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Employee Initials: ______
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Table of Contents
PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL.............................................................................................. 2
I. CHAPTER: Customer Service.......................................................................................3
1. Fast Service........................................................................................................................ 3
2. Efficient Service ................................................................................................................ 3
TRICK 1 – do’s and don’ts while holding for tech support ...................................................... 5
3. Do it right the first time, every time................................................................................ 7
TRICK 2 – how to prevent a return visit ................................................................................... 7
4. Breaks................................................................................................................................. 9
A. Breaks and Customer Service ....................................................................................... 9
TRICK 3 – how to notify customer and your supervisor that you are taking a break.............. 9
B. 10 minute paid breaks and Lunch Break..................................................................... 10
C. Extra breaks ................................................................................................................ 10
TRICK 4 – how to prevent forgetfulness................................................................................. 11
5. Politeness and Courtesy.................................................................................................. 12
A. How to deal with a difficult client .............................................................................. 12
TRICK 5 – how to deal with a difficult customer. ................................................................. 14
TRICK 6 – how to prevent disputes with the client................................................................ 14
B. How to deal with a difficult vendor............................................................................ 15
TRICK 7 – how to deal with a difficult vendors. ................................................................... 17
C. How to deal with difficult co-worker.......................................................................... 18
6. Uniform Standards ......................................................................................................... 19
A. Policy Standards: ........................................................................................................ 19
B. Applicability: .............................................................................................................. 19
C. Responsibility: ............................................................................................................ 19
D. A technician’s uniform: .............................................................................................. 20
E. Other ........................................................................................................................... 21
F. How to care of your uniform ...................................................................................... 21
G. Hygiene....................................................................................................................... 22
7. Customer survey:............................................................................................................ 23
A. Steps associated with customer survey:.......................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Employee Initials: ______
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Welcome to All Around Fitness Inc.. It is a pleasure to have you as a part of our
As we begin to work together, we encourage you to take an interest in our organization.
Please make suggestions and ask questions. We firmly believe that knowledgeable, hardworking
employees will create success for both themselves as well as for our company.
This Manual sets forth general guidelines concerning your responsibilities at All Around
Fitness Inc.. This Manual is not to be considered contractually binding and management reserves
the right to amend, modify, or delete provisions without prior notice. A clear understanding of
these guidelines will assist you in obtaining accurate information during your employment with All
Around Fitness Inc..
Each employee will be given a copy of this Manual and is responsible to be
knowledgeable of its contents.
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I. CHAPTER: Customer Service
All Around Fitness Inc. is committed to provide all of our clients with
 Fast Service
 Efficient Service
 The Assurance, that we do it right the 1st time, every time
Why is Customer Service most important & what does it mean to us?
There are various parts to answering this question.
1. Fast Service
We at All Around Fitness Inc. strive to provide our customers with fast service.
This means that we will respond to any customer’s request within 2
business day.
In order to provide such fast service, we, as a team, have to be
efficient in everything we do and do it right the first time every
time. This holds true for administrative as well as sales and technical team
2. Efficient Service
Efficient means that every minute that one of our team member spends
with a customer or a vendor is valuable and every minute should be
accounted for in a realistic and a fair manner. If not, we are not providing
excellent customer service. Some might ask: “how is that possible?”
As we all know, the customer is our boss and the customer is ultimately
the one who pays our salary. When All Around Fitness Inc. determines
what to charge our boss (the customer) for our services, this fee pays for 5 essential
aspects of the business:
a) Pays for the technician’s salary (maintenance, repair and diagnostics).
b) Pays our overhead (car, advertising, building, electricity, alarm, gas, phones,
internet access, web site, insurances, etc.)
c) Pays for administrative support (scheduling clients, office supplies, office
equipment, furniture, inventory, telephone service, invoicing, ordering parts,
following up on parts orders, bookkeeping, accounting, etc.)
d) Pays for the manager’s salary (supervision, quality assurance, customer service
and relations, advertising, product research, expansion plans, market research,
competitor analysis etc.)
e) Pays for expansion and growth of All Around Fitness Inc.
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NOTE 1: Why expand & grow? if All Around Fitness Inc. does not expand, other larger companies will
eventually dominate our market and attempt to create a monopoly, such as in a mom-and-pop store
scenario when Wal-Mart comes to town.
As we all know some of these types of large organizations not only are able to expand quickly and eliminate
competition, they also do not compensate their employees as well as they should and “Lay Off” is the order
of the day, and they may not care for customers as well as we do.
We, at All Around Fitness Inc. feel it is our obligation to our customers, and to our employees to continue
to grow and provide excellent service to our customers and growth opportunities for our employees.
If we do not provide excellent service to our customers, they would not be happy with us
and might not use our services in the future.
So as you can see, our lack of efficiency does not only hurt one aspect of our business
but it affects every aspect of our business and our joint future.
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Next, we will describe some cases that illustrate how seemingly innocent action on our
part can provide bad customer service:
TRICK 1 – do’s and don’ts while holding for tech support
 When you are placed on hold for a while, do not hang up, as it will delay the hold time.
Even if you call back right away, you will be placed at the end of the call queue, which
means you will be placed at the end of the line.
 Wear your provided hands free headset so you can work on something else while holding
(i.e. such as performing maintenance on the equipment, or perform other diagnostic tests
if necessary.)
 EXAMPLE 1: taking 10 to 15 minutes, just to fill out our paperwork would appear to a customer as a
waste of their money and time, since the customer is getting billed by the hour so he or she is always
worried about getting overcharged.
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 1a: By filling out the work order incrementally instead of all at
once the customer will not feel that you are taking too long on just filling out paperwork
which they may feel is unnecessary part of the job
 EXAMPLE 2: spending 20 minutes on hold with tech support while you are sitting next to the
equipment and not doing anything, may appear to our customer as a lack of knowledge on your part
regarding their equipment. (The customer most likely would think, “I hope I’m not paying for the time
that he or she is spending on the phone waiting for tech support. If the technician were more
knowledgeable of my equipment, the technician would not have to waste time on the phone. I might
as well call tech support myself.”)
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 2a: If the technician has to spend his or her time on the
phone while waiting for tech support, and he or she is cleaning up, performing further
diagnostics or performing maintenance at the same time, we are providing faster service
and the client will not feel taken advantage of in terms of labor fees. Not only is the
technician productive while waiting on the phone, he or she is also providing excellent
customer service.
While you are on the phone use the provided hands free headphone so the cell phone does not
interfere with you ability to perform your work
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 EXAMPLE 3: Technician feels that it is a waste of time using the right tools such as a electric Screw
Driver to remove the screws, instead he or she likes to use a hand screw driver instead. He or she also
does not like to follow All Around Fitness Inc. procedures because he or she thinks that they have a
better way of doing things. As a result the technician is always behind in the schedule and always has
excuses for not being able to take care of the customer within the allotted time.
NOTE: Making our customer wait causes the customer to loose valuable time.
THEREFORE, Let’s place ourselves in our customer’s shoes.
Would you like to wait longer than necessary or even late into the evening for a
technician to finish a one hour job in your house?
Which plumber would you prefer:
- the plumber that is in-and-out in one hour, does not leave a mess and has fixed your
plumbing problem for good!
- The plumber that shows up 2 hours after you expected him or her, leaves dirty foot and
fingerprints all over your house and has to return two days later, because the sink is still
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 3a: Know your tools and how to use them. Ask your
supervisor if you have questions. Use the right tool every time in order to maximize
your efficiency. Use your timer to time yourself on the job and occasionally time check
yourself with your daily map. Challenge yourself to beat the times on your schedule.
This way you will be able to stay within the allotted time frames. Plus, this way you
will earn more money.
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 Example 4: We are supposed to have installed a motor at client A and somewhat tested the
machine, but we forgot to do one of the following tests: high-speed belt alignment test, check the
elevation function, perform belt tension test, heart rate test, walk on the treadmill, etc… Because of
this slight oversight, the technician did not realize that the drive belt was too tight and at high speeds,
due to motor vibration, the motor hits the shroud causing it to make a very vibrating noise.
Because of this oversight, the customer has to place the equipment out of order again, even though a
technician has just worked on it. Then the customer has to contact us for another service call and wait
another 24-48 hours until the equipment is fully operational. Meanwhile, All Around Fitness Inc.’
reputation as a reliable service provider has been jeopardized and All Around Fitness Inc. will not be
paid for this visit. In addition, the service manager has to be dispatched to client A to fix the problem
and any other client, requiring service manager’s help will have to wait until the service manager
returns from this time consuming service call.
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 4a: Always follow your diagnostics, repair and maintenance
procedures to a “T”
3. Do it right the first time, every time
What does “do it right the first time, every time” mean?
Our customers rely on our expertise and they expect us to fix
their problems, ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT. By doing anything
other than what they expect us to do, will cause a great deal of
inconvenience to our customers and their members (if the
customer is a commercial client). In this case, not only have we provided poor customer
service and we might loose that client, but we also are not able to provide service to
other clients who need our help.
TRICK 2 – how to prevent a return visit
 Always test the equipment to its fullest capacity and in a way the unit is intended to
be used. (i.e. don’t just turn the pedals of a bike by hand but actually ride the bike while
increasing and decreasing the resistance, check the programs and heart rate if
 Operate any repaired equipment for at least 5 minutes.
 Take your time, because if you have not tested the equipment properly you will be
exposing our clients to mishaps and possibly accidents. If a customer is hurt due to the
technician’s negligence, All Around Fitness Inc. & the technician maybe legally liable and may
even be charged with negligence.
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Purpose of this section: All Around Fitness Inc. has carefully designed this Manual to
guarantee every customer with the best possible service at the lowest possible price.
This proven method is effective and successful. Even though we are a dynamic company
with a great amount of flexibility, we still have to observe a set of standards.
If you have a great idea, please share it with us during our regular employee meetings.
This way we will be able to analyze your idea as a team before implementing your plan.
Our business is based on change, progress, and team effort, and we realize that to
become great at anything we must be open to new ideas and be willing to change. We
also understand that we have a duty to our customers, their members, our vendors, our
own team members, and their families that force us to look at any new idea closely and
consider all aspects carefulley. This way we are not taking unnecessary risks by
prematurely implementing a program, which may jeopardize safety, our commitment to
our team, and our customers and vendors.
Conclusion: If we do not follow the suggestions provided in this
Manual, we are neither efficient, nor fast, nor is All Around Fitness Inc.
billing our customers fairly, since we did not do our best at providing them
with excellent customer service.
Take pride in your work. Be all that you can be.
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 Example 5: Imagine you have not slept enough, you are hungry and you have not taken any breaks.
How well do you think you will be performing at work? Statistically, because of your condition, you are
more susceptible to either injure yourself (while driving or working on equipment) or make a mistake
(aside from not being as pleasant as you could be ).
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 5a: All Around Fitness Inc. requires all of our team
members to take regular breaks (Please refer to Employee Manual for more detailed
information). Consistent and regular exercise regimen and following a healthy life-style
(get at least 8 hours of sleep) in order to be at one’s peak efficiency for everyone’s sake
including yourself. Only then one is able to provide excellent customer service.
 Example 6: let’s pretend that you were on a 5-hour appointment at a single client performing
maintenance. In the middle of the day, you decided to take your lunch break, but you forgot to notify
the customer, and forgot to note in your schedule when you left for your break and when you came
Now it is time to bill the customer and you inadvertently misquote your time spent at the customer’s
location. Because of this oversight, no matter what your intentions were, it will appear to the customer
that you are trying to overcharge them for work that you did not do.
The technician in this example just provided bad customer service and jeopardized All Around Fitness
Inc.’ reputation.
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 6a: So please notify your supervisor and the customer as
for the time of your breaks. Also make sure to note the time in your schedule so you do
not forget.
4. Breaks
How are breaks related to customer service? And why?
A. Breaks and Customer Service
It’s best to answer this question with two examples:
TRICK 3 – how to notify customer and your supervisor that you are taking
a break.
 Mr. Customer it is 12 o’clock and I will be taking a ½ break.
 The call your supervisor’s cell phone and notify him as well.
 When you return notify the customer and your supervisor of your return by telling them
“It’s 12:30, I am back from my lunch”
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B. 10 minute paid breaks and Lunch Break
For detailed information please refer to your Employee Manual Section 8.
C. Extra breaks
If throughout the workday you feel that it is necessary to take extra breaks, please feel free to do so.
However these extra breaks are unpaid breaks.
NOTE 2: Remember, that even if you must take extra breaks throughout the day, you are still required to
finish what is indicated on your Employee Daily Schedule, unless you have a legitimate medical excuse.
In order to provide excellent customer service while taking your break you must follow
these simple rules:
1) Notify the customer when you are leaving for your break. (Make sure to let
them know the time you are leaving and coming back)
Example: Mr. X, I am going to my lunch break. It is 12:00 o’clock and I will be back at
2) Notify the office when you are leaving for your break. (Make sure to let
them know the time you are leaving)
Example: I am going to my lunch break. It is 12:00 o’clock and I will be back at 12:30.
3) Notify the customer when you are back from your break. (Make sure to let
them know the time you are back)
Example: Mr. X, I am back from my lunch break. It is 12:30.
4) Notify the office when you are back from your break. (Make sure to let
them know the time you are back)
Example: I am back from my lunch break. It is 12:30.
5) Keep records: Note on your “Employee Daily Schedule” the starting and
ending time of your break and the duration of your break
6) If you take extra breaks, immediately notify the office of the changes so the
office team can readjust your schedule and inform other customers on your
schedule of your changed arrival times.
As you can see taking your breaks properly and according to All Around Fitness Inc.
proceedures will not only help you to stay healthy and fit (physically and mentally), but it
will also ensures excellent customer service.
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TRICK 4 – how to prevent forgetfulness
 Place yourself in the mindset that you need a paper trail for everything you do at All
Around Fitness Inc.. You have to account for every minute that you spend on the job.
Since every hourly employee expects to receive compensation for every minute worked so
does All Around Fitness Inc.. So whenever you do anything, it has to be recorded either on
the work order, the Daily Employee Schedule or another All Around Fitness Inc. form,
depending on what you are recording. Under no circumstance, are you to think: “I’ll
remember that, and note it when I get back to the office.”
Remember: If you don’t document you daily activities correctly, you are increasing your
chances of being inefficient and appear not credible or professional.
 If you need to you can use a timer as a tool to gage your time spent at every task.
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5. Politeness and Courtesy
Polite and courteous behavior is very important in our business. Our customers, vendors and co-workers
have choices and if they do not find us courteous and polite they will choose to work with someone else.
A. How to deal with a difficult client
a) Make eye contact.
b) Treat them with respect and sensitivity.
c) Thank the person for expressing their feelings and try to fully understand their
concern before making any comment whatsoever. (even if the customer has raised
his or her voice).
d) Repeat back to the person what you have understood up to that point. And make
sure that they agree with your explanation. If they don’t agree, listen intently to
their explanation and try to repeat it back again in your own words.
e) Let the person know that you understand their concern and you will discuss it with
your superiors.
f) Reassure them that All Around Fitness Inc.’ goal is to provide them with excellent
customer service and that you are certain that this issue will be resolved favorably.
NOTE 3: Under no circumstance should you walk away or hang up on a customer or vendor unless the
customer or vendor is using profanity or is becoming physically abusive.
If the customer or vendor is just verbally abusive, remember: their frustration is most likely not towards
you but towards the problem. Consequently, if the customer is too overpowering, immediately excuse
yourself and tell the person that you understand that they are extremely frustrated and you will now
contact the office for further instructions to see what we can do to help serve them better.
If the person is using derogatory words and personally offending you immediately remove yourself from the
situation/premise and contact your supervisor.
If the person posturing to or starting to be physically offensive, you must immediately remove yourself
from the situation/premise and contact the police.
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 Example 7:
Customer: “You broke my machine. My machine was not cracked right by the display
before you came here. I’m not paying for that.”
Technician: “Mr. Customer, as you can see, before we start repairs, we have to fill out a
diagnostics procedure form. I have noted on my work order, that the display
was already broken before I started my repair and your wife initialed it.”
Customer: “My wife just signs, she doesn’t read. She must not have known what she was
initialing off. I am the only one who uses the machine, and I can tell you there
was no crack on the display.”
Technician: “I understand you are upset and you believe that I broke your display. If you
don’t mind, I’m going to contact my manager right now to tell my manager
about your concern. We at All Around Fitness Inc. work very hard to please
our customers.”
At this point contact your supervisor for further instructions. If your supervisor is not
available and neither is the office manager record what happened in your Work Order
and inform the customer that we will have to reschedule the appointment so that a
supervisor can return, to speak to the customer, and inspect the machine and hopefully
resolve the issue.
Technician: “Unfortunately, I was unable to get a hold of my supervisor or the office
manger, so I have noted your concern in my work order. With your permission
I will leave the equipment as is and my supervisor will contact you and will
arrange a time that is most convenient to meet with you and speak to you
about your concerns.”
Customer: “No, I want this fixed right now. I don’t have time for this.”
Technician: “I am very sorry, but under the circumstances it is our policy not to continue
with the repairs and reschedule for a supervisor to take care of you. I am
confident that you will be satisfied with our performance. ”
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 8b: At this point clean up your work area and secure the
machine so that if the customer decides to use the machine, nobody gets hurt. Make
sure the client initials next to your comments about the incident on your work order
and have them sign the work order as usual. (Make sure your comments match the
concerns of the client so the client does not refuse to sign.) Do not demand payment
from the client and do not leave any new parts behind, as this would aggravate the
customer more.
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TRICK 5 – how to deal with a difficult customer.
This Manual cannot go into detail of every possible scenario. Before you act please
think of these three simple concepts:
1) Our goal is always excellent customer service,
2) Customer retention
And that
3) the supervisor, not you, is responsible for resolving any extraordinary
TRICK 6 – how to prevent disputes with the client
1. Put yourself in the client’s shoes. How would you like a technician at your
house to present himself/herself?
2. Follow your procedures correctly for everything you do.
3. Always leave the appropriate paper trail, so you can backup your claims
with documentation.
4. Always make sure that the customer knows what he/she is signing or
5. Remain calm. A dispute is never against you as a person. So don’t take it personal. You are a
professional technician working for a reputable and professional organization. (No need to get
angry, depressed or hostile about anything)
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B. How to deal with a difficult vendor
a) Remain calm.
b) Treat them with respect and sensitivity.
c) Ask for their full name or extension number or operator number. If they are
unwilling to give you their last name or an extension or operator number, ask how
many location or departments their company has and what location they are in.
d) Ask to speak to the person’s supervisor.
e) Express your concerns to the supervisor without questioning the representatives’
character. (Even though you might not think very highly of the representative or
the supervisor)
f) Only state facts. Do not state feelings.
g) Ask for what you want. If they say that what you are asking is impossible, ask for
their suggestion on how to proceed. Their suggestion should help you to solve the
problem at hand. If they don’t give you a helpful suggestion, do not let them off
the hook, but ask for their supervisor. (For example: if the vendor says: “I don’t
know how to fix this, why don’t you go home and have a beer.”, ask politely: “May
I speak to your supervisor please?”)
h) Do not spend more than 10 –15 minutes on the phone with any vendor or
representative. If by that time they have not been able to help you make note of
all the persons you have spoken with and their extensions also what each person
said to you and forward all the information to you supervisor.
NOTE 3: make sure to write down the name and possibly the extension of both the representative and the
supervisor or whomever you talk to in regard to the incident on your Daily Employee Schedule.
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 Example 9:
Technician: “Hi my name is Jack and I’m calling from All Around Fitness Inc.. Who am I
speaking with?”
Representative: “What do you need?”
Technician: “I’m sorry I did not get your name?”
Representative: “My name is Mike. What do you want?”
Technician: “What is your direct number or extension so just in case we get disconnected”
Representative: “We don’t have direct numbers”
Technician: “OK no problem what is your last name so if we get disconnected I can ask for
Representative: “I’m the only Mike here”
Technician: “That’s great, which call center do you work out of?”
Representative: “we only have one call center and I am the only Mike here. What do you
Technician: “Oh OK thank, I am working on a brand X, model # Y treadmill and I need the
password to get into the diagnostics mode”
Representative: “You are not an authorized service provider for brand X. And I cannot give you
the password.”
Technician: “I have worked on many of these machines, and besides this machine is not
under warranty. Your service providers were not able to help this client and as
a result I am here to help one of your customers. So if you would please give
me that access code, I’d greatly appreciate.”
Representative: “Which part of ‘you are not authorized’ do you not understand?”
Technician: “I am sorry but I am not sure why you are so hostile towards me. So I would
prefer to speak to your supervisor. What is his or her name.?”
Representative: (hangs up)
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 9a: At this point the technician should call the
tech support again and ask for Mike’s supervisor.
Technician: “Hi, my name is Jack and I’m calling from All Around Fitness Inc.. Who am I
speaking with?”
Supervisor: “My name is John what can I help you with?
Technician: “I just spoke to one of your representatives, named Mike are you his direct
Supervisor: “Yes I am Mike’s supervisor, what is the problem?”
Technician: “I have been trying to help one of your customers who owns a brand X, model
Y treadmill. The only thing I need in order to help this customer is the
diagnostics code. But Mike told me, that since we are not a service provider, he
couldn’t give out the password, even though the machine is out of warranty. I
have many years of experience working on these machines. Mike was not very
helpful and extremely short with me and when I asked to speak to you, he
hung up on me.”
PREVENTION/SOLUTION 9b: At this point, if the supervisor does not give
you what you need, politely get off the phone contact your supervisor for
further instructions.
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TRICK 7 – how to deal with a difficult vendors.
This Manual cannot go into detail of every possible scenario. Before you act please
think of these three simple concepts:
1. Our goal is always excellent customer service,
2. Maintain a professional vendor relationship
and that
3. The supervisor, not you, is responsible for resolving any extraordinary
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C. How to deal with difficult co-worker
a) Make sure to always treat your co-workers as you would
like to be treated yourself.
b) Treat each person with respect and sensitivity
c) If a co-worker expresses that they would like to be treated
differently, try to adjust your behavior unless what they
are asking you is immoral, crude or unprofessional (in that
case report this to your supervisor immediately)
d) If you have an issue with your supervisor, try to contact
another supervisor.
NOTE 4: All Around Fitness Inc. has an open door policy towards customers, vendors and employees
alike. If you have an important issue please feel free to contact any supervisor (always try to contact
your immediate supervisor first).
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6. Uniform Standards
A. Policy Standards:
Since All Around Fitness Inc. deals with a professional clientele, it is essential that
the appearance of our team members reflects the proper "All Around Fitness Inc.
Image". Each team member is a representative of the company and the
perception customers have of our company will be directly affected by how our
team members present themselves. Therefore, we expect all team members to
maintain a neat, well-groomed and professional appearance while at work.
B. Applicability:
This policy applies to all team members in all locations (customer’s or at the store). Professional
appearance is mandatory for all All Around Fitness Inc. Employees. All Around Fitness Inc. has a specific
dress code for each position within the company.
C. Responsibility:
It is the responsibility of each supervisor to ensure that the team members under their supervision are
properly attired at all times and to apply disciplinary action when there is deviation from expected
It is the responsibility of each team member to present him/herself in professional, well-groomed attire
while at work. Team members who arrive at work inappropriately dressed will be sent home to change and
disciplinary action will be taken. Multiple offenses can lead to termination of employment with All Around
Fitness Inc..
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D. A technician’s uniform:
A full time technician uniform:
 6 All Around Fitness Inc. short or long sleeved logo shirts. (Provided by All Around
Fitness Inc.)
 Black Dickie Jeans with cellular phone pocket, or Dickie regular with cellular phone
pocket or black tactical military pants with cargo pockets. (Provided by Technician)
 1 thick (1 ½” to 2” thick) Black leather belt. (Provided by Technician)
 1 Pair of black steel-toed work boots high tops All Around Fitness Inc. recommends
response gear brand tactical shoes. They can be purchased at big 5. (Provided by
 Pair of gel insoles for the shoes to make them more comfortable since we will be
running with these shoes on treadmills (Provided by Technician).
 1 All Around Fitness Inc. jacket with logo. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)
 1 Gerber knife with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)
 1 LED flash light with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)
A part-time technician uniform:
 4 All Around Fitness Inc. short or long sleeved logo shirts. (Provided by All Around
Fitness Inc.)
 All Around Fitness Inc. recommends Black Dickie Jeans with cellular phone pocket, or
Dickie regular with cellular phone pocket or black tactical military pants with cargo
pockets. (Provided by Technician)
 1 thick (1 ½” to 2” thick) Black leather belt. (Provided by Technician)
 Pair of black steel-toed work boots high tops All Around Fitness Inc. recommends
response gear brand tactical shoes. They can be purchased at big 5. (Provided by
 Pair of gel insoles for the shoes to make them more comfortable since we will be
running with these shoes on treadmills (Provided by Technician).
 1 All Around Fitness Inc. jacket with logo. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)
 1 Gerber knife with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)
 1 LED flash light with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)
As shirts or jackets or any other item listed above become worn, stained or ripped, All Around Fitness Inc.,
with management's approval, will exchange shirts at no cost to the team member. The team member must
first return all jackets and shirts to the office for inspection before any clothing can be exchanged. All
Around Fitness Inc. recognizes that there are times that for religious or cultural observances, certain
standards may need to be amended. Any modification to our dress code must be approved by management
and can in no way interfere with presenting a professional, well-groomed appearance. Also, such
modifications may not alter or unduly cover the uniform nor pose safety issues for the team member or
client or restrict or hinder employee’s ability to perform his or her duties.
Employee Initials: ______
Page 21 of 23
E. Other
 All employees working as technicians shall not wear any earrings or any other exposed body
piercing or jewelry or accessory such as necklaces or rings for safety reasons.
 Offensive or suggestive tattoos are unacceptable and to be kept covered at all times.
 Personal wireless communication devices (such as personal cellular phones, pagers, mp3 players …
etc.) are only allowed to be worn if authorized by All Around Fitness Inc. management for
documented medical reasons for self or family member.
 Socks must be worn at all times.
 No hats, bandannas or unprofessional hair accessories are permitted except as supplied by All
Around Fitness Inc. management as part of a uniform.
 Dark belts are to be worn with the pants that have belt loops.
 No oversized pants allowed. Pants must be worn by the waistline and secured with a belt and must
not be in a way that has to be pulled up on a regular basis.
 No unauthorized buttons, ribbons or pins can be worn. Any item promoting an outside cause is not
allowed to be worn except for company sponsored programs.
F. How to care of your uniform
All clothing should be machine or hand-washed with mild soap, like colors, cold water
and turned inside out to prevent premature fading. If you do not follow the care
instructions you will be responsible for purchasing your own uniform.
Employee Initials: ______
Page 22 of 23
G. Hygiene
All Around Fitness Inc. is a professional and health oriented organization and we would
like to separate ourselves from our competition. Therefore, we value cleanliness above
In order to maintain a professional appearance it is imperative for our employees to
keep a clean and well groomed appearance at all times. That is why we recommend
that you keep a pair of clean pants and a clean shirt in your vehicle at all times.
NOTE 5: as a technician you are in frequent contact with grease, oils, chemicals and germs which can be a
health hazard for yourself, if you do not follow the proper procedures. So please wear the provided rubber
or Nitril gloves at all times.
Hair is to be kept neat, clean and well groomed, out of the face, and in a professional style.
Team members are not to wear their hair past shoulder length unless worn in a
Male team members are to be clean-shaven every-day. Beards and mustaches are
permitted if well kept, groomed and trimmed. Recurrent beard stubble is not
acceptable unless you have a medical excuse.
Employee Initials: ______
Page 23 of 23
7. Customer survey:
Since All Around Fitness Inc. values customer service above all, All Around Fitness Inc. may conducts
customer surveys in a variety of styles. All team members are required to participate and cooperate fully in
the process.
EMPLOYEE’S RESPONSIBILITIES: Employee has been hired to provide services to
Employer’s customers as a Fitness Equipment Technician. Employer shall train Employee
and provide Employee with This Manual, that is to be followed by Employee during the
performance of his/her employment responsibilities. If Employer makes modifications to
The Manual, Employee must sign off that he or she has received and understood the
modifications. Employee’s services shall be performed at Employer’s place of business
and/or at the premises of Employer’s clients, or designated job site.
I _______________________ hereby certify that I have read, understood and agree with
the above statements.
Name (Please Print)____________________________

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Handbook for Techs 2003

  • 1. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 1 of 23 Table of Contents PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL.............................................................................................. 2 I. CHAPTER: Customer Service.......................................................................................3 1. Fast Service........................................................................................................................ 3 2. Efficient Service ................................................................................................................ 3 TRICK 1 – do’s and don’ts while holding for tech support ...................................................... 5 3. Do it right the first time, every time................................................................................ 7 TRICK 2 – how to prevent a return visit ................................................................................... 7 4. Breaks................................................................................................................................. 9 A. Breaks and Customer Service ....................................................................................... 9 TRICK 3 – how to notify customer and your supervisor that you are taking a break.............. 9 B. 10 minute paid breaks and Lunch Break..................................................................... 10 C. Extra breaks ................................................................................................................ 10 TRICK 4 – how to prevent forgetfulness................................................................................. 11 5. Politeness and Courtesy.................................................................................................. 12 A. How to deal with a difficult client .............................................................................. 12 TRICK 5 – how to deal with a difficult customer. ................................................................. 14 TRICK 6 – how to prevent disputes with the client................................................................ 14 B. How to deal with a difficult vendor............................................................................ 15 TRICK 7 – how to deal with a difficult vendors. ................................................................... 17 C. How to deal with difficult co-worker.......................................................................... 18 6. Uniform Standards ......................................................................................................... 19 A. Policy Standards: ........................................................................................................ 19 B. Applicability: .............................................................................................................. 19 C. Responsibility: ............................................................................................................ 19 D. A technician’s uniform: .............................................................................................. 20 E. Other ........................................................................................................................... 21 F. How to care of your uniform ...................................................................................... 21 G. Hygiene....................................................................................................................... 22 7. Customer survey:............................................................................................................ 23 A. Steps associated with customer survey:.......................Error! Bookmark not defined.
  • 2. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 2 of 23 WELCOME Welcome to All Around Fitness Inc.. It is a pleasure to have you as a part of our company. As we begin to work together, we encourage you to take an interest in our organization. Please make suggestions and ask questions. We firmly believe that knowledgeable, hardworking employees will create success for both themselves as well as for our company. PURPOSE OF THIS MANUAL This Manual sets forth general guidelines concerning your responsibilities at All Around Fitness Inc.. This Manual is not to be considered contractually binding and management reserves the right to amend, modify, or delete provisions without prior notice. A clear understanding of these guidelines will assist you in obtaining accurate information during your employment with All Around Fitness Inc.. Each employee will be given a copy of this Manual and is responsible to be knowledgeable of its contents.
  • 3. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 3 of 23 I. CHAPTER: Customer Service All Around Fitness Inc. is committed to provide all of our clients with  Fast Service  Efficient Service  The Assurance, that we do it right the 1st time, every time Why is Customer Service most important & what does it mean to us? There are various parts to answering this question. 1. Fast Service We at All Around Fitness Inc. strive to provide our customers with fast service. This means that we will respond to any customer’s request within 2 business day. In order to provide such fast service, we, as a team, have to be efficient in everything we do and do it right the first time every time. This holds true for administrative as well as sales and technical team members. 2. Efficient Service Efficient means that every minute that one of our team member spends with a customer or a vendor is valuable and every minute should be accounted for in a realistic and a fair manner. If not, we are not providing excellent customer service. Some might ask: “how is that possible?” As we all know, the customer is our boss and the customer is ultimately the one who pays our salary. When All Around Fitness Inc. determines what to charge our boss (the customer) for our services, this fee pays for 5 essential aspects of the business: a) Pays for the technician’s salary (maintenance, repair and diagnostics). b) Pays our overhead (car, advertising, building, electricity, alarm, gas, phones, internet access, web site, insurances, etc.) c) Pays for administrative support (scheduling clients, office supplies, office equipment, furniture, inventory, telephone service, invoicing, ordering parts, following up on parts orders, bookkeeping, accounting, etc.) d) Pays for the manager’s salary (supervision, quality assurance, customer service and relations, advertising, product research, expansion plans, market research, competitor analysis etc.) e) Pays for expansion and growth of All Around Fitness Inc.
  • 4. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 4 of 23 NOTE 1: Why expand & grow? if All Around Fitness Inc. does not expand, other larger companies will eventually dominate our market and attempt to create a monopoly, such as in a mom-and-pop store scenario when Wal-Mart comes to town. As we all know some of these types of large organizations not only are able to expand quickly and eliminate competition, they also do not compensate their employees as well as they should and “Lay Off” is the order of the day, and they may not care for customers as well as we do. We, at All Around Fitness Inc. feel it is our obligation to our customers, and to our employees to continue to grow and provide excellent service to our customers and growth opportunities for our employees. If we do not provide excellent service to our customers, they would not be happy with us and might not use our services in the future. So as you can see, our lack of efficiency does not only hurt one aspect of our business but it affects every aspect of our business and our joint future.
  • 5. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 5 of 23 Next, we will describe some cases that illustrate how seemingly innocent action on our part can provide bad customer service: TRICK 1 – do’s and don’ts while holding for tech support  When you are placed on hold for a while, do not hang up, as it will delay the hold time. Even if you call back right away, you will be placed at the end of the call queue, which means you will be placed at the end of the line.  Wear your provided hands free headset so you can work on something else while holding (i.e. such as performing maintenance on the equipment, or perform other diagnostic tests if necessary.)  EXAMPLE 1: taking 10 to 15 minutes, just to fill out our paperwork would appear to a customer as a waste of their money and time, since the customer is getting billed by the hour so he or she is always worried about getting overcharged. PREVENTION/SOLUTION 1a: By filling out the work order incrementally instead of all at once the customer will not feel that you are taking too long on just filling out paperwork which they may feel is unnecessary part of the job  EXAMPLE 2: spending 20 minutes on hold with tech support while you are sitting next to the equipment and not doing anything, may appear to our customer as a lack of knowledge on your part regarding their equipment. (The customer most likely would think, “I hope I’m not paying for the time that he or she is spending on the phone waiting for tech support. If the technician were more knowledgeable of my equipment, the technician would not have to waste time on the phone. I might as well call tech support myself.”) PREVENTION/SOLUTION 2a: If the technician has to spend his or her time on the phone while waiting for tech support, and he or she is cleaning up, performing further diagnostics or performing maintenance at the same time, we are providing faster service and the client will not feel taken advantage of in terms of labor fees. Not only is the technician productive while waiting on the phone, he or she is also providing excellent customer service. While you are on the phone use the provided hands free headphone so the cell phone does not interfere with you ability to perform your work
  • 6. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 6 of 23  EXAMPLE 3: Technician feels that it is a waste of time using the right tools such as a electric Screw Driver to remove the screws, instead he or she likes to use a hand screw driver instead. He or she also does not like to follow All Around Fitness Inc. procedures because he or she thinks that they have a better way of doing things. As a result the technician is always behind in the schedule and always has excuses for not being able to take care of the customer within the allotted time. NOTE: Making our customer wait causes the customer to loose valuable time. THEREFORE, Let’s place ourselves in our customer’s shoes. Would you like to wait longer than necessary or even late into the evening for a technician to finish a one hour job in your house? Which plumber would you prefer: - the plumber that is in-and-out in one hour, does not leave a mess and has fixed your plumbing problem for good! OR - The plumber that shows up 2 hours after you expected him or her, leaves dirty foot and fingerprints all over your house and has to return two days later, because the sink is still leaking? PREVENTION/SOLUTION 3a: Know your tools and how to use them. Ask your supervisor if you have questions. Use the right tool every time in order to maximize your efficiency. Use your timer to time yourself on the job and occasionally time check yourself with your daily map. Challenge yourself to beat the times on your schedule. This way you will be able to stay within the allotted time frames. Plus, this way you will earn more money.
  • 7. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 7 of 23  Example 4: We are supposed to have installed a motor at client A and somewhat tested the machine, but we forgot to do one of the following tests: high-speed belt alignment test, check the elevation function, perform belt tension test, heart rate test, walk on the treadmill, etc… Because of this slight oversight, the technician did not realize that the drive belt was too tight and at high speeds, due to motor vibration, the motor hits the shroud causing it to make a very vibrating noise. Because of this oversight, the customer has to place the equipment out of order again, even though a technician has just worked on it. Then the customer has to contact us for another service call and wait another 24-48 hours until the equipment is fully operational. Meanwhile, All Around Fitness Inc.’ reputation as a reliable service provider has been jeopardized and All Around Fitness Inc. will not be paid for this visit. In addition, the service manager has to be dispatched to client A to fix the problem and any other client, requiring service manager’s help will have to wait until the service manager returns from this time consuming service call. PREVENTION/SOLUTION 4a: Always follow your diagnostics, repair and maintenance procedures to a “T” 3. Do it right the first time, every time What does “do it right the first time, every time” mean? Our customers rely on our expertise and they expect us to fix their problems, ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT. By doing anything other than what they expect us to do, will cause a great deal of inconvenience to our customers and their members (if the customer is a commercial client). In this case, not only have we provided poor customer service and we might loose that client, but we also are not able to provide service to other clients who need our help. TRICK 2 – how to prevent a return visit  Always test the equipment to its fullest capacity and in a way the unit is intended to be used. (i.e. don’t just turn the pedals of a bike by hand but actually ride the bike while increasing and decreasing the resistance, check the programs and heart rate if applicable.)  Operate any repaired equipment for at least 5 minutes.  Take your time, because if you have not tested the equipment properly you will be exposing our clients to mishaps and possibly accidents. If a customer is hurt due to the technician’s negligence, All Around Fitness Inc. & the technician maybe legally liable and may even be charged with negligence.
  • 8. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 8 of 23 Purpose of this section: All Around Fitness Inc. has carefully designed this Manual to guarantee every customer with the best possible service at the lowest possible price. This proven method is effective and successful. Even though we are a dynamic company with a great amount of flexibility, we still have to observe a set of standards. If you have a great idea, please share it with us during our regular employee meetings. This way we will be able to analyze your idea as a team before implementing your plan. Our business is based on change, progress, and team effort, and we realize that to become great at anything we must be open to new ideas and be willing to change. We also understand that we have a duty to our customers, their members, our vendors, our own team members, and their families that force us to look at any new idea closely and consider all aspects carefulley. This way we are not taking unnecessary risks by prematurely implementing a program, which may jeopardize safety, our commitment to our team, and our customers and vendors. Conclusion: If we do not follow the suggestions provided in this Manual, we are neither efficient, nor fast, nor is All Around Fitness Inc. billing our customers fairly, since we did not do our best at providing them with excellent customer service. Take pride in your work. Be all that you can be.
  • 9. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 9 of 23  Example 5: Imagine you have not slept enough, you are hungry and you have not taken any breaks. How well do you think you will be performing at work? Statistically, because of your condition, you are more susceptible to either injure yourself (while driving or working on equipment) or make a mistake (aside from not being as pleasant as you could be ). PREVENTION/SOLUTION 5a: All Around Fitness Inc. requires all of our team members to take regular breaks (Please refer to Employee Manual for more detailed information). Consistent and regular exercise regimen and following a healthy life-style (get at least 8 hours of sleep) in order to be at one’s peak efficiency for everyone’s sake including yourself. Only then one is able to provide excellent customer service.  Example 6: let’s pretend that you were on a 5-hour appointment at a single client performing maintenance. In the middle of the day, you decided to take your lunch break, but you forgot to notify the customer, and forgot to note in your schedule when you left for your break and when you came back. Now it is time to bill the customer and you inadvertently misquote your time spent at the customer’s location. Because of this oversight, no matter what your intentions were, it will appear to the customer that you are trying to overcharge them for work that you did not do. The technician in this example just provided bad customer service and jeopardized All Around Fitness Inc.’ reputation. PREVENTION/SOLUTION 6a: So please notify your supervisor and the customer as for the time of your breaks. Also make sure to note the time in your schedule so you do not forget. 4. Breaks How are breaks related to customer service? And why? A. Breaks and Customer Service It’s best to answer this question with two examples: TRICK 3 – how to notify customer and your supervisor that you are taking a break.  Mr. Customer it is 12 o’clock and I will be taking a ½ break.  The call your supervisor’s cell phone and notify him as well.  When you return notify the customer and your supervisor of your return by telling them “It’s 12:30, I am back from my lunch”
  • 10. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 10 of 23 B. 10 minute paid breaks and Lunch Break For detailed information please refer to your Employee Manual Section 8. C. Extra breaks If throughout the workday you feel that it is necessary to take extra breaks, please feel free to do so. However these extra breaks are unpaid breaks. NOTE 2: Remember, that even if you must take extra breaks throughout the day, you are still required to finish what is indicated on your Employee Daily Schedule, unless you have a legitimate medical excuse. In order to provide excellent customer service while taking your break you must follow these simple rules: 1) Notify the customer when you are leaving for your break. (Make sure to let them know the time you are leaving and coming back) Example: Mr. X, I am going to my lunch break. It is 12:00 o’clock and I will be back at 12:30. 2) Notify the office when you are leaving for your break. (Make sure to let them know the time you are leaving) Example: I am going to my lunch break. It is 12:00 o’clock and I will be back at 12:30. 3) Notify the customer when you are back from your break. (Make sure to let them know the time you are back) Example: Mr. X, I am back from my lunch break. It is 12:30. 4) Notify the office when you are back from your break. (Make sure to let them know the time you are back) Example: I am back from my lunch break. It is 12:30. 5) Keep records: Note on your “Employee Daily Schedule” the starting and ending time of your break and the duration of your break 6) If you take extra breaks, immediately notify the office of the changes so the office team can readjust your schedule and inform other customers on your schedule of your changed arrival times. As you can see taking your breaks properly and according to All Around Fitness Inc. proceedures will not only help you to stay healthy and fit (physically and mentally), but it will also ensures excellent customer service.
  • 11. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 11 of 23 TRICK 4 – how to prevent forgetfulness  Place yourself in the mindset that you need a paper trail for everything you do at All Around Fitness Inc.. You have to account for every minute that you spend on the job. Since every hourly employee expects to receive compensation for every minute worked so does All Around Fitness Inc.. So whenever you do anything, it has to be recorded either on the work order, the Daily Employee Schedule or another All Around Fitness Inc. form, depending on what you are recording. Under no circumstance, are you to think: “I’ll remember that, and note it when I get back to the office.” Remember: If you don’t document you daily activities correctly, you are increasing your chances of being inefficient and appear not credible or professional.  If you need to you can use a timer as a tool to gage your time spent at every task.
  • 12. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 12 of 23 5. Politeness and Courtesy Polite and courteous behavior is very important in our business. Our customers, vendors and co-workers have choices and if they do not find us courteous and polite they will choose to work with someone else. A. How to deal with a difficult client a) Make eye contact. b) Treat them with respect and sensitivity. c) Thank the person for expressing their feelings and try to fully understand their concern before making any comment whatsoever. (even if the customer has raised his or her voice). d) Repeat back to the person what you have understood up to that point. And make sure that they agree with your explanation. If they don’t agree, listen intently to their explanation and try to repeat it back again in your own words. e) Let the person know that you understand their concern and you will discuss it with your superiors. f) Reassure them that All Around Fitness Inc.’ goal is to provide them with excellent customer service and that you are certain that this issue will be resolved favorably. NOTE 3: Under no circumstance should you walk away or hang up on a customer or vendor unless the customer or vendor is using profanity or is becoming physically abusive. If the customer or vendor is just verbally abusive, remember: their frustration is most likely not towards you but towards the problem. Consequently, if the customer is too overpowering, immediately excuse yourself and tell the person that you understand that they are extremely frustrated and you will now contact the office for further instructions to see what we can do to help serve them better. If the person is using derogatory words and personally offending you immediately remove yourself from the situation/premise and contact your supervisor. If the person posturing to or starting to be physically offensive, you must immediately remove yourself from the situation/premise and contact the police.
  • 13. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 13 of 23  Example 7: Customer: “You broke my machine. My machine was not cracked right by the display before you came here. I’m not paying for that.” Technician: “Mr. Customer, as you can see, before we start repairs, we have to fill out a diagnostics procedure form. I have noted on my work order, that the display was already broken before I started my repair and your wife initialed it.” Customer: “My wife just signs, she doesn’t read. She must not have known what she was initialing off. I am the only one who uses the machine, and I can tell you there was no crack on the display.” Technician: “I understand you are upset and you believe that I broke your display. If you don’t mind, I’m going to contact my manager right now to tell my manager about your concern. We at All Around Fitness Inc. work very hard to please our customers.” At this point contact your supervisor for further instructions. If your supervisor is not available and neither is the office manager record what happened in your Work Order and inform the customer that we will have to reschedule the appointment so that a supervisor can return, to speak to the customer, and inspect the machine and hopefully resolve the issue. Technician: “Unfortunately, I was unable to get a hold of my supervisor or the office manger, so I have noted your concern in my work order. With your permission I will leave the equipment as is and my supervisor will contact you and will arrange a time that is most convenient to meet with you and speak to you about your concerns.” Customer: “No, I want this fixed right now. I don’t have time for this.” Technician: “I am very sorry, but under the circumstances it is our policy not to continue with the repairs and reschedule for a supervisor to take care of you. I am confident that you will be satisfied with our performance. ” PREVENTION/SOLUTION 8b: At this point clean up your work area and secure the machine so that if the customer decides to use the machine, nobody gets hurt. Make sure the client initials next to your comments about the incident on your work order and have them sign the work order as usual. (Make sure your comments match the concerns of the client so the client does not refuse to sign.) Do not demand payment from the client and do not leave any new parts behind, as this would aggravate the customer more.
  • 14. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 14 of 23 TRICK 5 – how to deal with a difficult customer. This Manual cannot go into detail of every possible scenario. Before you act please think of these three simple concepts: 1) Our goal is always excellent customer service, 2) Customer retention And that 3) the supervisor, not you, is responsible for resolving any extraordinary issues. TRICK 6 – how to prevent disputes with the client 1. Put yourself in the client’s shoes. How would you like a technician at your house to present himself/herself? 2. Follow your procedures correctly for everything you do. 3. Always leave the appropriate paper trail, so you can backup your claims with documentation. 4. Always make sure that the customer knows what he/she is signing or initialing. 5. Remain calm. A dispute is never against you as a person. So don’t take it personal. You are a professional technician working for a reputable and professional organization. (No need to get angry, depressed or hostile about anything)
  • 15. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 15 of 23 B. How to deal with a difficult vendor a) Remain calm. b) Treat them with respect and sensitivity. c) Ask for their full name or extension number or operator number. If they are unwilling to give you their last name or an extension or operator number, ask how many location or departments their company has and what location they are in. d) Ask to speak to the person’s supervisor. e) Express your concerns to the supervisor without questioning the representatives’ character. (Even though you might not think very highly of the representative or the supervisor) f) Only state facts. Do not state feelings. g) Ask for what you want. If they say that what you are asking is impossible, ask for their suggestion on how to proceed. Their suggestion should help you to solve the problem at hand. If they don’t give you a helpful suggestion, do not let them off the hook, but ask for their supervisor. (For example: if the vendor says: “I don’t know how to fix this, why don’t you go home and have a beer.”, ask politely: “May I speak to your supervisor please?”) h) Do not spend more than 10 –15 minutes on the phone with any vendor or representative. If by that time they have not been able to help you make note of all the persons you have spoken with and their extensions also what each person said to you and forward all the information to you supervisor. NOTE 3: make sure to write down the name and possibly the extension of both the representative and the supervisor or whomever you talk to in regard to the incident on your Daily Employee Schedule.
  • 16. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 16 of 23  Example 9: Technician: “Hi my name is Jack and I’m calling from All Around Fitness Inc.. Who am I speaking with?” Representative: “What do you need?” Technician: “I’m sorry I did not get your name?” Representative: “My name is Mike. What do you want?” Technician: “What is your direct number or extension so just in case we get disconnected” Representative: “We don’t have direct numbers” Technician: “OK no problem what is your last name so if we get disconnected I can ask for you” Representative: “I’m the only Mike here” Technician: “That’s great, which call center do you work out of?” Representative: “we only have one call center and I am the only Mike here. What do you want?” Technician: “Oh OK thank, I am working on a brand X, model # Y treadmill and I need the password to get into the diagnostics mode” Representative: “You are not an authorized service provider for brand X. And I cannot give you the password.” Technician: “I have worked on many of these machines, and besides this machine is not under warranty. Your service providers were not able to help this client and as a result I am here to help one of your customers. So if you would please give me that access code, I’d greatly appreciate.” Representative: “Which part of ‘you are not authorized’ do you not understand?” Technician: “I am sorry but I am not sure why you are so hostile towards me. So I would prefer to speak to your supervisor. What is his or her name.?” Representative: (hangs up) PREVENTION/SOLUTION 9a: At this point the technician should call the tech support again and ask for Mike’s supervisor. Technician: “Hi, my name is Jack and I’m calling from All Around Fitness Inc.. Who am I speaking with?” Supervisor: “My name is John what can I help you with? Technician: “I just spoke to one of your representatives, named Mike are you his direct supervisor?” Supervisor: “Yes I am Mike’s supervisor, what is the problem?” Technician: “I have been trying to help one of your customers who owns a brand X, model Y treadmill. The only thing I need in order to help this customer is the diagnostics code. But Mike told me, that since we are not a service provider, he couldn’t give out the password, even though the machine is out of warranty. I have many years of experience working on these machines. Mike was not very helpful and extremely short with me and when I asked to speak to you, he hung up on me.” PREVENTION/SOLUTION 9b: At this point, if the supervisor does not give you what you need, politely get off the phone contact your supervisor for further instructions.
  • 17. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 17 of 23 TRICK 7 – how to deal with a difficult vendors. This Manual cannot go into detail of every possible scenario. Before you act please think of these three simple concepts: 1. Our goal is always excellent customer service, 2. Maintain a professional vendor relationship and that 3. The supervisor, not you, is responsible for resolving any extraordinary issues.
  • 18. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 18 of 23 C. How to deal with difficult co-worker a) Make sure to always treat your co-workers as you would like to be treated yourself. b) Treat each person with respect and sensitivity c) If a co-worker expresses that they would like to be treated differently, try to adjust your behavior unless what they are asking you is immoral, crude or unprofessional (in that case report this to your supervisor immediately) d) If you have an issue with your supervisor, try to contact another supervisor. NOTE 4: All Around Fitness Inc. has an open door policy towards customers, vendors and employees alike. If you have an important issue please feel free to contact any supervisor (always try to contact your immediate supervisor first).
  • 19. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 19 of 23 6. Uniform Standards A. Policy Standards: Since All Around Fitness Inc. deals with a professional clientele, it is essential that the appearance of our team members reflects the proper "All Around Fitness Inc. Image". Each team member is a representative of the company and the perception customers have of our company will be directly affected by how our team members present themselves. Therefore, we expect all team members to maintain a neat, well-groomed and professional appearance while at work. B. Applicability: This policy applies to all team members in all locations (customer’s or at the store). Professional appearance is mandatory for all All Around Fitness Inc. Employees. All Around Fitness Inc. has a specific dress code for each position within the company. C. Responsibility: It is the responsibility of each supervisor to ensure that the team members under their supervision are properly attired at all times and to apply disciplinary action when there is deviation from expected standards. It is the responsibility of each team member to present him/herself in professional, well-groomed attire while at work. Team members who arrive at work inappropriately dressed will be sent home to change and disciplinary action will be taken. Multiple offenses can lead to termination of employment with All Around Fitness Inc..
  • 20. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 20 of 23 D. A technician’s uniform: A full time technician uniform:  6 All Around Fitness Inc. short or long sleeved logo shirts. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)  Black Dickie Jeans with cellular phone pocket, or Dickie regular with cellular phone pocket or black tactical military pants with cargo pockets. (Provided by Technician)  1 thick (1 ½” to 2” thick) Black leather belt. (Provided by Technician)  1 Pair of black steel-toed work boots high tops All Around Fitness Inc. recommends response gear brand tactical shoes. They can be purchased at big 5. (Provided by Technician)  Pair of gel insoles for the shoes to make them more comfortable since we will be running with these shoes on treadmills (Provided by Technician).   1 All Around Fitness Inc. jacket with logo. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)  1 Gerber knife with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)  1 LED flash light with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.) A part-time technician uniform:  4 All Around Fitness Inc. short or long sleeved logo shirts. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)  All Around Fitness Inc. recommends Black Dickie Jeans with cellular phone pocket, or Dickie regular with cellular phone pocket or black tactical military pants with cargo pockets. (Provided by Technician)  1 thick (1 ½” to 2” thick) Black leather belt. (Provided by Technician)  Pair of black steel-toed work boots high tops All Around Fitness Inc. recommends response gear brand tactical shoes. They can be purchased at big 5. (Provided by Technician)  Pair of gel insoles for the shoes to make them more comfortable since we will be running with these shoes on treadmills (Provided by Technician).  1 All Around Fitness Inc. jacket with logo. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)  1 Gerber knife with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.)  1 LED flash light with belt holster. (Provided by All Around Fitness Inc.) As shirts or jackets or any other item listed above become worn, stained or ripped, All Around Fitness Inc., with management's approval, will exchange shirts at no cost to the team member. The team member must first return all jackets and shirts to the office for inspection before any clothing can be exchanged. All Around Fitness Inc. recognizes that there are times that for religious or cultural observances, certain standards may need to be amended. Any modification to our dress code must be approved by management and can in no way interfere with presenting a professional, well-groomed appearance. Also, such modifications may not alter or unduly cover the uniform nor pose safety issues for the team member or client or restrict or hinder employee’s ability to perform his or her duties.
  • 21. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 21 of 23 E. Other  All employees working as technicians shall not wear any earrings or any other exposed body piercing or jewelry or accessory such as necklaces or rings for safety reasons.  Offensive or suggestive tattoos are unacceptable and to be kept covered at all times.  Personal wireless communication devices (such as personal cellular phones, pagers, mp3 players … etc.) are only allowed to be worn if authorized by All Around Fitness Inc. management for documented medical reasons for self or family member.  Socks must be worn at all times.  No hats, bandannas or unprofessional hair accessories are permitted except as supplied by All Around Fitness Inc. management as part of a uniform.  Dark belts are to be worn with the pants that have belt loops.  No oversized pants allowed. Pants must be worn by the waistline and secured with a belt and must not be in a way that has to be pulled up on a regular basis.  No unauthorized buttons, ribbons or pins can be worn. Any item promoting an outside cause is not allowed to be worn except for company sponsored programs. F. How to care of your uniform All clothing should be machine or hand-washed with mild soap, like colors, cold water and turned inside out to prevent premature fading. If you do not follow the care instructions you will be responsible for purchasing your own uniform.
  • 22. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 22 of 23 G. Hygiene All Around Fitness Inc. is a professional and health oriented organization and we would like to separate ourselves from our competition. Therefore, we value cleanliness above all. In order to maintain a professional appearance it is imperative for our employees to keep a clean and well groomed appearance at all times. That is why we recommend that you keep a pair of clean pants and a clean shirt in your vehicle at all times. NOTE 5: as a technician you are in frequent contact with grease, oils, chemicals and germs which can be a health hazard for yourself, if you do not follow the proper procedures. So please wear the provided rubber or Nitril gloves at all times. Hair is to be kept neat, clean and well groomed, out of the face, and in a professional style. Team members are not to wear their hair past shoulder length unless worn in a ponytail. Male team members are to be clean-shaven every-day. Beards and mustaches are permitted if well kept, groomed and trimmed. Recurrent beard stubble is not acceptable unless you have a medical excuse.
  • 23. TECHNICIAN’S WORK PROCEDURES MANUAL REPRODUCTION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS PROHIBITED Employee Initials: ______ Page 23 of 23 7. Customer survey: Since All Around Fitness Inc. values customer service above all, All Around Fitness Inc. may conducts customer surveys in a variety of styles. All team members are required to participate and cooperate fully in the process. EMPLOYEE’S RESPONSIBILITIES: Employee has been hired to provide services to Employer’s customers as a Fitness Equipment Technician. Employer shall train Employee and provide Employee with This Manual, that is to be followed by Employee during the performance of his/her employment responsibilities. If Employer makes modifications to The Manual, Employee must sign off that he or she has received and understood the modifications. Employee’s services shall be performed at Employer’s place of business and/or at the premises of Employer’s clients, or designated job site. I _______________________ hereby certify that I have read, understood and agree with the above statements. Date_____________________ Signature____________________________________ Name (Please Print)____________________________