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God Fellowship
Prophetic Mentoring School 7
Releasing the Invisible World
Body, Soul and Spirit realities
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 1 -
Releasing the Invisible World
Body, Soul and Spirit Realities
I am excited to continue with the Prophetic Mentoring School in such a fashion where we can leave
something tangible over to the next generation. It is such a pleasure to know that our writings are
being shared across the world and available for free! We have placed great emphasis on character and
on bringing the reality of the heavens to earth within the dominion mandate of the Father. We are
going to discover some more manifestations of the Spirit within this school and we are exuberant
about every facet of what will be discussed. This is a great release that brings the JOY of the Lord… A
special dedication to my Ma Joan Greyling for the impartation in my life to live in this manner and for
releasing her mantle to me in the spirit. (She is part of the cloud of witnesses today)
This is exactly what we need to understand when we consider the things in the context of our life in
the world. There are many facets to life and all of this impacts us physically, mentally and spiritually.
Our own body speaks a language that can only be interpreted by our souls and can only be led correctly
through our spirit man. It’s a synergy of the three functioning in one and as one. This means that
everything is affected by and through each other within the confounds of an individual life. YOU THEN
When realities come to our soul, it comes from the spirit man and shapes the body accordingly. If your
spirit man is filled with death it will release the revelation of avenues of death. The soul comprehends
and interprets what the spirit releases as truth and communicates it to your body. This means your
body is continually affected by what you allow your spirit man to dictate to your soul, and your soul
manifests the exact image of the spirit in your body.
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he…
We are designed as spirit, soul and body. Our body is what binds us to everything that is natural. This
is why we live natural lives - lives that are within the borders of operation within the earth realm. So
the body sends messages to the soul. The soul is the ability to capacitate in thought process every bit
of information it is yielded to. The soul is the arena of your mind and intellect or thought pattern. The
soul interprets the messages relayed by the body and believes what it receives. In the same manner,
the spirit in man – which is the heart, sends messages to the soul. This is why Paul said to the Galatians
church that the flesh and the spirit are in enmity against each other.
If your spirit is in agreement with your flesh you are spiritually dead towards God. But if your spirit
man wars against the lusts of the flesh it is in righteousness towards God, and such righteousness is in
conflict with the flesh. Your soul decides which voice to listen to. Will you listen to life and godliness
or will you listen to sin and death?
The soul is able to relay messages of life back to your body if your spirit is in charge of your lifestyle
and this being found in Christ. For in the midst of your spirit dwells the mind of God and the word of
God… this is the point where we have to come into the experience of David when he wrote and said,
My cup runs over. Our bodies are meant to be overtaken by our spirit man. Our spirit man is meant to
be taken over by Holy Spirit. Our souls are meant to receive revelation from the spirit within man and
to relay that message as truth to our mortal bodies, thus we shall be transformed by the renewing of
our minds.
Body = Natural man / flesh Soul = Mind / thought pattern Spirit = heart / image
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 2 -
Our saturation in our souls comes from 2 streams. It can either be controlled by the flesh or by the
spirit. The soul is the place where you are able to comprehend what is the good and acceptable will of
the Lord, for it interprets every message relayed. The soul is the place where you balance good and
evil. We were never meant to comprehend the works of the flesh because we were raised as spirit
men who are in communion with God.
So in the tree, we eat from the knowledge of good and evil; we eat from the knowledge which comes
from the flesh and the spirit. We interpret our relationship with God based on our receipt of
knowledge. If you have knowledge according to the world, your relationship will take on the process
of the flesh by which we touch, feel, smell, hear and see. When your relationship is based on the
impartation of the Spirit you will begin to interpret things pertaining to life and godliness – you move
from dependency of natural things to living through the beyond natural or spirit or supernatural.
Faith becomes the measure of life when your soul is fed by the spirit. The spirit receives from God and
releases such high and lofty knowledge to the soul – the soul, when it interprets faith cannot apply it
to the natural process of things, by which it cannot relay the functioning of the body by natural means
but by the supernatural; this is where you are healed through faith – when the soul cannot tell the
natural body what to do naturally. This means that your soul is infused with the realm of the spirit
man, and cannot but operate in the dimension of the spirit which is above what is natural to man.
Your stream you are feeding your soul with is the stream that your soul will interpret as the dominator
within yourself. The dominator thus can either bring you sin and death which is the confounds of the
flesh, or it can bring you life and godliness which is the internal working of righteousness through the
spirit. This is where we believe that praying in tongues brings to up to the most holy faith. When you
speak in the spirit, pray in the spirit, the soul receives the visions and dreams from the spirit that leads,
instructs, imparts, injects and reveals.
The soul is the deciding factor in all things as it weighs up the path of life within and produces fruit in
accordance to that which is released and revealed on the inside of you. Therefore we go through the
process of pruning, for the vine must produce fruit pleasing to Him and not dead works. We undertake
the process of change from operating in the kingdom of darkness which is the realm of the flesh,
towards the kingdom of light which is the realm of the spirit. And in our progression we become that
which we already are in the spirit within bodily form.
This is the essence of the revelation of life within itself, for the body is subject to all things whilst the
spirit is subject to God alone and not a reprobate mind. For a reprobate mind only has dominion
expressed through the flesh and are subject to the control of the natural man. The man of the spirit is
subject to God and has all things in subjection because it cannot be subject to anything else than God.
It is for this reason that the scripture says that sin is a separation between man and the glory or
manifestation of God. The spirit man thus releases the soul into such freedom from the influence of
the world.
The soul is where one contradicts him or herself. Paul said that I do those things which I ought not to
do. For even if your spirit man is enlightened, and your flesh is weak, you succumb to the manner of
the flesh if you are not re-trained to live in the constant of faith, which is after the manner of the Spirit.
Life will follow the stream of life within your total being, whether you draw your comprehension from
your flesh or from your spirit. This is most likely where God reckoned David to be a man after His own
heart, a man that follows after the Spirit and after the process of yielding himself to a great and Mighty
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 3 -
When one’s issues of life flows from the heart, it flows from the imprint of either the world or the
word. God said that He would remove from you the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.
He would remove from you the contents of the world and places within you the contents of the Spirit.
Transformation comes by the washing of the Word.
There is one thing in all of creation that causes a rock to erode… WATER.
When the living waters begin to flow you will in the same manner receive the cleansing for your soul.
For when you are transformed by the renewing of your mind through the washing of the Word, your
soul begins to accept the realities of the Spirit. Yet if you still continue to live under the mannerisms
of the world and go unchanged through life, you will end up with the reality of sin and death. Life
comes through the word, and the word is your life. When Christ who is your life appears, then you will
also appear with Him in glory.
So God removes the heart of stone by means of process from your life and through process places in
you a heart of flesh, a heart that can and will follow after His express will and plan. As your spirit is
translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light, so will your natural life be
translated out of the confounds of the world and into the confounds of the Word. So as your spirit
man goes through the exodus of the world, your soul re-appropriates itself and brings your natural
life into the promise of God.
The reality of your spirit man will begin to manifest in bodily form. The reality of everlasting life will
be believed and received by your spirit man, comprehended by your soul and released in full
manifestation within your life in bodily form. The reality of no longer living under the curse in your
spirit will bring freedom in your soul and will manifest blessing in your natural life. The outflow of the
Spirit is the transforming power of God that is available to you every moment of the day.
When the word says that John came in the spirit of Elijah, it did not mean that Elijah’s ghost was upon
him, but it merely meant that the same conviction for life through the Spirit of God was upon him and
in such manner of life he came and lived. When we live through the Spirit of Christ it means that we
live under the same conviction of life, as was with Jesus, towards God. We are the representation and
the outflow of the glory of God.
Our life through the Spirit yields in us the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, and people will
behold us in like manner. This is the reason why people are quick to point a finger at you the moment
when you fall or fail to do anything correctly for they do not understand the manner of process you
are following through in terms of your own personal life. People will be ready to ascribe any accusation
against you not understanding that they too will follow the same means of process in their own
personal lives.
In the realm of God, we are all on a path towards eternal life and we will through the process of God
reach that place of maturity in Christ or better said, the place of living out of the Spirit of God.
Perfection awaits us and the sooner we begin to learn the lessons and begin to yield ourselves, our
hearts, our motives, our thoughts and intents to God, the sooner we begin to live life through the
confounds of God through His Word and not out of the world and its nature.
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 4 -
Releasing the Invisible World
Internal Visions
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully
committed to him.
God is a visionary. Before you were born, God already knew you and ordained you. Before your days
were allotted to you it has already been recorded in a book according to David. This means that God
had an internal vision and that vision became plain, it was written down and now your life is in
existence in the earth. You are the apple of God’s eye. You are the vision of God in the earth that has
been pre-ordained before the foundations of the world to be in Christ Jesus for good works.
In like manner, we are a pattern of God in the earth who has called something that is not as if it is. We
have a capacity on the inside of us to internalize exactly who and what we are called to be and to in
the same manner follow thereafter. Our life’s vision brings us into the place where we want to be by
any means possible or necessary. We will take the knocks of life to bring into flourishing that which
was instilled in us from the very beginning.
Our interpretations of the will of God for our lives comes through our spiritual dimension that is
established through the washing of the word; and we in like manner bring this internal capacity which
we perceive to be true, forth with much conviction and grace. Our life cries out in the manner of life
we take on, and it will cry out towards fulfilment of that which is seen on the inside of us. The true
passion of who we are will be established within the borders of our faith, for it is so once we believe
it to be.
We call with a resounding into the atmosphere of our lives towards the manner of life we will live. By
nature you call out to your dominator in your life. So your flesh will call into existence the world and
your spirit will call into existence the word. These two will always be in enmity with each other for the
plan of the anti-christ is to abolish the plan of God in the earth. And if your interpretation of life is anti-
christ (against Christ), you will by no means fulfil the intent of God for your life in the earth, and such
alike said of the spirit, that if you live Christ you will by all means fulfil everything you were created
for in the earth.
So the eyes of the Lord is the vision of God and the vision of God is searching for like minded
visionaries, those who will do all the things pertaining to life and godliness, those who will set their
hearts, their spirit man upon the affection of the Most High God. The eyes of the Lord, the vision of
God is searching to strengthen, to undergird, to support the vision of the heart or the vision of the
spirit man who is fully committed to Him.
You will fulfil your destiny in God! You will qualify yourself to align your heart, your thoughts, your
intents towards the Lord and towards the spoken Word. You are the fulfilment of the vision of God
and you are fulfilling every part of the confounds of your life and purpose. You are walking in the
eternal plan and purpose of God. There is nothing that can stop what you are about to do, there is
nothing that can stop what you are about to become for everything in your life flows out of the issues
of the heart which is rightly set upon the Lord.
Your life is a vision in fulfilment! Your destiny is not waiting for you… your destiny is the now that you
are living in, and if you have your interpretation correctly aligned after the manner of the Spirit you
will by all means have the support, the assistance, the strength and the wisdom of God for everything
you are about to have, be and do! God supports YOU!
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 5 -
In the understanding that our spirit man receives the word of God and relays it to our conscious mind,
we have to be mindful of the fact that it is such everlasting words that is a revelation of the mystery
of the ages. We are that manifestation of the word God speaks to us and it is interpreted by our soul
for natural manifestation. The mystery concerning your life is what will protrude forth at the entrance
of Light. For the entrance of the word brings light, it brings revelation; it brings the mystery (what is
in the hidden place, in the shadow) into light, into exposure.
That means that what you were created for will be exposed in your natural life. The life that you are
meant to live will develop in your understanding as you receive more of the word of God in your life.
For in you resides the image of the invisible Godhead and through you the expression of this infallible
word of God is released and revealed. Your life no longer functions in the parameters of the natural
man that is earthly and sensual and demonic, but your life functions in the full capacity of the Word.
You are a living, breathing and abiding word of God in the earth. You are the full manifestation of the
mystery of the ages, the gospel, being made manifest as a son towards the imprint of creation to bring
forth the fullness of time wherever you go and whatever you do. The express image of Christ is the
life you now live in the flesh. Your flesh has come under the domination of the Spirit for you have
received life and godliness and have in like manner appropriated it to your life and all things that are
natural to you becomes supernatural.
You begin to flow out of the inner recesses of your spirit man for Jesus said that it would be as living
waters flowing forth from your innermost being. The mystery is that you are a manifestation of the
exact representation of Christ in the earth and the visible body of Christ. The mystery is that you are
now the full manifestation of the living and the abiding word of God in the earth. This means that your
earthly man has to conform to the image of the Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing. For He
gives you His Spirit without measure.
Oh what a mystery this is, that our lives thus has become good news to the poor, healing to the blind
and lame, freedom of oppression and liberty to the captives! Our lives is the proclamation that the
acceptable year of the Lord has come and that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Shall we then not with
such great a mystery willingly lay down our natural lives to live in and through the Spirit of God, for in
Him we live and move and have our being.
The creation is in earnest expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. The matter of your
revelation comes by the transforming of your mind through the washing of the Word. The Word needs
to wash your conscious mind from thoughts towards the standard and inkling of the world, to being
led by Holy Spirit. Creation is looking to see who will begin to look like the Christ of God in the earth.
Creation is waiting to see a revealing, a revelation of a son of God, creation wants to see the life pattern
of Jesus manifested in and through us.
The mystery we have to come to acknowledge is that it is already a completed work. We already are
such as He is, and even so, be able to do greater than He, for we are the ever increasing manifestation
of brethren who is the dwelling place where God lives in by His Spirit. We are a house of splendour, a
New Jerusalem, Mount Zion, The City of God. How then will we hide our light and not be exposed to
the world as the solution, for blessed are the feet of those who brings good news!
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 6 -
Interpretations of Visions
We are the apple of God’s eye…
In praying in the spirit then lies the fountains of life. These fountains of life has a manner of bringing
you up to the most holy faith because of the vision which comes from the realm of God within. This is
the great mysteries that is unveiled within the heart of a man, for in such mysteries is the instruction
towards the vision for your life and that of others. Correctly interpreted, it would mean that as you
progress towards the fulfilment of the inner mans vision, the mystery around the man and those
affected by him is released and revealed.
Visions have the ability to make things sensible in order to allow a hope and a future. Visions brings
about clarity within the season of your life and what is ahead of you. It is at the point of receiving
vision that you receive a prophetic word of the Lord and so speak it forth. For it is when you release
the inner dimensions of what your life has encompassed that it begins to manifest within the borders
of your life.
The spirit within a man is the lamp of the Lord… and it is through bringing light that the countenance
will change. It is when truth is revealed in the inward parts that real life begins, for there then exists a
hope and a future. The life within that has been kept behind a veil of a passing glory is unveiled in the
revelation of Christ. So when Christ is revealed or shown forth you begin to catch a glimpse of what
life is meant to be.
God unveils the mystery from within each and every person who comes to Christ. He begins to show
you through the process of thought in your heart what your life will migrate towards. The greatest
mystery is the mystery of the gospel, the good news… the news that you are free, healed, delivered
and accepted. It is visions of hope, visions of peace, visions of love and of joy. Righteousness, peace
and joy in the Holy Ghost, that is the kingdom of God!
When you begin to apply personal vision from God it will excel you into the person you are meant to
be, for the heart begins to communicate this hope of glory to the soul. The soul is like a sponge that
will draw everything out and make it plain and begin to engrave it within the borders of your life. You
become the visual recreation of the inner man of mystery, for you are revealed by the Spirit of God
who searches the deep things of God and reveals it unto us.
When we begin to see the inward man within the context of God, the vision of God begins to carry
such a revelation of His mystery within the heart of man. He becomes the propitiation of our lives for
He is the eternal vision within the heart of man, knowing in fullness everything in our lives. And His
eyes are readily running to and fro the face of our lives – the earth, to strengthen the spirit man who
is completely committed and devoted to Him.
This is the great mystery, that He loved us first and we are accepted in full within Christ!
So everything about your life will draw from the heart of God the very express images / vision God has
for your life. He have rightly said, “I know the plans I have for you…” These plans is interpreted through
every vision received of Glory and in such the mystery around our lives will become plain and in full
sight. We begin to live out the very extent of the expression of God in the earth. We are like a canvas
being painted with reflections of Glory – We shine as Christ in the world!
Every path taken should be taken in the knowledge of God within us. Every breathing moment should
be an inhaling and ex-haling of the very glory of God… For we are a mystery of the Lord revealed in
grace and truth… An ever increasing light and an ever tasteful salt, filled with the glory as of the Only
Begotten of the Father. We are the mystery of God in the earth!
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 7 -
Releasing the Invisible World
Established in the Ages
God is ageless. You have heard me saying before that God resides in eternity. That simply means that
He has the power to move beyond time, and what has been established in eternity is realised within
the concept we call ages, communicated through dreams that is an establishment or an
accomplishment manifested throughout the Ages.
Jacob had an ageless dream that established the tabernacle to temple to church over more than 4000
years. One dream of one man is still functioning in the earth today. This is all due to the fact that God
is able to transcend throughout time and knows the end from the beginning. Everything about your
life is established with a point of maturity, a point of fully experiencing everything you are meant to
experience in life… this is the reason why you dream dreams to the scale of every part of your life. You
dream about everything in your natural life, whether at night when you sleep or during the day, it is
all the same… it is an ancient pathway that is revealed and a desire that is released on the inside of
This indicates that your life is established in the ages.
In the foreknowledge then that God established a truth in the ages it simply means that your personal
life carried the ability to establish something that is timeless. You have an ability on the inside of you
to cast a shadow over the ages by which man will be changed. You are a person of calibre that can
reform a city and nation not just in your own generation, but in the generations to come. The depth
of what is on the inside of you must be expressed.
This is the reason why dreams are important, because it carries the DNA of what the face of creation
will turn to from here unto eternity. The whole creation is in earnest expectation for the revealing of
the sons of God. The revelation of your destiny comes through living a dream that is instilled within
your heart. YOUR DREAM MATTERS TO GOD! Your dream carries the exact representation creation
will observe in times to come.
We need to allow Holy Spirit to express in our lives the dreams of God. Let us be willing to encounter
God with all of our consciousness that He may be able to produce in us the mind of Christ wherewith
value and worth can be received from the vehicle of our lives. Your name must reverberate through
the ages. Your legacy must be lived out and your pathway embraced as it is the truth of God in effect.
We need to condition our hearts to a place of being able to live out the thought pattern of God in the
earth, but how can we know if we do not allow ourselves to dream the dreams of God? Man has placed
more value on their own personal hopes, dreams and plans; they have abolished the work of God in
the earth. Mans quest to gratify their flesh has led them to self seeking desires that are earthly, sensual
and demonic. Because we have not encountered God in the previous generation, this one we are living
in has become more perverse than those who have gone before.
What is your legacy that you will carry over into the next generation?
Will your name be amongst the perverse or the holy of God?
What reformation will you deliver to a generation and those to follow?
Dream the dreams of God! Establish something that will resound throughout the ages! You are a
person of the countless ages to come and your fruitful bearing will yield the harvest of your seeds that
you sow.
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 8 -
Fruitful bearing
Beneath the substance of your earthly nature lay a seed that is yet to germinate into the planting of
the Lord, that in you may produce a tree of life which in this age and ages to come will be that fruitful
bearing you were meant to be. Great grace is the portion of the indwelling that is in your heart, for
the life you once lived is no more, but the life you intend to live comes forth. It is rightly said that
unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it abides alone, but if it dies it will bring forth much
Dreams sometimes have a manner of dying first before it seems to come into the light of day. Unless
there is a struggle; unless there is some difficulty in bringing forth that which resides on the inside of
you, it shall by no means have the tenacity to withstand the raging storms of life nor the tempest
raging of the issues of life. For in your unseen state your roots run deep to establish in you the manner
of substance and stability wherewith you will be able to stand in the day of testing.
The Produce of your life therefore is what is released and revealed on the inside of you, for the mystery
in you is a treasure like that which lay in an earthen vessel, like unto an alabaster box waiting to be
broken to anoint Jesus with the fragrance of your life. It is with this in mind that Solomon said awake
oh north wind and come oh south, blow upon my garden that its spices may flow out. There is a
fragrance in and about your life that will come forth as a resounding in your atmosphere when that
which is inside you comes forth as a visible manifestation of such grace which abides on the inside of
The eternal substance of godliness and life on the inside of you will produce fruit beyond the curse.
The curse keeps you bound to the natural manner of doing things and it is always in contradiction of
your life that you are meant to live. Unless there is a hope and a dream your life will by no means be
the fruitful planting of the Lord. The curse will keep you in the cycle of doing things which is pleasing
to man, but the Lord will keep you in a cycle of bearing fruit daily, by every means possible.
Everything about your life begins to migrate towards the produce of the Lord. You will experience a
constant progression in your servant hood whilst waking towards the God instilled dream you have.
Your personal atmosphere begins to carry the glory; your relationships will begin to carry the grace;
your dealings begins to carry the favour; your material wealth begins to show forth His providence.
Life is so much more when you follow the ancient path on the inside of you, for it is the truth of God
As Holy Spirit searches out the deep things of God and reveals it unto you, it will transform the manner
of life you live for this word that comes from the spirit man, breathed by God the Father, aligns your
life to follow thereafter. Thus the reality of the heavens is revealed and released through the dream
you dream, the vision you have… yea, the life you live!
Paul said that he press towards the mark of the prize of the UPWARD call of God in Christ Jesus. Your
dreams will always be the message that your life should and can and will migrate towards an upward
manifestation. You will progress in life regardless of the natural circumstances. The natural is
temporal. What comes forth on the inside of you is eternal, and when God begins to shake your life it
will by no means be the temporal that will stand but only that which is eternal.
So we press toward the fulfilment of this dream on the inside of us. Laid up in this race we are running
is a crown of righteousness. Your dreams will bring forth the fruits of one who is in right standing with
God and man. At this point we are well able to infuse the natural domain with the eternal and manifest
the reality of the heavens on the earth. We then express the very image of what God has ordained on
the inside of us – Christ in me, the hope and manifestation of Glory!
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 9 -
Raising the standards
The pursuit of a Godly dream often tends to elevate the level or capacity of thinking. If your dream
cannot create a reformation it only but relates to the natural man and the sphere that the natural man
operates in, but if your dream challenges the order of the day it will be infused with a heavenly agenda
and calling to perform an extra ordinary work or a work that is beyond the natural … it is the super
natural work of God.
Dreams should not appease the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes nor the pride of life. Dreams
should be the heart of God in the earth, for His heart alone revealed will manifest the compassion for
miracles. So many good works were started in the earth with good intentions; BUT God wants to
breathe His life into the earth, and that is higher than man and the image of man. The church must
move beyond the pattern of man and the ways of the world; the church must manifest the true pattern
The full manifestation of an eternal dream of God settles into the ages and promotes a legacy of life.
So in the shaking it is found that those dreams laid up in the heavenlies will remain and will stand in
the day of testing. If a dream of Jacob manifested through revelation the church of God, how much
more will we not manifest the eternal glory which comes from God. We raise a standard of eternity in
the earth. We raise a standard of the kingdom of God in the earth! We raise a standard of Life and
Godliness! Eternity dawns on the face of the earth because we are walking in the realms of God!
It’s time to go beyond the limitations and the confounds of the flesh. It’s time to bring to nothing the
temporal which have brought us to struggles and difficulties. We are beyond the comprehension of
that which governs the body of death, we are the life and existence of God in the earth through Christ
Jesus. We are a manifested son of God in the earth who not only dreams God, but who instils dreams
of God in all of creation.
This is the reason why every dispensation carries a different aspect of the heart of God and why God
chooses to visit a nation and a generation. In South Africa we have a new breed of a generation who
are tapping into eternity more than ever. And we need not to let this hunger and thirst stay here, for
unto some it is produce of seed and unto others it is produce of harvest. Lift up your eyes and see the
harvest is ready!
Dreams are pioneering work, for before it is seen with the natural eye it has already become a heart
reality. The soul comprehends the eternal truth and manifests the reality of such truth before us. For
in our personhood we carry out the full extent of the dream of God in the earth and every action
carried forth is the true manifestation of what was seen and heard in the Holy Place of God, which is
your heart. As you thus relay the heart of God in the earth by establishing that which was from of old
you are but only translating the eternal plan and purposes of God in the earth with such accuracy and
a capacity that changes the landscape of what could not be fathomed in the mind of man that the
glory should be unto God and not unto men.
Once more He will shake the heavens and the earth and only that which is eternal will stand. And if
your dream in the day of testing fails to produce the Glory of God, if it fails to rend the heavens and
manifest the express Glory of God, it merely relates to the natural and will go un noticed in the trend
of the world. But if it stands and if the Glory of God is revealed, the luminance of God will protrude
forth through every darkness and excel the work of God in you.
Choose to build on dreams that last the test of time. It is dreams of God. It is an opening of the
heavens. It is a release of eternity in the earth at the resounding of your vow towards God. Gen 28
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 10 -
Releasing the Invisible World
Relaying the word
Having a foreknowledge then that the word was before all things, we can safely say that the release
of the Word is a privilege and a responsibility. It is this very word that is released that is the breath of
heaven, for all thing were created by the word and for the word. Every step is ordained by Him and
for Him. We speak by Him and for Him!
And this word, which is the oracles of God, that protrudes forth from our lips of clay begins the process
of establishing the exact image of the Christ of God in the earth. For God, who resides on the inside of
us, by whom we speak and for whom we speak, calls those things which be not as if it is. And this is
the great mystery of the gospel, that God is still speaking, and He is still speaking clearly, and He is
speaking clearly through you and me today.
Because God is speaking, our interpretations may be natural, but God speaks eternal and His word are
above our natural. His word had the power to shape from within and have a outflow that changes
perspectives, it changes bodies, it changes lives. When the eternity of God begins to speak the natural
we live in is infused with the super natural and our existence is stirred into what is from above. This is
the manifestation of heaven on earth.
It can come by not other means than the spoken word! Peter said that this spoken word is the more
sure word of prophecy and if we intent to represent the exact plan and purpose of God in the earth it
will come by no others means than the Word of God. Unless the breath, which is the word of God,
protrudes forth from your lips of clay, it will by no means establish the eternal work of God in the
God has so intended that when we begin to relay His word that the demonstration of the spoken word
would begin to follow. This is why you can only but see what God is doing when you begin to utter
what He says. We become blind to the things of God because there is no word on our lips. We lose
sight of what God is doing because we do not speak it. The most powerful outflow of God comes when
we begin to speak what He speaks.
Any geographical region will come under the authority of God when there is a resounding. Any home
will come under the authority of God when there is a resounding. Any life will come under the
authority of God when there is a resounding… So why are you silent? Why are we yet silenced when
the true nature of God can manifest by us just speaking exactly what He says?
We are stewards of this word. God has given us the authority to speak and release this word. And if
we refrain to speak it forth, it will become like a fire burning in our hearts. It can trigger a flame on the
inside of us that can either build us or destroy us, for we have a responsibility. This word will be shut
up in our bones, and if we try to hold it back we cannot, for THIS WORD OF GOD has the authority to
change a man from refusing God to prophesying his eternal word until the end of days. Ask Jeremiah
about that. 
How will a community capture the image of heaven unless someone is there to speak it forth? How
will a nation capture the image of God unless someone is there to speak it forth? How will any
individual capture the image of God unless YOU go and tell it to them exactly like God says it is?
Releasing the word has become the responsibility of the children. For the children speaks what the
Father speaks, and they plan to do what he envisioned. As each one carries the image of who God is,
so we ought to speak and release what He says for the full manifestation of God in the earth. This is
how we translate the eternity of God and manifest the blueprint of heaven in the earth.
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 11 -
Manifested Mysteries
As a child you are reared in a certain way. And when you are older those attributes begins to come
forth and it carries the necessary value that gets added to others in the course of your lifetime. In the
same way God has reared you in a certain way in the kingdom that when you are of age that you would
begin to manifest the exact representation of who He is. This is a great mystery as we are yet to
discover each other in the full capacity that God has reared us.
We are a mystery all together, for God has placed these treasures in earthen vessels and the full
representation of who God is on the inside of us is discovered during the course of our life. Every day
then becomes a challenge, a challenge not to just survive, but a challenge to become who we truly
are. In our manifestation we become the answer to that the environment around us need. Our life is
made to fit into a specific mandate from heaven. This is why you have a diversity of people across the
earth who fits in on every possible level there is in order to impact the earth at their specific level.
There is a grace of God that comes on every person to be able to transform the reality of any location
and the spiritual sphere you would find yourself in. So it does not matter where you find yourself on
any random day, it is right there that you have been fashioned for to create the difference, yea, to
make a change, for in you lies the reform of heaven, and you must manifest its fullness in the right
here and now.
Don’t ever think that your live is not purposeful when God has placed you in the exact place you need
to be! For the area of influence resounds the name of those who takes authority over a territory.
People will always refer to you as the person who did this or that. This is the reason why Paul said that
we are as open letters to the world, they read what is in plain sight, and if the authority of God is
manifested through your members, which is your body, which is every facet of your life, then surely
the transform that you will bring is above what is natural to the people under the influence of the
heaven you release. You manifest the unseen realm by the way you live and appropriate your life in
the given sphere of your domain.
You need to arise as a king in this kingdom and fit yourself in on the level of a kings domain in order
for others to recognise the reverberation of the heavens you release. People will relate to you on the
level of where they last were and remember you on, but you have been ever increasing in the capacity
of Christ in you that your transform must lift up those you come into contact with. Your life is to reflect
something that they have not seen the last time they saw you. You must grow in glory, you must grow
in grace, you must grow in honour.
You are the exact representation of the Christ of God in the earth, therefore, as the body of Christ,
you visibly manifest who Christ really is in you in this world. This is the reason why you are crowned
with majesty, honour, splendour, power, authority, dominion, strength and praise. This is why you are
a royal priesthood and a holy nation, a peculiar people, a kingdom of priests, a prophet, priest and
king, a son of the Most High God.
And when people consider the confounds of your life, it is only correct for them to reason with
themselves and consider their ways, for now your ways have become higher than their ways, and your
thoughts have become higher than their thoughts. You speak a word and it is established and your
words does not return to you void but it accomplishes that which you sent it forth to do. You bring
heaven out of the unseen into the seen – you create a natural heaven on the face of the earth, which
is your life and your domain.
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 12 -
A natural heaven
Oh that You would rend the heavens and come down…
Oh that You would tear open the heavens and infuse the lower parts…
Oh that You would reveal heavens glory and change the landscape of our lives…
We need to always be at a position of wanting the revelation of heaven in any time, place and space.
Only when the reality of the heavens settle in, will we see the reform that it brings on the face of the
earth. Our lives is to transcend exactly what we realise on the inside of us, it needs to change our
minds towards greater faith in God, and it needs to create in us the inward realities outwardly so that
what is so natural on the inside of us can become what in naturally supernatural, a life higher than
what we were.
The only way we can achieve a stronghold in our communities, in our homes and in our lives is to
create a natural heaven, a free flow of the Holy Ghost through constant communication and
integration of the realities which He speaks forth on the inside of us. Our lives has to become the
imprint of God in the earth, letters written by His hand, and sealed by His Spirit. Lives that is lived on
the seat of Christ, where we rule with authority which comes from Christ, under His anointing and by
His Spirit.
If God so much then resides on the inside of us, everything that is true to His nature must become our
manifestation, and everything that is alive and active in His domain MUST become our manifestation.
The perfection which is in God’s domain in the same perfection in our domain, for the prophet prayed
that God would tear open the heavens and come down. The moment Jesus said, “It is finished!”, was
the moment our very lives were brought into the cry of the prophet, that God would open the heavens,
and that His glory would come down. Jesus became the full manifestation of the Glory that came
Then Jesus prayed and said to Father that the same Glory you have given me, I now give to them. So
the same manner of earth moving, nation changing, community raising, life transforming power is
now with them that is in Me and in those who will believe their word… MY GOD! You do not just carry
a life in the earth that is here today and tomorrow forgotten. You carry a life and a name that brings
the heavens into the earth in its full splendour and majesty, with all authority and power, dominion
and strength.
Your life is the full manifestation of Christ, because it is no longer you that live, but Christ lives in you,
and Christ is seated in power on the throne at the right hand of Almighty God. Your life is the
atmosphere and full revelation of heaven on the face of the earth. So when you pray, after I ascended,
this is how you pray… Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven… And we need
to realise that we are the prayers of the saints, living the effect of the kingdom and the will of God.
Our lives are the visible manifestation of the domain of God, Christ in us, the hope of glory. And at our
word, people who believe will come into the same level and capacity of function. Here is a great truth…
When one person by nature figures out how something works on one side of the world, the same
truth hits another person on the other side of the world by instinct of nature, for the truth changes
the capacity of the human race completely, and before long everybody by instinct begin to know how
it works.
When we begin to create a natural heaven, this same revelation will hit other parts of the world and
you will see that more and more people will begin to say and do the same things that you and I are
doing today. No one in the domain of the King will live anything lower than this revelation you have
received today. This is what we all will do as from today! Living lives infused from heaven and shaping
the landscape of the earth! I am a natural heaven… LOVE YOU! GOD BLESS!
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016
A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 13 -
About God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School
The heart of the Father must be seen through the walk and life of His own, and this is the heart of God
Fellowship. The mission is therefore to raise a prophetic people in the earth that would hear,
understand and live in the Heart of God.
Maturity comes with time and so does seasoned prophetic people; it is therefore the aim of this
mentoring school to walk with prophetic people, and over a period of time bring them into maturity
of character.
God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School was founded in 2007.
The founder and Ministry Director, being Clinton Lesley Adams, have responded to the call of God in
1996 and have been in the ministry for almost two decades. Clinton has seen God’s power in signs,
wonders and miracles, leading many to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Clinton Lesley Adams is an apostolic father, conference speaker, motivator, itinerant minister, author,
teacher, poet and counsellor in the body of Christ whom lived as a prophet after receiving the call of
God. Clinton has given himself wholly in response to God’s call on his life.
This ministry is itinerant and Clinton is available for local ministry upon invitation.
Contact Details may be found below.
Clinton believes in Anointed, Appointed, Honest, True and Open relationships. This is a good ministry
to be a part of! If you feel led to partner with this ministry in any way, please feel free to sow your
financial seed into Prophets Edge Ministries or contact us on the details provided below:
Bank Details:
Prophets Edge
Capitec Bank
Acc no. 1450853984
Branch Code: 470010
We LOVE & Bless you!
Clinton Lesley Adams
Tel: 072 723 8907
Skype: clinton_heart
Facebook: /

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  • 1. God Fellowship Prophetic Mentoring School 7 Releasing the Invisible World Content: Body, Soul and Spirit realities Visions Dreams Translations CLINTON LESLEY ADAMS
  • 2. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 1 - Releasing the Invisible World Body, Soul and Spirit Realities Body I am excited to continue with the Prophetic Mentoring School in such a fashion where we can leave something tangible over to the next generation. It is such a pleasure to know that our writings are being shared across the world and available for free! We have placed great emphasis on character and on bringing the reality of the heavens to earth within the dominion mandate of the Father. We are going to discover some more manifestations of the Spirit within this school and we are exuberant about every facet of what will be discussed. This is a great release that brings the JOY of the Lord… A special dedication to my Ma Joan Greyling for the impartation in my life to live in this manner and for releasing her mantle to me in the spirit. (She is part of the cloud of witnesses today) This is exactly what we need to understand when we consider the things in the context of our life in the world. There are many facets to life and all of this impacts us physically, mentally and spiritually. Our own body speaks a language that can only be interpreted by our souls and can only be led correctly through our spirit man. It’s a synergy of the three functioning in one and as one. This means that everything is affected by and through each other within the confounds of an individual life. YOU THEN HAVE TO MAKE SENSE TO YOURSELF! When realities come to our soul, it comes from the spirit man and shapes the body accordingly. If your spirit man is filled with death it will release the revelation of avenues of death. The soul comprehends and interprets what the spirit releases as truth and communicates it to your body. This means your body is continually affected by what you allow your spirit man to dictate to your soul, and your soul manifests the exact image of the spirit in your body. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he… We are designed as spirit, soul and body. Our body is what binds us to everything that is natural. This is why we live natural lives - lives that are within the borders of operation within the earth realm. So the body sends messages to the soul. The soul is the ability to capacitate in thought process every bit of information it is yielded to. The soul is the arena of your mind and intellect or thought pattern. The soul interprets the messages relayed by the body and believes what it receives. In the same manner, the spirit in man – which is the heart, sends messages to the soul. This is why Paul said to the Galatians church that the flesh and the spirit are in enmity against each other. If your spirit is in agreement with your flesh you are spiritually dead towards God. But if your spirit man wars against the lusts of the flesh it is in righteousness towards God, and such righteousness is in conflict with the flesh. Your soul decides which voice to listen to. Will you listen to life and godliness or will you listen to sin and death? The soul is able to relay messages of life back to your body if your spirit is in charge of your lifestyle and this being found in Christ. For in the midst of your spirit dwells the mind of God and the word of God… this is the point where we have to come into the experience of David when he wrote and said, My cup runs over. Our bodies are meant to be overtaken by our spirit man. Our spirit man is meant to be taken over by Holy Spirit. Our souls are meant to receive revelation from the spirit within man and to relay that message as truth to our mortal bodies, thus we shall be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Body = Natural man / flesh Soul = Mind / thought pattern Spirit = heart / image
  • 3. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 2 - Soul Our saturation in our souls comes from 2 streams. It can either be controlled by the flesh or by the spirit. The soul is the place where you are able to comprehend what is the good and acceptable will of the Lord, for it interprets every message relayed. The soul is the place where you balance good and evil. We were never meant to comprehend the works of the flesh because we were raised as spirit men who are in communion with God. So in the tree, we eat from the knowledge of good and evil; we eat from the knowledge which comes from the flesh and the spirit. We interpret our relationship with God based on our receipt of knowledge. If you have knowledge according to the world, your relationship will take on the process of the flesh by which we touch, feel, smell, hear and see. When your relationship is based on the impartation of the Spirit you will begin to interpret things pertaining to life and godliness – you move from dependency of natural things to living through the beyond natural or spirit or supernatural. Faith becomes the measure of life when your soul is fed by the spirit. The spirit receives from God and releases such high and lofty knowledge to the soul – the soul, when it interprets faith cannot apply it to the natural process of things, by which it cannot relay the functioning of the body by natural means but by the supernatural; this is where you are healed through faith – when the soul cannot tell the natural body what to do naturally. This means that your soul is infused with the realm of the spirit man, and cannot but operate in the dimension of the spirit which is above what is natural to man. Your stream you are feeding your soul with is the stream that your soul will interpret as the dominator within yourself. The dominator thus can either bring you sin and death which is the confounds of the flesh, or it can bring you life and godliness which is the internal working of righteousness through the spirit. This is where we believe that praying in tongues brings to up to the most holy faith. When you speak in the spirit, pray in the spirit, the soul receives the visions and dreams from the spirit that leads, instructs, imparts, injects and reveals. The soul is the deciding factor in all things as it weighs up the path of life within and produces fruit in accordance to that which is released and revealed on the inside of you. Therefore we go through the process of pruning, for the vine must produce fruit pleasing to Him and not dead works. We undertake the process of change from operating in the kingdom of darkness which is the realm of the flesh, towards the kingdom of light which is the realm of the spirit. And in our progression we become that which we already are in the spirit within bodily form. This is the essence of the revelation of life within itself, for the body is subject to all things whilst the spirit is subject to God alone and not a reprobate mind. For a reprobate mind only has dominion expressed through the flesh and are subject to the control of the natural man. The man of the spirit is subject to God and has all things in subjection because it cannot be subject to anything else than God. It is for this reason that the scripture says that sin is a separation between man and the glory or manifestation of God. The spirit man thus releases the soul into such freedom from the influence of the world. The soul is where one contradicts him or herself. Paul said that I do those things which I ought not to do. For even if your spirit man is enlightened, and your flesh is weak, you succumb to the manner of the flesh if you are not re-trained to live in the constant of faith, which is after the manner of the Spirit. Life will follow the stream of life within your total being, whether you draw your comprehension from your flesh or from your spirit. This is most likely where God reckoned David to be a man after His own heart, a man that follows after the Spirit and after the process of yielding himself to a great and Mighty God.
  • 4. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 3 - Spirit When one’s issues of life flows from the heart, it flows from the imprint of either the world or the word. God said that He would remove from you the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. He would remove from you the contents of the world and places within you the contents of the Spirit. Transformation comes by the washing of the Word. There is one thing in all of creation that causes a rock to erode… WATER. When the living waters begin to flow you will in the same manner receive the cleansing for your soul. For when you are transformed by the renewing of your mind through the washing of the Word, your soul begins to accept the realities of the Spirit. Yet if you still continue to live under the mannerisms of the world and go unchanged through life, you will end up with the reality of sin and death. Life comes through the word, and the word is your life. When Christ who is your life appears, then you will also appear with Him in glory. So God removes the heart of stone by means of process from your life and through process places in you a heart of flesh, a heart that can and will follow after His express will and plan. As your spirit is translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light, so will your natural life be translated out of the confounds of the world and into the confounds of the Word. So as your spirit man goes through the exodus of the world, your soul re-appropriates itself and brings your natural life into the promise of God. The reality of your spirit man will begin to manifest in bodily form. The reality of everlasting life will be believed and received by your spirit man, comprehended by your soul and released in full manifestation within your life in bodily form. The reality of no longer living under the curse in your spirit will bring freedom in your soul and will manifest blessing in your natural life. The outflow of the Spirit is the transforming power of God that is available to you every moment of the day. When the word says that John came in the spirit of Elijah, it did not mean that Elijah’s ghost was upon him, but it merely meant that the same conviction for life through the Spirit of God was upon him and in such manner of life he came and lived. When we live through the Spirit of Christ it means that we live under the same conviction of life, as was with Jesus, towards God. We are the representation and the outflow of the glory of God. Our life through the Spirit yields in us the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, and people will behold us in like manner. This is the reason why people are quick to point a finger at you the moment when you fall or fail to do anything correctly for they do not understand the manner of process you are following through in terms of your own personal life. People will be ready to ascribe any accusation against you not understanding that they too will follow the same means of process in their own personal lives. In the realm of God, we are all on a path towards eternal life and we will through the process of God reach that place of maturity in Christ or better said, the place of living out of the Spirit of God. Perfection awaits us and the sooner we begin to learn the lessons and begin to yield ourselves, our hearts, our motives, our thoughts and intents to God, the sooner we begin to live life through the confounds of God through His Word and not out of the world and its nature.
  • 5. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 4 - Releasing the Invisible World Visions Internal Visions For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. God is a visionary. Before you were born, God already knew you and ordained you. Before your days were allotted to you it has already been recorded in a book according to David. This means that God had an internal vision and that vision became plain, it was written down and now your life is in existence in the earth. You are the apple of God’s eye. You are the vision of God in the earth that has been pre-ordained before the foundations of the world to be in Christ Jesus for good works. In like manner, we are a pattern of God in the earth who has called something that is not as if it is. We have a capacity on the inside of us to internalize exactly who and what we are called to be and to in the same manner follow thereafter. Our life’s vision brings us into the place where we want to be by any means possible or necessary. We will take the knocks of life to bring into flourishing that which was instilled in us from the very beginning. Our interpretations of the will of God for our lives comes through our spiritual dimension that is established through the washing of the word; and we in like manner bring this internal capacity which we perceive to be true, forth with much conviction and grace. Our life cries out in the manner of life we take on, and it will cry out towards fulfilment of that which is seen on the inside of us. The true passion of who we are will be established within the borders of our faith, for it is so once we believe it to be. We call with a resounding into the atmosphere of our lives towards the manner of life we will live. By nature you call out to your dominator in your life. So your flesh will call into existence the world and your spirit will call into existence the word. These two will always be in enmity with each other for the plan of the anti-christ is to abolish the plan of God in the earth. And if your interpretation of life is anti- christ (against Christ), you will by no means fulfil the intent of God for your life in the earth, and such alike said of the spirit, that if you live Christ you will by all means fulfil everything you were created for in the earth. So the eyes of the Lord is the vision of God and the vision of God is searching for like minded visionaries, those who will do all the things pertaining to life and godliness, those who will set their hearts, their spirit man upon the affection of the Most High God. The eyes of the Lord, the vision of God is searching to strengthen, to undergird, to support the vision of the heart or the vision of the spirit man who is fully committed to Him. You will fulfil your destiny in God! You will qualify yourself to align your heart, your thoughts, your intents towards the Lord and towards the spoken Word. You are the fulfilment of the vision of God and you are fulfilling every part of the confounds of your life and purpose. You are walking in the eternal plan and purpose of God. There is nothing that can stop what you are about to do, there is nothing that can stop what you are about to become for everything in your life flows out of the issues of the heart which is rightly set upon the Lord. Your life is a vision in fulfilment! Your destiny is not waiting for you… your destiny is the now that you are living in, and if you have your interpretation correctly aligned after the manner of the Spirit you will by all means have the support, the assistance, the strength and the wisdom of God for everything you are about to have, be and do! God supports YOU!
  • 6. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 5 - Visions Mysteries In the understanding that our spirit man receives the word of God and relays it to our conscious mind, we have to be mindful of the fact that it is such everlasting words that is a revelation of the mystery of the ages. We are that manifestation of the word God speaks to us and it is interpreted by our soul for natural manifestation. The mystery concerning your life is what will protrude forth at the entrance of Light. For the entrance of the word brings light, it brings revelation; it brings the mystery (what is in the hidden place, in the shadow) into light, into exposure. That means that what you were created for will be exposed in your natural life. The life that you are meant to live will develop in your understanding as you receive more of the word of God in your life. For in you resides the image of the invisible Godhead and through you the expression of this infallible word of God is released and revealed. Your life no longer functions in the parameters of the natural man that is earthly and sensual and demonic, but your life functions in the full capacity of the Word. You are a living, breathing and abiding word of God in the earth. You are the full manifestation of the mystery of the ages, the gospel, being made manifest as a son towards the imprint of creation to bring forth the fullness of time wherever you go and whatever you do. The express image of Christ is the life you now live in the flesh. Your flesh has come under the domination of the Spirit for you have received life and godliness and have in like manner appropriated it to your life and all things that are natural to you becomes supernatural. You begin to flow out of the inner recesses of your spirit man for Jesus said that it would be as living waters flowing forth from your innermost being. The mystery is that you are a manifestation of the exact representation of Christ in the earth and the visible body of Christ. The mystery is that you are now the full manifestation of the living and the abiding word of God in the earth. This means that your earthly man has to conform to the image of the Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing. For He gives you His Spirit without measure. Oh what a mystery this is, that our lives thus has become good news to the poor, healing to the blind and lame, freedom of oppression and liberty to the captives! Our lives is the proclamation that the acceptable year of the Lord has come and that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Shall we then not with such great a mystery willingly lay down our natural lives to live in and through the Spirit of God, for in Him we live and move and have our being. The creation is in earnest expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. The matter of your revelation comes by the transforming of your mind through the washing of the Word. The Word needs to wash your conscious mind from thoughts towards the standard and inkling of the world, to being led by Holy Spirit. Creation is looking to see who will begin to look like the Christ of God in the earth. Creation is waiting to see a revealing, a revelation of a son of God, creation wants to see the life pattern of Jesus manifested in and through us. The mystery we have to come to acknowledge is that it is already a completed work. We already are such as He is, and even so, be able to do greater than He, for we are the ever increasing manifestation of brethren who is the dwelling place where God lives in by His Spirit. We are a house of splendour, a New Jerusalem, Mount Zion, The City of God. How then will we hide our light and not be exposed to the world as the solution, for blessed are the feet of those who brings good news!
  • 7. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 6 - Visions Interpretations of Visions We are the apple of God’s eye… In praying in the spirit then lies the fountains of life. These fountains of life has a manner of bringing you up to the most holy faith because of the vision which comes from the realm of God within. This is the great mysteries that is unveiled within the heart of a man, for in such mysteries is the instruction towards the vision for your life and that of others. Correctly interpreted, it would mean that as you progress towards the fulfilment of the inner mans vision, the mystery around the man and those affected by him is released and revealed. Visions have the ability to make things sensible in order to allow a hope and a future. Visions brings about clarity within the season of your life and what is ahead of you. It is at the point of receiving vision that you receive a prophetic word of the Lord and so speak it forth. For it is when you release the inner dimensions of what your life has encompassed that it begins to manifest within the borders of your life. The spirit within a man is the lamp of the Lord… and it is through bringing light that the countenance will change. It is when truth is revealed in the inward parts that real life begins, for there then exists a hope and a future. The life within that has been kept behind a veil of a passing glory is unveiled in the revelation of Christ. So when Christ is revealed or shown forth you begin to catch a glimpse of what life is meant to be. God unveils the mystery from within each and every person who comes to Christ. He begins to show you through the process of thought in your heart what your life will migrate towards. The greatest mystery is the mystery of the gospel, the good news… the news that you are free, healed, delivered and accepted. It is visions of hope, visions of peace, visions of love and of joy. Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, that is the kingdom of God! When you begin to apply personal vision from God it will excel you into the person you are meant to be, for the heart begins to communicate this hope of glory to the soul. The soul is like a sponge that will draw everything out and make it plain and begin to engrave it within the borders of your life. You become the visual recreation of the inner man of mystery, for you are revealed by the Spirit of God who searches the deep things of God and reveals it unto us. When we begin to see the inward man within the context of God, the vision of God begins to carry such a revelation of His mystery within the heart of man. He becomes the propitiation of our lives for He is the eternal vision within the heart of man, knowing in fullness everything in our lives. And His eyes are readily running to and fro the face of our lives – the earth, to strengthen the spirit man who is completely committed and devoted to Him. This is the great mystery, that He loved us first and we are accepted in full within Christ! So everything about your life will draw from the heart of God the very express images / vision God has for your life. He have rightly said, “I know the plans I have for you…” These plans is interpreted through every vision received of Glory and in such the mystery around our lives will become plain and in full sight. We begin to live out the very extent of the expression of God in the earth. We are like a canvas being painted with reflections of Glory – We shine as Christ in the world! Every path taken should be taken in the knowledge of God within us. Every breathing moment should be an inhaling and ex-haling of the very glory of God… For we are a mystery of the Lord revealed in grace and truth… An ever increasing light and an ever tasteful salt, filled with the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father. We are the mystery of God in the earth!
  • 8. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 7 - Releasing the Invisible World Dreams Established in the Ages God is ageless. You have heard me saying before that God resides in eternity. That simply means that He has the power to move beyond time, and what has been established in eternity is realised within the concept we call ages, communicated through dreams that is an establishment or an accomplishment manifested throughout the Ages. Jacob had an ageless dream that established the tabernacle to temple to church over more than 4000 years. One dream of one man is still functioning in the earth today. This is all due to the fact that God is able to transcend throughout time and knows the end from the beginning. Everything about your life is established with a point of maturity, a point of fully experiencing everything you are meant to experience in life… this is the reason why you dream dreams to the scale of every part of your life. You dream about everything in your natural life, whether at night when you sleep or during the day, it is all the same… it is an ancient pathway that is revealed and a desire that is released on the inside of you. This indicates that your life is established in the ages. In the foreknowledge then that God established a truth in the ages it simply means that your personal life carried the ability to establish something that is timeless. You have an ability on the inside of you to cast a shadow over the ages by which man will be changed. You are a person of calibre that can reform a city and nation not just in your own generation, but in the generations to come. The depth of what is on the inside of you must be expressed. This is the reason why dreams are important, because it carries the DNA of what the face of creation will turn to from here unto eternity. The whole creation is in earnest expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. The revelation of your destiny comes through living a dream that is instilled within your heart. YOUR DREAM MATTERS TO GOD! Your dream carries the exact representation creation will observe in times to come. We need to allow Holy Spirit to express in our lives the dreams of God. Let us be willing to encounter God with all of our consciousness that He may be able to produce in us the mind of Christ wherewith value and worth can be received from the vehicle of our lives. Your name must reverberate through the ages. Your legacy must be lived out and your pathway embraced as it is the truth of God in effect. We need to condition our hearts to a place of being able to live out the thought pattern of God in the earth, but how can we know if we do not allow ourselves to dream the dreams of God? Man has placed more value on their own personal hopes, dreams and plans; they have abolished the work of God in the earth. Mans quest to gratify their flesh has led them to self seeking desires that are earthly, sensual and demonic. Because we have not encountered God in the previous generation, this one we are living in has become more perverse than those who have gone before. What is your legacy that you will carry over into the next generation? Will your name be amongst the perverse or the holy of God? What reformation will you deliver to a generation and those to follow? Dream the dreams of God! Establish something that will resound throughout the ages! You are a person of the countless ages to come and your fruitful bearing will yield the harvest of your seeds that you sow.
  • 9. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 8 - Dreams Fruitful bearing Beneath the substance of your earthly nature lay a seed that is yet to germinate into the planting of the Lord, that in you may produce a tree of life which in this age and ages to come will be that fruitful bearing you were meant to be. Great grace is the portion of the indwelling that is in your heart, for the life you once lived is no more, but the life you intend to live comes forth. It is rightly said that unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it abides alone, but if it dies it will bring forth much fruit. Dreams sometimes have a manner of dying first before it seems to come into the light of day. Unless there is a struggle; unless there is some difficulty in bringing forth that which resides on the inside of you, it shall by no means have the tenacity to withstand the raging storms of life nor the tempest raging of the issues of life. For in your unseen state your roots run deep to establish in you the manner of substance and stability wherewith you will be able to stand in the day of testing. The Produce of your life therefore is what is released and revealed on the inside of you, for the mystery in you is a treasure like that which lay in an earthen vessel, like unto an alabaster box waiting to be broken to anoint Jesus with the fragrance of your life. It is with this in mind that Solomon said awake oh north wind and come oh south, blow upon my garden that its spices may flow out. There is a fragrance in and about your life that will come forth as a resounding in your atmosphere when that which is inside you comes forth as a visible manifestation of such grace which abides on the inside of you. The eternal substance of godliness and life on the inside of you will produce fruit beyond the curse. The curse keeps you bound to the natural manner of doing things and it is always in contradiction of your life that you are meant to live. Unless there is a hope and a dream your life will by no means be the fruitful planting of the Lord. The curse will keep you in the cycle of doing things which is pleasing to man, but the Lord will keep you in a cycle of bearing fruit daily, by every means possible. Everything about your life begins to migrate towards the produce of the Lord. You will experience a constant progression in your servant hood whilst waking towards the God instilled dream you have. Your personal atmosphere begins to carry the glory; your relationships will begin to carry the grace; your dealings begins to carry the favour; your material wealth begins to show forth His providence. Life is so much more when you follow the ancient path on the inside of you, for it is the truth of God revealed. As Holy Spirit searches out the deep things of God and reveals it unto you, it will transform the manner of life you live for this word that comes from the spirit man, breathed by God the Father, aligns your life to follow thereafter. Thus the reality of the heavens is revealed and released through the dream you dream, the vision you have… yea, the life you live! Paul said that he press towards the mark of the prize of the UPWARD call of God in Christ Jesus. Your dreams will always be the message that your life should and can and will migrate towards an upward manifestation. You will progress in life regardless of the natural circumstances. The natural is temporal. What comes forth on the inside of you is eternal, and when God begins to shake your life it will by no means be the temporal that will stand but only that which is eternal. So we press toward the fulfilment of this dream on the inside of us. Laid up in this race we are running is a crown of righteousness. Your dreams will bring forth the fruits of one who is in right standing with God and man. At this point we are well able to infuse the natural domain with the eternal and manifest the reality of the heavens on the earth. We then express the very image of what God has ordained on the inside of us – Christ in me, the hope and manifestation of Glory!
  • 10. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 9 - Dreams Raising the standards The pursuit of a Godly dream often tends to elevate the level or capacity of thinking. If your dream cannot create a reformation it only but relates to the natural man and the sphere that the natural man operates in, but if your dream challenges the order of the day it will be infused with a heavenly agenda and calling to perform an extra ordinary work or a work that is beyond the natural … it is the super natural work of God. Dreams should not appease the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes nor the pride of life. Dreams should be the heart of God in the earth, for His heart alone revealed will manifest the compassion for miracles. So many good works were started in the earth with good intentions; BUT God wants to breathe His life into the earth, and that is higher than man and the image of man. The church must move beyond the pattern of man and the ways of the world; the church must manifest the true pattern of heaven… ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! The full manifestation of an eternal dream of God settles into the ages and promotes a legacy of life. So in the shaking it is found that those dreams laid up in the heavenlies will remain and will stand in the day of testing. If a dream of Jacob manifested through revelation the church of God, how much more will we not manifest the eternal glory which comes from God. We raise a standard of eternity in the earth. We raise a standard of the kingdom of God in the earth! We raise a standard of Life and Godliness! Eternity dawns on the face of the earth because we are walking in the realms of God! It’s time to go beyond the limitations and the confounds of the flesh. It’s time to bring to nothing the temporal which have brought us to struggles and difficulties. We are beyond the comprehension of that which governs the body of death, we are the life and existence of God in the earth through Christ Jesus. We are a manifested son of God in the earth who not only dreams God, but who instils dreams of God in all of creation. This is the reason why every dispensation carries a different aspect of the heart of God and why God chooses to visit a nation and a generation. In South Africa we have a new breed of a generation who are tapping into eternity more than ever. And we need not to let this hunger and thirst stay here, for unto some it is produce of seed and unto others it is produce of harvest. Lift up your eyes and see the harvest is ready! Dreams are pioneering work, for before it is seen with the natural eye it has already become a heart reality. The soul comprehends the eternal truth and manifests the reality of such truth before us. For in our personhood we carry out the full extent of the dream of God in the earth and every action carried forth is the true manifestation of what was seen and heard in the Holy Place of God, which is your heart. As you thus relay the heart of God in the earth by establishing that which was from of old you are but only translating the eternal plan and purposes of God in the earth with such accuracy and a capacity that changes the landscape of what could not be fathomed in the mind of man that the glory should be unto God and not unto men. Once more He will shake the heavens and the earth and only that which is eternal will stand. And if your dream in the day of testing fails to produce the Glory of God, if it fails to rend the heavens and manifest the express Glory of God, it merely relates to the natural and will go un noticed in the trend of the world. But if it stands and if the Glory of God is revealed, the luminance of God will protrude forth through every darkness and excel the work of God in you. Choose to build on dreams that last the test of time. It is dreams of God. It is an opening of the heavens. It is a release of eternity in the earth at the resounding of your vow towards God. Gen 28
  • 11. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 10 - Releasing the Invisible World Translations Relaying the word Having a foreknowledge then that the word was before all things, we can safely say that the release of the Word is a privilege and a responsibility. It is this very word that is released that is the breath of heaven, for all thing were created by the word and for the word. Every step is ordained by Him and for Him. We speak by Him and for Him! And this word, which is the oracles of God, that protrudes forth from our lips of clay begins the process of establishing the exact image of the Christ of God in the earth. For God, who resides on the inside of us, by whom we speak and for whom we speak, calls those things which be not as if it is. And this is the great mystery of the gospel, that God is still speaking, and He is still speaking clearly, and He is speaking clearly through you and me today. Because God is speaking, our interpretations may be natural, but God speaks eternal and His word are above our natural. His word had the power to shape from within and have a outflow that changes perspectives, it changes bodies, it changes lives. When the eternity of God begins to speak the natural we live in is infused with the super natural and our existence is stirred into what is from above. This is the manifestation of heaven on earth. It can come by not other means than the spoken word! Peter said that this spoken word is the more sure word of prophecy and if we intent to represent the exact plan and purpose of God in the earth it will come by no others means than the Word of God. Unless the breath, which is the word of God, protrudes forth from your lips of clay, it will by no means establish the eternal work of God in the earth. God has so intended that when we begin to relay His word that the demonstration of the spoken word would begin to follow. This is why you can only but see what God is doing when you begin to utter what He says. We become blind to the things of God because there is no word on our lips. We lose sight of what God is doing because we do not speak it. The most powerful outflow of God comes when we begin to speak what He speaks. Any geographical region will come under the authority of God when there is a resounding. Any home will come under the authority of God when there is a resounding. Any life will come under the authority of God when there is a resounding… So why are you silent? Why are we yet silenced when the true nature of God can manifest by us just speaking exactly what He says? We are stewards of this word. God has given us the authority to speak and release this word. And if we refrain to speak it forth, it will become like a fire burning in our hearts. It can trigger a flame on the inside of us that can either build us or destroy us, for we have a responsibility. This word will be shut up in our bones, and if we try to hold it back we cannot, for THIS WORD OF GOD has the authority to change a man from refusing God to prophesying his eternal word until the end of days. Ask Jeremiah about that.  How will a community capture the image of heaven unless someone is there to speak it forth? How will a nation capture the image of God unless someone is there to speak it forth? How will any individual capture the image of God unless YOU go and tell it to them exactly like God says it is? Releasing the word has become the responsibility of the children. For the children speaks what the Father speaks, and they plan to do what he envisioned. As each one carries the image of who God is, so we ought to speak and release what He says for the full manifestation of God in the earth. This is how we translate the eternity of God and manifest the blueprint of heaven in the earth.
  • 12. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 11 - Translations Manifested Mysteries As a child you are reared in a certain way. And when you are older those attributes begins to come forth and it carries the necessary value that gets added to others in the course of your lifetime. In the same way God has reared you in a certain way in the kingdom that when you are of age that you would begin to manifest the exact representation of who He is. This is a great mystery as we are yet to discover each other in the full capacity that God has reared us. We are a mystery all together, for God has placed these treasures in earthen vessels and the full representation of who God is on the inside of us is discovered during the course of our life. Every day then becomes a challenge, a challenge not to just survive, but a challenge to become who we truly are. In our manifestation we become the answer to that the environment around us need. Our life is made to fit into a specific mandate from heaven. This is why you have a diversity of people across the earth who fits in on every possible level there is in order to impact the earth at their specific level. There is a grace of God that comes on every person to be able to transform the reality of any location and the spiritual sphere you would find yourself in. So it does not matter where you find yourself on any random day, it is right there that you have been fashioned for to create the difference, yea, to make a change, for in you lies the reform of heaven, and you must manifest its fullness in the right here and now. Don’t ever think that your live is not purposeful when God has placed you in the exact place you need to be! For the area of influence resounds the name of those who takes authority over a territory. People will always refer to you as the person who did this or that. This is the reason why Paul said that we are as open letters to the world, they read what is in plain sight, and if the authority of God is manifested through your members, which is your body, which is every facet of your life, then surely the transform that you will bring is above what is natural to the people under the influence of the heaven you release. You manifest the unseen realm by the way you live and appropriate your life in the given sphere of your domain. You need to arise as a king in this kingdom and fit yourself in on the level of a kings domain in order for others to recognise the reverberation of the heavens you release. People will relate to you on the level of where they last were and remember you on, but you have been ever increasing in the capacity of Christ in you that your transform must lift up those you come into contact with. Your life is to reflect something that they have not seen the last time they saw you. You must grow in glory, you must grow in grace, you must grow in honour. You are the exact representation of the Christ of God in the earth, therefore, as the body of Christ, you visibly manifest who Christ really is in you in this world. This is the reason why you are crowned with majesty, honour, splendour, power, authority, dominion, strength and praise. This is why you are a royal priesthood and a holy nation, a peculiar people, a kingdom of priests, a prophet, priest and king, a son of the Most High God. And when people consider the confounds of your life, it is only correct for them to reason with themselves and consider their ways, for now your ways have become higher than their ways, and your thoughts have become higher than their thoughts. You speak a word and it is established and your words does not return to you void but it accomplishes that which you sent it forth to do. You bring heaven out of the unseen into the seen – you create a natural heaven on the face of the earth, which is your life and your domain.
  • 13. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 12 - Translations A natural heaven Oh that You would rend the heavens and come down… Oh that You would tear open the heavens and infuse the lower parts… Oh that You would reveal heavens glory and change the landscape of our lives… We need to always be at a position of wanting the revelation of heaven in any time, place and space. Only when the reality of the heavens settle in, will we see the reform that it brings on the face of the earth. Our lives is to transcend exactly what we realise on the inside of us, it needs to change our minds towards greater faith in God, and it needs to create in us the inward realities outwardly so that what is so natural on the inside of us can become what in naturally supernatural, a life higher than what we were. The only way we can achieve a stronghold in our communities, in our homes and in our lives is to create a natural heaven, a free flow of the Holy Ghost through constant communication and integration of the realities which He speaks forth on the inside of us. Our lives has to become the imprint of God in the earth, letters written by His hand, and sealed by His Spirit. Lives that is lived on the seat of Christ, where we rule with authority which comes from Christ, under His anointing and by His Spirit. If God so much then resides on the inside of us, everything that is true to His nature must become our manifestation, and everything that is alive and active in His domain MUST become our manifestation. The perfection which is in God’s domain in the same perfection in our domain, for the prophet prayed that God would tear open the heavens and come down. The moment Jesus said, “It is finished!”, was the moment our very lives were brought into the cry of the prophet, that God would open the heavens, and that His glory would come down. Jesus became the full manifestation of the Glory that came down. Then Jesus prayed and said to Father that the same Glory you have given me, I now give to them. So the same manner of earth moving, nation changing, community raising, life transforming power is now with them that is in Me and in those who will believe their word… MY GOD! You do not just carry a life in the earth that is here today and tomorrow forgotten. You carry a life and a name that brings the heavens into the earth in its full splendour and majesty, with all authority and power, dominion and strength. Your life is the full manifestation of Christ, because it is no longer you that live, but Christ lives in you, and Christ is seated in power on the throne at the right hand of Almighty God. Your life is the atmosphere and full revelation of heaven on the face of the earth. So when you pray, after I ascended, this is how you pray… Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven… And we need to realise that we are the prayers of the saints, living the effect of the kingdom and the will of God. Our lives are the visible manifestation of the domain of God, Christ in us, the hope of glory. And at our word, people who believe will come into the same level and capacity of function. Here is a great truth… When one person by nature figures out how something works on one side of the world, the same truth hits another person on the other side of the world by instinct of nature, for the truth changes the capacity of the human race completely, and before long everybody by instinct begin to know how it works. When we begin to create a natural heaven, this same revelation will hit other parts of the world and you will see that more and more people will begin to say and do the same things that you and I are doing today. No one in the domain of the King will live anything lower than this revelation you have received today. This is what we all will do as from today! Living lives infused from heaven and shaping the landscape of the earth! I am a natural heaven… LOVE YOU! GOD BLESS!
  • 14. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School - Copyright © 2016 A Clinton Lesley Adams Publication | Tel: 0727238907 | E-mail: Page - 13 - About God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School Mission The heart of the Father must be seen through the walk and life of His own, and this is the heart of God Fellowship. The mission is therefore to raise a prophetic people in the earth that would hear, understand and live in the Heart of God. Vision Maturity comes with time and so does seasoned prophetic people; it is therefore the aim of this mentoring school to walk with prophetic people, and over a period of time bring them into maturity of character. God Fellowship – Prophetic Mentoring School was founded in 2007. The founder and Ministry Director, being Clinton Lesley Adams, have responded to the call of God in 1996 and have been in the ministry for almost two decades. Clinton has seen God’s power in signs, wonders and miracles, leading many to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Clinton Lesley Adams is an apostolic father, conference speaker, motivator, itinerant minister, author, teacher, poet and counsellor in the body of Christ whom lived as a prophet after receiving the call of God. Clinton has given himself wholly in response to God’s call on his life. This ministry is itinerant and Clinton is available for local ministry upon invitation. Contact Details may be found below. Clinton believes in Anointed, Appointed, Honest, True and Open relationships. This is a good ministry to be a part of! If you feel led to partner with this ministry in any way, please feel free to sow your financial seed into Prophets Edge Ministries or contact us on the details provided below: Bank Details: Prophets Edge Capitec Bank Acc no. 1450853984 Branch Code: 470010 We LOVE & Bless you! Clinton Lesley Adams Tel: 072 723 8907 E-mail: Skype: clinton_heart Facebook: /