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Guidelines To Writing A Psychology Paper
HKU SPACE Community College 香港大學專業進修附屬學院 Intra– and Interpersonal
Competencies (IIC) Lecturer: Office: Email: Tel.: 1. Introduction 1. Human beings are social
animals. We meet people and make friends throughout our life. However, building a positive
relationship is not an accident, it requires understanding and effort and is an art to be learned and
practiced. Learning, developing, expanding, and improving interpersonal skills and competencies
are essential for future success. This course prepares students for the future by helping them
improve themselves and their relationships with family members, friends, classmates, co–workers
and even people who may be perceived as difficult. Aims & ... Show more content on ...
Understanding yourself throughout the life|Personality types and theories | | |span (Chapter 2 of the
text) |Gender and personality | | | |How to write psychology paper in APA format | |3 |1. Exploring
values and making wise choices |Value and moral development | | |(Chapter 3 of the text) |Define
wellness and ways of promoting wellness | | |2. Experiencing and expressing emotion |Emotion and
self | | |(Chapter 5 of the text) |Constructive & appropriate ways to express emotion | | |And
Achieving happiness & satisfaction |Define happiness | | |(Chapter 4 of the text) |Obstacles in the
pursuit of happiness |
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Erasmus And Luther 's Relationship
From 1517 to now, Erasmus and Luther's relationship has been one of "great interest and
speculation to men of letters, theologians, bishops, and princes" (Packer and Johnston 25). The two
men represent two different theological and ethical outlooks, in terms of discussing God and man
(Rupp 13). According to Rupp, Erasmus' views originate from a more traditional, scholastic
perspective, while Luther's do not (14). Erasmus argues against the idea that man plays no active
part in securing his own salvation, because he feels that every man at least has the freedom of
choice (15). Luther, on the other hand, argues that the human being has no will of its own. In his
eyes, freedom belongs to God and God alone (16). How may we understand the conflict between
Erasmus and Luther? In this paper, I argue that Luther and Erasmus could not, and still do not, agree
about the role of Christian faith and the freedom of Christians making their own decisions because
in reality, neither man knows to what extent an individual can be certain about, in one specific topic.
They disagree on the location of where the authority of truth actually lies. They disagree first in
their viewpoints, second in their actions, and third in their writings. The arguments in their works
intended to admonish one another, which consequently leads to the birth of their continuing
argument over the freedom of the will.
Three years before these events occurred, Luther began writing personal letters to Erasmus asking
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Friedman Being Free
There is a near connection between political work and science to do with the producing,
distribution, and using up of goods and work supply, and different systems of the 2 can only have
existence side–by–side in certain pairings. For example, says Friedman, a society which is (by
money and goods) one supporting theory that nation being owner is right can not also be
(politically) rights–giving, in the sense of being responsible for person freedom."As an of money
and goods system, system where persons are owners gives help to state of being free both directly
and in a round about way; on one hand market states of being free are their own states of being free,
and on the other, they give help to wider political states of being free. property ... Show more
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clearly it is not an enough condition," for Italy and Spain under fascism 1 and tzarist Russia were
not politically free but were ruled by money and goods by free enterprise.As political and of money
and goods state of being free expanded in the 19th hundred, by the early twentieth hundred it had
made come into existence a reaction against it–self. Welfare rather than state of being free became
the chief note in rights–giving countries, wrote Friedman, and Western governments by all with
equal rights moved in the direction of collectivization.
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The Pros And Cons Of Universal Determinism
Everyday we make choices about what we wear, what we eat, and what we do. However, are we
actually making these decisions? One of the greatest debates in philosophy, and life is if we are truly
free or not. Many philosophers have made arguments that we make our own choices while others
have decided that other forces outside of ourselves predetermine are choices. Universal
Determinism is the theory that every occurrence in the universe is determined before it ever
happened. This means that every choice you made since you woke up this morning was determined
prior to ever making that decision. This poses an apparent threat to the idea that our actions are free
because the thesis of Universal Determinism means we do not have free will and all the choices that
we have made and will make have already been decided by a force outside of ourselves. If Universal
Determinism is true all of our actions can be predicted. Freedom of action is acting in a way that
you could have done differently while freedom of will is having the will to choose what you want to
do. When philosophers discuss free will, they are actually questioning freedom of action; despite
being a question of freedom of action, philosophers actually call it freedom of will. Philosophers
have separated into two groups of debate in the conversation of free will Compatibilism and
Incompatibilism. These philosophers of Compatibilism and Incompatibilism, which can be
separated into Hard Determinism and Libertarianism
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Justice Of God By Ayatullah Naser Makarer
Within Justice of God by Ayatullah Naser Makarer Shirazi, the Justice of God is analyzed through
many subtopics of philosophies which all connect back to Allah's attribute of being 'Adl or Just.
Justice has two meanings that differ throughout the span of the book. The first one is "to put
everything in its place" which in other words means to balance and create symmetry between
everything. The second definition is "following individual rights" which means everyone deserves
to be treated equally and the opposite of that would be to take away their rights and only allow a
sole group those rights. Now the significance of God's Justice is neither to remove all the rights or
give all the rights to one group that's discriminated against others. ... Show more content on ...
Their are many sources of oppression and how it starts. These include ignorance, need, inability, and
selfishness. Sometimes the oppressor is ignorant of what he is doing and in truth does not know
what they are doing. Another one is that if the oppressor has to commit this act in order to attain
something that someone else has which results in oppression, but if he was self– sufficient they
would have no need to commit oppression. Inability is when someone is not willing to have the
rights of another taken but can't do anything about it, so he has to commit oppression. Selfishness is
when someone is bearing a grudge against a group of people like seeking revenge so they commit
oppression against that group of people. These are the many reasons why oppression occurs within
this world.
One philosophy discussed are natural calamities such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis
which happen all over the world and are used to prove that Gods's Justice did not exist. They also
used natural disasters to prove that God doesn 't exist. Another philosophy which is examined in this
publication is the difficulties faced in life and how the justice of God justifies them. For example,
war is terrible and tears apart lives but sometimes a difficult and long war causes a nation to
blossom and become united due to that difficulty. If we analyze the lives of the most successful
people in this world, behind them we will see many failures
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Free Will In The Truman Show
Free will, the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate. The world is full of
choices, good and bad, but most importantly, they are made by people themselves. People possess
free will and dictate their lives by the decisions they make. There are two types of people in this
world, it is those who are enlightened and the others that are unenlightened. The first group of
people are the enlightened, those who are curious and want to learn everything there is to know
about the world and how it works. One person who would be included into this group would be
'Truman' from The Truman Show. For example, in the end of "Truman Show", 'Truman' decides to
leave his fake, directed life and explore the outside world. This shows that Truman wants to become
enlightened with this new world he is discovered. (The Truman Show). Unlike Truman, many prefer
to stay in the group of the unenlightened instead of becoming enlightened. Choosing to be
enlightened or unenlightened, also come with choices that have permanent consequences. ... Show
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A life changing decision was made by God's own Adam and Eve in Genesis. Instead of listening to
God's commands, Eve ignores it and listens to Satan, who gave her false information about the
forbidden fruit. This then lead to God banishing the two out of the Garden of Eden forever
(Genesis). This shows that even God's first creations made a mistake and had life–long
consequences. Along with Adam and Eve, was Satan, one of God's fallen angels. In Paradise Lost,
Satan also betrays God and because of it, he is sent to Hell where he vows to never do anything
good in oppose to God. What he does not realize is this will actually create eternal good. This
proves that everyone is capable of making the wrong choice. Using bad judgement, these characters
made the wrong decisions and did not follow what is known to them as
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An Assignment For Biblical Worldview
Dinner With Skeptics Defending God in A World that Makes No Sense, by Jeff Vines, Joplin:
College Press, 2008. 221 pages. Reviewed by Josiah R. Boyle
This Book review is to complete an assignment for Biblical Worldview. Dinner with Skeptics is an
account of a conversation Jeff Vines had with a group of skeptics. A missionary for many years,
Vines is currently Senior Pastor at Christ's Church of the Valley in San Dimas, California.
Written to dispel skepticism in God, Vines discusses common arguments against the existence of
God such as why there is evil in the world if there is a good god? Why if there is a good, kind,
gracious God, then why is there so much suffering in the world?Why are there natural disasters if
there 's a good god? Why if there is a god why does he sit on his hands? What is God 's involvment
in the midst of evil circumstances. in Dinner With Skeptics: Defending God in A World That Makes
No Sense.
In the First Chapter, he discusses why, if there was a God, then why there would be so much evil in
the world. The man he is interacting with on this issue, then ask if there was a God, why would there
be so much evil in the world? Then Vines remark that for there to something called evil, then there
is a God because it implies the presence of a higher being. This chapter supports the thesis.
In Chapter Two he was addressed with the question if God was so good, so kind, and gracious, the
why would he allow so much
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Free Will vs Determinism Essay
PHIL 110 Essay #2 February 15, 2010 GTF: Emma Jones Free Will vs. Determinism The argument
of whether we humans are pre determined to turn out how we are and act the way we do or if we are
our own decision makers and have the freedom to choose our paths in life is a long–standing
controversy. The ideas of Sartre, Freud, and Darwin are each strong in their own manner, yet Sartre
presents the best and most realistic argument as to how we choose our path; we are in control of the
things we do and responsible for the decisions we make. Not only this, but also, our decisions have
an effect on our peer's choices, just as theirs affect ours. In this paper, I will argue that Jean–Paul
Sartre makes the best argument of the three philosophers ... Show more content on
Our freedom to choose what we do and our consciousness are directly related; therefore, we make
each of our choices for a reason. With each and every decision we make in our lives, we are shaping
our purpose and our meaning, but in making our own choices, we have to take on the
responsibilities that come with that power. Every individual needs to be accountable for his own
actions. Sartre explains in his exposition, "I cannot obtain any truth whatsoever about myself, except
through the mediation of another" (199). This is saying that we need others to help us form our own
decisions create and image of how we are to be perceived. It is our responsibility to establish our
own value and make the best choices for us and our peers. Sartre goes on to argue, "When we say
that man is responsible for himself, we do not mean that he is responsible only for his own
individuality, but that he is responsible for all men" (188). As individuals part of a larger group of
humans, we must come to the understanding that all of our choices will affect our peers and have an
impact on the decisions they will choose to make which in return affect us. Many people turn to a
higher power to pawn off responsibility for their actions. For example, acts of terrorism are often
blamed on a higher power "speaking" to the group of terrorists telling them to do this, however, this
higher power does not exist and the responsibility is completely on the individuals. Our choices and
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Hooters Stereotypes
Although there were minor similarities to my preconceptions, my overall experience in Hooters
vastly differed to what I had expected. As I had foreseen, all staff were young females. However,
they wore different types of uniform. Waitresses wore low cut tank tops. With the store logo
stretched across their breasts, this notion supports the innuendo for the title 'Hooters'. In
dissimilarity, the counter staff wore t–shirts; placing no emphasis on their bust. In response to my
ignorance, Hooters is a family restaurant. Families made up the majority of visitors, followed by
groups of friends, tourists and the odd solo male. Staff were not stereotypically blonde either.
Conversely, Hooters embraced cultural diversity. Although the atmosphere, menu and merchandise
was American inspired, their staff represented diverse ethnicities. When in the vicinity, I did not feel
awkward. Staff were friendly without being flirtatious and I did not hear a single pet name called.
Hooters was just another restaurant, except with flat screen televisions covering every bare wall. I
was not starred at and equality was concurrent. Whilst ... Show more content on ...
Societal gender binary requires individuals to identify by either masculine or feminine traits
(Kachel, Steffens & Niedlich, 2016). Once gender socialisation has occurred, assumptions and
stereotypes follow (Holmes, Hughes & Julian, 2012, p.109). If one refutes their gender norm,
sexism and discrimination typically manifests. Similarly, stereotypes affect the way people treat
others. Using stereotypes to define a person is prejudice and often leads to incorrect assumptions
based on the way they act, look or conduct themselves in society. Social reproduction can impact
one's life experiences through limitation and inhabitation of involvement. Allowing for the
transmission of inequity from one generation to the next, social reproduction restricts personal
beliefs and
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The Effects Of Free Speech On Hate Groups, And The...
The relationship of free speech to that of hate groups, and the protection of hate speech under the
first Amendment is a much debated topic of ethics and civil liberties. Although affirmative action
protects against discrimination of race, religion, gender, and disabilities, it only protects from
discrimination in educational institutions and employment. So how can a society that claims to
protect civil rights allow the production of speech that opposes those same fundamental rights?,
because this form of speech, although hateful in nature, are ideas, and "hateful ideas are just as
protected under the First Amendment as other ideas" (McGough, 2015).
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms in regards to expression, religion, assembly, and the
right to petition. Freedom of expression prohibits Congress from restricting the press or individuals
the right to speak freely (Legal Information Institute, n.d.). A hate group, as stated by Walker
Bragman, is "an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or
violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other
designated sector of society" (Bragman, 2012). Speech that attacks, demeans, threatens, or insults a
person or group on the basis of origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation
or disability is identified as hate speech (Random House Dictionary, 2016). By design the First
Amendment was established to protect unpopular speech,
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Small Group Communication Analysis
This group project was very interesting. It was cool to examine the group teamwork that was
involved and to see the process that was involved. I've worked with many different groups, but have
never really looked at the way we operate and communicate. From what I observed I was able to see
what was effective during our project, and the specific roles each person took control of.
When we started the small group talk amongst ourselves Lauren Hall started it all. She kind of took
the lead with the project, which was very good. In the small group conversation we had a
communication network that could be considered an All–channel. An All–channel occurs when
"each member may communicate with any other member, allowing for the greatest member
participation"(DeVito, ... Show more content on ...
Due to her being an emergent leader I believe the situational approach to leadership would show the
technique she followed. This is because she focused on "accomplishing the task at hand and ensured
the satisfaction of the members" (DeVito, 235). She demonstrated this by starting the group
conversation, and leading it to the delegation stage. Once we did this we all met in person. Once in a
group she was very vocal and helped everyone improve their parts of their project making the
presentation much better, and keeping everyone very satisfied. To me this is what a great leader
does. They empower their fellow teammates to do better. "Leadership is defined in two very
different ways" (DeVito, 233). The definition that she very much followed is this, "leadership is the
process of empowering others; the leader is the person who helps others to maximize their potential
and to take control of their lives" (DeVito, 233). This is exactly how she acted throughout the
project, which improved its final
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Calvin and Human Freedom
Historically, theologians and philosophers have struggled to agree on the ideas of human freedom.
This struggle seems to stem from the debate over faith vs. reason, or the internal and external
sources that lead to human thought and understanding, through which free will is then interpreted
and carried out by means of the will. A hidden and constant strive for spiritual enlightenment has
always been embedded within humans since the beginning of the Fall. Through this natural drive of
pursuing spiritual enlightenment comes the creation of the road to which it leads. Throughout most
of time, religion has taken the reigns of showing humans the road to salvation, externally, by means
of scripture, which requires faith. Yet in the past, there have been times when the powers of evil
have inevitably hijacked religion, turning those who have witnessed or experienced this treachery
against external values based on faith, but rather internally based values by means of philosophical
thought and reasoning through God's gift of grace.
Calvin's view on an external, faith–based religion encompasses ideas of double–predestination and
the rejection of free will, and man's ability to choose the good through His grace. In comparison, the
Mu'tazilites view on an internal and logically reasoned religion encompasses ideas of the gift of free
will, and focuses on His justice through which all is meant for good. The ideals that surround these
two belief systems lay on opposite ends of the
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Does Free Will Exist
Free will does not exist because if it did then all the knowledge we have accumulated from our past
experiences wouldn't affect the choices we make in the present. The existence of free will also
means that the destiny which God has chosen for us doesn't exist because we would be free to create
our own destiny. On the contrary hard determinism dose exist as it is supported by more theories in
psychology than free will and because we constantly make decisions to live the lifestyle that has
been chosen for us. I remember in church the priest saying that God knows us better than we know
yourself. I believe this is true because he made us in the bible says that God know us before we are.
I know some people can agree with me. I know exists, God
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Group Reflection: On My Block
Our group project started out with a group member leaving the group because of lack of
communication and conflict over the artist/topic but overall it turned out well, and the class seemed
to enjoy our topic. At first, our group consisted of Benny, Emily, Eric, and myself and after we knew
that were in the same group we immediately started brainstorming on topics that we wanted to focus
on. On our first official group meeting, we discussed about other topics, and we decided on a show
on Netflix called On My Block which follows four teenagers and tackles some of the issues that we
discussed in class. Benny was not happy with this and did not want to watch the show, and he
suggested that we should focus on a music video, but unfortunately, the ... Show more content on ...
This, in turn, becomes how men build themselves to meet these expectations. Hip Hop and media
have turned into a culture for most young men and has raised an image of hypermasculinity by
influencing them that these are the real attributes of men such as being violent and aggressive. This
also encourages certain physical standards which makes men insecure (Lil dicky compares his body
to Chris's), and we see this in many narratives such as Male Call which discussed the harmful
effects of hypermasculinity and in the comics such as FoxTrot by Bill Amend a young man facing
body image. This comic strip also relates to Lil Dicky's own insecurities about his body and skills.
Lil Dicky being an artist who isn't tall, muscular and isn't good at basketball uses his platform to
shed light on his insecurities. The objectification of bodies in Rap and in media in general impacts
young men and they begin to develop body image issues because they don't fit into societies ideals.
Lil Dick's own insecurities also relate to the comic Pooch Café where the squirrel feels that the dog
will start respecting him if he puts on muscle to look stronger. By putting on muscle, the squirrel
believes that he will get the respect he deserves and in Lil Dicky's case, he is trying to be
acknowledged by the public by taking on
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Free Will Research Paper
We experience free–will in thought processes that require cognition; however in more automotive
processes that require little thinking, we don't have free–will. For the purposes of this paper, we will
assume that free will is any action divorced from reflexive types of responses. Using this definition,
we can assert that free–will can be turned on and off in certain situations.
Stereotypes towards certain groups can be created and automatically activated due to environmental
factors (Bargh, 1989; Brewer, 1988; Wegner & Bargh, 1997, Fazio, 1986). These factors will elicit
stronger reactions the more the same thought processes occur. Once a thought pattern gets ingrained
in our mind, it becomes an automated response, and that's where we lose our free–will, but the
initial choice of forming prejudices is where we exemplify free–will. ... Show more content on ...
With generalization, we are conditioned to respond a certain way to a certain stimulus, however
slightly altering the stimuli does still elicit a similar response, although it might be weaker than the
original conditioned stimulus (Pearce, 1987; Rescorla, 2006). Other experiments showed how
behavior can be modified and selected for by offering a reward (Thorndike, 1898; Skinner, 1938,
1953). This shows that our minds are hardwired to find patterns and how our responses can be
automatic without much conscious thought, which exemplifies the lack of free–will. The Little
Albert study also shows how emotional responses can be elicited through classical conditioning
(Watson & Rayner,
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Should Hate Groups Be Allowed Free Speech?
From the century–old Ku Klux Klan to the widely publicized Westboro Baptist Church, hate groups
have always been prevalent in America. They have been around since humans have had the ability
to share and act upon common hatred towards others. Why do they still exist today even after all the
progress our society has made fighting against racism and intolerance? The answer lies in the First
Amendment right to free speech. Our democratic society allows all citizens the freedom to express
any and all opinions, no matter how offensive and hurtful. This leads many to question whether
these hate groups should be allowed the right to free speech. I believe that hate groups should be
allowed free speech because all Americans have the right of free speech, it is not discriminatory
unless it incites violence, and hate can be prevented through education rather than criminalization.
Hate groups are known to protest against otherwise agreeable opinions through rallies and speeches.
The Westboro Baptist Church is known for picketing funerals, however they have never physically
assaulted the people they hate, even when argued with by opposing bystanders. What they do may
seem immoral, but it is not a crime to express an opinion. Their opinions and those of other hate
groups are protected by the First Amendment which "should protect such expressions when
not present danger of an immediate breach of peace" (Attias). This was established in Brandenburg
v. Ohio (1969) in which the
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Graduation Speech On Elementary Literacy Essay
For this project initially, we split the class up into pairs of groups that would later be presenting
projects on the topic we chose to work on. I decided that I wanted to do Elementary Literacy and I
got paired in a group with other individuals who wanted to do Elementary Literacy as well. As a
group we decided that we wanted to teach our audience of first graders about the Four Seasons,
spring, summer, fall, and winter. We divided up the workload by assigning each group member a
season and the other group member would read a book introducing the Four Seasons. I was
pleasantly surprised on how moderately high I scored myself because I thought I didn't do the
greatest job presenting my summer presentation to the class. However, I feel like I should've scored
myself lower, my presentation was short and very uninformative for the class itself, I get very
nervous when presenting in front of a whole class. Not all of the rubrics were addressed during my
presentation since me and my group agreed to divvy up the workload for the presentation, so while I
did the season summer, other did other seasons and included different criteria depending on what
they presented. So, some rubrics like a majority of the planning rubrics went more towards others in
the group depending on what they wanted to address like Maya really went into depth about the
importance of adults supporting and guiding children to strengthen their understanding in a subject.
It's important to have them understand
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John Chaffee 's Philosophy Textbook
In the beginning of chapter four of John Chaffee's philosophy textbook we are confronted with a
question, "are you free?" (Chaffee 2013 p.171). Although a majority of people would answer "yes,
of course" to a question like this that seems cut and dry but in philosophy, we have to be willing to
look deeper into the question being asked. Dive in with an open mind and ask yourself whether or
not the choices you make in your life are truly yours or are they governed by outside forces out of
your control.
People are entitled to their own opinions and thoughts (as we all know). Philosophers thought about
whether or not we are actually free and have their own ideas and concepts; determinism,
compatibilism, and libertarianism, each with their strengths and weaknesses and we all have the
freedom to choose which we believe in or whether or not we believe in any of their views.
Beginning with determinism, the idea of determinism is that every event, including human actions,
is brought about by previous events in accordance with universal casual laws that govern the world
and that human freedom is just an illusion. At its most extreme form, "hard determinism", believers
of hard determinism believe that every behavior can be traced to a cause, although they may
disagree about what those causes are. Popular explanations of human behavior that exemplify the
determinist views (as taken from the textbook):
Human Nature: People are born with certain basic instincts that influence and
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What Role Do Interest Groups Play In The Free Market
Option 1 – The Role of Regulation in the Free Market Done By: Kamal Adiab I agree that the free
market would run into serious problems undercutting its sustainability without regulation; however,
the free market is as much a creation of the state that is highly influenced by interest groups. Interest
groups play an important role in the formation of a regulation. Interest groups help candidates get
elected into government. In return, interest groups can lobby for leniencies in policies that serve
their interests. For example, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers has lobbied the
government of pipeline regulation, streaming of Fisheries Act, tax credits, and greenhouse gas
regulations (as per, The 10 lobby groups with most contact). If these private interests
didn't exist, would the general public lobby to increase tax credits to corporations? I don't believe
this is the case. Another key question is why do we have regulation? Regulation is meant to serve
the best interest of the public. Regulation can serve the private interest, public interest or both.
Almost every aspect of our daily life is regulated (as per Regulation: A Primer, page 1). Regulation
is very comprehensive to the point that it extends to the moment we wake up to the moment we go
back to bed at night. In the morning, there are regulations that dictate which airwaves are used by
your radio station; in addition, food and drug agencies regulate the content of your toothpaste, soap,
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Group 5 Final Paper Free Range v4
Free Range: A Case for International Operations
Group 5
Katherine Stone, Michael Williams, Shawn Williams, Horace L. Wynn, Scott Terry
Part A: Potential Advantages and Shortfalls of Various Globalization Strategies
Globalization strategies have been an issue for any organization that intends to increase its
international presence. Free Range Foods has decided to grow operations in France, the United
Kingdom, and other regions throughout the globe. The recommended strategies Free Range Foods
should consider utilizing in order to strengthen its position in the international market are 1) Merger
and Acquisition/ Takeover and 2) Strategic Alliances. Both strategies are effective in obtaining an
entry into the ... Show more content on ...
Producing and maintaining a product is hard enough domestically and is only further compounded
with the addition of taking further components into consideration.
A major factor that Free Range needs to consider is how they will like to set up their international
organization. According to Jones (2013), a multidomestic strategy is defined as one which haswhen
you have a corporateion headquarters and establishesdevelop divisions in each country or region
where ityou would like to do business in. Authority in these divisions would be given to the
managers located in eachthere. The divisions would develop and market products in a way that
focuses on the region of the globe they are locatedin (Jones, 2013, p. 464). This is important to
consider because what Americans want out of a product can be very different than what Europeans
expect out of a product. For example, there are many different types of cheeses available in Europe
that are not available in America, so it would be important to understand the culture and
expectations of consumers in the country/region where a company doesyou are doing business in.
The Multidomestic approach will allow you to form your products to satisfy the needs and wants of
the consumers in that area.
One of the primary factors to consider is the cost of establishing the business in a foreign market.
France maintains market for organic products but the products are sold at a much higher rate than
traditionally farmed
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Thoreau, Rousseau : The Moral Value Of An Ideal Citizen
For an ideal citizen, it is encouraged by many philosophers to be more honest about their drives and
their motives. Within their essays over ethics and morality, philosophers, such as Thoreau,
Rousseau, and Nietzsche, create an image of what an ideal citizen would be. A government, or
religion, shouldn't rule the individual and dictate their decisions and moral thinking. It is encouraged
that an ideal citizen should fight for their own freedoms and right to free will. They also should stay
true to themselves and not attempt to compare themselves to others while thinking that they cannot
be who they are as a human. American philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, believed if the
government does not make an effort into improving itself, then no one should be obligated to
support it. An ideal citizen would find unjust laws and fight against injustice and stand for what they
believe in. Thoreau argued that democracies only served the desires of the ore influential groups of
people rather than the more concerned and thoughtful. It is more important to develop a respect for
the person's right, rather than respect for the law that is deemed unjust. Thoreau wrote that man
would serve the state making "no free exercise whatever of the judgement or of the moral sense...
are commonly esteemed good citizens"(3). He defines this as expressing his beliefs that people
should not allow the government to overrule their principles. A citizen should make it a duty to
avoid and fight against injustice in the world. Thoreau opens Civil Disobedience with the motto
"That government is best which governs least," and speaks in favor of a government that does not
intrude in a person's life and gives them freedom (Thoreau 303). A citizen truly leads a free life until
leaving nature and entering a society. Rousseau argued that society corrupts an individual's mind
and society diminishes the concept of free will. To be free of the societal norms, the citizen will
have to listen to their "inner voice" and put aside the "chains" of prejudice, caste, creed, and color.
An ideal citizen would accept themselves as a person, and neighbors surrounding them, to ensure
happiness. It is theorized by Rousseau that a populace in a society are
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Qumran: Identity, Spirits, Science and Dualism Essay
1. The topic of my research is the coexistence and dualism of determinism and free will or, natural
evil and moral evil, within the texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. I am interested in this subject because I
was intrigued by the debate it sparked among scholars and scientists alike. When applied to a
religious backdrop it seems to be an especially complicated puzzle which can't be easily solved
rationally or scientifically. As I am determined to know what made ancient people tick, this subject
falls near the center of my personal interests. I noted that the authors of the Biblical texts seem also
to make no attempt at harmonizing their implications of the importance of human choice with their
unwavering belief that all things were ... Show more content on ...
In the Community Rule, several passages such as "Before ever they existed He established their
whole design, and when, as ordained for them, they came into being, it is in accord with His
glorious design that they accomplish their task without change" (1QS 3.15–16), lend themselves to
the position of these authors. 1QS allows these authors to place considerable weight in its author(s)
belief in divine foreknowledge. It is obvious in the text that they considered themselves to be in the
"lot of the Holy Ones" (1QS 11.7–9) and that this was the effect of grace, as having been pre–
planned for each of them. They attempted to adhere to the spirit of truth in the ways of light as it is
described in the Instruction of the Two Spirits within the Community Rule, while all others were
assumed to be doomed to falsehood in the path of darkness. Noted, but not focused on among these
five authors, are the more subtle references to freedom of the will of human agents within the
predestined design. It is understood that members of the community might be led astray by the
Angel of Darkness, falling away from the way of the light either temporarily or permanently. The
concept is that all Sons of Light must control their actions and thoughts through the use of their
personal psyche in a process of deliberation in order to defend themselves against
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Belief In Free Will In Milton's Paradise Lost By John Milton
Belief in free will is the belief in self–determination. Humanity exists with a philosophical principle
that humans have specific control over individual choices; thus, are in control of their own destiny.
Belief in free will gives validity and responsibility to one's own choices and life. Without this belief
humans would lose part of their individualism and control. Actions would only be determined by
external forces. Consequently, ideas on self–worth, ethics, accountability, and societal relationships
would be meaningless. Mankind needs to feel that multiple choices are available and obtainable.
Writers during the 18th century focused on the ideas of free will. This determination was innate, yet
factors within society and individuals that influenced this autonomy, such as social immorality. The
ideas of self–sovereignty have been examined through various sections of literature. Consequently,
John Milton's "Paradise Lost", William Shakespeare's "King Lear", and Mary Astell "From Some
Reflections upon Marriage" examine free wills effect on humanity in relation to corruption,
enslavement to desires, and dangers/benefits. Milton, Shakespeare, and Astell use written form to
demonstrate that repercussion and vices of the idea of free will. "Paradise Lost" by John Milton,
Satan has entered Paradise in the form a serpent. He tempts Eve with the fruit of the Forbidden Tree.
Satan's appeals to Eve's idea that knowledge and understanding of human nature will be obtained.
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The Matrix Of Free Will And Determinism Essay
The Matrix films take place in a thought provoking universe and present some classical yet relevant
philosophical ideas, especially those pertaining to determinism. Determinism is the theory that every
event that occurs is caused to occur such that what obtains in the future could not have been
different given what has obtained in the past. This issue persists throughout the entire trilogy and
shapes the development of the characters and the story. The films borrow ideas from various forms
of media, including philosophers like Baron Paul Henry d'Holbach, to create a film series that
questions the idea of free will and determinism. The films illustrate the problem of determinism
through the interactions of characters and varying beliefs, such as hard determinism, fatalism,
compatibilism, and foreknowledge.
The issue of determinism most discussed in the films is whether or not humans have free will. Hard
determinists like d'Holbach resolve this issue by claiming that free will and determinism are
incompatible, so free will does not exist. Many examples from the films support this belief that
human choice is an illusion. The character that speaks most directly with this belief is the
Merovingian. During Neo's search for the key maker he speaks with the Merovingian about the
purpose of his journey. The Merovingian asks Neo if he knows why he is here and goes on to tell
him, "you are here because you were sent here, you were told to come here and you obeyed. It is, of
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A Comparison Of Determinism And Free Will Theory
Magd Al Harbi A Comparison of Determinism & Free Will Theory Kent State University
Introduction One aspect of human existence that I think is particularly interesting is the extent of
control of which we have over the decisions we make. In life, there are many decisions to be made,
from simple ones that seem almost subconscious to complex decisions that can take days to ponder
on. There are decisions that we make that directly affect others, indirectly affect others, and
decisions that we believe do not affect others, or even ourselves, at all. There are decisions that we
believe do not matter and would have no impact on our existence. Two theories that shed some light
on these aspects are the theory of determinism from ... Show more content on ...
By "pleasurable", Hume means a sensation that simply makes us feel good. An assertion such as this
brings forth the reason behind Hume's theory that humans are bound by determinism–firstly, we are
born to naturally make decisions based on the most pleasurable outcome, which is not something we
can control, therefore, it is a pre–determined characteristic of humans (Hume, 2006, p. 76).
Secondly, Hume argues that the feelings we receive regarding things are determined mostly by
elements out of our control. Therefore almost every sensation and feeling we incur is not made by
that of our own volition but by a combination of countless ideas and impressions that have occurred
in our life that we are not able to scrutinize or comprehend fully because there are far too many to
analyze. Thirdly, Hume integrates the complexity of social norms into his theory as well. Depending
on the situation, gaining social approbation from the community can cause more pleasure for
someone than acting out of a selfish motive, due to the social disapproval making a decision could
present (Hume, 2006, p. 10). For example, upon studying this theory, I found myself thinking about
a time in which I was working on a project with a group and felt like skipping one of our group
meetings because I was exhausted from work and
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What Is The Free Amino Groups Of Nucleobases?
Parallel to proteins, the free amino groups of nitrogen bases of nucleosides and nucleotides under
alkaline pH conditions are also prone to the Maillard reaction (Reihl, O. et al, 2004). DNA reacts
with reducing sugars (glucose, fructose, ribose etc.) and advances via Amadori reaction leading to
the formation of irreversible complexes known as DNA–advanced glycation end products (DNA–
AGEs) (Bidmon, C. et al 2007; Frischmann, M. et al 2005). Various report suggested that
nucleobases possessing amine groups are susceptible to glycation. Thus, guanine and guanine
derivatives was found to be the most reactive of all the nucleobases (Dutta et al 2005, 2006). The
conformation of each nucleobase (G > A > C) is affected upon binding with sugar ... Show more
content on ...
3A). However, other nucleotides like deoxycytidine (Fig. 3A) are glycated at high α–oxoaldehyde
concentrations forming 5–glycolylcytidine (Frischmann, M. et al 2005; Kasai, H. et al 1998;
Krymkiewicz, N. 1993). Inter–strand cross–links in duplex DNA (Seidel W and Pischetsrieder M
1998; Kasai, H. et al 1998) and DNA–protein cross–links in human keratinocytes were reported at
higher MG concentrations. A recent in vitro study has demonstrated that CEdG (Fig. 3B) formation
in DNA can hinder the Klenow fragment–mediated DNA synthesis (Cao, H. et al 2007). Due to
AGEs the hydrogen–bonding property of the modified guanine is affected, resulting efficient
incorporation of purine than pyrimidine nucleotides (Cao, H. et al 2007). Addition of bulky AGEs
groups on the N2 position of guanine altered the Watson–Crick base pairing characteristic of these
nucleobases resulting in destabilization of duplex DNA. The presence of dGTP–AGEs in DNA may
change DNA structure, leading to the formation of abasic sites and DNA strand breaks
(Pischetsrieder, M. et al 1999; Seidel W and Pischetsrieder M 1998; Cao, H. et al 2007). DNA
glycation generates several nucleotide adducts that increases oxidative stress by the generation of
hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, and hydroxyl radicals (Mistry, M. et al 2003; Thornalley, P.J. 1996).
Recently a study demonstrated an accumulation of
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Personal Statement : Self Awareness
This paper will provide a glimpse of my non–cognitive traits such as self awareness, empathy,
passion and fortitude.
The process of being self–aware is not always easy, but is a worthwhile and magnanimous
achievement. As a social worker, Self–awareness is an essential ingredient in preparing oneself to
encounter new challenges while learning to understand one's own strengths, weaknesses, thoughts
and beliefs. It was difficult for me to work on a project with others not knowing if I could control
my emotions, judgmental attitudes and negative past experiences with group assignments. In past
groups my expectations weren't met. I was burdened with the task of completing other group
members' assignments while they avoided the work or vicariously participated. Acknowledging how
past experiences influenced my beliefs, feelings and thoughts towards group work has made a
This acknowledgement coupled with myself awareness has helped me in working in this recent
group. Without self awareness and knowing what experiences influenced my thoughts about groups.
I would not have been effective with group assignments. Nor would it be possible to provide skillful
techniques and sensitively during the group process. Consequently, without this information I may
have also unknowingly rejected the group process and become reluctant to participate in the group.
However, by knowing what experiences shaped my thoughts it has helped with the prejudices,
biases and stereotypes that
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Outline on the Free Will Argument Essay
The Free Will Argument (There is Free Choice) I. Introduction a. Attention Gatherer: Nothing is
completely random, and everything is determined, as the determinist would say, but as humans,
there is such a thing as self determinism. Each action has a cause, it is not random, and it is rational,
but it is also a choice. Each individual can choose to do a multitude of things, and thus the actions
are free, and they are not wholly predictable, but they are not wholly unpredictable either. b. Thesis:
Free Will is Free Choice. c. Summary: i. Premise 1: God knows every choice a person can and will
make, because he is omniscient, but he does not force the individual to make the choice. ii. ... Show
more content on ...
Every action cannot be a cause and effect if there is a choice to change from one belief to another.
vi. Saint Aquinas attempted to explain God as the first mover, and that all things followed after
God's initial cause. But also, It was Adam the first man, who chose to bring sin into the world, God
did not cause that to be, and neither did anything outside of Adam, and therefore it was Adam's self
determinant choice to sin against the laws of God. vii. Premise 3: 4. Adam's decision was made by
his subjective ability to reason. There is no way for a scientist or other being to take apart Adam and
physically analyze Adam's ability to reason. Since choices and reasoning are not at all physical, they
cannot share a physical cause and effect relationship, and have nothing to do with determinist's
causal relationship philosophy. 5. A man takes a woman on a date. At the end of the date, the man
gives the woman a choice as to whether or not she wants him to take her home or to take her back to
his home. The woman will make this choice, and though the prediction of what she will do can be
determined through the physical and outward experiences of the evening, what cannot be seen in the
prediction is the woman's personal reasoning, and even though the evening could have been a
horrible one, she may choose to go home with him in attempt to give the man another chance. III.
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Small Group Project
In the Problem Solution Project, I was placed in Group 3. Our group was Small Group as it
consisted of six total members. Our group members name was Latisha Ford, Ian Cooper, Dylan
Thornton, Chris McMahan, Conner Stevenson and myself Anit Shrestha. Each team member was
significantly working hard to make this project a success. Every team member had an important role
and contribution in the group. Our project was to identify the problem of lightening, active shooter
scenario in college and to evaluate the solutions. Starting with myself, I played the role of creating
an effective communication in a group. Since, everyone in our group had a busy schedule and most
of us lived out of campus we decided to communicate more via text and emails. So, I collected the
phone numbers and emails from each group individual and added everyone in group message.
Latisha had an active role in keeping everyone informed about what stage we were in during the
development of project. Dylan did a great job by identifying the places that were having insufficient
lights around college and collected the pictures of it. Chris did a lot of research to identify the
solutions for the problem. He also played a great role in developing our ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, we brainstormed the problems that were around the college and decided to go with the
problems of lightening. Since Latisha always faced the problem of dark since she had night classes
and Chris had good information about various lightening, we agreed this would be best topic for us
to make project on. Our team members had effective meeting as our members were committed and
prepared. "A committed member is one who is willing to devote time and energy to the team with
faithful attendance and is committed to supporting the final decision of the team"(Chapter 10–1).
We did most of our meeting after class and in library, and everybody attended it with
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Determinism Vs Compatibilism
Philosophers through history, especially those of late have debated over the matter of free will. The
argument of humans being free is contradicted by a notion of a pre–determined fate, one that helps
to conceive the notion of an omnipotent god. The three major groups of thought on this issue
determinists, libertarians and compatibilists all have varying views of free will, while compatibilism
is a combination of beliefs of the other two groups. A compatibilist would reject any notion that
physical determinism impedes free will, as an event may be determined but done voluntarily.
Compatibilists share views with both determinists and libertarians in regards to the freedom and
determinism questions. Compatibilists are also called soft determinists, ... Show more content on ...
In his arguments for compatibilism Ayer suggest that free will be contradicted with constraint to
show that an action can be determined, while also being unconstrained and hence free. A specific
example of a determined yet unconstrained action is when an action is determined, such as ordering
a pizza. It was determined that a person would order the pizza, however if it is a voluntary action it
is believed to be unconstrained and free. Also in aiding the argument of compatibility against the
given argument it is said that "we lack free will unless we would have done otherwise", Ayer argues
that a person could do otherwise if they please, but that it may be determined that "they want to act
as they
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Why Is Freewill Is Realistic Or Determinism? Essay
The issue of whether freewill is realistic or determinism has long been at the heart of the debate.
Free will is fundamentally and totally compatible with determinism (Schooler & Vohs, 2008;
Paulhus & Carey, 2011). Free will refers to the power of acting or not acting according to the
determination of the will of the individual (Schooler & Vohs, 2008). In contrast, determinism states
that, due to the laws of cause and effect, all future events are predetermined, including human
decisions, and that there is no such thing as free will (Baumeister & Monroe, 2014). In touching on
the issue historically, there has been the philosophical and psychological threads densely tangled for
unsolid reasons for the existence of free will and determinism leaving many possible sources.
Human free will is an example many philosophers use as an example of a greater good. They say
free will is what makes us human. Over centuries, for those who placed more weight on the
existence of free will, the philosophical or religious understanding of free will has been lightened
the fatigue of the road with detecting the locus of control in human behaviour (Carey & Paulhus,
2013). One of the influential behaviour psychologists, Skinner, concurred with Descartes that
humans make choices, but critically stated those choices are controlled by outside influences. This
notion of determinism is legitimate to the physical aspects of the world even though it is not to
humanistic behaviour. (Begelman, 1978) This
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Free Will And The Human Brain And Our Emotions
I believe that "free will" does not exist in any shape or form. "Free will is the power of acting
without the constraint of necessity of fate, the ability to act at one's own discretion". Relatively
speaking we "humans" are groups of atoms simply reacting with other groups of atoms. Elaborating
on the human brain and our emotions, it demonstrates that since we are conscious an illusion is
formed that we have free will when it is all cause and effect. In comparison humans are like robots,
we get all of our knowledge from our surroundings and all start off with different software
(genetics). Whether it's from raising your left and right arm to the slightest twitch in your body is all
a direct result from external causes.
Most people in ... Show more content on ...
If your choices are predictable then humans cant choose to do otherwise, and if it is random we do
not get a choice.
Determinism is vastly supported more by theories in philosophy than free will is. Bandura, a
neobehaviourist believed in determinism, and that people would always transform to conform to
other people. Bandura specifies that children observe models and the behaviours of people
surrounding them. Children are influenced by their parent's, actors on television or role models they
meet at school. Children observe then copy these behaviours and demonstrate them later on in life.
Skinner focused mainly on how human's behaviours are decided by the outside world. Skinner
explains, "When an individual's behaviour is determined by force or punishment it is clear that there
is no act of free will". One can infer that being scared of committing an offence or crime because of
the fear being prosecuted and the fact of going to jail. Besides humans are also shaped by positive
reinforcements, an example to this can be being paid an extra bonus for working overtime. When
humans are on ice of acting freely this entails that they're free from negative reinforcements only
resulting from the awards of positive reinforcements we had in the past. Freud intensely believed in
determinism. Freud believed that humans "are determined by certain unconscious feelings, outside
their consciousness".
In making a truly free decision you
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Working In Groups
Throughout the semester, working in groups for different projects and in class work has been a good
experience. Group projects can either have a positive or negative impact on work ethic depending
on a person's work drive. Group projects are beneficial because they put thoughts and ideas of
different people together and thus help students to learn more about both their group members and
the topic of assignment for the group.
Working in ITN groups helped me to prepare for my final group presentation in many ways. Being
assigned with a permanent group for the semester helped with getting to know my group members
well so that we could connect on different projects we faced. The first group project we had was the
ITN. The ITN helped our group because it exposed every member's strengths and weaknesses. We
were able to figure who was good at doing certain pieces of the puzzle so that for future projects it
was easy to assign each member to a certain part. For example, one member may be really good at
citations, while another was good at setting up the presentation. Also, by ... Show more content on ...
The first being that working in groups helps with social skills. The second reason is that working in
a group helps give a good discussion and offers others thoughts on the topic discussed. This is a
sociology class, we learn about societies, the development, structure, and how human society works.
Our class has a lot to discuss and group work is beneficial with discussion. Working in groups
strengthens social abilities because you are constantly having to interact with other people. It helps
with discussion and individual knowledge. If I am having trouble with a certain question while
working individually, I don't have that group to ask about the question I don't know how to answer.
Working in groups provides for better knowledge and input from each person's perspective to create
an overall group
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Determinism Vs Compatibilism
Philosophers through history, especially those of late have debated over the matter of free will. The
argument of humans being free is contradicted by a notion of a pre–determined fate, one that helps
to conceive the notion of an omnipotent god. The three major groups of thought on this issue
determinists, libertarians and compatibilists all have varying views of free will, while compatibilism
is a combination of beliefs of the other two groups. A compatibilist would reject any notion that
physical determinism impedes free will, as an event may be determined but done voluntarily.
Compatibilists share views with both determinists and libertarians in regards to the freedom and
determinism questions. Compatibilists are also called soft determinists, ... Show more content on ...
In his arguments for compatibilism Ayer suggest that free will be contradicted with constraint to
show that an action can be determined, while also being unconstrained and hence free. A specific
example of a determined yet unconstrained action is when an action is determined, such as ordering
a pizza. It was determined that a person would order the pizza, however if it is a voluntary action it
is believed to be unconstrained and free. Also in aiding the argument of compatibility against the
given argument it is said that "we lack free will unless we would have done otherwise", Ayer argues
that a person could do otherwise if they please, but that it may be determined that "they want to act
as they
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Determinism, Hard And Soft
Determinism: According to Sappington (1990) there are two types of determinism, hard and soft. He
states that those who hold hard determinism say that human behavior is completely determined by
outside factors and that ideas such a free will or moral responsibility are meaningless. Many famous
psychologists take this approach such as Freud who believed that people's behavior is controlled by
unconscious factors and any conscious reasons given are simply the brain rationalizing actions to
the superego. Skinner argued against Freud and said that behavior is determined by their
reinforcement histories. Although they argue on the finer points they both believe that conscious
choice is irrelevant.
The second kind of determinism that Sappington (1990) speaks of is soft determinism which is the
belief that human behavior is determined, but this does not mean that free will is incompatible with
it. This view is says that people make choices that affect their lives but these choices themselves are
determined by other factors. According to Sappington (1990) Hobbes, Locke Hume, and Mill
represent this position among with many other famous psychologists. The idea of soft determinism
is not controversial in psychology today. (Sappington 1990)
Is belief in free will or determinism mutually exclusive or can one hold both views? Philosophers
have contrasted compatibilist and incompatibilist positions (Sappington 1990). Incompatibilists
argue that people cannot believe both views, while
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Reflection On Group Presentation
For our group presentation, my peers and I had a group chat and a shared file to work with. Most of
our communication was via Facebook Messenger and Google Docs and during class time. Though
this method eased our work and gave us flexibility, it also caused some problems that we did not
foresee. I expected this project to be taxing, but instead found it much easier. The group overall was
about the same as an essay, but with a visual twist which was interesting.
When my classmates and I were able to work on our group PowerPoint, we made an outline of what
we wanted our slides to be. We decided to have a two slides per argument; one for the actual
argument and the other for an image, graph or any other supporting evidence. Then we added a title,
intro, conclusion and a work cited slides. After creating an outline, we distributed the arguments
evenly, but did not mention the remaining slides. To have the PowerPoint file available to all of us,
we uploaded it onto Google Drive and shared the file with the group. We did not, however, specify
what kind of tone we wanted in the presentation. This caused us all to aim for different types of
presentations rather than creating a cohesive project.
For the next few days, Jose, Pricsilla, and I were reading through articles about welfare and states
who are already drug testing their recipients and how much money they spend each year. After
reading an article which we deemed as useful, we sent the link to our group chat to ensure that we
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Working With A Group Project
When I first find out that there's a group project, I wanted to work with people that I know are
responsible, capable of doing the assignments, respectful, and don't procrastinate. I did not want to
work with negative people at all I've learned from past group presentation experience, so I quickly
ask Carolyn, Britney and Adina if they want to work together, they agreed and that's how we formed
our group but, we still needed to add one additional person for our group. The second time we meet
up in class the other group members had already ask two of our classmates to join our group so
Alexia and Wendy came along. I was excited about everyone that's in our group because, I know
that they're all are capable of getting the assignments and project done on time and they are very
respectful. We were assigned by the professor to come up with a group contract, I have never done
any group contract before so I was happy with the assignment. We all decide that in order for us to
have a positive group experience we would have to follow the contract we'll of course follow the
contract and we came up with things that we all agreed on. We add on the contract that "everyone
will keep their feelings in check and keep group members informed of how things are going. No one
is expected to give full disclosure of their situation but a general advising that something is going on
is expected. Respect each other and don 't be afraid to ask for help. On the second meeting we also
came up with a
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Trout Fishing Research Paper
Do you know what it's like to spend a good amount of time trout fishing and not consistently catch
large trout? Many people have this problem. In this article I'm going to outline some tips and
techniques that will help you take your trout angling to the next level. So, why am I someone who
knows anything about advanced trout fishing techniques? There are two simple reasons.
First, I personally have more than 20 years of trout fishing experience, fishing for these beautiful
fish from Pennsylvania to Montana. In the past 7 years I've focused specifically on catching large
trout (eighteen inches and over), which has given me more valuable experience. The second reasons
that I was taught about trout fishing by a man who has since passed away, ... Show more content on ...
In many cases the basics are the difference between having trout fishing success and experiencing
average results. The basics, such as the size of your line, your knots, the color of your clothing, and
the time when you are fishing make the difference between catching a lot of trout and lackluster
trout fishing results.
Let's start you fishing line. No line larger than six pound test should ever be employed when trout
fishing. When it comes to trout fishing techniques, no matter what technique you use, the size of
your line needs to be paid attention to. I personally prefer four pound test monofilament, and siz
pound is the maximum line weight that should be used. You should also make sure that your fishing
line is as "fresh" as possible. This means re–spooling every month or so to make sure that your line
is as "fresh" as possible. Fresh line performs much better than heavily used fishing line.
As far as your knots are concerned, you want to make sure each and every knot is tied properly. It's
also a great idea to re–tie after every couple of trout or after catching a large trout. After fighting a
large trout your knots become stressed and much less strong. Pay attention to your knots and you
will eliminate losing trout because of this simple
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Free Will And The Perfect Weapon For The Meanest War
Free Will or Fate
Free will is the ability to make choices that are not controlled by fate or God. Fate is an universal
principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably; the decreed cause of
events. In the following paragraphs I will explain how the division between free will and fate is still
relevant and openly discussed today. The three examples I will be discussing is the song 'Free Will'
and the stories 'The Perfect Weapon for the Meanest War' and 'The road from Soldier Back to Child'.
The first song is called 'Free Will' and my thoughts on it are it's mostly about free will and it says
life is all about choices and choices can be made by fate or free will. It also says 'you can't pray for a
place in heaven's unearthly estate' after you've done the crime which I think is more like fate or a
God(s). ... Show more content on ...
Warlords and other people in charge don't care hearts and minds. I know that the kids are easily
manipulated and are easy target for abduction but their parents should have at least taught them right
from wrong. Some kids are forced into going to war because if they don't they will die. These kids
know what they are doing is wrong but the don't want to face death so they make a choice of going
to war, not because of fate but because of their own choice. In Iran they gave boys ages twelve to
sixteen keys to heaven to hang on their necks as they fought the Iran–Iraq War. People join gangs to
feel welcome or people that live/once lived in a broken family and want another family, that group
is now a family of 'brothers'. The gangs want money and so they commit crimes and/or make and
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  • 1. Guidelines To Writing A Psychology Paper HKU SPACE Community College 香港大學專業進修附屬學院 Intra– and Interpersonal Competencies (IIC) Lecturer: Office: Email: Tel.: 1. Introduction 1. Human beings are social animals. We meet people and make friends throughout our life. However, building a positive relationship is not an accident, it requires understanding and effort and is an art to be learned and practiced. Learning, developing, expanding, and improving interpersonal skills and competencies are essential for future success. This course prepares students for the future by helping them improve themselves and their relationships with family members, friends, classmates, co–workers and even people who may be perceived as difficult. Aims & ... Show more content on ... Understanding yourself throughout the life|Personality types and theories | | |span (Chapter 2 of the text) |Gender and personality | | | |How to write psychology paper in APA format | |3 |1. Exploring values and making wise choices |Value and moral development | | |(Chapter 3 of the text) |Define wellness and ways of promoting wellness | | |2. Experiencing and expressing emotion |Emotion and self | | |(Chapter 5 of the text) |Constructive & appropriate ways to express emotion | | |And Achieving happiness & satisfaction |Define happiness | | |(Chapter 4 of the text) |Obstacles in the pursuit of happiness | ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Erasmus And Luther 's Relationship From 1517 to now, Erasmus and Luther's relationship has been one of "great interest and speculation to men of letters, theologians, bishops, and princes" (Packer and Johnston 25). The two men represent two different theological and ethical outlooks, in terms of discussing God and man (Rupp 13). According to Rupp, Erasmus' views originate from a more traditional, scholastic perspective, while Luther's do not (14). Erasmus argues against the idea that man plays no active part in securing his own salvation, because he feels that every man at least has the freedom of choice (15). Luther, on the other hand, argues that the human being has no will of its own. In his eyes, freedom belongs to God and God alone (16). How may we understand the conflict between Erasmus and Luther? In this paper, I argue that Luther and Erasmus could not, and still do not, agree about the role of Christian faith and the freedom of Christians making their own decisions because in reality, neither man knows to what extent an individual can be certain about, in one specific topic. They disagree on the location of where the authority of truth actually lies. They disagree first in their viewpoints, second in their actions, and third in their writings. The arguments in their works intended to admonish one another, which consequently leads to the birth of their continuing argument over the freedom of the will. Three years before these events occurred, Luther began writing personal letters to Erasmus asking for ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Friedman Being Free There is a near connection between political work and science to do with the producing, distribution, and using up of goods and work supply, and different systems of the 2 can only have existence side–by–side in certain pairings. For example, says Friedman, a society which is (by money and goods) one supporting theory that nation being owner is right can not also be (politically) rights–giving, in the sense of being responsible for person freedom."As an of money and goods system, system where persons are owners gives help to state of being free both directly and in a round about way; on one hand market states of being free are their own states of being free, and on the other, they give help to wider political states of being free. property ... Show more content on ... clearly it is not an enough condition," for Italy and Spain under fascism 1 and tzarist Russia were not politically free but were ruled by money and goods by free enterprise.As political and of money and goods state of being free expanded in the 19th hundred, by the early twentieth hundred it had made come into existence a reaction against it–self. Welfare rather than state of being free became the chief note in rights–giving countries, wrote Friedman, and Western governments by all with equal rights moved in the direction of collectivization. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Universal Determinism Everyday we make choices about what we wear, what we eat, and what we do. However, are we actually making these decisions? One of the greatest debates in philosophy, and life is if we are truly free or not. Many philosophers have made arguments that we make our own choices while others have decided that other forces outside of ourselves predetermine are choices. Universal Determinism is the theory that every occurrence in the universe is determined before it ever happened. This means that every choice you made since you woke up this morning was determined prior to ever making that decision. This poses an apparent threat to the idea that our actions are free because the thesis of Universal Determinism means we do not have free will and all the choices that we have made and will make have already been decided by a force outside of ourselves. If Universal Determinism is true all of our actions can be predicted. Freedom of action is acting in a way that you could have done differently while freedom of will is having the will to choose what you want to do. When philosophers discuss free will, they are actually questioning freedom of action; despite being a question of freedom of action, philosophers actually call it freedom of will. Philosophers have separated into two groups of debate in the conversation of free will Compatibilism and Incompatibilism. These philosophers of Compatibilism and Incompatibilism, which can be separated into Hard Determinism and Libertarianism ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Justice Of God By Ayatullah Naser Makarer Within Justice of God by Ayatullah Naser Makarer Shirazi, the Justice of God is analyzed through many subtopics of philosophies which all connect back to Allah's attribute of being 'Adl or Just. Justice has two meanings that differ throughout the span of the book. The first one is "to put everything in its place" which in other words means to balance and create symmetry between everything. The second definition is "following individual rights" which means everyone deserves to be treated equally and the opposite of that would be to take away their rights and only allow a sole group those rights. Now the significance of God's Justice is neither to remove all the rights or give all the rights to one group that's discriminated against others. ... Show more content on ... Their are many sources of oppression and how it starts. These include ignorance, need, inability, and selfishness. Sometimes the oppressor is ignorant of what he is doing and in truth does not know what they are doing. Another one is that if the oppressor has to commit this act in order to attain something that someone else has which results in oppression, but if he was self– sufficient they would have no need to commit oppression. Inability is when someone is not willing to have the rights of another taken but can't do anything about it, so he has to commit oppression. Selfishness is when someone is bearing a grudge against a group of people like seeking revenge so they commit oppression against that group of people. These are the many reasons why oppression occurs within this world. One philosophy discussed are natural calamities such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis which happen all over the world and are used to prove that Gods's Justice did not exist. They also used natural disasters to prove that God doesn 't exist. Another philosophy which is examined in this publication is the difficulties faced in life and how the justice of God justifies them. For example, war is terrible and tears apart lives but sometimes a difficult and long war causes a nation to blossom and become united due to that difficulty. If we analyze the lives of the most successful people in this world, behind them we will see many failures ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Free Will In The Truman Show Free will, the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate. The world is full of choices, good and bad, but most importantly, they are made by people themselves. People possess free will and dictate their lives by the decisions they make. There are two types of people in this world, it is those who are enlightened and the others that are unenlightened. The first group of people are the enlightened, those who are curious and want to learn everything there is to know about the world and how it works. One person who would be included into this group would be 'Truman' from The Truman Show. For example, in the end of "Truman Show", 'Truman' decides to leave his fake, directed life and explore the outside world. This shows that Truman wants to become enlightened with this new world he is discovered. (The Truman Show). Unlike Truman, many prefer to stay in the group of the unenlightened instead of becoming enlightened. Choosing to be enlightened or unenlightened, also come with choices that have permanent consequences. ... Show more content on ... A life changing decision was made by God's own Adam and Eve in Genesis. Instead of listening to God's commands, Eve ignores it and listens to Satan, who gave her false information about the forbidden fruit. This then lead to God banishing the two out of the Garden of Eden forever (Genesis). This shows that even God's first creations made a mistake and had life–long consequences. Along with Adam and Eve, was Satan, one of God's fallen angels. In Paradise Lost, Satan also betrays God and because of it, he is sent to Hell where he vows to never do anything good in oppose to God. What he does not realize is this will actually create eternal good. This proves that everyone is capable of making the wrong choice. Using bad judgement, these characters made the wrong decisions and did not follow what is known to them as ... Get more on ...
  • 7. An Assignment For Biblical Worldview Dinner With Skeptics Defending God in A World that Makes No Sense, by Jeff Vines, Joplin: College Press, 2008. 221 pages. Reviewed by Josiah R. Boyle This Book review is to complete an assignment for Biblical Worldview. Dinner with Skeptics is an account of a conversation Jeff Vines had with a group of skeptics. A missionary for many years, Vines is currently Senior Pastor at Christ's Church of the Valley in San Dimas, California. THESIS: Written to dispel skepticism in God, Vines discusses common arguments against the existence of God such as why there is evil in the world if there is a good god? Why if there is a good, kind, gracious God, then why is there so much suffering in the world?Why are there natural disasters if there 's a good god? Why if there is a god why does he sit on his hands? What is God 's involvment in the midst of evil circumstances. in Dinner With Skeptics: Defending God in A World That Makes No Sense. DOES HE SUPPORT HIS THESIS? In the First Chapter, he discusses why, if there was a God, then why there would be so much evil in the world. The man he is interacting with on this issue, then ask if there was a God, why would there be so much evil in the world? Then Vines remark that for there to something called evil, then there is a God because it implies the presence of a higher being. This chapter supports the thesis. In Chapter Two he was addressed with the question if God was so good, so kind, and gracious, the why would he allow so much ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Free Will vs Determinism Essay PHIL 110 Essay #2 February 15, 2010 GTF: Emma Jones Free Will vs. Determinism The argument of whether we humans are pre determined to turn out how we are and act the way we do or if we are our own decision makers and have the freedom to choose our paths in life is a long–standing controversy. The ideas of Sartre, Freud, and Darwin are each strong in their own manner, yet Sartre presents the best and most realistic argument as to how we choose our path; we are in control of the things we do and responsible for the decisions we make. Not only this, but also, our decisions have an effect on our peer's choices, just as theirs affect ours. In this paper, I will argue that Jean–Paul Sartre makes the best argument of the three philosophers ... Show more content on ... Our freedom to choose what we do and our consciousness are directly related; therefore, we make each of our choices for a reason. With each and every decision we make in our lives, we are shaping our purpose and our meaning, but in making our own choices, we have to take on the responsibilities that come with that power. Every individual needs to be accountable for his own actions. Sartre explains in his exposition, "I cannot obtain any truth whatsoever about myself, except through the mediation of another" (199). This is saying that we need others to help us form our own decisions create and image of how we are to be perceived. It is our responsibility to establish our own value and make the best choices for us and our peers. Sartre goes on to argue, "When we say that man is responsible for himself, we do not mean that he is responsible only for his own individuality, but that he is responsible for all men" (188). As individuals part of a larger group of humans, we must come to the understanding that all of our choices will affect our peers and have an impact on the decisions they will choose to make which in return affect us. Many people turn to a higher power to pawn off responsibility for their actions. For example, acts of terrorism are often blamed on a higher power "speaking" to the group of terrorists telling them to do this, however, this higher power does not exist and the responsibility is completely on the individuals. Our choices and actions ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Hooters Stereotypes Although there were minor similarities to my preconceptions, my overall experience in Hooters vastly differed to what I had expected. As I had foreseen, all staff were young females. However, they wore different types of uniform. Waitresses wore low cut tank tops. With the store logo stretched across their breasts, this notion supports the innuendo for the title 'Hooters'. In dissimilarity, the counter staff wore t–shirts; placing no emphasis on their bust. In response to my ignorance, Hooters is a family restaurant. Families made up the majority of visitors, followed by groups of friends, tourists and the odd solo male. Staff were not stereotypically blonde either. Conversely, Hooters embraced cultural diversity. Although the atmosphere, menu and merchandise was American inspired, their staff represented diverse ethnicities. When in the vicinity, I did not feel awkward. Staff were friendly without being flirtatious and I did not hear a single pet name called. Hooters was just another restaurant, except with flat screen televisions covering every bare wall. I was not starred at and equality was concurrent. Whilst ... Show more content on ... Societal gender binary requires individuals to identify by either masculine or feminine traits (Kachel, Steffens & Niedlich, 2016). Once gender socialisation has occurred, assumptions and stereotypes follow (Holmes, Hughes & Julian, 2012, p.109). If one refutes their gender norm, sexism and discrimination typically manifests. Similarly, stereotypes affect the way people treat others. Using stereotypes to define a person is prejudice and often leads to incorrect assumptions based on the way they act, look or conduct themselves in society. Social reproduction can impact one's life experiences through limitation and inhabitation of involvement. Allowing for the transmission of inequity from one generation to the next, social reproduction restricts personal beliefs and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Effects Of Free Speech On Hate Groups, And The... The relationship of free speech to that of hate groups, and the protection of hate speech under the first Amendment is a much debated topic of ethics and civil liberties. Although affirmative action protects against discrimination of race, religion, gender, and disabilities, it only protects from discrimination in educational institutions and employment. So how can a society that claims to protect civil rights allow the production of speech that opposes those same fundamental rights?, because this form of speech, although hateful in nature, are ideas, and "hateful ideas are just as protected under the First Amendment as other ideas" (McGough, 2015). The First Amendment guarantees freedoms in regards to expression, religion, assembly, and the right to petition. Freedom of expression prohibits Congress from restricting the press or individuals the right to speak freely (Legal Information Institute, n.d.). A hate group, as stated by Walker Bragman, is "an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other designated sector of society" (Bragman, 2012). Speech that attacks, demeans, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability is identified as hate speech (Random House Dictionary, 2016). By design the First Amendment was established to protect unpopular speech, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Small Group Communication Analysis This group project was very interesting. It was cool to examine the group teamwork that was involved and to see the process that was involved. I've worked with many different groups, but have never really looked at the way we operate and communicate. From what I observed I was able to see what was effective during our project, and the specific roles each person took control of. When we started the small group talk amongst ourselves Lauren Hall started it all. She kind of took the lead with the project, which was very good. In the small group conversation we had a communication network that could be considered an All–channel. An All–channel occurs when "each member may communicate with any other member, allowing for the greatest member participation"(DeVito, ... Show more content on ... Due to her being an emergent leader I believe the situational approach to leadership would show the technique she followed. This is because she focused on "accomplishing the task at hand and ensured the satisfaction of the members" (DeVito, 235). She demonstrated this by starting the group conversation, and leading it to the delegation stage. Once we did this we all met in person. Once in a group she was very vocal and helped everyone improve their parts of their project making the presentation much better, and keeping everyone very satisfied. To me this is what a great leader does. They empower their fellow teammates to do better. "Leadership is defined in two very different ways" (DeVito, 233). The definition that she very much followed is this, "leadership is the process of empowering others; the leader is the person who helps others to maximize their potential and to take control of their lives" (DeVito, 233). This is exactly how she acted throughout the project, which improved its final ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Calvin and Human Freedom Historically, theologians and philosophers have struggled to agree on the ideas of human freedom. This struggle seems to stem from the debate over faith vs. reason, or the internal and external sources that lead to human thought and understanding, through which free will is then interpreted and carried out by means of the will. A hidden and constant strive for spiritual enlightenment has always been embedded within humans since the beginning of the Fall. Through this natural drive of pursuing spiritual enlightenment comes the creation of the road to which it leads. Throughout most of time, religion has taken the reigns of showing humans the road to salvation, externally, by means of scripture, which requires faith. Yet in the past, there have been times when the powers of evil have inevitably hijacked religion, turning those who have witnessed or experienced this treachery against external values based on faith, but rather internally based values by means of philosophical thought and reasoning through God's gift of grace. Calvin's view on an external, faith–based religion encompasses ideas of double–predestination and the rejection of free will, and man's ability to choose the good through His grace. In comparison, the Mu'tazilites view on an internal and logically reasoned religion encompasses ideas of the gift of free will, and focuses on His justice through which all is meant for good. The ideals that surround these two belief systems lay on opposite ends of the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Does Free Will Exist Free will does not exist because if it did then all the knowledge we have accumulated from our past experiences wouldn't affect the choices we make in the present. The existence of free will also means that the destiny which God has chosen for us doesn't exist because we would be free to create our own destiny. On the contrary hard determinism dose exist as it is supported by more theories in psychology than free will and because we constantly make decisions to live the lifestyle that has been chosen for us. I remember in church the priest saying that God knows us better than we know yourself. I believe this is true because he made us in the bible says that God know us before we are. I know some people can agree with me. I know exists, God ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Group Reflection: On My Block Our group project started out with a group member leaving the group because of lack of communication and conflict over the artist/topic but overall it turned out well, and the class seemed to enjoy our topic. At first, our group consisted of Benny, Emily, Eric, and myself and after we knew that were in the same group we immediately started brainstorming on topics that we wanted to focus on. On our first official group meeting, we discussed about other topics, and we decided on a show on Netflix called On My Block which follows four teenagers and tackles some of the issues that we discussed in class. Benny was not happy with this and did not want to watch the show, and he suggested that we should focus on a music video, but unfortunately, the ... Show more content on ... This, in turn, becomes how men build themselves to meet these expectations. Hip Hop and media have turned into a culture for most young men and has raised an image of hypermasculinity by influencing them that these are the real attributes of men such as being violent and aggressive. This also encourages certain physical standards which makes men insecure (Lil dicky compares his body to Chris's), and we see this in many narratives such as Male Call which discussed the harmful effects of hypermasculinity and in the comics such as FoxTrot by Bill Amend a young man facing body image. This comic strip also relates to Lil Dicky's own insecurities about his body and skills. Lil Dicky being an artist who isn't tall, muscular and isn't good at basketball uses his platform to shed light on his insecurities. The objectification of bodies in Rap and in media in general impacts young men and they begin to develop body image issues because they don't fit into societies ideals. Lil Dick's own insecurities also relate to the comic Pooch Café where the squirrel feels that the dog will start respecting him if he puts on muscle to look stronger. By putting on muscle, the squirrel believes that he will get the respect he deserves and in Lil Dicky's case, he is trying to be acknowledged by the public by taking on ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Free Will Research Paper We experience free–will in thought processes that require cognition; however in more automotive processes that require little thinking, we don't have free–will. For the purposes of this paper, we will assume that free will is any action divorced from reflexive types of responses. Using this definition, we can assert that free–will can be turned on and off in certain situations. Stereotypes towards certain groups can be created and automatically activated due to environmental factors (Bargh, 1989; Brewer, 1988; Wegner & Bargh, 1997, Fazio, 1986). These factors will elicit stronger reactions the more the same thought processes occur. Once a thought pattern gets ingrained in our mind, it becomes an automated response, and that's where we lose our free–will, but the initial choice of forming prejudices is where we exemplify free–will. ... Show more content on ... With generalization, we are conditioned to respond a certain way to a certain stimulus, however slightly altering the stimuli does still elicit a similar response, although it might be weaker than the original conditioned stimulus (Pearce, 1987; Rescorla, 2006). Other experiments showed how behavior can be modified and selected for by offering a reward (Thorndike, 1898; Skinner, 1938, 1953). This shows that our minds are hardwired to find patterns and how our responses can be automatic without much conscious thought, which exemplifies the lack of free–will. The Little Albert study also shows how emotional responses can be elicited through classical conditioning (Watson & Rayner, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Should Hate Groups Be Allowed Free Speech? From the century–old Ku Klux Klan to the widely publicized Westboro Baptist Church, hate groups have always been prevalent in America. They have been around since humans have had the ability to share and act upon common hatred towards others. Why do they still exist today even after all the progress our society has made fighting against racism and intolerance? The answer lies in the First Amendment right to free speech. Our democratic society allows all citizens the freedom to express any and all opinions, no matter how offensive and hurtful. This leads many to question whether these hate groups should be allowed the right to free speech. I believe that hate groups should be allowed free speech because all Americans have the right of free speech, it is not discriminatory unless it incites violence, and hate can be prevented through education rather than criminalization. Hate groups are known to protest against otherwise agreeable opinions through rallies and speeches. The Westboro Baptist Church is known for picketing funerals, however they have never physically assaulted the people they hate, even when argued with by opposing bystanders. What they do may seem immoral, but it is not a crime to express an opinion. Their opinions and those of other hate groups are protected by the First Amendment which "should protect such expressions when not present danger of an immediate breach of peace" (Attias). This was established in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) in which the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Graduation Speech On Elementary Literacy Essay For this project initially, we split the class up into pairs of groups that would later be presenting projects on the topic we chose to work on. I decided that I wanted to do Elementary Literacy and I got paired in a group with other individuals who wanted to do Elementary Literacy as well. As a group we decided that we wanted to teach our audience of first graders about the Four Seasons, spring, summer, fall, and winter. We divided up the workload by assigning each group member a season and the other group member would read a book introducing the Four Seasons. I was pleasantly surprised on how moderately high I scored myself because I thought I didn't do the greatest job presenting my summer presentation to the class. However, I feel like I should've scored myself lower, my presentation was short and very uninformative for the class itself, I get very nervous when presenting in front of a whole class. Not all of the rubrics were addressed during my presentation since me and my group agreed to divvy up the workload for the presentation, so while I did the season summer, other did other seasons and included different criteria depending on what they presented. So, some rubrics like a majority of the planning rubrics went more towards others in the group depending on what they wanted to address like Maya really went into depth about the importance of adults supporting and guiding children to strengthen their understanding in a subject. It's important to have them understand ... Get more on ...
  • 18. John Chaffee 's Philosophy Textbook In the beginning of chapter four of John Chaffee's philosophy textbook we are confronted with a question, "are you free?" (Chaffee 2013 p.171). Although a majority of people would answer "yes, of course" to a question like this that seems cut and dry but in philosophy, we have to be willing to look deeper into the question being asked. Dive in with an open mind and ask yourself whether or not the choices you make in your life are truly yours or are they governed by outside forces out of your control. People are entitled to their own opinions and thoughts (as we all know). Philosophers thought about whether or not we are actually free and have their own ideas and concepts; determinism, compatibilism, and libertarianism, each with their strengths and weaknesses and we all have the freedom to choose which we believe in or whether or not we believe in any of their views. Beginning with determinism, the idea of determinism is that every event, including human actions, is brought about by previous events in accordance with universal casual laws that govern the world and that human freedom is just an illusion. At its most extreme form, "hard determinism", believers of hard determinism believe that every behavior can be traced to a cause, although they may disagree about what those causes are. Popular explanations of human behavior that exemplify the determinist views (as taken from the textbook): Human Nature: People are born with certain basic instincts that influence and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. What Role Do Interest Groups Play In The Free Market Option 1 – The Role of Regulation in the Free Market Done By: Kamal Adiab I agree that the free market would run into serious problems undercutting its sustainability without regulation; however, the free market is as much a creation of the state that is highly influenced by interest groups. Interest groups play an important role in the formation of a regulation. Interest groups help candidates get elected into government. In return, interest groups can lobby for leniencies in policies that serve their interests. For example, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers has lobbied the government of pipeline regulation, streaming of Fisheries Act, tax credits, and greenhouse gas regulations (as per, The 10 lobby groups with most contact). If these private interests didn't exist, would the general public lobby to increase tax credits to corporations? I don't believe this is the case. Another key question is why do we have regulation? Regulation is meant to serve the best interest of the public. Regulation can serve the private interest, public interest or both. Almost every aspect of our daily life is regulated (as per Regulation: A Primer, page 1). Regulation is very comprehensive to the point that it extends to the moment we wake up to the moment we go back to bed at night. In the morning, there are regulations that dictate which airwaves are used by your radio station; in addition, food and drug agencies regulate the content of your toothpaste, soap, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Group 5 Final Paper Free Range v4 Free Range: A Case for International Operations Group 5 Katherine Stone, Michael Williams, Shawn Williams, Horace L. Wynn, Scott Terry AMBA 610 UMUC Part A: Potential Advantages and Shortfalls of Various Globalization Strategies Globalization strategies have been an issue for any organization that intends to increase its international presence. Free Range Foods has decided to grow operations in France, the United Kingdom, and other regions throughout the globe. The recommended strategies Free Range Foods should consider utilizing in order to strengthen its position in the international market are 1) Merger and Acquisition/ Takeover and 2) Strategic Alliances. Both strategies are effective in obtaining an entry into the ... Show more content on ... Producing and maintaining a product is hard enough domestically and is only further compounded with the addition of taking further components into consideration. A major factor that Free Range needs to consider is how they will like to set up their international organization. According to Jones (2013), a multidomestic strategy is defined as one which haswhen you have a corporateion headquarters and establishesdevelop divisions in each country or region where ityou would like to do business in. Authority in these divisions would be given to the managers located in eachthere. The divisions would develop and market products in a way that focuses on the region of the globe they are locatedin (Jones, 2013, p. 464). This is important to consider because what Americans want out of a product can be very different than what Europeans expect out of a product. For example, there are many different types of cheeses available in Europe that are not available in America, so it would be important to understand the culture and expectations of consumers in the country/region where a company doesyou are doing business in. The Multidomestic approach will allow you to form your products to satisfy the needs and wants of the consumers in that area. One of the primary factors to consider is the cost of establishing the business in a foreign market. France maintains market for organic products but the products are sold at a much higher rate than traditionally farmed ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Thoreau, Rousseau : The Moral Value Of An Ideal Citizen For an ideal citizen, it is encouraged by many philosophers to be more honest about their drives and their motives. Within their essays over ethics and morality, philosophers, such as Thoreau, Rousseau, and Nietzsche, create an image of what an ideal citizen would be. A government, or religion, shouldn't rule the individual and dictate their decisions and moral thinking. It is encouraged that an ideal citizen should fight for their own freedoms and right to free will. They also should stay true to themselves and not attempt to compare themselves to others while thinking that they cannot be who they are as a human. American philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, believed if the government does not make an effort into improving itself, then no one should be obligated to support it. An ideal citizen would find unjust laws and fight against injustice and stand for what they believe in. Thoreau argued that democracies only served the desires of the ore influential groups of people rather than the more concerned and thoughtful. It is more important to develop a respect for the person's right, rather than respect for the law that is deemed unjust. Thoreau wrote that man would serve the state making "no free exercise whatever of the judgement or of the moral sense... are commonly esteemed good citizens"(3). He defines this as expressing his beliefs that people should not allow the government to overrule their principles. A citizen should make it a duty to avoid and fight against injustice in the world. Thoreau opens Civil Disobedience with the motto "That government is best which governs least," and speaks in favor of a government that does not intrude in a person's life and gives them freedom (Thoreau 303). A citizen truly leads a free life until leaving nature and entering a society. Rousseau argued that society corrupts an individual's mind and society diminishes the concept of free will. To be free of the societal norms, the citizen will have to listen to their "inner voice" and put aside the "chains" of prejudice, caste, creed, and color. An ideal citizen would accept themselves as a person, and neighbors surrounding them, to ensure happiness. It is theorized by Rousseau that a populace in a society are ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Qumran: Identity, Spirits, Science and Dualism Essay 1. The topic of my research is the coexistence and dualism of determinism and free will or, natural evil and moral evil, within the texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. I am interested in this subject because I was intrigued by the debate it sparked among scholars and scientists alike. When applied to a religious backdrop it seems to be an especially complicated puzzle which can't be easily solved rationally or scientifically. As I am determined to know what made ancient people tick, this subject falls near the center of my personal interests. I noted that the authors of the Biblical texts seem also to make no attempt at harmonizing their implications of the importance of human choice with their unwavering belief that all things were ... Show more content on ... In the Community Rule, several passages such as "Before ever they existed He established their whole design, and when, as ordained for them, they came into being, it is in accord with His glorious design that they accomplish their task without change" (1QS 3.15–16), lend themselves to the position of these authors. 1QS allows these authors to place considerable weight in its author(s) belief in divine foreknowledge. It is obvious in the text that they considered themselves to be in the "lot of the Holy Ones" (1QS 11.7–9) and that this was the effect of grace, as having been pre– planned for each of them. They attempted to adhere to the spirit of truth in the ways of light as it is described in the Instruction of the Two Spirits within the Community Rule, while all others were assumed to be doomed to falsehood in the path of darkness. Noted, but not focused on among these five authors, are the more subtle references to freedom of the will of human agents within the predestined design. It is understood that members of the community might be led astray by the Angel of Darkness, falling away from the way of the light either temporarily or permanently. The concept is that all Sons of Light must control their actions and thoughts through the use of their personal psyche in a process of deliberation in order to defend themselves against ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Belief In Free Will In Milton's Paradise Lost By John Milton Belief in free will is the belief in self–determination. Humanity exists with a philosophical principle that humans have specific control over individual choices; thus, are in control of their own destiny. Belief in free will gives validity and responsibility to one's own choices and life. Without this belief humans would lose part of their individualism and control. Actions would only be determined by external forces. Consequently, ideas on self–worth, ethics, accountability, and societal relationships would be meaningless. Mankind needs to feel that multiple choices are available and obtainable. Writers during the 18th century focused on the ideas of free will. This determination was innate, yet factors within society and individuals that influenced this autonomy, such as social immorality. The ideas of self–sovereignty have been examined through various sections of literature. Consequently, John Milton's "Paradise Lost", William Shakespeare's "King Lear", and Mary Astell "From Some Reflections upon Marriage" examine free wills effect on humanity in relation to corruption, enslavement to desires, and dangers/benefits. Milton, Shakespeare, and Astell use written form to demonstrate that repercussion and vices of the idea of free will. "Paradise Lost" by John Milton, Satan has entered Paradise in the form a serpent. He tempts Eve with the fruit of the Forbidden Tree. Satan's appeals to Eve's idea that knowledge and understanding of human nature will be obtained. Eve's ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Matrix Of Free Will And Determinism Essay The Matrix films take place in a thought provoking universe and present some classical yet relevant philosophical ideas, especially those pertaining to determinism. Determinism is the theory that every event that occurs is caused to occur such that what obtains in the future could not have been different given what has obtained in the past. This issue persists throughout the entire trilogy and shapes the development of the characters and the story. The films borrow ideas from various forms of media, including philosophers like Baron Paul Henry d'Holbach, to create a film series that questions the idea of free will and determinism. The films illustrate the problem of determinism through the interactions of characters and varying beliefs, such as hard determinism, fatalism, compatibilism, and foreknowledge. The issue of determinism most discussed in the films is whether or not humans have free will. Hard determinists like d'Holbach resolve this issue by claiming that free will and determinism are incompatible, so free will does not exist. Many examples from the films support this belief that human choice is an illusion. The character that speaks most directly with this belief is the Merovingian. During Neo's search for the key maker he speaks with the Merovingian about the purpose of his journey. The Merovingian asks Neo if he knows why he is here and goes on to tell him, "you are here because you were sent here, you were told to come here and you obeyed. It is, of course, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. A Comparison Of Determinism And Free Will Theory Magd Al Harbi A Comparison of Determinism & Free Will Theory Kent State University Introduction One aspect of human existence that I think is particularly interesting is the extent of control of which we have over the decisions we make. In life, there are many decisions to be made, from simple ones that seem almost subconscious to complex decisions that can take days to ponder on. There are decisions that we make that directly affect others, indirectly affect others, and decisions that we believe do not affect others, or even ourselves, at all. There are decisions that we believe do not matter and would have no impact on our existence. Two theories that shed some light on these aspects are the theory of determinism from ... Show more content on ... By "pleasurable", Hume means a sensation that simply makes us feel good. An assertion such as this brings forth the reason behind Hume's theory that humans are bound by determinism–firstly, we are born to naturally make decisions based on the most pleasurable outcome, which is not something we can control, therefore, it is a pre–determined characteristic of humans (Hume, 2006, p. 76). Secondly, Hume argues that the feelings we receive regarding things are determined mostly by elements out of our control. Therefore almost every sensation and feeling we incur is not made by that of our own volition but by a combination of countless ideas and impressions that have occurred in our life that we are not able to scrutinize or comprehend fully because there are far too many to analyze. Thirdly, Hume integrates the complexity of social norms into his theory as well. Depending on the situation, gaining social approbation from the community can cause more pleasure for someone than acting out of a selfish motive, due to the social disapproval making a decision could present (Hume, 2006, p. 10). For example, upon studying this theory, I found myself thinking about a time in which I was working on a project with a group and felt like skipping one of our group meetings because I was exhausted from work and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. What Is The Free Amino Groups Of Nucleobases? Parallel to proteins, the free amino groups of nitrogen bases of nucleosides and nucleotides under alkaline pH conditions are also prone to the Maillard reaction (Reihl, O. et al, 2004). DNA reacts with reducing sugars (glucose, fructose, ribose etc.) and advances via Amadori reaction leading to the formation of irreversible complexes known as DNA–advanced glycation end products (DNA– AGEs) (Bidmon, C. et al 2007; Frischmann, M. et al 2005). Various report suggested that nucleobases possessing amine groups are susceptible to glycation. Thus, guanine and guanine derivatives was found to be the most reactive of all the nucleobases (Dutta et al 2005, 2006). The conformation of each nucleobase (G > A > C) is affected upon binding with sugar ... Show more content on ... 3A). However, other nucleotides like deoxycytidine (Fig. 3A) are glycated at high α–oxoaldehyde concentrations forming 5–glycolylcytidine (Frischmann, M. et al 2005; Kasai, H. et al 1998; Krymkiewicz, N. 1993). Inter–strand cross–links in duplex DNA (Seidel W and Pischetsrieder M 1998; Kasai, H. et al 1998) and DNA–protein cross–links in human keratinocytes were reported at higher MG concentrations. A recent in vitro study has demonstrated that CEdG (Fig. 3B) formation in DNA can hinder the Klenow fragment–mediated DNA synthesis (Cao, H. et al 2007). Due to AGEs the hydrogen–bonding property of the modified guanine is affected, resulting efficient incorporation of purine than pyrimidine nucleotides (Cao, H. et al 2007). Addition of bulky AGEs groups on the N2 position of guanine altered the Watson–Crick base pairing characteristic of these nucleobases resulting in destabilization of duplex DNA. The presence of dGTP–AGEs in DNA may change DNA structure, leading to the formation of abasic sites and DNA strand breaks (Pischetsrieder, M. et al 1999; Seidel W and Pischetsrieder M 1998; Cao, H. et al 2007). DNA glycation generates several nucleotide adducts that increases oxidative stress by the generation of hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, and hydroxyl radicals (Mistry, M. et al 2003; Thornalley, P.J. 1996). Recently a study demonstrated an accumulation of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Personal Statement : Self Awareness This paper will provide a glimpse of my non–cognitive traits such as self awareness, empathy, passion and fortitude. The process of being self–aware is not always easy, but is a worthwhile and magnanimous achievement. As a social worker, Self–awareness is an essential ingredient in preparing oneself to encounter new challenges while learning to understand one's own strengths, weaknesses, thoughts and beliefs. It was difficult for me to work on a project with others not knowing if I could control my emotions, judgmental attitudes and negative past experiences with group assignments. In past groups my expectations weren't met. I was burdened with the task of completing other group members' assignments while they avoided the work or vicariously participated. Acknowledging how past experiences influenced my beliefs, feelings and thoughts towards group work has made a difference. This acknowledgement coupled with myself awareness has helped me in working in this recent group. Without self awareness and knowing what experiences influenced my thoughts about groups. I would not have been effective with group assignments. Nor would it be possible to provide skillful techniques and sensitively during the group process. Consequently, without this information I may have also unknowingly rejected the group process and become reluctant to participate in the group. However, by knowing what experiences shaped my thoughts it has helped with the prejudices, biases and stereotypes that ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Outline on the Free Will Argument Essay The Free Will Argument (There is Free Choice) I. Introduction a. Attention Gatherer: Nothing is completely random, and everything is determined, as the determinist would say, but as humans, there is such a thing as self determinism. Each action has a cause, it is not random, and it is rational, but it is also a choice. Each individual can choose to do a multitude of things, and thus the actions are free, and they are not wholly predictable, but they are not wholly unpredictable either. b. Thesis: Free Will is Free Choice. c. Summary: i. Premise 1: God knows every choice a person can and will make, because he is omniscient, but he does not force the individual to make the choice. ii. ... Show more content on ... Every action cannot be a cause and effect if there is a choice to change from one belief to another. vi. Saint Aquinas attempted to explain God as the first mover, and that all things followed after God's initial cause. But also, It was Adam the first man, who chose to bring sin into the world, God did not cause that to be, and neither did anything outside of Adam, and therefore it was Adam's self determinant choice to sin against the laws of God. vii. Premise 3: 4. Adam's decision was made by his subjective ability to reason. There is no way for a scientist or other being to take apart Adam and physically analyze Adam's ability to reason. Since choices and reasoning are not at all physical, they cannot share a physical cause and effect relationship, and have nothing to do with determinist's causal relationship philosophy. 5. A man takes a woman on a date. At the end of the date, the man gives the woman a choice as to whether or not she wants him to take her home or to take her back to his home. The woman will make this choice, and though the prediction of what she will do can be determined through the physical and outward experiences of the evening, what cannot be seen in the prediction is the woman's personal reasoning, and even though the evening could have been a horrible one, she may choose to go home with him in attempt to give the man another chance. III. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Small Group Project In the Problem Solution Project, I was placed in Group 3. Our group was Small Group as it consisted of six total members. Our group members name was Latisha Ford, Ian Cooper, Dylan Thornton, Chris McMahan, Conner Stevenson and myself Anit Shrestha. Each team member was significantly working hard to make this project a success. Every team member had an important role and contribution in the group. Our project was to identify the problem of lightening, active shooter scenario in college and to evaluate the solutions. Starting with myself, I played the role of creating an effective communication in a group. Since, everyone in our group had a busy schedule and most of us lived out of campus we decided to communicate more via text and emails. So, I collected the phone numbers and emails from each group individual and added everyone in group message. Latisha had an active role in keeping everyone informed about what stage we were in during the development of project. Dylan did a great job by identifying the places that were having insufficient lights around college and collected the pictures of it. Chris did a lot of research to identify the solutions for the problem. He also played a great role in developing our ... Show more content on ... Firstly, we brainstormed the problems that were around the college and decided to go with the problems of lightening. Since Latisha always faced the problem of dark since she had night classes and Chris had good information about various lightening, we agreed this would be best topic for us to make project on. Our team members had effective meeting as our members were committed and prepared. "A committed member is one who is willing to devote time and energy to the team with faithful attendance and is committed to supporting the final decision of the team"(Chapter 10–1). We did most of our meeting after class and in library, and everybody attended it with ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Determinism Vs Compatibilism Philosophers through history, especially those of late have debated over the matter of free will. The argument of humans being free is contradicted by a notion of a pre–determined fate, one that helps to conceive the notion of an omnipotent god. The three major groups of thought on this issue determinists, libertarians and compatibilists all have varying views of free will, while compatibilism is a combination of beliefs of the other two groups. A compatibilist would reject any notion that physical determinism impedes free will, as an event may be determined but done voluntarily. Compatibilists share views with both determinists and libertarians in regards to the freedom and determinism questions. Compatibilists are also called soft determinists, ... Show more content on ... In his arguments for compatibilism Ayer suggest that free will be contradicted with constraint to show that an action can be determined, while also being unconstrained and hence free. A specific example of a determined yet unconstrained action is when an action is determined, such as ordering a pizza. It was determined that a person would order the pizza, however if it is a voluntary action it is believed to be unconstrained and free. Also in aiding the argument of compatibility against the given argument it is said that "we lack free will unless we would have done otherwise", Ayer argues that a person could do otherwise if they please, but that it may be determined that "they want to act as they ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Why Is Freewill Is Realistic Or Determinism? Essay The issue of whether freewill is realistic or determinism has long been at the heart of the debate. Free will is fundamentally and totally compatible with determinism (Schooler & Vohs, 2008; Paulhus & Carey, 2011). Free will refers to the power of acting or not acting according to the determination of the will of the individual (Schooler & Vohs, 2008). In contrast, determinism states that, due to the laws of cause and effect, all future events are predetermined, including human decisions, and that there is no such thing as free will (Baumeister & Monroe, 2014). In touching on the issue historically, there has been the philosophical and psychological threads densely tangled for unsolid reasons for the existence of free will and determinism leaving many possible sources. Human free will is an example many philosophers use as an example of a greater good. They say free will is what makes us human. Over centuries, for those who placed more weight on the existence of free will, the philosophical or religious understanding of free will has been lightened the fatigue of the road with detecting the locus of control in human behaviour (Carey & Paulhus, 2013). One of the influential behaviour psychologists, Skinner, concurred with Descartes that humans make choices, but critically stated those choices are controlled by outside influences. This notion of determinism is legitimate to the physical aspects of the world even though it is not to humanistic behaviour. (Begelman, 1978) This ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Free Will And The Human Brain And Our Emotions I believe that "free will" does not exist in any shape or form. "Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity of fate, the ability to act at one's own discretion". Relatively speaking we "humans" are groups of atoms simply reacting with other groups of atoms. Elaborating on the human brain and our emotions, it demonstrates that since we are conscious an illusion is formed that we have free will when it is all cause and effect. In comparison humans are like robots, we get all of our knowledge from our surroundings and all start off with different software (genetics). Whether it's from raising your left and right arm to the slightest twitch in your body is all a direct result from external causes. Most people in ... Show more content on ... If your choices are predictable then humans cant choose to do otherwise, and if it is random we do not get a choice. Determinism is vastly supported more by theories in philosophy than free will is. Bandura, a neobehaviourist believed in determinism, and that people would always transform to conform to other people. Bandura specifies that children observe models and the behaviours of people surrounding them. Children are influenced by their parent's, actors on television or role models they meet at school. Children observe then copy these behaviours and demonstrate them later on in life. Skinner focused mainly on how human's behaviours are decided by the outside world. Skinner explains, "When an individual's behaviour is determined by force or punishment it is clear that there is no act of free will". One can infer that being scared of committing an offence or crime because of the fear being prosecuted and the fact of going to jail. Besides humans are also shaped by positive reinforcements, an example to this can be being paid an extra bonus for working overtime. When humans are on ice of acting freely this entails that they're free from negative reinforcements only resulting from the awards of positive reinforcements we had in the past. Freud intensely believed in determinism. Freud believed that humans "are determined by certain unconscious feelings, outside their consciousness". In making a truly free decision you ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Working In Groups Throughout the semester, working in groups for different projects and in class work has been a good experience. Group projects can either have a positive or negative impact on work ethic depending on a person's work drive. Group projects are beneficial because they put thoughts and ideas of different people together and thus help students to learn more about both their group members and the topic of assignment for the group. Working in ITN groups helped me to prepare for my final group presentation in many ways. Being assigned with a permanent group for the semester helped with getting to know my group members well so that we could connect on different projects we faced. The first group project we had was the ITN. The ITN helped our group because it exposed every member's strengths and weaknesses. We were able to figure who was good at doing certain pieces of the puzzle so that for future projects it was easy to assign each member to a certain part. For example, one member may be really good at citations, while another was good at setting up the presentation. Also, by ... Show more content on ... The first being that working in groups helps with social skills. The second reason is that working in a group helps give a good discussion and offers others thoughts on the topic discussed. This is a sociology class, we learn about societies, the development, structure, and how human society works. Our class has a lot to discuss and group work is beneficial with discussion. Working in groups strengthens social abilities because you are constantly having to interact with other people. It helps with discussion and individual knowledge. If I am having trouble with a certain question while working individually, I don't have that group to ask about the question I don't know how to answer. Working in groups provides for better knowledge and input from each person's perspective to create an overall group ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Determinism Vs Compatibilism Philosophers through history, especially those of late have debated over the matter of free will. The argument of humans being free is contradicted by a notion of a pre–determined fate, one that helps to conceive the notion of an omnipotent god. The three major groups of thought on this issue determinists, libertarians and compatibilists all have varying views of free will, while compatibilism is a combination of beliefs of the other two groups. A compatibilist would reject any notion that physical determinism impedes free will, as an event may be determined but done voluntarily. Compatibilists share views with both determinists and libertarians in regards to the freedom and determinism questions. Compatibilists are also called soft determinists, ... Show more content on ... In his arguments for compatibilism Ayer suggest that free will be contradicted with constraint to show that an action can be determined, while also being unconstrained and hence free. A specific example of a determined yet unconstrained action is when an action is determined, such as ordering a pizza. It was determined that a person would order the pizza, however if it is a voluntary action it is believed to be unconstrained and free. Also in aiding the argument of compatibility against the given argument it is said that "we lack free will unless we would have done otherwise", Ayer argues that a person could do otherwise if they please, but that it may be determined that "they want to act as they ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Determinism, Hard And Soft Determinism: According to Sappington (1990) there are two types of determinism, hard and soft. He states that those who hold hard determinism say that human behavior is completely determined by outside factors and that ideas such a free will or moral responsibility are meaningless. Many famous psychologists take this approach such as Freud who believed that people's behavior is controlled by unconscious factors and any conscious reasons given are simply the brain rationalizing actions to the superego. Skinner argued against Freud and said that behavior is determined by their reinforcement histories. Although they argue on the finer points they both believe that conscious choice is irrelevant. The second kind of determinism that Sappington (1990) speaks of is soft determinism which is the belief that human behavior is determined, but this does not mean that free will is incompatible with it. This view is says that people make choices that affect their lives but these choices themselves are determined by other factors. According to Sappington (1990) Hobbes, Locke Hume, and Mill represent this position among with many other famous psychologists. The idea of soft determinism is not controversial in psychology today. (Sappington 1990) Is belief in free will or determinism mutually exclusive or can one hold both views? Philosophers have contrasted compatibilist and incompatibilist positions (Sappington 1990). Incompatibilists argue that people cannot believe both views, while ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Reflection On Group Presentation For our group presentation, my peers and I had a group chat and a shared file to work with. Most of our communication was via Facebook Messenger and Google Docs and during class time. Though this method eased our work and gave us flexibility, it also caused some problems that we did not foresee. I expected this project to be taxing, but instead found it much easier. The group overall was about the same as an essay, but with a visual twist which was interesting. When my classmates and I were able to work on our group PowerPoint, we made an outline of what we wanted our slides to be. We decided to have a two slides per argument; one for the actual argument and the other for an image, graph or any other supporting evidence. Then we added a title, intro, conclusion and a work cited slides. After creating an outline, we distributed the arguments evenly, but did not mention the remaining slides. To have the PowerPoint file available to all of us, we uploaded it onto Google Drive and shared the file with the group. We did not, however, specify what kind of tone we wanted in the presentation. This caused us all to aim for different types of presentations rather than creating a cohesive project. For the next few days, Jose, Pricsilla, and I were reading through articles about welfare and states who are already drug testing their recipients and how much money they spend each year. After reading an article which we deemed as useful, we sent the link to our group chat to ensure that we ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Working With A Group Project When I first find out that there's a group project, I wanted to work with people that I know are responsible, capable of doing the assignments, respectful, and don't procrastinate. I did not want to work with negative people at all I've learned from past group presentation experience, so I quickly ask Carolyn, Britney and Adina if they want to work together, they agreed and that's how we formed our group but, we still needed to add one additional person for our group. The second time we meet up in class the other group members had already ask two of our classmates to join our group so Alexia and Wendy came along. I was excited about everyone that's in our group because, I know that they're all are capable of getting the assignments and project done on time and they are very respectful. We were assigned by the professor to come up with a group contract, I have never done any group contract before so I was happy with the assignment. We all decide that in order for us to have a positive group experience we would have to follow the contract we'll of course follow the contract and we came up with things that we all agreed on. We add on the contract that "everyone will keep their feelings in check and keep group members informed of how things are going. No one is expected to give full disclosure of their situation but a general advising that something is going on is expected. Respect each other and don 't be afraid to ask for help. On the second meeting we also came up with a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Trout Fishing Research Paper Do you know what it's like to spend a good amount of time trout fishing and not consistently catch large trout? Many people have this problem. In this article I'm going to outline some tips and techniques that will help you take your trout angling to the next level. So, why am I someone who knows anything about advanced trout fishing techniques? There are two simple reasons. First, I personally have more than 20 years of trout fishing experience, fishing for these beautiful fish from Pennsylvania to Montana. In the past 7 years I've focused specifically on catching large trout (eighteen inches and over), which has given me more valuable experience. The second reasons that I was taught about trout fishing by a man who has since passed away, ... Show more content on ... In many cases the basics are the difference between having trout fishing success and experiencing average results. The basics, such as the size of your line, your knots, the color of your clothing, and the time when you are fishing make the difference between catching a lot of trout and lackluster trout fishing results. Let's start you fishing line. No line larger than six pound test should ever be employed when trout fishing. When it comes to trout fishing techniques, no matter what technique you use, the size of your line needs to be paid attention to. I personally prefer four pound test monofilament, and siz pound is the maximum line weight that should be used. You should also make sure that your fishing line is as "fresh" as possible. This means re–spooling every month or so to make sure that your line is as "fresh" as possible. Fresh line performs much better than heavily used fishing line. As far as your knots are concerned, you want to make sure each and every knot is tied properly. It's also a great idea to re–tie after every couple of trout or after catching a large trout. After fighting a large trout your knots become stressed and much less strong. Pay attention to your knots and you will eliminate losing trout because of this simple ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Free Will And The Perfect Weapon For The Meanest War Free Will or Fate Free will is the ability to make choices that are not controlled by fate or God. Fate is an universal principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably; the decreed cause of events. In the following paragraphs I will explain how the division between free will and fate is still relevant and openly discussed today. The three examples I will be discussing is the song 'Free Will' and the stories 'The Perfect Weapon for the Meanest War' and 'The road from Soldier Back to Child'. The first song is called 'Free Will' and my thoughts on it are it's mostly about free will and it says life is all about choices and choices can be made by fate or free will. It also says 'you can't pray for a place in heaven's unearthly estate' after you've done the crime which I think is more like fate or a God(s). ... Show more content on ... Warlords and other people in charge don't care hearts and minds. I know that the kids are easily manipulated and are easy target for abduction but their parents should have at least taught them right from wrong. Some kids are forced into going to war because if they don't they will die. These kids know what they are doing is wrong but the don't want to face death so they make a choice of going to war, not because of fate but because of their own choice. In Iran they gave boys ages twelve to sixteen keys to heaven to hang on their necks as they fought the Iran–Iraq War. People join gangs to feel welcome or people that live/once lived in a broken family and want another family, that group is now a family of 'brothers'. The gangs want money and so they commit crimes and/or make and sell ... Get more on ...