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2010年1月15日                                    第 1 卷,第 1 期

 人力资产标准公会(筹)                                                     主要观点
                                                                 目 前 全 球 经 济 环 境 下,跨
         Human Assets Standards Association                       国企业HR管理者需要考虑适

第一次筹备会会议纪要                                                       HR需要建立行业标准,提供
2010年元月15日下午,来自20多家全球著名公司的中国区、亚太区人力资源总监、副总                        需要提升HR管理的企业建立
裁、国内高校著名教授齐聚一堂,就“人力资源专业标准体系建立及本土人力资源发                             规范的HR管理体系。
著名会计学、人力资源学和营销学专家,博士生导师,复旦大学                                      性的研讨总结出的规范的HR

张文贤教授                                                             管理模式,是任何企业在HR
                                                                  管理 中 不可 或 缺 的必 须环
                                                                  节。在 此 基 础 上 再 寻 求 适
                     监 班,是 否 发 证 书?开     从管理者逐渐成为拥有               合 不 同 行 业、不 同 企 业 的
                     头同意,但最后提出一          者,人 力 资 本 的 资 本          参照标杆。

                     个问题,这个人力资源          家。观 念 需 转 变,企 业
                     总监标准是什么?会计          才能走上健康道路。国
                     有会计准则,有国际会          内的人力资源研究正处
                     计 准 则,越 来 越 国 际     于黄金的发展阶段,在
                     化。企业里面好多管理          目前的大背景下,对人
                     的问题,包括质量ISO认        力资源进行跨界研究,         会计的对象是物,而
                     证。现在讲到企业社会          对人力资产进行定量分
                                                            HR 管 理 的 的 对 象 是
今天的主题是想建设人           责任也要讲标准。微软          析,是国内外的人力资
力资产的标准,我本人           称雄是因为别人必须按          源领域的发展方向之          人。人 力 资 源 的 成
欣然同意来学习来参            他的标准。这个平台机          一。现阶段将理论和实         本、价值怎样计量?
与。人力资源方面有很           会难得。分享之余更多          践相结合,提出基于国
多理论,外商投资企业           的是想从大家那里吸取          内各类企业的人力资源
讲究国际化,对立面就           营 养。会 计 的 对 象 是     行业标准,正当时机。
是本土化,现在很多招           物,而 HR 的 对 象 是 人。
海 归。HR 讲 规 划,但 是     人力资源会计到底是什                               本次筹备会主要议题
规划有时赶不上变化。           么呢?无非是把人力资
很多问题,提拔是到底           源管理过程中的成本等                             人力资源管理国际趋势
是外部招聘还是内部提           量 化,数 字 化,书 出 版
拔?招进了女婿气走了           后能更好的和大家分                              国内人力资源管理体系和标准现状研
儿 子?十 大 悖 论,难 点      享。人 力 资 源 的 成 本、                       讨
很 多,不 仅 仅 现 实 问      价值怎样计量?几十年
题,理论也是。 今天这          访问了很多企业家,管
个主题太好了,我很有           理贡献价值应量化,作
感 触。2005 年 出 版 了 一   为股份参股。这是最好                             联合发起人力资产标准公会及其体系
本书,筹备人力资源总           的 激 励,取 代 高 工 资,                       建设的探讨
页 2              人力资产标准公会(筹)

                 富士通PFU计算机董事总经理屠云峰先生(PDI HR执委会副主任)

08 年 以 后 全 球 经             的角度来说,制定统一标准对于人力资源管理做到有法可
后,产 业 结 构 有
较 大 的 调 整。在      家乐福中国副总裁孟宜燕女士

这 过 程 中 间,企                怎样量化?HR基本上是艺术,但是我们要科学化,把我们
业 的 发 展 空 间、
步 伐、策 略 可 能                力。HR怎样在数字上抓到度,科学化要加强。劳动法实
都 有 调 整。HR 怎               施,HR怎样扮演自己的角色,带领自己的公司怎样改善,
么 做?,怎 样 适                 越来越重要。
构?讲 到 企 业 内
部 战 略 的 调 整,     南京大学商学院EDP EMBA中心常务副主任朱伟正先生
人力资源管理首                    讲到标准我很有感触。我比较国内的大学和国外的大学,
当其冲的。                      我关心他们MBA、EMBA课程的研究。由于自身企业所属地
                           科学是管理的基础。 多做案例研究对标准制定有帮助。

                 必维国际检验集团中国区人力资源副总裁姚剑波先生(PDI HR执委会副主任)

                            但HR本身怎样add value?标准有两方面:HR本身的运
页 3                                                      第 1 卷,第 1 期


           人力资源的标准,对      浩 大,不 同 行 业、不 同 地 区,标
           于整个行业是非常有      准都很不一样,也许需要分的很
           意义的和推动作用:      细。我们要从头走,在这里面设
           1.我需要知道企业里     立一些框架、原则,需要同仁慢
           面的人力资源投入产      慢 添 砖 加 瓦。要 企 业、社 会 认
           出比,我们需要做HR     可,还有很长的路要走。但是做
           的人力资源预算,老      还是很必要的。这样的交流机会
           板想知道产出比是多      对于我们的业务水平提高是很有
           少?和同行比是高还      帮助的。HR的艺术化程度很高,
是低?如果投入产出比能量化,将会对企        相比饮食业,可以艺术化,也可
业很有帮助。2.HR的绩效考核。其他部门      以像快餐一般标准化,HR完全也
也想知道HR的效率是否高?如有这样一个       可以做到。 这种标准,保证品质            美国人力资源管理
标准,即可像其他部门及老总证明自己的        的统一,从这个角度上说,标准
                                                     学 会(SHRM)着 手
                                                     准,跨 国 公 司 国 外
          标 准 有 的 有 法 律 约 束,最 好,有 些 没 有。HR 是 专 业 性   总 部 的 制 度、政 策
                                                     在 国 内 是 否 适 用。
          标准,先要有这个标准,然后建立信任度,这个工作具                   国内企业要走出
          有挑战性。我们应该着眼拉动行业的积极性,规范HR管                  去,HR 管 理 怎 样 和
                                                     国 际 接 轨,外 企 进
                                                     来 怎 样 本 土 化?我
海拉汽车亚太区人力资源总监管莉女士                                    们是不是可以有一


          是 想 做 贡 献 型 的 东 西 还 是 标 准 的 行 规?
          《》,《china staff》对我很有帮助。我
页 4





目 前 实 践 中,HR   华腾软件系统人力资源总监李伟颐女士

管理的效果缺乏                 我理解为做一个人力资产标准这个愿望的前景非常好,
评 估 工 具。如 果             但是很艰难。现在我们每年的预算需要知道投入和产出
我们不去量化管                 部门经理对HR信任度高的还容易接受,如果部门经理不
理,公 司 如 何 评             太理解HR工作的,就很难说服他们。我们很需要行业的
的 资 产 - 人 呢?
化 和 量 化,将 效
果展示出来。                  最主要的目的是帮助在中国的企业怎样帮助他们提升自
页 5                                           第 1 卷,第 1 期



荷美尔中国区人力资源经理黄刚华先生 (PDI HR执委会副主任)

                                          HASA 公 会 应 该 是
                                          一 个 HR 同 业 公
         我的建议是把协会的objective定清楚,关系到以后是否加   会,是 每 个 HR 的
                                          组 织,每 个 人 都
         Core Group,有志者加入,将更加有效率。         有 发 言 权。通 过
                                          讨,提 炼 出 HR 实
博斯格中国区人力资源副总裁余伟先生                         法,是 制 订 标 准

著名会计学、人力资源    南京大学商学院EDP   勃林格殷格翰人力资源    富士通PFU计算机董   博达学院执行院长     必维国际检验集团人力      玛莎百货人力资源总监
学及营销学专家、博士    EMBA中心       副总裁           事总经理 浦东外商                 资源副总裁 浦东外商
                                                      张格先生                         杨光女士
生导师                                      (各地)投资企业协                 (各地)投资企业协会
              朱伟正常务副主任     叶文玉女士         会HR执委会副主任
复旦大学                                                               HR执委会副主任
                                         屠云峰先生                     姚剑波先生

花旗软件副总裁 浦东外   中银基金人力资源副总   重机中国副总经理     荷美尔中国区人力资源    富士通中国管理部部长   华腾软件人力资源总监      浦东外商(各地)投资
                                        经理 浦东外商(各地)
商(各地)投资企业协    裁            严俊德先生                                                   企业协会高级顾问
                                        投资企业协会HR执委    严振雄先生        李伟颐女士
会HR执委会副主任     刘爱东博士                     会副主任                                       李汉平先生
张彤女士                                    黄刚华先生

浦东外商(各地)投资    百安居中国人力资源总   恩智浦资深人力资源总   博斯格钢铁中国人力资    家乐福中国副总裁     浦东外商(各地)投资      中村精密金属管理部部
企业协会HR执委会主任   监            监            源副总裁                       企业协会副秘书长        长
张臻先生          朱忆蒙女士        易健柔女士        余伟先生                       张胜利先生           张卫红女士

霍尼韦尔特殊材料亚太    海拉汽车亚太区人力资   派克汉尼汾大中华区人   西华德HR研究院大中    特灵空调系统中国区人   Nalco大中华区人力资源
区人力资源总监       源总监          力资源总监        华区市场及公共关系总
                                                      力资源总监        总监
                                        监 浦东外商(各地)投
吴剑女士          管莉女士         萧立明先生                      张秀川先生        陈正洁先生

由于时间关系,研讨会在16:40分结束,部分嘉宾在会后聚在一起,继续热议                               人力资源专业委员会执委会
相关话题。本次会议是人力资产标准公会(筹)第一次筹备会,与会20多位嘉                                中国上海东方路135号1007室
平台,并愿意在本次会议的基础上,继续探讨行业专业标准的可行性,同时大                                 电话: 86-21-51308587
                                                                   传真: 86-21-51308586
步将话题集中在HR专业性研讨上来。                                                  电子邮件:
January 15th, 2010                                                                                  N0.1, Volume 1
                                                                                                                                      Pudong New Area
                                                                                                                                      Association of Enterprises
                                                                                                                                      with Foreign (Domestic)

                                                                                                                                      Main Points
      Human Assets Standards Association                                                                                              Under the special global economic
                                                                                                                                        environment, HR managers in multina-
                                       (Preparatory)                                                                                    tionals should consider HR models
                                                                                                                                        that fit local business operations,
                                                                                                                                        while HR managers in local companies
                                                                                                                                        have to think about how Chinese HR
                                                                                                                                        management should adapt globaliza-

Meeting Minutes for Preparatory Session 1                                                                                             HR needs common standards
                                                                                                                                        throughout industries, in order to
On January 15th, 2010, HR Directors and VPs of China or Asia Pacific region from over 20 world-famous corporations                      provide benchmark reference for HR
gathered together with authoritative experts from reputable institutions to discuss about the topics such as the con-                   management in business and help
struction of HR standards and systems, the development of local Human Resource Management, the founding of                              companies that need improve HR
Human Assets Standards Association (HASA), and etc.. The conference was held by Mr. Kevin S. Cheung, the Direc-                         management to set up formal HRM
tor General of Executive Committee, Human Resources Commission of PDI. The conference started with a brief                              systems.
speech from Kevin, who elaborated the development of current society, the situation of HR industry, personal develop-
ment for HR professionals, organizational culture and economic environment. Kevin also suggested the feasibility of                   HR management demands ways to
establishing HR Industry Standards. The attendees offered their opinions one after another. The following are main                      evaluate, so as to assess the ROI,
cited speeches from participants.                                                                                                       effectiveness and value of HR man-

Ph. D. Advisor, Professor Wen-Xian Zhang, authoritative expert in Accounting,                                                         The management standards should be
HRM and Marketing from Fu Dan University:                                                                                               the common model of HR management
                                                                                                                                        summarized through professional
                                                                                                                                        discussion, which are the indispensa-
                                        ries. The theme today is                ited loads of entrepreneurs in                          ble segments of HR management in
                                        great, the problem always               the past decades. Most of                               any organization. Based on that,
                                        concerns me. I published a              them agreed that the value of                           benchmarks of different industries
                                        book in 2005 regarding that.            management        contribution                          and companies can be generated.
                                        I ever arranged a course for            should be quantified, then
                                        HR Directors, should we                 transfer to company’s share.
                                        issue certificates? The Minis-          That is the better incentive
                                        try of Education had agreed             scheme rather than high pay.
                                        to issue certificates at first,         Managers or supervisors then
                                        but they raised a good ques-            become owners. The capi-
                                        tion soon: what is the stan-            talization of human assets                Accounting is facing object,
                                        dard of a HR Director? For              should change the concept to              but HRM is facing people.
                                        example, Accounting has                 move the enterprise to a
The theme today is to estab-            standards, and even Interna-            healthy track. HRM is in the              How to quantify the cost and
lish the standards of Human             tional Accounting Standards             golden period to grow. To                 value of Human Resource
Assets. I personally more               (IAS), which is more and                research HRM cross differ-
than happy to be here to                more       internationalization.        ent areas and to investigate
learn and participate. As we            Organizational management               on how to quantify the hu-
know, there are lots of theo-           has a lot of standards now,             man assets is the direction of
ries in Human Resource                  such as ISO certification for           HRM development both in
Management. The foreign                 quality system and etc. even            China and in the world. Cur-
invested enterprises are look-          Corporate Social Responsi-              rently, I believe it is just
ing for internationalization,           bility has standards now.               about time to combine the
the opposite side is localiza-          Microsoft is NO.1 because               theories and practices to-
tion. Therefore more and                everyone else needs to fol-             gether to form the standards                   Agenda for This Session
more enterprises are recruit-           low their standard. This plat-          for HR industry that suit the
ing overseas returnees. HRM             form is offering a lot, I actu-         enterprises in China.                   Discussion on international trends of Human
is better to be well planned,           ally come here to learn more                                                    Resources Management;
however, sometimes the                  than sharing.       Accounting
changes come sooner than                studies object, but HRM has                                                     Present situation of local HR system & stan-
plans. There are also lots of           to investigate people. What                                                     dards;
issues in HRM, should we                is Human Resource Account-
promote the people inside               ing? It is to quantify the cost
                                                                                                                        Feasibility of local HR standards setup;
the company or recruit from             during the process of Human
outside? Could we possibly              Resource         Management,
ruin the team if we recruit an          which will be elaborated
outsider? There are 10 para-            more in my new book. How                                                        Construction & advice on founding Human
doxes, not only in real-life            to calculate the cost and                                                       Assets Standards Association & systems.
problems, but also in theo-             value of HRM? I have vis-
Page 2                    Human Assets Standards Association (Preparatory)

                           Mr. Phil Tu (Yun-Feng Tu), Managing Director from Fujitsu PFU Computer
                           (Vice Director-General of PDI HR Commission)

                                                  HRM is management or Art? I have been working in Japanese compa-
                                                  nies for many years, but have some knowledge of Euro-Americas
                                                  companies as well. For western companies, management seems more
                                                  like science. However, opinions that also regards management as art is
                                                  becoming more popular these days. That is also the oriental way of
                                                  management. From that perspective, HRM requires more cooperation
                                                  than other management due to culture differences. What’s the standard
                                                  of management, especially Human Resource Management? Psychol-
                                                  ogy and the growing background influence HR management as well.
After the financial tsu-                          To manage a group of staff with different background and ages is also
nami in 2008, the                                 such a big challenge for HR managers. From the management point of
                                                  view, to establish formal standards for HRM is definitely needed.
structure of industries
have being adjusted
in a global range. In      Ms. Joanna Meng (Yi-Yan Meng) VP from Carrefour China
this process, the                                  How to quantify HRM? To me HR is basically art, but we need to
room, pace and                                     make it scientific, hence our value could be seen by CEO and CFO.
                                                   During the financial war in 2008, how HRM help an enterprise
strategies for many                                seems more and more significant. We must have the guts and ability.
company’s develop-                                 How to numeralize HRM depends on how we can make HR manage-
                                                   ment more scientific. With the Labour Law taking effect, we have to
ment have been ad-                                 think about how to perform our role and lead the company improving
                                                   systems and saving costs? If we can combine laws and art, we should
justed as well. What                               be more and more significant to our company.
HR should do to cope
with the new trends of
global economy? In
terms of strategy re-      Mr. Wei-Zheng Zhu, Director General of EDP, EMBA from Business School of Nanjing
engineering,         HR
management should                                   Speaking of standard, I have a lot to say. I constantly compare the
                                                    Universities in China to those in the world. I’m interested in their
be the critical factor.                             research in MBA or EMBA programs. Because of diversities of posi-
                                                    tion and markets of companies, some students indicate some case
                                                    studies are meaningless and make professors embarrassed. Compar-
                                                    ing with western management styles, Chinese or Japanese manage-
                                                    ment is being more and more emphasized. No matter for foreign
                                                    capital to invest in China or for China companies to move outside,
                                                    science is the basis of management. Do more case studies would be
                                                    very helpful for designing HR standards in the future.

                           Mr. Jeremy Yao (Jian-Bo Yao), VP of HR from Bureau Veritas China
                           (Vice Director General, PDI-HR Commission)

                                                     There are 2 types qualification certification and standards in our
                                                     company, one is internationally recognised standards and the other is
                                                     the standards customized to meet clients’ requirements. So the task
                                                     today, to design the standards and make it workable and recognized
                                                     by market, is a huge challenge, though it is really important too.
                                                     Now there are many awards designed by HR service vendors, but the
                                                     objectivity is a big question mark. Key Performance Indicator is
                                                     usually most concerned in the process of HR management. However,
                                                     how to add value to HRM itself? The standards should be divided
                                                     into two aspects: the operation standards of HR management and the
                                                     measurement of the contribution that HRM make to the company.
                                                     The standards should be established based on the common process
                           and characters, but not for a particular company.
Page 3                                                                                                         N0.1, Volume 1

Dr. Ai-Dong Liu, HR VP from Bank of China Investment Management

                        Establishing Standards for     standards are eventually created. Differ-
                        HR industry is very much       ent trades and different areas would
                        meaningful     and    will     require different benchmarks, possibly
                        surely expedite the pro-       could be very specific. We should start
                        gress of HR management         from the very beginning, maybe from
                        in all industries: 1. HR       setting up some frames and principles,
                        manager need to know the       and then have all professionals help to
                        ROI ratio of staff. When       build them up together. There’s a long
                        we budget for HR man-          way before the enterprises and the soci-
                        agement, the boss also         ety would recognize it, but it is more
                        wants to know the ROI.         than necessary to continue. Such com-
                        How does the ratio like        munication opportunities will be very
compared with others in the trade? It should be        much beneficial to improving our pro-
great if the ROI could be quantified. 2. Perform-      fessionalism. HRM is something of art.
ance evaluation of HR. Other departments are           Just take a look at food and beverage
always interested in the efficiency of HR Depart-      industry, it can be a type of art while it
ment. If we have such industry standards, we will
be able to prove our efficiency and present to
                                                       can also be a type of standard, like fast
                                                       food. HRM can absolutely done in that
                                                                                                      Society of HR Management
other departments as well as our boss. However,        way. The standards can help HRM to             in US (SHRM) has
there are tremendous works to do before such           assure quality of HR management. From
                                                       that angel, to standardize is feasible.        started to design the inter-
                                                                                                      national HR standards.
Mr. Roberto Siu (Li-Ming Xiao), HR Director from Parker-Hannifin Greater China                        Along with the guidelines
                                                                                                      and policies from overseas
                         Some standards are established under aw, some are not. HRM is                headquarters in multination-
                         pretty expertise, but the industry is lack of certification for qualifica-
                         tion. Many unqualified people com to the job. We definitely need to          als, are that criteria applica-
                         find some HRM expertise to set up the standards first; though to             ble in China or AP region?
                         build credibility is a lot harder. We should bring and motivate people       For local companies, they
                         in HR industry together to do that and formalize the process of HR
                         management.                                                                  want to expand their busi-
                                                                                                      ness to outside of China.
                                                                                                      Are the philosophies and
                                                                                                      approaches match the inter-
                                                                                                      national practices? For
Ms. Priscilla Guan (Li Guan), HR Director Asia Pacific from Hella                                     foreign companies, are they
                                                                                                      able to localize the over-
                         HR management can be categorized into several functions. I propose           seas methodologies to fit
                         we may involve HR professionals to discuss about topics of each
                         function first. Through those discussions, we may consolidate the            local operations? Can we
                         experiences from different corporations first; then refine the stan-         have some benchmarks to
                         dards and make it systemized.                                                refer to?

Ms. Marlene Ye (Wen-Yu Ye), HR VP from Boehringer-Ingelheim

                        No matter what we do, we should divide the target into small tasks.
                        What can we do first? We should make our target clear and reachable.
                        Some enterprises can not afford to hire big HR service vendors. That
                        is a real problem that they are confronting. What we do is purely con-
                        tributing or establishing standards for HR industry?
                        and “China Staff” have helped me a lot. It is time for experienced
                        mangers in multinationals to repay to the society. I think one of the
                        main targets of HASA should be helping the local SMEs to set up
                        standardized HRM systems.
Human Assets Standards Association (Preparatory)
 Page 4

                       Ms. Lily Wu (Jian Wu), HR Director Asia Pacific from Honeywell Specialty Materials

                                               The HR managers that work in world-famous multinationals
                                               should share experience with others. In that way, our role is benefi-
                                               cial to the society. No matter the Association will be commonweal
                                               or commercial, it needs to survive first before we talk about con-
                                               tinuous improvement. How shall we operate HASA? It will be a
                                               loose team or some types of others? We’d better focus on one di-
                                               rection and achieve to something, then we could move on to dis-
                                               cuss about future development.

                       Mr. Chevy Chang (Xiu-Chuan Zhang), HR Director from Trane Air Conditioning

                                              I am the rater of National Human Resources Administrator Certifi-
                                              cate. There’s almost no applicant from FIEs. Candidates regard the
                                              test more as a stepping-stone. I think it is difficult for us to deter-
                                              mine what standard is at this moment. However, the participants
                                              here today are all happy to share their good practices in their compa-
                                              nies. We should start with helping someone else with some simple
                                              stuff, and build authority and credibility of the association gradually.

There’s no much
tools in practice to
                       Ms. Lily Li (Wei-Yi Li), HR Director from Hua Teng Software Systems
evaluate the effec-
tiveness of HR man-                          I understand that it is promising to set up Human Assets Standards,
                                             but really a challenging assignment to do so. I’m also facing the
agement. If we don’t                         problem that I need to know ROI when formulating budget every
quantify HR, how                             year. Right now I have to search for data all by myself to support my
                                             point of view. If HR manager has good relationship with line manag-
should CEO assess                            ers, that data could be accepted. However, if they don’t quite under-
the most valuable                            stand HR, it could be very difficult to convince them. We surely
                                             need benchmark of the whole industry to support business decisions.
assets- Human? HR
should present the
ROI through stan-
dardization      and   Mr. Borren Chen (Zheng-Jie Chen), HR Director Greater China from Nalco
                                             The main aim of the Association should be helping local enterprises
                                             to improve their ability of HRM, improving the competitiveness of
                                             local enterprises and sharing experiences to the younger generation.
                                             The big picture is good, and we just need to be sure about our target
                                             and aim first.
Page 5                                                                                                    N0.1, Volume 1

Ms. Marcelle Yih (Jian-Rou Yih), Senior HR Director from NXP

                      It is very challenging to set up a target and standards for an Associa-
                      tion with hundreds of founders. Standardisation must face lots of diffi-
                      culties, but the processes must benefit a lot. No process is perfect, but
                      we could modify it during the process.

                                                                                                   HASA       association
Mr. Frank Huang (Gang-Hua Huang), HR Manager China from Hormel
Vice Director General, PDI-HR Commission)                                                          should      be       an
                       Science is basis, while arts is the way we operate. No matter Chinese
                                                                                                   organization of all HR
                       management or Japanese or American, they have identical difference          professionals.        It
                       from perspective of culture. Finance has international standards. Now
                       that US demonstrate HR standards should be formulated, that should          belongs to every HR
                       be a significant signal. That is something of strategic direction. Once     incumbent. Everyone
                       the standards are created, there’ll be tremendous market needs. In our
                       food industry, there even exist animal benefits, which proves that          in the organization
                       management can be quantified and standardized. Only those stan-             should have rights to
                       dards are closely related with business operation, managers would
                       care, because if they don’t comply to those standards, they will lose       speak.        Through
the products.
                       competitiveness or even market entry. There could be nobody to buy          continuous research
                                                                                                   &          discussion,
Ms. Sunny Yang (Guang Yang), Head of HR China from Marks & Spencer
                                                                                                   common rules or
                                                                                                   process      of     HR
                      My suggestion is to determine the objective of HASA first. With that,
                      we can see who would join and who wouldn’t. It makes sense to have
                                                                                                   practices will then be
                      people sharing common mission work together. If the objective is not         extracted.        That
                      clear, it is hard to continue. We should have a core group consisting of
                      fewer people. Those who are interested in HASA should join and
                                                                                                   should      be      the
                      make the team more effective.                                                premise of basis of
                                                                                                   standards of HR

Mr. Maxwell Yu (Wei Yu), HR VP from Bluescope Steel

                      There’re a lot of associations like this in Chinese market. As an official
                      professional organization launched by government, HASA have out-
                      standing expertise resources, e.g. authoritative experts from famous
                      institutions and seasoned HR professionals from front-line practice.
                      So, what should be our particular features? We can’t survive if we
                      don’t have any specialization. We should consider what we should
                      specialize in for our organization.
Pudong New Area Association of
                                                                                                                                                                  Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic)
Participants for preparatory session 1 of Human Assets Standards Association
(Listed in no particular order)

Prof. Wen-Xian Zhang          Mr. Wei-Zheng Zhu            Ms. Marlene Ye                Mr. Phil Tu                   Mr. George Zhang            Mr. Jeremy Yao                Ms. Sunny Yang
Ph.D. Advisor, Expert in      Director General EDP         HR VP, Boehringer-            Managing Director, Fujitsu    Executive President         HR VP China, Bureau           Head of HR China, Marks &
Finance, HR & Marketing,      EMBA, Business school,       Ingelheim                     PFU, Vice Director            Bo Da College               Veritas, Vice Director        Spencer
Fu Dan University             Nanjing University                                         General of PDI HR                                         General of PDI HR Commis-
                                                                                         Commission                                                sion

Ms. Jenny Zhang              Dr. Ai-Dong Liu              Mr. Jun-De Yan                Mr. Frank Huang                Mr. Zhen-Xiong Yan          Ms. Lily Li                   Mr. Han-Ping Li
VP, Citi Software, Vice      HR VP, Bank of China         Deputy General Manager,       HR Manager China, Hormel,      Director of Corporate       HR Director, Hua Teng         Senior Advisor, PDI
Director General of PDI HR   Investment Management        Juki China                    Vice Director General of PDI   Affairs, Fujitsu China      Software Systems
Commission                                                                              HR Commission

Mr. Kevin Cheung             Ms. Yvonne Zhu               Ms. Marcelle Yih             Mr. Maxwell Yu                  Ms. Joanna Meng             Mr. Sheng-Li Zhang            Ms. Wei-Hong Zhang
Director General, PDI-HR     HR Director China, B&Q       Senior HR Director, NXP      HR VP China, Bluescope          VP & HR Director China,     Vice Secretary General, PDI   Director of Corporate
Commission                                                                             Steel                           Carrefour                                                 Affairs, Nakamura Metal

Ms. Lily Wu                   Ms. Priscilla Guan          Mr. Roberto Siu              Mr. Howell Lee                  Mr. Chevy Chang            Mr. Borren Chen
HR Director Asia Pacific,     HR Director Asia Pacific,   HR Director Greater China,   Marketing & PR Director         HR Director China, Trane   HR Director Greater China,
Honeywell Specialty           Hella                       Parker Hannifin              Greater China, C.HOWARD         Air Conditioning           Nalco
Materials                                                                              HR Institute & Academy,
                                                                                       Vice Director General of PDI
                                                                                       HR Commission

More is coming...
Concerning of time limit, the conference ended at 16:30. Participants gathered after the meeting, continue discus-                                Executive Board of HR Commission
sion. This is preparatory session 1 of Human Assets Standards Association (HASA). More than 20 attendees                                          Rm. 1007, No. 135, Dong Fang Rd. China
joined and all appreciate this professional communication platform offered by Human Resource Commission,
PDI. The participants are interested in further discussion on the feasibility of establishing professional standards of
                                                                                                                                                  Tel: 86-21-51308587
HR industry with agreement derived from this session. Meanwhile, they also realized the complication and chal-
lenges ahead. It was stipulated that other preparatory or professional sessions will be held with more HR profes-
                                                                                                                                                  Fax: 86-21-51308586
sionals, senior corporate executives and academic experts involved after Spring Festival. The subjects will be
concentrated on HR professional researches gradually.
Hasa Newsletter C&E 201001

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Hasa Newsletter C&E 201001

  • 1. 2010年1月15日 第 1 卷,第 1 期 浦东新区外商(各 地)投资企业协会 人力资产标准公会(筹) 主要观点 目 前 全 球 经 济 环 境 下,跨 Human Assets Standards Association 国企业HR管理者需要考虑适 合本土操作HR管理的模式, 同时本土HR管理者也要思考 中国的HR管理如何适应全球 化进程。 第一次筹备会会议纪要 HR需要建立行业标准,提供 企业HR管理标杆参照,帮助 2010年元月15日下午,来自20多家全球著名公司的中国区、亚太区人力资源总监、副总 需要提升HR管理的企业建立 裁、国内高校著名教授齐聚一堂,就“人力资源专业标准体系建立及本土人力资源发 规范的HR管理体系。 展”、建立人力资产标准公会暨人力资源行业公会等议题方向展开座谈。研讨会由协会 HR管理急需评估手段,以便 人力资源专业委员会执委会主任张臻先生主持。会议开始,张臻先生从五个方面诠释了 评估HR管理的投入产出以及 目前的社会发展,HR行业的现状,个人发展,企业文化以及客观形势,并提出建立HR行 HR管理的效率和价值。 业标准的可行性。与会嘉宾也纷纷提出各自的看法。以下为与会代表的发言摘要。 HR行业标准应该是通过专业 著名会计学、人力资源学和营销学专家,博士生导师,复旦大学 性的研讨总结出的规范的HR 张文贤教授 管理模式,是任何企业在HR 管理 中 不可 或 缺 的必 须环 节。在 此 基 础 上 再 寻 求 适 监 班,是 否 发 证 书?开 从管理者逐渐成为拥有 合 不 同 行 业、不 同 企 业 的 头同意,但最后提出一 者,人 力 资 本 的 资 本 参照标杆。 个问题,这个人力资源 家。观 念 需 转 变,企 业 总监标准是什么?会计 才能走上健康道路。国 有会计准则,有国际会 内的人力资源研究正处 计 准 则,越 来 越 国 际 于黄金的发展阶段,在 化。企业里面好多管理 目前的大背景下,对人 的问题,包括质量ISO认 力资源进行跨界研究, 会计的对象是物,而 证。现在讲到企业社会 对人力资产进行定量分 HR 管 理 的 的 对 象 是 今天的主题是想建设人 责任也要讲标准。微软 析,是国内外的人力资 力资产的标准,我本人 称雄是因为别人必须按 源领域的发展方向之 人。人 力 资 源 的 成 欣然同意来学习来参 他的标准。这个平台机 一。现阶段将理论和实 本、价值怎样计量? 与。人力资源方面有很 会难得。分享之余更多 践相结合,提出基于国 多理论,外商投资企业 的是想从大家那里吸取 内各类企业的人力资源 讲究国际化,对立面就 营 养。会 计 的 对 象 是 行业标准,正当时机。 是本土化,现在很多招 物,而 HR 的 对 象 是 人。 海 归。HR 讲 规 划,但 是 人力资源会计到底是什 本次筹备会主要议题 规划有时赶不上变化。 么呢?无非是把人力资 很多问题,提拔是到底 源管理过程中的成本等 人力资源管理国际趋势 是外部招聘还是内部提 量 化,数 字 化,书 出 版 拔?招进了女婿气走了 后能更好的和大家分 国内人力资源管理体系和标准现状研 儿 子?十 大 悖 论,难 点 享。人 力 资 源 的 成 本、 讨 很 多,不 仅 仅 现 实 问 价值怎样计量?几十年 建立人力资源管理专业标准畅想 题,理论也是。 今天这 访问了很多企业家,管 个主题太好了,我很有 理贡献价值应量化,作 感 触。2005 年 出 版 了 一 为股份参股。这是最好 联合发起人力资产标准公会及其体系 本书,筹备人力资源总 的 激 励,取 代 高 工 资, 建设的探讨
  • 2. 页 2 人力资产标准公会(筹) 富士通PFU计算机董事总经理屠云峰先生(PDI HR执委会副主任) HR是管理还是艺术?我在日企多,但对欧美有一定了解。 欧美似乎管理更多是科学。最近更多的讲法,管理也是艺 术,东方的讲法。从这方面讲,HR因为文化上的差异需要 比一般企业管理更讲究配合。管理方面特别是HR管理怎样 的标准?心理学、成长的背景对HR也是很大的影响,不同 背景、不同年龄的员工对HR也有不同的挑战。从管理公司 08 年 以 后 全 球 经 的角度来说,制定统一标准对于人力资源管理做到有法可 依。 济在金融危机之 后,产 业 结 构 有 较 大 的 调 整。在 家乐福中国副总裁孟宜燕女士 这 过 程 中 间,企 怎样量化?HR基本上是艺术,但是我们要科学化,把我们 的价值让CEO,CFO看到。在08金融危机这场大战中,怎样 业 的 发 展 空 间、 帮助到企业,自然对公司越来越重要。要有这个胆识,能 步 伐、策 略 可 能 力。HR怎样在数字上抓到度,科学化要加强。劳动法实 都 有 调 整。HR 怎 施,HR怎样扮演自己的角色,带领自己的公司怎样改善, 完善系统,节省开支。如果我们结合了法律、艺术自然会 么 做?,怎 样 适 越来越重要。 应新的产业结 构?讲 到 企 业 内 部 战 略 的 调 整, 南京大学商学院EDP EMBA中心常务副主任朱伟正先生 人力资源管理首 讲到标准我很有感触。我比较国内的大学和国外的大学, 当其冲的。 我关心他们MBA、EMBA课程的研究。由于自身企业所属地 位和市场背景,有些照搬的案例学生反映没任何意义,使 老师为难。与欧美式管理相比,日式、中式的管理,现在 呼声很高。无论是外企在中国投资还是中国企业国际化, 科学是管理的基础。 多做案例研究对标准制定有帮助。 必维国际检验集团中国区人力资源副总裁姚剑波先生(PDI HR执委会副主任) 我们公司有两个方面的资质认证和标准,一方面是国际 公认的标准,一方面是客户要求的方面的检测标准。我 们要设计,并且要使其权威化,使其能操作能市场化, 挑战非常大。但是也非常重要,现在有很多人力资源公 司评奖,客观性值得怀疑。HR上面的流程比较关注KPI, 但HR本身怎样add value?标准有两方面:HR本身的运 作;HR对企业的贡献如何衡量。标准应该是流程化中的 共性的东西,不应该是某个公司特性化的步骤。
  • 3. 页 3 第 1 卷,第 1 期 中银基金人力资源副总裁刘爱东博士 人力资源的标准,对 浩 大,不 同 行 业、不 同 地 区,标 于整个行业是非常有 准都很不一样,也许需要分的很 意义的和推动作用: 细。我们要从头走,在这里面设 1.我需要知道企业里 立一些框架、原则,需要同仁慢 面的人力资源投入产 慢 添 砖 加 瓦。要 企 业、社 会 认 出比,我们需要做HR 可,还有很长的路要走。但是做 的人力资源预算,老 还是很必要的。这样的交流机会 板想知道产出比是多 对于我们的业务水平提高是很有 少?和同行比是高还 帮助的。HR的艺术化程度很高, 是低?如果投入产出比能量化,将会对企 相比饮食业,可以艺术化,也可 业很有帮助。2.HR的绩效考核。其他部门 以像快餐一般标准化,HR完全也 也想知道HR的效率是否高?如有这样一个 可以做到。 这种标准,保证品质 美国人力资源管理 标准,即可像其他部门及老总证明自己的 的统一,从这个角度上说,标准 工作效率。但是这样的标准要建设工程很 学 会(SHRM)着 手 化是可行的。 制定的海外的标 派克汉尼汾大中华区人力资源总监萧立明先生 准,跨 国 公 司 国 外 标 准 有 的 有 法 律 约 束,最 好,有 些 没 有。HR 是 专 业 性 总 部 的 制 度、政 策 的,但是缺了很多专业性从业人员的资格认证。很多人 都可以做HR。一定要找一些HR的专业性的东西,来制定 在 国 内 是 否 适 用。 标准,先要有这个标准,然后建立信任度,这个工作具 国内企业要走出 有挑战性。我们应该着眼拉动行业的积极性,规范HR管 去,HR 管 理 怎 样 和 理的程序性。 国 际 接 轨,外 企 进 来 怎 样 本 土 化?我 海拉汽车亚太区人力资源总监管莉女士 们是不是可以有一 人力资源管理可以细分为很多的不同模块。建议可以按 些可参照的标杆? 照职能模块细分方向,HR专业人士可以根据不同的方向 探讨感兴趣的话题。通过这些专业的研讨,规范各公司 的经验,提炼出一套标准,再慢慢将其体制化。 勃林格殷格翰人力资源副总裁叶文玉女士 不管做什么,分解成小目标,我们第一步能做什么?目标 搞清楚。有些企业,大的HR公司用不起,是个问题。我们 是 想 做 贡 献 型 的 东 西 还 是 标 准 的 行 规? 《》,《china staff》对我很有帮助。我 们在跨国公司工作的有经验的职业经理人成长起来也要回 馈这个社会。如何帮助国内中小企业人力资源规范化、标 准化应该是HASA公会的重要目标之一。
  • 4. 人力资产标准公会(筹) 页 4 霍尼韦尔特殊材料亚太区人力资源总监吴剑女士 在著名跨国企业工作的人力资源经理人,可以拿出经验 与大家分享,这样对社会才有帮助。不管公益还是商业 性,前提是协会要生存、发展才能谈到后面的发展。协 会究竟是松散还是其他?我们应先focus在朝着一个目 标走,做些东西出来,再谈将来的发展。 特灵空调中国区人力资源总监张秀川先生 我是国家人力资源管理鉴定师的评审员。但是这个证书 报考的人几乎没有外企的。报考的人只是想找一块进入 HR行业的敲门砖。我的想法是我们现在谈什么是标准的 东西很难,但是在座现在有很高的热情把自己企业内部 好的方法借鉴出来。开头可能先帮别人做一些简单的东 西,把协会的权威和威信先树立起来。 目 前 实 践 中,HR 华腾软件系统人力资源总监李伟颐女士 管理的效果缺乏 我理解为做一个人力资产标准这个愿望的前景非常好, 评 估 工 具。如 果 但是很艰难。现在我们每年的预算需要知道投入和产出 比,目前的操作方式都是我个人来寻找数据支持,如果 我们不去量化管 部门经理对HR信任度高的还容易接受,如果部门经理不 理,公 司 如 何 评 太理解HR工作的,就很难说服他们。我们很需要行业的 标准来帮助企业决策。 估组织中最珍贵 的 资 产 - 人 呢? HR应该通过标准 纳尔科大中华区人力资源总监陈正洁先生 化 和 量 化,将 效 果展示出来。 最主要的目的是帮助在中国的企业怎样帮助他们提升自 己的HR的能力,提升中国企业的竞争力。怎样把自己的 经历带到市场,带给后辈。大方向蛮不错,但是流程上 还是要把目的弄清楚。
  • 5. 页 5 第 1 卷,第 1 期 恩智浦资深人力资源总监易健柔女士 一个需要几百个人共同参与创立的协会,要想定下一个目 标、标准,很有挑战。HR标准化的东西很有难度。很多 Process性的东西最后一定要让人获利。没有一个流程一 定是完美的,要在学术探讨的过程中完善。 荷美尔中国区人力资源经理黄刚华先生 (PDI HR执委会副主任) 科学是基础,艺术是我们操作出来的一个表现方式。中国 式管理,日本式,美国式HR上面文化等等差别很大。财务 有国际化的标准。美国现在提出要搞HR标准了,这个信号 非常重要。这是方向性的东西,如果搞出标准来,市场将 非常大。我们食品行业甚至有动物福利,证明管理是可以 量化、标准化的。只有这些标准和业务经营有关了,老板 才关心,因为如果不实行这些标准,就失去了竞争力甚至 市场准入。没有人买了。 HASA 公 会 应 该 是 玛莎百货中国区人力资源总监杨光女士 一 个 HR 同 业 公 我的建议是把协会的objective定清楚,关系到以后是否加 会,是 每 个 HR 的 入?志同道合的人一起做一件有意义的事情。如果不清楚 目标的话,其他很多东西都很难谈下去。更少的人有一个 组 织,每 个 人 都 Core Group,有志者加入,将更加有效率。 有 发 言 权。通 过 不断的专业探 讨,提 炼 出 HR 实 践中共性的做 博斯格中国区人力资源副总裁余伟先生 法,是 制 订 标 准 中国市场上这样类似的协会很多,HASA公会作为一个政府 的基础和前提。 支持的专业组织,我们有很好的专业背景。无论来自大学 院校的权威专家学者还是企业界经验丰富的HR专业人士。 那么,我们用什么作为自己的特色?没有特色无法生存, 我们要考虑我们的组织应该在哪方面具有特色?
  • 6. 浦东新区外商(各地)投 资企业协会 参加人力资产标准公会第一次筹备会议的与会人员 (排名不分先后) 著名会计学、人力资源 南京大学商学院EDP 勃林格殷格翰人力资源 富士通PFU计算机董 博达学院执行院长 必维国际检验集团人力 玛莎百货人力资源总监 学及营销学专家、博士 EMBA中心 副总裁 事总经理 浦东外商 资源副总裁 浦东外商 张格先生 杨光女士 生导师 (各地)投资企业协 (各地)投资企业协会 朱伟正常务副主任 叶文玉女士 会HR执委会副主任 复旦大学 HR执委会副主任 屠云峰先生 姚剑波先生 花旗软件副总裁 浦东外 中银基金人力资源副总 重机中国副总经理 荷美尔中国区人力资源 富士通中国管理部部长 华腾软件人力资源总监 浦东外商(各地)投资 经理 浦东外商(各地) 商(各地)投资企业协 裁 严俊德先生 企业协会高级顾问 投资企业协会HR执委 严振雄先生 李伟颐女士 会HR执委会副主任 刘爱东博士 会副主任 李汉平先生 张彤女士 黄刚华先生 浦东外商(各地)投资 百安居中国人力资源总 恩智浦资深人力资源总 博斯格钢铁中国人力资 家乐福中国副总裁 浦东外商(各地)投资 中村精密金属管理部部 企业协会HR执委会主任 监 监 源副总裁 企业协会副秘书长 长 孟宜燕女士 张臻先生 朱忆蒙女士 易健柔女士 余伟先生 张胜利先生 张卫红女士 霍尼韦尔特殊材料亚太 海拉汽车亚太区人力资 派克汉尼汾大中华区人 西华德HR研究院大中 特灵空调系统中国区人 Nalco大中华区人力资源 区人力资源总监 源总监 力资源总监 华区市场及公共关系总 力资源总监 总监 监 浦东外商(各地)投 吴剑女士 管莉女士 萧立明先生 张秀川先生 陈正洁先生 资企业协会HR执委会 副主任 李洪先生 后续进展 由于时间关系,研讨会在16:40分结束,部分嘉宾在会后聚在一起,继续热议 人力资源专业委员会执委会 相关话题。本次会议是人力资产标准公会(筹)第一次筹备会,与会20多位嘉 中国上海东方路135号1007室 宾一致肯定了浦东外商(各地)协会人力资源专业委员会提供的这个专业交流 平台,并愿意在本次会议的基础上,继续探讨行业专业标准的可行性,同时大 电话: 86-21-51308587 家也认识到这件事的艰巨性和复杂性。会议约定,在春节过后将继续与广大HR 传真: 86-21-51308586 专业人士、企业高管以及学界专家开展一系列的筹备会及专业性研讨会,并逐 步将话题集中在HR专业性研讨上来。 电子邮件:
  • 7. January 15th, 2010 N0.1, Volume 1 Pudong New Area Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) Investment Main Points Human Assets Standards Association Under the special global economic environment, HR managers in multina- (Preparatory) tionals should consider HR models that fit local business operations, while HR managers in local companies have to think about how Chinese HR management should adapt globaliza- tion. Meeting Minutes for Preparatory Session 1 HR needs common standards throughout industries, in order to On January 15th, 2010, HR Directors and VPs of China or Asia Pacific region from over 20 world-famous corporations provide benchmark reference for HR gathered together with authoritative experts from reputable institutions to discuss about the topics such as the con- management in business and help struction of HR standards and systems, the development of local Human Resource Management, the founding of companies that need improve HR Human Assets Standards Association (HASA), and etc.. The conference was held by Mr. Kevin S. Cheung, the Direc- management to set up formal HRM tor General of Executive Committee, Human Resources Commission of PDI. The conference started with a brief systems. speech from Kevin, who elaborated the development of current society, the situation of HR industry, personal develop- ment for HR professionals, organizational culture and economic environment. Kevin also suggested the feasibility of HR management demands ways to establishing HR Industry Standards. The attendees offered their opinions one after another. The following are main evaluate, so as to assess the ROI, cited speeches from participants. effectiveness and value of HR man- agement. Ph. D. Advisor, Professor Wen-Xian Zhang, authoritative expert in Accounting, The management standards should be HRM and Marketing from Fu Dan University: the common model of HR management summarized through professional discussion, which are the indispensa- ries. The theme today is ited loads of entrepreneurs in ble segments of HR management in great, the problem always the past decades. Most of any organization. Based on that, concerns me. I published a them agreed that the value of benchmarks of different industries book in 2005 regarding that. management contribution and companies can be generated. I ever arranged a course for should be quantified, then HR Directors, should we transfer to company’s share. issue certificates? The Minis- That is the better incentive try of Education had agreed scheme rather than high pay. to issue certificates at first, Managers or supervisors then but they raised a good ques- become owners. The capi- tion soon: what is the stan- talization of human assets Accounting is facing object, dard of a HR Director? For should change the concept to but HRM is facing people. example, Accounting has move the enterprise to a The theme today is to estab- standards, and even Interna- healthy track. HRM is in the How to quantify the cost and lish the standards of Human tional Accounting Standards golden period to grow. To value of Human Resource Assets. I personally more (IAS), which is more and research HRM cross differ- than happy to be here to more internationalization. ent areas and to investigate Management? learn and participate. As we Organizational management on how to quantify the hu- know, there are lots of theo- has a lot of standards now, man assets is the direction of ries in Human Resource such as ISO certification for HRM development both in Management. The foreign quality system and etc. even China and in the world. Cur- invested enterprises are look- Corporate Social Responsi- rently, I believe it is just ing for internationalization, bility has standards now. about time to combine the the opposite side is localiza- Microsoft is NO.1 because theories and practices to- tion. Therefore more and everyone else needs to fol- gether to form the standards Agenda for This Session more enterprises are recruit- low their standard. This plat- for HR industry that suit the ing overseas returnees. HRM form is offering a lot, I actu- enterprises in China. Discussion on international trends of Human is better to be well planned, ally come here to learn more Resources Management; however, sometimes the than sharing. Accounting changes come sooner than studies object, but HRM has Present situation of local HR system & stan- plans. There are also lots of to investigate people. What dards; issues in HRM, should we is Human Resource Account- promote the people inside ing? It is to quantify the cost Feasibility of local HR standards setup; the company or recruit from during the process of Human outside? Could we possibly Resource Management, ruin the team if we recruit an which will be elaborated outsider? There are 10 para- more in my new book. How Construction & advice on founding Human doxes, not only in real-life to calculate the cost and Assets Standards Association & systems. problems, but also in theo- value of HRM? I have vis-
  • 8. Page 2 Human Assets Standards Association (Preparatory) Mr. Phil Tu (Yun-Feng Tu), Managing Director from Fujitsu PFU Computer (Vice Director-General of PDI HR Commission) HRM is management or Art? I have been working in Japanese compa- nies for many years, but have some knowledge of Euro-Americas companies as well. For western companies, management seems more like science. However, opinions that also regards management as art is becoming more popular these days. That is also the oriental way of management. From that perspective, HRM requires more cooperation than other management due to culture differences. What’s the standard of management, especially Human Resource Management? Psychol- ogy and the growing background influence HR management as well. After the financial tsu- To manage a group of staff with different background and ages is also nami in 2008, the such a big challenge for HR managers. From the management point of view, to establish formal standards for HRM is definitely needed. structure of industries have being adjusted in a global range. In Ms. Joanna Meng (Yi-Yan Meng) VP from Carrefour China this process, the How to quantify HRM? To me HR is basically art, but we need to room, pace and make it scientific, hence our value could be seen by CEO and CFO. During the financial war in 2008, how HRM help an enterprise strategies for many seems more and more significant. We must have the guts and ability. company’s develop- How to numeralize HRM depends on how we can make HR manage- ment more scientific. With the Labour Law taking effect, we have to ment have been ad- think about how to perform our role and lead the company improving systems and saving costs? If we can combine laws and art, we should justed as well. What be more and more significant to our company. HR should do to cope with the new trends of global economy? In terms of strategy re- Mr. Wei-Zheng Zhu, Director General of EDP, EMBA from Business School of Nanjing University engineering, HR management should Speaking of standard, I have a lot to say. I constantly compare the Universities in China to those in the world. I’m interested in their be the critical factor. research in MBA or EMBA programs. Because of diversities of posi- tion and markets of companies, some students indicate some case studies are meaningless and make professors embarrassed. Compar- ing with western management styles, Chinese or Japanese manage- ment is being more and more emphasized. No matter for foreign capital to invest in China or for China companies to move outside, science is the basis of management. Do more case studies would be very helpful for designing HR standards in the future. Mr. Jeremy Yao (Jian-Bo Yao), VP of HR from Bureau Veritas China (Vice Director General, PDI-HR Commission) There are 2 types qualification certification and standards in our company, one is internationally recognised standards and the other is the standards customized to meet clients’ requirements. So the task today, to design the standards and make it workable and recognized by market, is a huge challenge, though it is really important too. Now there are many awards designed by HR service vendors, but the objectivity is a big question mark. Key Performance Indicator is usually most concerned in the process of HR management. However, how to add value to HRM itself? The standards should be divided into two aspects: the operation standards of HR management and the measurement of the contribution that HRM make to the company. The standards should be established based on the common process and characters, but not for a particular company.
  • 9. Page 3 N0.1, Volume 1 Dr. Ai-Dong Liu, HR VP from Bank of China Investment Management Establishing Standards for standards are eventually created. Differ- HR industry is very much ent trades and different areas would meaningful and will require different benchmarks, possibly surely expedite the pro- could be very specific. We should start gress of HR management from the very beginning, maybe from in all industries: 1. HR setting up some frames and principles, manager need to know the and then have all professionals help to ROI ratio of staff. When build them up together. There’s a long we budget for HR man- way before the enterprises and the soci- agement, the boss also ety would recognize it, but it is more wants to know the ROI. than necessary to continue. Such com- How does the ratio like munication opportunities will be very compared with others in the trade? It should be much beneficial to improving our pro- great if the ROI could be quantified. 2. Perform- fessionalism. HRM is something of art. ance evaluation of HR. Other departments are Just take a look at food and beverage always interested in the efficiency of HR Depart- industry, it can be a type of art while it ment. If we have such industry standards, we will be able to prove our efficiency and present to can also be a type of standard, like fast food. HRM can absolutely done in that Society of HR Management other departments as well as our boss. However, way. The standards can help HRM to in US (SHRM) has there are tremendous works to do before such assure quality of HR management. From that angel, to standardize is feasible. started to design the inter- national HR standards. Mr. Roberto Siu (Li-Ming Xiao), HR Director from Parker-Hannifin Greater China Along with the guidelines and policies from overseas Some standards are established under aw, some are not. HRM is headquarters in multination- pretty expertise, but the industry is lack of certification for qualifica- tion. Many unqualified people com to the job. We definitely need to als, are that criteria applica- find some HRM expertise to set up the standards first; though to ble in China or AP region? build credibility is a lot harder. We should bring and motivate people For local companies, they in HR industry together to do that and formalize the process of HR management. want to expand their busi- ness to outside of China. Are the philosophies and approaches match the inter- national practices? For Ms. Priscilla Guan (Li Guan), HR Director Asia Pacific from Hella foreign companies, are they able to localize the over- HR management can be categorized into several functions. I propose seas methodologies to fit we may involve HR professionals to discuss about topics of each function first. Through those discussions, we may consolidate the local operations? Can we experiences from different corporations first; then refine the stan- have some benchmarks to dards and make it systemized. refer to? Ms. Marlene Ye (Wen-Yu Ye), HR VP from Boehringer-Ingelheim No matter what we do, we should divide the target into small tasks. What can we do first? We should make our target clear and reachable. Some enterprises can not afford to hire big HR service vendors. That is a real problem that they are confronting. What we do is purely con- tributing or establishing standards for HR industry? and “China Staff” have helped me a lot. It is time for experienced mangers in multinationals to repay to the society. I think one of the main targets of HASA should be helping the local SMEs to set up standardized HRM systems.
  • 10. Human Assets Standards Association (Preparatory) Page 4 Ms. Lily Wu (Jian Wu), HR Director Asia Pacific from Honeywell Specialty Materials The HR managers that work in world-famous multinationals should share experience with others. In that way, our role is benefi- cial to the society. No matter the Association will be commonweal or commercial, it needs to survive first before we talk about con- tinuous improvement. How shall we operate HASA? It will be a loose team or some types of others? We’d better focus on one di- rection and achieve to something, then we could move on to dis- cuss about future development. Mr. Chevy Chang (Xiu-Chuan Zhang), HR Director from Trane Air Conditioning I am the rater of National Human Resources Administrator Certifi- cate. There’s almost no applicant from FIEs. Candidates regard the test more as a stepping-stone. I think it is difficult for us to deter- mine what standard is at this moment. However, the participants here today are all happy to share their good practices in their compa- nies. We should start with helping someone else with some simple stuff, and build authority and credibility of the association gradually. There’s no much tools in practice to Ms. Lily Li (Wei-Yi Li), HR Director from Hua Teng Software Systems evaluate the effec- tiveness of HR man- I understand that it is promising to set up Human Assets Standards, but really a challenging assignment to do so. I’m also facing the agement. If we don’t problem that I need to know ROI when formulating budget every quantify HR, how year. Right now I have to search for data all by myself to support my point of view. If HR manager has good relationship with line manag- should CEO assess ers, that data could be accepted. However, if they don’t quite under- the most valuable stand HR, it could be very difficult to convince them. We surely need benchmark of the whole industry to support business decisions. assets- Human? HR should present the ROI through stan- dardization and Mr. Borren Chen (Zheng-Jie Chen), HR Director Greater China from Nalco quantification. The main aim of the Association should be helping local enterprises to improve their ability of HRM, improving the competitiveness of local enterprises and sharing experiences to the younger generation. The big picture is good, and we just need to be sure about our target and aim first.
  • 11. Page 5 N0.1, Volume 1 Ms. Marcelle Yih (Jian-Rou Yih), Senior HR Director from NXP It is very challenging to set up a target and standards for an Associa- tion with hundreds of founders. Standardisation must face lots of diffi- culties, but the processes must benefit a lot. No process is perfect, but we could modify it during the process. HASA association Mr. Frank Huang (Gang-Hua Huang), HR Manager China from Hormel Vice Director General, PDI-HR Commission) should be an Science is basis, while arts is the way we operate. No matter Chinese organization of all HR management or Japanese or American, they have identical difference professionals. It from perspective of culture. Finance has international standards. Now that US demonstrate HR standards should be formulated, that should belongs to every HR be a significant signal. That is something of strategic direction. Once incumbent. Everyone the standards are created, there’ll be tremendous market needs. In our food industry, there even exist animal benefits, which proves that in the organization management can be quantified and standardized. Only those stan- should have rights to dards are closely related with business operation, managers would care, because if they don’t comply to those standards, they will lose speak. Through the products. competitiveness or even market entry. There could be nobody to buy continuous research & discussion, Ms. Sunny Yang (Guang Yang), Head of HR China from Marks & Spencer common rules or process of HR My suggestion is to determine the objective of HASA first. With that, we can see who would join and who wouldn’t. It makes sense to have practices will then be people sharing common mission work together. If the objective is not extracted. That clear, it is hard to continue. We should have a core group consisting of fewer people. Those who are interested in HASA should join and should be the make the team more effective. premise of basis of formulating standards of HR management Mr. Maxwell Yu (Wei Yu), HR VP from Bluescope Steel There’re a lot of associations like this in Chinese market. As an official professional organization launched by government, HASA have out- standing expertise resources, e.g. authoritative experts from famous institutions and seasoned HR professionals from front-line practice. So, what should be our particular features? We can’t survive if we don’t have any specialization. We should consider what we should specialize in for our organization.
  • 12. Pudong New Area Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) Investment Participants for preparatory session 1 of Human Assets Standards Association (Listed in no particular order) Prof. Wen-Xian Zhang Mr. Wei-Zheng Zhu Ms. Marlene Ye Mr. Phil Tu Mr. George Zhang Mr. Jeremy Yao Ms. Sunny Yang Ph.D. Advisor, Expert in Director General EDP HR VP, Boehringer- Managing Director, Fujitsu Executive President HR VP China, Bureau Head of HR China, Marks & Finance, HR & Marketing, EMBA, Business school, Ingelheim PFU, Vice Director Bo Da College Veritas, Vice Director Spencer Fu Dan University Nanjing University General of PDI HR General of PDI HR Commis- Commission sion Ms. Jenny Zhang Dr. Ai-Dong Liu Mr. Jun-De Yan Mr. Frank Huang Mr. Zhen-Xiong Yan Ms. Lily Li Mr. Han-Ping Li VP, Citi Software, Vice HR VP, Bank of China Deputy General Manager, HR Manager China, Hormel, Director of Corporate HR Director, Hua Teng Senior Advisor, PDI Director General of PDI HR Investment Management Juki China Vice Director General of PDI Affairs, Fujitsu China Software Systems Commission HR Commission Mr. Kevin Cheung Ms. Yvonne Zhu Ms. Marcelle Yih Mr. Maxwell Yu Ms. Joanna Meng Mr. Sheng-Li Zhang Ms. Wei-Hong Zhang Director General, PDI-HR HR Director China, B&Q Senior HR Director, NXP HR VP China, Bluescope VP & HR Director China, Vice Secretary General, PDI Director of Corporate Commission Steel Carrefour Affairs, Nakamura Metal Ms. Lily Wu Ms. Priscilla Guan Mr. Roberto Siu Mr. Howell Lee Mr. Chevy Chang Mr. Borren Chen HR Director Asia Pacific, HR Director Asia Pacific, HR Director Greater China, Marketing & PR Director HR Director China, Trane HR Director Greater China, Honeywell Specialty Hella Parker Hannifin Greater China, C.HOWARD Air Conditioning Nalco Materials HR Institute & Academy, Vice Director General of PDI HR Commission More is coming... Concerning of time limit, the conference ended at 16:30. Participants gathered after the meeting, continue discus- Executive Board of HR Commission sion. This is preparatory session 1 of Human Assets Standards Association (HASA). More than 20 attendees Rm. 1007, No. 135, Dong Fang Rd. China joined and all appreciate this professional communication platform offered by Human Resource Commission, PDI. The participants are interested in further discussion on the feasibility of establishing professional standards of Tel: 86-21-51308587 HR industry with agreement derived from this session. Meanwhile, they also realized the complication and chal- lenges ahead. It was stipulated that other preparatory or professional sessions will be held with more HR profes- Fax: 86-21-51308586 sionals, senior corporate executives and academic experts involved after Spring Festival. The subjects will be Email: concentrated on HR professional researches gradually.