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Good	Gut
The	Ultimate	Good	Gut	Diet	to	Maintain	Good	Health
and	Balance	Your	Digestive	System	for	Permanent
Weight	Loss
Table	of	Contents
Chapter	1	–	Why	Is	It	Important	To	Have	a	Good	Gut?
Chapter	2	–	What	To	Do	To	Have	a	Good	Gut?
1.	Take	probiotics	and	prebiotics
2.	Eat	fiber-rich	food
3.	Eat	antioxidant	food
4.	Use	soothing	spices
5.	Have	a	diverse	diet
6.	Avoid	unhealthy	foods
7.	Avoid	certain	types	of	medications
8.	Try	to	avoid	stress	as	much	as	possible
Chapter	3	–	Good	Gut	Food	Recipes
1.	Fermented	soybean	recipes
2.	Fermented	vegetables	recipes
3.	Fermented	beverages	recipes
4.	Culture	dairy	products	recipes
5.	Probiotics-rich	food	recipes
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I	do	not	know	about	you,	but	it	happens	to	me	that,	although	I	exercise	a	lot	and
try	to	have	a	healthy	and	balanced	diet,	I	seem	to	be	unable	to	get	rid	of	the	flab
around	my	belly.	My	stomach	seems	to	be	bloated	most	of	the	time	and	I	seem
to	be	unable	to	remove	fully	my	abdominal	fat.	My	husband	usually	jokes	that
this	is	a	good	thing	because	I	cannot	get	drowned	since	I	have	a	lifebelt	around
my	 waist,	 while	 my	 sister	 says	 that,	 whenever	 she	 looks	 at	 my	 stomach,	 it
reminds	 her	 of	 a	 bagel	 and	 she	 gets	 hungry.	 Even	 though	 these	 are	 funny
comments	and	you	are	certainly	laughing	right	now,	this	persistent	flab	is	indeed
frustrating,	especially	given	that	I	am	trying	to	lead	a	healthy	life.
Yet,	recently	I	have	realized	that	perhaps	the	reason	for	my	belly	fat	is	not	the
great	intake	of	carbohydrates,	proteins	and	fats,	but	the	collective	bacteria	inside
my	gut,	or	the	so-called	microbiota.	This	is	actually	a	combination	of	the	non-
pathogenic	 microbes	 that	 generally	 live	 in	 harmony	 with	 our	 bodies,	 but,	 just
like	in	life,	there	are	bad	and	good	bacteria	in	our	gastrointestinal	tract.	This	is
why	we	should	try	to	enhance	and	increase	the	number	of	our	good	gut	bacteria,
while	suppressing	and	reducing	the	number	of	the	bad	bacteria	that	affect	our
immunity	system	and	thus	lead	to	diseases	and	slow	down	our	metabolism	and
thus	lead	to	obesity.
So,	it	appears	that	by	eating	sweets	and	pastries	on	a	daily	basis	(even	though	in
a	limited	amount,	but	I	do	love	pastries),	the	carbohydrates	and	the	yeast	in	them
have	made	my	unhealthy	gut	bacteria	thrive,	thus	causing	my	stomach	to	bloat
and	preventing	its	flattening,	despite	doing	abs	four	times	a	week.
If	you	are	suffering	from	the	same	problem	as	I	do	or	if	you	are	having	even
more	serious	intestinal	problems	and	if	you	wish	to	improve	primarily	the	health
of	your	gut	and	your	health	in	general	and	reduce	the	risk	mostly	of	intestinal
diseases,	this	book	will	be	ideal	for	you	as	it	will	reveal	to	you	the	secrets	of
having	good	guts.	It	will	first	try	to	give	you	a	clearer	picture	of	the	unexplored
gut	world	and	then	it	will	give	you	a	list	of	the	foods	that	are	good	for	your	gut
when	it	comes	to	maintaining	your	health	and	balancing	your	digestive	system.
In	 the	 end,	 this	 book	 will	 give	 you	 recipes	 for	 some	 interesting	 and	 inspiring
dishes	that	use	the	good	gut	ingredients	and	that	will	therefore	enrich	your	diet,
while	taking	care	both	of	your	health	and	of	your	weight.
Flat	belly	and	good	gut	here	we	come!
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Chapter	 1	 –	 Why	 Is	 It	 Important	 To	 Have	 a	 Good
Your	gastrointestinal	tract,	or	simply	your	gut,	is	actually	a	hollow	tube	that	goes
from	your	mouth,	throughout	your	whole	body	and	all	the	way	to	your	anus.	It	is
used	for	food	consumption,	digestion	and	waste	processing	and	is	therefore	one
of	the	vital	organs	in	our	body.	We	have	learned	all	this	in	biology	classes,	but
there	is	much	more	to	our	gut	than	this.
Actually,	I	was	quite	amazed	to	learn	that	we	have	about	100	trillion	bacteria
living	in	our	gut,	which	means	that	we	have	10	times	more	bacterial	cells	than
human	cells	in	our	entire	body.	These	bacteria	live	in	symbiosis	and	unity	with
our	 body,	 because,	 through	 the	 process	 of	 evolution,	 they	 have	 become
integrated	into	our	organism.	The	collection	of	microorganisms	that	inhabit	our
bodies	and	that	generally	do	not	cause	diseases,	unless	imbalanced,	are	called
microbiota	or	microbiome.	The	gut	microbiota	is	actually	regarded	as	a	separate
and	 "long-forgotten"	 organ	 as	 it	 has	 been	 discovered	 to	 control	 our	 immune
system,	to	regulate	our	metabolism	and	to	keep	our	digestive	system	in	order.	In
other	words,	this	means	that	a	good	gut	helps	you	not	to	contract	diseases	very
often	and	helps	you	maintain	your	ideal	weight.	Our	gut	bacteria	are	therefore
not	merely	passive	inhabitants	of	our	digestive	organs,	but	they	work	on	turning
food	 remnants	 into	 energy,	 synthesizing	 vitamins,	 destroying	 harmful	 bacteria
and	enabling	the	gut	to	function	properly.
However,	as	anything	else	in	life,	the	microbiota,	too,	has	its	good	and	bad	side,
that	is,	it	comprises	good	and	bad	bacteria	that	live	in	harmony	with	each	other
and	 with	 your	 gut.	 Still,	 if	 the	 bad	 bacteria	 prevail	 due	 to	 an	 unhealthy	 diet,
chronic	stress,	excessive	use	of	antibiotics	and	other	medications	and	sedentary
and	inactive	lifestyle,	this	balance	will	be	disrupted,	so	the	gut	bacteria	will	be
unable	 to	 successfully	 protect	 you	 from	 diseases,	 but	 will	 instead	 cause
autoimmune	diseases,	such	as	diabetes,	obesity,	multiple	sclerosis,	Hashimoto's
disease,	muscular	dystrophy,	arthritis	and	even	cancer.
Our	microbiota	is	determined	by	a	number	of	factors,	such	as	genetics,	age,	type
of	birth,	and	our	living	environment,	but	most	importantly	by	our	diet.	This	is
why	people	say	that	your	health	comes	from	your	mouth,	that	is,	from	the	food
that	you	eat.	Our	diet	determines	which	gut	bacteria	will	dominate,	whether	our
immune	system	will	be	strong	enough	to	fend	off	different	kinds	of	diseases,	and
whether	 our	 guts	 will	 function	 properly	 to	 process	 waste	 effectively	 and	 thus
eliminate	 our	 flab.	 Some	 foods,	 such	 as	 olives,	 olive	 oil,	 sunflower	 oil,	 dark
chocolate,	nuts,	seeds	and	avocado,	have	been	confirmed	to	burn	your	abdominal
fat	much	more	easily	as	they	improve	your	digestive	system,	so	you	should	tend
to	 include	 them	 in	 your	 everyday	 diet.	 Excess	 weight	 especially	 in	 your
midsection	leads	to	stomach	discomfort	and	increased	pressure	on	the	stomach,
which	eventually	leads	to	heartburn.	Furthermore,	greater	weight	increases	the
risk	of	heart	problems,	diabetes	and	even	cancer	and	thus	increases	the	chances
of	premature	death.
Medical	studies	have	shown	that	it	is	the	dominance	of	the	unhealthy	bacteria
that	actually	makes	us	crave	bad	and	unhealthy	foods,	thus	causing	obesity	and	a
number	of	other	health	problems	that	accompany	it.	Different	species	of	bacteria
thrive	on	specific	food,	so	our	gut	is	shaped	up	according	to	the	food	that	we	eat.
Namely,	our	diet	determines	whether	the	good	bacteria	will	gain	mastery	over
the	bad	bacteria	in	our	gastrointestinal	tract.	This	is	why	unhealthy	bacteria	in
our	gut	make	us	crave	unhealthy	food,	like	chocolate,	cakes,	all	kinds	of	pastries
(as	in	my	case)	and	other	fatty	food	as	they	send	out	chemical	messages	to	our
brain	that	affect	both	our	appetite	and	our	mood.	So,	if	bad	bacteria	prevail	in
your	gastrointestinal	system	you	are	more	likely	to	feel	exhausted,	moody	and
Medical	research	have	also	confirmed	that		diet	rich	in	protein	and	fat	helps	the
pathogenic	Bacteroides	bacteria	grow,	while	a	diet	rich	in	carbohydrates	results
in	 a	 higher	 number	 of	 Prevotella	 bacteria,	 which	 primarily	 causes	 respiratory
infections.	It	all	boils	down	to	this:	if	you	feed	your	healthy	gut	bacteria	well,
your	digestive	system	will	function	much	better	and	it	will	stop	your	cravings	for
fattening	food,	but	will	instead	help	you	lose	your	belly	fat	much	more	easily
and	will	help	you	improve	your	overall	health.
When	it	comes	to	women,	the	flab	problem	is	more	prominent	because	of	the
female	 anatomy,	 too.	 Namely,	 the	 female	 digestive	 organs	 are	 squeezed
alongside	the	reproductive	organs	in	a	smaller	abdomen,	so	any	excess	of	gas	or
food	is	more	apparent	on	a	female	belly.	The	female	digestive	system	is	also
more	burdened	because	of	the	hormonal	shifts	during	menstruation,	pregnancy
and	menopause,	which	is	why	a	healthy	gut	may	be	even	more	important	for
Yet,	regardless	of	your	genetics,	gender,	exposure	to	stress	and	way	of	life,	all	of
which	 determine	 your	 gut	 flora,	 you	 can	 maintain	 and	 restore	 your	 healthy
microbiota	 by	 eating	 food	 that	 is	 good	 for	 your	 gastrointestinal	 system	 and
abandoning	some	unhealthy	practices,	which	will	be	considered	in	detail	in	the
next	chapter.
Chapter	2	–	What	To	Do	To	Have	a	Good	Gut?
This	chapter	will	give	you	eight	pieces	of	advice	about	what	to	do	or	not	to	do	to
have	a	healthy	gut	and	to	restore	you	gut	balance,	which	will	in	turn	help	you
lose	weight	and	boost	your	immune	system.
1.	Take	probiotics	and	prebiotics
Probiotics	are	a	species	of	good	bacteria	just	like	the	ones	that	you	already	have
in	your	gastrointestinal	tract.	This	is	why	their	consumption	aids	digestion	and
increases	the	number	of	good	gut	bacteria.
Prebiotics,	on	the	other	hand,	are	fiber	compounds	that	pass	through	the	upper
part	 of	 your	 gut	 undigested	 and	 stimulate	 the	 growth	 of	 the	 good	 gut
microorganisms.		Both	the	probiotics	and	the	prebiotics	are	found	in	food	and
are	a	powerful	combination	for	a	functional	and	healthy	gastrointestinal	system.
Probiotics	are	mostly	found	in	fermented	foods	of	all	kinds	and	in	cultured	dairy
or	 non-dairy	 products.	 Here	 is	 a	 detailed	 list	 of	 foods	 that	 contain	 the	 largest
quantity	 of	 probiotics	 that	 you	 should	 try	 to	 include	 in	 your	 daily	 menu:	 1.
Fermented	foods
Fermented	foods	are	known	to	strengthen	the	intestinal	cells,	reduce	the	risk	of
allergies	and	large	intestine	cancer	and	to	improve	the	immune	system.	As	they
are	rich	in	probiotics,	you	should	try	to	increase	your	everyday	consumption	of
either	purchased	or	homemade	fermented	foods.	You	can	choose	from	among
the	 wide	 array	 of	 fermented	 vegetables,	 such	 as	 sauerkraut,	 kimchi,	 pickled
carrots,	pickled	cauliflower,	pickled	peppers,	pickled	cucumber,	pickled	olives
and	 the	 like;	 fermented	 beans,	 such	 as	 green	 beans,	 lentils,	 chickpea;
fermented	 soybeans,	 such	 as	 miso,	 tempeh	 and	 natto;	 fermented	 beverages,
such	 as	 kefir	 and	 kombucha	 and	 fermented	 condiments,	 such	 as	 apple	 cider
vinegar,	white	or	red	wine	vinegar	and	soy	sauce.
2.	 Cultured	 dairy	 and	 non-dairy	 products	 The	 culture	 products	 contain	 active
and	 live	 cultures	 that	 help	 your	 good	 gut	 bacteria	 maintain	 the	 balance,	 keep
your	 digestive	 system	 functional	 and	 thus	 boost	 your	 metabolism,	 which	 will
help	 you	 lose	 weight.	 Cultured	 products	 are:	 yogurt,	 buttermilk,	 kefir,	 and
cheese,	 as	 well	 as	 yogurts	 and	 kefirs	 made	 from	 non0dairy	 products,	 such	 as
from	soy,	rice,	coconut,	and	the	like.	People	who	drink	a	lot	of	cultured	products
have	been	proven	to	lose	weight	more	easily.	This	is	why	if	you	feel	hungry	late
at	night	or	between	courses,	drink	a	glass	of	yogurt	or	kefir	and	you	will	both
feel	satiated	and	you	will	also	help	your	gut	flora	do	its	job	properly.		
Foods	that	are	rich	in	prebiotics	are	the	following:	1.	Almonds
Almonds	have	been	proven	to	be	a	great	prebiotic	as	they	stimulate	the	growth
of	the	healthy	gut	bacteria.	So	make	sure	you	eat	at	least	a	handful	of	almonds
three	or	four	times	a	week.
2.	Jerusalem	artichoke
Jerusalem	artichokes	are	rich	in	an	insoluble	fiber	called	inulin	that	travels	from
our	 small	 intestine	 to	 the	 large	 one,	 where	 it	 ferments	 and	 creates	 friendly
bacteria.	Other	ingredients	that	also	contain	high	levels	of	inulin	are	that	are	also
listed	in	this	good	gut	food	list	are	banana,	onion,	garlic,	asparagus	and	chicory.
3.	Bananas
Bananas	 maintain	 the	 gut	 harmony	 and	 reduce	 inflammation	 because	 they
contain	great	dosage	of	magnesium	and	potassium.	This	is	why	when	you	have	a
stomachache	you	are	often	advised	to	eat	a	banana.
4.	Leafy	green	vegetables	All	leafy	vegetables	such	as	broccoli,	leek,	spinach,
lettuce,	cauliflower,	and	cabbage	contain	an	ingredient	called	glucosinolates	that
the	 microorganism	 in	 our	 gut	 broke	 down	 into	 substances	 that	 suppress
inflammation	and	reduce	the	risk	of	gastrointestinal	cancer.
5.	Blueberries
Blueberries	are	rich	in	fiber,	antioxidants	and	Vitamin	K,	which	help	improve
your	immune	system	and	provide	a	diversity	of	the	healthy	gut	bacteria.
6.	Legumes
Legumes	are	known	to	produce	SCFA	or	short-chain	fatty	acids	and	are	rich	in
fiber,	 protein	 and	 Vitamins	 B	 that	 improve	 the	 absorption	 of	 nutrients	 and
strengthen	the	gut	tissue.	Legumes	are	also	confirmed	to	improve	weight	loss	as
they	make	you	feel	satiated.
7.	Onions
8.	Garlic
7.	Mushrooms
Mushrooms	have	been	found	to	alter	the	gut	microbiota	as	they	help	the	growth
of	 the	 "friendly"	 bacteria,	 while	 reducing	 the	 number	 of	 unhealthy	 and
pathogenic	bacteria.
8.	Whole	grains
All	whole	grains,	such	as	whole	wheat,	oats,	barley,	rye	and	brown	rice	are	full
of	fiber,	so,	once	they	reach	your	stomach,	they	act	as	prebiotics,	stimulating	the
growth	of	good	gut	bacteria	that	help	digestion.
9.	Asparagus
10.	Kiwi
Kiwi	is	known	for	its	ability	to	feed	the	good	gut	bacteria	because	of	the	fiber
that	it	contains,	which	is	used	as	prebiotic	food	for	the	probiotic	bacteria	in	the
gastrointestinal	 tract.	 The	 "fed"	 probiotic	 bacteria	 in	 turn	 fight	 the	 pathogenic
bacteria	and	convert	the	fiber	into	acids	that	the	gut	bacteria	use	together	with
their	human	host.
11.	Polenta
Polenta	 is	 rich	 in	 fiber	 that	 goes	 straight	 to	 your	 large	 intestine	 and	 ferments
there	into	a	variety	of	good	gut	bacteria.
12.	Chicory
Last,	but	not	least,	chicory	is	well	known	for	its	ability	to	eliminate	intestinal
parasites	thanks	to	its	volatile	oils,	which	is	why	it	is	one	of	the	top	prebiotics
that	you	should	include	in	your	diet	as	much	as	possible.
2.	Eat	fiber-rich	food
Research	has	shown	that	fiber-rich	food	stimulates	the	growth	of	the	good	gut
bacteria	and	reduces	the	risk	of	stomach	cancer.	This	is	why	you	should	include
in	your	daily	menu	foods	that	are	high	in	fiber,	such	as	whole	grains,	wheat	bran,
brown	rice,	oatmeal,	broccoli,	spinach,	cauliflower,	carrots,	beans,	apples,	pears
and	figs.	You	should	however	start	slowly	in	order	to	prevent	gas,	cramps	and
bloating	in	your	stomach	and	drink	a	lot	of	water	with	these	fiber-rich	foods.
After	a	while	you	can	start	eating	a	minimum	of	three	servings	of	whole-grain
food	per	day,	one	serving	consisting	of	a	slice	of	whole-wheat	bread	or	an	ounce
of	breakfast	cereals.
3.	Eat	antioxidant	food
Foods	rich	in	antioxidants	are	known	to	have	a	positive	effect	on	the	healthy
bacteria	 because	 they	 reduce	 the	 number	 of	 gut	 pathogens,	 while	 leaving	 the
good	bacteria	unharmed.	All	fruits	and	vegetables	are	known	to	have	antioxidant
properties.	They	are	also	rich	in	Vitamins	C	and	E,	folic	acid	and	carotene,	all	of
which	 are	 substances	 that	 help	 prevent	 stomach	 cancer.	 This	 is	 why	 it	 goes
without	 saying	 that	 you	 should	 include	 fresh	 fruits	 and	 vegetables	 in	 your
everyday	diet	for	a	good	gut	and	a	strong	immune	system.	You	should	also	drink
a	lot	of	cranberry	and	raspberry	juice	as	these	berries	have	been	confirmed	to
contain	substances	that	prevent	the	growth	of	pathogenic	gut	bacteria	and	thus
protect	you	from	intestinal	diseases.
4.	Use	soothing	spices
Certain	condiments	are	known	to	prevent	or	relieve	gas	and	bloating,	which	is
why	you	should	use	them	to	preserve	your	gut	balance.	These	are:	cinnamon,
cumin,	fennel,	ginger,	mint,	nutmeg,	cardamom	and	the	like.		For	example,	when
you	prepare	black	beans,	you	can	see	that	most	of	the	recipes	with	black	beans
include	cumin,	too,	as	it	helps	the	digestion	of	the	beans.
Ginger	and	cinnamon	are	known	to	have	the	effect	of	accelerating	the	digestive
process	and	helping	you	stomach	be	emptied	more	quickly.	So,	by	using	them
regularly	 in	 your	 cooking	 or	 by	 adding	 them	 in	 your	 beverages,	 you	 can	 say
goodbye	to	your	belly	fat	much	sooner.
Mint,	too,	is	known	to	help	relieve	gastrointestinal	disorders	as	it	relaxes	your
abdominal	muscles.	So,	drink	a	cup	of	mint	tea	or	add	mint	leaves	to	your	dishes
for	a	relaxed	and	happy	gut.
5.	Have	a	diverse	diet
Diversity	is	best	when	it	comes	to	resilience	because	the	more	good	bacteria	you
have	in	your	gut,	the	more	your	digestion	will	improve	and	you	stand	a	better
chance	of	fighting	infections	and	health	problems.	In	other	to	help	the	friendly
bacteria	in	your	stomach	thrive,	you	need	to	eat	a	diverse	diet.	You	will	thus
have	a	greater	variety	of	bacteria	in	your	gut	that	will	help	you	keep	your	perfect
weight,	reduce	your	body	mass	index	and	also	decrease	the	level	of	sugar	in	your
This	is	why	you	should	try	to	change	your	menu	every	day	and	eat	diverse,	but
healthy	foods,	in	particular	the	good	gut	food	listed	in	the	previous	three	items.
In	Chapter	3	you	will	find	recipes	that	use	the	aforementioned	good	gut	food
ingredients	to	make	a	healthy	and	delicious	breakfast,	lunch	or	dinner.
6.	Avoid	unhealthy	foods
Because	the	food	that	you	consume	defines	the	composition	of	your	gut	flora,
you	should	avoid	eating	unhealthy	foods,	such	as	carbohydrates,	animal	fat	and
protein	and	starchy	food.	This	is	because	sugary,	fatty	and	starchy	foods	usually
lack	fiber	and	are	therefore	ideal	for	the	bad	bacteria	to	thrive.	For	instance,	it
has	been	confirmed	that,	if	you	eat	red	meat	constantly,	the	levels	of	the	harmful
Bilophilia	bacteria,	which	is	known	to	cause	inflammation,	increase	in	your	gut.
This	is	why	you	should	limit	the	intake	of	red	meat	to	only	once	or	two	times	a
week	 (if	 you	 are	 an	 irremediable	 meat	 lover),	 while	 try	 to	 have	 white	 meat,
seafood	or	meat	alternatives	for	the	rest	of	the	week.
7.	Avoid	certain	types	of	medications
Avoid	excessive	use	of	antibiotics,	analgesics	(painkillers),	antipyretics	(fever-
reducing	 medications)	 and	 birth	 control	 pills	 as	 they	 are	 harmful	 to	 the	 gut
bacteria.	 This	 primarily	 refers	 to	 antibiotics	 because	 recent	 studies	 have
confirmed	that	they	lead	to	a	rapid	and	serious	loss	of	the	diversity	of	the	gut
flora	and	even	change	the	composition	of	the	gut,	thus	causing	imbalance	and
subsequent	intestinal	permeability	that	makes	you	more	susceptible	to	infections
and	diseases.
8.	Try	to	avoid	stress	as	much	as	possible
I	know	that	this	is	easier	said	than	done	especially	in	the	modern	world	when	we
are	simply	inundated	in	stress.	We	constantly	face	stress	either	at	work,	at	home,
at	 school,	 you	 name	 it!	 Yet	 stress	 is	 known	 to	 be	 the	 major	 cause	 of	 most
gastrointestinal	disorders,	such	as	ulcers,	heartburn	and	more	serious	intestinal
diseases,	because	it	weakens	the	intestine	cells,	while	helping	the	overgrowth	of
the	harmful	gut	microorganisms.
So,	although	it	is	very	difficult	to	avoid	stress	altogether,	try	to	manage	it	and
abate	 it	 as	 much	 as	 possible	 either	 through	 stress	 management	 techniques	 or
through	yoga	relaxation	techniques.	Your	gut	will	certainly	be	thankful!
Chapter	3	–	Good	Gut	Food	Recipes
In	the	previous	chapter	we	have	considered	the	list	of	good	gut	foods	that	you
can	 use	 for	 breakfast,	 lunch	 or	 dinner	 or	 that	 you	 can	 use	 as	 a	 healthy	 snack
(such	as	the	fruits	and	the	nuts	listed	as	the	best	good	gut	foods).	In	this	chapter,
we	will	offer	a	few	recipes	with	ingredients	that	contain	the	food	that	is	rich	in
probiotics	 and	 prebiotics	 and	 that	 is	 therefore	 useful	 for	 your	 whole
gastrointestinal	tract.
1.	Fermented	soybean	recipes
As	we	have	seen	in	the	chapters	above,	fermented	soybeans	are	one	of	the	key
sources	of	probiotics,	which	are	in	turn	very	useful	for	your	gut.
So	 here	 are	 a	 few	 recipes	 including	 fermented	 soybean,	 or	 more	 precisely
tempeh,	miso	and	natto,	which	will	give	a	delicious	umami	flavor	to	your	meals,
making	them	both	tasty	and	healthy.
2.	Fermented	vegetables	recipes
Sauerkraut	Quesadillas
Ingredients:	1	cup	of	sauerkraut
half	a	cup	of	water
2	burrito-size	tortillas
half	a	cup	of	grated	Cheddar	cheese	1	juicy	apple,	peeled	and	sliced	very	thinly
Instructions:	1.	Put	the	sauerkraut	and	the	water	into	a	pan	and	heat	them	until
the	liquid	evaporates.
2.	 Heat	 a	 pan	 over	 medium	 heat	 and	 put	 one	 tortilla	 in.	 Sprinkle	 half	 of	 the
grated	cheese	over	one	half	of	the	tortilla.	Then	place	the	apple	slices	over	the
cheese	and	put	half	of	the	sauerkraut	on	top	of	it.	Then	sprinkle	the	rest	of	the
3.	Fold	the	tortilla,	heat	it	for	a	couple	of	minutes	or	until	the	bottom	becomes
golden	and	then	flip	it	carefully	to	brown	it	on	the	other	side.
4.	When	both	quesadillas	are	ready,	cut	them	into	quarters	and	serve	them	as	an
3.	Fermented	beverages	recipes
Banana	Kefir	Smoothie
Ingredients:	2	bananas
2	cups	of	vanilla	kefir
1/	teaspoon	of	cinnamon
1/8	teaspoon	of	ground	nutmeg	1/8	teaspoon	of	allspice	a	dozen	ice	cubes
Instructions:	Mix	all	the	ingredients	in	a	blender	and	serve	immediately	to	enjoy
this	powerful	good	gut	smoothie.
4.	Culture	dairy	products	recipes
Fruit	Muesli
Ingredients:	half	a	cup	of	low-fat	yogurt	half	a	cup	of	fresh	blueberries	1/4	of	a
cup	of	sliced	apple	1/4	of	a	cup	of	sliced	banana	1/4	of	a	cup	of	unsweetened
muesli	2	teaspoons	of	honey
Instructions:	Mix	all	the	ingredients	together	in	a	bowl	and	enjoy	your	probiotics
breakfast	or	snack.
Yogurt	Crab	Cakes
For	the	crab	cakes:
1	cup	of	fat	free	yogurt
1/4	of	a	cup	of	chopped	onion	1/4	of	a	cup	chopped	celery	1/4	of	a	cup	chopped
red	bell	peppers	1/4	of	a	cup	chopped	parsley	1	tablespoon	of	freshly	squeezed
lemon	juice
2	tablespoons	of	egg	substitute
1	teaspoon	of	paprika
1	teaspoon	of	horseradish	1/2	teaspoon	of	dried	thyme	a	pinch	of	salt	
20	 unsalted	 and	 finely	 crushed	 crackers	 1	 pound	 of	 shelled	 crab	 meat	 2
teaspoons	of	olive	oil
For	the	salad:
1/4	cup	of	rice	vinegar
1	teaspoon	of	olive	oil	
1/2	 teaspoon	 of	 brown	 sugar	 1	 tablespoon	 of	 peanut	 butter	 1/4	 teaspoon	 of
1	clove	of	garlic
3	cups	of	salad	greens	
3	cups	of	watercress
Instructions:	 1.	 Put	 a	 colander	 into	 a	 bowl	 that	 is	 at	 least	 1/3	 larger	 than	 the
colander.	Line	the	colander	with	few	layers	of	cheesecloth	that	will	extend	over
the	 sides.	 Then	 put	 the	 yogurt	 in	 the	 colander	 and	 cover	 it	 will	 clean	 foil.
Refrigerate	for	12	hours	for	the	yogurt	cheese	to	be	formed	in	the	colander.
2.	To	make	the	crab	cakes,	mix	the	yogurt	cheese	and	all	the	other	crab	cakes
ingredients	 through	 the	 crackers.	 Add	 the	 crab	 meat	 and	 stir	 well.	 Shape	 12
equally-sized	patties.
3.	Heat	one	teaspoon	of	the	olive	oil	over	medium	heat	and	fry	the	patties	in	it,
about	three	minutes	on	both	sides.
4.	To	make	the	salad,	combine	the	ingredients	through	the	garlic.	Put	the	salad
greens	and	the	watercress	in	a	bowl.	Drizzle	them	with	the	vinaigrette.	Serve	by
arranging	first	the	salad	and	then	the	crab	cakes	on	top.
Cucumber-Yogurt	Salmon
Ingredients:	1/2	cup	of	yogurt
1/4	 cup	 of	 chopped	 and	 peeled	 cucumber	 2	 tablespoons	 of	 chopped	 fresh
coriander	1/2	teaspoon	of	freshly	squeezed	lime	juice	a	pinch	of	salt
2	teaspoons	of	olive	oil	4	skinned	salmon	fillets	1/2	teaspoon	of	salt
1/4	teaspoon	of	pepper
Instructions:	1.	Mix	the	first	five	ingredients	and	then	chill	them.
2.	 Heat	 oil	 in	 a	 pen	 over	 medium	 heat.	 Sprinkle	 the	 salmon	 fillets	 with	 1/2
teaspoon	of	salt	and	the	pepper.	Put	the	fillets	in	the	pan	and	fry	them	for	a	few
minutes	on	each	side.	Serve	the	fillets	with	the	cucumber-and-yogurt	dressing
and	with	steamed	rice.
Chickpea	Yogurt	Curry
Ingredients:	2	teaspoons	of	olive	oil
2	teaspoons	of	cumin	seeds
1	teaspoon	of	coriander	seeds	5	cardamom	pods
2	bay	leaves
2	cinnamon	sticks
1.5	cups	of	chopped	onion
2	tablespoons	of	minced	ginger	4	cloves	of	garlic
2	teaspoons	of	garam	masala	1	cup	of	water
1/2	cup	of	chopped	tomato
1/2	teaspoon	of	salt
2	cans	of	rinsed	and	drained	chickpeas	1	cup	of	plain	yogurt
1/2	 cup	 of	 chopped	 fresh	 coriander	 Instructions:	 1.	 Heat	 oil	 in	 a	 pan	 over
medium	heat.	Combine	the	first	four	ingredients,	through	the	cinnamon	sticks,
and	cook	them	for	about	40	seconds.
2.	Add	the	onion	and	cook	for	a	couple	of	minutes.
3.	 Add	 the	 ginger	 and	 the	 garlic	 and	 after	 30	 seconds	 or	 so	 add	 the	 garam
4.	Pour	the	water,	the	tomato,	the	salt	and	the	chickpeas	and	bring	to	a	simmer.
Cook	for	about	5	minutes.
5.	Remove	the	curry	from	the	heat	and	take	away	the	cinnamon	sticks	and	the
bay	leaves.
6.	Add	the	yogurt	and	the	coriander.
Fruity	Yogurt	Shake
1	cup	of	frozen	cherries
1	cup	of	plain	yogurt
1	cup	of	pomegranate	cherry	juice
1	can	of	drained	crushed	pineapple
1	banana
Combine	all	the	ingredients	in	a	blender	and	blend	until	they	become	smooth.
5.	Probiotics-rich	food	recipes
Garlic	and	Bay	Leaves	Jerusalem	Artichoke	
Ingredients:	500	gr	of	peeled	and	cut	Jerusalem	artichokes	olive	oil
2	cloves	of	garlic
2	bay	leaves
a	splash	of	white	wine	vinegar	a	pinch	of	salt
a	pinch	of	pepper
Instructions:	1.	Put	the	Jerusalem	artichokes	in	a	frying	pan	in	which	you	have
put	the	olive	oil	and	fry	them	over	medium	heat	until	they	turn	golden	on	both
2.	Add	the	garlic,	the	bay	leaves,	the	white	wine	vinegar,	the	salt	and	the	pepper.
Cover	and	leave	for	about	25	minutes	or	until	the	artichokes	have	softened.
3.	Remove	the	bay	leaves	and	continue	cooking	for	a	few	more	minutes	so	that
the	Jerusalem	artichokes	become	crisp.	Serve	immediately.
Sauteed	Garlic	Chicory	Salad
Ingredients:	5	liters	of	water
3	tablespoons	of	salt
2	chicory	heads	cut	into	50mm	pieces	60	ml	of	olive	oil
4	chopped	cloves	of	garlic
half	a	teaspoon	of	red-pepper	flakes	(you	can	use	hot	ones)	half	a	teaspoon	of
Instructions:	 1.	 Cook	 the	 washed	 chicory	 uncovered	 in	 the	 boiling	 salt	 water
made	with	the	5	liters	of	water	and	3	tablespoons	of	salt.	Stir	occasionally	and
cook	for	about	five	minutes	or	until	the	chicory	tenders.
2.	Drain	the	chicory	and	dry	pot	it.
3.	In	a	pan,	heat	oil	over	medium	heat,	add	the	garlic	and	the	red-pepper	flakes
and	fry	for	about	one	minute	or	until	the	garlic	becomes	golden.
4.	Add	the	chicory	to	the	garlic	mixture	and	cook	for	about	five	minutes	or	until
the	liquid	evaporates.
5.	Add	the	half	teaspoon	of	salt	and	stir	well.	Serve	immediately.
After	 reading	 this	 book,	 you	 will	 realize	 how	 important	 our	 gastrointestinal
system	is	for	our	whole	body	and	our	overall	health.
First	 of	 all,	 it	 controls	 our	 immune	 system	 and	 thus	 protects	 us	 from	 various
infections	and	diseases,	particularly	autoimmune	diseases.	Second,	it	sees	to	the
proper	functioning	of	our	digestive	system,	thus	speeding	up	our	metabolism	and
resulting	in	us	losing	weight	or	maintaining	our	ideal	weight.
This	is	why	you	should	take	good	care	of	it	by	consuming	the	foods	that	have
been	listed	in	this	book	as	beneficial	and	ideal	for	a	good	gut,	while	avoiding
unhealthy	dishes	and	abandoning	some	bad	practices	that	disrupt	the	balance	of
bacteria	in	your	gut.
Just	bear	in	mind	that	the	bad	bacteria	make	you	crave	bad	and	unhealthy	food,
while	the	good	bacteria	thrive	on	healthy	food.	This	is	why	you	should	stick	to
the	healthy	food	rich	in	probiotics	and	prebiotics,	as	well	as	to	the	food	that	is
rich	in	active	cultures.
The	final	chapter	of	this	book	has	therefore	given	you	recipes	for	delicious	meals
that	are	also	good	for	your	gastrointestinal	system	as	they	are	a	combination	of	a
number	 of	 the	 listed	 good	 gut	 foods	 ingredients	 that	 you	 can	 use	 to	 both
diversify	your	everyday	menu	and	to	keep	your	gut	healthy.	
If	you	follow	these	recommendations,	your	gut	will	be	extremely	grateful	and	it
will	thank	you	by	preserving	your	health,	helping	you	lose	weight	and	eventually
add	years	to	your	life.
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