • BizKeeper

    •About Us
Accuracy Partnered with Checks and Balances
   ---------------------------- Out
        Garbage In – Garbage
 As ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     a business owner, your company is hired because you offer expertise
 and knowledge about a particular service or provide a valuable
 product. You are professionals in our particular line of work. There is
 often the expectation that everyone else offering their expertise for hire
 is also a professional and therefore, knows what they are doing. They
     ---------------------------------------------------------------------       GOOD NEWS
 may believe they do, however, tax laws, state laws and local
 regulations are changing constantly, and not every bookkeeper stays
 up with those changes or understand them. Since there are almost no
                                                                                  As a business owner there
                                                                                  are measures you can take
 educational requirements to be a bookkeeper, a business owner needs          
 to ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                  to avoid costly bookkeeping
     be able to hire the right bookkeeper and monitor their work.                 errors.
 As ---------------------------- may not be your strong point, but
    a business owner, accounting
 know WHAT YOU EXPECT AT THE BOTTOM LINE. Often small business                   You are in control
 owners choose an inexpensive bookkeeper to save short-term costs.
 However, the long-term costs appears when a CPA tells the business
 owner they need to clean up their accounting records so they can
 prepare your tax return? They are going to charge the business owner
 their rate to fix work the owner has already paid for---making an
 inexpensive bookkeeper not such a bargain.

Taking Control

                                               Okay, What’s Up with the Bee Thing—
                                             -------------------------------- logo, you will see us use BEE
                                               You may be wondering why the BEE
                                               ANALOGIES throughout this book. The word APIS is the Latin word for
                                               ―honeybee.‖ We use the comparisons to bees, honey, nectar and hives,
                                               etc. Because bees have got a great business model. Just think about it,
                                               they are organized, store assets for the future, have contingency plans,
                                               constantly monitor their inventory, adapt to their environment and
                                               everyone in the company knows their job and how they contribute to the
                                               overall success of the organization. They do naturally what great
                                               businesses work hard to achieve and maintain. If more companies had
                                               similar business models, more companies would realize their goals and
If accounting and bookkeeping isn’t your     --------------------------------
                                               dreams. The second part of our name is BUSINESS SOLUTIONS. We position
forte, don’t worry—it’s ours. The Apis         ourselves as a proactive financial advocate for our clients. As solution
colony of Small Business Financial
Officers (SBFO®) teamed with busy
                                               experts we not only provide accounting and bookkeeping solutions, we
                                               also align ourselves with various highly qualified business support
BizKeepers knows how important your            providers, i.e. IT, tax preparation, marketing, sales, insurance, and
business is to you and how important your    --------------------------------
                                               financial planners just to name a few. We understand running a
books are to your business. Whether
                                               successful business requires a variety of skills and talents, some of which
you’re doing your books
yourself, outsourcing with a bookkeeper      -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                               are better outsourced with proven professionals in their respective fields.
or looking to do so in the future—we want
to make sure that your business is getting
what it needs from your books so you can
get what you need from your business.
High Quality Accounting and Bookkeeping
    Professionals Offer a Service Essential to Every

Why Is It Important?

                                 Good business records make
    Your business records        you look good to the bank.        HEADLINE
    are an important key to      Good business records allow
    your success. They tell      you to accurately target
    you if your current          immediate returns on
    activities are profitable.   investments as well as identify
    They tell you how much       excessive spending.
    money you have tied
    up with customers who
    have not paid yet. They
    enable you to get all                                     You Can Utilize Your Financial
    tax deductions possible.                                  Records Optimally by:

                                                               You can utilize your financial records
                                                               optimally by:
                                                                Having Accurate Data
             An Accounting and                                  Organizing Your Data
                                                                 Informatively into Managerial
             Bookkeeping Professional                            Reports
             Does All This and More...                          Analyzing the Information and
Managerial Accounting vs. Financial Accounting

                                    Financial Accounting -

                                    Produces annual reports mainly for external
                                   Managerial Accounting
                                    The process of preparing management reports and
                                    accounts that provide accurate and timely financial
                                    and statistical information required the business owners
                                  -------------------------------- day-to-day and short-term
                                    and management to make
  A Professional Bookkeeper Can   -----------------------------------------------------------------
  Help You Do Managerial
                                    Management accounting generates monthly or
  Accounting                      --------------------------------
                                    weekly reports for the organization’s internal audience.
                                    These reports typically show the amount of cash, sales
   “Make Strategic Decisions     -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                    revenue generated, amount of orders in hand, state of
  Based on Fact Not Hope.”          accounts payable, outstanding debts, raw material
                                    and inventory with trend charts, variance analysis and
                                    other statistics.
       Chapter 1                        Introduction
•Taking Control
•Managerial Accounting – What is it?

       Chapter 2                       The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping
•TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey
•TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive
•TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money

       Chapter 3                      Know How to Put This Information to Work for You
•    Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports
•    Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet
•    Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report
•    Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting
•    Checking Payroll Activity

       Chapter 4                      About Us
• Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping
    • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO
    • Senior Accountant
    • BizKeeper
    • About Us
The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping
    The following information outlines three essential truths about
       accounting and bookkeeping as a management tool.
Truth #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey

You want your financial
records to give you
meaningful reporting
                                    Mistakes can be costly—look at the          The Truth is...
                                    following examples:
capabilities. You want to
accurately target                                                               When you data is
immediate returns on                Example One -                               complete, accurate and
investments. You want to
identify excessive                   Inaccurate or misclassified data may      properly classified, costly
spending.                           require your CPA to clean up your           mistakes like those above do
                                    accounting records—at their rates—
                                    before preparing your taxes. Accurate
                                                                                not happen. Knowing your
Accurate and complete               and properly classified data entry gives    bookkeeper is providing you
data entry is absolutely            your tax preparer the tools needed to       with reliable data allows you to
essential to the success of         maximize tax deductions and saves you
your business.                      money on the cost of tax preparation        turn your focus to organizing
                                                                                the information into reporting
                                    Example Two -                               that will take you from spending
                                     Incomplete and inaccurate data entry      your money to managing your
                                    is misleading when pricing products and     money.
                                    services allowing for decreased overall
                                    profits. Complete and accurate data
                                    entry provides you with the information
Without nectar there is no          you need to correctly price your products
                                    and services to cover direct and indirect
complete, accurate and
properly classified data there is   costs and make a profit.
not reliable financial
information for your company.
TRUTH #2- It Takes Organization to Turn a Nest into a Hive

                                                 Do Your Books Accurately Represent Your Company?
                                                 1.    Are you charging enough to produce and deliver your
                                                       product and services?
                                                  Solution: Define and group the cost of goods sold accounts on
                                                -------------------------------------------clearly and easily
                                                  your Profit and Loss Statement so you can
                                                  identify all related costs.
                                                  2. Are you considering all business expenses when calculating
                                                      your bottom line?
Bees naturally group into nests giving them
                                                  Solution: Define and group general expenses of doing business
a place to bring nectar to process into
honey, similar to the way any                   -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  on your Profit and Loss Statement so you know what factor to
bookkeeping system provides a business            use when calculating the cost of overhead in your pricing.
with a path to enter and store data in order
to turn it into useful information. A hive is
                                                  3. Are you proactive and tax planning or reactive and tax
what we call a honeybee community                paying?
when it is being managed by beekeepers.         -----------------------------------------------------------------
The hive is organized to facilitate               Solution: Know which deductions you qualify for and have your
extracting honey without harming or             --------------------------------reporting for your tax professional
                                                  bookkeeper prepare detailed
                                                  pointing them to the information they need to capture them.
disrupting the bees. This is our approach to
BizKeeping—we organize bookkeeping
systems in order to facilitate extracting
financial information from your business so
that your business can perform optimally.
More Questions About Your Records...

   4. Do you know how your company is performing overall and comparatively to your industry?

   Solution: Rely on comprehensive financial reporting that addresses your key indicators.
   Does your financial reporting support your current and financial goals?
   5. Are you comparing your actual financial activity to your budget?

   Solution: Utilize budget to actual reporting features within your accounting software to track

   6. Are you planning for growth?
   Solution: Having consistent reporting allows you to plan for growth. Define your growth strategies using your
   historical data to help you analyze what has happened so you can plan for what needs to happen.

   7. Are your financial records accurately positioning you for a future valuation and sale of your

   Solution: Clearly identify discretionary spending within your chart of accounts so a prospective buyer can
   easily see the earnings capacity of your company.

  The Truth is...
  When your data is organized into informative reports you will know the answers to these questions. Knowing
  your bookkeeper understands your business and your goals well enough to produce meaningful financial
  reports allows you to go one step further into strategizing for growth, increasing profits and building your
  financial future.
Truth #3 – It Takes a Watchful Eye to Turn Your
                 Honey into Money
                                      Reports You Need to See At Least on a Monthly Basis

                                                Profit and Loss Statement – Summarizes the
                                                revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a specific
                                                period of time. These records provide information that
                                                shows the ability of a company to generate profit by
                                                increasing revenue and reducing costs.

Statements of Cash Flows – is                                                                                Balance Sheet – A financial
concerned with the flow of cash in and cash                                                                  statement that summarizes a company’s
out of the business. The statement captures                                                                  assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity at a
both the current operating results and the                                                                   specific point in time. These three balance
accompanying changes in the balance                                                                          sheet segments give the business owner an
sheet. It is useful in determining the short-                                                                idea as to what the company owns and
term viability of a company, particularly its
ability to pay bills.
                                                                   Financial                                 owes as well as the amount invested by the
Banking, Credit Card and                                                                                     Accounts Payable Aging
Loan Reconciliations - Reports                                                                               Report – Helps you determine how well
                                                                                                             you are (or aren’t) paying your accounts
that compile data and make sure everything
                                                                                                             payable. It is a great cash management
is accurate.

                                                Accounts Receivable Aging Report -
                                                shows the amounts owed to the company by its
                                                customers, including the length of time the amounts have
                                                been outstanding. Typically, the aging report categorizes
                                                receivables as ―current,‖ ―30 days,‖ ―60 days,‖ ―90 days,‖
                                                and ―120 days and over.‖ The purpose of this report is to
                                                show the business owner what receivables need to be
                                                dealt with more urgently because they have been
                                                overdue longer.
If you are not familiar with what information is provided to you within each of these reports, ask
 your bookkeeper. They will be able to help you understand each report and be able to help you
 interpret the invaluable information they contain.

 Talk with your accounting and bookkeeping professional about other reporting that will assist you
 in managing your business. For instance, a business that bills clients for reimbursement of direct
 expenses will want to see an unbilled costs report. Do not be your client’s banker. Recovering
 costs quickly is vital to your cash flow.

 You have money to spend on marketing, but none to waste. Tracking the return on your
 investment with marketing efforts lets you know which campaigns are bringing you the business
 you expect and which ones are costing you more money than they are worth.

 Knowing how each department or store location is performing allows you to monitor managerial
 staff and the profitability of product and service lines. Grouping all information together can be
 misleading. When reporting easily identifies different facets of your business, you now have a tool
 to help you oversee your entire company with a better perspective.

 You worked long and hard last November putting together a budget for this year. How successful
 have you been in reaching your goals? Do you need to make adjustments mid-year to your
 operations to better meet your anticipated profits? Comparing your anticipated goals with the
 realities of your business is the only way to make timely and appropriate decisions. Don’t fall into
 the mindset that says ―We are busy, so we must be making money.‖

The Truth is...
When your reporting is reviewed and analyzed on a regular basis you will know the
answers to these questions. Knowing your bookkeeper is providing you with useful and
timely reporting supports your efforts at reaching all your financial goals.
       Chapter 1                        Introduction
•Taking Control
•Managerial Accounting – What is it?

       Chapter 2                       The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping
•TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey
•TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive
•TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money

       Chapter 3                      Know How to Put This Information to Work for You
•    Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports
•    Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet
•    Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report
•    Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting
•    Checking Payroll Activity

       Chapter 4                      About Us
• Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping
    • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO
    • Senior Accountant
    • BizKeeper
    • About Us
          Know How to Put This
-------------------------------- Work for You
  Information to
  You don’t have the time or the inclination to micro-manage your
  bookkeeper’s work. Reviewing the financial reporting provided
-------------------------------- what to look for are the first
  by your bookkeeper and knowing
  steps in ensuring you are working with a qualified professional.       On the next few pages
  Below you will find specific steps you can take to monitor your        review not only the
  bookkeeper’s effectiveness in their position.                          questions you should ask
--------------------------------                                         whoever is doing your
                                                                         accounting and
                                                                         bookkeeping; but
                                                                         also the answers you should
--------------------                                                    expect.

-----------------------------------------------------------------        Learn what you need to
                                                                        know to manage this
--------------------------------                                         position.

Know How to Put This Information to Work for You
                         Do the numbers seem reasonable?                                    ANSWERS
                         Does your bookkeeper understand your business?
                         Review your Chart of Accounts to determine if it is tracking activity specific to your
 1                        business model or industry.
                        Within QuickBooks it is very easy for your bookkeeper to ―drill down‖ in a report and show
                        you the detail for a given number.
How do you know the      Watch out for accounts called ―need to fix‖ or ―miscellaneous‖. This indicates that
reports are accurate?     your bookkeeper did not know how to classify an event and needs your clarification.
                         In an account name doesn’t seem right to you, ask for an explanation and the detail
                          of activity recorded to that account.
                         Customize your Chart of Accounts so you track activity that is important to your
                          bottom line.

2                        Within QuickBooks it is very easy for your bookkeeper to ―drill down‖ in a report and
                          show you the details for a given number. This type of reporting lets you quickly
Have you asked your       determine if the total number is made up of the correct financial activity.
bookkeeper to verify     Review all reports with your bookkeeper from time to time to make sure you are both
                          on the same track.
the numbers?
                        If you find a negative value designed by a minus sign or brackets around your accounts
                        receivable number there is something wrong! This indicates one of two things:
                         You owe your customers money, or...
                         The bookkeeper has received money into your books, but has not created an invoice
3                         to record the sales side of the transaction.
                        This inaccurate bookkeeping practice understates your revenue to you and creates a
Look for upside down    tax reporting problem with IRS.
balances on your        If your accounts payable liability account is showing a debit balance something is
Balance Sheet            You have either overpaid a vendor or...
                         You have not recorded a tax deductible expense.
                        Either situation is NOT to your advantage.
                        These are only a couple of irregularities that could show up.
Ask Yourself and Your Bookkeeper the Following Questions
 4                       ANSWERS
Look at your bank
statement. It can tell   Look at the un-cleared or outstanding activity sections of the reconciliation
you several things.      report.
                         If you have outstanding activity that is more than a few months old this is an
Did you know that        indicator that your accounts are not really reconciled.
your bank statement
                           Scenario A:
can be reconciled
every month and still      Your checking account is showing an un-cleared deposit in the amount of $10,000 from six
be wrong?                  months ago. How can this happen?

                           You lost the check from a client and it was never deposited. They haven’t told you
                           because it is to their advantage or perhaps their bookkeeper isn’t tracking cleared checks
                           in their system.

                           Scenario B:

                           Your checking account is showing un-cleared checks dating back several months. How
                           can this happen?

                           These outstanding activities are an indication that perhaps a vendor of yours has lost your

                           Even more troubling, maybe you or your bookkeeper has inadvertently double booked an
                           activity. Entering the same check twice in your check register can throw off your expense
                           reporting, your accounts payable balances and the ending bank balance.

                           These occurrences could cause you to negotiate payment arrangements with a supplier
                           because you don’t know that you have enough money in your account to pay their bill.
                           Or perhaps you are putting off paying yourself.
  When your bookkeeper is correctly reconciling your bank
    account you can rely on the information in your accounting
    software to manage your cash flow.
  DO NOT rely on checking your balance online – Reconcile Your
  Bank Accounts.

-------------------------------- manage your cash flow.
  This is a very dangerous way to

  It may seem effective when you have the time to manually
  calculate in your head what checks you know you have written
-------------------------------- ones are still in the drawer
  and mailed to vendors and which
  waiting to be sent until you make the deposit you are going to
  pick up from your client. But we all know this methodology
  doesn’t always work when we are busy and besides it takes
-------------------------------- can be better spent.
  valuable time out of your day that

Ask Yourself and Your Bookkeeper the Following Questions
                        If you use QuickBooks, review the Open Invoice and Vendor Open Balance Detail
Look at Your Accounts   reports. These reports are a very quick way for you to see if the bookkeeper has
                        correctly recorded activity into your software. A bookkeeper can record receipt of a
Payable and             payment to an account in your accounts receivable module without recording an
Accounts Receivable     invoice for this activity. This creates a situation where you can properly record a deposit
Reporting               to the bank, but not record your income.

                         Scenario C:

                         If you see an open payment entry on the Open Invoice Report then your revenue is
                         not being properly recorded. Simply recording receipt of a payment creates a
                         recordkeeping situation that appears to show you owe a client money for undelivered
                         services or products.

                         Scenario D:

                         Similarly for accounts payable, if there is an open payment you have made and no
                         bill to attach it to you are perhaps properly stating your bank balance, but have not
                         recorded the expenditure.

                          This causes problems at tax time because you are missing deductions.
                          You might overpay a vendor because you have no receipt of a bill going through
                           your system or you might not charge a client for a reimbursable expense because
                           you have no indicator that the charge was ever incurred. Your vendor is happy
                           because they got paid, but you have not and you don’t even know it.
                          An open bill payment is a message to you that a bill had been entered into the
                           system but was then deleted. Again, this is your sign that something is amiss
Make Sure Your Payroll is Properly Processed and Recorded
                           It is not necessary for you to become a payroll expert, but there are ways to
Is Your Payroll Activity   make sure you are in compliance and that your records accurately reflect
Being Processed and        this activity.
                           Ask your payroll professional, whether that be your bookkeeper or an
                           outsourced service provider for a schedule of all payroll taxes due including
                           the tax name and corresponding tax authority, whether it is a company
                           expense or an employee withholding, what forms are necessary and the filing
                           requirements, and how you will see the activity reported on your books. The
                           buck stops with you when it comes to payroll responsibilities.

                           We suggest you do not use a catch-all payroll expense account. Break out
                           the different payroll expenses within your Chart of Accounts so you may easily
                           identify all expenditures and its related costs. Employee costs may include
                           salaries, wages, overtime, sick, vacation, and holiday
                           pay, bonuses, commission, state and federal unemployment, matching Social
                           Security and Medicare taxes, city tax in some cases, workers compensation
                           insurance, benefits, uniforms, bus passes or parking, cell phone
                           reimbursement, payroll administrative fees, and hiring expenses. Can you see
                           how if this is all thrown in to one pot a business owner may not be able to
                           effectively monitor these individual costs?
       Chapter 1                        Introduction
•Taking Control
•Managerial Accounting – What is it?

       Chapter 2                       The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping
•TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey
•TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive
•TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money

       Chapter 3                      Know How to Put This Information to Work for You
•    Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports
•    Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet
•    Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report
•    Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting
•    Checking Payroll Activity

       Chapter 4                      About Us
• Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping
    • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO
    • Senior Accountant
    • BizKeeper
    • About Us
The Apis Story...
                                                                                                            We Take the Sting Out of
                                                                                                                Accounting and

 Take Control –
 Know and Use
 Your Numbers

    1                                              2                                       3
    The Beginning                                    The Commitment                            The Results

   • Apis Business Solutions, LLC was started   • At Apis we believe good business         • In June 2009, we were honored to
     in August 2008. We developed a               begins and ends with the                   be named one of the 10 winners
     system of financial management               relationship. Because we work with         nationwide in Intuit/QuickBooks®
     specifically designed to help small          the financial core of the small            ―Power to Get More Done‖
     business owners run their business ―by       business, trust is essential. We also      Stimulus Grant Competition. Apis
     the numbers‖. When business owners
                                                  know that trust is earned, it is not a     Business Solutions was chosen from
     understand the numbers of their
     business, they make strategic                given. We are prepared to work             more than 700 applicants from
     decisions based on ―fact‖ not ―hope.‖        hard to earn and keep your trust.          across the country because of our
                                                • We believe in the following                business model, professionalism
   • Most business owners do not start
    their own business because the ―love‖         formula:                                   and our willingness to give back to
    accounting and bookkeeping, yet                                                          the community.
    effectively managing their financials is    Integrity + Reliability +                  • In May 2011 we were honored as
    essential to their initial and continued
              Where?       Who?
    success. Organized and complete
                                                Competence +                                 one of three finalists for the
                                                                                             ―Emerging Business of the Year‖
    financials mean access to                   Transparency = TRUST                         award sponsored by the Denver
    funding, better cash
    management, and better opportunity
                                                                                             Metro Chamber. As an advocate
    for success.                                                                             for small business success and
                                                                                             growth in the Denver Metro
                   How?                                                                      Community, we are honored to be
                                                                                             recognized as a ―Small Business
                                                                                             Making a Difference.‖
Our Comprehensive Approach
Focuses on:
                                                                                       Advocacy for the                   Results
      We Stand Behind You, So You Can Stand Out!
                                                                                       Business Owner

                                      Professionalism                                                                   Client

                                                                                                  Managerial            Building trust
                                                                                                  Accounting            takes time.
                                                                                                 Unleashing the        for our clients
                                                                         Advocacy Role           power of a business’   it is our
   Quality of Service                                                                            financials allows
                                                                                                 owners to make
                                                                                                                        to always
                                                                          We take a             strategic decisions
                                                                                                                        look for the
                                                 Transparency             participatory role     based on ―fact‖ not
                                                                                                 ―hope‖. We
                                                                                                                        most efficient
                                                                          with our clients so                           and cost-
                                                                                                 transform the way in
                                                                          that we are best                              effective way
                                                                                                 which you view your
                            Clear                Through our website     able to help           financial reports so   to approach
                            Communication        our clients have         achieve and            you can use the        each task.
                                                 access to a              maintain financial     very same financial
                                                 protected portal         success. We also       transactions your
                             Through service    where they can share     utilize the vast       tax preparer uses
      Quality of             agreements ,        and access               resources of all       but with a focus on
      Service                letters of          important documents                             effectively running
                                                                          members of our
                             engagement,         and information                                 your business, not
                             punch lists and     concerning their         hive in order to
   Project Director to                                                                          just how much tax
    oversee every            timelines our       account allowing for     find the best
                                                                                                 you owe on the
    account. The focus is    clients know        total transparency in    solutions to any       bottom line.
    on personal,             what they can       the work we              given situation.
    individual service.      expect from us.     produce.

For More Information about Apis Business Solutions, LLC

             Call us at 303.945.2104


             Email: nbarnett@apisbusinesssolutions

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Have You Been Stung By Your Bookkeeper Ii

  • 2. Strong words with a powerful message If you are not an accounting professional, how do you know if your bookkeeper is providing your company with the level of expertise you desire and require?
  • 3. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction • Taking Control • Managerial Accounting – What is it? Chapter 2 The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping •TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey •TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive •TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money Chapter 3 Know How to Put This Information to Work for You •Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports • Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet • Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report • Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting • Checking Payroll Activity Chapter 4 About Us • Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO • Senior Accountant • BizKeeper •About Us
  • 4. Accuracy Partnered with Checks and Balances --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Out Garbage In – Garbage As --------------------------------------------------------------------- a business owner, your company is hired because you offer expertise and knowledge about a particular service or provide a valuable ---------------------------- product. You are professionals in our particular line of work. There is often the expectation that everyone else offering their expertise for hire is also a professional and therefore, knows what they are doing. They ---------------------------------------------------------------------  GOOD NEWS may believe they do, however, tax laws, state laws and local regulations are changing constantly, and not every bookkeeper stays ---------------------------- up with those changes or understand them. Since there are almost no As a business owner there are measures you can take educational requirements to be a bookkeeper, a business owner needs  to --------------------------------------------------------------------- to avoid costly bookkeeping be able to hire the right bookkeeper and monitor their work. errors. As ---------------------------- may not be your strong point, but a business owner, accounting know WHAT YOU EXPECT AT THE BOTTOM LINE. Often small business  You are in control --------------------------------------------------------------------- owners choose an inexpensive bookkeeper to save short-term costs. However, the long-term costs appears when a CPA tells the business owner they need to clean up their accounting records so they can ---------------------------- prepare your tax return? They are going to charge the business owner their rate to fix work the owner has already paid for---making an --------------------------------------------------------------------- inexpensive bookkeeper not such a bargain. ----------------------------
  • 5. Taking Control ----------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, What’s Up with the Bee Thing— -------------------------------- logo, you will see us use BEE You may be wondering why the BEE ANALOGIES throughout this book. The word APIS is the Latin word for ----------------------------------------------------------------- ―honeybee.‖ We use the comparisons to bees, honey, nectar and hives, etc. Because bees have got a great business model. Just think about it, they are organized, store assets for the future, have contingency plans, -------------------------------- constantly monitor their inventory, adapt to their environment and everyone in the company knows their job and how they contribute to the ----------------------------------------------------------------- overall success of the organization. They do naturally what great businesses work hard to achieve and maintain. If more companies had similar business models, more companies would realize their goals and If accounting and bookkeeping isn’t your -------------------------------- dreams. The second part of our name is BUSINESS SOLUTIONS. We position forte, don’t worry—it’s ours. The Apis ourselves as a proactive financial advocate for our clients. As solution colony of Small Business Financial Officers (SBFO®) teamed with busy ----------------------------------------------------------------- experts we not only provide accounting and bookkeeping solutions, we also align ourselves with various highly qualified business support BizKeepers knows how important your providers, i.e. IT, tax preparation, marketing, sales, insurance, and business is to you and how important your -------------------------------- financial planners just to name a few. We understand running a books are to your business. Whether successful business requires a variety of skills and talents, some of which you’re doing your books yourself, outsourcing with a bookkeeper ----------------------------------------------------------------- are better outsourced with proven professionals in their respective fields. or looking to do so in the future—we want to make sure that your business is getting what it needs from your books so you can ----------------- get what you need from your business.
  • 6. High Quality Accounting and Bookkeeping Professionals Offer a Service Essential to Every Business ? Y Why Is It Important? Good business records make Your business records you look good to the bank. HEADLINE are an important key to Good business records allow your success. They tell you to accurately target you if your current immediate returns on activities are profitable. investments as well as identify They tell you how much excessive spending. money you have tied up with customers who have not paid yet. They enable you to get all You Can Utilize Your Financial tax deductions possible. Records Optimally by: You can utilize your financial records optimally by:  Having Accurate Data An Accounting and  Organizing Your Data Informatively into Managerial Bookkeeping Professional Reports Does All This and More...  Analyzing the Information and Strategizing
  • 7. Managerial Accounting vs. Financial Accounting ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial Accounting - ------------------------- Produces annual reports mainly for external stakeholders. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Managerial Accounting -------------------------------- The process of preparing management reports and accounts that provide accurate and timely financial ----------------------------------------------------------------- and statistical information required the business owners -------------------------------- day-to-day and short-term and management to make decisions. A Professional Bookkeeper Can ----------------------------------------------------------------- Help You Do Managerial Management accounting generates monthly or Accounting -------------------------------- weekly reports for the organization’s internal audience. These reports typically show the amount of cash, sales  “Make Strategic Decisions ----------------------------------------------------------------- revenue generated, amount of orders in hand, state of Based on Fact Not Hope.” accounts payable, outstanding debts, raw material -------------------------------- and inventory with trend charts, variance analysis and other statistics. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  • 8. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction •Taking Control •Managerial Accounting – What is it? Chapter 2 The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping •TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey •TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive •TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money Chapter 3 Know How to Put This Information to Work for You • Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports • Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet • Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report • Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting • Checking Payroll Activity Chapter 4 About Us • Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO • Senior Accountant • BizKeeper • About Us
  • 9. The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping The following information outlines three essential truths about accounting and bookkeeping as a management tool.
  • 10. Truth #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey You want your financial records to give you meaningful reporting Mistakes can be costly—look at the The Truth is... following examples: capabilities. You want to accurately target When you data is immediate returns on Example One - complete, accurate and investments. You want to identify excessive  Inaccurate or misclassified data may properly classified, costly spending. require your CPA to clean up your mistakes like those above do accounting records—at their rates— before preparing your taxes. Accurate not happen. Knowing your Accurate and complete and properly classified data entry gives bookkeeper is providing you data entry is absolutely your tax preparer the tools needed to with reliable data allows you to essential to the success of maximize tax deductions and saves you your business. money on the cost of tax preparation turn your focus to organizing the information into reporting Example Two - that will take you from spending  Incomplete and inaccurate data entry your money to managing your is misleading when pricing products and money. services allowing for decreased overall profits. Complete and accurate data entry provides you with the information Without nectar there is no you need to correctly price your products honey—Without and services to cover direct and indirect complete, accurate and properly classified data there is costs and make a profit. not reliable financial information for your company.
  • 11. TRUTH #2- It Takes Organization to Turn a Nest into a Hive -------------------------------------------------------------- Do Your Books Accurately Represent Your Company? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Are you charging enough to produce and deliver your product and services? -------------------------------- Solution: Define and group the cost of goods sold accounts on -------------------------------------------clearly and easily your Profit and Loss Statement so you can identify all related costs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Are you considering all business expenses when calculating your bottom line? Bees naturally group into nests giving them -------------------------------- Solution: Define and group general expenses of doing business a place to bring nectar to process into honey, similar to the way any ----------------------------------------------------------------- on your Profit and Loss Statement so you know what factor to bookkeeping system provides a business use when calculating the cost of overhead in your pricing. with a path to enter and store data in order to turn it into useful information. A hive is -------------------------------- 3. Are you proactive and tax planning or reactive and tax what we call a honeybee community paying? when it is being managed by beekeepers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The hive is organized to facilitate Solution: Know which deductions you qualify for and have your extracting honey without harming or --------------------------------reporting for your tax professional bookkeeper prepare detailed pointing them to the information they need to capture them. disrupting the bees. This is our approach to BizKeeping—we organize bookkeeping systems in order to facilitate extracting financial information from your business so that your business can perform optimally.
  • 12. More Questions About Your Records... 4. Do you know how your company is performing overall and comparatively to your industry? Solution: Rely on comprehensive financial reporting that addresses your key indicators. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does your financial reporting support your current and financial goals? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Are you comparing your actual financial activity to your budget? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Utilize budget to actual reporting features within your accounting software to track 6. Are you planning for growth? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Having consistent reporting allows you to plan for growth. Define your growth strategies using your ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- historical data to help you analyze what has happened so you can plan for what needs to happen. 7. Are your financial records accurately positioning you for a future valuation and sale of your ------------------------------------------------- company? Solution: Clearly identify discretionary spending within your chart of accounts so a prospective buyer can easily see the earnings capacity of your company. The Truth is... When your data is organized into informative reports you will know the answers to these questions. Knowing your bookkeeper understands your business and your goals well enough to produce meaningful financial reports allows you to go one step further into strategizing for growth, increasing profits and building your financial future.
  • 13. Truth #3 – It Takes a Watchful Eye to Turn Your Honey into Money Reports You Need to See At Least on a Monthly Basis Profit and Loss Statement – Summarizes the revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a specific period of time. These records provide information that shows the ability of a company to generate profit by increasing revenue and reducing costs. Statements of Cash Flows – is Balance Sheet – A financial concerned with the flow of cash in and cash statement that summarizes a company’s out of the business. The statement captures assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity at a both the current operating results and the specific point in time. These three balance accompanying changes in the balance sheet segments give the business owner an sheet. It is useful in determining the short- idea as to what the company owns and term viability of a company, particularly its ability to pay bills. Financial owes as well as the amount invested by the shareholders. Reports Banking, Credit Card and Accounts Payable Aging Loan Reconciliations - Reports Report – Helps you determine how well you are (or aren’t) paying your accounts that compile data and make sure everything payable. It is a great cash management is accurate. tool. Accounts Receivable Aging Report - shows the amounts owed to the company by its customers, including the length of time the amounts have been outstanding. Typically, the aging report categorizes receivables as ―current,‖ ―30 days,‖ ―60 days,‖ ―90 days,‖ and ―120 days and over.‖ The purpose of this report is to show the business owner what receivables need to be dealt with more urgently because they have been overdue longer.
  • 14. If you are not familiar with what information is provided to you within each of these reports, ask your bookkeeper. They will be able to help you understand each report and be able to help you interpret the invaluable information they contain. Talk with your accounting and bookkeeping professional about other reporting that will assist you in managing your business. For instance, a business that bills clients for reimbursement of direct expenses will want to see an unbilled costs report. Do not be your client’s banker. Recovering costs quickly is vital to your cash flow. You have money to spend on marketing, but none to waste. Tracking the return on your investment with marketing efforts lets you know which campaigns are bringing you the business you expect and which ones are costing you more money than they are worth. Knowing how each department or store location is performing allows you to monitor managerial staff and the profitability of product and service lines. Grouping all information together can be misleading. When reporting easily identifies different facets of your business, you now have a tool to help you oversee your entire company with a better perspective. You worked long and hard last November putting together a budget for this year. How successful have you been in reaching your goals? Do you need to make adjustments mid-year to your operations to better meet your anticipated profits? Comparing your anticipated goals with the realities of your business is the only way to make timely and appropriate decisions. Don’t fall into the mindset that says ―We are busy, so we must be making money.‖ The Truth is... When your reporting is reviewed and analyzed on a regular basis you will know the answers to these questions. Knowing your bookkeeper is providing you with useful and timely reporting supports your efforts at reaching all your financial goals.
  • 15. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction •Taking Control •Managerial Accounting – What is it? Chapter 2 The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping •TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey •TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive •TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money Chapter 3 Know How to Put This Information to Work for You • Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports • Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet • Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report • Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting • Checking Payroll Activity Chapter 4 About Us • Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO • Senior Accountant • BizKeeper • About Us
  • 16. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Know How to Put This ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Work for You Information to ----------------------------------------------------------------- You don’t have the time or the inclination to micro-manage your bookkeeper’s work. Reviewing the financial reporting provided -------------------------------- what to look for are the first by your bookkeeper and knowing steps in ensuring you are working with a qualified professional. On the next few pages ----------------------------------------------------------------- Below you will find specific steps you can take to monitor your review not only the bookkeeper’s effectiveness in their position. questions you should ask  -------------------------------- whoever is doing your accounting and bookkeeping; but ----------------------------------------------------------------- also the answers you should --------------------  expect. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Learn what you need to  know to manage this -------------------------------- position. ------------------------- -
  • 17. Know How to Put This Information to Work for You  Do the numbers seem reasonable? ANSWERS  Does your bookkeeper understand your business?  Review your Chart of Accounts to determine if it is tracking activity specific to your 1 business model or industry. Within QuickBooks it is very easy for your bookkeeper to ―drill down‖ in a report and show you the detail for a given number. How do you know the  Watch out for accounts called ―need to fix‖ or ―miscellaneous‖. This indicates that reports are accurate? your bookkeeper did not know how to classify an event and needs your clarification.  In an account name doesn’t seem right to you, ask for an explanation and the detail of activity recorded to that account.  Customize your Chart of Accounts so you track activity that is important to your bottom line. 2  Within QuickBooks it is very easy for your bookkeeper to ―drill down‖ in a report and show you the details for a given number. This type of reporting lets you quickly Have you asked your determine if the total number is made up of the correct financial activity. bookkeeper to verify  Review all reports with your bookkeeper from time to time to make sure you are both on the same track. the numbers? If you find a negative value designed by a minus sign or brackets around your accounts receivable number there is something wrong! This indicates one of two things:  You owe your customers money, or...  The bookkeeper has received money into your books, but has not created an invoice 3 to record the sales side of the transaction. This inaccurate bookkeeping practice understates your revenue to you and creates a Look for upside down tax reporting problem with IRS. balances on your If your accounts payable liability account is showing a debit balance something is WRONG! Balance Sheet  You have either overpaid a vendor or...  You have not recorded a tax deductible expense. Either situation is NOT to your advantage. These are only a couple of irregularities that could show up.
  • 18. Ask Yourself and Your Bookkeeper the Following Questions 4 ANSWERS Look at your bank statement. It can tell Look at the un-cleared or outstanding activity sections of the reconciliation you several things. report. If you have outstanding activity that is more than a few months old this is an Did you know that indicator that your accounts are not really reconciled. your bank statement Scenario A: can be reconciled every month and still Your checking account is showing an un-cleared deposit in the amount of $10,000 from six be wrong? months ago. How can this happen? You lost the check from a client and it was never deposited. They haven’t told you because it is to their advantage or perhaps their bookkeeper isn’t tracking cleared checks in their system. Scenario B: Your checking account is showing un-cleared checks dating back several months. How can this happen? These outstanding activities are an indication that perhaps a vendor of yours has lost your check. Even more troubling, maybe you or your bookkeeper has inadvertently double booked an activity. Entering the same check twice in your check register can throw off your expense reporting, your accounts payable balances and the ending bank balance. These occurrences could cause you to negotiate payment arrangements with a supplier because you don’t know that you have enough money in your account to pay their bill. Or perhaps you are putting off paying yourself.
  • 19. ----------------------------------------------------------------- When your bookkeeper is correctly reconciling your bank account you can rely on the information in your accounting software to manage your cash flow. ------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT rely on checking your balance online – Reconcile Your ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bank Accounts. -------------------------------- manage your cash flow. This is a very dangerous way to ----------------------------------------------------------------- It may seem effective when you have the time to manually calculate in your head what checks you know you have written -------------------------------- ones are still in the drawer and mailed to vendors and which waiting to be sent until you make the deposit you are going to ----------------------------------------------------------------- pick up from your client. But we all know this methodology doesn’t always work when we are busy and besides it takes -------------------------------- can be better spent. valuable time out of your day that ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- -
  • 20. Ask Yourself and Your Bookkeeper the Following Questions ANSWERS 5 If you use QuickBooks, review the Open Invoice and Vendor Open Balance Detail Look at Your Accounts reports. These reports are a very quick way for you to see if the bookkeeper has correctly recorded activity into your software. A bookkeeper can record receipt of a Payable and payment to an account in your accounts receivable module without recording an Accounts Receivable invoice for this activity. This creates a situation where you can properly record a deposit Reporting to the bank, but not record your income. Scenario C: If you see an open payment entry on the Open Invoice Report then your revenue is not being properly recorded. Simply recording receipt of a payment creates a recordkeeping situation that appears to show you owe a client money for undelivered services or products. Scenario D: Similarly for accounts payable, if there is an open payment you have made and no bill to attach it to you are perhaps properly stating your bank balance, but have not recorded the expenditure.  This causes problems at tax time because you are missing deductions.  You might overpay a vendor because you have no receipt of a bill going through your system or you might not charge a client for a reimbursable expense because you have no indicator that the charge was ever incurred. Your vendor is happy because they got paid, but you have not and you don’t even know it.  An open bill payment is a message to you that a bill had been entered into the system but was then deleted. Again, this is your sign that something is amiss
  • 21. Make Sure Your Payroll is Properly Processed and Recorded ANSWERS 6 It is not necessary for you to become a payroll expert, but there are ways to Is Your Payroll Activity make sure you are in compliance and that your records accurately reflect Being Processed and this activity. Recorded? Ask your payroll professional, whether that be your bookkeeper or an outsourced service provider for a schedule of all payroll taxes due including the tax name and corresponding tax authority, whether it is a company expense or an employee withholding, what forms are necessary and the filing requirements, and how you will see the activity reported on your books. The buck stops with you when it comes to payroll responsibilities. We suggest you do not use a catch-all payroll expense account. Break out the different payroll expenses within your Chart of Accounts so you may easily identify all expenditures and its related costs. Employee costs may include salaries, wages, overtime, sick, vacation, and holiday pay, bonuses, commission, state and federal unemployment, matching Social Security and Medicare taxes, city tax in some cases, workers compensation insurance, benefits, uniforms, bus passes or parking, cell phone reimbursement, payroll administrative fees, and hiring expenses. Can you see how if this is all thrown in to one pot a business owner may not be able to effectively monitor these individual costs?
  • 22. CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction •Taking Control •Managerial Accounting – What is it? Chapter 2 The Truths About Intelligent Bookkeeping •TRUTH #1 – It Takes Nectar to Make Honey •TRUTH #2 – Turning a Swarm into a Hive •TRUTH #3 – Harvesting Your Honey into Money Chapter 3 Know How to Put This Information to Work for You • Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Financial Reports • Look for Upside Down Balance on Your Balance Sheet • Look at your Bank Reconciliation Report • Review Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting • Checking Payroll Activity Chapter 4 About Us • Our Unique Approach to Bookkeeping • Small Business Financial Officer – SBFO • Senior Accountant • BizKeeper • About Us
  • 23. The Apis Story... We Take the Sting Out of Accounting and Bookkeeping Take Control – Know and Use Your Numbers 1 2 3 The Beginning The Commitment The Results • Apis Business Solutions, LLC was started • At Apis we believe good business • In June 2009, we were honored to in August 2008. We developed a begins and ends with the be named one of the 10 winners system of financial management relationship. Because we work with nationwide in Intuit/QuickBooks® specifically designed to help small the financial core of the small ―Power to Get More Done‖ business owners run their business ―by business, trust is essential. We also Stimulus Grant Competition. Apis the numbers‖. When business owners know that trust is earned, it is not a Business Solutions was chosen from understand the numbers of their business, they make strategic given. We are prepared to work more than 700 applicants from decisions based on ―fact‖ not ―hope.‖ hard to earn and keep your trust. across the country because of our • We believe in the following business model, professionalism • Most business owners do not start their own business because the ―love‖ formula: and our willingness to give back to accounting and bookkeeping, yet the community. effectively managing their financials is Integrity + Reliability + • In May 2011 we were honored as essential to their initial and continued Where? Who? success. Organized and complete Competence + one of three finalists for the ―Emerging Business of the Year‖ financials mean access to Transparency = TRUST award sponsored by the Denver funding, better cash management, and better opportunity When? Metro Chamber. As an advocate What? for success. for small business success and growth in the Denver Metro How? Community, we are honored to be recognized as a ―Small Business Making a Difference.‖
  • 24. Our Comprehensive Approach Focuses on: Advocacy for the Results We Stand Behind You, So You Can Stand Out! Business Owner Long-Term Professionalism Client Relationships Managerial Building trust Accounting takes time. As advocates  Unleashing the for our clients Advocacy Role power of a business’ it is our Quality of Service financials allows owners to make responsibility to always  We take a strategic decisions look for the Transparency participatory role based on ―fact‖ not ―hope‖. We most efficient with our clients so and cost- transform the way in that we are best effective way which you view your Clear  Through our website able to help financial reports so to approach Communication our clients have achieve and you can use the each task. access to a maintain financial very same financial protected portal success. We also transactions your  Through service where they can share utilize the vast tax preparer uses Quality of agreements , and access resources of all but with a focus on Service letters of important documents effectively running members of our engagement, and information your business, not punch lists and concerning their hive in order to  Project Director to just how much tax oversee every timelines our account allowing for find the best you owe on the account. The focus is clients know total transparency in solutions to any bottom line. on personal, what they can the work we given situation. individual service. expect from us. produce. 24
  • 25. For More Information about Apis Business Solutions, LLC Call us at 303.945.2104 Website: Email: nbarnett@apisbusinesssolutions