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First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
• Fall Kickoff 2019
• Congrats Kathi Ellis
• Inclusive Church
• Trunk or Treat
GOOD NEWS is published monthly by
First United Methodist Church of North
Hollywood, California 91601
Phone (818) 763-8231
Rev. Dr. Grant Hagiya
Rev. James Powell
District Superintendent
Rev. Steven F. Peralta
Senior Pastor
Jeff Thomas
Director of Music
Roger Eshleman
Nylean Rapinac
Patty Kelsey
Director, Program Ministries
Tonya Peat
Director, Outreach Ministries
Welcome to the season of “Back to!”
No, it isn’t an official season.  You won’t find it on any calendar or
almanac, but you know what I am talking about. It’s the season of “back-
to-school” and “back-to-work” and “back-to-routine.”  Our book clubs
and social gatherings are coming off of summer hiatus. Our service
organizations are re-starting their meetings.
It’s time everything gets back to normal-pace. We set our feet back on solid
ground and get back to our normal rhythm so of living.  It also represents
the time that people “get back to church.”  Even though we may not have
taken a “break,” we intentionally resume the rhythms of worship, study,
and serving which help us grow in our faith and draw us closer to Christ. 
In the words of the Apostle Paul, “As you therefore have received Christ
Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in
him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in
thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7, NRSV)
September represents that season when regular programming begins again
at NoHo FUMC.  Fall Kick-Off happens on September 15th, and many of
the committee meetings, fellowship activities, music programs, and Bible
Studies will resume in earnest.  In the pages of this newsletter, you will find
information about these events and activities, and I look forward to seeing
you again soon.
In Christ,
Pastor Steve
We typically want to serve Jesus on our own terms. We want the gospel of Christ to reinforce our values
and our worldviews...yet Jesus really speaks in a subversive way to the values and worldview of his day
and yes, our day as well. Are you willing to re-set the way you view and value things in your life?
September	 1	 	 	 The New Rules of Hospitality	 	 	 	 Luke 14:1, 7-14
September 	 8	 	 	 The Cost of Following Jesus	 	 	 	 Luke 14:25-33
 God’s Economy Luke 15:1-10
September	 22	 	 	 Money: Blessing or Obstacle?	 	 	 Luke 16:1-13
September 	 29	 	 	 	 Garbage In/Garbage Out	 	 	 	 Luke 16:19-31
August 4 - Pastor Steve began his “Joy of Tidying Up,” Sermon Series today. “Soul Clutter” was based
on Luke 11:1-13. Jeff Thomas shared special music, “Safe Within Your Arms.” Nylean Rapinac was the
scripture reader. We shared the sacrament of communion and then introduced Ernie Levroney, the new
Head of Wesley School. Super COOL nnouncements were shared by Norman Kelsey & Phillip Mottaz.
A welcome luncheon for Ernie was enjoyed by everyone in the Social Hall.
August 11 - Pastor Steve continued his sermon series with a message titled, “The Joy of Tidying Up,”
based on Luke 12:32-40. Jesse Boone was the scripture reader. Jeff Thomas shared special music, “That’s
What Faith Must Be.” Patty Kelsey brought up kids who enjoyed Super Hero VBS and Ava and Ashley,
Peat shared what they learned!
August 18 - Today, Rev. Dr. Mary Dennis, was our guest preacher. We were touched by special music
from Aubrey Alexander. Jesse Boone read scripture before Pastor Mary shared her message, titled, “The
Voice,” was based on 1 John 4:7-19.
August 25 - Pastor Steve returned to the pulpit and began a new sermon series, “The Controversial
Christ.” Part one of his series, “System Error,” was based on Luke 13:10-17. Norman Kelsey shared
special music from Bob Dylan. “Gonna Change My Way of Thinking.”
Join us. . .
Sunday, September 15th
11:30 AM
(following worship)
Courtyard Patio
We will provide:
Hot Dogs, potato chips, beverages!
You bring:
Your best tail gate food to share!
Sports Themed!
Wear your favorite
team Jersey!
Come to the Choir
Saturday, September 14th
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Meet in the Main Sanctuary
Calling all singers...the choir wants you!
The choir’s first day back in the chancel
is Sunday, September 15th!
Readers, Storytellers, Speakers, Poets, Musicians, Singers, and
everyone who would like to participate in the Laity Sunday
Laity Sunday is that special Sunday when we recognize and
celebrate the role we all play in building and sustaining the church
community. This year’s theme is HOPE through Hospitality!
If you are interested in participating or have fresh ideas, please
email Patty Kelsey at
What’s Happening in September?
Sunday, October 6th - World Communion
Sunday! During 10:30 worship with Multi Cultural
Potluck to follow, out on the patio.
Sunday, September 8th - Methodist Men
Fellowship. 6:00 PM at the Home of the
Eshlemans. BBQ, Pastor led devotion, fellowship.
Sunday, September 1st - VBS Thank You
Dinner! All leaders and volunteers are invited to
attend. 5:00 PM at Pastor Steve’s House.
Sunday, September 8th - Mission Sunday!
The North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry
requests Peanut Butter! Please bring a few extra
dollars for your offering!
Friday, September 20th - Tea Fellowship meets at
11:00 AM. At the Kelsey residence.
Saturday, September 14th - Choir Workshop
in the Main Sanctuary! Begins at 1:00 PM. Come
one, come all and join our wonderful choir!
Tuesday, September 24th - Ruth Circle meets in
the Community Room at 7:30 PM.
Sunday, October 6th
10:30 Worship
Main Sanctuary
Followed by a
Multi Cultural Potluck
out on the Patio!
Bring a dish to share that
represents your heritage!
Thursday, September 19th - PB&J Project meets
in the Lounge at 7:00 PM.
September 14th
4:00 PM
Hand in Hand
Everyone is invited to come and
assist in planning our annual
tree lot. We have been providing
this community outreach for
about 25 years. ??
Help us to make this year
better than ever!
Sunday, September 15th- FALL KICKOFF!
Following worship on the Patio. Hot Dogs & Tail Gate
Foods. Giveaway for everyone in attendance. Wear
your favorite team Jersey!
Saturday, September 14th - Tree Lot Meeting
4:00 PM. Hand in Hand.
September 19th
7:00 PM
Help us to make 150 sandwiches
for the North Hollywood
Interfaith Food Pantry.
Sandwiches are distributed to the
needy and hungry on Friday.
Sunday, September 1st - Discovery Arts
Assembly Day! Following worship, in front of the
Lounge. Help assemble 100 art boxes!
The model consists of four primary administrative bodies: the board of trustees, the staff/parish relations
committee, the finance committee, and the church council.  Fully staffing these groups requires anywhere
from 24 - 36 people.  Such numbers are easy to gather when you have 200 people to choose from.
What happens when you are a church like ours?  What happens when you are worshipping 65-80 people
on a Sunday?  These boards represent 50% of your active membership and becomes unwieldy and
difficult to fulfill.  People burn-out because they don’t get breaks in their time serving the church.
Fortunately, the 2016 Discipline allows for smaller churches to organize in a way which serves their size
and available serving pool.  Many smaller churches have organized around a concept known as “single
board governance.”  This concept has several different forms it can take.  Pastor Steve is currently working
on a model which will compress the Trustees, SPRC, and Finance Committees into a single board of 9-12
and a separate council on ministries to organize and carry out day-to-day ministry life.  I believe that
simplifying our organizational structure will free people and our church to focus on ministry and carrying
out Christ’s ministry in the way each feels called and where their passions are.
Copies of this proposed model will be available beginning September 1st for your review, questions, and
input.  At some point in the next month or two, we will have an all-church conference to vote on the final,
proposed model.  If approved, it will be adopted at our 2019 charge conference.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Pastor Steve at
From Pastor Steve
As a United Methodist Church, we are organized to do ministry
according to our denomination’s book of rules, the 2016
Discipline.  This organizational model was formed at a time when
most churches had at least 200 people in worship on a Sunday
morning and 400-500 active members. 
World Communion Sunday is a celebration observed
by several Christian denominations, taking place on
the first Sunday of every October, that promotes
Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation. It
focuses on an observance of the eucharist.
Pastor Steve is looking for congregants who speak
different languages to assist with readings during
worship on October 6th. Please let the church office
know if you would like to take part.
Worship will be followed by a Multi Cultural Potluck!
Our next Men's Fellowship meeting will be
Sunday evening, September  8, at 6:00 pm (new
time), in the Eshleman’s backyard, with food,
fellowship, meditation by Pastor Steve then a short
We'll supply the entree and you bring the rest!
Suggestions: green salad, fruit salad, cooked
vegetable, beverage, dessert, and cups.
Please let me, Roger, or David know what you
plan to bring!  Planning will include our All-
Church Overnight Camp, from Friday night
through Saturday, October 11 - 12.
On Saturday, August 24th, the California Pacific
Annual Conference hosted their United Methodist
Women (UMW) Fashion Show and High Tea Party at
Glendale FUMC. The event was a fundraiser in
support of “Because We Care” campaign at the
Methodist Hospital Rehab Unit.
Each local organization set up and decorated their
8 place settings table in honor of their “Woman of
Distinction.” NOHO FUMC honored Kathi Ellis.
Welcome Back BBQ
Tea Fellowship at the Kelseys
Welcome, Head of School, Ernie Levroney
Hawaiian Night 2019
Na ho’aloha Band
Vacation Bible School
On Saturday, August 24th, over 50 participants attended the
Building an Inclusive Church workshop at Faith United Methodist
Church in Torrance. Muffett Brinkman and Patty Kelsey were in
attendance and with the help of Rev. Dr. Izzy Alvaran, worked on a
3 - 6 month plan. The plan includes a variety of ways to educate the
congregation with regards to the LGBTQI and how to move
forward together. Thanks to Rev. Allison Mark and Faith UMC of
Torrance for hosting. Thanks to J.J. Warren for an inspiring message.
This November, be on the lookout for a
fun, feel good, outdoor event, here at
Our Sunday School Children will host a
lemonade stand and bake sale on the lawn
of our church, right on Tujunga!
We are planning a mini “farmer’s market”
that will include some live music, holiday
games & activities, and outreach.
If you enjoy baking or are crafty and would like to take part in our outdoor event, please let Patty Kelsey
know in the church office! All proceeds will go into our mission work fund. We hope to use it to purchase
items needed to fulfill our various projects like, Care Kits for the Homeless, Discovery Arts Bedside Art
Boxes, and our Sack Lunches for the hungry. We are excited to share this event with our community!
We have a new alternative to our annual
Community Day that will be implemented
this year, on Sunday, November 10th. Instead
of having a Community Chapel service, our
hope is to join together in an afternoon of
service, where our communities can come
together in support of those in need.
The event will take place in the Social Hall
following worship and our usual coffee
fellowship. Our goal is to provide six stations
or volunteer opportunities for children and
adults to help out.
The schedule would be an hour, from 12pm -
1pm, at a desired station, followed by a 45
minutes lunch break. The second station
would continue from 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm, with
clean up from 3pm - 3:30 pm.
Stations would be various mission oriented
projects for our neighborhood:
Preparing goodie bags for folks in assisted
living facilities, i.e. The Light House and
Courtyard Plaza.
Decorating and filling 50 Discovery Arts
Bedside Adventure Kits.
Preparing feminine care kits for women who
are homeless or in shelters.
Baking mini pumpkin pies for the food pantry
and making PB&J Sandwiches for Monday
morning distribution at the NHIFP.
Off campus ideas: Animal Rescue work and
possibly planting trees with Tree People.
We are energized about this new event and
hope you will be too! Pencil this event in and
take part in doing good for our community!
Do you or your kids enjoy the hospitality in the
Lounge on Sundays after church?
Please consider signing up to help us on Sunday
mornings! You can help in a variety of ways:
1. Bring a treat to share. 2. Host a Sunday
3. Arrive early to set up or stay late to clean up
4. Donate to the coffee fellowship fund
Set up involves laying out a table cloth, putting
out utensils, napkins and cups (all are provided).
Organizing or preparing the food and display.
That could mean, slicing cheese, cutting fruit or
veggies, or just taking items out of packaging
and making it presentable on a platter. Also,
Getting ice from the big kitchen for juice, and
then making coffee.
Clean up consists of consolidating leftovers and
distributing food or packing it up and storing it.
Washing dishes and putting them away.
Throwing away trash in the garbage bin.
Coffee fellowship comes together because of
hospitable people who give of their personal
time and funds. We currently do not have the
groups to support coffee hour like we did in the
past. Currently, Program Ministries (Patty
Kelsey) is covering every Sunday without a host
and needs help!
Please contact the church office.
Thank you so much!
Tuesday, October 29th
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
South Lot
Start thinking about your theme
and sign up with the church office!
Themes taken: Captain Marvel,
Stranger Things “11,” &
“Scoops Ahoy,” The Great Pumpkin!
A safe alternative to trick or treating!
We want this 2nd annual event to be
bigger than last year!
Consider taking off of work early this
one evening and help NOHO FUMC to
continue being a beacon of positivity in
our community.
Haunted Bounce House
Free Popcorn & Cotton Candy
Games & Prizes
DJ & Dancing
Lots of candy!
It’s going to be SPOOKTACULAR!
Mwah Ha Ha!!!
Wishing you many blessings on your birthday!
Love, Your Church Family
September 2	 Gail Coyle
September 5	 Dianne Lake
September 5	 Aaron McDonald	
September 5	 Ian McDonald	 	
September 11	 Daniella Lake
September 12	 Mary Jane Radillo	
September 13	 Margaret Allen	
September 14	 Rachel Mottaz
September 14	 Beth Roche
September 15	 Carol VanMeter
September 23	 Jackson Books
September 25	 Laurel Weber
September 26	 Patty Kelsey
Our Homebound: Margaret Dixon, Joyce Cunningham, Dorothy Tyler,
Gladys Woodard, Margaret Allen, Dottie Vick,
Patty and Norman Kelsey request prayers for their family friends, Carly, Mimi, and John McCloy.
They are having extremely serious family turmoil.
Tonya Peat will be undergoing an ultrasound for her thyroid on September 6th.
Letha Watts is requesting prayers for her Son’s, girlfriend’s, daughter, Isadora Parks, 8 years old.
She was in a boating accident and fractured 4 vertebrae. She is healing well and her parent’s are
having trouble keeping her from moving around too much.
Muffett Brinkman’s step-dad, Carl VanDorn, fell and was in ICU with bruising to his brain.
Muffett’s mother, is also in need of prayers.
Kristee Laiva is recuperating from a compression fracture of her L1 vertebrae.
Tracy Hagan is staying faith-filled and positive while undergoing chemo for her terminal cancer.
Please consider sponsoring altar flowers in honor or in loving memory
of someone special in your life. Dedications will be listed on the back
of the bulletin. Following 10:30 worship, you may take the entire
arrangement home with you.
$30 donation can be put in the offering plate with your name and the
name of your loved one. We can have up to 3 arrangements per
Sep 15 Sep 22 Sep 29 Nov 3 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov 24
To order: Email
September 	 1	 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. Green.
	 	 	 Jer. 2:4-13; Ps. 81:1, 10-16 (UMH 803); Heb. 13:1-8, 15-16; Luke 14:1, 7-14
September	 8	 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Patriot Day. Green.
	 	 	 Jer. 18:1-11; Ps. 139:1-6, 13-18 (UMH 854); Phil. 1:1-21; Luke 14:25-33
September	 15	 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Fall Kickoff Sunday! Green.
	 	 	 Jer. 4:11-12:22-28; Ps. 14 (UMH 746); 1 Tim. 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10
September	 22	 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Green.
	 	 	 Jer. 8:18-9:1; Ps. 79:1-9, or Ps. 4 (UMH 741); 1 Tim. 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13
September	 29	 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Green.
	 	 	 Jer. 32:1-3a, 6-15; Ps. 91:1-6, 14-16 (UMH 810); 1 Tim. 6:6-19; Luke 18:19-31
Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary
Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery.
Communion will be served on Sunday, September 1st.
Adult Sunday School: September 15, 22 & 29 at 9:00 AM in Boyer Chapel.
8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel
	 	 September 1 - Pastor Steve 		 September 8 - Norman Kelsey
September 15 - Patty Kelsey September 22 - Sandra Smith September 29 - Sandra Smith
Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by September 17th for the October 2019 publication
or email them to
If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office
or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you.
POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to:
First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood
4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601

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Good News September 2019

  • 1. First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood GOOD NEWS e-mail: SEPTEMBER 2019 IN THIS ISSUE: • Fall Kickoff 2019 • Congrats Kathi Ellis • Inclusive Church • Trunk or Treat GOOD NEWS is published monthly by First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood, California 91601 Phone (818) 763-8231 Rev. Dr. Grant Hagiya Bishop Rev. James Powell District Superintendent Rev. Steven F. Peralta Senior Pastor Congregation Ministers Jeff Thomas Director of Music Roger Eshleman Organist Nylean Rapinac Administrator Patty Kelsey Director, Program Ministries Tonya Peat Director, Outreach Ministries Welcome to the season of “Back to!” No, it isn’t an official season.  You won’t find it on any calendar or almanac, but you know what I am talking about. It’s the season of “back- to-school” and “back-to-work” and “back-to-routine.”  Our book clubs and social gatherings are coming off of summer hiatus. Our service organizations are re-starting their meetings. It’s time everything gets back to normal-pace. We set our feet back on solid ground and get back to our normal rhythm so of living.  It also represents the time that people “get back to church.”  Even though we may not have taken a “break,” we intentionally resume the rhythms of worship, study, and serving which help us grow in our faith and draw us closer to Christ.  In the words of the Apostle Paul, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7, NRSV) September represents that season when regular programming begins again at NoHo FUMC.  Fall Kick-Off happens on September 15th, and many of the committee meetings, fellowship activities, music programs, and Bible Studies will resume in earnest.  In the pages of this newsletter, you will find information about these events and activities, and I look forward to seeing you again soon. In Christ, Pastor Steve
  • 2. SERMON SERIES: SYSTEM RE-BOOT We typically want to serve Jesus on our own terms. We want the gospel of Christ to reinforce our values and our worldviews...yet Jesus really speaks in a subversive way to the values and worldview of his day and yes, our day as well. Are you willing to re-set the way you view and value things in your life? September 1 The New Rules of Hospitality Luke 14:1, 7-14 September 8 The Cost of Following Jesus Luke 14:25-33 September 15 God’s Economy Luke 15:1-10 September 22 Money: Blessing or Obstacle? Luke 16:1-13 September 29 Garbage In/Garbage Out Luke 16:19-31 HIGHLIGHTS OF WORSHIP August 4 - Pastor Steve began his “Joy of Tidying Up,” Sermon Series today. “Soul Clutter” was based on Luke 11:1-13. Jeff Thomas shared special music, “Safe Within Your Arms.” Nylean Rapinac was the scripture reader. We shared the sacrament of communion and then introduced Ernie Levroney, the new Head of Wesley School. Super COOL nnouncements were shared by Norman Kelsey & Phillip Mottaz. A welcome luncheon for Ernie was enjoyed by everyone in the Social Hall. August 11 - Pastor Steve continued his sermon series with a message titled, “The Joy of Tidying Up,” based on Luke 12:32-40. Jesse Boone was the scripture reader. Jeff Thomas shared special music, “That’s What Faith Must Be.” Patty Kelsey brought up kids who enjoyed Super Hero VBS and Ava and Ashley, Peat shared what they learned! August 18 - Today, Rev. Dr. Mary Dennis, was our guest preacher. We were touched by special music from Aubrey Alexander. Jesse Boone read scripture before Pastor Mary shared her message, titled, “The Voice,” was based on 1 John 4:7-19. August 25 - Pastor Steve returned to the pulpit and began a new sermon series, “The Controversial Christ.” Part one of his series, “System Error,” was based on Luke 13:10-17. Norman Kelsey shared special music from Bob Dylan. “Gonna Change My Way of Thinking.”
  • 3. NOHO FUMC FANS Join us. . . Sunday, September 15th 11:30 AM (following worship) Courtyard Patio We will provide: Hot Dogs, potato chips, beverages! You bring: Your best tail gate food to share! Sports Themed! Wear your favorite team Jersey! Come to the Choir Workshop! Saturday, September 14th 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Meet in the Main Sanctuary Calling all singers...the choir wants you! The choir’s first day back in the chancel is Sunday, September 15th! LAITY SUNDAY IS COMING OCTOBER 20th WANTED: Readers, Storytellers, Speakers, Poets, Musicians, Singers, and everyone who would like to participate in the Laity Sunday Worship. Laity Sunday is that special Sunday when we recognize and celebrate the role we all play in building and sustaining the church community. This year’s theme is HOPE through Hospitality! If you are interested in participating or have fresh ideas, please email Patty Kelsey at GIVEAWAY FOR ALL IN ATTENDANCE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 4. What’s Happening in September? Sunday, October 6th - World Communion Sunday! During 10:30 worship with Multi Cultural Potluck to follow, out on the patio. Sunday, September 8th - Methodist Men Fellowship. 6:00 PM at the Home of the Eshlemans. BBQ, Pastor led devotion, fellowship. Sunday, September 1st - VBS Thank You Dinner! All leaders and volunteers are invited to attend. 5:00 PM at Pastor Steve’s House. Sunday, September 8th - Mission Sunday! The North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry requests Peanut Butter! Please bring a few extra dollars for your offering! Friday, September 20th - Tea Fellowship meets at 11:00 AM. At the Kelsey residence. Saturday, September 14th - Choir Workshop in the Main Sanctuary! Begins at 1:00 PM. Come one, come all and join our wonderful choir! Tuesday, September 24th - Ruth Circle meets in the Community Room at 7:30 PM. . SAVE THE DATE Sunday, October 6th 10:30 Worship Main Sanctuary Followed by a Multi Cultural Potluck out on the Patio! Bring a dish to share that represents your heritage! Thursday, September 19th - PB&J Project meets in the Lounge at 7:00 PM. Saturday, September 14th 4:00 PM Hand in Hand Everyone is invited to come and assist in planning our annual tree lot. We have been providing this community outreach for about 25 years. ?? Help us to make this year better than ever! Sunday, September 15th- FALL KICKOFF! Following worship on the Patio. Hot Dogs & Tail Gate Foods. Giveaway for everyone in attendance. Wear your favorite team Jersey! Saturday, September 14th - Tree Lot Meeting 4:00 PM. Hand in Hand. Thursday, September 19th 7:00 PM Lounge Help us to make 150 sandwiches for the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry. Sandwiches are distributed to the needy and hungry on Friday. Sunday, September 1st - Discovery Arts Assembly Day! Following worship, in front of the Lounge. Help assemble 100 art boxes!
  • 5. The model consists of four primary administrative bodies: the board of trustees, the staff/parish relations committee, the finance committee, and the church council.  Fully staffing these groups requires anywhere from 24 - 36 people.  Such numbers are easy to gather when you have 200 people to choose from. What happens when you are a church like ours?  What happens when you are worshipping 65-80 people on a Sunday?  These boards represent 50% of your active membership and becomes unwieldy and difficult to fulfill.  People burn-out because they don’t get breaks in their time serving the church. Fortunately, the 2016 Discipline allows for smaller churches to organize in a way which serves their size and available serving pool.  Many smaller churches have organized around a concept known as “single board governance.”  This concept has several different forms it can take.  Pastor Steve is currently working on a model which will compress the Trustees, SPRC, and Finance Committees into a single board of 9-12 and a separate council on ministries to organize and carry out day-to-day ministry life.  I believe that simplifying our organizational structure will free people and our church to focus on ministry and carrying out Christ’s ministry in the way each feels called and where their passions are. Copies of this proposed model will be available beginning September 1st for your review, questions, and input.  At some point in the next month or two, we will have an all-church conference to vote on the final, proposed model.  If approved, it will be adopted at our 2019 charge conference. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Pastor Steve at SINGLE BOARD GOVERNANCE From Pastor Steve As a United Methodist Church, we are organized to do ministry according to our denomination’s book of rules, the 2016 Discipline.  This organizational model was formed at a time when most churches had at least 200 people in worship on a Sunday morning and 400-500 active members.  WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY World Communion Sunday is a celebration observed by several Christian denominations, taking place on the first Sunday of every October, that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation. It focuses on an observance of the eucharist. Pastor Steve is looking for congregants who speak different languages to assist with readings during worship on October 6th. Please let the church office know if you would like to take part. Worship will be followed by a Multi Cultural Potluck!
  • 6. Our next Men's Fellowship meeting will be Sunday evening, September  8, at 6:00 pm (new time), in the Eshleman’s backyard, with food, fellowship, meditation by Pastor Steve then a short meeting. We'll supply the entree and you bring the rest! Suggestions: green salad, fruit salad, cooked vegetable, beverage, dessert, and cups. Please let me, Roger, or David know what you plan to bring!  Planning will include our All- Church Overnight Camp, from Friday night through Saturday, October 11 - 12. On Saturday, August 24th, the California Pacific Annual Conference hosted their United Methodist Women (UMW) Fashion Show and High Tea Party at Glendale FUMC. The event was a fundraiser in support of “Because We Care” campaign at the Methodist Hospital Rehab Unit. Each local organization set up and decorated their 8 place settings table in honor of their “Woman of Distinction.” NOHO FUMC honored Kathi Ellis. SEPTEMBER - PEANUT BUTTER
  • 7. Welcome Back BBQ Tea Fellowship at the Kelseys Welcome, Head of School, Ernie Levroney
  • 8. Hawaiian Night 2019 Na ho’aloha Band
  • 10.
  • 11. On Saturday, August 24th, over 50 participants attended the Building an Inclusive Church workshop at Faith United Methodist Church in Torrance. Muffett Brinkman and Patty Kelsey were in attendance and with the help of Rev. Dr. Izzy Alvaran, worked on a 3 - 6 month plan. The plan includes a variety of ways to educate the congregation with regards to the LGBTQI and how to move forward together. Thanks to Rev. Allison Mark and Faith UMC of Torrance for hosting. Thanks to J.J. Warren for an inspiring message. KIDS STAND FOR A CAUSE This November, be on the lookout for a fun, feel good, outdoor event, here at NOHO FUMC! Our Sunday School Children will host a lemonade stand and bake sale on the lawn of our church, right on Tujunga! We are planning a mini “farmer’s market” that will include some live music, holiday games & activities, and outreach. If you enjoy baking or are crafty and would like to take part in our outdoor event, please let Patty Kelsey know in the church office! All proceeds will go into our mission work fund. We hope to use it to purchase items needed to fulfill our various projects like, Care Kits for the Homeless, Discovery Arts Bedside Art Boxes, and our Sack Lunches for the hungry. We are excited to share this event with our community!
  • 12. We have a new alternative to our annual Community Day that will be implemented this year, on Sunday, November 10th. Instead of having a Community Chapel service, our hope is to join together in an afternoon of service, where our communities can come together in support of those in need. The event will take place in the Social Hall following worship and our usual coffee fellowship. Our goal is to provide six stations or volunteer opportunities for children and adults to help out. The schedule would be an hour, from 12pm - 1pm, at a desired station, followed by a 45 minutes lunch break. The second station would continue from 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm, with clean up from 3pm - 3:30 pm. Stations would be various mission oriented projects for our neighborhood: Preparing goodie bags for folks in assisted living facilities, i.e. The Light House and Courtyard Plaza. Decorating and filling 50 Discovery Arts Bedside Adventure Kits. Preparing feminine care kits for women who are homeless or in shelters. Baking mini pumpkin pies for the food pantry and making PB&J Sandwiches for Monday morning distribution at the NHIFP. Off campus ideas: Animal Rescue work and possibly planting trees with Tree People. We are energized about this new event and hope you will be too! Pencil this event in and take part in doing good for our community! Do you or your kids enjoy the hospitality in the Lounge on Sundays after church? Please consider signing up to help us on Sunday mornings! You can help in a variety of ways: 1. Bring a treat to share. 2. Host a Sunday 3. Arrive early to set up or stay late to clean up 4. Donate to the coffee fellowship fund Set up involves laying out a table cloth, putting out utensils, napkins and cups (all are provided). Organizing or preparing the food and display. That could mean, slicing cheese, cutting fruit or veggies, or just taking items out of packaging and making it presentable on a platter. Also, Getting ice from the big kitchen for juice, and then making coffee. Clean up consists of consolidating leftovers and distributing food or packing it up and storing it. Washing dishes and putting them away. Throwing away trash in the garbage bin. Coffee fellowship comes together because of hospitable people who give of their personal time and funds. We currently do not have the groups to support coffee hour like we did in the past. Currently, Program Ministries (Patty Kelsey) is covering every Sunday without a host and needs help! Please contact the church office. Thank you so much!
  • 13. Tuesday, October 29th 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM South Lot Start thinking about your theme and sign up with the church office! Themes taken: Captain Marvel, Stranger Things “11,” & “Scoops Ahoy,” The Great Pumpkin! A safe alternative to trick or treating! We want this 2nd annual event to be bigger than last year! Consider taking off of work early this one evening and help NOHO FUMC to continue being a beacon of positivity in our community. Haunted Bounce House Free Popcorn & Cotton Candy Games & Prizes DJ & Dancing Lots of candy! It’s going to be SPOOKTACULAR! Mwah Ha Ha!!!
  • 14. Wishing you many blessings on your birthday! Love, Your Church Family September 2 Gail Coyle September 5 Dianne Lake September 5 Aaron McDonald September 5 Ian McDonald September 11 Daniella Lake September 12 Mary Jane Radillo September 13 Margaret Allen September 14 Rachel Mottaz September 14 Beth Roche September 15 Carol VanMeter September 23 Jackson Books September 25 Laurel Weber September 26 Patty Kelsey Our Homebound: Margaret Dixon, Joyce Cunningham, Dorothy Tyler, Gladys Woodard, Margaret Allen, Dottie Vick, Patty and Norman Kelsey request prayers for their family friends, Carly, Mimi, and John McCloy. They are having extremely serious family turmoil. Tonya Peat will be undergoing an ultrasound for her thyroid on September 6th. Letha Watts is requesting prayers for her Son’s, girlfriend’s, daughter, Isadora Parks, 8 years old. She was in a boating accident and fractured 4 vertebrae. She is healing well and her parent’s are having trouble keeping her from moving around too much. Muffett Brinkman’s step-dad, Carl VanDorn, fell and was in ICU with bruising to his brain. Muffett’s mother, is also in need of prayers. Kristee Laiva is recuperating from a compression fracture of her L1 vertebrae. Tracy Hagan is staying faith-filled and positive while undergoing chemo for her terminal cancer. Please consider sponsoring altar flowers in honor or in loving memory of someone special in your life. Dedications will be listed on the back of the bulletin. Following 10:30 worship, you may take the entire arrangement home with you. $30 donation can be put in the offering plate with your name and the name of your loved one. We can have up to 3 arrangements per service. Sep 15 Sep 22 Sep 29 Nov 3 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov 24 To order: Email
  • 15. LECTIONARY CALENDAR September 1 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. Green. Jer. 2:4-13; Ps. 81:1, 10-16 (UMH 803); Heb. 13:1-8, 15-16; Luke 14:1, 7-14 September 8 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Patriot Day. Green. Jer. 18:1-11; Ps. 139:1-6, 13-18 (UMH 854); Phil. 1:1-21; Luke 14:25-33 September 15 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Fall Kickoff Sunday! Green. Jer. 4:11-12:22-28; Ps. 14 (UMH 746); 1 Tim. 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10 September 22 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Green. Jer. 8:18-9:1; Ps. 79:1-9, or Ps. 4 (UMH 741); 1 Tim. 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13 September 29 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Green. Jer. 32:1-3a, 6-15; Ps. 91:1-6, 14-16 (UMH 810); 1 Tim. 6:6-19; Luke 18:19-31 Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:30 AM in the Community Room/Nursery. Communion will be served on Sunday, September 1st. Adult Sunday School: September 15, 22 & 29 at 9:00 AM in Boyer Chapel. 8:15 AM Worship Services in Boyer Chapel September 1 - Pastor Steve September 8 - Norman Kelsey September 15 - Patty Kelsey September 22 - Sandra Smith September 29 - Sandra Smith Please have your articles for the Good News to the church office by September 17th for the October 2019 publication or email them to If you no longer wish to receive this publication, please contact the church office or return this address label noting that we are to discontinue sending it. Thank you. POSTMASTER - Please send changes of address to: First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood 4832 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601