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Not having deep, restless sleep and
effective ways to overcome it
Conquering Sleeplessness: Strategies for Achieving Deep, Restful
This article is expertly consulted by Physician Do Minh Tuan | Field of
examination and treatment: Insomnia Place of work Do Minh Duong
Traditional Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Department - Hanoi
Insomnia and restless sleep are signs of people having sleep
disorders, mental disorders or signs of other physical diseases. In the
long term, if not treated promptly, it will cause negative effects on
your physical, mental and spiritual health, leading to many other
unpredictable consequences. So what should be done to improve
this situation?
Poor and restless sleep is a common sleep disorder that anyone can
Inability to sleep deeply and restlessly is one of the most common
symptoms of sleep disorders. In this state, the sleeper will be half-
awake, half-asleep, vague, although sleeping but not sinking deeply
into a state of unconsciousness, flickering and startling himself
awake immediately afterward. This is one of the common sleep
disorders, occurring in more than 40% of adults.
According to scientific research, a normal person's sleep is divided
into 3 main stages. In particular, stages 1 and 2 are the time when the
body prepares and begins to enter the sleep state, and stage 3 is
completely deep sleep. If there are any unusual problems that affect
this process, the sleeper will experience restless, restless sleep.
This state often appears in stages 1 and 2, affected by factors such as
temperatures that are too cold or too hot, lots of noise, strong light,
sheets that are too rough, or due to human movement. Besides... In
most cases, people who have light sleep or not deep sleep can fall
asleep again later, but there are also many people whose sleep is
interrupted and cannot go back to sleep.
And the consequences of staying up all night are drowsiness, fatigue
and decreased mental and concentration the next day. If this
condition continues for a long time, it will cause serious health
effects and lead to many dangerous diseases.
Any age can experience this condition. Depending on the cause, it
can last several nights or weeks, even months for medical causes. In
case your sleep quality gets worse, proactively go to the hospital for
examination and appropriate treatment.
There are many causes of this condition such as:
1. Stress, nervous tension
Tension, stress, fatigue, anxiety... are negative mental states that
negatively affect the central nervous system and damage blood
vessels. With the production of countless free radicals, the walls of
the cerebral arteries are strongly attacked, forming thrombi and many
atherosclerotic plaques, causing narrowing of the arteries. The result
is hindering blood circulation to the brain, reducing nerve function
and affecting sleep quality, causing irregular and restless sleep.
Nervous tension is the leading cause of mental pressure and difficulty
getting a full night's sleep
In addition, people who often think negatively will reduce the amount
of the happy hormone serotonin, replaced by the stress hormone
cortisol. Serotonin deficiency leads to melatonin deficiency and
causes insomnia and difficulty falling asleep.
Mental stress can come from academic pressure, work pressure or
the effects of some mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety
disorders, manic disorders, schizophrenia...
2. Biological clock disorder
A normal natural biological clock is when we are alert and alert during
the day and sleep well at night. Any problem that affects the
biological clock causes difficulty sleeping at night and fatigue during
the day.
This condition often occurs in young people who often stay up late to
study or play games, people who work night shifts, have to stay up
until morning or travel frequently, international students who have to
fly to another country. timezone different. At this time, changing your
biological clock makes it difficult for you to fall asleep and not sleep
deeply for a short period of time.
3. Hormonal changes
Premenopausal women, postmenopausal women, pregnant women,
postpartum women or children entering puberty... are the most
susceptible to hormonal disorders. Changes in the body,
physiological instability, and prolonged fatigue cause sleep to be
affected, difficulty falling asleep, intermittent sleep, lack of deep
sleep, and being easily startled awake.
4. Suffering from snoring
Snoring is the phenomenon of making sounds during sleep due to the
mucous membrane of the throat vibrating when air passes
through. Snoring sounds are often wheezy or hoarse and come from
the mouth or nose. Snoring causes airway obstruction, even
temporary cessation of breathing, causing you to not sleep deeply,
wavering in confusion, startling...
Snoring easily disrupts sleep, causing startles, confusion, and poor sleep
Sleep interruption one or more times a night affects sleep quality,
causing fatigue, decreased concentration and memory, and decline
in work and study. More seriously, it can trigger diseases such as
myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, and increase the risk of
sudden death...
5. Some other causes
In addition to the causes mentioned above, poor and restless sleep is
also a consequence of:
• Abuse of psychostimulants and antibiotics;
• Addicted to alcohol, coffee;
• Addicted to using electronic devices;
• Lazy exercise;
• Nutrient deficiencies;
• Suffering from acute illnesses such as headaches, fever, allergies,
In addition to the causes mentioned above, people who often do not
sleep well or are startled but have difficulty falling back asleep may
also be signs of some of the following diseases:
1. Insomnia
Insomnia is a condition in which you have difficulty sleeping and you
have to find every way to go to sleep but still cannot sleep. Insomnia
is divided into two types: acute and chronic. If there is no timely
intervention and treatment, insomnia will lead to many effects on
physical health, physical condition, negative impacts on the brain,
heart, bones and joints...
Insomnia is characterized by symptoms such as not sleeping deeply, being
restless, waking up easily but having difficulty falling back asleep...
• Acute insomnia : Is a condition of sudden insomnia that lasts less
than 1 month. Often due to the effects of psychological disorders or
simple, not serious diseases. Just intervening and adjusting your
lifestyle properly will help improve sleep quality.
• Chronic insomnia : Also has similar symptoms of insomnia such as
difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, being easily startled but
lasting more than 1 month, even many months or years. This is
chronic insomnia and often occurs in the elderly, middle-aged, and
even young people can suffer from the disease. Often due to the
influence of bad living habits, addiction to coffee, alcohol or internal
2. Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders include negative changes in the duration and quality
of sleep. This disorder often causes patients to not sleep deeply,
restlessly, have difficulty sleeping, have insomnia or sleep more than
usual... If not treated promptly, it can cause many negative effects. to
your health, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Some sleep disorders cause you to sleep intermittently and not sleep
deeply, such as:
• Sleepwalking : occurs when the patient sits up or walks as if awake,
but in fact the eyes are still closed in an unconscious state. The
nature of sleepwalking is not dangerous, but the behaviors while
sleepwalking are very worrying, easily causing falls, hitting the head,
and breaking limbs. And especially affects sleep quality.
• Narcolepsy : This condition often occurs because you sleep too
much during the day or suddenly lose muscle tone. The disease is
manifested through symptoms such as hallucinations, feeling like
sleep paralysis, difficulty falling asleep, and reduced cognitive
• Bed-wetting : Often occurs in young children who are not conscious
of controlling their urination behavior or have nightmares that lead
to bed-wetting. When they feel the wet feeling underneath, the child
will immediately wake up, causing a fitful, not deep sleep.
• Sleep apnea : A condition where breathing temporarily stops about
10 times during the same sleep and repeats many times during the
night is considered sleep apnea. This condition is common in men
and women aged 65 and older. This phenomenon lasts a long time,
causing your sleep to be interrupted and not deep.
3. Gastroesophageal reflux
A survey by the American Gastroenterological Association shows that
up to 75% of people with gastroesophageal reflux disease have
symptoms of sleep disorders, poor sleep, frequent insomnia... Even ,
it also reduces motor function, hinders many activities and reduces
the quality of work.
Gastroesophageal reflux is one of the common digestive
disorders. This is a condition in which the stomach muscles push the
contents back up into the esophagus. The disease is manifested
through symptoms such as belching, belching, heartburn, choking,
chest tightness, difficulty breathing...
These symptoms often occur at night and are worse when the patient
lies down. This disease causes a lot of discomfort, nausea, vomiting,
along with suffocation and epigastric pain, making it impossible for
the patient to fall into deep sleep, sleep in confusion and easily wake
4. Musculoskeletal disorders
Musculoskeletal disorder is a condition of impaired function of parts
such as joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves... Having this
disease causes the patient to face pain and discomfort. , causing
difficulty in moving and hindering daily activities.
Most people with musculoskeletal disorders have other conditions
such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome. And it is also the
symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders such as pain, numbness and
discomfort that cause prolonged insomnia, sleep disorders, poor
sleep, fatigue and restlessness in the middle of the night...
Bone and joint pain causes difficulty sleeping, restless sleep, and poor
sleep at night
On the contrary, if you do not sleep properly, often stay up late, stay
up late at night and sleep during the day for a long time, it will disrupt
the hormone cortisol levels. This is a hormone that causes nervous
tension, not only negatively affecting the brain but also the entire
nervous system, impairing the function of some organs and parts in
the body, including has a skeletal system.
5. Cerebral circulatory insufficiency
Finally, there is cerebral circulatory insufficiency, also known as
blood circulation disorder to the brain. This is a phenomenon of
reduced blood flow to the brain, causing a lack of nutrition and
oxygen, leaving brain cells unnourished. Causing them to not have
enough energy to perform their inherent functions, significantly
reducing brain activity.
People over 40 years old are a group susceptible to this
disease. However, the rate of people infected with the disease is
increasing and tends to rejuvenate due to unhealthy lifestyles,
indulgence and disregard for health. The disease is characterized by a
number of symptoms such as:
• Headache
• Dizzy
• Dizziness, tinnitus
• Cognitive disorders
• Reduced concentration
• Memory decline
• Insomnia, not sleeping deeply, being restless, easily startled
Poor sleep, restless sleep, and easy waking, regardless of the cause,
all cause worrying effects on health. The patient is always in a state of
fatigue, lethargy, sleepy but unable to sleep , sometimes awake and
unconscious, intense sleepiness during the day but no feeling of
sleepiness at night...
Not sleeping deeply or intermittently for a long period of time causes many
consequences for health, spirit, work...
The consequences of poor sleep are:
• Reduced ability to concentrate and memory, affecting the quality of
work and study and easily causing accidents when participating in
• Negative psychology, low self-esteem and fear arise, gradually
closing oneself off, increasing the risk of depression and many other
mental illnesses;
• Poor sleep or insomnia for a long time also creates the foundation
for the development of many other diseases harmful to health such
as diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, weight loss...;
Therefore, find every way to improve your sleep quality. Being
subjectively negligent will only make the disease worse and cause
many unpredictable risks.
There are many ways to improve sleep quality in people with insomnia
and poor sleep. Depending on each specific case, the doctor will
prescribe appropriate treatment methods.
1. Sleep hygiene
To have a good and deep sleep, you need to follow the important
bullet points below to "reset" and clean your sleep:
Hygiene your sleep by relaxing, adjusting sound, light, temperature... to
create conditions for you to fall asleep more easily and sleep deeper.
• Fix a bedtime schedule and apply it consistently to create a habit for
your body. Sleeping too late will cause poor sleep and difficulty
sleeping. According to experts, the best time to go to bed is between
9pm and 11pm. This is the best time to create conditions for all
organs in the body to rest, eliminate toxins, purify the body and
restore and regenerate energy.
• Absolutely do not eat anything before going to bed, especially bad
foods such as cakes, carbonated drinks, alcohol, greasy foods...
Eating too much after 7am is the cause of stomach upset. Thick
stomach makes it difficult to fully digest food and increases the risk
of poor sleep and poor sleep.
• Stop using electronic devices about 1 hour before going to bed. The
blue light emitted from these devices inhibits the production of the
hormone melatonin, leading to difficulty falling asleep, not sleeping
well, and not sleeping deeply.
• Make sure the bedroom space is comfortable and of good quality,
with cool air, no strong light, and no noise.
• The mattress and pillow blankets are soft, smooth, have good
elasticity and ability to support the body, the material is benign,
clean, does not irritate the skin.
• Limiting short naps during the day is also an effective sleep hygiene
method that you should not ignore.
2. Apply tips to help you sleep well
Here are some tips to help you sleep easily at night, no longer restless
or dreamy:
Soak your feet in warm water
Warm water stimulates the nervous system, promotes blood
circulation, massages to relax muscles, and soothes the mind. This
helps significantly improve sleep quality. 30 minutes before going to
bed, soak your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with salt, lemon,
lemongrass, vinegar, mint... for best results.
Drink herbal tea
Herbal tea is a delicious and healthy drink, especially effective in
supporting sleep, improving restless and restless sleep. You can try
using some of the following teas:
Herbal tea is good for your health, clears heat, detoxifies and relieves
stress, helping you fall asleep more easily
• Lotus heart tea
• Chrysanthemum tea
• Ginger tea
• Panax notoginseng flower bud tea
• Licorice honey tea
• Passionflower tea
• Jasmine tea
Using sedative teas is effective, but you need to pay attention to the
dosage. Do not use more than allowed to avoid poisoning and
digestive disorders. Contraindicated for use by people with a history
of blood clotting disorders, high blood pressure...
Eating tips to help you sleep well
Before going to bed, you should not eat too much to avoid causing
discomfort to the digestive system. Instead:
• Drinking a glass of warm water with honey helps relax the nerves;
• Drink a glass of warm milk to avoid night hunger and make it easier
to sleep. You should drink pure fresh milk without sugar or almond
or walnut milk;
• Eat a ripe banana before bed. Because bananas contain tryptophan
acid, which helps produce the hormone melatonin to help you sleep
• Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits at dinner, reduce
unnecessary protein and fat to support digestion, ease sleep and
sleep better;
Use herbal essential oils
Essential oil therapy is recognized as an effective treatment for sleep
disorders, insomnia, restless sleep, easy startling and mental
disorders. Some essential oils that are good for sleep include:
• Cannabis essential oil (CBD)
• Lavender essential oil
• Lemongrass essential oil
• Sage essential oil
• Sandalwood essential oil
• Citrus essential oil
• Rose geranium essential oil
• Valerian essential oil
You can use essential oils in many different ways such as: topical
application, using with a specialized vaporizer, burning scented
candles... In addition, some essential oils can be used orally,
sublingually or inhaled. direct. You should consult an expert on this
issue for appropriate and safe use.
Neck and shoulder massage
This is one of the effective relaxation techniques before going to
bed. Gentle massage movements on the neck and shoulders help
dispel fatigue, release nerve pressure, joint pain... and help improve
sleep quality.
Meditate/Yoga before bed
To release your body, dispel fatigue and mental stress, you can do 20
- 30 minutes of meditation or gentle yoga. Then start going to bed to
achieve quality sleep, sleep well and deeply, straight until morning
without interruption. You can practice right in bed or in another cool,
clean and quiet space in the house.
Meditation helps release bad energy and supports your sleep
Cover with a heavy blanket
One of the tips to help you sleep well and deeply without waking up is
to cover yourself with a blanket that is heavy enough. You should
choose a blanket that is soft on the outside and has tiny plastic beads
on the inside to add weight. According to scientific studies, covering
the body with a thick blanket will help stimulate the production of the
hormone serotonin, which after being converted into melatonin
creates a feeling of sleepiness, better and deeper sleep.
3. Use medication or dietary supplements for support
Arbitrarily taking insomnia medication is something you should not do
right when you are having trouble sleeping or not sleeping
deeply. However, if after applying the above methods, the situation
still does not improve much, consult your doctor for advice and
prescriptions on the use of medication or dietary supplements
appropriate to your health condition.
Drug use is divided into 2 cases:
• The first is to use prescription drugs that have sleep-inducing side
effects such as tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, pain
relievers... This group of drugs is mainly used for people who have
relatively severe difficulty sleeping or deep sleep. and cannot be
improved by natural methods.
• The second is to use special medications to treat diseases that
cause poor sleep. When the pathological cause is eliminated,
normal sleep will gradually return. Typically, drugs to treat bone and
joint pain, blood pressure drugs, anti-psychotic drugs,
gastroesophageal reflux drugs, etc.
In addition, in some cases, after a medical examination, the doctor
will also prescribe the use of some dietary supplements in pill form to
provide necessary nutrients, nourish the body, improve health and
improve sleep quality. at night, awake energy during the day.
To prevent restless sleep and poor sleep, you need to maintain the
following scientific lifestyle:
Eating scientifically and exercising in moderation prevents sleep disorders
• Set up an appropriate daily and weekly activity schedule and strictly
adhere to this schedule.
• To sleep well, you need a diet with enough nutrients needed for the
body, especially groups of micro-minerals such as iron, zinc,
magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, C... from healthy foods. your.
• Absolutely stay away from coffee, alcohol, tobacco and stimulants
that cause difficulty sleeping and insomnia.
• Use of electronic devices is limited and should only be used at night
for entertainment and relaxation purposes. Should not be used for
many hours to handle stressful work or study. It is best to stop using
it about 1 hour before going to bed.
• Create a daily habit of moderate exercise. Active exercise is the best
way to improve health and improve disorders in the body, including
sleep disorders that cause restless, restless sleep... Note that
exercise should be moderate and suitable for your body. your health
condition, you should not try to exercise too hard, leading to fatigue
and weakness, causing difficulty sleeping and insomnia.
• Maintain a stable, optimistic and positive mental state in
everything. This is the key to helping you enjoy joy in life, reduce
depression and sleep better at night.
Poor sleep and fatigue can easily happen to anyone and cause
unpredictable health consequences if not promptly
intervened. Therefore, seek treatment as soon as possible and
proactively prevent it to maintain natural quality sleep and stable and
sustainable health.
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  • 1. Not having deep, restless sleep and effective ways to overcome it Conquering Sleeplessness: Strategies for Achieving Deep, Restful Sleep This article is expertly consulted by Physician Do Minh Tuan | Field of examination and treatment: Insomnia Place of work Do Minh Duong Traditional Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Department - Hanoi Insomnia and restless sleep are signs of people having sleep disorders, mental disorders or signs of other physical diseases. In the long term, if not treated promptly, it will cause negative effects on your physical, mental and spiritual health, leading to many other unpredictable consequences. So what should be done to improve this situation? Poor and restless sleep is a common sleep disorder that anyone can experience
  • 2. WHAT IS NOT DEEP, RESTLESS SLEEP? Inability to sleep deeply and restlessly is one of the most common symptoms of sleep disorders. In this state, the sleeper will be half- awake, half-asleep, vague, although sleeping but not sinking deeply into a state of unconsciousness, flickering and startling himself awake immediately afterward. This is one of the common sleep disorders, occurring in more than 40% of adults. According to scientific research, a normal person's sleep is divided into 3 main stages. In particular, stages 1 and 2 are the time when the body prepares and begins to enter the sleep state, and stage 3 is completely deep sleep. If there are any unusual problems that affect this process, the sleeper will experience restless, restless sleep. This state often appears in stages 1 and 2, affected by factors such as temperatures that are too cold or too hot, lots of noise, strong light, sheets that are too rough, or due to human movement. Besides... In most cases, people who have light sleep or not deep sleep can fall asleep again later, but there are also many people whose sleep is interrupted and cannot go back to sleep. And the consequences of staying up all night are drowsiness, fatigue and decreased mental and concentration the next day. If this condition continues for a long time, it will cause serious health effects and lead to many dangerous diseases. Any age can experience this condition. Depending on the cause, it can last several nights or weeks, even months for medical causes. In case your sleep quality gets worse, proactively go to the hospital for examination and appropriate treatment. THE REASON WHY YOU DON'T SLEEP DEEPLY AND RESTLESSLY AT NIGHT There are many causes of this condition such as:
  • 3. 1. Stress, nervous tension Tension, stress, fatigue, anxiety... are negative mental states that negatively affect the central nervous system and damage blood vessels. With the production of countless free radicals, the walls of the cerebral arteries are strongly attacked, forming thrombi and many atherosclerotic plaques, causing narrowing of the arteries. The result is hindering blood circulation to the brain, reducing nerve function and affecting sleep quality, causing irregular and restless sleep. Nervous tension is the leading cause of mental pressure and difficulty getting a full night's sleep In addition, people who often think negatively will reduce the amount of the happy hormone serotonin, replaced by the stress hormone cortisol. Serotonin deficiency leads to melatonin deficiency and causes insomnia and difficulty falling asleep. Mental stress can come from academic pressure, work pressure or the effects of some mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders, manic disorders, schizophrenia... 2. Biological clock disorder A normal natural biological clock is when we are alert and alert during the day and sleep well at night. Any problem that affects the
  • 4. biological clock causes difficulty sleeping at night and fatigue during the day. This condition often occurs in young people who often stay up late to study or play games, people who work night shifts, have to stay up until morning or travel frequently, international students who have to fly to another country. timezone different. At this time, changing your biological clock makes it difficult for you to fall asleep and not sleep deeply for a short period of time. 3. Hormonal changes Premenopausal women, postmenopausal women, pregnant women, postpartum women or children entering puberty... are the most susceptible to hormonal disorders. Changes in the body, physiological instability, and prolonged fatigue cause sleep to be affected, difficulty falling asleep, intermittent sleep, lack of deep sleep, and being easily startled awake. 4. Suffering from snoring Snoring is the phenomenon of making sounds during sleep due to the mucous membrane of the throat vibrating when air passes through. Snoring sounds are often wheezy or hoarse and come from the mouth or nose. Snoring causes airway obstruction, even temporary cessation of breathing, causing you to not sleep deeply, wavering in confusion, startling...
  • 5. Snoring easily disrupts sleep, causing startles, confusion, and poor sleep Sleep interruption one or more times a night affects sleep quality, causing fatigue, decreased concentration and memory, and decline in work and study. More seriously, it can trigger diseases such as myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, and increase the risk of sudden death... 5. Some other causes In addition to the causes mentioned above, poor and restless sleep is also a consequence of: • Abuse of psychostimulants and antibiotics; • Addicted to alcohol, coffee; • Addicted to using electronic devices; • Lazy exercise; • Nutrient deficiencies; • Suffering from acute illnesses such as headaches, fever, allergies, rhinitis... POOR AND RESTLESS SLEEP ARE SIGNS OF WHAT DISEASE? In addition to the causes mentioned above, people who often do not sleep well or are startled but have difficulty falling back asleep may also be signs of some of the following diseases:
  • 6. 1. Insomnia Insomnia is a condition in which you have difficulty sleeping and you have to find every way to go to sleep but still cannot sleep. Insomnia is divided into two types: acute and chronic. If there is no timely intervention and treatment, insomnia will lead to many effects on physical health, physical condition, negative impacts on the brain, heart, bones and joints... Insomnia is characterized by symptoms such as not sleeping deeply, being restless, waking up easily but having difficulty falling back asleep... • Acute insomnia : Is a condition of sudden insomnia that lasts less than 1 month. Often due to the effects of psychological disorders or simple, not serious diseases. Just intervening and adjusting your lifestyle properly will help improve sleep quality. • Chronic insomnia : Also has similar symptoms of insomnia such as difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep, being easily startled but lasting more than 1 month, even many months or years. This is chronic insomnia and often occurs in the elderly, middle-aged, and even young people can suffer from the disease. Often due to the influence of bad living habits, addiction to coffee, alcohol or internal diseases.
  • 7. 2. Sleep disorders Sleep disorders include negative changes in the duration and quality of sleep. This disorder often causes patients to not sleep deeply, restlessly, have difficulty sleeping, have insomnia or sleep more than usual... If not treated promptly, it can cause many negative effects. to your health, physically, mentally and emotionally. Some sleep disorders cause you to sleep intermittently and not sleep deeply, such as: • Sleepwalking : occurs when the patient sits up or walks as if awake, but in fact the eyes are still closed in an unconscious state. The nature of sleepwalking is not dangerous, but the behaviors while sleepwalking are very worrying, easily causing falls, hitting the head, and breaking limbs. And especially affects sleep quality. • Narcolepsy : This condition often occurs because you sleep too much during the day or suddenly lose muscle tone. The disease is manifested through symptoms such as hallucinations, feeling like sleep paralysis, difficulty falling asleep, and reduced cognitive ability. • Bed-wetting : Often occurs in young children who are not conscious of controlling their urination behavior or have nightmares that lead to bed-wetting. When they feel the wet feeling underneath, the child will immediately wake up, causing a fitful, not deep sleep. • Sleep apnea : A condition where breathing temporarily stops about 10 times during the same sleep and repeats many times during the night is considered sleep apnea. This condition is common in men and women aged 65 and older. This phenomenon lasts a long time, causing your sleep to be interrupted and not deep. 3. Gastroesophageal reflux A survey by the American Gastroenterological Association shows that up to 75% of people with gastroesophageal reflux disease have symptoms of sleep disorders, poor sleep, frequent insomnia... Even , it also reduces motor function, hinders many activities and reduces the quality of work. Gastroesophageal reflux is one of the common digestive disorders. This is a condition in which the stomach muscles push the contents back up into the esophagus. The disease is manifested through symptoms such as belching, belching, heartburn, choking, chest tightness, difficulty breathing...
  • 8. These symptoms often occur at night and are worse when the patient lies down. This disease causes a lot of discomfort, nausea, vomiting, along with suffocation and epigastric pain, making it impossible for the patient to fall into deep sleep, sleep in confusion and easily wake up. 4. Musculoskeletal disorders Musculoskeletal disorder is a condition of impaired function of parts such as joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves... Having this disease causes the patient to face pain and discomfort. , causing difficulty in moving and hindering daily activities. Most people with musculoskeletal disorders have other conditions such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome. And it is also the symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders such as pain, numbness and discomfort that cause prolonged insomnia, sleep disorders, poor sleep, fatigue and restlessness in the middle of the night... Bone and joint pain causes difficulty sleeping, restless sleep, and poor sleep at night On the contrary, if you do not sleep properly, often stay up late, stay up late at night and sleep during the day for a long time, it will disrupt the hormone cortisol levels. This is a hormone that causes nervous tension, not only negatively affecting the brain but also the entire
  • 9. nervous system, impairing the function of some organs and parts in the body, including has a skeletal system. 5. Cerebral circulatory insufficiency Finally, there is cerebral circulatory insufficiency, also known as blood circulation disorder to the brain. This is a phenomenon of reduced blood flow to the brain, causing a lack of nutrition and oxygen, leaving brain cells unnourished. Causing them to not have enough energy to perform their inherent functions, significantly reducing brain activity. People over 40 years old are a group susceptible to this disease. However, the rate of people infected with the disease is increasing and tends to rejuvenate due to unhealthy lifestyles, indulgence and disregard for health. The disease is characterized by a number of symptoms such as: • Headache • Dizzy • Dizziness, tinnitus • Cognitive disorders • Reduced concentration • Memory decline • Insomnia, not sleeping deeply, being restless, easily startled HARMFUL EFFECTS OF DIFFICULTY SLEEPING AND POOR SLEEP ON HEALTH Poor sleep, restless sleep, and easy waking, regardless of the cause, all cause worrying effects on health. The patient is always in a state of fatigue, lethargy, sleepy but unable to sleep , sometimes awake and unconscious, intense sleepiness during the day but no feeling of sleepiness at night...
  • 10. Not sleeping deeply or intermittently for a long period of time causes many consequences for health, spirit, work... The consequences of poor sleep are: • Reduced ability to concentrate and memory, affecting the quality of work and study and easily causing accidents when participating in traffic; • Negative psychology, low self-esteem and fear arise, gradually closing oneself off, increasing the risk of depression and many other mental illnesses; • Poor sleep or insomnia for a long time also creates the foundation for the development of many other diseases harmful to health such as diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, weight loss...; Therefore, find every way to improve your sleep quality. Being subjectively negligent will only make the disease worse and cause many unpredictable risks. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO IMPROVE POOR SLEEP? There are many ways to improve sleep quality in people with insomnia and poor sleep. Depending on each specific case, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment methods.
  • 11. 1. Sleep hygiene To have a good and deep sleep, you need to follow the important bullet points below to "reset" and clean your sleep: Hygiene your sleep by relaxing, adjusting sound, light, temperature... to create conditions for you to fall asleep more easily and sleep deeper. • Fix a bedtime schedule and apply it consistently to create a habit for your body. Sleeping too late will cause poor sleep and difficulty sleeping. According to experts, the best time to go to bed is between 9pm and 11pm. This is the best time to create conditions for all organs in the body to rest, eliminate toxins, purify the body and restore and regenerate energy. • Absolutely do not eat anything before going to bed, especially bad foods such as cakes, carbonated drinks, alcohol, greasy foods... Eating too much after 7am is the cause of stomach upset. Thick stomach makes it difficult to fully digest food and increases the risk of poor sleep and poor sleep. • Stop using electronic devices about 1 hour before going to bed. The blue light emitted from these devices inhibits the production of the hormone melatonin, leading to difficulty falling asleep, not sleeping well, and not sleeping deeply. • Make sure the bedroom space is comfortable and of good quality, with cool air, no strong light, and no noise. • The mattress and pillow blankets are soft, smooth, have good elasticity and ability to support the body, the material is benign, clean, does not irritate the skin. • Limiting short naps during the day is also an effective sleep hygiene method that you should not ignore.
  • 12. 2. Apply tips to help you sleep well Here are some tips to help you sleep easily at night, no longer restless or dreamy: Soak your feet in warm water Warm water stimulates the nervous system, promotes blood circulation, massages to relax muscles, and soothes the mind. This helps significantly improve sleep quality. 30 minutes before going to bed, soak your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with salt, lemon, lemongrass, vinegar, mint... for best results. Drink herbal tea Herbal tea is a delicious and healthy drink, especially effective in supporting sleep, improving restless and restless sleep. You can try using some of the following teas: Herbal tea is good for your health, clears heat, detoxifies and relieves stress, helping you fall asleep more easily • Lotus heart tea • Chrysanthemum tea • Ginger tea • Panax notoginseng flower bud tea • Licorice honey tea
  • 13. • Passionflower tea • Jasmine tea Using sedative teas is effective, but you need to pay attention to the dosage. Do not use more than allowed to avoid poisoning and digestive disorders. Contraindicated for use by people with a history of blood clotting disorders, high blood pressure... Eating tips to help you sleep well Before going to bed, you should not eat too much to avoid causing discomfort to the digestive system. Instead: • Drinking a glass of warm water with honey helps relax the nerves; • Drink a glass of warm milk to avoid night hunger and make it easier to sleep. You should drink pure fresh milk without sugar or almond or walnut milk; • Eat a ripe banana before bed. Because bananas contain tryptophan acid, which helps produce the hormone melatonin to help you sleep well; • Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits at dinner, reduce unnecessary protein and fat to support digestion, ease sleep and sleep better; Use herbal essential oils Essential oil therapy is recognized as an effective treatment for sleep disorders, insomnia, restless sleep, easy startling and mental disorders. Some essential oils that are good for sleep include: • Cannabis essential oil (CBD) • Lavender essential oil • Lemongrass essential oil • Sage essential oil • Sandalwood essential oil • Citrus essential oil • Rose geranium essential oil • Valerian essential oil You can use essential oils in many different ways such as: topical application, using with a specialized vaporizer, burning scented candles... In addition, some essential oils can be used orally, sublingually or inhaled. direct. You should consult an expert on this issue for appropriate and safe use.
  • 14. Neck and shoulder massage This is one of the effective relaxation techniques before going to bed. Gentle massage movements on the neck and shoulders help dispel fatigue, release nerve pressure, joint pain... and help improve sleep quality. Meditate/Yoga before bed To release your body, dispel fatigue and mental stress, you can do 20 - 30 minutes of meditation or gentle yoga. Then start going to bed to achieve quality sleep, sleep well and deeply, straight until morning without interruption. You can practice right in bed or in another cool, clean and quiet space in the house. Meditation helps release bad energy and supports your sleep Cover with a heavy blanket One of the tips to help you sleep well and deeply without waking up is to cover yourself with a blanket that is heavy enough. You should choose a blanket that is soft on the outside and has tiny plastic beads on the inside to add weight. According to scientific studies, covering the body with a thick blanket will help stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which after being converted into melatonin creates a feeling of sleepiness, better and deeper sleep.
  • 15. 3. Use medication or dietary supplements for support Arbitrarily taking insomnia medication is something you should not do right when you are having trouble sleeping or not sleeping deeply. However, if after applying the above methods, the situation still does not improve much, consult your doctor for advice and prescriptions on the use of medication or dietary supplements appropriate to your health condition. Drug use is divided into 2 cases: • The first is to use prescription drugs that have sleep-inducing side effects such as tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, pain relievers... This group of drugs is mainly used for people who have relatively severe difficulty sleeping or deep sleep. and cannot be improved by natural methods. • The second is to use special medications to treat diseases that cause poor sleep. When the pathological cause is eliminated, normal sleep will gradually return. Typically, drugs to treat bone and joint pain, blood pressure drugs, anti-psychotic drugs, gastroesophageal reflux drugs, etc. In addition, in some cases, after a medical examination, the doctor will also prescribe the use of some dietary supplements in pill form to provide necessary nutrients, nourish the body, improve health and improve sleep quality. at night, awake energy during the day. PREVENT DIFFICULTY SLEEPING AND POOR SLEEP To prevent restless sleep and poor sleep, you need to maintain the following scientific lifestyle:
  • 16. Eating scientifically and exercising in moderation prevents sleep disorders • Set up an appropriate daily and weekly activity schedule and strictly adhere to this schedule. • To sleep well, you need a diet with enough nutrients needed for the body, especially groups of micro-minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, C... from healthy foods. your. • Absolutely stay away from coffee, alcohol, tobacco and stimulants that cause difficulty sleeping and insomnia. • Use of electronic devices is limited and should only be used at night for entertainment and relaxation purposes. Should not be used for many hours to handle stressful work or study. It is best to stop using it about 1 hour before going to bed. • Create a daily habit of moderate exercise. Active exercise is the best way to improve health and improve disorders in the body, including sleep disorders that cause restless, restless sleep... Note that exercise should be moderate and suitable for your body. your health condition, you should not try to exercise too hard, leading to fatigue and weakness, causing difficulty sleeping and insomnia. • Maintain a stable, optimistic and positive mental state in everything. This is the key to helping you enjoy joy in life, reduce depression and sleep better at night. Poor sleep and fatigue can easily happen to anyone and cause unpredictable health consequences if not promptly intervened. Therefore, seek treatment as soon as possible and
  • 17. proactively prevent it to maintain natural quality sleep and stable and sustainable health. Maybe you are interested â–Ş What Causes Insomnia After Detoxification? Effective Treatment â–Ş Insomnia During Puberty: Causes, Signs and Treatment â–Ş Yoga ultimate your solution â–Ş Secret Death Touches