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The Go gopher was designed by Renée French.
The gopher stickers was made by Takuya Ueda.
Licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.
Go for Mobile Games
GopherCon 2016, Denver
11th July 2016
Takuya Ueda @tenntenn
KLab Inc.
Slide URL:
Slide URL:
What is this talk about?
● The Basics of Go Mobile
○ Cross-compile and Android device
○ SDK Apps and Native Apps
● Go for Mobile Game
○ Event handling
○ 2D scene graph
● Advanced Topics
○ Distribute apps on Google Play
○ How to use Android API from Go
Slide URL:
The Basics of Go Mobile
● Run on Android Devices
● Cross-compile and cgo
● SDK Apps and Native Apps
Slide URL:
○ Go can cross-compile
○ GOOS indicates target OS
○ GOARCH indicates target architecture
# Build for 32bit Windows
$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build
# Build for arm Linux
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build
A linux/arm binary also works on android devices.
The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross-compile and cgo
Slide URL:
Webserver on Android Devices
Watch at Youtube Source Code
Shell on Mac
adb shell
The Basics of Go Mobile / Webserver on Androind Devices 5
Slide URL:
● C codes into Go codes
import "unsafe"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void hello(char *s) { printf("Hello, %sn", s); }
import "C"
func main() {
str := C.CString("GopherCon")
Comments before import "C"
would be built as C codes
Call C’s function from Go code
The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross Compile and cgo 6
Slide URL:
cgo for Android
● cgo codes also can be cross-compiled
go build -buildmode=pie hellocgo.go
$ adb push hellocgo /data/local/tmp
$ chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/hellocgo
$ /data/local/tmp/hellocgo
Hello, GopherCon
GOOS should be android
when CGO_ENABLED is 1.
Enable cgo at cross-compiling
adb shell
The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross Compile and cgo
Slide URL:
● Change output formats
○ archive, c-archive
■ build to C archive (.a file)
○ shared, c-shared
■ build to shared library (.so file)
○ exe
■ build to executable file
○ pie
■ build to PIE style executable file
archive and shared ignore
main package
Go can build to .so files for Android
8The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross Compile and cgo
Slide URL:
Go Mobile
● What is Go Mobile?
○ Go Mobile is a toolkit for Mobile Platform (Android and
iOS) with Go.
● How Go Mobile works?
○ Go Mobile provides bindings of Android and iOS
through cgo.
Go C
The Basics of Go Mobile / Go Mobile
Slide URL:
Go Mobile
The Basics of Go Mobile / Go Mobile 10
Slide URL:
● Install gomobile comand
● Initialize the build tool chain
○ gomobile init initializes the build tool chain for
mobile apps. Android NDK is also installed.
$ gomobile init -v
$ ls $GOPATH/pkg/gomobile
android-ndk-r12 pkg_android_386 pkg_android_arm
pkg_darwin_amd64 pkg_darwin_arm64 dl
pkg_android_amd64 pkg_android_arm64 pkg_darwin_arm version
$ go get
The Basics of Go Mobile / Installation
Slide URL:
gomobile command
gomobile command provides sub-commands.
● Sub-commands
bind build a library for Android and iOS
build compile Android APK and iOS app
clean remove object files and cached gomobile files
init install android compiler toolchain
install compile android APK and install on device
version print version
The Basics of Go Mobile / gomobile command
Slide URL:
SDK Apps and Native Apps
Go Mobile provides two ways to develop mobile
■ SDK Apps
● Write common funcations in Go as a library
● Write UI and platform dependent functions in Java for
Android and Objective-C/Swift for iOS
■ Native Apps
● Write UI and all codes in Go
13The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps
Slide URL:
aar file
SDK Apps and Native Apps
Binding Classes (Java)
Shared library (.so)
● SDK Apps for Android
● Native Apps for Android
apk file
Shared library (.so)
UI, IAB, ...
As a library
UI, audio, ...
gomobile bind
gomobile build
The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps 14
Slide URL:
aar file
SDK Apps and Native Apps
Binding Classes (Java)
Shared library (.so)
● SDK Apps for Android
● Native Apps for Android
apk file
Shared library (.so)
UI, IAB, ...
As a library
UI, audio, ...
gomobile bind
gomobile build
The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps 15
Slide URL:
SDK App example: Ivy
● Ivy big number calculator (source code)
○ Interpriter for APL-like language
○ Android App and iOS App use a same engine
○ The engine is written in Go by Rob Pike
Google Play App Store
The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK App example: Ivy
Slide URL:
gomobile bind
● Generate an Android Archive (.aar)
○ Including a shared library (.so) written in Go
○ Including a JAR file which is bult Java bindings
● Develop with Android Studio Plugin
○ Runs gomobile bind
○ Links to a generated .aar file
$ gomobile bind [-target ios|android] mypkg
17The Basics of Go Mobile / gomobile bind
Slide URL:
Contents of AAR
18The Basics of Go Mobile / Contents of AAR
$ gomobile bind sample
$ unzip -Z1 sample.aar
Compiled Java code
Go/C code
Slide URL:
Use SDK from Application
19The Basics of Go Mobile / Use SDK from Application
Java code
Application Code
C code
JNI Generated by
gomobile bind
SDK Code
Slide URL:
Binding Go and Java
20The Basics of Go Mobile / Binding Go and Java
Package Abstrct Class
Struct Inner Class
Struct Field
Method Method
Pacakge Function Static Method
Go Java
Slide URL:
Binding Go and Java
21The Basics of Go Mobile / Binding Go and Java
package sample
func Hello() string { return "Hello" }
type MyStruct struct { Str string }
func (s MyStruct) MyMethod() string { return s.Str }
public abstract class Sample {
// ...
private Sample() {} // uninstantiable
public static final class MyStruct extends Seq.Proxy {
public final native String getStr();
public final native void setStr(String v);
public native String MyMethod();
// ...
public static native String Hello();
Package Function
Slide URL:
Type restrictions
The Basics of Go Mobile / 22
● Signed integer and floating point type
● String and boolean type
● Byte slice type
● Any functions
○ parameter and result types must be supported types
○ results are 0, 1 or 2 (2nd result must be an error type)
● Any struct type
○ all fields and methods must be supported types
● Any interface
○ all methods must be supported types
Slide URL:
aar file
SDK Apps and Native Apps
Binding Classes (Java)
Shared library (.so)
● SDK Apps for Android
● Native Apps for Android
apk file
Shared library (.so)
UI, IAB, ...
As a library
UI, audio, ...
gomobile bind
gomobile build
The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps 23
Slide URL:
gomobile build and gomobile install
● Generate an .apk file
○ Including a shared library (.so) written in Go
○ Including a dex file which is bult GoNativeActivity
● Build and Install
○ Run gomobile build and adb install
○ Android Only
$ gomobile build [-target ios|android] mainpkg
24The Basics of Go Mobile / gomobile build and gomobile install
$ gomobile install [-target ios|android] mainpkg
Slide URL:
Contents of APK
25The Basics of Go Mobile / Contents of APK
$ gomobile build
$ unzip -Z1 flappy.apk
Go/C code
Slide URL:
How Native App works?
26The Basics of Go Mobile / How Native App works?
C code
Application Code
Slide URL:
Go for Mobile Game
● Basic event loop and paint events
● Size Event and Lifecycle Event
● 2D Scene Graph
● Touch Event
Slide URL:
Go for Mobile Game
Go for Mobile Game / Go for Mobile Game 28
● Flappy Gopher
○ by Andrew Gerrand
○ for Go Conference 2015 Winter
○ Source Code
● How it works?
○ gomobile build
○ render images and animate
○ handle touch events
$ go get && gomobile init
$ gomobile install
Slide URL:
● Rendering
○ OpenGL ES2 : gl, exp/gl/glutil
○ 2D Scene Graph : exp/sprite
● Event
○ Touch Event : event/touch
○ Lifecycle Event : event/lifecycle
● Sensors : exp/sensor
○ Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer
● Audio : exp/audio
Go for Mobile Game / Packages 29
Package Name
Slide URL:
● app.Main receives an entry point function
Go for Mobile Game / app.Main 30
func main() {
app.Main(func(a app.App) {
// Event Loop
Slide URL:
Event Loop
● Receive events through a channel
Go for Mobile Game / Event Loop 31
Event Loop
Paint Event
Touch Event
Life Cycle Event
by Event Types
Slide URL:
Event Channel
● Receive events from App.Events() channel
Go for Mobile Game / Event Channel 32
// Events() <-chan interface{}
for e := range a.Events() { // a is app.App
switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) {
case paint.Event:
case touch.Event:
case lifecycle.Event:
Slide URL:
Event Types
Go for Mobile Game / Event Types 33
paint.Event Rendering event
touch.Event Screen touch event
App’s lifecycle event
Such as OnStart and OnStop on Android
dimension, physical resolution and orientation
changed event
mouse.Event Mouse event
key.Event Only hardware keyboard event
Slide URL:
How to render images
Go for Mobile Game / How to render images 34
● Construct a scene graph
○ exp/sprite package provides 2D scene graph
● Load a texture
○ asset package loads a image as a texture
● Set a sub-texture to a node
○ A node of scene graph can be set a sub-texture (part of
a texture)
● Render a scene graph
○ sprite.Engine type has Render method
Slide URL:
2D scene graph
Go for Mobile Game / 2D scene graph 35
Game SceneScene Graph Render
Set Load
Slide URL:
Construct a scene graph
● Create a rendering engine
● Create and register a node
● Append a child node
Go for Mobile Game / Construct a scene graph 36
images = glutil.NewImages(glctx)
eng = glsprite.Engine(images)
node := &sprite.Node{}
glctx is
a OpenGL context
images maintains
shared state used
by texutres
Slide URL:
Load a texture
● Open an asset
● Decode an image
● Load a texture to rendering engine
Go for Mobile Game / Load a texture 37
a, err := asset.Open("gopher.png")
img, err := image.Decode(a)
tex, err := eng.LoadTexture(img)
asset files are put into
assets directory
use image package from
standard packages
Slide URL:
Set a sub-texture
● Create a sub-texture
● Set a sub-texture to a node
Go for Mobile Game / Set a sub-texture 38
subtex := sprite.Subtex {
R:iamge.Rect(128, 0, 128, 128)
eng.SetSubTex(node, subtex)
Bounds on a source texture
Slide URL:
Render a scene graph
● Render receives a root node of a scene graph
Go for Mobile Game / Render a scene graph 39
// compute current frame in 60FPS
since := time.Since(startTime)
now := clock.Time(since * 60 / time.Second)
// scene *sprite.Node
// now clock.Time
// sz event.Size
eng.Render(scene, now, sz)
Root Node
Screen Size and Orientation
Slide URL:
Handling Events
Go for Mobile Game / Handling Events 40
Handle Size Event
Handle Lifecycle Event
Handle Paint Event
Get Screen Size and
Get OpenGL Context
and Construct a Scene Graph
Render a Scene Graph
Slide URL:
Handle Size Event
Go for Mobile Game / Handle Size Event 41
app.Main(func(a app.App) {
var glctx gl.Context
var sz size.Event
for e := range a.Events() {
switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) {
case size.Event:
sz = e
// ...
type Event struct {
WidthPx, HeightPx int
WidthPt, HeightPt geom.Pt
PixelsPerPt float32
Orientation Orientation
Slide URL:
Handle Lifecycle Event
Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 42
case lifecycle.Event:
switch e.Crosses(lifecycle.StageVisible) {
case lifecycle.CrossOn:
glctx, _ = e.DrawContext.(gl.Context)
case lifecycle.CrossOff:
glctx = nil
Get a OpenGL Context
Slide URL:
Handle Lifecycle Event
Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 43
type Event struct {
From, To Stage
DrawContext interface{}
== CrossOn
Slide URL:
Handle Lifecycle Event
Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 44
type Event struct {
From, To Stage
DrawContext interface{}
== CrossOff
Slide URL:
Handle Paint Event
Go for Mobile Game / Handle Paint Event 45
Arrange Nodes
Set Sub-texture
Render Scene Graph
Set an Affine Transformation
Matrix Relative to Parent Node
Change images for animations
Slide URL:
Arrange a Scene Graph Node
Go for Mobile Game / Arrange a Scene Graph Node 46
type Arranger interface{
Arrange(e Engine, n *Node, t clock.Time)
// For convinience, arrangeFunc implements Arrange interface
type arrangeFunc func(e Engine, n *Node, t clock.Time)
func (f arrangeFunc) Arrange(e Engine, n *Node, t clock.Time) {
f(e, n, t)
● sprite.Arrranger has Arrange method
which is called each frame by rendering engine
Slide URL:
Set Arranger to a Scene Graph Node
Go for Mobile Game / Set Arranger to a Scene Graph Node 47
// Called each frame
func arrange(e sprite.Engine,
n *sprite.Node,
t clock.Time) {
// Node manupulation
// Set a Arranger interface to a node
node.Arranger = arrangerFunc(arrange)
Slide URL:
Affine Transformation Matrix
Go for Mobile Game / Affine Transformation Matrix 48
// Scale(2,2) and Translate(5,5)
eng.SetTransform(node, f32.Affine{
{2, 0, 5},
{0, 2, 5},
● A scene graph node can set a affine transform
matrix to compute position, scale and rotation
Slide URL:
Affine Transform
Go for Mobile Game / Affine Transform 49
● Affine transform from the root node to the child
pos: (5,5)
size: 2pt x 2pt
pos: (25,25)
size: 200pt x 200pt
1pt = 1/72 inch
Base size is 1pt x 1pt
Base position is (0,0)
Base rotation angle is 0
Slide URL:
Affine Transform
Go for Mobile Game / Affine Transform 50
pos: (5,5)
size: 2pt x 2pt
pos: (25,25)
size: 200pt x 200pt
{2, 0, 5},
{0, 2, 5},
{100, 0, 10},
{0, 100, 10},
pos: (0,0)
size: 1pt x 1pt
Slide URL:
Handle Touch Event
Go for Mobile Game / Handle Touch Event 51
type Event struct {
// Touch location in pixels.
X, Y float32
// Sequence number for each touch.
Sequence Sequence
// Type is the touch type.
// TypeBegin, TypeMove, TypeEnd
Type Type
Slide URL:
Touch Types and Sequence
Go for Mobile Game / Touch Types and Sequence 52
TypeBegin TypeMove
Same Sequence
Multi Touch
Slide URL:
Debug on PC
● Go Mobile’s packages also works fine on PC
(Mac, Windows, Linux).
Go for Mobile Game / Debug on PC 53
$ go build mainpkg
$ ./mainpkg
assets directry should be
placed at working directory
Running on Mac
Slide URL:
Restrictions for Native Apps (Android)
● Cannot set own App’s icon
● Only use a debug keystore
● Cannot distribute on Google Play
○ Need to set own App’s icon
○ Need a release keystore
● Cannot use Platform API
○ Cannot use In-app Billing API
○ Cannot use third party API
Go for Mobile Game / Debug on PC 54
Slide URL:
Advanced Topics
● Distribute apps on Google Play
● Use Platform APIs from Go
Slide URL:
Contents of APK
56Advanced Topics / Contents of APK
$ gomobile build
$ unzip -Z1 flappy.apk
res directory is not
included into APK
Signature Related Files
Slide URL:
Modify APK for Release
57Advanced Topics / Modify APK for Release
gomobile build● Create an APK file for debug
● Expand the APK file by apktool
● Modify the AndroidManifest
○ Add icon setting and Disable debuggable setting
● Add app’s icons and res directory
● Rearchive an APK file by apktool
● Signature with release keystore
● ZIP Align
Slide URL:
Expand an APK File
Advanced Topics / Expand an APK File 58
# if you have not installed
$ brew install apktool
$ apktool d flappy.apk # expand
● Use apktool to expand and archive an APK
Slide URL:
Add App’s Icons
Advanced Topics / Add App’s Icons 59
$ tree flappy/res
├── drawable-hdpi
│ └── ic_launcher.png
└── drawable-xxxhdpi
└── ic_launcher.png
● Make a res direcotry and add app’s icons
○ under the expanded APK directory
App’s Icons
Slide URL:
Add icon setting
● Add an icon setting to AndroidManifest
● android:icon sepecify icon file name
Advanced Topics / Add icon setting 60
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<application android:label="Flappy"
Slide URL:
Disable debuggable setting
● To upload apk on Google Play, apk should be
built without debuggable="true"
○ We can also use own AndroidManifest.xml by
putting top level directory before building.
Advanced Topics / Disable debuggable setting 61
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<application android:label="Flappy" ...
Slide URL:
Signiture with Release Keystore
62Advanced Topics / Signiture with Release Keystore
● Re-archive the APK file
● Re-signiture the APK file
$ apktool b flappy
$ cd flappy/dist
$ jarsigner ... -keystore release.keystore 
flappy.apk flappy
$ zipalign -f -v 4 flappy{,_aligned}.apk
$ ls
flappy.pak flappy_aligned.apk
Slide URL:
Distribute on Google Play
63Advanced Topics / Distribute on Google Play
Slide URL:
Restrictions for Native App (Android)
● Cannot set own App’s icon
● Only use a debug keystore
● Cannot distribute on Google Play
○ Need to set own App’s icon
○ Need a release keystore
● Cannot use Platform API
○ Cannot use In-app Billing API
○ Cannot use third party API
Advanced Topics / Debug on PC 64
Slide URL:
Requirement Mobile Games for Business
● In-app Billing
○ Purchase a items in the game
● SNS connection
○ Facebook, Twitter, ...
● Advertisements
● Analytics
○ Google Analytics, Firebase, Facebook Analytics,...
Advanced Topics / Requirement of Mobile Games for Business 65
These APIs are provided
as Java SDK for Android
Slide URL:
How to call Android API from Go
Advanced Topics / How to call Android API from 66
● Call Android API through cgo by JNI
○ We should get JavaVM* object in own cgo code
● JavaVM* object is defined in Go Mobile inner
package as current_vm variable
○ x/mobile/internal/mobileinit/ctx_android.go
● We also use current_vm in own cgo code
Slide URL:
Call android.util.Log.d
Advanced Topics / Call android.util.Log.d 67
RunOnJVM(func(vm, jniEnv, ctx uintptr) error {
env := (*C.JNIEnv)(unsafe.Pointer(jniEnv))
return nil
void logd(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass log = (*env)->FindClass(env, "android/util/Log");
jmethodID methodD = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(
env, log, "d", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I");
jstring tag = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "log");
jstring message = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "hi! JVM");
(*env)->CallStaticIntMethod(env, log, methodD, tag, message);
All Source Code
RunOnJVM is copied from
Slide URL:
Call own Java Codes from Go codes
Advanced Topics / Call own Java Codes from Go codes 68
● Create a new Android project
● Copy GoNativeActivity and AndroidManifest
from GoMobile repositry to own project
● Write own Java codes
● Write application code in Go
○ Call own Java codes with RunOnJVM
● Build Go code to a shared library
● Copy shared library to own Android project
● Build the Android project Do all processes by hand!
Slide URL:
Toast on Go Mobile
Advanced Topics / Toast on Go Mobile 69
Slide URL:
Plugin System for Game Engine
Advanced Topics / Plugin System for Game Engine 70
● Most Game Engine has a plugin system
○ Unity, Cocos2d-x, ...
○ Facebook Plugin, In-app Billing Plugin, ...
● Go Mobile needs a plugin system
Application Code
Own Plugin
Java/Obj-C code
C code
Go Mobile
Slide URL:
● The Basics of Go Mobile
○ Cross-compile and Android device
○ SDK App and Native App
● Go for Mobile Game
○ Event handling
○ 2D scene graph
● Advanced Topics
○ Distribute apps on Google Play
○ How to use Android API from Go
Slide URL:
Go for Unity Native Plugin
● Unity Native Plugin can be written in Go/cgo
Advanced Topics / Go for Unity Native Plugin 72
Native Plugin
.so for Android
.a for iOS
Written in GoGo has good packages
to create a communication module!
Slide URL:
Go for Unity Native Plugin
Advanced Topics / Go for Unity Native Plugin 73
package main
import "C"
//export Hoge
func Hoge() int {return 100}
func main() {}
private static extern int Hoge();
void Start() {Debug.LogFormat("{0}", Hoge());}
Unity (C#)
Slide URL:
Build a Native Plugin for Android
Advanced Topics / Build a Native Plugin for Android 74
go build -buildmode=c-shared  -pkgdir=
-o hoge.go
Slide URL:
Build a Native Plugin for iOS
Advanced Topics / Build a Native Plugin for iOS 75
CC=`xcrun --sdk iphoneos -f clang` 
CXX=`xcrun --sdk iphoneos -f clang` 
CGO_CFLAGS="-isysroot `xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-
path` -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=6.1" 
CGO_LDFLAGS="-isysroot `xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-
path` -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=6.1" 
go build -pkgdir=$GOPATH/pkg/gomobile/pkg_darwin_arm 
-buildmode=c-archive -tags=ios -o hoge.a hoge.go
Takuya Ueda
KLab Inc.
Takuya Ueda
KLab Inc.
Takuya Ueda
KLab Inc.
Slide URL:
Run on Android Devices
● Go can build for Android Devices
Android DevicePC
Cross-compile Run on adb shellpush binary
to Android Deivce
$ adb push cmd /sdcard
The Basics of Go Mobile / Run on Androind Devices
Slide URL:
Run on Android Devices
Watch at Youtube Source Code
Shell on Mac
adb shell
The Basics of Go Mobile / Run on Androind Devices 80
Slide URL:
Handle Lifecycle Event
Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 81
case lifecycle.Event:
switch e.Crosses(lifecycle.StageVisible) {
case lifecycle.CrossOn:
glctx, _ = e.DrawContext.(gl.Context)
case lifecycle.CrossOff:
glctx = nil

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Go for Mobile Games

  • 1. The Go gopher was designed by Renée French. The gopher stickers was made by Takuya Ueda. Licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license. Go for Mobile Games GopherCon 2016, Denver 11th July 2016 Takuya Ueda @tenntenn KLab Inc. Slide URL:
  • 2. Slide URL: What is this talk about? ● The Basics of Go Mobile ○ Cross-compile and Android device ○ SDK Apps and Native Apps ● Go for Mobile Game ○ Event handling ○ 2D scene graph ● Advanced Topics ○ Distribute apps on Google Play ○ How to use Android API from Go 2
  • 3. Slide URL: The Basics of Go Mobile 3 ● Run on Android Devices ● Cross-compile and cgo ● SDK Apps and Native Apps
  • 4. Slide URL: Cross-compile ● GOOS and GOARCH ○ Go can cross-compile ○ GOOS indicates target OS ○ GOARCH indicates target architecture 4 # Build for 32bit Windows $ GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build # Build for arm Linux $ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build A linux/arm binary also works on android devices. The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross-compile and cgo
  • 5. Slide URL: Webserver on Android Devices Watch at Youtube Source Code Android Shell on Mac adb shell The Basics of Go Mobile / Webserver on Androind Devices 5
  • 6. Slide URL: cgo ● C codes into Go codes import "unsafe" /* #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void hello(char *s) { printf("Hello, %sn", s); } */ import "C" func main() { str := C.CString("GopherCon") C.hello(str) } Comments before import "C" would be built as C codes Call C’s function from Go code The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross Compile and cgo 6
  • 7. Slide URL: cgo for Android ● cgo codes also can be cross-compiled 7 $ CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -buildmode=pie hellocgo.go $ adb push hellocgo /data/local/tmp $ chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/hellocgo $ /data/local/tmp/hellocgo Hello, GopherCon GOOS should be android when CGO_ENABLED is 1. Enable cgo at cross-compiling adb shell PC The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross Compile and cgo
  • 8. Slide URL: buildmode ● Change output formats ○ archive, c-archive ■ build to C archive (.a file) ○ shared, c-shared ■ build to shared library (.so file) ○ exe ■ build to executable file ○ pie ■ build to PIE style executable file archive and shared ignore main package Go can build to .so files for Android 8The Basics of Go Mobile / Cross Compile and cgo
  • 9. Slide URL: Go Mobile ● What is Go Mobile? ○ Go Mobile is a toolkit for Mobile Platform (Android and iOS) with Go. ● How Go Mobile works? ○ Go Mobile provides bindings of Android and iOS through cgo. 9 Go C Java Obj-C JNIcgo Android iOS The Basics of Go Mobile / Go Mobile
  • 10. Slide URL: Go Mobile The Basics of Go Mobile / Go Mobile 10
  • 11. Slide URL: Installation ● Install gomobile comand ● Initialize the build tool chain ○ gomobile init initializes the build tool chain for mobile apps. Android NDK is also installed. 11 $ gomobile init -v $ ls $GOPATH/pkg/gomobile android-ndk-r12 pkg_android_386 pkg_android_arm pkg_darwin_amd64 pkg_darwin_arm64 dl pkg_android_amd64 pkg_android_arm64 pkg_darwin_arm version $ go get The Basics of Go Mobile / Installation
  • 12. Slide URL: gomobile command gomobile command provides sub-commands. ● Sub-commands 12 bind build a library for Android and iOS build compile Android APK and iOS app clean remove object files and cached gomobile files init install android compiler toolchain install compile android APK and install on device version print version The Basics of Go Mobile / gomobile command
  • 13. Slide URL: SDK Apps and Native Apps Go Mobile provides two ways to develop mobile apps. ■ SDK Apps ● Write common funcations in Go as a library ● Write UI and platform dependent functions in Java for Android and Objective-C/Swift for iOS ■ Native Apps ● Write UI and all codes in Go 13The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps
  • 14. Slide URL: Go aar file SDK Apps and Native Apps Binding Classes (Java) Shared library (.so) Java ● SDK Apps for Android ● Native Apps for Android apk file Go GoNativeActivity Shared library (.so) UI, IAB, ... As a library UI, audio, ... gomobile bind gomobile build The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps 14
  • 15. Slide URL: Go aar file SDK Apps and Native Apps Binding Classes (Java) Shared library (.so) Java ● SDK Apps for Android ● Native Apps for Android apk file Go GoNativeActivity Shared library (.so) UI, IAB, ... As a library UI, audio, ... gomobile bind gomobile build The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps 15
  • 16. Slide URL: SDK App example: Ivy ● Ivy big number calculator (source code) ○ Interpriter for APL-like language ○ Android App and iOS App use a same engine ○ The engine is written in Go by Rob Pike 16 Google Play App Store The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK App example: Ivy
  • 17. Slide URL: gomobile bind ● Generate an Android Archive (.aar) ○ Including a shared library (.so) written in Go ○ Including a JAR file which is bult Java bindings ● Develop with Android Studio Plugin ○ Runs gomobile bind ○ Links to a generated .aar file $ gomobile bind [-target ios|android] mypkg 17The Basics of Go Mobile / gomobile bind
  • 18. Slide URL: Contents of AAR 18The Basics of Go Mobile / Contents of AAR $ gomobile bind sample $ unzip -Z1 sample.aar AndroidManifest.xml proguard.txt classes.jar jni/armeabi-v7a/ jni/arm64-v8a/ jni/x86/ jni/x86_64/ R.txt res/ Compiled Java code Compiled Go/C code
  • 19. Slide URL: Binding Use SDK from Application 19The Basics of Go Mobile / Use SDK from Application Java code Application Code (Java) C code Go/cgo JNI Generated by gomobile bind SDK Code (Go) cgo
  • 20. Slide URL: Binding Go and Java 20The Basics of Go Mobile / Binding Go and Java Package Abstrct Class Struct Inner Class Struct Field Getter/Setter (Native) Method Method (Native) Pacakge Function Static Method Go Java
  • 21. Slide URL: Binding Go and Java 21The Basics of Go Mobile / Binding Go and Java package sample func Hello() string { return "Hello" } type MyStruct struct { Str string } func (s MyStruct) MyMethod() string { return s.Str } public abstract class Sample { // ... private Sample() {} // uninstantiable public static final class MyStruct extends Seq.Proxy { public final native String getStr(); public final native void setStr(String v); public native String MyMethod(); // ... } public static native String Hello(); } Java Go Struct Field Method Package Function
  • 22. Slide URL: Type restrictions The Basics of Go Mobile / 22 ● Signed integer and floating point type ● String and boolean type ● Byte slice type ● Any functions ○ parameter and result types must be supported types ○ results are 0, 1 or 2 (2nd result must be an error type) ● Any struct type ○ all fields and methods must be supported types ● Any interface ○ all methods must be supported types
  • 23. Slide URL: Go aar file SDK Apps and Native Apps Binding Classes (Java) Shared library (.so) Java ● SDK Apps for Android ● Native Apps for Android apk file Go GoNativeActivity Shared library (.so) UI, IAB, ... As a library UI, audio, ... gomobile bind gomobile build The Basics of Go Mobile / SDK Apps and Native Apps 23
  • 24. Slide URL: gomobile build and gomobile install ● Generate an .apk file ○ Including a shared library (.so) written in Go ○ Including a dex file which is bult GoNativeActivity ● Build and Install ○ Run gomobile build and adb install ○ Android Only $ gomobile build [-target ios|android] mainpkg 24The Basics of Go Mobile / gomobile build and gomobile install $ gomobile install [-target ios|android] mainpkg
  • 25. Slide URL: Contents of APK 25The Basics of Go Mobile / Contents of APK $ gomobile build $ unzip -Z1 flappy.apk AndroidManifest.xml classes.dex lib/armeabi-v7a/ lib/arm64-v8a/ lib/x86/ lib/x86_64/ assets/README assets/sprite.png META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/CERT.SF META-INF/CERT.RSA Compiled Compiled Go/C code
  • 26. Slide URL: x/mobile/app How Native App works? 26The Basics of Go Mobile / How Native App works? GoNativeActivity C code Go/cgo JNI Application Code (Go) cgo exntends NativeActivity
  • 27. Slide URL: Go for Mobile Game 27 ● Basic event loop and paint events ● Size Event and Lifecycle Event ● 2D Scene Graph ● Touch Event
  • 28. Slide URL: Go for Mobile Game Go for Mobile Game / Go for Mobile Game 28 ● Flappy Gopher ○ by Andrew Gerrand ○ for Go Conference 2015 Winter ○ Source Code ● How it works? ○ gomobile build ○ render images and animate ○ handle touch events $ go get && gomobile init $ gomobile install
  • 29. Slide URL: Packages ● Rendering ○ OpenGL ES2 : gl, exp/gl/glutil ○ 2D Scene Graph : exp/sprite ● Event ○ Touch Event : event/touch ○ Lifecycle Event : event/lifecycle ● Sensors : exp/sensor ○ Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer ● Audio : exp/audio Go for Mobile Game / Packages 29 Package Name
  • 30. Slide URL: app.Main ● app.Main receives an entry point function Go for Mobile Game / app.Main 30 func main() { app.Main(func(a app.App) { // Event Loop }) }
  • 31. Slide URL: Event Loop ● Receive events through a channel Go for Mobile Game / Event Loop 31 Event Loop Paint Event Touch Event Life Cycle Event Switch by Event Types CASE CASE CASE
  • 32. Slide URL: Event Channel ● Receive events from App.Events() channel Go for Mobile Game / Event Channel 32 // Events() <-chan interface{} for e := range a.Events() { // a is app.App switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) { case paint.Event: case touch.Event: case lifecycle.Event: } }
  • 33. Slide URL: Event Types Go for Mobile Game / Event Types 33 paint.Event Rendering event touch.Event Screen touch event lifecycle.Event App’s lifecycle event Such as OnStart and OnStop on Android size.Event dimension, physical resolution and orientation changed event mouse.Event Mouse event key.Event Only hardware keyboard event
  • 34. Slide URL: How to render images Go for Mobile Game / How to render images 34 ● Construct a scene graph ○ exp/sprite package provides 2D scene graph ● Load a texture ○ asset package loads a image as a texture ● Set a sub-texture to a node ○ A node of scene graph can be set a sub-texture (part of a texture) ● Render a scene graph ○ sprite.Engine type has Render method
  • 35. Slide URL: 2D scene graph Go for Mobile Game / 2D scene graph 35 scene gopher Rendering Engine ground1 Node TextureSub-texture Game SceneScene Graph Render Set Load
  • 36. Slide URL: Construct a scene graph ● Create a rendering engine ● Create and register a node ● Append a child node Go for Mobile Game / Construct a scene graph 36 images = glutil.NewImages(glctx) eng = glsprite.Engine(images) node := &sprite.Node{} eng.Register(node) parentNode.AppendChild(childNode) glctx is a OpenGL context images maintains shared state used by texutres
  • 37. Slide URL: Load a texture ● Open an asset ● Decode an image ● Load a texture to rendering engine Go for Mobile Game / Load a texture 37 a, err := asset.Open("gopher.png") img, err := image.Decode(a) tex, err := eng.LoadTexture(img) asset files are put into assets directory use image package from standard packages
  • 38. Slide URL: Set a sub-texture ● Create a sub-texture ● Set a sub-texture to a node Go for Mobile Game / Set a sub-texture 38 subtex := sprite.Subtex { T:tex, R:iamge.Rect(128, 0, 128, 128) } eng.SetSubTex(node, subtex) Bounds on a source texture
  • 39. Slide URL: Render a scene graph ● Render receives a root node of a scene graph Go for Mobile Game / Render a scene graph 39 // compute current frame in 60FPS since := time.Since(startTime) now := clock.Time(since * 60 / time.Second) // scene *sprite.Node // now clock.Time // sz event.Size eng.Render(scene, now, sz) Root Node Screen Size and Orientation
  • 40. Slide URL: Handling Events Go for Mobile Game / Handling Events 40 Handle Size Event Handle Lifecycle Event Handle Paint Event Get Screen Size and Orientation Get OpenGL Context and Construct a Scene Graph Render a Scene Graph
  • 41. Slide URL: Handle Size Event Go for Mobile Game / Handle Size Event 41 app.Main(func(a app.App) { var glctx gl.Context var sz size.Event for e := range a.Events() { switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) { case size.Event: sz = e // ... } } }) type Event struct { WidthPx, HeightPx int WidthPt, HeightPt geom.Pt PixelsPerPt float32 Orientation Orientation }
  • 42. Slide URL: Handle Lifecycle Event Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 42 case lifecycle.Event: switch e.Crosses(lifecycle.StageVisible) { case lifecycle.CrossOn: glctx, _ = e.DrawContext.(gl.Context) onStart(glctx) a.Send(paint.Event{}) case lifecycle.CrossOff: onStop() glctx = nil } Get a OpenGL Context StageDead StageAlive StageVisible StageFocused
  • 43. Slide URL: Handle Lifecycle Event Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 43 StageDead StageAlive StageVisible StageFocused From To type Event struct { From, To Stage DrawContext interface{} } lifecycle.Event e.Crosses(StageVisible) == CrossOn
  • 44. Slide URL: Handle Lifecycle Event Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 44 StageDead StageAlive StageVisible StageFocused To From type Event struct { From, To Stage DrawContext interface{} } lifecycle.Event e.Crosses(StageAlive) == CrossOff
  • 45. Slide URL: Handle Paint Event Go for Mobile Game / Handle Paint Event 45 Arrange Nodes Set Sub-texture Render Scene Graph Set an Affine Transformation Matrix Relative to Parent Node Change images for animations
  • 46. Slide URL: Arrange a Scene Graph Node Go for Mobile Game / Arrange a Scene Graph Node 46 type Arranger interface{ Arrange(e Engine, n *Node, t clock.Time) } // For convinience, arrangeFunc implements Arrange interface type arrangeFunc func(e Engine, n *Node, t clock.Time) func (f arrangeFunc) Arrange(e Engine, n *Node, t clock.Time) { f(e, n, t) } ● sprite.Arrranger has Arrange method which is called each frame by rendering engine
  • 47. Slide URL: Set Arranger to a Scene Graph Node Go for Mobile Game / Set Arranger to a Scene Graph Node 47 // Called each frame func arrange(e sprite.Engine, n *sprite.Node, t clock.Time) { // Node manupulation } // Set a Arranger interface to a node node.Arranger = arrangerFunc(arrange)
  • 48. Slide URL: Affine Transformation Matrix Go for Mobile Game / Affine Transformation Matrix 48 // Scale(2,2) and Translate(5,5) eng.SetTransform(node, f32.Affine{ {2, 0, 5}, {0, 2, 5}, }) ● A scene graph node can set a affine transform matrix to compute position, scale and rotation angle
  • 49. Slide URL: Affine Transform Go for Mobile Game / Affine Transform 49 ● Affine transform from the root node to the child node root n Translate(5,5) Scale(2,2) Translate(10,10) Scale(100,100) pos: (5,5) size: 2pt x 2pt pos: (25,25) size: 200pt x 200pt 1pt = 1/72 inch Base size is 1pt x 1pt Base position is (0,0) Base rotation angle is 0
  • 50. Slide URL: Affine Transform Go for Mobile Game / Affine Transform 50 root n pos: (5,5) size: 2pt x 2pt pos: (25,25) size: 200pt x 200pt eng.SetTransform(root, f32.Affine{ {2, 0, 5}, {0, 2, 5}, }) eng.SetTransform(n, f32.Affine{ {100, 0, 10}, {0, 100, 10}, }) pos: (0,0) size: 1pt x 1pt
  • 51. Slide URL: Handle Touch Event Go for Mobile Game / Handle Touch Event 51 type Event struct { // Touch location in pixels. X, Y float32 // Sequence number for each touch. Sequence Sequence // Type is the touch type. // TypeBegin, TypeMove, TypeEnd Type Type } touch.Event
  • 52. Slide URL: Touch Types and Sequence Go for Mobile Game / Touch Types and Sequence 52 TypeBegin TypeMove Same Sequence TypeEnd Sequence:1 Multi Touch Sequence:2
  • 53. Slide URL: Debug on PC ● Go Mobile’s packages also works fine on PC (Mac, Windows, Linux). Go for Mobile Game / Debug on PC 53 $ go build mainpkg $ ./mainpkg assets directry should be placed at working directory Running on Mac
  • 54. Slide URL: Restrictions for Native Apps (Android) ● Cannot set own App’s icon ● Only use a debug keystore ● Cannot distribute on Google Play ○ Need to set own App’s icon ○ Need a release keystore ● Cannot use Platform API ○ Cannot use In-app Billing API ○ Cannot use third party API Go for Mobile Game / Debug on PC 54
  • 55. Slide URL: Advanced Topics 55 ● Distribute apps on Google Play ● Use Platform APIs from Go
  • 56. Slide URL: Contents of APK 56Advanced Topics / Contents of APK $ gomobile build $ unzip -Z1 flappy.apk AndroidManifest.xml classes.dex lib/armeabi-v7a/ lib/arm64-v8a/ lib/x86/ lib/x86_64/ assets/README assets/sprite.png META-INF/MANIFEST.MF META-INF/CERT.SF META-INF/CERT.RSA res directory is not included into APK Signature Related Files
  • 57. Slide URL: Modify APK for Release 57Advanced Topics / Modify APK for Release gomobile build● Create an APK file for debug ● Expand the APK file by apktool ● Modify the AndroidManifest ○ Add icon setting and Disable debuggable setting ● Add app’s icons and res directory ● Rearchive an APK file by apktool ● Signature with release keystore ● ZIP Align
  • 58. Slide URL: Expand an APK File Advanced Topics / Expand an APK File 58 # if you have not installed $ brew install apktool $ apktool d flappy.apk # expand ● Use apktool to expand and archive an APK file
  • 59. Slide URL: Add App’s Icons Advanced Topics / Add App’s Icons 59 $ tree flappy/res flappy/res ├── drawable-hdpi │ └── ic_launcher.png ... └── drawable-xxxhdpi └── ic_launcher.png ● Make a res direcotry and add app’s icons ○ under the expanded APK directory App’s Icons
  • 60. Slide URL: Add icon setting ● Add an icon setting to AndroidManifest ● android:icon sepecify icon file name Advanced Topics / Add icon setting 60 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ... <application android:label="Flappy" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" ...
  • 61. Slide URL: Disable debuggable setting ● To upload apk on Google Play, apk should be built without debuggable="true" ○ We can also use own AndroidManifest.xml by putting top level directory before building. Advanced Topics / Disable debuggable setting 61 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ... <application android:label="Flappy" ... android:debuggable="true" ...
  • 62. Slide URL: Signiture with Release Keystore 62Advanced Topics / Signiture with Release Keystore ● Re-archive the APK file ● Re-signiture the APK file $ apktool b flappy $ cd flappy/dist $ jarsigner ... -keystore release.keystore flappy.apk flappy $ zipalign -f -v 4 flappy{,_aligned}.apk $ ls flappy.pak flappy_aligned.apk
  • 63. Slide URL: Distribute on Google Play 63Advanced Topics / Distribute on Google Play
  • 64. Slide URL: Restrictions for Native App (Android) ● Cannot set own App’s icon ● Only use a debug keystore ● Cannot distribute on Google Play ○ Need to set own App’s icon ○ Need a release keystore ● Cannot use Platform API ○ Cannot use In-app Billing API ○ Cannot use third party API Advanced Topics / Debug on PC 64 OK! OK! OK!
  • 65. Slide URL: Requirement Mobile Games for Business ● In-app Billing ○ Purchase a items in the game ● SNS connection ○ Facebook, Twitter, ... ● Advertisements ● Analytics ○ Google Analytics, Firebase, Facebook Analytics,... Advanced Topics / Requirement of Mobile Games for Business 65 These APIs are provided as Java SDK for Android
  • 66. Slide URL: How to call Android API from Go Advanced Topics / How to call Android API from 66 ● Call Android API through cgo by JNI ○ We should get JavaVM* object in own cgo code ● JavaVM* object is defined in Go Mobile inner package as current_vm variable ○ x/mobile/internal/mobileinit/ctx_android.go ● We also use current_vm in own cgo code
  • 67. Slide URL: Call android.util.Log.d Advanced Topics / Call android.util.Log.d 67 RunOnJVM(func(vm, jniEnv, ctx uintptr) error { env := (*C.JNIEnv)(unsafe.Pointer(jniEnv)) C.logd(env) return nil }) void logd(JNIEnv* env) { jclass log = (*env)->FindClass(env, "android/util/Log"); jmethodID methodD = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID( env, log, "d", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I"); jstring tag = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "log"); jstring message = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "hi! JVM"); (*env)->CallStaticIntMethod(env, log, methodD, tag, message); } Go C All Source Code RunOnJVM is copied from ctx_android.go
  • 68. Slide URL: Call own Java Codes from Go codes Advanced Topics / Call own Java Codes from Go codes 68 ● Create a new Android project ● Copy GoNativeActivity and AndroidManifest from GoMobile repositry to own project ● Write own Java codes ● Write application code in Go ○ Call own Java codes with RunOnJVM ● Build Go code to a shared library ● Copy shared library to own Android project ● Build the Android project Do all processes by hand!
  • 69. Slide URL: Toast on Go Mobile Advanced Topics / Toast on Go Mobile 69
  • 70. Slide URL: Plugin System for Game Engine Advanced Topics / Plugin System for Game Engine 70 ● Most Game Engine has a plugin system ○ Unity, Cocos2d-x, ... ○ Facebook Plugin, In-app Billing Plugin, ... ● Go Mobile needs a plugin system Application Code (Go) Own Plugin Java/Obj-C code C code Go/cgo Go Mobile Register Use
  • 71. Slide URL: Summaries ● The Basics of Go Mobile ○ Cross-compile and Android device ○ SDK App and Native App ● Go for Mobile Game ○ Event handling ○ 2D scene graph ● Advanced Topics ○ Distribute apps on Google Play ○ How to use Android API from Go 71
  • 72. Slide URL: Go for Unity Native Plugin ● Unity Native Plugin can be written in Go/cgo Advanced Topics / Go for Unity Native Plugin 72 Unity Native Plugin .so for Android .a for iOS Written in GoGo has good packages to create a communication module!
  • 73. Slide URL: Go for Unity Native Plugin Advanced Topics / Go for Unity Native Plugin 73 package main import "C" //export Hoge func Hoge() int {return 100} func main() {} #if UNITY_IPHONE [DllImport("__Internal")] #else [DllImport("hoge")] #endif private static extern int Hoge(); void Start() {Debug.LogFormat("{0}", Hoge());} Go Unity (C#)
  • 74. Slide URL: Build a Native Plugin for Android Advanced Topics / Build a Native Plugin for Android 74 $ CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -buildmode=c-shared -pkgdir= $GOPATH/pkg/gomobile/pkg_android_arm -o hoge.go
  • 75. Slide URL: Build a Native Plugin for iOS Advanced Topics / Build a Native Plugin for iOS 75 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 CC=`xcrun --sdk iphoneos -f clang` CXX=`xcrun --sdk iphoneos -f clang` CGO_CFLAGS="-isysroot `xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk- path` -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=6.1" CGO_LDFLAGS="-isysroot `xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk- path` -arch armv7 -miphoneos-version-min=6.1" CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -pkgdir=$GOPATH/pkg/gomobile/pkg_darwin_arm -buildmode=c-archive -tags=ios -o hoge.a hoge.go
  • 79. Slide URL: Run on Android Devices 79 ● Go can build for Android Devices Android DevicePC Cross-compile Run on adb shellpush binary to Android Deivce $ adb push cmd /sdcard The Basics of Go Mobile / Run on Androind Devices
  • 80. Slide URL: Run on Android Devices Watch at Youtube Source Code Android Shell on Mac adb shell The Basics of Go Mobile / Run on Androind Devices 80
  • 81. Slide URL: Handle Lifecycle Event Go for Mobile Game / Handle Lifecycle Event 81 case lifecycle.Event: switch e.Crosses(lifecycle.StageVisible) { case lifecycle.CrossOn: glctx, _ = e.DrawContext.(gl.Context) onStart(glctx) a.Send(paint.Event{}) case lifecycle.CrossOff: onStop() glctx = nil } StageDead StageAlive StageVisible StageFocused