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cwhisna February 13, 2010

                            GROW BY LEARNING
To Bloggers Everywhere

Charles E. Whisnant, on Grow By Learning Blogger. Posts from
May 2009 thru August 2009.

I hope you will enjoy these articles, and photos.

Eric and Leslie's new born and our granddaughter               8
Very Proud of our Granddaughter                                8
A GOOD WEEK                                                    9
OKAY WE ARE GRANDPARENTS OKAY                                  10
Sharing the Gospel and God's Divine Election                   10
Sharing the Gospel & God's Divine Election Part Two            11
Wallace York a man to be remembered                            12
Sideshow: God, Satan, and Miss USA                             13
MY LOVELY SISTER FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS                         14
PREACHING AND THE LISTENERS?                                   17
CHARLES E. WHISANANT CAN BE FOUND ON                           17
GRANDDAUGHTER IS                                               18
A DAY WITH CHARITY WAS GREAT                                   19
Pastoral Leadership Paul's Method Part One and Two             20
Why All the Best Preachers Are--What a Concept!--Theological   22
EVOLUTION IS STILL IN THE NEWS IN 2009                         23
How To Talk Salvation To Children                              24
May I order please....                                         24
LeBron's buzzer-beater lifts Cavaliers over Magic 2            24
SPORTS COLLECTIONS AND THE GOSPEL                              25
Why Pastor Give Their Charge?                                  26
Reality of Church Ministry Comes to Life                       27
LETING DOWN YOUR SLEEVES IS GREAT                              28
UNION MILLS BAKERY MAY 29                                      29

Saturday, May 30, 2009                           31
    Some Events for Sunday May 31                    31
    A JUNE GREETING FROM CHARLES E                   32
    Why Paul Was Glad the Thessalonians              33
    The Harley - Davidson Bike Wedding               33
    TRAIN CARS IN FRONT OF HOUSE                     33
    40th President of the United States              34
    D - Day, the reason America IS.                  34
    Does Your Theology Affect Your Evangelism        35
    The Bible Is The Word of God                     36
    Tuesday, June 09, 2009                           36
    The Ministry of The Word Of God                  36
    The Preachers Message Keeps In View?             37
    40th Year Married To Charity                     38
    40th Wedding Anniversary and 1st Year at ROJBC   38
    Charles and Charity Singing for the First Time   40
    Great Church Family and Family Cebelation        40
    SUNDAY JUNE 14TH 2009 GREAT                      41
    Any Appearance of Evolution is Wrong.            44
    Creation is a Fact Supported by Scripture.       44
    Angels Were Created Beings by God                45
    So How Do I Come To Believe What I Believe       45
    A overview of the week forthwith                 45

The Suffering For Christ's Righteousness Seen             48
FOR ME DEATH WILL BE OKAY                                 51
Shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?        51
To Magnify The Lord Jesus Christ                          55
Do Trips to Argentina South America                       55
Study the Word and Preach the Word                        56
His Only Begotton Son Message Plus                        57
Reflection Over the Last Year at ROJBC                    57
Music in a different style                                59
Charles E. Whisnant Message pt 1 from July 5, 2009        59
How Huge Is The Universe Sermon                           60
This Is Pretty Cool Party                                 61
Grtand daughter visits her grandfather                    61
Alan Harris Family Connersville, Indiana                  62
The Drama Of Coming To Minford                            62
Chad R. Whisnant one find young man                       63
Family as a teen great                                    64
Why Another Social Network Service?                       64
The Complexity and Diversity of God's Order of Creation   65
THE LORD'S GLORY AND MAN'S DIGNITY                        66
11 Things You Might Not Know About Apollo 11              66
So Few Have Died So Hard                                  66
Rivers of Joy Baptist Church                              70

Four Options To The Creation of Universe                         72
    Paul's Take on Earth living or Heaven                            72
    Paul Talkes about Living life and Heaven                         72
    John Piper says we should guard the powerful role of preaching
    in w...                                                          73
    The Creation of Day Five Continues                               73
    IS 'DEPRESSION" A BIBLICAL RESPONSE?                             74
    The Power of God's Strength and Comfort                          77
    SATAN IS OUT TO SHAKE YOU UP                                     78
    DEPRESSION                                                       81
    Time To Relax After Sunday's Services                            85
    Should Christians Stay In A State of Depression                  85
    CAN CHRISTIANS BE BIPOLAR?                                       87
    Satan the Devil Sermon and Video                                 88
    People, Science, God and Evolution                               89
    It's A Devil of a Message                                       89
    IT IS A DEVIL OF A MESSAGE                                       90
    IT IS A DEVIL OF A MESSAGE                                       90
    Johnny Edwards                                                   90
    Update: Computer 2009                                            90
    Charles E. Whisnant Teaching On Wednesday Evening                91
    Sunday Morning August 16, 2009                                   91
    Remarks About Sunday                                             92
    The Book of Romans Series                                        93
    Charles E. Whisnant, Teaching from Romans                        93

Charles E. Whisnant, Preaching & Teaching   94
Christ Our Hope And Salvation               94
Creation Day Six Outline                    95
Ellen and Stephen                           95
Charles E. Whisnant                         96
So Really What Is Preaching?                96
How Should We Present the Word of God       97
Salvation is Transforming Power of Christ   98
To Go To Heaven You Need To Know            98
Bible Study Handouts Are Good. Why?         99
How Do We Learn The Fear of the Lord        99

Eric and Leslie's new born and our
    Friday, May 01, 2009
    Dressing our granddaughter for the first time from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

    Amazing Amazing creation of God from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

    Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:25AM (-05:00)

    Very Proud of our Granddaughter
    Saturday, May 02, 2009
                                                  Eric and Leslie baby was born April 30,
                                                 2009 around 5 p.m. and she was 7 lbs 11
                                                 oz and 19 in long and of course a very
                                                 perfect little girl. As only a grandfather
                                                 would say so proudly.

                                                  The star of the day
                                                  Aunt Becky and grandmother Mom
                                                  Chad and Mom and Kyle

                                                 Bob, Charles, Chad and Kyle
                                                 Heather, Charity and Brittney
                                                 Grandfather and our little granddaughter
                                                 Happy Grandparents
                                                 Happy Happy
                                                 Happy Dad
                                                 Happy Grandmother Charity
                                                 Happy aunt Becky and Mom

                                                 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:01AM

     Monday, May 04, 2009
                                               Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:39AM

     Wednesday, May 06, 2009
                                               Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 02:01PM

     Sharing the Gospel and God's Divine Election
     Friday, May 08, 2009
     EVANGELISM AND GOD'S SOVERIGNTY from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

     This message is the second lesson on this subject, and the first part of the second
lesson. (I am in the process making available the first lesson)



The fact remains that God in the gospel really does offer and promise justification and life
to “whosoever will.” Romans 10:13. As God commands all men everywhere to repent, so
God invites all men everywhere to come to Christ and find mercy.

Definition of Evangelism:

 1. Is a task appointed to all God’s people everywhere. It is the task of communicating
    the message from the God to bring about salvation to mankind.
 2. The message begins with information and ends with an invitation. (I am not talking
    about a church invitation at th end of the service)
 3. The information concerns the work of God of making His Son a just right Saviour
    for sinners.
 4. The invitation is God’s summons to mankind generally to come to the Saviour and
    find life.
    God commands all men everywhere to repent, and promises forgiveness and
    salvation to all who do. (Acts 17:30)
 5. The Christian is sent into the world as Christ’s speak and Christ’s ambassador, to
    sent forth this message as far and wide as he can. It’s a duty, it’s a command, it’s a
    privilege to tell people about Christ.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 01:53PM (-05:00)

Sharing the Gospel & God's Divine Election Part
Saturday, May 09, 2009
on Vimeo.

It is true that God has from all eternity chosen whom He will save. It is true that Christ
came specifically to save those whom the Father had given Him. But it is also true that
Christ offers Himself freely to all men as their Savior, and guarantees to bring to glory
everyone who trust in Him as such. Note how He Himself deliberately put side by side
these two thoughts: John 6:37-38.

Christ means who He says, no less when He undertakes to save all who will trust Him
than when He undertakes to save all whom the Father has given Him.

(4) or does it affect the responsibility of the sinner for his reaction to the gospel.

     The fact remains that a man who rejects Christ in that way becomes the cause of his own
     condemnation. The Bible never says that sinners miss heaven because they are not
     elect, but because they neglect the great salvation and because they will not repent and
     believe. Ezk 18:31, John 5:40.


     Let me say on the other hand, evangelism would be pointless apart from the Sovereignty
     of God. Why? Because of the spiritual inabililty of man in sin Paul put it this way: I
     Corinthians 2:14 and Romans 8:7

        • 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
          foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
          discerned. 1 Cor 2:14
          7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of
          God, neither indeed can be. Romans 8:7

     Here is what Paul is saying: Man’s failure, as a matter of fact. It is a necessity of nature,
     something certain and inevitable and universal and unalterable, because it is in man to
     do otherwise than fail.

       1.   And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins Eph 2:1
       2.   Wholly incapacitated for any positive response to God’s word
       3.   Deaf to God’s speech blind to God’s revelation
       4.   Not influenced to God’s inducement

     Why? Eph 2:2 Satan is active in this matter. 2 Corin 4:4 4 In whom the god of this world
     hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of
     Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.


     It means quite simply, that evangelism, described as we have described it, cannot
     possibly succeed.

       1. Can we by our talking break the power of Satan in man’s life?

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:02AM (-05:00)

Wallace York a man to be remembered
Monday, May 11, 2009
                                                We learned today that our friend Wallace
                                                York passed away in Princeton, KY. He
                                                was a giant in the ministry.

                                                We first knew Wallace when Charity and
                                                were members of the Ashland Ave. Baptist
                                                Church in Lexington KY. My emotions are
                                                sad at the moment, and will refect later on
                                                Bro. Walllace.

                                            But he had an affect on our family for many
years and we will miss him. Our prayers are with his wife and children.

The photo is at Second Baptist Church in Princeton KY in 2001.

Thanks to Hershael York for keeping us up with his Dad (I am thankful for Facebook).
Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 10:28AM (-05:00)

Sideshow: God, Satan, and Miss USA
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
                                          Theses two girls didn't win Miss USA, they didn't
                                         pose for girlie sideshow, or magazines, but they
                                         glorifed the Lord in their life. Christians are not to
                                         be in girlie sideshows.

                                         The Girlie Sideshow: God, Satan, and Miss USA
                                         in Sin City

                                         Carrie Prejean, 21, may have lost the Miss USA
                                         crown to Kristen Dalton, but God was guiding her
                                         throughout that fateful girlie show April 19 in Sin
                                         City, when she was put to the question by Perez
                                         Hilton over gay marriage. So said Carrie
                                         yesterday on James Dobson's Focus on the
                                         F a m i l y            r a d i o           s h o w
( h t t p : / / w w w . f o c u s o n t h e f a m i l y . c o m / ) .
I am sure the Devil is not at all disappointed that Miss Carrie is a "Chrisitan", and that she
is against gay marriage. If a Christian can pose for girlie magazines, and dress as she
does, that is okay christianity to the devil.

"I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking me this question," said Carrie,
who spoke out against gay marriage. "And then God was in my head and in my heart,
saying, 'Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for me.' And I knew . . . that it
wasn't about winning. It was about being true to my convictions." Now of course when the
statement of Carrie was said, you can be sure the media is going to use it in the negative.       13
Of course they in their natural minds will
                                               have no idea what she was talking about.
                                               Even on Fox Shepherd Smith was clueless.
                                               Miss USA is worldly, and in my opinion is
                                               totally sinful. Well, it appeal to the flesh,
                                               and eyes for sure. For heaven sake's I
                                               remember saying, "I don't think your
                                               daughter should be in the cheerleaders half
                                               time group." I got in a lot of trouble over
                                               that statement. I just do not believe we
                                               should be half dressed in public and dance
                                               like we are come on. Sex sells. The nature
                                               of man like to see women's flesh. Of course
                                               to many this practice is harmless. And I am
     sure we can over come our youthful behaviour.

        • Satan is not fearful of external conformity to rule. Not even to the external
          conformity of the rule of Christ--provided there is no cross.
        • Satan does not mind family values--as long as what you ultimately value is the
     Russell Moore's excellent talk, "The Devil Votes Christian Values: Why We’re Tempted to
     be Glorified Satanists Rather than Crucified Followers.

          • Satan does not mind social justice--as long as you see justice as most importantly
          • Satan does not tremble at a Christian worldview. He will let you have a Christian
            worldview as long as your ultimate goal is viewing the world.
      If he can just bypass the cross--and get to the kingdom apart from the cross--then he will
     have everything that he wants.
          • Pastor: Satan doesn't mind if you preach on the decrees of God with fervor and
            passion every single week--provided that you do not ever preach the gospel of the
          • Homeschooling Mom: Satan does not mind if you teach your children all the books
            of the Bible and all the Ten Commandments and all of the catechism--provided you
            do not teach them the gospel of a bloody cross.. . .
     Satan will let you get what it is that you want, no matter what it is--sanctity of marriage,
     environmental protection, orphan care, all of these good and wonderful things--he will
     allow you to gain those things provided you do not preach and proclaim and live through
     the power of a cross that cancels his power of condemnation. He so fears the gospel of a
     Christ crucified and raised from the dead that he is willing to surrender his entire empire
     just to appease the threat of it. Here Russell Moore tells us The Devil Votes Christian
     Values: Why We’re Tempted to be Glorified Satanists Rather than Crucified Followers.
     The Devil likes or is willing to go along with Christian values as long as we do not bring in
     the Cross and the Resurrection.
     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 03:27AM (-05:00)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
                          MY SISTER ELLEN HAS A BIRTHDAY ON

                          Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:43PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009
   • Remember that happy listeners may mean sermon failure. Our goal is not to make
     listeners happy with us. Our goal is to faithfully present, explain and apply the Bible
     text to their lives. What if the text convicts, or prods, or pokes, or makes downright
     uncomfortable? What if it shines a light in a dark place in their life and they don’t like
     what they see? What if their dissatisfaction toward you and your preaching is a very
     positive sign of the word getting through? Be careful not to misapply this, but
     sometimes knowing that listeners were offended by your preaching may be the best
     feedback that you are doing your job well. Preaching is not about presenting
     yourself for a popularity contest (even if some churches make it feel like that!)

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:43AM (-05:00)

Friday, May 15, 2009

                             Well there are a few nice videos we have.
                             We upload our Sunday Morning and Sunday Evening Bible

                             A LIST OF PLACES WHERE YOU CAN FIND POSTS,
                             ARTICLES, PHOTO, VIDEOS FROM CHARLES AND
                             CHARITY WHISNANT

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Our Rivers of Joy Baptist Church Information

       1. Home
       2. My Mission Bio
       3. Rivers of Joy Baptist Church (church)
       4. Resources
       5. Articles
       6. Sermons
       7. Photos
       8. Johnny Edwards
       9. Theology
      10. Sports
      11. Counseling

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:38AM (-05:00)

     Saturday, May 16, 2009
     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:17PM (-05:00)

Monday, May 18, 2009
                                               I was at the desk today, and Charity said,
                                               "are you going to move the tables today?"
                                               And without thinking I said, "Yes." What
                                               was I thinking? So within minutes I went
                                               down stairs and begin to take the kitchen
                                               table out and going to replace with the table
                                               in the dinning room. Then Charity wanted to
                                               take the love seat out of the bedroom and
                                               put in the new sitting room, which was the
                                               old dinning room, which was the TV room.
                                               So the work began. What a morning.
                                               Charity said, "I am glad that you listen to
the Pastor's message on Sunday." I had to remember what I had taught. Am I
responsible to listen to what I preach?
Then later we went to Chillicothe for dinner at Red Lobster. Then to J.C. Penny's where I
bought two shirts. Then to Sam's to buy contact lens. A great 80 mile round trip and time
with Charity and back home in three hours.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:31PM (-05:00)

     Pastoral Leadership Paul's Method Part One and
     Monday, May 18, 2009
     Pastoral Leadership In Three Phases pt 1 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

     Pastoral Leadership In Three Ways Pt 2 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

     MAY 17, 2009



     1 Be sure of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Practice the presence of the Spirit
     2 Understanding that as a Christian you have a just cause to live as Christ
     3 You understand the reality of the unfailing sovereignty of God


     You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly and uprightly and blamelessly we
     behaved toward you believers; just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging
     and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children, so that you would walk
     in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. (2:10–12

     (Deut 4:9, prov. 13:24, eph 6:4, col. 3:21, Hebrews 12:9

     1B HOLY:
1.   My life before God.
  2.   My duty before God was conformed to God’s character.
  3.   This is the fabric of the believer’s testimony as God sees it, not man.
  4.   God’s wants 100% of our lives.
  5.   No one sees your devotional life except God.


 1.    This is the man-directive.
 2.    This is what you see.
 3.    This has to do with your integrity.
 4.    The fabric of your character.
 5.    Established reputation.
 6.    A good testimony.
 7.    People know your number.
 8.    The testimony in the church not in the world.
 9.    People trust you.
10.    People believe what you say.
11.    When you get up and give a testimony, people will listen to what you say.


 1.    Behaving ourselves as Christians justly.
 2.    We are not like the world models.
 3.    We don’t embarrass Christ in public
 4.    We’re a new breed.
 5.    We’re a different crop
 6.    We have a new nature
 7.    We’re indwelt by the Holy Spirit
 8.    We have a Bible
 9.    Molds our life. Our attitude
10.    Our philosophy of life. Our out-look on life
11.    Our attitude toward life
12.    If our life is UGLY, people will say “they must have an ugly book.”

2A TEACHING (PRECEPTS) is necessary as a spiritual father, leader.


“just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of
you as a father would his own children,” 1 THESSALONIANS 2:11

1B EXHORTING: to encourage, to raise somebody's spirits. –

   • from parakaleo, literally “to call alongside; and is related to the noun parakletos,
     “one who comes alongside; which is one of the titles for the Holy Spirit.
   • Exhortation leads one to do a thing willingly; consolation, to do it joyfully.
     "exhorted," the Greek includes the additional idea of comforting and advocating
     one's cause: "encouragingly exhorted."
2B COMFORTED motivating

        • Encouraging (paramutheomai), meaning to encourage in the sense of comfort and
          consolation, is so critical in assisting toward spiritual growth because of the many
          obstacles and failures Christians can experience.
        • A friendly persuasion, touching of feeling so leading the heart to Christ and His
     3B CHARGE: imploring

        • Imploring is the Greek participle marturomenoi, which is usually translated
          “testifying”, or “witnessing”; is related to the word martyr because so many faithful
          witnesses died for their boldness.

     We are summoned to witness and warn and admonish to the fact that if they did not
     follow the course laid out for them, they, as disobedient children would receive from a
     father, could expect to receive spiritual discipline from the apostle.

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:39PM (-05:00)

     Why All the Best Preachers Are--What a
     Tuesday, May 19, 2009
     Why All the Best Preachers Are--What a Concept!--Theological:
         • "The bones and marrow of the sermon are composed of theology. Yet theological
           preaching is rare. Listeners fear that too much theology will make the sermon
           impractical. Many preachers shy away from theological content. Aware of the small
           window of opportunity given to capture the interest of the audience, preachers are
           tempted to rush to application. The result is a sermon that begins with the need of
           the audience, touches lightly on the biblical text, and then moves to concrete
           implication. In the process, the sermon skips the important step of identifying and
           stating theological principles upon which the practical application is based. Haddon
           Robinson has wryly observed: 'More heresy is preached in application than in Bible
      From my personal experience, not many preachers preach theological in my circle of
     preachers. So I have changeded my circle of preachers. While I love all my preachers
     friends, and they all love the Lord, many of them just like to preach and leave out the
     theology. All the preachers I know from this camp, would say they believe they are
     preaching the Word of God. They just like to leave out the theological aspect of it in their
     preaching. Some started out wanting to preach theological and then got caught up in
     wanting to get more people saved and have a bigger church, so they cut out the
     theological teaching, and went with the pop - cultural - easy listening - twenty minute
     sermon. And they go their bigger church attendance. I am so glad over the last years to
     get to know many preachers who are totally committed to preaching from a theological
         • I have often heard people say, "Charles is a teacher, not a preacher."
     The truth is all preaching is teaching what one believes about what the Bible is teaching.
     I am in my 45 years of learning what the Bible is saying.
And almost every day, I am humbled by what I just learned today.

Maybe we should try to preach or teach so it doesn't sound so theological!

Charles Spurgeon once observed

   • that the young preacher is primarily concerned with matters of style while those
     with more experience tend to focus their attention on content. In effect, the younger
     preacher asks, "How shall I say it?" while the older preacher thinks, "What shall I
     say?" The theological preacher must ask both questions. It is by giving careful
     attention to the theology of the text and the need of the audience that the preacher
     learns what must be said about it and how to say it.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:43PM (-05:00)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Early Skeleton Sheds Light on Evolution
from AOL May 20 2009


Mayor Michael Bloomberg, among the speakers at the news conference, called it an
"astonishing breakthrough."

The story of the fossil find will be shown on History, which is owned by A&E Television
Networks. A book also will be published.
Hurum saw nothing wrong with the heavy publicity which preceded the research's
publication Tuesday in the scientific journal PLOS (Public Library of Science) One.
"That's part of getting science out to the public, to get attention. I don't think that's so
wrong," Hurum said.

Paleontologists found a rare prehistoric pregnant turtle in a remote area of southern Utah
May 9. The fossil is just the second ever found to still have a clutch of eggs inside. Here,
a technician prepares to run the 75-million-year-old fossil through a scanner.

Because the skeleton is so remarkably complete, scientists believe it will provide a
window into primate evolution. The animal was a juvenile female that scientists believe
died at about 9 or 10 months.
"She tells so many stories. We have just started the research on this fabulous specimen,"
said Jorn Hurum, of the University of Oslo Natural History Museum, one of the scientists
reporting the find.                                                                            23
The creature is nicknamed Ida after Hurum's 6-year-old daughter.
     The unveiling, at New York's Museum of Natural History, was promoted by a press
     release for the cable TV show History, which called it a "revolutionary scientific find that
     will change everything." # I AM IN A SERIES ON GENESIS AND EVOLUTION ON
     WEDNESDAY NIGHTS.In the last month at Rivers of Joy Baptist Churchspeaking on
     Genesis Chapter One and TwoWho Created the Earth
     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 04:25AM (-05:00)

     How To Talk Salvation To Children
     Thursday, May 21, 2009
     How Do You Talk To Your Children About Salvation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

     How Should We Talk To Our Children About Salvation Pt 2 from charles e. whisnan t on

     The Outline Forthcoming.
     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:37AM (-05:00)

     May I order please....
     Thursday, May 21, 2009

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 04:34PM (-05:00)

     LeBron's buzzer-beater lifts Cavaliers over Magic
     Saturday, May 23, 2009

     LeBron's buzzer-beater lifts Cavaliers over Magic

With the Cavaliers' hopes for another trip to
                                                the NBA Finals fading fast, LeBron James
                                                rose up for an absolutely critical 3-pointer
                                                as the final second ticked off the clock
                                                Friday night.

                                              He took the last shot this time. A twisting,
                                              off-balance, miracle shot. A 3-pointer for
the last of his 35 points that he released with less than one second on the clock and
rattled through the rim to give the Cavs a 96-95 victory in Game 2, evening the series at

What a game. I get a call from Charity from Union Mills to pick her up, its 10 p.m.
Cavaliers had a 23 point lead, only to lose it.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:15AM (-05:00)

Monday, May 25, 2009
                                                The view of our houseThe yard that I cut is
                                                all the green.For six years I push a small
                                                mower.But really loved it.

                                                SOMETIMES YOU WONDER WHY
                                                PEOPLE WHOM HEAR YOU PREACH OR
                                                TEACH, SEEM TO JUST BRUSH THE
                                                MESSAGE OFF. WELL THERE IS A
                                                REASON FOR THAT..................

       Now, when we preach the gospel, unless you have spiritual life, you cannot feed
       upon it; and if you were to come to the communion table, unless you were truly alive
       unto God, you might eat the bread, and drink the wine, but with real spiritual food,
       the body of Christ, and the blood of Christ, you could have nothing to do. We do not
       give food to people in order to make them live. That would be a useless experiment;
       but, because they are alive, they take food in order to sustain and nourish the life
       which is already in them. Always recollect, dear friends, that the best spiritual food
       in the world is useless to those who are spiritually dead; and one very essential part
       of the gospel is that truth which our Savior so plainly taught, "Ye must be born
again." All attempts at feeding the soul are of no use until the new birth has been
         experienced; even that precious, priceless bread of life cannot be assimilated
         unless the soul has been quickened by the Spirit of God.

                                                   WHILE I DO LIKE MY SPORTS
                                                   COLLECTION, ITS JUST A COLLECTION
                                                   The Dale Earnhardt Sr. Collection

                                                   Jeff Gordon collection pre 2000

                                                   The corner of my collection room

                                                   Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:38AM

     Why Pastor Give Their Charge?
     Wednesday, May 27, 2009
     Why Pastor's Give The Charge ? from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

     The Outline of this message will be over on MY CHURCH

     I Thessalonians 2:12
     Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant
26   Rivers of Joy Baptist Church – May 24, 2009
The Mom wants to provide the need of the moment, and the Dad wants to produce the
product at the end. That’s balance. Charity the need, Charles the charge.
   • Verse 12 "That you would walk creditably of God, who has called<2564> you unto
     His kingdom and glory."

Why Pastor's Give the Charge Pt 2 from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:22AM (-05:00)

Reality of Church Ministry Comes to Life
Friday, May 29, 2009
                                              The reality of church ministry comes to life.

This past Wednesday night in our 6 p.m. membership meeting at Rivers of Joy Baptist
Church was just for that purpose. Getting members to view their thinking about their
ministry in the church. Generally as Pastor/Leader/Elder, I lay out my opinions and idea
and what I think. But what I felt a really neat idea, "What Are You Thinking?" So I started
with Jimmy and Lois and move to Stephanie, then Linda, skip Bill and went to Bob then to
John and Peggy, (well I skippe Peggy) then to Frankie and Danny, and so forth, then
came back to Bill, then to Charity and Dorothy, then to Bill and Mary, etc.

Really its good to listen to what members are thinking about the ministry that they are
involved in. Its good to hear concerns and ideas and thoughts. Too often I believe
members may think they are not heard.
The meeting was very good and produced some good thoughts.

     Then 7 p.m. came, and we were just about half way through the process, and before you
     knew it, the time was 8 p.m. So what about my lesson for tonight? I want have to study as
     hard the next week. Sometimes its good to listen and not talk. Who said that?

     Pastors have this fault of sugar coating problems and concerns. They often speak of the
     good points and hid the problems the church has. This is a fault that hurts the progress of
     the church.

     In order to get ahead of what was before we must deal with the past. We have a future if
     we are honest about the events of the past.

     Churches that do not deal honestly with themselves and do not stop of correct and
     adjust, will fall into the same pattern all over again.

     Therefore in this brief post, I am saying, ROJBC and its leadership and members are
     making progess in their purpose to make our place a place that will bring honor to the

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:31AM (-05:00)

     Saturday, May 30, 2009
     Brief Summary of Sunday's Message from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

                                                   The video is from this morning at the
                                                   church, (I did not have the lights on)

                                                   THE JOY TO BE ABLE TO LET DOWN
                                                   YOUR SLEEVES WITHOUT BEING
                                                   TAKING A LOOK INTO THE EMOTIONS
                                                   OF PAUL
                                                   I THESSALONIANS 2:13-14
                                                   Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant

     PAUL seems very much at home when he is writing to the church at Thessalonica. In his
     letters to that favored people he unveils his inmost feelings. He is rather apt to do so
     when he feels himself quite at ease: for Paul is by no means a man shut up within
     himself, who is never at home to any one. When he is in a drawn-out conflict with an
     unappreciative people he keeps himself to razor-sharp words and strong arguments; but
28   when he is writing to a loving, attached, affectionate church, he lets them have the
explanation of his heart, and he lays exposed before them his secret emotions. I feel as if
we were interviewing Paul today as if we were all sitting in a room with him, and Silas,
and Timothy, and were hearing their private conversation. We are come to a round-table
conference with them, and we are listening to their talk about the ministry which God had
committed to them.

Even in these two verses we hear of how these holy preachers loved the gospel, told out
the gospel, and saw that gospel take hold of their hearers' hearts.

When you look back over the places of ministry in the pastorate, as my mind brings up
those places of service, it’s with joy that I don’t need to be restrained about my conduct in
those places. In each place the experience with friends still fill my soul with joy. The
experience with the youth, the children, and adults are so good. I love to tell the stories.
To be able to the connections we had with friends in Roanoke, Virginia, Bible Baptist
Seminary in Arlington Texas, Wooster, Ohio, Minford, Ohio, West Portsmouth, Ohio,
Connersville, Indiana, Mansfield, Ohio, Altoona, Kansas, and perhaps in Lexington,

It is with a joyful enthusiasm to be the pastor of a church where one may be able to
speak with some transparent, as a pastor, to be able from the beginning to open your
heart without fear that you are going to be wounded.. Pastors usually have to be like a
man who wears an armor throughout life, who hardly is able to move his plate of steel,
unless somebody should wound him in an unguarded place.

There is not place better than have a church were you can feel yourself at home as a
brother among brethren, and as safe as a father among his sons and daughters since he
is not afraid of being misunderstood.

To be able to let your sleeves down a while is a joy.

Paul was like that here in our text. He was able to feel at home, he was able to freely
speak with peace, and with pleasure his thoughts about the folks at Thessalonica. He
could from the first day to his last day, just say, “As you know,” and they did know.

This Sunday at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, in Minford Ohio the message from I
Thessalonians 2:13
Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:04AM (-05:00)

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tammy, & Kindra, & Sonda, & Charity, & Rich, & Debbie, & Mary, & Brenda really worked
hard this weekend, well the last few weeks on high school graduations orders.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 10:14AM (-05:00)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:48PM (-05:00)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:32AM (-05:00)

Some Events for Sunday May 31
Monday, June 01, 2009

Last Survivor of Titanic Dies in England
Death Comes on 98th Anniversary of Launch of Famous Ship

Great article to read. LONDON (May 31) -- Millvina Dean, who as a baby was wrapped in
a sack and lowered into a lifeboat in the frigid North Atlantic, died Sunday, having been
the last survivor of 1912 sinking of the RMS Titanic.
She was 97 years old, and she died where she had lived — in Southampton, England,
     the city her family had tried to leave behind when it took the ship's ill-fated maiden
     voyage, bound for America. Dean mother died at 99 years old always reticent about the
     tragedy, died in 1975 at age 95.
     Dean just over 2 months old when the Titanic hit an iceberg on the night of April 14,
     1912. The ship sank in less than three hours.
     Dean was one of 706 people — mostly women and children — who survived. Her father
     was among the 1,517 who died.
     ---OTHER NEWS OF THE DAY & Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford Ohio May 31,
        • Our Bible Study time was good: Children's Class with Charity Whisnant,
          Youth/Teens with Frankie Dawkins and the Adult class with Charles Whisnant.
        • We had a full choir for Sunday, 14 members. Bob Temple lead the choir. Today our
          piano player Johnny Edwards and family was on vacation. Frankie Dawkins had our
          special song for us.
        • Pastor's message (myself) was from 1 Thessalonians 2:13. A fifty five minute
          message and was recorded on video. (I will post later this week.)
        • Following the service, Bill and Mary, Dorothy, Kindra and Charity and I went to eat.
        • About 2 p.m. Charity and her sister and dad went to Lexington Kentucky to visit
          with the kids, and to see our grandchild.
        • The evening service at ROJBC was good. Bill Bower spoke from Romans 8:28-30.
          Followed by a felllowship time. A great time.
        • Retured home around 8:30 p.m. and relax for the evening.
        • Of course I am up at 2:30 a.m. and this post is around 3:23 a.m.

     Abortion Doctor Gunned Down in Church

     A video also

     WICHITA, Kan. (May 31) - Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation's few providers of late-term
     abortions despite decades of protests and attacks, was shot and killed Sunday in a
     church where he was serving as an usher.
     The gunman fled, but a 51-year-old suspect was detained some 170 miles away in
     suburban Kansas City three hours after the shooting, Wichita Deputy Police Chief Tom
     Stolz said.

     Charity and I lived in Altoona, Kansas for over 16 years, (1980-1996) and often went to
     Wichita. So we often heard of Tiller and his office. Wichita was about 100 miles from our

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 02:20AM (-05:00)

     Monday, June 01, 2009

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:55AM (-05:00)
Why Paul Was Glad the Thessalonians
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
THE REASON TO BE GLAD FOR THE CHURCH Pt 1 from charles e. whisnan t on

The Reason to be Glad about the Church, Pt 2 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

Reason To Be Glad For The Church, Pt 3 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:08AM (-05:00)

The Harley - Davidson Bike Wedding
Thursday, June 04, 2009
                                   Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:23AM (-05:00)

Friday, June 05, 2009
Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:45AM (-05:00)

40th President of the United States
     Friday, June 05, 2009
     Ronald Reagan died June 5 2004
     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:13PM (-05:00)

     D - Day, the reason America IS.
     Saturday, June 06, 2009
     Today is the anniversary of the D-Day landings at Normandy during World War II. I have
     to wonder how many even care anymore.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:04AM

Does Your Theology Affect Your Evangelism
Saturday, June 06, 2009
                          EVANGELISM, PASSION FOR THE LOST,
                          AND THE ELECT

                          Some in the Fundamentalist group, (some)
                          believe if you believe God saves people,
                          you will not have the desire to preach the
                          Gospel of Jesus Christ. How silly is that?
                          Some believe that God's doesn't know who
                          is going to be saved. How silly is that?
                          Some believe God knows who is going to
                          be saved, but He doesn't interfer with what
                          a man does in the matter of his salvation?
                          How silly is that?

• Some believe if you believe God has an elect group of people who are going to be
          saved, that leaves out all the other people who would want to be saved? How silly
          that that?

     A controversialist once said, “If I thought God had a chosen people, I should not preach>"
     That is the very reason why I do preach. What would make him inactive is the mainspring
     of my earnestness. If the Lord had not a people to be saved, I should have little to cheer
     me in the ministry.

        • I believe that God will save his own elect, and I also believe that, if I do not preach
          the gospel, the blood of men will be laid at my door.

     Our Saviour has bidden us to preach the gospel to every creature; he has not said,
     “Preach it only to the elect;” and though that might seem to be the most logical thing for
     us to do, yet, since he has not been pleased to stamp the elect in their foreheads, or to
     put any distinctive mark upon them, it would be an impossible task for us to perform;
     whereas, when we preach the gospel to every creature, the gospel makes its own
     division, and Christ’s sheep hear his voice, and follow him.
     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 12:06PM (-05:00)

     The Bible Is The Word of God
     Tuesday, June 09, 2009
     THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD PART ONE from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

     Sunday June 7th 2009 I taught from I Thessalonians 2:13, Paul gives us the reason why
     the people in the church made him glad.

     Untitled from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 02:58AM (-05:00)

     Tuesday, June 09, 2009

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:34AM (-05:00)

     The Ministry of The Word Of God
     Thursday, June 11, 2009
     God's Roll in the Matter of Creaton and Salvation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

     Is God Sovereign in Salvation and Creation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

God Sovereign in Salvation and Creation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

The first part of Wednesday Evening Bible Study at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church June 10,

You will find this lesson interesting for sure. Is God sovereign over the salvation of

Also in this first 22 minutes I talk about Ephesians 4:11-16. The Ministry of the Pastor in
the church.

I am working on the second part of the lesson from Wednesday. Later.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:30PM (-05:00)

Friday, June 12, 2009
Creation the Second Day Part one from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

In this second part of the lesson on Wednesday, I didn't get into Creation, but was ask
the following question:


The first 40 minutes I was talking from my thoughts, and didn't have any notes, because I
didn't think I was going to talk on the subject.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 04:18AM (-05:00)

The Preachers Message Keeps In View?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
 “Many preachers are tempted to identify themselves with the congregation in preaching,
rather than with God. This may be the most significant reason for their feeling ill at ease
in speaking to their congregation in the second person. Such preachers do not want their
people to get the impression that the preacher is holier than them — for preachers know
they are not . . . If a man, even for the most noble of motives, identifies himself primarily
with the congregation in preaching, rather than with God, the best he will be able to do is
speak as one sinner to other sinners about God. He will not be able to speak from God to
them” (Wagner, Tongues Aflame, p. 74).
Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:33AM (-05:00)

40th Year Married To Charity
     Saturday, June 13, 2009
                               Bob Temple and Lenora Temple (Charity's
                               parents) and Pauline Whisnant (Charles's
                               Charles, Charity, Debbie (Charity's sister),
                               Don (Charles's brother) Lenora, and
                               Pauline, and Ellen (Charles's Sister)
                               JUNE 14, 1969 Charity Faye Mucha
                               (Temple) and Charles Everette Whisnant

                               Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:57PM

     40th Wedding Anniversary and 1st Year at
     Sunday, June 14, 2009
                                Its true, the first time in our 40 years of
                               marriage, we song together as a special
                               song. I said I would sang on our Wedding
                               Anniversary, not realizing the date was on
                               Sunday. So the people at ROJBC held us
                               to it. They said we did okay.
                               THE JOY WE HAVE HAD AT RIVERS OF
                               JOY BAPTIST CHURCH IN THE LAST
                               YEARJuly 6 was our first Sunday to preach,
                               and then July 28 we were voted as pastor

• The joy that Charity and I have had since coming to ROJBC is amazing. We have
      never in our entire ministry been so well loved in our first year. You wonderful
      people have treated us so kindly here at ROJBC. From the very start, we have just
      felt the joy of preaching and teaching, and the fellowship with all of you. You have
      shown calmly your willingness to listen and take in what I have presented. You have
      been encouraging to both Charity and me. In the face of difficulties, ROJBC is going
      to be okay, the Lord’s willing. Thank you for allowing us to be your pastor/teacher.
40TH WEDDING ANNIVERARY JUNE 14 2009 and our 1st Year as Pastor/Teacher at
Rivers of Joy Baptist Church in Minford Ohio. Those attending in the 10 a.m. 11 a.m. and
1:30 p.m. services.
In the 10 and 11 a.m. service
    • Bill and Linda Aldridge
      Dorothy Fields
      Bill and Janet Ramey and two kids
      Frankie and Danny Dawkins and baby
      Stephanie Oppy and three kids
      Ellen Copper and kid
      Jim and Lois Grant
      Serena Grant
      Sam Adams
      Leona Auther
      Johnny & Phyllis Edwards
    • Charles & Charity Whisnant
      Bill & Mary Bower
      John & Peggy Hall
      Bob Temple
      Pauline Lesmaster
      Richard Lemaster
      Kindra Tumbleson
      Amber Tumbleson and Gavin
      Roby Temple
      Rob & Ily Temple
      Eric & Leslie Whisnant & Abby
      Becky Whisnant
      Kyle & Brittney Whisnant
      Chad & Heather Whisnant
      Charlie and Peggy Newman (49)
Afternoon extra
• Mary Thacker
          Ray & Sharon McCoy
          Rick Warner
          Charlie Bond
          Tammy Logan
          Debbie Blevins (56)

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:40PM (-05:00)

     Charles and Charity Singing for the First Time
     Sunday, June 14, 2009
     Charles and Charity Singing at ROJBC from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:05PM (-05:00)

     Great Church Family and Family Cebelation
     Monday, June 15, 2009
                                                 While our first Sunday preaching at Rivers
                                                of Joy Baptist Church was July 6, 2008 we
                                                used this day as our first year Anniversary.
                                                 Also June 14th was our 40th Wedding
                                                Chad Whisnant was enjoying the day.
                                                Of course we loved our granddaugher
                                                Eric Leslie and Abby

                                                Kyle, Charity, Becky, Chad and Charles

                                                I posted a series of photos over on

                                                Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:03AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Believers Believed the Saints from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

One of my shortest sermons in history. The singing took the wind out of me, I guess. I
believe the message stopped at 23 minutes. But that is okay. I had more to say on the
subject but next time I will finish the message.




SAVED US 1 PETER 1:23, James 1:18

BLESSES US Luke 11:28

TEACHES US 2 Tim 3:16

REPROVES US 2 Tim 3:16

CORRECTS US 2 Tim 3:16                                                                   41

     PERFECTS US & EQUIPS US Eph. 4:12

     GUIDES US Psa. 119:105

     COUNSELS US Psa. 119:24

     REVIVES US Psa. 119:154


     GROWS US UP 1 Peter 2:2

     WARNS US Psa. 19:11

     REWARDS US Psa. 19:11

     JUDGES US Heb. 4:12

     SANCTIFIES US John 17:17

     PURGES US John 15:3

     FREES US John 8:31-32

     ENRICHES US Col. 3:16

     STRENGTHENS US Psa. 119:128

     MAKES US WISE Psa. 119:97-100

     PROSPERS US Psa. 1:3

     GIVES US HOPE Psa. 119:147



     “For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ
     Jesus: for you also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have
     of the Jews.:”

     followers -- Greek, "imitators." Divine working is most of all seen and felt in affliction.

     in Judea -- The churches of Judea were naturally the patterns to other churches, as
     having been the first founded, and that on the very scene of Christ's own ministry.
     Reference to them is specially appropriate here, as the Thessalonians, with Paul and
Silas, had experienced from Jews in their city persecutions Act 17:5-9 similar to those
which "the churches in Judea" experienced from Jews in that country.

in Christ Jesus -- not merely "in God"; for the synagogues of the Jews (one of which the
Thessalonians were familiar with, Acts 17:1 were also in God. But the Christian churches
alone were not only in God, as the Jews in contrast to the Thessalonian idolaters were,
but also in Christ, which the Jews were not.

of your own countrymen -- including primarily the Jews settled at Thessalonica, from
whom the persecution originated, and also the Gentiles there, instigated by the Jews;
thus, "fellow countrymen" (the Greek term, according to Herodian, implies, not the
enduring relation of fellow citizenship, but sameness of country for the time being),
including naturalized Jews and native Thessalonians, stand in contrast to the pure "Jews"
in Judea Matt 10:36. It is an undesigned coincidence, that Paul at this time was suffering
persecutions of the Jews at Corinth, whence he writes Acts 18:5,6,12; naturally his letter
would the more vividly dwell on Jewish bitterness against Christians.

even as they --Heb 10:32-34. There was a likeness in respect to the nation from which
both suffered, namely, Jews, and those their own countrymen; in the cause for which,
and in the evils which, they suffered, and also in the steadfast manner in which they
suffered them. Such sameness of fruits, afflictions, and experimental characteristics of
believers, in all places and at all times, is a subsidiary evidence of the truth of the Gospel.

—Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

They were "imitators”. “followers”.Vs 14

Ø Paul mentioned other believers in other churches as to what they were doing. You
could pattern your life after them. They honored the saints by patterning their lives after
them. They copied the Saints. They tried to be like those in those churches.


o They had a longing in their heart to be like Christ, to be like the preacher who gave
them the gospel, a longing to be like other maturing saints.


Of the churches of god which in Judea are in Christ Jesus.” Vs 14

Ø Local assemblies. Acts 20:28, I Corin 1:2, 10:32, 11:22, Gal. 1:13.

Ø A general term for church. Eph 1:22-23. A church “in Christ Jesus.”

Ø In Judea, Jerusalem, the birth place of the NT church. 7 years before.

o Their spiritual address: IN JESUS CHRIST.

o Their physical address: IN JUDEA.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:08AM (-05:00)
Any Appearance of Evolution is Wrong.
     Thursday, June 18, 2009
      I am teaching a series of lessons from Genesis, dealing with Creation verse Evolution. I
     will post the first part of the message later tonight. Maybe. I have worked on this project
     all day, off and on. Now I am upload the first part on to

     I stand on this position about Creation:

        • Now from that foundation that we have laid in our teaching over the last several
          weeks, we must bring to a close that any appearance of evolution is a contradiction
          and a rejection of the apparent revelation of Scripture, and I mean any
          outline...whether it comes from an atheistic evolutionist like Julian Huxley, or
          whether it comes from a theistic evolutionist like Hugh Ross, any appearance of
          evolution is a contradiction and rejection of the comprehensible revelation of
          Scripture which indicates that somewhere around 6000 years ago God created the
          entire universe as we know it in six 24-hour days.

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:28PM (-05:00)

     Creation is a Fact Supported by Scripture.
     Thursday, June 18, 2009
     What Have Learned About Creation So Far from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

        1. God created out of nothiung, without any preexisting material, the heaven and the
        2. This creation happened in a period of one week of normal days about 6000 years.
        3. The entire creation was mature and aged at the instant of its creation.
        4. Death did not exist, nor did any corrupt influences, and the creation was good.
        5. Death and corruption entered the creations for the first time at the Fall of Adam.
        6. Prior to the time Adam and Eve sinned in disobedience of God there was no death.
        7. Science is not a principle for interpreting Genesis or any other passage for that
        8. There's only one source of the account of origins and that is the Bible, the Word of
        9. It's hard for people to get a handle on this because science has reigned supreme on
           the throne of contemporary thinking.
      10. Evolution has been a given. In fact it's become an absolute in our society.
      11. It is a false theory that the sediments that have been building up along the layers of
           the Grand Canyon to say the earth is a billion of years old.
      12. The occurrence of meteors in sedimentary rock failed to turn up one single case of a
           meteorite being found anywhere in any geologic column.
Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:46PM (-05:00)

Angels Were Created Beings by God
Friday, June 19, 2009
Why Do I Believe Angels Were Created On Day One from Charles E. Whisnant on

I always believed that Angels were created by God. What I was not sure of was when? I
believed God before the creation of earth, God had created angels. For some reason I
believed this could have been thousands of years before He created the earth.

Well in this lesson I address this issue. So listen to the video and see what you think
about this matter of angels.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 10:55PM (-05:00)

So How Do I Come To Believe What I Believe
Friday, June 19, 2009
 In this short video, the end of the lesson on Wednesday Evening, I address the question,
"So How Do I Understand Scripture?"

We all have opinions about what we think the Bible is teaching about Creation. I will
address this point in another post.

But the question was put to me, So what makes you believe what you say about Creation
is correct? Which is really a good question and really made me think.

My other blog: For Me To Live Is Christ note this issue.

Closing Remarks of Day 3 part 3 from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 11:52PM (-05:00)

A overview of the week forthwith
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The week always begins with Sunday. And this past Sunday was so good for Charity and
I. Our 40th wedding anniversary was on the 14th. So we thought Sunday would be a
great day to have a celebration. Since we have had 40 years of church ministry together,
why not have a celebration at church.

Having having our sons and daughter up was so good. We had a great time. The only
stress I had was the preaching, and the special song that Charity and I sung. Its on video
on one of my websites. Several people who love us, said we did well for the first time

                                              The afternoon service was also good. Bill
                                              Bower MC the service, and Bob Temple
                                              spoke, and then Johnny Edwards gave us a
                                              mini concert of songs. We were happy to
                                              see so many guest for the day. While
                                              attendance is great to have, (its good to
                                              have people come) we had fifty six for the

                                              On Monday Charity and I had a nice date.
                                              That was very nice.One Tuesday thru
                                              Saturday, Charity was working at Union

                                               One Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, I
                                               was at Mex Itali for a few hours. I clean off
                                               the tables, made the best cream butter
                                               anywhere, twice this week, I also have a
                                               great time talking to many of my good
                                               friends. Ira Fowler is one of my best at work
                                               friends who comes in to eat everyday. I
                                               really work there to see my good friends. I
                                               enjoy working at Mex Itali, and thankful for
                                   the time I work. While that is true, I am looking forward
                                   to leaving in October, at the latest.

                                   I took off Thursday to take a day off just to hang out at
                                   house and do a little work. That was really fun.

                                   On Wednesday we had a great service at Rivers of
                                   Joy Baptist Church, I had a lesson on Creation. And in
                                   the course of the lesson there were a few questions
                                   as to my knowledge of the subject. And the question
                                   was ask, "HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE
                                   RIGHT?" (Click) So I posted a brief thought on that
                                   idea. More to come on that idea later.I video Sunday
                                   Morning service, and Wednesday Evening lessons. I
                                             download from the Kodak onto Kodak
                                             Easyshare softwear, this process takes a
                                             while. Then go over to and they
                                             download from Kodak. This process takes
                                             for ever it seems. About three hours per 20
                                             minutes of lesson. Thus Sunday Morning
                                             which was the shortest message in my
                                             history was just one video. Wednesday
                                             Night which is normal was 55 minutes and
                                             it took three video.

                                              I have posted on Grow By Learning this
     week as well. Also over on Live Journal "For Me To Live Is Christ, website.
Had several visits with Bob Temple this
                                                week. And old, we had a drop in supper at
                                                Kindra's home, and with Amber, and Bob.
                                                That was fun, Charity just said, let's eat at
                                                Kindra's home.
                                                Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 01:03PM

Monday, June 22, 2009
What Is Expository Purpose Preaching from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.


Some people here at ROJBC are new to preaching. Some simply stop by to see what’s
going on. Some have little or no experience with what we mean by preaching. I think it
will help you listen to this message (and others) if I say a word about preaching.

What we mean by preaching is expository joy.

Preaching As Expository Delight

Expository means that preaching aims to exposit, or explain and apply, the meaning of
the Bible. Every sermon explains and applies the Bible. The reason for this is that the
Bible is God’s word, inspired, infallible, profitable—all sixty-six books of it. The preacher’s
job is to minimize his own opinions and deliver the truth of God. Therefore, it is mainly
Bible exposition—explanation and application.

And the preacher’s job is to do that in a way that enables us to see that the points he is
     making actually come from the Bible. If they come from the Bible and you can’t see that
     they come from the Bible, your faith will rest on man and not God.

     The aim of this exposition is to help you eat and digest some biblical truth that will make
     your spiritual bones more like steel, and double the capacity of your spiritual lungs, and
     make the eyes of your heart to be amaze with brilliance with God’s greatness, and
     awaken the capability of your soul to experience the kinds of spiritual enjoyment you
     didn’t even know existed.
     Preaching is also delight—expository delight. This means that the preacher does not just
     explain what’s in the Bible, and the people do not simply understand what he explains,
     but the preacher and the people rejoice over what is in the Bible as it is being explained
     and applied.

     Preaching As Worship

     Preaching does not come after worship in the order of the service. Preaching is worship.
     My job is not done if I only see truth and show it to you. The devil could do that—for his
     own devious reasons. My job is to see the glory of the truth and to savor it and triumph
     over it as I explain it to you and apply it for you. That’s one of the differences between a
     lecture and a sermon.

     Preaching is not the totality of the church. And if all you have is preaching, you don’t have
     the church. A church is a body of people who minister to each other. Part of what
     preaching does is equip us for that. God has created the church, so that the church
     flourishes through preaching. That’s why Paul gave young pastor Timothy one of the
     most serious, exalted charges in all the Bible in 2 Timothy 4:1-2: “I charge you in the
     presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his
     appearing and his kingdom: preach the word.”

     If you are used to a twenty-minute, immediately practical, relaxed talk, the understanding
     of preaching that I just described doesn’t lead there. I won’t preach twenty minutes but
     twice that long; I do not aim to be immediately practical but eternally helpful; and the
     condition of my soul is not relaxed but standing vigilantly on the precipice of eternity
     speaking to people any of whom this week could go over the edge.

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 01:06PM (-05:00)

     The Suffering For Christ's Righteousness Seen
     Wednesday, June 24, 2009
     They Suffered for Christ from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.




They kept their faith in the teaching of paul, and protected themselves from anything that
would cause them to lose their faith or cause them to fall out of use for the lord Jesus

14 “For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in
Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they
have of the Jews:”

in Judea -- The churches of Judea were naturally the patterns to other churches, as
having been the first founded, and that on the very scene of Christ's own ministry.
Reference to them is specially appropriate here, as the Thessalonians, with Paul and
Silas, had experienced from Jews in their city persecutions (Acts 17:5-9) similar to those
which "the churches in Judea" experienced from Jews in that country.

in Christ Jesus -- not merely "in God"; for the synagogues of the Jews (one of which the
Thessalonians were familiar with, Acts 17:1 were also in God. But the Christian churches
alone were not only in God, as the Jews in contrast to the Thessalonian idolaters were,
but also in Christ, which the Jews were not.
of your own countrymen -- including primarily the Jews settled at Thessalonica, from
whom the persecution originated, and also the Gentiles there, instigated by the Jews;
thus, "fellow countrymen" (the Greek term, according to Herodian, implies, not the
enduring relation of fellow citizenship, but sameness of country for the time being),
including naturalized Jews and native Thessalonians, stand in contrast to the pure "Jews"
in Judea (Matthew 10:36). It is an undesigned coincidence, that Paul at this time was
suffering persecutions of the Jews at Corinth, whence he writes (Acts 18:5,6,12);
naturally his letter would the more vividly dwell on Jewish bitterness against Christians.

even as they -- (Hebrews 10:32-36). There was a likeness in respect to the nation from
which both suffered, namely, Jews, and those their own countrymen; in the cause for
which, and in the evils which, they suffered, and also in the steadfast manner in which
they suffered them. Such sameness of fruits, afflictions, and experimental characteristics
of believers, in all places and at all times, is a subsidiary evidence of the truth of the

This church followed the Preachers, they followed the Word and then they followed the
church at Jerusalem. They patterned their lives after the Church. I patterned this church
after the “Shepherd’s Conference, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley California.

The pattern of suffering, and persecution.

A great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; Persecution
     Strikes the ChurchActs 5:16 — 8:3
     And they were all scattered throughout Judea and Samaria, except the apostles (Acts

     The time of “favor with all the people” Acts 2:24 is over. Acts traces the Satanic attack on
     the church in Jerusalem as the Jewish authorities that killed the Lord Jesus turn against
     His people (3:1-6:7).

     The irresistible force of the church will not be stopped as the church continues to multiply

     We read of the church expanding beyond the city of Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria,
     just as the Lord Jesus had said in Acts 1:8.

     The church at Jerusalem set the pattern how to deal with persecution. And the church at
     Thessalonica followed their pattern. They were experiencing the same kind of suffering
     from their own countrymen. Acts 17:4-9


     Spirituality is an absolute
     Maturity is a process.

     Handling suffering. This book was written to suffering Christians.

     The soul permeated with a devotion of truth will stand the fiery test of life.

     Our love for the Gospel is tested by what we suffer for it.

     You go along with the soft pace, along the stream of the world, do as others do…sit down
     and take your ease…you will not suffer.
     But you take up the cause of Christ, act for Christ, you will meet with spite as men and
     the devil can possibly throw at you.

     Note some verses on Suffering in Righteousness of Christ

        • Jeremiah 2:11
          Matthew 5:10-12
          John 15:18-20
          Acts 14:21-22
          Romans 8:35-39
          2 Corinthians 4:8-11

          2 Corinthians 12:10
          2 Timothy 3:12
          1 Peter 4:12-14,16
          1 Peter 5:10

What kind of suffering in the United States, in Ohio, in Scioto County would you say
    we would encounter in our righteousness for Jesus Christ?

    I really do not believe in Scioto County, that any pain is inflicted upon those who live
    a righteous life. Physical or psychological pain or distress often occur in our lives.
    Yet there are all kinds of trials, difficulty that will occur in the life of everyone.

    This church was the kind of people to be happy for:

    1. They received the Word as God’s.
    2. They followed the pattern of the saints in Jerusalem.
    3. They stood firm in Christian fortitude in suffering.

    Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford Ohio.

    Check out website.
    Check out
    Check out
    Check out
    Check out

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:25AM (-05:00)

Thursday, June 25, 2009
To Live For Christ, Death is Gain from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

What We Shall Experience in Heaven from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo.

Audience Analysis

From Philippians 1:21 we speak about the benefits of the saints who die and go to

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:15AM (-05:00)

Shall gain the whole world, and lose his own
Friday, June 26, 2009
I just posted yesterday the message I preached Sunday Evening from Philippians 1:21.
To Die Is Gain, If I have Lived for Christ Today. These who have died with the world
mourning for their lost, died in vain most likely.
Actress and model Farrah Fawcett lost her long battle with cancer today dying at the age
62, June 25, 2009.Her family, friends, and fans
                                                  hoped and prayed that she would somehow
                                                  recover from her life threatening illness but
                                                  unfortuately that was not the case. She will
                                                  always be remembered for her sexy role as
                                                  "Jill Munroe" (pictured left) on the hit 70's TV
                                                  show "Charlie's Angels," as well as for the
                                                  movies she starred in like "The Burning Bed"
                                                  and "The Poor Little Rich Girl."'''==

                                                  What can I say, Farrah was born February
                                                  1947, I will be 62 in October. I liked her hair, I
                                                  guess. Of course I liked Lee Major's whom she
                                                  was married to for several years.

     But as to all of us, we have been given life on earth for a period of time, than we die.
     What we do with our life on earth will be to the glory of self, and those whom they want to
     please. Sometimes there are those who get caught up in TV, etc. and are forced it seems
     to do what is expected of them. There life is not there life but that of what they have made
     it to become.

     It seems most of the time, they are not really happy, but are forced it seems to do what
     they really would not do.

     Often what we see on TV or the screen is not really what people really are. The media
     will try to kill about every one that is in public.

     I really do not know a lot about Farrah. After Charlie Angels' I didn't follow her. Only in the
     last year when she was sick and death was near did the attention get on Farrah. And the
     fact that she was dying and a Roman Catholic. Of course now, she will be said to have
     gone to Heaven...

     Well, I am not the judge. Do I wish she she is? Yes? But.......

     This pass week we know of three famous people who have died. They had the world at
     their hands. They lost their soul in doing what they believed the world would like.

     "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Or
     what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of
     me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of
     man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." (Mark
     8:34-38) . While I hate to put these two people in the same post, I don't want to post
     about MJ anyway. But I do believe some things need to be said anyway. . FOOTNOTE
     no desire to know or listen to, but who had a soul and that is lost forever: He wrote. He is
     dead at the age of 50. He had everything the world offered--but no Jesus. . The liner
     notes from an album of his, and he quoted the final lines from William Ernest Henley's
     famous poem, Invictus:
     I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul.. Those are not the words you
     want written on your tombstone. --------------------------------------- When tens of millions
     know your name And honors swarm about your head And fortunes rest on your great
fame And then you die. Well, you are dead. When you've been great beyond degree And
slept with fame and danced with pride And you've become an industry And then you die
Well, then, you've died. Your fame and wealth won't buy a place In God's eternal realm of
light. No, that's found only by his grace, And you chose self Worm, fire and night. by Jim
    • From here we create our own standards of what we think a good person ought to
      be, but even by our own standards we fail to measure up. Only by deceiving
      ourselves are we able maintain any level of respectability and righteousness. Often
      during these pursuits, we find ourselves engaging in all kinds of aberrant behavior
      simply trying to measure up to our own standards. In it, we are clinging to our own
      righteousness in order to appease the God we know is there. For many, even in
      their suppression of the truth, will create a God to their liking and will try to appease
      him (Rom 1:23), but the God of scripture tells us that all our righteousness is like
      filthy rags, and he wants nothing to do it them (Isa. 64:6). But, praise God, He then
      goes on to tell us of the remedy that he has offered in Christ Jesus for all of us have
      sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God (Rom. 3:23) . You see, God the Father
      sent his son to die upon the cross to bear the punishment for all who will believe in
      Him (John 3:16) in order to bring us into a right relationship with Him and give us the
      peace we are seeking.
 . To paraphrase John Donne, when we hear that someone has died and we wonder for
whom the bell tolls, there is a sense in which it will always be tolling for us. It is a constant
reminder of our own frailty, telling us to be cognizant of our own end, and to ponder what
awaits us afterward, and whether or not we are living life the way it should be lived; to the
glory of God (Psalm 39:4). God Bless, Doug Eaton
Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:35AM (-05:00)

Monday, June 29, 2009
                                                 What a good day on Sunday. Most
                                                 preachers it seems that I have known over
                                                 the years, and have worked with (and there
                                                 have been a few, believe me) don't seem to
                                                 see the reality of the church as it really is.

                                                 "Let's give the impression that the church is
                                                 really great, and there are no problems." I
                                                 would hear a pastor say, "Let's put a spin
                                                 on the problem and make it seem a bit
                                                 better than what it really is."

Just before the pastor would leave the church, resign, go to another church, quit, for
various other reasons, the church body would believe every thing was alright in the
father's house.

It's amazing how many pastors are out interviewing for another church, without the
knowledge of anyone in the church. "Everything is just great, except I am leaving the
moment I can get another church."

It's amazing how many church elders are looking for pastors of churches, while the
preacher is wishing to get another church to pastor. But if you ask the pastor, everything          53
is okay in their present church.

                                                    How many churches have I attended, and
                                                    was available to pastor the church, but the
                                                    church pastor search committee was not
                                                    interested. They were interested in
                                                    someone who was already pastoring a
                                                    church that they were not happy in. On
                                                    several occasions the preacher that came
                                                    to the church was not going to stay in the
                                                    church for long. Think of that. A touch of
     sarcasm there.

     How many times have I heard from members in a church, "I wish the pastor would just
     leave." While at the same time, the pastor has no clue that is thought by any member.
     Why? Because those same members would deny that they said that at all.

     Some pastors seem to be clueless to the situation in their church, and find themselves in
     trouble because they are not in touch with their membership.

     So how do you know if you should stay as pastor of the church you are in? Try to stay
     honest in your mind as to the reality of what is going on in the church.

     July 2008 I was asked by Bob Temple to come to speak with him at Rivers of Joy Baptist
     Church. This was only to help the members out in their time of need. I went with fear and

     While I was so excited about preaching and teaching, and so overwhelmed, the reality
     was, I believed there was no way this was going to work out. After all, I knew I was just
     about the opposite in style from the former preachers. Well not really all that different, but
     I had come to approach ministry and preaching a little different. Our doctrine was about
     the same, and our love for the Word was the same.

     So Bob said I should preach in the morning and he would preach in the evening. So for
     three weeks that is what we did. Then on the last Saturday of July the deacon called me
     to come to the church for a meeting with him. We had a good meeting and we expressed
     our concerns and beliefs and the situation at the church, (which was not good at all). He
     asked and I agreed to become pastor of the church, if the members wanted me also.

     So that Sunday evening, the church voted either to call a pastor or to shut the door, as
     the deacon said. The membership said yes to me coming as pastor. The doors to the
     building stayed open.

     Now fast forward to July 2009 (almost) and I can say that I have really loved the
     experience of the last year. The joy of preaching and teaching over the last year has filled
     my soul and heart and mind so much that you can't imagine.

     The experience that Charity and I have had has just overwhelmed us with great joy, and
     humility. I am humbled at the love the folks have given us.

I had just about given up on ever pastoring another church, I was sixty you know. But I
was thinking I was a very young minded sixty. So I just settled in and was sad.

The church that I had attended for almost four years just didn't seem to find a place for us
to really serve. And so we finally gave up and left, sadly I might say.

We started attending another church in town, and it was as if they didn't know we were
even there either. I was getting this idea that we weren't really liked.

But God, in His time, must have felt sorry for us, kidding. When I believed the door was
completely closed, He by His grace, opened up a place for us to love people, be loved by
the people, and have a chance to preach and teach and pastor again.

For the first time in our ministry, we have worked in a church from day one to now, and
have enjoyed every Sunday. It's a miracle. Maybe sixty is the age, I don't know, but
Charity and I have loved this ministry so much.

I hope this is the real reality of what is really true. I hope the people at Rivers of Joy really
love us as much as we really love the work and ministry and people at ROJBC.
Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:03PM (-05:00)

To Magnify The Lord Jesus Christ
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
To Magnify the Name of Christ from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

To Magnify The Lord in our Living Part Two from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo.

The outline of this message is on MyChurch

Philippians 1:20=21

Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 03:52AM (-05:00)

Do Trips to Argentina South America
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Charles E. Whisnant
Rivers of Joy Baptist Church June 28 2009
Sunday Bible Study Lesson


My favorite after sermon comment is the young guy who came up to me three times and
said 'That's the worst sermon I ever heard.' Eventually, one of the elders realized he was
bothering me but hadn't heard the young man; so the elder put his hand on my shoulder               55
and said 'don't worry about him. He's a bit simple and
                                        has a tendency to repeat what he hears others

                                        Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her
                                        captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces
                                        you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon
                                        your very life. Can a man scoop fire into his lap without
                                        his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot
                                        coals without his feet being scorched? So is he who
                                        sleeps with another man’s wife; no one who touches
                                        her will go unpunished. (Proverbs 6:25-29) Or Provers

                                        1. We Christian men need to be diligent with guarding
     our hearts

     2. Ladies, do not underestimate the power of sex in marriage and how important it is to
     your husband.

     3. Realize our sinful actions also impact others.

     4. Marvel at how sin can make the most sober-minded, intelligent person to act stupidly.

     It ought to serve as a sobering reminder of our own depravity.

     Here are some lessons that I'm pondering today in the wake of this news:

     1. We must acknowledge that our biggest problem is not "out there." It is "in here."

     2. We must measure ourselves against the right standard.

     3. We must guard ourselves in our friendships--and especially in our counselees.

     4. We must seek accountability.

     5. We must be sobered by how our sin affects others.

     6. We must repent of putting our hope in people.

     7. We must look away to Christ.

     Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:00AM (-05:00)

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Grow By Learning[4] 2009 May Aug
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Grow By Learning[4] 2009 May Aug
Grow By Learning[4] 2009 May Aug
Grow By Learning[4] 2009 May Aug
Grow By Learning[4] 2009 May Aug
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Grow By Learning[4] 2009 May Aug

  • 1. cwhisna February 13, 2010 GROW BY LEARNING
  • 2.
  • 3. To Bloggers Everywhere Charles E. Whisnant, on Grow By Learning Blogger. Posts from May 2009 thru August 2009. I hope you will enjoy these articles, and photos. 1
  • 4. 2
  • 5. Contents Eric and Leslie's new born and our granddaughter 8 Very Proud of our Granddaughter 8 A GOOD WEEK 9 OKAY WE ARE GRANDPARENTS OKAY 10 Sharing the Gospel and God's Divine Election 10 Sharing the Gospel & God's Divine Election Part Two 11 Wallace York a man to be remembered 12 Sideshow: God, Satan, and Miss USA 13 MY LOVELY SISTER FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS 14 PREACHING AND THE LISTENERS? 17 CHARLES E. WHISANANT CAN BE FOUND ON 17 NOW WHO DO YOU THINK THIS LOVELY LITTLE GRANDDAUGHTER IS 18 A DAY WITH CHARITY WAS GREAT 19 Pastoral Leadership Paul's Method Part One and Two 20 Why All the Best Preachers Are--What a Concept!--Theological 22 EVOLUTION IS STILL IN THE NEWS IN 2009 23 How To Talk Salvation To Children 24 May I order please.... 24 LeBron's buzzer-beater lifts Cavaliers over Magic 2 24 SPORTS COLLECTIONS AND THE GOSPEL 25 Why Pastor Give Their Charge? 26 Reality of Church Ministry Comes to Life 27 LETING DOWN YOUR SLEEVES IS GREAT 28 UNION MILLS BAKERY MAY 29 29 3
  • 6. Saturday, May 30, 2009 31 LET US AS PREACHERS NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN SELF 31 Some Events for Sunday May 31 31 A JUNE GREETING FROM CHARLES E 32 Why Paul Was Glad the Thessalonians 33 The Harley - Davidson Bike Wedding 33 TRAIN CARS IN FRONT OF HOUSE 33 40th President of the United States 34 D - Day, the reason America IS. 34 Does Your Theology Affect Your Evangelism 35 The Bible Is The Word of God 36 Tuesday, June 09, 2009 36 The Ministry of The Word Of God 36 HOW DO YOU RECONCILE FREE WILL AND ELECTION? 37 The Preachers Message Keeps In View? 37 40th Year Married To Charity 38 40th Wedding Anniversary and 1st Year at ROJBC 38 Charles and Charity Singing for the First Time 40 Great Church Family and Family Cebelation 40 SUNDAY JUNE 14TH 2009 GREAT 41 Any Appearance of Evolution is Wrong. 44 Creation is a Fact Supported by Scripture. 44 Angels Were Created Beings by God 45 So How Do I Come To Believe What I Believe 45 A overview of the week forthwith 45 WHAT IS MEANT BY EXPOSITORY PREACHING 47 4
  • 7. The Suffering For Christ's Righteousness Seen 48 FOR ME DEATH WILL BE OKAY 51 Shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 51 THE REALITY OF PASTOR/TEACHER IS THIS 53 To Magnify The Lord Jesus Christ 55 Do Trips to Argentina South America 55 Study the Word and Preach the Word 56 His Only Begotton Son Message Plus 57 Reflection Over the Last Year at ROJBC 57 Music in a different style 59 Charles E. Whisnant Message pt 1 from July 5, 2009 59 How Huge Is The Universe Sermon 60 This Is Pretty Cool Party 61 Grtand daughter visits her grandfather 61 Alan Harris Family Connersville, Indiana 62 The Drama Of Coming To Minford 62 Chad R. Whisnant one find young man 63 Family as a teen great 64 Why Another Social Network Service? 64 The Complexity and Diversity of God's Order of Creation 65 THE LORD'S GLORY AND MAN'S DIGNITY 66 11 Things You Might Not Know About Apollo 11 66 So Few Have Died So Hard 66 GOD'S WONDERFUL CREATION OF BIRDS AND FISH 68 CAUTION: ALTAR CALLS ARE NOT IN THE BIBLE. 69 Rivers of Joy Baptist Church 70 5
  • 8. Four Options To The Creation of Universe 72 Paul's Take on Earth living or Heaven 72 Paul Talkes about Living life and Heaven 72 John Piper says we should guard the powerful role of preaching in w... 73 The Creation of Day Five Continues 73 IS 'DEPRESSION" A BIBLICAL RESPONSE? 74 The Power of God's Strength and Comfort 77 SATAN IS OUT TO SHAKE YOU UP 78 HAPPINESS IN THE SECULAR SENSE IS NOT VERY LONG 79 SHOULD CHRISTIAS BELIEVERS GET CLINICAL DEPRESSION 81 Time To Relax After Sunday's Services 85 Should Christians Stay In A State of Depression 85 CAN CHRISTIANS BE BIPOLAR? 87 Satan the Devil Sermon and Video 88 People, Science, God and Evolution 89 It's A Devil of a Message 89 IT IS A DEVIL OF A MESSAGE 90 IT IS A DEVIL OF A MESSAGE 90 Johnny Edwards 90 Update: Computer 2009 90 Charles E. Whisnant Teaching On Wednesday Evening 91 Sunday Morning August 16, 2009 91 Remarks About Sunday 92 The Book of Romans Series 93 Charles E. Whisnant, Teaching from Romans 93 6
  • 9. Charles E. Whisnant, Preaching & Teaching 94 Christ Our Hope And Salvation 94 Creation Day Six Outline 95 Ellen and Stephen 95 Charles E. Whisnant 96 So Really What Is Preaching? 96 How Should We Present the Word of God 97 Salvation is Transforming Power of Christ 98 To Go To Heaven You Need To Know 98 Bible Study Handouts Are Good. Why? 99 How Do We Learn The Fear of the Lord 99 7
  • 10. Eric and Leslie's new born and our granddaughter Friday, May 01, 2009 Dressing our granddaughter for the first time from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. Amazing Amazing creation of God from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:25AM (-05:00) Very Proud of our Granddaughter Saturday, May 02, 2009 Eric and Leslie baby was born April 30, 2009 around 5 p.m. and she was 7 lbs 11 oz and 19 in long and of course a very perfect little girl. As only a grandfather would say so proudly. The star of the day Aunt Becky and grandmother Mom Chad and Mom and Kyle Bob, Charles, Chad and Kyle Heather, Charity and Brittney Grandfather and our little granddaughter Happy Grandparents Happy Happy Happy Dad Happy Grandmother Charity Happy aunt Becky and Mom Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:01AM (-05:00) 8
  • 11. 9
  • 12. A GOOD WEEK Monday, May 04, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:39AM (-05:00) OKAY WE ARE GRANDPARENTS OKAY Wednesday, May 06, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 02:01PM (-05:00) Sharing the Gospel and God's Divine Election Friday, May 08, 2009 EVANGELISM AND GOD'S SOVERIGNTY from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. This message is the second lesson on this subject, and the first part of the second 10
  • 13. lesson. (I am in the process making available the first lesson) TWO VIEWS OF GOD’S WORK IN SALVATION AND MAN’S RESPONSIBILITY CAUTION: HEAR BOTH VIEWS TO MAKE THE CONNECTION. The fact remains that God in the gospel really does offer and promise justification and life to “whosoever will.” Romans 10:13. As God commands all men everywhere to repent, so God invites all men everywhere to come to Christ and find mercy. Definition of Evangelism: 1. Is a task appointed to all God’s people everywhere. It is the task of communicating the message from the God to bring about salvation to mankind. 2. The message begins with information and ends with an invitation. (I am not talking about a church invitation at th end of the service) 3. The information concerns the work of God of making His Son a just right Saviour for sinners. 4. The invitation is God’s summons to mankind generally to come to the Saviour and find life. God commands all men everywhere to repent, and promises forgiveness and salvation to all who do. (Acts 17:30) 5. The Christian is sent into the world as Christ’s speak and Christ’s ambassador, to sent forth this message as far and wide as he can. It’s a duty, it’s a command, it’s a privilege to tell people about Christ. HOW IF THE ABOVE IS TRUE, AND IT IS, HOW IS ALL THIS AFFECTED BY OUR BELIEF IN THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD? Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 01:53PM (-05:00) Sharing the Gospel & God's Divine Election Part Two Saturday, May 09, 2009 HOW TO VIEW GOD'S SOVEREIGNITY WITH EVANGELISM from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. It is true that God has from all eternity chosen whom He will save. It is true that Christ came specifically to save those whom the Father had given Him. But it is also true that Christ offers Himself freely to all men as their Savior, and guarantees to bring to glory everyone who trust in Him as such. Note how He Himself deliberately put side by side these two thoughts: John 6:37-38. Christ means who He says, no less when He undertakes to save all who will trust Him than when He undertakes to save all whom the Father has given Him. 11
  • 14. (4) or does it affect the responsibility of the sinner for his reaction to the gospel. The fact remains that a man who rejects Christ in that way becomes the cause of his own condemnation. The Bible never says that sinners miss heaven because they are not elect, but because they neglect the great salvation and because they will not repent and believe. Ezk 18:31, John 5:40. II THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD IN GRACE GIVES US OUR ONLY HOPE OFSUCCESS IN EVANGELISM. Let me say on the other hand, evangelism would be pointless apart from the Sovereignty of God. Why? Because of the spiritual inabililty of man in sin Paul put it this way: I Corinthians 2:14 and Romans 8:7 • 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor 2:14 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Romans 8:7 Here is what Paul is saying: Man’s failure, as a matter of fact. It is a necessity of nature, something certain and inevitable and universal and unalterable, because it is in man to do otherwise than fail. 1. And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins Eph 2:1 2. Wholly incapacitated for any positive response to God’s word 3. Deaf to God’s speech blind to God’s revelation 4. Not influenced to God’s inducement Why? Eph 2:2 Satan is active in this matter. 2 Corin 4:4 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR REACHING PEOPLE FOR CHRIST? It means quite simply, that evangelism, described as we have described it, cannot possibly succeed. 1. Can we by our talking break the power of Satan in man’s life? Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:02AM (-05:00) 12
  • 15. Wallace York a man to be remembered Monday, May 11, 2009 We learned today that our friend Wallace York passed away in Princeton, KY. He was a giant in the ministry. We first knew Wallace when Charity and were members of the Ashland Ave. Baptist Church in Lexington KY. My emotions are sad at the moment, and will refect later on Bro. Walllace. But he had an affect on our family for many years and we will miss him. Our prayers are with his wife and children. The photo is at Second Baptist Church in Princeton KY in 2001. Thanks to Hershael York for keeping us up with his Dad (I am thankful for Facebook). Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 10:28AM (-05:00) Sideshow: God, Satan, and Miss USA Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Theses two girls didn't win Miss USA, they didn't pose for girlie sideshow, or magazines, but they glorifed the Lord in their life. Christians are not to be in girlie sideshows. The Girlie Sideshow: God, Satan, and Miss USA in Sin City Carrie Prejean, 21, may have lost the Miss USA crown to Kristen Dalton, but God was guiding her throughout that fateful girlie show April 19 in Sin City, when she was put to the question by Perez Hilton over gay marriage. So said Carrie yesterday on James Dobson's Focus on the F a m i l y r a d i o s h o w ( h t t p : / / w w w . f o c u s o n t h e f a m i l y . c o m / ) . I am sure the Devil is not at all disappointed that Miss Carrie is a "Chrisitan", and that she is against gay marriage. If a Christian can pose for girlie magazines, and dress as she does, that is okay christianity to the devil. "I felt as though Satan was trying to tempt me in asking me this question," said Carrie, who spoke out against gay marriage. "And then God was in my head and in my heart, saying, 'Do not compromise this. You need to stand up for me.' And I knew . . . that it wasn't about winning. It was about being true to my convictions." Now of course when the statement of Carrie was said, you can be sure the media is going to use it in the negative. 13
  • 16. Of course they in their natural minds will have no idea what she was talking about. Even on Fox Shepherd Smith was clueless. Miss USA is worldly, and in my opinion is totally sinful. Well, it appeal to the flesh, and eyes for sure. For heaven sake's I remember saying, "I don't think your daughter should be in the cheerleaders half time group." I got in a lot of trouble over that statement. I just do not believe we should be half dressed in public and dance like we are come on. Sex sells. The nature of man like to see women's flesh. Of course to many this practice is harmless. And I am sure we can over come our youthful behaviour. • Satan is not fearful of external conformity to rule. Not even to the external conformity of the rule of Christ--provided there is no cross. • Satan does not mind family values--as long as what you ultimately value is the family. Russell Moore's excellent talk, "The Devil Votes Christian Values: Why We’re Tempted to be Glorified Satanists Rather than Crucified Followers. • Satan does not mind social justice--as long as you see justice as most importantly social. • Satan does not tremble at a Christian worldview. He will let you have a Christian worldview as long as your ultimate goal is viewing the world. If he can just bypass the cross--and get to the kingdom apart from the cross--then he will have everything that he wants. • Pastor: Satan doesn't mind if you preach on the decrees of God with fervor and passion every single week--provided that you do not ever preach the gospel of the cross. • Homeschooling Mom: Satan does not mind if you teach your children all the books of the Bible and all the Ten Commandments and all of the catechism--provided you do not teach them the gospel of a bloody cross.. . . Satan will let you get what it is that you want, no matter what it is--sanctity of marriage, environmental protection, orphan care, all of these good and wonderful things--he will allow you to gain those things provided you do not preach and proclaim and live through the power of a cross that cancels his power of condemnation. He so fears the gospel of a Christ crucified and raised from the dead that he is willing to surrender his entire empire just to appease the threat of it. Here Russell Moore tells us The Devil Votes Christian Values: Why We’re Tempted to be Glorified Satanists Rather than Crucified Followers. The Devil likes or is willing to go along with Christian values as long as we do not bring in the Cross and the Resurrection. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 03:27AM (-05:00) 14
  • 17. MY LOVELY SISTER FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS Wednesday, May 13, 2009 MY SISTER ELLEN HAS A BIRTHDAY ON FRIDAY Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:43PM (-05:00) 15
  • 18. 16
  • 19. PREACHING AND THE LISTENERS? Thursday, May 14, 2009 • Remember that happy listeners may mean sermon failure. Our goal is not to make listeners happy with us. Our goal is to faithfully present, explain and apply the Bible text to their lives. What if the text convicts, or prods, or pokes, or makes downright uncomfortable? What if it shines a light in a dark place in their life and they don’t like what they see? What if their dissatisfaction toward you and your preaching is a very positive sign of the word getting through? Be careful not to misapply this, but sometimes knowing that listeners were offended by your preaching may be the best feedback that you are doing your job well. Preaching is not about presenting yourself for a popularity contest (even if some churches make it feel like that!) Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:43AM (-05:00) CHARLES E. WHISANANT CAN BE FOUND ON Friday, May 15, 2009 Well there are a few nice videos we have. We upload our Sunday Morning and Sunday Evening Bible Studies. A LIST OF PLACES WHERE YOU CAN FIND POSTS, ARTICLES, PHOTO, VIDEOS FROM CHARLES AND CHARITY WHISNANT You need to be a member of Facebook 17
  • 20. Our Rivers of Joy Baptist Church Information GROW BY LEARNING WEBSITE 11 DIFFERENT PAGES 1. Home 2. My Mission Bio 3. Rivers of Joy Baptist Church (church) 4. Resources 5. Articles 6. Sermons 7. Photos 8. Johnny Edwards 9. Theology 10. Sports 11. Counseling Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:38AM (-05:00) NOW WHO DO YOU THINK THIS LOVELY LITTLE GRANDDAUGHTER IS Saturday, May 16, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:17PM (-05:00) 18
  • 21. A DAY WITH CHARITY WAS GREAT Monday, May 18, 2009 I was at the desk today, and Charity said, "are you going to move the tables today?" And without thinking I said, "Yes." What was I thinking? So within minutes I went down stairs and begin to take the kitchen table out and going to replace with the table in the dinning room. Then Charity wanted to take the love seat out of the bedroom and put in the new sitting room, which was the old dinning room, which was the TV room. So the work began. What a morning. Charity said, "I am glad that you listen to the Pastor's message on Sunday." I had to remember what I had taught. Am I responsible to listen to what I preach? Then later we went to Chillicothe for dinner at Red Lobster. Then to J.C. Penny's where I bought two shirts. Then to Sam's to buy contact lens. A great 80 mile round trip and time with Charity and back home in three hours. 19
  • 22. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:31PM (-05:00) Pastoral Leadership Paul's Method Part One and Two Monday, May 18, 2009 Pastoral Leadership In Three Phases pt 1 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. Pastoral Leadership In Three Ways Pt 2 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. THREE ADVERBS AND THREE ADJECTIVES OF SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP I THESSALONIANS 2:11 PASTOR/TEACHER CHARLES E. WHISNANT MAY 17, 2009 PAUL IS TELLING US IN THIS SECTION THAT WE SHOULD MODEL AND TEACH AND CHARGE THOSE WHO ARE UNDER OUR SPIRIUTAL LEADERRSHIP HOW ARE WE ABLE TO LIVE WITH STRENGTH, COURAGE, LITTLE FLINCHING FROM A MEASURABLE RISK AND THE CHALLENGES WE FACE IN LIFE? 1 Be sure of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Practice the presence of the Spirit 2 Understanding that as a Christian you have a just cause to live as Christ 3 You understand the reality of the unfailing sovereignty of God THOSE OF US WHO ARE IN SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP NEED TO BE: You are witnesses, and so is God, how devoutly and uprightly and blamelessly we behaved toward you believers; just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children, so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory. (2:10–12 1A MODELING (PATTERN) STEP ONE THE LIFE OF A SPIRITUAL FATHER, LEADER (Deut 4:9, prov. 13:24, eph 6:4, col. 3:21, Hebrews 12:9 1B HOLY: 20
  • 23. 1. My life before God. 2. My duty before God was conformed to God’s character. 3. This is the fabric of the believer’s testimony as God sees it, not man. 4. God’s wants 100% of our lives. 5. No one sees your devotional life except God. 2B JUST: RIGHTEOUSLY. 1. This is the man-directive. 2. This is what you see. 3. This has to do with your integrity. 4. The fabric of your character. 5. Established reputation. 6. A good testimony. 7. People know your number. 8. The testimony in the church not in the world. 9. People trust you. 10. People believe what you say. 11. When you get up and give a testimony, people will listen to what you say. 3B UNBLAMEABLY: 1. Behaving ourselves as Christians justly. 2. We are not like the world models. 3. We don’t embarrass Christ in public 4. We’re a new breed. 5. We’re a different crop 6. We have a new nature 7. We’re indwelt by the Holy Spirit 8. We have a Bible 9. Molds our life. Our attitude 10. Our philosophy of life. Our out-look on life 11. Our attitude toward life 12. If our life is UGLY, people will say “they must have an ugly book.” 2A TEACHING (PRECEPTS) is necessary as a spiritual father, leader. THREE PHASES OF THE MINISTER’S PREACHING “just as you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you as a father would his own children,” 1 THESSALONIANS 2:11 1B EXHORTING: to encourage, to raise somebody's spirits. – • from parakaleo, literally “to call alongside; and is related to the noun parakletos, “one who comes alongside; which is one of the titles for the Holy Spirit. • Exhortation leads one to do a thing willingly; consolation, to do it joyfully. "exhorted," the Greek includes the additional idea of comforting and advocating one's cause: "encouragingly exhorted." 21
  • 24. 2B COMFORTED motivating • Encouraging (paramutheomai), meaning to encourage in the sense of comfort and consolation, is so critical in assisting toward spiritual growth because of the many obstacles and failures Christians can experience. • A friendly persuasion, touching of feeling so leading the heart to Christ and His truth. 3B CHARGE: imploring • Imploring is the Greek participle marturomenoi, which is usually translated “testifying”, or “witnessing”; is related to the word martyr because so many faithful witnesses died for their boldness. We are summoned to witness and warn and admonish to the fact that if they did not follow the course laid out for them, they, as disobedient children would receive from a father, could expect to receive spiritual discipline from the apostle. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:39PM (-05:00) Why All the Best Preachers Are--What a Concept!--Theological Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Why All the Best Preachers Are--What a Concept!--Theological: • "The bones and marrow of the sermon are composed of theology. Yet theological preaching is rare. Listeners fear that too much theology will make the sermon impractical. Many preachers shy away from theological content. Aware of the small window of opportunity given to capture the interest of the audience, preachers are tempted to rush to application. The result is a sermon that begins with the need of the audience, touches lightly on the biblical text, and then moves to concrete implication. In the process, the sermon skips the important step of identifying and stating theological principles upon which the practical application is based. Haddon Robinson has wryly observed: 'More heresy is preached in application than in Bible exegesis.'" From my personal experience, not many preachers preach theological in my circle of preachers. So I have changeded my circle of preachers. While I love all my preachers friends, and they all love the Lord, many of them just like to preach and leave out the theology. All the preachers I know from this camp, would say they believe they are preaching the Word of God. They just like to leave out the theological aspect of it in their preaching. Some started out wanting to preach theological and then got caught up in wanting to get more people saved and have a bigger church, so they cut out the theological teaching, and went with the pop - cultural - easy listening - twenty minute sermon. And they go their bigger church attendance. I am so glad over the last years to get to know many preachers who are totally committed to preaching from a theological concept. • I have often heard people say, "Charles is a teacher, not a preacher." The truth is all preaching is teaching what one believes about what the Bible is teaching. 1. THE KEY IS LEARNING WHAT THE BIBLE IS TEACHING. I am in my 45 years of learning what the Bible is saying. 22
  • 25. And almost every day, I am humbled by what I just learned today. Maybe we should try to preach or teach so it doesn't sound so theological! Charles Spurgeon once observed • that the young preacher is primarily concerned with matters of style while those with more experience tend to focus their attention on content. In effect, the younger preacher asks, "How shall I say it?" while the older preacher thinks, "What shall I say?" The theological preacher must ask both questions. It is by giving careful attention to the theology of the text and the need of the audience that the preacher learns what must be said about it and how to say it. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:43PM (-05:00) EVOLUTION IS STILL IN THE NEWS IN 2009 Wednesday, May 20, 2009 CREATION IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY THIS EARTH BECAME INTO BEING Early Skeleton Sheds Light on Evolution from AOL May 20 2009 ALSO NOTE THIS WEB SITE FOR A biblical POINT OF VIEW Mayor Michael Bloomberg, among the speakers at the news conference, called it an "astonishing breakthrough." The story of the fossil find will be shown on History, which is owned by A&E Television Networks. A book also will be published. Hurum saw nothing wrong with the heavy publicity which preceded the research's publication Tuesday in the scientific journal PLOS (Public Library of Science) One. "That's part of getting science out to the public, to get attention. I don't think that's so wrong," Hurum said. Paleontologists found a rare prehistoric pregnant turtle in a remote area of southern Utah May 9. The fossil is just the second ever found to still have a clutch of eggs inside. Here, a technician prepares to run the 75-million-year-old fossil through a scanner. Because the skeleton is so remarkably complete, scientists believe it will provide a window into primate evolution. The animal was a juvenile female that scientists believe died at about 9 or 10 months. "She tells so many stories. We have just started the research on this fabulous specimen," said Jorn Hurum, of the University of Oslo Natural History Museum, one of the scientists reporting the find. 23
  • 26. The creature is nicknamed Ida after Hurum's 6-year-old daughter. The unveiling, at New York's Museum of Natural History, was promoted by a press release for the cable TV show History, which called it a "revolutionary scientific find that will change everything." # I AM IN A SERIES ON GENESIS AND EVOLUTION ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTS.In the last month at Rivers of Joy Baptist Churchspeaking on Genesis Chapter One and TwoWho Created the Earth Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 04:25AM (-05:00) How To Talk Salvation To Children Thursday, May 21, 2009 How Do You Talk To Your Children About Salvation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. How Should We Talk To Our Children About Salvation Pt 2 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. The Outline Forthcoming. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:37AM (-05:00) May I order please.... Thursday, May 21, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 04:34PM (-05:00) LeBron's buzzer-beater lifts Cavaliers over Magic 2 Saturday, May 23, 2009 LeBron's buzzer-beater lifts Cavaliers over Magic 24
  • 27. With the Cavaliers' hopes for another trip to the NBA Finals fading fast, LeBron James rose up for an absolutely critical 3-pointer as the final second ticked off the clock Friday night. He took the last shot this time. A twisting, off-balance, miracle shot. A 3-pointer for the last of his 35 points that he released with less than one second on the clock and rattled through the rim to give the Cavs a 96-95 victory in Game 2, evening the series at 1-1. What a game. I get a call from Charity from Union Mills to pick her up, its 10 p.m. Cavaliers had a 23 point lead, only to lose it. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:15AM (-05:00) SPORTS COLLECTIONS AND THE GOSPEL Monday, May 25, 2009 The view of our houseThe yard that I cut is all the green.For six years I push a small mower.But really loved it. SOMETIMES YOU WONDER WHY PEOPLE WHOM HEAR YOU PREACH OR TEACH, SEEM TO JUST BRUSH THE MESSAGE OFF. WELL THERE IS A REASON FOR THAT.................. • Now, when we preach the gospel, unless you have spiritual life, you cannot feed upon it; and if you were to come to the communion table, unless you were truly alive unto God, you might eat the bread, and drink the wine, but with real spiritual food, the body of Christ, and the blood of Christ, you could have nothing to do. We do not give food to people in order to make them live. That would be a useless experiment; but, because they are alive, they take food in order to sustain and nourish the life which is already in them. Always recollect, dear friends, that the best spiritual food in the world is useless to those who are spiritually dead; and one very essential part of the gospel is that truth which our Savior so plainly taught, "Ye must be born 25
  • 28. again." All attempts at feeding the soul are of no use until the new birth has been experienced; even that precious, priceless bread of life cannot be assimilated unless the soul has been quickened by the Spirit of God. WHILE I DO LIKE MY SPORTS COLLECTION, ITS JUST A COLLECTION The Dale Earnhardt Sr. Collection Jeff Gordon collection pre 2000 The corner of my collection room Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:38AM (-05:00) Why Pastor Give Their Charge? Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Why Pastor's Give The Charge ? from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. The Outline of this message will be over on MY CHURCH THREE REASONS WHY WE AS SPIRITUAL PASTORS/TEACHERS GIVE OUR CHARGE TO OUR FLOCK I Thessalonians 2:12 Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant 26 Rivers of Joy Baptist Church – May 24, 2009
  • 29. The Mom wants to provide the need of the moment, and the Dad wants to produce the product at the end. That’s balance. Charity the need, Charles the charge. • Verse 12 "That you would walk creditably of God, who has called<2564> you unto His kingdom and glory." Why Pastor's Give the Charge Pt 2 from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:22AM (-05:00) Reality of Church Ministry Comes to Life Friday, May 29, 2009 The reality of church ministry comes to life. This past Wednesday night in our 6 p.m. membership meeting at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church was just for that purpose. Getting members to view their thinking about their ministry in the church. Generally as Pastor/Leader/Elder, I lay out my opinions and idea and what I think. But what I felt a really neat idea, "What Are You Thinking?" So I started with Jimmy and Lois and move to Stephanie, then Linda, skip Bill and went to Bob then to John and Peggy, (well I skippe Peggy) then to Frankie and Danny, and so forth, then came back to Bill, then to Charity and Dorothy, then to Bill and Mary, etc. Really its good to listen to what members are thinking about the ministry that they are involved in. Its good to hear concerns and ideas and thoughts. Too often I believe members may think they are not heard. 27
  • 30. The meeting was very good and produced some good thoughts. Then 7 p.m. came, and we were just about half way through the process, and before you knew it, the time was 8 p.m. So what about my lesson for tonight? I want have to study as hard the next week. Sometimes its good to listen and not talk. Who said that? Pastors have this fault of sugar coating problems and concerns. They often speak of the good points and hid the problems the church has. This is a fault that hurts the progress of the church. In order to get ahead of what was before we must deal with the past. We have a future if we are honest about the events of the past. Churches that do not deal honestly with themselves and do not stop of correct and adjust, will fall into the same pattern all over again. Therefore in this brief post, I am saying, ROJBC and its leadership and members are making progess in their purpose to make our place a place that will bring honor to the Lord. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:31AM (-05:00) LETING DOWN YOUR SLEEVES IS GREAT Saturday, May 30, 2009 Brief Summary of Sunday's Message from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. The video is from this morning at the church, (I did not have the lights on) THE JOY TO BE ABLE TO LET DOWN YOUR SLEEVES WITHOUT BEING MISUNDERSTOOD. TAKING A LOOK INTO THE EMOTIONS OF PAUL I THESSALONIANS 2:13-14 Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant PAUL seems very much at home when he is writing to the church at Thessalonica. In his letters to that favored people he unveils his inmost feelings. He is rather apt to do so when he feels himself quite at ease: for Paul is by no means a man shut up within himself, who is never at home to any one. When he is in a drawn-out conflict with an unappreciative people he keeps himself to razor-sharp words and strong arguments; but 28 when he is writing to a loving, attached, affectionate church, he lets them have the
  • 31. explanation of his heart, and he lays exposed before them his secret emotions. I feel as if we were interviewing Paul today as if we were all sitting in a room with him, and Silas, and Timothy, and were hearing their private conversation. We are come to a round-table conference with them, and we are listening to their talk about the ministry which God had committed to them. Even in these two verses we hear of how these holy preachers loved the gospel, told out the gospel, and saw that gospel take hold of their hearers' hearts. When you look back over the places of ministry in the pastorate, as my mind brings up those places of service, it’s with joy that I don’t need to be restrained about my conduct in those places. In each place the experience with friends still fill my soul with joy. The experience with the youth, the children, and adults are so good. I love to tell the stories. To be able to the connections we had with friends in Roanoke, Virginia, Bible Baptist Seminary in Arlington Texas, Wooster, Ohio, Minford, Ohio, West Portsmouth, Ohio, Connersville, Indiana, Mansfield, Ohio, Altoona, Kansas, and perhaps in Lexington, Kentucky. It is with a joyful enthusiasm to be the pastor of a church where one may be able to speak with some transparent, as a pastor, to be able from the beginning to open your heart without fear that you are going to be wounded.. Pastors usually have to be like a man who wears an armor throughout life, who hardly is able to move his plate of steel, unless somebody should wound him in an unguarded place. There is not place better than have a church were you can feel yourself at home as a brother among brethren, and as safe as a father among his sons and daughters since he is not afraid of being misunderstood. To be able to let your sleeves down a while is a joy. Paul was like that here in our text. He was able to feel at home, he was able to freely speak with peace, and with pleasure his thoughts about the folks at Thessalonica. He could from the first day to his last day, just say, “As you know,” and they did know. AND FOR THIS REASON WE ALSO CONSTANTLY THANK GOD THAT WHEN YOU RECEIVED FROM US THE WORD OF GOD'S MESSAGE YOU ACCEPTED IT NOT AS THE WORD OF MEN: This Sunday at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, in Minford Ohio the message from I Thessalonians 2:13 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:04AM (-05:00) UNION MILLS BAKERY MAY 29 Saturday, May 30, 2009 Tammy, & Kindra, & Sonda, & Charity, & Rich, & Debbie, & Mary, & Brenda really worked hard this weekend, well the last few weeks on high school graduations orders. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 10:14AM (-05:00) 29
  • 32. 30
  • 33. Saturday, May 30, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:48PM (-05:00) LET US AS PREACHERS NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN SELF Sunday, May 31, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:32AM (-05:00) Some Events for Sunday May 31 Monday, June 01, 2009 Last Survivor of Titanic Dies in England Death Comes on 98th Anniversary of Launch of Famous Ship Great article to read. LONDON (May 31) -- Millvina Dean, who as a baby was wrapped in a sack and lowered into a lifeboat in the frigid North Atlantic, died Sunday, having been the last survivor of 1912 sinking of the RMS Titanic. 31
  • 34. She was 97 years old, and she died where she had lived — in Southampton, England, the city her family had tried to leave behind when it took the ship's ill-fated maiden voyage, bound for America. Dean mother died at 99 years old always reticent about the tragedy, died in 1975 at age 95. Dean just over 2 months old when the Titanic hit an iceberg on the night of April 14, 1912. The ship sank in less than three hours. Dean was one of 706 people — mostly women and children — who survived. Her father was among the 1,517 who died. ---OTHER NEWS OF THE DAY & Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford Ohio May 31, 2009 • Our Bible Study time was good: Children's Class with Charity Whisnant, Youth/Teens with Frankie Dawkins and the Adult class with Charles Whisnant. • We had a full choir for Sunday, 14 members. Bob Temple lead the choir. Today our piano player Johnny Edwards and family was on vacation. Frankie Dawkins had our special song for us. • Pastor's message (myself) was from 1 Thessalonians 2:13. A fifty five minute message and was recorded on video. (I will post later this week.) • Following the service, Bill and Mary, Dorothy, Kindra and Charity and I went to eat. • About 2 p.m. Charity and her sister and dad went to Lexington Kentucky to visit with the kids, and to see our grandchild. • The evening service at ROJBC was good. Bill Bower spoke from Romans 8:28-30. Followed by a felllowship time. A great time. • Retured home around 8:30 p.m. and relax for the evening. • Of course I am up at 2:30 a.m. and this post is around 3:23 a.m. & Abortion Doctor Gunned Down in Church A video also WICHITA, Kan. (May 31) - Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation's few providers of late-term abortions despite decades of protests and attacks, was shot and killed Sunday in a church where he was serving as an usher. The gunman fled, but a 51-year-old suspect was detained some 170 miles away in suburban Kansas City three hours after the shooting, Wichita Deputy Police Chief Tom Stolz said. Charity and I lived in Altoona, Kansas for over 16 years, (1980-1996) and often went to Wichita. So we often heard of Tiller and his office. Wichita was about 100 miles from our house. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 02:20AM (-05:00) A JUNE GREETING FROM CHARLES E Monday, June 01, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:55AM (-05:00) 32
  • 35. Why Paul Was Glad the Thessalonians Wednesday, June 03, 2009 THE REASON TO BE GLAD FOR THE CHURCH Pt 1 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. The Reason to be Glad about the Church, Pt 2 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. Reason To Be Glad For The Church, Pt 3 from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:08AM (-05:00) The Harley - Davidson Bike Wedding Thursday, June 04, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:23AM (-05:00) TRAIN CARS IN FRONT OF HOUSE Friday, June 05, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:45AM (-05:00) 33
  • 36. 40th President of the United States Friday, June 05, 2009 Ronald Reagan died June 5 2004 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:13PM (-05:00) D - Day, the reason America IS. Saturday, June 06, 2009 Today is the anniversary of the D-Day landings at Normandy during World War II. I have to wonder how many even care anymore. 34
  • 37. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:04AM (-05:00) Does Your Theology Affect Your Evangelism Saturday, June 06, 2009 EVANGELISM, PASSION FOR THE LOST, AND THE ELECT Some in the Fundamentalist group, (some) believe if you believe God saves people, you will not have the desire to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How silly is that? Some believe that God's doesn't know who is going to be saved. How silly is that? Some believe God knows who is going to be saved, but He doesn't interfer with what a man does in the matter of his salvation? How silly is that? 35
  • 38. • Some believe if you believe God has an elect group of people who are going to be saved, that leaves out all the other people who would want to be saved? How silly that that? A controversialist once said, “If I thought God had a chosen people, I should not preach>" That is the very reason why I do preach. What would make him inactive is the mainspring of my earnestness. If the Lord had not a people to be saved, I should have little to cheer me in the ministry. • I believe that God will save his own elect, and I also believe that, if I do not preach the gospel, the blood of men will be laid at my door. Our Saviour has bidden us to preach the gospel to every creature; he has not said, “Preach it only to the elect;” and though that might seem to be the most logical thing for us to do, yet, since he has not been pleased to stamp the elect in their foreheads, or to put any distinctive mark upon them, it would be an impossible task for us to perform; whereas, when we preach the gospel to every creature, the gospel makes its own division, and Christ’s sheep hear his voice, and follow him. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 12:06PM (-05:00) The Bible Is The Word of God Tuesday, June 09, 2009 THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD PART ONE from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. Sunday June 7th 2009 I taught from I Thessalonians 2:13, Paul gives us the reason why the people in the church made him glad. Untitled from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 02:58AM (-05:00) Tuesday, June 09, 2009 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 09:34AM (-05:00) The Ministry of The Word Of God Thursday, June 11, 2009 God's Roll in the Matter of Creaton and Salvation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. Is God Sovereign in Salvation and Creation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. 36
  • 39. God Sovereign in Salvation and Creation from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. The first part of Wednesday Evening Bible Study at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church June 10, 2009. You will find this lesson interesting for sure. Is God sovereign over the salvation of mankind? Also in this first 22 minutes I talk about Ephesians 4:11-16. The Ministry of the Pastor in the church. I am working on the second part of the lesson from Wednesday. Later. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:30PM (-05:00) HOW DO YOU RECONCILE FREE WILL AND ELECTION? Friday, June 12, 2009 Creation the Second Day Part one from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. In this second part of the lesson on Wednesday, I didn't get into Creation, but was ask the following question: IF MAN HAS A FREE WILL, AND HE DOES, HOW DO YOU BRING TOGETHER MAN'S FREE WILL AND GOD'S SOVEREIGN IN SALVATION? The first 40 minutes I was talking from my thoughts, and didn't have any notes, because I didn't think I was going to talk on the subject. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 04:18AM (-05:00) The Preachers Message Keeps In View? Saturday, June 13, 2009 “Many preachers are tempted to identify themselves with the congregation in preaching, rather than with God. This may be the most significant reason for their feeling ill at ease in speaking to their congregation in the second person. Such preachers do not want their people to get the impression that the preacher is holier than them — for preachers know they are not . . . If a man, even for the most noble of motives, identifies himself primarily with the congregation in preaching, rather than with God, the best he will be able to do is speak as one sinner to other sinners about God. He will not be able to speak from God to them” (Wagner, Tongues Aflame, p. 74). Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:33AM (-05:00) 37
  • 40. 40th Year Married To Charity Saturday, June 13, 2009 Bob Temple and Lenora Temple (Charity's parents) and Pauline Whisnant (Charles's Mom) Charles, Charity, Debbie (Charity's sister), Don (Charles's brother) Lenora, and Pauline, and Ellen (Charles's Sister) JUNE 14, 1969 Charity Faye Mucha (Temple) and Charles Everette Whisnant Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:57PM (-05:00) 40th Wedding Anniversary and 1st Year at ROJBC Sunday, June 14, 2009 Its true, the first time in our 40 years of marriage, we song together as a special song. I said I would sang on our Wedding Anniversary, not realizing the date was on Sunday. So the people at ROJBC held us to it. They said we did okay. THE JOY WE HAVE HAD AT RIVERS OF JOY BAPTIST CHURCH IN THE LAST YEARJuly 6 was our first Sunday to preach, and then July 28 we were voted as pastor 38
  • 41. • The joy that Charity and I have had since coming to ROJBC is amazing. We have never in our entire ministry been so well loved in our first year. You wonderful people have treated us so kindly here at ROJBC. From the very start, we have just felt the joy of preaching and teaching, and the fellowship with all of you. You have shown calmly your willingness to listen and take in what I have presented. You have been encouraging to both Charity and me. In the face of difficulties, ROJBC is going to be okay, the Lord’s willing. Thank you for allowing us to be your pastor/teacher. 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERARY JUNE 14 2009 and our 1st Year as Pastor/Teacher at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church in Minford Ohio. Those attending in the 10 a.m. 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. services. In the 10 and 11 a.m. service • Bill and Linda Aldridge Dorothy Fields Bill and Janet Ramey and two kids Frankie and Danny Dawkins and baby Stephanie Oppy and three kids Ellen Copper and kid Jim and Lois Grant Serena Grant Sam Adams Leona Auther Johnny & Phyllis Edwards • Charles & Charity Whisnant Bill & Mary Bower John & Peggy Hall Bob Temple Pauline Lesmaster Richard Lemaster Kindra Tumbleson Amber Tumbleson and Gavin R.W.Wilson Roby Temple Rob & Ily Temple Eric & Leslie Whisnant & Abby Becky Whisnant Kyle & Brittney Whisnant Chad & Heather Whisnant Charlie and Peggy Newman (49) Afternoon extra 39
  • 42. • Mary Thacker Ray & Sharon McCoy Rick Warner Charlie Bond Tammy Logan Debbie Blevins (56) Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:40PM (-05:00) Charles and Charity Singing for the First Time Sunday, June 14, 2009 Charles and Charity Singing at ROJBC from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:05PM (-05:00) Great Church Family and Family Cebelation Monday, June 15, 2009 While our first Sunday preaching at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church was July 6, 2008 we used this day as our first year Anniversary. Also June 14th was our 40th Wedding Anniversary, Chad Whisnant was enjoying the day. Of course we loved our granddaugher Eric Leslie and Abby Kyle, Charity, Becky, Chad and Charles I posted a series of photos over on Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:03AM (-05:00) 40
  • 43. SUNDAY JUNE 14TH 2009 GREAT Wednesday, June 17, 2009 The Believers Believed the Saints from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. One of my shortest sermons in history. The singing took the wind out of me, I guess. I believe the message stopped at 23 minutes. But that is okay. I had more to say on the subject but next time I will finish the message. 1A THE RECEPTION THAT THE CHURCH MADE OF THE WORD OF GOD 2A THEY HAD A LOVE FOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE SAINTS HOW DOES THE WORD OF GOD (ITS PRINCIPLES) WORK IN US WITH POWER IN THE BELIEVER SAVED US 1 PETER 1:23, James 1:18 BLESSES US Luke 11:28 TEACHES US 2 Tim 3:16 REPROVES US 2 Tim 3:16 CORRECTS US 2 Tim 3:16 41
  • 44. TRAINS US IN RIGHTESOUSNESS PERFECTS US & EQUIPS US Eph. 4:12 GUIDES US Psa. 119:105 COUNSELS US Psa. 119:24 REVIVES US Psa. 119:154 MAKES US FRUITFUL Col 1:6 GROWS US UP 1 Peter 2:2 WARNS US Psa. 19:11 REWARDS US Psa. 19:11 JUDGES US Heb. 4:12 SANCTIFIES US John 17:17 PURGES US John 15:3 FREES US John 8:31-32 ENRICHES US Col. 3:16 STRENGTHENS US Psa. 119:128 MAKES US WISE Psa. 119:97-100 PROSPERS US Psa. 1:3 GIVES US HOPE Psa. 119:147 PAUL WAS GLAD BECAUSE FIRST: THEIR RECEPTION OF THE WORD OF GOD INTO THEIR LIVES 1 THESS 2:13 PAUL WAS GLAD BECAUSE SECONDLY: THEY HONORED THE SAINTS: 1 THESS 2:14 “For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews.:” followers -- Greek, "imitators." Divine working is most of all seen and felt in affliction. in Judea -- The churches of Judea were naturally the patterns to other churches, as having been the first founded, and that on the very scene of Christ's own ministry. Reference to them is specially appropriate here, as the Thessalonians, with Paul and 42
  • 45. Silas, had experienced from Jews in their city persecutions Act 17:5-9 similar to those which "the churches in Judea" experienced from Jews in that country. in Christ Jesus -- not merely "in God"; for the synagogues of the Jews (one of which the Thessalonians were familiar with, Acts 17:1 were also in God. But the Christian churches alone were not only in God, as the Jews in contrast to the Thessalonian idolaters were, but also in Christ, which the Jews were not. of your own countrymen -- including primarily the Jews settled at Thessalonica, from whom the persecution originated, and also the Gentiles there, instigated by the Jews; thus, "fellow countrymen" (the Greek term, according to Herodian, implies, not the enduring relation of fellow citizenship, but sameness of country for the time being), including naturalized Jews and native Thessalonians, stand in contrast to the pure "Jews" in Judea Matt 10:36. It is an undesigned coincidence, that Paul at this time was suffering persecutions of the Jews at Corinth, whence he writes Acts 18:5,6,12; naturally his letter would the more vividly dwell on Jewish bitterness against Christians. even as they --Heb 10:32-34. There was a likeness in respect to the nation from which both suffered, namely, Jews, and those their own countrymen; in the cause for which, and in the evils which, they suffered, and also in the steadfast manner in which they suffered them. Such sameness of fruits, afflictions, and experimental characteristics of believers, in all places and at all times, is a subsidiary evidence of the truth of the Gospel. —Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary They were "imitators”. “followers”.Vs 14 Ø Paul mentioned other believers in other churches as to what they were doing. You could pattern your life after them. They honored the saints by patterning their lives after them. They copied the Saints. They tried to be like those in those churches. Ø THE MARK OF REGENERATION? o They had a longing in their heart to be like Christ, to be like the preacher who gave them the gospel, a longing to be like other maturing saints. o Of the churches of god which in Judea are in Christ Jesus.” Vs 14 Ø Local assemblies. Acts 20:28, I Corin 1:2, 10:32, 11:22, Gal. 1:13. Ø A general term for church. Eph 1:22-23. A church “in Christ Jesus.” Ø In Judea, Jerusalem, the birth place of the NT church. 7 years before. o Their spiritual address: IN JESUS CHRIST. o Their physical address: IN JUDEA. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:08AM (-05:00) 43
  • 46. Any Appearance of Evolution is Wrong. Thursday, June 18, 2009 I am teaching a series of lessons from Genesis, dealing with Creation verse Evolution. I will post the first part of the message later tonight. Maybe. I have worked on this project all day, off and on. Now I am upload the first part on to I stand on this position about Creation: • Now from that foundation that we have laid in our teaching over the last several weeks, we must bring to a close that any appearance of evolution is a contradiction and a rejection of the apparent revelation of Scripture, and I mean any outline...whether it comes from an atheistic evolutionist like Julian Huxley, or whether it comes from a theistic evolutionist like Hugh Ross, any appearance of evolution is a contradiction and rejection of the comprehensible revelation of Scripture which indicates that somewhere around 6000 years ago God created the entire universe as we know it in six 24-hour days. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:28PM (-05:00) Creation is a Fact Supported by Scripture. Thursday, June 18, 2009 What Have Learned About Creation So Far from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. I STAND BY THESE STATEMENTS AS I HAVE STUDIED THE TEXT IN GENESIS 1:1- 13. 1. God created out of nothiung, without any preexisting material, the heaven and the earth. 2. This creation happened in a period of one week of normal days about 6000 years. 3. The entire creation was mature and aged at the instant of its creation. 4. Death did not exist, nor did any corrupt influences, and the creation was good. 5. Death and corruption entered the creations for the first time at the Fall of Adam. 6. Prior to the time Adam and Eve sinned in disobedience of God there was no death. 7. Science is not a principle for interpreting Genesis or any other passage for that matter. 8. There's only one source of the account of origins and that is the Bible, the Word of God. 9. It's hard for people to get a handle on this because science has reigned supreme on the throne of contemporary thinking. 10. Evolution has been a given. In fact it's become an absolute in our society. 11. It is a false theory that the sediments that have been building up along the layers of the Grand Canyon to say the earth is a billion of years old. 12. The occurrence of meteors in sedimentary rock failed to turn up one single case of a meteorite being found anywhere in any geologic column. 44
  • 47. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 08:46PM (-05:00) Angels Were Created Beings by God Friday, June 19, 2009 Why Do I Believe Angels Were Created On Day One from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. I always believed that Angels were created by God. What I was not sure of was when? I believed God before the creation of earth, God had created angels. For some reason I believed this could have been thousands of years before He created the earth. Well in this lesson I address this issue. So listen to the video and see what you think about this matter of angels. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 10:55PM (-05:00) So How Do I Come To Believe What I Believe Friday, June 19, 2009 In this short video, the end of the lesson on Wednesday Evening, I address the question, "So How Do I Understand Scripture?" We all have opinions about what we think the Bible is teaching about Creation. I will address this point in another post. But the question was put to me, So what makes you believe what you say about Creation is correct? Which is really a good question and really made me think. My other blog: For Me To Live Is Christ note this issue. Closing Remarks of Day 3 part 3 from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 11:52PM (-05:00) A overview of the week forthwith Saturday, June 20, 2009 The week always begins with Sunday. And this past Sunday was so good for Charity and I. Our 40th wedding anniversary was on the 14th. So we thought Sunday would be a great day to have a celebration. Since we have had 40 years of church ministry together, why not have a celebration at church. Having having our sons and daughter up was so good. We had a great time. The only stress I had was the preaching, and the special song that Charity and I sung. Its on video on one of my websites. Several people who love us, said we did well for the first time 45
  • 48. together. The afternoon service was also good. Bill Bower MC the service, and Bob Temple spoke, and then Johnny Edwards gave us a mini concert of songs. We were happy to see so many guest for the day. While attendance is great to have, (its good to have people come) we had fifty six for the day. On Monday Charity and I had a nice date. That was very nice.One Tuesday thru Saturday, Charity was working at Union Mills. One Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, I was at Mex Itali for a few hours. I clean off the tables, made the best cream butter anywhere, twice this week, I also have a great time talking to many of my good friends. Ira Fowler is one of my best at work friends who comes in to eat everyday. I really work there to see my good friends. I enjoy working at Mex Itali, and thankful for the time I work. While that is true, I am looking forward to leaving in October, at the latest. I took off Thursday to take a day off just to hang out at house and do a little work. That was really fun. On Wednesday we had a great service at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, I had a lesson on Creation. And in the course of the lesson there were a few questions as to my knowledge of the subject. And the question was ask, "HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE RIGHT?" (Click) So I posted a brief thought on that idea. More to come on that idea later.I video Sunday Morning service, and Wednesday Evening lessons. I download from the Kodak onto Kodak Easyshare softwear, this process takes a while. Then go over to and they download from Kodak. This process takes for ever it seems. About three hours per 20 minutes of lesson. Thus Sunday Morning which was the shortest message in my history was just one video. Wednesday Night which is normal was 55 minutes and it took three video. I have posted on Grow By Learning this week as well. Also over on Live Journal "For Me To Live Is Christ, website. 46
  • 49. Had several visits with Bob Temple this week. And old, we had a drop in supper at Kindra's home, and with Amber, and Bob. That was fun, Charity just said, let's eat at Kindra's home. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 01:03PM (-05:00) WHAT IS MEANT BY EXPOSITORY PREACHING Monday, June 22, 2009 What Is Expository Purpose Preaching from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. A FOOTNOTE ON THIS IDEA OF PREACHING: Some people here at ROJBC are new to preaching. Some simply stop by to see what’s going on. Some have little or no experience with what we mean by preaching. I think it will help you listen to this message (and others) if I say a word about preaching. What we mean by preaching is expository joy. Preaching As Expository Delight Expository means that preaching aims to exposit, or explain and apply, the meaning of the Bible. Every sermon explains and applies the Bible. The reason for this is that the Bible is God’s word, inspired, infallible, profitable—all sixty-six books of it. The preacher’s job is to minimize his own opinions and deliver the truth of God. Therefore, it is mainly Bible exposition—explanation and application. 47
  • 50. And the preacher’s job is to do that in a way that enables us to see that the points he is making actually come from the Bible. If they come from the Bible and you can’t see that they come from the Bible, your faith will rest on man and not God. The aim of this exposition is to help you eat and digest some biblical truth that will make your spiritual bones more like steel, and double the capacity of your spiritual lungs, and make the eyes of your heart to be amaze with brilliance with God’s greatness, and awaken the capability of your soul to experience the kinds of spiritual enjoyment you didn’t even know existed. Preaching is also delight—expository delight. This means that the preacher does not just explain what’s in the Bible, and the people do not simply understand what he explains, but the preacher and the people rejoice over what is in the Bible as it is being explained and applied. Preaching As Worship Preaching does not come after worship in the order of the service. Preaching is worship. My job is not done if I only see truth and show it to you. The devil could do that—for his own devious reasons. My job is to see the glory of the truth and to savor it and triumph over it as I explain it to you and apply it for you. That’s one of the differences between a lecture and a sermon. Preaching is not the totality of the church. And if all you have is preaching, you don’t have the church. A church is a body of people who minister to each other. Part of what preaching does is equip us for that. God has created the church, so that the church flourishes through preaching. That’s why Paul gave young pastor Timothy one of the most serious, exalted charges in all the Bible in 2 Timothy 4:1-2: “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word.” If you are used to a twenty-minute, immediately practical, relaxed talk, the understanding of preaching that I just described doesn’t lead there. I won’t preach twenty minutes but twice that long; I do not aim to be immediately practical but eternally helpful; and the condition of my soul is not relaxed but standing vigilantly on the precipice of eternity speaking to people any of whom this week could go over the edge. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 01:06PM (-05:00) The Suffering For Christ's Righteousness Seen Wednesday, June 24, 2009 They Suffered for Christ from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. NOW THE OUTLINE OF TODAY’S MESSAGE 48
  • 51. 1A THEY BELIEVED THE RIGHT THINGS: THEY RECEIVED THE WORD OF GOD AS THE WORD OF GOD AND NOT AS WORDS OF MEN 2A THEY HONORED THE SAINTS BY FOLLOWING THEM 3A THEY PERSEVERED IN SUFFERING AND STOOD AGAINST THE OPPOSITION. They kept their faith in the teaching of paul, and protected themselves from anything that would cause them to lose their faith or cause them to fall out of use for the lord Jesus Christ 14 “For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:” in Judea -- The churches of Judea were naturally the patterns to other churches, as having been the first founded, and that on the very scene of Christ's own ministry. Reference to them is specially appropriate here, as the Thessalonians, with Paul and Silas, had experienced from Jews in their city persecutions (Acts 17:5-9) similar to those which "the churches in Judea" experienced from Jews in that country. in Christ Jesus -- not merely "in God"; for the synagogues of the Jews (one of which the Thessalonians were familiar with, Acts 17:1 were also in God. But the Christian churches alone were not only in God, as the Jews in contrast to the Thessalonian idolaters were, but also in Christ, which the Jews were not. — of your own countrymen -- including primarily the Jews settled at Thessalonica, from whom the persecution originated, and also the Gentiles there, instigated by the Jews; thus, "fellow countrymen" (the Greek term, according to Herodian, implies, not the enduring relation of fellow citizenship, but sameness of country for the time being), including naturalized Jews and native Thessalonians, stand in contrast to the pure "Jews" in Judea (Matthew 10:36). It is an undesigned coincidence, that Paul at this time was suffering persecutions of the Jews at Corinth, whence he writes (Acts 18:5,6,12); naturally his letter would the more vividly dwell on Jewish bitterness against Christians. even as they -- (Hebrews 10:32-36). There was a likeness in respect to the nation from which both suffered, namely, Jews, and those their own countrymen; in the cause for which, and in the evils which, they suffered, and also in the steadfast manner in which they suffered them. Such sameness of fruits, afflictions, and experimental characteristics of believers, in all places and at all times, is a subsidiary evidence of the truth of the Gospel. This church followed the Preachers, they followed the Word and then they followed the church at Jerusalem. They patterned their lives after the Church. I patterned this church after the “Shepherd’s Conference, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley California. The pattern of suffering, and persecution. 49
  • 52. A great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; Persecution Strikes the ChurchActs 5:16 — 8:3 And they were all scattered throughout Judea and Samaria, except the apostles (Acts 8:1). The time of “favor with all the people” Acts 2:24 is over. Acts traces the Satanic attack on the church in Jerusalem as the Jewish authorities that killed the Lord Jesus turn against His people (3:1-6:7). The irresistible force of the church will not be stopped as the church continues to multiply disciples— We read of the church expanding beyond the city of Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, just as the Lord Jesus had said in Acts 1:8. The church at Jerusalem set the pattern how to deal with persecution. And the church at Thessalonica followed their pattern. They were experiencing the same kind of suffering from their own countrymen. Acts 17:4-9 SUFFERING IN CHRIST, FOR YOUR STAND FOR CHRIST IN RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE TRUE TEST OF DISCIPLESHIP. Spirituality is an absolute Maturity is a process. Handling suffering. This book was written to suffering Christians. The soul permeated with a devotion of truth will stand the fiery test of life. Our love for the Gospel is tested by what we suffer for it. You go along with the soft pace, along the stream of the world, do as others do…sit down and take your ease…you will not suffer. But you take up the cause of Christ, act for Christ, you will meet with spite as men and the devil can possibly throw at you. Note some verses on Suffering in Righteousness of Christ • Jeremiah 2:11 Matthew 5:10-12 John 15:18-20 Acts 14:21-22 Romans 8:35-39 2 Corinthians 4:8-11 2 Corinthians 12:10 2 Timothy 3:12 1 Peter 4:12-14,16 1 Peter 5:10 50
  • 53. What kind of suffering in the United States, in Ohio, in Scioto County would you say we would encounter in our righteousness for Jesus Christ? I really do not believe in Scioto County, that any pain is inflicted upon those who live a righteous life. Physical or psychological pain or distress often occur in our lives. Yet there are all kinds of trials, difficulty that will occur in the life of everyone. This church was the kind of people to be happy for: 1. They received the Word as God’s. 2. They followed the pattern of the saints in Jerusalem. 3. They stood firm in Christian fortitude in suffering. Rivers of Joy Baptist Church, Minford Ohio. Check out website. Check out Check out Check out Check out Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:25AM (-05:00) FOR ME DEATH WILL BE OKAY Thursday, June 25, 2009 To Live For Christ, Death is Gain from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. What We Shall Experience in Heaven from charles e. whisnan t on Vimeo. Audience Analysis ? From Philippians 1:21 we speak about the benefits of the saints who die and go to Heaven. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 05:15AM (-05:00) Shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Friday, June 26, 2009 I just posted yesterday the message I preached Sunday Evening from Philippians 1:21. To Die Is Gain, If I have Lived for Christ Today. These who have died with the world mourning for their lost, died in vain most likely. Actress and model Farrah Fawcett lost her long battle with cancer today dying at the age 51
  • 54. 62, June 25, 2009.Her family, friends, and fans hoped and prayed that she would somehow recover from her life threatening illness but unfortuately that was not the case. She will always be remembered for her sexy role as "Jill Munroe" (pictured left) on the hit 70's TV show "Charlie's Angels," as well as for the movies she starred in like "The Burning Bed" and "The Poor Little Rich Girl."'''== What can I say, Farrah was born February 1947, I will be 62 in October. I liked her hair, I guess. Of course I liked Lee Major's whom she was married to for several years. But as to all of us, we have been given life on earth for a period of time, than we die. What we do with our life on earth will be to the glory of self, and those whom they want to please. Sometimes there are those who get caught up in TV, etc. and are forced it seems to do what is expected of them. There life is not there life but that of what they have made it to become. It seems most of the time, they are not really happy, but are forced it seems to do what they really would not do. Often what we see on TV or the screen is not really what people really are. The media will try to kill about every one that is in public. I really do not know a lot about Farrah. After Charlie Angels' I didn't follow her. Only in the last year when she was sick and death was near did the attention get on Farrah. And the fact that she was dying and a Roman Catholic. Of course now, she will be said to have gone to Heaven... Well, I am not the judge. Do I wish she she is? Yes? But....... This pass week we know of three famous people who have died. They had the world at their hands. They lost their soul in doing what they believed the world would like. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." (Mark 8:34-38) . While I hate to put these two people in the same post, I don't want to post about MJ anyway. But I do believe some things need to be said anyway. . FOOTNOTE ON THE OTHER PERSON WHO DIED JUST JUST HOURS AFTER Farrah, whom I had no desire to know or listen to, but who had a soul and that is lost forever: He wrote. He is dead at the age of 50. He had everything the world offered--but no Jesus. . The liner notes from an album of his, and he quoted the final lines from William Ernest Henley's famous poem, Invictus: I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul.. Those are not the words you want written on your tombstone. --------------------------------------- When tens of millions know your name And honors swarm about your head And fortunes rest on your great 52
  • 55. fame And then you die. Well, you are dead. When you've been great beyond degree And slept with fame and danced with pride And you've become an industry And then you die Well, then, you've died. Your fame and wealth won't buy a place In God's eternal realm of light. No, that's found only by his grace, And you chose self Worm, fire and night. by Jim Swindle . ANOTHER COMMENT MADE IN THE DEATH OF mj • From here we create our own standards of what we think a good person ought to be, but even by our own standards we fail to measure up. Only by deceiving ourselves are we able maintain any level of respectability and righteousness. Often during these pursuits, we find ourselves engaging in all kinds of aberrant behavior simply trying to measure up to our own standards. In it, we are clinging to our own righteousness in order to appease the God we know is there. For many, even in their suppression of the truth, will create a God to their liking and will try to appease him (Rom 1:23), but the God of scripture tells us that all our righteousness is like filthy rags, and he wants nothing to do it them (Isa. 64:6). But, praise God, He then goes on to tell us of the remedy that he has offered in Christ Jesus for all of us have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God (Rom. 3:23) . You see, God the Father sent his son to die upon the cross to bear the punishment for all who will believe in Him (John 3:16) in order to bring us into a right relationship with Him and give us the peace we are seeking. . To paraphrase John Donne, when we hear that someone has died and we wonder for whom the bell tolls, there is a sense in which it will always be tolling for us. It is a constant reminder of our own frailty, telling us to be cognizant of our own end, and to ponder what awaits us afterward, and whether or not we are living life the way it should be lived; to the glory of God (Psalm 39:4). God Bless, Doug Eaton Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 06:35AM (-05:00) THE REALITY OF PASTOR/TEACHER IS THIS Monday, June 29, 2009 What a good day on Sunday. Most preachers it seems that I have known over the years, and have worked with (and there have been a few, believe me) don't seem to see the reality of the church as it really is. "Let's give the impression that the church is really great, and there are no problems." I would hear a pastor say, "Let's put a spin on the problem and make it seem a bit better than what it really is." Just before the pastor would leave the church, resign, go to another church, quit, for various other reasons, the church body would believe every thing was alright in the father's house. It's amazing how many pastors are out interviewing for another church, without the knowledge of anyone in the church. "Everything is just great, except I am leaving the moment I can get another church." It's amazing how many church elders are looking for pastors of churches, while the preacher is wishing to get another church to pastor. But if you ask the pastor, everything 53
  • 56. is okay in their present church. How many churches have I attended, and was available to pastor the church, but the church pastor search committee was not interested. They were interested in someone who was already pastoring a church that they were not happy in. On several occasions the preacher that came to the church was not going to stay in the church for long. Think of that. A touch of sarcasm there. How many times have I heard from members in a church, "I wish the pastor would just leave." While at the same time, the pastor has no clue that is thought by any member. Why? Because those same members would deny that they said that at all. Some pastors seem to be clueless to the situation in their church, and find themselves in trouble because they are not in touch with their membership. So how do you know if you should stay as pastor of the church you are in? Try to stay honest in your mind as to the reality of what is going on in the church. July 2008 I was asked by Bob Temple to come to speak with him at Rivers of Joy Baptist Church. This was only to help the members out in their time of need. I went with fear and trembling. While I was so excited about preaching and teaching, and so overwhelmed, the reality was, I believed there was no way this was going to work out. After all, I knew I was just about the opposite in style from the former preachers. Well not really all that different, but I had come to approach ministry and preaching a little different. Our doctrine was about the same, and our love for the Word was the same. So Bob said I should preach in the morning and he would preach in the evening. So for three weeks that is what we did. Then on the last Saturday of July the deacon called me to come to the church for a meeting with him. We had a good meeting and we expressed our concerns and beliefs and the situation at the church, (which was not good at all). He asked and I agreed to become pastor of the church, if the members wanted me also. So that Sunday evening, the church voted either to call a pastor or to shut the door, as the deacon said. The membership said yes to me coming as pastor. The doors to the building stayed open. Now fast forward to July 2009 (almost) and I can say that I have really loved the experience of the last year. The joy of preaching and teaching over the last year has filled my soul and heart and mind so much that you can't imagine. The experience that Charity and I have had has just overwhelmed us with great joy, and humility. I am humbled at the love the folks have given us. 54
  • 57. I had just about given up on ever pastoring another church, I was sixty you know. But I was thinking I was a very young minded sixty. So I just settled in and was sad. The church that I had attended for almost four years just didn't seem to find a place for us to really serve. And so we finally gave up and left, sadly I might say. We started attending another church in town, and it was as if they didn't know we were even there either. I was getting this idea that we weren't really liked. But God, in His time, must have felt sorry for us, kidding. When I believed the door was completely closed, He by His grace, opened up a place for us to love people, be loved by the people, and have a chance to preach and teach and pastor again. For the first time in our ministry, we have worked in a church from day one to now, and have enjoyed every Sunday. It's a miracle. Maybe sixty is the age, I don't know, but Charity and I have loved this ministry so much. I hope this is the real reality of what is really true. I hope the people at Rivers of Joy really love us as much as we really love the work and ministry and people at ROJBC. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:03PM (-05:00) To Magnify The Lord Jesus Christ Wednesday, July 01, 2009 To Magnify the Name of Christ from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. To Magnify The Lord in our Living Part Two from Charles E. Whisnant on Vimeo. The outline of this message is on MyChurch Philippians 1:20=21 Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 03:52AM (-05:00) Do Trips to Argentina South America Thursday, July 02, 2009 TODAY’S NEWS FOUND IN PROVERBS SIX-EIGHT DO NOT PLAN TRIPS TO Argentina Charles E. Whisnant Rivers of Joy Baptist Church June 28 2009 Sunday Bible Study Lesson TO GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD LOVE AND TO LOST YOUR OWN SOUL My favorite after sermon comment is the young guy who came up to me three times and said 'That's the worst sermon I ever heard.' Eventually, one of the elders realized he was bothering me but hadn't heard the young man; so the elder put his hand on my shoulder 55
  • 58. and said 'don't worry about him. He's a bit simple and has a tendency to repeat what he hears others saying...' Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life. Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? So is he who sleeps with another man’s wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished. (Proverbs 6:25-29) Or Provers 8:1-6 1. We Christian men need to be diligent with guarding our hearts 2. Ladies, do not underestimate the power of sex in marriage and how important it is to your husband. 3. Realize our sinful actions also impact others. 4. Marvel at how sin can make the most sober-minded, intelligent person to act stupidly. It ought to serve as a sobering reminder of our own depravity. Here are some lessons that I'm pondering today in the wake of this news: 1. We must acknowledge that our biggest problem is not "out there." It is "in here." 2. We must measure ourselves against the right standard. 3. We must guard ourselves in our friendships--and especially in our counselees. 4. We must seek accountability. 5. We must be sobered by how our sin affects others. 6. We must repent of putting our hope in people. 7. We must look away to Christ. Posted by Charles E. Whisnant at 07:00AM (-05:00) 56