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    Government Applications


    With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE   2Bot Corporation - Confidential

    Model Types
           Topographic Models “Topo”                            Detailed Models
       Smooth or with contour elevation lines     (wood, plastic) 2D parts assembled by hand
                                                           to mock up 3D structures

       Massing Models (to scale – low detail)
                                                                3D Prototyping

    With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE               2Bot Corporation - Confidential

    Government Applications
    •   Military
    •   Intelligence
    •   Law Enforcement
    •   Home Land Security
    •   Emergency Response Units
    •   Project Planning and Engineering
    •   Disaster Preparedness Model Simulation

    With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE   2Bot Corporation - Confidential

                                 Specific applications
    •      Target Analysis: Bombardment
    •      Target Analysis: Ground assault
    •      Special Operations Forces: UW
    •      Design phase analysis & modification
    •      Disaster Preparedness Model Simulation
    •      Fluid Dynamics: Modeling to Scale
    •      Counter Terrorism
    •      SWAT Response
    •      Municipal Planners, Engineers & Environmentalists
    •      Military Academies
    •      NASA Space Exploration
    •      Model Preservation & Commemorations
    •      Network & Project Security 100% 2Bot ® IP

    2Bot Corporation
    17455 NE 67th Court, Suite 110
    Redmond, WA 98052 USA

        With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE     2Bot Corporation - Confidential
    2Bot Corporation – Turning Ideas into Objects

    Bill Gates, in his January 2007 Scientific American cover story “Dawn of the Age of
    Robots” wrote “We may be on the verge of a new era where the PC may get off the
    desktop and allow us to see, touch, hear, and manipulate objects…as these
    [robotic] devices become affordable to consumers, they could have just as
    profound an impact on the way we work, communicate, learn, and entertain
    ourselves as the PC has had over the past 30 years.

    2Bot Corporation of Redmond, Washington has developed proprietary machines
    that resemble computer printers but which instead of applying ink to paper use
    robotic technology to produce three dimensional objects from diverse materials.
    The Gartner Group predicted in 2008 that the 3D Printing Industry will grow by
    100x over next three years.

                                                                Digital Information &
                                                                 Personal Printers

              2Bot ®
                                                               3D Object Making
             Platform           2008

     With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE            2Bot Corporation - Confidential

      Target Analysis: Bombardment
    Be it Naval Bombardment, Air, Artillery or Ground assault, 2BOT allows troops to analyze the
    situation in 3D from all angles with minute detail (1/1000”) for optimal destruction of the target.
    Topos can be rapidly made using, arc-gis ESRI, LIDAR,GPS, GIS and STL data from
    unmanned drones like the Predator and even 2D Jpeg photo files. These Topos are all inclusive
    and show both terrain & structures, augmenting 2D & 3D aerial photos for the most detailed
    perspective of the target possible. NGLO teams can examine LZs and Targets before they jump
    or continuously make models when at forward bases. Naval Gunfire officers at sea and Aviators
    also can examine targets before fire missions giving them tactical advantages as well as
    reducing mission risks.
    Analyzing 3D targets
    allows in defilade targets
    to be quickly accessed
    and seek strategies to hit
    them from a enfilade
    direction or if not,
    determine which fuses
    (BD, PD, VT etc)
    and types of ordinance
    (HE, WP, Flechette etc)
    or mission type, naval
    gunfire, artillery or air
    should be conducted.

       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                  2Bot Corporation - Confidential

        Target Analysis: Ground assault
    Strategy and tactics in asymmetric and guerrilla warfare against terrorists, belligerents and
    their tactics worldwide, necessitates detailed intelligence for mission success and safety of
    our troops. Employing 2BOT to model towns and cities prior to or after securing the area
    can greatly increase troop’s familiarity with the area. When grunts are able to familiarize
    themselves with a town before an assault, the labyrinth of narrow streets, back allies, blind
    corners, highest roof tops and dead end streets becomes a tactical and strategic advantage
    instead of a deadly obstacle. Tactics such as mole holing with LAWs and mining escape
    routes are more evident when examined with an intricate 3D 2BOT model.
    In newly secured areas
    and in the case of newly
    arriving replacement
    troops 2BOT models
    can quickly and more
    powerfully communicate
    3D visual information
    which is proven to be far
    more easily grasped and
    retained than mere 2D
    maps and photographs.


        With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE              2Bot Corporation - Confidential

    Special Operations Forces: UW
      Special Operations Forces, much like ground assault and ongoing after mission security
    analysis, can leverage the power of 3D modeling when conducting counter terrorism and
    unconventional warfare, alone or in coordination with local indigenous forces. In the
    endeavors of Force Recon Marines, Navy Seals, Army Rangers, Army Special Forces, Air
    Force Special Tactics and ANGLICO Airborne, missions are often front line and more often
    than not, behind enemy lines. In these high risk missions involving small teams without
    support close by, it is even more incumbent upon commanders to supply detailed and wide
    ranging intelligence on the area of operations as well as the targets.

      Surgically targeting installations with ordinance and especially placing explosives
    necessitates an intimate knowledge of the surrounding area and the target, to ensure
    mission effectiveness and team safety.

       Sniper operations in support of discretely
    eliminating key enemy personnel can leverage
    2BOT’s versatility and power by modeling
    opposition buildings, facilities, safe houses.
    Particularly in the instances were the safe house is
    new construction, available CAD data can layer,
    dissect and precisely model the structure floor by
    floor showing an incredible level of detail
    heretofore not possible.

    With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                2Bot Corporation - Confidential

    Design phase analysis & modification
                                                  Designing bases, prisons, dams, and other
                                                  installations……..2BOT can be used to examine
                                                  the design of new and existing installations and
                                                  structures which may pose dangers and or
                                                  security risks. In this example, turn off the roof
                                                  layer and look inside.

                                                     Monolithic Combination Topo / Structural model
    User imports 3D Virtual Model file……
    The same analysis can be preformed
    on Bases, Fire-Base kill zones, Schools,
    prisons, stadiums, dignitary's quarters,
    low lying costal towns, dams and their
    surrounding areas to access risks
    associated with military and terrorist
    attacks and or natural disasters. 3D
    models can be utilized to examine and
    calculate what damage would result in the
    event of an attack, failure or disaster and
    develop counter measures accordingly.            ….... 2Bot® makes 3D Physical Model

       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                   2Bot Corporation - Confidential

      Design phase analysis & modification
     Before issuing the final design contract, Montana state corrections officials wanted a 3D model
     of their prison to examine and enhance security and eliminate safety flaws in the initial design.
     2BOT quickly, easily and inexpensively cut 2 layers or levels of the AutoCAD files thus
     producing the roof top and grounds and the main floor and grounds. The problems were
     reducing the opportunities for escapes and altering the design to maximize staff safety and the
     solutions were obvious when seen in true physical 3D. Catching design flaws in early stages
     avoids costly re drafting on more mature, complex, expensive Cad drawings as well as even
     more costly retrofits of the buildings after completion of constriction. True physical 3D inspection
     and analysis saves time, money and lives. The same is currently be done in redesigning schools
     for lockdowns.

       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                   2Bot Corporation - Confidential

      Disaster Preparedness Model Simulation Analysis
  Imagine due to terrorism, military conflict, design failure or natural disasters such as earth
 quakes, typhoons or tsunamis that dams collapse, rivers over flow their banks or coastal towns
 are threatened. What would be the extent of the damage and how can we mitigate against it?
 How can we most effectively model the many and various probable scenarios and thus formulate
 design enhancements, practical solutions and institute contingency plans and civil
 preparedness? Using fluid dynamics we can utilize inexpensive scaled models to track and
 analyze the movement, speed and path of destructive and dangerous water flows.
     Fluid Dynamics: Modeling to Scale
  By use of Reynolds Numbers and substances
such as Sodium Silicate often called 'water glass'
or “liquid glass" which is a base with a hydroxyl
radical the radical reacts with the phenolphthalein
indicator solution to turn it pink through purple in
high concentrations thus leaving a colored residue
that shows high water lines on the models. It is
extremely soluble in water and can make a solution
as thin as water or as thick as paste You can
model the viscosity of the water with the right

  One factor to consider in high ratio models, is the
surface friction of the model itself. You may have to
adjust the model with a wetting agent because the
higher viscosity will have a different surface
tension and small details will trap air and effect the data adversely.   Grand Coulee Dam
       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                 2Bot Corporation - Confidential

      Fluid Dynamics: Modeling to Scale (continued)
        One can further adjust by adding alcohol which is water soluble. An alcohol like glycerin
     is thick. It can work alone or in a mixture with the sodium silicate. Phenolphthalein is
     insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol and becomes an 'indicator solution' which is
     water soluble. Spray the phenolphthalein solution on downstream models, and let it dry.
     When the sodium silicate solution mimicking the water flow comes in contact with it, it will
     turn red. One word of caution when using phenolphthalein, over time, the red color will fade
     back to clear from the CO2 in the atmosphere. So be sure to permanently mark the high
     water levels with an additional medium.

       To facilitate the wetting, spray it with a mix of soap and the phenolphthalein solution.
     Then the model is 'wet' as the fluids come in contact with the downstream surface areas.
     Many other fluids and compounds are available which professional chemists ,physicists
     and engineers are well aware of.

       This type of rapid, precise and inexpensive modeling is the kind of analysis that would
     have clearly and physically shown numerous and varied outcomes of hurricane Katrina
     years before disaster struck and how to enhance weak spots in the system to avoid
     catastrophic damage.

      Thru “tiling” 2BOT automatically scales models of extraordinary size if needed, again for
     very little cost on the consumables side and thus allows one to make as many models as
     needed without regard to cost. 2BOT studio is a true breakthrough in the ease, speed and
     low cost of 3D modeling and rapid prototyping.

       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                 2Bot Corporation - Confidential

                              Counter Terrorism
      Much like military uses on the battle field, counter terrorism operations at home and
     abroad are no less dangerous and of equal importance to our security at home and
     abroad. 2BOT can be used to model targets under surveillance for a possible
     preemptive strike. 3D knowledge of the target is again a valuable asset in mission
     success and safety.

      Conversely modeling the most likely targets and their surroundings of future terrorist
     attacks, such as embassies, federal buildings, national landmarks, stadiums, military
     bases, high profile hotels and hospitals
     makes logical sense. An a attack on a
     hydro electric dam dose not merely
     threaten capacity and disruption of the
     grid. If properly executed a collapse of the
     damn also threatens lives and property
     downstream. How much and how far
     the damage is spread can be modeled
     and then added security can be put in
     place at the most vulnerable and or
     potentially dangerous locations.

       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE          2Bot Corporation - Confidential

                             SWAT Response
    Horrific events such as Columbine and so many others, here and around the globe, serve as
 a chilling reminder how truly vulnerable our schools are to deranged amateurs much less, god
 forbid, lunatics or terrorists with military training and a well laid out plan. Explosion of the internet
 and the easy access to other disturbed individuals and information on weapons along with
 continuing economic hardships will inevitably combine to increase the potential for increased
 stress and mental Illness among parents and students alike, leading to more problems in schools
 and elsewhere, in addition to the threats posed by foreign and domestic terrorists.
    Unfortunately despite all the proactive efforts to prevent violence in schools, SWAT teams are
 often forced to react swiftly and efficiently under the worst of circumstances; deranged
 individuals intent upon murdering young children, most times for no discernable reason other
 than some twisted fantasy or misguided revenge brought on by depression.
    First responders are inevitably at a distinct disadvantage as the perpetrators often have
 intimate knowledge of the school and they are at the mercy of soliciting structural descriptions
 from terrified staff verbally or at best a set of 2D drawings sent to the scene as time passes by.
 In a dynamic situation Law enforcement dose not have time, in a stand off hostage situation, time
 can run out at any second. 2BOT 3D models could be stored on campus, at local police stations
 and school district headquarters so that SWAT teams and other first responders need not wait to
 quickly and accurately familiarize themselves with the school, access the situation and
 decide on several options of action and additional plans should the situation later change.
    Mass murder of this type is not just a local tragedy, but a national disaster seen round the world
  in an instant, as so amply exhibited by recent events in China. This 2BOTsystem is not limited
  to just schools, but any facility that lends itself to these types of tragedies.

     With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                     2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     Municipal Planners, Engineers & Environmentalists

     Municipal Planners and Engineers can review the designs of projects from levies
     and dams to flood plain analysis and proposed urban land utilization projects in
     3D. 2BOT allows professionals to make presentations of the projects better
     understood by constituents
     on local councils that may
     not have the expertise to
     fully comprehend the
     complexities and benefits
     of many proposed projects.
     It also is a handy tool for
     estimating the amount of
     earth needed to be moved
     in larger projects, from golf
     courses to reservoirs.
     Additionally 2BOT can be
     used in erosion, surface,
     and storm water
     management analyses.

      With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE         2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     Military Academies - Education

     2BOT thru its EDBot applications can do more than make models of battlefields,
     simulations and topos to be studied from a military tactical perspective.
     2BOT can also be used in chemistry, physics, engineering and math classes
     among other academic studies, even history, art and photography.

     With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE      2Bot Corporation - Confidential
     NASA Space Exploration
Data sent back from the Mars
Lander or the man on the moon
can be utilized by 2BOT to make
exact Models of the lunar terrain
Helping scientist and engineers
better understand the lunar
environment and terrain. Models
can also be used to design
vehicles that can more efficiently
traverse the lunar and other
planet’s terrains.

     With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE   2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     Model Preservation & Commemorations
       Bronzing and other hardening agents can be used to extend the life of the models
     indefinitely. 2BOT ® can router carvings in foam using departmental data as well as
     ubiquitous standard 3D files from free internet sites such as Google & Yahoo. The
     basic models are not only useful, but
     often fascinating works of art in their own
     right. Using bronze sprayed on 2BOT ®
     foam models produces value added
     commemorations and mementos of
     successful missions or projects that can
     be displayed at the section or presented
     to team members in appreciation of a job
     well done. Unit insignias can also be
     easily produced.

       Two key elements are the extremely
     low cost of materials and ease of simply
     spraying on the hardening agents in this

      With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE        2Bot Corporation - Confidential

 Network & Project Security 100% 2Bot ® IP
     •   Every major component in 2Bot ® has been engineered by the
         company and is proprietary...even the screws.
     •   2BOT’s integrated hardware / software platform is stand alone.
 2BOT Studio source code is all in house.
 None of our code is licensed from other
 entities that can spy on you or your
 network with built in updates or hack in to
 your network thru embedded code. There
 is no automatic update string in our code.
 There is only one entry point when working
 on or offline so it can be 100% locked
 down tight. Most other software and
 mediums be it Microsoft or cloud
 computing have literally tens of thousands
 of “entry points” making true security
 virtually impossible at any cost. 2BOT has
 only one non external entry point controlled         6 Patents filed Q1 2007:
 by the user. 2BOT eliminates 100% of                 >50 other patents to follow
 security risk and expense.

     With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE            2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     Great Software Necessitates Great Hardware
           “If you are really serious about the software,
                   you have to do the hardware”
                  Steve Jobs, Apple Computer

2Bot® Studio™ –       Easy to Use Software
Can be learned in 15 minutes.

                                                  Life size HMMWV or Gama Goat
                                                            – No Problem

                                                  2Bot ® Machines can develop “tiled”
                                                    multi piece models of all sizes
                                                  Detail possible to the 1000th of an inch.

      With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     2Bot ® Platform
     Monocoque Structures                 •2Bot® is NOT just a single cutting machine
                                          •2Bot® is a proprietary platform
                                            by which new products will evolve quickly
     Graphic Engine &                     •We will partner into these other markets
     User Interface
                                       2Bot ® ModelMaker™
                                       DOD, Government Planners,                 Education 2Bot ®
                                                                    WoodBot $900     (now)
                                       Law Enforcement, Architects,
                                       Engineers (now)
     Distributed Electronics

     Mass Producible

     Digital Rights Management         KidBot $300      PhotoBot ®
                                         (future)                        PackagingOnDemand
                                                        Now (now)              (future)

       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     Our 1st Market Product

     Initial Product 2Bot® ModelMaker™ for
     DOD / FEMA / HLS / Planners / Architects / Engineers and Schools
     Head - swappable
           Today – CNC router cutting/carving tool
           Future Tools – Paint-head, Laser, Scanner, Extruder, InkJet Print-Head
     Weighs 48 LBS
     Simple to use
     Consumable Materials: Rigid Foams, Plastics and Wood

      With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE            2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     • 1St Market: DOD, Government, Urban Planners
     • Additional Markets applicable for present machine
               – Schools and Universities
               – Architects
               – Engineers
               – Geographical Information Systems
               – Interior Design
               – Industrial Design / Digital Prototyping
               – Photography / Arts & Crafts

     With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE    2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     Planning / GIS - Value Proposition

                                                                   3D "Topo" Cutting Labor
     Large scale 3’ x 2’ “Topo” (topographic model)           40
         40 hours – by hand using X-Acto knife                35
         2 hours – 2Bot ®                                     30

                @$50/hour                                                                                Via X-Acto
                2Bot ® saves $1900 labor +                    15                                         Via 2Bot
                 $700 material per topo.                      5
                                                                    Data Prep   Cutting   Finish

     2D cutting for detailed models                                2D Model Cutting Labor
          10 hours – by hand using X-Acto knife               6
          1 hour – 2Bot ®
                @$50/hour                                     3
                                                                                                          Via X-Acto

                2Bot ® saves $450 labor                       2                                           Via 2Bot
                per model.
                                                                   Data Prep    Cutting   Finish

      With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                                           2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     Competitive Positioning
     2Bot’s integrated, revolutionary technology platform provides it very large competitive
     advantages over existing 3D model building systems.

             •   Less expensive to purchase
             •   Training in as little as 15 minutes
             •   Low cost modeling materials
             •   Easier to set up projects and to use
             •   Very low maintenance
             •   Much faster
             •   Light weight

     We believe these advantages offer us the opportunity to have 2Bot machines become
     critically important, regularly-used tools for the markets we have targeted.

         2Bot ®                                                            Additive Systems
                                               Roland CNC
        +   $12K, lowest cost system                                        – LD-3D modeler $25K
                                               –   10X learning curve
        +   Very easy to set up and use        –    Difficult set-up        – Slow (0.25” per hour) 24 hours
                                                                               to make a model
        +    Low cost consumables              –    Difficult to operate
                                                                            – Materials $1000/bd ft
        +    Expandable                        –    Heavy
                                                                            – Very expensive maintenance
        +    Rust resistant Aluminum Chassis   –    Draws more current

      With 2Bot….ANYTHING    YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                      2Bot Corporation - Confidential

          •  Paul H. Nye – CEO – founder (30 yrs)
              – 30 years high tech startups – Sales, engineering focus.
                  Founded and Managed:
                    1987-1996 Ioptics – ORAM Optical Storage
                    1980-1986 NyPlan (IPO 1983) – financial modeling
                    1978-1986 Microshare – 1st DEC OEM Seattle
                    1966-1974 Microdyne Electronics – Rocket Telemetry
          •  Steve Webert – COO/VP (27 yrs Multiple Technology Industries)
          •  Sal Cimbolo – SVP Marketing and Sales- Former Senior International Marketing
                            Executive for Hitachi’s and Ricoh’s business machines units.
          •  Donald D. Blem – BSEE, MBA VP of Manufacturing (46 years $1 billion / yr as SVP of
                                manufacturing & operations management at Tektronix and Philips
          •  Siva Bala Narayanan, Ph.D. EE – Dir. Engineering (20 yrs)
          •  Gordon Chanen – MBA Venture Finance (20 yrs)
          •  Todd S. Drumm – MBA Business Development / Asian Markets (26 yrs)

          Board of Advisors
          •  Greg Wallace – Retired Senior VP Worldwide Sales & Marketing of Hewlett Packard’s
             $28 Billion Printer Division
          •  Mark D. Gross, Ph.D. – Carnegie Mellon – MIT Media Lab
          •  Greg Kirsch, JD, BS EE & CE – Partner Ballard Spahr, Intellectual Property Patents

     With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE                    2Bot Corporation - Confidential

     • Market-Ready Product after a decade of development
     • Extensive Proprietary Technology & Competitive Advantages
     • Internal team responsible for all technology development
     • Major economic and creative benefits to primary markets
     • Positive product purpose – enhances
         effectiveness with affordable technology

     “2Bot Corporation’s 3D printing platform represents to me a logical next step
     beyond color printing. 2Bot ® machines provide users a compelling value
     proposition that enhances their creative development abilities. The Company’s
     standardized platform provides a foundation for huge
     future sales growth—a product of its ease of use,
     proprietary hardware and software integration, design
      scalability, attractive manufacturing margins……”
     Greg Wallace, 2Bot Investor, Advisor and formerly
     Hewlett Packard’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide
      Sales and Marketing for the $28 Billion
     Imaging and Printing Group.

     2Bot Corporation
     17455 NE 67th Court, Suite 110
     Redmond, WA 98052 USA                          S/F

       With 2Bot….ANYTHING   YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE             2Bot Corporation - Confidential

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Government & DOD Apps

  • 1. 1 Government Applications With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 2. 2 Model Types Topographic Models “Topo” Detailed Models Smooth or with contour elevation lines (wood, plastic) 2D parts assembled by hand to mock up 3D structures Massing Models (to scale – low detail) 3D Prototyping With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 3. 3 Government Applications • Military • Intelligence • Law Enforcement • Home Land Security • Emergency Response Units • Project Planning and Engineering • Disaster Preparedness Model Simulation With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 4. 4 Specific applications • Target Analysis: Bombardment • Target Analysis: Ground assault • Special Operations Forces: UW • Design phase analysis & modification • Disaster Preparedness Model Simulation • Fluid Dynamics: Modeling to Scale • Counter Terrorism • SWAT Response • Municipal Planners, Engineers & Environmentalists • Military Academies • NASA Space Exploration • Model Preservation & Commemorations • Network & Project Security 100% 2Bot ® IP 2Bot Corporation 17455 NE 67th Court, Suite 110 Redmond, WA 98052 USA With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 5. 5 2Bot Corporation – Turning Ideas into Objects Bill Gates, in his January 2007 Scientific American cover story “Dawn of the Age of Robots” wrote “We may be on the verge of a new era where the PC may get off the desktop and allow us to see, touch, hear, and manipulate objects…as these [robotic] devices become affordable to consumers, they could have just as profound an impact on the way we work, communicate, learn, and entertain ourselves as the PC has had over the past 30 years. 2Bot Corporation of Redmond, Washington has developed proprietary machines that resemble computer printers but which instead of applying ink to paper use robotic technology to produce three dimensional objects from diverse materials. The Gartner Group predicted in 2008 that the 3D Printing Industry will grow by 100x over next three years. Digital Information & Personal Printers 1981 2Bot ® 3D Object Making Platform 2008 With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 6. 6 Target Analysis: Bombardment Be it Naval Bombardment, Air, Artillery or Ground assault, 2BOT allows troops to analyze the situation in 3D from all angles with minute detail (1/1000”) for optimal destruction of the target. Topos can be rapidly made using, arc-gis ESRI, LIDAR,GPS, GIS and STL data from unmanned drones like the Predator and even 2D Jpeg photo files. These Topos are all inclusive and show both terrain & structures, augmenting 2D & 3D aerial photos for the most detailed perspective of the target possible. NGLO teams can examine LZs and Targets before they jump or continuously make models when at forward bases. Naval Gunfire officers at sea and Aviators also can examine targets before fire missions giving them tactical advantages as well as reducing mission risks. Analyzing 3D targets allows in defilade targets to be quickly accessed and seek strategies to hit them from a enfilade direction or if not, determine which fuses (BD, PD, VT etc) and types of ordinance (HE, WP, Flechette etc) or mission type, naval gunfire, artillery or air should be conducted. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 7. 7 Target Analysis: Ground assault Strategy and tactics in asymmetric and guerrilla warfare against terrorists, belligerents and their tactics worldwide, necessitates detailed intelligence for mission success and safety of our troops. Employing 2BOT to model towns and cities prior to or after securing the area can greatly increase troop’s familiarity with the area. When grunts are able to familiarize themselves with a town before an assault, the labyrinth of narrow streets, back allies, blind corners, highest roof tops and dead end streets becomes a tactical and strategic advantage instead of a deadly obstacle. Tactics such as mole holing with LAWs and mining escape routes are more evident when examined with an intricate 3D 2BOT model. In newly secured areas and in the case of newly arriving replacement troops 2BOT models can quickly and more powerfully communicate 3D visual information which is proven to be far more easily grasped and retained than mere 2D maps and photographs. . With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 8. 8 Special Operations Forces: UW Special Operations Forces, much like ground assault and ongoing after mission security analysis, can leverage the power of 3D modeling when conducting counter terrorism and unconventional warfare, alone or in coordination with local indigenous forces. In the endeavors of Force Recon Marines, Navy Seals, Army Rangers, Army Special Forces, Air Force Special Tactics and ANGLICO Airborne, missions are often front line and more often than not, behind enemy lines. In these high risk missions involving small teams without support close by, it is even more incumbent upon commanders to supply detailed and wide ranging intelligence on the area of operations as well as the targets. Surgically targeting installations with ordinance and especially placing explosives necessitates an intimate knowledge of the surrounding area and the target, to ensure mission effectiveness and team safety. Sniper operations in support of discretely eliminating key enemy personnel can leverage 2BOT’s versatility and power by modeling opposition buildings, facilities, safe houses. Particularly in the instances were the safe house is new construction, available CAD data can layer, dissect and precisely model the structure floor by floor showing an incredible level of detail heretofore not possible. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 9. 9 Design phase analysis & modification Designing bases, prisons, dams, and other installations……..2BOT can be used to examine the design of new and existing installations and structures which may pose dangers and or security risks. In this example, turn off the roof layer and look inside. Monolithic Combination Topo / Structural model User imports 3D Virtual Model file…… The same analysis can be preformed on Bases, Fire-Base kill zones, Schools, prisons, stadiums, dignitary's quarters, low lying costal towns, dams and their surrounding areas to access risks associated with military and terrorist attacks and or natural disasters. 3D models can be utilized to examine and calculate what damage would result in the event of an attack, failure or disaster and develop counter measures accordingly. ….... 2Bot® makes 3D Physical Model With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 10. 10 Design phase analysis & modification Before issuing the final design contract, Montana state corrections officials wanted a 3D model of their prison to examine and enhance security and eliminate safety flaws in the initial design. 2BOT quickly, easily and inexpensively cut 2 layers or levels of the AutoCAD files thus producing the roof top and grounds and the main floor and grounds. The problems were reducing the opportunities for escapes and altering the design to maximize staff safety and the solutions were obvious when seen in true physical 3D. Catching design flaws in early stages avoids costly re drafting on more mature, complex, expensive Cad drawings as well as even more costly retrofits of the buildings after completion of constriction. True physical 3D inspection and analysis saves time, money and lives. The same is currently be done in redesigning schools for lockdowns. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 11. 11 Disaster Preparedness Model Simulation Analysis Imagine due to terrorism, military conflict, design failure or natural disasters such as earth quakes, typhoons or tsunamis that dams collapse, rivers over flow their banks or coastal towns are threatened. What would be the extent of the damage and how can we mitigate against it? How can we most effectively model the many and various probable scenarios and thus formulate design enhancements, practical solutions and institute contingency plans and civil preparedness? Using fluid dynamics we can utilize inexpensive scaled models to track and analyze the movement, speed and path of destructive and dangerous water flows. Fluid Dynamics: Modeling to Scale By use of Reynolds Numbers and substances such as Sodium Silicate often called 'water glass' or “liquid glass" which is a base with a hydroxyl radical the radical reacts with the phenolphthalein indicator solution to turn it pink through purple in high concentrations thus leaving a colored residue that shows high water lines on the models. It is extremely soluble in water and can make a solution as thin as water or as thick as paste You can model the viscosity of the water with the right concentration. One factor to consider in high ratio models, is the surface friction of the model itself. You may have to adjust the model with a wetting agent because the higher viscosity will have a different surface tension and small details will trap air and effect the data adversely. Grand Coulee Dam With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 12. 12 Fluid Dynamics: Modeling to Scale (continued) One can further adjust by adding alcohol which is water soluble. An alcohol like glycerin is thick. It can work alone or in a mixture with the sodium silicate. Phenolphthalein is insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol and becomes an 'indicator solution' which is water soluble. Spray the phenolphthalein solution on downstream models, and let it dry. When the sodium silicate solution mimicking the water flow comes in contact with it, it will turn red. One word of caution when using phenolphthalein, over time, the red color will fade back to clear from the CO2 in the atmosphere. So be sure to permanently mark the high water levels with an additional medium. To facilitate the wetting, spray it with a mix of soap and the phenolphthalein solution. Then the model is 'wet' as the fluids come in contact with the downstream surface areas. Many other fluids and compounds are available which professional chemists ,physicists and engineers are well aware of. This type of rapid, precise and inexpensive modeling is the kind of analysis that would have clearly and physically shown numerous and varied outcomes of hurricane Katrina years before disaster struck and how to enhance weak spots in the system to avoid catastrophic damage. Thru “tiling” 2BOT automatically scales models of extraordinary size if needed, again for very little cost on the consumables side and thus allows one to make as many models as needed without regard to cost. 2BOT studio is a true breakthrough in the ease, speed and low cost of 3D modeling and rapid prototyping. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 13. 13 Counter Terrorism Much like military uses on the battle field, counter terrorism operations at home and abroad are no less dangerous and of equal importance to our security at home and abroad. 2BOT can be used to model targets under surveillance for a possible preemptive strike. 3D knowledge of the target is again a valuable asset in mission success and safety. Conversely modeling the most likely targets and their surroundings of future terrorist attacks, such as embassies, federal buildings, national landmarks, stadiums, military bases, high profile hotels and hospitals makes logical sense. An a attack on a hydro electric dam dose not merely threaten capacity and disruption of the grid. If properly executed a collapse of the damn also threatens lives and property downstream. How much and how far the damage is spread can be modeled and then added security can be put in place at the most vulnerable and or potentially dangerous locations. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 14. 14 SWAT Response Horrific events such as Columbine and so many others, here and around the globe, serve as a chilling reminder how truly vulnerable our schools are to deranged amateurs much less, god forbid, lunatics or terrorists with military training and a well laid out plan. Explosion of the internet and the easy access to other disturbed individuals and information on weapons along with continuing economic hardships will inevitably combine to increase the potential for increased stress and mental Illness among parents and students alike, leading to more problems in schools and elsewhere, in addition to the threats posed by foreign and domestic terrorists. Unfortunately despite all the proactive efforts to prevent violence in schools, SWAT teams are often forced to react swiftly and efficiently under the worst of circumstances; deranged individuals intent upon murdering young children, most times for no discernable reason other than some twisted fantasy or misguided revenge brought on by depression. First responders are inevitably at a distinct disadvantage as the perpetrators often have intimate knowledge of the school and they are at the mercy of soliciting structural descriptions from terrified staff verbally or at best a set of 2D drawings sent to the scene as time passes by. In a dynamic situation Law enforcement dose not have time, in a stand off hostage situation, time can run out at any second. 2BOT 3D models could be stored on campus, at local police stations and school district headquarters so that SWAT teams and other first responders need not wait to quickly and accurately familiarize themselves with the school, access the situation and decide on several options of action and additional plans should the situation later change. Mass murder of this type is not just a local tragedy, but a national disaster seen round the world in an instant, as so amply exhibited by recent events in China. This 2BOTsystem is not limited to just schools, but any facility that lends itself to these types of tragedies. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 15. 15 Municipal Planners, Engineers & Environmentalists Municipal Planners and Engineers can review the designs of projects from levies and dams to flood plain analysis and proposed urban land utilization projects in 3D. 2BOT allows professionals to make presentations of the projects better understood by constituents on local councils that may not have the expertise to fully comprehend the complexities and benefits of many proposed projects. It also is a handy tool for estimating the amount of earth needed to be moved in larger projects, from golf courses to reservoirs. Additionally 2BOT can be used in erosion, surface, and storm water management analyses. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 16. 16 Military Academies - Education 2BOT thru its EDBot applications can do more than make models of battlefields, simulations and topos to be studied from a military tactical perspective. 2BOT can also be used in chemistry, physics, engineering and math classes among other academic studies, even history, art and photography. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 17. 17 NASA Space Exploration Data sent back from the Mars Lander or the man on the moon can be utilized by 2BOT to make exact Models of the lunar terrain Helping scientist and engineers better understand the lunar environment and terrain. Models can also be used to design vehicles that can more efficiently traverse the lunar and other planet’s terrains. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 18. 18 Model Preservation & Commemorations Bronzing and other hardening agents can be used to extend the life of the models indefinitely. 2BOT ® can router carvings in foam using departmental data as well as ubiquitous standard 3D files from free internet sites such as Google & Yahoo. The basic models are not only useful, but often fascinating works of art in their own right. Using bronze sprayed on 2BOT ® foam models produces value added commemorations and mementos of successful missions or projects that can be displayed at the section or presented to team members in appreciation of a job well done. Unit insignias can also be easily produced. Two key elements are the extremely low cost of materials and ease of simply spraying on the hardening agents in this Application. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 19. 19 Network & Project Security 100% 2Bot ® IP • Every major component in 2Bot ® has been engineered by the company and is proprietary...even the screws. • 2BOT’s integrated hardware / software platform is stand alone. 2BOT Studio source code is all in house. None of our code is licensed from other entities that can spy on you or your network with built in updates or hack in to your network thru embedded code. There is no automatic update string in our code. There is only one entry point when working on or offline so it can be 100% locked down tight. Most other software and mediums be it Microsoft or cloud computing have literally tens of thousands of “entry points” making true security virtually impossible at any cost. 2BOT has only one non external entry point controlled 6 Patents filed Q1 2007: by the user. 2BOT eliminates 100% of >50 other patents to follow security risk and expense. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 20. 20 Great Software Necessitates Great Hardware “If you are really serious about the software, you have to do the hardware” Steve Jobs, Apple Computer 2Bot® Studio™ – Easy to Use Software Can be learned in 15 minutes. Life size HMMWV or Gama Goat – No Problem 2Bot ® Machines can develop “tiled” multi piece models of all sizes Detail possible to the 1000th of an inch. With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 21. 21 2Bot ® Platform Monocoque Structures •2Bot® is NOT just a single cutting machine •2Bot® is a proprietary platform by which new products will evolve quickly Graphic Engine & •We will partner into these other markets User Interface 2Bot ® ModelMaker™ DOD, Government Planners, Education 2Bot ® WoodBot $900 (now) Law Enforcement, Architects, (future) Engineers (now) Distributed Electronics Mass Producible Digital Rights Management KidBot $300 PhotoBot ® (future) PackagingOnDemand Now (now) (future) With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 22. 22 Our 1st Market Product Initial Product 2Bot® ModelMaker™ for DOD / FEMA / HLS / Planners / Architects / Engineers and Schools Head - swappable Today – CNC router cutting/carving tool Future Tools – Paint-head, Laser, Scanner, Extruder, InkJet Print-Head Weighs 48 LBS Simple to use Consumable Materials: Rigid Foams, Plastics and Wood With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 23. 23 Markets • 1St Market: DOD, Government, Urban Planners • Additional Markets applicable for present machine – Schools and Universities – Architects – Engineers – Geographical Information Systems – Interior Design – Industrial Design / Digital Prototyping – Photography / Arts & Crafts With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 24. 24 Planning / GIS - Value Proposition 3D "Topo" Cutting Labor Large scale 3’ x 2’ “Topo” (topographic model) 40 40 hours – by hand using X-Acto knife 35 2 hours – 2Bot ® 30 Hours 25 @$50/hour Via X-Acto 20 2Bot ® saves $1900 labor + 15 Via 2Bot 10 $700 material per topo. 5 0 Data Prep Cutting Finish 2D cutting for detailed models 2D Model Cutting Labor 10 hours – by hand using X-Acto knife 6 5 1 hour – 2Bot ® Hours 4 @$50/hour 3 Via X-Acto 2Bot ® saves $450 labor 2 Via 2Bot 1 per model. 0 Data Prep Cutting Finish With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 25. 25 Competitive Positioning 2Bot’s integrated, revolutionary technology platform provides it very large competitive advantages over existing 3D model building systems. • Less expensive to purchase • Training in as little as 15 minutes • Low cost modeling materials • Easier to set up projects and to use • Very low maintenance • Much faster • Light weight We believe these advantages offer us the opportunity to have 2Bot machines become critically important, regularly-used tools for the markets we have targeted. 2Bot ® Additive Systems Roland CNC + $12K, lowest cost system – LD-3D modeler $25K – 10X learning curve + Very easy to set up and use – Difficult set-up – Slow (0.25” per hour) 24 hours to make a model + Low cost consumables – Difficult to operate – Materials $1000/bd ft + Expandable – Heavy – Very expensive maintenance + Rust resistant Aluminum Chassis – Draws more current With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 26. 26 Management/Board Management • Paul H. Nye – CEO – founder (30 yrs) – 30 years high tech startups – Sales, engineering focus. Founded and Managed: 1987-1996 Ioptics – ORAM Optical Storage 1980-1986 NyPlan (IPO 1983) – financial modeling 1978-1986 Microshare – 1st DEC OEM Seattle 1966-1974 Microdyne Electronics – Rocket Telemetry • Steve Webert – COO/VP (27 yrs Multiple Technology Industries) • Sal Cimbolo – SVP Marketing and Sales- Former Senior International Marketing Executive for Hitachi’s and Ricoh’s business machines units. • Donald D. Blem – BSEE, MBA VP of Manufacturing (46 years $1 billion / yr as SVP of manufacturing & operations management at Tektronix and Philips • Siva Bala Narayanan, Ph.D. EE – Dir. Engineering (20 yrs) • Gordon Chanen – MBA Venture Finance (20 yrs) • Todd S. Drumm – MBA Business Development / Asian Markets (26 yrs) Board of Advisors • Greg Wallace – Retired Senior VP Worldwide Sales & Marketing of Hewlett Packard’s $28 Billion Printer Division • Mark D. Gross, Ph.D. – Carnegie Mellon – MIT Media Lab • Greg Kirsch, JD, BS EE & CE – Partner Ballard Spahr, Intellectual Property Patents With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential
  • 27. 27 Summary • Market-Ready Product after a decade of development • Extensive Proprietary Technology & Competitive Advantages • Internal team responsible for all technology development • Major economic and creative benefits to primary markets • Positive product purpose – enhances effectiveness with affordable technology “2Bot Corporation’s 3D printing platform represents to me a logical next step beyond color printing. 2Bot ® machines provide users a compelling value proposition that enhances their creative development abilities. The Company’s standardized platform provides a foundation for huge future sales growth—a product of its ease of use, proprietary hardware and software integration, design scalability, attractive manufacturing margins……” Greg Wallace, 2Bot Investor, Advisor and formerly Hewlett Packard’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing for the $28 Billion Imaging and Printing Group. 2Bot Corporation 17455 NE 67th Court, Suite 110 Redmond, WA 98052 USA S/F With 2Bot….ANYTHING YOU CAN IMAGINE…YOU CAN MAKE 2Bot Corporation - Confidential