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Going Resilient...
Building blocks of failure-tolerant systems
Anatole Tresch, Principal Consultant
Going Resilient…2 19.10.16
Complex Systems
Resilient Design
Resilience in Java
Going Resilient…3 19.10.16
Anatole Tresch
• Principal Consultant
• Star Spec Lead JSR 354 Money & Currency
• Technical Architect, Lead Engineer
• PPMC Member Apache Tamaya
• Twitter/Google+: @atsticks
Going Resilient…4 19.10.16
Going Resilient…5 19.10.16
“But it ain't how hard you hit; it's
about how hard you can get hit,
and keep moving forward. How
much you can take, and keep
moving forward. That's how
winning is done. “
Rocky Balboa
Resilience/Resiliency is ...
Resilience/Resiliency is ...
Going Resilient…6 19.10.16
1) the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being
bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity.
2) ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like;
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd.
Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Why should I care ?
Going Resilient…7 19.10.16
Going Resilient…8 19.10.16
Going Resilient…9 19.10.16
It‘s all about successful production!
Going Resilient…10 19.10.16
Going Resilient…11 19.10.16
Availability =
Given MTTF = Mean Time To Failure, and
MTTR = Mean Time To Recovery
How can availability maximized ?
Going Resilient…12 19.10.16
Going Resilient…13 19.10.16
Availability =
Tradional Approach:
Maximize MTTF
This worked for a long time…
(a quick look at computing history...)
Going Resilient…14 19.10.16
We started relatively primitive...
Going Resilient…15 19.10.16
Going Resilient…16 19.10.16
We used mechanics...
Going Resilient…17 19.10.16
Going Resilient…18 19.10.16
And then electricity...
Going Resilient…19 19.10.16
Going Resilient…20 19.10.16
We started to connect machines...
Going Resilient…21 19.10.16
Going Resilient…22 19.10.16
Going Resilient…23 19.10.16
Going Resilient…24 19.10.16
We started with one single computer...
Going Resilient…25 19.10.16
Then we added more…
...and connected them...
Going Resilient…26 19.10.16
Number of computers increased...
Going Resilient…27 19.10.16
Going Resilient…28 6.09.16
But sometimes computers break...
Going Resilient…29 19.10.16
Going Resilient…30 6.09.16
... sometimes the break as many...
Going Resilient…31 19.10.16
Going Resilient…32 6.09.16
... sometimes you even dont know...
Going Resilient…33 19.10.16
Going Resilient…34 6.09.16
And on top of that ...
Going Resilient…35 19.10.16
...we virtualized machines...
Going Resilient…36 19.10.16
Going Resilient…37 6.09.16
...we added microservices, IoT, ...
Going Resilient…38 19.10.16
Going Resilient…39 6.09.16
...and connected all together...
Going Resilient…40 19.10.16
Going Resilient…41 19.10.16
Moving Targets !
Going Resilient…42 6.09.16
...did I forget to mention...
Going Resilient…43 19.10.16
Going Resilient…44 6.09.16
Going Resilient…45 19.10.16
Complex Systems
Almost every system is a
distributed system.
Going Resilient…46 6.09.16
Chas Emerick
Complex systems...
Going Resilient…47 19.10.16
«We can model and understand in isolation. But, when released into
competitive nominally regulated societies, their connections
proliferate, their interactions and interdependencies multiply, their
complexities mushroom. And we are caught short.»
Sidney Dekker
Do not try to avoid failures.
Embrace them!
Going Resilient…48 6.09.16
Going Resilient…49 6.09.16
Sounds easy ?
Going Resilient…50 6.09.16
Unfortunately it‘s not...
Going Resilient…51 6.09.16
Going Resilient…52 19.10.16
Resilient Design
Going Resilient…53 19.10.16
Availability =
Resilient Approach:
Minimize MTTR
Let‘s start with some basics...
Going Resilient…54 6.09.16
A command is a task is a ...
Going Resilient…55 19.10.16
Commands can be connected...
Going Resilient…56 19.10.16
Output | Input
So where „resilience“
must be added?
Going Resilient…57 19.10.16
Decouple communications
with events
Flow Control
Manage state
Asynchronous communications, the simple way...
Going Resilient…58 19.10.16
Now let‘s apply the model to distributed systems...
Going Resilient…59 6.09.16
Event-Driven communications
Going Resilient…60 19.10.16
Additional functionality needed...
Going Resilient…61 19.10.16
Input Output
Error Queue
Latency Control
Going Resilient…62 19.10.16
Bounded Queues
Fan out & quickest reply
Circuit Breakers and Fail Fast
Throttling, Semaphores
Degration of service level
Managing shared state: Quorums
Going Resilient…63 19.10.16
Ensure decision can be taken at any time
Even number of voters, num >= 3
Kernel Based Architecture
Going Resilient…64 19.10.16
Structure systems like onions in layers:
• State & failure
management in layers
• „Kernel“ holds and protects the
critical state
• Kernel is engaged always
through layers of protection
Rounding up...
Going Resilient…65 19.10.16
Resilient Systems in IT require
Asynchronous Communications
Idempotent, self-containing events
Location Transparency
Isolation & Recursive Restartability
Complete, unified Input and Output Validation
Common Error Handling and Monitoring
Minimal shared state, Redundancy
Going Resilient…66 19.10.16
We require decoupling
in time and space !
Going Resilient…67 19.10.16
Resilience in Java
Going Resilient…68 19.10.16
Resilience is a design task.
Later improvements mostly focus
on latency control.
Going Resilient…69 19.10.16
Example: Let‘s call a service...
Going Resilient…70 19.10.16
private AService service;
public void myMethod(String input){
     String result =;
     // do something with the result
   }catch(Exception e){
     throw new IllegalStateException(„Server error“, e);
Simple Example
Going Resilient…71 19.10.16
public void myMethod(Input input){
Future<String> resultFuture =
String result = resultFuture.get(4000L,
// do something with the result
}catch(Exception e){
throw new IllegalStateException(„Server error“, e);
Executor Example, using a timeout
Going Resilient…72 19.10.16
Going Resilient…73 19.10.16
Using Hystrix „standalone“...
Going Resilient…74 19.10.16
Hystrix – Basic Use
It wraps your
Adds resilient
Reactive use
Going Resilient…75 19.10.16
Hystrix – Fallback
Going Resilient…76 19.10.16
Hystrix – Fallback, cascading
Going Resilient…77 19.10.16
Hystrix – Timeout
public class TimeoutCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> {
private final Callable<String> task;
public TimeoutCommand(int millis, Callable<String> task) {
this.task = task
protected String run() throws Exception {
protected String getFallback() {
return "Resource timed out";
Going Resilient…78 19.10.16
Hystrix – Dashboard
Going Resilient…79 19.10.16
Using Hystrix with Spring Boot…
Going Resilient…80 19.10.16
Spring Boot with Hystrix – CircuitBreaker
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class)
public class StoreIntegration {
@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "defaultStores")
public Object getStores(Map<String, Object> parameters) {
//do stuff that might fail
public Object defaultStores(M
return "something useful";
Going Resilient…81 19.10.16
Using Akka…
Going Resilient…82 19.10.16
Akka – A simple Agent
public class HelloWorld extends UntypedActor {
public void preStart() {
final ActorRef greeter = getContext().actorOf(
Props.create(Greeter.class), "greeter");
greeter.tell(Greeter.Msg.GREET, getSelf());
public void onReceive(Object msg) {
if (msg == Greeter.Msg.DONE) {
// when the greeter is done, stop this actor and with it the application
} else {
Going Resilient…83 19.10.16
Akka – Supervision
Props.create(Greeter.class), "greeter");
Props supervisorProps = BackoffSupervisor.props(
Duration.create(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
Duration.create(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS),
0.2)); // adds 20% "noise" to
// vary the intervals slightly
supervisorProps, "echoSupervisor");
Going Resilient…84 19.10.16
Akka – Fault Tolerance
private static SupervisorStrategy strategy =
new OneForOneStrategy(10, Duration.create("1 minute"), DeciderBuilder.
match(ArithmeticException.class, e -> resume()).
match(NullPointerException.class, e -> restart()).
match(IllegalArgumentException.class, e -> stop()).
matchAny(o -> escalate()).build());
public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
return strategy;
Going Resilient…85 19.10.16
Going Resilient…86 19.10.16
Vertx – Circuit Breaker
CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx,
new CircuitBreakerOptions().setMaxFailures(5).setTimeout(2000));
breaker.<String>execute(future -> {
vertx.createHttpClient().getNow(8080, "localhost", "/", response -> {
if (response.statusCode() != 200) {"HTTP error");
} else {
.bodyHandler(buffer -> {
}).setHandler(ar -> {
// Do something with the result
Going Resilient…87 19.10.16
Going Resilient…88 19.10.16
Resilience Software Design
 a must!
 achievable
 well supported by frameworks such as Hystrix and Akka
 The patterns used used are ubiquious for all kind of distributed
 ...fits naturally with microservices
Going Resilient…89 19.10.16
Going Resilient…90 19.10.16
Going Resilient...
• Hystrix Wiki,
• Jonas Boner: Resilience is by design:
• R.Cook, J. Rasmussen: “Going solid”: a model of system dynamics and consequences for patient safety
• Reinette Biggs et al.: Applying Resilient Thinking: Toward Resilient Architectures
• Michael Mehaffy, Nikos A. Salingaros : 1 - Biology Lessons:
• Richard Cook : How complex systems fail
• George Candea, Amando Fox : Crash Only Software
• George Candea, Amando Fox : Turning the Crash-Only Pattern from a Slash-Hammer to a Scalpell
• Michael T. Nygard, Release It!,Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007
• Robert S. Hanmer, Patterns for Fault Tolerant Software, Wiley, 2007
• Andrew Tanenbaum, Marten van Steen, Distributed Systems – Principles and Paradigms, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2006
• Uwe Friedrichsen, Slideshare:
Going Resilient...
Anatole Tresch
Principal Consultant
Tel. +41 58 459 53 93
19.10.16 Going Resilient…91

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FIDO Alliance Osaka Seminar: The WebAuthn API and Discoverable Credentials.pdf
FIDO Alliance
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Product School
Dev Dives: Train smarter, not harder – active learning and UiPath LLMs for do...
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Mission to Decommission: Importance of Decommissioning Products to Increase E...
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