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Prof. Yunus, Grameen and Social Business
Grameen Creative Lab Overview

May 2011

Prof. Yunus and the Grameen Success Story

Social Business

Grameen Creative Lab: Accelerating the Social Business Movement

"Poverty is a Threat to Peace"
Nobel Peace Laureate 2006 Professor Muhammad Yunus

                                                           Professor Muhammad Yunus – Quick Facts:

                                                         Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2006 for his efforts to
                                                          create social and economic development

                                                         Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in
                                                          2009 and many other awards including 48 honorary
                                                          doctorate degrees

                                                         Founder of Grameen Bank that has loaned more than
                                                          $10 billion to 8.3 million poor people

                                                         Nobel Peace Prize Committee about Prof Yunus:
                                                          “Muhammad Yunus has shown himself to be a leader
                                                          who has managed to translate visions into practical
                                                          action for the benefit of millions of people.‖

                                                         Initiator of social business and co-founder of the
                                                          Grameen Creative Lab
  “I am proposing to create another kind of business,
        based on selflessness that is in all of us.
            I am calling it social business.”

                               Prof. Muhammad Yunus
Grameen Bank Impacts ~40M Lives in Bangladesh
   Success Story of the Grameen Bank

                                                … brings microcredit to poor people who would
                                                  otherwise be unable to obtain a loan

                                                … since its founding in 1983 it has loaned over
                                                  USD 10 billion — some in amounts as little as
                                                  USD 5

                                                … has 8.3 million clients, 97% women who are
                                                  also owners of the bank

                                                … operates 2,565 branches in over 81,000

                                                … 97% loan recovery rate
              Jobazda Khatun                                                                               Solema Khatun,
25 years old, is an engineer for solar panels                                                     70 years old, makes bamboo chairs
                                                … 99% literacy in second generation

                          Grameen Bank was the first social business providing the seed and structure
                                  for the creation of many businesses across all industries
Grameen Developed in Several Waves
 The Evolvement of the Grameen Family of Businesses

Microfinance in           Grameen Bank
Bangladesh                (8.3m borrowers in Bangladesh)

Inter-                           Grameen Trust
nationalization                  (147 partners in 39 countries, 6.9m borrowers worldwide)

                                       Engagement in essential industries: ICT (Telecom 1999, Comms 1996,
Diversification                 1994
                                       Solutions 1999), Textiles, Healthcare

                                                              Joint ventures with corporations:
Partnering                                          2006      Danone 2006, Intel 2007, Veolia 2008, BASF 2009,
                                                              Otto 2009 etc.

Further                                                             Grameen Employment, Grameen Creative
Expansion                                                  2009     Lab, Cooperations with Academia

Grameen is Not Just a Bank
Examples of Grameen Activities in Different Sectors
         Sector                   companies                                  Comments

                            Grameen Clinics        48 health clinics in rural areas serving ~250,000 Bangladeshis
            Healthcare      Grameen Eye Hospital   High-quality cataract surgeries and examinations

                            Grameen Telecom        Grameenphone has >23m subscribers in Bangladesh and its Village
                  ICT       Grameen Solutions      Phone Program is an income-earning opportunity to >210,000 mostly
                                                   women Village Phone operators living in rural areas
                            Grameen Shakti         Solar home systems for energy generation and improved cooking
              Energy                               stoves, since its inception >420,000 and >100,000, respectively

            Agriculture &   Grameen Krishi         Community-based fisheries and livestock. The Krishi Foundation lends
                                                   and accepts repayments in cash as well as in agricultural input and
              Farming                              produce, while profit is plowed back into the Foundation
                            Grameen Check          Cotton and non-cotton fabrics and textile products exported all over the
              Textiles      Grameen Knitwear       world

                            Grameen Shikka         Promotes mass education in rural areas, provides financial support in
             Education                             the form of loans and grants for the purpose of education, uses IT for
                                                   alleviation of illiteracy and development of education

Grameen is Active in over 60 Countries Worldwide
Grameen Worldwide Activity Map

  Costa Rica
  Dominican Rep.
                                       Africa & Middle East:
                                                               Asia & Pacific:
                                       C. African Republic
Legend:                                                        Bangladesh
    Grameen Bank                                               China
    Grameen Trust                                              Indonesia
    Grameen Foundation USA                                     Kyrgyzstan
    Grameen Foundation Australia                               Myanmar
    Fundación Grameen Argentina                                Pakistan
                                                               Philippines Samoa
    Grameen Jameel (MENA)                                      South Korea
                                       Senegal                                     Australia
    Fundación Latino Grameen (Spain)                           Turkey
                                       South Africa
    The Grameen Creative Lab
                                       Zimbabwe                                                7

Prof. Yunus and the Grameen Success Story

Social Business

Grameen Creative Lab: Accelerating the Social Business Movement

Non-Loss, Non-Dividend Company Solving a Social Problem
Definition of a Social Business

              NGOs/Public Sector              Social Business             Traditional Business

                    Social /                     Social /
    Ends         ecological use               ecological use               Profit maximization
                 maximization                 maximization

   Means       Donation financed             Self sustainable                Self sustainable

                     "Social business unites the dynamism of traditional business
                          with the social conscience of charity" - Prof. Yunus

Social Businesses Follow Seven Principles
The Principles of Social Business Defined by Prof. Yunus

                                             1. Business objective will be to overcome poverty, or
                                                one or more problems (such as education, health,
                                                technology access, and environment) which
                                                threaten people and society; not profit maximization

                                             2. Financial and economic sustainability

                                             3. Investors get back their investment amount only.
                                                No dividend is given beyond investment money

                                             4. When investment amount is paid back, company
                                                profit stays with the company for expansion and

                                             5. Environmentally conscious

                                             6. Workforce gets market wage with
                                                better working conditions

                                             7. …do it with joy

Numerous Institutions Already Engaged in the Movement
 Example of Institutions Involved in the SBM

Example of institutions involved in the social business movement
  Who initiated the                                  Which academic            Which government
                        Which corporations                                                              Which large global
  social business                                    institutions have         organizations are
                          have joined?                                                                 networks are joining?
    movement?                                             joined?                  joining?

                       Existing social business   Profound involvement
                       JVs with Grameen:          in social business:

                                                                                        Republic of

                                                                                       Government of
                       Social business projects
                       & exchange of expertise:

                                                  Among others social
                                                  business labs / workshops:
                                                                                          City of


Prof. Yunus and the Grameen Success Story

Social Business

Grameen Creative Lab: Accelerating the Social Business Movement

We Want to Serve Society‘s Most Pressing Needs
 Vision and Mission of the Grameen Creative Lab

      Vision: To serve society’s most pressing needs

           Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social business
                    movement worldwide

Picture Source: Roger Richter
GCL Supports Prof. Yunus in Accelerating the Movement
The Unique Role of the GCL

         Why were we created?                                                        How do we contribute?

    Social business is a new and spreading                                  We share Professor Yunus‗ vision of a world
concept. Companies, entrepreneurs, academia                                 without poverty. With his support, our unique
  and governments are approaching Professor                                network, and our consulting and communication
 Yunus at a faster rate than he can respond to                              skills, we help to spread the concept of social
   alone. Furthermore, much of this demand                                 business throughout Europe and the world, and
stems from Europe and North America, far from                                    actively support those individuals and
     Professor Yunus‗ base in Bangladesh                                        organizations looking to develop social
                                                                                         businesses worldwide

                  What is our relationship                          Why are we a social business
                    with Prof. Yunus?                                       ourselves?
         We regularly (2-3 times/month) accompany Prof.           Most importantly, we want to live what we
         Yunus on work trips throughout Asia, Africa, the         preach. We generate revenue through our
            Americas and Europe. We follow-up on his          activities and services that we provide. Investors
         meetings and bring ideas into performance. We        receive their investment back, with no dividends.
          also represent Prof. Yunus at formal meetings         Our aim is to be financially self-sustainable.
                   (e.g. Africa Progress Panel).              We are very proud to be the first social business
         Hans Reitz is additionally the creative advisor to                GmbH (Ltd.) in Germany
          Prof. Yunus and creative director of the Yunus

Key Activities
Three Pillars of the GCL Activities

                                    Vision: To serve society‘s most pressing needs
                           Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social
                                            business movement worldwide
                 1                            2                             3
                     Interact                     Incubate                      Create

                 • Set up conferences         • Collaborate with          • Initiate and support
                   and education events         universities to integrate creation of social
                                                social business into        businesses (esp. JV)
                 • Network and connect          research, teaching and
                   (focus on youth)             practice                  • Establish social
                                                                            business public private
                 • Publish & speak            • Brainstorm and              partnerships
                   (including Prof. Yunus‘      experiment with social
                   engagements in               business ideas            • Support creation of
                   Europe)                                                  social business funds

Grameen Danone Produces Fortified Yoghurt
 Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Danone Foods Ltd
        Why was it                                                                How is it                          What is the              What do people
                                             What is it?
         created?                                                                organized?                           outlook?                     say?

                                                                                                                                           Professor M. Yunus
                                                                                                                                           Peace Nobel Laureate
                                                                                                                                           "It is a small project to begin
                                                                                                                                           with, but contains the seed of
                                                                                                                                           a new breed of business that
                                                                                                                                           can change the economic
                                                                                                                                           world fundamentally"

   For Bangladesh:                     The product                          Grameen Social                      Late 2006                  Franck Riboud
    >30% of population                 Yoghurt fortified with             Business JV                          1st plant started        CEO, Group Danone
     undernourished                      micronutrients                      Four Grameen                        producing and will       "... a business model of
    Malnutrition a major               Produced with solar and              companies – social                  break even in 2011       proximity which will daily bring
     cause of economic                   bio gas energy                       know how                           Second plant             healthy nutrition to people
     underdevelopment                                                        Danone and                          planned                  with no resources."
                                       The price                              Danone.communi-
   For Danone:                          6 Taka (€0.06) per                   ties – product and                Within 10 years time       Salma
    Develop local                       package of 60g                       technical know how                 Establishment of 50+     Sales woman, Grameen Danone
     production know how                                                                                          plants                   "...I can make a living from
    Source of innovation              The place                                                                 Several hundred          selling healthy yoghurt to my
     and motivation                     Bogra, 230 km north of                                                   distribution jobs        community – with Grameen
    Fit with founder's                  Dhaka                                                                   Creation of              Danone taking the
     vision                             Distribution by Grameen                                                  partnerships (e.g. for   commercial risk."
                                         Ladies and local stores                                                  better additives)

1. Danone-communities: mutual fund initiated by Danone to support and finance social businesses in the area of Danone's expertise
Grameen Veolia Supplies People with Clean Water
Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Veolia
    Why was it                                            How is it             What is the           What do people
                                What is it?
     created?                                            organized?              outlook?                  say?

                                                                                                    Professor M. Yunus
                                                                                                    Peace Nobel Laureate
                                                                                                    "Economy must adapt itself
                                                                                                    to the needs of the
                                                                                                    poor...Grameen Veolia is
                                                                                                    dedicated to this aim."

For Bangladesh:            The product               Grameen Social         Jan 2009
 In Bangladesh, 35-80m     Cleaned surface         Business JV             1st plant started     Antoine Frérot
                                                                                                    CEO, Veolia Water
  people suffer from         water                    Grameen Healthcare     production
                                                                                                    "...the social business is
  water contamination       1 plant supplies 20K      – social know how     18 months from idea   what we need to
 In 1993 discovery of       people                   Veolia Water –         to implementation     implement effective
  natural arsenic in                                   technical know how                           solutions for the supply of
  groundwater causing      The price                                                                drinking water to the poor."
  cancer and skin           2.5 Taka (€0.025) per                          Until 2012
  lesions                    10L depending on                                3 more plants
 Especially rural areas     distance from plant                             100K people will be
  are affected                                                                supplied
                           The place
For Veolia:                 Goalmari,100km east
 Develop market know-       of Dhaka
  how                       5 villages supplied
 Test new business
BASF Grameen Produces Bed Nets and Micronutrients
Grameen Social Business JV: BASF Grameen
    Why was it                                              How is it              What is the           What do people
                               What is it?
     created?                                              organized?               outlook?                  say?

                                                                                                        Professor M. Yunus
                                                                                                        Peace Nobel Laureate
                                                                                                        " fascinates me, how
                                                                                                        fast we were able to put
                                                                                                        an idea into place and
                                                                                                        create a social business
                                                                                                        with such a great social
For Bangladesh:           The product                  Grameen Social          JV signed on 3 March     benefit..."
 Danger of catching       Mosquito net against       Business JV             2009
  Malaria (58K newly        Malaria effective for 2-    Grameen Health                                 Dr. Jürgen Hambrecht
                            5yrs                         Care Trust – social                            CEO, BASF SE
  infected in 2007)                                                            First bed nets sold in
 >30% of population       0.5M nets already            know how              October 2009             "...Sustainable
  undernourished            produced                    BASF SE – technical                            development is key for
                           Micronutrient sachets to     know how              Goal to provide nets     BASF – that's why we
For BASF:                   sprinkle on food                                   for population of ~3M    engage in social
 Develop affordable                                   3 Board members         people                   businesses ..."
                          The price
  products for the poor                                 One from each and
                           Mosquito net, at 475 Tk,
 Capture new market                                     one additional        The product portfolio
  segments                                               chairman              may be extended
                           Nutrition sachet
 Boost reputation                                                              Floating roofs made
 Motivate employees                                                             of Styropor
                          The place
                           East Bangladesh (malaria
Grameen Otto is the Textile Company of the Future
Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Otto

  Why was it created?                        What is it?                How is it organized?             What is the outlook?

For Bangladesh:                     The project                       Grameen Otto Trust               JV agreement signed
 Textile is the biggest industry    Profits of textile production    In charge of social services   between Prof. M. Yunus &
  in Bangladesh                       plant benefit workers            Owns Grameen Otto Textile      Dr. Michael Otto
 Highly abusive working              through social services,          Company                         November 2009 during Prof.
  conditions                          health care, etc.                Representative of workers        Yunus visit

For Otto:                           The goals                         Grameen Otto Textile             Construction to be started
 Take on responsibility for         Provide employment to poor      Company                          by end of 2010
  upstream market                     people                           Produces clothing to export
 Find a model factory that          Improve living conditions of     Provide profits into Grameen   Goal to start production by
  works socially and                  workers and their families        Otto Trust                     2011
  ecologically while achieving       Protect the environment
  its economic sustainability        Achieve product excellence
                                      to ensure sustainable
                                      economic activity

GCL is Developing a Joint Venture with Reebok
Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Reebok

  Why was it created?                          What is it?                    How is it organized?            What is the outlook?

For Bangladesh:                       The product                           Probably a Grameen Social         Memorandum of
―(…) to produce affordable shoes       Affordable, durable and             Business JV                       Understanding
for the poor in Bangladesh, to          appealing multi-purpose              Production facilities may not    Signed 7 November 2009
decrease the incidence of               footwear product suitable for the     be with Reebok, but sub-         during the Global
hookworm and other parasitic            impoverished market in                contracted                       Grameen Meeting
illnesses in Bangladesh (…)             Bangladesh                           Design, development and
The idea behind the project is that    The product will be sustainable       material selection through      Pilot phase successfully
no person anywhere in the world         and involve simple production         Reebok                          completed in October
should go without shoes― (Prof.         processes allowing opportunities     Distribution through            2010
Yunus 2009)                             for social business activation        conventional channels and
                                                                              Grameen network                 Next steps to be defined
For Reebok:                           The price                                                               and taken throughout
 Develop affordable products for      Affordable price for the poor –                                       2011
  the poor                              exact price point not yet
 Capture new market segments           determined
  and know-how
 Key element in Reebok CSR           The place
  program, motivate employees          Bangladesh
GCL Initiates Social Businesses in Haiti and a Fund
Grameen Creative Lab Initiative: YY Haiti

  Why was it created?                         What is it?                 How is it organized?               What is the outlook?

 For Haiti:                          The project                        Set up the infrastructure for      Our milestones for 2011
 Haiti significantly hit by recent    YY Haiti-an initiative of the    social business                     Set up of the Grameen
 earthquake on 12 January              Grameen Creative Lab, the         YY Haiti is a social business      Creative Lab office in Haiti
 2010:                                 Yunus Centre, and SAP AG-          fund investing in social
  250,000 dead, additional            intends to create the              businesses                        Raise funds for YY Haiti Social
   300,000 badly injured               infrastructure and provide the                                        Business Fund
  2 million left homeless             skills needed for social          YY Haiti is run by Haitian
  50% of business destroyed           businesses in Haiti                professionals of the Grameen      Set up approx. 4 social
   after earthquake                                                       Creative Lab (GCL) in Haiti        businesses in 2011
                                     The goals
 For Grameen:                         Establish long-term and self-     GCL Haiti to initiate, support    Spread the social business
  Develop YY Haiti Social             sustainable social businesses      and monitor social businesses      movement in Haiti
   Business Fund as role model         for Haiti‘s development            in Haiti
   for future social business fund      (in contrast to short-term
   structures                          emergency relief and general

GCL is Developing a Holistic SB Movement in Caldas
Government Co-operations

  Why was it created?                         What is it?                  How is it organized?             What is the outlook?

For the State of Caldas:              Holistic Social Business           Grameen Social Business JV       Memorandum of
 More than 70% of population         Movement                            Government of Caldas: social   Understanding signed
  living below poverty line           Three different organizations        and local know-how and          Signed 7 November 2009
 Declining population due to         will be created:                     investment                       during the Global Grameen
  migration abroad                     Microcredit organization          Yunus Centre/ GCL: technical     Meeting
 Lack of job opportunities            Venture capital fund               and social business know-how
 Sharp drop in coffee output          Joint ventures with                and network                    GCL on the ground in
  (the single most important            international and national                                        Caldas since March 2010
  agricultural crop)                    companies                        Operational Management            Team of GCL started to
                                                                          Young Colombians aged            advise the government of
For Grameen:                          The place                            between 25 and 30 years          Caldas in setting up the
 Prove social business as a           State of Caldas located in the     (―ability generation‖)           social business fund and the
  powerful tool to fight poverty in     coffee triangle of Colombia       Supported by Grameen and         microcredit organisation
  a whole region                        (heart of coffee production        government in order to build
 Develop a new kind of public          region in the country)             up a social business           Microcredit organisation
  private partnership                                                      movement to fight poverty      and social business fund to
                                                                                                          be set up in 2011
GCL is Developing a Holistic SB Movement in Albania
Government Co-operations

  Why was it created?                         What is it?                  How is it organized?                What is the outlook?

For the State of Albania:             Holistic Social Business           Social Business JVs                 Groundwork is being laid
 More than 18% of population         Movement                            Private-sector partners lead       Initial screening and research
  living below poverty line            Several organizations will be      the projects                        study took place in
 Declining population due to           created                           GCL and Grameen supply              December 2009 and in
  migration abroad                     Agency for the Promotion of        technical and social business       January 2010
 Lack of job opportunities             Social Business (government-       know-how and network               Currently in discussion with
                                        owned)                            Local facilitation & investment     the Government of Albania
For Grameen:                           Microfinance Institution (MFI)     to be provided by government        concerning setting up of the
 Prove social business as a           Social Business Fund (SB           of Albania through a new            Agency for the Promotion of
  powerful tool to fight poverty in     Fund) for the financing of new     Agency for the Promotion of         Social Business as well as
  a whole country                       ventures                           Social Business                     the MFI and SB Fund
 Develop a new kind of public         Joint ventures with                                                   Also discussing potential SB
  private partnership                   international and national       MFI and SB Fund                       JVs with well-known
                                        companies                         Ownership and decision-             international companies
                                                                           making structure of the
                                      The place                            microfinance institution and of
                                       Projects can be sited              the social business fund is
                                        anywhere in Albania                being discussed                                                      23
GCL leads the Social Business City Network Wiesbaden
Holistic Movement in Developed Nations

  Why was it created?                        What is it?                 How is it organized?                 What is the outlook?

For the City of Wiesbaden:           Social Businesses Incubator       Network Partners                    Milestones
 10,000 children live below the      Social business fund for         City of Wiesbaden                  Official initiation of the Network
  poverty line                         financial support of social      European Business School            Social Business City
 Insufficient number of               business entrepreneurs           Wiesbaden Foundation                Wiesbaden by the mayor
  daycare facilities                                                    Social Business Women               Dr. Müller in November 2010
 High percentage of migrants         Physical infrastructure and      Local Media                        Launch of Social business
  with low graduation rates            support for social businesses    The Grameen Creative Lab            chair at the European Business
 High level of youth                  start ups                                                             School in November 2010
  unemployment                                                         Social Business Fund
 Problematic city districts         The Network                        The fund will provide financial   Next Steps
                                      Join forces of local key          means to social businesses         Search for partners and
For Grameen:                           players to encourage                                                  investors
 Prove social business to be a        entrepreneurs and foster        Operational Management               Social business events in
  powerful tool to serve society‘s     social business                  GCL consults, enables and           Wiesbaden
  needs in a developed country                                           coordinates the network            Social business launches
 Establish Wiesbaden as a                                                                                  Set-up infrastructure
  best practice approach for
  social business in cities                                                                                                                       24
Key Activities
Three Pillars of the GCL Activities

                                     Vision: To serve society‘s most pressing needs
                            Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social
                                             business movement worldwide
                  1                            2                             3
                      Interact                     Incubate                      Create

                  • Set up conferences         • Collaborate with          • Initiate and support
                    and education events         universities to integrate creation of social
                                                 social business into        businesses (esp. JVs)
                  • Network and connect          research, teaching and
                    (focus on youth)             practice                  • Establish social
                                                                             business public private
                  • Publish & speak            • Brainstorm and              partnerships
                    (including Prof. Yunus‘      experiment with social
                    engagements in               business ideas            • Support creation of
                    Europe)                                                  social business funds

GCL Collaborates with Universities Worldwide
University Co-operations

                       EBS Business School,    Glasgow Caledonian
                       Germany                 University, Scotland

                                               California State
                       Kyushu University,
                                               University Channel
                                               Islands, United States

                       McGill University,      Bocconi University,
                       Canada                  Italy

                       Istituto Europeo di     National University of
                       Design, Italy           Singapore

                       Finance University of   University of
                       Moscow, Russia          Luxembourg

GCL set up a Social Business Chair at EBS
Example of University Co-operations

  Why was it created?                          What is it?               How is it organized?             What is the outlook?

For the EBS:                           The Product                     The EBS launched a Social        Development of Curriculum
 The EBS is the first university in   The EBS will integrate social   Business Chair in November        Piloting first classes on
  Germany to incorporate SB in         business into three areas       2010                               social business
  research, teaching and practice       Research on key success        EBS: Team of one professor,
 There is a strong need for             factors of social business      two assistant professors and
  socially-responsible leaders          Build up social business        one assistant will position    Development of relevant
 Unique offering in the academic        curriculum                      social business within           research
  world                                 Practice social business by     university and deliver          First research study has
                                         generating social business      theoretical content              been released in April 2011
For Grameen:                             pilots                         GCL will support the EBS to
 Draw upon a university‘s                                               develop the three areas,
  expertise to conduct research        The place                         mainly providing practical
  on social business                    EBS is located near             content
 Universities are important for         Wiesbaden, Germany
  the acceleration of SB                It ranks among the best       Support through Danone
 Tap into pool of talented              business schools in Germany    Danone agreed to fund the
  students to make them part of                                          EBS Social Business Chair
  the social business movement                                                                                                          27
GCL Works with German Students on SB Ideas
Talent Project at "Hauptschule" Wiesbaden

  Why was it created?                  What is it?                How is it organized?             What is the outlook?

For the pupils                 The place                       Hans Reitz as teacher             First social business
  Learn how to discover own     Hauptschule located in a       Regular classes taught by      established
   talents                        troubled area                   Hans Reitz                       Pupils bought meadow with
  Pride through foundation      Pupils often from socially                                        fruit trees
   of social business             disadvantaged families       Participation in creative labs      Sell their own apple sauce at
  Re-integrate into society                                     Pupils participate in social      Wiesbaden-based events
                                                                  business labs                    Cater cookies and cakes
For Grameen Creative Lab                                                                            during Grameen Creative
  Seed social business idea                                   Performances during events           Labs
   at an early age                                               Students showcase their
  Draw upon young talent                                         talents during Wiesbaden       More social businesses
  Engage in local community                                      based events (e.g. during      planned
                                                                  Yunus‘ public speech in          The GCL actively integrates
                                                                  November 2009)                    pupils in any social business
                                                                                                    in Wiesbaden

Key Activities
Three Pillars of the GCL Activities

                                     Vision: To serve society‘s most pressing needs
                            Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social
                                             business movement worldwide
                  1                            2                             3
                      Interact                     Incubate                      Create

                  • Set up conferences         • Collaborate with          • Initiate and support
                    and education events         universities to integrate creation of social
                                                 social business into        businesses (esp. JVs)
                  • Network and connect          research, teaching and
                    (focus on youth)             practice                  • Establish social
                                                                             business public private
                  • Publish & speak            • Brainstorm and              partnerships
                    (including Prof. Yunus‘      experiment with social
                    engagements in               business ideas            • Support creation of
                    Europe)                                                  social business funds

Global Social Business Summit with High-Profile Participants
Example of GCL-Organized Event

  Why was it created?              Who is participating?                     What is it?                What is the outlook?

Convene partners and              Participants are CEOs, board       Two-day conference hosted        2nd Global Social Business
supporters of social business     members and selected               by Autostadt in Wolfsburg:       Summit (GSBS) Autumn
to                                representatives from:               Annual strategy of social      2011 (tbd)
 Exchange experiences among       GCL joint venture corporate        business community              2nd GSBS will take place in
  existing social businesses        partners (e.g. Michael Otto       Expert exchange sessions         different country this year
 Foster intensive networking       spoke 2009)                        and focus groups                The GSBS is the annual
  and discussion of new social     Businesses interested in          Marketplace of Social            reunion bringing together all
  business ideas with Professor     forming joint partnerships or      Business                         leaders of the social
  Yunus                             otherwise becoming actively       Public Speeches (incl. Prof.     business movement
 Create a platform for             involved in social business        Yunus and Paulo Coelho in       It is a critical component of
  interactions with potential      Universities developing social     2010)                            the annual November week,
  partners from the ‗classical‘     business curriculum               High-level panel discussions     which brings Professor
  world of business,               Active supporters of Professor     (among others with Dr.           Yunus to Europe to highlight
  universities, opinion leaders     Yunus, the GCL and the             Hambrecht)                       social business in Germany
                                    social business movement                                            and the developed world
                                   Close friends of the Grameen

Social Business Tour 2010
Example of GCL-Organized Tour

  Why was it created?                Who is participating?                      What is it?                   What is the outlook?

                                                                       Praque    Bratislava


Introducing the social business     Participants of the events:       The tour:                             Supporting new SB ideas:
concept into Central and             Business and opinion leaders     Providing information on social      Winners of the preliminary
Eastern Europe and beginning          of the region (leadership         business to promote                   decisions will receive
a long term social business           symposium)                        sustainable social business           consultation and training
initiative                           Entrepreneurs, Students,          initiatives                          The winner of the European
                                      NGOs, University                 Events taking place in six            final will be supported by a
Goal is to solve the burning          representatives (social           countries and six cities (Vienna,     range of expert advice and
social problems that are right at     business labs )                   Bratislava, Praque, Belgrade,         also financial provision for his
our door step in Eastern and         Public (idea contest)             Budapest and Bucharest)               social business
Central Europe                                                                                               Long-term impetus for the
                                    Partners:                         The Idea Contest:
                                                                                                              Social Business Movement in
                                     ERSTE Foundation, Erste          A contest between ideas with
                                                                                                              Central and Eastern Europe
                                      Group, good.bee, the Austrian     the potential to solve a clearly
                                                                                                             Continue with regular social
                                      Federal Ministry of Labour,       specified problem through
                                                                                                              business labs
                                      Social Affairs and Consumer       social business
                                      Protection                       Consists of six national
                                                                        preliminaries and a European
Social Business Labs Build Up Global Network
Example of Networking Event

    What is the goal?            Who is participating?                 What do we offer?                 What is the outlook?

For new participants:           Participants:                       Social Business Labs:              Regular Social Business
 Provide background on          Representatives from               A Social Business Lab aims at    Labs:
  social business                 corporations, academia and          introducing the concept of        Continue the annual tradition
 Offer tools and ideas for       NGOs                                social business and initiating     of the ‗class meeting‘ and
  greater involvement            Students                            concrete ideas                     ‗class trip‘
                                 Entrepreneurs                      We discuss how to get from a      Expand participation in each
For existing participants:       Artists                             relevant social problem (e.g.      type of course
 Provide depth on social        Other individuals interested in     the hookworm) to a                Increase number of courses
  business                        social business                     sustainable social business        outside of Germany
 Generate new social                                                 solution!
  business ideas                Participation rates:
 Network and strengthen ties    Participation at the courses
 Provide tools and support       ranges from 20-100

GCL Published Illustrated Book on Bangladesh
Example of GCL Publication

    What is the goal?                   What is it?                GCL business model           What is the outlook?

 Make Grameen and social        A magnificent 221-page          GCL does not generate        Power of Dignity first
  business easily accessible      book with more than 100          significant revenues from     published in December 2008
                                  photographs by Roger             this activity
 To change the perception                                                                      GCL also contributes to Prof.
                                  Richter and an essay written
  people have of ―the poor‖                                       It serves as a marketing      Yunus‘ third worldwide
                                  by Peter Spiegel                 instrument to create          publication ―Building Social
 Show the real faces of
                                 Clear documentation of the       awareness for social          Business‖ which was
  successful Grameen stories
                                  Grameen family in                business                      launched in January 2010
  in Bangladesh
 Show graphically that ―the
  poor‖ have the potential to
  raise themselves out of

Prof. Yunus‘ Speech at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Example of Prof. Yunus‘ Speaking Engagements
                                      Who is participating?
    What is the goal?                                               GCL business model            What is the outlook?

Create awareness for social         Participants:                  Financing:                   Speaking events:
business                             This was a once-off public    Costs for speaking          GCL will continue to
 Professor Yunus and other           event drawing hundreds of      engagements are borne by     represent Professor Yunus
  personalities including             thousands of participants      event sponsors               in Europe
  Genscher and Gorbatschow gave                                                                  All events and speaking
  a speech and a symbolic                                                                         engagements in Europe will
  contribution regarding ―Next Wall                                                               be sourced by or passed
  to Fall‖ at the Brandenburg Gate,                                                               through the GCL
  in commemoration of the 20th
  anniversary of the fall of the
  Berlin Wall
 Professor Yunus highlighted the
  next wall to fall: The Wall of

The Grameen Creative Lab

    Hans Reitz                                     Saskia Thais Bruysten
    Creative Advisor to Prof. Yunus                Founding Member of The Grameen Creative Lab GmbH
    Founder & Co-CEO of The Grameen Creative Lab   Co-CEO & Strategic Director of The Grameen Creative Lab
    O: +49 (0) 611 9 86 82-21                      O: +49 (0) 611 9 86 82-701             


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Grameen Creative Lab Overview

  • 1. Prof. Yunus, Grameen and Social Business Grameen Creative Lab Overview May 2011
  • 2. Agenda Prof. Yunus and the Grameen Success Story Social Business Grameen Creative Lab: Accelerating the Social Business Movement 2
  • 3. "Poverty is a Threat to Peace" Nobel Peace Laureate 2006 Professor Muhammad Yunus Professor Muhammad Yunus – Quick Facts:  Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2006 for his efforts to create social and economic development  Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and many other awards including 48 honorary doctorate degrees  Founder of Grameen Bank that has loaned more than $10 billion to 8.3 million poor people  Nobel Peace Prize Committee about Prof Yunus: “Muhammad Yunus has shown himself to be a leader who has managed to translate visions into practical action for the benefit of millions of people.‖  Initiator of social business and co-founder of the Grameen Creative Lab “I am proposing to create another kind of business, based on selflessness that is in all of us. I am calling it social business.” Prof. Muhammad Yunus 3
  • 4. Grameen Bank Impacts ~40M Lives in Bangladesh Success Story of the Grameen Bank … brings microcredit to poor people who would otherwise be unable to obtain a loan … since its founding in 1983 it has loaned over USD 10 billion — some in amounts as little as USD 5 … has 8.3 million clients, 97% women who are also owners of the bank … operates 2,565 branches in over 81,000 villages … 97% loan recovery rate Jobazda Khatun Solema Khatun, 25 years old, is an engineer for solar panels 70 years old, makes bamboo chairs … 99% literacy in second generation Grameen Bank was the first social business providing the seed and structure for the creation of many businesses across all industries 4
  • 5. Grameen Developed in Several Waves The Evolvement of the Grameen Family of Businesses Microfinance in Grameen Bank 1983 Bangladesh (8.3m borrowers in Bangladesh) Inter- Grameen Trust 1989 nationalization (147 partners in 39 countries, 6.9m borrowers worldwide) Engagement in essential industries: ICT (Telecom 1999, Comms 1996, Diversification 1994 Solutions 1999), Textiles, Healthcare Joint ventures with corporations: Partnering 2006 Danone 2006, Intel 2007, Veolia 2008, BASF 2009, Otto 2009 etc. Further Grameen Employment, Grameen Creative Expansion 2009 Lab, Cooperations with Academia t 1983 5
  • 6. Grameen is Not Just a Bank Examples of Grameen Activities in Different Sectors Grameen Sector companies Comments Grameen Clinics 48 health clinics in rural areas serving ~250,000 Bangladeshis Healthcare Grameen Eye Hospital High-quality cataract surgeries and examinations Grameen Telecom Grameenphone has >23m subscribers in Bangladesh and its Village ICT Grameen Solutions Phone Program is an income-earning opportunity to >210,000 mostly women Village Phone operators living in rural areas Grameen Shakti Solar home systems for energy generation and improved cooking Energy stoves, since its inception >420,000 and >100,000, respectively Agriculture & Grameen Krishi Community-based fisheries and livestock. The Krishi Foundation lends and accepts repayments in cash as well as in agricultural input and Farming produce, while profit is plowed back into the Foundation Grameen Check Cotton and non-cotton fabrics and textile products exported all over the Textiles Grameen Knitwear world Grameen Shikka Promotes mass education in rural areas, provides financial support in Education the form of loans and grants for the purpose of education, uses IT for alleviation of illiteracy and development of education 6
  • 7. Grameen is Active in over 60 Countries Worldwide Grameen Worldwide Activity Map Europe: Albania Bosnia Germany Americas:: Italy Argentina Kosovo Bolivia Russia Brazil Spain Canada UK Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Rep. Ecuador El-Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Peru USA Africa & Middle East: Asia & Pacific: C. African Republic Afghanistan Cameroon Australia Egypt Legend: Bangladesh Ethiopia Cambodia Ghana Grameen Bank China Jordan India Kenya Grameen Trust Indonesia Lebanon Japan Lesotho Grameen Foundation USA Kyrgyzstan Malawi Malaysia Mali Grameen Foundation Australia Myanmar Mauritania Nepal Morocco Fundación Grameen Argentina Pakistan Nigeria Philippines Samoa Palestine Grameen Jameel (MENA) South Korea Rwanda Thailand Senegal Australia Fundación Latino Grameen (Spain) Turkey South Africa Vietnam Tanzania The Grameen Creative Lab Togo Tunisia Uganda Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe 7
  • 8. Agenda Prof. Yunus and the Grameen Success Story Social Business Grameen Creative Lab: Accelerating the Social Business Movement 8
  • 9. Non-Loss, Non-Dividend Company Solving a Social Problem Definition of a Social Business NGOs/Public Sector Social Business Traditional Business Social / Social / Ends ecological use ecological use Profit maximization maximization maximization Means Donation financed Self sustainable Self sustainable "Social business unites the dynamism of traditional business with the social conscience of charity" - Prof. Yunus 9
  • 10. Social Businesses Follow Seven Principles The Principles of Social Business Defined by Prof. Yunus 1. Business objective will be to overcome poverty, or one or more problems (such as education, health, technology access, and environment) which threaten people and society; not profit maximization 2. Financial and economic sustainability 3. Investors get back their investment amount only. No dividend is given beyond investment money 4. When investment amount is paid back, company profit stays with the company for expansion and improvement 5. Environmentally conscious 6. Workforce gets market wage with better working conditions 7. …do it with joy 10
  • 11. Numerous Institutions Already Engaged in the Movement Example of Institutions Involved in the SBM Example of institutions involved in the social business movement Who initiated the Which academic Which government Which corporations Which large global social business institutions have organizations are have joined? networks are joining? movement? joined? joining? Existing social business Profound involvement JVs with Grameen: in social business: Republic of Albania Prof. Yunus Government of Social business projects Caldas & exchange of expertise: Among others social business labs / workshops: City of Wiesbaden 11
  • 12. Agenda Prof. Yunus and the Grameen Success Story Social Business Grameen Creative Lab: Accelerating the Social Business Movement 12
  • 13. We Want to Serve Society‘s Most Pressing Needs Vision and Mission of the Grameen Creative Lab Vision: To serve society’s most pressing needs Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social business movement worldwide Picture Source: Roger Richter 13
  • 14. GCL Supports Prof. Yunus in Accelerating the Movement The Unique Role of the GCL Why were we created? How do we contribute? Social business is a new and spreading We share Professor Yunus‗ vision of a world concept. Companies, entrepreneurs, academia without poverty. With his support, our unique and governments are approaching Professor network, and our consulting and communication Yunus at a faster rate than he can respond to skills, we help to spread the concept of social alone. Furthermore, much of this demand business throughout Europe and the world, and stems from Europe and North America, far from actively support those individuals and Professor Yunus‗ base in Bangladesh organizations looking to develop social businesses worldwide What is our relationship Why are we a social business with Prof. Yunus? ourselves? We regularly (2-3 times/month) accompany Prof. Most importantly, we want to live what we Yunus on work trips throughout Asia, Africa, the preach. We generate revenue through our Americas and Europe. We follow-up on his activities and services that we provide. Investors meetings and bring ideas into performance. We receive their investment back, with no dividends. also represent Prof. Yunus at formal meetings Our aim is to be financially self-sustainable. (e.g. Africa Progress Panel). We are very proud to be the first social business Hans Reitz is additionally the creative advisor to GmbH (Ltd.) in Germany Prof. Yunus and creative director of the Yunus Centre 14
  • 15. Key Activities Three Pillars of the GCL Activities Vision: To serve society‘s most pressing needs Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social business movement worldwide 1 2 3 Interact Incubate Create • Set up conferences • Collaborate with • Initiate and support and education events universities to integrate creation of social social business into businesses (esp. JV) • Network and connect research, teaching and (focus on youth) practice • Establish social business public private • Publish & speak • Brainstorm and partnerships (including Prof. Yunus‘ experiment with social engagements in business ideas • Support creation of Europe) social business funds 15
  • 16. Grameen Danone Produces Fortified Yoghurt Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Danone Foods Ltd Why was it How is it What is the What do people What is it? created? organized? outlook? say? Professor M. Yunus Peace Nobel Laureate "It is a small project to begin with, but contains the seed of a new breed of business that can change the economic world fundamentally" For Bangladesh: The product Grameen Social Late 2006 Franck Riboud  >30% of population  Yoghurt fortified with Business JV  1st plant started CEO, Group Danone undernourished micronutrients  Four Grameen producing and will "... a business model of  Malnutrition a major  Produced with solar and companies – social break even in 2011 proximity which will daily bring cause of economic bio gas energy know how  Second plant healthy nutrition to people underdevelopment  Danone and planned with no resources." The price Danone.communi- For Danone:  6 Taka (€0.06) per ties – product and Within 10 years time Salma  Develop local package of 60g technical know how  Establishment of 50+ Sales woman, Grameen Danone production know how plants "...I can make a living from  Source of innovation The place  Several hundred selling healthy yoghurt to my and motivation  Bogra, 230 km north of distribution jobs community – with Grameen  Fit with founder's Dhaka  Creation of Danone taking the vision  Distribution by Grameen partnerships (e.g. for commercial risk." Ladies and local stores better additives) 1. Danone-communities: mutual fund initiated by Danone to support and finance social businesses in the area of Danone's expertise 16
  • 17. Grameen Veolia Supplies People with Clean Water Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Veolia Why was it How is it What is the What do people What is it? created? organized? outlook? say? Professor M. Yunus Peace Nobel Laureate "Economy must adapt itself to the needs of the poor...Grameen Veolia is dedicated to this aim." For Bangladesh: The product Grameen Social Jan 2009  In Bangladesh, 35-80m  Cleaned surface Business JV  1st plant started Antoine Frérot CEO, Veolia Water people suffer from water  Grameen Healthcare production "...the social business is water contamination  1 plant supplies 20K – social know how  18 months from idea what we need to  In 1993 discovery of people  Veolia Water – to implementation implement effective natural arsenic in technical know how solutions for the supply of groundwater causing The price drinking water to the poor." cancer and skin  2.5 Taka (€0.025) per Until 2012 lesions 10L depending on  3 more plants  Especially rural areas distance from plant  100K people will be are affected supplied The place For Veolia:  Goalmari,100km east  Develop market know- of Dhaka how  5 villages supplied  Test new business model 17
  • 18. BASF Grameen Produces Bed Nets and Micronutrients Grameen Social Business JV: BASF Grameen Why was it How is it What is the What do people What is it? created? organized? outlook? say? Professor M. Yunus Peace Nobel Laureate " fascinates me, how fast we were able to put an idea into place and create a social business with such a great social For Bangladesh: The product Grameen Social JV signed on 3 March benefit..."  Danger of catching  Mosquito net against Business JV 2009 Malaria (58K newly Malaria effective for 2-  Grameen Health Dr. Jürgen Hambrecht 5yrs Care Trust – social CEO, BASF SE infected in 2007) First bed nets sold in  >30% of population  0.5M nets already know how October 2009 "...Sustainable undernourished produced  BASF SE – technical development is key for  Micronutrient sachets to know how Goal to provide nets BASF – that's why we For BASF: sprinkle on food for population of ~3M engage in social  Develop affordable 3 Board members people businesses ..." The price products for the poor  One from each and  Mosquito net, at 475 Tk,  Capture new market one additional The product portfolio leasable segments chairman may be extended  Nutrition sachet  Boost reputation  Floating roofs made 2T/package  Motivate employees of Styropor The place  East Bangladesh (malaria regions) 18
  • 19. Grameen Otto is the Textile Company of the Future Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Otto Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For Bangladesh: The project Grameen Otto Trust JV agreement signed  Textile is the biggest industry  Profits of textile production  In charge of social services between Prof. M. Yunus & in Bangladesh plant benefit workers  Owns Grameen Otto Textile Dr. Michael Otto  Highly abusive working through social services, Company  November 2009 during Prof. conditions health care, etc.  Representative of workers Yunus visit For Otto: The goals Grameen Otto Textile Construction to be started  Take on responsibility for  Provide employment to poor Company by end of 2010 upstream market people  Produces clothing to export  Find a model factory that  Improve living conditions of  Provide profits into Grameen Goal to start production by works socially and workers and their families Otto Trust 2011 ecologically while achieving  Protect the environment its economic sustainability  Achieve product excellence to ensure sustainable economic activity 19
  • 20. GCL is Developing a Joint Venture with Reebok Grameen Social Business JV: Grameen Reebok Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For Bangladesh: The product Probably a Grameen Social Memorandum of ―(…) to produce affordable shoes  Affordable, durable and Business JV Understanding for the poor in Bangladesh, to appealing multi-purpose  Production facilities may not Signed 7 November 2009 decrease the incidence of footwear product suitable for the be with Reebok, but sub- during the Global hookworm and other parasitic impoverished market in contracted Grameen Meeting illnesses in Bangladesh (…) Bangladesh  Design, development and The idea behind the project is that  The product will be sustainable material selection through Pilot phase successfully no person anywhere in the world and involve simple production Reebok completed in October should go without shoes― (Prof. processes allowing opportunities  Distribution through 2010 Yunus 2009) for social business activation conventional channels and Grameen network Next steps to be defined For Reebok: The price and taken throughout  Develop affordable products for  Affordable price for the poor – 2011 the poor exact price point not yet  Capture new market segments determined and know-how  Key element in Reebok CSR The place program, motivate employees  Bangladesh 20
  • 21. GCL Initiates Social Businesses in Haiti and a Fund Grameen Creative Lab Initiative: YY Haiti Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For Haiti: The project Set up the infrastructure for Our milestones for 2011 Haiti significantly hit by recent  YY Haiti-an initiative of the social business  Set up of the Grameen earthquake on 12 January Grameen Creative Lab, the  YY Haiti is a social business Creative Lab office in Haiti 2010: Yunus Centre, and SAP AG- fund investing in social  250,000 dead, additional intends to create the businesses  Raise funds for YY Haiti Social 300,000 badly injured infrastructure and provide the Business Fund  2 million left homeless skills needed for social  YY Haiti is run by Haitian  50% of business destroyed businesses in Haiti professionals of the Grameen  Set up approx. 4 social after earthquake Creative Lab (GCL) in Haiti businesses in 2011 The goals For Grameen:  Establish long-term and self-  GCL Haiti to initiate, support  Spread the social business  Develop YY Haiti Social sustainable social businesses and monitor social businesses movement in Haiti Business Fund as role model for Haiti‘s development in Haiti for future social business fund (in contrast to short-term structures emergency relief and general charity) 21
  • 22. GCL is Developing a Holistic SB Movement in Caldas Government Co-operations Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For the State of Caldas: Holistic Social Business Grameen Social Business JV Memorandum of  More than 70% of population Movement  Government of Caldas: social Understanding signed living below poverty line Three different organizations and local know-how and  Signed 7 November 2009  Declining population due to will be created: investment during the Global Grameen migration abroad  Microcredit organization  Yunus Centre/ GCL: technical Meeting  Lack of job opportunities  Venture capital fund and social business know-how  Sharp drop in coffee output  Joint ventures with and network GCL on the ground in (the single most important international and national Caldas since March 2010 agricultural crop) companies Operational Management  Team of GCL started to  Young Colombians aged advise the government of For Grameen: The place between 25 and 30 years Caldas in setting up the  Prove social business as a  State of Caldas located in the (―ability generation‖) social business fund and the powerful tool to fight poverty in coffee triangle of Colombia  Supported by Grameen and microcredit organisation a whole region (heart of coffee production government in order to build  Develop a new kind of public region in the country) up a social business Microcredit organisation private partnership movement to fight poverty and social business fund to be set up in 2011 22
  • 23. GCL is Developing a Holistic SB Movement in Albania Government Co-operations Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For the State of Albania: Holistic Social Business Social Business JVs Groundwork is being laid  More than 18% of population Movement  Private-sector partners lead  Initial screening and research living below poverty line  Several organizations will be the projects study took place in  Declining population due to created  GCL and Grameen supply December 2009 and in migration abroad  Agency for the Promotion of technical and social business January 2010  Lack of job opportunities Social Business (government- know-how and network  Currently in discussion with owned)  Local facilitation & investment the Government of Albania For Grameen:  Microfinance Institution (MFI) to be provided by government concerning setting up of the  Prove social business as a  Social Business Fund (SB of Albania through a new Agency for the Promotion of powerful tool to fight poverty in Fund) for the financing of new Agency for the Promotion of Social Business as well as a whole country ventures Social Business the MFI and SB Fund  Develop a new kind of public  Joint ventures with  Also discussing potential SB private partnership international and national MFI and SB Fund JVs with well-known companies  Ownership and decision- international companies making structure of the The place microfinance institution and of  Projects can be sited the social business fund is anywhere in Albania being discussed 23
  • 24. GCL leads the Social Business City Network Wiesbaden Holistic Movement in Developed Nations Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For the City of Wiesbaden: Social Businesses Incubator Network Partners Milestones  10,000 children live below the  Social business fund for  City of Wiesbaden  Official initiation of the Network poverty line financial support of social  European Business School Social Business City  Insufficient number of business entrepreneurs  Wiesbaden Foundation Wiesbaden by the mayor daycare facilities  Social Business Women Dr. Müller in November 2010  High percentage of migrants  Physical infrastructure and  Local Media  Launch of Social business with low graduation rates support for social businesses  The Grameen Creative Lab chair at the European Business  High level of youth start ups School in November 2010 unemployment Social Business Fund  Problematic city districts The Network  The fund will provide financial Next Steps  Join forces of local key means to social businesses  Search for partners and For Grameen: players to encourage investors  Prove social business to be a entrepreneurs and foster Operational Management  Social business events in powerful tool to serve society‘s social business  GCL consults, enables and Wiesbaden needs in a developed country coordinates the network  Social business launches  Establish Wiesbaden as a  Set-up infrastructure best practice approach for social business in cities 24
  • 25. Key Activities Three Pillars of the GCL Activities Vision: To serve society‘s most pressing needs Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social business movement worldwide 1 2 3 Interact Incubate Create • Set up conferences • Collaborate with • Initiate and support and education events universities to integrate creation of social social business into businesses (esp. JVs) • Network and connect research, teaching and (focus on youth) practice • Establish social business public private • Publish & speak • Brainstorm and partnerships (including Prof. Yunus‘ experiment with social engagements in business ideas • Support creation of Europe) social business funds 25
  • 26. GCL Collaborates with Universities Worldwide University Co-operations EBS Business School, Glasgow Caledonian Germany University, Scotland California State Kyushu University, University Channel Japan Islands, United States McGill University, Bocconi University, Canada Italy Istituto Europeo di National University of Design, Italy Singapore Finance University of University of Moscow, Russia Luxembourg 26
  • 27. GCL set up a Social Business Chair at EBS Example of University Co-operations Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For the EBS: The Product The EBS launched a Social Development of Curriculum  The EBS is the first university in The EBS will integrate social Business Chair in November  Piloting first classes on Germany to incorporate SB in business into three areas 2010 social business research, teaching and practice  Research on key success  EBS: Team of one professor,  There is a strong need for factors of social business two assistant professors and socially-responsible leaders  Build up social business one assistant will position Development of relevant  Unique offering in the academic curriculum social business within research world  Practice social business by university and deliver  First research study has generating social business theoretical content been released in April 2011 For Grameen: pilots  GCL will support the EBS to  Draw upon a university‘s develop the three areas, expertise to conduct research The place mainly providing practical on social business  EBS is located near content  Universities are important for Wiesbaden, Germany the acceleration of SB  It ranks among the best Support through Danone  Tap into pool of talented business schools in Germany  Danone agreed to fund the students to make them part of EBS Social Business Chair the social business movement 27
  • 28. GCL Works with German Students on SB Ideas Talent Project at "Hauptschule" Wiesbaden Why was it created? What is it? How is it organized? What is the outlook? For the pupils The place Hans Reitz as teacher First social business  Learn how to discover own  Hauptschule located in a  Regular classes taught by established talents troubled area Hans Reitz  Pupils bought meadow with  Pride through foundation  Pupils often from socially fruit trees of social business disadvantaged families Participation in creative labs  Sell their own apple sauce at  Re-integrate into society  Pupils participate in social Wiesbaden-based events business labs  Cater cookies and cakes For Grameen Creative Lab during Grameen Creative  Seed social business idea Performances during events Labs at an early age  Students showcase their  Draw upon young talent talents during Wiesbaden More social businesses  Engage in local community based events (e.g. during planned Yunus‘ public speech in  The GCL actively integrates November 2009) pupils in any social business in Wiesbaden 28
  • 29. Key Activities Three Pillars of the GCL Activities Vision: To serve society‘s most pressing needs Mission: Leading by example, we accelerate and spread the social business movement worldwide 1 2 3 Interact Incubate Create • Set up conferences • Collaborate with • Initiate and support and education events universities to integrate creation of social social business into businesses (esp. JVs) • Network and connect research, teaching and (focus on youth) practice • Establish social business public private • Publish & speak • Brainstorm and partnerships (including Prof. Yunus‘ experiment with social engagements in business ideas • Support creation of Europe) social business funds 29
  • 30. Global Social Business Summit with High-Profile Participants Example of GCL-Organized Event Why was it created? Who is participating? What is it? What is the outlook? Convene partners and Participants are CEOs, board Two-day conference hosted 2nd Global Social Business supporters of social business members and selected by Autostadt in Wolfsburg: Summit (GSBS) Autumn to representatives from:  Annual strategy of social 2011 (tbd)  Exchange experiences among  GCL joint venture corporate business community  2nd GSBS will take place in existing social businesses partners (e.g. Michael Otto  Expert exchange sessions different country this year  Foster intensive networking spoke 2009) and focus groups  The GSBS is the annual and discussion of new social  Businesses interested in  Marketplace of Social reunion bringing together all business ideas with Professor forming joint partnerships or Business leaders of the social Yunus otherwise becoming actively  Public Speeches (incl. Prof. business movement  Create a platform for involved in social business Yunus and Paulo Coelho in  It is a critical component of interactions with potential  Universities developing social 2010) the annual November week, partners from the ‗classical‘ business curriculum  High-level panel discussions which brings Professor world of business,  Active supporters of Professor (among others with Dr. Yunus to Europe to highlight universities, opinion leaders Yunus, the GCL and the Hambrecht) social business in Germany social business movement and the developed world  Close friends of the Grameen Family 30
  • 31. Social Business Tour 2010 Example of GCL-Organized Tour Why was it created? Who is participating? What is it? What is the outlook? Praque Bratislava Budapest Vienna Bucharest Belgrade Introducing the social business Participants of the events: The tour: Supporting new SB ideas: concept into Central and  Business and opinion leaders  Providing information on social  Winners of the preliminary Eastern Europe and beginning of the region (leadership business to promote decisions will receive a long term social business symposium) sustainable social business consultation and training initiative  Entrepreneurs, Students, initiatives  The winner of the European NGOs, University  Events taking place in six final will be supported by a Goal is to solve the burning representatives (social countries and six cities (Vienna, range of expert advice and social problems that are right at business labs ) Bratislava, Praque, Belgrade, also financial provision for his our door step in Eastern and  Public (idea contest) Budapest and Bucharest) social business Central Europe  Long-term impetus for the Partners: The Idea Contest: Social Business Movement in  ERSTE Foundation, Erste  A contest between ideas with Central and Eastern Europe Group, good.bee, the Austrian the potential to solve a clearly  Continue with regular social Federal Ministry of Labour, specified problem through business labs Social Affairs and Consumer social business Protection  Consists of six national preliminaries and a European final 31
  • 32. Social Business Labs Build Up Global Network Example of Networking Event What is the goal? Who is participating? What do we offer? What is the outlook? For new participants: Participants: Social Business Labs: Regular Social Business  Provide background on  Representatives from  A Social Business Lab aims at Labs: social business corporations, academia and introducing the concept of  Continue the annual tradition  Offer tools and ideas for NGOs social business and initiating of the ‗class meeting‘ and greater involvement  Students concrete ideas ‗class trip‘  Entrepreneurs  We discuss how to get from a  Expand participation in each For existing participants:  Artists relevant social problem (e.g. type of course  Provide depth on social  Other individuals interested in the hookworm) to a  Increase number of courses business social business sustainable social business outside of Germany  Generate new social solution! business ideas Participation rates:  Network and strengthen ties  Participation at the courses  Provide tools and support ranges from 20-100 individuals 32
  • 33. GCL Published Illustrated Book on Bangladesh Example of GCL Publication What is the goal? What is it? GCL business model What is the outlook?  Make Grameen and social  A magnificent 221-page  GCL does not generate  Power of Dignity first business easily accessible book with more than 100 significant revenues from published in December 2008 photographs by Roger this activity  To change the perception  GCL also contributes to Prof. Richter and an essay written people have of ―the poor‖  It serves as a marketing Yunus‘ third worldwide by Peter Spiegel instrument to create publication ―Building Social  Show the real faces of  Clear documentation of the awareness for social Business‖ which was successful Grameen stories Grameen family in business launched in January 2010 in Bangladesh Bangladesh  Show graphically that ―the poor‖ have the potential to raise themselves out of poverty 33
  • 34. Prof. Yunus‘ Speech at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin Example of Prof. Yunus‘ Speaking Engagements Who is participating? What is the goal? GCL business model What is the outlook? Frequency? Create awareness for social Participants: Financing: Speaking events: business  This was a once-off public  Costs for speaking  GCL will continue to  Professor Yunus and other event drawing hundreds of engagements are borne by represent Professor Yunus personalities including thousands of participants event sponsors in Europe Genscher and Gorbatschow gave  All events and speaking a speech and a symbolic engagements in Europe will contribution regarding ―Next Wall be sourced by or passed to Fall‖ at the Brandenburg Gate, through the GCL in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall  Professor Yunus highlighted the next wall to fall: The Wall of Poverty 34
  • 35. The Grameen Creative Lab Contacts Hans Reitz Saskia Thais Bruysten Creative Advisor to Prof. Yunus Founding Member of The Grameen Creative Lab GmbH Founder & Co-CEO of The Grameen Creative Lab Co-CEO & Strategic Director of The Grameen Creative Lab O: +49 (0) 611 9 86 82-21 O: +49 (0) 611 9 86 82-701 35